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"THE MALLARD" November 2023

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The Mallard

Issue 383 November 2023



W e banked £7,660. This was made up of £2,200

from various sales, including car boots and a
yard sale.
We received approximately £1,500 in donations, most
of which qualifies for Gift Aid. The remainder came in
on the morning itself, from the various stalls, raffle,
auction, coffee and cakes etc.
Thank you to anyone who contributed or helped in any
way. Too many to name individually but you all know
who you are. Thanks also to those who attended on the
day. Many having travelled several miles from outside
the village.
As many of you know, our aim was to raise £5,300 this
year to take us through the £100,000 barrier since we
started supporting Macmillan in 2005. We well and
truly smashed this. So thank you all once again.
Chrissie and Team

Pictures supplied by Bev Randall


It’s that time of year again to fill shoe boxes for children for whom this
will be their only present they receive this Christmas.
It costs £3 each box to cover the cost of transporting these and I would
be most grateful for any donations to help with these costs.
Always wanted are small toys, toiletries, hats, gloves, thin scarves etc.
Many thanks for your support.
Please contact Jenny Borley 01485 520542

Mallard News
This parish magazine is QUIZ NIGHT AT GREAT MASSINGHAM
published every month for the
residents of Great and Little VILLAGE HALL
Massingham with the support of Thursday 23rd November 2023 to be held in the bar of the
the Great Massingham Parish
Council, the Parochial Church
village hall at 7.30pm.
Council and Massingham Entry is £2.00 per person or £4.00 for non-members.
Village Hall Trustees. Either come along as a team, maximum of six, or join a team
Contact Details: on the night. No need to pre-book.
Editor: Sarah Harvey The following are dates for your diaries:
Byanoak, Leicester Road, 25th January, 22nd February, 28th March, 25th April, 23rd May,
South Creake, NR21 9PW 27th June, 25th July and 22nd August. (These dates will also be
Tel: 01328 823391 posted on the QUIZ page of the village website)
[email protected]
Website: This is a quiz run once a quarter to, unashamedly, raise as
much money for local organisations that, in turn, might benefit
the communities of Great and Little Massingham.
Deadline for the The next scheduled event is on 14th November 2023 when we
next issue will be raising money for Tapping House Hospice in memory
17th of the late Gillian Gould who sadly passed away on
November 8th September 2023.
Entry will be £30 per team, maximum of six, plus there will be
a raffle and a 50:50 bag.
In This Issue There will also be a main course meal laid on prior to
competition starting. This quarter’s dish will be Norfolk
• MacMillan Venison Bourguignon with a vegetarian option. There will be a
• Shoe Boxes charge of £16 per head for this with £3.50 going to Tapping
• Quiz Nights
• Film Nights House.
• Community Lunch You must book for this event. At the time of writing we only
• Historical Society have two tables left to fill.
• Bingo Evenings If anyone wishes to receive more information on any of the
• Craft & Chat above they are more than welcome to email
• Music Quiz
• Harpley Choir me: [email protected] or call me: 07908 244421.
• Fish Shop Sign
• Parish Council
• Fun Fair Visit 7 for 7.30pm
• Westacre Theatre Members Night on
• Old Time Memories
• From the Rector Thursday 2nd November
• FOSALM ‘Local Hero’
• Church Services
• Advent Course Thursday 16th November
• Remembrance ‘The Unlikely Pilgrimage
Sunday of Harold Fry’
• Useful Contacts
• Magpie Centre £5 (plus a complementary drink )
• Community Cars at the Village Hall
• Mobile Library Visits For help with transport call
• Dates for your Diary
Denny 07887 927 691.

