2007 Zheng PHD

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The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information

on Road Safety Awareness

Yunan Zheng

A Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy


The University of Glasgow

April 2007

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimatethat road traffic accidentsrepresentthe

third leading causeof 'death and disease' worldwide. Many countries have, therefore,
launchedsafetycampaignsthat are intendedto reduceroad traffic accidentsby increasing
public awareness.In almost every case, however, a reduction in the total number of
fatalities has not beenmatchedby a comparablefall in the total frequencyof road traffic
accidents. Low severity incidents remain a significant problem. One possibleexplanation
is that these road safety campaignshave had less effect than design changes.Active
safety devices, such as anti-lock braking, and passive measures,such as side impact
protection, serveto mitigate the consequences of those accidentsthat do occur. A number
of psychologicalphenomena,such as attribution error, explain the mixed successof road
safety campaigns. Most drivers believe that they are less likely to be involved in an
accident than other motorists. Existing road safety campaignsdo little to addressthis
problem; they focus on national and regional statisticsthat often seemremote from the
local experiencesof road users.Our argumentis that localized road accidentinformation
would have better impact on people's safety awareness.This thesis,therefore,describes
the design and developmentof a software tool to provide the generalpublic with access
to information on the location and circumstancesof road accidentsin a Scottishcity. We
also presentthe results of an evaluation to determinewhether the information provided
by this software has any impact on individual risk perception. A route planning
experiment was also carried out. The results from the experiment gives more positive
feedback that road users would consider accident information if such information was
availablefor them.

I would like to thank both my first and secondsupervisorsChris W Johnsonand

Philip Gray.Togetherthey havemanagedto provide far more thanjust the required
supervisory feedbackand guidanceover the last 4 years. They have supported
everything I have endeavouredto achieve throughout my PhD and nurturedall my

I would also like to thank the following for being supportive, inspirational and
downright delightful: Marilyn McGee-Lennon, Roderick Murray-Smith, Richard L
Cooper, Prof John Davis.

Finally, I would not have survived my PhD time without my magnificent family, who
have made sure I kept my chin up and remained focused. They endureme at my worst
becausethey have faith that I will always triumph in the end, and become a little
better in the process.Thank you for believing that I could do this even when I didn't
believe in myself This thesis is therefore dedicated to my wife Yan You, my mother
Fengxia Li, my father Taisen Zheng, my mother-in-law Yuan Shu Ying, my
father-in-law You Guang Duo, and the last but not the least my brother-in-law You
Table of Content

Chapter 1 Introduction I

1.1 An Introduction to Road Traffic Accident 1

1.2 An Introduction to Road Safety Research 3
1.3 Potential users of accident data 6
1.4 Research Objectives 7
1.5 Structure of the thesis 9

Chapter 2 Identified Problems and Research methodology 12

2.1 Human Error and Road accidents 12

2.2 Practices of influencing drivers' attitude 17
2.3 Identifled problems 20
2.4 Research Methodology 27

Chapter 3 Evaluation of Existing Road Safety Websites 29

3.1 Existing road accident related information systems 29

3.1.1 Simulating individual road accident 29
3.1.2 Real-time Road Traffic Accidents Reporting System 31 TxDOT Expressway 31 MATTISSE 32 AA 33
3.1.3 Road Traffic Accident Analyse Systems 34 KeyAccident 34 AIS (Accident Information System) 35
3.2 Evaluation of Existing Road Safety Websites 37
3.3 Information on the websites 38
3.4 Risk perception evaluation 41
3.4.1 Evaluation Method 42
3.4.2 Evaluation Results and Discussion 45
3.5 Conclusion 51

Chapter 4 Data Sources and Requirement Analysis 53

4.1 Data Sources for Road Accident Information System 53

4.2 System Development Process 55
4.3 Requirement Analysis 56
4.4 Conclusion 63

Chapter 5 Theories for visualizing multivariate data 65

5.1 Statistical graphics for visualizing multivariate data 66

5.1.1 Multiple-code plotting symbols 66
5.1.2 Histogram Plots 67
5.1.3 Star Plots 68
5.1.4 The Scatterplot Matrix 70
5.1.5 Conditioning Plots 71
5.2 Interactive Information Display Theories 73
5.3 Conclusion 78

Chapter 6 System Design and Implementation 80

6.1 Interface Design 81

6.1.1 Initial Design 84
6.1.2 Revised Design 88
6.2 System Architecture 91
6.3 Class Classification and Implementation 93
6.4 Conclusion 96

Chapter 7 System Evaluation 98

7.1 Method 98
7.2 Results of Usability Questionnaire 99
7.3 Results of Psychometric Study 104
7.4 Focus GrouP Discussion 107

7.5 Discussion and Conclusion 109

Chapter 8 Route Planning Experiment ill

8.1 Motivation and Goals ill

8.2 Experiment Design 113
8.3 Measurement and tests 114
8.4 Results and Analysis 115
8.5 Conclusion 128

Chapter 9

Route Planning Experiment with University Staff and Students 129

9.1 Experiment Design 130

9.2 Measurement and tests 131
9.3 Results and Analysis 131
9.4 Conclusion 138

Chapter 10 Conclusions and Future Work 141

10.1 Conclusions 141

10.2 Future Work 142

Appendix A: A brief Review of road safety research 151

Appendix B: Collection of Road Accident Information 159
Appendix C: Questionnaire for Road Accident Prediction 163
Appendix D: Questionnaire for gathering experts' information and initial
system requirements 165
Appendix E: User Interface Evaluation Form 170
Appendix F: An example of calculating sign test 176

References 177

List of Figures and Tables

Table 1.1 Accidental deaths: by cause 1971-1998

............................. ooo
... o.....................................................

Table 1.2 Road accident casualties: by road user type and severity 1993-2002
.... 0............................ .................................................

Figure 1.1 Percentage contributions to road accidents

.............. 0.............. *....................................... 0...... 0.00000

Figure 1.2 Snapshot of ReCap system

........................ 0................................................................

Table 2.1 The major error-shaping factors at each level of performance


Figure 2.1 Dynamics of generic error-modelling system (GEMS)


Figure 2.2 The theory of Planned behaviour


Figure 2.3 Different kinds of road accident information


Figure 2.4: UK Department of Transport Road Safety Site


Table 2.2: Scottish Executive Accident Frequencies for Urban Junctions


Figure 2.5: Excerpt from Glasgow City Council's Review of Road Safety Strategy

Figure 3.1 Screenshotsof HVE

- ... ---ooo o..o.ooo.
... o.... -o ... o..... o... o........... o..oooooooooo.. o... oo..o..

Figure 3.2 Screen shot of TxDOT

............. - ... oo.000 ...... 000.0-0.0..... 0........... 00....... 0..... 0...031
... 0000.00

Figure 3.3 Screen shot of MATTISSE

Figure 3.4 Screen shot of the AA

*........................................................................................ 33

Figure 3.5 An example result of KeyAccident system

. *.. **............................ 6.0- .......... 0.00.0000
.... 0....... ...... o...... o35

Figure 3.6 Snapshots of AIS


Figure 3.7 Facts and Figures from Think Road Safety Website

Table 3.1 Statistical analysis of the evaluation questions

......................................................................................... 46

Figure 3.8 How safe do you feel in terms of the likelihood that you could be
injured in a road traffic accident?
....................................................................................... 47

Figure 3.9 Are you worried about yourself being injured in a traffic accident?

Figure 3.10 How probable do you think it is for yourself to be injured in a traffic
.................................... 0........................................................

Figure 3.11 How concerned are you about traffic risks and are thinking that you
yourself could be victimized?

Figure 3.12 Please rate the equity of this risk, in terms of whether those who
receive the benefits are the same people who carry the risks.

Figure 3.13 Please rate how much the risk of being in a road traffic accident
affects you

Figure 3.14 Please rate the extent to which this risk is chosen voluntarily by the
people affected
............... 0........................................................................
Figure 3.15 Please rate the immediacy of this risk, in terms of how soon possible
harmful effects may occur
.................................. 0.......................... 6....... 0............... **...

Figure 3.16 Please rate how controllable this risk is.

......................... *.. 0....... 04.0

Figure4.1 Format for Accident Records in UK Road Traffic Accident Data

............... 0.... 0...................................................................

Figure 4.2 Sample Accident Information from the UK Data Archive

................................................................ 0.0..............

Figure 4.3 Waterfall Model

........................................................................................ 56

Figure 4.4 Some results of experts background


Figure 5.1 Multi-code plotting symbols


Figure 5.2 Examples of Histogram Plots


Figure 5.3 Example of Star Plots


Figure 5.4 Example of Scatterplot Matrix for Acedient data


Figure 5.5 Example of conditioning plot for accident information

............................... o.......................................................

Figure 5.6 Pre-computer creation of a visualization tool


Figure 5.7 The creation and use of a computer-based visualization tool


Table 5.1 Interaction Techniques

Table 6.1 Relationships between task categories, requirements and techniques

.................................. 0....................................................

Figure 6.1 An example result of KeyAccident system

.... 0...................................................................................

Figure 6.2: Overview of the first version Map-Based Interface


Figure 6.3: Reviewing Details for Several Selected Incidents


Figure 6.4 Second version of the User Interfaces

....................................................................................... 89

Figure 6.5 Filtering control dialog

....................................................................................... go

Figure 6.6 Option panel for more filtering functions


Figure 6.7 Details for selected accident


Figure 6.8 System architecture


Figure 6.9 Use Case Diagram


Figure 6.10Relationshipsbetweenclasses
...................................................... ................................

Figure 6.11 an example of the system flow chart

.................................................................................. o....

Figure 7.1 Overlaps on the map


Figure 7.2 Detailed accident information
............................... 0......................................................

Figure 7.3: Quantitative Results from the Initial Usability Evaluation


Figure 7.4 How safe do you feel in terms of the likelihood that you could be
injured in a road traffic accident?
..................... o..o.... .......... 0..................... 0..0....

Figure 7.5 How controllable is the risk of involvement in a road traffic accident?
.... 0.0........ 0......................... 00.0*0
..................... 0000

Figure 8.1 Glasgow road map with time and accident information

Table 8.1 Preferences for the Glasgow route finding task


Table 8.2 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task

Figure 8.2 The experiment map of Manchester


Table 8.3 Preferences for the Manchester route finding task


Table 8.4 Sign test result for the Manchester route finding task

Table 8.5 Second Group of Taxi Drivers' Preferences on Glasgow route finding
........................ 0.0..........................................................

Table 8.6 Sign test result for the Second Group's Glasgow route finding task

Table 8.7 Second Group's Preferences on Manchester route finding task


Table 8.8 Sign test result for the Second Group's Manchester route finding task
........................ 00...........................................................

Table 8.9 Summary of Routes in the Glasgow Map

Table 8.10 Summary of Routes in the Manchester Map

................................................ 0.... O..*.*o............. 0.0.........

Figure 9.1 Glasgow road map with time and accident information
....... 0...............................................................................

Table 9.110 university staff's preferences on Glasgow route finding task


Table 9.2 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task (university staff)

Figure 9.2 The experiment map of Manchester


Table 9.3 Preferences for the Manchester route finding task (university staff)

Table 9.4 Sign test result for the Manchester route finding task (university staff)

Table 9.5 Preferences for the Manchester route finding task (university students)

Table 9.6 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task (university students)

Table 9.7 Preferences for the Manchester route finding task (university students)

Table 9.8 Sign test result for the Manchester route finding task (university

Figure 10.1 Advices on "Think! " website


Figure 10.2 Pictures in the system.


Figure 10.3 Annual Average Daily Flows and Major Road Network Information
in Glasgow

Table A. 1 Injuries comparison between unbelted and belted occupants

......... o.... - .... o........... oo.....................
.......... - ..... oo..... oo.ooooo

Figure B. 1 STATS19 -Accident Record

.............. 0... 0.................. 0..... 0............. ................ o.o.

Figure B. 2 STATS19 - Vehicle Record

...................................................................... 0..................

Figure B.3 STATS19 - Casualty Record


The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 1 Introduction

An Introduction to Road Traffic Accidents

In 1896,a 44 yearsold womanwas hit by a car travelling at "tremendous

speed"(4 mph) and died minutes later of head injuries. This is the first
recordedroad traffic deathin the world [ 102].The coronersaid,"This must
neverhappenagain".More than a centurylater, road traffic accidentsare a
seriousproblemfor almosteverycountry.

In the UK, road traffic accidents are the leading injury-related cause of

death among people aged 15-44 years. Table 1.1 shows accidental death

statistics from 1971 to 1998 in Great Britain.

Accidental deaths:by cause

United Kingdom Numbers

1971 1981 1991 1998

Road accident 8,302 5,133 5,276 3,421

Railway accident 213 97 90 47

Other transport accident 235 146 115 87

Other accident

At home or in communal

establishments 7,224 4,865 3,763

Elsewhere 3,930 2,569 4,319

All other accidents 11,207 10. 73,493 8,519

1 %4141
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

All accidental deaths 19,957 15,790 12,974 12,154

Table 1.1 Accidental deaths:by cause 1971-1998(from National


As we can seefrom the table, road accidentscausedabout 40 percentof

accidental in 1971 and around 30 percent of deaths
accidental in

1998.In the last decade,around3,500peoplewerekilled on Britain'sroads

and 40,000were seriouslyinjured every year (SeeTable 1.2). The direct

costof roadaccidentsinvolving deathor injury is thoughtto be in the region
of Million a year. This doesnot include consequentiallossesin termsof

Road accident casualties: by road user type and severity

Great Numbers


Year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002

Killed 3814 3,650 3,621 3,598 3,599 3,421 3,423 3,409 3,450 3,431

Killedor 48,834 50,190 49,154 48,097 46,583 44,255 42,545 41,564 40,560 39,407


severities 315,359 310,687 320,578 327,803 325,212 320,310 320,283 313,309 302,605

Table 1.2 Road accident casualties: by road user type and severity

1993-2002 (From National Statistics)

From table 1.2, we can see that the number of people killed in road

accidents has been decreasing.From 1994 to 1997, there were about 3,600

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

people killed every year. From 1998 to 2002, this number was down to
3,400. At the same time, the number of people killed or seriously injured

was falling every year from 50,190 in 1994 to 39,407 in 2002. That is a fall

of 21.5 percent during the 9 years. The improvement of road infrastructure

and of car design and government's safety campaign are helping to achieve
this. However, the reduction in the total number of fatalities has not been

matched by a comparable fall in the total number of all severities. From

1993 to 2002, the number of all severities remains high, over 30,000 every


Road traff ic accidents also have significant impact on world economics.

According to the WHO's (World Health Organization) "World report on

road traffic injury 'Prevention in 2004", the cost of road crash injuries is

estimated at roughly 1% of gross national product (GNP) in low-income

countries, 1.5% in middle-income countries and 2% in high-income

countries. The direct economic costs of global road crasheswere estimated

at US$ 518 billion in 2004. The estimated annual economic cost of injury

sustained in road accidents in China is equivalent to US$12.5 billion ---

almost four times the total public health servicesbudget for the county.

1.2 An Introduction to Road Safety Research

Since road traffic accidentsare a seriousproblem for all countriesin the

world, the questionof how to effectivelyreduceroad has

accidents become

a moreandmoreimportantissueconsideredby a largerangeof scientists.

After an individual road accident,there is a concernto find out what the

causewasandwho wasto blame. Sometimes


speed [20,13], bad weather [32], poor road surface conditions [75],
TheImpactof LocalizedRoadAccidentInformationon RoadSafetyAwareness

inadequate traffic signs [27], vehicle defects [21]..., and so on. These

accidents cannot therefore be addressedby any single solution. They are

causedby a combination of lots of factors [72,45]. This is why different

disciplines are engagedin the searchfor a solution.

The main aim of road safety researchis to use scientific ways to study the

road and traffic system in any of its aspectsto find suitable solutions for

reducing the number of road accidents or their severity. Assessing the

effectivenessof these solutions is another researchpurpose. However, road

traffic accidents are a dynamic phenomenon. An advance in one direction

can raise new problems. 'Risk Homeostasis' is the theory that humans
behave in such a way that if a risk is identified in a given system, and is

reduced by design, then a compensatory increase in risk-taking will occur

somewhereelse in the system [98]. Therefore, solutions are changing all the
time and road safety researchinvolves a very large scientific area. It can be
divided into the following four fields [72]:

1.) the study of occurrenceof accidents(statistics);

2.) the detailed study of any aspect of the accident processwhich may

be a factor in accidentproduction;

3.) the consequencesof accidents,i. e. injury and damage;

4.) the economic aspectsof accidentsand safety measures;

Detailedinformationaboutresearchin theseareascanbe foundin Appendix

A: A brief review of roadsafetyresearch.

According to the researchwork by Sabeyin 1975 [80], the accident process

can be divided into three categories: vehicle, road environment and road

users, and road users make the greatest contribution to road accidents.
He attempted to identify the "main contributory factors" responsible for

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sat'cty Awareness

2130 accidents which were investigated in great detail. Evidence was

obtained by observations of roads, vehicles and road users, by interviews,

and by assessing errors which were made by the road users, by examining

defects in vehicles, and by noting adverse features of vehicle and road. The

research team formed certain opinions. They categorized these contributory

factors into 3 areas (road environment, road user, vehicle), some accidents

being caused by a single factor, some caused by multiple factors. The result

shows that 8.5 percent of the causes could be assigned to vehicles, 28

percent to the road environment, and 95 percent to road users; these add up

to more than 100 percent because many accidents were considered to be the

result of more than one contributory factor. Figure 1.1 shows this result.

environment Road uscr Vehicle

Single factor 2.5 65 2.5

Double factors 24 4.5

Treble factors 1.5

Figure 1.1 Percentage contributions to road accidents

Finding solutions for accidentscausedby road users IS Much more difficult

than for those accidents caused by vehicle or road environment defects.

Changing road users' attitudes toward safety is a common response to

accidents causedby road users. Road safety campaigns,education and law

TheImpactof LocalizedRoadAccidentInformationon RoadSafetyAwareness

enforcementare ways to influence people's safety awareness.Chapter 2 will

discussmore human factors involved in road accidents.

With the development of computer technology, there are more and more

road accident related systems available for people to analyze massive

accident information. These systemsprovide a lot of help for experts to find

the solutions for accidents causedby vehicle or road environment defects.
Chapter 3 will discusssome of thesesystems.

1.3 Potential Users of Accident Data

Whatever the solution is, road accident data is essential for all road safety

research. Appendix B describes how UK government collects their road

accident data. Road accidents are reported to police. Police record the
information (e.g. STATS19form), such as time, location, weather, casualties,

and so on. Different user groups are interestedin road safety information for
different purposes.

Local authorities use the information for their road planning and

maintenance [24]. For example, from our interview with the Land Service
Department in Glasgow City Council, we know that road safety engineers

need historical data to identify accident black spots in local areas.They then
look into the data in detail so that they can find out the causesfor these
black spotsand take some countermeasures.

Vehicle engineers are interested in accident data because they can find

vehicle defects and ideas for improvements from accidents. For example,

research found that head related injuries accounted for most of the injury
cases,therefore, helmets for moto cyclists and seatbelts for car drivers are

TheImpactof Localized onRoadSafetyAwareness

designed for protecting people from injury [64].

Insurancecompaniesalso care about road accidents[85]. Their accident

data sometimesare more completethan the police's becausepeoplereport
non-injury accidentsto their insurancecompanyto claim compensation
rather than report them to the police. Insurancecompaniesalso carry out
many surveysabout traffic accidentsto collect relevantinformation.They
usethe informationto determinetheir insurancepremiums.

Road safety campaignswhich are launched by governmentsneed the

informationto supporttheir aimsandremindpeopleof the potentialdangers
on the road. Meanwhile, local governmentsand schools can use the
information to educate pupils and students in the right attitude and
behaviourtowardsroadsafety[67,3 1].

The general public is also interested in road accident information for their

own safety during their travel. However, unlike the above user groups, the
general public doesn't have much of this information. Governments show
them tables, figures, and diagrams which are highly aggregatedstatistics.
From real time accident report systems,the general public can know where

accidents are happening now. But they don't have any access to the
historical and local road accident information. However, we think this
information can be helpful for changing people's safety awareness.

1.4 Research Objectives

From the previous sections, we can see that researchon historical accident

data can find injury patterns of victims and propose protective measuresin

the light of thesepatterns, therefore can reduce the number of people killed

or seriously injured. Furthermore, historical accident data can show defects

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road SafetyAwareness

of vehicles and identify accident hot zones. But the statistics show that

although the number of people killed or seriously injured in accidents is

falling, the total number of accidents still remains high (See tablel. 2).

Increaseroad users' safety awarenessand attitude has been a popular way to

improve road safety for many years. There are three most common ways to

influence road users' attitudes, 1) Driver training, school programs or

education; 2) Road safety campaign; 3) Legislation and enforcement.These

methods will be discussedin detail in chapter 2. Our research,however, is

related to localized accident information.

Our research focuses on how the historical accident information can

affect the general public's safety awareness. We believe that

information which is customized to a person's characteristics and

situation is more likely to affect risk perception or safety awareness.

Therefore, localized accident information would have a better impact

than high level national statistics.

Using localized information to find out certain patterns which can't be

obtained from high level is

statistics not a new idea. Figure 1.2 is a snapshot
from Donald Brown's Regional Crime Analysis Program (RECAP). He

believes analyzing regional crime data at the level of individual districts or

even blocks is increasingly important when police initiatives to address

criminal activities one area or district can displace those activities to other


The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infon-nation on Road Safety Awareness

r-71rim 101xl
1ý eý 0 F7 CD L;
porgel Zoom In Pan copy RadSeledRect Select clustef Layefs Prt Map

Figure 1.2 Snapshot of ReCap system

Therefore the research objective is to find out how to affect the general

public's safety awareness by using localized historical road accident

information. The thesis will start with evaluating the existing road safety

campaign websites in order to see whether they have a significant impact on

people's safety awareness. Then it will describe our own localized road

accident information system and evaluate it. A route planning experiment is

also described to see whether such localized accident infon-nation would

affect people's route choices. Positive results from the experiment would

suggest such information does have an impact on people's safety awareness.

1.5 Structure of the Thesis

As we said in previous sections, most contributions to road accidents are

from road users. Therefore, how to improve the general public's safety

awareness and their behaviour become more and more important. However,

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

as we found, there is no such road accident analysis system for general

public so that they can know more detailed information about accidents
happening near them. We developed such a system and compared it with the

existing road safety campaign website to find out what kind of accident
infon-nation is helpful for improving their awareness. The thesis structure is

as follows.

Chapter2 discussesthe relationship betweenhuman error and road accident.

It also analyzes some problems of current road safety measurements,

education, legislation and road safety campaigns.Then it describesthe user

group of our study and our researchmethodology.

Chapter 3 evaluates of existing road safety information system ('Think' and

Scottish road safety campaign websites) and their effect on general public's

safety awareness by using psychometric questionnaire. At the end of the

chapter, the reasons why our results do not show a consensus are discussed.

In order to build our localized accident inforination system, chapter 4

discusses the available road traffic accident data and their structure. It also

describes our requirements elicitation and analysis. A full list of functional

and non-functional requirements is provided.

Chapter 5 discussessome statistical graphics for visualizing multivariate

data, their advantagesand disadvantages.It also explains why we chose

map-basedvisualization technique. In order to enhanceour system's effect,

interactive information display theories, their advantagesand disadvantages

are also discussed.

Based on the requirements listed in chapter 4, chapter 6 discusses the

interface design, system structure design, class classification and the system

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness


Chapter 7 discussesthe systemusability evaluation. The samepsychometric

questionnaireas in chapter 3 was used to find the impact of our system on

people's safety awareness. addition, a focus group discussion is used as

an alternative measurefor accessingsuch impact.

In chapter8, we describehow we designeda routeplanningexperiment.In

this experiment,we provided taxi drivers with local accidentinformation.

Wewantedto find out thatwhetheraccidentinformationwould changetheir

routeplanning.The Sign test was usedto test our hypothesis.

At the endof

this chapter,we discussthe findings from this experimentand possible


In chapter 9, we carried out the similar route planning experiment with

university staff and students.

Chapter 10 discussesthe future work on the impact of localized accident

information and its applications. Conclusionswill be offered as well.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 2
Problems Identified and Research methodology

2.1 Human Error and Road accidents

As mentioned in Appendix A: A brief review of road safety research,

perception, decision and action are the three main aspects involved in

driving. Any error in thesephasesmay causean accident. For example, the

following accident happenedon Saturday,October 13,2001 (NTSB Number

HAR-04/01, NTIS Number P132004-916201).A school bus entered a work

zone and struck road side barriers. It then rode up onto a bridge's sidewall,

and rolled 270 degreesclockwise as it fell about 49 feet. It landed on its left

side in a 1-foot-deep creek below the bridge. The NTSB determined that

the probable cause of this accident was "the failure of the Nebraska
Department of Roads to recognize and correct the hazardous condition in

the work zone createdby the irregular geometry of the roadway, the narrow
lane widths, and the speed limit. Contributing to the accident was the

accident bus driver's inability to maintain the bus within the lane due to the

perceived or actual threat of a frontal collision with the approaching

eastboundmotorcoach and the accident bus driver's unfamiliarity with the

accident vehicle". In this accident, the bus driver had to perceive the
hazardouscondition in the work zone and the threat of a collision with the

approachingcoach. The bus driver's inability to maintain the bus within the
lane and unfamiliarity with the accident vehicle could indicate errors in

decision and actions.

Rasmussen[44] thinks that the whole of human behavioural control can be

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

categorised into three levels, skill-, rule- and knowledge-basedbehaviour.

Skill-based behaviours are auto-matedroutine actions during familiar work

situations, such as make a 'U' turn or take a right (left) turn. At the level of

rule-basedbehaviour, people act on a stored rule which is the integration of

a sequenceof subroutines,such as overtake a vehicle. The rule or control is

selected on the basis of previous successful experiences.Knowledge-based

behaviour focuses on problem solving when there is no suitable rule

available for the unfamiliar situation, such as handing emergencysituations.

JamesReason'sGeneric Error-Modelling System analyzes common human

error forms based on Rasmussen's framework. Figure 2.1 shows the

dynamics of this system.Reasonalso gives error-shapingfactors for eachof

these levels. Table 2.1 shows these factors. According to the NTSB report,

the above road accident involves errors in all these three levels. First, the
Nebraska Department of Roads failed to recognize and correct the

hazardouscondition in the work zone. This error may becausethey thought

the work zone was safe as others for the traffic, which is an example of

rule-based error-shaping factor No. 1 'mind set' or No. 5 'over-confidence;

or because they unable to analyze the danger based on the available data,

which is an example of knowledge-based error-shaping factor No. 7

'Incorrect/incomplete mental model'. When bus driver saw the approaching

motorcoach, he may not have thought that would be a problem for him,

which is an example of the skill-based error-shaping factor No. 2: fail to

recognize 'environmental control signals'; or he may have been thinking

about something else, which is an example of skill-based error-shaping

factor No. 4 'concurrent plans'; or he trusted his driving skills, which is an

example of rule-based effor-shaping factor No. 5 'over-confidence'. Then,

when collision happened,he was unable to maintain the bus within the lane

because of his unfamiliarity with the accident vehicle. This should be an

example of knowledge-based error-shaping factor No. 5

'Incomplete/incorrect knowledge' becausethe driver may have the required

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

skill to control the bus. But his knowledge (unfamiliarity with the accident

vehicle) prevents him from performing the correct skills.


