D&D 5 0 DMG Eberron Sharn Schema Scandal An Eberron Conversion For
D&D 5 0 DMG Eberron Sharn Schema Scandal An Eberron Conversion For
D&D 5 0 DMG Eberron Sharn Schema Scandal An Eberron Conversion For
Introduction ................................................................................5
Required Reading ..................................................................5
Story Overview ......................................................................5
The Lost Schema ....................................................................5
Dhakaani Workshop ..............................................................5
War in the Streets..................................................................5
Forgotten Relics .....................................................................6
Dragon’s Blood ......................................................................6
Choose Your Villain ................................................................6
Seasons .......................................................................................6
Summer .................................................................................7
Autumn ..................................................................................7
Winter ...................................................................................7
Indebted .....................................................................................7
Patrons Over Factions ...........................................................7
Chapter 1: A Job Well Done ........................................................8
Forgotten Relics Changes ......................................................8
Roleplaying Garra ..................................................................8
Conclusion .............................................................................8
Laying Low .............................................................................8
Level Advancement ...............................................................8
Chapter 2: Bazaar Belltower ........................................................9
Bazaar District Map ...............................................................9
Bell Tower Floor Plan .............................................................9
A Patron Appears...................................................................9
Open for Business? .................................................................... 15
Business Rival: Emmek d’Ghallanda ....................................15
The Collectors Cash In .........................................................15
Sample Collectors ................................................................15
Level Advancement .............................................................16
Chapter 3: Dragon’s Blood ......................................................... 17
What the Blazes? .................................................................17
Tyrants Caught in the Act ....................................................17
The King and the Rake .........................................................17
What about the Gralhunds? ................................................17
Unraveling the Plot ..............................................................18
The Crime Scene ..................................................................18
After the Blast......................................................................18
The Watch Arrives ...............................................................18
Speaking with the Victims ...................................................18
Excoriate ................................................................................... 19
Dragon Towers ....................................................................19
Hunting the Hunter .............................................................19
Tarkanan Hideout ...................................................................... 19
Overview .............................................................................19
Encounters in the Hideout ...................................................19
The Broken Mirror ..................................................................... 21
Caught False Handed ...........................................................22
Aftermath ............................................................................22
Level Advancement .............................................................22
Chapter 4: Duur’Sharaat ............................................................ 23
Setting the Stage .................................................................23
Finding Hrabbaz ...................................................................23
Spellshard Map ....................................................................23
Encounter Chains.................................................................23
Spring Encounter Chain .......................................................23
Summer Encounter Chain ....................................................24
Autumn Encounter Chain ....................................................24
Winter Encounter Chain ......................................................25
Encounter 1: Bazaar .................................................................. 25
Sundry’s Shop ......................................................................25
Saving Sundry ......................................................................25
Encounter 2: House of Healing................................................... 26
Encounter 3: Skycoach ............................................................... 26
Aerial Ambush .....................................................................26
Ruffled Feathers ..................................................................27
Encounter 4: Auction House ...................................................... 27
The Aurora Gallery ..............................................................27
Overview .............................................................................27
Encounter 5: Cloud Dragon ........................................................ 28
Encounter 6: The Bear’s Rest ..................................................... 28
Stoneyard ............................................................................28
Encounter 7: The Hollow Tower................................................. 29
Encounter 8: Chimera Chase ...................................................... 29
Encounter 9: Daca’s Watch ........................................................ 30
The Broken Anchor ..............................................................30
Gnome Escape .....................................................................30
Encounter 10: Diamond Theater ................................................ 31
Encounter 11: Houseboat .......................................................... 31
Ship’s Towers.......................................................................31
Encounter 12: Sewers ................................................................ 32
Encounter 13: Fathen’s Shrine ................................................... 33
Encounter 14: Coldflame Keep .................................................. 33
Puzzle: Count the Candles ...................................................33
Solution ...............................................................................33
Wretched Sight ....................................................................34
Encounter 15: Nightshade ......................................................... 34
Encounter 16: Malleon’s Gate ................................................... 35
Roleplaying Braala ...............................................................35
Encounter 17: Ashblack ............................................................. 35
Ashblack Watch Tower ........................................................36
Encounter 18: Pool of Onatar’s Tears......................................... 36
Complex Trap: Pulverizing Path ...........................................37
Smith at the Pool .................................................................38
Encounter 19: High Walls........................................................... 38
Lockdown ............................................................................38
Have You Seen this Duergar? ..............................................38
Encounter 20: Redblade’s .......................................................... 39
Vault Keys ................................................................................. 39
Key Descriptions ..................................................................41
Broken Blade ............................................................................. 43
Duur’Sharaat Features.........................................................43
Areas of Duur’Sharaat .........................................................43
The Riddle of the Sphinx ......................................................44
Leaving Duur’Sharaat ..........................................................44
Patron Reinforcements........................................................44
Conclusion ...........................................................................44
Level Advancement .............................................................45
Chapter 5: Tax Season ............................................................... 46
Foiling the Clan’s Operation ................................................46
Where’s Lazlo? ....................................................................46
The King of Fire ......................................................................... 46
Areas of the King of Fire ......................................................46
Chapter 6: The Shape of Summer .............................................. 51
Disrupting Juise’s Operation ................................................51
Shapeshifter’s Sewer ................................................................. 51
Areas of the Sewer ..............................................................51
Chapter 7: Drinks and Dragonmarks .......................................... 53
Disrupting Tarkanan’s Operation.........................................53
Kolat Towers ............................................................................. 53
Areas of Kolat Towers..........................................................53
K21. Dal Quor Gallery ..........................................................56
K22. Planar Chamber ...........................................................56
Dal Quor Sanctum ..................................................................... 56
Areas of the Sanctum ..........................................................56
Chapter 8: Daask the Halls ......................................................... 58
Disrupting Daask’s Operation ..............................................58
Cog Hub..................................................................................... 58
Areas of the Cog Hub ...........................................................58
Features and Creatures .......................................................59
Appendix A: Monsters and NPCs ............................................... 61
Lazlo Boromar......................................................................61
Hondar’Aashta .....................................................................62
Darkling ...............................................................................63
Juise .....................................................................................64
Felth Dire .............................................................................65
Illusionist .............................................................................65
Kobold Scale Sorcerer ..........................................................65
Flutterfingers .......................................................................66
Niho Koi ...............................................................................66
Oleander Nightbloom ..........................................................68
Daily Dose: The Doctor is In! ...................................................... 69
Daily Dose ............................................................................69
Thank you to Alwin, Art, Arvon, Captain, Fix, Scion, Wynphyra, and Zivtari and the crew of the Lemonfeathered for being the first to foray into
the City of Towers.
Long ago during the War of the Mark, the dragonmarked houses
“There’s not quite another city in the Five Nations like Sharn. All routed Halas Tarkanan in what are now the ruins of Old Sharn.
Halas’s own powerful magic created these ruins, and in doing so
walks of life try to find a foothold in the City of Towers but climb he destroyed many enclaves for the dragonmarked houses. It’s an
open secret that a creation forge may exist in Old Sharn, but it’s
too high and you might find yourself slipping—or being pushed.” far from the only treasure left buried in Halas’s wake. Whereas the
creation forge may already be assembled, it is the only known one
that has been created in Sharn. The lost schema, however, is
— Hondar’Aashta, Tharashk bounty hunter merely a blueprint. With the resources the syndicates have, that
blueprint may be sold to the highest bidder or used to create
harn Schema Scandal aims to convert the published machines so powerful they could make the dead rise, magic
adventure Waterdeep: Dragon Heist into an adventure useless, and planes collide time and time again.
the for Eberron setting. In this adventure, the characters
are pit against the four major crime syndicates that
influence Sharn from its shadows as they try to locate and
acquire an object known as a schema. Schemas are The schema everyone is after resides in a Dhakaani workshop
blueprints for magical objects, and rumor has it that one is sealed deep below Old Sharn. Goblinoid artificers created weapons and
in a lost workshop built by the Dhakaani empire in the ruins below tools for their empire with legendary craftsmanship, and it is a
Sharn. One of the leaders of House Cannith, Merrix d’Cannith, closely guarded secret that House Cannith has taken credit for
believes it is the rightful property of his house, and is willing to pay inventions that the Dhakaani created first. Yet it is House Cannith
an enormous sum to get it back. that still stands to this day and their enterprises during the Last
War made them one of the wealthiest entities in the world. Baron
Merrix d’Cannith, the leader of House Cannith South, believes
recovering this schema will give him leverage to claim sovereignty
Sharn Schema Scandal requires the core D&D rulebooks. over the currently divided house. As such, half a million galifars are
Furthermore, Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Waterdeep a drop in the bucket to the dragonmarked regent compared to the
Dragon Heist are a necessity (hereby abbreviated E:RftLW and wealth and power having the schema would amass for him.
W:DH respectively). This adventure combines a multitude of
aspects from these two books, using items, names, locations, Merrix has been employing treasure hunters far and
encounter maps, and many other details from both. wide throughout the city, and at last his searches bore some fruit.
An ancient Dhakaani poltaa’kur has come into his possession.
Literally translated as “thought key”, a poltaa’kur is an item
resembling an artifact that contains the thoughts and feelings of
the goblinoid artificer who created it.
Sharn Schema Scandal can be summarized as such:
The Dhakaani poltaa’kur functions as this adventure’s
• A House Cannith schema has been lost in the ruins of Stone of Golorr. Due to the Dhakaani empire’s demise at the hands
Old Sharn. Baron Merrix d’Cannith will pay half a million of the daelkyr, nothing about the how the Dhakaani poltaa’kur
galifars (gold pieces) to see it returned to him. works needs to be changed; it could very well be that an aboleth
• The four crime syndicates of Sharn—some who are named Golorr poses as the goblinoid artificer the characters will
puppets for even greater evils—are also seeking the speak to.
schema for their own nefarious agendas.
murderers, often leaving gruesome displays of their power as a
message to those who would cross them. The oni Niho Koi has
been tasked by Daask’s leader, Sora Katra, to acquire the schema.
For this adventure to begin proper, it is highly suggested you play
The schema contains the instructions needed to build a Mabaran
the “Forgotten Relics” adventure from E:RftLW. Not only does that
resonator, a device that amplifies the effects the plane of Endless
adventure serve as an introduction to Sharn, but many NPCs from
Night has on Eberron. With such a machine at their disposal, the
that adventure will be seen again in this one. You can opt to play
fearsome hag coven known as the Daughters of Sora Kell could use
your own introduction, but know that the characters Germaine
the resonator to try and restore their mother Sora Kell’s mortal
Vilroy, Alden d’Orien, and Niho Koi are all prominent figures for
form, or simply raise armies of undead at their command.
this adventure.
House Tarkanan is comprised of many outcasts across all races.
After completing “Forgotten Relics”, Sergeant Vilroy offers the
They are a family of mutants joined together by the aberrant
characters a safehouse away from Daask in the form of an
dragonmarks they possess. Vezt Deshirod, a dragonmarked
abandoned bell tower, advising them to lay low for about a week.
Kalashtar and agent of the Dreaming Dark, searches for the
During this time, the characters are visited by various group
schema on behalf of House Tarkanan. If she acquires the schema,
patrons and dragonmarked houses (described later in this
the organization could build a spell sink, a device that dampens all
adventure) who bring new enterprises to them. It is not long
magic across miles of space. Given that the established
before the towers of Sharn are shook by a roaring fireball. The
dragonmarked houses all have an enclave in Sharn, House
events of this chapter closely mirror the events listed in W:DH, but
Tarkanan could cripple their operations and kill thousands by
with Sharn’s own spin on it.
suppressing the magics that keep airships flying and people from
tragic falls in Sharn. In short, they could finish what Halas Tarkanan
In summer, the clouds from Syrania cling around the tower tops, Sharn Schema Scandal chooses group patrons over the traditional
sealing all heat and moisture in the Middle and Lower wards factions used in W:DH. This change was decided foremost because
beneath them. The humidity in the city is sweltering below and a the group patrons are an excellent way to engross your players in
dry heat permeates through the Upper wards above. It is not the world of Eberron and Sharn. Additionally, many group patrons
uncommon for the nobles of Sharn to take vacations during the have an enclave or faction in Sharn! Group patrons function like
summer to beachside estates or fairer countries, but those who the factions from W:DH, but function uniquely all on their own.
can’t escape the heat find themselves blowing off steam in more Ultimately it is a small change, and if you would prefer to run the
violent manners. Half spectacle and half anger management, a patrons as factions or create your own, you have the option to do
holiday called the Hunt takes place during the peak of summer. so. That being said, this adventure will provide four sample
During the Hunt, a beast is released into Old Sharn and hunted patrons and their patron missions which cover a variety of skills
down by the brave to receive Balinor’s blessing. and playstyles.
• The Boromar Clan might still see the characters as
potential allies if they rescued Corrin Delmaco. If the
main villain of the adventure is the Boromar Clan, they
will still see them as enemies, but Corrin will not.
• No Lyrandar pilot comes to the characters seeking a
crew for far-flung adventures. Maybe next time!
Garra remains the same, only omitting the opportunity for the
characters to join Daask. She might respond to someone’s request
to join with “Why? So you can stab me in the back instead of the If you are using milestones for level advancement, the characters
front?” or some other rebuttal. advance from 1st to 2nd level when they board the skycoach with
Vilroy. If your characters are already level 2 prior to this event,
TREASURE they remain at level 2.
If the characters fail to stop Garra, she instead hides her plunder
and awaits Niho Koi’s arrival in Sharn. The other possibilities at the
end of this adventure have also been modified:
Whenever you roll to determine the profit or loss for the bell
tower, add 20 to the roll.
The bell tower uses the same floor plan as Trollskull Manor from
W:DH—yes, including the taproom! Long ago, the bell-ringer made The Finders Guild has taken interest in the party. They’ve sent
a small fortune giving weary shoppers a place to rest, eat, and Hound (NG longtooth shifter) to solicit an answer. Hound is a hard
drink. boiled cynic and has no hope that Sharn will ever be truly free
from corruption. Nonetheless, Hound proves a proper and loyal
The turret in Trollskull Manor becomes the belfry. The ally with a ton of knowledge on the city streets. If the characters
bells and the mechanisms that ring them have failed long ago. A want to think about it, they can visit the Information Acquisition
DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check can offer some insight bureau in Underlook later to request admission.
onto what has caused them to fail and how to fix it: bone, blood,
and rust have gunked up the mechanisms. A character who works
on the mechanisms for 4 hours every day for a week with tinker’s NEWSPAPER
tools fixes the mechanism. Using the tools involves scraping the
blood and bone off the moving parts, oiling them, and even An up-and-coming newspaper, Tower Tabloid, is gaining popularity
replacing them in order for them to move again. in Sharn. Whereas other newspapers report world news or spew
propaganda, Tower Tabloid capitalizes on popular culture, gossip,
Once the bells are fixed, the mechanisms automatically ring them and lighthearted reporting its readers can use to escape the
at the start and end of the day, just like they used to long ago. festering wounds of the Last War. They’ve sent an energetic and
loud warforged, Buzz, to get a response. Buzz (N warforged) is a
junior editor with a unique talent for spouting off gripping
headlines. If the characters want to think about it, they can visit
the Tower Tabloid press in Torchfire (Lower Menthis).
Morgrave University sends Val ir’Morgrave (short for
valedictorian), a homunculus (Monster Manual) professor created
by Lord Lareth ir’Morgrave himself. Val can only speak
telepathically and does so with language and vocabulary befitting
a scholar. Val longs to go on adventures with the characters but
can’t due to its fragile form. If the characters want to think about
it, they can visit Morgrave University later to request admission.
Strange lights are emanating from an Three living spells (CR 1) have taken residence inside the manor. Removing them
abandoned manor in Stormhold. Some from the manor completes the mission and raises the characters’ renown by 1.
of the more curious citizens have tried
to find the source and have never
returned. Find and eliminate the
source if necessary.