Mallard News

join us Massingham HISTORICAL SOCIETY.
Village Hall Bar Friday 17th November
Tuesday 28th November
£8 Arrive 12.30pm, eat at 1pm
Chicken and ham cobbler, mashed potatoes
and seasonal veg.
Followed by lemon meringue pie.
Come & meet friends for a chat.
A Talk David Reeve
The Bar will be open. 7.30pm at The Village Hall
To book lunch please contact Deborah PHOTOGRAPHIC DISPLAY
Lambert on or, email on BROWNIES & GIRL GUIDES
[email protected] by Friday 24th Nov. Members free, Guests £3 Bar open


From 2pm to 4pm
Village Hall Bar
Monday 13th and 27th November,
then Monday 11th December
3rd November
Village Hall. CHOIR
Doors open at 7pm
Eyes down for 7.30pm
7th November
for The Norfolk Hospice, Tapping House
At Great Massingham
Village Hall.
Doors open at 7pm
Eyes down for 7.30pm

Great Massingham Fire Service THURSDAY DECEMBER 7TH @ 7PM

Music Quiz
At St Lawrence Church Harpley
In aid of The Fire Service Benevolent
Fund Fundraising for local
Saturday 25th November organisations, Harpley Church,
In the Village Hall Bar School & Village Hall
Please Come and Give Your Support An evening of music by ABBA, Simon &
Garfunkel, Cat Stevens and many
Rural Crimes Police Officer Contact more….with mulled wine and mince pies
PC Chris Shelley 07900 407 106 NO TICKET SALES - DONATIONS
[email protected] ONLY ON AT THE EVENT

If you attended the recent Historical Society Exhibition in the Church at the beginning of
September, you might have seen the Swallow Fish Shop sign, as pictured above. You
might also have wondered how the sign became one of the Historical Society’s
artefacts. Ant Robinson, who you all know is our chief archivist, explains below…….
“When Jeanne & I bought The Barns in 1975 the Chip shop was just a wooden shed to
the left of The Fox & Pheasant Pub, in Station Road. I can’t remember if we used it or
not. I think it was run by a Chinese Guy, but I’m sure someone will put me right.
Over the entrance door was a hand painted wooden sign, beautifully sign written.
A few years later, the shed was demolished and a bigger brick and pantiled building was
erected. The old sign was rehung over the door.
I had, by this time, joined the Fire Brigade as a retained Fireman and one day got called
out on my Personal Alerter.
For some reason, I didn’t have a car, so I jumped on my bike and cycled like mad to the
Station. As I passed the chip shop, I noticed a JCB with it’s digger arm high up over the
roof, dropping it down and smashing the building to pieces!
I saw the sign swinging by one screw, but I was in a hurry.
After the ‘Fire Brigade Shout’, I cycled home, stopping at the big pile of bricks, timber
roof trusses, etc. A few guys stood around and I asked what had happened to the old
sign? One guy bent down and looked though the wreckage and said, “I think I can see it
in the middle of the mayhem. I’ll crawl in”….. And, lo and behold, he came back out
with it! I asked if I could have it for my collection, of course. Hence it’s here today.”
Ant Robinson
Shop window
HEALTH & BEAUTY TREATMENTS Women’s Health * Fertility * Pregnancy
Postnatal * Menopause Support
Gemma Challis MICHT MFHT
Little Massingham Manor
Little Massingham elementsatthemanor.co.uk 07576 365219
Manor [email protected]
The Old Chapel 01485 298 400 [email protected]
Station Road PE32 2JU socials: elements_at_the_manor www.thenorfolkretreat.co.uk

2 luxurious dog-friendly Ducklings Preschool

self-catering holiday cottages Great Massingham
Each sleeps 4 with an optional annexe
to accommodate a further 2 guests
Tranquil setting in beautiful countryside less than
a mile outside Great Massingham
Contact Gill on 01485 521748 or 07967 136960
Email: [email protected] 07807185746
See www.westheathbarn.com for more details [email protected]
Shop window

Monday - Saturday 7am - 7pm
Sunday 9am - 7pm
Chilled food, Chilled produce, Lunch to go includ-
ing award winning Bray’s Cottage pork pies and
sausage rolls, Chilled wine and beer, Lottery, News-
papers, Fresh rolls, Post Office, Pay Station for bill
payment, Dry Cleaning Service, Winter fuel.
email: [email protected]
phone: 01485 520272
website: www.massinghamstores.co.uk
massingham stores and post office