SKILL-BASED 1. Recencyand frequencyof previoususe

2. Environmentcontrol signals
3. Sharedschemaproperties
4. Concurrentplans

1. Mind set ('It's alwaysworkedbefore')

RULE-BASED 2. Availability (Tirst comebestpreferred')
3. Matching bias ('like relatesto like')
4. Over-simplification
5. Over-confidence('I'm sureI'm right')

1. Selectivity
2. Working memory overload
3. Out of sight out of mind
4. Thematic 'vagabonding' (Flitting from
issue to issue quickly, treating each one.
superficially) and 'encysting' (Can't see
wood for the trees)
5. Memory cueing/reasoning by analogy
6. Matching bias revisited
7. Incomplete/incorrect mental model

Table 2.1 The major error-shapingfactors at eachlevel of performance [44]

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Routine Actions III Attentional checks upon progress

Familiar Environment



--------------------------- * ----------------------- ;,ý -----------------------



'4; IF (situation)

THEN (action)

-------------------------- f --- ------------------------------------ I





(MISTAKES) ------------------------- *

L -------------------------- i

Figure 2.1 Dynamics of generic error-modelling system(GEMS)

Other branches of psychology have also been used in analysing human

errors and road accidents. Rothengatter [79] defined the study of the
behaviour of road users and the psychological processes underlying that

behaviour as traffic psychology. The basic psychological theory used in road

safety research is the theory of planned behaviour, which was originally

proposed by Ajzen [3]. The diagram in Figure 2.2 shows a simplified

version of the theory.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Figure 2.2 The theory of Planned behaviour

According to this theory, intentions are the main dctcri-ninants of behaviour.

intentions are deten-nined independently by attitudes towards a behaviour

(global positive or negative evaluations about performing the behaviour),

subjective norms (perceived social pressure concerning performance of the

behaviour), and perceived control (the perceived ease or difficulty of

performing the behaviour). In addition, perceived behaviour control might

inhibit or facilitate performance of the behaviour. For example, drivers

speed because they have certain intentions. These intentions may come from

the following judgments: "Speeding can really save my time and I can bear

the consequences (getting a ticket from the police)" (attitude); "Everyone

speeds" (subjective norm); "If there is a danger, I can control my car under

that speed. I did it many times and it is difficult for me to keep the speed

under the limit on such quiet road" (Perceived behaviour control).

The common feature from the above theories is that they are all trying to

analyze the relationships between human being's behaviour (errors) and

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road SafetyAwareness

road accident. The differences are Dynamics of Generic error-modelling

system (GEMS) and the theory of Skill-, rule- and knowledge-based

behaviour are focused on how to make road users choosecorrect behaviours

to avoid potential dangers. However, nowadays, some drivers choose the

wrong behaviours even they know those are dangerous and wrong. The
theory of planned behaviour is to analyze human errors from psychology

point of view. It identifies the factors which could affect drivers' intention

which ultimately affect drivers' behaviour. It try to explain why drivers

choosedangerousbehaviours even they know they are wrong.

2.2 Practices in Influencing Drivers'Attitude

Attitude plays an important role in the theory of planned behaviour. There is

evidenceto suggestthat 'people drive as they live' [90]. The term "attitude"
is a key concept in social psychology, referring to a hypothetical mental

structure which determines actions to in

or prepares a person act a certain

way [41]. It is generally used to characterize a person's convictions or

beliefs about objects regarded as good or bad, acceptableor unacceptable,

and with which the person feels in compliance or not, as manifested in

various kinds of behaviour. Here is an example from Fildes' study "Speed

Behaviour and Drivers' Attitudes to Speeding" [9]. The study found "A

surprisingly high number of motorists at all speedlevels did not believe it to

be dangerous to travel 30km/h above the posted speed limits and most

thought the chanceof being stoppedby the police for speedingat these sites

to be low". These drivers think travelling over 30km/h is acceptable,even

when that is above the speedlimit.

There is still little practical experience of how to identify, measure and

modify attitudes. As mentioned in the previous chapter, driver training,

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road SafetyAwareness

school programmes or education [67,31], road safety campaign [87,70],

legislation, enforcement [22] are all used to influence behaviour and attitude.

Driver training and school programmesare aiming at establishingnew kinds

of traffic safety behaviour and attitudes. The other methods are targeting at
behavioral or attitude changefor existing drivers.

Driver training and examination can provide necessarydriving skills. It can

also influence driving behaviour and attitude. For example, the UK driving

test includes both a theory test and a practical test. The theory test has

multiple choice questionsand a hazard perception test. In hazard perception,

participants are required to view 14 hazard video clips on the computer

screen approximately one minute each.There are 15 hazardsto find. The

practical test covers a wide variety of different road conditions, from quiet
low speedroads to busy high-speed roads and town or city centre driving.

Drivers are also required to undertake several set maneuvers. These tests

provide drivers with information about dangerous environments and

situations on the road. At the same time, they learn how to cope with those

situations, using the skills received from training.

Finland and Norway have carriedout evaluationsof a new driver training

course. coursehas two Skid
phases. training is one componentof the
second phase. The result shows that the drivers trained by the new

curriculumwere less afraid of driving on a slipperyroad. However,

driverstrainedby the new curriculumhad a greaterproportionof accidents

on a slippery road than the older ones and those trained by the old

curriculum.It was recommendedthat exercisesin skid training should

be developed so that the perception of risks and anticipation are

stressedmore than training of skilled performance [49].

Traffic education in schools has helped pupils to learn basic rules,

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

understandtraffic processesand provides basic instructions on behaviour. It

is intended to establish positive attitudes towards safety standards.But the

effectiveness of the education can decline over time when the course is

finished. Establishing long-lasting good attitudes needs help from other


Road safety campaigns remind people of the dangers of road traffic

accidents, what kinds of situations they should pay attention to and what

skills could be used to cope with such situations. A variety of techniques

have been used to provide information to the general public about the

dangers associatedwith road use. These include media broadcast, leaflet

campaigns, community-based schemes, and so on. The key point in the

success of a campaign is that the information provided must catch the

attention of the target audience. They must also be willing to listen to the
information. Another problem is that safety campaigns involve significant

costs to the agencies that use them. The production costs associatedwith
leaflet production must be added to the logistics involved in disseminating

the publications to the generalpublic. Even when theseleaflets are delivered

to individual householdsa significant proportion of them will be discarded

before they are read [91].

Legislation and enforcement are other means to influence road users'

behaviour and attitude. Legislation dictates behaviour and in theory makes

the behaviour of all road users predictable and safe. However, when the

goals of legislation appearto be unreasonable,

people may be less willing to

adapttheir behaviour, or changetheir attitudes.

In many cases, legislation and regulation are not enough to change

behaviour. Police enforcement is necessary.But enforcement is an external

motivator for behaviour. It makes certain behaviour disadvantageous

so that

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

drivers or riders may consider the consequence of their decisions and

hopefully do not take any dangerousactions. Enforcement often leads to a

change in behaviour, but in many cases only for as long as the perceived

chance of being caught is high enough. Changesin attitudes do not always

result from enforcement. A combination of enforcement and information

provides better support for lasting behaviour change[41].

2.3 Identiried Problems

As discussedabove, efforts have been made to changethe attitudes of road

users, e.g. by public information campaigns and driver education. Such

measureshave so far had limited successin terms of reducing accidents[17,

37, and 68]. Charles Goldenbeld, Peter Bernadus, and Jelle Heidstra [16]

suggestpossible reasonsfor this situation. They believe attitude changedoes

not necessarilylead to behaviour changebecause:

1) A person may not have the skills or knowledge to behave in accordance

with his/her attitude;

2) Situational factors hamperthe showing of attitude-compatiblebehaviour;

3) At a particular moment, other attitudes or preferencesare stronger.

However, this doesn't mean influencing attitude is not important. A negative

attitude towards particular behaviour can act as a barrier to performing that

behaviour. It is always important to remove such barriers, even if it does not

immediately lead to a behaviour change. In fact, they believe changing

attitudes towards traffic behaviours by providing road users with

attitude-relevant information is an important tactic to achieve

behavioural change. They also provide some recommendations:

1) The information should address the needs of road users in order to

increase the probability that the information will be noticed and used;

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

2) "We should be precise as to the distinct character of the traffic

behaviour we aim to change and the context of the behaviour. " For

example, researches about speeding [2] showed that the importance of

attitude and social norm can differ depending on the type of road considered.
Therefore, road safety campaign information about driving speed should

make a distinction between the different categories of road, inside and

outside built-up areas.

From the aboverecommendations

and previousroad safety practises,we
can seethat road accidentrelated information in
can play a role reducing
road accidents.Driver training coursesneed this information to identify
potential risks and provide appropriateadvice or instructions. School
educationneedsthis informationto inform pupils. Roadsafetycampaigns
need this information to support their plans and show evidenceto the

generalpublic. Legislationand enforcementneedthis informationto help

peopleunderstandthe rulesandthereforeobeythe laws.

Road accident information is presented in various format including text,

images and video. The presentation of this information can be divided into

1-dimensional, 2-dimensional and multi-diMensional representations.Figure

2.3 shows some examples of different dimensional road accident

information data.


A4148: Lane(s) closed between West Bromwich Road: Fullbrook

andBirminghamRoadin Anti-clockwise direction.


The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Satlety Awareness

, asLA,

Two dimensional (charts, images, graphs, et.)

Multi dimensional (video)

Figure 2.3 different kinds of road accident information

I-dimensional infori-nation provides a literal description of the accident.

Those infori-nation are usually come from traffic police. They recorded the

accident process according to the description of witnesses. 2-dimensional

information, such as charts and graphs, can show trends in accidents,Those

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sal'ety Awareness

infori-nation are usually generated by road safety experts or researchers.

They use such information to identify potential accident patterns so that they

may find countermeasures. Multi-dimensional information, such as

accidents simulations, can help experts or researchers get a better

understanding of the single accident. However, at the moment there are few

guidelines for use of I D, 2D, or multi -dimen sional data for road safety.

In order to provide a cost effective meansof accessinginforination about the

causesand consequencesof road accidents,many road safety agencieshave

developed on-line inforination sources. Figure 2.4 illustrates the main UK

Department of Transport portal for road safety information. As can be seen,

this web site provides access to information about a range of issues

including the use of speedcameras,child safety and alcohol limits. National

level statistical information is also provided.

tf- fl, 1,
- 1



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1* **fl't . 04 aMt

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frOl t*k.

I 050 4111cia, dl. powsecw .4 'o06 coMaS,.. led 40.1 . 54,4.11. - .1. 14. tIflPp, *lS 611440114*01
L*1M#. 400'lT fl14'*04i01111*k, iKa. 0 *01*4,
L-1 T,. 10.1 . S. ty . *. %d 5.541.0. « 4*. d p.*I, l*, '«. 4.411,4..

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'4* *0405

r-, F

p W.

tjL J; -;;;::- - jsý2ý1 in

Figure 2.4: UK Department of Transport Road Safety Site

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Within Scotland, it is possible to accesslocal accident data published by the

Scottish office. There are, however, a number of usability issuesassociated

with this information source. Members of the public must use a series of
interlinked Excel workbooks to navigate between different views of the

regional statistics (there are html and pdf versions available now for the

users). This data has the benefit of providing detailed information about the
frequency of accidents in particular, generic types of road geometry. Table

2.2 illustrates the Scottish Executive data from mean accident frequenciesat

different severity levels for built-up (urban) junctions between 1998 and



Fatal Serious Slight Severities

Junction 45 772 2,995 3,812

Roundabout 3 60 521 583

Mini-roundabout 6 42 48
T/Y/staggered junction 31 596 2,994 3,621

Slip road 9 55 64

Crossroads 10 172 1ý014 1,197

Multiple junction - 22 115 138

Private drive 1 18 93 112

Otherjunction 2 40 202 244

Total 93 1,695 8,032 9,820

1 -1
Table 2.2: Scottish Executive Accident Frequencies for Urban Junctions


The Impact of Localized Road Accident Int-orniation on Road Safety Awareness

At a local level, individual city and municipal organizations will also Issue

information about road safety issues. For example, GkISgOWCity Council

developed a road safety action plan. This publicized the various direct steps

that they were taking to reduce the accident rate within the areas under their

control. This argued "In 1997,22 people were killed, 496 were seriously
injured and 2597 were slightly inured on the roads in Glasgow. Although,

this was the lowest total of casualties in modem times, it is 22 deaths too

many". Figure 2.5 shows how the review of their strategy presented

aggregate local accident statistics to members of the public.

C-Ity H-L- 1990,

-10.16001-05 A--g.



1ý ----

.--3. aaS
-1 -



nec SQi ltfl an gee im *97 *99 1999

--im-MET uNIE


1"1-85 IGW ýl 1092 1910 W" Ma in* IM OM TM RODO

Figure 2.5: Excerpt from Glasgow City Council's Review of Road

Safety Strategy

From the previous examples,we can see these on-line information sources

only provide high level aggregate national or regional statistics. These

statistics provide an overview of road accidents and certain relationships

between accidents and factors, such as road geometry, accident locations,

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

accident times. But this kind of information does little to cope with the

problem of fundamentalattribution error.

FundamentalAttribution Error (FAE) is a psychological phenomenon.This

refers to the fact that whenever people are making attributions about an

action, they tend to over-emphasizedispositional factors about the actor, and

under-emphasizesituational factors [77]. Because it appearsas if people

generalize from the actor's behavior and ignore the situational context in

which behavior occurs, the FAE is often described as a tendency to

underattribute the cause of behavior to situations and overattribute it to

dispositional traits [77]. For example, most drivers believe that they are less

likely to be involved in an accident than other motorists. Accidents occur

becauseother motorists are careless. They believe that they would never

drive like that.

Even if drivers learn that speed, drink-driving, close following are

dangerousfrom accident information, they may not changetheir behaviour.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, Situational factors can

hamper showing attitude-compatible behaviour. They think they know their

traffic environment well. They have traveled many times in their local area

and never had an accident. Therefore they feel that the rules are not

applicable for them in this area. Researchshows an average car driver can

be expected to be involved in a personal-injury accident once in about 60

years [29]. So it is normal for a driver not to have an accident for long

periods of time. But if drivers drive dangerously 10 times without an

accident, this doesn't mean they won't get hurt the next time. If they know

someonein their area who has had an accident with the samesituation they
had, they may be more alert to that situation.

2.4 Research Methodology

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

From previous sections, we can see increase road users' safety awareness

and attitude has been a popular way to improve road safety for many years.
However, the existing methods have their limitations. Driver training,

school programs or education only have short term impacts on road users'

safety awarness.Road safety campaign could be affected by Fundamental

Attribution Error (FAE). Enforcement often leads to a changein behaviour,

but in many casesonly for as long as the perceived chanceof being caught

is high enough. Our research focuses on different aspects of accidents

information. We argued that more localized precise road accidents

information may have a significant impact on the general public's safety

attitudes. In order to test our hypothesis, we decided to develop a software

application, which will provide a map-based road accident information

system for the Glasgow area. Using localized information is not a new idea.
For example, Don Brown's group at the University of Virginia has recently

implemented a Regional Crime Analysis Program (ReCAP) for use in small

cities and towns. This system uses a client-server architecture so that local

officers can monitor patterns in crime reports across time and geographical
locations. This tool enableslaw enforcementagenciesto analyze crime data

down to the level of individual districts. This is increasingly important when

police initiatives to address criminal activities in one area or district can

displace those activities to other areas. As with ReCAP and unlike route

planning systems,such as the AA navigation tool, our proposed application

will provide localized historic accident information for the generalpublic.

Our research had three main stages. First, we used risk perception

assessmenttechniques to find out how existing on-line road accidents

information affects the general public's safety attitudes. This is discussedin

detail in Chapter 3. Secondly, we developed a map-based road accident

information systemfor the Glasgow area.Through our systemuserscan find

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

out detailed information about every accident that has happened over the

last few years. Additional tools will also be provided so that users can find

accident patterns in the area. We then used the same psychometric

techniquesto assessthe impact of our systemon people's safety attitude.

By comparing existing on-line information system and our system, we

hoped we could identify which information and information presentation

tools are critical in changing the generalpublic's attitudes to road safety.

Chapter 3
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Evaluation of Existing Road Safety Websites

3.1 Existing Road Accident Related Information Systems

3.1.1 Simulating Individual Road Accidents

The simulationof individual road accidentsis an importantaspectin road

safetyresearch. can show the interactionsbetweenhumans,
the environmentbasedon data collected at the sceneof an accidentor
incident. The Human Vehicle Environment (HVE) is such a system,
developedby the EngineeringDynamics Corporation.This system can

simulate the of
response multiple occupantsduring a rollover collision
including contactbetweenthe occupants.It can simulatea crashsequence

and changethe initial conditions to study avoidability. It can route the

results directly to a video showing multiple views including thoseof the
driver of eachvehicle, use virtual thermocouplesto monitor brake lining

on a downhill grade,createa complex3-D terrain meshand

drive a vehicle on it, and so on [39]. Figure 3.1 showssomescreenshots
from the system.The left hand side figure simulatesa van driver's view
beforethis van collideswith the comingtruck. The whole accidentprocess

canbe seenfrom the simulationwith HVE's virtual cameraattachedto the

witnessesand driver of each vehicle. The right hand side figure shows
another of two car From
crash. the simulation,
we can during
the accident,not only did the occupantsstrike the vehicleinterior,they also

struckeachother.This kind of informationcould help expertsto explainthe

injury patternsof the victims. However,this softwarehaslimitations. Such

simulationsonly help researchersunderstandindividual road accidentsor

generic scenariosbased on particular types of common accidents.It is

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sal'cty Awareness

difficult for researchers to see the relationships between accidents. For

example, from one accident simulation, researchers might find that tile car

speed is too high. If this car can be driven under 60 mph, the accident will

not happen. But if conditions change a little, the conclusion may not be right.

For instance, another car, which is driven Linder 60 mph at the same place,

may still have an accident because it is raining. Therefore, the information

that comes from individual accidents is not enough for road safety research.

However, statistical tools can be used to help identify relationship between

different individual accidents.

Figure 3.1 Screenshots of HVE

CarSim (http: //www. carsim. com/) and Pam-Crash

(http: //www. esi-group. com) provide further examples of single accident

simulation tools.

3.1.2 Real-time Road Traffic Accidents Reporting System

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Salety Awareness

At present, many commercial websites provide real-time road traffic

accident information using their own visualization tools. This information is

updated every hour or even every minute. People browsing these websites

can find out where and when accidents have happened. Using the

information, people can plan to avoid traffic before they go out. The

following are typical of these websites. TxDOT Expressway

m I
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All Rights Resened. Im

-- -- - -- - ----
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Figure 3.2 screen shot of TxDOT

The TxDOT Expressway website provides road condition information for

Texas State [95]. The map is divided into many squares. Those that are

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

colored blue have road traffic problems. Users can select an area by clicking
the corresponding blue square. Then a new page with detailed road

condition information is displayed. Users can also use a combo box above
the map to select a specific condition, such as construction, bridge-out,
damage, and so on. Figure 3.2 shows a screen shot of TxDoT system. With

the information provided from this system, road users can be infon-ned by

the current road conditions on every road in Texas State so that they can

plan their j ourney more eff iciently. MATTISSE

Figure 3.3 Screen shot of MATTISSE

The MATTISSE website provides traffic information covering the UK's

"crossroads" in the Midlands [59]. Using a map, users can select a small

area that they are interested in. Then a local road map will appear. When

users click on an icon, a further sub-window will come out, which gives
detailed information. An icon list is always at the right-hand side of the web

page, which gives users an explanation of each icon. This website also

provides an incidents list. Figure 3.3 shows a screen shot of MATTISSE.

Like the TxDoT system above, the information provided by MATTISSE

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inforniation on Road Safety Awareness

could help road users plan theirjourney more ell-iciently and safer. AA

k p- I- ý. p
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p..- ....... à. d. h.,.. 'A
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I.- aim



btVno(Kleo ore of the saNg pbý Dabe

Eq Ia2a

7ý, W*-Aý-
r-7r-W-- zi

Figure 3.4 screen shot of the AA

The 'AA' website provides traffic news throughout the UK [881. Users

must firstly fill in a query by city name, by region or by road name. The

system will then display a map in the middle of the page. There is only one
kind of icon to indicate all situations. At the bottom of the page there is a list

of incidents. Again, like the above two systems, AA's traffic news and maps

are very helpful for road users to know what the current road conditions are,

where the road works are, where the incidents happened. With such
information, road congestion can be reduced around those areas and road

uses can save a lot of time.

Real time accident information system can give road users ideas about
which road avoid so that people can chooseanother better route. However,

such systemsdo not provide historic accident data. People can't know which
area is an accident hot spot and which route is safer. The next section will
talk about accident analysis systemwhich could provide such information.

3.1.3 Road Traffic Accident Analysis Systems

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness KeyAccident

KeyAccident (See Figure 3.5) is an AutoCADV based GIS application,

including a standalonedatabasemanagementtool, for storing, maintaining

and analyzing UK road traffic accident data. Enquiries can be made

graphically by selecting areas on a map using rectangular, circular or

irregular polygon search areas. Data can be displayed and arranged

automatically on OS maps. Alternatively, semi-automatic displays can be

controlled to distribute accident information around a junction. It also has

the following features:

" Setting up the SEARCH CRITERIA and extracting the selected

" Creating a FILE from the selectedaccidentsfor future use.

" Creating and drawing the STICK DIAGRAMS and sorting them.

" Creating and drawing the HISTOGRAMS.

" Creating and drawing the PIE CHARTS.

" Creating and printing out the TEXT SUMMARY.

" Ability to perform GIS searchesquickly with easeand presentRTA
data in a graphical format

GenerateaccurateCluster Site lists using recognisedalgorithms

Maintain RTA data effortlessly using comprehensivedata

Createstatistical, narrative, comprehensiveor user defined reports

Facility to monitor sites with the automatic extraction of RTA data

to the Dfr Safety CameraPartnershipdatabase

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inforniation on Road Sal'ety Awarcticss


!. W=
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"---j ot ag&tIId; IA --tl aIII 'K IIgI&ttA

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If, ý' " '' ýf Iw, I

Figure 3.5 An example result of KeyAccident system

As we shall see, the KeyAccident system is used by several local authorities

to guide road planning. AIS (Accident Information System)

AIS was developed for police departments in California. It is a

comprehensive accident data reporting and tracking system, for traffic

enforcement personnel. In use since 1993, AIS can view, edit, compare and

combine visual representations of accident scenes (photos). And it can

generate many reports customized by users. Figure 3.6 shows some

snapshots of the system.

E-1- Edý( 2. -h
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F--, 1,,-; Ll' FL--3
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Code V. hC. d.., R. -k Cnedl?

S. 4. -

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Týffiý C., "l, PE, V. h,d, Wh

-- 7: ] Fý ------------- 3
-111 - -1 ',,, 'f, -1r4, p

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inforniation on Road Sal'ety Awareness

I tM hI !I 1'.

hL a


4 II it


ýD -;5-

Ed. Typ. U. 10
Input I aummmy I Qdlaset

Accidents by Day of Week

Figure 3.6 Snapshots of AIS

Although all the above systemscan provide great insight into road accidents,

none of them provides historical road accident information to the general

public. Most of them are only available to road safety experts. In the UK, in

order to increasethe general public's road safety government

awareness, has

launched several websites to provide road accident infori-nation. The next

section will discuss these websites and evaluate the effectiveness of these

websiteson people's safety awareness.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

3.2 Evaluation of Existing Road Safety Websites

As mentioned in chapter 2, many road safety agencies and governments

have developed on-line road safety information in order to provide a cost

effective meansof accessinginformation about the causesand consequences

of road accidents.In this chapter,we evaluate two such websites to find out
how the information provided on these websites can affect people's safety


We chosethe Scottish Road Safety Campaign' (SRSC) and Think! websites

becausethey are two of the major on-line road accident information systems

within the UK. The SRSC was founded in 1985 and is funded by the

Scottish Executive. Its remit is to develop and co-ordinate Scotland-wide

road safety initiatives and campaigns. The SRSC works closely with all

local authority and police road safety units in an attempt to ensure a

coordinated approach to road safety in Scotland. The Think Road Safety

Website was launched by the UK Department of Transportation to provide

the news of latest campaignsand road safety advice to keep everyone safer

on the Ws roads.

1http://www. srsc.org.uk/

2 http://www. thinkroadsafety.gov.uk/index.htm

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

3.3 Information on the Websites

A variety of road safety related information can be found on these two

websites. It can be divided into four categories: road traffic accident

statistics, tips and advice on road safety, interactive multimedia infon-nation

on road safety, and road traffic safety research outcornes and publications.

The websites focus on several different kinds of road users, from young

teenagers to old persons, from road safety engineers to traffic police, and

from pedestrians to drivers and cyclists.

A number of different techniques are used to present inforination on these

websites. First are statistics, facts and figures. The information covers all
important aspectsof road safety, such as facts about drinking and driving,

seatbeltusage,motorcycle accidentsand casualties,and so on.

Figure 3.7 shows some facts and figures from the Think website.

II. r
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Figure 3.7 Facts and Figures from Think Road Safety Website

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Thesewebsitesalso provide tips and advice on road safety. This information

focuses on specific user groups, like drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, school

pupils. For example, SRSC give some tips for older pedestrians:

" "Try to plan your day to avoid rush hour traffic. In this way you can

reduce the risk of being involved in a road accident.

" Allow extra time for journeys. When in a hurry or running late,

people tend to becomecarelessand overlook safety

" Try to keep yourself fit and healthy. Have regular check-ups,

especially for your eyesight and hearing. It is important for all

pedestriansto be able to see and hear the oncoming traffic.

" If you need to wear glassesor a hearing aid, make sure you wear

them every time you are out.

" Try to use safer crossing places such as zebra and pelican crossings

whenever possible. Many accidents involving pedestrians happen

near or on PedestrianCrossings.These crossingsare only safe when


" If you ever need help to cross the road don't be afraid to ask."

(http://www. thinkroadsafety.gov.uko

The Think website provides the following advice for cyclists.

" "Be visible. Ride well clear of the kerb, wear bright clothing and

always use lights after dark or in poor weather conditions.

" Show drivers what you plan to do. Always look and signal before

you start, stop or turn.

" Ride a straight line past parked cars rather than dodging between


" Don't jump red lights.

" Don't ride on pavements.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

" Don't ride the wrong way up one-way streets, unless there's a sign

saying cyclists can.

" Don't ride across pedestrian crossings."

(http://www. thinkroadsafety.gov.uk/)

However, it is difficult to determine whether such advice has been shown to

have an effect on behaviour.

In order to attractyoung road users,interactivemultimediainformationis

availableon the sites. These includes video (TV road safety campaign),

audio, gamesand Through

screensavers. the interaction,it is hoped that

young road users may understandand assimilatesome important safety


Lists of related researchresults and publications are also a part of thesesites.

They may use thesefor publicity, educationand further research.

The informationon both websitesis intendedto help road usersrealizethe

risks on the road, provide information aboutwhat they shouldand should

not do for their own safety,how they can reducepotentialrisks during the
journey."THINK! is aboutsavinglives. We campaignall year roundto get

peopleto think moreaboutroad safety,whetheryou walk, drive or ride. As

part of the Government's
our aim is to cut the numberof deaths

serious injuries from road accidents by 40% by 2010."

