IBM I 7.1 System MGMT - Performance Ref Info

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Systems management
Performance reference information

Systems management
Performance reference information
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices,” on
page 267.

This edition applies to IBM i 7.1 (product number 5770-SS1) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until
otherwise indicated in new editions. This version does not run on all reduced instruction set computer (RISC)
models nor does it run on CISC models.
© Copyright IBM Corporation 1998, 2010.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract
with IBM Corp.
Reference information for Performance 1 Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWSTAT . . . 237
Collection Services data files . . . . . . . . . 1 Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWTDER . . . 239
Collection Services data files containing time Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWTRC . . . . 240
interval data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Data files: File abbreviations . . . . . . . . 244
Collection Services data files: Field data for CL commands for performance . . . . . . . 244
configuration database files. . . . . . . . 221 Intelligent Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Collection Services database files: Field data for Intelligent Agent concepts . . . . . . . . 247
trace database files . . . . . . . . . . 229 Developing agents. . . . . . . . . . . 250
Collection Services data files: System category Set up your agent environment . . . . . . 252
and file relationships . . . . . . . . . . 229 Managing agents . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Collection Services data files: Task type extender 231
Disk Watcher data files . . . . . . . . . . 234 Appendix. Notices . . . . . . . . . 267
Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWINTI. . . . 234 Programming Interface Information . . . . . . 268
Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWOBJR . . . 235 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWPGMR . . . 236 Terms and conditions. . . . . . . . . . . 269
Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWRUNI . . . 236

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2010 iii

iv IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information
Reference information for Performance
Additional reference materials related to performance.

Collection Services data files

You can generate database files from the collection objects maintained by Collection Services. Use this
topic to find the names, descriptions and attributes of these database files.

Performance data is a set of information about the operation of a system (or network of systems) that can
be used to understand response time and throughput. You can use performance data to make
adjustments to programs, system attributes, and operations. These adjustments can improve response
times and throughputs. Adjustments can also help you to predict the effects of certain changes to the
system, operation, or program.

Collection Services collects performance data into a management collection object (*MGTCOL). The
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command processes data from that collection object and stores
the result into performance database files.

Additional field information, such as number of bytes and buffer position, is available by using the
Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) command. For example, type the following on any command
Related information:
Collection Services
Use Collection Services to collect performance data for later analysis.
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.
Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) command
See the Display File Field Description (DSPFFD) command for information on how to display field

Collection Services data files containing time interval data

These files contain performance data that is collected each interval.

Collection Services data files: QAPMAPPN

This database file defines the fields in the Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking (APPN) data file record.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval
ANTGU Total number of transmission group (TG) updates PD(11,0)

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1998, 2010 1

Field Name Description Attribute
ATTGU Cumulative time (in milliseconds) to process the TG PD(11,0)
ANTGUM Number of TG updates that require one or more PD(11,0)
resources to be added to the topology database update
(TDU) buffer
ANRATG Number of resources added to TDU buffers due to TG PD(11,0)
update processing
ANTSTG Number of TDUs sent as a result of initially creating a PD(11,0)
TDU buffer on behalf of TG updates
ANNTTG Number of network nodes that had TDUs sent to them PD(11,0)
due to TDUs being created for TG update processing
ANNCTC Total number of node congestion transition changes PD(11,0)
ATNCTC Cumulative elapsed time for processing congestion PD(11,0)
transition changes
ATRSNC Number of times that topology routing services (TRS) PD (11,0)
entered into non-congested state
ATRSC Number of times that TRS entered into congested state PD (11,0)
ATNCS Cumulative elapsed time (in milliseconds) that the PD(11,0)
system was in non-congested state
ATCS Cumulative elapsed time (in milliseconds) that the PD (11,0)
system was in congested state
ATSCP Number of TDUs sent as a result of initially creating a PD (11,0)
TDU buffer on behalf of node congestion processing
ANTSCP Number of network nodes that had TDUs sent to them PD (11,0)
due to TDUs being created for node congestion
ANTDUP Total number of received TDUs processed by this node PD (11,0)
ATTDUP Cumulative elapsed time for processing the received PD (11,0)
ANNRTD Number of new resources received in TDUs that cause PD (11,0)
resources to be added to the TDU buffer
ANORTN Number of old resources received in TDUs that do not PD (11,0)
require a resource to be added to the TDU buffer
ANORTA Number of old resources received in TDUs that do PD (11,0)
require resources to be added to the TDU buffer
ANTSRT Number of TDUs sent as a result of initially creating a PD (11,0)
TDU buffer on behalf of processing a received TDU
ANNTST Number of network nodes that had TDUs sent to them PD (11,0)
due to TDUs being created for processing received
ACNTID Network ID of the node that received the most TDUs C (8)
within the interval
ACCPNM Control point (CP) name of the node that received the C (8)
most TDUs within the interval
ANTRFN Number of TDUs received this interval by the node that PD (11,0)
received the most TDUs in the interval

2 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ANITEP Total number of initial topology exchanges processed by PD (11,0)
this node
ATPIE Cumulative elapsed time for processing the initial PD (11,0)
ANTECT Number of times the initial topology exchange caused PD (11,0)
the complete network node topology to be sent
ANTDE Total number of entries in the entire topology database PD (11,0)
(this value is not a delta)
ANTERS Number of resources (nodes and TGs) added to the PD (11,0)
TDU buffer due to initial topology exchange
ANTETS Number of TDUs sent as a result of initial topology PD (11,0)
ANGCP Number of times that obsolete topology entries were PD (11,0)
ATGCP Cumulative elapsed time for removing the obsolete PD (11,0)
topology entries
ANTEDG Number of topology entries that were deleted PD (11,0)
ANTGC Number of TDUs that were sent when obsolete topology PD (11,0)
entries were deleted
ANNTGC Number of network nodes that had TDUs sent to them PD (11,0)
when obsolete topology entries were removed
ANRRP Total number of registration requests processed PD (11,0)
ANNLRR Total number of locations processed with the PD (11,0)
registration requests
ATPRR Cumulative elapsed time to process registration requests PD (11,0)
ANDRP Total number of deletion requests processed PD (11,0)
ANLDDR Total number of locations deleted with deletion requests PD (11,0)
ATPDR Cumulative elapsed time to process deletion requests PD (11,0)
ANCNAP Total number of requests to change network attributes PD (11,0)
ATCNA Cumulative elapsed time to process requests to change PD (11,0)
network attributes
ANDDRC Number of times the directory database was deleted and PD (11,0)
re-created due to processing the requests to change
network attributes
ANLRSC Number of location registration requests sent due to PD (11,0)
processing the requests to change network attributes
ANLDSC Number of location deletion requests sent due to PD (11,0)
processing the requests to change network attributes
ANTDRC Number of times the topology database was deleted and PD (11,0)
re-created due to processing the requests to change
network attributes
ANCART Number of times the requests to change network PD (11,0)
attributes caused a node entry resource to be added to
the TDU buffer
ANTSTC Number of TDUs sent as a result of initially creating a PD (11,0)
TDU buffer on behalf of requests to change network

Reference information for Performance 3

Field Name Description Attribute
ANNTSC Number of network nodes that had TDUs sent to them PD (11,0)
due to TDUs being created for processing requests to
change network attributes
ANDAII Number of times APPN information was displayed PD (11,0)
(DSPAPPNINF command)
ANLLUP Total number of local location list updates processed PD (11,0)
ATLLUP Cumulative elapsed time to process the local location PD (11,0)
list updates
ANLRSL Number of location registration requests sent due to PD (11,0)
local location list updates
ANLDLL Number of location deletion requests sent due to local PD (11,0)
location list updates
ANRLUP Total number of remote location list updates processed PD (11,0)
ATRLUP Cumulative elapsed time to process the remote location PD (11,0)
list updates
ANMDUP Total number of mode description updates processed by PD (11,0)
ATMDUP Cumulative elapsed time to process the mode PD (11,0)
description updates
ANCSUP Total number of class-of-service updates processed by PD (11,0)
ATCSUT Cumulative elapsed time to process the class-of-service PD (11,0)
(COS) update by TRS
ATCSUC Cumulative elapsed time to process the COS update by PD (11,0)
the CPMGR task
ANCSSA Number of contention CP-CP session setups attempted PD (11,0)
ANCSSS Number of contention CP-CP session setups successful PD (11,0)
ANRRS Total number of registration requests sent PD (11,0)
ANLRRR Total number of locations registered with registration PD (11,0)
ATSRR Cumulative elapsed time to send registration requests PD (11,0)
ANSTC Number of single-hop route requests made to TRS for PD (11,0)
contention CP session setup
ANSTCS Number of single-hop route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS) for contention CP session setup
that were successful
ATSTCS Cumulative elapsed time for processing single-hop route PD (11,0)
requests on behalf of contention CP session setups
ANARMC Number of activate-route requests made to MSCP for PD (11,0)
contention CP session setups
ANSARM Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
by MSCP for contention CP session setups
ATARMC Cumulative elapsed time for activate-route requests on PD (11,0)
behalf of contention CP session setups
ANTDSC Number of requests made to the T2 SIOM to perform PD (11,0)
device selection on behalf of contention CP session

4 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ATTDSC Cumulative elapsed time for device selection processing PD (11,0)
to complete on behalf of contention CP session setups
ANDSS Number of device selection requests that were successful PD (11,0)
on behalf of contention CP session setups
ATCCSA Cumulative elapsed time for processing contention CP PD (11,0)
session activation requests
ANLSAP Number of contention CP session activations processed PD (11,0)
ANCST Number of contention CP-CP session ends PD (11,0)
ATCST Cumulative elapsed time for processing contention PD (11,0)
CP-CP session ends
ANLST Number of contention CP-CP session ends PD (11,0)
ATLST Cumulative elapsed time for processing contention PD (11,0)
CP-CP session ends
ANCWSA Number of winning CP-CP sessions currently active PD (11,0)
(this is not a delta)
ANCLSA Number of losing CP-CP sessions currently active (this PD (11,0)
is not a delta)
ANCDRR Number of data-received requests processed (CP PD (11,0)
ANCBDR Number of bytes of data received (CP capabilities) PD (11,0)
ATCDRR Cumulative elapsed time for processing the PD (11,0)
data-received requests (CP capabilities)
ANCSDR Number of send-data requests processed (CP PD (11,0)
ANCBDS Number of bytes of data sent through the send-data PD (11,0)
requests (CP capabilities)
ATCSDR Cumulative elapsed time for processing the send-data PD (11,0)
requests (CP capabilities)
ANTDRR Number of data-received requests processed (topology PD (11,0)
database update)
ANTBDR Number of bytes of data received (topology database PD (11,0)
ATTDRR Cumulative elapsed time for processing the PD (11,0)
data-received requests (topology database update)
ANTSDR Number of send-data requests processed (topology PD (11,0)
database update)
ANTBDS Number of bytes of data sent through the send-data PD (11,0)
requests (topology database update)
ATTSDR Cumulative elapsed time for processing the send-data PD (11,0)
requests (topology database update)
ANDDRR Number of data-received requests processed (directory PD (11,0)
ANDBDR Number of bytes of data received (directory search) PD (11,0)
ATDDRR Cumulative elapsed time for processing the PD (11,0)
data-received requests (directory search)
ANDSDR Number of send-data requests processed (directory PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 5

Field Name Description Attribute
ANDBDS Number of bytes of data sent by send-data requests PD (11,0)
(directory search)
ATDSDR Cumulative elapsed time for processing send-data PD (11,0)
requests (directory search)
ANRDRR Number of data-received requests processed PD (11,0)
ANRBDR Number of bytes of data received (registration/deletion) PD (11,0)
ATRDRR Cumulative elapsed time for processing data-received PD (11,0)
requests (registration/deletion)
ANRSDR Number of send-data requests processed PD (11,0)
ANRBDS Number of bytes of data sent through send-data PD (11,0)
requests (registration/deletion)
ATRSDR Cumulative elapsed time for processing send-data PD (11,0)
requests (registration/deletion)
Local system initiated sessions
ANWAP1 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP1 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS1 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ASSSA1 Number of session setup attempts satisfied through an PD (11,0)
existing APPN session
AASNA1 Number of APPC session requests satisfied by using PD (11,0)
non-APPN device descriptions
ASPAC1 Number of session setup requests that require APPN PD (11,0)
control point services for directory, route selection, and
device selection processing
ASPSP1 Number of session setup requests that are placed in PD (11,0)
pending due to another session setup being in progress
for the same local location, remote location, and mode
ASLNS1 Number of searches that the local end node satisfied PD (11,0)
locally (that is, without sending a search to its network
node (NN) server)
AS1HS1 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the end PD (11,0)
node (EN)
A1HSS1 Number of searches satisfied by the end node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ASSBN1 Number of searches satisfied by sending a bind directly PD (11,0)
to an attached network node server (because the end
node has no CP-CP session to a server)
ASFNS1 Number of searches that failed because of no network PD (11,0)
services being available for the local end node
ATILP1 Cumulative elapsed time required for the locate phase PD (11,0)
initiated by the end node to complete
ANSSL1 Number of searches satisfied locally (using the topology PD (11,0)
database or the directory services (DS) database and
finding an entry for an end node that does not support
CP sessions)

6 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ANIHS1 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS11 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDSS1 Number of directed searches sent PD (11,0)
ASSDS1 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending PD (11,0)
directed searches
ATDSR1 Cumulative elapsed time for directed search responses PD (11,0)
to be received
ANDBE1 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB1 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB1 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD1 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB1 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
ANBSE1 Number of broadcast searches that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNBS1 Number of adjacent nodes that these broadcast searches PD (11,0)
have been sent to
ATRBS1 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on broadcast searches
ATLRB1 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on broadcast searches
ANSBS1 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
broadcast search
ATSPR1 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing on the local node until a positive response
has been returned to the local user
ATSPC1 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing until the local directory services task has
completed all processing for the request. This
measurement takes into account the time required to
process domain broadcast or broadcast search responses
even though a positive response has already been sent
back to the local user
AN1HT1 Number of single-hop route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS)
AS1HT1 Number of single-hop route requests made to TRS that PD (11,0)
were successful
AT1HC1 Cumulative elapsed time for processing single-hop route PD (11,0)
ANRRT1 Number of request-route requests made to TRS PD (11,0)
ASRRT1 Number of request-route requests made to TRS that PD (11,0)
were successful
ATRRT1 Cumulative elapsed time for processing request-route PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 7

Field Name Description Attribute
AARRM1 Number of activate-route requests made to machine PD (11,0)
services control point (MSCP)
AARCV1 Number of activate-route requests that require a PD (11,0)
controller description to be automatically created and/or
varied on by the system
ATRCV1 Cumulative elapsed time for automatic creation and/or PD (11,0)
vary on of the controller to be processed
ASARR1 Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
ATARP1 Cumulative elapsed time for processing activate-route PD (11,0)
requests by MSCP
ARDS1 Number of requests made to the T2 SIOM to perform PD (11,0)
device selection
ATDS1 Cumulative elapsed time for device selection processing PD (11,0)
to complete
ADSS1 Number of device selection requests that were successful PD (11,0)
Receiver of search requests as an end node
ANWAP2 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP2 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS2 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
Network node performing search requests on behalf of an end node
ANWAP3 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP3 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS3 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ANSSL3 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS3 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS13 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDSS3 Number of directed searches sent PD (11,0)
ASSDS3 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending PD (11,0)
directed searches
ATDSR3 Cumulative elapsed time for directed search responses PD (11,0)
to be received
ANDBE3 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB3 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB3 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts

8 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ATLRD3 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB3 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
ANBSE3 Number of broadcast searches that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNBS3 Number of adjacent nodes that these broadcast searches PD (11,0)
have been sent to
ATRBS3 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on broadcast searches
ATLRB3 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on broadcast searches
ANSBS3 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
broadcast search
ATSPR3 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing on the local node until a response has been
returned to the local user or remote system that initiated
the search process on the local system
ATSPC3 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing until the local directory services task has
completed all processing for the request. This
measurement takes into account the time required to
process domain broadcast or broadcast search responses
even though a positive response has already been sent
back to the local user or remote system that initiated a
ANRRT3 Number of request-route requests made to TRS PD (11,0)
ASRRT3 Number of request-route requests made to TRS that PD (11,0)
were successful
ATRRT3 Cumulative elapsed time for processing request-route PD (11,0)
Intermediate node on a directed search request
ANWAP4 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP4 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS4 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
Network node that is the destination node of a directed search request
ANWAP5 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP5 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS5 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ANSSL5 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS5 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 9

Field Name Description Attribute
ANSS15 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDBE5 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB5 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB5 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD5 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB5 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
Network node processing a received-broadcast-search request
ANWAP6 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP6 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS6 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ANSSL6 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS6 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS16 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDBE6 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB6 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB6 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD6 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB6 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
Network node processing a received-search request from a node in a non-System i® network
ANWAP7 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP7 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS7 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ANSSL7 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS7 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS17 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests

10 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ANDSS7 Number of directed searches sent PD (11,0)
ASSDS7 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending PD (11,0)
directed searches
ATDSR7 Cumulative elapsed time for directed search responses PD (11,0)
to be used
ANDBE7 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB7 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB7 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD7 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB7 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
ANBSE7 Number of broadcast searches that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNBS7 Number of adjacent nodes that these broadcast searches PD (11,0)
have been sent to
ATRBS7 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on broadcast searches
ATLRB7 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on broadcast searches
ANSBS7 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
broadcast search
ATSPR7 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing on the local node until a response has been
returned to the remote system that initiated the search
process on the local system
ATSPC7 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing until the local directory services task has
completed all processing for the request. This
measurement takes into account the time required to
process domain broadcast or broadcast search responses
even though a positive response has already been sent
back to the remote system that initiated a search
ANRRT7 Number of request-route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS)
ASRRT7 Number of request-route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS) that were successful
ATRRT7 Cumulative elapsed time for processing request-route PD (11,0)
Network node processing a received-bind request from a node in the System i network without routing information
ANWAP8 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP8 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS8 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result

Reference information for Performance 11

Field Name Description Attribute
ASPSP8 Number of session setup requests that are placed in PD (11,0)
pending status due to another session setup being in
progress for the same local location, remote location,
and mode
ANSSL8 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS8 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS18 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDSS8 Number of directed searches sent PD (11,0)
ASSDS8 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending PD (11,0)
directed searches
ATDSR8 Cumulative elapsed time for directed search responses PD (11,0)
to be used
ANDBE8 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB8 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB8 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD8 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB8 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast
ANBSE8 Number of broadcast searches that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNBS8 Number of adjacent nodes that these broadcast searches PD (11,0)
have been sent to
ATRBS8 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on broadcast searches
ATLRB8 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on broadcast searches
ANSBS8 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
broadcast search
ATSPR8 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing on the local node until a response has been
returned to the local system to allow the bind
processing to continue
ATSPC8 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing until the local directory services task has
completed all processing for the request. This
measurement takes into account the time required to
process domain broadcast or broadcast search responses
even though a positive response has already been sent
back to the local system to allow the bind processing to
ANRRT8 Number of request-route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS)

12 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ASRRT8 Number of request-route requests made to TRS that PD (11,0)
were successful
ATRRT8 Cumulative elapsed time for processing request-route PD (11,0)
AARRM8 Number of activate-route requests made to machine PD (11,0)
services control point (MSCP)
AARCV8 Number of activate-route requests that require a PD (11,0)
controller description to be automatically created and/or
varied on by the system
ATRCV8 Cumulative elapsed time for automatic creation and/or PD (11,0)
vary on of the controller to be processed
ASARR8 Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
ATARP8 Cumulative elapsed time for processing activate-route PD (11,0)
requests by MSCP
Network node processing a received-bind request from a node in a non-System i network without routing
ANWAP9 Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAP9 Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWAS9 Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ASPSP9 Number of session setup requests that are placed in PD (11,0)
pending status due to another session setup being in
progress for the same local location, remote location,
and mode
ANSSL9 Number of searches satisfied locally (by referring to the PD (11,0)
topology database or by using the directory services
database and finding an entry for an end node that does
not support control point sessions)
ANIHS9 Number of one-hop search requests sent by the network PD (11,0)
ANSS19 Number of searches satisfied by the network node by PD (11,0)
sending one-hop search requests
ANDSS9 Number of directed searches sent PD (11,0)
ASSDS9 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending PD (11,0)
directed searches
ATDSR9 Cumulative elapsed time for directed search responses PD (11,0)
to be received
ANDBE9 Number of domain broadcasts that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNDB9 Number of nodes that these domain broadcasts have PD (11,0)
been sent to
ATRDB9 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on domain broadcasts
ATLRD9 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on domain broadcasts
ASSDB9 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
domain broadcast

Reference information for Performance 13

Field Name Description Attribute
ANBSE9 Number of broadcast searches that have been run PD (11,0)
ANNBS9 Number of adjacent nodes that these broadcast searches PD (11,0)
have been sent to
ATRBS9 Cumulative elapsed time for the first positive response PD (11,0)
to be returned on broadcast searches
ATLRB9 Cumulative elapsed time for the last response to be PD (11,0)
returned on broadcast searches
ANSBS9 Number of searches that were satisfied by sending a PD (11,0)
broadcast search
ATSPR9 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing on the local node until a response has been
returned to the local system to allow bind processing to
ATSPC9 Cumulative elapsed time from the start of search PD (11,0)
processing until the local directory services task has
completed all processing for the request. This
measurement takes into account the time required to
process domain broadcast or broadcast search responses
even though a positive response has already been sent
back to the local system to allow bind processing to
ANRRT9 Number of request-route requests made to topology PD (11,0)
routing services (TRS)
ASRRT9 Number of request-route requests made to TRS that PD (11,0)
were successful
ATRRT9 Cumulative elapsed time for processing request-route PD (11,0)
AARRM9 Number of activate-route requests made to machine PD (11,0)
services control point (MSCP)
AARCV9 Number of activate-route requests that require a PD (11,0)
controller description to be automatically created and/or
varied on by the system
ATRCV9 Cumulative elapsed time for automatic creation and/or PD (11,0)
vary on of the controller to be processed
ASARR9 Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
ATARP9 Cumulative elapsed time for processing activate-route PD (11,0)
requests by MSCP
Network node processing a received-bind request from a node in the System i network with routing information
ANWAPA Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAPA Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWASA Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ASPSPA Number of session setup requests that are placed in PD (11,0)
pending status due to another session setup being in
progress for the same local location, remote location,
and mode triplet
AARRMA Number of activate-route requests made to machine PD (11,0)
services control point (MSCP)

14 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
AARCVA Number of activate-route requests that require a PD (11,0)
controller description to be automatically created and/or
varied on by the system
ATRCVA Cumulative elapsed time for automatic creation and/or PD (11,0)
vary on of the controller to be processed
ASARRA Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
ATARPA Cumulative elapsed time for processing activate-route PD (11,0)
requests by MSCP
Network node processing a received-bind request from a node in a non-System i network with routing information
ANWAPB Total number of work activities of this type processed PD (11,0)
ATWAPB Cumulative elapsed time to complete work activities of PD (11,0)
this type
ATWASB Total number of work activities of this type that yielded PD (11,0)
a successful result
ASPSPB Number of session setup requests that are placed in PD (11,0)
pending status due to another session setup being in
progress for the same local location, remote location,
and mode triplet
AARRMB Number of activate-route requests made to machine PD (11,0)
services control point (MSCP)
AARCVB Number of activate-route requests that require a PD (11,0)
controller description to be automatically created and/or
varied on by the system
ATRCVB Cumulative elapsed time for automatic creation and/or PD (11,0)
vary on of the controller to be processed
ASARRB Number of successful activate-route requests processed PD (11,0)
ATARPB Cumulative elapsed time for processing activate-route PD (11,0)
requests by MSCP

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMARMTRT

This database file contains information about Application Response Measurement (ARM) transaction
types that are reported in the QAPMUSRTNS file.

This optional secondary file is created only when the system collects performance data for ARM
transactions. The QAPMARMTRT file contains one record for each ARM transaction type that is known
to the system.

Reference information for Performance 15

Applications use ARM APIs to provide information about the progress of application-level transactions. If
ARM transactions are enabled on a system, performance data for the ARM transactions from ARM
applications and middleware is reported in the QAPMUSRTNS file.

You can identify the ARM transaction type by a combination of the ARM application name and the ARM
application group name.

The ARM transaction type name has a prefix of “QARM” followed by a 16-character representation of an
8-byte internal ARM transaction type ID.

Field Name Description Attribute

ATTYP ARM transaction type. C (20)
ATANAME ARM application name. G (127)
Note: This field is in Unicode.
ATAGNAME ARM application group name. G (255)
Note: This field is in Unicode.
1. The QAPMUSRTNS file contains specific data for the first 15 transaction types for each job being reported. The
rest of the data is combined in the *OTHER transaction type. However, the QAPMARMTRT file contains records
for all ARM transaction types that are known to the system.
2. The ARM APIs are shipped in a disabled state. For information on how to enable ARM APIs on a system, see
Enable ARM on IBM-instrumented applications.
3. Different ARM-instrumented applications and middleware products might require specific configuration steps to
enable the ARM instrumentation.
4. ARM transaction data is reported only for applications which call the ARM API implementation that is shipped
with the operating system.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: QAPMUSRTNS” on page 205
This database file contains performance data for the user-defined and Application Response Measurement
(ARM) transactions.
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Enable ARM on IBM-instrumented applications
See the Enable ARM on IBM-instrumented applications topic for information on how to information on
how to enable ARM APIs on a system.

Collection Services data files: QAPMASYN

This database file includes asynchronous file entries and lists the fields in the asynchronous file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and C (12)
time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.

16 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
IOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
AIOPID Reserved C (1)
ASTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
ASLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
ASLSP Line speed: The speed of this line in bits per second PD (11,0)
ASBTRN Number of bytes transmitted (data and control PD (11,0)
characters) including bytes transmitted again because of
ASBRCV Number of bytes received (data and control characters), PD (11,0)
including characters received in error.
ASPRCL Protocol type: A for asynchronous. C (1)
ASPDUR The total number of protocol data units received. PD (11,0)
ASPDUE The total number of protocol data units received with PD (11,0)
parity and stop bit errors.
ASPDUT The total number of protocol data units successfully PD (11,0)
transmitted and the data-circuit ending equipment
(DCE) acknowledged.
ASDUP The duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value C (1)
might change over time. This field can have the
following values:
v Blank - The duplex state is not known.
v F - Full duplex. the line can simultaneously transmit
and receive data.
v H - Half duplex. The line can either transmit data or
receive data, but the line cannot simultaneously
transmit and receive data.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMBSC

This database file includes binary synchronous file entries and lists the fields in the binary synchronous

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.

Reference information for Performance 17

Field Name Description Attribute
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
BIOPID Reserved C (1)
BSTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
BSLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
BSLSP Line speed: The speed of the line in bits per second PD (11,0)
BSBTRN Bytes transmitted: The number of bytes (data and PD (11,0)
control characters) transmitted, including bytes
transmitted again.
BSBRCV Bytes received: The number of bytes (data and control PD (11,0)
characters) received including bytes received in error.
BSPRCL Protocol type: B for binary synchronous. C (1)
BSDCRV Data characters received: The number of data characters PD (11,0)
received successfully (excluding synchronous characters)
while in data mode. For feature types 2507 and 6150,
this value is equal to field BSBRCV.
BSDCRE Data characters received in error: The number of data PD (11,0)
characters received with a block-check character error
while in data mode. For feature types 2507 and 6150,
this value is equal to field BSCRER.
BSDCTR Data characters transmitted: The number of data PD (11,0)
characters transmitted successfully while in data mode.
For feature types 2507 and 6150, this value is equal to
field BSBTRN.
BSCRER Characters received in error: The number of characters PD (11,0)
received with a block-check character error.
BSLNK Negative acknowledgment character received to text PD (11,0)
sent (see note). The number of times the remote station
or device did not understand the command sent from
the host system.
BSLWA Wrong acknowledgment character to text sent (see note). PD (11,0)
The host system received an acknowledgment from the
remote device that was not expected. For example, the
system expected an ACK0 and received an ACK1.
BSLQTS Enqueue to text sent (see note): Text was sent by a PD (11,0)
station and an ENQ character was returned. The
receiving station expected some form of
acknowledgment, such as an ACK0, ACK1, or NAK.
BSLINV Invalid (unrecognized format): One of the delimiter PD (11,0)
characters that encloses the data in brackets being
sent/received is not valid (see note).

18 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
BSLQAK Enqueue to acknowledged character: The remote station PD (11,0)
returned an acknowledgment (for example, ACK0) and
the host system sent an ENQ character. This indicates
that the host station did not recognize the
acknowledgment as a valid acknowledgment (see note).
BSLTNK Negative acknowledgment character received to text PD (11,0)
sent (total): The number of times the remote station did
not understand the command sent from the host system
(see note).
BSLTWA Wrong acknowledgment character to text sent (total): PD (11,0)
The host system received an acknowledgment from the
remote device that was not expected. For example, the
host system expected an ACK0 and received an ACK1
(see note).
BSLTQT Enqueue to text sent (total): Text was sent by a station PD (11,0)
and an ENQ character was returned. The receiving
station expected some form of acknowledgment such as
an ACK0, ACK1, or NAK (see note).
BSLTIV Invalid (unrecognized format) (total): One of the PD (11,0)
delimiter characters that enclose the data in brackets
being sent/received is not valid (see note).
BSLTQA Enqueue to acknowledged character (total): The remote PD (11,0)
station returned an acknowledgment (for example,
ACK0) and the host station sent an ENQ character. This
indicates that the host station did not recognize the
acknowledgment as a valid acknowledgment (see note).
BSLDRA Disconnect received: The remote station issued a PD (11,0)
disconnect with abnormal end. This could occur when
error recovery did not succeed or the binary
synchronous job was ended.
BSLEAB End of transmission (EOT) received (abnormal end): PD (11,0)
Similar to a disconnect.
BSLDFA Disconnect received (forward abnormal end): The host PD (11,0)
station issued a disconnect with abnormal end. This
could occur when the error recovery did not succeed, or
the binary synchronous job was ended.
BSLEFA EOT received (forward abnormal end): Similar to a PD (11,0)
BSLDBT Number of data blocks transmitted. PD (11,0)
BSLDBR Number of data blocks received. PD (11,0)
BSLBKR Number of data blocks transmitted again. PD (11,0)
BSLBKE Number of data blocks received in error. PD (11,0)
BSLTRT Total number of characters transmitted again, including PD (11,0)
control characters.
BSLDRT Total number of data characters transmitted again. PD (11,0)

Note: The counters BSLNK through BSLQAK are error recovery counters and are increased the first time
the error is detected. The counters BSLTNK and BSLTQA are error recovery counters and are
increased every time the error occurs. The same errors are being counted in each set of counters, so
the first set indicates how many times an error was detected and the second set indicates how
many retries it took to recover from the errors.

Reference information for Performance 19

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMBUS

This database file includes Licensed Internal Code bus counters and lists the fields in the bus counters

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
| BUIOPB System bus number. Bus numbering begins with one. PD (5,0)
Before V4R5, bus numbering began at zero.
BUOPSR Number of OPSTARTs received: RRCB in server storage. PD (11,0)
BUSGLR Signals received. PD (11,0)
BUOPSS Number of OPSTARTs sent. PD (11,0)
BUSGLS Signals sent. PD (11,0)
BURSTQ Restart queues sent. PD (11,0)
BUBNAR Occurrences of BNA received. PD (11,0)
BUTPKT Total packets (sent or received). PD (11,0)
BUKBYO Reserved PD (11,0)
BUKBYI Reserved PD (11,0)
BUNOSR Normal flow OPSTARTs received PD (11,0)
BUNRDR A Not ready state received PD (11,0)
BUORQS OPSTART requests sent PD (11,0)
BUTIMO Bus timeouts PD (11,0)
BUBNAS BNAs sent PD (11,0)
BUQSAS Queue space available sent PD (11,0)
BUTYPE Bus type. Supported values include S (SPD Bus) and P C (1)
(PCI bus).

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.

20 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

| Collection services data files: QAPMBUSINT

| This file contains data for internal system buses.

| The metrics supported are dependent on the instrumentation within the hardware chips. Support for a
| particular bus is dependent on both the type of bus as well as the chip family. Initially only the RIO HSL
| busses with Galaxy chip families are supported.

| There may be one or more records each interval for a reported bus. The number of records as well as the
| metrics supported are dependent on both bus type and chip type.

| The collection partition must be authorized to obtain this data (reference the "Allow performance
| information collection" option within the HMC partition configuration).
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
| based on the start time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
| DATETIME Interval date and time. The date and time of the sample Timestamp
| interval.
| INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since PD (7, 0)
| the last sample interval.
| BUNBR Bus number. The hardware assigned number associated B (9, 0)
| with the bus.
| BUTYPE Bus type. Supported bus types are: B (4, 0)
| v 4 - RIO HSL Loop
| BUDFMT Bus data format. This field is being provided to help Char (4)
| understand what data is instrumented by the hardware
| components of the bus should there be future
| differences.
| BUATTR1 Bus attribute 1. The meaning of this field depends on B (4, 0)
| the bus type.
| v Type 4: Port identifier. One record will be present for
| each supported port
| 0 = even port
| 1 = odd port
| BUPKTSND Packets sent. B (18, 0)
| BUPKTRCV Packets received. B (18, 0)
| BUBYTESND Bytes sent. B (18, 0)
| Note: This metric is an estimate based on the number of
| packets and maximum byte rate.
| BUBYTERCV Bytes received. B (18, 0)
| Note: This metric is an estimate based on the number of
| packets and maximum byte rate.
| BUMAXRATE Maximum byte rate. The estimated maximum rate that B (18, 0)
| data may be both sent and received in bytes per second.

Reference information for Performance 21

| Field Name Description Attribute
| BUDATA1 Reserved. B (18, 0)
| BUDATA2 Reserved. B (18, 0)

| Collection Services data files: QAPMCIOP

This database file includes communications IOP file entries and lists the fields in the communications IOP

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name C (10)
CIIOP Reserved C (1)
CITYPE The type of IOP described by this record. C (4)
CTIPKT Total packets transferred. PD (11,0)
CIKBYO Total KB transmitted from an IOP to the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
CIKBYI Total KB transmitted to the IOP from the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
CIOPSR OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using normal flow.
CIOPSS OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using reverse flow method 2 (always 0).
CISGLR Signals received. PD (11,0)
CIOPST OPSTARTs sent. PD (11,0)
CISLGS Signals sent. PD (11,0)
CIRSTQ Restart queues sent. PD (11,0)
CIRQDO DMA requests sent for output of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
from the IOP to the system across the bus.
CIRQDI DMA requests sent for input of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
to the IOP from the system across the bus.
CIBNAR Occurrences of BNA received. PD (11,0)
CIPRCU Processor utilization: The number of fixed-time intervals PD (11,0)
that this communications IOP spent in the idle state.
CIIDLC Idle loop count (see notes): The number of times the PD (11,0)
communications IOP ran an idle loop. This is done
when the IOP has no work to perform. This count is
used with the idle loop time to calculate the primary
IOP processor utilization in seconds.
CIIDLT Idle loop time (see notes): The time (in hundredths of PD (11,0)
microseconds) for the primary IOP processor to run the
idle loop once.

22 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
CIRAMU Available local storage (in bytes): The number of bytes PD (11,0)
of free local storage in the IOP. The free local storage
will probably be non-contiguous because of
CISYSF The total time (in milliseconds) used by the IOP for PD (11,0)
basic system function that is running in the primary IOP
CICOMM Combined processing time (in milliseconds) accounted PD (11,0)
for by all of the communication protocol tasks that are
running in the primary IOP processor.
CISDLC Processing time (in milliseconds) used by SDLC PD (11,0)
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
CIASYN Processing time (in milliseconds) used by asynchronous PD (11,0)
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
CIBSC Processing time (in milliseconds) used for bisynchronous PD (11,0)
protocol tasks that are running in the primary IOP
CIX25L Processing time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 LLC PD (11,0)
tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor.
CIX25P Processing time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 PLC PD (11,0)
tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor.
CIX25D Time (in milliseconds) accounted for by X.25 DLC tasks PD (11,0)
that are running in the primary IOP processor.
CILAN LAN communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by token-ring network, Ethernet,
frame relay, and fiber distributed data interface (FDDI)
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
CILAP Processing time (in milliseconds) used by ISDN LAPD, PD (11,0)
LAPE, and PMI tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
CIQ931 Processing time (in milliseconds) used by ISDN Q.931 PD (11,0)
tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor.
CIF1ID Subfunction 1 ID: The identifier for addition functions C (2)
that may be running in the primary IOP processor.
CIF1TM Subfunction 1 time: The total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running
in the primary IOP processor.
CICPU2 Processor time in milliseconds for the second IO PD (11,0)
processor, which handles specialized functions. This
field applies to Integrated xSeries Servers (excluding
I/O adapter versions) and wireless IOPs. This field is
zero for other IOPs. Collection Services will not report
values for Integrated xSeries Servers.


The idle loop count and time are used to calculate the communications IOP utilization as follows:

Reference information for Performance 23

1. Convert the product of the idle loop count times the idle loop time from hundredths of
microseconds to seconds. Subtract this from the interval time, and divide the results by the
interval time. For example:

IOP Utilization = (INTSEC - (CIIDLC * CIIDLT)/10**8) / INTSEC

2. The performance monitor reports I/O processor (IOP) statistics different beginning with Version
3 Release 7. Therefore, performance statistics for IOPs introduced in Version 3 Release 7 or later
releases are reported in the QAPMMIOP file. Performance statistics are reported in the
QAPMMIOP file even if the IOP supports only one of the three IOP functions (communications,
disk, or local workstation). Performance statistics for IOPs that were introduced before Version
3 Release 7 will continue to be reported in the appropriate IOP file (QAPMCIOP, QAPMDIOP,
3. The function 1 identifier is for additional functions that may be running in the primary IOP.
Each function identifier has an associated function time value. The function identifier may have
the following value:

Value Description
00 No time value supplied
11 Integrated xSeries Server pipe task (Integrated xSeries
Server was previously known as file server I/O
processor and FSIOP)
42 Localtalk task
43 Wireless task

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMDDI

This database file defines the fields in a distributed data interface (DDI) file record.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
DDIOPI Reserved C (1)
DITYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
DDLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)

24 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DDLSP Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
DLTFT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLTFR Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
DLIFT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLIFR Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
DLICT Total number of I-frame character transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLICR Total number of I-frame characters received. PD (11,0)
DLPRCL Protocol type: C for DDI C (1)
DLRFT Total number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLRFR Total number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (11,0)
DLFFT Total number of frame-reject (FRMR) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLFFR Total number of frame-reject (FRMR) frames received. PD (11,0)
DLRJFR Number of reject frames received. PD (11,0)
DLRJFT Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLSFT Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (11,0)
frames transmitted.
DLSFR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (11,0)
frames received.
DLDFT Number of disconnect (DISC) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLDFR Number of disconnect (DISC) frames received. PD (11,0)
DLDMT Number of disconnect mode (DM) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DLDMR Number of disconnect mode (DM) frames received. PD (11,0)
DLN2R N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (11,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times, and the
T1 timer ended n times before the station responded.
DLT1T T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 ended. This PD (11,0)
count is updated when the host has attempted to
contact a station n times, and the T1 timer ended n
times before the station responded.
DMFRV Number of MAC frames received. PD (11,0)
DMFCC Number of MAC frames copied. PD (11,0)
DMFTR Number of MAC frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
DMTKN Number of MAC tokens received. PD (11,0)
DMERR MAC error count. PD (11,0)
DMLFC Lost frame count. PD (11,0)
DMTVX TVX expiration count. PD (11,0)
DMNCC Not copied count. PD (11,0)
DMLAT MAC late count. PD (11,0)
DLROP Ring operation count. PD (11,0)
DMABE PortA elasticity buffer (EB) errors. PD (11,0)
DMATF PortA LCT count: count of consecutive times the PD (11,0)
confidence test (LCT) has failed.

Reference information for Performance 25

Field Name Description Attribute
DMALR PortA reject count. PD (11,0)
DMAEC PortA link error monitor (LEM) count. PD (11,0)
DMBBE PortB elasticity buffer (EB) errors. PD (11,0)
DMBTF PortB LCT count: count of consecutive times the PD (11,0)
confidence test (LCT) has failed.
DMBLR PortB reject count. PD (11,0)
DMBEC PortB link error monitor (LEM) count. PD (11,0)
DMANR Address not recognized. PD (11,0)
DMFNC Frame not copied. PD (11,0)
DMTKE Reserved PD (11,0)
DMDUP Duplicate address count. PD (11,0)
DMDFR Discarded frame count. PD (11,0)
DMTXU Transmit underruns. PD (11,0)
DMRER Recoverable errors. PD (11,0)
DMNER Nonrecoverable errors. PD (11,0)
DMSIN Spurious interruptions. PD (11,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMDIOP

This database file contains storage device (disk) IOP file entries.

It lists the fields in the storage device IOP file. Consider the following information in these fields:
v Device means disk.
v The idle loop count and time are used to calculate the storage device controller IOP utilization as
Convert the product of the idle loop count times the idle loop time from hundredths of microseconds
to seconds. Subtract this from the interval time, and divide the result by the interval time. For example:
IOP Utilization = (INTSEC - (DIIDLC * DIIDLT)/10**8)/INTSEC

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.

26 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
IOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
DIIOP Reserved C (1)
DITYPE IOP type. C (4)
DIIDLC Idle loop count: The number of times the disk controller PD (11,0)
IOP ran an idle loop. This is done when the IOP has no
work to perform. This count is used with the idle loop
DIIDLT Idle loop time: The time (in hundredths of PD (11,0)
microseconds) to run the idle loop once.
DITPDK Total packets transferred. PD (11,0)
DIKBYO Total KB transmitted from the IOP to the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
DIKBYI Total KB transmitted to the IOP from the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
DIOPSR OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using normal flow.
DIOPSS OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using reverse flow method 2 (always 0).
DISGLR Signals received. PD (11,0)
DIOPST OPSTARTs sent. PD (11,0)
DISGLS Signals sent. PD (11,0)
DIRSTQ Restart queues sent. PD (11,0)
DIRQDO DMA requests sent for output of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
from the IOP to the system across the bus.
DIRQDI DMA requests sent for input of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
to the IOP from the system across the bus.
DIBNAR Occurrences of BNA received. PD (11,0)
DIRID0 Reserved C (8)
DISMP0 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN0 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ0 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID1 Reserved C (8)
DISMP1 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN1 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ1 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID2 Reserved C (8)
DISMP2 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN2 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ2 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID3 Reserved C (8)
DISMP3 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN3 Reserved PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 27

Field Name Description Attribute
DINRQ3 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID4 Reserved C (8)
DISMP4 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN4 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ4 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID5 Reserved C (8)
DISMP5 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN5 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ5 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID6 Reserved C (8)
DISMP6 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN6 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ6 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID7 Reserved C (8)
DISMP7 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN7 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ7 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID8 Reserved C (8)
DISMP8 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN8 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ8 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRID9 Reserved C (8)
DISMP9 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLN9 Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQ9 Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRIDA Reserved C (8)
DISMPA Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLNA Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQA Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRIDB Reserved C (8)
DISMPB Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLNB Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQB Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRIDC Reserved C (8)
DISMPC Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLNC Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQC Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRIDD Reserved C (8)
DISMPD Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLND Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQD Reserved PD (11,0)

28 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DIRIDE Reserved C (8)
DISMPE Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLNE Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQE Reserved PD (11,0)
DIRIDF Reserved C (8)
DISMPF Reserved PD (11,0)
DIQLNF Reserved PD (11,0)
DINRQF Reserved PD (11,0)

Note: The performance monitor reports I/O processor (IOP) statistics different beginning with Version 3
Release 7. Therefore, performance statistics for IOPs introduced in Version 3 Release 7 or later
releases are reported in the QAPMMIOP file. Performance statistics are reported in the
QAPMMIOP file even if the IOP supports only one of the three IOP functions (communications,
disk, or local workstation). Performance statistics for IOPs that were introduced before Version 3
Release 7 will continue to be reported in the appropriate IOP file (QAPMCIOP, QAPMDIOP,
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMDISK

This database file includes disk file entries and contains one record for each disk resource.

| Typically, there is one disk resource per disk unit except for a multipath disk unit that has multiple disk
| resources associated with it. The associated disk response time boundaries (in milliseconds) are reported
| in the QAPMCONF file in GKEY fields B1-B5.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number PD (7,0)
of seconds since the last sample
IOPRN IOP resource name C (10)
DIOPID Reserved C (1)

Reference information for Performance 29

Field Name Description Attribute
DSARM Disk unit (arm) number: Specifies the C (4)
unique identifier of the unit. Each
actuator arm on the disk drives
available to the machine represents a
unit of auxiliary storage. The value of
the unit number is assigned by the
system when the unit is allocated to
an auxiliary storage pool.
DSTYPE Disk unit type such as 4326 or 2105. C (4)
DSDRN Device resource name. Typically, C (10)
there is one disk (device) resource per
disk unit except for a multipath disk
unit that has multiple disk resources
associated with it (see note 3 on page
DSSCAN Number of search string commands: PD (5,0)
This count is zero for disk types
which do not support search string
DSBLKR Number of blocks read: Block is one PD (11,0)
sector on the disk unit.
DSBLKW Number of blocks written: Block is PD (11,0)
one sector on the disk unit.
DSIDLC Processor idle loop counter (see note PD (11,0)
1 on page 41): The number of times
the disk controller passed through the
idle loop. This field is zero for disk
types which do not have a dedicated
disk processor.

DSIDLC and DSIDLT are duplicated

across all diskunits attached to the
same disk controller.
DSIDLT Processor idle loop time (see note 1 PD (11,0)
on page 41): The time (in hundredths
of microseconds) to make one pass
through the idle loop. This field is
zero for disk types which do not
have a dedicated disk processor. The
value reported could be a multiple of
the actual idle loop time. In that case,
the value reported for the processor
idle loop count field (DSIDLC) is
reduced accordingly so that the
calculated processor utilization is

DSIDLC and DSIDLT are duplicated

across all disk units attached to the
same disk controller.
DSSK1 Number of seeks > 2/3: The number PD (11,0)
of times the arm traveled more than
2/3 of the disk on a seek.

30 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSSK2 Number of seeks > 1/3 and < 2/3: PD (11,0)
The number of times the arm
traveled more than 1/3 but less than
2/3 of the disk on a seek.
DSSK3 Number of seeks > 1/6 and < 1/3: PD (11,0)
The number of times the arm
traveled more than 1/6 but less than
1/3 of the disk on a seek.
DSSK4 Number of seeks > 1/12 and < 1/6: PD (11,0)
The number of times the arm
traveled more than 1/12 but less than
1/6 of the disk on a seek.
DSSK5 Number of seeks < 1/12: The number PD (11,0)
of times the arm traveled from its
current position but less than 1/12 of
the disk on a seek.
DSSK6 Number of zero seeks: The number of PD (11,0)
times the access arm did not
physically move on a seek request.
The operation may have resulted in a
head switch.
DSQUEL Total queue elements: The number of PD (11,0)
I/O operations waiting service at
sample time. This number includes
the I/O operation that is in progress.
Divide this by DSSMPL to get the
average queue length.
DSNBSY Number of times arm not busy: The PD (11,0)
number of times there were no
outstanding I/O operations active at
sample time.
DSSMPL Number of samples taken: The PD (11,0)
number of samples taken for the
DSQUEL and DSNBSY fields.
DSCAP Drive capacity (in bytes): Total PD (15,0)
number of bytes of auxiliary storage
provided on the unit for the storage
of objects and internal machine
functions when the auxiliary storage
pool containing it is not under
checksum protection. The unit
reserved system space value is
subtracted from the unit capacity to
calculate this capacity.
DSAVL Drive available space (in bytes): Total PD (15,0)
number of bytes of auxiliary storage
space that is not currently assigned to
objects or internal machine functions,
and therefore is available on the unit.

