Social Classes
Social Classes
Social Classes
Social Classes
Korachan is a land of rigid social hierarchies, which in many cases date back millennia to the founding of the empire
There are three main classes, though there are many who exist outside of this structure, including members of the
clergy, for instance. The classes are helot, also known as work-slave; freeman, also known as citizen; and Patrician.
Slaves, which form the backbone of the imperial work-force are not considered to be part of this structure, and exist
outside it in their own structure.
For the sake of clarity, all of the aforementioned classes, including the clergy and slaves, as well as other members
of the Korachani social structure, including the classless, and others, are detailed below.
and it maintains slave markets in most major coastal cities
across the Inner Sea, including Sarastro.
The targets of slave raids can be a contentious point. As a
Slavery is an everyday part of life in the Korachani empire, and general rule of thumb, most institutions frown upon salvers
is common-enough to be barely considered or dwelt-upon by who raid imperial towns, though the very fact that it is looked
most. It’s Just a fact of life. If one can find a redeeming feature down upon means that it happens enough for it to be a topic
in the empire’s attitude towards slavery, is that it’s not of debate amongst rulers. There is little enforcement against
prejudiced in who – anyone and everyone, regardless of their this act, and few would take the word of a newly-captured slave
ethnicity, religion or background can, though circumstance or above that of his captors, particularly if they are operating with
bad luck, become a slave. an official charter.
There are various forms of slavery, which generally fall into More traditionally, slavers operate in foreign waters, either
one of two camps – domestic slavery, and foreign slavery. acting as privateers hunting foreign merchant and transport
Domestic slavery includes indentured servitude, debt vessels, or physically attacking coastal areas, usually in the west
bondage, press-ganging, and forced-marriage, amongst others. or south-east of the Inner Sea, around Parthis, or beyond the
Foreign slavery generally takes the form of the slave-trade, Gate of Erebeth, where there are many viable targets.
where chorsairs, privateers and slavers invade foreign lands to
take prisoners, regardless of their social standing in their Slaves sold at market may be bought for any variety of
native cultures. purposes. Though they would usually be destined for a life of
Both domestic and foreign slavery can exist in varying physical labour, such as working in mines or quarries, they
degrees of severity. This is not an absolute, and details can vary could also find themselves in a variety of other roles. They
from owner to owner. Some owners treat their slaves well, might be sent to the military for ‘training’; or to the imperial
reasoning that well-cared for slaves are more productive than bureaucracy, destined for a life of clerical work; or to seminary
those who are starved or who live in fear; whereas others barely for a life serving the clergy. Others may end up as household
treat them as living-beings, considering them as little more servants, in the sex-industry, for use in blood-sports, or sold to
than consumables to be used and discarded when their ateliers and flesh-clinics to be used as test subjects. Other fates
usefulness has run its course. exist, though these are the most common.
Once sold, a slave becomes a commodity. What laws may
In its most famous guise slavery takes the form of invading once have protected them no longer apply (aside from those
enemy lands and taking people as slaves to sold to market that protect their owners), and they are now an object to be
later. This form of Slavery has existed in the Fifth Age since traded or done with as their owner chooses. They are at the
tyrants and warlords grew to exert their influence over less- whim of their owners’ desires and capriciousness. If lucky,
powerful groups and individuals. Though many nations and they may have a relatively stable life, a roof over their head and
regions have abolished it, and others are becoming aware of a considerate owner. If unlucky they have a lifetime of pain,
the moral implications of slavery and are on their way to hunger and suffering to look forward to, with the only reprieve
abolishing it, there exist many powers and empires that being death.
continue to embrace slavery – this includes the Korachani
empire. LABOURERS: the most common slaves in the empire are the
The slave trade is an important economic driver in the industrial slaves and servants that form the bulk of the menial
empire – fleets of privately-owned slaving ships ply the waters workforce.
of the Inner Sea and beyond searching for defenceless coastal Legions of slaves work in the open-cast quarries and mines
settlements to attack. Goods are looted and individuals of that power the empire’s industries, and they can be found in
worth are taken alive, with the intention of taking to market. manufactories performing the worst and unskilled work
Most fleets are operated by a patrician house, or a required that is considered beneath even what the helots and
consortium of parties, which is granted a charter to operate in work-slaves perform. Oghurs, certain halfbloods and other
a specific region with impunity. These slaving companies may non-humans with large physical bodies are often used in as
or may not also own the markets where slaves are sold, though hard labourers, due to their natural strength which allows
in many cases fleets will lay anchor to sell slaves at the nearest them to do the work of multiple humans.
sizeable market, rather than sailing half-way across the Inner Most patrician houses are served by a coterie of servants,
Sea, to get rid of them quicker – this reduces the chances of which may or may not be slaves, based on the ethical outlook
disease spreading across the ships and the need for food and of the house. In general, old houses tend to cling to old
water to keep freshly-captured slaves alive. The largest slave customs and maintain slave servants, whereas smaller newer
traders in the Korachani empire are the Inner Sea houses may prefer paying their staff.
Cooperative, which includes six patrician houses, and
operates with concessions and rebates from the government,
INDENTURED SERVITUDE: in the empire, indentured servitude little whether the pilgrims they take are honest freemen or
is pre-determined temporary enslavement as a form of impressed workers, so long as their workers’ numbers are
payment against a service, or, more commonly, a loan. restored.