(http://www. thinkroadsafety.gov.uký

These two websites provide lots of different kinds of accident information

for different road users. In order to improve safety awarenessand attitudes,

the most important factor for the two websites is that they can attract people

to visit them. People should be interestedin the information provided by the

websites. From our focus group discussion, which is described in detail in

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

chapter 7, people are not interestedin theseaggregatedstatistics and advices.

People are only interested in the information that relates to them. For

example, one student said "when I go to a new town, the accident

information would help me decide where I should drive carefully".

For those who did visit the websites,we need meansof assessingrisk

perceptionto find out whetherthe informationprovidedby the websiteshas

impacton their safetyawareness.

3.4 Risk Perception Evaluation

Risk perception is "one's opinion of the likelihood of risk associatedwith

performing a certain activity or choosing a certain lifestyle" [83]. Our

evaluation used a questionnairethat amalgamatedelementsof three existing

road accidentsrisk perception forms [92,69, and 57].

A campaign to promote safe driving behaviour has been carried out among

adolescentsin two Nordic counties since 1998. It focused on traffic accident

risk perception. Rundmo and Iversen present the results of the evaluation of

the effect of the campaign.They use this to examine the associationbetween

risk perception and traffic behaviour [92]. The respondentsperceived the

risk to be higher after the campaign than before. The respondentsof the

post-sample of the experimental group also reported less 'risky behaviour'

in traffic. The questionnaire measured cognition-based as well as

emotion-based risk perception. Cognition-based risk perception is about

personal belief, such as assessmentof the probability of an accident.

Emotion-basedrisk perception is about the senseof feelings, such as worry

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

and insecurity. Model tests showed that assessmentsof the probability of

traffic accidents and concern were non-significant predictors for self-report

risk behaviour. In contrast, worry and other emotional reactions related to

traffic hazardssignificantly predicted behaviour.

A similar study was carried out by Rundmo and tried to integratetwo

researchtraditions,the personalitytrait approachand the social cognition

approach,to explain individual differencesin risky driving behaviourand
traffic accidentinvolvement[69]. The cognitionapproachstudiedvariables

such as managementof attentionand information processingcapabilities.

Personalityapproachhas focusedupon the predictivevalue of personality
traits,suchasaggression,anxiety.The studywasbasedon a self-completion

questionnaire survey. The questionnaire included measures of risk

perception,attitudestowardstraffic safety and self-reportedrisk-taking in
traffic. The resultssuggestedthat the relationbetweenthe personalitytraits

andrisky driving behaviourwas mediatedthroughattitudes.On this basisit

was concludedthat personalityprimarily influencesrisky driving behaviour
indirectlythroughaffectingthe attitudinaldeterminants
of thebehaviour.

3.4.1 Evaluation Method

Basedon the aboveresearch,our resultinginstrumentaskeda total of nine

questions.Thesequestionsrelateto both cognition-based

risk perception.We did not include any personalityquestionsbecauseour
research is to find out the relationshipbetweenaccidentinformation
and risk perception,not the relationship betweenpersonality and risk
perception. ten-pointbipolar evaluationscalewas appliedfor measuring
all typesof risk The
perception. questionsareshownbelow.
I Do you feel unsafe that you yourself could be injured in a

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

traffic accident?Answers are scalesfrom I to 10.

Safe 123456789 10 unsafe

2 Are you worried for yourself being injured in a traffic accident?

Answers are scalesfrom I to 10.

Not worried 123456789 10 worried

3 How probabledo you think it is for yourself to be injured in a

traffic accident?Answersarescalesfrom I to 10.

Unlikely 123456789 10 likely

4 How concernedare you about traffic risks and are thinking that

you yourself could be victimized? Answers are scalesfrom 1 to


Not concerned 123456789 10


5 Please rate the equity of this risk, in terms of whether those

who receive the benefits are the same people who carry the

risks. Answers are scalesfrom 1 to 10.

Not equitable 123456789 10


6 Please rate how much the risk of being in a road traffic

accident affects you. Answers are scalesfrom Ito 10.

Not affect me 123456789 10 affect


7 Pleaserate the extentto which this risk is chosenvoluntarily

by the peopleaffected.Answersarescalesfrom I to 10.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Involuntary 123456789 10 voluntary

8 Please rate the immediacy of this risk, in terms of how soon

possible harmful effects may occur. Answers are scalesfrom 1

to 10.

Delayed 123456789 10 immediate

9 Pleaserate how controllablethis risk is. Answersare scales

from I to 10.
Uncontrollable 123456789 10

The first four questionsare aboutparticipants'generalattitudeand concern
for road traffic accidents.Questionfive can be used to find out whether

peoplethink thosewho carry the risks also benefit most from the road use
behaviour. Question seven asks whether people take risks voluntarily.
Similarly,questionnine asksif this kind of risk is controllable.

Evaluation Goal:

To determine whether road safety websites have a big impact on people's

safety awareness?

Evaluation Method:

Risk perceptionquestionnaire

Evaluation Participants and the procedure:

The participants were drawn from a sample of road users in and around the

Glasgow area. They included drivers, pedestrians and cyclists. 26

participants did the evaluation in three stages.First, participants were asked

to fill in the risk perception questionnaire. Then they were encouragedto

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

browse two road safety web sites for about 10 to 15 minutes. These were the

'ThinkV campaign site coordinated by the UK Department of Transport and

the web site for the Scottish Road Safety Campaign, mentioned in previous

paragraphs. During these 15 minutes, they can choose the information

whatever they like to see. There has no specific task. We then ask them to
fill out the risk perception questionnaire again and using T test to analysis

the results to find out whether their exposure to this information had any

short-term impact on their expressedattitudes towards the risks associated

with road use. We decided not to assess the relative strengths and

weaknesses thesetwo sites becausethey arguably presentcomplementary

information. We also restricted our evaluation to a relatively small

sample because this base-line study was partly intended to identify any

potential problems with the existing web sites and partly also to establish
the utility of psychometric techniques as means of assessingthe impact of

theseinformation sources.

3.4.2 Evaluation Results and Discussion

Table 3.1 shows the summary of statistical analysis (t-test) of all the

questions. The results show some interesting points. First, the sites seem to

have a very small impact on people's safety awareness. Many participants

did not alter their assessment of road accident risks. Those who have

different answers before and after exploring the websites only changed their

ratings by I or 2 points. Secondly, the results show there are strong

individual differences in the manner in which we perceive the risks of

involvement in road traffic accidents. Some people think that the risks of

road traffic are controllable, others think the opposite. Thirdly, some

participants have difficulty in interpreting some of the questions. They felt it

was hard to apply them to their own experience of road usage. We decided

to use existing psychometric instruments to minimize the possibility of such

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness


Questions Mean Mean Sdev Sdev P value

(before) (after) (before) (after) (the two group



FeelSafe/unsafe 5.46 5.96 2.50 2.44 0.96

Worried/notworried 5.54 6.15 2.61 2.44 0.99

Unlikely/likely 4.85 5.23 2.62 2.3 0.775
Notconccmed/Concemed 5.5 6.03 2.23 2.36 0.94
Equityof roadrisk/bencfits 5.27 6.08 2.43 2.30 0.929
me 6.38 6.73 2.77 2.42 0.8
Involuntary/voluntary 6.69 6.35 2.36 2.01 0.655
Immediacy 6.96 7.12 1.59 1.58 0.56
Controllable/uncontrollable 5.92 2.46 2.51 0.52
Table 3.1 Statistical analysis of the evaluation questions

Figure 3.8 gives the results from question 1, how safe do you feel in terms

of the likelihood that you could be injured in a road traffic accident?Before

exploring the websites, there are 12 answersare higher than 6. After seeing
the websites, 11 people have answers higher than 6. Nearly half of the

participants (12 out of 26) felt less safe after accessing the web sites. 3

participants felt safer. From the mean, we can see there is a very little

change in their feeling about road risks. Similar results can be found in
Figure 3.9, Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

I ftII

ii Itt
3 H-
t t-
0 Before 23456789

tO 11 12 13 11

16) t7 18 19 20 21 22 23 '-'1
0 After Participant:

Figure 3.8 QuestionI: How safe do you feel in terms of the likelihood that

you could be injured in a road traffic accident?

IT * __ nn
7 ----p

IMI-L ilf
123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
0 Before
0 After

Figure 3.9 Question 2: Are you worried about yourself being injured in a

traffic accident?

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness


7 F
S ( [Ii-

0 Before
h 'I

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

0 After

Figure 3.10 Question 3: How probable do you think it is for yourself to

be injured in a traffic accident'?

-- 123156789 10 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2122:1 24 21526
0 Before Participants
0 After

Figure 3.11 Question 4: How concernedare you about traffic risks and are

thinking that you yourself could be victimized?

Question 5 is trying to find out whether people think the person or group

who createsthe risk of a road traffic accident is also the most likely to suffer

any adverse For

consequences. example, a speeding motorist may increase

the risk of an accident to a pedestrian.Most participants found this question

hard to answer.They had to think of what 'equitable' means.They never use

this concept to compare such activities. Therefore, our responseswere very

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Intlormation on Road Safety Awareness

different. Figure 3.12 shows the results.


7 n


M Before
11 li
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

0 After

Figure 3.12 Question 5: Please rate the equity of this risk, in terms of

whether those who receive the benefits are the sarne people who carry the


With regard to "affect me or not", "voluntary" and "immediacy",

participants have relatively same judgments. They think people who take

risks do so voluntarily. People also think the han-nful effect may occur very

soon after taking the risks. Figure 3.13, Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15 shows
the results.


111 I
ýM 123456789 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
-- --
0 After

Figure 3.13 Question 6: Pleaserate how much the risk of being in a road

traffic accident affects you.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness



123456789 10 11 12 13 H 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26
0 Before
0 After

Figure 3.14 Question 7: Pleaserate the extent to which this risk is chosen

voluntarily by the people affected.


i- Before
0 After
1234 ;-) 6789
11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2,125 26

Figure 3.15 Question 8: Pleaserate the immediacy of this risk, in terms of

how soon possible harmful effects may occur

As seen from Figure 3.16, which shows the results from question 9, several

participants (9 out of 26) felt that the risk of involvement in a road traffic

accident was more controllable after studying the on-line road safety

campaigns. Nearly the same amount of people felt the opposite; to them,

the risk seemed less controllable after exposure to the web sites.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

10 -F

4 1, fit
3 I f

-- -123456789
0 Before
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

0 After

Figure 3.16 Question 9: Pleaserate how controllable this risk is.

3.5 Conclusion

In conclusion, this lack of consensusraises a number of concernsabout the

use of psychometric risk assessmentand about the effectivenessof on-line

information sourcesin this area. One interpretation is

of our results that the

information and representationof the information on these two websites do

not have significant impact on people's safety Therefore,

awareness. as we
indicated before, we devised an alternative accident information system

which provides localized accident infori-nation to the general public. This is

describedin chapter 4 and chapter 5.

Another possible reason is, during the evaluation, we did not provide

specific tasks for participants to do. At first, we thought that different road

users may care about different road safety information. If we provide tasks

which are not interested by participants, they would ignore what they saw.

Therefore, we give them freedom to browse whatever they like to know

about these websites. But this method is not ideal either. Without specific

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

tasks, participants could be lost in this massive safety information. Future

researchcould use the way combine tasks and free browsing.

The other possible reason for the apparent lack of consensusmay be due to

problems with the psychometric approach. Participants have no problem to

answer emotion-basedrisk perception questions,such as concern and worry.

But they found it difficult to answer the cognition-based questions, such as

equity and voluntary. That is because they have never think about those

questions before and hardly apply them to their own experience of road

usage. We did not expect this because all the questions come from other

researches which they use these questions successfully to monitor the

changes of safety awareness.In chapter 7 and 8, we discuss alternative

evaluation techniqueswhich could help us to measuremore accurately the

effect of accident information on people's safety awareness. Those

alternatives include focus group discussion and road planning experiments.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 4
Data Sources and Requirement Analysis

This chapteris basedon a joint paper [103] with C.W Johnsonand all
sections arebasedon my contribution.

4.1 Data Sources for Road Accident Information System

The opening sections of this thesis argued that 'attribution error' is a

significant problem for road safety campaigns.Individuals feel that adverse

events are less likely to occur to them than they are to their peers. One way

of addressingthis bias is to provide information about those accidents and

incidents that occur in their neighborhood rather than simply providing

access national and regional aggregatestatistics. The UK Data Archives

provide an important source for information about individual road accidents

[96]. In contrast, to the UK Department of Transport and Scottish Executive

sites this source is not primarily intended to support public accessto road

safety information. It provides a more focused resource for 'raw' data on

road accidents from 1991 to 2004. Each entry in the UK Data Archive has

three sections. The first acts as a meta-record for information about each

accident. The other records can be used to store information about the

vehicles involved and any casualties. The resulting data structures are

capable of storing a wide range of incident data. For example, there are 30

fields in the meta-level accident record. These include timing information, a

police force reference code, and general information about the vehicles and

whether or not pedestrianswere involved. Figure 4.1 provides an overview

of the accident fields.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Accident Records

Variable Character Integer Variable Label

Position Wpha

ACCYR 1-4 (1) Accident Year (IrYYY)

ACCREF 5-13 (A) Accident Ref No.
12 20-21 (1) Police Force Code
A3 22 (1) Accident Severity
1.5 23-25 (1) No. of Vehicles
1.6 26-28 (1) No. of casualties
ACCDAY 29-30 (1) Accident Day
ACCMTH 31-32 (1) Accident Month
A7 33 (1) Day of Week
ASH 34-35 (1) Hour of Accident
ASM 36-37 (1) Minute of Accident
1.10 38-40 (1) Local Authority
AID 41-45 (1) Location - Easting
All 46-50 (1) Location - Nortbing
1.12 51 (1) 1st Road Class
1.13 52-55 (1) 1st Road Number
1.14 56 (1) Road Type
1.15 57-59 (1) Speed Limit
1.16 60-61 (1) Junction Detail
1.17 62 (1) Junction Control
1.18 63 (1) 2nd Road Class
1.19 64-67 (1) 2nd Road Number
1.20A 68 (1) Pedestrian Crossing - Hutrian Control
1.2013 69 (1) Pedestrian Crossing- Physical Faci lities
1.21 70 (1) Light Conditions
1.22 71 (1) Weodber Conditions
1.23 72 (1) Road Surface Conditions
1.24 73 (1) Special Conditions at Site
125 74 (1) Carriageway Hazards
1.26 75 (1) Place Accident Reported

Figure 4.1 Fonnat for Accident Recordsin UK Road Traffic Accident


The vehicle and casualtyrecord sectionscan be usedto provide additional

information about each road traffic accident.24 fields are provided for

vehicle specific data.Theseinclude informationaboutwhetherthe vehicle

skiddedor overturned. can also recordwhetherit was towing anythingat
the time of the incident.This sectionalso providesmeansof denotingthe

compassdirection from which the to

vehicle was coming and which it

moved during the adverseevent.Vehicle data includesthe age and sex of

the driver. It alsorecordswhetherit wasa 'hit andrun' incidentandwhether

or not a breathtest was to

conducted detectalcohol Similarly,
the casualtyrecord provides 16 fields that capturethe 'severity' of the

casualty,whetherthey were a pedestrian

or a on
passenger a bus or coach,
whether werewearinga safetybelt etc.

Figure 4.2 illustrates the raw fonnat used by the UK Data Archive. The first
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awarcne. v,

field represents the year of the accident. The second provides the accident

reference number that acts as a key to the associated vehicle and casualty

records and so on. The key issue here is that the archive provides a valuable

resource for researchers and for road safety managers in local government.
However, additional tools must be used to analyze this data before it can

inforrn the work of these professionals far less provide usable information to

the general public.

I -I oI x1l
File Edit Format View Help
2001 97ABOO102 97 31132 7 12 10
2001 97ABOO103 97 31123 6 11 30
2001 97ABOO111 97 2111 11 5 3 35
2001 97ABOO112 97 3211 12 7 22 30
2001 97ABOO201 97 31231 4 15 37
2001 97ABOO204 97 31114 1 1 40
2001 97ABOO205 97 31135 5 18 0
2001 97ABOO206 97 31126 7 15 45
2001 97ABOO209 97 31129 1 14 15
2001 97ABOO301 97 32151 6 17 5
2001 97ABOO303 97 31133 7 11 30
2001 97ABOO307 97 32227 2 19 20
2001 97ABOO308 97 32138 6 16 55
2001 97ABOO309 97 31129 1 23 5
2001 97ABOO311 97 3113 11 7 0 20
2001 97ABOO407 97 31147 4 15 20
2001 97ABOO411 97 3113 11 7 16 0
2001 97ABOO601 97 31281 2 15 5
2001 97ABOO602 97 22172 4 17 50
2001 97ABOO603 97 32143 1 17 50
2001 97ABOO606 97 32226 7 16 0
2001 97ABOO612 97 322 10 12 2 11 5
2001 97ABOD803 97 31153 2 13 20
2001 97ABOO805 97 32145 6 18 30
2001 97ABOO806 97 31176 5 17 20
2001 97ABOO608 97 32116 4 17

Figure 4.2 Sample Accident Information from the UK Data Archive

4.2 System Development Process

The UK data archive was used to drive our infori-nation systern. The

development process which followed the iterative process is shown in the

following figure.

The Impact of LocaUed Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Analysis and
Definition Systemand
Design Implementation I
IAI and Unit Testing
and System

I Opcmtion

Figure 4.3 Iterative process

The next section of this chapter focuses on the first phase - requirements

analysis and definition.

4.3 Requirement Analysis

"The processof establishingthe servicesthe systemshouldprovideandthe

constraints under which it must operate is called Requirements


As the first stage, capturing accuraterequirements is highly critical for the

whole process. Since developing software systemscan be both complex and

time-consuming, if developers, at the end of the process, find what they

have done is not the product the customeractually wants or needs,they have

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

to spendmore time and money in rebuilding the system.

For future development,a documentwhich explains clearly all of the

requirementsthat have to be fulfilled by the systemis needed.This stage

consists of three major steps: requirements capture and analysis,
canbe eitherfunctional("It describesa systemserviceor function" [40]) or
non-functional ("It is a constraint placed on the system or on the

A requirements definition normally uses natural language plus diagrams to

describe "what services the system is expected to provide and the

constraints under which it must operate."[40] A requirements specification

is usually a structured list which describes the services of the system in


A key aim of the final systemwas to increaseawarenessabout the causesof

road traffic accidents. Therefore, a two-step approach was adopted. In the

first step, we contacted existing road traffic 'experts' since they have more

knowledge about what constitutes more important accident information.

After developing a system prototype according to these experts' advice, in

the second step, we validated key design issues with a wider audience,

gathered more requirements from them and redesigned the system (See

chapter 6.1.2 and chapter 7.2).

The initial requirements elicitation focused on the local police force. They

provide the immediate responsein the aftermath of a road traffic accident.

The formal elicitation also focused on two agencies with a longer term

responsibility for road traffic safety: the Land Service Department in

Glasgow City Council and Amey Highways Ltd. These two organizations

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

have responsibility for safety on minor and major roads respectively. They

also have experience of using existing geographical information tools to

review road traffic accident data. This is important becauseone of the key

concerns that we had at this early stage in the project was that the existing
forms of interaction with map-based systems were largely through SQL

interfaces or through a form of spreadsheetinteraction. Neither of thesewas

consideredsuitable for our more general user group.

We, therefore,developeda system prototype using direct manipulation

techniquesto accessincident information from the UK Data Archive

througha local mapbasedinterface.This designis describedin moredetail
sections.For now, it is sufficientto observethat we basedour
in subsequent

requirementsanalysisarounda two-part questionnaire(SeeAppendix D).

SectionI elicitedbackgroundinformationaboutthe participants.Section2
focusedon requirementsfor the system.We were particularlyconcernedto
identify the causalinformation that they felt was more important for the

potentialend-usersof the system.Also, basedon the observationof existing

road safety information system (in chapter 3), we were interestedin
functions and features which can be used to present the information

effectively. As this
mentioned, use of 'expert' advice an
represents initial

compromisebefore subsequentvalidation with a wider class of potential

end-users. alsoconducted
an initial studyof existingweb basedsystems,
is in
which mentioned chapter3.

The initial part of the questionnaire revealed the depth of the respondents'

expertise. There are 8 experts that answered the questionnaire. Six of the

analysts had spent more than five years working with road traffic data. One
had less than a year experienceand another had between one and three years.

All of them used a computer in their everyday activities. Sevenrespondents

stated that their main task was the analysis of historical data about road

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on l0ad Sately Awareness

traffic accidents. One respondent reported that their occupation was

centered on preparing reports for higher (regional) government so that it

could perform further analysis of the data. Question I asked ý111014t

their Job

title, the results are as follows.

" Accident Investigation & Protection (A. I. P) Officer

" Project Manager--- A. I. P & Development Control

" Road Safety Engineer (3 persons)

" Road Planning Engineer (2 persons)

" Technician

Figure 4.4 shows results from other questions in this section.

working period


Number of 4
PersonS 3

0 II
less than a year 1-3 years 3-5 years more than 5

Question 2: How long have you worked at this job?

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Saf'ety Awareness


Record new data Classify and Analysis historical other
subrnit to higher data

Question 3: How do you deal with accident data?



almost everday once a week few times a severaltimes a

month year

Question 4: How often do you deal with accident data?

Figure 4.4 Some results of experts background

The secondpart of the questionnairerevealed a number of requirementsthat

the road safety professionals felt to be important in the successof any tool

that would provide local accident infori-nation to a wider audience. Three

main types of questionsare asked in this part, which are:

0 What kinds of accident information do you think are important and

should be displayed in the map-based system? (choose top 5 answers

from all the columns in the accident inforination)

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

" What information do you think necessaryto be incorporated in prepared

queries to accessaccident data?(such as by time of the day, by accident

severity, by road surface condition, and so on)

" Which features in the system do you think should be editable by end

users? (such as road color and width, accident point size and color,
background color, and so on)

The reasonwhy we ask road safety experts about information presentationis

that they are very familiar with existing road accident systems.They know

what feature they like, what features are useful for them to identify

information quickly. Through the questionnaire and discussion, we found

out that firstly, their experiencewith the existing information sourcesmade

them advocate the use of geographical interaction techniques, for instance
based on road maps, rather than spreadsheetsor traditional histograms. It

was also argued that users should be able to distinguish between different

types of roads. As mentioned accident frequencies typically correlate with

traffic flow and this, in turn, can differ between motorways and UK
category and roads. The requirementselicitation exercisealso identified

the need to filter the data given the large number of low severity incidents in

the UK data set. One means of doing this would be to initially provide the

users with access to the most recent data but with the option to provide

additional years as required.

The open-endedquestions,suchas"If you have alreadyusedsomesimilar

system, you point out somelimitations of that systemor the features

that you wish to improved?", failed to identify specific information

requirements amongthe massof data providedby the UK archives.
Insteadit was felt that potential end users should have some meansof

accessing of the availableinformation in the threerecordsdescribedin

the previous section. As we shall see, however, initial field trials later
identifiedthe needto tailor this massof datato supportparticulargroupsof

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

end users. The road safety professionals also advocated the use of prepared

queries. They argued that it can be difficult for many users of existing

systems to form their own information requests until they have gained a

significant degree of expertise with an application. They said "Prepared

queries can make their tasks easy and quicV. This requirement raised the
difficulty of determining what queries to provide for novice users. Some

seemed relatively uncontroversial, such as a request to display all fatal

accidents. Beyond this, it was less clear whether the general public might

want, for example, to display all accidents that happened on a Monday or

those adverse events involving casualties over 60 years old. Initial focus

group discussions revealed that these queries were important to particular

individuals but it is less clear that they will have a wider significance for the

potential user population.

The following is a list of requirements identified from the questionnaireand


Functional requirements:

1) Users can seea Glasgow local road map

2) Users can distinguish different types of road (motorway, A, B...

3) Users can seeaccidentson the road map

4) Users can get brief information for each selectedaccident

5) Users can seeall detailed information for each selectedaccident

6) Users can searchfor specific accidentsby using preparedqueries

7) Users can manipulate the map, such as zoom in and out, move, reset,

and so on
8) Users can get a list of accidentsaccording to query results

9) Users can see tooltips for road and accident to show basic information,

such as road name and accident reference

10) Users can choosewhich type of road they want to see

11) User selectedroad section or accident will be highlighted.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

12) Users can set up which infonnation they want to see for each selected


Non-functional requirements:

1) The system should be web based application so that users could easily

2) Using sensible words to describe the filter function or prepared queries

so that users should easily understand them without having the

knowledge of SQL language.

3) The query should be quick and without too much delay, otherwise,

users should get feedbackof the query progress.

4) Use reasonablefonts and layout to avoid infon-nationoverlapping.

5) Show the accident information in sensible words other than predefined

codesand types.
6) Users should always know where they are and can go back to previous


4.4 Conclusion

In chapter 3, we evaluatedthe existing road safety websites. We found that

the information and the representationof the information in those sites have

little influence on the public's safety awareness.In this chapter, I described

our concept a localized road accident information system which might have
better effects. Three things have been done. First, we gathered 'raw'data on

road accidents from UK Data Archive which is essential for our system

development.Secondly,we consulted and discussedwith severalroad safety

experts. They provided useful advices on the accident information and their

experiencesabout the usage of existing road accident information system.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Thirdly, we elicited a list of requirements which would guide us to develop

the system. We finally chose the map-basedinteraction system to represent

the massive accident data becausewe believe this is an easy way for the

general public to understand such information. Actually, there are many

different ways to represent accident data, and the next chapter discusses

some of them. In addition, the next chapter discusses information

visualization techniqueswhich could be used in our system.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 5
Theories of Visualizing Multivariate Data

As we arguedin previouschapters,we were trying to find an easyway for

the generalpublic to understanda massof road accidentinformationso that

this information would influence their safety awareness.Information
is to Although
visualization a good way meet our requirement. we finally

chosemapbasedvisualization,thereare many otherwaysto visualizesuch

information.In this chapterI discussthesemethodsandexplainwhy we did

not considerthemin our system.The secondpart of this chaptertalks about

techniqueswhich canbe usedin the system.

As William S. Cleveland mentions [100], "Visualization is an approach to

data analysis that stressesa penetrating look at the structure of data". Robert

Spencealso points out that information visualization is a cognitive activity

which can help people get insight into data [76]. There are many different

tools for and theories about visualizing information. Normally, these tools

are categorized by type of data. Spence argues that the difficulty of

designing an interactive display is strongly influenced by the number of

attributes or variables.

Univariate data deals with a single attribute, such as people's height or

weight. Bivariate data and trivariate data are data with two attributes and
three attributes respectively. For example, we would need a bivariate

representation to analyze the relationship between people's height and

weight. In our research,we were concernedwith multivariate data. Traffic

accident data include weather, speed,road geometry features,and so on. The

following pages, therefore, focus on theories and tools for visualizing

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

multivariate data.

5.1 Statistical Graphics for Visualizing Multivariate Data

Statistical graphics is a major way to represent multivariate data. Such

graphics can contain a lot of information. They also can be used to analyse

the relationships between different attributes. These static representationsof

multivariate data be
can used to carry out further analysis of a group of road

accidents which generatedfrom predefined queries. They can also be used

to generate summary reports on certain types of road accident data. The

following are severaltypical statistical graphics.