The characters must escort a giraffe (which uses riding horse stats) through the
House Vadalis has created a breed of
wards of Sharn. Every time the characters enter a new ward, they must succeed a
“long necked horse”, but it easily
DC 12 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check or chase the now startled giraffe through
startles. Escort the beast from
3rd the city. Use the chase rules as described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Wroann’s Gate (Lower Tavick’s
Alternatively, any magic that calms beasts counts as an automatic success. Once the
Landing) to a House Vadalis enclave in
giraffe is successfully brought to its destination, the characters gain 1 renown and 50
Skysedge Park (Upper Central).
gp each for their efforts.
Skyblades is an aerial jousting match that sees two competitors try to knock each
other off their flying mounts. The lances are blunted, and wards are in place to
The Pavilion of the Host is looking for prevent death from falling. To play skyblades, a character must make two checks:
volunteers for a charity skyblades Strength (Athletics) and Wisdom (Animal Handling). They then make one attack roll
4th tournament. Compete at Cornerstone (modifiers still apply). The DC for each check is 5 +2d10; generate a separate DC for
in Tavick’s Landing and spread the each one. The attack roll must beat the opponent’s AC of 19 (splint mail and a
good name of the guild! shield). If the character succeeds 2 out of 3 rolls, they win the bout. The Pavilion
wins either way, but a character who wins receives 1 renown for the entire party
and a painting of themselves on a mount worth 50 gp.
Infiltration of the guild is no laughing matter. The rivalry between the two guilds has
been known to boil over into violence, and now is no exception. Characters can
discern who the spies are by making a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) check. Regardless of
The Deathsgate Explorers Club has
who they’re speaking to (except Anton), the first time they succeed the check they
5th infiltrated the guild. Find and oust
have identified the spy. The spy then calls on their lackeys which creates an
them by any means necessary.
opposing party of four: a cult fanatic, a druid, a spy, and a veteran. After dealing
with their opponents, the characters gain 2 renown, 100 gp each, and a special gift
from Anton: a figurine of wondrous power (onyx dog).
Flutterfingers (lightfoot halfling master thief) serves the Boromar
Refer to W:DH for information on how to run the Bazaar bell Clan. Flutterfingers doesn’t kill but knows how to send the
tower as a business with the information found under the same Boromar’s message; those who don’t pay their debts find their
section title as this one, including the “Tavern Keeping Expenses” gold and their hand missing.
sidebar. Replace any mention of “tenday” with a seven day week,
as Eberron’s weeks consist of seven days only. 2nd level: Reconnaissance. Flutterfingers is tasked only to watch
the character. At the start of each day, Flutterfingers takes the
Everyone has to make a living in Sharn, and there are Hide action and watches the character from afar. If a character’s
plenty of taverns and inns that run just find without the help of Passive Wisdom (Perception) ever beats Flutterfingers’ roll, they
House Ghallanda’s Hostelers Guild. For this reason, feel free to use become aware that a “halfling is watching from the shadows.”
the same NPCs described in W:DH to fulfill the various roles that
the bell tower would need; bonus points for making them 3rd level: Paranoia. Flutterfingers goes on the prowl. At the start
magewrights! of each day, Flutterfingers still takes the Hide action but now
actively stalks the character, sewing paranoia. Unlocking the doors
to their chambers, moving their things, and leaving messages
coded in thieves’ cant are all examples of activities Flutterfingers
might do to create unease and anxiety.
Just as word travels to the benefactors, it also travels to the 2nd level: Watch da Crook! Dingdong is instructed only to watch
malefactors. If a character owes a debt to an organization or the character. The ettin tries to blend in—poorly. At the start of
entity, their henchmen will begin to harass them in the streets or each day, Dingdong takes the Hide action rolling disadvantage, and
even at the bell tower. watching the character from crowds or taverns. If a character’s
Passive Wisdom (Perception) ever beats Dindong’s roll, they
These collectors don’t appear until after the characters become aware that a “two-headed giant is quickly leaving their
have been visited by the prospective patrons and guild members. vicinity.”
At first, they are content to watch the characters but as time
passes and the characters grow stronger, the collectors grow 3rd level: Spook ‘em a little! Dingdong begins to intimidate the
bolder. Of course, if the debt is paid, the collector has no qualm character. Each morning, a large stone lands near the character’s
with the character—unless you invent one! feet, evidently thrown from somewhere. Carved in orcish on the
stone reads the message: “Pay up”.
If the debtor has the ability to prevent tracking or
detection (such as by an amulet of proof against detection and 4th level and beyond: Get ‘em, Liz! Dingdong is now cleared to
location) the debt remains but the collectors give up the chase. eliminate the character. At the earliest chance they get (and away
from the eyes of the law), Dingdong sics Liz on the character while
it fends off any help that might be coming. Dingdong knows it is
expendable to Daask and fights to the death. If the debtor is
petrified by Liz, Dingdong attempts to demolish the statue or toss
This section provides sample collectors for the Boromar Clan, it from the heights the Sharn.
Daask, and house Tharashk. These collectors will behave
differently based on the debtor’s level in order to maintain
fairness and the sense of menace through foreshadowing. HONDAR’AASHTA
Hondar’Aashta (LN male Mark of Finding half-orc archer) has been
assigned the bounty on the debtor’s head and is an expert in
tracking. With the help of his death dog and blood hawk, very few
have ever escaped him. Hondar’Aashta likes prey that puts up a
fight and may not even go for the kill if he thinks his bounty is as
skilled a hunter as he is.
The King of Fire in Hareth’s Folly is one of the safest places to put
money down on the sports that take place in Dura. It is also owned
by the Rake, an ally to the Boromar Clan who always makes sure
the Clan comes out on top of any bet.
ragon’s blood is an addictive simulant from Droaam Although the poisoning took place in his establishment,
with unpredictable side effects. Chapter 4 of E:RftLW the Rake has no affiliation with the crime. If the characters cause a
explains the drug in greater detail, but the gist of ruckus in the King of Fire, a group of halfling bodyguards (using
what you need to know is this: it was the drug and not thug stats) escort them to the Rake’s private office overlooking his
a necklace of fireballs that created the earthshaking establishment (see map 4.12 “Nightclub” in E:RftLW). There, the
fireball. This is one of many changes to the fireball Rake will make sure to let them know exactly who they’re accusing
investigation of W:DH. Like all changes in this and the consequences that could entail. By principle the Boromar
adventure, they were made to “make sense” in Eberron or Clan doesn’t like to murder to get what it needs. The Rake will
preserve the unique identity this adventure strives to bring to admit however that he doesn’t often check what goes on at the
itself. Warforged are common, for example, so looking for a bar, as his attention is focused on fixing bets.
“nimblewright” in a city as large as Sharn would be nigh
impossible. Continue reading to see how the plot has and hasn’t The assassin is Tabaera d’Medani, an excoriate from
changed for this explosive chapter. House Medani.whose dragonmark manifested as an aberrant
dragonmark. Ever since, she hated the houses for casting her out
into a world where half-elves hardly had a community to begin
with. House Tarknanan gave her a family and for that she’ll do
anything to further the destruction of the dragonmarked houses.
An explosion rocks the Bazaar district right outside of the bell
tower. The investigation itself plays out how it does in W:DH but When House Tarkanan heard that they could thwart two
there are numerous location and character alterations. dragonmarked houses’ plans, they could not resist the opportunity
to interfere. Tabaera used her aberrant dragonmark to charm
Dalakhar d’Kundarak is a mark of warding dwarf who (through the charm person spell) to convince the dwarf bartender,
was tasked by Merrix d’Cannith to deliver the poltaa’kur to the Morkos of Mror, to slip the dragon’s blood into Dalakhar’s drink.
characters at the bell tower. The poltaa’kur is important because it Because of Morkos’s own dwarvish constitution, he hardly noticed
contains the map that leads to the lost Dhakaani workshop. a change in the drink—which is why Tabaera told him to double
Hearing from Alden d’Orien how capable the characters are, Dalakhar’s dose. Morkos claims that he saw a dragonmark he
Merrix sent Dalakhar in his stead due to his mark’s ability with didn’t recognize on Tabaera when she handed him the drug. A
security. character can make a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check on
Tabaera’s dragonmark, doing so with advantage if they have a
Pursued by the Boromar Clan, Daask, House Tarkanan,
dragonmark themselves. On a success, they recall that there was a
and the Tyrants, Dalakhar grew quite nervous. He stopped at the
group called House Tarkanan who drew immense power from
King of Fire in Hareth’s Folly to get a drink and steady his nerves.
their aberrant dragonmarks
Someone spiked Dalakhar’s drink with dragon’s blood, and the
dwarf combusted into a fireball thanks to the drug’s volatile If the characters return to the King of Fire having learned
nature. that the Boromar Clan might be to blame, the Rake denies the
Clan’s involvement and tosses them out of his establishment. As
The syndicates know better than to take on a
he does so, however, he tells them that the Tyrants like to gather
dragonmarked house on their home turf, but that doesn’t mean
at the Broken Mirror in Lower Dura and to go bother them.
they don’t have their informants. When they caught wind of what
Needless to say, the characters have piqued the Boromar Clan’s
Dalakhar was going to have on him, they set their plans in motion
interest at this point, and the Rake warns them that the next time
as well. While the characters are about to taste the main plot, the
they come into his place throwing accusations, they may not be
syndicates of Sharn are looking to take a bite out of anyone who
leaving it alive.
stands in their way.
The Tyrants (who are and aren’t analogous to the Zhentarim) were
close to nabbing the poltaa’kur when the blast rocked the district.
Though wounded, the changeling Lin (who has adopted the By now you might have noticed that not everything adds up in this
persona of Urstul Floxin: see appendix B in W:DH) was able to adventure to leave space for the Gralhunds. That’s because the
swipe it and flee to the Broken Mirror in Lower Dura. role the Gralhunds play in this adventure has been dissected and
divided amongst different groups. This can be understandably
confusing, so in brief the role of the Gralhunds, their villa, and the
characters surrounding them are listed here:
• Lord and Lady Gralhund are now Jon and Jane, the
changeling owners of the Broken Mirror.
• Lin and their Tyrant cronies replace the Zhents affiliated
This section proceeds as written, save for a minor alteration to
with the Gralhunds.
Barnibus Blastwind. Barnibus instead belongs to House Medani
• The Gralhund nimblewright assassin is no longer their
assassin. It is Tabaera d’Medani, who is affiliated with
House Tarkanan. “I swear, I saw three men following that dwarf but after the
• Hrabbaz serves as a bouncer for Jon and Jane. explosion, a woman had taken one of the men’s place! The
• The Gralhund villa is far too spacious and extravagant for other two are lying there dead near him, but that last one—
the Broken Mirror. Instead, its map is used for the that had to have been the one to do it! If that thing can
Tarkanan hideout seen later in this chapter. change how it looks on a whim, then who knows what else it
can do!”
from W:DH. The dead Tyrant sellswords relate the same spell in multiple locations; those who have entered the building
information changing the mention of Gralhund Villa to the Broken have already been deemed safe to enter. Coincidentally, the
Mirror. Their names are unimportant. Dalakhar on the other hand characters can meet Barnibus here as well and try to squeeze
can reveal the following information if the right questions are information from the investigation out of him but do so with
asked: disadvantage. Otherwise, Carlisle d’Medani—another house agent
itching to get in on the investigation—is more than happy to share
• Dalakhar was entrusted with delivering the poltaa’kur to his suspicions on the matter for 50 gp. Carlisle suspects the
the characters on behalf of Baron Merrix d’Cannith. assassin is rightfully an excoriate from their own house working
• The poltaa’kur locates a lost Dhakaani workshop with Tarkanan. He remembers a woman with the mark of
beneath Sharn. Merrix believes that an ancestor of detection being thrown out of the enclave a few weeks ago.
House Cannith (Aaren d’Cannith) hid a schema in the
workshop worth hundreds of thousands of galifars.
HOUSE CANNITH The Tarkanan hideout uses map 3.1, “Gralhund Villa”, from W:DH.
Once, this villa was owned by a noble family who could not escape
In the Cannith enclave, the characters meet with Sec, a warforged
the destruction of Old Sharn. The villa is steeped in aberrant and
receptionist in a sprawling lobby of malachite and brass. Two
malevolent magic; foul fungi prowl the courtyard and the vengeful
warforged titans guard the elevators that lead higher into the
dead of the noble family claw at the doors that bar them. The
tower. If Sec is told that the characters are here to investigate the
Tarkanan agents are adept at maneuvering through the villa
fireball event, Sec will comply in giving them a visitor’s log on
without incurring the ire of these other creatures, considering
those who came to the enclave. Dalakhar’s name is on that list. If
them an extra layer of protection from the Sharn Watch and
the characters wish to speak to Merrix d’Cannith, Sec tells them
truthfully that the baron has been moved to a safer location, but
they can take a message for them.
HOUSE KUNDARAK The villa resides among other ruined manors that look just like it.
The only indication that it has residents comes from the dim lights
House Kundarak’s enclave looks like a deep cavern with veins of
that barely illuminate foot paths for the villains. Here are a few
gold and silver glimmering up the walls. Behind a dozen sitting
things to keep in mind:
Kundarak bank tellers is an enormous wall with hundreds of
extradimensional vaults constructed from adamantine. Security is
• Old Sharn is an entire city buried beneath another city.
extra tight after the event in the Bazaar, and dwarven abjurers are
Natural darkness pervades every nook and cranny.
posted between every teller. The tellers do not know anything
• The villa is enclosed by 12-foot-high stone walls that
about the events that transpired other than that Dalakhar had
require a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check to
taken a rather lucrative job from house Cannith. Having dealt with
navigate without the aid of climbing gear or magic.
thieves before, the tellers suggest that it could be the Boromar
• The stench of rot, sulfur, and mold saturates the air. It is
Clan or the Tyrants who stole the artifact.
not enough to trick the senses, but it penetrates every
surface no matter how thick.
House Medani’s enclave is smaller than the others and seems the
most relaxed out of them all. That is hardly the truth, as the entire The following encounter locations describe the hideout as it
lobby and façade of the building is bugged with the arcane eye stands when the characters arrive. Tabaera schemes up top with
her cohorts while the dead wail and scratch at the walls on the
ground floor. Much of the descriptions will fit the rooms all the G8. GREAT HALL
same, but the encounters have been changed quite a bit.
The great hall is the same as its written in W:DH with the following
G1. RUSTING GATES • Of the ten corpses (two of which belong to Tarkanan
The gates have rusted into disrepair and can be pushed open with agents), 1d6 of them reanimate as zombies. These
ease. Instead of trees in the yard, the characters see large fungal zombies bear the livery of old Dhakaani nobility—regal,
colonies that tower like them instead. They can still see the two but practical enough for battle.
story brick mansion although dilapidated and crumbling as well as
the detached coach house. G9. PARLOR
Two zombies occupy the parlor.
Churned and scorched earth, and overgrown fungi runs rampant G10. DEN AND TROPHY ROOM
through the yard. The characters still can access the balcony, and
In this room, a taxidermized dolgaunt howls silently in the corner
instead of a groundskeeper and their dogs, the fungal grounds are
while the heads or trophies from other aberrations mount the
patrolled by a myconid sovereign and their two mastiff spore
walls on plaques. The skeleton of a bird lies covered in webs
resting in a cage on a table in the middle of the room.
