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A grating whose periodicity is smaller than one-half the odic stratified medium sandwiched between two homogen-
wavelength of incident radiation will produce no diffracted eous dielectrics. Yariv and Yeh have used the theory of elec-
orders. Such a grating does, however, have interesting opti- tromagnetic Bloch waves to calculate the optical properties
cal properties. For instance, it has been shown that metal of periodic stratified media. 4 The basic result of their calcu-
gratings can act as anisotropic conductors in the visible and lations shows that if P<,A the whole structure behaves as ifit
are useful as polarizers. '-3 Calculations indicate that grat- were homogeneous and uniaxially anisotropic. A simple
ings of dielectric material can act as homogeneous birefrin- treatment of the problem can also be done for propagation
gent materials. 4 The properties of these "artificial materials" parallel to the layers of the medium by solving the eigenvalue
depend upon the profile, thickness, and line-to-space ratio of problem for an array of periodic dielectric waveguides. 6
the grating. Recent advances in submicrometer fabrication Both this simple treatment and that of Yariv and Yeh give
technology have made possible precise control of the geome- the same result for P<,A for propagation parallel to the lay-
try of gratings with periodicities less than 200 nm. 3 •5 This ers. We have for the effective indices of refraction nil for E
means that artificial dielectrics with reproducible properties parallel to the layers and n 1 for E perpendicular to the layers:
FIG. I. Illustration of the geometry of a square profile grating on a sub-
strate. UsuaJJy the index of refraction of the substrate and n2 would be the FIG. 2. Plot of calculated.LIn = nil - n 1 vs q for five different values of n 2 •
same and n, = I. with n, = I.
492 Appl. Phys. Lett. 42 (6), 15 March 1983 0003-6951/83/060492-03$01.00 © 1983 American Institute of PhySics 492
To measure the properties of gratings as birefringent strate had a thin metal coating to render it conductive for
media, a series of experiments were done using 240-nm peri- electrostatic clamping. Exposure was done using the 4.5-nm
od gratings fabricated in polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) carbon x ray. The samples were developed in a mixture of
and nonstochiometric silicon nitride 7 (SiN x ). The gratings 40% methyl isobutyl ketone and 60% isopropyl alcohol. Be-
were fabricated in PMMA using carbon K x-ray lithog- fore optical measurements were made the metal coating on
raphy. The x-ray masks used were fabricated using a pre- the back of the substrate was removed by chemical etching.
viously reported technique which allows precise control of Figure 3 shows a series of scanning electron microscopy
linewidths. 5 By using holographic lithography, reactive ion (SEM) micrographs of 240-nm period gratings in PMMA
etching, and anisotropic etching of (100) silicon, triangular with linewidths of 55, 86, 120, and 160 nm. The lines appear
profile gratings of 240-nm period were produced in silicon. :::: 14 nm larger in the micrographs because they have been
A replica of this structure was then made in polyimide plas- coated with a 7-nm layer of gold to prevent charging during
tic by spinning polyimide precursor onto the structure, bak- viewing.
ing the polyimide to crosslink it, and etching the silicon away Gratings in nonstochiometric silicon nitride (SiNx )
to leave a free-standing membrane. The membrane is mount- were fabricated by exposing gratings in PMMA on SiNx -
ed on a ring of aluminum. A range of linewidths was pro- coated substrates, lifting off a thin layer of chromium, and
duced on the mask by evaporating tungsten at different an- reactive ion etching in CF4 , Figure 4 shows SEM micro-
gles in separate regions of the mask. These masks were graphs of three SiN x gratings etched to different depths.
clamped into contact with PMMA-coated transparent sub- The index difference .dn at A = 632.8 nm of several
strates using electrostatic clamping. The back of the sub- PMMA and SiNx gratings was measured. By using an ellip-
someter the phase shift of Ell with respect to E1> .d, was
measured at normal incidence. The angle if! was also mea-
sured with the ellipsometer, where tan if! = IE II I/IE1 1. The
dimensions of the gratings were measured after the optical
measurements by cleaving the samples and observing them
q=O.77 in the SEM. From the data for.d and t the index difference
.dn was calculated. The theoretical variation of.dn vs q for a
PMMA grating (n( = 1, n 2 = 1.47) and the measured values
of .dn for several values of q are plotted in Fig. 5. Even
493 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 42, No.6, 15 March 1983 Dale C. Flanders 493
0.' 0 l---'-~---'-'--'--'---''----Y-----'----'
TABLE 1. Measured and calculated values of the optical IA. = 632.8 nm)
and structural parameters of the SiN, gratings shown in Fig. 4.
Ipm) q LI ¢ Lln mea Lineal
494 Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 42, No.6, 15 March 1983 Dale C. Flanders 494