Reference information for Performance 31

Field Name Description Attribute
DSASP Auxiliary storage pool number: PD (5,0)
Specifies the auxiliary storage pool to
which this unit is currently allocated.
A value of 1 specifies the system
auxiliary storage pool. A value from 2
through 32 specifies a basic auxiliary
storage pool. A value from 33 to 255
specifies an independent auxiliary
storage pool. A value of 0 indicates
that this unit is currently not
DSCSS Reserved C (2)
DSPCAP Reserved PD (11,0)
DSPAVL Reserved PD (11,0)
DMFLAG ' ' means this disk unit is not locally C (1)
mirrored. 'A' means this is the
designated first unit of a locally
mirrored pair. 'B' means this is the
designated second unit of a locally
mirrored pair.
DMSTS Local mirroring status. 1 = active, 2 = PD (1,0)
resuming, 3 = suspended
DMIRN Locally mirrored IOP resource name C (10)
DMDRN Locally mirrored device resource C (10)
DSRDS Number of read data commands. PD (11,0)
DSWRTS Number of write data commands. PD (11,0)
DSBUFO Number of buffer overruns: The PD (11,0)
number of times that data was
available to be read into the disk
controller buffer from the disk, but
the disk controller buffer still
contained valid data that was not
retrieved by the storage device
controller. Consequently, the disk had
to take an additional revolution until
the buffer was available to accept
DSBUFU Number of buffer underruns: The PD (11,0)
number of times that the disk
controller was ready to transfer data
to the disk on a write, but the disk
controller buffer was empty. The data
was not transferred in time by the
disk IOP to the disk controller buffer.
The disk was forced to take an extra
revolution awaiting the data.
DSMDLN Model Number: The model number C (4)
of the disk drive.
DSDCRH Device cache read hits: The number PD (11,0)
of times that all of the data requested
by the read operation was obtained
from the device read or write cache.

32 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSDCPH Device cache partial read hits: The PD (11,0)
number of times that a portion, but
not all, of the data requested by the
read operation was obtained by the
device read or write cache. A physical
operation to the device media was
required to obtain the remaining
DSDCWH Controller cache write hits: The PD (11,0)
number of times that the data
associated with a write operation
replaces, or is combined with,
existing data in the device write
cache, thereby eliminating a write
DSDCFW Device cache fast writers: The PD (11,0)
number of times that space was
available in the device write cache for
the data associated with a write
operation and a response was
returned immediately.
DSDROP Device read operations: The number PD (11,0)
of read operations issued to the
device by the controller. This includes
operations generated by controller for
data protection (RAID) or data
compression. This does not include
operations generated for diagnostics
and operations to access the
controller reserved area that occur
during this idle time.
DSDWOP Device write operations: The number PD (11,0)
of write operations issued to the
device by the controller. This includes
operations generated by controller for
data protection (RAID) or data
compression. This does not include
operations generated for diagnostics
and operations to access the
controller reserved area that occur
during this idle time.
DSCCRH Controller cache read hits: The PD (11,0)
number of times that all of the data
requested by the read operation was
obtained from the controller read or
write cache.
DSPCPH Controller cache partial read hits: The PD (11,0)
number of times that a portion of the
data requested by the read operation
was obtained from the controller read
and write cache. An operation to the
device was required to obtain the
remaining data.

Reference information for Performance 33

Field Name Description Attribute
DSCCWH Controller cache writes hits: The PD (11,0)
number of times that the data
associated with the write operation
replaces or is combined with existing
data in the controller write cache.
This eliminates a write operation.
DSCCFW Controller cache fast writes: The PD (11,0)
number of times that space was
available in the controller write cache
for all of the data associated with a
write operation and a response was
returned immediately.
DSCOMP Compressed Unit indicator. '0' if disk C (1)
data is not compressed and '1' if disk
data is compressed.
DSPBU Physical blocks used. For compressed PD (11,0)
units, this field contains the total
number of physical blocks used
(written) in the device user data area.
For non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSPBA Physical blocks allocated. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this field contains
the total number of physical blocks
committed (reserved) in the device
user data area for DASD extents. This
value includes all of the Physical
Blocks Used. For non-compressed
units, this field contains 0.
DSLBW Logical blocks written. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this field contains
the total number of logical blocks
written in the device user data area.
This value represents the total
amount of data written to allocated
extents. For non-compressed units,
this field contains 0.
DSLBA Logical blocks allocated. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this field contains
the total number of logical blocks
contained in allocated compression
groups. This value represents the
total sum of all allocated compression
groups in the device user data area.
For non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSPBCO Physical blocks for compression PD (11,0)
overhead. For compressed units, this
field contains the total number of
physical blocks that are used for
compression directory structures and
reserved areas that are unavailable
for storing user data. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.

34 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSFGDR Foreground directory reads. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this field is the
number of device read operations
that have been performed to read
directory structures required to
complete host system commands. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSFGDW Foreground directory writes. For PD (11,0)
compressed units this is the number
of device write operations that have
been performed to write directory
structures required to complete host
system commands. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSBGDR Background directory reads. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this is the number
of device read operations that have
been performed in the management
of compression directory structures,
but were not immediately required to
complete host system commands. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSBGDW Background directory writes. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this is the number
of device write operations. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSFGRE Foreground read exceptions. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this is the number
of times an additional device read
operation was issued to read data
that had been stored in the exception
area on a compressed device (this
count applies only to multi-page
operations). This count reflects only
those operations immediately
required to complete host system
DSFGWE Foreground write exceptions. For PD (11,0)
compressed units, this field is the
number of times an additional device
write operation was issued to write
data into the exception area on a
compressed device (this count applies
only to multi-page operations). This
count reflects only those operations
immediately required to complete
host system commands. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.

Reference information for Performance 35

Field Name Description Attribute
DSFGS Foreground sweeps. For compressed PD (11,0)
units, a sweep is the process used to
store a 1-MB compression group in
the correct number of sectors so there
are no unused areas in the data
region and no used areas in the
exception region of the compression
group. The number of foreground
sweeps is the number of times an
entire 1-MB compression group was
required to be swept to complete host
system commands. The sweep is
needed because the data for a host
system write operation does not fit
into the physical space reserved. The
new data does not compress as well
as the data that was previously in the
space. For non-compressed units, this
field contains 0.
DSBGS Background sweeps. For compressed PD (11,0)
units, a sweep is the process used to
store a 1-MB compression group in
the correct number of sectors so there
are no unused areas in the data
region and no used areas in the
exception region of the compression
group. The number of background
sweeps is the number of times an
entire 1-MB compression group was
swept to maintain the compressed
data storage efficiency. This count
reflects only those sweeps that were
not immediately required to complete
host system commands. Background
sweeps are intended to increase
performance or increase usable
capacity of drive. For
non-compressed units, this field
contains 0.
DSCERC Controller simulated read cache hits: PD (11,0)
The number of times that all of the
data requested by the read operation
could have been, but was not,
obtained from a controller read cache
(not the controller write cache). This
field is updated only when Extended
Adaptive Cache Simulator is enabled.
DSASPN Auxiliary storage pool resource name. C (10)
Specifies the resource name of the
auxiliary storage pool to which this
unit is currently allocated. A value of
blanks specifies the system auxiliary
storage pool or a basic auxiliary
storage pool.

36 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSPS Parity set. The valid value for this C (1)
field is '1' or '0'. The value of this
field is '1' when the disk unit is in a
parity set; otherwise, it is '0'.
DSHAPS High availability parity set. The valid C (1)
value for this field is '1' or '0'. The
value of this field is '1' when the disk
unit is in a high availability parity
set; otherwise, it is '0'.
DSMU Multipath unit. The valid value for C (1)
this field is '1' or '0'. The value of this
field is '1' when the disk resource
represents a multipath disk unit (see
note 3 on page 42); otherwise, it is '0'.
DSIP Initial path of multipath unit. The C (1)
valid value for this field is '1' or '0'.
The value of this field is '1' when the
disk resource represents the initial
path of a multipath disk unit;
otherwise it is '0'. The initial path is
the first path observed by the system.
It can change after restarting the
system (IPL). The resource name of
the initial path can be used for
reporting a multipath disk unit under
a single resource name.
DSPC Production copy of remotely mirrored C (1)
independent auxiliary storage pool.
The valid value for this field is '1' or
'0'. The value of this field is '1' when
the disk unit is in a production copy
of a remotely mirrored independent
auxiliary storage pool; otherwise, it is
DSMC Mirror copy of remotely mirrored C (1)
independent auxiliary storage pool.
The valid value for this field is '1' or
'0'. The value of this field is '1' when
the disk unit is in a mirror copy of a
remotely mirrored independent
auxiliary storage pool; otherwise, it is
DSRDT RAID type: type of RAID parity set C (1)
for this disk unit. The valid value for
this field is '1' or '0'. This field only
has meaning for disk units in a parity
set (DSPS field set to '1'). '0' = RAID 5
parity set, '1' = RAID 6 parity set.

Reference information for Performance 37

Field Name Description Attribute
DSIOPF Managed by IOP. The valid value for C (1)
this field is '1' or '0'. The value of this
field is '1' when this disk unit is
attached to the disk storage adapter
which is managed by IOP; otherwise,
it is '0'. When data is collected by
operating system versions earlier
than V5R4, this field is always set to
'1', because earlier versions cannot
determine if the disk unit was
IOP-based or not.
| DSCAT Disk unit category. This field C (1)
| indicates if this disk unit has some
| special characteristics, which may
| require a special interpretation of its
| performance data. Each bit in this
| field has an independent meaning:
| X'00' = no special category applies
| X'01' = this disk unit is located in
| external storage media. This can also
| be determined by examining device
| type and model for this disk unit.
| X'02' = data on this disk unit is
| encrypted.
X'04' = this is a virtual disk unit. This
can also be determined by examining
device type and model for this disk
| unit.
| X'08' = this disk unit has an alternate
| path.
DSSRVT Disk service time (see note 4 on page B(9,0)
42). Combined service time of all disk
operations completed since last
sample (milliseconds). Divide by
number of read and write commands
to obtain average service time. Set to
zero if data is not available.
DSWT Disk wait time. Combined wait B(9,0)
(queue) time of all disk operations
completed since last sample
(milliseconds). Divide by number of
read and write commands to obtain
average wait (queue) time. Add to
disk service time to obtain disk
response time. Set to zero if data is
not available.
DSBKCT1 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 1 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was less than the first disk response
time boundary.

38 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSBKRT1 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 1. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was less than the first disk response
time boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKST1 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 1. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was less than the first disk response
time boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKCT2 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 2 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the first disk
response time boundary but less than
the second disk response time
DSBKRT2 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 2. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the first disk
response time boundary but less than
the second disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKST2 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 2. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the first disk
response time boundary but less than
the second disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKCT3 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 3 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the second disk
response time boundary but less than
the third disk response time
DSBKRT3 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 3. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the second disk
response time boundary but less than
the third disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).

Reference information for Performance 39

Field Name Description Attribute
DSBKST3 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 3. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the second disk
response time boundary but less than
the third disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKCT4 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 4 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the third disk
response time boundary but less than
the fourth disk response time
DSBKRT4 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 4. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the third disk
response time boundary but less than
the fourth disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKST4 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 4. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the third disk
response time boundary but less than
the fourth disk response time
boundary (milliseconds).
DSBKCT5 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 5 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fourth disk
response time boundary but less than
the fifth disk response time boundary.
DSBKRT5 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 5. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fourth disk
response time boundary but less than
the fifth disk response time boundary
DSBKST5 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 5. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fourth disk
response time boundary but less than
the fifth disk response time boundary

40 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DSBKCT6 Disk operations in disk response time B(9,0)
bucket 6 (see note 5 on page 43).
Number of disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fifth disk
response time boundary.
DSBKRT6 Disk response time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 6. Combined response
time of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fifth disk
response time boundary
DSBKST6 Disk service time in disk response B(9,0)
time bucket 6. Combined service time
of all disk operations since last
sample, the response time of which
was greater than the fifth disk
response time boundary
DSSECT Disk unit sector size. B(4,0)
DSIOARN Disk storage adapter (IOA) resource C(15)
DSSRLN Disk unit serial number. C(15)
| DSVAL01 Reserved B(18,0)
| DSVAL02 Reserved B(18,0)
| DSVAL03 Reserved B(18,0)
| DSVAL04 Reserved B(18,0)
| DSPTROP Path total read operations. This is the B(18,0)
| number of read requests received by
| internal machine functions, which is
| not the same as the device read
| operations reported in the DSDROP
| field.
| DSPTWOP Path total write operations. This is B(18,0)
| the number of write requests received
| by internal machine functions, which
| is not the same as the device write
| operations reported in the DSDWOP
| field.
| DSWWNN World wide node name. A unique BINCHAR(8)
| identifier representing the external
| storage subsystem the disk belongs
| to. This will be null for non-external
| disks.

1. The idle loop count and time are used to calculate the storage device controller utilization as
Convert the product of the idle loop count times the idle loop time from hundredths of
microseconds to seconds. Subtract this from the interval time, and divide the result by the
interval time. For example:

Reference information for Performance 41

Disk processor utilization = (INTSEC - (DSIDLC * DSIDLT)/10**8)/ INTSEC
2. The following formulas describe the traditional way that several of the fields in the previous
table can be used to calculate utilization and service time for each arm. The preferred way is
to use the DSSRVT field. For a multipath disk unit, these formulas will give the utilization and
service time for each path (resource).
v Arm utilization (DSUTL): The part of the total interval that the arm was being used for I/O
v Arm accesses per second (DSAS): The number of reads and writes per second for this arm
during the interval.
v Service time (DSSRVCT): The average time for an arm I/O operation. This includes disk
controller time.
Use the following formula to calculate the service time (DSSTM) for a multipath disk unit,
where Xi is the calculated value of X for the i-th path and sum(Xi) is the sum of Xi over all
If the disk unit is managed by an IOP (DSIOPF = ‘1') and if the operation rate is very low,
the service time calculated with this formula should be ignored. This is a calculated value
based on data obtained through sampling. When the number of operations is small
compared to the number of samples, the statistical error makes the result unreliable.
The formulas shown above for disk utilization and disk service time are based on a
simplified statistical model. The results produced by these formulas should only be used as
an estimate.
3. Performance data is reported for each disk resource that is associated with a multipath disk
unit. For a multipath disk unit, the following counters come from the device, which means
that their values are duplicated for each disk resource that is reported:
v DSIDLC - Processor idle loop count
v DSIDLT - Processor idle loop time
v DSSK1-6 - Number of seeks
v DSBUFO - Number of buffer overruns
v DSBUFU - Number of buffer underruns
v DSDCRH - Device cache read hits
v DSDCPH - Device cache partial read hits
v DSDCWH - Device cache write hits
v DSDCFW - Device cache fast writes
| v DSDROP - Device read operations (IOP-less devices only)
| v DSDWOP - Device write operations (IOP-less devices only)
| Other field values that are duplicated include disk unit capacity (DSCAP), disk unit available
| space (DSAVL), disk unit serial number (DSSRLN), and disk unit sector size (DSSECT).
The arm number (DSARM) and mirror flag (DMFLAG) of a particular multipath disk unit can
be used to identify the records associated with that unit.
| The device read operations (DSDROP) and device write operations (DSDWOP) fields are
| device level counters (duplicated for each disk resource that is reported) for IOP-less devices
| (DSIOPF = '0') only. If the device is managed by an IOP (DSIOPF = '1'), then these two fields
| contain path level counters, which means that their values are unique for each disk resource
| that is reported.
4. Measured service time may differ from service time calculated using formula from note 2
above, because the formula is based on a simplified statistical model.
42 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information
5. For disk units managed by IOP (DSIOPF = ‘1'), data for disk response time buckets is
measured at different level in program stack compared to data used in the formulas from note
2 on page 42 above. Because of this, differences should be expected when comparing this data
with results obtained using those formulas.
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
“Collection Services data files: QAPMCONF” on page 221
This database file contains general information about the collection.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMDISKRB

| This database file includes disk file response bucket entries and contains one record for each device
| resource name. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the QAPMDISK file.

| This file reports separate response bucket entries for read operations and for write operations. The
| response times and service times are reported in microseconds. The associated disk response time
| boundaries (in microseconds) are reported in the QAPMCONF file in GKEY fields G1-GA.
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
| database interval based on the start
| time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
| command.
| DSDRN Device resource name. Typically, C (10)
| there is one disk (device) resource per
| disk unit except for a multipath disk
| unit that has multiple disk resources
| associated with it.
| DSRBKCTR1 Disk read operations in disk response B (9, 0)
| time bucket 1. Number of read
| operations since last sample, the
| response time of which was less than
| the first disk response time boundary.
| DSRBKRTR1 Disk response time in disk read B (18, 0)
| response time bucket 1. Combined
| response time of all disk read
| operations since last sample, the
| response time of which was less than
| the first disk response time boundary
| (microseconds).
| DSRBKSTR1 Disk service time in disk read B (18, 0)
| response time bucket 1. Combined
| service time of all disk read
| operations since last sample, the
| response time of which was less than
| the first disk response time boundary
| (microseconds).

Reference information for Performance 43

| Field Name Description Attribute
| DSRBKCTRnn Disk read operations, disk response
| DSRBKRTRnn time and disk service time are
| DSRBKSTRnn repeated for a total of 11 counter sets
| per record.
| DSRBKCTW1 Disk write operations in disk B (9, 0)
| response time bucket 1. Number of
| disk write operations since last
| sample, the response time of which
| was less than the first disk response
| time boundary.
| DSRBKRTW1 Disk response time in disk write B (18, 0)
| response time bucket 1. Combined
| response time of all disk write
| operations since last sample, the
| response time of which was less than
| the first disk response time boundary
| (microseconds).
| DSRBKSTW1 Disk service time in disk write B (18, 0)
| response time bucket 1. Combined
| service time of all disk write
| operations since last sample, the
| response time of which was less than
| the first disk response time boundary
| (in microseconds).
| DSRBKCTWnn Disk write operations, disk response
| DSRBKRTWnn time and disk service time are
| DSRBKSTWnn repeated for a total of 11 counter sets
| per record.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMDOMINO

This database file contains data collected by the Domino® for i5/OS category.

This file contains 1 record per interval for each Domino server active on the system.

Note: These descriptions include the name of the metric as it is found in the Domino “show stat”

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
DMSUBS Server subsystem. C (10)
DMJNAM Server job name. C (10)
DMJUSR Server job user. C (10)
DMJNBR Server job number. C (6)

44 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DMSRVN Server name (first 25 characters if the name is longer C (25)
than this field).
DMSSDT Server start date time, (yyyymmddhhmmss). C (14)
DMDBPM Database.BufferPool.Maximum.Megabytes: The B (9,0)
configured maximum size for database control pools
that may be used.
DMDBPP Database.BufferPool.Peak.Megabytes: Maximum amount B (9,0)
of the buffer pool that has been used by Domino over
the life of the server.
DMDBPR Database.Database.BufferPool.PerCentReadsInBuffer: B (5,2)
Percentage of database reads present in buffer pool.
DMDBCH Database.DbCache.Hits: Number of hits to the database B (18,0)
DMDBCL Database.DbCache.Lookups: Number of lookups to the B (18,0)
database cache.
DMNLCH Database.NAMELookupCacheHits: Number of cache B (18,0)
hits when doing name lookups in the server's name and
address book.
DMNLCL Database.NAMELookupCacheLookups: Number of B (18,0)
lookups in the server's name and address book.
DMASPN Platform.LogicalDisk.1.AuxStoragePool: The number of B (4,0)
the auxiliary storage pool that includes the Domino data
DMASPU Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUsed: Percent of total disk B (5,2)
space used in the auxiliary storage pool that includes
the Domino data directory.
Note: This metric is calculated by the server and is
based on an internal sample interval as configured for
the server.
DMASPB Platform.LogicalDisk.1.PctUtil: Percent of time the drives B (5,2)
are busy reading or writing in the auxiliary storage pool
that includes the Domino data directory.
Note: This metric is calculated by the server and is
based on an internal sample interval as configured for
the server.
DMTRNS Server.Trans.Total: Number of transactions. B (18,0)
DMUSRO Server.Users: Number of users with open sessions on the B (9,0)
server. (This is the current value at time data was
DMUSRP Server.Users.Peak: Peak number of concurrent users B (9,0)
since the server was started.
DMUSRT Server.Users.Peak.Time: Time that last peak users C (14)
DMMLCP Mail.TotalPending: Number of outbound mail messages B (9,0)
in this server's MAIL.BOX waiting to be processed by
the Domino Router job. Mail will be pending until the
Router job wakes up and moves outgoing mail from
MAIL.BOX to the destination mail servers. If a mail
server cannot be contacted, the message will remain
pending in MAIL.BOX. (This is the current value at the
time data was sampled.)

Reference information for Performance 45

Field Name Description Attribute
DMMLWR Mail.WaitingRecipients: Number of inbound mail B (9,0)
messages in this server's MAIL.BOX waiting to be
processed by the Domino Router job. Mail will be
waiting until the Router job wakes up and moves
incoming mail from MAIL.BOX into user mail files.
(This is the current value at time data was sampled.)
DMMLBX Mail.Delivered: Combined number of inbound and B (18,0)
outbound mail messages placed into this server's
DMCMCD Domino.Command.CreateDocument: Count of B (18,0)
'CreateDocument' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMDD Domino.Command.DeleteDocument: Count of B (18,0)
'DeleteDocument' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMED Domino.Command.EditDocument: Count of B (18,0)
'EditDocument' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMOA Domino.Command.OpenAgent: Count of 'OpenAgent' B (18,0)
URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMOB Domino.Command.OpenDatabase: Count of B (18,0)
'OpenDatabase' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMOD Domino.Command.OpenDocument: Count of B (18,0)
'OpenDocument' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMOF Domino.Command.OpenForm: Count of 'OpenForm' B (18,0)
URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMOI Domino.Command.OpenImageResource: Count of B (18,0)
'OpenImageResource' URLs that have come into the
DMCMOV Domino.Command.OpenView: Count of 'OpenView' B (18,0)
URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMSD Domino.Command.SaveDocument: Count of B (18,0)
'SaveDocument' URLs that have come into the server.
DMCMTU Domino.Command.Total: Count of all URLs that have B (18,0)
come into the server.
DMRQ1M Domino.Requests.Per1Minute.Total: Total requests over B (9,0)
the past minute. (This is the current value at the time
data was sampled.)
DMNPT1 NET.*: Domino port (1 of 4) for which data is being C (32)
Note: The asterisk (*) in the node name indicates the
name of the port.
DMNBR1 NET.*.BytesReceived: Number of network bytes received B (18,0)
for this port.
Note: The asterisk (*) in the node name indicates the
name of the port.
DMNBS1 NET.*.BytesSent: Number of network bytes sent for this B (18,0)
Note: The asterisk (*) in the node name indicates the
name of the port.
DMNSI1 NET.*.Sessions.Established.Incoming: Number of B (9,0)
Incoming sessions established for this port.
Note: The asterisk (*) in the node name indicates the
name of the port.

46 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DMNSO1 NET.*.Sessions.Established.Outgoing: Number of B (9,0)
Outgoing sessions established for this port.
Note: The asterisk (*) in the node name indicates the
name of the port.
DMN* Note: The above 5 fields are repeated for ports 2, 3, and

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMDPS

This database file contains data port services performance data. Data port services is Licensed Internal
Code (LIC) that supports the transfer of large volumes of data between a source system and one of N
specified (switchable) target systems in a System i cluster.

Data port services, such as remote independent ASP mirroring, is used by LIC clients. There is one record
per IP address per client per collection interval.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The PD (7,0)
number of seconds since the last
sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19xx, and 1 C (1)
indicates 20xx.
DPTYPE Client type. The type of client that is B (4,0)
registered to data port services:
v 1 -- Remote independent ASP

Reference information for Performance 47

Field Name Description Attribute
DPNAME Client name. The name of the client C (10)
registered to data port services. This
name is unique for a particular client
type but might not be unique across
all client types. This name is defined
as follows by client type:
v 1 -- ASP resource name of remotely
mirrored primary independent
DPIPV IP version. This field defines the IP B (4,0)
version (4 or 6) for the target IP
DPIPAD Target IP address. The IP address of H (16)
the target system. This record reports
statistics for the client's
communication on the connection
associated with this IP address. An IP
version 4 address, which is 4 bytes
wide, is right-justified and padded
with zeroes.
DPIPAS Target IP address status. The valid C (1)
value for this field is 1 or 0. The
value of this field is 1 if the target IP
address is currently being used for
messaging; otherwise, it is 0.
DPNID Target node ID. The node ID of the C (8)
target system in the cluster.
DPDTA1 Client data 1. Optional data provided B (9,0)
by the client. This data is defined as
follows by client type:
v 1 -- ASP number of remotely
mirrored primary independent
DPDTA2 Client data 2. Optional data provided B (9,0)
by the client. This data is defined as
follows by client type:
v 1 -- Not defined.
DPDTA3 Client data 3. Optional data provided C (10)
by the client. This data is defined as
follows by client type:
v 1 -- Not defined.
DPDTA4 Client data 4. Optional data provided C (40)
by the client. This data is defined as
follows by client type:
v 1 -- Not defined.

48 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
DPASYN Asynchronous mode. The valid value C (1)
for this field is 1 or 0. The value of
this field is 1 for asynchronous mode;
otherwise, this field is 0 for
synchronous mode. For asynchronous
mode, the client sends a message and
receives an ACK back when the
message is received but before it is
processed by the remote client. For
synchronous mode, the client sends a
message and receives an ACK back
after the message is received and
processed by the remote client.
DPMS Messages sent. The number of B (18,0)
messages sent by the client. This
value is incremented when the client
requests a send; it does not depend
on whether the send is successful.
DPAS Acknowledgments sent. The number B (18,0)
of acknowledgments (ACKs) sent by
the client.
DPNS Negative acknowledgments sent. The B (18,0)
number of negative
acknowledgments (NACKs) sent by
the client.
DPMR Messages received. The number of B (18,0)
messages received by the client.
DPAR Acknowledgments received. The B (18,0)
number of acknowledgments (ACKs)
received by the client.
DPNR Negative acknowledgments received. B (18,0)
The number of negative
acknowledgments (NACKs) received
by the client.
DPMRO Messages retried once. The number B (18,0)
of client messages retried only once.
The messages counted are those
associated with a data port services
initiated retry and not a TCP-initiated
DPMRM Messages retried more than once. The B (18,0)
number of client messages retried
more than once. The messages
counted are those associated with
data port services initiated retries and
not TCP-initiated retries. If a message
is retried two or more times, then
this value is incremented by 1.
DPTMR Total message retries. The total B (18,0)
number of client message retries. The
retries counted are data port services
initiated retries and not TCP-initiated
retries. If a message is retried n times,
then this value is incremented by n.

Reference information for Performance 49

Field Name Description Attribute
DPMRR Messages rerouted to alternate B (18,0)
address. The number of messages
rerouted to an alternate IP address
because the attempt to transmit the
message timed out too many times.
DPMNA Messages not acknowledged. The B (18,0)
number of client messages sent that
did not receive an ACK or NACK in
DPMBR Message bytes received. The number B (18,0)
of bytes associated with messages
received by the client. This does not
include bytes associated with retries
or ACK and NACK responses.
DPMBS Message bytes sent. The number of B (18,0)
bytes associated with messages sent
by the client. This does not include
bytes associated with retries or ACK
and NACK responses. This value is
incremented when the client requests
a send; it does not depend on
whether the send is successful.
DPSMS Small messages sent. Number of B (18,0)
messages of size less than or equal to
4K sent by the client.
DPMMS Medium messages sent. Number of B (18,0)
messages of size greater than 4K but
less than or equal to 64K sent by the
DPLMS Large messages sent. Number of B (18,0)
messages of size greater than 64K
sent by the client.
DPSRTT Smoothed round trip time in B (18,0)
microseconds. Current estimate of the
average round trip time up to the
time the data was collected (see
DTETIM field). This estimate is
maintained by data port services. The
round trip time is the time it takes
for a client message to be sent and
acknowledged successfully.
DPTRTT Total round trip time in B (18,0)
microseconds. The sum of all of the
round trip times. The round trip time
is the time it takes for a client
message to be sent and
acknowledged successfully. Divide
this value by round trips to get the
average round trip time.
DPRT Round trips. The number of round B (18,0)
trips. Divide total round trip time by
this value to get average round trip

Related reference:

50 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMECL

This database file includes token-ring network file entries and lists the fields in the token-ring local area
network (LAN) file.

Token-ring protocol statistics are reported for active token-ring line descriptions that are associated with
token-ring ports and with asynchronous transfer mode ports that support token-ring LAN emulation.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
EIOPI Reserved C (1)
ELITYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
ELLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
ELLSP Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
ELTFT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
ELTFR Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
ELIFT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
ELIFR Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
ELICT Total number of characters transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
ELICR Total number of characters received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
ELPRCL Protocol type: E for token-ring network. C (1)
ELRFT Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ELRFR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
ELFFT Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ELFFR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
ELRJFR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
ELRJFT Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ELSFT Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.

Reference information for Performance 51

Field Name Description Attribute
ELSFR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
ELDFT Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ELDFR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
ELDMT Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ELDMR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)
ELN2R N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times and n
times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.
ELT1T T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times and n times the
T1 timer ended before the station responded.
EMFTR Total frames transmitted: Total number of frames (LLC PD (11,0)
and MAC) transmitted. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMFRV Total frames received: Total number of frames (LLC and PD (11,0)
MAC) received. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMMFT MAC frames transmitted: Total number of MAC frames PD (11,0)
transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMMFR MAC frames received: Total number of MAC frames PD (11,0)
received. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMRIT Routing information frames transmitted: Total number PD (11,0)
of frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information
field transmitted. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMRIR Routing information frames received: Total number of PD (11,0)
frames (LLC and MAC) with a routing-information field
received. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMLNE Line error: Code violation of frame-check sequence PD (5,0)
error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMINE Internal error: Adapter internal error. This field does not PD (5,0)
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
EMBRE Burst error: Burst of same polarity is detected by the PD (5,0)
physical unit after the starting delimiter of a frame or
token. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMAFE Address-recognized indicator or frame-copied indicator PD (5,0)
error: Physical control field-extension field error. This
field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMABT Abnormal ending delimiter: Abnormal ending delimiter PD (5,0)
transmitted because of internal error. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer

52 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
EMLST Lost frame: Physical trailer timer ended while IOA is in PD (5,0)
transmit stripping state. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMRXC Receive congestion: Frame not copied because no buffer PD (5,0)
was available for the IOA to receive. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
EMFCE Frame-copied error: The frame with a specific PD (5,0)
destination address was copied by another adapter. This
field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMFQE Frequency error on the adapter. This field does not PD (5,0)
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
EMTKE Token error: The adapter that was ended by any token PD (5,0)
timer without detecting any frame or token. This field
does not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous
transfer mode.
EMDBE Direct memory access bus error: IOP/IOA bus DMA PD (5,0)
error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMDPE Direct memory access parity error: IOP/IOA DMA PD (5,0)
parity error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMANR Total number of frames with address not recognized PD (5,0)
error. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMFNC Total number of frames with frame not copied error. PD (5,0)
This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMTSE Total number of adapter frame transmit or frame strip PD (5,0)
process errors. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMUAP Unauthorized access priority: The access priority PD (5,0)
requested is not authorized. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMUMF Unauthorized MAC frame: The adapter is not PD (5,0)
authorized to send a MAC frame with the source class
specified, or the MAC frame has a source class of zero,
or the MAC frame physical control field attention field
is > 1. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMSFT Soft error: Total number of soft errors as reported by the PD (5,0)
adapter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMTBC Total number of beacon frames transmitted. This field PD (5,0)
does not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous
transfer mode.
EMIOA IOA status overrun: Adapter interrupt status queue PD (5,0)
overrun, earliest status discarded. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer

Reference information for Performance 53

Field Name Description Attribute
EMFDC Total number of frames discarded. This field does not PD (11,0)
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
EMSIN Total number of interrupts that MAC could not decode. PD (11,0)
This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
EMBRV Total MAC bytes received ok: This contains a count of PD(11,0)
bytes in frames that are successfully received. It includes
bytes from received multicast and broadcast frames.
This number includes everything starting from
destination address up to but excluding FCS. Source
address, destination address, length or type, and pad are
EMBTR Total MAC bytes transmitted ok: Total number of bytes PD(11,0)
transmitted successfully. This number includes
everything starting from destination address up to but
excluding FCS. Source address, destination address,
length or type, and pad are included.
EMFNTR Total frames not transmitted: This contains a count of PD(11,0)
frames that could not be transmitted due to the
hardware not signaling transmission completion for an
excessive period of time. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMRGUC Ring use count. Percentage LAN utilization = EMRG*C. PD(11,0)
Most likely, the value of this field is zero, because only a
few adapters use this function.
EMRGSC Ring sample count. Percentage LAN utilization = PD(11,0)
EMRG*C. Most likely, the value of this field is zero,
because only a few adapters use this function.
EMCVRF FCS or code violations detected in repeated frames: This PD(5,0)
counter is incremented for every repeated frame that has
a code violation or fails the frame check sequence (FCS)
cyclic redundancy check. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMFNR Frames transmitted that failed to return: This counter is PD(5,0)
incremented when a transmitted frame fails to return
from around the ring due to time out or the reception of
another frame. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
EMUNDR Number of underruns: This counter is incremented each PD(5,0)
time a DMA underrun is detected. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
EMDUP The duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value C (1)
might change over time. This field can have the
following values:
v Blank -- The duplex state is not known
v F -- Full duplex: the line can simultaneously transmit
and receive data
v H -- Half duplex: the line can either transmit data or
receive data, but the line cannot simultaneously
transmit and receive data.

54 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
EMUPF Unsupported protocol frames: Number of frames that PD (11,0)
were discarded because they specified an unsupported
protocol. This count is included in the frames discarded
counter. This field does not apply to LAN emulation
over asynchronous transfer mode.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMETH

This database file includes Ethernet file entries and lists the fields in the Ethernet file.

Ethernet LAN protocol statistics are reported for the active Ethernet line descriptions that are associated
with Ethernet ports and with asynchronous transfer mode ports that support Ethernet LAN emulation.

| There will be one record per line per port per interval. Port resource name should be used to uniquely
| associate records across intervals.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
ETIOPI Reserved C (1)
ETTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
ETLLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
ETLLSP Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
(bps). For some lines, this value might change as time
ETLTFT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
ETLTFR Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
ETLIFT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
ETLIFR Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
ETLICT Total number of characters transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
ETLICR Total number of characters received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 55

Field Name Description Attribute
ETLPRCL Protocol type: T for Ethernet. C (1)
ETLRFT Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ETLRFR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
ETLFFT Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ETLFFR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
ETLRJR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
ETLRJT Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ETLSFT Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.
ETLSFR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
ETLDFT Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ETLDFR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
ETLDMT Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
ETLDMR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)
ETLN2R N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times and n
times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.
ETLT1T T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times and n times the
T1 timer ended before the station responded.
ETLTIT Number of times the TI timer (Inactivity Timer) expired. PD (5,0)
This count is updated when the host has attempted to
contact a station n times and n times the T1 timer ended
before the station responded.
ETLFRT Number of times I-frame retransmission occurred. PD (11,0)
ETLBRT I frame bytes transmitted again. PD (11,0)
ETLLBC Local busy count: Number of times station entered local PD (5,0)
busy substate.
ETMFTG Frames transmitted without error. This field does not PD (11,0)
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMFRG Frames received without error. This field does not apply PD (11,0)
to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMIFM Inbound frames missed: A receiver buffer error or a PD (5,0)
missed frame was detected by the IOA. This field does
not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMCRE CRC error: Checksum errors detected by the receiver. PD (5,0)
This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMEXR More than 16 retries: Frame unsuccessfully transmitted PD (11,0)
due to excessive retries. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMOWC Out of window collisions: Collision occurred after slot PD (5,0)
time of channel elapsed. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.

56 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ETMALE Alignment error: Inbound frame contained non-integer PD (5,0)
number of bytes and a CRC error. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMCRL Carrier loss: Carrier input to the chipset on the IO PD (5,0)
adapters is false during transmission. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMTDR Time-domain reflectometry: Counter used to PD (5,0)
approximate distance to a cable fault. This value is
associated with the last occurrence of more than 16
retries. This field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMRBE Receive buffer errors: A silo overflow occurred on PD (5,0)
receiving a frame. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMSPI Spurious interrupts: An interrupt was received but PD (5,0)
could not be decoded into a recognizable interrupt. This
field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMDIF Discarded inbound frames: Receiver discarded frame PD (11,0)
due to lack of AIF entries. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMROV Receive overruns: Receiver has lost all or part of an PD (5,0)
incoming frame due to buffer shortage. This field does
not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMMEE Memory error: The chipset on the IO adapters is the bus PD (5,0)
master and did not receive ready signal within 25.6
usecs of asserting the address on the DAL** lines. This
field does not apply to LAN emulation over
asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMIOV Interrupt overrun: Interrupt not processed due to lack of PD (5,0)
status queue entries. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMTUN Transmit underflow: Transmitter has truncated a PD (5,0)
message due to data late from memory. This field does
not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETMBBE Babble errors: Transmitter exceeded maximum allowable PD (5,0)
time on channel. This field does not apply to LAN
emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMSQE Signal quality error: Signal indicating the transmit is PD (5,0)
successfully complete did not arrive within 2 usecs of
successful transmission. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMM1R More than 1 retry to transmit: Frame required more than PD (11,0)
one retry for successful transmission. This field does not
apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer
ETM1R Exactly one retry to transmit: Frame required 1 retry for PD (11,0)
successful transmission. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.

Reference information for Performance 57

Field Name Description Attribute
ETMDCN Deferred conditions: The chipset on the IO adapters PD (11,0)
deferred transmission due to busy channel. This field
does not apply to LAN emulation over asynchronous
transfer mode.
ETMBRV Total MAC bytes received ok: This contains a count of PD (15,0)
bytes in frames that are successfully received. It includes
bytes from received multicast and broadcast frames.
This number includes everything starting from
destination address up to but excluding FCS. Source
address, destination address, length or type, and pad are
ETMBTR Total MAC bytes transmitted ok: Total number of bytes PD (15,0)
transmitted successfully. This number includes
everything starting from destination address up to but
excluding FCS. Source address, destination address,
length or type, and pad are included.
ETMFNT Total frames not transmitted: This contains a count of PD (11,0)
frames that could not be transmitted due to the
hardware not signaling transmission completion for an
excessive period of time. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMMFD Total mail frames discarded. This field does not apply to PD (5,0)
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMTFD Transmit frames discarded. This field does not apply to PD (5,0)
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
ETMDUP The duplex state of the line. For some lines, this value C (1)
might change over time. This field can have the
following values:
v Blank -- The duplex state is not known
v F -- Full duplex: the line can simultaneously transmit
and receive data
v H -- Half duplex: the line can either transmit data or
receive data, but the line cannot simultaneously
transmit and receive data.
ETMUPF Unsupported protocol frames: Number of frames that PD (11)
were discarded because they specified an unsupported
protocol. This count is included in the discarded
inbound frames counter. This field does not apply to
LAN emulation over asynchronous transfer mode.
| ETMPORT Port resource name. C (10)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

58 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Collection Services data files: QAPMFRLY
This database file includes frame relay counter entries.

QAPMFRLY is a database file for the frame relay counter.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5 0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7 0)
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
YIOPI Reserved C (1)
YITYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
YLND Network interface (NWI) description: The name of the C (10)
description for this network interface.
YLSP Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
YLTFT Total number of frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLTFR Total number of frames received. PD (11,0)
YLIFT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLIFR Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
YLICT Total number of I-frames characters transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLICR Total number of I-frames characters received. PD (11,0)
YLPRCL Protocol type: Y for frame relay. C (1)
YLRFT Number of receive-not-ready (RNR) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLRFR Number of receive-not-ready (RNR) frames received. PD (11,0)
YLFFT Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLFFR Total number of frame-reject frames received. PD (11,0)
YLRJFR Number of reject frames received. PD (11,0)
YLRJFT Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLSFT Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (11,0)
(SABME) frames transmitted.
YLSFR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (11,0)
(SABME) frames received.
YLDFT Number of disconnect (DISC) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLDFR Number of disconnect (DISC) frames received. PD (11,0)
YLDMT Number of disconnect mode (DM) frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
YLDMR Number of disconnect mode (DM) frames received. PD (11,0)
YLN2R N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (11,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times, and the
T1 timer ended n times before the station responded.

Reference information for Performance 59

Field Name Description Attribute
YLT1T T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (11,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times, and the T1 timer
ended n times before the station responded.
YMLTI Local management interface (LMI) time-outs. PD (11,0)
YMLSE Local management interface (LMI) sequence errors. PD (11,0)
YMLPE Local management interface (LMI) protocol errors. PD (11,0)
YMPDE Port monitor data set ready (DSR) errors. PD (11,0)
YMPCE Port monitor clear to send (CTS) errors. PD (11,0)
YMMER MAC errors. PD (11,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMHDLC

This database file includes high-level data link control (HDLC) file entries.

Statistics are kept on a line basis for the fields in the HDLC file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: the nth sample database interval based PD (5,0)
on the start time specified in the Create Performance
Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
SHIOP Reserved C (1)
SHTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
SHLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
SHLSP Line speed: The speed of the line in bits per second PD (11,0)
SHBTRN Bytes transmitted: The number of bytes transmitted PD (11,0)
including bytes transmitted again.
SHBRCV Bytes received: The number of bytes received including PD (11,0)
all bytes in frames that had any kind of error.
SHPRCL Protocol type: S for SDLC. C (1)

60 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SHFTRN Number of frames transmitted (I, supervisory, and PD (11,0)
frames not numbered) excluding frames transmitted
SHIFTR Number of I-frames transmitted excluding I-frames PD (11,0)
transmitted again.
SHIFRT Number of I-frames transmitted again. PD (11,0)
SHFRT Number of I, supervisory, and frames not numbered PD (11,0)
transmitted again.
SHEFFR Error-free frames received: The number of I, supervisory, PD (11,0)
and frames not numbered received without error
(whether or not they were transmitted again from the
remote side.)
SHEFIR Error-free I-frames received: The number of I-frames PD (11,0)
received without error (whether or not they were
transmitted again from the remote side.)
SHFRIE Frames received in error: The number of I, supervisory, PD (11,0)
and frames not numbered received in error. There are
three error possibilities: (1) a supervisory or I-frame was
received with an Nr count that is requesting
retransmission of a frame, (2) an I-frame was received
with an Ns count that indicates that frames were
missed, (3) a frame is received with one of the following
errors: a frame check sequence error, an abnormal end, a
receive overrun, or a frame truncated error.
SHIFR Frames received that are not valid: The number of not PD (11,0)
valid frames received. These are frames received with
either: (1) short frame error-frame is less than 32 bits or
(2) residue error-frame is not on a byte boundary.
SHRRFT Number of receive ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
SHRRFR Number of receive ready supervisory frames received. PD (11,0)
SHRNRT Number of receive not ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
SHRNRR Number of receive not ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
SHLNKR Data link resets: The number of times a set normal PD (11,0)
response mode (SNRM) was received when the station
was already in normal response mode.
SHCPT The length of time (in tenths of seconds) that the system PD (3,0)
waits for the response to a poll while in normal
disconnect mode before polling the next station.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance

Reference information for Performance 61

database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMHTTPB

This database file contains basic data collected by the IBM® HTTP Server (powered by Apache) category.

This file represents basic data associated with each instance of the server. This file will contain one record
per interval per server instance.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
HTJNAM Server job name (server name) This field and next two C (10)
server job fields identify the child job for the server.
HTJUSR Server job user. C (10)
HTJNBR Server job number. C (6)
HTSSDT Server start date/time (yyyymmddhhmmss): most C (14)
recent start or restart time.
HTTHDA Threads active: The number of threads doing work B (9,0)
when the data was sampled.
HTTHDI Threads idle: The number of idle threads when the data B (9,0)
was sampled.
HTNINC Inbound connections (not SSL): The number of non-SSL B(18,0)
inbound connections accepted by the server.
HTSINC Inbound connections (SSL): The number of SSL inbound B (18,0)
connections accepted by the server.
HTRRCV Requests received: The number of requests of all types B (18,0)
received by the server.
HTRSND Responses sent: The number of responses of all types B (18,0)
sent by the server.
HTBRQR Requests rejected: The number of requests received that B (18,0)
were not valid.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

62 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Collection Services data files: QAPMHTTPD
This database file contains detail data collected by the HTTP Server (powered by Apache) category.

This file contains detailed data that is repeated for different request types which are processed by the
server. One record will be written to this file for each configured request type in each active server
instance each interval.

Note: Request types are reported as long as they are configured for the server regardless of whether any
data was processed by them.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
HTJNAM Server job name (server name): This and next two server C (10)
job fields identify the child job for the server.
HTJUSR Server job user. C (10)
HTJNBR Server job number. C (6)
HTRTYP Request type: This identifies the type of request being C (2)
reported by this record. Typical values are:
v SR - Requests handled internally by server
v SL - Requests of all types received via SSL (SSL is not
actually a request type. This record reports activity
that occurred over an SSL connection even though
that activity is also reported with other applicable
request types.)
v PX - Proxy requests
v CG - CGI requests
v WS - WebSphere® requests
v JV - IBM Java™ Servlet Engine requests
v UM - Requests handled by user modules
v FS - Static requests handled by FRCA (Fast Response
Cache Accelerator)
v FX - Requests proxied by FRCA
HTRQSR Requests received. B (18,0)
HTRQSS Responses sent. B (18,0)
HTBRQS Error responses sent. B (18,0)
HTNOCR Non-cached requests processed. B (18,0)
Note: Cache is not used and therefore this field is
reserved for the following request types: SL, CG, WS, JV,
and UM.
HTBRCV Bytes received. B (18,0)
HTBSND Bytes sent. B (18,0)
HTNRTM Processing time for non-cached requests in milliseconds. B (9,0)

Reference information for Performance 63

Field Name Description Attribute
HTCRTM Processing time for cached requests in milliseconds. B (9,0)
Note: cache is not used and therefore this field is
reserved for the following request types: SL, CG, WS, JV,
and UM.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMIDLC

This database file includes integrated services digital network (ISDN) data link control file entries and
lists the fields in the ISDN data link control (IDLC) file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
ISIOP Reserved C (1)
ISTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
ISLND Line description: The name of the line description. C (10)
ISNWI Network interface description: The name of the network C (10)
interface description.
ISLSP Link speed: The speed of this channel in bits per second. PD (11,0)
ISPRCL Protocol type: I for IDLC. C (1)
ILCRCE Receive CRC errors: The number of received frames that PD (11,0)
contain a cycle redundancy check (CRC) error.
ILSFE Short frame errors: The number of short frames PD (11,0)
received. A short frame is a frame that has fewer octets
between its start flag and end flag than is permitted.
ILORUN Receive overrun: The number of times the ISDN PD (11,0)
subsystem could not keep pace with incoming data
because of local controller overload.
ILURUN Transmit underrun: The number of times the ISDN PD (11,0)
subsystem could not keep pace with outgoing data
because of local controller overload.
ILABRT Aborts received: The number of frames received that PD (11,0)
contained HDLC abort indicators.

