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The DeLone and McLean Model For Measuring Success in Online Learning Systems: Indonesian Evidence

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Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn)

Vol. 17, No. 4, November 2023, pp. 566~574

ISSN: 2089-9823 DOI: 10.11591/edulearn.v17i4.20839  566

The DeLone and McLean model for measuring success in online

learning systems: Indonesian evidence

Vita Sarasi, Iman Chaerudin, Irhaz Aulianandatama Sundoro

Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The development of information and communication technology (ICT) during
the era of the fourth industrial revolution, the impact of the COVID-19
Received Jan 31, 2023 pandemic in 2020, and the government’s call for large-scale social restrictions
Revised Jul 31, 2023 have led to the emergence of online learning systems (OLS) in higher
Accepted Aug 08, 2023 education. This study develops a measurement model for the success of OLS
based on the DeLone & McLean model. Surveys were conducted on a sample
of 175 students from domestic and international universities. Data processing
Keywords: used the partial least squares structural equation modeling or PLS-SEM
method, and root cause analysis. The results show that platform quality has a
DeLone and McLean model positive influence on OLS success, whether mediated by user satisfaction or
ICT OLS usage. Social influence has a positive effect on OLS success, mediated
OLS by OLS usage. User computer anxiety has a negative effect on OLS success,
User satisfaction mediated by user satisfaction. Recommendations to improve OLS success
Video conferencing application include adjusting internet package rates to make them more affordable,
improving signal strength to various locations for better coverage, limiting the
number of users in one learning session for more effective OLS, and the need
for organizational support in using the right applications.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.

Corresponding Author:
Vita Sarasi
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University
Dipati Ukur No. 35, Bandung, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Ever since the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Indonesian authorities have enforced
regulations to limit gatherings in public spaces, businesses, and educational institutions. As a consequence,
students and educators are required to conduct all their academic activities from their homes by utilizing online
platforms for virtual meetings and classes [1]–[5]. Online learning systems (OLS), which are defined as various
functions to support virtual classrooms to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities [6]–[8], are a
great opportunity for application and internet service providers to collaborate in gaining profits [1], [9].
With the work-from-home (WFH) program, requests for an internet network installation at home
increased dramatically in March 2020 compared to the previous month by 30-40% [10]. At the time of
COVID-19, the use of educational e-learning platforms with video conferencing tools dominated teaching and
learning, namely Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Moodle, and Google Classroom and their effectiveness was proven
to offer the right solution for emergency online teaching difficulties [11]. Zoom usage per day could reach 200
million in March, and 300 million in the following month compared to December 2019 of 10 million and the
initial launch of Zoom in 2013 of 3 million usages [12], [13]. Meanwhile, the use of Google Meet per day
reached 100 million, which increased by 300% since January [14].