5.1.1 Multiple-code Plotting Symbols

The problem with visualizing multivariate data is they require

multi-dimensions to fully represent all of the variables. One strategy for

dealing with this is to representthe data objects with symbols or icons that

contain multiple components.Information is then encoded into the features

of the icons themselves. Multiple-code plotting symbols can be used to

obtain graphical representationsof multivariate data. For example, we use

color to code accident time (e.g. green for morning, orange for noon, black

for night), use shapeto code accident severity (e.g. round for slight accident,

square for serious, diamond for fatal accidents), and so on. For example,
figure 5.1 shows two icons to representtwo accidents.The first one (a) is a

green diamond shaped icon and it means this is a fatal accident which
happenedin the morning. The secondone (b) is a black squareshapedicon

and meansthis is a serious accident which happenedat night.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

a b

Figure5.1 Multi-codeplotting symbols

However, there are also some potential weaknesses.One is that when

variablesdivide the data into a larger numberof discrete it

subgroups, is

difficult to use different symbolsto representall the categoriesin a single

display,for example,one accidentdata item containsabout 70 data fields
(30 in accidentrecord,24 in vehicle record,and 16 in casualtyrecord,see
chapter It is very difficult to find symbolswhich can representall these
variables.Another difficulty is severeoverplotting will inhibit the visual

resolutionof the multivariateinformation.That meansthat evenif we find

suitablesymbolsto represent
all accidentvariables,it is very difficult for

to all
users remember the meaningsof attributesin the Therefore,
this is not an easy way for the general public to understandaccident
information and it does not meet our requirements.But we can use this

techniquefor displaying certain featuresof accidentsin our system.For

example, used different shapesto different
represent accidentseverity

5.1.2 Histogram Plots

A histogram plot represents each observation as a set of k concatenated

vertical bars [28]. Each bar corresponds to one of the k variables in the

profile. For example, we want to find out whether overloaded vehicles will
have more casualties than non-overloaded vehicles in accidents. We can

draw a histogram plots (Figure 5.2), which includes the number of casualties

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

(c), the number of passengersin the vehicle which had the accident (p), the

maximum number of passengersallowed in the vehicle (mp).

A £ A
6 6 6

4 4 4

2 2 2

00 0
MP pC MP p C MP p C

Vehicle I Vehicle 2 Vehicle3

Figure 5.2 Examples of Histogram Plots

Histogram plots can help people to find out certain relationships between

variables. However, histogram plots are not suitable for visualizing large

amounts of information, especially location based information. Each road

accident has several kinds of data, and they can not be drawn on one single

graphic. But we can use Histogram plots to do some fin-theranalysis only on

certain types of road accident data, for example, use histogram plots to

compare accident rate on each day of a week to find out which day is the

most dangerousin this area.

5.1.3 Star Plots

In a starplot, eachobservationis shownas64a

collectionof k raysemanating
from a centralpoint. Theserays are equally spacedaroundthe point; the

anglebetweenanypair of adjacentrays is therefore360/k degrees.Eachray

is assignedto a particularvariable,and the lengthof the ray is proportional

to the value of the variablefor that observation"[15]. Starplots are more

suitablefor largeprofiles than histogrambecausethoseicons are restricted

to a fairly narrow width so that all n icons can be includedwithin a single
display.Figure 5.3 showsan exampleof star plots. It is aboutautomobile
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

analysis in 1979 in the US. The following are definitions of the 9 rays. I
Price, 2 Mileage (MPG), 3 1978 Repair Record (I = Worst, 5= Best), 4

1977 Repair Record (1 = Worst, 5= Best), 5 Headroom, 6 Rear SeatRoom,

7 Trunk Space,8 Weight, 9 Length. [66]






Figure 5.3 Example of Star Plots

Star plots can representmore variables than histogram plots. They are useful

tools to make a comparison between certain types of road accident. Users

could get more information about the relationships between these variables.

Therefore star plots are suitable for further analyzing after users filtered out

a group of road accidents.For example, users can use star plots to compare

accident patterns on different roads or areas.Each star representsa road or

area. Different rays will represent different accident information, such as

averageage of the driver, averagetraffic volume, and so on.

7be Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

5.1.4 The Scatterplot Matrix

A scatterplot matrix is defined as a square, symmetric table or "matrix" of

bivariate scatterplots[ 18]. This table has k rows and columns, with eachone

corresponding a different variable. Each of the table's cells formed by the

intersection of row i and column j contains a scatterplot showing Xi as the

vertical axis variable and Xj as the horizontal axis variable. Because the

scatterplot matrix is symmetric about its diagonal, these named variables

also appearin panel ji, with their vertical and horizontal positions reversed.
The most important feature of the scatterplot matrix is that its panels show

all possible bivariate relationships that exist within the multivariate data
[99]. Figure 5.4 shows an example of the scatterplot matrix. Three variables

are chosen, speed (mph), driver's age (years), and driver's drink frequency
(drinks per week). From this figure, we can see the younger drivers are, the

faster they drive. The younger drivers are, the more frequently they drink.

0 20 40 60
Driver's age

(yearsold) 20

0 60 120 9 12

Figure 5.4 Example of Scatterplot Matrix for Accident data.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

The scatterplot matrix does have two potential disadvantages.One is the

limitation of the number of variables. That means it is not suitable for

displaying a large number of variables otherwise the table would be too

huge to look at. The other one is it cannot really show a multivariate

structure, because the scatterplot within each panel is constructed

completely independently of the information in any other panel. Figure 5.4

shows all possible bivariate relationships among speed, driver's age and
drink frequency, each panel was drawn without the information in the other

panel. Therefore, Scatterplot Matrix can be used to analyze relationships

between certain accident data.

5.1.5 Conditioning Plots

The conditioning plot can show how a dependent variable is affected by

several other variables, simultaneously. The values of each conditioning

variable are divided into a series of m. intervals. Then, each interval of the

conditioning variable is allocated to one of m separate panels in the

conditioning plot. There are two other variables in each panel which shows
the bivariate scatterplot for them. Each panel only includes the data points

that fall within the interval corresponding to that panel [99]. The variable

that corresponds to the vertical axis in each display panel is called

"dependent variable". The variable that is shown on the horizontal axis of

eachpanel is called the "panel variable" [ 100]. Figure 5.5 shows an example

of using conditioning plots to analyze accident information. The table is

divided into different age groups. Then table shows relationships between

the number of years holding licence (years) and driving speed (mph). The

data for this table are not real. This is merely to demonstratehow to use a

conditioning plot to analyze accident information. From the figure, we can

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inforniation on Road Safety Awareness

see that although the younger drivers (age<20) have fewer years ot'holding

a licence than the older drivers (agc>60), they more likely drive faster than

old drivers. However, in each age group, those who have more expericnce

(more years of holding a driving licence) are among the people who like to

drive fast.

() 200

Age <20 Age: 20-30 Age: 30-40

Agc: 40-50 Age: SO-60 Age >60

0 200 0 200

Figure 5.5 Example of conditioning plot for accident information

The most important feature of a conditioning plot is that it shows

multivariate data in a form that is highly organized through visual inspection.

"They enable a researcher to discern patterns within a complex dataset

without requiring stringent assumptionsabout the nature and details of any

underlying structure that may exist among the data points". [99]
Conditioning plot is suitable for analyzing accident patterns. Our system

could use this function to provide users better understanding of the

relationships between different accident infort-nation,such as above figure.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

5.2 Interactive Information Display Theories

Robert Spence argues that [76], in the pre-computer age, the author of' an

image had to perform selection, representation and presentation according to

his or her understanding of the task to be performed or the inessage to be

conveyed: author and viewer were two different people (Figure 5.6). Now,

with the availability of powerful computers (Figure 5.7), interactive control

by a user, who is thereby to some extent the author of external izations, can

influence all these activities within a freedom defined by the architect of the

visualization tool.

Figure 5.6 Pre-computer creation of a visualization tool

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Figure 5.7 The creation and use of a computer-based visualization tool

The statistical graphics discussedin section5.1 are all static representations

of multivariate data. In other words, they are pre-cornputer creations of

visualization tools. They are not suitable for displaying location based

infori-nation. But we could use them as additional functions of the system to

show certain features of accident infori-nation. In the light of the

requirements, our preferred system was a map-based interactive

visualization tool so that users can choose what kind of information they

want to display.

There are many theories available for the visualization tool designer.

Generally, interaction techniques can be divided into three categories:

interacting with data transformations; interacting with visual mappings;

interacting with view transfori-nations. Each category makes use of several

techniques. Table 5.1 lists these techniques.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Modifles data Modifies visual Modifles view

transformation mappings transformation
Dynamic queries Dataflow Direct selection

Direct walk Pivot tables Cameramovement

Details-on-demand etc. Magic lens

Attribute walk Overview + detail

Brushing Zoom

Direct Manipulation etc.


Table 5.1 Interaction Techniques 186]

"A dynamic query involves the interactive control by a user of visual query

parametersthat generatea rapid (100 ms update), animated, visual display

of databasesearch results" [86]. In particular, sliders or radio buttons are

used to select value ranges for variables in the Data Table. The cases for

which all the variables fall within the specified ranges are displayed. The

other cases are hidden. For example, in road accident analysis, this
technique could help users to limit the display of accidents according to

specified conditions which are set up in dynamic queries.

Direct walk proceedsby a set of linkages from case to case [14]. A web

browser is an example of direct walk. Users can link from page to page.

Through a series of clicks on visualizations, users can search for

information or modify it. In our system, we could use direct walk to link

accidents which are displayed in the map to the detailed information about

each accident. That means when users click one accident spot on the map,
the systemcan show them relevant information.

Details-on-dernand expands a small set of objects to reveal more of their

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

variables. It allows more of the variables of the case to be mapped to the

visualization. This technique is similar to direct walk. Users' request for

detailed information of a particular accident can be considered as a


Attribute walk is where users select some case and then search for other

cases with similar attributes. The technique was developed in a system

called Rabbit for searchingdatabases[93]. When analyzing accidents,users

can use attribute walk to find certain accident patterns. But this technique is

not suitable for our system because the general public, our targeted end

users, don't have enough knowledge to pick up useful attributes. Therefore,

the pattern which they find out would not be meaningful for them.

Brushing is used with multiple visualizations of the same objects [19].

Highlighting a casefrom the Data Table in one view selectsthe samecasein

the other views. For the same reason discussedabove, this technique is not

suitable for our system.

Direct manipulation can be used to modify transformations. For example,

Hendon and Myer at Brown University [36] have developed31) widgets that

can be embedded in visualizations, allowing multiple parameters to be

adjusted. our system, this technique can be to
used set up the display of

accidents and roads. For example, users can set up the color and the width

of roads in order to seethem clearly.

Dataflow is a common technique used by commercial visualization systems

to map data to visual form. The basic idea is to use an explicit representation

such as node-link diagrams to represent the mapping. Our system is to

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

display accidents on a local road map. Dataflow is not suitable for such a


A pivot table is a technique found in modem spreadsheetprograms that lets

the user rapidly manipulate the mapping of data to the rows and columns of
a spreadsheet. representa domain-specific example of interacting with

visual mappings. Our system is not a spreadsheetbased system. Therefore,

we rejected this technique.

Direct selection refers to the set of schemesthat have evolved for selecting

and highlighting objects and groups of objects. They enhance the

appearanceof a Visual Structure in some way, often to identify the set of

objects that will be the argumentsto some action. This technique is similar
to direct walk and detail-on-demand. We can use this technique to display

accident information when users select their target accident(s).

Camera movement is the change of position of the observer,especially in

3D space. For example, information landscapes may sometimes benefit

from allowing the user to view them from another angle, avoiding

occlusions. Swinging the camera around could reveal parts of the

visualization not otherwise visible. We rejected this technique since our

systemis not a 3D representationof accidents.

Magic lenses select objects according to the X, Y position of their marks,

and then apply fin-ther selection techniques,such as dynamic queries [10]. In

addition, they can apply data or view transformations to the items selected.
Becausemultiple lensescan be placed atop each other, they can be used to

createmore complex Boolean queries.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Overview + detail use two or more levels of linked visualizations [7 1]. One

visualization displays either all of the objects or at least some visual

framework that spansall of the objects, such as a map of the world or key

nodes in a tree. Another window shows a more detailed view of the object.
The nodesin the detail view are marked as a region that can be moved in the

overview. This technique is useful for a map-basedsystem, especially when

the map is very large and users may feel lost while they look into small


Zooming involves reducing the number of objects that are visible, but

possibly increasing the number of variables per object that are shown. In

addition, less compressedtechniquesmay be used to view the objects. When

analyzing accidents, this technique can help users to focus on a particular

area on the map, such as a junction or city center. Especially when the area
involves many accidents,zoom in can help usersto identify eachaccident.

5.3 Conclusion
This chapter reviews two major categories of information representation,

static statistical graphics and interactive information presentationtechniques.

Both can provide us with insights into the road accidents. Interactive

techniques could help users to find certain types of accidents quickly and

statistical graphics can help users to analyze the data and find the

relationships between different variables in multivariate data. However,

since the general publics are our end users, they may find it difficult to
interpret statistical graphics since they don't have much professional

knowledge about statistics. Moreover, the requirements from chapter 4

suggestthat our system does not need complex statistical tools. Therefore,

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

interactive techniquesare the main tools in our system. What we are trying

to do is to provide the general public with a tool which can allow them to

accesslocal road accident information easily and efficiently. Based on the

requirements from chapter 4 and the available techniques which discussed

in this chapter, next chapter will discuss the system design and

implementation process.

Chapter 6
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

System Design and Implementation

In chapter4, a numberof key observationsemergedfrom the resultsof our

initial requirementselicitationwith roadsafetyprofessionals.In particular,it

wasclearthat the massof dataavailableaboutroadtraffic incidentswithin a

single city centre created considerableproblems. For example, as
describedin Chapter4, each traffic accident record has three separate

sections.The first actsasa meta-recordfor informationabouteachaccident.

The other records can be used to store information about the vehicles
involved and any casualties.Thereare 30 fields in the meta-levelaccident

record, 24 fields are provided for vehicle specific data and 16 fields for

casualtyrecord.Thus,it is very difficult for usersto find out the information

they need. Furthermore,even if they find the information, most of it is

codedby police and usersneeda checklist to interpretit. In consequence,

many public information campaigns only provide access to highly

aggregatedregional and national statistics. In chapter5, we analysed

severaldifferentways of representingsuchmultivariatedata.We concluded
that staticstatisticalgraphicsare not suitablefor our system.We decidedto

visualisationtechniquesto provideuserswith meansof

interactivelyexploringmoredetailedinformationaboutadverseroad events
in their local area.The impactof localizedaccidentinformationon people's

risk perceptionis the main purposeof this Therefore,

research. as long as a
userinterfacemeetsour requirementsin chapter4, suchascandisplaymaps
andaccidents,andprovidepredefinedqueries,it is what we need.Although
it may be not the best,the following evaluationin the chapter7 showsthat

theusabilityof this systemis quite good.

I now turn to the issuesof systemdesign and implementation.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

6.1 Interface Design

Many different approachesto information visualization were mentioned in

Chapter 5. Both Tufte [25] and Spence [76] have developed theories that

support the visual display of quantitative information. However, we choseto

focus on the more general guidelines provided by Shneiderman'sTTT (Task

by Data Type Taxonomy for Information Visualizations) theory [8].

According to the TTT theory, seven broad categories can be used to

distinguish between the various tasks that users perform with information

visualization systems. Table 6.1 shows the relationships among those task

categories, our system requirements (See chapter 4) and available


SystemRequirements Task Categories Techniques/Functions

DisplayGlasgowlocal Overview Zoom out, resetmap


Manipulate the map Zoom Zoom in

Users can searchfor Filter Queries,checkbox,radio

specific accidents box

Users can seeall Click anaccidentspot,users

detailed information Details-on-demand will getall theinfonnation

for each selected aboutthisaccident


n/a Relate n/a

Users should always History Undo

know where they are

and can go back to

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

previous step.

n/a Extract Save,print

Table6.1 Relationshipsbetweentaskcategories,requirements

The first task is to an overview of the entire collection. Overview strategies

include 'zoomed-out' views of each data type to see the entire collection

plus an adjoining detail view. The second set of common tasks with any

visualization involves 'zooming-in' on items of interest. Users typically

have an interest in some portion of a collection. They need tools to

enable them to control the zoom focus. Smooth zooming can helps users

preserve their senseof position and context. A third class of tasks is to

filter out irrelevant information. Our initial requirements elicitation also

confirmed this as an important attribute of any implementation. The

fourth of Shneiderman's items describes tasks that enable users to access

additional details on demand. Once a collection has been trimmed to a few

dozen items it should be easy to browse the details about the group or

individual items. A fifth set of tasks should help users to view

relationships between the items in a data set. The sixth focuses on the

maintenance of a history or log to support undo, replay, and progressive

refinement. Information exploration can involve iterative refinement of an

initial search,retaining the history of actions and allowing users to retrace

their steps is important. The final class of tasks focuses on the extraction

of sub-collections and of the query parameters. Once users have obtained

the item or set of items they desire, it would be useful to be able to extract

that set and save it to a file in a format that would facilitate other uses such

as sending by email, printing, graphing, or insertion into a statistical or


These guidelines together with the initial requirements elicitation helped to

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

inforrn the interface design Of Our Visualization system. Our first version

design was based on a number of recent software tools that have been

developed by professional road accident investigators where each incident is

displayed on a map by the location in which it occurred. For example, as

discussed in chapter 1, KeyAccident (See Figure 6.1) is an ALItoCAD(R)

based GIS application. Users use AutoCAD to show the map and use

KeyAccident to select, display and analyse accidents. However,

KeyAccident is only available for road safety experts and engineers. This

system is not intended to be used by the general public.

IN * 1A
ijial.... __ln.. IIflfl -'
IZ. -
- -K -X -77 -y-

ILTT 141ö lfl"IV IS IöflICI I Ill III II I£ It 11111111

Figure 6.1 An example result of KeyAccident system

In chapter 1,1 mentioned how real time accident report systemsalso show

accidents on the map and are available for the general public, such as The
AA website, The MATTISSE websites, and the TxDOT Expresswaywebsite.

Such a system helps people to know what happenedin the immediate past.

For example, in the TxDoT, highway conditions expected to exist for more

than two hours and create unsafe driving conditions (i. e. major accidents)

are posted.

However, this makes it difficult to accessthe risks of a future journey. When

conditions are changed, such information will not be useful. But historical

accident data can provide an insight into certain risk patterns. For instance,

if drivers know how many accidents happenedin fog in the past two years

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

and where, they would raise their attention when they encounter these

conditions. Therefore, in the light of our requirements, we neededa system

which can provide historical accident data and techniqueswhich allow users

to manipulate the display of accident information freely.

6.1.1Initial Design

Based on the observation on the existing road accident system

(KeyAccident)and the discussionwith road safetyexperts,we had drawn

several picturesas our very first prototypeof the The
system. system

will be a mapbasedroad information

accident On
system. the centerof the
interfacewill be a Glasgowroadsmap.Onceusersmadequeries,the system

will display from

accidents the query results.Each will
accident havebrief
informationdisplayedon the right handsideof the system.Whenusersclick

an accident,anotherwindow will be shownwith all detailedinformationof

this accident.This raised a number of important issues;in particular we

were to
concerned ensurethat we could log the positionof eachaccidentas
accuratelyas possible, on the data provided in the nationalarchive.
We, therefore,engineeredthe systemusing the 10-meterOrdnanceSurvey
Grid Reference(OSGR) referenceformat rather than the more familiar

conceptsof Longitudeand Latitude. OSGR can be thoughtof as a flat

grid overlaid on Britain. The grid is in

measured metersand the point of
origin is definedto be southwest of the Isles of Scilly. Pointson a mapare
given Eastingand Northing values.These denote
co-ordinates the distance

betweena location and the origin. For example,the centreof Manchester

city is approximately383,000meterseastand 398,000metersnorth of the

origin. This referencefonnat acts as a meansof moving between the
location dataprovidedin the national accidentarchiveand the position of

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

the Geographical Information System that we developed for the centre of


We decided to focus the development of the system around the area of

Glasgow that falls between the middle of national grid references(OSGR)

NS56 and the middle of NS66. This decision was partly determined by

pragmatics. We wanted to focus our initial evaluation within a precise

geographical location where we had accessto a wide range of potential end

users and to road safety professionals who can validate our findings.

Linking this geographical area back to the national data archive using the

OSGR indexing system yielded a total of 1486 incidents for 2001 and 1471

incidents for 2000. In 2001, those incidents resulted in 3568 vehicle records

and 2731 casualty records; recall that each incident can involve several

vehicles and casualties. In 2000, those incidents resulted in 3649 vehicle

records and 2724 casualty records. The widespread problem of

underreporting led us to exclude damage-only incidents. However, the

available data could be included in subsequentversions of the system given

the relatively modest size of the data files that we have compiled from the

national data sources. In the first version of our system, we created a

databaseby using MySql to store the accident data. When users make a

query, the systemneedsto connect to the databaseand retrieve results of the

query. Because of this design, our system runs slow when users use the

query function. Therefore, in the revised design, we stored all the accident

information in separateJava Object files. These files are generatedby a

small Java application. This application can read one year's accident data

from the database.Then it will create objects from these data. Finally, it

writes these objects into a file. Each time, when the system is loaded, all the

accident information will be loaded into the memory as well from these files.

By doing this, we increase the query response speed.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

APIM -ON, Controlpanelfor

manipulating the
view of the map.

Tool tip providing

accident identifier of
selected event.

Information panel
factors for the
selected accident.

Menus and buttons used to control the

filtering of accidents shown on the map.

Figure 6.2: Overview of the first version Map-Based Interface

Figure 6.2 illustrates the resulting interface. Accidents are shown by the dots.

In the interface, these dots are coloured red. The user can select an

individual incident by moving the mouse over one of these dots. A tool

tip then appears with the individual incident identifier to provide feedback

on their selection. If there is no record of an incident under the mouse

location then the tool tip provides contextual information by giving the

name of the nearest road. The system uses these techniques to enable the

user to access 'details on demand'. A summary of the accident

information about each selected incident is presented in a panel on the right

hand side of the screen.

The system enables the user to filter infori-nation by selecting a number of

preformed queries through the menus and buttons at the bottom of the

screen. In particular, it is possible to specify the severity of the incidents

to be displayed. This filters the mass of red dots that would otherwise

overwhelm the user. Our initial requirements analysis with road safety

professionals also identified the need to distinguish between incidents that

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

occur on different categories of roads: A and B roads or motorways.

Users can select the category of roads that they arc interestedin by sclccting

check boxes.

In addition to these filtering features, the design also provides facilities for

users to explore accident statistics over a wider area. The map display

can be panned to examine incidents in adjacent locations. This is

combined with an area based zoom facility. A dragged left-click on the

mouse will zoom into the map at a rate that is proportionate to the area of

the drag. A long and sustaineddrag will result in a larger change than a

short drag. The direction of the zoom is determined by the direction of the
drag. A movement from bottom left to top right zooms into the map

while the opposite movement will zoom out. We have also included a reset
facility so that any actions should be easily reversible back to a known

initial state.

As mentioned, users can exploit the menu options and checkboxesprovided

by the systemto filter the massof incident data held about road accidentsin

the Glasgow area. However, even the successive refinement of these

queries can still yield a significant number of 'hits. It would be

extremely laborious if users had to manually view each set of contributory

factors using the tool tip and panel combination illustrated in Figure 6.2.

For this reason we have implemented a facility to review all of the

information that is associatedwith the currently highlighted set of incidents.

Figure 6.3 illustrates how the user can gradually read through accident,

vehicle and casualty information with each incident presentedon a different


The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inforniation on Road Sallety Awareness

UTýý X1
76'. 5 -I. t. .. ti. It. Th.. ý. -1101
ploI .I

A.. i d.. t1. - 97YA70910P.1-C. A. 97

10 I"Ofl.. k

19 a-t. 30 L- dA. th.. ,I 93

2M50 lkýtkig 684040 F-tl., Acl, gg 3

7- tjt. al-Lý 74 IL., Hp. 8 Sp.. dL.., t 3U

J-. t. .. D. W 13 J-t -C.. ý .14S... a.. A(3 6

P. &. ýi MC ... 0 Nd.. týi-f . ...... t.. g I

L., ktC .. Jý U I. tkýCMC UII.. As- f... I

Sp ... le-d. i i.. 0 C- ,M.. 71k.. ig 0 rl ... A. d. p. ". d I

-f-ti- . ýtl tk. .. ii-t

............... T'j. d. 1. [. ý* ................

Nekt CAM Page No,I

Figure 6.3: Reviewing Details for Several Selected Incidents

6.1.2 Revised Design

After the system evaluation which is discussedin detail in the next chapter,

we redesignedthe system according to the feedback from end users. Figure

6.4 shows the secondversion of the interface. We made several changesto

the system.First, the new system usesdifferent shapesto representdifferent

levels of accident severity. For example, round means slight, squaremeans

serious, diamond means fatal (the level of accident severity comes from

accident data directly). Other changesinclude additional filtering controls.

In the filtering control panel there are two buttons, 'Do query' and 'All

result information'. When users clicked the 'Do query' button, a new
filtering control dialog appears(See figure 6.5). The system now provides

more filtering functions in the option panel (See figure 6.6). Users can

choosewhich one or more they want to use.

The second version of the interface design also changed the layout and
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Salcty Awareness

content of the detailed information for each selected accident (See figure

6.7). Feedback from the end users suggested that it is better to display all file

infon-nation for one accident in one page. They also stated that it is not

convenient for them to look up the check list to find out all the meanings of'

the coded information. Therefore, we replaced all the predefined codes and

types by their formal descriptions.

Fl. Edt Vlw F-ot. T.. 11 HeIP

Ik , S-lh F-ký 1ý
11 1-31
2001 Glasgow Road Accidents Information

The shape of the

dots represents
different severily

m.. w, e 91A010106

-0. t. ýM., 1 Filtering control

panel is reduced
into two buttons.

All Resumkdm.. t,. "


Figure 6.4 Second version of the User Interfaces

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Inl'orniation on lWad Safety Awareness

Accident Year
-101 Xi

YedF ý2001

About Accident
Severity All All

Abotd Vehicle

Driver Sex All w

AbotA Casualty

CasualtySex "Iml

1 OK II Ca"cel

IJava Applet Window

Figure 6.5 Filtering control dialog

nui rn i 1131
- X1
Accident Data Vehicle Data Casualty Data Prepared Queries

v, Severity v, CastiaRySex - Day(YfWeek ýwýDmmrSex CdSUdltyAge Month ý WeatheF Casualty Class

, I

Towing and AFficulatim

Select All Unselect All OK

fJaya Applet Window

Figure 6.6 Option panel for more filtering functions

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Salety Awareness

AcciderKDili -911
AccidenlYeal 2001 AccidoitRefeietwo 97AB70610 PoliceCude SlimthOftle

NwherO(Vehicles I Wimbet0fCastiaNtes I AccideMD4v IQ Iltic oncs arc the

DayOWeek Ffiday Hour 22 Kntge it] Gidsom CNY

Easting 258410 Nolthw* 665190 H MoadClass A 812 olumn names.