64 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ILFRIE Frames received in error: The sum of receive CRC PD (11,0)
errors, short frame errors, receive overrun, transmit
underrun, aborts received, and frame sequence errors
ISFRT Retransmitted frames. PD (11,0)
ISSEQE Sequence errors: The number of received frames that PD (11,0)
contained sequence numbers indicating frames were
ISFTRN Total number of frames transmitted: This includes PD (11,0)
information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and
supervisory (S) frames sent to a remote link station. This
includes frames retransmitted and frames sent on
transmissions stopped by transmit underruns, in
addition to successful transmissions.
ISFRCV Total number of frames received: This includes PD (11,0)
information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and
supervisory (S) frames received from the remote link
station. This includes no errors.
ISBTRN Total bytes transmitted: The total number of bytes PD (11,0)
transmitted to a remote link station. This includes bytes
retransmitted and bytes sent on transmissions stopped
by a transmit underrun, in addition to successful
ISBRCV Total bytes received: The total number of bytes received PD (11,0)
from the remote link station. This includes no errors.
ISB1 B1 channel: Set to one if the B1 channel was used. PD (1,0)
ISB2 B2 channel: Set to one if the B2 channel was used. PD (1,0)
ISCHAN B channel used: The B channel used is associated with a C (4)
bit in this field being set to 1. Bit 0 (most significant bit)
and 31 (least significant bit) are reserved. Bits 1 to 30 are
associated with B channels 30 to 1, respectively.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMIOPD

This database file lists the fields in the IOP extended data file.

Data is reported for the Network Server (*IPCS category) and I/O adapters (*IOPBASE category).
Network server data includes Integrated xSeries Server data and virtual I/O data. Virtual I/O data
consists of one record for each virtual device in use. If Network Server is associated with a Network
Server Host Adapter, virtual device might have more than one record reported per interval--one record

Reference information for Performance 65

for each Network Server Host Adapter, used by this virtual device. If concurrent maintenance is done
(adding or removing hardware under an IOP), the user should cycle the collector to insure that I/O
adapter data is reported correctly.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): the date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: the number PD (7,0)
of seconds since the last sample
interval. For operating system data
(data type 2), this value might not be
the same as the change in the interval
date and time (DTETIM) for the
interval because the elapsed interval
time comes directly from the
Integrated xSeries Server .
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
XIIOP Reserved C (1)
XITYPE The type of IOP represented by this C (4)
XIDTYP Data type: C (1)
v 1 -- Reserved
v 2 -- OS/2 or other operating
system (*IPCS category)
v 3 -- HPF386 (*IPCS category)
v 4 -- LAN Server (*IPCS category)
v 5 -- Virtual I/O (*IPCS category)
v A -- I/O adapter (*IOPBASE
XIDTA1 Data field 1 C (2)
XIDTA2 Data field 2 C (12)
XICT01 Counter 1 PD (11)
XICT02 Counter 2 PD (11)
XICT03 Counter 3 PD (11)
XICT04 Counter 4 PD (11)
XICT05 Counter 5 PD (11)
XICT06 Counter 6 PD (11)
XICT07 Counter 7 PD (11)
XICT08 Counter 8 PD (11)
XICT09 Counter 9 PD (11)
XICT10 Counter 10 PD (11)
XICT11 Counter 11 PD (11)
XICT12 Counter 12 PD (11)

66 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
XICT13 Counter 13 PD (11)
XICT14 Counter 14 PD (11)
XICT15 Counter 15 PD (11)
XICT16 Counter 16 PD (11)
XICT17 Counter 17 PD (11)
XICT18 Counter 18 PD (11)
XICT19 Counter 19 PD (11)
XICT20 Counter 20 PD (11)
XICT21 Counter 21 PD (11)
XICT22 Counter 22 PD (11)
XICT23 Counter 23 PD (11)
XICT24 Counter 24 PD (11)
XICT25 Counter 25 PD (11)
XICT26 Counter 26 PD (11)
XICT27 Counter 27 PD (11)
XICT28 Counter 28 PD (11)
XICT29 Counter 29 PD (11)
XICT30 Counter 30 PD (11)
XICT31 Counter 31 PD (11)
XICT32 Counter 32 PD (11)
XICT33 Counter 33 PD (11)
XICT34 Counter 34 PD (11)
XICT35 Counter 35 PD (11)
XICT36 Counter 36 PD (11)
XICT37 Counter 37 PD (11)
XICT38 Counter 38 PD (11)
XICT39 Counter 39 PD (11)
XICT40 Counter 40 PD (11)
XICT41 Counter 41 PD (11)
XICT42 Counter 42 PD (11)
XICT43 Counter 43 PD (11)
XICT44 Counter 44 PD (11)
XICT45 Counter 45 PD (11)
XICT46 Counter 46 PD (11)
XICT47 Counter 47 PD (11)
XICT48 Counter 48 PD (11)
XICT49 Counter 49 PD (11)
XICT50 Counter 50 PD (11)

Reference information for Performance 67

Field Name Description Attribute
XIADRN Adapter resource name: If the C (10)
resource reported is an adapter, then
this field will contain the resource
name of that adapter. If the resource
reported is an IOP, then this field will
contain the resource name of that
XINWSD Network server description name C (10)
(blanks are reported if a network
server description (NWSD) name is
not applicable).
XINWSH Network server host adapter name C (10)
(blanks are reported if a network
server host adapter (NWSH) name is
not applicable.


The following chart shows the types of counters used.

D (Delta counter): Number of occurrences in the interval (what most performance counters are).

S (State counter): The value at the time of collection or the maximum value during the interval.

XIDTYP = '1' (Reserved)

XIDTYP = '2' (OS/2 or other operating system)
Counter Description
(CTO1) D CPU time (milliseconds). This value is normalized to the
range of a single processor for adapters that have
multiple processors.
(CTO2) D Number of times threads rescheduled
(CTO3) D Number of interrupts
(CTO4) D CPU time servicing interrupts (milliseconds)
(CTO5) D Number of page faults
(CTO6) D Number of pages swapped in
(CTO7) D Number of pages demand-loaded
(CTO8) D Number of pages swapped out
(CTO9) D Number of pages discarded
(CT10) D Number of idle pages recovered
(CT11) D Number of pages idled
(CT12) D Number of idle pages reassigned
(CT13) S Number of elements in free queue
(CT14) S Length of time elements in free queue (milliseconds)
(CT15) S Number of elements in used queue
(CT16) S Length of time elements in used queue (milliseconds)
XIDTYP = '3' (HPFS386)
XIDTYP = '4' (LAN server)

68 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

XIDTYP = '1' (Reserved)
XIDTYP = '2' (OS/2 or other operating system)
Counter Description
Record types 3 (HPFS386) and 4 (LAN server) refer to functions that are no longer supported.
XIDTYP = '5' (Virtual I/O)
Counter Description
(DTA1) S Type of a virtual device:
v ' 1' = Adapter
v ' 2' = Disk
v ' 3' = Optical
v ' 4' = Tape
(DTA2) S v Characters 1-10: Virtual device name. Note: For tape
and optical devices this is the device resource name.
For disk devices, this is the name of the network
server storage space.
v Characters 11-12: Reserved (blank).
(CTO1) D Read operations
(CTO2) D Write operations
(CTO3) D Other operations
(CTO4) D Operations resulting in an error
(CTO5) D Kilobytes read from virtual device
(CTO6) D Kilobytes written to virtual device
(CTO7) S Reserved
(CTO8) S Reserved
XIDTYP = 'A'(I/0 adapter data)
(DTA1) S: Reserved (blank)
(DTA2) S: v Characters 1-4: I/O adapter type
v Characters 5-7: I/O adapter model
v Characters 8-12: Reserved (blank)
(CT01) D: Adapter time: Total processing time used by adapter
tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor.
Adapter tasks support the adapter and its attached
hardware. For some old IOPs such as the 6112, adapter
times are not reported.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Reference information for Performance 69

Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBMI
These database file entries contain task, primary, and secondary thread data that are collected with the
*JOBMI category. “Job” implies job, task, or thread.

Collection Services provides data only for jobs that consume CPU during an interval.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job C (12)
interval entry and job completion
date, and time (hhmmss) for job
completion entry.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
JBNAME Job name/workstation name. C (16)
JBUSER Job user. C (10)
JBNBR Job number. C (6)
JBTYPE Job type. C (1)
v A:Autostart
v B:Batch
v I:Interactive
v M:Subsystem monitor
v R:Spool reader
v S:System
v V:SLIC task
v W:Spool writer
v X:SCPF job
JBSTYP Job subtype. C (1)
v T:MRT (System/36 environment
v E:Evoke (communications batch)
v P:Print driver job
v J:Prestart job
v F:M36 (Advanced/36 server job)
v D:Batch immediate job
v U:Alternative spool user

70 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBSTSF Status flag: indicates job status PD (1,0)
relative to this interval. The values
v 0 -- normal interval collection
v 1 -- job started in interval
v 2 -- job ended in interval
v 3 -- job started and ended.
Note: Jobs that are rerouted or
transferred will result in a
termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and a
new job record (JBSTSF = 1).
JBTTYP Task type (01:Resident task, C (2)
02:Supervisor task, 03:MI process
task, 04:S36 emulation task).
JBTTYE Task type extender. C (2)
JBPOOL Job pool. C (2)
JBPRTY Job priority. C (3)
| JBCPU Thread unscaled interval CPU time PD (15,3)
| charged. The amount of unscaled
| processing time (in milliseconds)
| charged to this thread. It includes
| unscaled processing time used by this
| thread and any unscaled processing
| time charged to the thread by server
| tasks that worked on its behalf within
| the interval.

| For server tasks, this field will be

| zero.
JBRSP Total transaction time (in seconds). PD (15,3)
JBSLC Time-slice value (in milliseconds). PD (11,0)
JBNTR Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
JBDBR Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous database read operations
for database functions.
JBNDB Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous nondatabase read
operations for nondatabase functions.
JBWRT Number of writes: Total number of PD (11,0)
physical database and nondatabase
write operations.
JBAW Total number of transitions from PD (11,0)
active state to wait state for this job.
JBWI Total number of transitions from wait PD (11,0)
state to ineligible state for this job.
JBAI Total number of transitions from PD (11,0)
active state to ineligible state for this

Reference information for Performance 71

Field Name Description Attribute
JBNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions.
JBDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations for
database functions.
JBANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
JBADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations for
database functions.
JBANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
JBADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions.
JBPW Number of synchronous permanent PD (11,0)
JBPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to, but was not in
main storage. The Licensed Internal
Code no longer uses process access
groups for caching data. Because of
this implementation, this field will
always be 0 for more current releases.
JBOBIN Number of binary overflows. PD (11,0)
JBODEC Number of decimal overflows. PD (11,0)
JBOFLP Number of floating point overflows. PD (11,0)
JBIPF Number of times a page fault PD (11,0)
occurred on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
JBWIO Number of times the process PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
JBSZWT Total seize wait time (in PD (15,3)
JBSKSC Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
JBSKBS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
JBSKRC Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)

72 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBSKBR Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
JBXRFR Stream file reads. PD (11,0)
JBXRFW Stream file writes. PD (11,0)
| JBTCPU Job unscaled interval CPU time PD (15,3)
| charged. Thread unscaled interval
| CPU time charged (in milliseconds)
| totaled for all threads of the job
| within the interval.
| Note: This value may not equal the
| sum of JBCPU for all threads due to
| timing differences in the collection
| and reporting of these values. This
| field is provided for primary threads
| only.
JBTHDF Secondary thread flag. Identifies PD (1,0)
secondary threads of a multi-threaded
job. The values are: 0 -- tasks and
primary threads, 1 -- secondary
JBTHID Thread Identifier. A 4-byte C (8)
displayable thread identifier. A hex
string that is unique for threads
within a process. It will be blank for
tasks and prior release data.
JBTHAC Active threads. Current number of PD (11,0)
active threads in the process when
the data was sampled. An active
thread may be actively running,
suspended, or waiting on a resource.
Includes the primary thread.
JBTHCT Threads created. Number of threads PD (11,0)
initiated within this job. Includes both
active and terminated threads.
JBMTXT Mutex wait time in milliseconds. PD (15,3)
Cumulative time the thread waited
for a mutex.
JBIBM1 Reserved PD (11,0)
JBINSX Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSVIF Server interactive flag. Set to '1' if the C (1)
resource consumed by the function is
charged to the interactive capability
of the system.
JBTFLT Total page faults. PD (11,0)
JBTDE System task identifier. C (8)
JBPTDE Primary thread identifier. C (8)
JBLDUM Reserved. PD (1,0)

Reference information for Performance 73

Field Name Description Attribute
JBEDBC Database CPU time. The amount of P (15,3)
CPU time (in milliseconds) used to
perform database processing within
the single thread or task. This field is
provided on an individual task or
thread basis. For multi-threaded jobs,
values are not summarized across
JBTDBC Total database CPU time. The amount P (15,3)
of CPU time (in milliseconds) used to
perform database processing within
all threads of a multithreaded job.
Note: This may not equal the sum of
JBEDBC for all threads in a job. This
field is provided for primary threads
JBCOP Number of primary commit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
JBCOS Number of secondary commit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
This includes application and
system-provided referential integrity
JBDOP Number of primary decommit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
JBDOS Number of secondary decommit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
This includes application and
system-provided referential integrity
JBPJE Number of physical journal write PD (11,0)
operations to disk performed under
the task.
JBNSJE Number of journal entries not directly PD (11,0)
related to SMAPP.
JBUJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal PD (11,0)
entries deposited in user-provided
JBSJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal PD (11,0)
entries deposited in system-provided
(default) journals.
JBBFW Number of journal bytes written to PD (15,0)
disk. Such entries are packaged
within the permanent area of the
journal receiver. These are traditional
journal entries which can be retrieved
and displayed.

74 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBBFA Number of bytes deposited within PD (15,0)
the permanent area of the journal
receiver. This count includes both
those bytes already written to disk
and those still cached in main
memory. These are traditional journal
entries which can be retrieved and
JBBTW Number of transient area journal PD (15,0)
receiver bytes written to disk. The
transient area contains hidden journal
entries produced by the system, used
during IPL, and routed to this
transient area only if the customer
specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN
command. This transient area is a
separate area on the disk, distinct
from the disk space used to store the
normal journal entries.
JBBTA Number of bytes generated for the PD (15,0)
journal receiver transient area. This
count includes both transient bytes
already written to disk and those still
cached in main memory. The
transient area contains hidden journal
entries produced by the system, used
during IPL, and routed to this
transient area only if the customer
specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN
command. This transient area is a
separate area on the disk, distinct
from the disk space used to store the
normal journal entries.
JBTWT Amount of time this task spent PD (11,0)
waiting for journal bundles to be
written to disk (in milliseconds). This
includes time spent waiting for
physical disk write operations
initiated by this task to be serviced,
as well as time spent waiting for
physical disk write operations
initiated by other tasks whose journal
entries reside in the same journal
JBTNW Number of times this task waited for PD (11,0)
journal bundles to be written to disk.
JBXRRR Number of random stream file read PD (11,0)
operations. This count includes files
in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file

Reference information for Performance 75

Field Name Description Attribute
JBXRRW Number of random stream file write PD (11,0)
operations. This count includes files
in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file
JBXRFS Number of fsync operations. This PD (11,0)
count includes files in the Root,
QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the
files are on a volume that is not
formatted in Universal Disk Format
(UDS)) and user-defined file systems.
JBXRBR Stream file bytes read. This count PD (15,0)
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
JBXRBW Stream file bytes written. This count PD (15,0)
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
JBFSH Number of full secure sockets layer PD (11,0)
(SSL) handshakes that use server
JBASH Number of abbreviated (or fast) PD (11,0)
secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes
that use server authentication.
JBFSHA Number of full secure sockets layer PD (11,0)
(SSL) handshakes that use server and
client authentication.
JBASHA Number of abbreviated (or fast) PD (11,0)
secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes
that use server and client
JBPGA Total number of pages of temporary P (11,0)
and permanent storage that have
been allocated by the job since the job
JBPGD Total number of pages of temporary P (11,0)
and permanent storage that have
been deallocated by the job since the
job started.
JBCUSR The user profile that the job was C (10)
running under at the time the data
was sampled.

76 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBACPU Accumulated job unscaled CPU time PD (15,3)
| charged in milliseconds. The
| accumulated unscaled interval CPU
| time charged for all threads of the job
| since the job started.
| Note: This field is provided for
| primary threads only.
JBIPAF The remote IP address family flag C (1)
indicates the type of IP address
information provided in field JBIPAD.
The following are supported (see
<sys/socket.h> and the API
referenced under JBIPAD for more
information on these values):
v Hex 00 = Not set
v Hex 02 = AF_INET ( IPv4)
v Hex 18 = AF_INET6 (IPv6)
Note: An address may not be
available if there is no current
JBIPAD The binary form of IPv4 or IPv6 C (16)
remote IP address most recently
communicated with over sockets. If a
sockets connection has not been
established or has terminated (JBIPAF
= X'00'), this field will be blank. An
IPv4 address is 4 bytes long left
justified in this field. An IPv6 address
uses all 16 bytes. For examples and
further explanation, refer to the
Usage Notes section in the Convert
IPv4 and IPv6 Addresses Between
Text and Binary Form (inet_pton) API
JBIPPT The remote port number used in this P (5,0)
JBUAUF Reserved. C (1)
JBPGRQ Page frames requested. Number of B (9,0)
new page frames required by thread
to satisfy page fault, read or clear
JBPGRL Page frames released. Number of B (9,0)
page frames explicitly released by
JBMSLR File system symbolic link reads. This B (9,0)
count includes the following file
systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.
JBMDYR File system directory reads. This B (9,0)
count includes the following file
systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.

Reference information for Performance 77

Field Name Description Attribute
JBMLCH File system directory lookup cache B (9,0)
hits. This count includes the
following file systems: Root (/),
QOpenSys, and user-defined file
JBMLCM File system lookup cache misses. This B (9,0)
count includes the following file
systems: Root (/), QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.
JBMOPN File system opens. This count B (9,0)
includes the following file systems:
Root (/), QOpenSys, and user-defined
file systems.
JBMNDC File system non-directory creates. B (9,0)
Count of create operations for
non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes
the following file systems: Root (/),
QOpenSys, and user-defined file
JBMNDD File system non-directory deletes. B (9,0)
Count of delete operations for
non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes
the following file systems: Root (/),
QOpenSys, and user-defined file
| JBSCPU Thread scaled interval CPU time used B (18,0)
| charged. The amount of scaled
| processing time (in microseconds)
| charged to this thread. It includes
| scaled processing time used by this
| thread and any scaled processing
| time charged to the thread by server
| tasks that worked on its behalf within
| the interval.

| For server tasks, this field will be

| zero.
| Note: The ratio of JBSCPU to JBCPU
| shows the current processor speed in
| relation to nominal processor speed.
| JBSTCPU Job scaled interval CPU time charged. B (18,0)
| Thread scaled interval CPU time
| charged (in microseconds) totaled for
| all threads of the job within the
| interval.
| Note: This may not equal the sum of
| JBSCPU for all threads due to timing
| differences in the collection and
| reporting of these values. This field is
| provided for primary threads only.
JBFLDR1 Reserved. B (18,0)

78 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBFLDR2 Workload capping group delay time B (18,0)
| (in microseconds). The amount of
| time this thread could not be
| dispatched due to workload capping.
| JBFLDR3 Workload capping group. The B (9,0)
| identifier for the workload capping
| group this thread belonged to at the
| time this data was sampled. A value
| of zero is reported when no group
| was assigned.
JBFLDR4 Reserved. B (9,0)
JBJVMF JVM started. Indicates if this process C (1)
has ever started a JVM.
v ‘ ‘ = unknown / not defined
v ‘0' = No
v ‘1' = Yes
v ‘2' = JVM was active at time of
Note: Note: This field is provided for
primary threads only.
JBJVMT JVM Type If JBJVMF is set to H (1)
something other than x “00”, it
indicates the type of JVM that was
v x‘00‘ = unknown / not defined
v x‘01' = IBM Technology for Java -
32 Bit
v x‘02' = IBM Technology for Java -
64 Bit
v x‘99' = Classic JVM
Note: This field is provided for
primary threads only.
JBPASE i5/OS PASE run time – Indicates if an C (1)
i5/OS PASE runtime was active in
the thread at the time this data was
v ‘ ‘ = unknown / not defined
v ‘0' = No
v ‘1' = Yes

Reference information for Performance 79

Field Name Description Attribute
JBJTHDT JVM thread type. For secondary H (1)
threads within a process that has a
JVM active, this field may be used to
identify the type or function of the
thread. Values other than those
defined are reserved.

Values supported by the IBM

Technology for Java VM are:
v x'00' = Thread not assigned
v x'1E' - x'3B' = GC Thread
v x'3C' - x'59' = Finalization Thread
v x'5A' - x'77' = JIT Thread
v x'78' - x‘95' = JVM Internal Thread
| JBNFHN An identifier of a resource affinity H (2)
| domain this software thread or task is
| associated with. Thread or task is
| associated with resource affinity
| domain at a create time, but
| operating system may decide to move
| it to another resource affinity domain
| at a later time.
| JBNFLVL Resource affinity level specifies the H (1)
| relative strength of the binding
| between a thread and the internal
| machine resources with which it has
| affinity (processors and main
| storage).
| v Hex 00 = Processor normal, main
| storage normal
| v Hex 01 = Processor normal, main
| storage high
| v Hex 10 = Processor high, main
| storage normal
| v Hex 11 = Processor high, main
| storage high
| v Hex 03 = Processor normal, main
| storage none
| v Hex 20 = Processor low, main
| storage normal

80 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBNFGRP Identifier of a resources affinity group H (4)
| or resource affinity domain. This
| identifier specifies how threads or
| tasks are related to other threads or
| tasks in their use of internal machine
| processing resources, or how they are
| related to specific resource affinity
| domains.
| v Hex 00000000 = Independent
| This thread is not part of any
| affinity group and has no affinity
| to any specific resource affinity
| domain. Operating system
| determines which domain is used
| by this thread.
| v Hex 00010000 = Anonymous
| internal affinity group
| This thread is part of any
| anonymous internal affinity group
| which was created for an initial
| thread of this job. Operating
| system will choose the resource
| affinity domain for this group, but
| all threads within this job will have
| affinity to the same resource
| affinity domain.
| v Hex 40000000 - 7FFFFFFF =
| External affinity group identifier
| This thread is part of external
| affinity group, which was explicitly
| specified when this job was
| created. Operating system will
| choose the resource affinity domain
| for this group, but all threads for
| all jobs within this group will have
| affinity to the same resource
| affinity domain.
| v Hex FFFF0000 - FFFFFFFF =
| Affinity to a specific resource
| affinity domain
| This thread has affinity to a specific
| resource affinity domain. However,
| the resource affinity domain used
| by this thread is not specified
| directly. Rather an abstract number
| is used which is deterministically
| mapped by the operating system
| into a specific resource affinity
| domain. The same number is
| always mapped to the same
| domain and a set of consecutive
| values is mapped to different
| domains (for as many domains as
| may be installed within the
| machine).

Reference information for Performance 81

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBNFHNC Local dispatch time. Amount of CPU B (18, 0)
| time used by the thread on the
| resource affinity domain this thread is
| associated with. The time is reported
| in internal model-independent units.

| See Note on the next field

| JBNFFNC Non-local dispatch time. Amount of B (18, 0)
| CPU time used by the thread on
| resource affinity domains other than
| the one this thread is associated with,
| but within the same group. The time
| is reported in internal
| model-independent units.
| Note: JBNFHNC and JBNFFNC fields
| do not have significance by
| themselves. The ratio of JBNFHNC to
| JBNFFNC shows relative amount of
| time this thread was dispatched to its
| optimal resource affinity domain.
| JBNFHNP Local page frames. Number of 4K B (9, 0)
| page frames allocated for this thread
| during this interval from the resource
| affinity domain this thread is
| associated with.
| JBNFFNP Non-local page frame. Number of 4K B (9, 0)
| page frames allocated for this thread
| during this interval from resource
| affinity domains other than the one
| this thread is associated with, but
| within the same group.
| JBTNAME Thread name. Name of secondary C (16)
| thread, at sample time. The field will
| be blank for primary threads, tasks,
| and unnamed secondary threads.
| JBSLTCNT Short lifespan entry count. If this field B (9, 0)
| is greater than zero, the entry does
| not represent a particular task or
| secondary thread. Instead it is a
| special record used to report data
| accumulated for tasks and threads
| whose lifespan was shorter than the
| reporting threshold that was in effect
| when the collection started.

| Short lifespan tasks are reported for

| the processor node they were
| associated with and short lifespan
| secondary threads are reported for
| the job to which they belong.

| See QAPMCONF GKEY F1 for the

| reporting thresholds that were in
| effect during this collection.

82 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBSACPU Accumulated job scaled CPU time B (18, 0)
| charged (in microseconds). The
| accumulated scaled interval CPU time
| charged for all threads of the job
| since the job started.
| Note: This field is provided for
| primary threads only.
| JBINDCPU Thread unscaled CPU time used (in B (18, 0)
| microseconds). The amount of
| unscaled processor time that
| represents the work done solely
| within this thread without regard for
| how server task work is charged.
| JBSINDCPU Thread scaled CPU time used (in B (18, 0)
| microseconds). The amount of scaled
| processor time that represents the
| work done solely within this thread
| without regard for how server task
| work is charged.
| JBCPUWC Processor elapsed time. The elapsed B (18, 0)
| time (in microseconds) that a task
| executes.
| JBVPDLY Virtual processor delay time. The B (18, 0)
| elapsed delay time (in microseconds)
| due to virtualization for a task while
| it was executing. Virtual processor
| delay time included virtual processor
| thread wait event time, virtual
| processor thread wait ready time, and
| virtual processor thread dispatch
| latency.
| JBSEIZECNT Seize count. The number of seizes B (9, 0)
| held by this thread at the time the
| data was sampled.
| JBPSLCKCNT Process scoped lock count. The B (9, 0)
| number of process scoped locks held
| by this thread at the time data was
| sampled.
| JBTSLCKCNT Thread scoped lock count. The B (9, 0)
| number of thread scoped locks held
| by this thread at the time data was
| sampled.
| JBPSRCDLCK Process scoped database record lock B (9,0)
| count. The number of process scoped
| database record locks held by this
| thread at the time data was sampled.
| JBTSRCDLCK Thread scoped database record lock B (9, 0)
| count. The number of thread scoped
| database record locks held by this
| thread at the time data was sampled.

Reference information for Performance 83

Field Name Description Attribute
| JBNFOGDT Off-group dispatch time. Amount of B (18, 0)
| CPU time used by the thread in a
| resource affinity group other than the
| one this thread is associated with.
| The time is reported in internal
| model-dependent units.
| JBNFOGMA Off-group page frames. Number of B (9, 0)
| 4K page frames allocated for this
| thread during this interval from a
| resource affinity group other than the
| one this thread is associated with.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
“Collection Services data files: Task type extender” on page 231
A task type extender identifies the area of functional support provided by the task.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBOS

These database file entries contain data specific to system jobs.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job interval entry and job C (12)
completion date, and time (hhmmss) for job completion
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTCEN Century digit. C (1)
JBNAME Job name/workstation name. C (10)
JBUSER Job user. C (10)
JBNBR Job number. C (6)

84 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBTYPE Job type. C (1)
v A:Autostart
v B:Batch
v I:Interactive
v M:Subsystem monitor
v R:Spool reader
v S:System
v V:SLIC task
v W:Spool writer
v X:SCPF job
JBSTYP Job subtype. C (1)
v T:MRT (System/36 environment only)
v E:Evoke (communications batch)
v P:Print driver job
v J:Prestart job
v F:M36 (Advanced/36 server job)
v D:Batch immediate job
v U:Alternative spool user
JBSTSF Status flag: indicates job status relative to this interval. PD (1,0)
The values are:
v 0 -- normal interval collection
v 1 -- job started in interval
v 2 -- job ended in interval
v 3 -- job started and ended.
Note: Jobs that are rerouted or transferred will result in
a termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and a new job record
(JBSTSF = 1.)
JBSSYS Name of the subsystem the job is running in. C (10)
JBSLIB Name of the library the subsystem description is in. C (10)
JBROUT The routing entry index for the subsystem this job is in. PD (5,0)
JBACCO Job accounting code. Field cannot be displayed. C (15)
JBRSP Total transaction time (in seconds). PD (15,3)
Note: Certain IBM i functions support the concept of a
transaction. The definition of a transaction and the
characteristics of a transaction are different depending
on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For
interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted.
The transaction starts on detection of enter from the
workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is
unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the
processing of a distribution.

Reference information for Performance 85

Field Name Description Attribute
JBNTR Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
Note: Certain IBM i functions support the concept of a
transaction. The definition of a transaction and the
characteristics of a transaction are different depending
on the type of job or the specific function of the job. For
interactive jobs, display I/O transactions are counted.
The transaction starts on detection of enter from the
workstation; the transaction ends when the keyboard is
unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a transaction is the
processing of a distribution.
JBAIQT Total application input queuing time (in hundredths of a PD (15,1)
JBNAIQ Number of application input queuing transactions. PD (11,0)
JBRUT Total resource usage time (in seconds). PD (15,3)
JBNRU Number of resource usage transactions. PD (11,0)
JBPLN Number of print lines: Number of lines written by the PD (11,0)
program. This does not reflect what is actually printed.
Spooled files can be ended, or printed with multiple
JBPPG Number of print pages. PD (11,0)
JBPFL Number of print files. PD (11,0)
JBLWT Number of database writes (logical): Number of times PD (11,0)
the internal database write function was called. This
does not include I/O operations to readers/writers, or
I/O operations caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF
command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these
numbers show each block of records written, not the
number of individual records written.
JBLRD Number of database reads (logical): Number of times PD (11,0)
the database module was called. This does not include
I/O operations to readers/writers, or I/O operations
caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF command. If
SEQONLY(*YES) is specified, these numbers show each
block of records read, not the number of individual
records read.
JBDBU Number of miscellaneous database operations: Updates, PD (11,0)
deletes, force-end-of-data, commits, rollbacks, and
releases (logical).
JBCPT Number of communications writes: These do not PD (11,0)
include remote workstation activity. They include only
activity related to intersystem communications function
(ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem
communications function (ICF) device.
JBCGT Number of communications reads (logical): These do not PD (11,0)
include remote workstation activity. They include only
activity related to intersystem communications function
(ICF) files when the I/O is for an intersystem
communications function (ICF) device.
JBSPD Total suspended time (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JBRRT Total time job waited during reroutes (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)

86 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBLND Line description: Name of the communications line this C (10)
workstation and its controller are attached to. This is
only available for remote workstations.
JBCUD Controller description: Name of the controller this C (10)
workstation is attached to.
JB2LND Secondary line description (pass-through and emulation C (10)
JB2CUD Secondary controller description (pass-through and C (10)
emulation only).
JBIRN IOP resource name. C (10)
JBDRN Device resource name. C (10)
JBPORT Workstation port number. PD (3,0)
JBSTN Workstation number. PD (3,0)
JBPTSF Pass-through source flag. PD (1,0)
JBPTTF Pass-through target flag. PD (1,0)
JBEAF Emulation active flag. PD (1,0)
JBPCSF System i Access application flag. PD (1,0)
JBDDMF Target DDM job flag. PD (1,0)
JBMRTF MRT flag. PD (1,0)
JBS36E Is job running in System/36 environment? (Y/N) C (1)
JBQT Total queuing time to enter the MRT (in hundredths of PD (11,0)
JBMMT Total time spent at MRTMAX (in seconds). PD (11,0)
JBNEQT Total number of entries into the MRT. PD (11,0)
JBPUTN The number of times ACPUT was called to send user or PD (11,0)
control data. Calls that result in no data being sent are
not counted.
JBPUTA The total amount of user and control data that was sent PD (11,0)
by the user's program. This value does not include the
LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths.
JBGETN The number of times ACGET was called to receive user PD (11,0)
or control data. Calls that result in no data being given
to the user application will not be counted.
JBGETA The total amount of user and control data that was PD (11,0)
received by the user's program. This value does not
include the LLID, MAPNAME, or FMH-7 data lengths.
JBPGIN The number of intervals that begin at the first put of a PD (11,0)
chain and end when CD is returned to the user.
JBPGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals PD (11,0)
that begin at the first put of a chain and end when CD
is returned to the user.
JBGGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in intervals PD (11,0)
that begin when the first get of a get chain completes
and ends when the first get of a new chain is issued.
JBRTI This is the number of request I/O commands (REQIOs) PD (11,0)
issued to transmit data of any kind (including FMH-7s.)

Reference information for Performance 87

Field Name Description Attribute
JBRRI This is the number of REQIOs issued to receive data of PD (11,0)
any kind (including FMH-7s.)
JBXSLR File system symbolic link reads. This count includes the PD (11,0)
following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.
JBXDYR File system directory reads. This count includes the PD (11,0)
following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.
JBDLCH File system directory lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
JBDLCM File system lookup cache misses. This count includes the PD (11,0)
following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined file systems.
JBSJNM Submitter's job name. C (10)
JBSJUS Submitter's job user. C (10)
JBSJNB Submitter's job number. C (6)
JBSJFG Submitted job flag. This flag is designed to differentiate C (1)
locally submitted jobs from jobs that are submitted from
remote systems. Currently, this flag supports locally
submitted jobs only.
JBRSYS Reserved. C (10)
JBDEVN Reserved. C (10)
JBRLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBLLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBMODE Reserved. C (8)
JBRMNT Reserved. C (8)
JBBUP Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBDL Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBFE Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBCO Database commit operations. PD (11,0)
JBBRO Database rollback operations. PD (11,0)
JBLBO The cumulative number of SQL cursors which have PD (11,0)
been full opened.
JBLBC Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBI Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBS The cumulative number of SQL cursors which have PD (11,0)
been pseudo-opened. Pseudo-opens are also known as
reused SQL cursors.
JBDQS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBDQR Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNDA Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNUS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT1 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT3 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBGRUP Job group. C (3)

88 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBTDE System task identifier. This field cannot be displayed. C (8)
JBFLAG Job flag (See notes.) Field cannot be displayed. C (2)
JBSVRT Server type. The type of server represented by the job. A C (30)
value of blank (or blank space) indicates that the job is
not part of a server.

For more information on server types, see Server jobs

and Server table.
JBFSOPN File system opens. This count includes the following file PD (11,0)
systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files
JBFSDC File system directory creates. This count includes the PD (11,0)
following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined files systems.
JBFSNDC File system non-directory creates. Count of create PD (11,0)
operations for non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes the following file
systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files
JBFSDD File system directory deletes. This count includes the PD (11,0)
following file systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined files systems.
JBFSNDD File system non-directory deletes. Count of delete PD (11,0)
operations for non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes the following file
systems: Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined files

Table 1. Job flags:
0 Pass-through service
1 Pass-through target
2 Emulation active
3 System i Access application
4 Target DDM job
6-15 not used

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance

Reference information for Performance 89

database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBS and QAPMJOBL

The QAPMJOBL file is provided for compatibility with the performance monitor and combines data from
the QAPMJOBMI file and the QAPMJOBOS file.

| The QAPMJOBS file is created when the performance monitor database files are migrated with the
| Convert Performance Collection (CVTPFRCOL) command to a newer release. Collection Services does not
| create the QAPMJOBS file.

The database files contain data for each job, task or thread (one record per job, task, or thread). Collection
Services provides data only for jobs that consume CPU during an interval. “Job” means job, task, or
thread. Data in this file comes from the *JOBMI and *JOBOS categories.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job C (12)
interval entry and job completion
date, and time (hhmmss) for job
completion entry.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
JBSSYS Name of the subsystem the job is C (10)
running in.
JBSLIB Name of the library the subsystem C (10)
description is in.
JBNAME Job name/workstation name. C (16)
JBUSER Job user. C (10)
JBNBR Job number. C (6)
JBACCO Job accounting code. Field cannot be C (15)
JBTYPE Job type (A:Autostart, B:Batch, C (1)
I:Interactive, M:Subsystem monitor,
R:Spool reader, S:System, V:SLIC task,
W:Spool writer, X:SCPF job)
JBSTYP Job subtype. (T:MRT (System/36 C (1)
environment only) E:Evoke
(communications batch), P:Print
driver job, J:Prestart job, F:M36
(Advanced/36 server job), D:Batch
immediate job, U:Alternative spool
JBTTYP Task type. (01:Resident task, C (2)
02:Supervisor task, 03:MI process
task, 04:S36 emulation task).
JBTTYE Task type extender. See task type C (2)
extender definitions for detailed
information about a task type
extender. (See note 1 on page 103.)

90 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBFLAG Job flag. (Bit, 0:Pass-through source, C (2)
1:Pass-through target, 2:Emulation
active, 3:System i Access application,
4:Target DDM job, 5:MRT, 6-15: Not
used) Field cannot be displayed.
JBS36E Is job running in System/36 C (1)
environment? (Y/N)
JBPOOL Job pool. C (2)
JBPRTY Job priority. C (3)
JBCPU Processing unit time (in milliseconds) PD (15,3)
used. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBRSP Total transaction time (in seconds.) PD (15,3)
Certain IBM i functions support the
concept of a transaction. The
definition of transaction and the
characteristics of a transaction are
different depending on the type of
job or the specific function of the job.
For interactive jobs, display I/O
transactions are counted. The
transaction starts on detection of
enter from the workstation; the
transaction ends when the keyboard
is unlocked. For SNADS jobs, a
transaction is the processing of a
JBSLC Time-slice value (in milliseconds.) PD (11,0)
JBNTR Number of transactions. CertainIBM i PD (11,0)
functions support the concept of a
transaction. The definition of
transaction and the characteristics of
a transaction are different depending
on the type of job or the specific
function of the job. For interactive
jobs, display I/O transactions are
counted. The transaction starts on
detection of enter from the
workstation; the transaction ends
when the keyboard is unlocked. For
SNADS jobs, a transaction is the
processing of a distribution.
JBDBR Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous database read
operations for database functions.
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBNDB Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous nondatabase read
operations for nondatabase functions.
(See note 2 on page 103.)

Reference information for Performance 91

Field Name Description Attribute
JBWRT Number of writes: Total number of PD (11,0)
physical database and nondatabase
write operations. (See note 2 on page
JBAW Total number of transitions from PD (11,0)
active state to wait state for this job.
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBWI Total number of transitions from wait PD (11,0)
state to ineligible state for this job.
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBAI Total number of transitions from PD (11,0)
active state to ineligible state for this
job. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBPLN Number of print lines: Number of PD (11,0)
lines written by the program. This
does not reflect what is actually
printed. Spooled files can be ended,
or printed with multiple copies. (See
note 3 on page 103.)
JBPPG Number of print pages. (See note 3 PD (11,0)
on page 103.)
JBPFL Number of print files. (See note 3 on PD (11,0)
page 103.)
JBLWT Number of database writes (logical): PD (11,0)
Number of times the internal
database write function was called.
This does not include I/O operations
to readers/writers, or I/O operations
caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF
command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is
specified, these numbers show each
block of records written, not the
number of individual records written.
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBLRD Number of database reads (logical): PD (11,0)
Number of times the database
module was called. This does not
include I/O operations to
readers/writers, or I/O operations
caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF
command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is
specified, these numbers show each
block of records read, not the number
of individual records read. (See note
3 on page 103.)
JBDBU Number of miscellaneous database PD (11,0)
operations: Updates, deletes,
force-end-of-data, commits, rollbacks,
and releases (logical). (See note 3 on
page 103.)

92 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBCPT Number of communications writes: PD (11,0)
These do not include remote
workstation activity. They include
only activity related to intersystem
communications function (ICF) files
when the I/O is for an ICF device.
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBCGT Number of communications reads PD (11,0)
(logical): These do not include remote
workstation activity. They include
only activity related to intersystem
communications function (ICF) files
when the I/O is for an ICF device.
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBSPD Total suspended time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds.) (See note 3 on page
JBRRT Total time job waited during reroutes PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds.) (See note 3 on page
JBLND Line description: Name of the C (10)
communications line this workstation
and its controller is attached to. This
is only available for remote
workstations. (See note 3 on page
JBCUD Controller description: Name of the C (10)
controller this workstation is attached
to. (See note 3 on page 103.)
JB2LND Secondary line description C (10)
(pass-through and emulation only.)
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JB2CUD Secondary controller description C (10)
(pass-through and emulation only.)
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBBRG Reserved PD (9,0)
JBPRG Reserved PD (9,0)
JBNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions.
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions. (See note 2 on
page 103.)
JBANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions. (See note 2 on page 103.)

Reference information for Performance 93

Field Name Description Attribute
JBADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions. (See note 2 on
page 103.)
JBANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions. (See note 2 on
page 103.)
JBPW Number of synchronous permanent PD (11,0)
writes. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBCS Reserved PD (11,0)
JBPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to, but was not in
main storage. The Licensed Internal
Code no longer uses process access
groups for caching data. Because of
this implementation, this field will
always be 0 for more current releases.
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
JBOBIN Number of binary overflows. (See PD (11,0)
note 2 on page 103.)
JBODEC Number of decimal overflows. (See PD (11,0)
note 2 on page 103.)
JBOFLP Number of floating point overflows. PD (11,0)
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBIPF Number of times a page fault PD (11,0)
occurred on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation. (See note 2 on page
JBWIO Number of times the process PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
complete. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBIRN IOP resource name. (See note 3 on C (10)
page 103.)
JBDRN Device resource name. (See note 3 on C (10)
page 103.)
JIOPB Reserved PD(3,0)
JIOPA Reserved PD(3,0)
JBPORT Workstation port number. (See note 3 PD (3,0)
on page 103.)

94 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBSTN Workstation number. (See note 3 on PD (3,0)
page 103.)
JBPTSF Pass-through source flag. PD (1,0)
JBPTTF Pass-through target flag. PD (1,0)
JBEAF Emulation active flag. PD (1,0)
JBPCSF IBM i Access application flag. PD (1,0)
JBDDMF Target DDM job flag. PD (1,0)
JBMRTF MRT flag. PD (1,0)
JBROUT The routing entry index for the PD (5,0)
subsystem this job is in.
JBAPT Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNSW Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSST Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBQT2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBCDR Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBCDS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBAIQT Total application input queuing time PD (15,1)
(in hundredths of a second.) (See
note 3 on page 103.)
JBNAIQ Number of application input queuing PD (11,0)
transactions. (See note 3 on page
JBRUT Total resource usage time (in PD (15,3)
seconds.) (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBNRU Number of resource usage PD (11,0)
transactions. (See note 3 on page
JBQT Total queuing time to enter the MRT PD (11,0)
(in hundredths of seconds.) (See note
3 on page 103.)
JBMMT Total time spent at MRTMAX (in PD (11,0)
seconds.) (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBNEQT Total number of entries into the MRT. PD (11,0)
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBPUTN The number of times ACPUT was PD (11,0)
called to send user or control data.
Calls that result in no data being sent
are not counted. (See note 3 on page
JBPUTA The total amount of user and control PD (11,0)
data that was sent by the user's
program. This value does not include
data lengths. (See note 3 on page

Reference information for Performance 95

Field Name Description Attribute
JBGETN The number of times ACGET was PD (11,0)
called to receive user or control data.
Calls that result in no data being
given to the user application will not
be counted. (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBGETA The total amount of user and control PD (11,0)
data that was received by the user's
program. This value does not include
data lengths. (See note 3 on page
JBPGIN The number of intervals that begin at PD (11,0)
the first put of a chain and end when
CD is returned to the user. (See note
3 on page 103.)
JBPGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) PD (11,0)
spent in intervals that begin at the
first put of a chain and end when CD
is returned to the user. (See note 3 on
page 103.)
JBGGIL The amount of time (in milliseconds) PD (11,0)
spent in intervals that begin when
the first get of a get chain completes
and ends when the first get of a new
chain is issued. (See note 3 on page
JBRTI This is the number of request I/O PD (11,0)
commands (REQIOs) issued to
transmit data of any kind (including
FMH-7s.) (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBRRI This is the number of REQIOs issued PD (11,0)
to receive data of any kind (including
FMH-7s.) (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBSZWT Total seize wait time in milliseconds. PD (15,3)
(See note 2 on page 103.)
JBSKSC Number of socket sends. (See note 3 PD (11,0)
on page 103.)
JBSKBS Number of socket bytes sent. (See PD (11,0)
note 3 on page 103.)
JBSKRC Number of socket receives. (See note PD (11,0)
3 on page 103.)
JBSKBR Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBXRFR Stream file reads. (See note 2 on page PD (11,0)
JBXRFW Stream file writes. (See note 2 on PD (11,0)
page 103.)
JBXSLR File system symbolic link reads. (See PD (11,0)
note 3 on page 103.)
JBXDYR File system directory reads. (See note PD (11,0)
3 on page 103.)