The period of indenture varied based on the service or loan
provided and, in some cases might see a young man grow into FORCED MARRIAGE: not as common in the Korachani empire
a husband and father, all the while still an indentured worker. as it is elsewhere, forced marriage nevertheless remains a
The practice is most common amongst those who have common fact of life for the patrician class, of all things.
recently purchased their freedom from being a helot. Many Arranged marriages between houses are sought to solidify
find themselves unable to adjust to the change in their lives alliances, and more often than not the opinions and desires
and, desperate, seek out indenturees to lend them money to of the two young heirs being forced into the arrangement will
help them settle down. The indenturees are typically have no say in the matter.
patricians or money-lenders from the middle-classes who have Though it is impossible to compare a forced marriage
made a business of offering this service to new freemen. amongst nobility with slaving away in a mine for 60-hours a
Individuals or families can also find themselves indentured week, the act is still considered as being slavery, with the term
in return for passage across the empire or beyond, after which conjugal slavery being commonly used. Following the
they would work for a set time on the indenturees properties marriage, the bride can look forward to a life of isolation, her
or loaned out to third parties. role being that of bearing children to continue the house
Indentured servitude is typically seen as exploitative of those bloodline, and little else.
with no other choice, though indentured workers are usually
treated better than other slaves and even helots in some cases, SEX-WORKERS: sex trafficking and sexual slavery are common
though indenturees have a reputation for being petty and in most cities of the empire, and are indeed an insidious
deceitful, often tricking indentured workers into working presence throughout the Inner Sea and likely Elyden as a
longer than the original agreement, which is legally binding, whole. So long as mortals have carnal desires, the need for sex
but which powerless individuals are unlikely to contest. workers will be present and there will always be those willing
to abuse others in the name of profit.
DEBT BONDAGE: peony is a practice where a debtor who fails Prostitution is rife within the empire and usually takes one
to make repayments within the stipulated time is bonded to of two forms – illegal prostitution, where a small group of
labour until a times as the lender sees fit. Lenders who take workers fall under the control of a hustler who, to all intents
on bonded slaves often inflate interests to make it impossible and purposes owns them; and regulated prostitution, which
for the debtor to pay off their debts. When the bonded can only boast slightly better working conditions and in which
labourer dies, their debts may be passed on to their children. the workers are not typically classified as slaves.
The practice is old, and only remains in Pelasgos and Vârr, In the majority of cases prostitutes are forced into their work
and some overseas colonies, such as Crassula, Melhumbra, through circumstance. Many begin life as helots who, after
and Tavvadra. buying their way or escaping to freedom, find themselves
unable to live as citizens, and find their way to prostitutions.
IMPRESSMENT: the Korachani military and navy, as well as the With no idea of the culture behind prostitution, they might
Church of the Machine, are known to ‘press-gang’ individuals struggle alone, until they are ‘rescued’ by a hustler, who takes
who are unable to present their passports as proof of freedom. them under their wing, sending them to work for a cut of the
The Church would place such impressed men and women profits. Indeed, whilst under the aegis of a hustler, prostitutes
into the Shadow Marches as forced pilgrims, designed to make will see very little of their money earnt, and will suffer abuse
up the numbers of pilgrims to the holy land in at the hands of their patrons, though they will under the
Kharkharadontis. The army and navy would take impressed protection of their hustler, who must protect the investment.
men and force them into slave regiments for use as cannon Many sex-workers will begin their life in the slave markets of
fodder and other dangerous tasks. the empire, where prisoners taken by corsairs and privateers
Though the law is meticulous in the applicable manner of are sold. Those deemed to be suitable for the work are sold,
press-ganging, and the eligible targets for impressment, with those showing supreme beauty or willingness for the
enforcement is lax and gangers are typically free to work as work fetching high prices, and being bought for the harems of
they please so long as they are targeting acceptable individuals patricians or for work in high society as escorts and courtesans.
– convicts, the homeless, and others who are living outside of Others are bought in bulk by prostitution rings, before being
the bounds of imperial culture. By law, escaped slaves are still put to work on the streets with little preparation. Those who
the property of their owners, and should be returned if found. do not meet quotas or who do not have the disposition for the
A ganger found in possession of an owned slave may face work are beaten into submission. Many are killed this way.
criminal charges, making them poor targets. Citizens who are The most exotic sex-workers are often trafficked from
unable to prove their freedom (by presenting their passports, distant lands, or press-ganged from slums. Non-humans such
or by having someone of higher station speaking on their as shie, keratin, halfbloods and even otherworlders are always
behalf), are fair game, and make up the highest volume of in high demands, and would be a prized catch for any hustler
impressed individuals, many of them unjustly-so. with the means to catch and enslave them.
Once impressed, it is near impossible for an individual to Life for prostitutes is difficult and few are able to escape the
secure release, even if they were freemen, unless an influential clutches of their hustler. Indeed, most die in the profession at
individual can speak up on their behalf. a relatively early age. Though who grow old and are no longer
The Church of the Machine has increased the numbers of capable of attracting patrons will be retired from duty,
press-gangers in its employ over the past years, in a bid to becoming mother-figures to their younger co-workers,
bolster the ranks of the Shadow Marches, in the hopes of providing them with moral support when needed.
attracting more individuals to its cause. Many patricians and
magnates claim that the Church has been preying on their ><
helots, and, receiving little aid from the empire, are organising
raids on pilgrimages to regain their lost workers. They care
Helots and Work-slaves
attempt to flee is harsh to service an example to others who
may follow.
Work-slaves draw a small wage that is enough to keep them
The majority of the workforce in the empire is made up of fed and housed, leaving them with a small amount left-over
helots and work-slaves who form the backbone of its that is, more-often than not spent in bars, markets and
workforce. They live harsh lives, with most of them working gambling-halls within the manufactories themselves.
in manufactories, mills, assembly-lines, foundries, or Most work-slaves are relatively unskilled outside of the
otherwise in the empire’s struggling farms and hydroponic immediate competence needed to carry out their daily work.
vaults. To outsiders they may appear little different to slaves, Those who do not meet quotas or fall behind will be
but the major difference is that they are paid, albeit a paltry disciplined and reprimanded, with common punishments
sum, and can legally buy their freedom, though this is difficult including wage docking, withdrawal of meals, and physical
for most to accomplish. punishment.