Roadlype Smoe cafriageway-SpeedLimg 30 JuiichonDelad CIOSSIOddS AtAo 04IN: signal
SecurxftadClass Umlassfwd Secm"adNumber ml PedesttimiCiossing No ci ussing m So rl, ýledestild"CFOS%Cg-.
PRNCMI. Ptifillýlý-.
LodCwiddim Darkmss lights M WeAherCwmMiwi [mmttighmnds tWdSuiMcm WO w damp SpciW(ultim N.m

CNna"aOlArwdsNow Plw.eAccReported At -

VehicieData.-No.I 31ack ones are

AccidetIlYedr AccidentReleierce97AD10610 VeliLleflefetence I Goodsow ISI. an lie values of
TowintAndArticulal. Yehicle Goinqatioadulber CumpassPoint
VOKWAllanotinme Fromfast CnmP4"p d T" W-f
- he columns.
VehicieLocation-Ra. OnmainC'Waynot Junctioni-ocaliticAn
VehicleLocation-Re Notat pinction Skiddirul None
HdObjeclInCainage Vel"clet-edwingCair
Didnotlean cdrria.- HgObjecl(XfCantag...
None Vehiclel)i

1stpondoll"IPWI Front OtilmrVehicleHil

Ret-2 CornhinedDimiageNone PjxgI Ind. sideOd Nodamall"

Sexof D(K" male Atie(if Dmier 36 BreathTest Neipative HOandRun Other

Data- No,1

AccidentYear 2001 Acciden(Reference 97AB70610 Vehiclemefence I casuawereme I

lass Pedesirmn CasuaftySex male CasualtyAge 33 casuaRyseveloy Fatal

PedestfumiLoCallon CrossRVmpedest-PedestridrltAoVefnerdClOSSHMITOMdINO..Ped"FianDoection Hembngwih SchoolPupd Ottim (Iforn 1994)

Seall3ekUsage(M 0 C& Pdsspnqff NCO

cm pass.. g. 11-OrCoachPass.... NOId bUSOf coýh- Pe-lim


rJ Ap*\, (. d-

Figure 6.7 Details for selected accident

6.2 System Architecture

Since the system is intended for use by the general public, the easier our

system can be accessed, the more impact it can make. Also system help

function or tutorials should provide enough demonstration about system

usage so that users don't need face to face training. Therefore, an Internet

based system would be a good design choice. There are several techniques

can be used to build such a system, such as PHR JavaScript, JavaApplet.

However, PHP and JavaScript are scripting language, especially server-side

scripting, which mainly is used for collecting form data, to generate

dynamic page content, or to send and receive cookies. Geographical

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

Information System (GIS) is another feature of our system. We need Geo,

packages edit map and draw accidents on it. Our source for free GIS

packagesis from freegis.org. In that website, PHP based geo,packagesare

very limited. Also, the author has more experience of Java programming
than of PHP and JavaScript. So I choose JavaApplet to build this system.

Figure 6.8 shows the overall architecture.

(::: D

Mp s in D)T fonmt

Ccnvat artdFAk

Mps in shpMefoamt
functions, such as
display maps, edit
maps, show accidents

InformationSystem Loadinto Accidmts 'N DataSources

(JavaApplet) - (STAT19)
Data File

Figure 6.8 System architecture

GIS applications link locations to information, such as people to addresses,

buildings to parcels, or streetswithin a network. They layer that information

to give you a better understanding of how it all interrelates [82]. GIS

systems have the following features: interactive (requests and feedback),

large information (database),map-based GUI (Graphical User Interface),

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

regular information update (including data structure). The Glasgow Road

Accident Information System is such a system. It will store data on several

thousands of accidents. Users can browse the map of Glasgow, set up

queries and retrieve accident information. Since the accident records are
basedon STAT 19 forms, if the police or government changethe structure of

the STAT19, then our systemneedsto be able to update the information with

minimum effort and cost.

Object-orienteddesign (OOD) and programming provide a suitable

frameworkfor developingsucha system.OOD modelsthe real world into

the softwareobjects and operations.Sanjiv [30] arguesin his book that

OOD has the following benefits: 1) Better mappingbetweenthe business

andsoftware(easyto understand);2) Copingwith change(easyto maintain);

3) Improved productivity and quality through the reuse of existing

components(reusability).Thesefeaturesare all useful in our system.For

example, we map the vehicle datainto an objectin the system,all the
items would becomeattributesof the object. If the structureof STAT19is

changed, they add one item into the vehicle data, we don't need to
rewrite the whole program.There is an attribution list for eachrecord.We
just needto add one attributeto the list and leavethe rest of the attributes

and methodsunchanged.The detailed classificationof all objects in the

systemwill be in
discussed the following section.

6.3 Class Classification and Implementation

There are a number of proven approaches for identifying objects in the

system [11], such as classical approaches, behaviour analysis, domain

analysis,Use-caseanalysis, CRC (Class, Responsibilities, and Collaborators)

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sal'ety Awarencss

cards, informal English Description, and structured analysis. We use

classical approaches plus use-case analysis to identify classes III Our system.

Classical approaches derive primarily from the principles of classical

categorization. From the perspective of database modelling, Ross offers a

list [78]: people, places, things, organizations, concepts and events. In Our

GIS system, things (infon-nation) include accident data, vehicle data, Ind

casualty data. Events include map drawing and queries. The result of a

query may generate a list of accident data, vehicle data or casualty data.

Maps include both the road map layer and the accident layer.

Use-case analysis was first formalized by Jacobson. He defines a use case as

"a particular form or pattern or example of usage, a scenario that begins

with some user of the system initiating sorne transaction or sequence of

interrelated events" [42]. Figure 6.9 shows a use case diagram of our


Figure 6.9 Use Case diagram

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Using the combined classical approach and use-caseanalysis, we identified

the following classes:Accident Data, Vehicle Data, Casualty Data, Accident

List, Vehicle List, Casualty List, My Layer, My Theme, Result Theme, Road

Accident, Application Manager, and Information Frame. Their relationships

are show in figure 6.10



settings ies ii
AppManage I-
RoadAccidents , ResWt

List MyLayer 1...
My Th=e

Vehicle Accidmt

Data 0
Vehicle Casualty
List Casualty

Figure 6.10 Relationships between classes

The system currently holds two years accident data (2001 and 2000). When

the applet starts, the system loads all static road maps and accidents
information. This may take a few minutes. The reason for this is that in the

first version of our system, we stored all the accident data in a MySQL

database.The data were not loaded into the systemuntil usersmade a query.

However, the evaluation shows users feel the system is too slow. Therefore,

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sallety Awareness

in the second version of our system, we stored all the accidcnt data in

separate Java Object files. Each file has one year's accident (hita. Although

it takes a few minutes to load all the information, after loading, queries are

very fast. In the future, if we need to include more years' accident data or

need a much large geographical area, we need to consider other ways to

balance the system memory limit and the system speed. Figure 6.11 shows

an example of the system flow chart.

Systcm Start

Load Accident Data

Load map

System Settings


Update map with
A Zoom, Pan, Select
query results

No ý

Figure 6.11 an example of the system flow chart

6.4 Conclusion

Having in mind the requirements listed in chapter 4, we designed and

developedtwo versions of our system. After completing the first version, we

carried out an initial evaluation and made several changes to the system,

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

such as using different shapes to represent different accident severity,

replacing the bottom panel by a more simplified query control panel,

replacing accident codes by the formal descriptions, and so on. The system

was designed based on object-oriented principles which make it easy to

understand and maintain. Through our system, users can see the local

accident information in Glasgow area, can find specific kinds of road

accidents,and can read the detailed accident records for every accident. The

next chapterwill discussthe evaluations of these design decisions.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 7 System Evaluation

Previouschapterhavearguedthat severalbiases,including attributionerror,

result in drivers the

underestimating likelihood that they will be involved in

a roadtraffic accident. It hasalso beenarguedthat previousinitiatives to

improveroad safetymight be supportedif driverswereprovidedwith more
direct informationaboutthe frequencyof accidentswithin their local area

rather than through regional or national aggregatestatistics. We are,

therefore,concernedto determinewhetherusingour applicationwould have

any measurableeffect on an individual's perceptionof their likelihood of

beinginvolvedin a roadaccident.

7.1 Method

Major evaluation goal:

Evaluate whether our system has a significant impact on people's safety

Minor evaluation goal:

Evaluate the usability of the system.

Evaluation Methods:

Usability questionnaireand risk perception questionnaire

Evaluation participants and process:

The formal evaluation was conducted in three stages.First, each participant

completed a benchmark risk perception questionnaire. This was based on

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

three existing general road accidentsrisk perception forms, described in the

chapter 3 [92,69,57]. The secondstageprovided users with an opportunity

to interact with the system described in the previous section. We offered

a scripted introduction to the functions offered by the application and then

left them to browse the accidents. Each user was told that they could use

the system for less than half an hour. After they had finished using the

system they were again requested to complete the same risk perception

questionnaire. They were also asked to provide feedback on the user

interface to the tool (SeeAppendix E). We did not provide specific tasks for

participants to do. At first, we thought that different road users may care

about different road safety information. If we provide tasks which are not
interestedby participants, they would ignore what they saw. Therefore, we

give them freedom to browse whatever they like to know about our system.

We started with a sample of 25 potential users, although 29 users did the

usability evaluation (4 users had difficulty completing the risk perception

questionnaire). We did not want to place undue time constraints on the

familiarization period that was available for usersas they learned how to use

the system. Therefore, we used a different sample from that involved in

our risk perception study of existing web sites which was described in

chapter 3.

7.2 Results of Usability Questionnaire

The feedback from open-endedquestionsabout the usability of the software

included several negative comments. These have formed the focus for

our redevelopment efforts that resulted in the revised interface design

described in chapter 6. In retrospect, we realize that we should have

anticipated some of their criticisms earlier in the development cycle. For

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

example, accident records in the UK archive use a number of predefined

types to represent certain values. These types have a relatively clear

meaning to safety professionals. For example, in the severity column, '1'

means fatal accident, '2' means serious accident, and '3' means slight

accident. Our more general users were not, however, familiar with these
distinctions between road types and local authority codes. In

consequence, of our participants reported high levels of frustration

whenever they had to crosscheckthe codes in the accident records with an

explanatory table. For example, one participant wrote "It is very difficult to

always refer to the manual to interpret codes". Our first design of user
interface was served as a heuristic prototype to help us to identify the

potential problems. The above problem was identified in the first user

interface evaluation and has been fixed in our revised design of user


A number of fin-ther criticisms related to significant details in the

presentation of the user interface. For instance, several users complained

that the font used to display the detailed information about each accident

was too small. Others complained that it was difficult to distinguish

between incidents because the associated location markers on the map

began to overlap when they viewed the system at a low level of

gmagnification' or 'zoom' (See figure 7.1). Other common criticisms

echo previous studies of the usability of geographical information systems

by a relatively wide user population. Several people found it difficult to

distinguish between the pan and zoom actions. Others becamelost as they

traversedthe map and requestedthe provision of additional landmarks.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

- ES "eta 1 'tb p
J; '. -. -
¬ lu


BI., NI-- G. - A R-d, 0-ff,. B R.. d, BI-k: 0.1.. R... h

1 oý -1

Figure 7.1 Overlaps on the map

A final cluster of adverse comments focused more on the information

content that was provided by the system. One participant wrote "The

cause of accidents is not clear". This is a key observation and there are

several explanations. It is important to stress that the national archive

does not directly record the cause of each adverse event. This is justified

both for legal and ethical reasons. The police's view of the potential causes

might be used in legislation. Hence it is not described in the data archive.

instead, the data focuses on contextual details such as the prevailing weather

conditions and whether or not alcohol was involved. Some police

agencies do retain causal information in a format that can be linked to the

national archive data. However, we could not obtain public access to

these data sources during the initial development of the prototype interface.

Several other factors can explain end-user criticisms about the presentation

of causal information. In order to track the geographical distribution of

common contextual factors users must first select the incidents that they are

interested in, using the map-based display, and then access the individual

records associated with each accident, using the text-based pages Illustrated

in Figure 7.2. Post-evaluation debriefs helped to identify the basis for

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

current redesign where the icon used to represent an incident on the map

will be changedto reflect particular values for contCXtLMIfactors selectedby

each user. This is intended to reduce the need to accessthis massof(Ictailcd

ow"t ZT,;'. ý,, -=id
A-ule, A IMt.
2001 97ABDI301 Plll.. '. ( Od. SI, Ath.: " %
A,:,. -Ilmly-
i Numbe"CastmOlies I Acnd., MDýy 30 A WWW. 01, J. "...
N[IMI)OfOfVellKleS y

DayOrWeek Twsday Hour 17 IM-1.30 lo, IAWI Ry Cmy

i .. t. tj 250MO Nortllm 665350 Mfloadcj... U-1 ... If. d I-M-dN .... b.,, n, al

R.. JT". &noe c-ageway-Spee(JUM 30

j0 DOM O. "'o. d. 0... I A,Ao f, ffi,. iq,. i
SmondRoadClass Umlassdled 5ý-MoadNwnbw nul PedesIllwCaossmill N. --11 so P'. 11k,.

LightCmddton Dwk. - bghe. 10 Weath., C-dd-, F.. - NUh -I. Wut oi dmip 5.4--K In N-o

CmriagewayHazmcts Ný PWeAccReportecl Elsewhwe

VelmleDMa No.1

AccidentYem A-leatRef-ce 97ABO3301 VehicleReforetice I Wlypo Ihn'. c-, 1. jII

ImmijAMM-slax NolowfarMulaticin VehcleMWýe Twninogright cmipasspoild Ilon, smsil C To L. St

V. h. clot-atiml R.... L. -, VehWIeLocation-Re... On main c'way not... Junctuiril An Idl.

g nl- --I 0-tionAll. .1p, nt In Sk, dd q0w, Iq No. "

HdOb)eOlnCmria9s N- vehýlele"Tlgcfff Osdý I. - -m Hit0l, j. ctoffc-,., j N-

IMP-90fl. 11-( Nearside Ott-WhideHO -RL4...0 C-b,,,. dDm,. jj,, N. - lblofl 1II11t,
I IM- NIIIII. Iwj. ý

S... (D- mabe Alle f D- 40 13,ýMh T.. l N. (Im- IN pII, - (mhe"

Cýsu. ltyDM. l

A-d. AY.. 20DO kcciderytRefmeme 97ABO3301 V. h. d. Rý4.,. - i

C-myclass PW.. ft- C..,., Rys.. male C .... ItVAUe 46

PodeSUWADCat- Crossngetsewhef PedesItianMýinenICioSsin(Ifrointliý. HeadingsoLdh scl« Oth., (In lq! 14)


C. PdssenUer Not cm pas-pm 11-(), ( 13-hPasse

seamemusaueoq7. - 0 -
Not A bus w "Wh C-.,. "Vlvp.

-Ap. - -

Figure 7.2 Detailed accident information

The evaluation also helped to elicit criticisms that the prepared queries were

too restrictive and that the data provided by the national archive was too
limited. In particular, one participant wrote "(The system) should add

more data regarding the details of accidents, e.g. the mental, physical

conditions of the driver who causes the accident". This last point raises a

number of important issues. It can be difficult for investigators to elicit

personal infori-nation, for instance about the mental state of a driver, in the

aftermath of an adverse event. Informal comments made by the

participants indicated that these sorts of details would have a profound

impact on any personal assessmentabout how likely they were to find

themselvesin a similar situation in the future.

Likert scales were used to assessthe overall 'usability' of the prototype.

The Impact of Locaaed RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

In an initial sample of 29 potential users, nineteen ranked the overall

usability at 4 on a scale from 1, denoting that the system was 'terrible' to 5,

denoting that the systemwas 'wonderful'. Six users scored the system as

3 on this scale while four users ranked the system in the highest category.

Similar results were obtained for a range of additional usability questions,

including the clarity of the interface and the ease with which participants

learned to interact with the system. However, a number of important

caveats were revealed by the quantitative analysis of these Likert scales.

Figure 7.3 presentsthe results of questions about the speed of the system

and about frustration levels. As can be seen, several users found that the

system was too slow, even though the dataset that we used was limited to

approximately 3,000 incidents in Glasgow within a two year period. Part

of this problem stemsfrom the relative easewith which users could generate

queries. Small changes in the area selected using the zoom function

would result in update calls being made to regenerate incident data from

within a MySQL database. In our second version system, we load the

accident information from stored files rather than from the MySQL database.

Although this increasethe loading time since when users open the system,it

will load all available data into the system, the query times are reduced and

the system is more stable than in the previous version. The right hand side
figure shows most people are satisfied with the application. But there is one

participant feel frustrating about the system. The system was crashedafter

this participant executedseveral queries. Same reason as above causedthis

problem. Frequently query the databasecaused the system unstable. After

we redesignedour system,it has not been crashedanymore.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

14 In
a) 18
12 I (n 1G

10 14
C) 8
' 0- 4
2 2
riIIfl 0 m r--l
1 (too 3 45 (fast
12 : 5
slow) enough) (frustrating) (satisfying)

Figure 7.3: Quantitative Results from the Usability Evaluation

7.3 Results of Psychometric Study

The following figures present a sample from the results that were obtained

from the second stage of our evaluation. This was based on the same

procedure that had been initially used to sketch the impact that existing road

safety web sites might have upon the potential users which was described in

chapter 3. In this instance, the participants were given a questionnaire

that was based on three previous psychometric studies of road accident risk

perception before they interacted with our map-based visualisation systems.

They were then encouraged to use the prototype for as long as they wanted.

After they completed the more general interface evaluation questions,

described above, they were then asked to repeat the risk perception

questions. As in the previous exarnination of national and regional web

sites, the intention was to determine whether interaction with our

information source had any measurable effect on their risk perception scores.

Figure 7.4 and figure 7.5 present the results from two of the nine questions

before and after using the system.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Sat'ety Awarencss




0 A
123456789 10 It 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 "1 2ý)
0 After

Figure 7.4 How safe do you feel in terms of the likelihood that you could be

injured in a road traffic accident? (p = 0.98)


M Before

iiI f-
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:3 21 25

Figure 7.5 How controllable is the risk of involvement in a road traffic

accident?(p = 0.98)

Interaction with the new systemincreasedthe perception of the likelihood of

an accident in 12 of the participants. In two participants it and the

remainder showed no change in their expressedperception. However, the

magnitude and frequency of this effect is broadly similar to that observed

with the existing on-line resources. The graph on figure 7.5 shows the

responses to a question about the controllability of risk in road traffic

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

accidents. Interaction with our system had no effect on 12 of the

participants. Ten felt that the risks were less controllable and three felt

that they had greater control. This diversity is again similar to the effects

noted in the pilot study. In both cases,however, further tests are required

over a larger population to determine whether these observations are not

artefacts that stem from an inappropriate sample of a far larger population.

For example, we observed several patterns in our responses that suggest

individual traits and attitudes to risk may be having more of an impact than

exposureto the systemsthat we have developed. For instance, user 10 in

Figure 7.4 felt that there was no likelihood that they would be involved in a

road accident even after they had used our system. They also felt

completely in control of the associatedrisks. Conversely, participant 8 felt

that they were extremely likely to be injured and yet also felt that they could

control the risk of involvement. It is possible to hypothesise about the

different attitudes that motivate such expressedperceptions. For example,

the attitude of participant 10 might reflect a high tolerance for risk.

Participant 8 might have a low threshold for risk. Their senseof control

might, in part, reflect steps that they have taken to limit their exposure to

road related risks. It is difficult to validate theseassertions. However, it

seems clear that further research is required if we are to understand the

individual factors that affect our perception of the risks of road related

incidents. For instance,none of the previous psychometric tests that we

adopted account for the strong effects that must be introduced when
individuals have recently been involved in an adverse event. Similarly,

they fail to account for the different risk profiles that are associatedwith
different forms of road use. Individuals who never drive may have

different attitudes towards the risks of road accidents than individuals who

regularly use high-powered motorcycles.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

7.4 Focus Group Discussion

Our consultationsafter this evaluationled us to considera greateruse of

focus groupsto supplementpsychometrictechniques.Unlike one to one
interviews,"focus groupsgeneratedatathroughthe give and take of group
discussion.Listeningas peopleshareand comparetheir different points of

view providesa wealth of information-not just aboutwhat they think, but

why they think the way they do" [97].

We selected 8 undergraduatesin Glasgow University to form the focus

group about road traffic accidents.The reasonswhy we chose them are, first,

according to the statistics young people (17 to 22 years old) are most likely
to be involved in traffic accidents [74], and secondly, they are familiar with

traffic conditions and the local environment in Glasgow city. Several

questions were discussed. We choose these questions because we thought

they are useful for us to identify how road users think about road accidents

and accident information.

I. Do you think the modem road traffic system is safer than in the

2. What do you think are the main causesof road accidents?

3. How controllable are theserisks?

4. From a road users' point of view, what kind of means can affect

people's safety awarenessor their behaviour?

5. What are the advantagesand disadvantagesof national accident

statistics and the information provided on websites?

6. Do you think local accident information is more important or

helpful than high level statistics?

7. When you plan your journey, would you consider accident

information in addition to distanceand road type information?

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

They believe that the modem road traffic system is safer than the past since

the total number of accidentsis less than decadesago. However, with more

traffic, more powerful cars, they are still concerned about road safety.
Drink-driving and speed are blamed for most road accidents, although

someone mentioned poor road and car maintenance, and one overseas

student said "roads in Glasgow are too narrow". They all think these main

risk factors are hard to control. One student argued "We have to build a

safety culture by education or law enforcement to change people's attitude

towards these risks". When they are asked about useful ways to affect

people's attitude, more severe punishment and showing people the

consequencesof accidentswere the most popular answers.They think one

of the TV road safety campaignsis very helpful, which showed four young

students driving a car after they have had a drink, when they are hit by

another car. The advert actually showed the injuries of every one in the car.
They believe if people know they cannot afford or bear the consequencesof

accidents,they won't risk them.

When we talked about national statisticsand their safety campaignwebsites,

they thought that although the information is useful, "people just don't go to

these websites". People don't care how many casualties there are on the

road last year. They are not interested in what the main reason for road

accidentsis. They think "I never have an accident and I live in a safe area".
People are only interested in the information that relates to them. For

example, one student said "when I go to a new town, the accident

information would help me decide where I should drive carefully". After

seeing our system, they said this kind of specific, localized information

would definitely be helpful for road safety, "People are interested in this
information". They would like to find out what happened in their

neighbourhood.Once they realize the area is not as safe as they thought,

they might change dangerousdriving behaviours. When talking about the

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

impact of accident information on journey planning, they thought this really

dependson a lot of factors. One said "If a safer road will cost an extra half

an hour or more, I would rather choose the dangerous one". It is hard to

compare different situations just by talking. But they said if such

information was available, they would consider this when they plan a


In the next chapter,I describean experiment we did which helped us to find

out whether accident information would affect people'sjourney planning.

7.5 Discussion and Conclusion

Since conducting our evaluation, we have endeavored to identify other

metrics that we might use to support the validation of our localized

approach to the provision of accident information. In particular, we are

looking for techniques that might both demonstrate the utility of the

approach sponsoringorganizationsand also produce results that can drive

subsequent in the developmentcycle of our tools. This searchhas

involved discussionswith a number of cognitive psychologists and safety

engineers.These discussionshave raised questions about the utility of the

psychometric approach in this context. Asking users about the costs and
benefits associatedwith the risks of road usage is like 'asking someone

whether they would like a swimming pool on the moon, it has simply never

occurred to them before'. Many people find it hard to answerour questions

becausethey have never thought explicitly about the risks of road use.

The experiencegained from the developmentof the software tools showed

that generalpublic has great interestsin the localized information. However,

we have learned valuable lessons about the criteria that might be used to
The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

validate these systems. We cannot simply take metrics from cognitive

science and hope that they can be directly applied to support software
design and interface development.In retrospectwe realize that we may have

been na-Ivein ever expecting that this would be straightforward.

This area raises considerablepractical and ethical problems. The ultimate

measureof successmight be to demonstratethat those who had accessto

this localized information were statistically less likely to be involved in road

traffic accidents.Ethical and practical considerationsmake it unlikely that

we will be able to conduct such tests. However, we continue to look for


We are also increasingly aware that many of these metrics may be

inappropriate for such software. In particular, the popularity of the system

has come as a considerablesurprise. Many of the participants in the study

wanted longer-term accessso that they could monitor the impact of road

planning policy and lobby for changes in traffic managementwithin their

neighborhood. It might, therefore, be argued that this increased sense of

engagementwith road safety issues is a greater benefit for this type of

software than any transientchangesin risk perception.

Overall, the main contributions of this chapter are, firstly, usability

evaluation showed that participants are satisfied with the system and the

system met our requirements. Secondly, the psychometric questionnaire

revealed that people's responsebefore and after they saw the detailed local

road accident information showed little change. Thirdly, the focus group
discussion shows road users have great interests in localized accident


The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 8
Route Planning Experiment with Taxi Drivers

8.1 Motivation and Goals

Previous chaptersargued that high-level national road accident statistic can

have little impact on people's safety awarenessand their behaviour. The

possiblereasonfor this is attribution error: most drivers believe that they are
less likely to be involved in an accident than other motorists. Previous

chaptershave arguedthat local accident information may have more impact

on people's awarenessand their behavioursthan aggregatenational statistics.

However, our questionnairerevealedthat people's responsebefore and after

they saw the detailed local road accident information showed little change

either. As discussedbefore, this could have severalexplanations.One is that

our psychometricquestionnaireforced people to answer questionsthey had

not consideredbefore.

We needed to find another way to assessthe impact of local accident

information on people's safety awareness and their behaviours. Route

planning is one of the activities drivers perform almost every day. From the

route planning function on the ANs website, we can see, traditionally,

people choosetheir route by the type of road (e.g. avoiding motorways), by

traffic condition and by cost. The website does not include accident factors,

such as 'avoid high accidentrate area'. That may not be becausethey don't

care about accident information, but they don't have ways of accessingsuch
information. We designedan experiment to find out whether, once people

know about local road accident information, they would changetheir route

choice. If the experimentshowed there is some link betweenpeople's route

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

planning and their local safety knowledge, it would support our hypothesis

which is that localized accident information can affect people's safety

awarenessand we can use local accident information to influence people's


We choseto adopt a within subject design and decided to focus on two sets

of user groups, taxi drivers and university staff and students.We chooseto
focus on this group becausethey were really accessiblefor our study. They

can also be a base case for ftirther comparisons. The next chapter will
discuss the experiment with university staff and students. The decision to

choose taxi drivers was justified by the observation that this group has an

extremely high-risk exposureand hencehas both a commercial and personal

motivation to consider localised accident information systems.The decision

to focus on this user group introduced a number of additional complications

into our experimentaldesign. In particular, we were forced to consider the

other types of local knowledge that might help to shape the taxi driver's

route planning. We were concernedthat their experienceof delays on certain

routes or particular environmental aspectsincluding road layout might have

a greater impact on route selection than any information about average

journey times or even localized accidentinformation. We, therefore, decided

to repeatthe test using two different route-planning tasks. One was basedin

the centre of Glasgow and hencewas familiar to the drivers. The other was
set central We
Manchester. ensuredthat none of the participants had ever
driven in this areabefore starting the evaluation.This method was, therefore,
intendedto supporttwo different but complementaryhypotheses*.