A character who moves into the cluster of mushrooms to
the east stumbles upon a circle of fourteen myconid sprouts and
six myconids. They are suspicious of the characters but not
inherently hostile. If attacked, however, the myconid sovereign The door to the room is still locked and requires a successful DC 15
and its spore servants rush to the circle and attack while the Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to unlock. In the middle of the
others defend themselves. room is a 10-foot square bamboo mat. Kneeling towards the door,
a hobgoblin wight rises and draws its blade (which it sets ablaze)
A character who speaks with a myconid learns that they when a character approaches. This hobgoblin was the former lord
want to be left alone, and the “foul creatures of the hollow rock” of the villa, Vuutal Thresh.
gone (the villa).
Treasure. After slaying the lord, the characters can loot
his flame tongue (longsword) off his body. The blade is inscribed
G3. COACH HOUSE with the following phrase in goblin: “Vus’shaarat (fire blade),
The coach house remains the same save for the destruction that scorch the dark vines of insanity.”
befell it. Any living creature that appeared here in W:DH are
corpses picked clean by insects and vermin. G12. LIBRARY
The books and bookshelves in this library betray the age of the
G4. GUARD BARRACKS rest of the estate. Most of the books in the library are about the
This room proceeds as written. dragonmarked houses, the War of the Mark, or dragonmarks
themselves. Amongst all these tomes, one book stands on an iron
lectern with a flower pressed into it. A character who makes a DC
G5. KITCHEN 15 Intelligence (Nature) check learns that it is a dreamlily, native
to Sarlona. The title of the book reads in Riedran: “The Medicinal
This room proceeds as written. Uses of Dreamlily: A Holistic Guide to the Sarlonan Psychadelic”
and describes the flower’s euphoric properties.
The foodstuffs in the pantry spoiled long ago. Three swarms of
rats have made a colony inside the pantry and have chewed the In the once elegant foyer, two Tarkanan agents have just
bones of dead servants down to the marrow. The back door is still succumbed to their wounds. The doors to the master bedroom are
barred, jammed as the manor settled over the years. flung open where labored breathing can be heard inside. A DC 10
Intelligence (Investigation) check in the foyer reveals that the two
G7. LAUNDRY ROOM Tarkanan agents had struggled to lock something behind the door
leading to the ballroom (G14) via the directional splattering of the
The laundry room is haunted by a poltergeist (see specter sidebar) blood on the walls and floor.
that throws buckets, mops, and other items at the characters. It
will follow them up the stairs and into the hallway between G19
but will not pursue further. It is the vengeful ghost of the noble’s
goblin laundrymaid.
This door to the ballroom is locked and can be unlocked using This room proceeds as written.
thieves’ tools and a successful DC 15 Dexterity check. The room is
opulent even despite its austere goblinoid influence, with heavy
iron chandeliers and moth-eaten tapestries depicting goblinoids G18. CHILDREN’S ROOM
battling daelkyr. In the center of the ballroom stands a hobgoblin
In this room, a woven tapestry of flesh hangs over broken child
revenant in a scorched ball gown. This is the lady of the estate, sized beds. Faded dragonmarks from the various houses can be
Haaran Thresh. If spoken to, she tells the characters that seeks
seen on the fleshy tapestry, implying they were taken as trophies
vengeance on House Tarkanan for killing her in life and
from slain heirs. Scrolls have also been nailed into the flesh,
imprisoning her in death. describing theories and conspiracies around House Tarkanan’s
founder, Halastar Tarkanan, and a figure known as Mordain the
If Haaran has a hand in defeating Tabaera, she will tell
Fleshweaver being one and the same.
the characters that her husband, Vuutal, also remains in the estate
and wields a blade worthy of the characters’ bravery.
G15. GUEST SUITE The servants’ wing remains the same with the exception that the
servants have been zombified.
G15a. remains a bathroom. In the tub, three rotting corpses of
hobgoblin children are piled upon each other.
When the characters arrive at the Broken Mirror, they find Lin,
Jon, Jane, and Hrabbaz (who still looks the same) trying to wedge a
prosthetic hand onto Lin’s right wrist. Characters can see the
poltaa’kur dangle from a keyring on Hrabbaz’s waist, although
they may not know they’re looking at it yet.
Treasure. Jon and Jane will part with their pistol and
deck of illusions if asked. For each card Jane used from the deck,
subtract it from the amount of cards a character receives.
The characters advance from 3rd to 4th level if they conducted their
own investigation into the fireball and if they affected the
outcome of events in the Broken Mirror. Otherwise, they are still
3rd level at the start of chapter 4.
• If the Boromar Clan is the main villain, the name “Sundry”
is written right by a large X. The X marks Sundry’s
pawnshop in Bazaar.
• If Daask is the main villain, the map leads into Malleon’s
Gate, marking the residence of Braala, an old prizefighting
• If House Tarkanan is the main villain, a spot near Ships’
ord’s out to the syndicates that a blueprint for an Towers is marked with an X. The artifact is with Old
eldritch machine is lost beneath Sharn. With that Saltbreath, a portly sahuagin.
kind of power at their command, there’s no limit to • If the Tyrants are the main villain, the Bear’s Rest in Lower
what they could achieve. The hunt is on to locate Northedge is marked with an X.
the Cannith schema. The poltaa’kur knows where
the schema is sealed in a vault in Duur’Sharaat—
goblin for “Broken Blade”—ancient goblinoid ruins Like the original adventure, you are not bound to the encounter
buried beneath Sharn. Much of this chapter focuses chains provided. Unlike the original adventure, each encounter chain
on the characters’ hunt for the artifact. The challenges they face has its own unique encounters. Sharn is a massive city and can
depend on the villain (or villains) you put before them. No matter facilitate such a change. However, the maps provided in the
the villain or season, the goal is simple: obtain the poltaa’kur, locate encounter chains are still pulled from W:DH or E:RftLW.
an entrance to Duur’Sharaat, and acquire the schema.
successfully buy the artifact, the characters have one last chance to
steal it from the Clan at the Cloud Dragon restaurant (Skyway). Once
a character attunes to the poltaa’kur, it reveals that an entrance to Until the encounter chain is complete, the following weather effects
Duur’Sharaat is beneath the City of the Dead in the cliffs of Sharn. are in play.
The plane of Syrania brings a chill to the air that rivals the ices of
Risia. As winds whip up water from the nearby Dagger River and When this encounter begins, the characters find themselves before
ocean beyond, heavy snowfall blankets Sharn all season. Airship Sundry’s Shop. The windows have been broken and the door busted
traffic actually increases during this time, as the bound elementals’ in.
fiery heat keeps the snow from burdening the ships bound to and
from Sharn. The citizens of Sharn cluster inside warm taverns and
Rain soaks the displays in the shattered windowpanes of
shops before quickly heading home.
Sundry’s shop. The door has been busted off its hinges and you
can hear a commotion inside. A few city guards who were
Winter also brings Long Shadows, the time of the year
dispatched to the scene lie near makeshift cots administering
where evil seems more easily coaxed out into view, and as such, the
makeshift medicines.
magewrights of Sharn have doubled the amount of everbright
lanterns in the streets, changing torch flames into bright hues and
colors to maintain a jolly atmosphere day and night. Daask is adept The few citizens and guards nearby can tell the characters that a
at operating in the shadows, however, and the longer the shadow, horned creature and some goblins barged into Sundry’s shop. As far
the longer their reach. as they know, Sundry is still inside.
The artifact lies in the hands of Braala, a retired prizefighting Sundry’s shop is not much larger than a pantry, and it shows. The
hobgoblin residing in Malleon’s Gate. Braala handed it off to a floor is littered with broken trinkets and baubles, all now valued
warforged who was bound for Khyber’s Gate through Ashblack (the worthless. Four goblins and a minotaur fling drawers out from
Cogs). As the characters explore the Cogs, they learn that the cabinets and shake shelves off the walls, searching for the artifact.
Boromar Clan tipped off the Sharn Watch, who arrested and are At the far end of the shop is Sundry (LE gnome commoner), bloodied
torturing the warforged. When the characters interrupt the torture, and left for dead.
the warforged (or guards) tell them that a duergar with a tentacle
whip made off with the artifact. They said something about getting it The Daask members have not noticed the party yet
blessed, which both parties assume to be at the Pool of Onatar’s (confident they can repel any other reinforcements). However, all
Tears in Blackbones. stealth checks are made with disadvantage due to the sheer amount
of broken glass and debris that litters the floor. The Daask members
Once arrived at the Pool of Onatar’s Tears, the characters cannot be reasoned with and will attack on sight.
speak to the temple forge priest there. They admit a duergar did
come through with an artifact, but only asked for directions on how
to get to House Jorasco’s House of Healing. This leads the characters
out of the Cogs and into High Walls (Lower Tavick’s Landing). High
Walls is currently on a lockdown drill, making both the duergar and Sundry has 1 hit point left and will lose consciousness in a minute
the characters unable to leave the district again. The characters can from blood loss. Any sort of healing magic or effect or a use of a
likely catch the duergar here, but if they don’t, the duergar tries to healer’s kit will stabilize the gnome. While he is grateful for the help,
flee with the artifact but is slain by Felth Dire. Felth Dire takes it to he insists they take him to House Jorasco’s House of Healing to be
the Redblade’s, a tavern that caters to the Deathsgate Explorer’s sure he wasn’t poisoned or cursed or any other reason he can
Club, where the characters can confront her and obtain the artifact. invent. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check against Sundry’s
Charisma (Deception) check reveals that he has ulterior motives for
Once a character or ally attunes to the artifact, it reveals going to the House, but not what they are. If characters press the
that an entrance to Duur’Sharaat is beneath Fallen (Lower Dura). gnome, he slips a ring off of his finger in an attempt to get them to
quit asking. The ring as well as the few other trinkets left intact are
listed under the “Treasure” section below.
Until the encounter chain is complete, the following weather effects If the characters ask Sundry where the artifact is, he says
are in play. he’ll be able to say once he’s at the House of Healing and he’s safe.
At House Jorasco’s House of Healing, Sundry reveals where the The characters must find a way to get airborne. Sharn has plenty of
artifact has gone. He’s not the only one listening, however. flying mounts and services that will take them to the skies. If your
characters are having trouble figuring out how to do this, consider
You arrive at a round building with an enormous dome top. having an ally or merchant nearby offer to give them a ride (even if it
Windows are fogged from the inside as a hot mist permeates means for free). They will need it to reach Hruitt’s skycoach.
throughout the space, incensing it with the smell of lavender
and eucalyptus. Halflings dressed in infirmary uniforms bustle
to and from sickbeds, dragonmarks aglow as they diagnose and
heal groaning patients. You set Sundry on a bed nearby, and a
It does not take long for the characters to find the skycoach. The
halfling scurries away to grab a rate sheet.
vessel is being boarded by Daask forces by the time the characters
As the Jorasco halfling gets busy healing, Sundry gets busy talking. As
he speaks, a character with a Passive Wisdom (Perception) of 16 or
higher realizes that most of the halflings are intently listening to You cruise through thick blankets of fog that envelope you in a
Sundry as well. Sundry tells the characters the following information. cold dampness. The weather seems to have lessened air traffic
today, lending to your search. As the city of Sharn vanishes
• Sundry did have the artifact but sold it to an attendant to a thousands of stories below you, you wonder if you are too late
city council member named Hruitt.
to save Hruitt from plummeting to their death.
• Daask came looking for the artifact, and Sundry had no
choice but to tell them who has it in exchange for his life. You shake the thought as you can hear harpy screeches in
• They might be able to catch the attendant by skycoach the distance. Shredding through a dark cloud, a skycoach with
before it’s too late. The attendant, a Lyrandar heir, is likely the figurehead of an owl is under attack by harpies and
the pilot of Hruitt’s personal skycoach. kobolds. You’re bound to intercept the ship any second now!
• Hruitt’s skycoach is hard to miss; it has a figurehead of a
giant owl in flight. The characters are 60 feet away from the skycoach, atop which
If the characters ask Sundry about the eavesdropping halflings, he Hruitt is defending himself. Three harpies and five winged kobolds
tells them to pay them no mind. He goes on to say that Hruitt has fly 30 feet around the skycoach, swooping at Hruitt and landing on
done huge financial harm to the House of Healing, a lie purely the deck when necessary. None of the Daask forces have noticed the
invented to smear the Boromar rival. characters.
Beyond this, the House of Healing does provide services
for the beaten adventurer. Listed below is a rate sheet for the types HRUITT AS A COMBATANT
of services a character can receive.
Hruitt (giant owl) is a former aerial racer, matching his agility with
House Jorasco’s House of Healing Rates his wisdom. When Hruitt catches on that the characters are fending
off his assailants, he begins to try evasive maneuvers and let them
handle the rest (taking the Dodge or Hide action is a good way to
Potion of healing…………………………………. 25 gp simulate this). Hruitt can transform back into a human form, in
which form he uses the noble statistics.
Antitoxin……………………………………………….. 50 gp
In the event that Hruitt falls off the skycoach and is unable
to transform into an owl, the Lyrandar pilot at the helm brings the
Cure wounds…………………………………………. 50 gp skycoach into a nosedive, putting all combatants in free fall until
Hruitt is scooped onto the vessel again. You can use the “Falling in
Sharn” table in chapter 3 of Eberron: Rising from the Last War to see
Lesser restoration…………………………… 200 gp what happens to the characters. In any case, any surviving
combatants can finish the battle on map 4.11, “Sharn Heights” in
Greater restoration………………………..1,000 gp chapter 4 of E:RftLW.
characters time to make off with the artifact. How the characters
acquire the artifact is something he cannot help with.
After the battle, Hruitt remains on guard with the characters. Hruitt
believes that the characters are from the Boromar Clan. Knowing
how the Clan operates from feuding with them, he believes they will
not kill him. This leads him to demand an explanation from the The Aurora Gallery uses map 4.6 “Courthouse” from W:DH. The
characters. Whether he maintains his owl form or human form is up auction house is under tight security as many treasures are
to you—either one can speak, read, and understand common. maintained and kept within vaults warded by House Kundarak.
artifact unless it is in the staging office). Otherwise, each vault holds
H4. STAGING OFFICE any assortment of gemstones, art objects, or magic items worth 500
This room is used to store items that have gone off the auction floor
or are waiting to be brought onto it. At any given time, there are 1d8
art objects worth 250 gp in this room. When the characters enter
this room for the first time, roll a percentile die. There is a 20%
chance the poltaa’kur is in this room. This is where clerks and security enter the auction house. A
warforged soldier stands guard here behind a pair of steel doors
Security. At all times, a warforged knight guards this room. secured by an iron bar. It takes two people to lift the bar that
Furthermore, the desk on which the items rest are warded with an obstructs the doors to the outside. A successful DC 21 Strength
alarm that activates whenever someone who isn’t a clerk or security (Athletics) check enables one person to do it alone.
officer touches the items on it. The ward isn’t perfect, however, and
can be avoided via means of magic like the disguise self spell or a
changeling’s “shapechanger” trait.
Stoneyard is home to many in the shifter community. Like other
Where the hall meets the vaults and the lockers, an alarm spell lies
demographics that might be perceived as wild or even monstrous,
and can be avoided in the same manner as the one in the staging
Stoneyard is a haven for shifters and lycanthropes where they may
office (H4). Each vault has a consecutive 20% chance of holding the
otherwise be discriminated against elsewhere in Sharn. They are
poltaa’kur (meaning the fifth vault checked should always have the
quick to protect each other and eliminate threats; the strength of
the pack is more than just a phrase in Stoneyard. Wind howls through the Hollow Tower, meeting your every
step with a gentle resistance as you make your way inside.