96 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBDLCH File system directory lookup cache PD (11,0)
hits. (See note 3 on page 103.)
JBDLCM File system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
JBSJNM Submitter's job name. (See note 3 on C (10)
page 103.)
JBSJUS Submitter's job user. File system C (10)
directory lookup cache hits. (See note
3 on page 103.)
JBSJNB Submitter's job number. (See note 3 C (6)
on page 103.)
JBSJFG Submitted job flag. This flag is C (1)
designed to differentiate locally
submitted jobs from jobs that are
submitted from remote systems.
Currently, this flag supports locally
submitted jobs only. (See note 3 on
page 103.)
JBRSYS Reserved. C (10)
JBDEVN Reserved. C (10)
JBRLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBLLNM Reserved. C (8)
JBMODE Reserved. C (8)
JBRMNT Reserved. C (8)
JBINSX Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBUP Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBDL Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBFE Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBCO Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBBRO Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBO Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBC Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBI Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBLBS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBDQS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBDQR Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNDA Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBNUS Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT1 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
JBSIT3 Reserved. PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 97

Field Name Description Attribute
JBTCPU Total job CPU in milliseconds. Total PD (15,3)
CPU used by all threads of a
multi-threaded job.
Note: This is not the sum of JBCPU
for all job threads due to timing
differences in the collection and
reporting of these values. (See note 3
on page 103.)
JBTHDF Secondary thread flag. Identifies PD (1,0)
secondary threads of a
multi-threaded job. The values are: 0
for tasks and primary threads; 1 for
secondary threads.
JBTHID Thread Identifier. A 4-byte C (8)
displayable thread identifier. A hex
string that is unique for threads
within a process. It will be blank for
tasks and prior release data.
JBTHAC Active threads. Current number of PD (11,0)
active threads in the process when
the data was sampled. An active
thread may be actively running,
suspended, or waiting on a resource.
Includes the primary thread. (See
note 3 on page 103.)
JBTHCT Threads created. Number of threads PD (11,0)
initiated within this job. Includes
both active and terminated threads.
(See note 3 on page 103.)
JBMTXT Mutex wait time in milliseconds. PD (15,3)
Cumulative time the thread waited
for a mutex. (See note 2 on page 103.)
JBIBM1 Reserved PD (11,0)
JBSTSF Status flag: indicates job status PD (1,0)
relative to this interval. The values
are: 0 -- normal interval collection, 1
-- job started in interval, 2 -- job
ended in interval, 3 -- job started and
ended. Jobs that are rerouted or
transferred will result in a
termination record (JBSTSF = 2) and
a new job record (JBSTSF = 1)
JBSVIF Server interactive flag. Set to '1' if the C (1)
resource consumed by the function is
charged to the interactive capability
of the system.
JBTFLT Total page faults. PD (11,0)
JBEDBC Database CPU time. The amount of P (15,3)
CPU time (in milliseconds) that is
used to perform database processing
within the single thread or task. (See
note 3 on page 103.)

98 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBTDBC Total database CPU time. The P (15,3)
amount of CPU time (in milliseconds)
that is used to perform database
processing within all threads of a
multithreaded job.
Note: This may not equal the sum of
JBEDBC for all job threads. (See note
3 on page 103.)
JBSVRT Server type. The type of server C (30)
represented by the job. A value of
blank (or blank space) indicates that
the job is not part of a server.
JBCOP Number of primary commit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
JBCOS Number of secondary commit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
This includes application and
system-provided referential integrity
JBDOP Number of primary decommit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
JBDOS Number of secondary decommit PD (11,0)
operations performed under the task.
This includes application and
system-provided referential integrity
JBPJE Number of physical journal write PD (11,0)
operations to disk performed under
the task.
JBNSJE Number of journal entries not PD (11,0)
directly related to SMAPP.
JBUJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal PD (11,0)
entries deposited in user-provided
JBSJD Number of SMAPP-induced journal PD (11,0)
entries deposited in system-provided
(default) journals.
JBBFW Number of journal bytes written to PD (15,0)
disk. Such entries are packaged
within the permanent area of the
journal receiver. These are traditional
journal entries which can be retrieved
and displayed.
JBBFA Number of bytes deposited within PD (15,0)
the permanent area of the journal
receiver. This count includes both
those bytes already written to disk
and those still cached in main
memory. These are traditional journal
entries which can be retrieved and

Reference information for Performance 99

Field Name Description Attribute
JBBTW Number of transient area journal PD (15,0)
receiver bytes written to disk. The
transient area contains hidden journal
entries produced by the system, used
during IPL, and routed to this
transient area only if the customer
specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN
command. This transient area is a
separate area on the disk, distinct
from the disk space used to store the
normal journal entries.
JBBTA Number of bytes generated for the PD (15,0)
journal receiver transient area. This
count includes both transient bytes
already written to disk and those still
cached in main memory. The
transient area contains hidden journal
entries produced by the system, used
during IPL, and routed to this
transient area only if the customer
specifies *RmvIntEnt on the CHGJRN
command. This transient area is a
separate area on the disk, distinct
from the disk space used to store the
normal journal entries.
JBTWT Amount of time this task spent PD (11,0)
waiting for journal bundles to be
written to disk (in milliseconds). This
includes time spent waiting for
physical disk write operations
initiated by this task to be serviced,
as well as time spent waiting for
physical disk write operations
initiated by other tasks whose journal
entries reside in the same journal
JBTNW Number of times this task waited for PD (11,0)
journal bundles to be written to disk.
JBXRRR Number of random stream file read PD (11,0)
operations. This count includes files
in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file
JBXRRW Number of random stream file write PD (11,0)
operations. This count includes files
in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file

100 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JBXRFS Number of fsync operations. This PD (11,0)
count includes files in the Root,
QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the
files are on a volume that is not
formatted in Universal Disk Format
(UDS)) and user-defined file systems.
JBXRBR Stream file bytes read. This count PD (15,0)
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
JBXRBW Stream file bytes written. This count PD (15,0)
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
JBFSH Number of full secure sockets layer PD (11,0)
(SSL) handshakes that use server
JBASH Number of abbreviated (or fast) PD (11,0)
secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes
that use server authentication.
JBFSHA Number of full secure sockets layer PD (11,0)
(SSL) handshakes that use server and
client authentication.
JBASHA Number of abbreviated (or fast) PD (11,0)
secure sockets layer (SSL) handshakes
that use server and client
JBPGA Total number of pages of temporary P (11,0)
and permanent storage that have
been allocated by the job since the
job started
JBPGD Total number of pages of temporary P (11,0)
and permanent storage that have
been deallocated by the job since the
job started.
JBCUSR The user profile that the job was C (10)
running under at the time the data
was sampled.
JBFSOPN File system opens. This count PD (11,0)
includes the following file systems:
Root, QOpenSys, and user-defined
files systems.
JBFSDC File system directory creates. This PD (11,0)
count includes the following file
systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined files systems.

Reference information for Performance 101

Field Name Description Attribute
JBFSNDC File system non-directory creates. PD (11,0)
Count of create operations for
non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes
the following file systems: Root,
QOpenSys, and user-defined files
JBFSDD File system directory deletes. This PD (11,0)
count includes the following file
systems: Root, QOpenSys, and
user-defined files systems.
JBFSNDD File system non-directory deletes. PD (11,0)
Count of delete operations for
non-directory objects such as files or
symbolic links. This count includes
the following file systems: Root,
QOpenSys, and user-defined files
JBACPU Accumulated total job CPU time in PD (15,3)
milliseconds. Accumulated CPU time
used by all threads of a
multi-threaded job since the job
Note: This field is provided for
primary threads only.
JBIPAF The remote IP address family flag C (1)
indicates the type of IP address
information provided in field
JBIPAD. The following are supported
(see <sys/socket.h> and the API
referenced under JBIPAD for more
information on these values):
v Hex 00 = Not set
v Hex 02 = AF_INET ( IPv4)
v Hex 18 = AF_INET6 (IPv6)
Note: An address may not be
available if there is no current
JBIPAD Remote IP address (IPv4 or IPv6). C (16)
This field displays the binary form of
IPv4 or IPv6 address currently being
used. If a socket connection has not
been established or has ended, this
field might be blank. An IPv4
address is 4-bytes long, left-justified
in this field. An IPv6 address uses all
16 bytes.
JBIPPT Remote port number. This field Z (5,0)
displays the port number that is used
in this connection.
JBUAUF Reserved. C (1)

102 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
1. For Detailed information about a task type extender, see task type extender definitions.
2. These fields are provided on an individual task or thread basis. For multithreaded jobs, they are not summarized
across threads.
3. These fields are provided for primary threads only. If the field is a numeric counter, it is a cumulative total for
all threads of a multithreaded job.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
“Collection Services data files: Task type extender” on page 231
A task type extender identifies the area of functional support provided by the task.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBSR

| This file contains data for jobs that have performed save or restore operations.

| There will be one record per job for each operation type it has performed (see field JSTYPE).
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
| based on the start time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
| DATETIME Interval date and time. The date and time of the sample Timestamp
| interval.
| INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since PD (7, 0)
| the last sample interval.
| JSTDE System task identifier. C (8)
| JSTYPE Record/operation type. This field identifies the type of C (1)
| data contained within the record. Record types are
| based on the save/restore operation performed:
| v '1' - IFS save
| v '2' - IFS restore
| v '3' - Library save
| v '4' - Library restore
| JSOPSSTR Operations started. The number of save or restore B (9, 0)
| operations started.
| JSGRPSTR Groups started. The number of groups of objects started. B (9, 0)
| JSGPREPRC Groups preprocessed. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| that have completed preprocessing.
| JSGCHKRDY Groups checkpoint ready. The number of groups of B (9, 0)
| objects ready for checkpoint processing. (This metric is
| supported only for IFS save operations).

Reference information for Performance 103

| Field Name Description Attribute
| JSGCHKISSU Groups checkpoint issued. The number of groups of B (9, 0)
| objects that have started checkpoint processing. (This
| metric is supported only for save operations).
| JSGCHKCMP Groups checkpoint complete. The number of groups of B (9, 0)
| objects that have completed checkpoint processing. (This
| metric is supported only for save operations).
| JSGIOISSU Groups I/O issued. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| that have started I/O processing.
| JSGIOCMP Groups I/O complete. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| that have completed I/O processing. (This metric is not
| supported for IFS save operations).
| JSGRLSRDY Groups release ready. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| ready to be released. (This metric is supported only for
| IFS operations).
| JSGOUTRDY Groups output ready. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| ready for output processing. (This metric is supported
| only for IFS operations).
| JSGRPCMP Groups complete. The number of groups of objects B (9, 0)
| completed.
| JSCNTSTR Container starts. The number of containers (libraries or B (9, 0)
| directories) started.
| JSCNTEND Container ends. The number of containers (libraries or B (9, 0)
| directories) completed.
| JSIORQST I/O requests. The number of I/O requests started. B (9, 0)
| JSIORESP I/O responses. The number of I/O requests completed. B (9, 0)
| JSLDRQST Internal object requests. The number of internal objects B (9, 0)
| that have started I/O processing.
| JSLDRESP Internal object responses. The number of internal objects B (9, 0)
| that have completed I/O processing.
| JSCHKRQST Checkpoint requests. The number of checkpoint requests B (9, 0)
| started. (This metric is supported only for save
| operations).
| JSCHKRESP Checkpoint responses. The number of checkpoint B (9, 0)
| requests completed. (This metric is supported only for
| save operations).
| JSOPSCMP Operations completed. The number of save or restore B (9, 0)
| operations completed successfully.
| JSOPSTRM Operations terminated. The number of save or restore B (9, 0)
| operations that ended unsuccessfully.
| JSOBJSUCC Successful object count. The number of objects B (9, 0)
| successfully saved or restored.
| JSOBJFAIL Unsuccessful object count. The number of objects not B (9, 0)
| successfully saved or restored.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBWT

This database file contains information about job, task, and thread wait conditions.

At least one record will be written for each job, task, or thread that consumed CPU during the interval
(multiple records are possible especially during service activities).

104 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| Normally these entries contain individual data for each task and secondary thread that consumed CPU
| during the interval; however, tasks and secondary threads that both start and end in an interval and have
| a lifespan that is shorter than the reporting threshold will not be individually reported. Instead records
| will be added to report this activity each interval by job and node. See field JBSLTCNT in file
| QAPMJOBMI to identify these entries.

The purpose of this file is to account for the time a job (this means a task, primary thread, or secondary
thread) spends waiting and to provide some indication as to the type of wait. Since the reasons for a wait
are too numerous to handle individually, they are grouped into sets of functionally related waits. For
each group, both the number of waits and time the job spent waiting are reported. The QAPMJOBWTD
file provides a description of the type of wait conditions for each counter set.

Although the file contains fields for up to 32 sets of counters, not all may be used. The counter sets
(buckets) actually used are reported in a separate file QAPMJOBWTD.

User of this file should be aware of the dynamic nature of the content of this file. Counter sets can be
added or redefined by the new release of the operating system. In addition, IBM service representatives
can define new counter sets or redefine existing counter sets to allow more granular or more specialized
view of the job wait statistics. As a result, user cannot assume that the content of this file is always the

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
JWTDE System task identifier. X (8)
JWCURT Current Wait Time: The time in milliseconds the job has B (9,0)
spent in the current wait. See JWCURB field for the
counter set (bucket) which will be updated when the
current wait completes. (This time is not included in
other wait counter sets).
JWCURE Reserved. B (9,0)
JWCURB Current Counter Set (bucket): If this field is non-zero, it B (4,0)
reflects the counter set that will be updated when the
wait completes.
JWDSEQ Description sequence number: Identifies the B (4,0)
QAPMJOBWTD records associated with this wait data.
JWCT01 Count 1. The number of times the job encountered wait B (9,0)
conditions associated with this group.
JWTM01 Time 1. The time in milliseconds the job spent waiting B (9,0)
within this group.
JWCTnn JWTMnn Count and time are repeated for up to 32 counter sets
per record. See note 1.

1. When QAPMJOBWT file data was collected on a system with operating system version i5/OS
V5R4, only the first 16 counter sets are provided.
2. A job that is waiting will not be reported if it has done no processing in the interval. However,
current waits for jobs that have used no CPU are reported in the wait gap file QAPMJOBWTG.
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management

Reference information for Performance 105

collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBWTD

This database file contains a description of the counter sets found in file QAPMJOBWT.

One record will be written for each active counter set when the first instance of wait data is encountered
(normally at the beginning of the collection). Multiple instances of this data are possible during service

Field Name Description Attribute

DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval providing these
descriptions. Normally this is the first interval in the
*MGTCOL object.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
JWDSEQ Description sequence number: This provides a unique B (4,0)
identifier for a set of descriptions. This value is used in
file QAPMJOBWT field JWDSEQ to associate counter
data with a set of descriptions. Each time updated
descriptions are written to this file, this field will
contain a new value for that set of descriptions.
JWTNUM Total number of wait counter sets reported. B (4,0)
JWSNBR Counter set number described by this record. B (4,0)
JWDESC Description of the type of data reported in the JWCTnn G (50)
and JWTMnn fields.
Note: This field is in Unicode.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJOBWTG

This database file contains information about job, task, and thread current wait conditions that is not
available in the QAPMJOBWT file.

One record will be written for each job, task, or thread that did not consume CPU during the interval –
those that are not reported in QAPMJOBWT.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.

106 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JWTDE System task identifier. This field can be used as a join X (8)
field with QAPMJOBMI and field JBTDE to obtain
information about the job associate with this record.
JWCURE Reserved. B (9,0)
JWCURT Current Wait Time: The time in microseconds the job B (18,0)
has spent in the current wait (total time since the wait
began, see note 1).
JWCURINT Current Wait Time this interval: The time in B (9,0)
microseconds the job has spent waiting during this
interval. (See note 1)
JWDSEQ Description sequence number: Identifies the B (4,0)
QAPMJOBWTD records associated with this wait data.
JWCURB Current Counter Set (bucket): If this field is non-zero B (4,0)
and positive, it indicates the job is currently waiting and
which counter set is associated with the current wait. If
this field is zero, wait state information is not available
for this job (for example, for the job which has
terminated in this interval). In rare cases a value of -1
indicates the data was not obtainable when sampled.

1. If job data was collected on a release prior to V6R1, the collected data does not contain
sufficient information for the wait gap file:
v Records are only written for the jobs which eventually ran during the collection. Jobs which
never ran during collection will not be represented.
v Total wait in this wait state (JWCURT field) is estimated and should not be viewed as an
accurate measurement.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJSUM

These database file entries contain job summary information.

This file is produced only when *JOBMI, *JOBOS, and *SYSLVL categories are all requested from the
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job C (12)
interval entry and job completion
date, and time (hhmmss) for job
completion entry.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. PD (7,0)
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)

Reference information for Performance 107

Field Name Description Attribute
JSCBKT Job group: Identifies the type of jobs C (3)
for which data is being reported
within this record. Values supported
v DDM: Distributed data
v CA4: System i Access
v PAS: Pass-through
v MRT: Multiple requester terminal
v S6E: System/36 environment
v CME: Communications batch
v AUT: Autostart batch
v BCH: Batch jobs (not included
within other groups)
v INT: Interactive jobs (job type "I"
not reported in other buckets
v SPL: Spool jobs and the Start CPF
Note: Every job is categorized and
reported in one and only one of
the above job groups.
v INF: Interactive Feature (This
group reports the data that is
associated with jobs that the
machine considers to be
interactive. The resource that is
consumed in these jobs may be
included in the Interactive Feature
JSCPU Processing unit time (in milliseconds) PD (11,0)
JSTRNT Total transaction time (in seconds.) PD (15,3)
JSTRNS Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
JSPRTL Number of print lines: Number of PD (11,0)
lines written by the program. This
does not reflect what is actually
printed. Spooled files can be ended
or printed with multiple copies.
JSPRTP Number of print pages. PD (11,0)
JSSPD Total suspended time (in PD (11,0)
JSRRT Total time job waited during reroutes PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds.)
JSNEW New jobs. PD (11,0)
JSTERM Terminated jobs. PD (11,0)
JSJBCT Number of jobs. PD (11,0)
JSPDBR Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous database read
operations for database functions.

108 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JSPNDB Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of physical
synchronous nondatabase read
operations for nondatabase functions.
JSPWRT Number of writes: Total number of PD (11,0)
physical database and nondatabase
write operations.
JSLDBR Number of database reads (logical): PD (11,0)
Number of times the database
module was called. This does not
include I/O operations to
readers/writers, or I/O operations
caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF
command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is
specified, these numbers show each
block of records read, not the number
of individual records read.
JSLDBW Number of database writes (logical): PD (11,0)
Number of times the internal
database write function was called.
This does not include I/O operations
to readers/writers, or I/O operations
caused by the CPYSPLF or DSPSPLF
command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is
specified, these numbers show each
block of records written, not the
number of individual records written.
JSLDBU Number of miscellaneous database PD (11,0)
operations: Updates, deletes,
force-end-of-data, and releases
JSCMPT Number of communications writes: PD (11,0)
These do not include remote
workstation activity. They include
only activity related to intersystem
communications function (ICF) files
when the I/O is for an intersystem
communications function (ICF)
JSCMGT Number of communications reads PD (11,0)
(logical): These do not include remote
workstation activity. They include
only activity related to intersystem
communications function (ICF) files
when the I/O is for an intersystem
communications function (ICF)
JSBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
JSPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
JSNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions.

Reference information for Performance 109

Field Name Description Attribute
JSDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions.
JSANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
JSADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions.
JSANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
JSADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions.
JSPW Number of synchronous permanent PD (11,0)
JSCS Reserved PD (11,0)
JSPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to, but was not in
main storage. The Licensed Internal
Code no longer uses process access
groups for caching data. Because of
this implementation, this field will
always be 0 for more current releases.
JSEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
JSOBIN Number of binary overflows. PD (11,0)
JSODEC Number of decimal overflows. PD (11,0)
JSOFLP Number of floating point overflows. PD (11,0)
JSIPF Number of times a page fault PD (11,0)
occurred on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
JSWIO Number of times the process PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
JSSKSC Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
JSSKBS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
JSSKRC Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
JSSKBR Number of socket bytes received. PD (11,0)
JSXRFR Stream file reads. PD (11,0)

110 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
JSXRFW Stream file writes. PD (11,0)
JSXSLR File system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
JSXDYR File system directory reads. PD (11,0)
JSDLCH File system directory lookup cache PD (11,0)
JSDLCM File system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
JSSZWT Total seize wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMJVM

This file contains data for Java Virtual Machines (JVM) that are active within a process at the time the
data was sampled. There is one record per interval for each process that has a JVM active.

Note: The only supported JVM is IBM Technology for Java (J9).

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) for job C (12)
interval entry and job completion
date, and time (hhmmss) for job
completion entry.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number PD (7,0)
of seconds since the last sample
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
JVNAME Job name/workstation name. C (10)
JVUSER Job user. C (10)
JVNBR Job number. C (6)
JVTDE System task identifier. The system H (8)
task identifier associated with the
initial thread of a job. This field can
be used to join records to

Reference information for Performance 111

Field Name Description Attribute
JVTYPE Job type. C (1)
v 0: IBM Technology for Java - 32 Bit
v 1: IBM Technology for Java - 64 Bit
JVVRSN JVM version (UTF-16 CCSID 1200). G (10)
JVPID Process identifier. B (9,0)
JVPOLICY Garbage collection policy (UTF-16 G (15)
CCSID 1200).
JVHEAPC Current heap allocated. Current B (18,0)
amount of heap storage allocated for
this JVM in kilobytes.
JVHEAPU Heap in use. Amount of allocated B (18,0)
heap actually being used in kilobytes.
JVMLCMEM Malloc memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVINTMEM Internal memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVJITMEM JIT memory size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVSCLMEM Shared class size in kilobytes. B (18,0)
JVGCCNBR Last garbage collection cycle number. B (9,0)
JVGCCTME Last garbage collection cycle time. B (18,0)
Clock time spent performing garbage
collection tasks during the last
garbage collection cycle in
JVGCITME Interval garbage collection time. B (18,0)
Clock time spent performing garbage
collection tasks during this collection
interval in milliseconds.
JVGCTTME Total garbage collection time. The B (18,0)
total amount of clock time spent
performing garbage collection by all
tasks since the JVM started.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

Collection Services data files: QAPMLAPD

This database file includes integrated services digital network LAPD file entries and lists the fields in the
LAPD file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.

112 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
LDIOP Reserved. C(1)
LDTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
LDNWI Network interface: The name of the network interface C (10)
LDLSP Link speed: The speed of this channel in bits per second. PD (11,0)
LDPRCL Protocol type: D for LAPD. C (1)
LPLOFA Loss of frame alignment: Total number of times when a PD (11,0)
time period equivalent to two 48-bit frames has elapsed
without having detected valid pairs of line code
LPLECV Reserved. PD (11,0)
LPDTSI Reserved. PD (11,0)
LPDTSO Reserved. PD (11,0)
LPFECV Reserved. PD (11,0)
LPES Errored seconds: Total number of seconds that had one PD (5,0)
or more path coding violations, one or more out of
frame defects, one or more controlled slip events, or a
detected alarm indication signal defect.
LPSES Severely errored seconds: Total number of seconds that PD (5,0)
had 320 or more path coding violation error events, one
or more out of frame defects, or a detected alarm
indication signal event.
v For ESF signals, the number of seconds that had 320
or more path coding violation error events, one or
more out of frame defects, or a detected alarm
indication signal defect.
v For E1-CRC signals, the number of seconds that had
832 or more path coding violation error events or one
or more out of frame defects.
v For E1-noCRC signals, the number of seconds that
had 2048 or more line coding violations.
v For D4 signals, the number of seconds that had
framing error events, an out of frame defect, or 1544
or more line coding violations.
LPCOL Collision detect: The number of times the TE detected PD (11,0)
that its transmitted frame had been corrupted by
another TE attempting to use the same bus.
LLCRCE Receive CRC errors: The number of received frames that PD (11,0)
contain a CRC (cycle redundancy check) error.
LLSFE Short frame errors: The number of short frames PD (11,0)
received. A short frame is a frame that has fewer octets
between its start flag and end flag than is permitted.
LLORUN Receive overrun: The number of times the ISDN PD (11,0)
subsystem could not keep pace with incoming data
because of local controller overload.

Reference information for Performance 113

Field Name Description Attribute
LLURUN Transmit underrun: The number of times the ISDN PD (11,0)
subsystem could not keep pace with outgoing data
because of local controller overload.
LLABRT Aborts received: The number of frames received that PD (11,0)
contained HDLC abort indicators.
LLFRIE Frames received in error: The sum of receive cycle PD (11,0)
redundancy check (CRC) errors, short frame errors,
receive overrun, transmit underrun, aborts received, and
frame sequence errors (LLCRCE, LLSFE, LLORUN,
LSFRT Retransmitted frames. PD (11,0)
LSSEQE Sequence errors: The number of received frames that PD (11,0)
contained sequence numbers indicating frames were
LSFTRN Total number of frames transmitted: This includes PD (11,0)
information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and
supervisory (S) frames sent to a remote link station. This
includes frames retransmitted and frames sent on
transmissions stopped by transmit underrun, in addition
to successful transmissions.
LSFRCV Total number of frames received: This includes PD (11,0)
information (I), unnumbered information (UI), and
supervisory (S) frames received from the remote link
station. This includes no errors.
LSBTRN Total bytes transmitted: The total number of bytes PD (11,0)
transmitted to a remote link station. This includes bytes
retransmitted and bytes sent on transmissions stopped
by a transmit underrun, in addition to successful
LSBRCV Total bytes received: The total number of bytes received PD (11,0)
from the remote link station. This includes no errors.
LQTOC Total outgoing calls: The number of outgoing call PD (11,0)
attempts. For X.31 this includes outgoing SETUP
messages requesting a packet switched connection. For
Q.932, outgoing REGISTER messages are not included in
this count.
LQROC Retry for outgoing calls: The number of outgoing calls PD (11,0)
that were rejected by the network. For X.31 this includes
retry for outgoing SETUP messages requesting a packet
switched connection. For Q.932, retry for outgoing
REGISTER messages are not included in this count.
LQTIC Total incoming calls: The number of incoming call PD (11,0)
attempts. For X.31 this includes incoming SETUP
messages requesting a packet switched connection. For
Q.932, incoming REGISTER messages are not included
in this count.

114 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
LQRIC Rejected incoming calls: The number of incoming calls PD (11,0)
that are rejected by the TE. For passive bus, the call may
be intended for another TE that shares the same passive
bus. This includes calls rejected both directly by the IOP
and by the IOM. For X.31 this includes rejected
incoming SETUP messages requesting a packet switched
connection. For Q.932, rejected incoming REGISTER
messages are not included in this count.
LDCHLS1 S1 maintenance channel: Set to one if the S1 PD (1,0)
maintenance channel was active.
LPLES Line errored seconds: The number of seconds that had PD (5,0)
one or more line coding violations.
LPCSS Controlled slip seconds: The number of seconds that PD (5,0)
had one or more controlled slip events.
LPBES Bursty errored seconds (error second type B): The PD (5,0)
number of seconds that had greater than one but fewer
than 320 path coding violation error events, no severely
errored frame defects, and no detected incoming alarm
indication signal defects.
LPSEFS Severely errored framing seconds: The number of PD (5,0)
seconds that had one or more out of frame defects or a
detected alarm indication signal defect.
LPDM Degraded minutes: The number of minutes during PD (5,0)
which the estimated error rate exceeds 1E-6 but does not
exceed 1E-3.
LPUS Unavailable seconds: The number of seconds during PD (5,0)
which the interface is unavailable.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMLIOP

This database file includes twinaxial IOP data file entries and lists the fields in the twinaxial IOP data

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.

Reference information for Performance 115

Field Name Description Attribute
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
LIIOP Reserved C (1)
LITYPE IOP type. C (4)
LIRIDC Resource ID of controller: Field cannot be displayed. C (8)
LITPKT Total packets transferred. PD (11,0)
LIKBYO Total KB transmitted from the IOP to the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
LIKBYI Total KB transmitted to the IOP from the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
LIOPSR OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using normal flow.
LIOPSS OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using reverse flow method 2.
LISGLR Signal bus unit message received from another bus unit. PD (11,0)
LIOPST OPSTARTS sent to another bus unit using reverse flow PD (11,0)
method 2.
LISGLS Signals sent to another bus unit. PD (11,0)
LIRSTQ Restart queues bus unit message sent to another bus PD (11,0)
LIRQDO DMA requests sent for output of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
from the IOP to the system across the bus.
LIRQDI DMA requests sent for input of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
to the IOP from the system across the bus.
LIBNAR Occurrences of BNA received. PD (11,0)
LIIOQC Wait-on-I/O queue count: The number of I/O requests PD (11,0)
on the wait-on-I/O queue at sample time. The
wait-on-I/O queue holds I/O requests that are being
processed or waiting to be processed.
LISQC Suspend queue count: The number of elements on the PD (11,0)
suspend queue at sample time.
LIAQC Active queue count: The number of elements on the PD (11,0)
active queue at sample time. The active queue holds
I/O requests that were sent from the host system and
were not yet sent to the wait-on-I/O queue.
LITWIU Twinaxial use count: The number of times when the PD (5,0)
wait-on-I/O queue was sampled and the count was not
zero (I/O in progress). If this value is divided by the
sample count, the result (times 100) is the percentage of
time when I/O is occurring.
LISMPL Sample count: The number of times during the snapshot PD (5,0)
interval that the various IOP queues were sampled.
LIIDLC Idle counts (see notes): The number of times the PD (11,0)
workstation IOP ran an idle loop. This is done when the
IOP has no work to perform. This count is used with
the idle loop time.

116 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
LIIDLT Idle loop time (times 0.01 microsecond) (see notes): The PD (11,0)
time (in hundredths of microseconds) to run the idle
loop once.

Notes: The idle loop count and time are used to calculate the communications IOP utilization as follows:
1. Convert the product of the idle loop count times the idle loop time from hundredths of
microseconds to seconds. Subtract this from the interval time, and divide the results by the
interval time. For example:

IOP utilization = (INTSEC - (CIIDLC * CIIDLT)/10**8) / INTSEC

2. The performance monitor reports I/O processor (IOP) statistics different beginning with
Version 3 Release 7. Therefore, performance statistics for IOPs introduced in Version 3 Release
7 or later releases are reported in the QAPMMIOP file. Performance statistics are reported in
the QAPMMIOP file even if the IOP supports only one of the three IOP functions
(communications, disk, or local workstation). Performance statistics for IOPs that were
introduced before Version 3 Release 7 will continue to be reported in the appropriate IOP file
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMLPARH

This database file contains logical partition configuration and utilization data as it is known to the

This data is collected if the collecting partition has been authorized to obtain it. This authorization is a
partition configuration attribute set on the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

| A POWER6® system with firmware level xx340_075 or later is required for this data to be available.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19xx , and 1 indicates 20xx. C (1)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since B (4,0)
the last sample interval.
HPPID Partition identifier. This is the binary value that is B (4,0)
consistent with the partition number in the
QAPMCONF file with GKEY of PN.

Reference information for Performance 117

Field Name Description Attribute
| HPOSID Operating system identifier. B (4,0)
| v -1 = unknown
| v 0 = IBM i partition
| v 1 = other OS
HPSHRF Shared processor flag. Indicates if the partition uses C(1)
shared processors:
v 0 = Partition does not share physical processors.
v 1 = Partition shares physical processors and partition
is capped
v 2 = Partition shares physical processors and partition
is uncapped
HPATRF Reserved. C (1)
HPVPRC Virtual processors. The number of virtual processors B (4,0)
currently configured for this partition.
HPVPID Virtual shared pool ID. This is the identifier of the B (4,0)
partition's current virtual shared processor pool.
| HPPPID Reserved. B (4,0)
HPVALA Reserved. B (4,0)
HPPRCCC Current processing capacity. The partition capacity that B (5,2)
is represented as the number of processor units
currently allocated to this partition.
HPINTCC Reserved. B (5,2)
HPMEMC Partition memory. This is the amount of memory in B (18,0)
megabytes that is currently allocated to the partition.
HPPRCE Processor entitled time. The amount of processor time in B (18,0)
milliseconds that the partition was entitled to consume
based on its processing capacity.
HPPRCEU Processor entitled time used. The amount of processor B (18,0)
time in milliseconds consumed by the partition. This
value will not exceed the partition entitled time (field
HPPRCE). For shared processor partitions this
represents the capped capacity used .
HPPRCUU Uncapped processor time used. The amount of B (18,0)
processor time in milliseconds consumed by a shared
uncapped partition in excess of its entitled capacity.
(Fields HPPRCEUand HPPRCUU should be added
together for total processing time used by uncapped
HPPRCD Donated processor time. The amount of processor time B (18,0)
in milliseconds donated by the partition to the physical
shared processor pool. This value may be non-zero only
for dedicated partitions that are able to donate their
unused CPU.

118 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
HPPRCIDL Processor idle time. The amount of processor time in B (18,0)
milliseconds the partition was idle as reported by the
partition to the hypervisor.

For all partitions (especially dedicated partitions), the

hypervisor reported processor time used includes time
the partition was in control of the processor but did not
use it for real work. The partition view of idle time is
reflected here for partitions that report it (dependent on
the operating system).

The following formula yields time used from a partition

HPCYCL Partition cycles. The number of processor run cycles B (18,0)
attributed to the partition.
HPINST Partition instructions. The number of processor run B (18,0)
instructions attributed to the partition.
HPMEML Minimum memory - the minimum amount of memory B (18,0)
(in units of megabytes) that is needed in this partition.
HPMEMH Maximum memory - the maximum amount of memory B (18,0)
(in units of megabytes) that can be assigned to this
HPVPRL Minimum virtual processors. The minimum number of B (4,0)
virtual processors that are needed in this partition.
HPVPRH Maximum virtual processors. The maximum number of B (4,0)
virtual processors that can be assigned to this partition.
HPPRCCL Minimum processing capacity. The minimum amount of B (5,2)
processing capacity that is needed in this partition.
HPPRCCH Maximum processing capacity. The maximum amount of B (5,2)
processing capacity that can be assigned to this
HPINTCL Reserved. B (5,2)
HPINTCH Reserved. B (5,2)
HPVALB Reserved. H (4)
HPNAME Partition name. Name of partition as entered into HMC C (48)
(7 bit ASCII). Within this file the name is padded with
| HPVAL01 - HPVAL08 Reserved. B (18,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Reference information for Performance 119

Collection Services data files: QAPMMIOP
This database file includes multifunction IOP file entries and lists the fields in the multifunction IOP file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
MIIOP Reserved C (1)
MITYPE IOP type. C (4)
MIPRCU Processor utilization: The number of fixed-time intervals PD (11,0)
that this multifunction IOP spent in the idle state.
MIRAMU Available local storage (in bytes): The number of bytes PD (11,0)
of free local storage in the IOP. The free local storage
will probably be non-contiguous because of
MITPKT Total packets transferred. PD (11,0)
MIKBYO Total KB transmitted from an IOP to the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
MIKBYI Total KB transmitted to the IOP from the system across PD (11,0)
the bus.
MIOPSR OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using normal flow.
MIOPSS OPSTART bus unit message received from another bus PD (11,0)
unit using reverse flow method 2 (always 0).
MISGLR Signals received. PD (11,0)
MIOPST OPSTARTs sent. PD (11,0)
MISLGS Signals sent. PD (11,0)
MIRSTQ Restart queues sent. PD (11,0)
MIRQDO DMA requests sent for output of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
from the IOP to the system across the bus.
MIRQDI DMA requests sent for input of data: The number of PD (11,0)
requests the IOP sends to the system for data to be sent
to the IOP from the system across the bus.
MIBNAR Occurrences of BNA received. PD (11,0)
MIIDLC Idle loop count (see notes): The number of times the PD (11,0)
primary IOP processor ran an idle loop. This is done
when the IOP has no work to perform. This count is
used with the idle loop time to calculate the primary
IOP processor utilization in seconds.

120 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
MIIDLT Idle loop time (see notes): the time (in hundredths of PD (11,0)
microseconds) for the primary IOP processor to run the
idle loop once. The value reported could be a multiple
of the actual idle loop time. In that case, the value
reported for the idle loop count is reduced by the same
multiple so that the calculated IOP processor utilization
is correct
MISYSF IOP system function time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP for basic system function
that is running in the primary IOP processor.
MIDISK Disk time: Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) PD (11,0)
used by disk tasks that are running in the primary IOP
MICOMM Total communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by all the communications
protocol tasks that are running in the primary IOP
MISDLC SDLC communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by SDLC communications tasks
that are running in the primary IOP processor.
MIASYN ASYNC communications time: Total processing unit PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) used by asynchronous
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
MIBSC BSC communications time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by BSC communications tasks that
are running in the primary IOP processor.
MIX25L X.25 LLC communications time: Total processing unit PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 LLC
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
MIX25P X.25 PLC communications time: Total processing unit PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 packet layer
communications (PLC) tasks that are running in the
primary IOP processor.
MIX25D X.25 DLC communications time: Total processing unit PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) used by X.25 data link control
(DLC) and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.
MILAN LAN communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by token-ring network, Ethernet,
frame relay, fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), and
asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) communications
tasks. This includes processing time due to token-ring
and Ethernet LAN emulation.
MISDLD SDLC short-hold mode time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by SDLC short-hold mode tasks
that are running in the primary IOP processor.
MIRV02 ISDN communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by ISDN LAPD, LAPE, and PMI
communications tasks that are running in the primary
IOP processor.

Reference information for Performance 121

Field Name Description Attribute
MIRV03 ISDN communications time: Total processing unit time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by ISDN Q.931 communications
tasks that are running in the primary IOP processor.
MISP Service processor time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the service processor function that
is running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF1ID Subfunction 1 ID: The identifier for additional functions C (2)
that may be running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF1TM Subfunction 1 time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running
in the primary IOP processor
MIF2ID Subfunction 2 ID: The identifier for additional functions C (2)
that may be running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF2TM Subfunction 2 time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running
in the primary IOP processor
MIF3ID Subfunction 3 ID: The identifier for additional functions C (2)
that may be running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF3TM Subfunction 3 time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running
in the primary IOP processor.
MIF4ID Subfunction 4 ID: The identifier for additional functions C(2)
that may be running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF4TM Subfunction 4 time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the IOP function that is running
in the primary IOP processor.
MIF5ID Subfunction 5 ID: The identifier for additional functions C(2)
that are running in the primary IOP processor.
MIF5TM Subfunction 5 time in milliseconds used by the IOP PD (11,0)
function that is running in the primary IOP processor.
MITWNX Total processing unit time (in milliseconds) used by PD (11,0)
workstation and local twinaxial tasks that are running in
the primary IOP processor.
MICPU2 Processor 2 utilization: The utilization (in milliseconds) PD (11,0)
of the second IOP processor that handles specialized
function. This field applies to Integrated xSeries Server
(excluding I/O adapter versions) and is zero for other
IOPs. Collection Services will not report values for
Integrated xSeries Server.
MIADP Reserved. PD (11,0)
MIOTH Other function time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by other IOP functions that are
running in the primary IOP processor. Other functions
include those that cannot be reported in the subfunction
1-5 ID fields because all of the subfunction 1-5 ID fields
are in use.
MIINT Interrupt level time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by interrupt level processing that is
running in the primary IOP processor. This does not
include interrupt level processing time that can be
associated with a particular task.

122 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
MIRA Remote access time: Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the remote access tasks that are
running in the primary IOP processor.

Notes: The idle loop count and time are used to calculate the multifunction IOP utilization as follows:
1. Convert the product of the idle loop count times the idle loop time from hundredths of
microseconds to seconds. Subtract this from the interval time, and divide the results by the
interval time. For example:

IOP utilization = (INTSEC - (MIIDLE * MIIDLT)/10**8) / INTSEC

2. The performance monitor reports I/O processor (IOP) statistics different beginning with
Version 3 Release 7. Therefore, performance statistics for IOPs introduced in Version 3 Release
7 or later releases are reported in the QAPMMIOP file. Performance statistics are reported in
the QAPMMIOP file even if the IOP supports only one of the three IOP functions
(communications, disk, or local workstation). Performance statistics for IOPs that were
introduced before Version 3 Release 7 will continue to be reported in the appropriate IOP file
3. The function 1 - 5 identifiers are for additional functions that may be running in the primary
IOP. Each function identifier has an associated function time value. The function identifier may
have the following value:

Value Description
00 No time value supplied.
11 Integrated xSeries Server pipe task (Integrated xSeries Server was previously known as file
server I/O processor and FSIOP)
20 Storage subsystem task
22 Tape task
23 Diskette task
24 Optical task
30 Communications subsystem task
42 Localtalk task
43 Wireless task
60 Cryptography task

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMPOOL and QAPMPOOLL

| The QAPMPOOLL file is provided to allow for compatibility between Collection Services and the
| performance monitor. The QAPMPOOL file is created when the performance monitor database files are

Reference information for Performance 123

| migrated with the Convert Performance Collection (CVTPFRCOL) command to a newer release.
| Collection Services does not create the QAPMPOOL file. Rather, Collection Services creates the

This data includes main storage pool file entries and lists the fields in the storage pool file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
PONBR Pool number: Specifies the unique identifier of this pool. C (2)
The value is from 1 to 64.
POACTL Pool activity level setting: The maximum number of PD (5,0)
processes that can be active in the machine at the same
POSIZ Pool size (in KB): The amount of main storage assigned PD (9,0)
to the pool.
PORES Pool reserved size (in KB): Specifies the amount of PD (9,0)
storage from the pool that is dedicated to machine
PODBF Pool database faults: Total number of interruptions to PD (11,0)
processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that
were required to transfer data into the pool to permit
the MI instruction to process the database function.
PONDBF Pool nondatabase faults: Total number of interruptions PD (11,0)
to processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that
were required to transfer data into the pool to permit
the MI instruction to process nondatabase functions.
PODBPG Pool database pages read: Total number of pages of PD (11,0)
database data transferred from auxiliary storage to the
pool to permit the instruction to run as a consequence of
set access state, implicit access group movement, and
internal machine actions.
PONDPG Pool nondatabase pages read: Total number of pages of PD (11,0)
database data transferred from auxiliary storage to the
pool to permit the instruction to run as a consequence of
set access state, implicit access group movement, and
internal machine actions.
POAW Number of active to wait transitions: Total number of PD (11,0)
transitions by processes assigned to this pool from
active state to wait state.
POWI Number of wait to ineligible: Total number of transitions PD (11,0)
by processes assigned to this pool from wait state to
ineligible state.
POAI Number of active to ineligible: Total number of PD (11,0)
transitions by processes assigned to this pool from
active state to ineligible state.

124 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
PTTYPE Type of tuning: The method used by the system to tune C (1)
the storage pool:
v 0 -- No tuning
v 1 -- Static tuning
v 2 -- Dynamic tuning of transfers into main storage
v 3 -- Dynamic tuning of transfers into main storage
and to auxiliary storage.
PTPAGE Change page handling. The method used by the system C (1)
to determine when to write changed pages to auxiliary
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Periodically transfer changed pages to auxiliary
PTNDBF Non-database blocking factor. The amount of data (in PD (3,0)
KB) that should be brought into main storage when a
request is made to read non-database objects from
auxiliary storage.
PTDBF1 Database blocking factor (class 1.) The amount of data PD (3,0)
(in KB) that should be brought into main storage when
a request is made to read database objects from
auxiliary storage.
PTDEX1 Database exchange operation type (class 1.) The C (1)
exchange operation used to reduce the working set size.
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Allow exchange operations
v 2 -- Disable exchange operations
v 3 -- Disable exchange operations.
The data that already exists in main storage should be a
good candidate to be replaced when additional storage
is needed in the storage pool.
PTDTS1 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 1.) C (1)
The method the system uses to process a request to
write an object to auxiliary storage.
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Purge object from main storage
v 2 -- Write object to auxiliary storage
v 3 -- Indicate object is a good candidate for
v 4 -- Use the system page replacement algorithm.
PTDBF2 Database blocking factor (class 2.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX2 Database allow exchange operations (class 2.) See C (1)
PTDTS2 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 2.) C (1)
PTDBF3 Database blocking factor (class 3.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX3 Database allow exchange operations (class 3.) See C (1)
PTDTS3 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 3.) C (1)

Reference information for Performance 125

Field Name Description Attribute
PTDBF4 Database blocking factor (class 4.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX4 Database allow exchange operations (class 4.) See C (1)
PTDTS4 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 4.) C (1)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMPOOLB

This database file includes main storage pool file entries and lists the counters for system storage pools.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
PONBR Pool number: Specifies the unique identifier of this pool. C (3)
The value is from 1 to 64.
POACTL Pool activity level setting: The maximum number of PD (5,0)
processes that can be active in the machine at the same
POSIZ Pool size (in KB): The amount of main storage assigned PD (9,0)
to the pool.
PORES Pool reserved size (in KB): Specifies the amount of PD (9,0)
storage from the pool that is dedicated to machine
PODBF Pool database faults: Total number of interruptions to PD (11,0)
processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that
were required to transfer data into the pool to permit
the MI instruction to process the database function.
PONDBF Pool nondatabase faults: Total number of interruptions PD (11,0)
to processes (not necessarily assigned to this pool) that
were required to transfer data into the pool to permit
the MI instruction to process nondatabase functions.

126 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
PODBPG Pool database pages read: Total number of pages of PD (11,0)
database data transferred from auxiliary storage to the
pool to permit the instruction to run as a consequence of
set access state, implicit access group movement, and
internal machine actions.
PONDPG Pool nondatabase pages read: Total number of pages of PD (11,0)
database data transferred from auxiliary storage to the
pool to permit the instruction to run as a consequence of
set access state, implicit access group movement, and
internal machine actions.
POAW Number of active to wait transitions: Total number of PD (11,0)
transitions by processes assigned to this pool from
active state to wait state.
POWI Number of wait to ineligible: Total number of transitions PD (11,0)
by processes assigned to this pool from wait state to
ineligible state.
POAI Number of active to ineligible: Total number of PD (11,0)
transitions by processes assigned to this pool from
active state to ineligible state.
POUNAL Unallocated pool space (in KB). The amount of pool PD (9,0)
storage available to be used for new transfers into the
main storage pool without displacing any virtual data
already in the pool.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMPOOLT

This database file includes main storage pool file entries and lists the tuning information for the storage

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
PONBR Pool number: Specifies the unique identifier of this pool. C (3)
The value is from 1 to 64.

Reference information for Performance 127

Field Name Description Attribute
PTTYPE Type of tuning: The method used by the system to tune C (1)
the storage pool:
v 0 -- No tuning
v 1 -- Static tuning
v 2 -- Dynamic tuning of transfers into main storage
v 3 -- Dynamic tuning of transfers into main storage
and to auxiliary storage.
PTPAGE Change page handling. The method used by the system C (1)
to determine when to write changed pages to auxiliary
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Periodically transfer changed pages to auxiliary
PTNDBF Non-database blocking factor. The amount of data (in PD (3,0)
KB) that should be brought into main storage when a
request is made to read non-database objects from
auxiliary storage.
PTDBF1 Database blocking factor (class 1.) The amount of data PD (3,0)
(in KB) that should be brought into main storage when
a request is made to read database objects from
auxiliary storage.
PTDEX1 Database exchange operation type (class 1.) The C (1)
exchange operation used to reduce the working set size.
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Allow exchange operations
v 2 -- Disable exchange operations
v 3 -- Disable exchange operations.

The data that already exists in main storage should be a

good candidate to be replaced when additional storage
is needed in the storage pool.
PTDTS1 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 1.) C (1)
The method the system uses to process a request to
write an object to auxiliary storage.
v 0 -- Use the system default
v 1 -- Purge object from main storage
v 2 -- Write object to auxiliary storage
v 3 -- Indicate object is a good candidate for
v 4 -- Use the system page replacement algorithm.
PTDBF2 Database blocking factor (class 2.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX2 Database allow exchange operations (class 2.) See C (1)
PTDTS2 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 2.) C (1)
PTDBF3 Database blocking factor (class 3.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX3 Database allow exchange operations (class 3.) See C (1)
PTDTS3 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 3.) C (1)

128 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
PTDBF4 Database blocking factor (class 4.) See PTDBF1. PD (3,0)
PTDEX4 Database allow exchange operations (class 4.) See C (1)
PTDTS4 Database type of transfer to auxiliary storage (class 4.) C (1)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMPPP

This database file includes the fields in the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
IOPRN IOP resource name C (10)
PPTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
PPLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
PPLSP Line speed: The speed of the line in bits per second BIN (18,0)
PPPRCL Protocol type: P for PPP. C (1)
PPBTRN Bytes transmitted: The number of bytes transmitted BIN (18,0)
including bytes transmitted again.
PPBRCV Bytes received: The number of bytes received including BIN (18,0)
all bytes in frames that had any kind of error.
PPFTRN Frames transmitted: The number of frames transmitted. BIN (18,0)
PPEFFR Error-free frames received: The number of frames BIN (18,0)
received without errors.
PPFRIE Frames received in error: The number of frames received BIN (9,0)
with one of the following errors: a frame check sequence
error, an abnormal end, a receive overrun, or a frame
truncated error.

