Online Lesson Idea
Online Lesson Idea
Online Lesson Idea
Content Standards A.PAR.6: Build quadratic expressions and equations to represent and model
real-life phenomena; solve quadratic equations in contextual situations.
A.FGR.7: Construct and interpret quadratic functions from data points to
model and explain real-life phenomena; describe key characteristics of the
graph of a quadratic function to explain a contextual situation for which the
graph serves as a model.
A.MM.1: Apply mathematics to real-life situations; model real-life
phenomena using mathematics.
Technology Standards 1.1.a: Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process
itself to improve learning outcomes.
1.1.c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves
their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Integrated Technology In this lesson the integrated technology is students will use their laptops to
first complete a pre-survey. Once they complete the survey, they will go to the
Reference or List of Online learning projects helped in the creation of this lesson idea as
Supporting Resources once I found an online learning project link that I enjoyed I started thinking
about how to form a lesson around this online project. Without this link I
would still be debating on what website could be used to enhance a normal
boring lecture-based lesson.
Usage Plan After introducing the content area, the students will be working in, I will
remind students about the rules of using electronics in the classroom. The
students will then take out their laptops and complete an online pre-survey to
test their knowledge of the content. Once they are done with the survey, they
will go to the website Brilliant where they will complete an online lesson.
The lesson includes an overview of the main ideas of the content. It also has
questions for the students to answer with explanations. Allowing the student
to test what they are learning throughout the lesson with immediate feedback.
Once they are done with the online lesson, they will create a quadratic
equation based on what they have learned throughout the lesson.
Design Features Even though the website doesn’t have an actual collaboration aspect. The
students can work together to figure out the answers on the online lesson.
This allows students to collaborate with one another to figure out the lesson
together if needed.
Again, the website doesn’t contain an actual element where students need to
create an original product. However, I would have students create a quadratic
equation based on what they have learned from the lesson. Allowing students
to create their own example of a quadratic equation and showcase their
The website does allow for higher order thinking since students have to
process the concepts being introduced. They then must take those concepts
and continue to apply and build on them throughout the lesson.
The website doesn’t have a place for students to publish their work since it
doesn’t ask for students to create an original product. However, after students
create their quadratic equation, I will have them write them on the whiteboard.
Where the class can all view the original work of their classmates and discuss
their understanding of quadratic equations. Since they are writing their
original work on the whiteboard, they are presenting their original work to an
audience of peers who will care about the product. Since the product can help
them better comprehend the main idea of quadratic equations.
Universal Design This activity and technology enhance the learning experience for the students
Rationale in the classroom by hitting several UDL ideologies. The website Brilliant
breaks down a concept into chunks of information and provides opportunities
for review and practice embedded into the website. Which hits the Options for
Comprehension and Self-regulation since the students get feedback from the
review and practice which can support them in their understanding. It also hit
the Option for Expressive Skills and Fluency since it provides scaffolding and
gradually the content is getting increasingly more difficult. The website also
has visual diagrams and charts thus showcasing the Option for Perception.
Since the website is on the internet which students access through their
laptops. The activity hits the Option for Perception and Physical Action
because the students can use different programs on the laptop to adjust the
display of information either text size or color used. If needed the student
could use keyboard commands for mouse action. Overall, the students are
also allowed to collaborate with one another during the online lesson thus
also fitting the Option for Sustaining Efforts and persistence.
Lesson Idea After being introduced to the content area and completing the pre-survey on
the content the students will work on the online lesson using Brilliant. The
students can work together to complete the online learning project which they
will have only 30 minutes to do. At that time the teacher will be patrolling the
room incase students need help and can’t grasp the content. The teacher
might call out to the class and ask the students a content related question to
see if they are grasping the content of the lesson. The students learning will
be assessed by creating a quadratic equation within 15 minutes once they
finish the online lesson. They will need to write their quadratic equation on the
whiteboard in this timeframe as well.
Once all students have written their quadratic equation on the whiteboard the
teacher will ask the students to discuss their quadratic equations. Pointing out
what they notice from the quadratic equations that they can relate to the
online lesson. The teacher will also ask the students to point out one
quadratic equation they like the most. From this the teacher can assess if the
students understand the concept by explaining points in which their product
relates to the online learning project. The teacher will explain to the students
if the equations do fit the criteria to be a quadratic equation without talking
about who made what equation. The teacher will also point out one thing they
like about each quadratic equation to provide feedback. To extend this lesson
the teacher will have students take the quadratic equation they liked the most
and try to graph the equation. Which will link up with the conclusion with
talking about next classes lesson on how to create a graph to represent a
quadratic equation.
Internet Safety Prior to the students doing this activity I will send out permission slips for
parents to sign acknowledging if allow their student to use the websites
following cobb county polices on internet safety. If they acknowledge then
when it comes time for students to sign up to use Brilliant, I will reinform
students to use aliases when the website asks for personal information. I will
also inform them not to share the password they have created for the website
with anyone else. Finally, since the website does not contain any
collaboration or publication aspect their original work will not be shared with
anyone else.
Design Reflection The activity could impact students’ learning by allowing them to learn at their
pace and test themselves throughout the lesson. They will also be able to
showcase their understanding to their classmates. Which gives the student
immediate feedback and allows them to make corrections where needed.
Thus, they can create the correct correlations in their minds to draw back on
at a later time. This lesson can be extended by instead of students just
creating a quadratic equation. The students could create their own
explanation of quadratic equations based on what they understand from the
online lesson. If the lesson plan was extended this way, then the other
technology tools that could be implemented would be a tool to publish their
explanations of quadratic equations. However, with the way the original
lesson plan is designed more technology is not really necessary.