Final Financial Statements AIF - 10.30.2020
Final Financial Statements AIF - 10.30.2020
Final Financial Statements AIF - 10.30.2020
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial
statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United
States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal
control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are
free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors’ Responsibility
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditors’
judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor
considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of
the entity's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also
includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of The American India Foundation as of March 31, 2020 and 2019, and the
changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with
accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.
Emphasis of Matter
As discussed in Note 11 to the financial statements, in March 2020, the United States declared
the global pandemic novel coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak a national emergency. As a result,
The American India Foundation has suspended or adapted some of its activities at the direction
of state and local governmental authorities. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this
2020 2019
Cash and cash equivalents (Notes 1b and 4) $2,157,844 $1,888,475
Investments (Notes 1d, 1e and 5) 6,187,339 4,879,932
Unconditional promises to give (Notes 1c and 6) 1,257,750 1,908,885
Advance to AIFT (Note 1a) - 88,593
Prepaid expenses and other assets 266,057 336,269
Property and equipment, net of accumulated
depreciation (Notes 1f and 7) 22,738 17,674
Net Assets
Without Donor Restrictions 4,708,515 3,455,876
With Donor Restrictions
Time and purpose restrictions (Note 3a) 3,562,582 3,991,680
Perpetual in nature (Note 3b) 600,000 600,000
Total With Donor Restrictions 4,162,582 4,591,680
Total Net Assets 8,871,097 8,047,556
2020 2019
With Donor Restrictions With Donor Restrictions
Without Time and Without Time and
Donor Purpose Perpetual Donor Purpose Perpetual
Restrictions Restrictions in Nature Total Restrictions Restrictions in Nature Total
Total Support and Revenue 8,739,279 (429,098) - 8,310,181 7,539,471 (656,401) - 6,883,070
Program Services 6,041,867 - - 6,041,867 4,664,475 - - 4,664,475
Supporting Services
Management and general 490,814 - - 490,814 419,339 - - 419,339
Fundraising 953,959 - - 953,959 747,753 - - 747,753
Total Supporting Services 1,444,773 - - 1,444,773 1,167,092 - - 1,167,092
Increase (decrease) in net assets 1,252,639 (429,098) - 823,541 1,707,904 (656,401) - 1,051,503
Net assets, beginning of year 3,455,876 3,991,680 600,000 8,047,556 1,747,972 4,648,081 600,000 6,996,053
Net Assets, End of Year $ 4,708,515 $ 3,562,582 $600,000 $8,871,097 $ 3,455,876 $ 3,991,680 $600,000 $8,047,556
Grants - program related - AIFT $1,044,441 $1,492,176 $ 840,628 $399,009 $194,142 $ - $3,970,396 $ - $ - $ - $3,970,396 $1,518,820
Grants - direct to non-governmental organizations 36,070 - - - - 9,000 45,070 - - - 45,070 1,055,388
Grants - Donor Advised Funds - 25,700 - - - - 25,700 - - - 25,700 88,120
Program and donor communications 37,226 53,172 29,954 14,220 6,919 - 141,491 - 44,042 44,042 185,533 60,839
Stipends - - - - 70,582 - 70,582 - - - 70,582 77,366
Salaries 174,344 171,159 160,973 163,130 212,590 190,316 1,072,512 174,164 189,228 363,392 1,435,904 1,378,790
Payroll taxes and fringe benefits 58,097 57,160 49,664 52,475 60,908 71,216 349,520 58,699 56,597 115,296 464,816 409,533
Occupancy 26,864 26,431 22,965 24,265 28,757 32,930 162,212 28,165 94,845 123,010 285,222 272,917
Professional fees - - - - - - - 82,788 69,261 152,049 152,049 117,188
Consulting fees 6,150 6,150 9,225 9,225 9,225 9,225 49,200 10,700 127,560 138,260 187,460 24,978
Telephone and internet 1,910 1,879 1,633 1,725 2,211 2,342 11,700 6,470 11,667 18,137 29,837 29,302
Office supplies and related expenses 1,435 - - - 19,804 - 21,239 5,310 27,302 32,612 53,851 61,203
Repairs and maintenance 2,312 2,275 1,977 2,089 2,424 2,835 13,912 2,425 2,312 4,737 18,649 20,500
Travel, entertainment and lodging 645 800 552 583 57,344 791 60,715 676 19,814 20,490 81,205 67,373
Cultivation, digital and Young Professional events 2,018 2,018 3,027 3,027 3,027 3,027 16,144 2,015 61,430 63,445 79,589 151,310
Total Expenses $1,397,335 $1,841,380 $1,122,734 $672,006 $683,666 $ 324,746 $6,041,867 $ 490,814 $ 953,959 $1,444,773 $7,486,640 $5,831,567
Grants - program related - AIFT $136,398 $190,989 $336,337 $502,375 $352,721 $ - $1,518,820 $ - $ - $ - $1,518,820