Approved coal and

solid fuel merchant All building work undertaken
Quality assured. Renovation & newbuild
For Quality Fuels at the
Best Prices

Phone: 01485 520637 15, Cross Street, Harpley, King’s Lynn PE31 6TJ
Mobile: 07780 776576 [email protected]

H. I. S. TV, Video, DVD & Satellite Sales, Set-up & Repairs

• Free Estimates
TRADITIONAL Tim Margereson • All Makes & Models • Work Guaranteed
BUILDING 3 Weasenham Rd • Qualified Engineer • Discount for OAP’s
Gt. Massingham PE32 2EY
WORKS • Sales, Repairs, Installations & Tuning Services
& Call 07786 618787 or
RENOVATIONS 01485 520745 White Cottage, School Road, Necton (opp Rectory

Carol Walker MCFHP MAFHP

By Registered Member of the British
Association of Foot Health Professionals

Foot Health Practitioner

Foot Healthcare in Your Home
Based in and around Great Massingham Contact: [email protected]
Call/Text: 07825 234293
Leanne Elton Tel: 07714 192 521

Mallard News
The Parish Council meeting began at 7.30pm on Monday 9 th October, with six Parish
Councillors in attendance. Seven members of the public along with the Borough
Councillor Alistair Beales were also in attendance.
The Parish Council regularly receives complaints from parishioners regarding dog
owners that are failing to clean up after their dogs. This issue was once again brought to
the Council’s attention. This is unacceptable, owners are required to clean up after their
dogs. If you see a dog fouling incident and/or have information on owners who are not
picking up after their dogs, then you can report this to the BCKLWN using their online
report form and track the progress of your report. To report dog fouling you will need
the location of the dog mess and the details of the dog owner (if known).
Last month we advised that the Parish Council had noted concerns from a number of
parishioners regarding the grass cutting on the village greens. The grounds maintenance
contract has now expired with CGM Landscapes, and the last cut of the year undertaken.
The Council has already gone to tender and received quotations from other contractors.
These quotations will be considered, and a contractor approved at the November meeting
for 2024.
The Parish Council is aware that parking in the village is an extensive problem,
particularly during the summer months and has attempted to encourage visitors to the
village to make use of the village hall car park. However, many vehicles do park on the
village greens for reasons out of necessity. Given the amount of green space in the
village centre and in order to protect the greens from further damage the Council is in the
process of investigating the feasibility of installing protective matting in high traffic
areas to assist in alleviating the problem. More to follow on this.
Planning is underway for the Christmas Lights ‘Switch on’ for December 2023. A date
for the event will be agreed at the November Council meeting, so please watch this space
for more details.
The Borough Council’s Small Grants Scheme can support a range of activities by
helping to fund revenue or capital costs. Organisations that are eligible to apply include
charities, faith organisations social enterprises and voluntary/community groups.
The scheme is backed by the Norfolk Community Foundation, which supports more than
2,000 small charitable groups across Norfolk. Capital funds of up to £10,000 are
available and revenue grants of up to £2,500.
Applications close on 30 November 2023 at noon. A panel will meet early next year,
2024, to decide on the applicants to receive a grant.
Please visit the Norfolk Community Foundation website for more details on how to
Next Meeting: The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Village Hall on
13th November, 2023 at 7.30pm. Members of the public are very welcome to join the
meeting and there is an opportunity to make comments or ask questions of the Council
during the first part of the meeting.
Although time at meetings for parishioners to speak is limited we would encourage
anyone who has any concerns to either write/email/phone the Parish Council or speak to
a Parish Councillor, so that these items may be included on a future agenda (as the
Council can only make decisions on agenda items).