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People are using Zoom because it is easy to use and free of cost, but its competitors are catching up.
Measuring video conferencing application performance metrics against the performance of the three most
popular platforms in education and business, namely Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Zoom, it was found
that there are substantial differences in the way the three applications treat video and audio streaming. While
each platform has its benefits, there are no ideal applications, their performance depending on audio, video,
or network bandwidth [15]. Even though the OLS can be a solution for learning activities when the offline
system cannot be implemented, it does not mean that there are no negative impacts. According to Sabeh et al.
[16], 83.3% of respondents agree that students’ motivation and seriousness in learning decrease when
undergoing OLS, and 60.8% of respondents agree that OLS can cause students to become addicted or excessive
in using gadgets.
There are several methods for determining the efficacy of an information system (IS). The usage of
numerous models is one of the most widely used and dependable approaches to evaluating IS. Among them,
the DeLone and McLean model (D&M model) is a well-known and widely used tool [17], [18]. This model
was first introduced in 1992 and was upgraded with major revisions in 2003. The D&M model is intended to
assess many elements of an IS, including quality, user happiness, system usage or intention to use, and net
benefits [8], [19]–[23].
By modifying the paradigm, the D&M model is still frequently utilized as study material today.
Among these are study findings from [6], [12], [21], [24], [25], indicating that system quality, information
quality, and service quality all have a beneficial impact on user satisfaction with OLS. Furthermore, according
to Aldholay et al. [20] study findings, system quality, information quality, and service quality all have a
beneficial influence on behavioral intention to use. According to research findings from [6], [21], [24], [25],
user happiness has a favorable influence on net benefits.
Nonetheless, research done by Hiremath et al. [26] and Jeyaraj [27] show that the quality of
information has no effect on user satisfaction. Similarly, the outcomes of Ouajdouni et al. [28] research indicate
that the quality of the system has little effect on OLS use. According to Shahzad et al. [12], the influence of
system quality, information quality, and service quality on e-learning portals is indirect, mediated through
system usage and user satisfaction as intermediary factors.
This study uses the platform quality variable, which is a fusion of system, information, and service
qualities [29]. As per the findings of Lee et al. [29], the quality of the platform has a favorable influence on
platform loyalty. Additionally, according to Shahzad et al. [12] and Ouajdouni et al. [28] research suggests
that user satisfaction plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of OLS. The research results from Ouajdouni
et al. [28] show that social influence has a positive effect on the use of OLS, while computer user anxiety has
a negative effect on user satisfaction in OLS. Hence, based on these observations, we can formulate: i) H1:
Platform quality has a positive effect on the success of OLS through user satisfaction; ii) H2: Platform quality
has a positive effect on the success of OLS through the use of OLS; iii) H3: Social influence has a positive
effect on the success of OLS through the use of OLS; and iv) H4: User anxiety in using computers has a
negative effect on the success of OLS through user satisfaction.
Based on empirical phenomena, this research analyzes the influence of platform quality, social and
user computer anxiety on the success of OLS using video conferencing applications both through user
satisfaction and OLS use. In addition, this research analyzes the root causes and solutions to the not yet optimal
success of this OLS. This research is expected to provide practical benefits and theoretical contributions
regarding measuring the quality and success of information systems. Hopefully, this research can also be used
as a reference for optimizing OLS based on/using video conferencing applications, especially in improving the
various dimensions that influence it. This research is different from previous studies for promoting a novelty
i.e., combining variables in the research of authors [19], [29] (platform quality), and [28] (social influence and
user computer anxiety). Based on the literature review, previous research, and hypotheses, the theoretical
framework of this research can be illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Theoretical framework

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The research method used is a mixed method, an intellectual and practical synthesis based on
qualitative and quantitative research [30]. This research is also associative, which asks about the relationship
between two or more variables that will function to explain, predict, and control phenomena [22]. In the
research context, the researchers conduct a verification analysis, testing the research hypothesis (quantitative):
the influence of platform quality, and social and user anxiety on the success of OLS through the use and
satisfaction of OLS users. Once the survey data has been collected, the researchers conduct a verification
analysis: testing the research hypotheses that have been proposed by the authors (quantitative) and looking for
light and heavy obstacles to find solutions to optimize the success of OLS using video conferencing
applications (qualitative). This study encompasses three categories of latent factors (independent variables,
mediating variables, and dependent variables). Independent variables include the social impact and learners’
computer anxiety, mediating variables are OLS usage and user satisfaction, and the dependent variable is OLS
performance. Variable operationalization is described in Table 1. The measures in this study are taken on
a 5-point ordinal/Likert scale (1. strongly disagree, 2. strongly disagree, 3. strongly disagree, 4. Agree, and 5.
strongly agree).