Reference information for Performance 129

Field Name Description Attribute
PPIFR Invalid frames received: The number of frames received BIN (9,0)
with a residue error (frame is not on a byte boundary).

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMRESP

This database file includes local workstation response time file entries and contains transaction
information based on data collected within the local workstation controller.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
LRIOP Reserved. C (1)
LRBKT1 Transactions in first response time monitor bracket: The PD (7,0)
number of transactions from 0 up to and including n
seconds for this workstation during the snapshot
interval. The n value is the response time monitor 1
bracket upper limit, and is specified on the Advanced
Local Response Time Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the System i Navigator
interface. A transaction is defined as the time from when
the keyboard locked because the Enter key or a function
key was pressed to the time when the keyboard
unlocked because the display was refreshed.
LRBKT2 Transactions in second response time monitor bracket: PD (7,0)
The number of transactions greater than the response
time monitor 1 and up to and including response time
monitor 2 limit.
LRBKT3 Transactions in third response time monitor bracket: The PD (7,0)
number of transactions greater than the response time
monitor 2 and up to and including response time
monitor 3 limit.
LRBKT4 Transactions in fourth response time monitor bracket: PD (7,0)
The number of transactions greater than the response
time monitor 3 and up to and including response time
monitor 4 limit.

130 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
LRBKT5 Transactions in fifth response time monitor bracket: The PD (7,0)
number of transactions above (longer) than the response
time monitor 4 limit.
LRPORT Workstation port number. PD (3,0)
LRSTN Workstation number. PD (3,0)
LRTRNS The total of all the individual times for all exchanges PD (7,0)
measured and reported by this record including
overflows (LRBKT5). The total time in seconds for all
LRCUD Controller description name. C (10)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSAP

This database file contains service access point (SAP) file entries and lists the fields in the SAP file.

SAP statistics are reported for active TRLAN, Ethernet, DDI, and frame relay line descriptions associated
with TRLAN, Ethernet, DDI and Frame Relay ports, respectively. SAP statistics are also reported for ATM
ports that support token-ring and Ethernet LAN emulation.

| There will be one record per service access point per line per port per interval. Port resource name
| should also be used to uniquely associate records across intervals.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
SCIOPI Reserved C (1)
SCTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
SCSSAP SSAP ID: The source SAP (SSAP) ID. C (2)
SCLND Line description: The name of the description for the C (10)
line containing the SAP listed above. For frame relay,
this is the network interface (NWI) description.

Reference information for Performance 131

Field Name Description Attribute
SCLSPD Line speed: The speed of the line in bits per second PD (11,0)
(bps). For some lines, this value might change as time
SCIRCV UI frames received: Total number of UI frames received PD (11,0)
at this SSAP.
SCIXMT UI frames transmitted: Total number of UI frames PD (11,0)
transmitted through this SSAP.
SCBRCV UI bytes received: Total number of bytes received at this PD (11,0)
SSAP contained within a UI frame.
SCBXMT UI bytes transmitted: Total number of bytes transmitted PD (11,0)
through this SSAP contained within a UI frame.
SCIDSC Number of UI frames received and discarded by this PD (11,0)
SCPRCL Protocol types: C (1)
v E:Token-Ring
v T:Ethernet
v Y:Frame Relay
| SCPORT Port resource name. C (10)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMSHRMP

| This database file reports shared memory pool data.

| Data is generated only when a partition is defined to use a shared memory pool. Data is reported for
| both the partition's use of the pool as well as pool metrics that are the sum of activity caused by all
| partitions using the pool.

| A POWER6 system with firmware level xx340_075 or later is required for this data to be available.
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
| based on the start time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
| DATETIME Interval date and time. The date and time of the sample Timestamp
| interval.
| INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number of seconds since PD (7, 0)
| the last sample interval.
| SMPOOLID Shared memory pool identifier. The identifier of the B (5,0)
| shared memory pool which this partition is using.

132 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| Field Name Description Attribute
| SMWEIGHT Memory weight. Indicates the variable memory capacity B (3,0)
| weight assigned to the partition. Valid values are hex 0
| -255. The larger the value, the less likely this partition is
| to lose memory.
| SMREALUSE Physical real memory used. The amount of shared B (18, 0)
| physical real memory, in bytes, that was being used by
| partition memory at sample time.
| SMACCDLY Real memory access delays. The number of partition B (18, 0)
| processor waits that have occurred because of page
| faults on logical real memory.
| SMACCWAIT Real memory access wait time. The amount of time, in B (18, 0)
| milliseconds, that partition processors have waited for
| real memory page faults to be satisfied.
| SMOVRCAP Reserved B (18, 0)
| SMENTIOC Entitled memory capacity for I/O. The amount of B (18, 0)
| memory, in bytes, currently assigned to the partition for
| use by I/O requests.
| SMMINIOC Minimum entitled memory capacity for I/O. The B (18, 0)
| minimum amount of entitled memory, in bytes, needed
| to function with the current I/O configuration.
| SMOPTIOC Optimal entitled memory capacity for I/O. The amount B (18, 0)
| of entitled memory, in bytes, that would allow the
| current I/O configuration to function without any I/O
| memory mapping delays.
| SMIOCUSE Current I/O memory capacity in use. The amount of B (18, 0)
| I/O memory, in bytes, currently mapped by I/O
| requests.
| SMIOCMAX Maximum I/O memory capacity used. The maximum B (18, 0)
| amount of I/O memory, in bytes, that has been mapped
| by I/O requests since the partition was last IPLed or the
| value was reset by an explicit request.
| SMIOMDLY I/O memory mapping delays. The cumulative number B (18, 0)
| of delays that have occurred because insufficient entitled
| memory was available to map an I/O request since the
| partition was last IPLed.
| MPACCDLY Pool real memory access delays. The number of virtual B (18, 0)
| partition memory page faults within the shared memory
| pool for all partitions.
| MPACCWAIT Pool real memory access wait time. The amount of time, B (18, 0)
| in milliseconds, that all partitions processors have spent
| waiting for page faults to be satisfied within the shared
| memory pool.
| MPPHYMEM Pool physical memory. The total amount of physical B (18, 0)
| memory, in bytes, assigned to the shared memory pool
| MPLOGMEM Pool logical memory. The summation, in bytes, of the B (18, 0)
| logical real memory of all active partition active
| partitions served by the shared memory pool.
| MPENTIOC Pool entitled I/O memory. The summation, in bytes, of B (18,0)
| the I/O entitlement of all active partitions served by the
| shared memory pool.

Reference information for Performance 133

| Field Name Description Attribute
| MPIOCUSE Pool entitled I/O memory in use. The summation, in B (18,0)
| bytes, of I/O memory mapped by I/O requests from all
| active partitions served by the shared memory pool.
| SMFIELD1 Reserved B (18,0)
| SMFIELD2 Reserved B (18,0)
| SMFIELD3 Reserved B (18, 0)
| SMFIELD4 Reserved B (18, 0)
| MPFIELD1 Reserved B (18, 0)
| MPFIELD2 Reserved B (18, 0)

| Collection Services data files: QAPMSNA

This database file defines the fields in the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) file record.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
SCTLNM Controller description name. C (10)
SLINNM Line description name. C (10)
STSKNM T2 station I/O manager (SIOM) task name. C (6)
SLIOMT Line I/O manager task name. C (6)
SACPNM Adjacent control point (CP) name. C (8)
SANWID Adjacent network ID. C (8)
SAPPN APPN-capable (Y=yes, N=no). C (1)
SCTYP Controller type (A=APPC, H=Host). C (1)
SSMFS Send maximum frame size. PD (11,0)
SRMFS Receive maximum frame size. PD (11,0)
STLLBU Date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss) when most recent C (12)
connection was established with the adjacent system.
SNLBU Number of times a connection has been established with PD (11,0)
the remote system.
STACVO Cumulative elapsed time for automatically created PD (11,0)
and/or varied-on devices.
SNACVO Number of automatically created and/or varied-on PD (11,0)
SNADD Number of automatically deleted devices. PD (11,0)
SNWAIN Number of work activities coming in from other T2 PD (11,0)
SIOM tasks (for example, messages received).
SNWAOU Number of work activities sent out to other T2 SIOM PD (11,0)
tasks (for example, messages received).
The following fields refer to end point session attributes:

134 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ENNSS Number of network priority sessions started. PD (11,0)
ENNSE Number of network priority sessions ended. PD (11,0)
ENNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all network priority sessions.
ENNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all network priority sessions.
ENSPWT The cumulative wait time for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) caused by session-level send
messages. This wait time measures the amount of time
application data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting
for a pacing response to be received from the adjacent
ENSPNW Number of waits occurring for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for a pacing response to be received
from the adjacent system.
ENSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all network PD (11,0)
priority sessions for session-level send pacing. This is
the worst case that would occur if the sending of
application data was delayed waiting for every pacing
response sent by the adjacent system.
ENSPWS The cumulative window size for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
ENIPWT The cumulative wait time for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) for internal session-level
pacing. That is, the number of times application data
was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for data to be
delivered to the adjacent system.
ENIPNW Number of waits occurring for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for internal session-level pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to the
adjacent system.
ENQNRE Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
ENQLRE Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
ENQNRL Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
ENQLRL Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
ENQTRR Cumulative wait time in network transmission priority PD (11,0)
ENNRUD Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
ENLRUD Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.

Reference information for Performance 135

Field Name Description Attribute
ENTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a network priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
ENNRUR Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
ENLRUR Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
EHNSS Number of high priority sessions started PD (11,0)
EHNSE Number of high priority sessions ended PD (11,0)
EHNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all high priority sessions
EHNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all high priority sessions
EHSPWT The cumulative wait time for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) caused by session-level send messages.
This wait time measures the amount of time application
data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for a
pacing response to be received from the adjacent system.
EHSPNW Number of waits occurring for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
for session-level send pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for a pacing response to be received from the
adjacent system.
EHSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all high priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. This is the worst
case that would occur if the sending of application data
was delayed waiting for every pacing response sent by
the adjacent system.
EHSPWS The cumulative window size for all high priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
EHIPWT The cumulative wait time for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) for internal session-level pacing. That
is, the number of times application data was blocked
(could not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to
the adjacent system.
EHIPNW Number of waits occurring for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
for internal session-level pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for data to be delivered to the adjacent system.
EHQNRE Number of high priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
EHQLRE Length of high priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
EHQNRL Number of high priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
EHQLRL Length of high priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
EHQTRR Cumulative wait time in high transmission priority PD (11,0)

136 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
EHNRUD Number of high priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
EHLRUD Length of high priority request/response units delivered PD (11,0)
to the adjacent system.
EHTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a high priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
EHNRUR Number of high priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
EHLRUR Length of high priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.
EMNSS Number of medium priority sessions started PD (11,0)
EMNSE Number of medium priority sessions ended PD (11,0)
EMNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all medium priority sessions
EMNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all medium priority sessions
EMSPWT The cumulative wait time for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) caused by session-level send
messages. This wait time measures the amount of time
application data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting
for a pacing response to be received from the adjacent
EMSPNW Number of waits occurring for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for a pacing response to be received
from the adjacent system.
EMSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all medium PD (11,0)
priority sessions for session-level send pacing. This is
the worst case that would occur if the sending of
application data was delayed waiting for every pacing
response sent by the adjacent system.
EMSPWS The cumulative window size for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
EMIPWT The cumulative wait time for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) for internal session-level
pacing. That is, the number of times application data
was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for data to be
delivered to the adjacent system.
EMIPNW Number of waits occurring for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for internal session-level pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to the
adjacent system.
EMQNRE Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
EMQLRE Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.

Reference information for Performance 137

Field Name Description Attribute
EMQNRL Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
EMQLRL Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
EMQTRR Cumulative wait time in medium transmission priority PD (11,0)
EMNRUD Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
EMLRUD Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
EMTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a medium priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
EMNRUR Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
EMLRUR Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
ELNSS Number of low priority sessions started PD (11,0)
ELNSE Number of low priority sessions ended. PD (11,0)
ELNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all low priority sessions.
ELNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all low priority sessions.
ELSPWT The cumulative wait time for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) caused by session-level send messages.
This wait time measures the amount of time application
data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for a
pacing response to be received from the adjacent system
ELSPNW Number of waits occurring for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
for session-level send pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for a pacing response to be received from the
adjacent system.
ELSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all low priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. This is the worst
case that would occur if the sending of application data
was delayed waiting for every pacing response sent by
the adjacent system.
ELSPWS The cumulative window size for all low priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
ELIPWT The cumulative wait time for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) for internal session-level pacing. That
is, the number of times application data was blocked
(could not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to
the adjacent system.
ELIPNW Number of waits occurring for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
for internal session-level pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for data to be delivered to the adjacent system.

138 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ELQNRE Number of low priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ELQLRE Length of low priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ELQNRL Number of low priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ELQLRL Length of low priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ELQTRR Cumulative wait time in low transmission priority PD (11,0)
ELNRUD Number of low priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
ELLRUD Length of low priority request/response units delivered PD (11,0)
to the adjacent system.
ELTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a low priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
ELNRUR Number of low priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.
ELLRUR Length of low priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.
The following fields refer to intermediate sessions:
INNSS Number of network priority sessions started PD (11,0)
INNSE Number of network priority sessions ended PD (11,0)
INNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all network priority sessions
INNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all network priority sessions
INSPWT The cumulative wait time for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) caused by session-level send
messages. This wait time measures the amount of time
application data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting
for a pacing response to be received from the adjacent
INSPNW Number of waits occurring for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for a pacing response to be received
from the adjacent system.
INSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all network PD (11,0)
priority sessions for session-level send pacing. This is
the worst case that would occur if the sending of
application data was delayed waiting for every pacing
response sent by the adjacent system.
INSPWS The cumulative window size for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.

Reference information for Performance 139

Field Name Description Attribute
INIPWT The cumulative wait time for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) for internal session-level
pacing. That is, the number of times application data
was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for data to be
delivered to the adjacent system.
INIPNW Number of waits occurring for all network priority PD (11,0)
sessions for internal session-level pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to the
adjacent system.
INQNRE Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
INQLRE Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
INQNRL Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
INQLRL Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
INQTRR Cumulative wait time in network transmission priority PD (11,0)
INNRUD Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
INLRUD Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
INTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a network priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
INNRUR Number of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
INLRUR Length of network priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
IHNSS Number of high priority sessions started. PD (11,0)
IHNSE Number of high priority sessions ended. PD (11,0)
IHNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all high priority sessions.
IHNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all high priority sessions.
IHSPWT The cumulative wait time for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) caused by session-level send messages.
This wait time measures the amount of time application
data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for a
pacing response to be received from the adjacent system.
IHSPNW Number of waits occurring for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
for session-level send pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for a pacing response to be received from the
adjacent system.
IHSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all high priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. This is the worst
case that would occur if the sending of application data
was delayed waiting for every pacing response sent by
the adjacent system.

140 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
IHSPWS The cumulative window size for all high priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
IHIPWT The cumulative wait time for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) for internal session-level pacing. That
is, the number of times application data was blocked
(could not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to
the adjacent system.
IHIPNW Number of waits occurring for all high priority sessions PD (11,0)
for internal session-level pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for data to be delivered to the adjacent system.
IHQNRE Number of high priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
IHQLRE Length of high priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
IHQNRL Number of high priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
IHQLRL Length of high priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
IHQTRR Cumulative wait time in high transmission priority PD (11,0)
IHNRUD Number of high priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
IHLRUD Length of high priority request/response units delivered PD (11,0)
to the adjacent system.
IHTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a high priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
IHNRUR Number of high priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
IHLRUR Length of high priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.
IMNSS Number of medium priority sessions started. PD (11,0)
IMNSE Number of medium priority sessions ended. PD (11,0)
IMNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all medium priority sessions.
IMNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all medium priority sessions.
IMSPWT The cumulative wait time for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) caused by session-level send
messages. This wait time measures the amount of time
application data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting
for a pacing response to be received from the adjacent
IMSPNW Number of waits occurring for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for a pacing response to be received
from the adjacent system.

Reference information for Performance 141

Field Name Description Attribute
IMSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all medium PD (11,0)
priority sessions for session-level send pacing. This is
the worst case that would occur if the sending of
application data was delayed waiting for every pacing
response sent by the adjacent system.
IMSPWS The cumulative window size for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
IMIPWT The cumulative wait time for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions (in milliseconds) for internal session-level
pacing. That is, the number of times application data
was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for data to be
delivered to the adjacent system.
IMIPNW Number of waits occurring for all medium priority PD (11,0)
sessions for internal session-level pacing. That is, the
number of times application data was blocked (could
not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to the
adjacent system.
IMQNRE Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
IMQLRE Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
entering the transmission priority queue.
IMQNRL Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
IMQLRL Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
leaving the transmission priority queue.
IMQTRR Cumulative wait time in medium transmission priority PD (11,0)
IMNRUD Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
IMLRUD Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
IMTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a medium priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
IMNRUR Number of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
IMLRUR Length of medium priority request/response units PD (11,0)
received from the adjacent system.
ILNSS Number of low priority sessions started. PD (11,0)
ILNSE Number of low priority sessions ended. PD (11,0)
ILNBB Number of request units with begin bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all low priority sessions.
ILNEB Number of request units with end bracket sent and PD (11,0)
received for all low priority sessions.
ILSPWT The cumulative wait time for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) caused by session-level send messages.
This wait time measures the amount of time application
data was blocked (could not be sent) waiting for a
pacing response to be received from the adjacent system.

142 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
ILSPNW Number of waits occurring for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
for session-level send pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for a pacing response to be received from the
adjacent system.
ILSPPW Number of potential waits occurring for all low priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. This is the worst
case that would occur if the sending of application data
was delayed waiting for every pacing response sent by
the adjacent system.
ILSPWS The cumulative window size for all low priority PD (11,0)
sessions for session-level send pacing. Each time a
pacing response is received from the adjacent system on
a network priority session, this count is increased by
window size specified by the pacing response.
ILIPWT The cumulative wait time for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) for internal session-level pacing. That
is, the number of times application data was blocked
(could not be sent) waiting for data to be delivered to
the adjacent system.
ILIPNW Number of waits occurring for all low priority sessions PD (11,0)
for internal session-level pacing. That is, the number of
times application data was blocked (could not be sent)
waiting for data to be delivered to the adjacent system.
ILQNRE Number of low priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ILQLRE Length of low priority request/response units entering PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ILQNRL Number of low priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ILQLRL Length of low priority request/response units leaving PD (11,0)
the transmission priority queue.
ILQTRR Cumulative wait time in low transmission priority PD (11,0)
ILNRUD Number of low priority request/response units PD (11,0)
delivered to the adjacent system.
ILLRUD Length of low priority request/response units delivered PD (11,0)
to the adjacent system.
ILTRUD Cumulative service time to deliver a low priority PD (11,0)
request/response unit to the adjacent system.
ILNRUR Number of low priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.
ILLRUR Length of low priority request/response units received PD (11,0)
from the adjacent system.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

Reference information for Performance 143

Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSNADS

This database file defines the fields in the SNA distribution services (SNADS) files record.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
SNJNAM SNADS job name. C(10)
SNJUSR SNADS job user. C(10)
SNJNBR SNADS job number. C(6)
SNFTYP This is a SNADS function type indicating which SNADS PD(3,0)
function this job is running. The SNFTYP field is used to
determine the type of activity that this SNADS job
v 1 -- SNADS router
v 2 -- SNADS receiver
v 3 -- SNADS sender
v 8 -- SNADS DLS Gate (Document Library Services)
v 9 -- SNADS RPDS Gate (VM/MVS bridge, SMTP,
SNNTR Transaction count. PD(11,0)
SNTRT Transaction time: The time from a distribution being put PD(11,0)
on the queue to the time processing that distribution
within this job is completed.
SNRUT Resource usage time: The total time that distributions PD(11,0)
are processed, not including the time that they are
waiting on the queue.
SNATN Active transitions: The number of transitions between PD(11,0)
waiting for conditions to be satisfied (a distribution to
process) and starting to process a distribution.
SNERR Error count: Number of transactions that ended in error. PD(11,0)
SNNRC Number of recipients: The number of recipients PD(11,0)
identified in the distribution.
SNFSO File server object (FSO) count: The number of PD(11,0)
transactions that required a data object or document to
be processed.
SNFSOB FSO byte count: The size of the FSOs (data objects and PD (11,0)
documents) processed by transactions.

144 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SNFOC Fan-out count: The accumulated value of the number of PD (11,0)
distribution queues that received a copy of a
distribution during routing. For a single distribution
processed by the router, this value is the number of
sender transactions (paths) the distribution will take
leaving the system. This is the number of distribution
copies that leave the system. (This field is only
supported by the router job.)
SNLOC Set to '1' when a local delivery queue received a copy of PD (11,0)
the distribution during routing. This indicates that the
local system was a destination for the distribution. (This
field is only supported by the router job.)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSTND

This database file includes FDDI station file entries.

This is the station counter file for distributed data interface (DDI) information. These fields are in the DDI
station counter file.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
SDIOPI Reserved C (1)
SDTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
SDPCEP The provider connection end point (PCEP) ID. C (8)
SDLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
SDSTNN Station name: The name of the station on this line. C (10)
SDLSPD Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
SDTXMT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SDTRCV Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 145

Field Name Description Attribute
SDBXMT Total number of bytes transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SDBRCV Total number of bytes received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SDIXMT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SDIRCV Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
SDIREX Number of I-frames retransmitted. PD (11,0)
SDBREX Number of bytes retransmitted in I-frames. PD (11,0)
SDRNRX Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SDRNRR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
SDFRMX Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SDFRMR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SDREJR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SDREJX Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SDSABX Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.
SDSABR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
SDDISX Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SDDISR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
SDDMFX Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SDDMFR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)
SDN2RE N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times, and the
T1 timer ended n times before the station responded.
SDT1TE T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times, and the T1 timer
ended n times before the station responded.
SDTITE Ti timer end count: Number of times the Ti timer PD (5,0)
(inactivity timer) ended.
SDLBCT Local busy count: Number of times station entered local PD (5,0)
busy substate.
SDPRCL Protocol type: C for DDI. C (1)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSTNE

This database file includes Ethernet station file entries and lists the fields in the Ethernet station file.

146 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Ethernet LAN station statistics are reported for active Ethernet line descriptions that are associated with
Ethernet ports and with ATM ports that support Ethernet LAN emulation.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
STIOPI Reserved C (1)
STTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
STPCEP The provider connection endpoint (PCEP) ID. C (8)
STLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
STSTNN Station name: The name of the station on this line. C (10)
STLSPD Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
(bps). For some lines, this value might change as time
STTXMT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
STTRCV Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
STBXMT Total number of bytes transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
STBRCV Total number of bytes received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
STIXMT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
STIRCV Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
STIREX Number of I-frames retransmitted. PD (11,0)
STBREX Number of bytes retransmitted in I-frames. PD (11,0)
STRNRX Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
STRNRR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
STFRMX Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
STFRMR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
STREJR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
STREJX Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
STSABX Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.
STSABR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
STDISX Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
STDISR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
STDMFX Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
STDMFR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)

Reference information for Performance 147

Field Name Description Attribute
STN2RE N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times and n
times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.
STT1TE T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times and n times the
T1 timer ended before the station responded.
STTITE Ti timer end count: Number of times the Ti timer PD (5,0)
(inactivity timer) ended.
STLBCT Local busy count: Number of times station entered local PD (5,0)
busy substate.
STPRCL Protocol type: T for Ethernet network. C (1)
| STPORT Port resource name. C (10)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSTNL

This database file includes token-ring station file entries and lists the fields in the token-ring local area
network (LAN) station file.

Token-ring LAN station statistics are reported for active token-ring line descriptions that are associated
with token-ring ports and with ATM ports that support token-ring LAN emulation.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
SLIOPI Reserved C (1)
SLTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
SLPCEP The provider connection end point (PCEP) ID. C (8)
SLLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
SLSTNN Station name: The name of the station on this line. C (10)

148 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SLLSPD Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
SLTXMT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SLTRCV Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
SLBXMT Total number of bytes transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SLBRCV Total number of bytes received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SLIXMT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SLIRCV Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
SLIREX Number of I-frames retransmitted. PD (11,0)
SLBREX Number of bytes retransmitted in I-frames. PD (11,0)
SLRNRX Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SLRNRR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
SLFRMX Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SLFRMR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SLREJR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SLREJX Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SLSABX Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.
SLSABR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
SLDISX Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SLDISR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
SLDMFX Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SLDMFR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)
SLN2RE N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times and n
times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.
SLT1TE T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times and n times the
T1 timer ended before the station responded.
SLTITE Ti timer end count: Number of times the Ti timer PD (5,0)
(inactivity timer) ended.
SLLBCT Local busy count: Number of times station entered local PD (5,0)
busy substate.
SLPRCL Protocol type: E for token-ring network. C (1)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance

Reference information for Performance 149

database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSTNY

This database file includes frame relay station file entries and lists the fields in the frame relay station

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
SYIOPI Reserved C (1)
SYTYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
SYPCEP The provider connection end point (PCEP) ID. C (8)
SYLND Network interface (NWI) description: The name of the C (10)
description for this network interface.
SYSTNN Station name: The name of the station on this line. C (10)
SYLSPD Line speed: The line speed expressed in bits per second PD (11,0)
SYTXMT Total number of Type II frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SYTRCV Total number of Type II frames received. PD (11,0)
SYBXMT Total number of bytes transmitted in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SYBRCV Total number of bytes received in all I-frames. PD (11,0)
SYIXMT Total number of I-frames transmitted. PD (11,0)
SYIRCV Total number of I-frames received. PD (11,0)
SYIREX Number of I-frames retransmitted. PD (11,0)
SYBREX Number of bytes retransmitted in I-frames. PD (11,0)
SYRNRX Number of receive-not-ready frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SYRNRR Number of receive-not-ready frames received. PD (5,0)
SYFRMX Number of frame-reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SYFRMR Number of frame-reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SYREJR Number of reject frames received. PD (5,0)
SYREJX Number of reject frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SYSABX Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames transmitted.
SYSABR Number of set asynchronous balanced mode extended PD (5,0)
frames received.
SYDISX Number of disconnect frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SYDISR Number of disconnect frames received. PD (5,0)
SYDMFX Number of disconnect mode frames transmitted. PD (5,0)
SYDMFR Number of disconnect mode frames received. PD (5,0)

150 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYN2RE N2 retries end count: This count is updated when the PD (5,0)
host has attempted to contact a station n times and n
times the T1 timer ended before the station responded.
SYT1TE T1 timer end count: Number of times the T1 timer PD (5,0)
ended. This count is updated when the host has
attempted to contact a station n times and n times the
T1 timer ended before the station responded.
SYTITE Ti timer end count: Number of times the Ti timer PD (5,0)
(inactivity timer) ended.
SYLBCT Local busy count: Number of times station entered local PD (5,0)
busy substate.
SYPRCL Protocol type: Y for frame relay. C (1)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSYS and QAPMSYSL

| The QAPMSYS file is created when the performance monitor database files are migrated with the
| Convert Performance Collection (CVTPFRCOL) command to a newer release.

Collection Services does not create this file. The QAMPSYSL file is provided for compatibility with the
performance monitor and combines data from QAPMJSUM, QAPMSYSCPU, and QAPMSYSTEM files.
This file is produced when all of these categories are requested from the Create Performance Data
(CRTPFRDTA) command. This file contains system interval file entries.

The following terms are used in the field descriptions and are repeated for each group of jobs:
v Number of database read operations. Total number of physical read operations for database functions.
v Number of nondatabase read operations. Total number of physical read operations for nondatabase
v Number of write operations. Total number of physical write operations.
v Number of print lines. Number of lines written by the program, which does not reflect what is actually
printed. Spooled files can be ended or printed with multiple copies.
v Number of database writes/reads (logical). Number of times the database module was called, which
does not include I/O operations to readers/writers or I/O operations caused by the Copy Spooled File
(CPYSPLF) or Display Spooled File (DSPSPLF) command. If SEQONLY(*YES) is in effect, these
numbers show each block of records read or written, not the number of individual records read or
v Number of communications writes/reads (logical). These do not include remote workstation activity.
They include only activity related to intersystem communications function (ICF) files when the I/O is
for a communications device.

Users should note that blocked I/O is considered one I/O operation.

Reference information for Performance 151

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The PD (7,0)
number of seconds since the last
sample interval.
SYDPGF Directory page faults: Number of PD (11,0)
times a page of the auxiliary storage
directory was transferred to main
storage for a look-up or an allocation
SYAPGF Access group member page faults: PD (11,0)
Number of times a page of an object
contained in an access group was
transferred to main storage
independently of the access group.
This transfer occurs when the
containing access group was purged,
or because portions of the containing
access group are displaced from main
SYMPGF Microcode page faults: Number of PD (11,0)
times a page of microcode was
transferred to main storage.
SYMCTR Microtask read operations: Number PD (11,0)
of transfers of one or more pages of
data from auxiliary storage because
of a microtask rather than a process.
SYMCTW Microtask write operations: Number PD (11,0)
of transfers of one or more pages of
data from main storage to auxiliary
storage because of a microtask rather
than a process.
SYSASP System auxiliary storage pool space PD (15,0)
available: Number of bytes of space
on auxiliary storage available for
allocation in the system ASP that is
not currently assigned to machine
interface (MI) objects or internal
machine functions.
SYPRMW Permanent data transferred from PD (11,0)
main storage: Number of 512-byte
blocks of permanent data transferred
from main storage to the system ASP
in auxiliary storage since the last
SYXSRW Reserved PD (11,0)
SYEAOT Reserved PD (11,0)

152 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYEAOL Reserved PD (11,0)
SYBSYC Reserved PD (11,0)
SYSIZC Size count: Total number of size PD (11,0)
SYDECD Decimal data count: Total number of PD (11,0)
decimal data exceptions.
SYSEZC Seize count: Total number of seize PD (11,0)
SYSZWT Seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYSYNL Synchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYASYL Asynchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYVFYC Verify count. PD (11,0)
SYAUTH Object authority checks. The number PD (11,0)
of times that authority was checked
for objects. An authority check for
one object can result in zero, one, or
more than one user authority lookups
that can be cached or noncached (see
SYNUAL field description).
SYCHNB Reserved PD (11,0)
SYEXPN Total number of exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYLRT1 Transactions in first response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 1 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
IBM i interface.
SYLRT2 Transactions in second response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 2 and greater than the
value of boundary 1 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
IBM i interface.
SYLRT3 Transactions in third response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 3 and greater than the
value of boundary 2 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
IBM i interface.

Reference information for Performance 153

Field Name Description Attribute
SYLRT4 Transactions in fourth response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 4 and greater than the
value of boundary 3 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
IBM i interface.
SYLRT5 Transactions in fifth response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time greater than the value
of boundary 4 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
IBM i interface.
SDCPU Total processing unit time used (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) by target distributed
data management (DDM) job.
SDRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SDRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SDPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDSPD Total count of suspended time of PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDRRT Total count of time a target DDM job PD (11,0)
waited during rerouting.
SDNEW Number of new target DDM job. PD (11,0)
SDTERM Number of ended target DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDJBCT Number of DDM jobs. PD (11,0)
SDPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by target
DDM jobs.
SDPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
target DDM jobs.
SDPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by target DDM
SDLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by target DDM jobs.
SDLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by target DDM jobs.

154 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SDLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by target DDM
SDCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by target DDM jobs.
SDCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by target DDM jobs.
SDBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SDPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SDNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by target DDM jobs.
SDDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by target DDM
SDANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by target DDM jobs.
SDADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by target DDM
SDANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by target DDM jobs.
SDADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by target DDM
SDPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SDPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by target DDM
jobs, but was not in main storage.
The Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SDEAO Reserved PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 155

Field Name Description Attribute
SDOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
target DDM jobs.
SDOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by target DDM jobs.
SDIPF Number of times a target distributed PD (11,0)
data management (DDM) job had a
page fault on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
SDWIO Number of times a target distributed PD (11,0)
data management (DDM) job
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SDSKSC DDM number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SDSKBS DDM number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SDSKRC DDM number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SDSKBR DDM number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SDXRFR DDM stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SDXRFW DDM stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SDXSLR DDM file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SDXDYR DDM file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SDDLCH DDM file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SDDLCM DDM file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SDSZWT DDM seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SWCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by System i
SWRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SWRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SWPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
System i Access application jobs.
SWPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
System i Access application jobs.
SWSPD Total time System i Access PD (11,0)
application jobs were suspended.
SWRRT Total time a System i Access PD (11,0)
applications job waited during
SWNEW Number of started System i Access PD (11,0)
application jobs.
SWTERM Number of ended System i Access PD (11,0)
application jobs.

156 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SWJBCT Number of System i Access jobs. PD (11,0)
SWPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
System i Access application jobs.
SWPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
System i Access application jobs.
SWPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by System i
Access application jobs.
SWLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by System i Access application
SWLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by System i Access application
SWLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by System i
Access application jobs.
SWCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by System i Access application
SWCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by System i Access application
SWBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SWPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SWNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by System i Access applications.
SWDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by System i
Access applications.
SWANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by System i Access
SWADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by System i
Access applications.

Reference information for Performance 157

Field Name Description Attribute
SWANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by System i Access
SWADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by System i
Access applications.
SWPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
System i Access applications.
SWCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SWPAGF Number of PAG faults. Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by System i
Access applications, but was not in
main storage. The Licensed Internal
Code no longer uses process access
groups for caching data. Because of
this implementation, this field will
always be 0 for more current releases.
SWEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SWOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
System i Access applications.
SWODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
System i Access applications.
SWOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by System i Access applications.
SWIPF Number of times a System i Access PD (11,0)
application job had a page fault on
an address that was currently part of
an auxiliary storage I/O operation.
SWWIO Number of times a System i Access PD (11,0)
application job explicitly waited for
outstanding asynchronous I/O
operations to complete.
SWSKSC System i Access number of socket PD (11,0)
SWSKBS System i Access number of socket PD (11,0)
bytes sent.
SWSKRC System i Access number of socket PD (11,0)
SWSKBR System i Access number of socket PD (11,0)
bytes received.
SWXRFR System i Access stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SWXRFW System i Access stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SWXSLR System i Access file system symbolic PD (11,0)
link reads.

158 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SWXDYR System i Access file system directory PD (11,0)
SWDLCH System i Access file system lookup PD (11,0)
cache hits.
SWDLCM System i Access file system lookup PD (11,0)
cache misses.
SWSZWT System i Access seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SPCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by pass-through
target jobs.
SPRES1 Total transaction time by PD (15,3)
pass-through target jobs.
SPRES2 Total number of transactions by PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPSPD Total count of suspended time of PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPRRT Total count of time a pass-through PD (11,0)
target job waited during rerouting.
SPNEW Number of started pass-through PD (11,0)
target jobs.
SPTERM Number of ended pass-through target PD (11,0)
SPJBCT Number of pass-through jobs. PD (11,0)
SPPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
pass-through target jobs.
SPPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
pass-through target jobs.
SPPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by pass-through
target jobs.
SPLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by pass-through target jobs.
SPLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by pass-through target jobs.
SPLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by pass-through
target jobs.
SPCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by pass-through target jobs.
SPCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by pass-through target jobs.

Reference information for Performance 159

Field Name Description Attribute
SPBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SPPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SPNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by pass-through target jobs.
SPDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by
pass-through target jobs.
SPANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by pass-through target jobs.
SPADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by
pass-through target jobs.
SPANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by pass-through target jobs.
SPADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by pass-through
target jobs.
SPPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SPPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by
pass-through target jobs, but was not
in main storage. The Licensed
Internal Code no longer uses process
access groups for caching data.
Because of this implementation, this
field will always be 0 for more
current releases.
SPEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SPOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
pass-through target jobs.
SPOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by pass-through target jobs.

160 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SPIPF Number of times a pass-through PD (11,0)
target job had a page fault on an
address that was currently part of an
auxiliary storage I/O operation.
SPWIO Number of times a pass-through PD (11,0)
target job explicitly waited for
outstanding asynchronous I/O
operations to complete.
SPSKSC Passthrough number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SPSKBS Passthrough number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SPSKRC Passthrough number of socket PD (11,0)
SPSKBR Passthrough number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SPXRFR Passthrough stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SPXRFW Passthrough stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SPXSLR Passthrough file system symbolic link PD (11,0)
SPXDYR Passthrough file system directory PD (11,0)
SPDLCH Passthrough file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SPDLCM Passthrough file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SPSZWT Passthrough seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SMCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by multiple
requester terminal (MRT) jobs
(System/36 environment only).
SMRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SMRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SMPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
MRT jobs (System/36 environment
SMPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
MRT jobs (System/36 environment
SMSPD Total time MRT jobs (System/36 PD (11,0)
environment only) were suspended.
SMRRT Total time a MRT job (System/36 PD (11,0)
environment only) waited during
SMNEW Number of started MRT jobs PD (11,0)
(System/36 environment only).
SMTERM Number of ended MRT jobs PD (11,0)
(System/36 environment only).

Reference information for Performance 161

Field Name Description Attribute
SMJBCT Number of MRT jobs (System/36 PD (11,0)
environment only).
SMPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by MRT
jobs (System/36 environment only).
SMPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
MRT jobs (System/36 environment
SMPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only).
SMLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only).
SMCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SMPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SMNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only).
SMANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only).

162 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SMANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only).
SMPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
MRT jobs (System/36 environment
SMCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SMPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by MRT jobs
(System/36 environment only), but
was not in main storage. The
Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SMEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SMOBIN Number of binary overflows by MRT PD (11,0)
jobs (System/36 environment only).
SMODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
MRT jobs (System/36 environment
SMOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by MRT jobs (System/36
environment only).
SMIPF Number of times a MRT job PD (11,0)
(System/36 environment only) had a
page fault on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
SMWIO Number of times a MRT job PD (11,0)
(System/36 environment only)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SMSKSC MRTS Number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SMSKBS MRTS Number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SMSKRC MRTS Number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SMSKBR MRTS Number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SMXRFR MRTS stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SMXRFW MRTS stream file writes. PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 163

Field Name Description Attribute
SMXSLR MRTS file system symbolic link PD (11,0)
SMXDYR MRTS file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SMDLCH MRTS file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SMDLCM MRTS file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SMSZWT MRTS seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
S6CPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by System/36
environment jobs.
S6TRNT Total response time. PD (15,3)
S6TRNS Number of transactions. PD (11,0)
S6PRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
System/36 environment jobs.
S6PRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
System/36 environment jobs.
S6SPD Total time System/36 environment PD (11,0)
jobs were suspended.
S6RRT Total time a System/36 environment PD (11,0)
job waited during rerouting.
S6NEW Number of started System/36 PD (11,0)
environment jobs.
S6TERM Number of ended System/36 PD (11,0)
environment jobs.
S6JBCT Number of System/36 environment PD (11,0)
S6PDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
System/36 environment jobs.
S6PNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
System/36 environment jobs.
S6PWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by System/36
environment jobs.
S6LDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by System/36 environment
S6LDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by System/36 environment
S6LDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by System/36
environment jobs.
S6CMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by System/36 environment

164 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
S6CMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by System/36 environment
S6BRG Reserved PD (11,0)
S6PRG Reserved PD (11,0)
S6NDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by System/36 environment jobs.
S6DBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by System/36
environment jobs.
S6ANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by System/36 environment
S6ADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by System/36
environment jobs.
S6ANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by System/36 environment
S6ADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by System/36
environment jobs.
S6PW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
System/36 environment jobs.
S6CS Reserved PD (11,0)
S6PAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by System/36
environment jobs, but was not in
main storage. The Licensed Internal
Code no longer uses process access
groups for caching data. Because of
this implementation, this field will
always be 0 for more current releases.
S6EAO Reserved PD (11,0)
S6OBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
System/36 environment jobs.

Reference information for Performance 165

Field Name Description Attribute
S6ODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
System/36 environment jobs.
S6OFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by System/36 environment jobs.
S6IPF Number of times a System/36 PD (11,0)
environment job had a page fault on
an address that was currently part of
an auxiliary storage I/O operation.
S6WIO Number of times a System/36 PD (11,0)
environment job explicitly waited for
outstanding asynchronous I/O
operations to complete.
S6SKSC S36E number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
S6SKBS S36E number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
S6SKRC S36E number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
S6SKBR S36E number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
S6XRFR S36E file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
S6XRFW S36E file system directory writes. PD (11,0)
S6XSLR S36E file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
S6XDYR S36E directory stream file reads. PD (11,0)
S6DLCH S36E file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
S6DLCM S36E file system lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
S6SZWT S36E seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SECPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by
communications batch jobs.
SERES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SERES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SEPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
communications batch jobs.
SEPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
communications batch jobs.
SESPD Total time communications batch jobs PD (11,0)
were suspended.
SERRT Total time a communications batch PD (11,0)
job waited during rerouting.
SENEW Number of started communications PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SETERM Number of ended communications PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SEJBCT Number of communications batch PD (11,0)
SEPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
communications batch jobs.

166 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SEPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
communications batch jobs.
SEPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by
communications batch jobs.
SELDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by communications batch jobs.
SELDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by communications batch jobs.
SELDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by
communications batch jobs.
SECMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by communications batch jobs.
SECMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by communications batch jobs.
SEBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SEPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SENDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by communications batch jobs.
SEDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by
communications batch jobs.
SEANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by communications batch
SEADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by
communications batch jobs.
SEANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by communications batch
SEADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by
communications batch jobs.

Reference information for Performance 167

Field Name Description Attribute
SEPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
communications batch jobs.
SECS Reserved PD (11,0)
SEPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by
communications batch jobs, but was
not in main storage. The Licensed
Internal Code no longer uses process
access groups for caching data.
Because of this implementation, this
field will always be 0 for more
current releases.
SEEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SEOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
communications batch jobs.
SEODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
communications batch jobs.
SEOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by communications batch jobs.
SEIPF Number of times a communications PD (11,0)
batch job had a page fault on an
address that was currently part of an
auxiliary storage I/O operation.
SEWIO Number of times a communications PD (11,0)
batch job explicitly waited for
outstanding asynchronous I/O
operations to complete.
SESKSC Evoke number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SESKBS Evoke number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SESKRC Evoke number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SESKBR Evoke number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SEXRFR Evoke file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SEXRFW Evoke file system stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SEXSLR Evoke file system symbolic link PD (11,0)
SEXDYR Evoke stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SEDLCH Evoke file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SEDLCM Evoke file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SESZWT Evoke seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SACPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by autostart jobs.
SARES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SARES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)

168 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SAPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
autostart jobs.
SAPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
autostart jobs.
SASPD Total time autostart jobs were PD (11,0)
SARRT Total time an autostart job waited PD (11,0)
during rerouting.
SANEW Number of started autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SATERM Number of ended autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAJBCT Number of autostart jobs. PD (11,0)
SAPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
autostart jobs.
SAPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
autostart jobs.
SAPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by autostart jobs.
SALDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by autostart jobs.
SALDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by autostart jobs.
SALDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by autostart jobs.
SACMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by autostart jobs.
SACMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by autostart jobs.
SABRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SAPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SANDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by communications batch jobs.
SADBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by autostart
SAANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by autostart jobs.

Reference information for Performance 169

Field Name Description Attribute
SAADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by autostart
SAANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by autostart jobs.
SAADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by autostart jobs.
SAPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
autostart jobs.
SACS Reserved PD (11,0)
SAPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by autostart
jobs, but was not in main storage.
The Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SAEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SAOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
autostart jobs.
SAODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
autostart jobs.
SAOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by autostart jobs.
SAIPF Number of times an autostart job had PD (11,0)
a page fault on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
SAWIO Number of times an autostart job PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SASKSC Autostart number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SASKBS Autostart number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SASKRC Autostart number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SASKBR Autostart number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SAXRFR Autostart stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SAXRFW Autostart stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SAXSLR Autostart file system symbolic link PD (11,0)

170 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SAXDYR Autostart file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SADLCH Autostart file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SADLCM Autostart file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SASZWT Autostart seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SBCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by batch jobs.
SBRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SBRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SBPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SBPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SBSPD Total time batch jobs were PD (11,0)
SBRRT Total time a batch job waited during PD (11,0)
SBNEW Number of started batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBTERM Number of ended batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBJBCT Number of batch jobs. PD (11,0)
SBPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by batch
SBPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
batch jobs.
SBPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by batch jobs.
SBLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by batch jobs.
SBLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by batch jobs.
SBLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by batch jobs.
SBCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by batch jobs.
SBCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by batch jobs.
SBBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SBPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SBNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by batch jobs.

Reference information for Performance 171

Field Name Description Attribute
SBDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by batch jobs.
SBANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by batch jobs.
SBADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by batch jobs.
SBANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for database
functions by batch jobs.
SBADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by batch jobs.
SBPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SBCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SBPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by batch jobs,
but was not in main storage. The
Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SBEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SBOBIN Number of binary overflows by batch PD (11,0)
SBODEC Number of decimal overflows by PD (11,0)
batch jobs.
SBOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by batch jobs.
SBIPF Number of times a batch job had a PD (11,0)
page fault on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
SBWIO Number of times a batch job PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SBSKSC Batch number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SBSKBS Batch number of socket bytes PD (11,0)

172 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SBSKRC Batch number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SBSKBR Batch number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SBXRFR Batch stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SBXRFW Batch stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SBXSLR Batch file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SBXDYR Batch file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SBDLCH Batch file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SBDLCM Batch file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SBSZWT Batch seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SICPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by interactive jobs.
SITRNT Total transaction time by interactive PD (15,3)
SITRNS Total number of transactions by PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.
SIPRTL Total number of print lines of all PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.
SIPRTP Total number of print pages of all PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.
SISPD Total time interactive jobs were PD (11,0)
SIRRT Total time an interactive job waited PD (11,0)
during rerouting.
SINEW Number of started interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SITERM Number of ended interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIJBCT Number of interactive jobs. PD (11,0)
SIPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by
interactive jobs.
SIPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
interactive jobs.
SIPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by interactive
SILDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by interactive jobs.
SILDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by interactive jobs.
SILDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by interactive

Reference information for Performance 173

Field Name Description Attribute
SICMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by interactive jobs.
SICMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by interactive jobs.
SIBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SIPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SINDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by interactive jobs.
SIDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by interactive
SIANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for nondatabase
functions by interactive jobs.
SIADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by interactive
SIANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by interactive jobs.
SIADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by interactive jobs.
SIPW Number of permanent writes by PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.
SICS Reserved PD (11,0)
SIPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by interactive
jobs but was not in main storage. The
Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SIEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SIOBIN Number of binary overflows by PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.
SIODEC Number of decimal overflows PD (11,0)
interactive jobs.