Workers who show particular competence in various fields,
The history of helotry in the empire is complex and dates back which may garner the attentions of their overseers. If they play
millennia to feudal times when the extant Patrician Houses their cards right, resourceful work-slaves may gain preferential
were still in their formative states. Workers unable to pay taxes treatments, or even rise above their peers, becoming shift-
on the lands they leased from imperial nobility would be leaders and specialists. Though they remain work-slaves, they
forced into debt bondage, which would often carry-over to may enjoy shorter physical work hours, increased wages,
their families upon death. In many cases it was impossible for responsibilities, and luxuries. Some are taught to read and
families or individuals to work their way out of write (itself a luxury), paving the way for administrative duties.
bondage leading to indentured servitude and These lucky individuals can buy their freedom with relative
eventually the helot class we see today. In ease and many even choose to continue their work. Others
some cases helots could, if they had the are entirely satisfied with continuing to live this live – still
means to, trace their ancestry back centuries indentured to their patrician, though granted enough leeway
or even millennia to their first direct to make their life enjoyable.
ancestor to become bonded.
Today, outside of being born into helotry, Imperial law allows helots to buy their freedom, though
one can find oneself becoming a helot this is a difficult process, possibly intended merely
after falling upon hard times and as a focus for the hopes of a
being forced into an agreement downtrodden workforce.
with a manufactory, becoming This process is made all the
a work-slave. Thus is started more difficult by the
a new generation of helots, many distractions and
whose children will be vices that are presented
born into the system, to them to tempt them
unless they can buy into squandering their
their freedom, which is meagre wages back into the pockets
unlikely. Children born of their owners.
within these factories receive A Petition of Manumission is
little-to-any education, granted to work-slaves who have
beginning work as soon as their come of age (this varies by area and
small bodies are capable until the day sex, though is typically between 14 –
they die. 16 years old), giving them the option
A typical worker will spend ten to to buy their freedom when they can
fourteen hours a day working, with two afford it. This takes the form of a
breaks each day to attend mass and to document of heavy stock, individually
eat. Food usually takes the form of a numbered, which is stamped by their
small bowl of dross, possibly owner and city representative (often one-
accompanied by bread (made from and-the same). This Petition is needed
moss- and barley-flour). Typically, on for a work-slave to buy their freedom and
Aional workers are granted a reprieve – should it be lost or damaged the option is
either working for half a day or not at all lost, making these documents incredibly
– to follow religious observances, though valued to works-slaves. Typically, workers
not all manufactories follow these respect the right of others to buy their
traditions. freedom, making these documents
In most cases work-slaves live cramped sacrosanct, though there exists a small
apartments within the manufactories trade in counterfeit or stolen Petitions,
themselves – small quarters that offer which themselves can cost almost as
little comfort, freedom or security to their much as the act of manumission itself.
residents. Often large families will live in a Statistically, those who attempt or
couple of small rooms in residential areas most-desire to buy their freedom are
that are empty during the day and those who were born into helotry.
crowded at night. Though many Freemen who, though circumstance
manufactories do not allow average were forced into helotry, are often too
workers to leave the premises, others old to make the sacrifice needed to buy
allow them to wander their city, though their freedom, or otherwise, having
the punishment to those who would Helot coal-shoveller been broken by the system once
before, lack the drive to make their way back into the world, have been born to free parents. A few opportunists may have
knowing full well the risks and dangers involved. escaped from indentured servitude, using their wits to clamber
The Church of the Undying Machine may be willing to pay up the social ladder to somehow become freemen, though this
some or all of the Manumission fee to those who pledge to is not the norm.
undertake the treacherous Shadow March – the life-defining Freemen form a lower-to-middle-class that is above the work-
pilgrimage to the holy land of Kharkharadontis. Few are truly slaves and helots, but beneath the patrician classes. Typically,
aware of the risks involved in this and see it as an easy way to most skilled craftsmen, specialists and merchants are freemen
freedom. In many cases they are press-ganged into the March, and they employ freemen as labourers and apprentices, and if
with their passports confiscated, only to be returned upon their business is profitable-enough, may also have a few helots
completion of the 4,000-mile trek, assuming they even survive. under their aegis, also.
Some attempt to flee after being freed, only to find out that The life of a freeman is very different to that of a helot. As
the Church is harshly unforgiving to those who rescind on the name implies, they are free, as helots can never imagine.
their promises. They can leave their house whenever they want to, can travel
It can take a responsible individual, with no other monetary should they need to, and their income is generally enough to
commitments or dependents, up to a decade to buy their sustain them at a minimum level of comfort, with some money
freedom, and that is if they live austere lives with little-to-no left-over after necessities for saving or extravagances, such as
distractions or pass-times that would otherwise help to make foods that may be considered exotic to helots, or to spend on
life bearable. ornaments for their houses, or hobbies. Their income is
Those who accomplish this are granted their freedom – they typically enough to give them the luxury of owning different
become citizens and are issued a passport, which cannot be styles of clothing, including what is known as ‘Ikuaional best’
replaced if damaged or lost, making them even more valuable – clothing worn to church, or formal occasion that is of better
than a Petition of Manumission. The new citizen is sent out quality to what is worn every-day.
into the world, with their new passport and no possessions Of course, this is all generalised, and the income that
other than the clothes on their backs. With little knowledge freemen make can vary from a minimum wage, barely above
of how imperial life truly operates beyond their old home, what a helot makes to survive, or on par with the wealthiest of
these freemen now face the harsh realities of freedom. patrician houses.