Leara greets the characters in the hrazhak court under Stands encircle a massive bottomless chasm in the center of
what appears to be a pool of moonlight. A DC 15 Intelligence the tower, giving credence to its titular name. Rolling, leaping,
(Arcana) reveals that the pool of moonlight is magical, as does any and tumbling over the chasm in the center are a dozen Phiarlan
spell that detects magic. 2d8 shifters hang around the court talking artists. Winged beasts catch toys in midair or perform soaring
amongst themselves. One of these shifters is a druid and responsible aerial loops. Not a single performer seems nervous that they
for the pool of moonlight; in reality, it is a moonbeam spell that are quite literally walking on air, save for one trapeze artist
Leara is hoping will catch any shapeshifters in disguise. After the doing an intricate stunt with sconces at the end of their
initial damage is done, she summons the druid over to immediately balancing pole and a chimera high overhead. A frustrated
heal any wounded party members, explaining with the reasons woman, the ringmaster, calls up to the trapeze artist not to
above why she did what she did. worry.
If there are shapechangers among the characters, Two giant bats, two hippogriffs, two griffons, and one chimera
however, Leara shrieks, convinced they are Tyrant spies that have create the menagerie of exotic beasts in the Carnival of Shadows.
been sent after her to make sure she isn’t snitching. At this time, the Ten of the performers use the statistics of magewrights
shifters on the sidelines begin to approach with the intent to protect (performers), while the ringmaster Philomina d’Phiarlan uses the
Leara. The characters can attempt to calm her down using any sort statistics of an illusionist. The trapeze artist is Gen, the Tyrant
of charming magic or abilities, or succeed on a DC 20 Charisma associate (changeling) meant to acquire the artifact. Their lack of
(Persuasion) check to return her to her senses. training and agility is noticeable.
However the characters convince Leara that they’re safe to The House is not hostile to the characters and welcome
speak with, she tells them the same information all the same: The them as a private audience. Gen on the other hand, protests their
poltaa’kur has been passed onto a House Phiarlan ring master. The company, complaining that they already can’t focus on their routine.
House’s Carnival of Shadows is set to start any day now, and as such,
she says that the character could catch them rehearsing in the If the characters bring up the poltaa’kur, Gen grows
Hollow Tower (Middle Dura). A DC 15 Intelligence (History) check on nervous. Philomina on the other hand tries her best to deflect and
the Carnival of Shadows makes it known that House Phiarlan puts on change the subject. Their exchange can go on as long as you’d like,
this feast for the eyes in Smoky Towers (Middle Menthis). The acts but the catalyist for the next event comes whenever you’re ready.
use a mesmerizing blend of illusion magic, sleight of hand, and
exotic beasts. The wind roars as a blustering squall rushes into the tower from
the pit. The trapeze artist shrieks as they lose their footing and
plummet right onto the chimera beneath them. Spooked, the
chimera roars back, a jet of flame pluming high into the air on
the wind. The other animals cry and whine in a panic now too!
On its draconic wings, the chimera dives at the ringmaster and
chomps before twirling away and into the streets of Sharn—the
artifact in its mouth.
The chase begins with the chimera 90 feet ahead and lasts ten information about Dolessen. Those who lived in Menthis make this
rounds. On the tenth round, offer a skycoach or other transport to check with advantage.
your characters—for a hefty price. If they accept, they can match the
pace of the chimera, inevitably trailing it to Daca’s Watch. Once at the Broken Anchor, Dolessen isn’t hard to find.
Otherwise, if the chimera escapes them, an ally, broadsheet
(newspaper), or circumstance reveals to them that the chimera has The rowdy jeers of the Broken Anchor’s patrons are surpassed
taken roost at Daca’s Watch. only in volume by the lilting notes of a flute soaring overhead.
On a raised stage in the corner of the bar, a dragonborn plays a
solo on a carbon-black flute underneath colorful incandescent
light. He points to the bartender with a wink. The bartender
nods and with a wave of his hand, dims the lights over the
stage. You watch the dragonborn exhale hard and in a moment
the flute ignites with jets of flame dancing on his breath. The
crowd cheers as the dragonborn bard takes a bow.
• Harming the beast will set her free, but she advises it If Dolessen is convinced to soothe the chimera, he does so by
would be unwise to upset House Phiarlan or endanger playing a song on his flute that appeals to both bard and beast’s
citizens. draconic lineages. It is enough of a moment for the beast to drop the
• Cryptically, Daca refers to “the son of dragons, an anchor, poltaa’kur as it flies off to new horizons. Daca, evidently unphased,
and a flaming flute” as the one who can tame the beast. remains on her pillar.
A character can make a DC 10 Intelligence (History or Investigation)
check to decipher some of Daca’s clues: specifically that she’s talking Just as the beast escapes, however, four changelings
about someone at the Broken Anchor tavern (Warden Towers, posing as spectators watching the scene enact the scene they have
Middle Menthis). been rehearsing for. Read the following to your players:
The beast drops the artifact from its mouth and into the crowd.
At the Broken Anchor, the clientele are rowdy and always boasting. Daca, unphased, smiles warmly still and waves a meager
Many being immigrants from the pirate-laiden coasts of Lhazaar, goodbye to the chimera. Suddenly a woman cries from the
they’re no strangers to swashbuckling and starting the night with a crowd. “Help!” she shouts. “That man is trying to take my
drink and finishing it with a fistfight. Dolessen the Smoking Flute is a child!”
dragonborn bard from Lhazaar who came to Sharn with dreams of
making it big in the city. Most in Menthis have heard of him already; A man shoves his way through the crowd with a young girl
he’s the red dragon who uses their fire breath to light up their flute in his clutches. The two of them begin to take off through the
as he plays. If any of your characters are native to Sharn, they can street.
make a DC 15 Intelligence (History) check to learn the above
These changelings have planned this since the chimera first claimed
Daca. One plays the role of the mother while the two play the roles
of kidnapper and the child. The fourth unseen changeling swipes the
poltaa’kur and takes off in the opposite direction. A player with a
Passive Wisdom (Perception) of 16 or higher notices the other
changeling taking off with the poltaa’kur despite the diversion.
The kidnapper and the child run 120 feet away and turn a
corner where they wait for the “mother” to join them when the At the Bazaar Belltower (or wherever the characters may be), a foul-
coast is clear. If the changelings are pursued and caught, they mouthed sailor puts everyone on edge with his drunken ranting.
maintain that the characters have it all wrong—the child doubling Rannidrend “Randy” Seahome is hellbent on making a ruckus.
down on the fact. These changelings also wear the T-shaped earrings
of the Tyrants, as does the changeling playing the mother. The A man off his keester hiccups in between his drunken tirade.
Tyrants are reluctant to draw their weapons, but will do so if they Other patrons in the establishment have given him a wide
feel threatened. berth as he swings his arms or bangs his fist to really punctuate
his words. “I’ve been sleeping on these boiling streets while
If a character pursues the changeling with the poltaa’kur, that fat fish parties it up in my home! My home! Once I get me
once again begin an urban chase using the rules from chapter 8 of a big ol’ knife, marching right back down to Ship’s Towers to
the Dungeon Master’s Guide. The chase lasts 5 rounds with the fillet that Old Saltbreath!”
changeling beginning 60 feet ahead. If the culprit isn’t caught here,
Daca again issues a riddle: “What you seek has tumbled down to the
diamond in the rough.” A character can again make a DC 10 If the characters don’t take the hint, have patrons actively leave
Intelligence (History or Investigation) check to learn that Daca is their establishment or mutter that they wish someone would
referencing the Diamond theater in Downstaris, Lower Menthis. intervene. Randy (NG bandit) has lost his home to Old Saltbreath. If
the characters talk to him, he reveals the following information:
by attacking the ship’s hull to allow it to escape. If the shark enters • Ceilings and doorways are 7 feet high.
combat, one of the sahuagin atop the deck are alerted to the • There are no light sources.
intruders via their “shark telepathy” trait. • Due to the heat, the stench in the sewers is sickening.
Characters become poisoned by the stench unless they
Old Saltbreath is not on the ship, a fact revealed if the have some way to repel the stench. This effect lasts until
characters go above decks. A character who can communicate with they leave the sewers.
the sahuagin learns that Old Saltbreath is in the dreamlily den
nearby (D3). B1. SEWER ACCESS
This area proceeds as written with the following change: instead of
D2. DEN ANTECHAMBER any official notice by city officials, the door merely reads “JACKALS
In this small room lies a coffer with 100 sp. It is guarded by a tortle
and an inspired. The tortle acts as a bouncer for anyone trying to
score dreamlily without paying the price, while the inspired B2. SEWERS
kalashtar acts as Vezt Deshirod’s informant and quori connection.
The two refuse to allow anyone into the den, merely stating that the This area proceeds as written.
“boss wanted a private session”. If the sahuagin aboard the Dagger’s
Scabbard have not yet been alerted to the party, the inspired does
their best to get their help while the tortle defends the den.
This area proceeds as written.
This den is outfitted with a special apparatus that vaporizes
dreamlily into a gas. Old Saltbreath (sahuagin baron) and four This area proceeds as written.
female kuo-toa are each have some kind of mask strapped around
their mouth and nostrils and are catatonic. A DC 15 Wisdom
(Medicine) check reveals that they have been put into a euphoric B5. ARROW SLITS
slumber under the effects of inhaling dreamlily.
This area proceeds as written, except a half-orc thug stands watch,
This sleep is nonmagical and any means of stirring a person listening for the iron door (B4).
from sleep work on these creatures. Alternatively, the dream spell
allows one to communicate with Old Saltbreath or the kuo-toa. If
cast, the messenger sees a rather risqué dream between Saltbreath
and the kuo-toa before being able to shape the dream to their will. This area proceeds as written, except 2 shifters also listen for the
The kuo-toa have no information to reveal, but communicating with iron door (B4).
Saltbreath (whether through the sleeping or waking world) reveals
the following:
• The artifact has been smuggled back into the city via the
This area proceeds as written with the following exceptions: it has
sewers. A wererat named Wretch took it from Saltbreath.
been repurposed to be a living area for rats that the Jackals train.
• Saltbreath is working with House Tarkanan to fuel his
One shifter trains two giant rats named Beef and Taters to stand on
narcotic addiction and operation. He says that a Kalashtar
their hind legs.
woman makes some of the best dreamlily product in
If the characters promise not to harm Saltbreath or report him to B8. SUNKEN CELLAR
the authorities, he’ll tell them that the sewers belong to the Red
Jackals, shifters and half orcs who are very territorial. This area proceeds as written.
The sewers use map 4.7 “Cellar Complex” in W:DH for their
encounter locations. It is assumed at this point that the characters
have trekked through the sewers for a few hours before reaching This large area encompasses everything a hideout would need to
this location, as they are traveling across the city’s entire sewer meet the most basic needs. Straw cots, moldy furniture, and even
complex. The sewers have the following features: water logged playing cards provide rest and relaxation for the Red
Jackals. At any given time, 1d6 + 4 shifters keep themselves busy in The calm emotions spell or other effects like it can quash
this area. the riot for the time being, allowing the characters to learn where
Wretch was taken. Both shifters and priests will answer the likeliest
spot is Coldflame Keep (High Hope, Middle Northedge).
B11. CHEWIE’S ROOM Alternatively, both shifters and priests alike can be intimidated into
revealing their suspicions with a DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation)
The entirety of area B11 has been flooded with wastewater. The
room itself is sunk 10 feet below and belongs to “Chewie”, the giant check. If the shifters or priests have not entered combat yet,
crocodile the Jackals use to eliminate any evidence or tresspassers. characters make this roll with disadvantage.
Chewie can’t escape their room, but any hostile encounters with the
shifters in the living quarters (B10) will prompt them to try and lure
the charactes to Chewie in an attempt to feed the hungry, hungry
sewer croc.
The shrine in question is Fathen’s Shrine, a priest of the Silver Flame “Thou shalt not burn within the flame
who ended a scourge of wererats in Sharn. Worshippers of the Silver
Flame often make pilgrimage to the shrine, but the shifter If thou can speak her holy name”
community has always heard stories of Fathen discriminating
persecute all of their kin whether or not they were true
lycanthropes. Behind the tableau, a veil of silver flames blocks the path
Only minutes before, zealots from the Silver Flame
kidnapped Wretch, the House Tarkanan smuggler. Whipped up into The paladin is Tira Miron, who gave her life to bind an ancient
frenzy, both sides—numbering well over thirty--are too furious to demon within the Silver Flame. She is often seen as a martyr and
reveal where they suspect the zealots took Wretch. some visage or tribute to her can be found in nearly every Silver
Flame church.
The Sharn Watch was only recently deployed to prevent a
riot and have yet to gain a handle on what incited the violence in the The candles burn with the essence of the Silver Flame and
first place. They warn that characters who interfere will be punished can’t be extinguished. A character who tries to cross the veil of
with fines or even arrested. Meanwhile, bloodthirsty shifters and flame takes 26 (4d12) radiant damage and is blinded for 8 hours. A
wrathful practitioners of the Flame are itching for the chance for the character can make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw at the end of
other side to strike first and call it “self-defense”. If a character goes every hour to end this effect.
to try and help the slain shifters or priests (a futile attempt unless in
possession of spells that can raise the dead), the other side takes
that as a decision made against them, and attacks (4 shifters if the
priests are helped or 4 priests if the shifters are helped). 8 guards This particular statue also includes four saints from
also get involved, trying to subdue the combatants instead of killing
Coldflame Keep: Tulio, closest to Tira; Imelda, behind Tulio;
them. Rhiannon, third furthest from Tira; and Archibald, the furthest from
Tira. Each saint holds a number of candles: Tulio, twenty; Imelda, • They were caught by these zealots and brought here to be
nine; Rhiannon, eighteen; and Archibald, one. The number of tortured. They only cared that Wretch is a lycanthrope
candles each saint holds corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. and didn’t seem to care about the artifact at all.
Characters can count into the alphabet to learn what letter each • They tied up Wretch and kept them blindfolded and
number corresponds to. The proximity of the saints to Tira spells out gagged until it was time to torture them.
her name: (T)ulio, (I)melda, (R)hiannon, (A)rchibald. Once a • Sometime into their torture, the zealots fell over, dead.
character speaks her name, “Tira”, aloud, the veil of flames vanishes, If left unsupervised, Wretch flees back to the sewers.
and it is safe to proceed.
The dead zealots succumbed to the poisoned wine sent by
A character does not need to “solve” the puzzle to know Oleander, Wretch’s contact. The bottle of wine lies within the
Tira’s name. For example, if they follow the Silver Flame, they may chapel, as does a few other items that function as red herrings. A
know already who the tableau depicts. censer full of powdered silver, a basin of holy water, and holy
symbols of the Silver Flame all look suspicious—how that’s so can be
HINT CHECKS left up to you.
Any character has the option of making these ability checks to A successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check on the
receive a hint. zealots reveals that they were poisoned by a liquid. If the characters
try the wine bottle for clues, it lists its ingredients but not any sort of
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 15. The character senses that the vintner or place of business. A successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature)
name of the saints may have something to do with the name of the check on the wine deciphers the ingredient listed as atropa
paladin. belladonna as the poisonous deadly nightshade. After this check is
made, another DC 15 Intelligence (History) check reminds a
Intelligence (Religion) DC 10. The character knows that these are character that they have heard of a tavern in Sharn by the same
important figures of the Silver Flame and that the order of the saints name: Nightshade.
to the paladin is important.
Alternatively, the detect poison and disease spell reveals
Wisdom (Insight) DC 10. The character senses that the number of that the wine is poisoned. Ingesting the wine also reveals that it is
candles isn’t arbitrary. poisoned; a character must succeed a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw, taking 44 poison damage and immediately falls unconscious
on a failure or take half as much on a successful one.
In the chapel behind the tableau, Wretch clings to their life in the
middle of half a dozen dead templars.
except he doesn’t need to maintain concentration, and the liquor
bottles deal poison damage instead of fire (simulating the poisoned
liquor shattering on impact). Just as if it were a spell, dispel magic or
Braala is gruff and stern, but quite a pleasant chatter. She lives and
a similar effect returns the bottles to their mundanity.
manages the facility in which she trains the citizens of Malleon’s
Once Oleander is reduced to half his hit point maximum, Gate how to fight. She is in Daask’s pocket, as the organization sees
he’ll yield and produce the poltaa’kur. a perfect recruiter and trainer for future soldiers. She has a coin
purse on her person holding 150 gp, her fee for housing the artifact.
tiefling thugs scrub the soot off of armor in the chamber east of the
coolant tower (W5).