Shop window

07766223438 or email
[email protected]

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The Dabbling Duck

Landlords Electrical Testing
Electrical Upgrades Breakfast 8.00am - 10am
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For your free estimate please call Adam Prime on
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Evening 5.30pm - 9pm
07765 786709 Sunday Midday - 8.00pm
[email protected] Pizza and Street Food
In the Barn, Garden or as
Takeaway on
Fridays and Saturdays
AND GARDEN For more information visit
Contact Su’en Miller
Parsley Barn,
Tel: 01485 520 988 Weasenham Rd, THE DABBLING DUCK
Mob: 07968 246 083 Great Massingham,
Email:[email protected]
11 Abbey Rd, Great Massingham.
King’s Lynn,
Or book via www.airbnb.co.uk PE32 2EY 01485 520 827

32 Walcups Lane, Great Massingham, PE32 2HR

Email: [email protected]

Mallard News
School News - September and October
School returned on the 6th September. Everyone has made a
good start and shown real enthusiasm to take their studies
seriously. The existing children in Key Stage 1 welcomed the
new Reception children with open arms and helped make
their transition such a positive one. The Reception children
have enjoyed finding their feet, along with their new
classmates, through practical experiences, child initiated play,
music and stories.
One of the activities for the infants in October was looking
for heroes in nature and observing the seasonal changes
around us. They spent time closely studying different leaves
and their spectacular colours as well as feathers, conkers and
more. (see picture top right)
In the juniors, year 5 and 6 launched into space week learning
about the phases of the moon using Nero biscuits and cream
to demonstrate their knowledge! (see picture right.) They
investigated why the moon has craters. Also, with links to
Black History Month, the children watched an inspirational
interview with Maggie Aderin-Pocock and heard how her determination to be a scientist
meant nothing would stop her from fulfilling her dream.
Children from years 4, 5 and 6 had a fantastic day at the Wisbech Grammar School
Hockey Festival on Friday 6th October. They were very active and learnt many different
hockey skills as they moved around to different activities.
At the end of the day, our two teams each played a
game against another school. We were very proud
of their sportsmanship and their response to the
professional coaches’ instructions. Congratulations
to both teams who played really well. Finley,
Freddie, Theo and Teddy scored goals and this
resulted in our two teams being
presented with trophies, after eating hot dogs, of
course! Smiles and lots of happy faces!
(see pictures left)
We would like to extend a thank you to Archie
Ward who volunteered his time to help out.
The whole school took part in their Harvest
Festival at St Mary’s Church, on the 12th October.
They presented a lovely service.
The picture right shows Reception and Key stage
one children singing their own seasonal song
Years 3 & 4 recited a rap and years 5 & 6 gave us
some interesting facts about food. Donations were
also made for the Village Food Bank.
The event was well attended by parents and we
really appreciate your support. Thank you also for
your donations. From the School Team
Mallard News
A ‘fun’ time was had by all
when Grays Fun Fair visited
the village at the beginning of
They very kindly made a
donation of £250 to the Parish
Council, which will be used
towards the upkeep of the
We look forward to them
returning next October.
(Pictures supplied by Peter James)

Mallard News
for much more information and to book
www.westacretheatre.com or TEL: 01760 755 007
Westacre Theatre presents
A Night at the Speakeasy A fundraising event for Westacre Arts Foundation, with live
music, maybe a little roulette and other secrets...shhhh!
Friday 4 November from 7pm Tickets £25 each
Indigo Moon Theatre present
The Lost Forest Magical adventures with puppets for age 5+
Sunday 5 November 12pm Tickets Adults £12 Under 16s £10 & under 10s £7
Creative Workshops at Westacre Theatre
Life Writing Workshop Join writer Camilla Balshaw as you unlock the story of your
life in a friendly group environment.
Tuesday 7 November 10am - 12:30pm £35 per person
Screening in the studio: The Cary Grant Season
North by Northwest.
Wednesday 8 November 2pm Tickets £12
Westacre Theatre Company present
Weekend Breaks by John Godber & Directed by Matt Grist Godber successfully
combines biting humour with genuine poignancy in this though-provoking comment on
age, communication and life in general.
November 9th, 10th, 11th, 17th at 7:30pm and 18th at 3pm & 7:30pm Tickets £16
& under 16s £10
Creative Workshops at Westacre Theatre
Writing for Radio Discover the magic of writing for radio with award-winning
playwright an author Christopher William Hill.
Saturday 11th & Sunday 12th November 10am - 4pm £125 for the 2 days.
Screening in the studio:
ENO The Pirates of Penzance (filmed live in 2017) Directed by Mike Leigh
Sunday 12th November 2pm Tickets £14
Whiting's on the Wall presents
Horse Play The true story of Sprowston Boy; athlete, companion and…well…horse.
Thursday 16 November 7:30pm Tickets adults £15 under 16s £10 A one hour
shadow puppet workshop at 1pm for £8