Table 1. Variable operationalization

Latent variable Manifest variables (indicators)
Platform quality [6], [25] Complete system information
System information is easy to understand
Accurate system information
Information systems meet the needs
Interesting system display
System problems are quickly serviced
Social influence [28] Important person
People who influence behavior
People whose opinion is valued
User computer anxiety [28] Nervousness
Bad premonition
OLS use [28] Obtain information
Publish information
Communicate with peers and educators
Do coursework
User satisfaction [6], [25] Satisfied with use
Satisfied with system information
Satisfied with system performance
Satisfying needs
Overall interaction
OLS success [6], [25], [28] Positive impact
Opportunity for more achievement
Facilitate knowledge transfer
Help increase independence
OLS performance was good overall
OLS was successful overall

The population used as respondents in this study are Indonesian students currently studying at
domestic and foreign universities. According to Hair et al. [31], the optimal number of samples is 5-10 times
the highest indicator of one latent variable or 10 times the highest number of structural paths leading to a latent
variable. The researchers determined 175 samples of Indonesian students currently studying at local and foreign
universities. The sample of respondents currently studying at domestic universities are 28 public and private
universities. Their domiciles come from several provinces in Indonesia, including North Sumatra, DKI Jakarta,
West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sumatra, Aceh, D.I. Yogyakarta, Riau Archipelago, East Nusa
Tenggara, Riau, and West Sumatra. Samples of Indonesian student respondents from foreign universities came
from Australia (University of Melbourne, Australian National University, Monash University, University of
Queensland, and the University of Sydney), China (Suzhou University of Science and Technology and Xi’an
Jiaotong Liverpool University), and Singapore (Curtin University Singapore).
Structural model testing, which aims to test the hypothesis, uses partial least square (PLS) analysis
which is a variance-based structural equation modeling (SEM) method [13], [32]. The evaluation of this
research model is divided into two stages, the evaluation measurement (outer model) and testing of the
structural model (inner model). After knowing the results of hypothesis testing, a root cause analysis is carried

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out. The 5-whys is one of the popular analytical methods that aims to find solutions that start from the root of
the problem [33]. The measurement (outer model) evaluation consists of convergent validity, discriminant
validity, and reliability in a construct/variable that is built, which must be able to meet the applicable parameters
as seen in Table 2. According to the table, all indicators that are part of the latent variable have an outer loading
factor value greater than 0.7, which is higher than other variables’ cross-loading. This indicates that the
requirements for both convergent and discriminant validity have been met.
Table 3 shows all average variance extracted or AVE values are above 0.5. Table 4 shows the Fornell-
Larcker criterion for assessing discriminant validity involving latent variables to prevent multicollinearity
problems. The table display the √AVE value of the user satisfaction or LS correlation variable, is 0.866, which
is greater than the correlation value of the LS variable with user computer anxiety or LCA (-0.229) and others.
This also applies to other variables, where the value of √AVE on the variable itself shows a greater value than
the correlation between latent variables. Table 5 shows all reliability parameters have a value above 0,7,
meaning they have met the reliability requirements. Thus, the evaluation measurement has fulfilled all the
requirements, and it can be said that the model that has been formed is valid and reliable.

Table 2. Test parameters of validity and reliability [34], [35]

Outer model Parameter Requirements
Convergent validity Outer loading >0.7
Average variance extracted (AVE) >0.5
Discriminant validity Fornell-Larcker criterion √AVE > correlation between latent variables
Cross loading Loading factor > correlation between latent variables
and manifest
Reliability Composite reliability, Cronbach’s alpha and rho_A >0.7

Table 3. Average variance extracted (AVE)

Variable AVE
User computer anxiety 0.770
User satisfaction 0.749
OLS success 0.741
OLS use 0.655
Platform quality 0.631
Social influence 0.661
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

Table 4. Fornell-Larcker criterion for assessing discriminant validity

Variable LCA LS OlsSc OlsU PQ ScInf
User computer anxiety (LCA) 0.877
User satisfaction (LS) -0.229 0.866
Online learning system success (OlsSc) -0.296 0.814 0.861
Online learning systen use (OlsU) -0.371 0.645 0.669 0.810
Platform quality (PQ) -0.127 0.631 0.538 0.528 0.794
Social influence (ScInf) -0.168 0.464 0.425 0.460 0.535 0.813
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