The watch towers in the Cogs are constructed from a Fernian basalt
alloy which insulates the interiors from the extreme heat outside. W7. CAPTAIN’S QUARTERS
The following features apply unless an area description or encounter
states otherwise: These quarters serve as the squad leader’s personal bedroom. A
hammock has been strung up in the northeast corner with a book
• Rooms have 15-foot-high ceilings, with 10-foot-high holding illustrations of scantily clad succubi inside it. A missing stone
passages and 7-foot-high doorways connecting them. underneath the book serves as a hiding spot for.a small sack
• The entire watch tower is dimly lit. The molten glow of containing 50 gp—the bribe from the Boromar contact. Characters
the Cogs streams into the tower through numerous in this room can hear someone interrogating and beating someone
portholes no larger than one’s finger. in the holding cell adjacent to this room on the left (W8).
Smith activated the temple’s defense mechanisms and cast some Dynamic Elements. The cogs and the rune become more dangerous
low level magic to try and oust the duergar. The duergar fled, but the longer the trap remains active.
the mechanisms are still between the characters and Smith.
Cogs Accelerate. The cogs move with increasing speed, slowing only
Walking for hours through the stifling mines of the Cogs, you when they hit a target. Each time the cogs miss with an attack, their
finally arrive at a small temple of gleaming brass. Inside, the next attack becomes harder to avoid. After each miss, the cogs’
clacks and whirs of machinery rumble the earth surrounding attack bonus increases by 2, and their damage increases by 3 (1d6).
the solitary temple. Steam from a tall, fluted chimney rises up These benefits apply until the cogs hit a target, after which the
high, suggesting water within. There are no signs of life outside values return to normal.
its walls—or tentacled duergar.
Rune’s Defense. Tampering with the Rune of Corrosion increases
The defense mechanisms were built into the temple in order to keep the trap’s power. Each successful check on an attempt to disable the
looters away from the pool. When the characters enter the temple, raining rune increases the damage of the cogs and the crushing
they see the following: pillars by 5 (1d10) and increases the rune’s saving throw DC by 1.
Drawing near the front doors of the temple, the machine Constant Elements. The Whirling Cogs and the Rune of Corrosion
sounds shriek and the ground trembles beneath you. Opening affect each creature that ends its turn in an area affected by these
the brass doors, enormous cogwheels carve into the temple elements.
floor at a speed that betrays their size and weight. Beyond their
Whirling Cogs. Any creature that ends its turn in the cogs’ area is
whirling spokes, decorative hammers as large as carriages
targeted by an attack: +5 attack bonus; 5 (1d10) bludgeoning
pummel the earth with every synchronized fall. In the glimpses
damage on a hit.
you catch between the trap, you can see two larger, ornate
doors at the end of this pulverizing hallway. Rune of Corrosion. Any creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of
the far end of the corridor must make a saving throw against the
Rune of Corrosion effect.
You ascend from the Cogs back onto the wintry streets of High
Once the characters pass through the Pulverizing Path, they find Walls in Tavick’s Landing. The streets are packed tight with
Smith in a small chapel with the Pool of Onatar’s Tears. destitute refugees bearing Cyran garb, the green hues of their
threadbare clothing like pine trees amongst the falling snow.
The doors fling open as you throw yourselves through the
“Out of the way!” Roars a brooding knight in a red cloak.
trapped hallway. A small chapel houses no pews or alters but
“Any residents defying lockdown protocols will be severely
instead a large basin of water set within the rock itself. It smells punished!”
slightly sulphuric and fizzles with steam. A warforged adorned
in soaking priestly robes wrings out the water back into the The residents of High Walls are reluctant to speak ill of the
Redcloaks (who use the veteran stats) for fear of retribution. They
pool. They take notice at your arrival and run for their mace.
can be bribed to reveal information at a price you see fit.
Alternatively, a character can make a DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion)
check to get a resident to fill the characters in on the Redcloaks’
“Leave!” They shout. “Else I banish you like the other goon!” lockdown and methods of punishment. A character with a Cyran
background makes this check with advantage. A DC 15 Intelligence
(History) check can also reveal this information.
Smith (LG warforged priest) assumes the characters are with the
duergar but is quick to change their mind if the characters explain
The lockdown drill lasts for four hours, during which no
they’re after the duergar.
one is allowed to enter or leave High Walls. 1d6 + 2 Redcloaks are
posted at each exit (a number that you decide), and residents are
Smith explains how he offered for the duergar to come in
ordered out of their businesses and onto the streets while the
when he asked for directions, and shortly after he tried to force
Redcloaks simulate hostage situations, finding fugitives, and so on
Smith to attune to the artifact he was carrying which is how Smith
and so forth.
took a tumble into the pool. If he sees the characters with corroded
gear, he allows them to dunk them in the pool which removes any
penalties (a destroyed weapon is still destroyed).
detained by a pair of manacles that can be unlocked with a DC 15
Dexterity check made with thieves’ tools.
• Daask sends five goblins and a goblin boss, (70 percent
chance) or three cockatrices and an ogre (30 percent
• House Tarkanan sends three drow and one inspired (70
percent chance) or a Tarkanan assassin with two CR 1
living spells (30 percent chance).
• The Tyrants send three changelings and a changeling spy
(70 percent chance) or two changelings and a
doppleganger (30 percent chance).
Invisible Creature. Any creature under the effect of the invisibility
spell counts as this key, as do naturally invisible creatures.
The keys are further described below, in alphabetical order. Select Pair of Bugbear Ears. Daask employs bugbears and many make their
three from the list. home in Malleon’s Gate. Characters can chop the ears off them. A
live bugbear also counts as the key.
Animal Companion. A character may already have an animal
companion if they are a druid or a ranger. The find familiar spell (so Pirate’s Cutlass. A pirate’s cutlass is on display on the wall in the
long as the creature is a beast) also fulfills the requirement of the Broken Anchor (Warden Towers, Middle Menthis). The characters
key. Characters can also purchase animal companions from can also find a discarded cutlass with a DC 15 Intelligence
Maynard’s Menagerie (Deathsgate, Middle Tavick’s Landing). Rats (Investigation) check anywhere in Cliffside.
and spiders hide in the ruins of Duur’Sharaat, and charming these
creatures also fulfills the key requirement. Pocket Sized King. A king of this size can be found as a piece of a
dragonchess set or on a playing card. Either can be bought at Roll
Animated Construct. Any creature of the construct type works as and Conquer (Bazaar, Middle Dura).
this key, including warforged. An object animated by the animate
objects spell also qualifies as this key. Tattoo. A character can acquire a tattoo at the Veil of Flesh (Shae
Lias, Upper Northedge) for 1 gp. Dragonmarks do not qualify as
Bottle of Poisoned Wine. A bottle of poisoned wine can be tattoos.
purchased at Nigthshade (Shae Lias, Upper Northedge) for 50 gp.
Any poisoned bottle of wine will qualify. Two Identical People. A changeling that shifts to look like another
character qualifies as the key. Similarly, the reflection of a person (as
Cleansing Stone. A cleansing stone can be bought in any at any of if caused by a mirror or another effect) also acts as the key.
Sharn’s magical purveyors for 25 gp.
Undead Noble. An Undying Councilor in Gates of Passage or the
Dinosaur. A fastieth or clawfoot can be found in Little Plains (Middle actor playing the Late Count in the Sharn Opera House (Upper
Menthis). Kept as pets to the halflings that live there, the halfling Menthis) qualify as the key.
owner would be willing to travel to Duur’Sharaat with their dinosaur
for 5 gp. Alternatively, a character who transforms into a dinosaur, Unquenchable Flame. Flames produced by an everbright lantern or
or any other kind of dinosaur the characters may have come across the continual flame spell qualify as the key.
also qualifies.
Zil Brandy. An exquisitely rare brandy from Zilargo, this spirit can be
Dragonshard. An Eberron dragonshard qualifies as one key, a Khyber found in Den’iyas (Upper Menthis) for 50 gp.
dragonshard qualifies as two keys, and a Syberis dragonshard
qualifies as three keys. Each dragonshard can be found at Crystals of
Denion (Silvergate, Upper Tavick’s Landing) but the prices are steep.
Furless Shifter. A shaved shifter can qualify for this key, but so can
shifters who naturally do not have fur.
Harpy’s Song. Harpies are common among the theaters and taverns
of Sharn, where their enchanting voices can keep customers’ coin
coming. A harpy can be convinced with a fee or with a successful DC
12 Charisma (persuasion) check. If the characters are enemies of
Daask, there is a 40 percent chance the check is made with
disadvantage as the harpy is associated with the syndicate.
Hrazhak Totem. The popular shifter sport hrazhak has a few courts
in North Market and Stoneyard (Lower Northedge). A totem can be
purchased for 10 cp or stolen from shifter children. A character who
attempts to steal a totem must succeed a DC 12 Dexterity (Sleight of
Hand) check, alerting a gang of six protective shifters if they fail who
attempt to get the totem back.
d6 First key Second key Third Key
1 Animal Companion Animated Construct Bottle of Poisoned Wine
2 Cleansing Stone Dinosaur Dragonshard
3 Furless Shifter Harpy’s Song Hrazhak Totem
4 Invisible Creature Pair of Bugbear Ears Pirate’s Cutlass
5 Pocket Sized King Tattoo Two Identical People
6 Undead Noble Unquenchable Flame Zil brandy
• Three pillars running the length of the hall are carved to
resemble glaring hobgoblin heroes.
• The west wall bears a cracked mosaic that depicts a
hobgoblin woman blowing a mighty horn, from which a
Once the characters have the artifact, they can use it to determine city and goblinoids unfurl from its flaming end (in the
the location of Duur’Sharaat and the keys needed to enter it. As they south end of the wall is a secret door).
descend into Duur’Sharaat, describe the following scene to them: • Three archways in the east wall lead to crumbling bridges
that span the entrance foyer (V2) and end in front of
adamantine doors (leading to V6, V7, and V8).
You begin your descent deep beneath Sharn. Deep beneath Old Afterwards, this area proceeds as written, with the exception that
Sharn. Deeper than you’ve ever delved into the subterranean the secret door opens automatically if a goblinoid touches it.
world of Khyber. The ancient Dhakaani never stood where you
do now, but soon you’ll be amongst their streets, their V5. SECRET ROOM
buildings, their homes. What awaits you: the decrepit crypt of a
long-forgotten necropolis? Or a metropolis preserved beneath This area proceeds as written, with the exception that the silver
statuette found in Urn 5 is instead an adamantine dagger with a
the weight of time, like an insect in amber?
Dhakaani dirge singer etched into the blade (it is still worth and
Deep in the belly of Khyber, dragonshards cast their plum- weighs the same).
colored hues across an enormous cavern. The toothy maw you
had taken for spires of rock now take form. They’re not rocks—
their towers. Tower after tower after tower stretches for miles
in every direction, weathered by the ages but still standing This area proceeds as written, with the exception that any Dwarvish
defiant against the rot of time. Duur’Sharaat sprawls as far as influence is replaced with Goblin influence.
the eye can see, thousands upon thousands of more roads,
bridges, towers, courtyards, and tombs than Sharn and Old
Sharn combined. As you stare into the city, the city stares into V7. DAGII’S SECRET
you, hollow eyes unflinching and unrelenting, a skull fixed upon
This area proceeds as written, with these exceptions:
the living. An ancient fog clings to the towers’ base, a breath of
decay on which whispers the question: “Are you worthy?”
• Any Dwarvish influence is replaced with Goblin influence.
• “Dumathoin” is replaced by a goblin referred to as “Dagii”.
• The Dhakaani are agnostic people, so the DC 14
Intelligence (Religion) check is instead a DC 14 Intelligence
(History) check to recall that Dagii is a legendary goblin
The areas of Duur’Sharaat have the same features as written in thief.
This area proceeds as written with these exceptions:
The following locations are keyed to map 4.9, “Vault of Dragons”
in W:DH. • The painted statue is of an armored bugbear.
• A successful DC 17 Intelligence (History) check instead of a
V1. VAULT DOOR DC 17 Intelligence (Religion) check reveals the statue to be
This area proceeds as written, with the exception that the the legendary barbarian, Guul’vus. Her legend says that
Dwarvish runes are Goblin runes. she dragged fire out of the heads of the mountains to the
earth below, explaining volcanic eruptions.
This area proceeds as written, with the exception that the images of
dwarf warriors are instead hobgoblin warriors. When the characters arrive at the Main Vault (V9) for the
first time, read:
V3. STAIRS AND FRESCO The gynosphinx is Flamewind, who anyone affiliated with Morgrave
University may recall. She came to Duur’Sharaat not for the schema,
This area proceeds as written, with this exception to the fresco: but because she believes that its related to the Draconic Prophecy
instead of dwarves battling goblins, goblinoids battle daelkyr (see chapter 1 of Eberron: Rising from the Last War for more
emerging from a cave mouth instead. information). Ultimately, the Draconic Prophecy is not important for
this adventure; use it as a device to set up further adventures!
V4. HALL OF JHAZAAL Perhaps owing to her feline likeness, Flamewind is curious
This 20-foot-high hall has the following features: about the skills of the characters. Knowing they came for the
schema, she tells them she will allow them to record it if they can
first solve her riddle. Any attempt to decipher the schema or decline
her challenge prompts a defensive reaction from her.
The schema is the wall-spanning blueprint carved into the As the characters leave the vault, with or without the schema, they
wall. A character who can read and understand goblin understands are confronted by a hostile force sent by the main villain or villains.
the carvings in the wall to be mathematical formulas and equations. They are confronted by these antagonists in area V2:
The machine in the center of the blueprint is whatever eldritch
• If the Boromar Clan is the main villain, they encounter
machine that was selected at the beginning of the adventure. A DC
Lazlo Boromar (LE halfling abjurer) and two halfling thugs
20 Intelligence (Investigation or Arcana) check might reveal what the
atop two clawfoots. Since the clan doesn’t like to kill, Lazlo
machine’s purpose is. A character attuned to the artifact knows that
will attempt to only use damaging spells as a last resort.
House Cannith and some ancient Dhakaani artificers worked in
secret on many powerful machines such as this one. • If Daask is the main villain, they send Niho Koi and two
Characters can record the schema like they would record • If House Tarkanan is the main villain, they send Vezt
any other piece of written information, or it can be recorded onto Deshirod and three Tarkanan assassins.
the poltaa’kur. It takes four hours to record all the information. • If the Tyrants are the main villain, Juise (elder oblex)
disguised as a changeling and three changelings. The
Tyrants are also not prone to killing, but Juise will fight
friend and foe without restraint.
“Five times three equals one. How is this possible?” If the characters joined one or more patrons in Sharn and kept them
informed on their progress, you can have reinforcements arrive to
The answer to Flamewind’s riddle is: Sharn. Five wards, multiplied by
help combat the villains or introduce a new element to the situation.
their Upper, Middle, and Lower sections, equals one city—Sharn.
Clifftop Adventurer’s Guild. If the characters joined the
HINT CHECKS guild, Anton Calabra (a knight with a speed of 25 feet) joins to fight
the villains with the characters.
Any character has the option of making these ability checks to
receive a hint: Sharn Inquisitive. If the characters joined the newspaper
agency, Buzz (swashbuckler) joins to fight the villains with the
Intelligence (Investigation) DC 10: The character recognizes that the characters.