Life is hard for newly-freed helots, who must find The life of a freeman is tenuous, at best, and one must work
employment and accommodation, often with little assets hard to retain that which was earnt through hard work or
outside of the specific skills they learnt in their previous life. inherited. Complacency may lead to debt or eviction, which
Many find it easier to turn to a life of crime than to integrate may force freemen into debt bondage or indentured servitude,
into society, while others leave the city altogether, hoping to which more often than not leads to helotry or press-ganging
find better options elsewhere. Those who are articulate into the Marches or military.
enough to sell their abilities may find apprenticeships under
the aegis of craftsmen and experts. AGRICULTURALISTS: farmers, shepherds, pastoralist, ranchers,
Many, however, find freedom a difficult prospect and either vintners, orchardists and any number of other rural
return to workhouses and manufactories as free men, with few professions, are typically made up of freemen.
perks they would not have enjoyed previously. Despite higher In most cases, farmers and their ilk lease land off of
wages, the need to pay for accommodation often leaves them patricians or the government, and are allowed to work it in
with less money than they had in their old lives. But that’s return for a tithe on produce. In many cases the land can be
irrelevant – to most the ability to call themselves freemen is bought, though this is not the norm. The land offered to
reward enough. Many freemen pool their resources and live farmers in this way can vary for being fruitful, which will be
together in communal homes, forming close bonds and profitable for both parties, or close-to barren, and only given
familial groups that last a lifetime. It is in these communities up by the owner under the assumption that the hard work of
that many freemen find their life-partners and begin families the tenant may improve the condition.
whose children will know nothing of the manufactories. Farmers may often employ helots for manual labour in the
Those who are unable to find their footing as freemen may fields, and the land-owner may also provide them with slaves
find themselves drawn to indentures, who lend them money or their own helots to aid during harvest-time. Those who are
in return for a set period of indentured servitude, or to the born into or who choose this life are hard workers, and subject
many hospices that were established to help freemen in need. to the vagaries of the weather, but working outside and not
Many hospices have gangs of ‘recruiters’ who actively seek out being surrounded by a machinery are considered reward-
those struggling, to bring them into the hospices. enough to most, particularly those who bought their freedom
Though there exist freeman hospices that truly do seek to from the manufactories.
rehabilitate and prepare newly-freed work-slaves for life as With a focus on dross-manufacture in most large cities of
citizens, including teaching them to read and write, or the empire, agricultural work was become more specialised,
teaching them new skills; the harsh reality is that most are little with many crops and meats now considered exotic goods,
more than workhouses, using the excuse of teaching new skills which makes the lands a farmer works a target for banditry.
and vocations to receive free labour. Most such hospices are Farmers must defend against such banditry and cattle-rustling,
run by patricians, often the same patricians that own for instance. Their landlord may or may not provide adequate
manufactories. protection, depending on their investment in the work,
possibly leaving farmers ill-equipped to defend the lands they
>< work. The empire does provide protection in the form of rural
iron-guard regions that are targets to banditry, but there are
never enough forces to go round, and bribery is also rife.
his debts to his old landowners, and he may ironically find can typically be broken down into two forms – local traders or
himself working as a helot on another’s farm. importers and exporters, who operate on a far larger stage and
are typically part of mercantile conglomerates. In its most
ARTISANS: carpenters, masons, smiths, mechanics, bakers, simple form mercancy is the procurement of items from one
shapers, leatherworkers, butchers. These are just some of the party to sell for profit to another. This can be local produce or
multitude of vocations that can be considered artisans or spices and ores from half-way across the world.
craftspeople – experts who provide a service to the economy Socially, merchants exist in a grey area. They are envied by
by crafting specific items which others are incapable of doing slaves, helots and even craftsmen for the great wealth they can
themselves. acquire, though will always be derided by the patricians, who
Craftspeople such as chemists, scriveners, or notaries are are mostly unable to see past their ignoble blood.
likely to be educated individuals, which impacts the rates they To many they are considered callous middlemen, taking the
charge. Others may be uneducated, but otherwise highly hard work of others and moving it elsewhere for great sums of
skilled, such as silversmiths, leatherworkers, master money. Despite common sentiment towards them, merchants
carpenters, and so on, and despite their relative lack of can garner incredible power, enough to match many patrician
schooling, their expertise is also valued and priced houses, at the very least, and some have even made their way
accordingly. into the ranks of the empires’ ruling council through the sheer
Most craftspeople enjoy a decent income for their services, influence they can wield.
and are commonly respected members of society within Merchants enjoy more home-comforts than most other
imperial cities. They may be self-employed, often living above freemen, and use their earnings to purchase (rather than rent)
or close to their place of work; or may be employed as a worker property and to decorate their homes, which are usually 3 – 4
in a larger institution, either working alone or as part of a rooms or larger and located in more affluent districts away
team. The latter may feel like a glorified helot, but there is from unwanted industries. They have at their disposal many
never any doubt as to the freedom and respect that such foods and drinks that most others would class as luxurious,
workers command – finding a skilled artisan is not an easy though even they have their limits unless. Many merchants
task, so such workers are treated better than any helot. invest their income into bonds or other ventures, in the hopes
Despite this, the livelihood of or many craftspeople has of acquiring more wealth. Such investments may be risky, and
become undermined by the rise in manufactories and the possibility of losing their capital is ever-present.