* This chapter describesjoint work with Chris Johnson,Phil Gray and Marilyn Mcgee-Lennon.

conductedthe experimentalwork and analysis.The study designwas the result ofjoint discussions.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

8.2 Experiment Design


Hypothesis 1: Local road accident information would affect people's

choice in the rankings of the candidateroutes.

Hypothesis 2: People's own local experiencewould affect their choice in

the rankings of the candidateroutes.

Independent Variable:


Dependent Variable:

The rankings of the candidateroutes and locations

This was a within subject design. Two scenarios were involved in this

experiment. The first one provided users with time information, which
indicated how much time drivers may spend on each road section. The task

was to drive from point A to point 0 (See Figure 8.1 and Figure 8.2).

Participants needed to rank 7 candidate routes. The second condition

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

provided users with both time and accident information. This told

participants how many accidents happened on each road section last year.
The task remainedthe same.

Participants had to do the experiment on two different maps. One was a

Glasgow city map, the other was a Manchester city map. The reasonwe did

this is becausewe wanted to see when drivers made their choices on the

routes, whether they used their own experiencesrather than the information

we provided. Therefore, we had to make sure all the participants had never

or very rarely driven through the centre of Manchester, so that we could

make comparisons.

The participantswe focusedon are taxi drivers. Their daily job is driving
throughGlasgow.They arefrequentlymakingroutedecisionsbasedon road
traffic conditions and time of the day. Also they have plenty of local
experiences. they are the ideal participantsfor our experiments.
20 driversin total did the experiment.

8.3 Measurement and Tests

Since we use rankings to measurepeople's choices on routes, it is a

non-parametric This meansthat it doesnot rely on assumptionsabout
underlying population (mean,
parameters variance).Therefore,we cannot
use West or other parametrictests to test our experimentresults. After
consultingwith other in
researches the department,we choosethe Sign test.
The Sign test is one of the non-parametrictestsand it can be usedto test
rankings. Sign test is generallylesspowerful than the Wilcoxon test. It
is, however,simpleandeasyto use.Thegeneralprocedureis asfollows.
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

1. Inspect the difference between each pair of scores. Put a plus sign (+)

next to the differences in one direction, and a minus sign (-) next to the
differencesin the other direction.

2. Find the total number of either +s or -s, whichever occurs less

frequently. Let this number be x.

3. Find the critical value of x for the desired level of significance using the

following table. This value will depend upon (1) N, the total number of

pairs, and (2) whether the prediction is directional.

4. If x is less than or equal to the critical value, reject the null hypothesis

in favour of the alternative hypothesis that the independent variable has

had an effect on behaviour.

If a pair of scoresare equal they should be dropped from the analysis, and

the value of N reducedaccordingly [12].

8.4 Results and Analysis

Figure 8.1 showsthe experimentmap with time and accidentinformation

for Glasgow.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness



\6xgyle SL -9. )lope SL


Figure 8.1 Glasgow road map with time and accident information

Our initial experiment focussedon 10 taxi drivers working in the centre of

Glasgow, the largest city in Scotland. Table 8.1 presentsthe results that were

obtained when these potential users were asked to rank different routes

across the city where they worked. The left-hand section of the table
documents the order of preference for routes before accident information

was provided. For instance,the row labelled SI representsthe first subject's

preference for route R5 above R7, which was preferred over R4 and so on.
The right-hand section of Table 8.1 illustrates the changes in preference

after the subjects were provided with the map that included information

about previous accidentson those routes.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Route Ranking Route Ranking

(no accidentinfornwtion) (local accident inromiation)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 2 3 4 S 6 7
si R5 R7 R4 R6 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 Rl R3 R4 R2 R6
S2 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 RI R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 RI
S3 R5 R6 R7 Rl I R2 R3 R4 R7 R5 Rl R4 R3 R2 I R6
S4 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 Rl R3 R4 R2 R6
S5 R5 R7 R6 R4 R2 Rl R7 R5 R4 R3 R6 RI R2
S6 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 RI R4 R6 R3 R2
S7 R5 R7 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 R4 RI R3 R6 R2
S8 R5 R7 I R6 R3 R4 R2 Rl R7 R5 R4 R3 R6 Rl R2
S9 R5 R7 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 RI R3 R4 R6 R2
sto R5 I R6 I R7 I R4 I R3 I R2 I RI II R7 I R5 I RI I R4 I R3 I R2 I R6

Table 8.1 Preferencesfor the Glasgow route finding task

The Appendix F shows an example of calculating sign test for route I (RI).

Table 8.2 shows sign test result on these 7 candidate routes on Glasgow

Numberof Numberof Number P value
9+9s 4-9s unchanged

RI 9 0 1 0.004

R2 0 6 4 0.031

R3 4 1 5 0.375

R4 4 3 3 1

R5 0 9 1 0.004

R6 0 9 1 0.004

R7 9 0 1 0.004

Table 8.2 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Table 8.2 provides the results obtained from applying the Sign test in the

manner described in previous sections. The results show that the provision

of local road accident information did affect the rankings of all routes. If we

choose the 0.05 level of significance then the Nvalues obtained from a
two-tailed sign test show that the provision of this information had a

significant impact on the ranking for routes RI, R2, R5, R6 and R7. A

two-tailed sign test is appropriate here becausewe are interested in whether

the provision of local accident information increases the ranking of some

routes and correspondingly leads to a decrease in the ranking of other


Figure 8.2 shows the experiment map with time and accident information

for Manchester.

Figure 8.2 The experiment map of Manchester

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Table 8.3 provides an overview of the results from the route preference task

obtained when the Glasgow taxi drivers were asked to navigate across part

of Manchester. Recall that none of the drivers were familiar with the road
layout of this city in the North of England. As before, the left hand section

of table provides the rankings for the task when the drivers only had access

to the information available from existing route finding systems. The

right-hand section of the table, in contrast, illustrates the impact on their

preferences from providing information about previous accidents on the

routes. In order to counter balancing the experiment, half the participants

were asked rank the Manchester City road map first and then rank the
Glasgow road map. The other half did the other way around. The reasonwe

did this is becausewe don't want the order of the experiment affect taxi

drivers'judgements. However, in the experiment, all the participants always

saw the map with accident information after the map without accident
information. The obvious reason is when participants saw the map with

accident information first. They would not forget accident information when

they saw the map without accident information. Therefore, it will make no
difference whether the map with or without such information.

Route Ranking RouteRanking

(no accident inforniation) (local accidentinrorniation)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6
si R9 RIO R13 R14 RS RII R12 R8 RII R12 R9 R14 RIO R13
S2 R9 RIO R13 R14 R8 RII R12 RS R12 RII R9 R14 RIO R13
S3 R9 RD R14 R13 R8 R12 RII R8 R12 R11 R9 R14 RIO R13
S4 RIO R9 R13 R14 R12 R8 R11 R12 R8 RII R9 R14 RIO R13
S5 R9 RII R12 RIO R8 R13 R14 R8 RII R12 R9 R14 RIO R13
S6 R9 RIO R14 R13 RS R12 RII Rg RII R12 R9 R14 RIO R13
S7 RIO R9 R13 R14 R12 R8 RII R12 R8 RII R9 R14 RIO R13
S8 R9 RIO R14 R13 R8 R12 RII RS RII R9 R12 R14 R13 RIO
S9 R9 RII R12 RIO R8 R13 R14 R8 R12 R11 R9 R13 RIO R14
sio R9 JR11 JR121RIOIR8 JR131R141 IRS JR11 JR9 JR121RIOIR13IR14

for the Manchesterroutefinding task

Table8.3 Preferences

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Before looking in more detail at the results of the Sign test, it is worth

noting that severalpairs of routes were chosento take the same time. These

were (R9, RIO), (RII, R12), (R13, R14). However, each clement of these

pairs was chosen to have a different historic number of accidents. The

results in Table 8.4 show that taxi drivers do consider accident information

when two routes are shown to require the same time in an unknown location.

For instance, subject SI initially preferred R13 to route R14. After they

were provided with the accident information this ranking was reversed.

SubjectsS2, S4, S5 and S7 reveal a similar pattern while subjects S3 and S6

did not changetheir initial ranking that placed route R14 before R13. Such

descriptive analysis can be supportedby the statistical measuresof the Sign

test in Table 8.4.

Number of Number of Number P value

f+ PS - gs uncbanged

R8 10 0 0 0.002

R9 0 10 0 0.002

R10 0 10 0 0.002

RII 7 1 2 0.070

R12 8 1 1 0.040

R13 0 9 1 0.004

R14 1 7 21 0.070

Table 8.4 Sign test result for the Manchesterroute finding task

Table 8.4 sununarizesthe results of the Sign test for the Manchester route

finding task. As before, the provision of local accident infonnation has an

effect on the ranking of all routes. However, the P-values indicate that the

effects on the position of routes R8, R9, RIO, R12 and R13 were statistically

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

significant. We cannot conclude that the change in ranking of RII and R 14

were due to the provision of accident information and may simply have
been due to changeexperimental effects.

It seemsclear that both hypothesis I and hypothesis 2 are supported by the

results that are summarized in Tables 8.2 and 8.4. The provision of local

accident information did have an effect on the ranking of routes for a town

that was not well known to the taxi drivers. Access to this information also
had an impact on the rankings associatedwith routes across a city that were

used by the taxi drivers every day of their working lives.

Our results showed significant differences for the rankings associatedwith

five of the seven routes in both experimental conditions. This raised

questions about the nature of those routes that were unaffected by the

provision of information. One possibility is that thesewere routes that were

never actively consideredby the drivers, they appearedto be so undesirable

that the provision of accident information was largely irrelevant. Debriefing

sessionsalso raised fin-therconcernsabout the conduct of this initial run. We

used a prepared script to ensurethat all of the taxi drivers received the same

set of instructions. These asked them to "Please rank the following seven

routes by order of preference.(From 1, which you think is the best route, to

7 which is your least favourite)." A small number of the drivers in this study

were confused by this instruction and asked whether they were being asked

to basetheir selection on speedor cost. We deliberately did not want to bias

the criteria that they might use in their ranking. We, therefore, decided to

conduct a second study using the same method but with ten more taxi
drivers. The experimental instructions were changed to "From the point of

view of your work as a taxi driver, pleaserank the following routes in order

of preference from I to 7 where the first is the route that you would

definitely use and the last is the route that you would be least likely to use."

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

We also decided to simplify the experiment slightly by marking the total

time and cumulative number of accidents next to each route. Table 8.5
illustrates the results for this second cohort of taxi drivers on the routes

across Glasgow city centre. Table 8.6 presentsthe results from the Sign test

applied to this second set of route preferences in an area that is already

familiar to the drivers.

Route Ranking RouteRanking

(no accident infonnation) (local accidentinfonnation)
1 2 3 4 S 6 7 1 2 3 4 S 6 7
Sil R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI R7 R5 R4 R6 R3 Rl R2
S12 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI
S13 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 R4 R6 R3 RI R2
S14 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 Rl R7 R5 R4 R6 R3 RI R2
S15 R5 R7 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI R7 R5 R4 RI R3 R6 R2
S16 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI Ri R5 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI
S17 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 Rl R7 R5 R4 R6 R3 RI R2
S18 R5 R7 R6 R3 R4 R2 LR I R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 RI R2
S19 R7 R6 R4 R3 R2 Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 RI R2
S20 R5 I R6 I R7 I R3 I R4 I R2 I RI II R7 I R5 I R4 I R6 I R3 I RI I R2

Table 8.5 SecondGroup of Taxi Drivers' Preferenceson Glasgow route

finding task

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Number of Number of Number P value

49 G-9s unchanged

RI 8 0 2 0.008

R2 0 8 2 0.008

R3 0 5 5 0.063

R4 9 0 1 0.004

R5 0 10 0 0.002

R6 0 8 2 0.008

R7 10 0 0 0.002

Table 8.6 Sign test result for the SecondGroup's Glasgow route finding task

As can be seen, the addition of localised accident information had a

statisticallysignificantimpacton the ranking of all routesexceptfor R3. It

can arguedthat by clarifying the experimentalbriefing andby providing
cumulativetotals for expecteddelays and raw accident frequencies,the
provisionof this additionalsafetyinformationhashad a clear effect on the

taxi drivers' rankingsfor the routesacrossthe roadsof a city where they

work. Table 8.7 goes on to summarisethe rankings associatedwith the

Manchesterroutesfor this secondcohortof taxi drivers.

Route RaiiMng Route Ranking

(no acddent inronnation) flocal accidentinformation)
1 2 13 4 5 6 7 1 12 3 4 5 6 7
Sil R9 RIO I R13 R14 R8 R11 R12 R8 R12 R9 Rll R14 RIO R13
S12 R9 RIO R13 R14 R8 RII R12 R8 R12 R9 RII RIO R14 R13
S13 R9 RIO R14 R13 R8 RII' TI2 T8 R12. RII R9 R14
S14 RIO R9 R13 R14 R12 R8 RII .
R8 R121 R9 RII RIO R14 R13
S15 R9 RIO R14 R13 R8 Rll R12 R8 R12 R9 RIl RIO R14, R13
S16 R9 RIO I R14 R13 R8 RII R12 RS R12 R9 RII R14 RIO R13
S17 RIO R9 R13 R14 R12 R8 RII R8 R12 R9 RII RIO R14 R13 ,
S18 R9 RIO R14 R13 R8 RII R12 R8 R12 R9 RII RIO R141 R13
S19 R9 RIO R14 R13 R8 R12 RII R8 R12 RII R9 R14
S20 R9 R14 R8 RII R12 R8 R12 RII R9 RIO

Table 8.7 SecondGroup's Preferenceson Manchesterroute finding task

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infon-nation on Road Safety Awareness

Table 8.8 presents the results of the Sign test on this second cohort of

preferences from the Manchester study. As can be seen, the provision of

localised accident information had a significant impact on the rankings

associated with every route across this 'unfamiliar' road system. It is

important to stress that the sign test does not provide a quantitative

assessmentof the strength of any effect. If a particular route were to be

downgraded from first to seventh place then this would be registered as a

single '-' value in the Sign test. However, the unequivocal results from this

stage of our study in Table 8.8 illustrate the impact of localized accident
information on the taxi drivers in our study.

Number of Number of Number P value

&+'s &_, s unchanged

R8 10 0 0 0.002

R9 0 10 0 0.002

RIO 0 10 0 0.002

R11 10 0 0 0.002

R12 10 0 0 0.002

R13 0 10 0 0.002

R14 0 10 0 0.002

Table 8.8 Sign test result for the SecondGroup's Manchesterroute finding


The results from this second group show that the rankings for six of the

seven Glasgow routes support hypothesis 1. In other words, the ten taxi

drivers changedtheir initial route preferencesonce they had been provided

with information about previous accidents on those routes. In the caseof the

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Manchester routes, that were not previously familiar to the taxi drivers, all

of the route preferenceschanged as a result of the accident information. Of

course, neither of these findings implies any consequent change in

behaviour. There is no guaranteethat the taxi drivers will use the accident

information during their work, just as there is no guaranteethat a driver will

follow the fastest or cheapestroute recommendedby conventional planning

software. Route planning depends on the knowledge and skill of the

navigator. Our studies have, however, shown that the provision of localised

accident information can have an impact on these complex, problem solving

tasks. It is important to acknowledge, however, that our results do not

provide anything like a complete theoretical understanding of the cognitive

processesthat are involved in the exploitation of local, historical accident

information. For instance, some drivers may rate safety information more

highly than their peers. Only driver S2 from the first group of the Glasgow

users did not change any of his rankings after being presented with the

accident information surnmarisedin Table 8.9. As mentioned, however, this

may have been due to the way in which the task was presented.However,

finther studies are required to determine whether the revised procedure with

the second group would entirely eliminate this observed behaviour or

whether S2 is typical of a persistent group of road users who would not be

influenced by the previous number of accidentsover the routes that they use

every day.

Identifier Nodes Total estimatetime Cumulativenumber or accidents

RI ABEKNO 204 42
R2 ABEKLNO 198 52
R3 ACEKLNO 234 34
R4 ACEKNO 240 24
R5 ACFNIO 144 25
R6 ADFMO 186 28
R7 ADJMO 204 12

Table 8.9 Summary of Routes in the Glasgow Map

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Table 8.9 summarisesthe routes from the Glasgow map that was used in

both groups of this study. As mentioned, there were 20 taxi drivers in both

groups. If accident related information had been the main determinant in

route planning then we might have expected that most would have chosen

the order R7, R4, R5, R6, R3, RI and R2. However, none of the drivers in

the first or second cohorts chose this ordering. Instead, five chose a single

permutation of R5 and R4. In other words, they chose: R7, R5, R4, R6, R3,

RI and R2. This apparent inconsistency can be explained in terms of the

similarity between R4, with 24 accidents, and R5 with 25. It seems likely

that they were trading the single additional accident against a larger time

saving with R5's estimated 144 seconds being preferred to R4's 240


At one level it can be argued that the taxi drivers were employing a

relatively simple form of satisfying. In other words, they were willing to

trade a certain degree of speed against a higher number of accidents and

vice versa. For example, R6 (28) has had more accidents than R4 (24).

However, R6 has an estimatedjourney time of only 186 secondscompared

to 240 secondsfor R4. In the second cohort, four drivers ranked R6 above
R4. Six taxi drivers rated R4 above R6. It might, therefore, be argued that

such differences illustrate a degree of risk preference and aversion when

faced with similar routes. However, there is also evidence of more complex

forms of constraint satisfaction that go beyond simple trade-offs between

time and safety. RI was the least preferred route on the Glasgow map even

though it was not the route with the highest averagejourney time. 19 out of

the 20 drivers put it in last place in their ranking. This would seem to
indicate that the drivers relied upon outside knowledge that was not fully

being captured in the simple timings that we presented. However, when

additional information was provided about the number of local accidents

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

most drivers revised their choice. Recall that R2 had 52 accidents compared

to 42 for RI and that the difference in estimatedjourney time was only six
In thirteen
seconds. consequence, of the twenty drivers revised their ranking

to put R2 in last place.

Identifier Nodes Total estimatetime Cumulative number or accidents

R9 ABJDEO 540 24
R12 AHEFGO 720 21
R13 AHJFEO 600 34
R14 AIUFM 600, 32

Table 8.10 Summary of Routes in the ManchesterMap

Table 8.10 provides a summary of the cumulative accident frequencies and

estimatedjourney times for the Manchester routes, which were not familiar

to either group of taxi drivers. The pattern of results for both individual

subjects and for particular routes is broadly similar to that for the Glasgow

journeys. There are, however, some important differences. Unlike the local

route-planning task, there is no individual who retained his or her original

preference list after being shown the accident information. This tends to

confirm our suggestion that the individual from the first cohort of the
Glasgow study may have shown an inelastic preferences for routes with

which they were very familiar. However, that same individual appearsmore

willing to revise their preferencesfor routes that they do not drive every day.
This is an important finding becauseit implies that there will be some value

added from the provision of accident information given that individuals are
less likely to use route-planning software for routes that they already know

very well. However, as mentioned in previous paragraphs,further work is

required support this additional hypothesis.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

If taxi drivers' preferences were being determined by the number of

accidents alone then one might have expected most participants to opt for

the sequenceR8, R12, RI 1, R9, R14, RIO, R13. As with the Glasgow study,

things were not this straightforward. Only four of the taxi drivers chose this

ranking after being presentedwith the accident information. The remaining

drivers seemedto exhibit the samesatisfying behaviour that was observedin

the previous paragraphs.Trade-offs are being made between journey time

and accidents. can, however, be argued that the interpretation of these
results simpler becausethe drivers did not have any previous experience

of navigating in Manchestercity centre.

8.5 Conclusion

The main contribution of this chapter is that we carried out route planning

experiments on taxi drivers and find that road accident information has

some impact on their route planning decisions. However, the design of this

experiment does not consider other factors that may affect drivers' decision

on route choices. The sign test suggests the extra information (accident

information) may have influence on drivers' decision. But we can not

conclude that local accident information will affect drivers' safety awareness.

Further researches can be done to perform some stronger tests which

compareroad accident information against other form of information, such

as news agent locations, or pub locations. Once we find out that road

accident information have stronger impacts on drivers' route planning

decision than other form of information. We can say local accident

information will affect drivers' safety awareness.

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 9
Route Planning Experiment with University
Staff and Students

From the above study, we can see localized accident information has a

significant impact on taxi drivers' route planning. In other words, they

consideredsafety as one factor when planning their journey during our

experiment. use of taxi drivers in the experimenthas advantagesand
disadvantages.It is certainly true that this subset of drivers has a

commercialandpersonalmotivationto consideraccidentinformation.This
subsetprovides an interestingcross-sectionof participantswho are very
familiar with many routes, and thus the population seemsa reasonable

choice. However,
taxi driversare a specialgroup.Few driverswould have
sameknowledgeof local roadsas taxi drivers. Few other drivers have the

samehigh-risk as
exposure taxi drivers. [1]
Research shows,"Buses,taxis
and emergency were found to be in
over-represented accidentson
urbanroadsof all Those
classifications. driving buses,
taxis and emergency

vehicles, suffered more accidentsprimarily causedby other road users.

Their problemwas thereforepredominantlyone of exposureto dangerous

In order to see whether localized accident information has a significant

impact on other drivers, we repeated our experiment with university staff

and students. This group typically do not live on driving. They don't have

the same high-risk exposure as taxi drivers. They don't consider route

planning often as taxi drivers. This group usually have a higher level of

education than taxi drivers.

The Impact of Locaaed RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

9.1 Experiment Design


Hypothesis Local road accidentinformationwould affect people's
choice therankingsof thecandidate

Hypothesis 2: People's own local experiencewould affect their choice in

the rankings of the candidateroutes.

Independent Variable:

Road accident information

Dependent Variable:

The rankings of the candidateroutes and locations

This was a within subject design. Two scenarios were involved in this

experiment. The first one provided users with time information, which
indicated how much time drivers may spend on each road section. The task

was to drive from point A to point 0 (See Figure 9.1 and Figure 9.2).
Participants needed to rank 7 candidate routes. The second condition

provided users with both time and accident information. This told

participants how many accidents happened on each road section last year.
The task remained the same. Participants had to do the experiment on two

different maps. One was a Glasgow city map, the other was a Manchester

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

city map. We chose 10 staffs and 10 students from University of Glasgow to

do the experiment.

9.2 Measurement and Tests

Sameas chapter 8, we use Sign test to analysethe experiment.

9.3 Results and Analysis

Figure 9.1 shows the experiment map with time and accident information

for Glasgow.

This is the same as before but we repeat it here to help readers follow the
analysis this chapter.

Figure 9.1 Glasgow road map with time and accident information

Table 9.1 presents the results that were obtained from 10 university staff.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

The left-hand section of the table documents the order of preference for

routes before accident information was provided. The right-hand section of

Table 8.1 illustrates the changes in preference after the subjects were

provided with the map that included information about previous accidents

on thoseroutes.

Route Ranking
(no ac ident iuform tion) Oocal accidentinfo ation)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 11 2 3 4 5 7
Sl R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI R7 RS R4 R6 R3 Rl R2-
S2 R5 R6 R7 R4 R3 R2 Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI
S3 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 Rl R2
S4 P.5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 _Rl
Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3_ Rl R2
S5 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI R5 R4 R6 R3 Rl R2
R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI _R7
R7 R5 R4 R6 R3 Rl R2
S7 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 IR2 Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI
Ss R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 Rl R7 R5 Rr> I R4 mR3 Rl
S9 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 Rl R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 1 R2
SIO R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 Rl R7 R-5 R6 RI R2

Table 9.1 10 university staff's preferenceson Glasgow route finding task

Table 9.2 shows sign test result on these 7 candidate routes on Glasgow

Number of Ys Number of '-'s p value

R1 7030.016

R2 0730.016

R3 0910.004

R4 9010.004

R5 0 10 0 0.002

R6 0 10 0 0.002

R7 10 000.002

Table 9.2 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task (university


The resultsshow that the provision of local road accidentinformationdid

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

affect the rankings of all routes. If we choose the 0.05 level of significance

then the P-values obtained from a two-tailed sign test show that the

provision of this information had a significant impact on the ranking for all


Figure 9.2 shows the experiment map with time and accident information

for Manchester.

Figure 9.2 The experiment map of Manchester

Table 9.3 provides an overview of the results from the route preferencetask

obtained when 10 membersof university staff were asked to navigate across

part of Manchester. None of them were familiar with the road layout of
Manchester.As before, the left hand section of table provides the rankings

for the task when the drivers only had accessto the information available

from existing route fmding systems.The right-hand section of the table, in

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

contrast, illustrates the impact on their preferences from providing

information about previous accidents on the routes. Same as taxi drivers'

experiment, half the participants were asked to rank the Manchester City

road map first and half the participants were asked to rank the Glasgow road

map first.

Route Ranking
(no accident information) Oocal accident information)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sl R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 R8 R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
S2 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 R3 R12 R9 RlI R10 R14 R13
S3 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS RlI R12 R8 R12 R9 RIl R14 R10 R13
S4 R9 R10 R13, R14 RS Rll R12 R3 R121 R9 Rll RIO R14 R13
S5 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 R8 R12 R9 Rll RIO R14 R13
S6 R9 R10 R13 R14 R8 Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll RIO R14 R13
S7 R9 R10 R14 R13 R8 RIl R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
Ss R9 R10 R13 R14 R3 Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R14 R10 R13
1 - ql2
S9 R9 R10 R13 R14 R3 RIFT R8 R12 R9 RII RIO R14 R13
R10 I R14 I R13 1 R3 I Rll - R12
R RS R121 R9 1 tR13
RIl R10

Table 9.3 Preferencesfor the Manchesterroute finding task (university staff)

As we mentioned in Chapter 8, several pairs of routes were chosen to take

the same time. These were (R9, RIO), (RII, R12), (R13, R14). However,

each element of these pairs was chosen to have a different historic number

of accidents.The results in Table 9.3 show that university staff do consider

accident information when two routes are shown to require the sametime in

an unknown location. For instance, subject SI initially preferred R13 to

route R14. After they were provided with the accident information this

ranking was reversed. Subjects S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S8 and S9 reveal a

similar pattern while subjects S7 and S10 did not change their initial ranking
that placed route R14 before R13. Such descriptive analysis can be

supportedby the statistical measuresof the Sign test in Table 9.4

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Number of Number of Number P value

4+'s &-ts unchanged

R8 10 0 0 0.002

R9 0 10 0 0.002

RIO 0 10 0 0.002

RII 10 0 0 0.002

R12 10 0 0 0.002

R13 0 10 0 0.002

R14 0 10 0 0.002

Table 9.4 Sign test result for the Manchester route finding task
(university staff)

Table 9.4 summarizesthe results of the Sign test for the Manchester route

finding task. As before, the provision of local accident information has an

effect on the ranking of all routes. In the case of the Manchester routes, that

were not previously familiar to the university staff, all of the route

preferenceschangedas a result of the accident information.

It seemsclear that both hypothesis1 and hypothesis

2 by
are supported the

resultsthat in
are summarized Tables9.2 and 9.4. The provision of local

accident did havean effect on the ranking of routesfor a town

that was not well known to the university staff. Accessto this information

also had an impacton the rankingsassociated

with routesacrossa city that

wereusedby the universitystaffseveryday.

Table 9.5 presentsthe results that were obtained from 10 university students.