The room is bathed in a golden light from the boulder sized Inquisitve Agency. If the characters joined the Information
Syberis dragonshard suspended in its center. Behind the Acquisition agency, Hound (veteran) and four half-orc scouts join to
fight the villains with the characters.
luminous dragonshard stands a wall scarred with intricate
carvings. These carvings are organized neatly into rows and Morgrave University. If the characters joined Morgrave
almost formulaic. Front and center in the carved wall is an University, Val ir’Morgrave (a Tiny sized illusionist) join to fight the
image of what appears to be a machine. Although you do not villains with the characters.
understand its purpose, you understand from its sheer scope
that it is immensely powerful.
“Excellent timing,” says a sphinx gliding down from The adventure can reach its end in a number of ways, depending on
atop the dragonshard. “Though the prophecy didn’t say there’d who gets the schema.
be this many of you.”
riddle is not based in mathematics. Five and three are parts, and one DYING IN DUUR’SHARAAT
is the whole sum of those parts.
If the characters die before encountering the villains in
Wisdom (Insight) DC 10: The character senses the riddle has Duur’Sharaat, Flamewind seals the vault with the corpses of the
something to do with Sharn. characters inside and returns to Morgrave. With the poltaa’kur
sealed within as well, no one is able to find Duur’Sharaat again. The
characters keep it out of the villains’ hands and they live on through
TREASURE the bell tower.
A stone coffer sits before the schema. Inside are 2d4 (5) 250 gp art
objects, 3d6 (10) 50 gp gemstones, and a manual of golems.
If the characters secure the schema and fend off the villains, Merrix
is eager to hear from them. Upon delivering the schema to Merrix at
Dragon Towers, he fulfills their payment in full as agreed upon and
even tells them they can keep the artifact since he has no need for it
The characters advance from 4th to 5th level by the end of this
adventure. If the characters have escaped Duur’Sharaat but want to
pursue the villains further, they may also advance from 4th to 5th
level now.
d100 Location
01-25 Lazlo is in the Boss’s Office.
26-50 Lazlo is on the VIP Balcony.
51-75 Lazlo is in the Observation Room.
pring has sprung, and soon will the Boromar Clan’s 76-100 Lazlo is in the Green Room, soliciting an actress.
trap. With the poltaa’kur in their possession, the
Clan has arranged to meet with the engineers and
artificers who can construct their eldritch machine.
The Clan has elected to make this deal where the
odds are always in their favor: at the King of Fire in
The King of Fire earns its name from the fiery colors and palace-like
Middle Dura.
structure it sports. Crimson carpets roll out to gold-inlaid card
tables, and crystal chandeliers cast sparkling lights across golden
pillars that support its roof. Behind the gilded façade, the casino is as
cold and seedy as the man that runs it: the Rake. The characters may
have already visited his establishment prior in this adventure, but
regardless the casino is under tight security today.
Killing Lazlo may be out of reach for the characters’ or if it isn’t it is
not without dire consequences. There are a few ways however to The King of Fire uses map 4.12 “Nightclub” from E:RftLW
stop the operation without coming to blows. and has the features detailed therein as well as the following
STEAL THE RICHES • The casino is brightly lit by chandeliers and corridors are lit
by everbright lanterns.
Within the King of Fire is a vault that holds the casino’s riches.
• Any security force will not kill the characters, only
Without the means to pay their workers, the Clan will lose its
incapacitate them. If all characters are incapacitated, they
engineers in the short run and lose credibility in the long run. No
are thrown out of the establishment and banned from
engineers—no Storm Spire.
ever entering again. The next time they try to enter, they
must be disguised in some way or be attacked on sight.
HIT THE JACKPOT One final note: trying to foil the Clan through combat is incredibly
difficult for a variety of reasons. Security is posted nearly at every
The Rake keeps an eye on the casino floor while Lazlo conducts his door, meaning it’s difficult to sneak by without getting caught.
business. However, if characters can manage to keep the wins Because of this, be lenient with how you allow your characters to
coming, they can bleed the King of Fire dry without needing to overcome obstacles. If you need a number, set the DC to 10 for
conduct a heist. The Rake will be forced to drop the façade and creative solutions (unless noted otherwise). Does a character feign
confront the characters. Whether the characters take off with their an injury, threatening to sue? Do they have an allergic reaction to
winnings or try and put the hurt on the Clan, either disrupts their some of the food or drink? Accuse another patron of cheating? Any
operation. of these scenarios is good enough to draw the attention of security,
allowing them to get an opening to where they may want to explore.
The Clan may be too powerful to take on directly, but the engineers
definitely aren’t. It took months for the Boromar Clan to make these The following areas correspond to the Nightclub map. Numbers have
connections through bribes and persuasion. If those same artificers been assigned here to the named rooms on the map for
were to die, the Clan would have no choice but to abandon the convenience’s sake.
operation. There is no set number to how many need to die;
whatever number pushes your party to their limits is sufficient
enough. N1. VESTIBULE
At the vestibule to the joint, a dwarf thug sits at a high stool flanked
by two warforged soldiers. He acts as the nightclub’s concierge as
well as the first line of security.
Roll percentile dice to determine Lazlo’s location when the
characters arrive and consult the Lazlo’s Location table.
Décor flares and glimmers around you as you enter the King of
Fire. Sprawling crimson carpets lick carved table legs of gold card table upside down. Manacles are bolted to the
that gleam beneath floating crystal chandeliers. Sitting at a underside of the table, usually hidden by its sides.
desk is a dwarf wearing a fiery red bowtie, flanked by two • Two of the hired artificers (magewrights) play with two
warforged. On his desk read two golden plaques: “Dangerous Boromar Clan thugs. If coerced to speak on their business,
objects must be checked in with concierge” and “Ask about our they reveal that they’re waiting for Lazlo to start their
complimentary coat check”. meeting.
• In one room, a group of shifters all looking suspiciously too
A character can make a DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) much like regular dogs play poker.
check to try and hide their weapon if it’s easily concealable (a
shortsword or hand crossbow might get past prying eyes; a maul
probably won’t). Any attempt to bribe the dwarf is met with a swift Sometimes, it’s best to beat the villains at their own game.
rebuke as he is insulted that the characters assume the King of Fire Characters who make a minimum of 2,000 gp in winnings draw the
isn’t a legitimate establishment (even though it isn’t). If a character ire of the Rake, disrupting their operation. A character can speak to
follows up with a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check, they sense that the the concierge and request a high roller table. The buy-in is 500 gp,
dwarf might reconsider the bribe if they raise their price to at least and the minimum a character can bet after is 200 gp. There is no
25 gp. maximum bet at the high roller table; bet wisely.
Any noncompliant reaction that escalates the situation Any other table requires a buy in of 5 gp and has a
immediately draws the attention of the warforged security behind maximum bet of 50 gp.
the dwarf. If weapons are drawn, the dwarf shouts “SECURITY!” and
the six Boromar thugs in the security room (N8) to the left of the If the characters make 2,000 or more gp, the Rake comes
vestibule spill out. down from the observation room.
If asked about the coat check, the dwarf explains that the With your winnings piling up, all eyes are on you. From across
King of Fire will take and launder a characters’ coat for free during the house floor, a dwarf gleaming in opulence brusquely
their stay. If a character accepts, he offers them access to the coat
crosses towards you. His brow looks furrowed, a mix of
check (N3) and tells them to hand their coats to Riddick.
frustration and bewilderment. As he crosses, nightclub security
begins to join behind him. The dwarf speaks.
The house (not labeled) is the main floor of the King of Fire, separate
from the stage and the bar which appear later in this section. “Would you join me somewhere more private for a moment?”
Characters are welcome to try their hand at games of chance, and if
they get on a winning streak, they might even foil the Clan’s plans.
The Rake will not take no for an answer—as a matter of fact, his
reaction is all the same. Whether it’s in a high roller room, the house
Magical one-way mirrors allow those in the observation
floor, or somewhere more private (the meeting room), the Rake and
room (N16) overhead to keep an eye on the floor. A detect magic
his security force comprised of all the members on the house floor
spell picks up the ceiling’s illusory masking, while a DC 20
(eleven thugs and the two warforged soldiers in total) draw their
Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals the same.
weapons and attack. The Rake himself uses the veteran stat block
The games of chance played in the center of the house are but replaces his heavy crossbow attack with a renaissance pistol
largely games of dice. “Blackjack” tables sit right beneath the attack instead.
bottom wall of the meeting room, and a roulette table sits on the
Running away is a viable and likely the safest option. If the
right of the tables. Behind and to the right of the bar, a private room
characters are brought to the meeting room, six of the eleven thugs
with tables sized for Small creatures resides—a room likely for
wait to catch them at the vestibule (N1).
friends of the Boromar Clan. The four rooms adjacent to that are the
high roller rooms. A Boromar thug stands outside the door of each
There are four high roller rooms, each one containing In this room, blazers and overcoats rest neatly on coat racks. A
something or someone different: halfling adolescent, Riddick (LE halfling commoner), cleans and
cleans out the patrons’ coats of any valuables they might have left
• One of the rooms holds a table of four halfling spies of the behind.
King’s Dark Lanterns. They’re working undercover trying to
gather intelligence on what the Clan is up to. If their trust This room lacks the elegance that greeted you on the house
is somehow gained, they reveal to the characters that floor. Tidy racks lined with coats rest in the center of the room.
while they can’t directly help, they know where they can “’Scuse me, take your coats, sirs’n’misses?” a halfling asks. He
retrieve their weapons: the security room. looks no older than an adolescent. He holds a sphere covered
• One room contains nothing except the stools and the card in mystic sigils.
table. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check on the
table reveals a hidden switch that, when pressed, flips the
Riddick is the cousin of a cousin of a cousin of someone in the
Boromar Clan who launders the coats for the King of Fire with his N6. GREEN ROOMS
trusty cleansing stone. He is rather oblivious to the Clan’s operations
In the green rooms, a few other acts rest for the night, smoking and
(which is why they like him) and not particularly too keen on secrets.
drinking and mingling. If Lazlo is in the green rooms, he is in the
Impressionable like others his age, he can be bribed to share what
uppermost one near the kitchen and the following scene unfolds:
he knows about the nightclub with 5 gp. Alternatively, he can reveal
what he knows with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Intimidation,
Persuasion) check. In his own words: “Some real tough looking The door to this green room is slightly ajar. A feminine giggle
halflings come to this place all the time. They like to go through
trails out from the crack in the door, followed by a huskier
behind the mirror.”
masculine voice. “I really must refuse, sir,” says the feminine
The mirror Riddick refers to blocks the secret entrance that voice. “Your family would never approve!”
leads to the meeting room (N9). If Riddick hasn’t revealed this
information, the secret door can be discovered with a successful DC “My family would never know,” replies the masculine voice,
20 Intelligence (Investigation) check. “That’s what’s fun about being a Boromar: you know how to
hide from the Boromars!”
Less scrupulous characters may want to loot the coats.
Riddick will meekly protest but will not try and stop them. Roll The feminine voice belongs to a slender elven songstress while the
percentile dice to determine the result of what is looted; there is a masculine voice is Lazlo Boromar’s. Lazlo has placed an alarm spell
on the door in case anyone tried to interrupt his private time with
90% chance a character finds an appropriate article of clothing
worth as much as a set of fine clothes, and a 10% chance a character the songstress. Aware of Lazlo’s pull, she is delicately trying to refuse
his salacious advances, but he grows more and more intimidating as
finds an appropriate article of uncommon glamerweave.
time passes on. She tries to flee at the first sign of a fight, but if she’s
convinced to help the characters, she uses the bard statistics.
N4. BAR Lazlo maintains his abjurer statistics, and the house
Morkos of Mror still remains the resident bartender of the King of
Fire. If he had spoken with the characters earlier during the events security reinforces him after the first round of combat. If possible,
of this campaign, he is curt and nervous around them. Two thugs sit
at the bar as well, enjoying their drinks but keeping an ear out. Lazlo tries to escape through the secret entrance behind backstage
Morkos serves drinks and fulfills the needs of any and all patrons as
best as he can. and onto the streets. If the fight takes to the streets use map 4.11
A character with a Passive Wisdom (Perception) of 16 or “Sharn Heights” from E:RftLW to finish the confrontation with the
higher notices sounds of arcing electricity and whirring machines
coming from the door behind the bar. If Morkos is questioned about Clan’s crony.
it, he laughs it off, saying that they’re building a new way to gamble
called a “slot machine”. He’s (truthfully) annoyed that they’re doing
it in his storeroom, but he lies about the machine being built; it is
the first basic components of the Storm Spire (with or without the N7. KITCHEN
schema). A DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check reveals the fact that he’s
The kitchen is a vortex of activity at all times. Halfling chefs work
lying but not what it’s about.
busily at preparing meals, while waiters of all kinds constantly rotate
in and out of the kitchen and the house.
N5. STAGE Waiters can be seen as the characters move around the
On stage, a warforged croons to a full house. A large band plays house floor wearing attire befitting the King of Fire. If a character
behind him set before the curtains. The stage provides access to the adopts a similar uniform, no one in the kitchen pays them any mind
green rooms (N6) as well as a view to the VIP balcony (N13) 20 feet and assumes they’re part of the wait staff. They might even push
overhead. The stage itself is raised 3 feet off the ground. plates into their hands to deliver to hungry patrons!
A locked back entrance near the stage provides another In a small cubby sharing a wall with the security room (N8),
point of access with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check made with there are 1d3 chef’s uniforms that fit a Small or Medium sized
thieves’ tools. Guarding the stairs (at the junction between the creature.
booths and the green room) is a warforged soldier. Any checks this
particular security guard makes to spot characters are made with
disadvantage as they are so enraptured with the crooner’s
performance. On the other side of the kitchen is a partitioned storeroom holding
all kinds of ingredients—ingredients that can be poisoned. Five vials
of basic poison are enough to prove fatal to anyone that consumes a
meal that night in the King of Fire. This includes the engineers, Lazlo,
and the Rake.
On the counter near the door to the security room, a large
vat of cooking oil sits. The vat weighs five pounds and contains The first thing that greets you in this room is the large portrait
enough oil to replicate the grease spell if tossed on the floor. of a dwarf bedecked in rings and other gleaming trinkets. The
room is more reminiscent of the house floor beneath,
decorated in golds and crimson silks. A sturdy oaken desk sits in
N8. SECURITY ROOM the corner with a gold-plated cigar box sitting shut on top of it.
The potent smell of tobacco smoke has soaked into every piece
Six Boromar halfling thugs reside in the security room ogling the
of furniture in this room, and a struggling Ficus plant has turned
characters’ gear. Although not adept at exotic weapons, if they are
a shade of brown as it chokes.
confronted by the characters, they may try to wield their own
weapons against them. One of the six will attempt to make a run for
The portrait of the dwarf depicts the Rake. It is apparent that this is
the other security forces residing on the second floor (N10) while
his office, unless Lazlo is present; in which case, the halfling has put
the others cover them.
his feet up on the Rake’s desk as he puffs away at one of his cigars.
Before the security room is a hallway flanked by stalls. Three magewrights sit at three chairs across from the desk, their
These stalls are restrooms and unoccupied by anyone of importance. meeting with Lazlo interrupted by the characters. The first thing
Lazlo does at this interruption is tell one of the engineers to call
security while he stalls the characters.
On this side of the secret door, it is apparent it is a secret
In the meeting room, 1d4 engineers (magewrights) sit at the table by the door handle in plain sight. Beyond this, there are 2d8 various
enjoying drinks from a private stock. Under most circumstances, art objects of your choice worth 50 gp each. The Rake’s cigar box is
they assume that they’ve been summoned by Lazlo as well. If the worth 100 gp. In addition, a character who rummages through the
characters ask them where Lazlo might be, they assume that he’s Rake’s desk finds a 1d3 potions of poison resistance. The Rake drinks
upstairs in the boss’s office negotiating with some others (this may one before entering the vault (N14).
or may not be true).
