Elements F Architecture. Koolhaas

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PAGE 208 STAIR -12.


multiple-run spiral stairs: applications

The multiple-run staircase has rarely Prefl der F~el

been produced. Double spirals have ~~
been carried out though, for the most R-:fil r
part up until the end of the 16th .b I
century. Tl-J/Tflj L

Two stair expert authors, Stovesandt

and Nix, just like their colleagues
hundred of years earlier, attempted
to find pragmatic solutions that went
beyond the abstract, for these stairs to
become useful in everyday lite. Thus,
Nix describes a circular staircase that
follows the principles established in

"The spiral staircase could be executed

with double-, triple-, quadruple- and
more runs. To achieve this, one needs
to provide sufficient space in plan, o~ -
including the necessary widths and
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partition walls . ... In multi-story homes,
these stairs also offer the immense
C _-
advantage of maintaining a fully
separated housing unit, with each ¼,:rtz!liufl. t!uier T~z:af,, ScfuJz[ von drfj,. (faff'f!len./ deren /eder
apartment claiming it s own access et~l.e J.f/Olrnwy lza1;, JFW die un !Jrwulrjl.i J-•or;gutellel:'e.
stair, while overall the stairs create one - - - - --
singular construct. " 19th century Single-center three-run
w,nding slarrs, Stovesandt and Ni)(

The 19th century finally produced a

constructed example of a mulitple-run I
staircase, located in Wiesbaden.
However, up until the 20th century,
architectural practice has had little
regard for the double helix. New
construction methods in steel and
reinforced concrete have opened the
range of possibilities, which have
I •••

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-. .. _. ._

produced playful and graphically
elegant multiple-run stairs, though
1822-1824 Wiesbaden, JagdschloB Platte,
none of which were built in Germany. single-center double spiral staircase, ).Schrumpf.

Friedrich M ielke, " Die M ehrlaufigen

Wendelungen: M ehrlaufige Monozentrische
Wendeltreppen," Geschichte der Deutschen
Treppen (Berlin-Munchen: Verlag von Wilhelm
Ernst & Sohn, 1966), 42-49.

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" Spiral stairs for stair lovers who

enjoy giving themselves some trouble
thinking ... "

Four-run spiral staircases have

fascinated expert writers and have
been selectively mentioned, but were
never built. Later on, the idea of the
four-run spiral staircase has been used
and published by several writers,
mostly by copying Palladio's drawing.

Friedrich Mielke, " Typen - Monzentrische

isoradiale Wendeltreppenanlagen mit vier laufen
- Ouadrupelwendeltreppen, " Handbuch der
Treppenkunde (Hannnover: Th.Schafer Verlag,
1993), 164.

Friedrich M ielke, Handli'iufe und Ge/i'inder, (Stamsried: Verlag Ernst Vogel, 2003).

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