Grants - direct to non-governmental organizations 315,348 352,681 387,359 - - - 1,055,388 - - - 1,055,388
Grants - Donor Advised Funds 29,222 58,898 - - - - 88,120 - - - 88,120
Donor communications - - - - - - - - 60,839 60,839 60,839
Specific programs related expenses - - - - 77,366 - 77,366 - - - 77,366
Salaries 179,874 151,803 152,261 159,544 207,011 190,690 1,041,183 163,707 173,900 337,607 1,378,790
Payroll taxes and fringe benefits 52,140 47,142 43,329 45,975 59,931 54,688 303,205 44,564 61,764 106,328 409,533
Occupancy 27,073 22,723 22,859 23,953 31,457 87,261 215,326 25,045 32,546 57,591 272,917
Professional fees - - - - - - - 95,906 21,282 117,188 117,188
Consulting fees 2,261 1,898 1,909 2,001 4,346 2,239 14,654 2,093 8,231 10,324 24,978
Telephone and internet 2,501 2,099 2,112 2,213 4,163 2,477 15,565 2,315 11,422 13,737 29,302
Office supplies and related expenses 2,133 1,240 1,247 1,307 22,912 2,313 31,152 1,364 28,687 30,051 61,203
Repairs and maintenance 2,618 2,198 2,211 2,317 3,006 2,593 14,943 2,422 3,135 5,557 20,500
Travel, entertainment and lodging 227 151 227 227 48,911 2,948 52,691 2,663 12,019 14,682 67,373
Cultivation, digital and Young Professional events 6,420 4,280 6,420 6,420 6,420 114,930 144,890 2,140 4,280 6,420 151,310
Total Expenses $763,610 $842,761 $962,515 $756,656 $829,146 $ 509,787 $4,664,475 $ 419,339 $ 747,753 $1,167,092 $5,831,567
2020 2019
a - Organization
The American India Foundation (“AIF” or the “Organization”) is a not-for-profit
organization formed to provide financial, technological, and managerial resources
toward helping the people of India realize their full potential and strengthening the
bonds between the United States of America and India.
Grants to the Trust from AIF, to support program related expenses, totaled
$3,970,396 and $1,518,820 for the years ended March 31, 2020 and 2019,
respectively (see Note 8). The outstanding advance to the Trust was $88,593 at
March 31, 2019. In addition, $45,070 and $1,055,388 was awarded to non-
governmental organizations during the years ended March 31, 2020 and 2019,
AIF received 13% of its contributions from one donor during the year ended March
31, 2019.
Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets and liabilities are
referred to as Level 1 inputs. Inputs other than quoted market prices that are
observable, either directly or indirectly and reasonably available are referred to as
Level 2 inputs. Observable inputs reflect the assumptions market participants would
use in pricing the asset or liability and are developed based on market data
obtained from sources independent of the Organization. Unobservable inputs reflect
the assumptions developed based on available information about what market
participants would use in valuing the asset or liability and are referred to as Level 3
An asset or liability’s level within the fair value hierarchy is based on the lowest
level of any input that is significant to the fair value measurement. Availability of
observable inputs can vary and is affected by a variety of factors. The investment
managers use judgment in determining fair value of assets and liabilities. Level 3
assets and liabilities involve greater judgment than Level 1 or Level 2 assets or
All of the Organization's marketable investments are classified within Level 1 (prices
in active markets for identical assets or liabilities) of the fair value hierarchy.
e - Investments
The Organization reflects its marketable investments at fair value in the statement
of financial position. Restricted stock is reflected at the appraised value at the time
of donation. Interest, dividends, and gains and losses on investments are reflected
in the statement of activities as increases and decreases in net assets without
donor restrictions, unless their use is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or by
Purchases and sales of investments reflected in the statement of cash flows are
reported net of short-term investments with maturities of three months or less.
g - Grants Awarded
Unconditional grants are recorded when awarded to the grantee organization.
i - Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect certain reported amounts and disclosures. Accordingly, actual results
could differ from those estimates.
j - Income Taxes
The American India Foundation is a not-for-profit organization exempt from federal
income taxes under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and has been
designated as an organization which is not a private foundation.
k - Subsequent Events
The Organization has evaluated subsequent events through October 22, 2020, the
date that the financial statements are considered available to be issued.