Table 5. Reliability parameter test results

Variable Cronbach’s alpha rho_A Composite reliability
User computer anxiety 0.855 0.902 0.909
User satisfaction 0.933 0.934 0.947
OLS success 0.930 0.933 0.945
OLS use 0.827 0.833 0.884
Platform quality 0.883 0.887 0.911
Social influence 0.830 0.843 0.886
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

Table 6 illustrates the impact of platform quality and social influence on OLS usage, resulting in a
coefficient of determination of 0.323. This means that 32.3% of OLS usage can be accounted for by the
influence of platform quality and social influence, whereas the remaining 67.7% is attributable to other
variables beyond the scope of this study. Furthermore, the effect of platform quality and user computer anxiety
on user satisfaction yields a coefficient of determination of 0.421. This implies that 42.1% of user satisfaction
can be attributed to the influence of platform quality and user computer anxiety, while the remaining 57.9%

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can be explained by other variables not examined in this study. Finally, the impact of platform quality, social
influence, user computer anxiety, OLS usage, and user satisfaction on OLS success results in a coefficient of
determination of 0.701. This indicates that 70.1% of OLS success can be explained by the influence of platform
quality, social influence, user computer anxiety, OLS usage, and user satisfaction, whereas the remaining
29.9% is attributable to other variables not considered in this study. Figure 2 shows the result of testing the
outer and inner models using the Smart PLS software version 3. In this case, the researchers use a significance
level of 5%.

Table 6. The coefficient of determination in structural model testing

Variable R Square R square adjusted
OLS Use 0.323 0.315
Learner satisfaction 0.421 0.414
OLS Success 0.701 0.692
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

Figure 2. Outer and inner model test results


Based on the processing of the respondent’s profile, most respondents are female, coming from
Gen Z and currently occupying the bachelor/S1 level. The intensity of using video conferencing applications
is an average of 4-6 times a week. The most popular video conferencing application is Zoom. Table 7 shows
all the direct effect path coefficient values in the structural model test with significant results (P values <0.05
or T statistics >T table 1.96) and have a positive or negative direction. Table 8 shows all the path coefficient
values of the indirect effect on the structural model testing; the results are significant and have a positive or
negative direction. The outcomes of the study are presented in Table 9, indicating that: i) The platform’s quality
has a favorable impact on OLS success through user satisfaction; ii) Platform quality has a constructive impact
on OLS success through OLS usage; iii) Social influence has a beneficial impact on OLS success through OLS
usage; and iv) User computer anxiety has an adverse effect on OLS success through user satisfaction.

Table 7. Direct effect path coefficient values in structural model testing

Path analysis Original sample Sample mean Standard deviation T stat P values
User computer anxiety → User satisfaction -0.151 -0.151 0.062 2.439 0.008
User satisfaction → OLS success 0.655 0.651 0.064 10.207 0.000
OLS use → OLS success 0.221 0.222 0.073 3.041 0.001
Platform quality → User satisfaction 0.612 0.615 0.053 11.622 0.000
Platform quality → OLS use 0.395 0.393 0.076 5.226 0.000
Social influence → OLS use 0.249 0.260 0.088 2.842 0.002
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

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Table 8. Indirect effect path coefficient values in structural model testing

Path analysis Original sample Sample mean Standard deviation T stat P values
Platform quality → OLS use → OLS success 0.087 0.087 0.033 2.610 0.005
User computer anxiety → user satisfaction →
-0.099 -0.097 0.038 2.622 0.005
OLS success
Social influence → OLS use → OLS success 0.055 0.058 0.027 2.018 0.022
Platform quality → user satisfaction → OLS
0.401 0.401 0.056 7.110 0.000
Source: The results of data processing by PLS-SEM