174 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SIOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by interactive jobs.
SIIPF Number of times an interactive job PD (11,0)
had a page fault on an address that
was currently part of an auxiliary
storage I/O operation.
SIWIO Number of times an interactive job PD (11,0)
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SISKSC Interactive number of socket sends. PD (11,0)
SISKBS Interactive number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SISKRC Interactive number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SISKBR Interactive number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SIXRFR Interactive stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SIXRFW Interactive stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SIXSLR Interactive file system symbolic link PD (11,0)
SIXDYR Interactive file system directory PD (11,0)
SIDLCH Interactive file lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SIDLCM Interactive file lookup cache misses. PD (11,0)
SISZWT Interactive seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SXCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by the start CPF
(SCPF) job, spool reader jobs, or
spool writer jobs.
SXRES1 Reserved. PD (15,3)
SXRES2 Reserved. PD (11,0)
SXPRTL Total number of print lines of the PD (11,0)
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXPRTP Total number of print pages of the PD (11,0)
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXSPD Total time the SCPF job, spool reader PD (11,0)
jobs, or spool writer jobs were
SXRRT Total time the SCPF job, spool reader PD (11,0)
jobs, or spool writer jobs waited
during rerouting.
SXNEW Number of started SCPF job, spool PD (11,0)
reader jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXTERM Number of ended SCPF job, spool PD (11,0)
reader jobs, or spool writer jobs.

Reference information for Performance 175

Field Name Description Attribute
SXJBCT Number of SCPF job, spool reader PD (11,0)
jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXPDBR Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database reads by the
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXPNDB Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous nondatabase reads by
the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or
spool writer jobs.
SXPWRT Total number of physical PD (11,0)
synchronous database and
nondatabase writes by the SCPF job,
spool reader jobs, or spool writer
SXLDBR Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
reads by the SCPF job, spool reader
jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXLDBW Total number of logical database PD (11,0)
writes by the SCPF job, spool reader
jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXLDBU Total number of miscellaneous PD (11,0)
database operations by the SCPF job,
spool reader jobs, or spool writer
SXCMPT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
writes by the SCPF job, spool reader
jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXCMGT Total number of communications PD (11,0)
reads by the SCPF job, spool reader
jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXBRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SXPRG Reserved PD (11,0)
SXNDW Number of synchronous nondatabase PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical nondatabase write
operations for nondatabase functions
by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or
spool writer jobs.
SXDBW Number of synchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of synchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by the SCPF
job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer
SXANDW Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase writes: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
write operations for database
functions by the SCPF job, spool
reader jobs, or spool writer jobs.

176 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SXADBW Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
writes: Total number of asynchronous
physical database write operations
for database functions by the SCPF
job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer
SXANDR Number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
nondatabase reads: Total number of
asynchronous physical nondatabase
read operations for nondatabase
functions by the SCPF job, spool
reader jobs, or spool writer jobs.
SXADBR Number of asynchronous database PD (11,0)
reads: Total number of asynchronous
physical database read operations for
database functions by the SCPF job,
spool reader jobs, or spool writer
SXPW Number of permanent writes by the PD (11,0)
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXCS Reserved PD (11,0)
SXPAGF Number of PAG faults: Total number PD (11,0)
of times the program access group
(PAG) was referred to by the SCPF
job, spool reader jobs, or spool writer
jobs, but was not in main storage.
The Licensed Internal Code no longer
uses process access groups for
caching data. Because of this
implementation, this field will always
be 0 for more current releases.
SXEAO Reserved PD (11,0)
SXOBIN Number of binary overflows by the PD (11,0)
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXODEC Number of decimal overflows by the PD (11,0)
SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or spool
writer jobs.
SXOFLP Number of floating point overflows PD (11,0)
by the SCPF job, spool reader jobs, or
spool writer jobs.
SXIPF Number of times the SCPF job or PD (11,0)
spool reader or spool writer job had
a page fault on an address that was
currently part of an auxiliary storage
I/O operation.
SXWIO Number of times the SCPF job or PD (11,0)
spool reader or spool writer job
explicitly waited for outstanding
asynchronous I/O operations to
SXSKSC Spool number of socket sends. PD (11,0)

Reference information for Performance 177

Field Name Description Attribute
SXSKBS Spool number of socket bytes sent. PD (11,0)
SXSKRC Spool number of socket receives. PD (11,0)
SXSKBR Spool number of socket bytes PD (11,0)
SXXRFR Spool stream file reads. PD (11,0)
SXXRFW Spool stream file writes. PD (11,0)
SXXSLR Spool file system symbolic link reads. PD (11,0)
SXXDYR Spool file system directory reads. PD (11,0)
SXXDLCH Spool file system lookup cache hits. PD (11,0)
SXXDLCM Spool file system lookup cache PD (11,0)
SXSZWT Spool seize/wait time in PD (11,0)
SHCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by
microcode/system jobs.
SMPLP Machine pool paging: Number of PD (11,0)
pages transferred in and out of
machine pool.
SMUPL Highest user pool paging: Highest PD (11,0)
number of pages transferred in and
out of any user pool.
SUPLI Pool with highest paging: Pool C (2)
number with highest number of
pages transferred in and out.
SMXDU Maximum disk utilization. The PD (11,0)
largest utilization of all single path
disk units and all paths of multipath
disk units.
SMXDUI Actuator with maximum utilization. C (4)
SMMMT Time (in seconds) spent at MRTMAX PD (11,0)
by all MRT requests.
SMME Number of requesters that routed to PD (11,0)
a MRT.
SYFOPN Number of full opens system wide. PD (11,0)
SYIXRB Number of index rebuilds system PD (11,0)
SYJOXR Start journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOXP Stop journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOIR Start journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOIP Stop journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOXD Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
user-journaled objects.

178 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYJOID Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
system-journaled objects.
SYJOJP Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
system-journaled objects to
user-created journals.
SYJOBJ Bundle writes to user-created PD (11,0)
SYJOBD Bundle writes to internal system PD (11,0)
SYJOJY Exposed access paths currently being PD (11,0)
journaled by the system.
SYJOJN Exposed access paths currently not PD (11,0)
being journaled.
SYJOSE System-estimated access path PD (11,0)
recovery time exposure in
SYJORT System-managed access path tuning PD (11,0)
SYJOND System-estimated access path PD (11,0)
recovery time exposure in
milliseconds if no access paths were
being journaled by the system.
SYSCPU Total processing time (in PD (9,0)
milliseconds) used by the first (or
only) processing unit.
SYCPU2....4 Total processing time (in PD (9,0)
milliseconds) used by the
second....fourth processing unit. This
value is zero if there is no processing
unit with this number on the system.
SYCP5....32 Total processing time (in PD (9,0)
milliseconds) used by the
fifth....thirty-second processing unit.
This value is zero if there is no
processing unit with this number on
the system.
SYHEAO Number of tolerated crossings of a 16 PD (11,0)
MB boundary within any teraspace.
Also called teraspace EAO
SYHFTS Number of space address PD (11,0)
computations (not addressing
teraspace) that required extra
processing. This may occur when a
subtraction or addition of a signed
value causes a result that is within
the first page of a space object or
associated space for which the
machine did not choose alignment.
Also called false traps.

Reference information for Performance 179

Field Name Description Attribute
SYHFTH Number of teraspace address PD (11,0)
computations that required extra
processing. This occurs when a
subtraction or addition of a signed
value causes a result that is within
the first page after any 16 MB
boundary in teraspace. Also called
false traps.
SYIFUS Interactive CPU time. Total PD (9,0)
interactive CPU used (in
SYIFTE Interactive CPU time over threshold. PD (9,0)
Interactive CPU used (in
milliseconds) when exceeding
interactive CPU threshold.
SYSDBC Database CPU time. Total CPU time PD (9,0)
(in milliseconds) used for database
SYSSWC Secondary Workload CPU time. Total PD (9,0)
CPU time (in milliseconds) of all jobs
that perform workloads that cannot
fully exploit dedicated server
SYLPTB LPAR time base. This field provides a PD (11,0)
way to determine the difference
between the system clocks on
different partitions of a single system.
This field has no meaning when
looked at on a stand-alone basis.
However, when this value is
established on two (or more)
partitions of a system, the difference
between these values is the time
difference (in seconds) between the
two partitions.
SYNUAL Noncached user authority lookups. PD (15,0)
The number of times that a
noncached user authority lookup was
performed. An authority check for
one object can result in zero, one, or
more than one user authority
lookups. A user authority lookup can
occur for the user, the user's groups,
or an adopted user and can be
cached or noncached.
SYIFTA Interactive CPU time available. The PD (11,0)
amount of interactive CPU time that
was available for use within the
partition. This is the interactive
capacity configured for use within
the partition (also represented as
interactive threshold).
SYSPTU CPU time used. Total processing time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by the

180 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYSCTA Configured CPU time available. Total PD (11,0)
processing time (in milliseconds) that
was configured or guaranteed to be
available for this partition. This is the
system processing capacity as
determined by processor unit
allocations during the interval. Note:
For uncapped partitions, the actual
CPU used can exceed this value.
SYSUTA Uncapped CPU time available. Total PD (11,0)
processing time (in milliseconds) that
was available for use by this partition
(adjusted for configuration changes
over time). It includes both the
guaranteed configured capacity as
well as the shared pool time that was
not used by other partitions. For
capped and dedicated partitions, or if
shared pool data is not available, this
is the same as Uncapped CPU time
configured (SYSUTC).
SYSUTC Uncapped CPU time configured. The PD (11,0)
maximum amount of CPU time that
this partition is configured (allowed)
to use within the shared pool
(adjusted for configuration changes
over time). This field defines the
minimum of the virtual processors
configured and the configured shared
pool processors. For capped and
dedicated partitions, this is the same
as configured CPU time available
SYSPLU Shared pool CPU time used. Total PD (11,0)
amount of CPU used within the
shared pool by all partitions that
share the pool. Set to zero if a shared
pool is not used or the data is not
SYSPLA Shared pool CPU time available. PD (11,0)
Total amount of CPU available within
the shared pool. This value is
determined based on the number of
physical processors that are allocated
to the pool. Set to zero if a shared
pool is not used or the data is not

Reference information for Performance 181

Field Name Description Attribute
SYVCPU Virtual processor time configured. PD (11,0)
The processing capacity (in
milliseconds) visible to the operating
system based on the number of
virtual processors configured and
adjusted for configuration changes
over time. This field is similar to
SYSUTC except it is not affected by
the shared pool configuration or the
capped/uncapped state of the
partition. The formula
SYVCPU/INTSEC will yield the
average number of virtual processors
configured in the interval.
SYDPCH Total Dispatch Time. The amount of PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) that the
operating system has dispatched a
job, task or thread to a processor.
This is not the same as CPU time
used due to the effects of processor
SYSHRF Shared processor flag. Indicates if the C (1)
partition uses shared processors:
v 0 = Partition does not share
physical processors.
v 1 = Partition shares physical
SCBGN Reserved. Z (3,0)
SYSIUL Reserved. PD (5,0)
SYSCIU Reserved. PD (7,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSCPU

This database file reports utilization for virtual processor units.

Virtual processors represent the operating system's view, within a logical partition, of the processors
assigned to it. The utilization reported for virtual processors is the operating system's view of how much
it has used the virtual processor.

182 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The PD (7,0)
number of seconds since the last
sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
SCTNUM Total number of system CPUs Z (3,0)
reported. The number of reported
CPUs can include CPUs that are not
currently in use because of
configuration changes. Field SCTACT
contains the number of active
SCBGN CPU number of the first CPU Z (3,0)
reported in this record.
SCPU01....32 Total processing time (in PD (9,0)
milliseconds) used by CPUs 1 to 32.
SCIFUS Interactive CPU time. Total PD (9,0)
interactive CPU used (in
SCIFTE Interactive CPU time over threshold. PD (9,0)
Interactive CPU used (in
milliseconds) when exceeding
interactive CPU threshold.
SCTACT Current number of active processors Z (3,0)
at the time the data was sampled.

Related concepts:
Reporting CPU utilization
Find out how the total CPU that is consumed across virtual processors is reported.
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSPRC

This database file reports utilization data for a system's physical processor units based on data obtained
from the hypervisor. One record is written per processor per interval.

Reference information for Performance 183

Physical processors are actual hardware processors contained within the physical system. The utilization
for a system's physical processor is the time that the processor was made available by the hypervisor to
any partition for it to do work. Dedicated processors will appear to be 100% utilized as the hypervisor is
not in control of how the partition is using the processor.

Physical processor data is reported only if the collecting partition has been authorized to obtain it. This
authorization is a partition configuration attribute set on the Hardware Management Console (HMC).

| A POWER6 system with firmware level xx340_075 or later is required for this data to be available.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss). The date and time of the
sample interval. Logically this is the
time at the end of the interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number B (4, 0)
of seconds since the last sample
SPPID Processor identifier. Unique identifier H(2)
for each processor.
SPTYPE Type of processor: C (1)

'1 = Physical processor

| SPATTR1 Processor state: C (1)
| v x'01' = not installed
| v x'02' = Guarded off (This processor
| has some runtime recoverable
| errors or it has been check
| stopped).
| v x'03' = Unlicensed (This processor
| is installed, but the license has not
| been purchased).
| v x'04' = Shared
| v x'05' = Borrowed (If this processor
| is not assigned to any partition, it
| has been taken from a dedicated
| partition that is set to donate its
| unused processors).
| v x'06' = Dedicated
| SPATTR2 Owning partition ID of the partition B (4, 0)
that owns this processor. If the
processor is shared or unowned, a
minus 1 will be reported.
SPTIME Processing time. The time (in B (18, 0)
milliseconds) that this processor was
dispatched to some partition.
SPVAL01-SPVAL10 Reserved for future use. B (18, 0)

184 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Related concepts:
Reporting CPU utilization
Find out how the total CPU that is consumed across virtual processors is reported.
Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSTEM

This database file reports system-wide performance data.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
database interval based on the start
time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss): The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number PD (7,0)
of seconds since the last sample
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
SYDPGF Directory page faults: Number of PD (11,0)
times a page of the auxiliary storage
directory was transferred to main
storage for a look-up or an allocation
SYAPGF Access group member page faults: PD (11,0)
Number of times a page of an object
contained in an access group was
transferred to main storage
independently of the access group.
This transfer occurs when the
containing access group was purged,
or because portions of the containing
access group are displaced from main
SYMPGF Microcode page faults: Number of PD (11,0)
times a page of microcode was
transferred to main storage.
SYMCTR Microtask read operations: Number PD (11,0)
of transfers of one or more pages of
data from auxiliary storage because
of a microtask rather than a process.

Reference information for Performance 185

Field Name Description Attribute
SYMCTW Microtask write operations: Number PD (11,0)
of transfers of one or more pages of
data from main storage to auxiliary
storage because of a microtask rather
than a process.
SYSASP System auxiliary storage pool space PD (15,0)
available: Number of bytes of space
on auxiliary storage available for
allocation in the system auxiliary
storage pool that is not currently
assigned to machine interface (MI)
objects or internal machine functions.
SYPRMW Permanent data transferred from PD (11,0)
main storage: Number of 512-byte
blocks of permanent data transferred
from main storage to the system
auxiliary storage pool in auxiliary
storage since the last sample.
SYSIZC Size count: Total number of size PD (11,0)
SYDECD Decimal data count: Total number of PD (11,0)
decimal data exceptions.
SYSEZC Seize count: Total number of seize PD (11,0)
wait exceptions.
SYSZWT Seize/wait time in milliseconds. PD (11,0)
SYSYNL Synchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYASYL Asynchronous lock conflict count. PD (11,0)
SYVFYC Verify count. PD (11,0)
SYAUTH Object authority checks. The number PD (11,0)
of times that authority was checked
for objects. An authority check for
one object can result in zero, one, or
more than one user authority lookups
that can be cached or noncached (see
SYNUAL field description).
SYEXPN Total number of exceptions. PD (11,0)
SYLRT1 Transactions in first response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 1 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
System i Navigator interface.

186 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYLRT2 Transactions in second response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 2 and greater than the
value of boundary 1 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
System i Navigator interface.
SYLRT3 Transactions in third response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 3 and greater than the
value of boundary 2 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
System i Navigator interface.
SYLRT4 Transactions in fourth response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time less than the value of
boundary 4 and greater than the
value of boundary 3 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
System i Navigator interface.
SYLRT5 Transactions in fifth response time PD (9,0)
monitor bracket: Total number of
local workstation transactions with
response time greater than the value
of boundary 4 specified on the
Advanced Local Response Time
Options dialog from the Collection
Services properties page within the
System i Navigator interface.
SHCPU Total processing unit time (in PD (11,0)
milliseconds) used by
microcode/system jobs.
SMPLP Machine pool paging: Number of PD (11,0)
pages transferred in and out of
machine pool.
SMUPL Highest user pool paging: Highest PD (11,0)
number of pages transferred in and
out of any user pool.
SUPLI Pool with highest paging: Pool C (2)
number with highest number of
pages transferred in and out.
SMXDU Maximum disk utilization. The largest PD (11,0)
utilization of all single path disk units
and all paths of multipath disk units.
SMXDUI Actuator with maximum utilization. C (4)

Reference information for Performance 187

Field Name Description Attribute
SMMMT Time (in seconds) spent at MRTMAX PD (11,0)
by all MRT requests.
SMME Number of requesters that routed to PD (11,0)
an MRT.
SYFOPN Number of full opens system wide. PD (11,0)
SYIXRB Number of index rebuilds system PD (11,0)
SYJOXR Start journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOXP Stop journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOIR Start journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOIP Stop journal operations initiated by PD (11,0)
SYJOXD Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
user-journaled objects.
SYJOID Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
system-journaled objects.
SYJOJP Journal deposits resulting from PD (11,0)
system-journaled objects to
user-created journals.
SYJOBJ Bundle writes to user-created PD (11,0)
SYJOBD Bundle writes to internal system PD (11,0)
SYJOJY Exposed access paths currently being PD (11,0)
journaled by the system.
SYJOJN Exposed access paths currently not PD (11,0)
being journaled.
SYJOSE System-estimated access path PD (11,0)
recovery time exposure in
SYJORT System-managed access path tuning PD (11,0)
SYJOND System-estimated access path PD (11,0)
recovery time exposure in
milliseconds if no access paths were
being journaled by the system.
SYHEAO Number of tolerated crossings of a 16 PD (11,0)
MB boundary within any teraspace.
Also called teraspace EAO exceptions.

188 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYHFTS Number of space address PD (11,0)
computations (not addressing
teraspace) that required extra
processing. This may occur when a
subtraction or addition of a signed
value causes a result that is within
the first page of a space object or
associated space for which the
machine did not choose alignment.
Also called false traps.
SYHFTH Number of teraspace address PD (11,0)
computations that required extra
processing. This occurs when a
subtraction or addition of a signed
value causes a result that is within
the first page after any 16 MB
boundary in teraspace. Also called
false traps.
SYSDBC Database CPU time. The amount of PD (9,0)
CPU time (in milliseconds) used for
database processing.
SYSSWC Secondary workload CPU time. The PD (9,0)
aggregate CPU time (in milliseconds)
of all jobs performing workloads that
cannot fully exploit dedicated server
Note: This metric measures
non-Domino CPU usage on Domino
servers. On non-Domino servers, this
metric is not supported, so the
reported value is 0.
SYJOER Number of SMAPP evaluations PD (11,0)
requested. This count reveals how
many times implicitly journaled
objects were examined for potential
SMAPP eligibility alterations. The
evaluation can result in one of three
outcomes: 1 - no action; 2 - start
protecting this index via SMAPP; 3 -
cease protecting this index via
SYJOES Number of SMAPP evaluations PD (11,0)
serviced. This is a count of
evaluations which led to a decision to
change the protection state for a
related index.

Reference information for Performance 189

Field Name Description Attribute
SYJOIB Number of SMAPP index build time PD (11,0)
estimations. The number of times
background SLIC tasks have been
asked to look at database keyed
logical files or SQL indexes in order
to estimate how long it will take to
rebuild the index from scratch.
Indexes whose estimated rebuild
times are large will be SMAPPed. A
large count here suggests that
applications are frequently opening
and closing files.
SYJOS1 First journal entry type. This field C (2)
reports the most frequently occurring
among the various journal entry
types that have caused the SLIC layer
of journal code to empty the journal
cache prematurely. The number of
bundles forced by this entry type is
reported in the field SYJOC1.
SYJOC1 Number of journal bundles forced PD (15,0)
prematurely by the journal entry type
reported in the field SYJOS1.
SYJOS2 Second journal entry type. This field C (2)
reports the second most frequently
occurring among the various journal
entry types that have caused the SLIC
layer of journal code to empty the
journal cache prematurely. The
number of bundles forced by this
entry type is reported in the field
SYJOC2 Number of journal bundles forced PD (15,0)
prematurely by the journal entry type
reported in the field SYJOS2.
SYJOS3 Third journal entry type. This field C (2)
reports the third most frequently
occurring among the various journal
entry types that have caused the SLIC
layer of journal code to empty the
journal cache prematurely. The
number of bundles forced by this
entry type is reported in the field
SYJOC3 Number of journal bundles forced PD (15,0)
prematurely by the journal entry type
reported in the field SYJOS3.
SYSDNFE The number of stream files which PD (11,0)
have been written to, but not forced
to permanent storage. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.

190 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYSDNFO The number of stream files currently PD (11,0)
exposed that have exceeded the target
exposure time. This count includes
files in the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS,
QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYSDTET Exposure time (in milliseconds). The PD (15,0)
number of milliseconds between the
time a stream file is written to and
the time the file is forced to
permanent storage. This time is a
total for all files that were exposed
during the interval. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYSDNST The number of tasks running that are PD (5,0)
forcing stream files to permanent
storage. This count includes files in
the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file
SYSDFAL The number of stream files that have PD (11,0)
been exposed and needed to be
forced. This count includes files in the
Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when
the files are on a volume that is not
formatted in Universal Disk Format
(UDS)) and user-defined file systems.
SYSDFRL The total number of stream files that PD (11,0)
have been asynchronously forced to
permanent storage. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYSDPFD The number of stream file pages that PD (15,0)
have been asynchronously forced to
permanent storage. This count does
not include pages forced by an fsync
operation. This count includes files in
the Root, QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT
(when the files are on a volume that
is not formatted in Universal Disk
Format (UDS)) and user-defined file

Reference information for Performance 191

Field Name Description Attribute
SYSDPFF The number of stream file pages PD (15,0)
explicitly forced to permanent storage
as a result of an fsync operation. This
count includes files in the Root,
QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the
files are on a volume that is not
formatted in Universal Disk Format
(UDS)) and user-defined file systems.
SYBTAC The number of asynchronous clear PD (11,0)
operations performed. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYBTAP The number of asynchronous PD (11,0)
prebring operations performed. This
count includes files in the Root,
QOpenSys, QDLS, QOPT (when the
files are on a volume that is not
formatted in Universal Disk Format
(UDS)) and user-defined file systems.
SYBTAPP The number of parallel prebring PD (11,0)
operations performed. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYBTAPC The number of asynchronous create PD (11,0)
operations performed. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYBTAPD The number of asynchronous delete PD (11,0)
operations performed. This count
includes files in the Root, QOpenSys,
QDLS, QOPT (when the files are on a
volume that is not formatted in
Universal Disk Format (UDS)) and
user-defined file systems.
SYLPTB LPAR time base. This field provides a B (11,0)
way to determine the difference
between the system clocks on
different partitions of a single system.
This field has no meaning when
looked at on a stand-alone basis.
However, when this value is
established on two (or more)
partitions of a system, the difference
between these values is the time
difference (in seconds) between the
two partitions.

192 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYNUAL Noncached user authority lookups. PD (15,0)
The number of times that a
noncached user authority lookup was
performed. An authority check for
one object can result in zero, one, or
more than one user authority
lookups. A user authority lookup can
occur for the user, the user's groups,
or an adopted user and can be cached
or noncached.
SYIFUS Interactive CPU time used. Total PD (9,0)
interactive CPU used (in
SYIFTE Interactive CPU time used over PD (9,0)
threshold. Interactive CPU used (in
milliseconds) when exceeding
interactive CPU threshold.
SYIFTA Interactive CPU time available. The PD (11,0)
amount of interactive CPU time that
was available for use within the
partition. This is the interactive
capacity configured for use within the
partition (also represented as
interactive threshold).
SYSPTU CPU time used. Total processing time PD (11,0)
(in milliseconds) used by the partition
SYSCTA Total CPU time configured for the PD (11,0)
partition. Total processing time (in
milliseconds) that was configured or
guaranteed for this partition. This is
the system processing capacity as
determined by processor unit
allocations during the interval. Note:
For uncapped partitions, the actual
CPU used can exceed this value.
SYSUTA CPU time that could have been used PD (11,0)
by this partition. Total processing
time (in milliseconds) that could have
been used by this partition (adjusted
for configuration changes over time).
It includes both the guaranteed
configured capacity as well as the
shared pool time that was not used
by other partitions. For capped and
dedicated partitions, or if shared pool
data is not available, this is the same
as Uncapped CPU time configured.

Reference information for Performance 193

Field Name Description Attribute
SYSUTC Uncapped CPU time configured. The PD (11,0)
maximum amount of CPU time that
this partition is configured (allowed)
to use within the shared pool
(adjusted for configuration changes
over time). This field defines the
Minimum of the virtual processors
configured and the configured shared
pool processors. For capped and
dedicated partitions, this is the same
as total CPU time configured for the
SYSPLU Shared pool CPU time used. Total PD (11,0)
amount of CPU used within the
shared pool by all partitions that
share the pool. Set to zero if a shared
pool is not used or the data is not
SYSPLA Shared pool CPU time available. Total PD (11,0)
amount of CPU available within the
shared pool. This value is determined
based on the number of physical
processors that are allocated to the
pool. Set to zero if a shared pool is
not used or the data is not available.
SYVCPU Virtual processor time configured. PD (11,0)
The processing time capacity (in
milliseconds) visible to the operating
system based on the number of
virtual processors configured and
adjusted for configuration changes
over time. This field is similar to
SYSUTC except it is not affected by
the shared pool configuration or the
capped/uncapped state of the
partition. The formula
SYVCPU/(INTSEC*1000) will yield
the average number of virtual
processors configured in the interval.
Note: Will be zero for data obtained
prior to V5R4
SYDPCH Total Dispatch Time. The amount of PD (11,0)
time (in milliseconds) that the
operating system has dispatched a
job, task, or thread to a processor.
This is not the same as CPU time
used due to the effects of processor
virtualization. Note: this field will
contain data only if file
QAPMJOBWT data is available

194 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYSHRF Shared processor flag. Indicates if the C (1)
partition uses shared processors:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0'= Partition does not share physical


'1' = Partition shares physical

SYSIUL Reserved. PD (5,0)
SYSCIU Reserved. PD (7,0)
SYJDUM Reserved. PD (1,0)
SYJDDM Reserved. C (3)
SYJCA4 Reserved. C (3)
SYJPAS Reserved. C (3)
SYJMRT Reserved. C (3)
SYJS6E Reserved. C (3)
SYJCME Reserved. C (3)
SYJAUT Reserved. C (3)
SYJBCH Reserved. C (3)
SYJINT Reserved. C (3)
SYJSPL Reserved. C (3)
SYVPID Virtual shared pool ID. This is the B (4,0)
identifier of the partition's current
virtual shared processor pool.
SYVPCAP Virtual shared pool entitled capacity. B (9,0)
The entitled capacity of the partition's
current virtual shared processor pool
(in units of 1/100 of a physical
SYPPLU Physical shared pool CPU time used. B (18,0)
Total amount of CPU time (in
milliseconds) used within the
physical shared processor pool by all
partitions that share the pool. Set to
zero if physical shared pool is not
used or the data is not available.

Reference information for Performance 195

Field Name Description Attribute
SYPPLA Physical shared pool CPU time B (18,0)
available. Total amount of CPU time
(in milliseconds) available within the
physical shared processor pool. This
value is determined based on the
number of physical processors that
are allocated to the pool. Set to zero if
physical shared pool is not used or
the data is not available.

Note that this field will reflect CPU

time donated by the dedicated
partitions associated with the pool, if
these partitions were configured to
donate the unused CPU cycles to the
SYPTHV Hypervisor CPU time. Amount of B (18,0)
CPU time (in milliseconds) used by
hypervisor for its internal needs. This
time is included in SYSPTU.
SYPTINT Interrupt CPU time. Amount of CPU B (18,0)
time (in milliseconds) used by
operating system for interrupt
processing. This time is included in
SYPTWS Waittask time. Amount of CPU time B (18,0)
(in milliseconds) used by waittask in
SMT mode. This time is not included
SYPTDN Donated CPU time. Amount of CPU B (18,0)
time (in milliseconds) donated by this
partition to the physical shared
processor pool. This time is only
reported for dedicated partitions
configured to donate their unused
CPU cycles to physical shared pool.
SYSSPTU Scaled CPU time used (milliseconds). B (18,0)
On some system models, the
processors may operate at different
speeds at different times, depending
on power consumption or operating
temperature. Ratio of SYSSPTU to
SYSPTU shows the current processor
speed in relation to nominal
processor speed.
SYUCAPF Partition uncapped flag. Indicates if C (1)
the partition capacity is uncapped:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0'= Partition capacity is capped or

this partition does not share physical

'1' = Partition capacity is uncapped.

196 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
SYDONF Partition donation flag. Indicates if C (1)
the partition supports donation of
unused processing time to the
physical shared processor pool:

‘ ‘ = unknown

'0' = Partition does not support

donation of processing time.

'1' = Partition supports donation of

processing time.
| SYPTWAIT Virtual processor thread wait event B (18, 0)
| time. The elapsed time in
| microseconds that blocked threads of
| the partition's virtual processors were
| waiting for an event that caused them
| to become ready to run.
| SYPTREADY Virtual processor thread wait ready B (18, 0)
| time. The elapsed time in
| microseconds that ready to run
| threads of the partition's virtual
| processors waited to be dispatched
| while entitled capacity was
| exhausted.
| SYPTLATEN Virtual processor thread dispatch B (18, 0)
| latency. The elapsed time in
| microseconds that ready to run
| threads of the partition's virtual
| processors waited to be dispatched
| while entitled capacity was not
| exhausted and a physical processor
| was not available.
| SYPTACT Virtual processor thread active time. B (18, 0)
| The elapsed time in milliseconds
| summed for all threads of a virtual
| processor for the time that the virtual
| processor is active in the partition. A
| virtual processor that is active is one
| that is varied on; a virtual processor
| that is not active is either varied off
| or not installed.
| SYPTIDLE Virtual processor thread idle time. B (18, 0)
| The elapsed time in milliseconds
| summed for all threads of a virtual
| processor for the time that thread is
| idle in the partition. A processor
| thread that is idle is one that is
| varied on and running the partition's
| idle loop.
| SYPTINTR Virtual processor thread interrupt B (18, 0)
| time. The elapsed time in
| milliseconds summed for all threads
| of a virtual processor for the time
| that thread is handling interrupts in
| the partition.

Reference information for Performance 197

Field Name Description Attribute
| SYFRMCPU Processor firmware time used (in B (18, 0)
| microseconds). The amount of
| processor firmware time used by this
| partition.
| SYFRMSCPU Processor scaled firmware time used B (18, 0)
| (in microseconds). The amount of
| scaled processor firmware time used
| by this partition.
| SYPFOLDSW Processor folding switch state. The C (1)
| current state of the processor folding
| switch.
| v ' ' = data not available
| v '0' = off
| v '1' = on
| v '2' = system controlled
| SYPFOLDST Processor folding state. The current C (1)
| state of processor folding.
| v ' ' = data not available
| v '0' = disabled
| v '1' = enabled
| SYEMMAJCDE Energy management major code (see C (1) (binary char)
| minor code)
| SYEMMINCDE Energy management minor code. C (1) (binary char)
| Major and minor code meanings are:
| v Maj 0, Min 0 = Unspecified or
| unavailable
| v Maj 0, Min 2 = Disabled (nominal
| performance)
| v Maj 0, Min 1 = Enabled (maximum
| performance)
| v Maj 0 , Min 3 = Enabled (power
| saver)
| v Maj 1, Min 0-127 = Enabled
| (dynamic power optimizer)
| SYEMATTR Energy management attributes. C(1) (binary char)
| v Bit 0 = Power draw limit type (0 =
| soft, 1 = hard)
| v Bit 1-7 = Reserved
| SYEMPWRLMT Energy management power draw B (9, 1)
| limit in watts.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance

198 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

database files.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMSYSWLC

| This database file reports workload capping group data.

| Data is generated only when one or more workload capping groups were in use during the collection. A
| record is written for each group that is active.
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
| database interval based on the start
| time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
| command.
| DATETIME Interval date and time: The date and Timestamp
| time of the sample interval.
| INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number PD (7,0)
| of seconds since the last sample
| interval.
| SWGROUP Group ID. The identifier for the B (9,0)
| workload group.
| SWGNAME Group Name. The name assigned to C (10)
| the workload group when allocated
| by License Management
| SWPRCASN Processors assigned. The maximum B (4,0)
| number of processors which may be
| used concurrently by all threads of all
| processes which are associated with
| the workload group. This is the value
| associated with the group at the time
| data was sampled.
| SWPRCAVL Processor time available (in B (18,0)
| microseconds). The amount of
| processor time that this group had
| available to it based on the number of
| processors assigned to the group over
| time.
| SWPRCUSE Processor unscaled time used (in B (18,0)
| microseconds). The amount of
| unscaled processor time used within
| threads assigned to this group.
| Note: This does not include time
| charged to a thread by server tasks.
| SWSPRCUSE Processor scaled time used (in B (18,0)
| microseconds). The amount of scaled
| processor time used within threads
| assigned to this group.
| Note: This does not include time
| charged to a thread by server tasks.
| SWDELAY Dispatch latency time . The amount B (18,0)
| of time ready to run threads could
| not be dispatched due to the group's
| maximum concurrent processor limit.

Reference information for Performance 199

| Field Name Description Attribute
| SWPRCADD Processes added. The number of B (18,0)
| process instances that became
| associated with this group during the
| interval.
| SWPRCRMV Processes removed. The number of B (18,0)
| process instances that were
| disassociated from this group during
| the interval.

| Collection Services data files: QAPMTAPE

| This database file contains the tape device data collected in the *RMVSTG collection category.

| It contains one record per interval per tape device connected to the system.
|| Field Name Description Attribute
| INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
| database interval based on the start
| time specified in the Create
| Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA)
| command.
| DATETIME Interval data and time. The date and Timestamp
| time of the sample interval.
| INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds. The number PD (7,0)
| of seconds since the last sample
| interval.
| TPDRN Tape device resource name. C (10)
| TPTYPE Tape device type. C (4)
| TPMDLN Model number. The model number of C (4)
| the tape drive.
| TPIOPRN IOP resource name. C (10)
| TPIOARN Storage adapter (IOA) resource name. C (10)
| TPRDS Number of reads. B (18, 0)
| TPWRTS Number of writes. B (18, 0)
| TPBRD Bytes read. B (18, 0)
| TPBWRT Bytes written. B (18, 0)
| TPWREQ Time spent waiting for a request from B (18, 0)
| the client (in milliseconds).
| TPWRESP Time spent waiting for a response B (18, 0)
| from the drive (in milliseconds).
| TPSFMCMD Space by file mark commands. B (18, 0)
| TPFLMRKSPC File marks spaced. B (18, 0)
| TPSBCMD Space block commands. B (18, 0)
| TPBLCKSPC Blocks spaced. B (18, 0)
| TPWFMCMD Write file mark commands. B (18, 0)
| TPFLMRKWRT File marks written. B (18, 0)
| TPSEODCMD Space to EOD commands. B (18, 0)
| TPWBCMD Write buffer commands. B (18, 0)

200 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| Field Name Description Attribute
| TPRESERVES Reserve commands. B (18, 0)
| TPRELEASES Release commands. B (18, 0)
| TPREWINDS Rewind commands. B (18, 0)
| TPUNLOADS Unload commands. B (18, 0)
| TPSTPOSCMD Set tape position commands. B (18, 0)
| TPRDPOSCMD Read tape position commands. B (18, 0)
| TPVAL1 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL2 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL3 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL4 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL5 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL6 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL7 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL8 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL9 Reserved B (18, 0)
| TPVAL10 Reserved B (18, 0)

| Collection Services data files: QAPMTCP

This database file contains system-wide TCP/IP data.

There is one record per collection interval.

Note: The TCP/IP performance data includes data for both for Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and
Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
interval based on the start time
specified in the Create Performance
Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss). The date and time of the
sample interval.
INTSEC Number of seconds TCP/IP was PD (7,0)
active in this sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
TCDIRV Number of input datagrams received PD (15,0)
from interfaces, including those
received in error.
TCDIHE Number of input datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded due to errors in their IP
TCDIAE Number of input datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded due to an address that is
not valid in the IP headers.

Reference information for Performance 201

Field Name Description Attribute
TCDIUP Number of input datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded due to unknown or
unsupported protocol.
TCDIDS Number of input datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded due to other problems (for
example, lack of buffer space).
TCDIFW Number of datagrams forwarded, PD (15,0)
including Source-Routed through this
TCDIDL Number of input datagrams PD (15,0)
successfully delivered to IP
user-protocols (including ICMP).
TCDOTR Number of datagrams which IP PD (15,0)
user-protocols supplied for
transmission (including ICMP).
TCDONR Number of output datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded because no route was
found to transmit them to their
TCDODS Number of output datagrams PD (11,0)
discarded due to other problems (for
example, lack of buffer space).
TCASMR Number of IP fragments received PD (15,0)
which needed reassembly.
TCASMS Number of datagrams successfully PD (15,0)
TCASMF Number of failures detected by the PD (11,0)
reassembly algorithm.
TCFRGS Number of datagrams successfully PD (15,0)
TCFRGF Number of fragmentation failures. PD (11,0)
TCFRGN Number of datagram fragments PD (15,0)
TCAOPN Number of times TCP connections PD (11,0)
made a transition from CLOSED state
to SYN-SENT state.
TCPOPN Number of times TCP connections PD (11,0)
made a transition from LISTEN state
to SYN-RCVD state.
TCFOPN Number of times TCP connection PD (11,0)
establishment attempts failed.
TCCRST Number of times TCP connection PD (11,0)
was reset.
TCSGRV Number of TCP segments received. PD (15,0)
TCSGTR Number of TCP segments sent. PD (15,0)
TCSGRT Number of TCP segments PD (11,0)
TCSGER Number of TCP segments received in PD (11,0)

202 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
TCUDRV Number of UDP datagrams delivered PD (15,0)
to UDP users.
TCUDTR Number of UDP datagrams sent. PD (15,0)
TCUDNP Number of received UDP datagrams PD (11,0)
for which there was no application
on the destination port.
TCUDER Number of received UDP datagrams PD (11,0)
that could not be delivered for other
TCICRV Number of ICMP messages received. PD (15,0)
TCICTR Number of ICMP messages which PD (15,0)
were attempted to be sent.
TCICIE Number of received ICMP messages PD (11,0)
that had ICMP-specific errors.
TCICOE Number of ICMP messages that were PD (11,0)
not sent due to ICMP-specific

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMTCPIFC

This database file contains TCP/IP data related to individual TCP/IP interfaces.

| There are one or two records per TCP/IP interface per collection interval. If both Internet Protocol
| version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) data are available for an interface, the primary
| record will contain the combined data. If the data was collected on a release that supports the collection
| of independent data for IPv6, a secondary record will contain the data specific to IPv6. If data is available
| for only one Internet Protocol version, the primary record will contain data specific to that Internet
| Protocol version and there will not be a secondary record.

| Note: The TCP/IP performance data includes data for both for Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4), for
| Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), or for both Internet Protocol version 4 and Internet Protocol
| version 6.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample PD (5,0)
interval based on the start time
specified in the Create Performance
Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time C (12)
(hhmmss). The date and time of the
sample interval.

Reference information for Performance 203

Field Name Description Attribute
INTSEC Number of seconds TCP/IP interface PD (7,0)
was active in this sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. C (1)
TINUM TCP/IP interface number. PD (5,0)
TITYPE TCP/IP interface type. Possible PD (5,0)
TCP/IP interface types include:
v 01 = other
v 05 = RFC877 X25
v 06 = Ethernet CSMACD
v 07 = ISO88023 CSMACD
v 09 = ISO88025 Token Ring
v 15 = FDDI
v 23 = PPP
v 24 = Software Loopback
v 28 = SLIP
v 32 = Frame Relay

This is a partial list. For a full list, see

RFC 1213.
TILIND Line description object name. C (10)
TISTAT Interface status. Possible values PD (3,0)
v 1 - Active
v 2 - Inactive
v 3 - Test
| TIMTU MTU size for interface. For a primary PD (5,0)
| record that contains both IPv4 and
| IPv6 data, this is the IPv4 MTU size.
TIBIRV Number of bytes received on PD (15,0)
TIPIUC Number of unicast packets received. PD (15,0)
TIPINU Number of non-unicast packets PD (15,0)
TIPIER Number of inbound packets that PD (11,0)
contained errors.
TIPIUP Number of inbound packets with PD (11,0)
protocol errors.
TIPIDS Number of inbound packets PD (11,0)
discarded for other reasons (for
example, lack of buffer space).
TIBOTR Number of bytes transmitted out of PD (15,0)
TIPOUC Number of unicast packets requested PD (15,0)
to be sent.
TIPONU Number of non-unicast packets PD (15,0)
requested to be sent.
TIPOER Number of outbound packets that PD (11,0)
could not be sent because of errors.

204 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
TIPODS Number of outbound packets PD (11,0)
discarded for other reasons (for
example, lack of buffer space).
| TIIPV Internet protocol version for which C (1)
| data in this sample interval was
| collected. Possible values include:
| v 0 - Both IPv4 and IPv6
| v 1 - IPv4
| v 2 - IPv6
| TIRTYP Record type indicates whether the C (1)
| record is primary or secondary for
| this sample interval. Possible values
| include:
| v 1 - Physical interface primary
| record
| v 2 - Physical interface secondary
| record

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMUSRTNS

This database file contains performance data for the user-defined and Application Response Measurement
(ARM) transactions.

One record is created for each type of transaction that occurs for a given job during the interval.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date and C (12)
time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit: where 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates C (1)
UTNAM Job name. C (10)
UTUSR Job user. C (10)
UTNUM Job number. C (6)

Reference information for Performance 205

Field Name Description Attribute
UTTYP Transaction type. The type of user-defined transaction C (20)
reported in this record for this job. The transaction type
has the same value as the application identifier
parameter passed to the Start Transaction API and End
Transaction API. If Collection Services encounters more
than 15 transaction types for this job, it will combine the
transaction data for any additional transaction types into
the transaction type of *OTHER.

When Application Response Measurement (ARM)

transaction data is reported in the QAPMUSRTNS file,
this field contains an ARM transaction type name.
Names of ARM transaction types start with the prefix
“QARM”. You can find additional information about
ARM transactions in the optional secondary file,
UTTIM Total time in microseconds used by all transactions of B (18,0)
this type for this job.
UTNUMT Total number of transactions of this type for this job. B (9,0)
This represents the number of calls to the End
Transaction API.
UTSTR Number of calls to the Start Transaction API for this B (9,0)
transaction type and job.

For ARM transaction types, this field is 0, because ARM

APIs do not go through the Start Transaction API.
UTBAD Number of calls to the End Transaction API for this B (9,0)
transaction type and job which passed a bad transaction
start time. This can occur for various reasons including:
The start time is zero. The start time is after the end
time. The start time is before the job start time.
UTNUMC Number (N) of user-provided counters associated with B (9,0)
this transaction type and job. These counters are
reported in the first N UTCTn fields. This field is zero if
there are no user-provided counters.
UTCT1 User-provided counter 1. B (18,0)

For ARM transaction types, this field contains the total

ARM transaction queuing time in milliseconds.
UTCT2 User-provided counter 2. B (18,0)
UTCT3 User-provided counter 3. B (18,0)
UTCT4 User-provided counter 4. B (18,0)
UTCT5 User-provided counter 5. B (18,0)
UTCT6 User-provided counter 6. B (18,0)
UTCT7 User-provided counter 7. B (18,0)
UTCT8 User-provided counter 8. B (18,0)
UTCT9 User-provided counter 9. B (18,0)
UTCT10 User-provided counter 10. B (18,0)
UTCT11 User-provided counter 11. B (18,0)
UTCT12 User-provided counter 12. B (18,0)
UTCT13 User-provided counter 13. B (18,0)

206 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
UTCT14 User-provided counter 14. B (18,0)
UTCT15 User-provided counter 15. B (18,0)
UTCT16 User-provided counter 16. B (18,0)
Note: ARM transaction data is reported only for applications which call the ARM API implementation that is
shipped with the operating system.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
“Collection Services data files: QAPMARMTRT” on page 15
This database file contains information about Application Response Measurement (ARM) transaction
types that are reported in the QAPMUSRTNS file.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: QAPMWASAPP

This data includes information about applications running on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

The data file contains one record for each application per interval. Applications can be either of the
following types:
v Servlet sessions
v Web applications (servlets and JSPs)

Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and
transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WAKEY Application key. H (8)
WAAPP Application name (first 10 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in unicode.
Servlet session counters

Reference information for Performance 207

Field Name Description Attribute
WACRT Servlet sessions created. The number of servlet sessions B (9,0)
that were created during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.createdSessions)
WAINV Servlet sessions invalidated. The number of servlet B (9,0)
sessions that were invalidated during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.invalidatedSessions)
WATLIF Servlet Session Accumulated Lifetime. The accumulated B (18,0)
servlet session lifetime in milliseconds (time invalidated
- time created) during the interval.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.sessionLifeTime)

To calculate average lifetime:

WALIV Servlet Session Current Live Count. The number of B (9,0)
sessions that were cached in memory at the time the
data was sampled.
(PMI: servletSessionsModule.liveSessions)
Web application counters – servlets
WASLD Servlets loaded. The total number of servlets loaded B (9,0)
during the interval. This field includes both servlets and
(PMI: webAppModule.numLoadedServlets;
WASRD Servlets reloaded. The total number of servlets reloaded B (9,0)
during the interval. This field includes both servlets and
(PMI: webAppModule.numReloads; CountStatistic)
WASCNT Current servlets. Number of servlets at the time the data B (9,0)
was sampled. This field does not include JSPs.
WASCNTNZ Current servlets with non-zero response time. The B (9,0)
number of servlets which had a response time > 0 at the
time the data was sampled. This field does not include
WASREQ Servlet requests. Total number of requests that servlets B (9,0)
processed during the interval. This field does not
include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.totalRequests;
WASRT Servlet response time. Total accumulated response time B (18,0)
in milliseconds during the interval for servlets. This
field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.responseTime;

To calculate response time per servlet:

WASWE Current servlets with errors. The number of servlets B (9,0)
which had an error count > 0 at the time the data was
sampled. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: Number of servlets where
webAppModule.servlets.numErrors > 0)

208 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
WASERR Servlet error count. The total number of errors for all B (9,0)
servlets. This field does not include JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.numErrors;
Web application counters – JSPs
WAJCNT Current JSPs. Number of JSPs at the time the data was B (9,0)
WAJREQ JSP requests. Total number of requests that JSPs B (9,0)
processed during the interval.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.totalRequests;
WAJRT Total JSP response time. Total accumulated response B (18,0)
time in milliseconds during the interval for all JSPs.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.responseTime;

To calculate response time per JSP:

WAJWE JSP count with errors. Number of JSPs which had an B (9,0)
error count > 0 at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: Number of JSPs where
webAppModule.servlets.numErrors > 0).
WAJERR JSP error count. The total number of errors for JSPs B (9,0)
during the interval.
(PMI: webAppModule.servlets.numErrors;
Reserved fields
WARES1 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES2 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES3 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES4 Reserved B (9,0)
WARES5 Reserved B (18,0)
WARES6 Reserved B (18,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.
WebSphere servlet session counters
See WebSphere servlet session counters for more information about WebSphere servlet session counters
WebSphere Web application counters
See WebSphere Web application counters for more information about WebSphere Web application

Reference information for Performance 209

counters data.