The secret door that leads into the boss’s office (N12) is a
false panel in the wall. A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check The vault is where the King of Fire stores all of its wealth
reveals a handle in the floor trim that opens the door via pulling on (unsurprisingly) among other valuables the Rake has deemed worth
it with your foot. keeping. Each five-foot room represented on the map within the
vault are individual safes underneath the arcane lock spell (DC 20
N12. BOSS’S OFFICE Dexterity check with thieves’ tools to unlock). Each safe contains 500
gp, plus any other valuables you’d like to reward your characters
The two double doors that lead into the boss’s office are each with. One of them contains the poltaa’kur if the Boromar Clan has
guarded by a warforged soldier. The boss’s office itself is actually stolen it.
empty unless Lazlo is in there. The office looks like the following:
As an extra security measure, the door to the vault is
locked in the same manner as the safes. Furthermore, the Rake has
one final line of defense: a living spell (cloudkill) resides in the vault.
It is harmless to those who are immune to poison damage or don’t
need to breathe, and some equipment to combat this danger can be
found in the secure storage room (N15) or in the boss’s office (N12).
Should you choose to, these simulacrums can squeeze through the
slits in the wall.
simulacrum steams in the center. The melted face of the gnome it
mimicked can still be seen looking back at the characters. Q12. HOSTEL CELLAR
This hostel cellar lacks anything of value, save for another exit to the
The space that encompasses Q7, Q8, Q10, and Q11 are all under the
effects of Juise’s hallucinatory terrain (spell save DC 18). Juise has
fashioned the terrain to look like the maddening plane of Xoriat.
All of these features are created by Juise’s spell; the real terrain
remains cold wet stone and sewer passages. Players who see
through the illusion can also discern the simulacrums lying in wait in
the sleeping quarters (Q10, one in each) to the east of the room.
The large door that leads into Q11 are actually two gates
that swing open individually. This is how Juise was able to send its
simulacrums throughout the sewer. It also means Juise is watching
the characters explore the hallucinatory terrain the whole time.
Juise (elder oblex) lairs in this room.
Large barrels of liquid dreamlily have been crammed into three
corners of the room. An overstuffed coat rack has tumbled over into
the center of the floor. Incense mingles with pipe smoke and
saturates the ground in a haze. Blocking the entrance to the dining
room (K2) are two humanoids, passionately kissing among other
ild Night is here, and Vezt Deshirod already has things. Characters can squeeze by the couple or try and remove
plans to take advantage of the highly inebriated and them with a DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation, Persuasion) check.
lowly inhibited citizens of Sharn. Posted up in a
kalashtar noble’s estate in Overlook, Vezt has
arranged for a grand party in honor of the holiday. K2. DINING ROOM
Exotic Sarlonan cuisine, live music, and dreamlily are In the dining room, three Tarkanan assassins sit across a table,
plentiful, and so are vessels for the Dreaming Dark. having a slurring conversation with each other under the effects of
Meanwhile, House Tarkanan works in the estate’s dreamlily and regular alcohol. An inspired agent, loyal only to Vezt
quieter reaches, plotting how to create the spell sink from the Deshirod, smiles from across the room and welcomes the characters
poltaa’kur and cripple the dragonmarked dynasties. in, offering a glass of dreamlily as they sip their own.
• He is a gnome instead of halfling and therefore retains all
the racial traits of a gnome. K6. MAIN TOWER LANDING AND LEDGE
• He also uses the inspired stats.
This area proceeds as written.
• His hair and eyebrows are dyed white, while he uses magic
similar to the minor illusion spell to change his eye color to
a grayish-white. K7. RELIC ROOM
• Instead of poisoning any cuisine with assassin’s blood, they
are instead infused with dreamlily. In this room, ancient Sarlonan artifacts sit atop three adamantine
Manafret visited Sarlona long ago and has been in love with the pedestals. Two inspired whisper to themselves while admiring the
cuisine ever since. He does not know he is an agent for the Dreaming treasures, and a Tarkanan assassin watches them quizzically. The
Dark but enacts their plans anyways. He is a servant of Kolat and has Tarkanan assassin initially isn’t bothered by the characters and
no idea about Tarkanan’s of Vezt’s schemes. invites them to look at the inspireds’ bizarre behavior. If a character
moves to the door that leads to area K8, though, the assassin warns
them to turn back. The inspired are only roused to action if combat
TREASURE begins with the assassin, or if the characters attempt to remove the
A cupboard holds a dozen jars of herbs and spices and a flask labeld
“Dreamlily” which holds six doses of the narcotic.
K4. MUSTY LIBRARY Roll three times on the “Trinkets from Sarlona” table in chapter 2 of
E:RftLW to determine what treasures the characters can acquire.
This area proceeds as written except with these additions: Each one is worth 25 gp.
floor above for having dragonmarks. A DC 15 Intelligence
K11. LABORATORY (Investigation) check reveals parts of the corpses’ flesh have been
cut off (where their dragonmarks manifested) and the bodies’
This area proceeds as written, with the following additions:
lukewarm temperature indicates they were killed not too long ago. A
speak with dead spell cast on any of the corpses reveals that they
• A similar mist to the one back in the dreamlily den in Ship’s
were gathered here by the assassins and brutally murdered. They
Towers tumbles down the invisible stairs that lead up to
took one of them upstairs to torture him more. Each corpse is a
area K15, indicating their presence.
foundling and have no access to their House’s wealth or
• Alongside the debris described, trampled leaves and
connections, making their murders even more hate-driven and
eviscerated lilies litter the ground. A DC 15 Intelligence
(Nature) check reveals that the flowers are dreamlilies.
K12. VESTIBULE Partially Collapsed Stairs. A creature can climb the stairs
to area K17 with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If
This area is just a vestibule between the two rooms on the same the check fails, the creature falls 10 feet.
floor. Music roars out of room K14.
K13. MEDITATION CHAMBER Three Tarkanan assassins reside in this dimly lit hallway. One, a
Within this room, a simple rubber mat is rolled out over a cold stone dwarf, keeps watch near the door to ensure no one comes. The
floor. A handful of censers are placed around the mat with half- second one, a drow, holds a Jorasco halfling magewright at arm’s
burned incense sticks waiting to be lit. This room is where Kolat height against the stone wall. The third assassin, a human holding up
meditates and communes with his Quori spirit. the dancing lights spell overhead, taunts and tries to force the
halfling to eat the carved and dragonmarked flesh from the corpses
below. The halfling is at 1 hit point and poisoned (both due to
K14. A LIVE BAND! dreamlily).
Inside this spacious latrine, a live band has set up and blares music
The assassins will attempt to kill the foundling first before
throughout the open windows to the rest of the estate. The band
attacking the party. If the Jorasco foundling survives, he thanks the
consists of: a warforged lute player with two left hands; a halfling party by offering to heal the most wounded one with a cure wounds
with a drum kit set up in the tub; a shifter with voluminous, blown
spell via his dragonmark.
out rock-star hair for vocals; and a bugbear wearing fedora with a
saxophone. The band has no idea of the happenings going on in the One-Way Secret Door. The details of this secret door
tower; they merely picked the latrine because it “had the best proceed as written.
dropkick that split the shelves on the bookcase. If characters lift the sanctum on Dal Quor. The sleeping gas disperses evenly throughout
fallen bookcase, they discover Kolat’s helm of teleportation smeared the chamber for ten minutes, then resets after an hour.
in blood.
This room contains nothing of value, save for the door to K21. The Dal Quor sanctum uses a modified version of map 8.2
“Extradimensional Sanctum” from W:DH. The map has been reduced
This room stops abruptly at a door with a symbol carved into its in size and superfluous areas have been removed. For convenience’s
façade resembles something of an upside-down ankh with a sake, the numbers will remain as they appear on the map, even with
half-circle crowning the top. Above and below it, a message areas removed. The sanctum of Dal Quor is not so much an
written in an exotic language waits to be read. extradimensional hideout for Zhents like it is in W:DH as much as it
is a bastion against the nightmarish forces on the plane of dreams.
The message is written in Reidran and reads “Turn Back all who
Dream.” It is a warning against entering area K22. The symbol itself The sanctum looks largely the same as it is described in
is the planar symbol of Dal Quor (see chapter 4 in E:RftLW), a W:DH. The only differences are that instead of swirling mist outside
discovery that can be learned with a successful DC 15 Intelligence it, the landscape reveals that which Kolat painted. The longer one
(Arcana) check. stares out into the seas or islands, the more nightmarish and
disfigured they become. Furthermore, should a character find their
way outside of the sanctum’s walls, the damage they receive is no
longer force but psychic damage.
In this room, paintings upon paintings of strange and dreamlike
landscapes are piled against the staircase. These are paintings of Dal
Quor, or at least what Kolat remembers from his visits Dal Quor
(made possible by the magics in area K22). The sanctum retains the same features it has in W:DH, with the
following addition:
This musty room contains a staircase that winds to a floor
• Only quori can die in the sanctum. If a creature were to
above. Piled against it are at least a dozen paintings of what
“die” in the sanctum, they are instead returned to their
appears to be various islands set amidst seas of pastel oranges,
physical body and suffer one effect of long-term madness.
purples, and pinks. In some paintings, strange creatures stalk
If a character would be instantly killed on Dal Quor, they
the shores. In others, a dark storm rages on the horizon.
instead suffer one effect of indefinite madness.
crysteel holds a crystal decanter filled with water and crystal
drinking glasses. They are real and each worth 25 gp.
This area proceeds as written. Alongside exotic Reidran foods and
drinks, two potions of healing are crammed behind some dry goods.
This corridor stretches beneath a rusted iron grate overhead. A
gelatinous cube has taken residence right underneath the grate,
often eating any scraps that fall in between. A DC 15 Wisdom
(Perception) check is required to spot it as it remains motionless. A
character who walks over the iron grate is subjected to the ooze’s
iho Koi is in town to take matters into their own hands after “engulf” action as is squeezes through the iron grate to consume the
Garra’s defeat. The oni mobster has made a base for themselves character.
in one of the Cogs’ myriad hubs. Here, Niho Koi communes with
Sora Katra herself, trying to further Daask’s—and the
Daughters’—plans. H2. Hideout
In the hideout, four goblins sit around a table playing cards. A goblin
boss sits at another table nearby the drawn curtain finishing a bottle
of liquor. These goblins aren’t immediately hostile to any character
who looks like they should be among Daask’s ranks (hobgoblin,
shifters, orcs, etc.) and give the benefit of the doubt to all others.
While Niho Koi discusses Daask’s next plan, a warforged named They do attempt to stop the characters and ask if they’re new. If the
Wrench works busily to unlock all the secrets of the poltaa’kur. The characters aren’t actively trying to be quiet, the bugbear chief and
characters can deal with Niho Koi, dealing a significant blow to another goblin boss sleeping in the beds behind the curtain wakes,
Daask’s operations in Sharn. Alternatively, they can attempt to and demands the goblins attack the intruders.
acquire the poltaa’kur from Wrench—or Wrench themselves—and
make off with the tools and information encoded on them. The final The other bed is a painful lump of springs and where the
option is to ignite the ancient furnaces in the hideout and blow up goblins sleep in shifts. The bugbear’s bed is the nicer of the two and
Niho Koi’s entire lair. has a sack containing 30 gp tucked underneath it.
The walkways stretch across the ancient furnaces (H3), leading into
some rooms filled with old equipment in disrepair, as well as
Just as E:RftLW states, the Cog hubs are difficult to find and easy to Wrench. Wrench (warforged soldier) is nonhostile unless provoked
defend. This adventure assumes that through a helpful ally (or the but won’t give up the poltaa’kur willingly, fearing what Niho Koi
methods used to gain information mentioned prior in the campaign) might do to them (recalling even what happened to Razor from the
that the characters have a good idea of where the Daask lair is. The “Forgotten Relics” adventure). They instead try to escape to the
challenge itself comes when the characters find themselves in the hideout (H2) alerting any passing Daask members as they go.
lair, not from finding the lair itself.
The walkway also comes right up to one of the chimney
COG HUB FEATURES tops of one of the furnaces. A character with a Passive Wisdom
(Perception) or that succeeds a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check
The Cog Hub uses map 4.13 “Cog Hub” from E:RftLW. The features notices distortion in the air from the natural gas leaking from this
mentioned in the book remain the same, with at least one gnoll and furnace. After noticing it from the furnace, the character becomes
two cockatrices under its control stationed as guards at the aware of gas leaking throughout the rest of the furnace room and
entrances of the Hub. The “Features and Creatures” table detailed even elsewhere in the Cog Hub.
later in this chapter give a look at random encounters or wandering
monsters within the hub.
In the hub, Niho Koi communes with the coalesced shadow of Sora
Katra, a powerful hag. The conversation itself is not particularly
The following encounter areas are keyed to the Cog Hub map. important, but the gist of it should reveal that Daask wants to use a
Numbers have been assigned here to the named rooms on the map Mabaran resonator to search for Sora Kell, Sora Katra’s mother and
for convenience’s sake. This only covers the named areas, as the immortal Queen of Night.
“Features and Creatures” tables cover the rest. The paths that lead
up or down into other areas of the Cogs are not pertinent to the lair, A character with a Passive Wisdom (Perception) or that
but could be possible escapes if the characters are in a dicey succeeds a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices distortion in
situation. The characters enter the lair through the area labeled the air from the natural gas seeping into this room. Niho Koi
“Shaft Up & Down”. summons reinforcements in the form of two barghests who enter
the Hub through the pipe in the northeast bend of the room. The
rest of the Daask goons rush to secure the exits. The shadow of Sora
Katra cackles with delight during the fight but is just an illusion and
not a combatant.
The ancient furnaces (represented by the pillars in the room) creak
underneath the weight of their own rust and soot. Mounds of ash
pile across the soot-stained floor and cold coals fill the bellies of the
furnaces. A character with a Passive Wisdom (Perception) or that
succeeds a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices distortion in
the air from the natural gas leaking from the furnace. After noticing
it from the furnace, the character becomes aware of gas leaking
throughout the rest of the furnace room and even elsewhere in the
Cog Hub.
Roll Result
0-5 An umber hulk has wandered its way into the lair within 60 feet of a character. The creature
has no allegiance to Daask and can be used against them.
6-15 A gas leak following the criteria above fills a space within 30 feet of the characters.
16-25 A Daask minotaur prowls the lair within 90 feet of a character.
26-35 Nothing happens.
36-45 A gas leak following the criteria above fills a space within 30 feet of the characters.
46-55 Nothing happens.
56-65 Nothing happens.
66-75 A patrol of four goblins and one goblin boss monitors an area within 60 feet of a character.
76-85 A gas leak following the criteria above fills a space within 30 feet of the characters.
86-95 A Daask minotaur prowls the lair within 90 feet of a character.
96-100 A mimic appears in one of the named rooms. When slain, 1d4 potions of healing can be looted
from its corpse. Decrease the amount of potions by 1 each time this event happens after the
Medium humanoid (halfling), any alignment
Armor Class 12 (16 with mage armor)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft.
This appendix lists the various creature statistics for creatures not STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
listed in W:DH, E:RftLW, and the Monster Manual. 9 (-1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5
LAZLO BOROMAR Skills Arcana +8, History +8
Senses passive Perception 11
Lazlo Boromar is a playboy mafioso of the Boromar Clan. No
Languages Common, Halfling, plus any other two
stranger to getting into trouble, Lazlo uses his adept command of
Challenge 9 (5, 000 XP)
abjuration magic to protect himself from the consequences of his
actions. When that fails, the massive wealth and influence of his Spellcasting. The abjurer is a 13th-level spellcaster. Its
family takes care of anything and anyone else. Charged with spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, +8 to
recovering the schema, Lazlo would much rather pay his goons to do hit with spell attacks). The abjurer has the following wizard
his dirty work for him while he drinks and schmoozes at the various spells prepared:
clubs owned by the Clan. Lazlo uses the abjurer stats listed below.