Table 9. Hypothesis test results

Hypothesis Result Proof Conclusion
T stat=7.11>1.96 Platform quality has a positive effect on the success of OLS through
H1 Accepted
P value=0.000<0.05 (significant) user satisfaction
T stat=2.61>1.96 Platform quality has a positive effect on the success of OLS through
H2 Accepted
P value=0.005<0.05 (significant) the use of OLS
T stat=2.02>1.96 Social influence has a positive effect on the success of OLS through
H3 Accepted
P value=0.022<0.05 (significant) the use of OLS
T stat=2.62>1.96 User anxiety in using computers has a negative effect on the success
H4 Accepted
P value=0.005<0.05 (significant) of OLS through user satisfaction

3.1. The effect of platform quality on OLS through user satisfaction

The effect of platform quality on OLS through user satisfaction is significant and positive. It can be
interpreted that the higher the platform quality, the higher OLS success through high user satisfaction. Based
on observations, most users are satisfied with the performance of the video conferencing application system
used (agree=41.71% and strongly agree=30.86%). This is because the platform has provided services and
resolved problems quickly (agreed=41.14% and strongly agree=18.29%), provided adequate information
(agree=39.43% and strongly agree=41.71%) and regularly and periodically release/update the latest system.
The results of testing the path of influence are in line with the basic theory of DeLone & McLean’s information
system success model and research by researchers [12], [28].

3.2. The effect of platform quality on the OLS success through the OLS use
The impact of platform quality on OLS success through the utilization of OLS is positive and
statistically significant. This implies that OLS success increases with higher platform quality, as well as the
use of good OLS. The majority of students were observed to use the system effectively, as indicated by the
positive tendency of the latent variable. This is partly due to the high quality of the platform application, which
is reflected in the positive tendency of the latent variable. These findings align with the fundamental principles
of DeLone & McLean’s information system success model and the research conducted by Shahzad et al. [12].

3.3. The social influence on the variable OLS success through OLS use
The social influence on the variable OLS success through OLS use is significant and positive. It can
be interpreted that the higher the social influence, the more success of OLS through the use of good OLS.
Based on observations, Zoom is the most widely used application because it is influenced by the surrounding
environment/organization. However, most users only use the trial version, which is limited in duration. Even
though most users are able to use the system well (the latent variable tends to be positive), the time limit reduces
its effectiveness. In this case, when the duration limit runs out, users have to reopen the application, which
takes time. Buying a Zoom package or using another application can be a solution. The results of testing the
path of influence are in line with the basic theory of DeLone & McLean’s information system success model
and research by researchers [28], [36].

3.4. The effect of user computer anxiety on the OLS success through the user satisfaction
The effect of user computer anxiety on the OLS success through user satisfaction is significant and
negative. It can be interpreted that the lower the user’s anxiety in using the computer, the more success of OLS
through high user satisfaction. The success of OLS is also influenced by user satisfaction the only user
confidence in using the computer. Based on observations, most users are confident using computers
(agree=36.00% and strongly agree=26.86%. Users who are not confident will increase their anxiety in using
computers for OLS; thus, when online learning uses conference applications and videos, they are not actively
following. The results of testing the path of influence are in line with the basic theory of DeLone & McLean’s
information system success model and research by previous studies [28], [37].
The researchers use root cause analysis with the 5-whys method to find the right solution, so it is
expected to optimize OLS. Based on the 5-whys method, the following questions arise based on previous
The DeLone and McLean model for measuring success in online learning systems … (Vita Sarasi)
572  ISSN: 2089-9823

answers (tic-tac-toe), answers based on evidence, and evidence based on real conditions in the research
phenomenon [38]. The ‘why tree diagram’ can be seen in Figure 3. Based on ‘why tree diagram’ analysis,
suggestions for increasing the success of OLS are adjusting internet package rates which are still quite high so
that they are more affordable, increasing signal strength to various locations to make it more evenly distributed,
limiting the number of users in one lesson session so that OLS is more effective, and the need for organizational
support in using the right application.