industrial processes, at least in urbane environments. Many
crafts have been replaced by large-scale industrial production Small-scale merchants operate in villages and towns, taking
that can produce objects more quickly and cheaper than goods produced by others and selling them to third parties.
through traditional means. Certain industries, most notably This saves the manufacturer from spending time and
cotton and textiles, are now almost exclusively manufactured resources selling goods when they could be spending the time
in large scale factories, forcing countless artisans over the past creating more. In this scenario merchants would likely be
centuries into unemployment as they failed to keep up with generalists, buying and selling anything they see to have value
the industrialisation of their craft. This created a shift, where and which would earn them money.
many skilled labourers would find themselves becoming helots In larger cities merchants have the luxury to specialise in
working in manufactories where they had once been artisans. certain wares, such as food, or lumber, or object d’art,
Conversely, some talented helots are able to buy their way garnering reputations in their chosen fields that their patrons
out of the manufactory system to become fames artisans in come to rely upon.
their own right. The importation of raw materials for use in wide-scale
industries is unlikely to be handled by a small merchant, and
The hundreds of different crafts present in the empire are instead is the purview of mercantile consortiums made up of
supported by guilds and unions, which serve (at least in as many as a dozen partners, or well-established merchant-
theory) to protect their members and their interests. In houses that to the uninitiated eye may be indistinguishable
practice, however, these establishments tend to act as from patrician houses
gatekeepers, discriminating against particular demographics, In many cases these large-scale consortiums and merchant-
disallowing them membership. Those who practice a houses have centuries of experience with histories of trade
particular craft and who cannot prove guild or union across the empire and beyond, and have amassed relations in
membership will often be terrorized into abandoning their dozens of nations, granting them a monopoly on trades and
work. Refusal to do this will often result in their workplace goods from and to certain regions. Competition between
being destroyed and death threats until they are forced out of merchant-houses for trade and distribution rights is fierce and
the city or at least outside the district over which the particular has resulted in gang wars and subterfuge on many occasions.
guild holds sway. Many such targets are forced into helotry or Merchants often travel with their own caravans, either di
lives of itinerance where they travel across smaller settlements, different imperial cities or beyond. This typically takes place
offering their services where the guilds do not hold sway. overland, using conveyors or beasts of burden, or across the
The guilds and unions are seen by many as antiquated and sea on large transport vessels.
hindering innovation and free trade, concerning themselves
more with collecting fees from memberships than they are in VETERANS: members of the Korachani armed forces are given
preserving the ideals of their craft and promoting it across the the option of voluntary retirement after three years of service,
empire. Despite this, little has been done about changing this with their papers of manumission provided if they were not
status quo, and craftsmen who operate without the already in possession of them.
endorsement of a guild or union continue to do so at their Life for veterans is difficult, though, and many carry the
own risk. scars of war, be they physical, in the form of missing limbs or
ailments, or psychological, and few of them are able to carry
MERCHANTS: another major subclass of freemen in the empire on their previous lives where they left off.
is the merchant-class, which trades in items produced by other Many go on to continue working militant jobs – becoming
people (typically craftsmen and manufactories). Merchants mercenaries, guards, or bodyguards, though others are unable
to reintegrate into civilian life, becoming destitute or themselves investing their finances and dealing with
becoming homeless, possibly press-ganged into the shadow businesses, others prefer to have a more hand-on approach to
March or back into the military. their lands, serving as rulers of cities and territories – many
young patricians are often given a town to control upon
>< returning from their studies. Many more are content to
carouse and relax in lifestyles that can be incredibly
hedonistic. Others spend their days trying to better themselves
through study and artistic pursuits, or working in the
community – though the latter will commonly hold some
ulterior motive that strives to better the social standing of the
Patricians form the upper-class of imperial society and in many house.
cases have family lines and history that date back to the House heirs must adhere to time-honoured traditions, with
formation of the empire and beyond. the first-born child (be it son or daughter) being sent to college
Patricians form the bulk of the aristocracy and own most to study and train to manage the holdings they will one-day
land that is not owned by the empire itself, and their lands inherit. A second born son is commonly sent to military
may spread across multiple nations, including those outside college where he will serve as a ranked officer in one of the
the empire, such as Sarastro, Almagest or even Parthis. Korachani armed forces. Many choose to continue this
In the broadest and most simplified sense patricians lifestyle, bringing honour to the house, though others will
can be considered to be akin to feudal rulers of old. be discharged after their three-year minimum term
They originated in pre-imperial times from the ends, returning to the house with skills that are
arbitrar class, which acted as a judge in times of need invaluable in managing the disparate holdings of the
and would go on to become a ruling class from house. Some houses may have a long-standing
which the patricians would emerge in around 100 arrangement with the Church of the Undying Machine
RM. to send their third-born sons to theological school to
They are titled and landed, and rent out train to become priests – in return, the church
their lands to freemen and helots who gains the patronage of the house and the yearly
work them in return for a percentage tithes owed by the house are waived off by
of their produce. Their aristocracy the church.
is seen as a badge of pride Other daughters are sent to finishing
amongst patricians, and houses school where they are taught the
that can trace their family trees intricacies of attracting a powerful
back the farthest can claim partner, through whose eventual
more prestige, though marriage the power of the house
generally amongst other may be solidified. Younger siblings
patricians, whose opinions have fewer responsibilities and
are the only ones that either lose themselves in vice or
matter. dedicate their lives to the pursuit of
Typically a patrician an academic vocation or artistic
house that has become pursuits. Indeed, many of the
destitute is still favoured highest-regarded artists of the
over self-made riches or empire were the fifth or sixth
wealthy merchant-houses, children of patrician houses.