On Saturday 7 October the film of some of the Old Time Music Hall acts brought back
many happy memories from thirty years ago. The evening was filled with laughter as we
watched Malcolm sword swallowing, Sue upside down in a freezer, Bobby being decapi-
tated and Paul having a poo on stage, not to mention Jill fighting a crocodile and the
Massingham Muck Spreader spreading hilarity far and wide.
You weren’t there? You don’t know what you’ve missed! But have no fear we are
already planning another one.
Oh, and by the way, you can order a dvd of the show for only £5.00 from me by phone
on 520307, or 07765946668 or even knock on my door with a £5 note in your hand.
Besides all the fun we also raised £215 for the Village Hall. Andrew Bickerton

Shop window

Behind every independent business

is a family that cares
King’s Lynn 01553 771 399 Swaffham 01760 721 305
Dersingham 01485 598 598

Plumbing & Heating NORFOLK
Gutters cleared, repaired and replaced.
LOCAL, RELIABLE & FRIENDLY BUSINESS No job too small. Free quotes. Fully insured.
For all your plumbing needs from dripping taps & Local, friendly and reliable service.
leaking toilets to full bathroom & heating installations. Contact Neill
A.T. Norfolk Plumbing & Heating Call 01485 572 002 or 07856 568 433
Call 01485 518 648 or 0773 333 5845 or email: [email protected]
Follow us on facebook

JJs Flowers
Funeral Tributes,
Weddings, Bouquets
Miss Julie Morters JJs flowers
01485 609 125 or @ JJs FlowersJulieMorters
07884 238 438
[email protected]
The Birches, St Andrews Lane, Congham, PE32 1DY

Message for Parishioners from Rev’d Sue Martin

Dear Friends,
November is a month I really like, not certain why, but I love the brilliant
colours of the autumn and the stunning sunsets and… it’s not long until
Christmas! But there is a lot to do before then. We have been planning the Carol
Services and other Christmas events at the church and other places. So do join us when
you can there are more details in this magazine and next months.
As our Vicar, Rev’d Judith Pollard retired in July we are working hard to ensure that all
our normal services are met and to help where we can for baptisms, weddings and fu-
nerals. Each of our parishes has a churchwarden and they are the first people to
contact. There is a team of people who are working with the Archdeacon of Lynn in
seeking a new vicar, which may take a little while.
Our schools have joined us in wonderful harvest celebrations in our churches and at
schools. Donations have been enormous for food for the local food banks, and I thank
all of you who have helped with these in anyway. It’s so good to see our churches
packed with song and prayer with every seat taken and standing room only!
November is the time for our Remembrance Services, always well supported and so
important to remember those who have given their lives, or returned with devastating
injuries, in service for our freedom. There remains so much conflict in our world and, as
I write, I fear and am concerned about the people in Gaza and Ukraine.
At the end of November, we start the new Christian year with our season of Advent,
time to spend together and look after those who are alone. Advent is about the coming
of Jesus into the world, a time of hope and promise for us all. As we start to prepare for
our own Christmas let Jesus into our hearts and feel the promise that he gives to us all.
Amen. Rev’d Sue Martin