Collection Services data files: QAPMWASCFG

This data includes configuration information about the different server jobs.

This information is static and therefore does not change during the life of the server. There will be one
record per server. If a WebSphere server stops and is restarted later, it will have a different job name/user
name/job number, but the same server name.

Field Name Description Attribute

WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WSLIB WebSphere library name. C (10)
WSIHP Initial heap size in bytes. B (18,0)
WSMHP Maximum heap size in bytes. 0 = *NOMAX B (18,0)
WSPRF Profile name (first 40 characters if the name is longer G (40)
than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSNODE Node name (first 40 characters if the name is longer G (40)
than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSCELL Cell name (first 40 characters if the name is longer than G (40)
this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSSVR Server name (first 40 characters if the name is longer G (40)
than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSVER WebSphere version (first 40 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSED WebSphere edition (first 40 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSJDK JDK version (first 40 characters if the name is longer G (40)
than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSSEC Security information (first 40 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSSTRS Starting statistics level (first 40 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSREF Pass by reference flag. C (1)
WSJVM Generic JVM invocation string (first 200 characters if the G (200)
name is longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WSCRES1 Reserved. G (20)
WSCRES2 Reserved. G (20)
WSCRES3 Reserved. G (40)
WSCRES4 Reserved. G (40)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

210 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Collection Services data files: QAPMWASEJB
This data includes information about applications with enterprise Java beans (EJBs) running on the IBM
WebSphere Application Server.

Each record represents one type of EJB (such as stateful, stateless, entity, or message-driven) per
application per interval. If there is no bean activity for a particular EJB type, then no record will be

Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and
transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WAKEY Application key H (8)
WEAPP Application name (first 10 characters if the name is G (40)
longer than this field). This field is in Unicode.
WETYPE Type of bean. C (1)

‘1' = Stateful
‘2' = Stateless
‘3' = Entity
‘4' = Message driven
WEHOME EJB homes. Number of EJB homes at the time the data B (9,0)
was sampled.
WECRT Beans created. The total number beans created during B (9,0)
the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.creates; CountStatistic)
WERMV Beans removed. The total number of beans removed B (9,0)
during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.removes; CountStatistic)
WEPSV Beans passivated. The total number of beans that were B (9,0)
passivated during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.passivates; CountStatistic)
WELOAD Beans loaded. The total number of beans that were B (9,0)
loaded during the interval. This field applies only to
entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.loads; CountStatistic)
WESTORE Beans stored. The total number of beans that were B (9,0)
stored during the interval. This field applies only to
entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.stores; CountStatistic)

Reference information for Performance 211

Field Name Description Attribute
WERSP Total accumulated bean method response time. The total B (18,0)
response time in milliseconds for the bean methods
(home, remote, local) during the interval.

To calculate average response time per bean:

(PMI: beanModule.avgMethodRt; TimeStatistic)
WERDY Current ready beans. The number of ready beans at the B (9,0)
time the data was sampled.
(PMI: beanModule.readyCount; RangeStatistic)
WELIV Current live beans. The number of live beans at the time B (9,0)
the data was sampled.
(PMI: beanModule.concurrentLives; RangeStatistic)
WECALL Bean method calls. The total number of bean method B (9,0)
calls during the interval.
(PMI: beanModule.totalMethodCalls; CountStatistic)
WERTP Returns to pool. The total number of calls returning B (9,0)
bean to the pool during the interval. This field applies
only to stateless and entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.returnsToPool; CountStatistic)
WEDISC Returns discarded. The total number of times during the B (9,0)
interval that the returning bean was discarded because
the pool was full. This field applies only to stateless and
entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.returnsDiscarded; CountStatistic)
WEPOOL Current beans in pool. The number of beans in the pool B (9,0)
at the time the data was sampled. This field applies only
to stateless and entity beans.
(PMI: beanModule.poolSize; RangeStatistic)
WEMSG Messages delivered. The total number of messages B (9,0)
delivered to the bean onMessage method during the
interval. This field applies only to message driven
(PMI: beanModule.messageCount; CountStatistic)
WERES1 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES2 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES3 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES4 Reserved. B (9,0)
WERES5 Reserved. B (18,0)
WERES6 Reserved. B (18,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

212 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

WebSphere EJB counters
See WebSphere EJB counters for more information about WebSphere EJB counters data.

Collection Services data files: QAPMWASPRSC

This data includes information about pooled resources associated with an IBM WebSphere Application

Each record represents one pooled resource per interval. The type of pooled resource can be a JDBC
connection pool, a J2C connection pool, or a thread pool. Not all fields are applicable to each pooled
resource type. If a resource exists but is not being used (nothing created, destroyed, allocated or
returned), then no record will be written.

Much of the data comes from WebSphere Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and
transaction counters. Where PMI data is used directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WPKEY Pooled resource key. H (8)
WPRSCNM Pooled resource name. This field is in Unicode. G (40)
WPTYPE Type of pooled resource: C (1)

‘1' = JDBC
‘2' = J2C
‘3' = Thread pool
WPCRT Creates. The total number of connections or threads B (9,0)
created during the interval.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numCreates;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnectionsCreated;
(PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.threadCreates;
WPDST Destroys. The total number of connections or threads B (9,0)
destroyed during the interval.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numDestroys;
(PMI: J2C:
(PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.threadDestroys;

Reference information for Performance 213

Field Name Description Attribute
WPALC Allocates. The total number of connections allocated B (9,0)
during the interval. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numAllocates;
(PMI: J2C:
(PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0)
WPRTN Returns. The total number of connections returned to B (9,0)
the pool during the interval. Does not apply to thread
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.numReturns;
(PMI: J2C:
(PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0)
WPACT Active Count. The number of active connections or B (9,0)
threads at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: JDBC: Calculate from Allocates-Returns;
(PMI: J2C: Calculate from Allocates-Returns;
(PMI: Thread pool: threadPoolModule.activeThreads;
WPWAITTM Wait Time. The total accumulated time during the B (18,0)
interval in milliseconds spent waiting until a connection
is granted. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.avgWaitTime;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.avgWait; TimeStatistic)
(PMI: Thread pool: Set to 0)
WPUSETM Use Time. The total accumulated time during the B (18,0)
interval in milliseconds during which a JDBC connection
is used. Does not apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.avgUseTime;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.useTime; TimeStatistic)
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)
WPCONN Number of managed connections. The total number of B (9,0)
managed connections in use during the interval for
JDBC and J2C pools. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.numManagedConnections;
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)

214 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
WPSMTD Prepared statement discards. The total number of B (9,0)
statements discarded by the least recently used (LRU)
algorithm of the statement cache during the interval.
Does not apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: J2C: Set to 0)
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)
WPJDBC JDBC Time. The total accumulated time in milliseconds B (9,0)
spent running in the JDBC driver during the interval.
This includes time spent in the JDBC driver, network,
and database (apply to 5.0 DataSource only). Does not
apply to J2C or thread pools.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.jdbcOperationTimer;
(PMI: J2C: Set to 0)
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)
WPWAIT Current Waiters. The number of JDBC or J2C threads B (9,0)
that are waiting for a connection at the time the data
was sampled. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.concurrentWaiters;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.concurrentWaiters)
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)
WPPCTU Percent Used. The current average percent of the JDBC B (5,0)
or J2C pool that is in use at the time the data was
sampled. Does not apply to thread pool.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.percentUsed;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.percentUsed; RangeStatistic)
(PMI: Thread: Set to 0)
WPPCTM Percent maxed. The current average percent of the time B (5,0)
that all connections are in use at the time the data was
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.percentMaxed;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.percentMaxed; RangeStatistic)
(PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.percentMaxed)
WPTC Thread count. The average number of connections or B (9,0)
threads in the pool at the time the data was sampled.
(PMI: JDBC: connectionPoolModule.poolSize;
(PMI: J2C: j2cModule.freePoolSize)
(PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.poolSize;
WPTHS Thread hangs started. The total number of threads B (9,0)
declared hung during the interval. Does not apply to
JDBC or J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0)
(PMI: J2C: Set to 0)
(PMI: Thread: threadPoolModule.declaredThreadHung;

Reference information for Performance 215

Field Name Description Attribute
WPTHE Thread hangs ended. The total number of thread hangs B (9,0)
cleared during the interval. Does not apply to JDBC or
J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0)
(PMI: J2C: Set to 0)
(PMI: Thread:
WPCTH Current thread hangs. The number of hung threads at B (9,0)
the time the data was sampled. Does not apply to JDBC
or J2C pools.
(PMI: JDBC: Set to 0)
(PMI: J2C: Set to 0)
(PMI: Thread:
WPRES1 Reserved. B (9,0)
WPRES2 Reserved. B (9,0)
WPRES3 Reserved. B (9,0)
WPRES4 Reserved. B (9,0)
WPRES5 Reserved. B (18,0)
WPRES6 Reserved. B (18,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.
WebSphere JDBC connection pool counters
See WebSphere JDBC connection pool counters for more information about WebSphere JDBC connection
pool counters data.
WebSphere J2C connection pool counters
See WebSphere J2C connection pool counters for more information about WebSphere J2C connection pool
counters data.
WebSphere thread pool counters
See WebSphere thread pool counters for more information about WebSphere thread pool counters data.

Collection Services data files: QAPMWASSVR

This data includes information about the server jobs running on the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

It contains one record for each server job per interval. Much of the data comes from WebSphere
Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data and transaction counters. Where PMI data is used
directly, the name of the PMI field is provided.

216 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command.
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
DTECEN Century digit. 0 indicates 19XX and 1 indicates 20XX. C (1)
WSDTIM Date and time data was collected C (14)
WSNAME Job name of server job. C (10)
WSUSER User name of server job. C (10)
WSNBR Job number of server job. C (6)
WSJKEY Server job key. H (16)
WSIHP Initial heap size in bytes. B (18,0)
WSMHP Maximum heap size in bytes. 0 = *NOMAX B (18,0)
WSUMEM Amount of memory used by the JVM in bytes at the B (18,0)
time the data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.usedMemory; CountStatistic)
WSTMEM Total memory in the JVM runtime in bytes at the time B (18,0)
the data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.totalMemory;
WSMMEM Maximum observed total memory in the JVM runtime B (18,0)
in bytes (over the life of the server job) at the time the
data was sampled.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.totalMemory;
WSNHMU Reserved B (18,0)
WSNHMC Reserved B (18,0)
WSUPTM Up time. The amount of time that the JVM was running B (9,0)
in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: jvmRuntimeModule.upTime; CountStatistic)
WSGBG Global transactions begun. The total number of global B (9,0)
transactions started on the server during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransBegun;
WSLBG Local transactions begun. The total number of local B (9,0)
transactions started on the server during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTransBegun;
WSGTRT Global transaction time. The accumulated time of global B (18,0)
transactions in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTranDuration;

To calulcate time per global transaction:


Reference information for Performance 217

Field Name Description Attribute
WSLTRT Local transaction time. The accumulated time of local B (18,0)
transactions in milliseconds during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTranDuration;

To calculate time per local transaction:

WSGCMT Global Transactions Committed. The total number of B (9,0)
global transactions committed (completed)
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransCommitted;
WSLCMT Local Transactions Committed. The total number of local B (9,0)
transactions committed (completed) during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransCommitted;
WSGRBK Global Transactions Rolled Back. The total number of B (9,0)
global transactions rolled back during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransRolledBack;
WSLRBK Local Transactions Rolled Back. The total number of B (9,0)
local transactions rolled back during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransRolledBack;
WSGTMO Global Transactions Timed Out. The total number of B (9,0)
global transactions timed out during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.globalTransTimeout;
WSLTMO Local Transactions Timed Out. The total number of local B (9,0)
transactions timed out during the interval.
(PMI: transactionModule.localTransTimeout;
WSGCC Garbage collection count. Number of garbage collection B (18,0)
events during the interval. JDK 5.0 only.
WSGCT Garbage collection time. The accumulated time of B (18,0)
garbage collection events in milliseconds during the
interval. JDK 5.0 only.
WSRES1 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES2 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES3 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES4 Reserved. B (9,0)
WSRES5 Reserved. B (18,0)
WSRES6 Reserved. B (18,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

218 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.
WebSphere JVM data counters
See WebSphere JVM data counters for more information about WebSphere JVM data counters data.
WebSphere transaction counters
See WebSphere transaction counters for more information about WebSphere transaction counters data.

Collection Services data files: QAPMX25

This database file includes X.25 file entries and lists the fields in the X.25 file.

The label designations for the field names are as follows:

v XH prefix in the label refers to HDLC counters
v XL refers to X.25 logical link control (LLC) counters
v XP refers to packet level control (PLC) counters

Field Name Description Attribute

INTNUM Interval number: The nth sample database interval PD (5,0)
based on the start time specified in the Create
Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
DTETIM Interval date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss): The date C (12)
and time of the sample interval.
INTSEC Elapsed interval seconds: The number of seconds since PD (7,0)
the last sample interval.
IOPRN IOP resource name. C(10)
XIOPID Reserved. C(1)
XITYPE The resource type of the IOP or adapter represented by C (4)
this record.
XLLND Line description: The name of the description for this C (10)
XLLSP Line speed: The speed of this line in bits per second PD (11,0)
XHBTRN Bytes transmitted: The number of bytes transmitted, PD (11,0)
including bytes transmitted again.
XHBRCV Bytes received: The number of bytes received, including PD (11,0)
all bytes in frames that had any kind of error.
XHPRCL Protocol type: X for X.25. C (1)
XHFTRN Frames transmitted: The number of frames transmitted PD (11,0)
(I, supervisory, and frames not numbered), excluding
frames transmitted again.
XHIFTR I-frames transmitted: The number of I-frames PD (11,0)
transmitted, excluding I-frames transmitted again.
XHIFRT I-frames transmitted again: The number of I-frames PD (11,0)
transmitted again.
XHFRT Frames transmitted again: The number of I, supervisory, PD (11,0)
and frames not numbered transmitted again.

Reference information for Performance 219

Field Name Description Attribute
XHEFFR Error-free frames received: The number of I, supervisory, PD (11,0)
and frames not numbered received without error
(whether or not they were transmitted again from the
remote side).
XHEFIR Error-free I-frames received: The number of I-frames PD (11,0)
received without error (whether or not they were
transmitted again from the remote side).
XHFRIE Frames received in error: The number of I, supervisory, PD (11,0)
and frames not numbered received in error. There are
three error possibilities: (1) a supervisory or I-frame was
received with an Nr count that is requesting
retransmission of a frame, (2) an I-frame was received
with an Ns count that indicates that frames were
missed, (3) a frame was received with one of the
following errors: a frame check sequence error, an
abnormal end, a receive overrun or a frame truncated
XHIFR Frames received that are not valid: The number of not PD (11,0)
valid frames received. These are frames received with
either: (1) a short frame error-frame is less than 32 bits,
or (2) a residue error-frame is not on a byte boundary.
XHRRFT Number of receive ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
XHRRFR Number of receive ready supervisory frames received. PD (11,0)
XHRNRT Number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
XHRNRR Number of receive-not-ready supervisory frames PD (11,0)
XHLNKR Link resets: The number of times when a set normal PD (11,0)
response mode (SNRM) was received when the station
was already in normal response mode.
XLITR Interface protocol data units transmitted (LLC level). PD (11,0)
XLIRC Interface protocol data units received. PD (11,0)
XLIRT Interface protocol data units transmitted again. PD (11,0)
XLIRE Interface protocol data units received in error PD (11,0)
XLLXTR Number of XIDs transmitted. PD (11,0)
XLXRC Number of XIDs received. PD (11,0)
XLTT Number of tests transmitted. PD (11,0)
XLTR Number of tests received. PD (11,0)
XLLJT Number of LLC rejects transmitted. PD (11,0)
XLLJR Number of LLC rejects received. PD (11,0)
XLRLD Number of received LLC protocol data units discarded. PD (11,0)
XLTO Number of time-outs. PD (11,0)
XLCED Checksum errors detected. PD (11,0)
XLSRA Successful recovery attempts. PD (11,0)
XLRA Recovery attempts. PD (11,0)
XLRSI Number of reset indications from packet-link control. PD (11,0)

220 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
XLCLS Number of close station indications from packet-link PD (11,0)
XLRNR LLC receive-not-ready frames received. PD (11,0)
XPTPT Total packets transmitted. PD (11,0)
XPTPR Total packets received. PD (11,0)
XPDPT Data packets transmitted. PD (11,0)
XPDPR Data packets received. PD (11,0)
XPRPT Reset packets transmitted. PD (11,0)
XPROR Reset packets received. PD (11,0)
XPRNR Receive-not-ready packets received. PD (11,0)

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.
Related information:
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command
See the Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command for information on how to create performance
database files.

Collection Services data files: Field data for configuration database

Configuration data is collected once per session. You can find the QAPMCONF, QAPMHDWR, and
QAPMSBSD files in the configuration data files.

The following performance data files show the file names, brief descriptions, and references to field data
detail (when provided) for the system configuration data, subsystem data, and hardware configuration

Field Name Description

QAPMCONF System configuration data.
QAPMHDWR System hardware configuration.
QAPMSBSD Subsystem data. No field and byte data.

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships” on page 229
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
Related information:
Collection Services
Use Collection Services to collect performance data for later analysis.

Collection Services data files: QAPMCONF

This database file contains general information about the collection.

Reference information for Performance 221

QAPMCONF includes information about collection options, characteristics of the database files generated,
and information about the system on which the data was collected. One record is written to this file for
each item reported (see the GKEY field). This file is not optional. Data in this file is generated for every
database collection. This data is reported only at the beginning of the collection. Although most of the
data in this file does not change during the collection, some data could change. Changes are not reported.

| The GKEY fields B1-B5 apply to the disk response time bucket data in the QAPMDISK file. The GKEY
| fields G1-GA apply to the disk response time bucket data in the QAPMDISKRB file.
GRES Reserved.
Attributes: C (4)
GKEY Identifier to indicate what data is contained in the GDES field. See descriptions in the following
Attributes: C (2)
GDES Data for the associated GKEY value. See values in the following table. Unless otherwise noted, all
system values pertain to the partition for which the data was collected. Unless otherwise
indicated, all the data is left-justified in this field.
Attributes: C (10)

1 Performance monitor or data start date. Data is reported as a C(7) value with the following
format: (yymmddc).
2 Performance monitor or data start time. Time is reported as a C(6) value with the following
format: (hhmmss).
3 A 4-character model number followed by a 4-character system type.
4 Memory for the partition (zoned (10,0)) in kilobytes (KB).
5 Communications data collected, which will be set to Y only if any communication files were
6 Machine serial number (character 10).
7 First response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The first response time monitor
bracket is from 0 up to and including the first response time boundary.
8 Second response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The second response time monitor
bracket is from the first response time boundary up to and including the second response time
9 Third response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The third response time monitor
bracket is from the second response time boundary up to and including the third response time
10 Fourth response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The fourth response time monitor
bracket is from the third response time boundary up to and including the fourth response time
boundary. Responses greater than the fourth response time boundary fall under the fifth response
time monitor bracket.
11 System ASP capacity (zoned (10,0)) in kilobytes (KB). This is the total number of kilobytes (KB) of
auxiliary storage allocated to the system ASP for the storage of data.

If this field is set to the largest number it can hold (9999999999), system ASP capacity is too large
to fit in this record and the record with GKEY 21 should be used instead.
12 Checksum protection on (Y/N).
13 Number of logical processors assigned to the partition (PD (3,0)).
14 First remote response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The first response time
monitor bracket is from 0 up to and including the first response time boundary. This data only
appears when requested with the Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON) command.

222 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

15 Second remote response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The second response time
monitor bracket is from the first response time boundary up to and including the second response
time boundary. This data only appears when requested with the Start Performance Monitor
(STRPFRMON) command.
16 Third remote response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The third response time
monitor bracket is from the second response time boundary up to and including the third
response time boundary. This data only appears when requested with the STRPFRMON
17 Fourth remote response time boundary (zoned (10,0)) in milliseconds. The fourth response time
monitor bracket is from the third response time boundary up to and including the fourth response
time boundary. Responses greater than the fourth response time boundary fall under the fifth
response time monitor bracket. This data only appears when requested with the STRPFRMON
21 System ASP capacity in kilobytes (KB). This is the total number of kilobytes (KB) of auxiliary
storage allocated to the system ASP for the storage of data. This number is reported as an
unsigned 8-byte binary value.
AP Permanent 16 MB addresses that remain for the machine. This address is reported as an unsigned
8-byte binary value.
AT Temporary 16 MB addresses that remain for the machine. This address is reported as an unsigned
8-byte binary value.
B1 The first disk response time boundary in milliseconds (B(9,0)). The first disk response time bucket
is from 0 up to the first response time boundary.
B2 The second disk response time boundary in milliseconds ((B(9,0)). The second disk response time
bucket is from and including the first response time boundary up to the second boundary.
B3 The third disk response time boundary in milliseconds ((B(9,0)). The third disk response time
bucket is from and including the second response time boundary up to the third boundary.
B4 The fourth disk response time boundary in milliseconds ((B(9,0)). The fourth disk response time
bucket is from and including the third response time boundary up to the fourth boundary.
B5 The fifth disk response time boundary in milliseconds ((B(9,0)). The fifth disk response time
bucket is from and including the fourth response time boundary up to the fifth boundary. The
sixth disk response time bucket includes everything above and including the fifth response time
| CD Collection data. Possible values are:
| v 0: This collection is consistent with files that are created by the traditional performance monitor
| *SYS collection.
| v 1: Collection data is not *SYS. The database files that are generated from the collection may not
| be sufficient for applications (such as Performance Tools reports or PM for IBM i) that depend
| on traditional performance monitor data.
CI Collect internal data (Y/N).
CL Collection library. The name of the library in which the management collection object resides.
CN Collection name. The name of the management collection object.
| DB Database consistency. Possible values are:
| v 0: No problem detected in database files.
| v 1: Due to the interval size selected or to inconsistent collection intervals, the database files that
| are generated might contain missing intervals or other inconsistencies that might cause
| problems for applications that depend on traditional performance monitor data.
DL Database limit is a B(4,1) value that is the percent of the total system CPU. For example, 125
means 12.5%.

Reference information for Performance 223

DM On demand memory information. The total amount of on demand memory in gigabytes (GB) that
exists on the machine (4-byte binary) followed by the amount of on demand memory in gigabytes
(GB) still available to be allocated (4-byte binary). Memory that is activated by permanent,
temporary, or metered capacity upgrades is not considered available. This record appears only on
systems with on demand memory.
DP On demand process information. This is the total number of on demand processors existing on the
machine (2-byte binary) followed by the number of on demand processors still available to be
allocated (2-byte binary). Processors that are activated by permanent, temporary, or metered
capacity upgrades are not considered available. This record appears only on systems with on
demand processors.
DT Database threshold is a B(4,1) value that is the percent of the total system CPU. For example, 125
means 12.5%.
ED End date. The date associated with the last interval in the collection. This date is reported as a
left-adjusted CHAR(7) field. It appears in the following format: CYYMMDD.
ET End time. The time associated with the last interval in the collection. This time is reported as a left
adjusted CHAR(6) field. It appears in the following format: HHMMSS.
Note: The following is a description of the contents of the End date and End time fields for both
active and nonactive collections.
v For a nonactive collection, the date/time come from the last interval that exists in the
management collection object.
v For an *ACTIVE collection, the date/time come from the last interval that was processed by
| F File level (PD(2,0)). This value specifies the level of the performance database files. The value is
| changed each time the format of any of the performance database files change.
FC Processor feature code (character 4).
FI Interactive feature (character 4). The Interactive feature field is blank for servers that have no
interactive features.
FP Processor feature (character 4).
| FT Partition processor firmware time attribute. A 1 byte character field that indicates if the partition
| accumulates processor firmware time.
| v '0' - partition does note accumulate processor firmware time
| v '1' - partition accumulates processor firmware time
| F1 Threshold values used to control reporting of tasks and secondary threads that have short
| lifespans. Data format is an unsigned 4 byte binary task threshold followed by an unsigned 4 byte
| binary secondary thread threshold. Thresholds are reported in milliseconds.

| Tasks and secondary threads whose lifespan is shorter than the reporting threshold are not
| individually collected in the *JOBMI category data. Instead one entry per node is accumulated for
| tasks running on that node and one entry per job is accumulated for secondary threads of that
| job. See QAPMJOBMI field JBSLTCNT.

| The short lifespan reporting thresholds used during data collection can be overridden via system
| environment variables that specify the reporting threshold (number of milliseconds) to use. The
| following example will cause data for all tasks and secondary threads to be individually collected:
| G1 The first disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The first disk response time
| bucket is from 0 up to the first response time boundary.
| G2 The second disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The second disk response time
| bucket is from and including the first response time boundary up to the second boundary.
| G3 The third disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The third disk response time
| bucket is from and including the second response time boundary up to the third boundary.

224 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| G4 The fourth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The fourth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the third response time boundary up to the fourth boundary.
| G5 The fifth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The fifth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the fourth response time boundary up to the fifth boundary.
| G6 The sixth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The sixth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the fifth response time boundary up to the sixth boundary.
| G7 The seventh disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The seventh disk response
| time bucket is from and including the sixth response time boundary up to the seventh boundary.
| G8 The eighth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The eighth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the seventh response time boundary up to the eighth boundary.
| G9 The ninth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The ninth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the eighth response time boundary up to the ninth boundary.
| GA The tenth disk response time boundary in microseconds (B(9,0)). The tenth disk response time
| bucket is from and including the ninth response time boundary up to the tenth boundary. The
| eleventh disk response time bucket includes everything above and including the tenth response
| time boundary.
HM Hypervisor memory. This is the total amount of memory, in megabytes, used by the hypervisor.
This is physical machine memory and is not associated with the partition's memory allocation.
The amount of memory is determined by the number of partitions and attributes of each partition.
The value is reported as an unsigned 4-byte binary.
| HT SMT hardware threads. The current maximum number of SMT hardware threads on this IPL.
| Reported as a two byte binary field. '0' - no maximum.
I Interval (PD(2,0)). The time interval (in minutes) between each collection of system performance
IL Interactive limit as a percent of the configured processor units (seeProcessor units allocated to the
partition (PU)). The value is reported in two different formats: a 2-byte binary B(4,1) value
followed by a 4-byte binary B(5,2) value. For example, in the second format, a value of 1250
means 12.50%. For the most accurate data, the second value should be used.
| IS Interval seconds (PD(4,0)). The time interval (in seconds) between each collection of system
| performance data.
IT Interactive threshold as a percent of the configured processor units (see Processor units allocated
to the partition (PU)). The value is reported in two different formats: a 2-byte binary B(4,1) value
followed by a 4-byte binary B(5,2) value. For example, in the second format, a value of 1250
means 12.50%. For the most accurate data, the second value should be used.
| MT Processor multi-tasking. A 1 byte character field that indicates the multi-tasking capability for the
| current IPL.
| v '0' - Processor multi-tasking capability is currently disabled.
| v '1' - Processor multi-tasking capability is currently enabled.
| v '2' - Processor multi-tasking capability is currently system controlled.
| OS Output file system (character 8). This value represents the system where the database files are
| generated.
| PC Partition count. The value is reported in two different formats: a zoned (2,0) value that is capped
| at 99 followed by an unsigned 4-byte binary value. For the most accurate data, the second value
| should be used.
| PF Processor folding support. A 1 byte character field that indicates if processor folding is supported
| on the IPL.
| v '0' - Processor folding is not supported
| v '1' - Processor folding is supported
| PN Partition identifier. The value is reported in two different formats: a character 1 followed by an
| unsigned 4-byte binary value.

Reference information for Performance 225

| PP Primary partition. The value is reported in two different formats: a character 1 followed by an
| unsigned 4-byte binary value.
PU Processor units allocated to the partition. The value is reported as a 4-byte binary B(5,2). For
example, 175 means 1.75 processor units.
R Version number (PD(2,0)), followed by release number (PD(3,1)).
S System name (character 8).
SJ The Select job (SLTJOB) parameter value (character 10). This value may be *ALL or *ACTIVE. This
parameter applies to the performance monitor. Collection Services does not use the SJ parameter.
SP Shared processor/pool attributes. This record contains partition attributes related to shared
processor pools. The first item identifies if the partition uses a shared pool. The rest of the data
applies if sharing is in effect:

Byte 1: CHAR(1) - Processor sharing

v '0' = Partition does not share physical processors.
v '1' = Partition shares physical processors.

Byte 2: CHAR(1) - capped/uncapped

v '0' = Partition is capped.
v '1' = Partition is uncapped.
S1 Value (character 1) of the QPFRADJ system value.
S2 Value (character 1) of the QDYNPTYSCD system value.
S3 Value (character 1) of the QDYNPTYADJ system value.
T Trace type (character 5). Specifies the type of internal trace that was started with the Start
Performance Monitor command (*ALL or *NONE). Collection Services always reports *NONE.
UP Partition usage counts. This record is present on systems supporting 5770-SS1 feature 5052 (user
entitlement key). One metric will be returned as a 4 byte binary value: Usage count – the number
of named users that are enabled in this partition.
US System usage counts. This record is present on systems supporting 5770-SS1 feature 5052 (user
entitlement key). Two metrics will be returned as 4 byte binary values:
v Usage Limit – the number of named users allowed. This limit is system based not partition
based. Accurate reporting depends on license key information that must be entered by the
customer on the reporting partition.
v Usage count – the number of named users that are enabled in the system. This value is system
based not partition based.
XP PM Agent data obtained. Indicates if this collection was processed for PM Agent data
requirements. Applies to the originating system only. This is a 1 byte character field with a value
of 1. This record will not be present unless PM Agent data was obtained.
XS Summary data created. Indicates if summary data was created with this collection. This is a 1 byte
character field with a value of 1. This record will not be present unless summary data was

Related concepts:
Shared processor pools
See the Shared processors topic for information about processors whose processing capacity is shared
among multiple logical partitions.
Related information:
i5/OS licensing
See the i5/OS licensing topic for information about feature 5052 (user entitlement key).

226 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Collection Services data files: QAPMHDWR
This file is an output file that is produced by the Display Hardware Resources (DSPHDWRSC) command.

This file contains one record for each hardware component in the partition.

The format of the output file is the same as that of the physical file model, QARZALLF, and its associated
record format model, QRZALL.

When Collect Services starts, it issues the DSPHDWRSC command with the following parameters:
OUTMBR(myperformance_mbr *REPLACE)
OUTFILFMT (*type2)

myperformance_lib is the library of the output file.

myperformance_mbr is the name of the database file member.

Field Name Description Attribute

DORCEN Century of retrieval: 0=19xx, 1=20xx C (1)
DORDAT Date of retrieval: year/month/day C (6)
DORTIM Time of retrieval: hour/minute/second C (6)
DOSNAM System name C (8)
DOSTYP System hardware type C (4)
DOSMOD System model number C (3)
DOSSER System serial number C (10)
DORECF Record format identifier C (1)
DOSVRM Operating system level C (6)
DORSVD Reserved C (36)
DORSVF Reserved C (2)
DOCRPF Cryptographic function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DOCSAF Coupled system adapter function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DOCMNF Communications function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DOLWSF Local workstation function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DOSTGF Storage function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DOPRCF Processor function: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DORLVL Resource level C (1)
DORDSC Resource description C (2)
DORNAM System-defined resource name C (10)
DORPAR System-defined previous level resource name C (10)
DORTYP Resource type C (4)
DORMOD Resource model number C (3)
DORPRT Resource part number C (12)
DORSER Resource serial number C (10)
DORDSA Resource direct select address C (4)
DORUAA Resource unit address C (8)
DORSTS Resource status C (1)

Reference information for Performance 227

Field Name Description Attribute
DORRID Resource frame identification C (2)
DOREIA Resource EIA location C (2)
DORCSL Resource card position C (3)
DORDSL Resource device position C (4)
DOCFGO Configuration object name C (10)
DOCFGP Previous level configuration object name C (10)
DOREDS Resource extended description C (2)
DORSVC Reserved C (8)
DOSYTM Coupled system name C (8)
DOSMTP Coupled system type C (4)
DOSMDL Coupled system model C (3)
DOSSRN Coupled system serial number C (10)
DORSVA Reserved C (8)
DORKBD Keyboard country or region code C (3)
DORCOL Color-capable display: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DORSWD Screen width: 0=Standard, 1=Wide C (1)
DORIWS Programmable workstation: 0=No, 1=Yes C (1)
DORPOR Port number: 00-06 C (2)
DORSWT Switch setting: 00-06 C (2)
DORSVL Reserved C (8)
DORMSZ Main storage card capacity in MB PD (10,0)
DORSVP Reserved C (8)
DORAFI Alternate frame identification C (4)
DORACP Alternate card position C (5)
DORADP Alternate device position C (5)
DORTTY Transport type definition C (2)
DORTF1 Transport location field 1 C (4)
DORTF2 Transport location field 2 C (4)
DORTF3 Transport location field 3 C (4)
DORTFR Reserved C (8)
DORUAT Unit address type C (2)
DORUA1 Unit address field 1 C (4)
DORUA2 Unit address field 2 C (4)
DORUA3 Unit address field 3 C (4)
DORUA4 Unit address field 4 C (4)
DORUA5 Unit address field 5 C (4)
PRCFCD Processor feature code C (4)
PRCFD Processor feature C (4)
PRCIFD Interactive feature C (4)
LOCCOD Location code C (79)

228 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Related reference:
“Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships”
When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.
“Data files: File abbreviations” on page 244
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

Collection Services database files: Field data for trace database files
Trace data is collected only when you choose to do so. You can find the QAPMDMPT file in the trace
data files.

Trace data includes internal system trace data. This is detailed data that you collect to gain additional
information about specific jobs and transactions. This type of data should not be collected unless you use
the Performance Tools licensed program to analyze it. The system supports the following performance
data file when using the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) command.

File Name Description

QAPMDMPT System trace data (no field or byte detail).

Collection Services data files: System category and file relationships

When you collect performance data using Collection Services, the data is stored in a management
collection (*MGTCOL) object.

The Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) command exports data from that management collection
object and then writes the data to the performance data files. Each type of data that can be independently
controlled and collected by Collection Services is represented by a data category. Each data category
contains or provides data that is written to one or more performance data files. For a database file or
member to be created, the category (or group of categories) that the file or member is dependent on must
exist and be processed by CRTPFRDTA. The following table identifies the category-to-file relationships.
There are three types of relationships.

Relationship Description
Primary files These files are related to and generated from the
Compatibility files These files are logical files that join primary files to
provide performance database compatibility with the
previous file structure. If the system generates all
participating files (primary categories), compatibility files
are also generated.
Secondary files These files are related to and contain some data that is
derived from data contained in the category or in the
primary file. However, they are not controlled by that

Users should note the following:

1. The CRTPFRDTA command generates a database file only when that file is a primary file for the
selected category.
2. If a primary file is listed for multiple categories, you must select each of those categories to generate
the file.

Reference information for Performance 229

3. If a primary file for one category is listed as a secondary file for another category, you must select the
second category to ensure complete information in your generated database file. For example, as
shown in the table below, to generate a complete database file for QAPMECL, you must select both
4. The system generates compatibility files only when it generates all associated primary files.

The following table illustrates the relationships between system categories and performance database

Category Primary files Compatibility files Secondary files

none QAPMX25

230 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Category Primary files Compatibility files Secondary files
Note: This category is not selectable by CRTPFRDTA. However, it causes additional data to be reported by the
*DISK category.

Related concepts:
“Collection Services data files: Field data for configuration database files” on page 221
Configuration data is collected once per session. You can find the QAPMCONF, QAPMHDWR, and
QAPMSBSD files in the configuration data files.
Related information:
Collection Services
Use Collection Services to collect performance data for later analysis.

Collection Services data files: Task type extender

A task type extender identifies the area of functional support provided by the task.

The task type extender field is used to logically group together tasks that perform similar operations. This
field is used primarily for performance monitoring. The table below lists the task type extender as two
EBCDIC characters followed by the task type extender description.

Performance tasks ('A' through 'A9')

Field Name Description
AP Performance Collection Services probe
Bus transport tasks ('B' through 'B9')
Field Name Description

Reference information for Performance 231

Performance tasks ('A' through 'A9')
Field Name Description
BB Transport bus
BC Transport cluster
BI Transport SPD IOBU
BL Transport log
BM Transport SPD maintenance data
BR Transport remote storage
BT Transport twin optical
Client server tasks ('C' through 'C9')
Field Name Description
CS Shared folder
Device Driver Tasks ('D' through 'D9')
Field Name Description
DA Work station IOM
DB PU2 station IOM
DC Open station IOM
DD Ethernet LAN IOM
DE Bisynchronous 3270 IOM
DF 5294 station IOM
DG X25 station IOM
DK Diskette IOM
DO Optical IOM
DP PPP data link driver
DR Cryptography driver
DT IOP driver
DU LAN driver
DV Virtual terminal LUD IOM
DW Wireless line IOM
DY Frame relay IOM
D0 Service processor IOM
D1 Asynchronous station IOM
D2 Asynchronous line IOM
D3 Token-ring IOM
D4 Tape IOM
D5 Work station IOM

232 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Performance tasks ('A' through 'A9')
Field Name Description
D6 Twinax IOM
D7 SDLC line IOM
D8 Bisynchronous IOM
Other tasks ('E' through 'E9')
Field Name Description
EH Maintain hardware resource information
EI Miscellaneous I/O
EL Error log
ES Cryptography seed management
EV Authority management extension verify
Integrated xSeries Server I/O management tasks ('F' through 'F9')
Field Name Description
F0 Integrated xSeries Server IOM
FS Integrated xSeries Server storage management IOM
IPCF tasks ('I' through 'I9')
Field Name Description
IR IPCF router
IS IPCF server
Streams kernel tasks ('K' through 'K9')
Field Name Description
KO Streams server
Save and restore, load and dump tasks ('L' through 'L9')
Field Name Description
LM Main load and dump
LP Load and dump pipeline
MSCP tasks ('M' through 'M9')
Field Name Description
M1 Answer manager
Pass-through tasks ('P' through 'P9')
Field Name Description
PS Source display pass-through
PT Target display pass-through
Resource management task ('R' through 'R9')
Field Name Description
RC Resource management machine data collector
RM Resource management service

Reference information for Performance 233

Performance tasks ('A' through 'A9')
Field Name Description
RP Process
Storage management I/O tasks ('S' through 'S9')
Field Name Description
SA Storage management asynchronous
SD Storage management DASD server
SP Page Out
SW Save while active
SX Expert cache
Database task ('T' through 'T9')
Field Name Description
TD Database server
TX Transaction management timer
Service function ('V' through 'V9')
Service Function Description
Server message block tasks ('W' through 'W9')
Field Name Description
WS Server message block
Other tasks ('Z' through 'Z9')
Field Name Description
ZF Byte stream file asynchronous
ZI Interrupt task class
ZR Recovery
Advanced/36 tasks ('3' through '39')
Field Name Description
3A Advanced/36 disk
3C Advanced/36 workstation controller
3I Advanced/36 diskette
3L Advanced/36 communications line
3T Advanced/36 tape
3W Advanced/36 workstation/printer
36 Advanced/36 emulator main task

Disk Watcher data files

Use this topic to find the names, descriptions and attributes of the Disk Watcher database files.

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWINTI

This file contains information about each sample taken in a Disk Watcher session.

One record is created per interval.

234 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
INTERVAL Interval number. B (8)
IISTARTTOD Interval start time of day. The time of day data Timestamp
collection began for this interval.
IIENDTOD Interval end time of day. The time of day data collection Timestamp
ended for this interval.
IIASPCNT Auxiliary storage pool count. the number of ASPs for B (4)
which disk I/O information was collected in this
IIPATHCNT Disk unit path count. The number of disk unit paths for B (4)
which disk I/O information was collected in this
IIDATAMISS Data missed. Indicates whether data was missed in this C (1)
interval. Data may be missed if the collection interval is
too large because the data collection buffer could wrap
it can be collected.
0 = data was not missed in this interval
1 = data was missed in this interval
IICONDSTS Condition status. For a conditional collection, indicates C (1)
whether the condition was satisfied during this interval
0 = the condition was not satisfied in this interval or
no condition exists
1 = the condition was satisfied
IIRESERVE1 Reserved. B (8)
IIRESERVE2 Reserved. B (8)

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWOBJR

This file contains object resolution information.

Note: Resolution data may not be available for every object. There is a chance that the data could have
been unavailable at the time collection was attempted.

This file includes object information associated with the records in the QAPYDWTRC file. One record is
created per object on which an I/O operation was performed.

Field Name Description Attribute

SEGKEY Segment key. The identifier of the base segment for this H (8)
ORSEGTYPE Segment type. The machine defined segment type. C (2)
OROBJTYPE Object type. C (1)
OROBJSTYPE Object subtype C (1)
OROBJPATR Object performance attributes. The object performance C (4)
attribute field. Values for this field are documented
under the Create Space (CRTS) MI instruction.
OROBJNAME Object name. C (30)
OROBJASP Object ASP. The auxiliary storage pool (ASP) in which B (4)
this object resides.

Reference information for Performance 235

Field Name Description Attribute
ORIFSPATH IFS path name. If this is an IFS object, this value is the Varchar (256)
IFS path of the object. If this is not an IFS object, this Dft (16)
field will be blank.

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWPGMR

This file contains program or procedure resolution information.

Note: Resolution data may not be available for every program or procedure. There is a chance that the
data could have been unavailable at the time collection was attempted.

This file includes program or procedure information associated with the records in the QAPYDWTRC file.
One record is created per program or procedure initiating an I/O operation.

Field Name Description Attribute

PROCKEY Procedure key. The identifier of the program or H (8)
PRMPGMLIB MI program library name. The name of the library C (10)
where the program resides.
PRMPGMNAME MI program name. The name of the program which C (30)
initiated an I/O operation.
PRMOBJTYP MI object type. The object type of the program. B (4)
PRMOBJSTYP MI object subtype. The object subtype of the program. B (4)
PRMODNAME Module name. The ILE module name. Varchar (256)
Dft (32)
PRFRMTYPE Frame type. The type of stack frame generated by this B (2)

0 = SLIC frame
1 = NMI frame
2 = OMI frame
3 = Java frame
4 = PASE frame
PRSTRHDL Procedure start handle. The start handle of this H (8)
PRENDHDL Procedure end handle. The end handle of this H (8)
PRNAME Procedure name. The name of this procedure. Varchar (256)
Dft (64)

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWRUNI

This file contains information about the Disk Watcher session.

One record is created per Disk Watcher session. This record is overwritten with current data each time a
new interval is collected.

Field Name Description Attribute

RIINTERVAL Interval number. The last interval collected. B (4)
RISTARTTOD Start time of day.The start time of the collection. Timestamp
RIENDTOD End time of day. The end time of the collection. Timestamp

236 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
RIFILELVL Database file level. The level of the database files. B (4)
RICOLLSIZE Data written to file size. The amount of data written to B (8)
the database files in kilobytes.
RIENDRSN Collection end reason. The reason data collection ended. C (1)
Possible values are:
I = Interval limit reached
T = Time limit reached
S = Storage limit reached
C = Condition met
RITRCCOND Trace data condition flag. Indicates whether trace data C (1)
will be limited by a condition in this collection
0 = trace data is not limited by a condition in this
1 = trace data is limited by a condition in this
RISYSNAME System name. The name of the system on which the C (8)
collection took place.
RISYSSRL System serial number. The serial number of the system C (15)
on which the collection took place.
RISYSTYPE System type. The machine type of the system on which C (4)
the collection took place.
RISYSMODEL System model. The model of the system on which the C (4)
collection took place.
RINUMPPROC Number of physical processors. The number of physical B (4)
processors on the system where the collection took
RINUMVPROC Number of virtual processors. The number of virtual B (4)
processors on the system where the collection took
RIOSVRM Operating system VRM. The operation system release on C (6)
the system where the collection took place.
RICALLJOB Calling job name. The name of the job which initiated C (26)
the Disk Watcher collection.
RICURRUSER Calling job current user. The current user of the calling C (6)
job at the time Disk Watcher was started.
RICOLLNAME Collection name. The member name for this collection. C (10)
RICOLLDESC Collection description. A text description given to the C (50)
RISTRCMD STRDW command string. The command string used to C (1000)
create this collection.
RIDFNCM ADDDWDFN command string. The command string C (5000)
used to create the definition for this collection.

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWSTAT

This file provides summarized statistics for the specified disk units.

One record is created per sample per disk unit path.

Reference information for Performance 237

Note: The path to a disk unit can be uniquely identified by either the device resource name or the 16
byte combination of the fields STBUSNUM, STBOARDNUM, STCARDNUM, STIOAADDR,

Field Name Description Attribute

INTERVAL Interval number. B (8)
DEVRNAME Device resource name associated with this disk unit C (10)
STBUSNUM System bus number. The system bus number of the I/O B (2)
STBOARDNUM System board number. The system board number of the B (2)
I/O device.
STCARDNUM System card number. The system card number of the B (2)
I/O device.
STIOAADDR I/O adapter address. The adapter address of the I/O B (2)
STIOBUSNUM I/O bus number. The bus number of the I/O device. B (2)
STIOCTLADR I/O controller address. The controller address of the I/O B (2)
STIODEVADR I/O device address. The device address of the I/O B (2)
STUNITNUM Unit number. The unit number for which I/O statistics B (2)
are being returned.
STASPNUM ASP number. The ASP number associated with this disk B (2)
unit path.
STFIRSTIO First I/O time. The time the first I/O occurred (in B (8)
microseconds) from the session creation time.
STLASTIO Last I/O time. The time the last I/O occurred (in B (8)
microseconds) from the session creation time.
STWRTTOTAL Total write time. The total time spent performing write B (8)
operations (in microseconds).
STWRTDQ Deferred queue write time. The total amount of time the B (8)
write request waited on the deferred queue (in
STWRTCNT Write count. The total number of write operations. B (8)
STWRTPGCNT Write page count. The total number of pages written. B (8)
STWRTMIN Minimum write time. The minimum amount of time B (8)
used to perform a write operation (in microseconds).
STWRTMINDQ Minimum deferred queue write time. the minimum B (8)
amount of time the write request waited on the deferred
queue (in microseconds).
STWRTMAX Maximum write time. The maximum amount of time B (8)
used to perform a write operation (in microseconds).
STWRTMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue write time. The maximum B (8)
amount of time the write request waited on the deferred
queue (in microseconds).
STRDTOTAL Total read time. The total time spent performing read B (8)
operations (in microseconds).