whose new money is Most patrician houses display
considered unrefined and their wealth through their
tainted by their labour. fashion, jewellery, belongings,
property and actions – with every
Each patrician house is societal move intended as a
headed by a paterfamilias or display of wealth and power. The
materfamilias – generally image one exudes can do as much as
the eldest or most respected true wealth and power and most
member of the house, to patricians are acutely aware of the
whom other family-members actions of their relatives in high-society.
are typically subservient. The High-fashion begins and ends in patrician
Archpatrician, as they are often culture, and there exist a great many fashion
known, has the legal power to expel houses whose income is solely generated by the
members from the house, and has final lavish costumes worn to galas, operas and other
say on various matters, including events where individuals compete against
marriages and partnerships (often making others to make the biggest impression. Brocade
younger members of the house enter into and military-inspired jewellery are commonly
forced marriages with other houses to seen in high fashion, though other pioneering
secure political and business assets), or the designers have been known to draw
fate and working conditions of employees inspiration almost anywhere.
and slaves, as well as tenants working Patricians with the means to will
their lands or otherwise serving the often seek out ways to prolong
house. their lives, either through the
Many patricians do not work and use of shaping, drugs or
typically claim a stipend from their A Dashing Patrician showing his
technarcana, or a combination
family’s coffers. Whilst many busy meticulous style – note the metal gorget
of the three. It is not uncommon for some paterfamilias to live house, with the wife taking her maiden name.
for centuries, much to the consternation of their heirs.
Patricians are also patrons of the arts and commission Chrysaphius’ Patricians is a reference work published every 5-
artisans and master craftsmen to furnish their homes, using years, describing, in detail, all of the established patrician
materials from far-flung colonies and foreign lands. houses and their genealogies, heraldries, and relations, as well
Similarly, cuisine forms an integral part of most patricians’ as business holdings and lands, and any changes that may have
lives, with exotic foods that are beyond the dreams of helots taken place since the last edition was published.
and even freemen at their disposal. Lavish dinner parties are Most patricians’ libraries will include various editions of the
thrown with the sole intent to impress with whatever exotic reference, though how up-to-date the volumes are will depend
foods have recently been acquired. In many patrician circles, on the nature of the house and the level of interest its
the measure of a true epicure lies in the competence and members have in genealogies.
artistry of household chefs, who are considered artists in their
own right. ><
It is not uncommon for houses to fall to the temptations of
these excesses. Idle princelings and grandchildren with more
time than sense squander the houses’ wealth on reckless The Clergy
purchases and losing themselves in decadent pursuits which
over decades may bring the house low. Some houses allow The Church of the Undying Machine is such a monolithic
their lands to lose their worth through ignorance or institution within the empire that its members across all
inattentiveness, allowing their income to dwindle hierarchies of its structure account for a significant portion
until it stops. of the population, with their own societal roles and
Other houses fall not due to the customs, effectively making the clergy a class onto
squandering of their wealth, but the itself, standing apart from all others.
end of their bloodline. Without heirs The clergy is known for its various ranks and
the last generation of a house may give positions, many of which have some overlap with
in to ennui, living in seclusion, relying each other, and in many cases even members of
on their servants to care for them as the Church have difficulty keeping up with the
they allow their house to decay, their different roles and duties across church members
finery growing mouldy and tattered, of different titles and there exist heralds whose sole
until they expire, bringing an end to duty is to categorise and keep track of the dozens of
the house. different ranks to avoid confusion – members of the
Whatever the reason, such fallen clergy can refer to this so-called Holy Codex when
houses will likely disappear, what needed.
remains of their lands taken over by The institution of the Church of the Undying
the empire and sold off to the Machine is elaborated on elsewhere in this volume.
highest-bidder. This entry spends more time detailing what day-to-
day life is like for members of the church.
The status of patrician house is In general, members of the church are divided
an ephemeral term and into one of three categories – the laity,
anyone who is sectarians (brothers and sisters), and ordained
independently wealthy members. There may be a few titles that fall
through rental income and outside of these three basic criteria, but they
who holds enough are exceptions rather than the rule.
influence could refer to
their house in the manner, THE LAITY: these are laypersons who
though that is not to say that follow the church, attend mass, and
they would be respected by undertake the necessary rites of
fellow patricians. communion, but who are not
There exist a few ways in considered to be initiated members. By
which a patrician house can be law almost all slaves, helots, freemen
formed that is more legally- and patricians in Korachan are
accepted, though which still may considered to be members of the laity due
not be socially accepted by more to the Church of the Undying Machine being
established houses. Typically, a state religion. In fact, any citizen of the
this would be through the empire is, by the definition of being a citizen,
dissolution of a marriage in an is obliged by state and church law to take part
existing house, or at the behest of in all rituals and acts of communion
The Seven (often by proxy) as a within the church. Though
reward for some action that slaves and helots
advanced the position of the are not citizens, it
empire, or as part of a bribe. is also expected of
Should a marriage within a small them to do so
house fall apart, the resultant through the sheer
divorce would likely split the assets weight of cultural
evenly amongst husband and wife, expectation and
resulting in the dawn of a new indoctrination. It is rare
Patrician showing her care-free style for someone no not actively
and expensive fashion sense consider themselves a member
of the laity and it is usually the disenfranchised or someone may work with missionaries and exocrines to spread the word
who feels a personal grudge against the church for whatever of the church amongst heathens.
reason who willingly refuses to take part in church rituals or The Church itself is divided into many different sects, which
communion. serve as homes to the sectarians as well as the ordained, who
The laity have no rights within the church hierarchy, though often retain affiliations with the sects following their ritual of
some influential members may be granted honorary titles in consecration.