Friends of St Andrew’s Church Little Massingham

‘Let’s Give a Quilt Hug’ launch takes place on
Saturday 4th November between 10.00 am - 1.30 pm at
Little Massingham Church.
Come to see the first completed quilts plus more being made!
There also will be a chance to buy one or two craft items!
The Friends of St Andrew’s Church Little Massingham -
FOSALM - and Quilts 4 Care Leavers have joined forces to
organise the stitching together of a Giant Quilt ‘HUG’ that
will be large enough to wrap around the church!
FOSALM have been raising vital funds to help restore the church roof after thieves stole
the lead. It is hoped this project will greatly boost those funds but will also help young
adults who have been brought up in care. ‘Quilts 4 Care Leavers’ provide quilted hugs
for these young adults who are leaving the care system and taking their first steps to-
wards independent living.
This Giant HUG, made up from around 50 quilts will wrap around the church highlight-
ing the need to raise money for the repairs. At the end of the project the quilts will be
given to those leaving care.
When possible, the aim is to make the quilts from recycled cotton fabric. Volunteers are
already helping, but more are needed. Can you help make this project a success by sew-
ing a few blocks or perhaps donate and sponsor a quilt section?
More details of how you can help at https://fosalm.org

Church Services November 2023
Date Time Service Location
Wednesday 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
1st November
Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
5th November 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
10.30 am Songs of Praise Little Massingham
10.30 am Morning Praise Grimston
Armistice Day
Saturday 11th 10.45 am Remembrance Service Ashwicken
Remembrance 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
Sunday 10.00 am Remembrance Service Great Massingham
12th November 10.30 am Remembrance Service Little Massingham
10.45 am Remembrance Service Grimston
10.45 am Remembrance Service Gayton
10.45 am Remembrance Service Harpley
4.30 pm Dedication Service Congham

Wednesday 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston

15th November
Sunday 9.30 am Sung Eucharist Harpley
19th November 10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Holy Communion Great Massingham

Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion East Walton

26th November 10.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Family Service Great Massingham
3.00 pm Celtic Service Gayton Thorpe

Advent Sunday 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon

Sunday 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
3rd December 10.30 am Advent Carol Service Little Massingham
10.30 am Morning Praise Grimston

For more news and alterations to services please visit our benefice website at

Advent Course 2023 REMEMBRANCE

We will be holding an Advent Study Course, SUNDAY
beginning on Thursday 30th November then 7th, On Sunday 12th Novem-
14th, and 21st December at the home of Dickie ber there will be a 10am
and Rosemarie Bowers Orchard house, Lynn service at St Mary’s Great
Road Grimston. Further details will be in next Massingham followed by
month’s magazine. 10.30an at Little Massingham.
Shop window
Boarding for dogs in the comfort of our Weasenham Road, Great Massingham
home Self-catering accommodation
Your dogs will be treated as one of the family for Sleeps 2. Weekly or short breaks available,
the duration of their stay. Daily minimum 3 nights. Parking & dog friendly.
walks & spacious grounds for your Contact Christine Riches
dog to play in. Tel:01485/520216, Mob: 0779 206 8143
Love and cuddles guaranteed! Email: [email protected]
The Paddocks, Station Road, website: www.christines-norfolk-cottages.co.uk

FIRING Heath Farm Shop

Family run business
selling quality &

bespoke meat and
produce, from our own
farm & local Suppliers
Heath farm Shop, Lynn Lane,
Great Massingham, Norfolk, PE32 2HJ
WOODBURNERS 01485 520 828
Open 9 - 5, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Comprehensive stock to view at our 9 - 6 Thursday and 9 - 1 Saturday
showroom on
The West Raynham Business Park.
01328 838 665
e-mail: [email protected]