Figure 3. Why tree diagram

The quality of the platform has a positive impact on the success of OLS, which is facilitated by the
utilization of OLS and user satisfaction as intermediate variables. In addition, social influence positively impacts
OLS effectiveness, which is also mediated by the utilization of OLS. However, the negative effect of user
computer anxiety on the success of OLS is mediated by user satisfaction. Suggestions for increasing the success
of OLS are adjusting internet package rates which are still quite high so that they are more affordable, increasing
signal strength to various locations to make it more evenly distributed, limiting the number of users in one lesson
session so that OLS is more effective, and the need for organizational support in using the right application.
Although the research has been carried out optimally, it still has some limitations. This research is
limited to OLS using video conferencing applications, so the results cannot be generalized to other OLS, such
as mixed or hybrid learning models, asynchronous, and synchronous online courses in real-time. This study
selected respondents limited to Indonesian students studying at domestic and foreign universities. Further
research can use other respondents, for example employees, professionals/business owners, housewives, and
entrepreneurs. This study uses the variables platform quality, social influence, computer user anxiety, OLS use,
and user satisfaction in measuring the success of OLS. Further research may involve other variables, such as
relationship quality, perceived usefulness, and loyalty.

The researchers would like to express their gratitude to the Head of Magister Management,
Padjadjaran University for facilitating this research to be carried out.

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Vita Sarasi was born in Balikpapan in 1968. She received her formal education as
a bachelor’s degree from Padjadjaran University, master’s degree from Bandung Institute of
Technology and doctoral degree from Padjadjaran University. Since 2002, she has been a
lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University, teaching quantitative
management, operations management and Islamic financial management courses. Some of the
author’s research has been published in international journals including the author’s dissertation
entitled "Model of Optimizing the Distribution of Zakat Funds with the Data Envelopment
Analysis-Resource Allocation Method", published in the Journal of Economic Cooperation and
Development, SESRIC, Çankaya/Ankara, Turkey. The author has written several textbooks
including "Excellent Project Management: Highest Quality, Lowest Cost, Shortest Time" and
"Introduction to Systems Thinking and System Dynamics". She can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Iman Chaerudin was born in Sungei Gerong, South Sumatra in 1961. He studied
for a bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Economics and Business, Padjadjaran University and a
master’s degree at FTMI, ITB. The author’s career started in 1989-1995 as a practitioner at
Atlantic Richfield Indonesia Inc.; in 1996-2000 worked at PT. Pramindo Ikat Nusantara, KSO
Telkom Regional Division I Sumatra; in 2000-2005 worked at PT. Asuransi Astra Buana, in
2007-2012 worked at PT. Bosowa Investama, 2012, became a director at PT. Jamkrida West
Java; 2014, directors at PT. Service Facility; 2016, directors at BUMD PT. Tirta Jabar. In 2016
he continued his doctorate at Padjadjaran University, doctoral program in management sciences.
Currently, he is a non-permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom
University, STIE Equity, and Master of Management at Padjadjaran University, specializing in
Management Operations. The author has published monographs entitled "Prime Service 4.0"
specifically for Airports, "Quatro Model" and "Circular Economy”. He can be contacted at
email: [email protected].

Irhaz Aulianandatama Sundoro was born in Cimahi, West Java in 1997. He has
studied to obtain a bachelor’s degree at the Social Science Education Faculty at the Indonesian
University of Education, and a master’s degree at the Economics and Business Faculty at
Padjadjaran University. While studying for a master’s degree in management, the author became
interested in business management, technology, and education, so he conducted research for his
thesis using the DeLone-McLean Model. He can be contacted at email: [email protected].

J Edu & Learn, Vol. 17, No. 4, November 2023: 566-574

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