The Organization operates with a balanced budget for each fiscal year based on the
revenues expected to be available to fund anticipated expenses. A substantial portion
of annual revenue is comprised of contribution revenue raised during the current year,
and revenue from other sources earned during the year. The Organization considers
general expenditures to consist of all expenses related to its ongoing program activities,
and the expenses related to general and administrative and fundraising activities
undertaken to support those services.
The Organization regularly monitors liquidity to meet its operating needs and other
commitments and obligations, while seeking to maximize the investment of its available
funds. Management prepares regular cash flow projections to determine liquidity needs,
and has a policy to maintain liquid financial assets on an ongoing basis sufficient to
cover ninety days of general expenditures. Financial assets in excess of daily cash
requirements are invested in money market funds and certificates of deposit.
The Organization’s financial assets as of March 31, 2020 and 2019 and those available
within one year to meet cash needs for general expenditures are summarized as
2020 2019
Financial Assets at Year End:
Cash and cash equivalents $2,157,844 $1,888,475
Investments 6,187,339 4,879,932
Unconditional promises to give 1,257,750 1,908,885
Total Financial Assets 9,602,933 8,677,292
Less: Amounts not Available to be Used within One Year:
Net assets with donor restrictions, subject to expenditure
for specific purposes or passage of time (3,562,582) (3,991,680)
Plus: Net assets with donor restrictions expected to be
met in less than one year 2,015,289 1,940,026
Net assets with donor restrictions for endowment, subject
to spending policy and appropriation (600,000) (600,000)
Financial Assets Available to Meet General
Expenditures within One Year $7,455,640 $6,025,638
The remaining portion of the donor-restricted endowment that is not for investment
in perpetuity is classified as endowment subject to spending policy and
appropriation until those amounts are appropriated for expenditure by the
Changes in the Organization’s endowment funds for the years ended March 31,
2020 and 2019 are summarized as follows:
Without Investment
Donor in
Restrictions Perpetuity Total
Endowment funds, beginning of year $ - $600,000 $600,000
Investment return 17,503 - 17,503
Appropriation of endowment assets
to operations (17,503) - (17,503)
Endowment Funds, End of Year $ - $600,000 $600,000
Without Investment
Donor in
Restrictions Perpetuity Total
Asset Quality
Fixed income securities - The quality rating of bonds and notes must be “A” or
better, as rated by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. The portfolio may consist of
only transitional principal and interest obligations (no derivatives) with maturities
of seven years or less.
AIF has taken a conservative view of protecting capital and has been primarily
investing in money markets, corporate bonds and FDIC insured CD’s based on the
guidelines set by the Finance Committee.
The Organization maintains cash and cash equivalent balances in financial institutions,
which, from time to time, may exceed the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation
limit and subject the Organization to concentration of credit risk.
Note 5 - Investments
Investments are reflected at the carrying value and consist of the following at March 31:
2020 2019
Carrying Carrying
Cost Value Cost Value
In fiscal year 2012, The American India Foundation received a donation of stock in a
privately held company, which is not marketable. The shares are reflected at the
appraisal value at the date of donation. Sale of this stock is subject to restrictions.
Net investment income is summarized as follows for the years ended March 31:
2020 2019
$169,599 $116,024
Without With
Donor Donor
Restrictions Restrictions Total
Without With
Donor Donor
Restrictions Restrictions Total
$ 22,738 $ 17,674
AIF awards grants to AIFT in support of its programs for Education, Livelihood and
Public Health in India. AIF also awards grants to reputable Indian non-governmental
organizations that were executing development projects in India.
Note 9 - Commitments
a - AIF leases office space in New York. The lease provides for minimum annual
payments as follows:
Rent expense for the years ended March 31, 2020 and 2019 was $202,846 and
$195,330, respectively.
b - AIF sublets part of its office space in New York. Rental income under sub-leases is
expected to be received as follows:
AIF maintains a defined contribution pension plan for all eligible employees. The
Organization contributes 6% of annual compensation after one year of service. The
total contribution to the plan for the years ended March 31 2020 and 2019 was $59,550
and $59,676, respectively.
In March 2020, the United States declared the global pandemic novel coronavirus
COVID-19 outbreak a national emergency. AIF believes that its current financial assets
are sufficient to support its operations on an ongoing basis.
In May 2020, AIF received a $326,000 Paycheck Protection Program loan having an
interest rate of 1% and a maturity of 2 years. The loan and any accrued interest can be
forgiven in its entirety if the loan proceeds are applied towards applicable payroll and
occupancy costs, as defined by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act.
AIF expects the entire loan and all accrued interest will be forgiven.