Morden Instruments Bce

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Experliment No-0

the modern instruments used in surveying

Ai: To study

Electronic Distance Meusuring Instruments(EDMI)

be oblained
of distances and their directions can by using clectronic
and reception of either light waves or
instruments that rely on propagation,rellection
radiowaves.They may be broadly classificd in to three types:
a. Infra red wave instruments
b. Light wave instruments
c. Microwave instruments
Infrared wave instruments:-
modulated infrared waves.At
the end
The instruments measure distances by using amplitude instruments are
used to reflect the waves.These
of the line, prisms mounted on targets are measurements. The
mounted on the theodolites
for angular
light and economical and can be achieved is t1Omm.
instrument will be 3km and the accuracy
range of such an
Distomat DI 5
Eg: Distonmat DI 1000 and useful in building construction
and other civil
It is a very small compact
EDM, particularly
measurements are less than
500m .

engineering works wliere distance thus

without the use of conventional tapes and chains
Linear measurements can be taken to simply point the
To measure distances ,one has
reducing the number ofinstruments. the measurements are displayed.
a the touch of a key
instrument to the reflector, and

Light wave instruments modulated

distances based on propagation of
are instruments
which measures
These The accuracy of such an
modulated light waves.
based on propagation of
lightwaves distance and has a range nearly 3 km.
0.5 to 5 mm/ km
instrument varies from
Eg: Geodimeter was
of moduiated light waves.
works base on the propagation
This instrument which in collaboration with the
Bergstand of the Swedish geographical Survey
developed E by suitable for night time
instrument is more
manufacturer M/s AGA
of Sweden. The the w a v e s
of the line for reflecting
system at the end
a prism
observations and requires

Microwave instruinents invented

waves .these instruments were

use of high
lrequency radio
make instruments is up to
These instruments The range sf these
South Africa by Dr.T L Wadley.
as early as
1980 in
and night.
used during both day
100 km and can be
Eg: Tellurometer m e a s u r e m e n t cquipment.
The name
clectronie distance

It the first successful

was Earth.
Greek tellus, meaning reradiates the incoming wave
derives from the wave: the
remote station
emits an electronic
The Tellurometer

Animini Colloge of
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2. Wikipedia: VE


phase shift was a measure

wave of more complex modulation, and the resuliny
in a similar nioe with sweep. This
travelled. The results appear on a cathode ray
of the distance normal range of 30-50
darkness ard kas

instrament penetrates haze and mist in daylight or

can extend up to 70 km. ,one to be
km but are required
such instruments
measunng using a Tellurometer, two
observations. One
For take
cach end of the line, with two highly
skilled persons, to a
stationed at a button
as a remote
unit.Just by pressing
used as a master unit and the other
instrumetn is communication

be coFverted to a remote unit and

vice versa. A speech facility(
master can
each operator to interact during measuremnt.
facility) is provided to

Total Station station

instrument used in modem
surveying. The total
A total station is an electronic/optical to read
distance meter (EDM)
theodolite (transit) integrated with an ulectronie
is an clectronic
from the instrumént to a particular point.
siope distances
I t can perfor1n the following functions:
Distance measurement

Angular measurement

Data processing
Digital display of point
field book
Sorting of data in an electronic

features of total staion

the impotant
Key board Control:-
the values of distance, angle
,height and the c o -
The displays
Digital panel:- the reflector is kept.
observed point where be
ordinates of the inaccessible objects such
as towers can
The heights of some
Remote height object:- the correction for
in the instrument applies
microprocessor provided
rad directly.The
refraction automatically. of the
curvature and mean
co-ordinates of the reflector and the angle of ebaring
Traversing program:-The recalled for next set up
of the instrument
stored and can be and a
reflector can be Where ever a particular direction
and height:-
distance ,direction
Setting out for for the purpose of locating
to be entered
horizontal distanc is the angle through
a rtarget,
then the instrunment displays
the point on the ground,
using reflector shouid
distauce by which the
to be turned and the
which the theodolite

Automatic level instrument which contains an optical

speciai surveying (levelling)
level is a collimation even
line of sight or line of
An automatic
maintains a horizontal
compensation whcih
the instrument is slightly

Result: were sttdied.

instruments used in surveying
The various moderm


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VivaVoce (4

4))what is Tot Stohon

Teta) Staben S em electromic/ optical instru me nt
uSed in modern Surveyin1 end buikdin
buildi Constuchon.

Ce 2) what is Combimahon of TS

n) A Tota Sta hon IS mbima ton of an electronic

4heodo lit e lectmnic disance mea sUi n device

CEDM) and m C pm cessor with m e moYy Unit.

3) what is E DM n SurveYi n1
Elec hromic distemce meaSu re mm CEDM) is

the b/w two points

Tmethad of detrminin length
electromagne tic waveS

94) what a he maim parts ot

of totSta hon

tal ta hon is Compo sed ot tour mai'n

) A to s

Cornponents -
) EDm C Electonic Distunre Mrasu rement)
(i) Electsonie +heodo li te n) micn pmce ssor
(i Electronic dis play

in USed fov 2
s)what is totl sta hon Surveyimg
istan ces and Co 0rdma ks
Sttons measu angles S t n ces
dr) To ta with a Pre ciSe
e SCTiphon
Provide me sUveyo r
of a Piece of (and and its fea tues

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