lieu of extensive donations to the church, recognised The sects maintain monasteries and convents, commonly
philanthropical work, or other extraordinary acts. These titles referred to as sect houses, across Korachan, where all members
have little true effect other than stroking the egos of their of the Church of the Undying Machine are welcome, and in
bearers, though may be used to intimidate lower ranking which the sectarians live. It is from these sect houses that the
church members. sectarians work. Traditionally, brothers were renowned for
The Church often takes orphans or foundlings that show their transcribing and translating of old books, but with the
promise and pays for their tuition in theological schools that advent of modern mass printing methods demand for their
are run by the Church itself, with an eye towards having them work dwindled, however wealthy patrons still support their
ordained as priests. work, which is considered art today, bringing money into the
sect house and the Church. Sisters work as midwives and
SECTARIANS: (commonly called brothers and siters) these are nurses and their convents
the initiated members of the church who devote themselves to sometimes double as
it and its causes, typically living frugal lives of introspection, unofficial infirmaries.
and helping out in communities. They are not ordained
members of the church, and therefore have little THE ORDAINED: members
authority within the church hierarchy, though all of the church who have
church members begin their vocations as sectarians, undergone a ritual of
before rising through the ranks, though it is not consecration are said to be
simply a matter of promotion – those who remain elevated above the laity and
sectarians for their entire lives are considered sectarians, and are granted the
failures – it was simply their calling to serve the authority to act on behalf of the
Undying Machine in this role. Despite this, church.
many ordained members of the church look To be ordained one normally
down on sectarians, the way patricians may needs to first be a sectarian, though
look down on a helot. it is not uncommon for members of
Members of the church’s clerical staff the laity to be directly ordained.
and militant orders are all sectarians, This might happen when an
though their superiors and leaders experienced adult member of the
are likely to be ordained. laity with close ties to the Church
The name sectarian is derived decides to fully devote their lives to
from the ritual in which an the Undying Machine. The act of
initiated brother or sister chooses ordination is complex and requires
a sect in which to serve. These years of study, or experience
sects take the form of monastic deemed equivalent, as well as
orders to which a brother or spiritual preparation in theological
sister will belong until death. schools that the Church itself
Family roots are forsaken operates across the empire.
upon choosing a sect, with Many patrician houses have a
fellow sectarians of that order tradition of sending
becoming their family. There individuals learn the
Similarly, sectarians are not tenets of the Church, its dogma,
allowed to marry or raise and history in a way that
children, though many orders members of laity can never truly
work closely with children understand. Even if they do not
(orphans, or those with troubled pass the required exams, it is likely
backgrounds, for instance) and that these students will remain in the
sisters are commonly associated with Church as sectarians or adjuncts.
children, often being seen working in There are dozens of different ranks
orphanages or as midwives. within the Church and many more titles
As part of their initiation sectarians that ordained Church members may
vow not to fornicate or consume have, and these are not necessarily a
alcohol outside of religious rituals. linear hierarchy, so upon ordination
Similarly, they vow to live austere lives individuals will be granted a title and/or
in which material possessions do not rank based on their strengths and
feature. They live together, often in aptitude, and the focus of their studies,
monasteries – either isolate to aid though their own aspirations are not
in their meditation and entirely ignored either.
introspection, or close to a The more common positions within
parish, where they work within the church are those of priest,
the community or parish. endocrine, exocrine, and cenobite, all
Those in far-flung territories An ordained member of the Church
of which will be examined in more detail farther below. of church structures and monuments, and guarding them
from vandalism.
PRIEST: the most commonly-recognised religious figure within They work closely with the Inquisitorial Girgorian, Kyoni,
the Church of the Undying Machine, priests form the and Moéhani Fraternal Orders during their work, and are an
backbone of the church. They are appointed by the church to unseen presence within imperial cities – certainly felt, but
perform religious rituals such as mass and communion, and rarely seen.
are considered the main link between the laity and the
Undying Machine. EXOCRINE: similar to the Endocrines, exocrines are interested
A common sight in Korachan and its territories, priests live with maintaining the faith and spreading the word of the
within church territories – typically simple houses adjoining church and as such as the missionaries of the Church of the
their parishes or place of work – and spend their days in Undying Machine.
tending to matters of religion or within the community. Exocrines fulfil a similar role to that of the Endocrines,
Priests are more educated than the majority of the laity thanks though they operate in the empire’s suzerain territories and
to the studies that led to their ordainment, and many go on vassals, as well as without the empire’s borders, where they
to become educators within their community, with a focus on operate as missionaries, often working alongside iconoclasts
faith and religion. Others work within the church and the Inquisitorial Aiwahim Fraternal Order, in rooting out
organisation itself as historians, record-keepers, and overseers alien religions and idols.
of religious texts, often working alongside sectarians and other They often travel with the Shadow Marches of the Church
members of the church. of the Undying Machine, helping to protect pilgrims as well
Contrary to popular belief, most ranks and titles within the as spreading the work of Rachanael to heathen lands through
priesthood allow marriage and bearing children and in many which they might pass.
cases the rank of priest has become hereditary with children
born to priests going on to follow in their ordained parent’s CENOBITE: famed across the empire for their mishappen
footsteps more often than not. Though not a restriction, many bodies and the solitary crossroad chapels they inhabit,
priests marry within the ranks of the ordained, a result of their cenobites are an integral part of Korachani culture, bringing
often-sheltered lives and close contact with other ordained. to the fore its attitudes towards the Atramenta.