Table 9.6 presentsthe results from the Sign test applied to this set of route


The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Route Ranldng
(no accident infonnation) Oocal ccident information)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 13 4 51 6 7
Sl R5 R6 R7 R2 RI R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 Rl R2
S2 R5 R6 R7 R2 RI R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 Rl R2
S3 R5 R6 R7 R2 Rl R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 RI R2
S4 R5 R6 R7 R2 Rl R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 RI R2
S5 R5 R6 R7 R3 R4 R2 RI R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 R2 RI
S6 R5 R6 R7 R2 Rl R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 Rl R2
S7 R5 R6 R7 R? Rl R3 R4 R7 R-'; R6 R4 R3 R2 Rl
S8 R5 R6 R7 R2 Rl R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 Rl R2
S9 R5 R6 R7 R2 Rl R3 R4 R7 R5 R6 R4 R3 R R2
slo R5 R6 R7 lu Rl M R4 R7 R-'; RC, R4 M M Rl

for the Manchesterroutefinding task(university

Table9.5 Preferences

Number of Number of Number P value
+ - ys unchanged

RI 0 9 1 0.004

R2 0 9 1 0.004

R3 9 1 0 0.004

R4 10 0 0 0.002

R5 0 10 0 0.002

R6 0 10 0 0.002

R7 10 0 0 0.002

Table 9.6 Sign test result for the Glasgow route finding task (university


Resultsshow that the provision of accidentinformation had a significant

impacton the rankingfor all routes. The sameresultscanbe found in the
Manchestermapin Table9.7 and9.8.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Route Ranking
(no accident information) 60cal ccident info nation)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sl R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 R8 R12 R9 RIl R14 R10 R13
S2 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 R8 R12 R9 RIl R10 R14 R13
S3 R9 R10 R14 R13 RS RIl R12 RS R12 R9 RIl R14 R10 R13
S4 R9 R10 R13, R14 RS RIl R12 R8 R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
S5 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll RIO R14 R13
S6 R9 RIO R13 R14 RS Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
S7 R9 R10 R13 R14 RS RIl R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R14 RIO. Rl
SS R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
_ S9 _
R9 R10 R13 R14 RS Rll R12 RS R12 R9 Rll R10 R14 R13
-El-3 .I -R -14- FR
slo R9 R10 R14 R3 I Rll I R12 1 R8 R12 R9 Rll R10 13

for the Manchesterroutefinding task(university

Table9.7 Preferences

Number of Number of Number P value

C+ts 6-9s unchanged

R8 10 0 0 0.002

R9 0 10 0 0.002

RIO 0 10 0 0.002

RII 10 0 0 0.002

R12 10 0 0 0.002

R13 0 10 0 0.002

R14 0 10 0 0.002

Table 9.8 Sign test result for the Manchesterroute finding task (university


As mentioned in Chapter 8, none of these findings implies any consequent

changein behaviour. Our studies have, however, shown that the provision of
localised accident information can have an impact on these complex,

problem solving tasks. It is important to acknowledge, however, that our

results do not provide anything like a complete theoretical understandingof

the cognitive processes that are involved in the exploitation of local,

historical accident information.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

9.4 Conclusion

Route planning is an activity in which people use their own knowledge and

experience to perform. Our experiment chose route planning to assess

people's safety awareness:in other words, do they consider road accident

information when they plan their journey? We believe the result from the

experiment supports our argument that detailed local traffic accident

information has an impact on people's safety awarenessand behaviour since

the national statistics on this problem appearto have had little impact.

From the experiment, we have gathered support for our two hypotheses.

Firstly, the provision of local accident information does have an impact on

the routes that drivers select in areas that they are already familiar with.
Secondly, this effect can also be seen when drivers have access to

information about towns that they are less familiar with. Our results were

obtained from studies with a group of taxi drivers because these users

typically have the greatest exposure to risk, illustrated by correspondingly

high insurance premiums. We also obtained results from studies with a

group of university staff and students.

As mentioned, we have already developed a web-based system for

presenting localised accident information. As we developed this tool to

provide route-planning functionality, a number of additional problems have

arisen. Many of these were not directly considered within our study. In

particular, the journeys in our system are over relatively short distances

within two city centres. Hence, we have a relatively low number of

accidents for each route within our data set and it is possible to provide the
drivers with raw accident frequenciesover a five or ten year window. As we

expand the length of a route then these frequencies become increasingly

problematic, as there may be several thousand acci4ents on a journey of an

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

hour or more over busy local roads. Previous sections have also argued that

raw cumulative accident frequenciesignore the different traffic volumes that

pass over each route. It is relatively straightforward to factor traffic flows

into the calculation of accident rates rather than frequencies. However, it can

be difficult to explain the resulting cumulative rates to a broad group of end

users. For example, comparable risk exposures can be derived from a

prolonged period of driving on a road with a medium accident rate or from a

short period driving on a road with a high accident rate followed by a longer

period driving on a 'low risk' road.

If we are to move from raw accident frequencies to consider issues of risk

exposurethen there seemsto be considerable scope for the development of

appropriate interfaces that might mask some of the underlying complexity

from end-users,such as our taxi drivers, who have a significant interest in

using this data. We are currently experimenting with extensions to existing

route planning systems.These already offer users planning criteria such as

davoid motorways' or 'avoid toll roads and congestion charging'. Further

work is required to determine whether this supports the more complex

trade-offs between time and risk that seemto be emerging from our study of

route planning behaviour by the two groups of drivers.

A naturalextensionof manyof the ideasin this thesiswould be to integrate

local accidentinformationinto an in-car GPSnavigationsystem.This would
be relativelystraightforwardwith accidentfrequencyupdatesbeingsupplied

with each map upgrade. The existing web-basedaccident information

system draws its updates directly from the national accident records

suppliedindirectly to the public by regional police forces.Local accident

informationmight be usedby in-car systemsin the mannerdescribedabove
for more conventionalroute planningsoftware.The provision of GPSalso

enablesthe use of visual or audio warnings to inform drivers when they

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

enter an accident 'hotspot'. It is important not to underestimate the

importance of such potential applications. However, the problem for such

warning system is it may cause distraction to drivers. Moreover, displayed

accident information should be detailed but brief so that drivers don't need

much time to read it during the driving. Therefore, different user interfaces

may required for different user groups, such as taxi drivers and university

staff and students.All these questions are all need further researchwork to
find out the best solutions.

Overall, the main contribution of this chapter is that we carried out route

planning experiments on university students and staffs and find that road

accident information has some impact on their route planning decisions.

However, as mentioned in chapter 8, the design of this experiment does not

consider other factors that may affect drivers' decision on route choices.The

sign test suggests the extra information (accident information) may have
influence on drivers' decision. But we can not conclude that local accident

information will affect drivers' safety awareness. Further researchescan

be done to perform some stronger tests which compare road accident

information against other form of information, such as news agent locations,

or pub locations. Once we find out that road accident information have

stronger impacts on drivers' route planning decision than other form of

information. We can say local accident information will affect drivers'

safety awareness.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Chapter 10
Conclusions and Future Work

10.1 Conclusions

Our study was basedon the hypothesisthat existing road safety advice
dependstoo muchon the useof nationalstatisticsand localizedinformation

may have more impact on people's safety We

awareness. carried out an
evaluationon existingroad safetycampaignwebsiteswhich providemainly
high level nationalstatistics.The result showsthat the information on the

websites little impact.

Then with advice from experts in Glasgow City Council and the Highway

Agency, we developed a localized accident information system. The same

evaluation method for government websites was carried out. The result

showed some impact on people's but

awareness, it was not as big as we had

anticipated. We therefore used other methods to assessthe impact of local

accident information on people's safety awareness.These included focus

group discussionand a route planning experiment.

The result from these two methods gave us more positive feedback and the

experiment shows that taxi drivers do consider accident information when

two routes are shown to require the same time in an unknown location.
Access to such information also had an impact on the rankings associated

with routes acrossa city that were used by the taxi drivers every day of their

working lives. But it is still early to say which is better, a high level national

safety campaign or local accident information system since as I pointed out

in chapter 7, the local accident information system has much room for

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

improvement. It seemsunlikely, furthermore, that many of the effects that

we observedfor our taxi drivers will be equally apparent for all drivers.

10.2 Future Work

The study has found that road users are interested in local accident

information and such information may affect people's safety awareness.

However, in order to find out whether local accident information has more

impact on people's safety awarenessthan high level accident statistics, we

need to include more kinds of road users in the study. We may also need to

divide these people into several sub groups, such as drivers, cyclists,

pedestrians,and so on. This is becausedifferent road user groups may have

different requirements in accident information. For example, pedestrians

may only care about pedestrian-involved accident information. Other

information would have little impact on their safety awareness.Moreover,

we need more experiments to find out ways to improve the impact of

localized road accident information on people's safety awareness.

I now discuss possible future research from following three aspects:


a) Information

Local accident information can help people to assessthe safety of their

environment. However, each accident record holds lots of detailed

information. Some users may not need all of this, different road users may

be interested in some specific information. In the future, experiments are

neededto identify the information most important to road users.

Brief description. In the early stageof the study, experts from Glasgow city
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

council suggested giving a brief description of each accident. Currently, I
directly display all the columns from the database.It is not clear if users can

obtain a coherent overview from all of the values and codes. An experiment
is neededto decide whether 'brief description' is a good idea and what kind

of information should be included in this description.

Advice from experts. Our study shows that since people are less interested

in high level national statistics on government road safety campaign

websites, they won't go there voluntarily. However, they think that advice

and guidelines on the websites are useful. Figure 10.1 shows advice from

the "Think! " website. Therefore, adding advice to a localized accident

information system could be more effective than those websites. Moreover,

advice normally focuseson specific road user groups or locations (road type)

or special conditions (winter driving, driving when tired). When users

search for specific kinds of accidents, they could also be given advice on
how to avoid this type of accident.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Saf'ety Awareness

11Fill I IIIIIIIII! III pil III I ! Iýnm=ll

M1T-7W '1113
Eile Edit yi- Fývorites lools Help
0 Back - l 5earch Favorites 4Er>r
I) I 'ýl L-;
1!ýj http: /Iwww. thinkruadsafety. gov. ukladvicý/cycling.
I .., II..
.4t'l -

III ntroduction THINK' Home I Advice

11ýChild road
safetyý parents THINK! advice - cyclists
.1............... ..............
b-Child road
safety: teachers Cyclists and drivers both have a rightto use our roads - but ýnn-wfir, -. ytm ii, -l t, qw#- .11,1
- ............... more thought to each other
'-Child car seats
-- ............
I-Avoiding low
DOS . 11141CIOII*ltS fOF CyCliStS
-. - .............................
Be visible. Ride well clear ofthe kerb, wear bright cluthinq and flvvaVý, iqht,. . 4fl, r
11-Cyclists dark or in poorweather conditions
I........................................ Show drivers whatyou plan to do. Always look and signal bofore you ýfavt, .t,, p ,r
01Driving when
tired turn.
........................................... Ride a straight line past parked cars rather than dodging between th,, m
'-Emergency Don't jump red lights
vehicles Don't ride on pavements.
IýOverseas Don't ride the wrong way up one-way stieets., unleýý therp's a ýiqi) V, 11,ýt
visitors can.
I........................................ Don't ride across pedestrian crossings
P-Mobile phones
I-Motorcycling Dos fog ists
all4l 41011"t's Illotol
li-Driving on
motorways " Expects udden movements by cyclists, e-6peci aI lyiriwirWVwk-ljwr ri (I ým h. id i. -d
- .............
... -,
0-New drivers surfaces.
.1.1 ..............
........... I............. " Watch for cyclists on the inside when you turn left
I- Older drivers look for cyclists before
" Always opening a car door.
b, Seat belts " Give cyclists turning right extra consideration.
............... Don't squeeze past cyclists - give them space. at least half a rar'ý width
Don't dazzle dipped headlights, the way
........... cyclists - use you would with another car
P,Top ten tips Don't the kerb - they
get annoyed when cyclists ride awayfrom need to avoid drains
.1-............... and potholes, and be seen as they to junctions
'-Tyre safety come with side roads
P-Winter driving
...................... .......... Our leaflet Drive safe. cvc-fe 3afefor more advice. Visit our site for vounu, i , v, li,; t,,
qD Internet

Figure 10.1 Advices on "Think! " website

Pictures. From our focus group discussion, some people feel that shocking

images could have a big impact on people's safety awareness. These have

already been used in a UK government TV campaign showing the

consequences of cars colliding. If pictures from accident scenes can be seen

in our system, this might be also alert people about safety issues. Pictures

from an accident location will show geometry features of that area. The

pictures can be added to the full accident information panel (see figure 10.2).

However, this raises a lot of ethical issues and requires careful consideration.

it may be very disturbing to the relatives of anyone killed in such an

accident, even if graphical reconstructions were used rather than actual


The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awarencss

Accident Picturcs

Figure 10.2 Pictures in the system.

b) Interaction

Usability is the key issue of every Human Computer Interaction Systern.

Although the system evaluation shows people are satisfied with the current

interface, there are problems. Some symbols overlap, the query speed can be

slow, and so on. In addition, further development might support the


Display accidents by area or roads. When users want to see the situation

in a specific area, such as a junction, they could use a mouse to drag a circle

and then information about all the accidents in this area would be displayed.

Similarly, if users click on a road or select a road name from a drop down

list, accidents on that road would show up.

Fish eye function. Although I provide zoom in and out, users sometimes

want to see detailed infon-nation on a large scale background. Providing

functions like a magnifier, users could quickly browse the whole rnap with

more accurate infon-nation.

Self defined icons. Currently, I use different shapes to code accidents by

their severity. In the future, users could define their own icon groups to

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

identify other relationships between accidents, such as different weather

conditions, different car type. Mixed icons could represent multi level

information. These might help users to make quick comparisons and get

more information directly.

c) Prediction

As mentionedin chapter1, Predictionis anotherway to reduceaccidentsby

identifying potentialproblemareas.If we add prediction into our system,

people can see what may happenin the future. But first, we need to do

research seewhetherpeopleare interestedin prediction.The experiment

may be similar to the one in this study.If the predictioncan affect people's
decisions,thenthe studycancarry on to build a predictionmodel.

Researchinto prediction of road traffic accidents has been carried out for

many years. There are many approachesto prediction. The first is accident

observation or a 'before and after' study. Accident totals or rates can be

comparedat treated sites in the periods before and after an implementation;

sites can be ranked according to their observed accident totals and/or rates
[53]. But accident counts are prone to sourcesof error [33,56,43]. Accident

rates are normally used to allow for variations in exposureto comparesafety

levels at different locations or times on the assumptionthat a lower accident

rate indicates a safer site. However, if the relationship between accidents

and exposure non-linear, accident rates will vary with exposure so that a
lower accidentrate would not necessarilyimply a safer site [34].

Then researchershave tried to find suitable prediction models which relate

accident occurrenceto traffic volume and a range of attributes such as road

geometry features, traffic control features, and so on. In the early years,

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

people used multiple linear regression modelling, with its assumption that

accident counts follow a normal distribution. Then people found it is far

better to model the processusing the Poisson distribution for the frequency

of accidents in a given period of time at any one site. Examples of this

model can be found in Jovanis and Chang's research [48]. Since people

realized the advantagesof the Poisson model over the standard regression

model, generalized linear models have become popular to develop the

desired forms of relationships using a Poissonmodel [47,101 ].

Although the Poisson model offers significant advances in accurate and

reliable modelling, it has some weaknesses. One is called the

"overdispersion" phenomenon. In the pure Poisson model, the variance is

equal to its mean. But in practice, actual accident variance has been found to

be greater than the mean. Recent studies have proved that the negative

binomial distribution might be more appropriate becauseit allows greater

variance in the data and thereby deals with the overdispersion [63,1].

There are other models for prediction, like Andrew and Stig's multilevel

model [5] and Matthew and Ioannis's hierarchical tree-based regression

model (HTBR) [58]. Andrew and Stig think their multilevel model helps to

quantify the various influences on casualty outcomes. HTBR model is a

non-parametricstatistical method.

After comparing these prediction models, in the future, we would use

generalised linear modelling techniques. The distributions of accident

counts will be assumedto follow a Poisson distribution. The main advantage

of the Poisson distribution is its simplicity. Although the overdispersion

phenomenon is one of the weaknesses of Poisson distribution,

overdispersion does not affect the coefficient estimatesbut does causetheir

standarderrors to be underestimated[61]. Some studies show that the values

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

of the model parameterswere almost the sameregardlessof the distribution


The model structure is:

Y= aNPexpEpjXij

Y is the expectednumber of accidents,N normally is the traffic flow

(AADT), x variablesdescribingroad geometryor environmentof the road,

a,p, 0 areestimatedparameters.

The development of our prediction model would have four major steps

using the GeneralizedLinear Model.

Identify potential parametersin the prediction model. We will consider

two different ways to do this. We prepareda questionnairefor people in

the Land Service Department of Glasgow City Council. In the

questionnaire (see Appendix C), we list many different parametersthat

could be used for prediction, most of them from existing prediction

papers mentioned above. We then asked them to scale the parameters

from I to 10.10 means the most important. Alternatively, we have

considered Locally Linear Embedding. This can help us to find useful

parameters for prediction. Locally linear embedding (LLE) is an

unsupervised learning algorithm that computes low dimensional,

neighborhood preserving embeddings of high dimensional data. LLE

attempts to discover nonlinear structure in high dimensional data by

exploiting the local symmetriesof linear reconstructions(16). We could

also combine the results from these two methods to pick potential


The Impact of Localized Road Accidew Information on Road Salc(y Awareness

2 Data Collection. We contacted the Department of' Transportation, and

they provided us with 10 years (1993-2002) tral'fic volunic data and

major road network information in Glasgow, such as road type, speed

limit, number of lanes, width, length, and so on. We have already

obtained 11 years accident data (1991-2001). Figure 10.3 shows in

example of traffic volume data and major road network information.

x I . 19dA
Ek.. Lcit jj- Jýt F2rmat Jools Qata tyd- ti'lp AdOLPDF -qx

-j .4 -ý -j -j
-j -A -
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Al LACndý,
A c0 ýP 1ý F: C3 HIIi M-N
kWOR CPI d0pened I Mosed POAOSI kýcýFj Soj_LRCat Id Name MLPý5E. I.. S Ref EIS Ref N
101ju 01/01/11AU-1 NM t4i 1NI __ rýl-
17H Im
IrAf) PI)
;I-t P-J, y
" "ll I! III III,
ý'j Ira H
1010 01/0111982 NM M 5140 PU Street Mun,".. A// 25OWU 1,646,10
1011 011U111982 NM AB 220 PU I B"dg. g.? A89/A/49 259560 66471,f]
1027 01V/1982 NM A77 320 PU 0 Street AB AB14 2W40 FFA720
1029 0110111962 NM ABO 10 PU AB Ma 2b2900 61,6000
uld Road
1033 010/1982 NM A82 10 PU we'le'rr A,904 A804 256100 666500
1030 01YO111982 NM A89 10 PU e AB Millersion 2605W 15154770
1090 01V/1962 NM A730 20 PU Street A7 20 A8 259000 664200
1091 Olnl/1982 NM A736 100 PU Road A726 Banhead 251900 661200
1094 01)01/1982 NM A7 39 40 PU Road A1314 A82 254600 b68WO
109701M111982 NN1 A749 40 PU ck Road Boundary ýV, l 26 1220 663320
1106 01/01/1962 NIVI AD04 10 PU Geo'ge's A014 A82 258" 666300
1112 OM111982 NM A814 120 PU WA MIYAW4 B'o-ela 258400 6651()0
1143 01101/1982 NM A879 10 PU street M8 Hayston 259100 615,7800
10013 01V/1982 NM KAO 200 TM NIA `13 '12 263000 666600
ý3 '52
10814 01,UI[1982 NNi Ma 120 TIVI N/A Als 22 256000 664200
10819 01MI/1982 NM AS 100 PU Road A736 A739 2,52650 666"
10820 01MI/1982 NM AB 170 PV Street A730 A814 259200 664600
10821 OlMl/1982 NM A8 230 PU Street of A39 AW3 260000 665330
10836 01101/1982 NM A74 321 PR Road M74 Mount 267500 662500
241 9260 10918 01V/1982 NM A804 40 PU Road MBIA81 MO/A879 258800 666374
9260 10923 01/0111982 NM AB14 90 PU Pa,k D-e Kingsway A739 254000 667100
9260 10924 01)0111982 NM AB14 ISO PU jannes A77 258500 664930
ýZ? 1 9260 11020 01YO111902 NM A739 20 PU od Road Me AB 253600 665000
lb "14 261000 665900
291 9260 20809 01,13111AI-2 NM NIU 180 TM N/A
'25 '2A 2154000 664600
9260 20811 Oljül/1982 NM hm 100 TM N/A
921.0 20815 OlU1/1q02 NM m1 PU EI-e E3768 B768 A761 255500 664550
31 9260 20816 01A]111982 NM m INI PU A814 Saltmarki, 2,S9400 6647(it)

. -1 ýnpi7 nini/icn) NIM AR

an Pi i 'Zý -1, C. 01.1ý1 ?Fn win F4,', Aln
11 p
Ready NLIM

Figure 10.3 Annual Average Daily Flows and Major Road Network

Information in Glasgow

3 Using statistical software (R project, which is an open source statistical

package. littp: //www. i--L)i-oiect.

/'), it is relatively straightforward to do

regression analyses, then withdraw those parameters that are not

statistically significant to prediction.

4 Calculate all the coefficients by using R project. Both step 3 and step 4

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

will use 5 years accident data, and the data of the remaining years will
be used to test thesecoefficients.

This section has sketcheda possible researchagendato extend our work on

accident information from purely historical data to include accident

prediction. As mentioned at the beginning of this section, once research

suggeststhe general public are interested in prediction, this fiInction can be

added into our localized road accident information system. Then

experimentsare neededto determine whether possible accident information

about the future would affect people's safety awareness.

Above all, human beings are the most important factor in road accidents.

This thesis is concerned with trying to use localized road accident

information to increase people's road safety awareness. The key

contributions of this thesis are, firstly, from risk perception questionnaire

and focus group discussion, we find that current road safety campaign

websites don't have great impact on road users' safety awareness.People are

not very interestedin the information presentedby those websites. Secondly,

through our road planning experiments,we find that localized road accident

information will affect road users' route planning decisions if they have

access to such information, which means road users will consider local

accident information before they plan their journey and this could

potentially increase their safety awareness. Although we made some

progress,there is a great deal of work to be in this areain the future.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix A: A brief Review of road safety research

1 Statistical Models

Statisticians, engineers (road and car), psychologist, economists,

sociologists, politicians all work in this area. The study of occurrence of

accidents mainly done by statisticians becauseroad accidentsare regarded

as chance processes.Statistics can be used to find out certain patterns of

accidents. For example the relationship between the number of road

fatalities and a given number of motor vehicles and a given population is

called Smeed'sLaw [45]. This law, in its most general form is describedby

an equation:
DIN = a(N/P)-b

D represents the number of road accident deaths in a country, N is the

number of registered motor vehicles, and P is the population. Smeed fitted

this function to 1938 data for 20 countries, and got a value for a of 0.0003

and a value for b of 0.667. This law has been retested in 1968 against data

from 16 countries for the years 1957-1966 and once more in 1970 against

data from 68 countries for the period 1960-67 and it was found that it still

performed well with the same coefficients. This example shows, although

some people have argued that road accidentsare chanceprocesses,there are

certain statistical rules which may apply to all accident situations.

Statistical models can also be used to support accident prediction. There are

two main topics in prediction. One is to find an ideal prediction model

(algorithm). The other is to identify suitable parameters for the model.

Generalized linear models [47,60] and Negative binomial regression

models [63,1] are the two most popular models for prediction. There are

many others, such as Andrew and Stig's multilevel model [5] and Matthew
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

and Ioannis's hierarchical tree-basedregressionmodel (HTBR) [58]. But all

these models have their own strengths and weakness. For example,

generalized linear models suffered an "overdispersion" phenomenon.

According to the pure Poissonmodel, the variance is equal to its mean. But

in practice, people found actual accident variance is greater than the mean.

Different models will have different sets of parametersand even the same

model may have different sets of parametersfor different areaswhich have

their own characteristics. Expert judgment, statistical analysis tools and

researchexperienceall could help to identify those parameters.

2 Accident Process

Research into the accident process can be divided into three categories:

vehicle, road environment and road users.

Vehicle defects causeaccidents.The layout of seats and controls, tyre

condition, vehicle lighting, braking performance,and steering all affect

driving safety.Therefore,vehiclescanbe madesaferto drive in two ways(1)
by improving their design and (2) by keeping them in better condition

throughout their lives. Through research on individual car accidents,

manufacturers, and
engineers designers
can find existing defectsand
thenimprovedesignfeaturesandmanufacturingtechniques.For example,in
December2000,Ford recalledtheir 2001Ford Focusbecauseof a defectin
the seats.Accordingto the report,"the subjectvehicleshavea folding 60/40

secondseatthat becomes
a load floor in the folded position.When the 60%

portion of the seatis folded down and a load is appliedto the front edgeof
the load floor, the outboardhinge pivot could disengagefrom the hinge.If
the seat is then returnedto the upright position without re-engagingthe
hinge pivot, the seatand seatbelts may not provide the intendedlevel of

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

performance in the event of cmsW' (www. automotive.com).

The road environment plays another very important role in road safety

research. The following are features which may influence the risk of


a) Road geometry, such as road and lane width, shoulders and medians,
horizontal and vertical curves, vertical alignment, the layout of

junctions, and roundabouts.

b) Road delineation and marking, such as lane markers, pedestrian

crossingmarkers, and the marking of the entrancesto and the exits from


c) Traffic signs and traffic signals, such as direction signs, warning signs

and mandatory signs.

d) Road surfaces, such as surface texture, spray problem in wet weather,

surfacesof verges, shouldersand central reservations.

e) Lighting, such as street lighting and anti-dazzle screens.

0 Obstructions on and off the carriageways,such as street furniture (lamp

posts, trees, telegraph poles, traffic signs... ), crash barriers, kerbs,

obstructions the road, parked vehicles.

g) Weather,such as rain, snow, wind.

Researchon thesefeaturescan help people to find and build safer roads. For

instance, for two-lane roads, 12 foot (3.7m) lanes have been found to be

safer than 9 or 10 foot (2.7 or 3m) lanes [35]. Researchalso found that roads

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infor-niation on Road Safety Awareness

with long straights and few bends, particularly if they are sharp bends, may

have higher accident rates than roads with more bends [73 1.

According to the research work by Sabey in 1975 [80], road users make the

most important contributions. He attempted to identify the "main

contributory factors" responsible for 2130 accidents which were

investigated in great detail. Evidence was obtained by observations of roads,

vehicles and road users, by interviews, and by assessing errors which were

made by the road users, by defects in vehicles, and by adverse features of

vehicle and road. The answers depended on opinions which are formed by

members of the research team. They categorized those contributory factors

into 3 areas (road environment, road user, vehicle), some accidents being

caused by a single factor, some caused by multiple factors. The result shows

8.5 percent of the causes could be assigned to vehicles, 28 percent to the

road environment, and 95 percent to road users; these add up to more than

100 percent because many accidents were considered to be the result of

more than one contributory factor. Figure A. I shows this result briefly.

environment Road user Vehicle

Single factor 2.5 65 2.5

Double factors 24 4.5

Treble factors 1.5

Figure 1.1 Percentage contributions to road accidents

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Much recent research focuses on driver behaviours to find potential

dangerousactions or bad habits which may causeaccidents.