238 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Field Name Description Attribute
STRDDQ Deferred queue read time. The total amount of time the B (8)
read request waited on the deferred queue (in
STRDCNT Read count. The total number of read operations. B (8)
STRDPGCNT Read page count. The total number of pages read. B (8)
STRDMIN Minimum read time. The minimum amount of time B (8)
used to perform a read operation (in microseconds)
STRDMINDQ Minimum deferred queue read time. The minimum B (8)
amount of time the read request waited on the deferred
queue (in microseconds).
STRDMAX Maximum read time. The maximum amount of time B (8)
used to perform a read operation (in microseconds).
STRDMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue read time. The maximum B (8)
amount of time the read request waited on the deferred
queue (in microseconds).
STOTHTOTAL Total other I/O time. The total time spent performing B (8)
other I/O operations (in microseconds).
STOTHDQ Deferred queue other I/O time. The total amount of B (8)
time an other I/O operation waited on the deferred
queue (in microseconds).
STOTHCNT Other I/O count. The total number of other I/O B (8)
STOTHPGCNT Other I/O pages count. The total number of pages B (8)
involved in other I/O operations.
STOTHMIN Minimum other I/O time. The minimum amount of B (8)
time used to perform an other I/O operation (in
STOTHMINDQ Minimum deferred queue other I/O time. The minimum B (8)
amount of time an other I/O operation waited on the
deferred queue (in microseconds).
STOTHMAX Maximum other I/O time. The maximum amount of B (8)
time used to perform an other I/O operation (in
STOTHMAXDQ Maximum deferred queue other I/O time. The B (8)
maximum amount of time an other I/O operation
waited on the deferred queue (in microseconds).
STDATAMISS I/O data missed. Indicates that some I/O data for this C (1)
disk unit was missed because the collection buffer
wrapped during the interval. Reducing the amount of
time between intervals may prevent this missed data.

0 = no data missed.
1 = data missed for this disk unit.
STRESERVE1 Reserved B (8)
STRESERVE2 Reserved B (8)
STRESERVE3 Reserved B (8)

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWTDER

This file provides task dispatching element (TDE) resolution information.

Reference information for Performance 239

Note: Resolution data may not be available for every TDE. There is a chance that the data could have
been unavailable at the time collection was attempted.

This file includes TDE information for the records in the QAPYDWTRC file. One record is created per
unique taskcount in the QAPYJWTRC file.

Field Name Description Attribute

TSKCNT Task count. The task count of the TDE. B (8)
TRPTSKCNT Primary thread task count. The task count of the B (8)
primary thread. If this thread is the primary thread this
value will be the same as the field TSKCNT.
TRTHREADID Thread ID. The thread identifier for this TDE. B (8)
TRTDETYPE TDE type. Indicates what type of TDE this entry refers C (1)

T = Task.
P = Primary thread.
S = Secondary thread.
L = Licensed Internal Code (LIC) thread.
TRTDENAME Job or task name. The job or task name associated with C (26)
this TDE. For jobs this will be the fully qualified job
name which is made up of the job name, user name,
and job number.
TRCURRUSER Current user. The current user associated with this TDE. C (10)
This is the user associated with the job when the TDE
information was initially collected. This value will not
be updated if the user associated with the job changes.
TRJVTHD Java thread name. If this is a Java thread, this value is Varchar (256)
the Java thread name. If this is not a Java thread, this Dft (16)
value will be blank.

Disk Watcher data files: QAPYDWTRC

This file provides specific trace info for each input/output (I/O) operation that occurred for the specified

One record is created per I/O operation.

|| Field Name Description Attribute
| TCDEVRNAME Device Resource name. The resource name associated C (10)
| with this disk unit path.
| TCASPNUM ASP number. The number of the ASP where this I/O B (2)
| operation occurred.
| TCUNITNUM Unit number. The unit number for which the I/O B (2)
| occurred.
| TCRESERVE1 Reserved C (2)
| TCSEGKEY Segment key. Identifier for the base segment where the H (8)
| I/O operation occurred.
| TCPROCKEY Program or procedure key. Identifier for the program or H (8)
| procedure that requested or caused the I/O to occur.
| TCTASKCNT Task count. The task count of the TDE that caused the B (8)
| I/O to occur.

240 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| Field Name Description Attribute
| TCDQDEPTH Deferred queue depth. If this I/O request was placed on B (4)
| the deferred queue, this is the number of I/O operations
| in the queue. If the I/O request was not placed on the
| deferred queue, this value will be 0.
| TCSYNCIO Synchronous I/O. Indicates whether this I/O was C (1)
| addressed as synchronous:

| 0 = this I/O was not addressed as synchronous

| 1 = this I/O was addressed as synchronous
| TCRSYNCIO Requested synchronous I/O. Indicates whether this I/O C (1)
| was requested as synchronous:

| 0 = this I/O was not addressed as synchronous

| 1 = this I/O was addressed as synchronous
| TCMLTPTHIO Multipath I/O. Indicates whether this I/O was to a fiver C (1)
| attached device that supports multi-path I/O operations:

| 0 = this I/O was to a device that does not support multi-path

| 1 = this I/O was to a device that does support multi-path
| TCIOTYPE I/O Type. Indicates what type of I/O this is: C (1)

| R = I/O was a read

| W = I/O was a write
| O = I/O was a type other than a read or write
| TCSUBUNIT Disk subunit. The mirroring subunit for which the I/O C (1)
| was performed:

| '-' = Not part of a mirrored unit

| 'A' = The primary mirrored unit of a pair
| 'B' = The alternate mirrored unit of a pair

Reference information for Performance 241

| Field Name Description Attribute
| TCSMIOTYPE Storage Management I/O type. C (3)

| The storage management I/O type (this is the type of

| I/O from the perspective of the requester) :

| SFt = Segment address range fault

| SC1 = Segment address range clear
| SRd = Segment address range read
| SWt = Segment address range write
| SRv = Segment address range remove
| SUp = Segment address range unpin
| SWp = Page out task write
| STv = Segment address range trivial request
| GRf = Access group read
| GPg = Access group purge
| SRP= Segment address range remove request IOP
| SCP = Segment address range clear request IOP
| GCP = Segment address range clear request POW
| SUP = Segment address range unpin request IOP
| SRQ = Segment address range read request IOP
| GRQ = Segment address range read request POW
| SFP = Segment address range fault request IOP
| GFP = Segment address range fault request POW
| SRR = Access group read IOP
| GRR = Access group read POW
| SWP = Segment address range write request IOP
| GWP = Segment address range write request POW
| GPP = Access group purge request IOP
| SPw = Segment address range page out wait request
| TCRESERVE2 Reserved C (4)
| TCCACHEHNT Cache hint. B (1)

| Provides hint to the cache about whether cache is

| needed or not:
| 0 = No cache hint
| 1 = Accelerated LRU cache hint
| 2 = Unmodified write cache hint
| TCIOOPRTY Reserved B (1)
| TCPOOLNUM Pool number. B (2)

| The main storage management pool number for which

| the I/O occurred. This value will be zero if the pool
| number could not be retrieved.

242 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

| Field Name Description Attribute
| TCIOFUNCTN I/O function. B (4)

| The I/O operation command number:

| 0 = Other I/O function
| 2 = Report status
| 3 = Continuation
| 4 = Device reset
| 5 = Format DASD
| 6 = Write buffer
| 7 = Reallocate
| 15 = Special function
| 16 = Read
| 17 = Read DASD parameters
| 18 = Verify
| 20 = Skip read
| 22 = Read buffer
| 32 = Write
| 33 = Write pattern byte
| 36 = Skip write
| 37 = Inquiry
| 119 = Query command status
| 131 = Start reorganization
| 132 = Allocate
| 133 = Deallocate
| 134 = Write directory
| 135 = Scan read
| 136 = Read directory
| 137 = Query compression metrics
| 138 = Discard temporary data
| TCSECTNUM Sector number. B (8)

| Sector number whether the I/O operation began.

| TCPAGECNT Page count. Number of pages in the I/O request. B (8)
| TCIOHNDL I/O handle. The location on which the I/O operation is H (8)
| being performed.
| TCDQTIME Deferred queue time. The time this operation request B (8)
| spent on the deferred I/O queue (in microseconds).
| TCIOSTART I/O start time. The start time of the I/O operation (in B (8)
| microseconds from the creation of the session).
| Note: If the Deferred queue time is greater than zero,
| then this is also the time that the operation was placed
| on the deferred queue.
| TCIOEND I/O end time. The end time of the I/O operation (in B (8)
| microseconds from the creation of the session).
| TCPGMOFSET Program offset. The offset of the program that requested B (8)
| or caused the I/O.
| TCRESERVE3 Reserved B (8)
| TCRESERVE4 Reserved B (8)
| TCRESERVE5 Reserved B (8)
| TCRESERVE6 Reserved B (8)

Reference information for Performance 243

Data files: File abbreviations
The database files use abbreviations in the field and byte data tables.

These abbreviations include.

Abbreviation Description
Primary files These files are related to and generated from the
C Character in the Attributes column.
H Hexadecimal in the Attributes column.
PD Packed decimal in the Attributes column.
Z Zoned decimal in the Attributes column.
IOP Input/output processor or I/O processor. The processors
that control the activity between the host system and
other devices, such as disks, display stations, and
communication lines.
DCE Data circuit-terminating equipment.
MAC Medium-access control. An entity in the communications
LLC Logical link control. An entity in the communications
Beacon frame A frame that is sent when the ring is inoperable.
Type II frame A connection-oriented frame (information frame) used by
Systems Network Architecture (SNA).
I-frame An information frame.
B The DDS binary data type of 4 digits, which is 2 bytes, in
the Attributes column.
G Graphic - used to hold double-byte Unicode data.

CL commands for performance

The operating system includes several CL commands to help you manage and maintain system

CL commands contained in the base operating system

These tables provide a list of most of the performance related CL commands that are a part of the base
operating system.
Table 2. Real-time monitoring CL commands
Command Function
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) Allows you to review and change the attributes and
resource utilization of the jobs running on your system.
Work with Disk Status (WRKDSKSTS) Displays the performance information and attributes for
system disk units.
Work with System Status (WRKSYSSTS) Provides an overview of current system activity.
Specifically, it displays the number of jobs on the system
and storage pool utilization information.
Work with System Activity (WRKSYSACT) Allows you to work with jobs and tasks on your system.

244 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Table 2. Real-time monitoring CL commands (continued)
Command Function
Work with Object Locks (WRKOBJLCK) Allows you to work with and display locks on a
specified object, including locks waiting to be applied.
Work with Shared Storage Pools (WRKSHRPOOL) Display the utilization information and change attributes
of shared storage pools, including machine and base

Table 3. Miscellaneous performance CL commands

Command Function
Analyze Command Performance (ANZCMDPFR) Measures the performance of a single CL command or a
set of CL commands.
Configure PM Agent (CFGPMAGT) Configures PM Agent to send and receive PM Agent
performance data.
Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) Starts the collection of multiprogramming level and
transaction trace data.
End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) Ends the collection of multiprogramming level and
transaction trace data.
Delete Performance Collection (DLTPFRCOL) Deletes a performance collection from the system.
Copy Performance Collection (CPYPFRCOL) Creates a copy of a performance collection.
Convert Performance Collection (CVTPFRCOL) Converts performance data from a previous release to
the format needed for processing by the current release.
Save Performance Collection (SAVPFRCOL) Saves a copy of a single performance collection or a
group of performance collections located in the same
Restore Performance Collection (RSTPFRCOL) Restores a performance collection or a group of
performance collections in a single library.

Table 4. Collection Services CL commands

Command Function
Create Performance Data (CRTPFRDTA) Creates a set of database files from performance
information stored in a management collection
(*MGTCOL) object.
Create Performance Summary (CRTPFRSUM) Creates additional database files containing summary
information for an existing Collection Services collection.
Change Management Collection (CHGMGTCOL) Changes the attributes of the specified management
Delete Management Collection (DLTMGTCOL) Deletes a management collection from the system.
Start Performance Collection (STRPFRCOL) Starts the system-level collection of performance data by
Collection Services.
End Performance Collection (ENDPFRCOL) Stops the system-level collection.
Check Performance Collection (CHKPFRCOL ) Determines the current status of the Collection Services
server job (QYPSPFRCOL).
Configure Performance Collection (CFGPFRCOL) Changes certain collection attributes and determines how
Collection Services will manage data collection.

Reference information for Performance 245

Table 5. Disk Watcher CL commands
Command Function
Add Disk Watcher Definition (ADDDWDFN) Allows you to specify the performance data that is to be
collected during a Disk Watcher collection.
End Disk Watcher (ENDDW) Ends a Disk Watcher collection.
Remove Disk Watcher Definition (RMVDWDFN) Removes one or more Disk Watcher definitions from the
Start Disk Watcher (STRDW) Starts the collection of disk performance data.

Table 6. Job Watcher CL commands

Command Function
Add Job Watcher Definition (ADDJWDFN) Allows you to specify the performance data that is to be
collected during a Job Watcher collection.
End Job Watcher (ENDJW) Ends the Job Watcher collector.
Remove Job Watcher Definition (RMVJWDFN) Allows you to remove one or more Job Watcher
definitions from the system.
Start Job Watcher (STRJW) Starts the Job Watcher collector.

Table 7. Performance explorer (PEX) CL commands

Command Function
Add PEX filter (ADDPEXFTR) Adds a new Performance Explorer (PEX) filter to the
Print Performance Explorer Report (PRTPEXRPT) Prints a formatted listing of the data that was collected
by the performance explorer.
Start Performance Explorer (STRPEX) Starts a new Performance Explorer session or resumes a
suspended Performance Explorer session.
End Performance Explorer (ENDPEX) Stops thePerformance Explorer session from collecting
Add Performance Explorer Definition (ADDPEXDFN) Adds a new Performance Explorer definition to the
Change Performance Explorer Definition (CHGPEXDFN ) Changes an existing Performance Explorer definition.
Create Performance Explorer Data (CRTPEXDTA) Creates the Performance Explorer database files based on
the data in a Performance Explorer management
collection object.
Delete Performance Explorer Data (DLTPEXDTA) Deletes data that was collected by the Performance
Explorer tool and was saved across a set of physical files
in a particular library.
Remove Performance Explorer Definition (RMVPEXDFN) Removes one or more Performance Explorer definitions
from the system.
Remove Performance Explorer Filter (RMVPEXFTR) Rmoves one or more Performance Explorer filters from
the system.
Work with Performance Explorer Definitions Shows you the list of existing Performance Explorer
(WRKPEXDFN) (PEX) definitions. You can add new definitions or
display, remove, or change existing definitions.
Work with Performance Explorer Filters (WRKPEXFTR) Shows you a list of existing Performance Explorer filters.
You can add new filters or display, remove, or change
existing filters.

246 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

CL commands contained in IBM Performance Tools for i (5770-PT1)

This table provides a list of some CL commands that are a part of IBM Performance Tools for i. For more
commands, see the Performance Tools for i Commands topic in the Programming topic collection.
Table 8. General CL commands
Command Function
Analyze Performance Data (ANZPFRDTA) Produces recommendations to improve the performance
of your system.
Display Performance Data (DSPPFRDTA) Displays performance data collected by Collection
Print Activity Report (PRTACTRPT) Prints the activity report.
Print Component Report (PRTCPTRPT) Prints the component report.
Print Job Interval Report (PRTJOBRPT) Prints the job interval report.
Print Job Trace Report (PRTTRCRPT) Prints the job trace report.
Print Lock Report (PRTLCKRPT) Prints the lock report.
Print Pool Report (PRTPOLRPT) Prints the pool report.
Print Resource Report (PRTRSCRPT) Prints the resource report.
Print System Report (PRTSYSRPT) Prints the system report.
Print Transaction Report (PRTTNSRPT) Prints the transaction report.
Start Performance Tools (STRPFRT) Calls the performance tools menu interface.

Related information:
System i Navigator monitors
Performance Tools for i5/OS commands
See the Performance Tools for i5/OS commands topic for a list of Performance Tools for i5/OS

Intelligent Agents
The Intelligent Agents console for System i Navigator provides system administrators with an easy way
to manage one or more Agent Building and Learning Environment (ABLE) agents running on a single
system or across different systems.

Intelligent agents are Java-based software components that are capable of learning certain behaviors over
time through complex autonomic algorithms. Intelligent agents can have many different capabilities, from
simply monitoring for certain events to more complex actions like analyzing network problems,
preventing unplanned system restarts, or managing storage. Although the goal of using agents is to
simplify the system administrators tasks through autonomic computing, system administrators still need
a way of starting, stopping, responding to, and monitoring the actions of their agents.

The Intelligent Agents console for System i Navigator provides system administrators with an easy way
to manage one or more ABLE agents running on a single system or across different systems. After the
agent console connects to the agent services that exist across your domain, you can monitor and work
with any number of preconfigured agents on any of the systems in your domain.

Intelligent Agent concepts

The Intelligent Agents console uses ABLE agents running on or across a distributed agent platform. Find
out more about ABLE agents, and the agent services that make up the distributed platform.

Reference information for Performance 247

ABLE agents
The Intelligent Agents console for System i Navigator works with Agent Building and Learning
Environment (ABLE) agents.

ABLE agents are Java objects capable of automating tasks through the use of rule-based reasoning and
learning certain behaviors over time by using data mining algorithms contained in the ABLE component
library. ABLE is a Java framework and toolkit used for building multiagent intelligent autonomic systems,
and provides specific support for developing agents that work with the System i Navigator Intelligent
Agent platform and console. Intelligent agents developed using ABLE can have the following capabilities:
v Learn from experience and predict future states
v Analyze metric data using classification and clustering algorithms to detect complex states and
diagnose problems
v Interface with other autonomic components via web services
v Reason using domain-specific Java application objects
v Use powerful machine reasoning, including: Boolean forward and backward chaining, predicate logic
(Prolog), Rete'-based pattern match, and fuzzy systems
v Have autonomous (proactive) behavior and goals
v Correlate events into situations, reason, and take actions

The ABLE toolkit contains several examples of how to design your own agent, and a template agent is
included that you can use as a model when developing your own agent. To create an agent that can be
fully managed from the console, the agent should extend the AbleEServerDefaultAgent example.

Agent platform
Agent Services live on your system or across your distributed platform, and are responsible for the life
cycle, security, and behavior of your agent.

The Intelligent Agents console in System i Navigator requires that an agent platform be configured on
your system, or across a distributed network. An agent platform is nothing more than a set of Java
Virtual Machines, or agent pools, that run the services and agents of the platform. The platform is
defined by a preferences file called ableplatform.preferences. This file lists the location (system and port)
of each agent pool (JVM), the services that will run on or across the platform, and the agents that are
allowed to run in the platform. If security is configured, the preferences file also lists the Kerberos user
and service principals used to authenticate each service, agent, and user that is part of the platform.

Agent services, which can exist on any of the systems across your distributed platform, are responsible
for the life cycle, security, and behavior of your agent. Agents running on the same system or distributed
agents running across different systems use the defined set of platform services for different tasks such as
getting a unique name, looking up other agents in a directory, logging, and passing messages to another

248 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

The following services are made available to the agents running on or across a platform and to the users
connected to the platform:
v Naming service
This service provides the creation of a globally unique name among all other pieces in the distributed
platform. The naming service also provides security for the platform when security is turned on.
Kerberos is used when starting the platform to authenticate all services, pools, and users. Throughout
the life of the platform, this service also acts as the trusted third party to secure all interactions
between the platform's agents, services, and users.
v Directory service
When an agent wants to make itself known to other services and agents across the platform, it creates
an agent description and registers this description to the directory service. After the agent is registered,
descriptions can be modified and removed.
v Lifecycle service
This service is used to manage agents. Agents can be created, started, suspended, resumed, and
destroyed through this service.
v Transport service
This service provides locators for parts of the platform. Interagent communication is also made
available by this service.
v Logging service
A running agent may encounter a problem that requires outside intervention. The logging service
creates and logs requests, and handles the corresponding answers that are sent back to it from the
request. The progress of an agent can also be logged to this service for others to view.
v Job service
The different services and jobs of the platform register their job entry to this service. This service
provides critical information about the platform when the platform is running in the IBM i operating
v Persistence service

Reference information for Performance 249

Services and agents may use this service to save valuable information. The naming, directory, lifecycle,
logging and job services can be backed up and stored in a database when the persistence service is

Developing agents
Create and customize your own agent to perform the tasks that you want. The Agent Building and
Learning Environment (ABLE) toolkit and its associated documentation provide a working development
environment and a template agent that can be used as a guide for developing your own agents.

ABLE is a Java framework, component library, and productivity tool kit for building intelligent agents
using machine learning and reasoning.

You can use the ABLE toolkit to develop your own hybrid intelligent agents. This Java framework has its
own rule language called ABLE rule language (ARL) and its own GUI-based interactive development
environment, the ABLE Agent Editor; both are provided to assist in the construction of ABLE agents.
ABLE 2.0
Both the ABLE toolkit and complete ABLE documentation are available to download in .zip

The System i Navigator Intelligent Agents console is included with a template agent that you can use as a
guideline for developing agents to work with the console. The source code for AbleEserverTemplateAgent
is stored in ableplatform.jar, located in QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Able.

AbleEserverTemplateAgent makes use of many of the features available when developing agents using
the ABLE framework. It demonstrates how an agent would create a set of capabilities that could be
managed through the console. It includes a Customize panel that can be used to alter agent settings and
an About panel that is used to display information about the agent. It also shows how an agent uses the
logging service to log requests and history entries that can be displayed and responded to through the

Agent capabilities

The EServerTemplateAgent agent has the following capabilities:

v Time monitor
The agent watches for minute and hour changing events and take action. There are four different
situations that the agent follow depending on what the capability is set to, or how the user responds to
a request if one is logged:
1. Log the change without telling the time.
2. Log the change including the time as a long.
3. Log the change including the time in MM/DD/YY format
4. Do nothing
v Duplicate request
The agent watches for multiple hour and minute change requests. There are two different situations
that the agent follows with this capability if a duplicate is found.
1. Create a duplicate request
2. Do not create a duplicate request

Customization panel

The agent supplies a customization panel that allows you to adjust the interval at which the agent checks
if the minute or hour has changed.

250 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Figure 1. An example use of the Customization panel

About panel

The agent supplies an about panel that allows you to provide detailed information about the agent.

Figure 2. Viewing the template agent's about panel

Agent Learning and Building Environment 2.0

Agent Learning and Building Environment (ABLE) is a Java framework, component library, and
productivity tool kit for building intelligent agents using machine learning and reasoning.

Both the ABLE 2.0 Toolkit and the ABLE Documentation bundle are available to download as .zip
v ABLE 2.0 Toolkit:
This 6 MB zipped package contains the ABLE Java framework, component library, and tool kit.
v ABLE Documentation:
This 12 MB zipped package contains complete ABLE documentation, including an FAQ, the README,
license agreement, JavaDoc, and more. Also included in is a second zipped package
( that contains several exercises and presentations designed to help you develop ABLE

Reference information for Performance 251

Set up your agent environment
Before you can begin managing your agents with the Intelligent Agents console, you will need to
configure your agents and agent services (the agent platform) to run on or across the systems in your
environment. A secure environment requires Kerberos and additional platform configuration.

The System i Navigator Intelligent Agents console functions by connecting to an agent platform running
on your system, or across a distributed network. The agent platform defines the agent pools (JVMs) that
your agent services and agents will run in. Before you begin setting up your agent platform, you need to
determine your security preferences. A secure platform requires that you configure Kerberos.

Configuring your agent platform

This topic provides a brief overview of the agent platform and also provides detailed configuration steps
for modifying the platform preferences file. Before you begin using the Intelligent Agents console in
System i Navigator, you first need to configure the agent platform.

About this task

Agent platform overview

To manage agents using the intelligent agents console, you must first define, secure, and start an agent
platform that the console will connect to. An agent platform is nothing more than a set of Java Virtual
Machines, or agent pools, that run the services and agents of the platform. The ableplatform.preferences
and able.preferences files are used to define a platform.

In its simplest form, with security turned off, ableplatform.preferences defines:

v The location (system and port) of each Pool.
v The services that will run in the platform.
v The agents that are allowed to run in the platform.

Once the agent platform is set up, the services that run on or across the platform allow an agent to
receive a unique name, look up other agents in a directory, log history or requests, pass messages to one
another, or control the state of an agent.

Defining the agent platform

To begin configuring your platform, you must define your agent pools, agent services, permitted agents,
and add Kerberos security principals by modifying the ableplatform.preferences file.

The default location of ableplatform.preferences is QIBM/ProdData/OS400/Able.

1. Multiple platforms can be configured, and you need to ensure that your platform does not
reside at the same location as an existing platform using the same port. See the Start the agent
platform topic for more details.
2. When you open the file and begin making changes to the content, understand that small
errors and misspellings will cause the agent platform to fail, and there is currently no easy
way to debug your mistakes. Avoid commenting out properties that are unused, commenting
out an unused property can cause the platform to fail. For example, if you choose to run the
platform with security turned off, do not comment out the principal properties through the

The following code samples taken from ableplatform.preferences provide examples of how to modify the
platform preferences. To configure your platform, follow these steps:

252 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

1. Define agent pools.
A platform is nothing more than a set of distributed Java Virtual Machines. Each JVM is called an
agent pool, and each JVM or pool can host multiple services and agents (an agent pool does not have
to host services, it could be used to run just agents). You must define the location of each of your Java
Virtual Machines (agent pools) in the preferences file by specifying the IP address (fully qualified
system name) and port. Also, specify an alias (any unique name) for each agent pool. When security
is turned on, you must associate a service principal with each agent pool. For more information about
using Kerberos service principals, see “Securing your agent environment” on page 255. The following
is an example of how a set of agent pools could be defined:
# Java Virtual Machines
AgentPool.1.Alias = Pool1
AgentPool.1.IpAddress =
AgentPool.1.Port = 55551
AgentPool.1.Principal = servicePrincipal1

AgentPool.2.Alias = Pool2
AgentPool.2.IpAddress =
AgentPool.2.Port = 55552
AgentPool.2.Principal = servicePrincipal1

AgentPool.3.Alias = Pool3
AgentPool.3.IpAddress =
AgentPool.3.Port = 55553
AgentPool.3.Principal = servicePrincipal2
2. Define agent services.
Define the agent services that you want to run on the platform, and specify the alias of the agent pool
you want them to run in. Each agent service must point to a factory. The factory is a Java Class that
creates the agent service. The Persistence service is used to restart a platform to its previous state.
Specify to turn persistence on or off. If you turn persistence on, you must specify a Database, Table,
and Schema so that persistence has a location to store backed up data on. You can also specify a value
for the PersistenceRetry property. If the persistence service fails and you specified a value of 5000 for
the PersistenceRetry property, it will attempt to retry every 5000 milliseconds. The following code
example shows how three different services, Directory, Logging, and Persistence, could be defined:

Agent-Directory-Service.AgentPool = Pool1
Agent-Directory-Service.Factory =
Agent-Directory-Service.Persistence = off
Agent-Directory-Service.PersistenceDatabase = *LOCAL
Agent-Directory-Service.PersistenceTable = qahadir
Agent-Directory-Service.PersistenceSchema = QUSRSYS
Agent-Directory-Service.PersistenceRetry = 5000

Agent-Logging-Service.AgentPool = Pool1
Agent-Logging-Service.Factory =
Agent-Logging-Service.Persistence = off
Agent-Logging-Service.PersistenceDatabase = *LOCAL
Agent-Logging-Service.PersistenceTable = qahalog
Agent-Logging-Service.PersistenceSchema = QUSRSYS
Agent-Logging-Service.PersistenceRetry = 5000
Agent-Logging-Service.Properties = history-log-max : 100

Reference information for Performance 253

Note: You can specify to control performance by adding a history-log-max property to the Logging
service. If you specify history-log-max=100, each agent keeps only its 100 most current history
Persistence-Service.AgentPool = Pool1
Persistence-Service.Factory =
Persistence-Service.Properties =
persistence-driver :,
persistence-protocol : jdbc,
persistence-subProtocol : db2,
blob-type : BLOB,
persistence-dbFlushTime : 1000,
persistence-dbResetAll : off
The Persistence service provides backup and recovery for your agent platform. To use persistence
with agent services running on or across your platform, you need to define several
v persistence-driver
Defines the JDBC driver that the persistence service will use. By default the persistence-driver is set
to use the integrated DB2® driver.
v persistence-protocol and subProtocol
Defines the database protocol that the persistence service will use. By default the protocol is set to
jdbc and the subProtocol is set to db2.
v blob-type
Defines the BLOB type associated with the JDBC driver you are using. The default for DB2 is set to
BLOB, but if you choose to use a different database, like CloudScape for example, you would
define BLOB type as blob-type : LONG VARBINARY.
v persistence-dbFlushTime
Specifies the rate at which you want the persistence service to flush data to the database in
v persistence-dbResetAll
Specifies if all previously persisted data will be cleared from the database when you restart the
3. Defining permitted agents.
You must define all of the agents that you want to allow access to the platform and the agent services
running on or across the platform. The following is an example of how an agent could be defined.
More details about each agent property are listed after the following example:
Agent.1.EligiblePrincipals=principalAlias1, principalAlias2
Agent.1.EligibleAgentPools=pool1, pool2, pool3
Agent.1.LastChangedDate=January 11, 2003 11:11am
v Alias
Provide a unique name for your agent. This name will be used by the agent console.
v AutonomyLevel
Specify the agents initial autonomy level. A user can change this setting from the console.
Determine the level of independence you want to associate with your agent, and set the automation
level accordingly. The higher you set the automation level, the less your agent will request
permission to take an action. If you set an agent to High automation, it will perform most actions

254 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

without requesting a response first. If you are concerned about an agent's behavior, you may want
to lower the automation level (increasing the frequency by which the agent requests permission to
take action), by changing the setting to Medium automation.
v ClassName
Specifies the the actual agent Java Class.
v ConstructorArgs
Allows you to provide arguments in the properties file that you want to pass to your agent.
v EligiblePrincipals
When security is turned on, you must define who has authority to start an instance of your agent
by associating one or more user principal aliases with each agent. For more information about
using Kerberos service principals, see “Securing your agent environment.”
v EligibleAgentPools
Specify the alias of one or more agent pools that you want to use to run your agents on the
v InitArgs
Allows you to pass in any Init arguments to your agent from the preferences file.
4. Secure your agent platform.
After you have defined your agent pools, agent services, and permitted agents, you may want to
configure security on the platform. For more information on Kerberos principals, trust levels, and how
they are used and defined to secure the agent platform, see“Securing your agent environment.”


After you have defined your agent pools, agent services, and permitted agents, and optionally set up
security, you need to start the agent platform.

Securing your agent environment

It is strongly recommended that you use Kerberos user and service principals to authenticate users, agent
pools, and agent services to one another on or across a secure platform or distributed platform.

About this task

Platform security can be turned on or off. If you choose to run on or across a platform that has security
turned off, anyone can deregister or modify another person's agent descriptions. Anyone can change the
capabilities or state of any agent. Anyone can remove or answer any requests, even if they are not their
own. Agents can potentially take destructive actions when being used incorrectly or by the wrong user.
To ensure that agents are used the way they were intended, security features have been added to the
infrastructure of the platform.

When security is turned on, agents and services can authenticate and authorize every action that is taken
on or across the platform. An agent can only deregister or alter its own agent description. An agent must
authorize all answered requests and capability changes. A certain authority level is required to alter the
state of an agent. The use of an agent can be limited to certain users and locations. When security is
turned on, every action that occurs can be traced back to a known user so that platform authentication
and authorization can occur.

If you choose to secure your agent platform, you can turn security on by changing the Security property
to Security=on in the able.preferences file that defines your platform.

Reference information for Performance 255

Configuring your platform to use Kerberos:

The intelligent agent platform uses Kerberos principals to authenticate users and services throughout the
agent platform. Kerberos protocol, developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology, allows a principal
(a user or service) to prove its identity to another service within an insecure network.

About this task

Authentication of principals is completed through a centralized server called a key distribution center
(KDC). The KDC authenticates a user with a Kerberos ticket. These tickets prove the principal's identity
to other services in a network. After a principal is authenticated by these tickets, they can exchange
encrypted data with a target service.

The platform uses Kerberos to authenticate user sign on and initial platform startup. To use Kerberos to
secure your platform, you must either find an existing KDC, or create a working KDC that all parts of
the platform use. Every system running a piece of the platform and every PC running a console that
connects to this platform must be configured to use this KDC. You need to list all Kerberos principals in
the ableplatform.preferences file that are used by the platform to authenticate users and services. Each
platform Java Virtual Machine (agent pool) has a service principal associated with it, and each user
logging onto the platform from a console needs a user principal. All of these principals need to be added
to the KDC.

1. Find or create a usable Kerberos key distribution center (KDC).
The agent platform does not require a KDC on IBM i. A KDC running on any platform will work. If
you cannot find an existing KDC to use, you can create your own. In V5R3 or later, IBM i supports a
Kerberos server in IBM i PASE. You can configure and manage a Kerberos server from your system.
To configure a Kerberos server in IBM i PASE, complete the following steps:
a. In a character-based interface, type call QP2TERM. This command opens an interactive shell
environment that allows you to work with IBM i PASE applications.
b. At the command line, enter export PATH=$PATH:/usr/krb5/sbin. This command points to the
Kerberos scripts that are necessary to run the executable files.
c. At the command line, enter config.krb5 -S -d -r MYCO.COM. This command
updates the krb5.config file with the domain name and realm for the Kerberos server, creates the
Kerberos database within the integrated file system, and configures the Kerberos server in IBM i
PASE. You are prompted to add a database master password and a password for the
admin/admin principal, which is used to administer the Kerberos server.
d. At the command line, enter /usr/krb5/sbin/start.krb5 to start the servers.
2. Configure systems in your agent environment to use Kerberos.
After you create a Kerberos server (KDC), you need to individually configure each client PC that will
attempt to connect to the secure platform, and each system in your agent platform to point to your
Kerberos server (KDC).
v Configure your client PC
To configure a client PC, you need to create a text file called krb5.conf in the security folder of the
JVM that runs your System i Navigator intelligent agents console located here (where C: is the
drive where your System i Access driver is installed):

C:\Program Files\IBM\Client Access\JRE\Lib\Security

The krb5.conf file tells all JVMs started from this JRE which KDC to use when dealing with
Kerberos. The following is an example of what a generic krb5.conf file might look like if the KDC
realm is KDC_REALM.PASE.COM and is found on

256 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

default_realm = KDC_REALM.PASE.COM
default_tkt_enctypes = des-cbc-crc
default_tgs_enctypes = des-cbc-crc

kdc =

[domain_realm] = KDC_REALM.PASE.COM
v Configure your system
To point your system to your KDC, you need to modify the following file:

/QIBM/userdata/OS400/networkauthentication/ krb5.conf
The krb5.conf file tells all JVMs started from this JRE which KDC to use when dealing with
Kerberos. The following is an example of what a generic krb5.conf file might look like on the server
if the KDC realm is KDC_REALM.PASE.COM and is found on
default_realm = KDC_REALM.PASE.COM
kdc =
??(domain_realm??) = KDC_REALM.PASE.COM
3. Acquire Kerberos user and service principals.
After you configure a KDC, you need to create the user and service principals you plan to use to
secure the platform, and register these principals to the KDC:
Service principals:
Each agent pool (JVM) defined in the ableplatform.preferences file must have a service
principal associated with it. Service principals are specific to the system that they run on, so
they must include that system name and be in the following format: ServicePrincipalName/
systemName@KDCRealm. Each of the agent pools on the platform can use the same service
principal, or you can specify that each pool use its own service principal. If each of your
agent pools has different authority levels, then different principals should be used for each
different authority level.
User principals:
Each user that you want to allow to connect to the secure platform through the console needs
a user principal. User principals can be associated with each agent definition listed in the
ableplatform.preferences file. A user principal can connect to a platform from the console,
regardless of the system the console is running on. Because of this, a user principal only needs
to include the principal name and the KDC realm that the principal belongs to:
You need to add a principal to the KDC for each service and user principal that your platform uses.
To add your principals to your KDC if you are using the integrated KDC on the server, follow these
a. In a character-based interface, type call QP2TERM.
b. At the command line, enter export PATH=$PATH:/usr/krb5/sbin. This command points to the
Kerberos scripts that are necessary to run the executable files.
c. At the command line, type kadmin -p admin/admin, and press Enter.
d. Sign in with administrator's password.
e. Enter the following at a command line:

Reference information for Performance 257

v To add service principals for pools running on a system:
addprinc -pw secret servicePrincipalName/fully qualified host name@REALM
v To add user principals:
addprinc -pw secret jonesm. This creates a principal for a user to log in from a console.
v To add service principals for pools running on a PC:
addprinc -requires_preauth -e des-cbc-crc:normal -pw host/
If you are using the integrated KDC, see the following topics for more information on how to add
principals to your KDC:
v If you are adding service principals for pools that run on a system, see Add IBM i principals to the
Kerberos server.
v If you are adding user principals or service principals for pools that run on a PC, see Create Host
principals for Windows 2000 workstations and users
4. Add service principals to each keytab file.
When you start up a secure platform, each agent pool uses the principal that it was defined to start
with, and uses it to authenticate itself. This requires each pool JVM to have access to valid Kerberos
credentials for the principal it is using. The IBM i Start Agent Services (STRAGTSRV) command
handles this, as long as there is an entry in the keytab file for the principal that is being used.
To add an entry to the keytab file for each service principal when you are running the integrated
KDC on a system, do the following:
a. In a character-based interface, type STRQSH. This command starts the qsh shell interpreter.
b. Enter the following command (where ServicePrincipal is the name of the service principal you want
to add, system@KDCRealm is the fully qualified system name and Kerberos realm, and thePassword
is the password associated with your service principal): keytab add ServicePrincipal/
system@KDCRealm -p thePassword


After you set up your KDC and create your user and service principals, you need to configure security in
your ableplatform.preferences file.

Configuring platform security:

Before you begin, ensure that you have configured your Kerberos key distribution center (KDC).

About this task

When security is turned on, ableplatform.preferences acts as a policy file for the security of the platform
it defines. The following steps provide examples for how principals, trust levels, and permissions could
be configured:

1. Define user and service principals.
After you acquire user and service principals, and register them with your KDC, you need to add
these principals to the ableplatform.preferences file. When security is turned on, a user must be
defined with a valid Kerberos user principal to gain access to the platform, and all agent services and
agent pools must have a valid Kerberos service principal assigned to them. Add the user or service
principals you have registered with your KDC, and specify an alias for each principal (the alias can be
any unique name you want to use).
# Principals
Principal.1.Alias = servicePrincipal1
Principal.1.Principal = name1/systemName@REALM

258 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Principal.2.Alias = servicePrincipal2
Principal.2.Principal = name2/systemName@REALM

Principal.3.Alias = userPrincipal1
Principal.3.Principal = name1@REALM

Principal.4.Alias = userPrincipal2
Principal.4.Principal = name2@REALM
2. Define trust levels.
After you add user and service principals, you need to define the trust level associated with each
principal. A trust level is associated with a principal to help define the capabilities of a user or service
on the platform. Associating a trust level with a principal is also a way to group principals. The same
trust level can be associated with multiple user and service principals. Add the principal alias you
assigned to your service and user principals in step 1 (comma delineated), to the trust level you want
to associate it with, and provide a unique name for trust level alias.
# Trust Levels
TrustLevel.1.Alias = HighlyTrusted
TrustLevel.1.Principals = servicePrincipal1,userPrincipal1

TrustLevel.2.Alias = SomewhatTrusted
TrustLevel.2.Principals = servicePrincipal2,userPrincipal2
3. Associate service principals with agent pools.
A distributed platform can span multiple ports on multiple systems. Each agent pool defines where
one part (JVM) or the platform will run. Each agent pool entry contains an alias, an IP address, a port,
and a service principal alias. The principal alias specifies what service principal this pool is associated
with. Add the service principal alias that you defined above to associate it with your agent pool.
# Agent Pools (Java Virtual Machines)
AgentPool.1.Alias = Pool1
AgentPool.1.IpAddress =
AgentPool.1.Port = 55551
AgentPool.1.Principal = servicePrincipal1

AgentPool.2.Alias = Pool2
AgentPool.2.IpAddress =
AgentPool.2.Port = 55552
AgentPool.2.Principal = servicePrincipal1

AgentPool.3.Alias = Pool3
AgentPool.3.IpAddress =
AgentPool.3.Port = 55553
AgentPool.3.Principal = servicePrincipal2
4. Define agent startup authority.
Define which users have the capability to start each of the agents defined on your secure platform.
Add one or more user principal aliases to the EligiblePrincipal parameter.
# Permitted Agents

Reference information for Performance 259

Agent.1.LastChangedDate=January 11, 2003 11:11am
5. Define the algorithm and provider.
You need to define the algorithm and provider of the KeyPairs the platform will use. By default, the
preferences file will contain the following setting:
# Cryptography parameters
CryptographyAlgorithm = DSA
CryptographyProvider = IBMJCE


After you add the necessary security data to the ableplatform.preferences file, save your changes. Turning
on security for the platform once it is correctly configured is as simple as opening the able.preferences file
that defines your platform, and changing the Security property to Security=on. If you are running an
unsecured platform, you need to end and restart the agent platform for security changes to take effect.

Starting the agent platform

After you define the agent platform and optionally secure your platform, you need to start all the Java
Virtual Machines associated with your agent services using IBM i CL commands.

About this task

Because the platform is made up of one or more Java Virtual Machines, to start the platform you need to
start all of the JVMs that make up the platform.

1. Use the Start Agent Services (STRAGTSRV) command to start the agent platform.
2. Use the End Agent Services (ENDAGTSRV) command to stop the agent platform.

What to do next

Note: If you have trouble starting or ending the agent platform, you can turn on tracing for the startup
programs by adding or setting the QAHA_TRACE system environment variable to '1'. This will
create log files in QUSRSYS/QAAHALOG. Files named QSBR<job number>, QSBE<job number,
and QEND<job number> will be created for each QAHASBMTER, QAHASBMTEE, and
QAHAPLTEND job that has run.

Managing agents
Use the agent console to connect to your domain and begin managing your agents. Find out how to
control the level of automation associated with your agents, and how to easily respond to requests and
track agent history.

The Intelligent Agents console is a powerful management tool that allows you to work with your agents,
and ensure that they are behaving in a manner that meets your expectations. To display the Intelligent
Agents node in System i Navigator, select View > Intelligent Agents from the main menu.

260 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

Figure 3. Working with agents in System i Navigator

After you set up your agent environment, you can begin working with the agent console by connecting
to your host system (or systems) and creating an instance of an agent to run on that system. Use the
console to start, stop, suspend, delete, respond to, and view the history of the agents running on your
system or systems. You can also use the console to set up limitations on what actions an agent can
perform automatically and what actions require permission.

Automating agents
The agent console gives you the capability to control and customize an agent's behavior by associating a
level of automation with that agent.

About this task

The Intelligent Agents console provides a way for you to control the automated actions an agent can take.

To view an agent's capabilities, and change an agent's automation setting in System i Navigator, follow
these steps:

1. Expand Intelligent Agents.
2. Expand your intelligent agent's platform.
3. Select All Agents.
4. Right-click the agent you want to work with and select Properties.
5. Select the Automation tab to display the agent's currently configured automation level.
6. Click Capabilities to display a list of the actions this agent can take, and the automation level
associated with these capabilities.

Reference information for Performance 261


Figure 4. Viewing the automation level associated with the capabilities of a TimeMonitor agent

Every agent has a set of capabilities that define what kinds of actions that agent can perform. The agent
console displays an agent's available capabilities associated with the agent's corresponding automation
level. Each automation level setting (High automation, Medium automation, Low automation, and
Custom automation) will change the states (Automate, Ask first, Never ask) of the available capabilities
for the agent.

For example, if an agent has the capability to clear log files when full, when you change the level of
automation from High automation to Medium automation, the agent's capability changes from a state of
Automate to a state of Ask first. The agent now requests permission before it deletes a log file.

Specifying an agent's automation level will determine if an agent automatically performs an action, asks
before performing an action, or never performs an action. The possible automation values are:
v High automation
The agent will perform most actions automatically, but will ask before performing certain destructive
actions. Depending on the agent, certain actions may require that the agent always request outside
intervention before it performs that action, even when set to High automation.
v Medium automation

262 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

The agent will perform some actions automatically, and will ask before performing some actions.
Depending on the agent, certain actions may require that the agent always request outside intervention
before it performs that action, even when set to Medium automation.
v Low automation
The agent will rarely perform any actions automatically. The agent will almost always request outside
intervention before it performs any action.
v Custom automation
The agent will automate, ask first, or never perform actions according to how the capabilities are
manually configured.

Communicating with an agent

Easily track and respond to agents that are requesting confirmation or permission to take action.

About this task

If the automation setting associated with an agent's capability is set to Ask first, before an agent
performs an action, the agent will request a response from a user. Some agents will always request a
response, regardless of their current automation setting. When an agent requests a response or is waiting
to perform an action, the agent's Status field displays Needs response.

To respond to an agent in System i Navigator:

1. Expand Intelligent Agents.
2. Expand your intelligent agents platform.
3. Select All Agents.
4. Right-click the agent and select Respond.
5. Select the response you want to work with and click the Respond button. The agent will display the
problem it is currently seeking a response for.
6. Select a response from the list of possible responses in the Response field, and click OK.

Reference information for Performance 263


Figure 5. Responding to your agent's request

You can also view a list of all current requests by selecting Current Requests under the main Intelligent
Agents menu.

Viewing agent history

The agent console logs a history of all your agent's actions.

About this task

The agent console allows you to view the history of an agent's requests and actions. The history does not
display current requests, only requests and actions that have been responded to. The history log is
limited to 1000 entries, and will clear the oldest entry for each new entry that exceeds 1000.

To view an agent's history in System i Navigator, follow these steps:

1. Expand Intelligent Agents.
2. Expand your intelligent agents platform.

264 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information

3. Select All Agents.
4. Right-click the agent that you want to view the history of, and select History.


Figure 6. Viewing the history of an agent's requests and actions

Reference information for Performance 265

266 IBM i: Systems management Performance reference information
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