Great Massingham
Village Hall and Bar
Opening Hours
Wednesday to Friday - 7pm to 11pm
Saturday 3.45pm to 11pm High quality fitted and free-standing
Sunday 12 noon to 6.30 pm furniture. Individually designed,
With some flexibility for special events
and occasions. All Welcome.
personally installed by experts from
Memberships Excellent facilities.
due from the Good beer, wines and our Great Massingham workshops.
1 April. spirits at competitive www.tenacityinteriors.com
The fee is £12.50 prices. Outdoor
per person for drinking area.
all adults over WiFi, Pool Table & CALL TODAY
eighteen. Sky on large screen. 01485 521888
Please come along and support.
Shop window Useful Numbers
Organisation Contact Phone No.
Allotment Association Daisy Robinson 07979 723 288
Biodiversity Project Tim Baldwin 520 813
Borough Council Alistair Beales By email only
Bell Ringing Dale Gagen 520 024
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Stephen Hudson 520 450
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Dabbling Duck Pub Mark Dobby 520 827
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521
The Film Night Arthur Allen 520 628
Fishing Warden Paul Smith PC Clerk 01328 823391
Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae & Rita Gostling 520 259 & 520 730
Massingham Historical Society Jeanne Robinson 520 455
Neighbourhood Plan Jess Cunningham 520 056
Parish Council Peter James (Chair) & Sarah Harvey (Clerk) Clerk 01328 823391
Pre-School Pip Grange 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Kirsten Stibbon 520 362
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Steven Gould 07557 357415
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Debs Lambert 520 588
Village Stores and Deli Mark and Kerry Eldridge 520 272

Justin Anderson
General Gardening and Pest Control
For any enquiries please contact Justin on:
Mobile: 07879 087497
Email: [email protected]

Would you like to advertise your

business in this space?
To advertise your business or trade for
only £55 or £110 per annum, please
contact us using by email
[email protected]
or 013285 823391

The evenings may be drawing in, and ponies growing their winter coats, but there are no
signs of slowing down at the Magpie Centre, home of West Norfolk Riding for the
Disabled Association, based at Wallington Hall, South Runcton, PE33 0EP.
On Saturday November 25th, we shall be holding a Quiz Night with Hog Roast
Supper (plus vegetarian option) at Stowbridge Village Hall, Downham Road, Stow-
bridge, PE34 3PW. The meal includes a huge range of salads and home-made desserts.
Dare I say ‘All You Can Eat’? Doors open at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start. Bring your
own drinks. Teams of 4 – 8 people are usual, but singles and couples are welcome to
make up teams on the night. To book tickets, £12.50 each, call: 07715 467866 or
email: [email protected]. All proceeds go to the Magpie Centre.
And finally, a note to readers who are responsible for booking speakers for their local
friendship groups. If your group would like to know a bit more about Riding for the
Disabled in general and the Magpie Centre in particular, we have speakers who would
be happy to come along, in exchange for a small donation to Magpie Centre funds. Just
call the Centre on 01553 810202 to be put in touch with a local speaker.

Please see our advert left about the

URGENT need for
Community Cars drivers.
IF YOU DRIVE A CAR AND There is a real driver shortage!
If you are interested in volunteering for
CAN SPARE A LITTLE the scheme, please get in touch.
TIME…… Neil Steed 07854114635 or
[email protected]


24th November & 22nd December 2023
Outside 59 Station Rd 1.35 to 2.15 pm
Please call us Outside the Church 2.20 to 2.40 pm
01485 520823 Weasenham Rd—2.45 to 2.55 pm

Some November 2023 ‘Dates at a Glance’

Date Event Time Place
2 Nov Film Night (Members Only) 7 for 7.30pm Village Hall
3 Nov BINGO 7 for 7.30pm Village Hall
7 Nov BINGO (in aid of Tapping House) 7 for 7.30pm Village Hall
13/27 Nov Craft & Chat 2pm to 4pm Village Hall Bar
13 Nov Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Village Hall
16 Nov Film Night 7 for 7.30pm Village Hall
17 Nov Historical Society 7.30pm Village Hall
23 Nov Quiz Night 7.30 pm Village Hall Bar
25 Nov Fire Service Music Quiz TBC Village Hall Bar
28 Nov Community Lunch 12.30 for 1pm Village Hall Bar

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