The driving task has three main aspects: the intake of information, the

making of decisions and the control of the vehicle. Any error in these

aspects could be dangerous. Drink driving, drug-driving, speeding and

driver distraction are typical problems which could affect drivers' behaviour.

According to the "Think! " website[89], on average 3,000 people are killed

or seriously injured each year in drink drive collisions and nearly one in

seven of all deathson the road involve drivers who are over the legal limit.
Researchhas shown that speedand speedrelated causesare major factors in

about one-third of all road accidents. Surveys show that almost all drivers

and riders exceed speedlimits at some time. Observation of vehicle speeds

in Great Britain in 1998 showed that 69% of cars exceededthe 30mph limit

and 29% exceededthe 40mph limit in free flowing traffic [94].

Education, training, propagandaand enforcement are some of the ways in

which, without altering the roads or the vehicles, an attempt is made to

improve human behaviour on the road [27]. The first three methods can

raise road users' safety awareness so that they understand what kind of

actions would carry risks. Related traffic law and legislation could also

reduce dangerous activities because road users have to consider the

consequences they take any improper actions.

3 Accidents Consequences

The researchon accident consequencesplays another important role in road

accidents investigation and research.Injury to road users is one of the most

important consequences from accident. In order to save lives, much

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

attention has been paid to the causesof injuries. Alan formed a hypothesis in

1967 [94] that "many accidents cannot be prevented, but most traffic deaths

and injuries can be". Although I don't agree with the first part of his

hypothesis, from figure in table 1.2, we can see there is a big reduction in

the number of killed or seriously injured from 1993 to 2002.

According to the research [29(pl2l)], there are two most important factors

in injury production. First is the velocity change of the vehicle, the other is

the duration of the impact. Alan believed there are 5 factors which can affect

the severity of the injuries:

1) "the magnitude of the force

2) the area of the body that is struck

3) the rate of onset of the force

4) the duration that the force must be withstood

5) the total areaof the body over which the force is distributed" [94]

The injury researchin 1963 [72(p462-p466)] showed that the head related

injuries accounted for most of the injury cases. In Alan's research [94],

similar results were found. His data were collected in an analysis of 150

accidentswhich were selected from a total of 3,308 accidents that occurred

in 1965 in California. The data showed that there were 32 percent face

injury, 19 percenthead injury and 2 percent neck injury.

After analysing injuries, two kinds of protective measurescan be taken to

minimise the injury when an accident has occurred. The first kind is the

protective devices which can restrain and control the movement of the

occupantand prevent impacts with the interior of the car. The secondkind is

alterations to the construction of the car. The seat belt is a typical device of

the first kind. The most important function of seat belts is to protect heads

and bodies of the wearers in frontal impacts. Table 1.4 compares that the

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

injuries to the occupantsof the front seatsof cars wearing and not wearing

seat belts [38]. The data were based on 1163 unbelted and 490 belted
front-seat occupantsof cars.

Region Unbelted Belted

gesinjured) (percentages injured)

Head 23.7 10.6

Neck 1.2 1.6

Shoulders 2.1 1.4

Chest 5.2 3.9

Spine 1.5 0.6

Abdomen 2.0 1.2

Pelvis 0.7 0.4

Hip joints 0.6 0

Thighs 2.1 0.6

Knees 2.2 1.8

Lower legs 1.5 0.6

Feet/ankles 1.5 2.4

Arms 3.7 2.0

TableA. I Injuries comparisonbetweenunbelted and belted occupants

From the above table, we can see, apart from neck injuries, seat belts do

help to reduce injuries. When all types of accident are included, seat belts

reduce the probability of serious injury by about 42 per cent.

In the secondkind of protective measures,an example is the design of the

steering assemblyso that even when the front of the car is heavily deformed,

the steering wheel is not forced back on the driver. Another example is

safety glass for windscreens. The objective of safety glass is that when

occupantshit the windscreen, fragments are less liable to causeseverecuts.

There are two types of safety glass in Britain, laminated and toughened

glass. After fracture, fragments of toughened glass are less sharp than
laminated glass. But laminated glass has better visibility than toughened

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

4 Economic Impacts of Road Accidents

Road accidents have a big impact on national and regional economics.

According to WHO's (World Health Organization) "World report on road

traffic injury prevention in 2004", the cost of road crash injuries is estimated

at roughly 1% of gross national product (GNP) in low-income countries,

1.5% in middle-income countries and 2% in high-income countries. The

direct economic costs of global road crashes have been estimated at US$

518 billion in 2004. The estimated annual economic cost of injury in China

is equivalent to US$12.5 billion --- almost four times the total public health

servicesbudget for the county.

Road accidents also affect the economy indirectly. People aged between 15

and 44 years are the most productive age group. But they are also the

majority group in road traffic injuries. The economic impacts of injuries in

this age group are therefore especially damaging. According to the WHO,

people in this group, "tend to affect productivity severely, particularly

among the lowest-income groups whose exposure to risk is greatest and

whose earning capacity is most likely to rely on physical activity".

Although governments are paying more and more attention to road traffic

safety, the WHO believe "current road safety efforts fail to match the

severity of the problem. Road travel brings society benefits, but the price

society is paying for it is very high."

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix B: Collection of Road Accident


Accurate, adequate and reliable road accident data are crucial to any

systematic, scientifically-based analysis of the road accident situation and

the developmentof rational countermeasures.In this section, I describe how

accident data are collected in Great Britain and what kind of data are


In the UK, the collection process and accident data collected vary across
local authority and police force areas. They reflect local road safety

requirementsand circumstances.However, each local area is askedto report

the same set of accident records for national purposesand to transmit them

to central government. This is the 'STATS19' collection system, which was

established in 1949. STATS19 is a standardised form used by police to

record road traffic accidents.

Recordedaccidentsonly consistof thosein which someonewas injured.

Damage-onlyaccidentsdo not appearin the collectedaccidentinformation.
Injuriesareclassifiedaccordingto the following criteria [29]:

a) Slight injury. An injury of a minor character such as a sprain,

bruise or a cut or laceration not judged to be severe.

b) Serious injury. An injury for which a person is detained in

hospital as an in-patient, or any of the following injuries

regardless of whether he is detained in hospital: fractures,

concussion, internal injuries, crushings, severe cuts and

lacerations,severegeneral shock requiring medical treatment.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

C) Death. Death within 30 days.

The STATS19report form consists of an accident record, a vehicle record to

be completed for each vehicle, and a casualty record for each casualty

arising from the accident.

The accidentrecord includesthe severity of the accident,the number of

vehiclesand involved,
casualties time and location,road classand number,

speedlimit, hazards.

The vehicle record includes type, location and manoeuvre at time of

accident, and details of the driver (age, sex and breath test results);

The casualty record includes casualty age, sex, injury severity and whether a

driver, passengeror pedestrian.

Figure I is an image of an accident record in a STATS19 form. Figure 2

shows a vehicle record in a STATS19 form. Figure 3 shows a casualty

record a STATS19form.

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infonnation on Road Safety Awareness

DETRtSOMO Accident Ro"rd Attendant Cimurnstances STATSIO(I"9)

RoadType 0 1.202 Pardestrum

CrosskV 1.23 RoadSurloca,
1.1 RecordType 1.14
I A... kboul
- HumanControl I Cry
11 N- mood
IS A.. WWmkWt,. -d 2 0. .y wed 0 No' fac" Welh so Rob" 2 war loemp
SDU. lM g )-26. - F11Y a" WIRY " 1 11-
PoliceForm 4 Dd. -Ang.. Y. S. -knes by . 0.1had p~ 4 fd 0ka,
6 91ý91.caftp. " - W4. "M read I C., "byddar.. "pow I fbw hurbowwwwraverkm
1.3 Acckkn Rat No 6 SWO -bg--y .2 In- lote fn 2 CoArd by ~ adWbW p~ 4 00 0 dmal
In dW.Cft* 7 Mud
7 Shv. cem-g-w -a bras too Way
1.5 Number of Vehicle P-Ayl I. 2Db Pedesirian Crossing
Records 8 Sno caMagow" -4 ar - tares - Physical Facilrues
Special Conditions at Sit* [3
0- -y-pa" 1.24
9 Uld- p1r) f. My
1.6 Numberal Casualty soý 0 ""
I Z4,400. d. kA.. k antic wend &A
Records 1.15 SpeedLimit(mph)
4 pwý PAFK "- ar Ww 2 Aummirec Ift Wgnd p. "
Y 1.16 JunctionDetail ED ). -a- I NO wo-*v 2 parmarwalow molhwI ki
1.7 Date S Pdadaript-tValk" dW4c*m
W Notatorw"20mawrodpAxten AMC" 4 A, sp, -
01 9CwwMnAW-waVwc, 6 RoadMOM 60.0re
ON. 02 Mw I FmbrMp ar o-way
I'll Terw d Day 03 Tarsaigg-ilp-don
24 h- 05 sop Pow
06 cm.. da 11.21 LightConditions [3 1.25 CarriagawayHazards E3
07 hlu")-dan

1.10 LocalAuthonty at 1 0.1,191k

Or" 110"1 a
09 Olnerp"M 2 Dayot ne i&w OgIgh I Dhiodgd Wkb MadIn O. Mg... y
S~" ww- 2 Ovw Olga in cwftg"
1.11 Location Juncdort Accidents Only 4 Da*- swaai1gVftp,. -I ord 3
10 dkjK05 GddRefervaceM. MM 6 Dwrlwý %V.M M02%F but 4 call I. -An-. y
13 6 Dwký- no W. 0 NV" I 01har &OW a In
17 JunctionControl
, I ALMhorhadPanwn I Dan,,ý weat
Ewi-9 2 AUk.. k VeRkSignal
3 S"'paig.
Weather 1.26 Place Accident Reported [3
4 Gk... Y. 19.wnd*g, 1,22
1.12 1 st Road Class a Uncw&okd
I Fiv-10ýAhighOrkKAM I AA-
I bk"-y is 2nd Road Class I F. " vrM-0 higharOft 2
11AM I waý" 3 U-" WOW MghWnda
.A 2 A(M) 4 F#-1hhYhaWM
49 3A Ral"ýMh highwkl&
C 46 Sn-" WM" *x1s 1.27 DETR Special PMx[=
: C 7 Fog-M-11hiumd
Ud.. Md a Cw-
1.13 tat Road Number Lki-n
= Road Number

Figure B. 1 STATS19 - Accident Record

DETRISOIWO Vehlcl* Record STATSIS (1"9)

[] 13
Rmrd Type ED 2.8 2.11 Skxkkq and Overtming 2.16 FirstPoirdof bypict
2.1 v-"kl-
Iscit 1:1El
F- T.
21 Nowiolikla 0 0 Didm b"d a ORM"
26 A-M I It ss Park.* I SkkMd I F-d 4 t4N"oft
voldd. Wcord Eo
2 NE SSW am Stlait, * SkIddd aid ii-ift-d 2 Sack
M 311 7w 9 Jack4mAvd
2.2 Police Form
4 SE 6 NW a Mrb 4 Ja&-brA%dNWiwaliffimil 2.17 Other Vehicle Hit
2.3 AccidertRot No 6 OINNN'" Rd ft ofcow imbicle
M Pwt(s)DamoqW
2.4 Vehicle Rot No 2.12 HkObpdiliCarriaqewuY 2.18
2.9a Vehicle Locaticirt at rý ol
ACCKIBFt- Road Co m- 06 0 N- 3 CIP.Ift 6 Udw. M.
2.5 Type d voww (" Piwý, Iddorl OT Ildlard I I Fm-t 4 N-wdft 7 Mkl"
02 P. O.. " Of OpM CNION CO 2 8. * 5 Pd
01 P. Myd. 16 00- - I E'Aarkgo. ead. .0 03 P. 1k.11Wicia-Ift (IS Cýal Wails
04 PavitdWftle 2.21 Semof Driiror 0
02 M. Pad 16 RkIftniviriie 3 MIMMIN.A
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is C.. ft A ccKlerS - Restric tedL ane / 2 13 Vehicle UnNin g Carna," ay 2 22 Age of DrKw
09 Tod . .
09 braes -P Amy firm Main Carriageway Y-
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u- d 0 O... lMC. Wq-. y-MI-WkWd I 1.114C.
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- P----V- .. e, zi G om I Tra,,i I ugit amwe& 1 0 Nd Wpkbi. S D%w m
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, Anh#"W at*% 4 Sr4iitrabw 6 C)nby4)ywhm*mAdw cow" Pose"Ob". 2.24 Hit and Run
2 DWAw-ii"Irmar goirer 1- 7 E.*" "W bud ArWillof I L. A.. Wgm". Nift
S L., AVWy-by. hadW. Adm, I US= Mg- -ý off" are Nboundd 0 Caer 2
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01 R-wrilp 12 Chur" 2.25 DETRSpecialProjec=
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at First kripact 01 Rind Wy, I Tft dpg 2.26 VeNd* Reigistation
03 1-1, g.. hd velid-lisdisift
beh. 1d.p 14 02 LAW pow Mark (vw)cj]: ]=
04 S"P" "- m 0 Noralm-ow w om m -M-4 03 T-waphp-1--dily" SpecialCodo.'
06 Star" Is 0--w" I VhkWqp-d*. gkAd-arpdW , 04 Trae 2 F-0 I Do-oft 4
05 uti'a is k-d- app-h 06 a. am I a. stk. 3 mftq
07 T,. "bt lowd a Vhkbl.. Wftdk.. M. 06 CýW-hbwrdwr
06 vi" w Qumkift 17 Gohq Mead 3 Vdkbd-W). CO-. PXkWA 07 Now.M. . oftift -h harder 2.27 Driver
h. W - Mw.. 00 SuWwgod Inmaikor OMM*ftly) Postcom
09 T-*-911gm
10 vm" 0 ft-dgm is Go" ahftd 4 Did not vvpm 09 ErOmrddkk sp., w C."u a N-UK.. iftt
11 Cf.. " b.. Wkt 10 cotierpi-ittod I UM- 3 P~ and

Figure B. 2 STATS19 -- Vehicle Record

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

VETRISOIWO Casualty Rocord STATSIS(1"9)

RacmdType [jo 3.7 Sexof casusky 0 3.11 Pod.WA. M.. ý* 0 3.13 SdWWPupNCmusky 0
31 N-CM. My-d I mms 0 Nt a P. Mmem I s&. dpýPNwPW. YqD$rkm
36 A-W. 0 O-fty -d 2 F-W I how
a Q-" 9- dtý% -wwo 0 ClhW
byp. b. d. mft., ýWtd.
a C-" k. awmnid.
4 C. " in. ON. % omo
byp. ftdwmWw .. Ndo 13
[10 Age at Cmwky 6 14 Car P"S"W
3.2 Poke Foý 3A W." --, - -M 3.15
I'l-W It "... my Y- I-m-kq w pw"
4b Urftgý" #Aft-l, 0 Nds-
- MW 9
bmr. *q a O. OV. -Wd Fmmýp-qw
. 901. ". dwd. ftwý
7 Vh". bngb, 1-f-bg
AccWwtRol No sr-q of comoky
3.3 3.9 13 S Vh" wftd. 9 I* I- buk
I raw llft
2 5.6- urf- a
3 SW 3.16 BLmorCoschP*ssengw [3

3.4 VeNcleRd No
3.10 Pedestim Locatim 3.12 PainVion Di 4 S.Owp... w

31 CaujokyRd No 00 PAM.
pd. Mm C.. P- Pk* bwd
91 In whpwA aam" m
42 m cwftg.. ". 9 20 2 NE
1-d-" 3E 3.17 DETR SpKW Prqel=
03 ft cwd"mp . 9 wo- zio. 4.

3.6 Casusky Chm 041.

VAN. 10 AN- d pd. 04- 7w
DAý w ddý 05 IN h. A- : mw
. Vhicb. pNmp-w"w 0, Onfoci a.. " 3.18 Comoky
3 On rdugs. cw" kWW a cwftid 0 560" so Postcods
ahýd . Ibg-y. m- SP. " -d-
cw" kwd a C. " I Ud-
09 g 2 H-UK MOM
10 Urdý w olhw

Figure B.3 STATS19 - Casualty Record

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix C
Questionnaire for Road Accident Prediction

1. What kinds of accidentpredictionmodel areuseful to your job?

a. all accidents
b. all injury accidents
C. certaintypes of accidents (single accidents,rcar-endaccidents,crossingaccidents,
turning accidents... ), or on certaintype of roads(Motorway, A, B, other)
d. other,pleasespecify

1. Normally, every prediction model has algorithm for road links and junctions. In
order to predict your chosenaccidenttype, pleasescalethe following data based
on importanceto the prediction.(from I to 10,10 the most important)


a) traffic flow 123456789 10

b) length of road section 123456789 10
C) speedlimit 123456789 10
d) one/two-waytraffic 123456789 10
e) numberof lanes 123456789 10
f) road width 123456789 10
g) speedreducingmeasures 123456789 10
h) cyclist facilities 123456789 10
i) footway 123456789 10
j) centralisland 123456789 10
k) parking facilities 123456789 10
1) bus stop 123456789 10
m) otherparameters STAT 19

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness


a) traffic flows 123456789 10

b) numberof lanes 123456789 10
C) traffic island 123456789 10
d) turning lane 123456789 10
e) bicycle facilities 123456789 10
f) signalised/non-signalised 123456789 10
g) numberof arms 123456789 10
h) otherparametersin STAT 19

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix D
Questionnaire for gathering experts information and initial system

The Road Traffic Accident Information Systemhelp people find out about accidents
detail in Glasgow. Currently, the Road Traffic Accident Information Management
System is only prototype. To build a functional system, we need to get more
requirements from potential users. Traffic police and people in the Glasgow city
council who deal with road traffic are selectedto answerthis questionnaire.

I What is your job title?

a) traffic police b) road planning engineer c) road accidentresearcher

a) other,pleasespecify

2 How long have you worked as this job?

a) lessthan a year b) 1-3 years C) 3-5 years d) more than 5


3 How do you deal with accidentdata?

a) recordnew data b) classify and submitto higher government

C) analysishistorical data d) other,pleasespecify

4 How often do you dealwith accidentdata?

a) almosteveryday b) oncea week c) few times a month d) several

times a year

5 How often do you usea computer?

a) almosteveryday b) oncea week c) few times a month d) several

times a year

6 How do you rateyour computerknowledge?

Novice (1) 2 3 4
5 Expert

-1 165
The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

7 Are statisticalanalysismethodsinvolved in your daily work?

a) Yes b) No

8 How do you rate your statisticalknowledge?

Novice 1 2 3 4
5 Expert

If you have ever receivedtraining on statisticaltechniques,pleasestatethe level (e.g.

school,college,university... )

9 We have already got accident data for the Glasgow area. What kinds of accident
information do you want to be displayed in the map-based system? Please tick the
top 5 you think are more important.

a) YearofAccident
b) Accident ReferenceNumber
C) Police ForceCode
d) Accident Severity
e) Numberof Vehicles
f) AccidentDay
g) AccidentMonth
h) Day of week
i) Time of Day (Hour, Minute)
j) Location (Easting,Northing)
k) I" RoadClassand I't RoadNumber
1) RoadType
M) SpeedLimit
n) JunctionDetail andJunctionControl
0) 2ndRoad Class nd
and RoadNumber
P) PedestrianCrossing-HumanControl andPedestrian
q) Light Condition,WeatherConditions,RoadSurfaceConditions
r) SpecialCondition at Site
S) CarriagewayHazards

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road SafetyAwareness

10 The following are somepotentialways to display accidentdata.Pleasetick the top

5 of your choice.

a) by year
b) by road
C) by road type
d) by time of the day
e) by day of the week
f) by month
g) by light condition
by weathercondition
by road surfacecondition

I Someelementsof the systemdisplay can be changedby the users.Which of the

following featuresdo you think are better if they are editableby users?Tick top 5.
If you areunclearwhat this means,pleaseask.

a) Roadcolor
b) Roadwidth
C) Accident point size
d) Accident point color
e) Information to be displayedon the right handside text area
f) Information to be displayedon the tooltip
9) Backgroundcolor
h) Font ( e.g. style of text)

12 In addition to accidentsdata,we also have casualties'dataand vehicle datawhich

currently are not displayedin the system.Do you think it is necessaryto display
this informationwith the accidentdata?

a) yes b) no

If yes, what kind of casualty information do you want to be displayed in the

system?Pleasetick the top 5.

a) CasualtyClass.(Driver or rider, Passenger,

b) Sexof Casualty
C) Age of Casualty
d) Severityof Casualty

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

h) Car Passenger
i) Bus or CoachPassenger
j) CasualtyType
k) SeatBelt Usage

13 On the abovelist, which onesdo you think are necessaryto be madeas prepared
queriesto display accidentdata?Pleasealso tick top 5.

a) by CasualtyClass.(Driver or rider, Passenger,

b) by Sexof Casualty
C) by Age of Casualty
d) by Severityof Casualty
e) by PedestrianLocation
f) by PedestrianMovement
g) by PedestrianDirection
by Car Passenger
by Bus or CoachPassenger
by CasualtyType
by SeatBelt Usage

14 For the vehicle data, what kind of information you want to be displayed with
accidentdata?Pleasetick top 5?

a) VehicleType
b) Towing andArticulation
C) VehicleManoeuvre
d) VehicleMovementCompassPoint
e) VehicleLocation
f) JunctionLocation at Impact
g) Skidding/Overturning
Hit ObjectIn Carriageway
VehicleLeaving Carriageway
Hit Object Off Carriageway
I stpoint of Impact
Driver BreathTest
Driver Hit and Run

15 On the abovelist, which onesdo you think are necessaryto be madeas prepared
queriesto display accidentdata?Pleasealso tick top 5.

a) by VehicleType
b) by Towing andArticulation

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

C) by VehicleManoeuvre
d) by VehicleMovementCompassPoint
e) by VehicleLocation
f) by JunctionLocation at Impact
g) by Skidding/Ovcrturning
by Hit Object In Carriageway
by Vehicle Leaving Carriageway
by Hit Object Off Carriageway
by I Stpoint of Impact
by Driver BreathTest
by Driver Hit andRun
by Damage
by VehiclePrefiyJSuffixLetter

16 Whenyou find all the datayou need,which of the following tools arenecessaryor
useful. Pleasetick all you want.

a) display thesedataby using numericaltable

b) display thesedataby using different kinds of charts,suchas
line chart,bar chart.
C) Extract thesedataout of the system,suchasprint, II
saveas anotherformat (text, graphical)
d) What else

17 If you have already used some

similar system, could you point out some
limitations of that system or the features that
you wish to improved?

18 Any other commentson this work?

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix E

User Interface Evaluation Form

User InterfaceandNavigation:

I. Wasthe presentationof contentclear?

(no) 12345 (yes)

2. Wasthe user interfaceattractive and appealing?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

3. Is the sequenceof the screensclear?

(Confiising) 12345 (very clear)

4. Is readingcharacteron the screeneasy?

(hard) 12345 (easy)

5. Wasuser orientation ("Where am IT') within theApplet easyand intuitive?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

6. Wasnavigation of theApplet ("Can I

go whereI want to go?") easyand intuitive?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

7. Wasthe layout of theApplet appropriate?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

8. How well did the use of color, graphics, images and fonts enhance the user's
experienceof the site?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

9. Canuser control paceand sequenceeasily?

(Difficult) 12345 (Easy)

10. Is systemspeedfast enough?

TheImpactof LocalizedRoadAccidentInformationon RoadSafetyAwareness

(Too slow) 12345 (fast enough)

Terminologyand SystemInformation

1. Is use of terms throughout system consistent?

(Inconsistent) 12345 (consistent)

2. Is position of messageson screen consistent?

(Inconsistent) 12345 (consistent)

3. Is remembering names and use of commands difficult?

(Difficult) 12345 (Easy)

4. Is the terminology always related to the task?

(never) 12345 (always)

5. Does computer always informs about its progress?

(never) 12345 (always)

6. Is text clear and easy to read?

(Bad) 12345 (Good)

7. Does the highlighting simplify the task?

(not at all) 12345 (very much)

8. Is the organization of information clear?

(confusing) 12345 (very clear)

9. Under nonnal conditions,doesthe programrun consistently?

(Inconsistent) 12345 (consistent)

Overall reactionto the software

How do you think the software?

(terrible) 12345 (wonderful)

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

(frustrating) 12345 (satisfying)

(inadequate power) 12345 (adequate power)

List the most negative aspect(s):




List the most positive aspect(s):




User Interface Evaluation Data

Q1 Was the presentationof

content clear? No. 2345 Yes
13 11 14

Q2 Was the user interface

attractive and appealing? Bad 12345 Good
7 12 10

Q3 Is the sequence of the

screen clear? Confusing 12345 Very Clear
7 14 8

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Q4 Is reading character on
the screen easy? Hard 12345 Easy
36 14 6

Q5 Was user orientation

within the Applet easy and
intuitive? Bad 12345 Good
37 10 9

Q6 Was navigation of the

Applet easy and intuitive? Bad 12345 Good
135 17 4

Q7 Was the layout of the

Applet appropriate? Bad 12345 Good
1 19 9

Q8 How well did the use of Bad 12345 Good

color, graphics, images and
fonts enhance the use's
experience of the system? 47 12 6

Q9 Can user control pace

and sequence easily? Difficult 12345 Easy
13 16 9

Q10 Is system speed fast Fast

enough? Too slow 12345 enough
123 11 12

Ql 1Is use of terms Inconsistent 12345 Consistent

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infon-nation on Road Safety Awareness

throughout system
1 12 16

Q12 Is position of
messages on screen
consistent? Inconsistent 12345 Consistent
11 11 16

Q13 Is rememberingnames
and use of commands
difficult? Difficult 12345 Easy
23 13 11

Q14 Is the terminology

always related to the task? Never 12345 Always
4 17 8

Q 15 Does computer always

informs about its progress? Never 12345 Always
35 12 36

Q16 Is text clear and easy

to read? Bad 12345 Good
54 13 7

Q17 Does the highlighting

simplify the task? Not at all 12345 very much
123 17 6

Q18 Is the organizationof

information clear? Confusing 12345 Very Clear
23 17 7

Q19 Under normal

conditions, does the
program run consistently? Inconsistent 12345 Consistent

The Impact of Localized Road Accident Infon-nation on Road Safety Awareness

1 14 12

Q20 How do you think the

software? terrible 12345 wonderful
6 19 4
frustrating 12345 satisfying
114 19 4
inadequate adequate
power 12345 power
186 10 4

7lie Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road Safety Awareness

Appendix F

An example of calculating sign test


Subjects Ranking (no acc) Ranking (acc) Direction of difference

sl 73+

S2 770 (omitted)

S3 43+

S4 73+

S5 76+

S6 73+

S7 74+

S8 76+

S9 73+

slo 73+

Lessfrequentsymbolis ", the numberof '-'s is 0.

The critical value for 5 per cent is I (N=9). Therefore,
sign test suggestthe
dependentvariable (accident information) has had an effect on behaviour

(route planning).

The Impact of Localized RoadAccident Information on Road SafetyAwareness


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