Tagney Feature Article
Tagney Feature Article
Tagney Feature Article
legitimate form of communication, or just the 😂 that you add at the end of a text?
harassment and threatening staff, the messages emoticons were considered unprofessional,
containing a gun Emoji as well as a knife and however, the sender appeared more friendly.
bomb. She claimed it was just a joke and never
intended to harm anyone. (Kirley & McMahon,
2017) In spite of the present controversy in regard to
Emoji’s, they are still very useful and certainly
Though many will not admit, Emoji’s do bring can embellish the conversations we have
several advantages to our world of digitally. They may be considered the death of
communication and certainly further our way of formal language, however with their gaining
expression and speech. People inarguably rely popularity and love for the characters
on technology as a form of communicating. worldwide they certainly are an excellent way
Emoji allow individuals to convey tone and of providing a global language- something that
allow a text message to be interpreted can add to conversations that everyone
correctly. They can lighten the mood in texting understands. The characters may not be
situations, find a more comfortable way of enough on their own to create a sophisticated
personal expression and a simple Emoji can novel but add richness to visual communication.
work in response when people just can’t find Emoji’s are effective in expressing emotion, yet
the right word. (Seiter, 2015) In a 2013 study, are uncontrolled and users globally must be
152 working professionals responded to sensitive when using them. They may’ve been
questions regarding emails both with and the ‘thing,’ when first released, but now they
without emoticons that were part of a seem to be just a full stop at the end of every
sentence 😁
workplace situation. The study showed that the
smiley face added reduced the negative effect
of the email. It was also gathered that the
08ENG3 Millie Tagney
1. Apple celebrates World Emoji Day
The Big Problem With Emojis. (2017). Author: Joan Gage. Retrieved from
3. Cohn, N.
4. Anderson, R.
Anderson, R. (2015). Is it Time to Reconsider Emoticons? The Case for the Legal Smiley.
Retrieved from https://www.filevine.com/blog/time-to-reconsider-emoticons/
5. Sternbergh, A.
6. Living in Emoji
7. Popovich, N.
Fred Benenson: the man who translated Moby Dick into Emoji
Popovich, N. (2013). Fred Benenson: the man who translated Moby Dick into Emoji. Retrieved from
9. Newman, J.
Newman, J. (2011). Emoticons Move to the Business World - Cultural Studies. Retrieved from
10. Church, G.
Church, G. (2016). The hidden benefits of Emojis • Creative Digest. Retrieved from http://www.creativedigest.net/the-hidden-benefits-of-Emojis/
11. Lowell, A. K.
08ENG3 Millie Tagney
12. Seiter, C.
Some SCIENCE Behind the Smiley… Emoticons and Their Possible Impact on the Workplace
Hannah J. Gacey, L. (2013). Some SCIENCE Behind the Smiley… Emoticons and Their
Possible Impact on the Workplace. Retrieved from https://hrfloridareview.org/item/266-some-
14. Burge, J.
Kirley, E., & McMahon, M. (2017). Why the law treats Emoji very seriously. Retrieved from
08ENG3 Millie Tagney
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