This is likely also a remnant of the ancient days of the Church Cenobites are fanatical worshippers of the Undying
of the Undying Machine, where the position was hereditary. Machine, and can come from any rank within the Church,
This was abolished in an edict in 773 RM, leading to a period and may even be sectarians. They actively seek out
of growth within the church as, for the first time ever, people Atramentally-tainted lands – be they in the heartland of
outside of the acknowledged ranks were given the option of Korachan or in the tainted wastes of Kharkharadontis – and
becoming priest. travel to them. Once there they will bathe in tainted water,
To ambitious individuals within the church, attaining consume tainted food, and expose themselves to the worst of
priesthood is merely a stepping stone to higher ranks, such as the Atramenta, all while praying and chanting litanies of faith
those of primate, ecclesiast, or theologian, and yet higher to the Undying Machine.
titles, such as prelate, cardinal and, finally, archbishop – the The vast majority of cenobites become physically corrupted
highest rank an ordained member of the Church of the by this exposure and eventually die from their ailments.
Undying Machine can possess, giving them full control over Despite their devotion to the Undying Machine, they are
their diocese in a particular nation. above them are only the deemed weak, their physical corruption a sign of their lack of
Archpotentate and the Undying Machine Rachanael himself. willpower. They are sentenced to crossroad chapels across the
empire as a form of castigation, where they gather alms and
ENDOCRINE: a holy order within the Church of the Undying maintain the road as they contemplate their failure. Often the
Machine, the purpose of which is to ensure that the laity is target of ridicule and abuse by passers-by, they are seen as
actively worshipping. Endocrines operate within Korachan tragic figures within the empire and are avoided by most and
and its immediate territories. Its members are feared and pitied by the rest.
parents use them to scare young children into submission. Those rare few who somehow survive the corrupting
They have various roles, the most well-known of which experiences unharmed are thought blessed by the Undying
include making sure that the laity is going to mass and actively Machine with a power over the Atramenta that few can match.
taking part in worship, collecting church tithes from They are known colloquially as Incorruptibles, and become
applicable institutions and business, and general maintenance the closest thing to celebrities within the church and go on to
wield political power quite different to anything else in
Korachan, often becoming powerful demagogues and puppets their flagellation and chanting may help to impress upon
of the church or respected members of the Arâthuahi people the importance of the church.
fraternity. Others go on to become living saints, bringing great
prestige and money to their parish. ><
them. Their travels outside of populated areas often brings Career criminals are another group of individuals who live
them into contact with Atramentally-tainted regions, and outside of the class system, often occupying regions of cities
some may bear the physical and psychological effects of this that are outside of the reach of the law – ancient ruins, hidden
exposure, though most would be prudent-enough to avoid the crypts or subterranean remnants of regraded cities. Their
worst areas or to wear hard- or softsuits whilst travelling in territories are heavily guarded from outside interference, and
such regions. they often make use of orphans and the homeless as
Most tinkers tend to dress outlandishly and are proud of informants and agents.
their individuality, going out of their way look as different
from the monotonous crowds of imperial cities. Some may Orphans are also effectively classless, though they exist in a
travel with exotic pets or in small groups of like-minded grey area of imperial society, where they are technically outside
individuals. The latter is particularly true of dangerous of the class system, unrecognised by most. They live abhorrent
territories, though for the most-part they prefer to travel alone conditions in overcrowded orphanages, which are overseen by
so as not to invite too much attention. Presbyters who rule with an iron fist. The Presbyters see the
orphans as little more than resources to be bartered with and
>< for all intents and purposes orphanages serve as slave markets
where patricians and business-owners can buy workers for
cheap. A lucky few may be bought and freed by a wealthy
the Classless family, who adopts the child as their own, though most will
find themselves sold on into the sex trade or worse. During
There exist countless others in Korachan and its dependencies their residency, orphans are expected to work – cleaning,
who slip through the cracks of the conventional social cooking and doing other chores needed for the smooth
hierarchies, and who do not so easily fit into the above classes. running of the orphanage.
Most common amongst them are the countless homeless, For the most-part children life and die in these orphanages
vagrants, vagabonds, orphans, and destitute who live in the without experiencing life or the world outside their walls.
underworld of the empire. Despite the empire’s best efforts at
controlling and monitoring its cities’ populations, there are Another caste which is considered to live apart from others is
always those who will willingly choose to live outside that that of the Canaphrani. These are itinerant knights sponsored
system. Such a life is hard, as the threat of press-ganging by by anything from patricians, to the state or church, and who
church or army is ever-present, and one must always be on the swear loyalty to an ideal or authority – commonly the Undying
lookout for threats – be they uniformed, or in the form of Machine, or the Archpotentate Malichar, or one of The
other destitutes or criminals. Seven, or a moral ideal of some sort.
Most are retired mercenaries or veteran soldiers, though
Others who live outside of the class system are members of the some simply decide to leave their old lives to become
military – from the lowliest rating to the highest ranks. By Canaphrani. Those without experience rarely last long.
serving in any of the branches the Korachani armed forces for They travel the Inner Sea, fighting transgressions against
a minimum of three years individuals are granted citizenship their chosen ideal, while furthering the reputation of their
rights, making them freemen. Indeed, many join up under the sponsor. Some go on to build sterling reputations, earning
assumption that three years of service are better than spending them the envy and loyalty of those who they protect… while
what may be dozens of years as helots, saving every penny to others go on to become infamous for their bloodlust or
buy their freedom. Though military life in the empire is hard tyranny.
and cheap, anyone who meets the requisite three-year In truth most fall within a grey area between the two
minimum is given the unconditional option of citizenship. extremes, with many considering them vigilantes or bandits.
There is no pension or further compensation after this, and There is a long-standing Canaphrani tradition in both
many are discharged before their three-year term is up time Laaskha and Skaros, and any aspire to become one.
due to injury or other criteria.