Cantrips (at will): blade ward, dancing lights, mending,
message, ray of frost
1st level (4 slots) alarm*, mage armor*, magic missile,
2nd level (3 slots): arcane lock*, invisibility
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell*, dispel magic*, fireball
4th level (3 slots): banishment*, stoneskin*
5th level (2 slots): cone of cold, wall of force
6th level (1 slot): flesh to stone, globe of invulnerability
7th level (1 slot): symbol*, teleport
*Abjuration spell of 1st level or higher
Arcane Ward. The abjurer has a magical ward that has 30
hit points. Whenever the abjurer takes damage, the ward
takes the damage instead. If the ward is reduced to 0 hit
points, the abjurer takes any remaining damage. When the
abjurer casts an abjuration spell of 1st level or higher, the
ward regains a number of hit points equal to twice the level
of the spell.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d6-1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8-1)
bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
Hondar’Aashta is a legendary Tharashk bounty hunter who prowls
the streets of Sharn like an urban jungle. He has never lost a quarry, Barghests are fiendish shapeshifters that can transform between a
but has sometimes let them escape with their lives if he thinks vicious beast and an unassuming goblin at will. Daask employs these
they’ve exhibited guile and cunning. With the help of his animal creatures both as spies and as assassins for hard to track targets.
companions—Talon the blood hawk and Bonesniffer the death
dog—there’s no alley too narrow or tower too tall in Sharn that he
can’t reach. Hondar’Aashta uses the stats of the archer listed below. BARGHEST
Large fiend (shapeshifter), neutral evil
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack (true form only): +6 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 +4) piercing damage.
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) slashing damage.
Darklings are strange fey doomed to keep to the shadows. Despite Medium fey, chaotic neutral
this, they have an appreciation for fine art and as such, have made a
Armor Class 15 (studded leather armor)
home within some of the dark orchestral pits and stages of Sharn.
Hit Points 27 (5d8 + 5)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +2, Perception +5, Stealth Death Burn. When the darkling dies, nonmagical light
+7 flashes out from it in a 10-foot radius as its body and
Senses blindsight +30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive possessions, other than metal or magic objects, burn to
Perception 15 ash. Any creature in that area must make a DC 11
Languages Elvish, Sylvan Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature takes 7
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) (2d6) radiant damage and, if the creature can see the light,
is blinded until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw
Death Flash. When the darkling dies, nonmagical light is successful, the creature takes half damage and isn’t
flashes out from it in a 10-foot radius as its body and blinded.
possessions, other than metal or magic objects, burn to
ash. Any creature in that area and able to see the bright ACTIONS
light must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
or be blinded until the end of the creature’s next turn. Multiattack. The darkling elder makes two melee attacks.
Light Sensitivity. While in bright light, the darkling has Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom target. Hit: 6 (2d6 +) piercing damage. If the darkling elder
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. had advantage on the attack roll, the attack deals an extra
10 (3d6) piercing damage.
ACTIONS Darkness (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The
Dagger. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 darkling elder casts darkness without any material
ft., or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing components. Wisdom is its spellcasting ability.
damage. If the darkling has advantage on the attack roll,
the attack deals an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage.
The amorphous antagonist Juise works alone, but uses the Tyrants
to fulfill its needs. A shapeshifter to dupe shapeshifters, Juise works
to reverse-engineer the dimensional seals that bind its kin to Khyber
through the information recovered in the schema. The fact that Juise
could infiltrate the community of Changelings so easily might prove
worrisome; just how many other aberrations like it might exist in
Sharn? Juise uses the elder oblex stats listed below.
Huge ooze, lawful evil
Armor Class 16
Hit Points 115 (10d12 + 50)
Speed 30 ft.
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 18 (+4)
Saving Throws Int +10, Cha +8
Skills Arcana +10, Deception +8, History +10, Nature +10,
Perception +5, Religion +10
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
exhaustion, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this distance),
passive Perception 15
Languages Common, plus six more
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Amorphous. The oblex can move through a space as
narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing.
Aversion to Fire. If the oblex takes fire damage, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the
end of its next turn.
Innate Spellcasting. The oblex’s innate spellcasting ability
is Intellig4ence (spell save DC 18). It can innately cast the Multiattack. The elder oblex makes two pseudopod attacks
following spells, requiring no material components: and uses Eat Memories.
At will: charm person (as a 5th level spell), detect thoughts, Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
hold person one target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 7
(2d6) psychic damage.
3/day each: confusion, dimension door, dominate person,
fear, hallucinatory terrain, hold monster, hypnotic pattern, Eat Memories. The oblex targets one creature it can see
telekinesis within 5 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 18
Wisdom saving throw or take 44 (8d10)psychic damage
Sulfurous Impersonation. As a bonus action, the oblex can and become memory drained until it finishes a short or
extrude a piece of itself that assumes the appearance of long rest or nuntil it benefits from the greater restoration or
one Medium or smaller creature whose memories it has heal spell. Constructs, oozes, plants, and undead succeed
stolen. The simulacrum appears, feels, and sounds exactly on the save automatically. While memory drained, the
like the creature it impersonates, though it smells faintly of target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from
sulfur. The oblex can impersonate 2d6 + 1 different any ability check or attack roll it makes. Each time the
creatures, each one tethered to its body by a strand of gtarget is memory drained beyond the first, the die size
slime that can extend up to 120 feet away. For all practical increases by one: the d4 becomes a d6, the d6 becomes a
purposes, the simulacrum is the oblex, meaning the oblex d8, and so on until the die becomes a d20, at which point
occupies its space and the simulacrum’s space the target becomes unconscious for 1 hour. The effect
simultaneously. The slimy tether is immune to damage, but then ends. When an oblex causes a target to become
it is severed if there is no opening at least 1 inch wide memory drained, the oblex learns all the languages the
between the oblex’s main body and the simulacrum. The target knows and gains all its proficiencies, except any
simulacrum disappears if the tether is severed. saving throw proficiencies.
Felth Dire is a member of some esteem from the Deathsgate Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Explorer’s Club. A worshipper of the Dark Six, her divine powers are
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
often used to wound more than mend. Regardless, she proves a
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 36)
ruthless enemy and a valuable ally to those fortunate enough to be
Speed 30 ft.
on her good side.
9 (-1) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
FELTH DIRE Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +2
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Skills Arcana +5, History +5
Armor Class 18 (chain mail and shield) Senses passive Perception 10
Hit Points 49 (7d8 + 9) Languages any four languages
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spellcasting. The illusionist is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its
10 (+0) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to
hit with spell attacks). The illusionist has the following
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +5 wizard spells prepared:
Skills Medicine +8 Persuasion +3, Religion +5 Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, minor illusion,
Senses passive Perception 13 poison spray
Languages Common plus one more
Challenge 4 (1, 100 XP) 1st level (4 slots) color spray*, disguise self*, mage armor,
magic missile
Reaper. When Felth Dire casts a necromancy cantrip that
normally targets only one creature, the spell can instead 2nd level (3 slots): Invisibility*(, mirror image*, phantasmal
target two creatures within range and within 5 feet of each force*
3rd level (3 slots): major image*, phantasmal steed*
Inescapable Destruction. Necrotic damage dealt by Felth
4th level (1 slot): phantasmal killer*
Dire’s cleric spells ignore resistance to necrotic damage.
*Illusion spell of 1st level or higher
Spellcasting. Felth Dire is a 7th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit Displacement (Recharges after the Illusionist Casts an
with spell attacks). She has the following cleric spells Illusion Spell of 1st level or Higher). As a bonus action, the
prepared: illusionist projects an illusion that makes the illusionist
appear to be standing in a place a few inches from its
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, light, thaumaturgy, toll the dead
actual location, causing any creature to have disadvantage
1st level (4 slots) cure wounds, false life, guiding bolt, ray of on attack rolls against the illusionist. The effect ends if the
sickness, sanctuary illusionist takes damage, it is incapacitated or its speed
becomes 0.
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, lesser restoration, ray
of enfeeblement, spiritual weapon ACTIONS
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, bestow curse, dispel magic, Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +1 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spirit guardians, vampiric touch one target. Hit: 2 (1d6-1) bludgeoning damage, or 3 (1d8-1)
4th level (1 slot): blight, death ward, guardian of faith bludgeoning damage if used with two hands.
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack, +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one KOBOLD SCALE SORCERER
target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
Some kobolds have tapped into their draconic blood and command
a modicum of the power within. The Sewer Duke is one such
Illusionists command phantasms and the unreal to thwart their
Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil Medium humanoid (halfling), any alignment
Armor Class 15 (natural armor) Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10) Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
7 (-2) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)
Skills Arcana +2, Medicine +1 Saving Throws Dex +7, Int +3
Senses darkvsion 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +3, Perception +3, Sleight of
Languages Common, Draconic
Hand +7, Stealth +7
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Senses passive Perception 13
Spellcasting. The kobold is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its Languages Common, Halfling, Thieves’ Cant
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit Challenge 5 (1, 800 XP)
with spell attacks). The kobold has the following sorcerer
Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the thief can use a
spells prepared:
bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt mage hand, mage hand, poison
Evasion. If the thief is subjected to an effect that allows it
to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage,
1st level (4 slots) charm person, chromatic orb, expeditious the thief instead takes no damage if it succeeds the saving
retreat throw, and only half damage if it fails.
2nd level (2 slots): scorching ray Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The thief deals an extra 14 (4d6)
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has
Sorcery Points. The kobold has 3 sorcery points. It regains
advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5
all spent sorcery points when it finishes a long rest. It can
feet of an ally of the thief that isn’t incapacitated, and the
spend its sorcery points on the following options:
thief doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
Heightened Spell: When it casts a spell that forces a
creature to make a sabing throw to resist the spell’s ACTIONS
effects, the kobold can spend 3 sorcery points to give one Multiattack. The thief makes three attacks with its butterfly
target of the spell disadvantage on its first saving throw knife.
against the spell.
Butterfly Knife. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Subtle Spell: When the kobold casts a spell, it can spend 1 one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) slashing damage.
sorcery point to cast the spell without any somatic or
verbal components. Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing damage.
Pack Tactics. The kobold has advantage on an attack roll
against a creature if at least one of the kobold’s allies is REACTIONS
within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.
Uncanny Dodge. The thief halves the damage that it takes
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the kobold has from an attack that hits it.The thief must be able to see the
disadvantage on attack rolls as well as on Wisdom attacker.
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Large giant, lawful evil
Armor Class 18 (barrier tattoo)
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45)
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft.
19 (+4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Saving Throws Dex +4, Con +7, Wis +5, Cha +6
Skills Arcana +5, Deception +8, Perception +4
Damage Resistances cold, fire, poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 11 (7, 200 XP)
Legendary Resistance (3/Day) If Niho Koi would fail a
saving throw, they can choose to succeed instead.
Innate Spellcasting. Niho Koi’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 13). They can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: darkness, invisibility, magic missile
1/Day: charm person, cone of cold, gaseous form, sleep
Magical Weapons. Niho Koi’s weapon attacks are magical.
Regeneration. Niho Koi regains 10 hit points at the start of
their turn if they have at least 1 hit point.
Tattoo Attunement. Niho Koi is attuned to the following
tattoos, which gives them supernatural powers:
Barrier Tattoo: While Niho Koi is not wearing armor, this Niho Koi: Maude Desrochers (Instagrom: mau_illustrations)
tattoo depicting a great coiling purple worm across their
chest gives them an AC of 18. ACTIONS
Ghost Step Tattoo (3/Day): This tattoo depicts a night hag Multiattack. Niho Koi makes two attacks, either with its
surrounded by ghostly wisps. As a bonus action, Niho Koi claws or with its tetsubo (greatclub).
can become incorporeal until the end of their next turn. For
the duration, they gain resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, Claw (Oni Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks; they can’t be 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
grappled or restrained; they can move through solid Tetsubo. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
objects as if they were difficult terrain, taking 1d10 force target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, or 8 (1d8 + 4)
damage if they end their turn in a solid object (or creature). bludgeoning damage in Small or Medium form.
Traveled this way. They are then shunted to the nearest
unoccupied space and take 1d10 force damage for every 5 Change Shape. Niho Koi magically polymoprhs into a Small
feet traveled this way. or Medium sized humanoid, a Large giant, or back into its
true form. Other than their size, their statistics remain the
Spellwrought Tattoo (Destructive Wave): Niho Koi can cast same in each form. The only equipment that is
the destructive wave spell through the fearsome dragon transformed is their tetsubo, which shrinks so that it can be
coiling across their arm (spell save DC 17). The spell deals wielded in humanoid form. If Niho Koi dies, they revert
necrotic damage and can’t be used again until the next back to their true form, and their tetsubo reverts back to its
dusk. normal size.
Oleander Nightbloom is the bartender at Nightshade in Shae Lias. He Although not a corsair or a pirate, Buzz holds a special place in his
is a master of toxic cocktails that delight patrons and doom warforged heart for the romantic and romanticized life of
opponents. adventure. Buzz uses the swashbuckler stats listed below.
Armor Class 17 (studded leather and infusions) Armor Class 17 (leather armor)
Hit Points 92 (11d8 + 25) Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft.
8 (-1) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2)
Saving Throws Con +7, Int +8 Skills Acrobatics +8, Athletics +5, Persuasion +6
Skills Medicine+6, Nature +6, Perception +2, Stealth +4 Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Damage Immunities poison Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Condition Immunities poisoned Lightfooted. The swashbuckler can take the Dash or
Disengage action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common Elvish, Undercommon Suave Defense. While the swashbuckler is wearing light or
Challenge 10 (5, 900 XP) no armor and weidling no shield, its AC includes its
Charisma modifier.
Defensive Infusions. Oleander’s armor and rings are
infused with the wards of an adept artificer. These
bonuses are included in his AC.
Multiattack. The thief makes three attacks: one with a
Offensive Infusions. Oleander’s wand is infused with dagger, and two with its rapier.
offensive capabilities. Oleander receives a +2 to attack
rolls (included below) and deals an extra 4 damage with Dagger/ Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
any spell that deals acid, fire, necrotic, or poison damage. ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing
Fey Ancestry. Oleander has advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep. Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 +4) piercing damage.
Innate Spellcasting. Oleander’s innate spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 13). He can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
At will: dancing lights
1/Day: darkness, faerie fire
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Oleander has
disadvantage on attack roll,s as well as on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Spellcasting. Oleander is an 11th level spellcaster.. His
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 16, + 10 to
hit). He has the following artificer spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mending, poison spray,
shocking grasp
1st level (4 slots): absorb elements, grease, healing word,
purify food and drink
2nd level (3 slots0: flaming sphere, heat metal, Melf’s acid
arrow, web
3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, gaseous form, glyph of
“I’d offer you my potion of healing, but that kind of
defeats the purpose.”
The potion screws into the bottom of the pistol, where the magazine
would traditionally go. Transparent tubes snake and wind their way
across the sides of the firearm, filling with the potion’s contents as
the trigger is pulled. An apparatus at the end, resembling something
of a proboscis or a syringe, funnels the now superheated plasma into
a precise bolt of acidic energy. Careful not to spill it on yourself!
All charges must be used before the next potion is fed to the
weapon. Each shot uses one charge. Alternatively, an artificer can
use their “Experimental Elixir” feature to feed the pistol. The elixir
counts as a common potion until 6th level where it then counts as an
uncommon potion, until finally it counts as a rare potion at 15th level
and beyond.
Magic Melter. The magic nature of this pistol combined with its
discharge makes most means of defense futile. The shield spell
provides no defense against this weapon. Furthermore, any creature
within 5 feet of the target takes acid damage equal to half the
damage dealt to the target if the attack hits.