Metformin Inhibits Metastatic Breast Cancer Progression and Improves Chemosensitivity by Inducing Vessel Normalization Via PDGF-B Downregulation
Metformin Inhibits Metastatic Breast Cancer Progression and Improves Chemosensitivity by Inducing Vessel Normalization Via PDGF-B Downregulation
Metformin Inhibits Metastatic Breast Cancer Progression and Improves Chemosensitivity by Inducing Vessel Normalization Via PDGF-B Downregulation
Background: Vascular maturity and functionality are closely associated with tumor progression and
chemosensitivity. The antidiabetic agent metformin has shown its ability to inhibit tumor angiogenesis in metastatic
breast cancer models. However, it remains unclear if or how metformin remodels the abnormal vasculature of
metastatic breast cancer, while inhibiting angiogenesis.
Methods: Metastatic breast cancer models were constructed to compare microvessel density (MVD), vascular
maturity and function, lung metastasis and chemosensitivity in metformin-treated or untreated mice. Protein array
assay and transcriptome sequencing were performed for genetic screening. Lentiviral shRNA-PDGF-B transfection
was used for observing the contribution of PDGF-B knockdown to metformin’s vascular effects.
Results: Metastatic breast cancers were characterized by an excessively angiogenic, immature and morphologically
abnormal vasculature. Compared to control, metformin significantly reduced MVD, leakage and hypoxia, and
increased vascular mural cells coverage and perfusion, namely, “vessel normalization”. Metformin at human blood
concentrations had no direct effect on the migration and proliferation of cancer cells. Based on that, reduced lung
metastasis of the primary tumor and improved chemosensitization by metformin were assumed to be mediated via
metformin’s vascular effects. Further results of genetic screening and in vivo experiments showed that the
downregulation of platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B) greatly contributed to the metformin-induced vessel
Conclusions: These findings provide pre-clinical evidences for the vascular mechanism of metformin-induced
metastasis inhibition and the chemosensitization of metastatic breast cancers.
Keywords: Metformin, Metastatic breast cancer, Vessel normalization, Chemosensitization, PDGF-B
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Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 2 of 17
using the NIH ImageJ software (Bethesda, MD) for data quickly and then put on the ice, and each sample was
capture. immediately cryopreserved with liquid nitrogen. Messen-
ger RNA (mRNA) extraction, cDNA synthesis, PCR en-
Mouse models richment, library construction, quality control and
All animals were obtained from Animal Experiment sequencing were performed by Beijing Biomarker Cor-
Center of Xi’an Jiaotong University. To assess the in vivo poration (China, Beijing). 3 independent samples in each
tumor growth, 5Х105 4T1 and 2Х106 MDA-MB-231 group were used for gene expression analysis. Heatmaps
cells were suspended in 100 μL precoated PBS, and then were presented to show the change of gene expression
injected into the fat pad of the 4th left mammary gland levels using Prism 7.0 (GraphPad, USA).
of mice (4T1: female BALB/c; MDA-MB-231: female
nude mice). After 6–8 weeks, the mice without obvious
abnormality in appearance were randomly divided into Immunofluorescence, Histomorphometry and H&E
different groups (8 mice per group) when the mean Staining
tumor volume reached about 50–100 mm2. For the ob- Mouse tissues were fixed in 4% PFA for 12 h at 4 °C, and
servation of chemosensitization, tumor-bearing mice sequentially dehydrated in the 20 and 30% sucrose solu-
were pretreated with metformin (orally) for 5 days before tions, respectively. For the 2D and 3D confocal imaging,
receiving the intraperitoneal injection of CTX. Before tissue samples were cut into 6 μm-thick and 40 μm-thick
the experiment started formally, the proper sample size sections, respectively. The prepared sections were stored
that ensures adequate power for a statistical difference in a − 80 °C Laboratory Freezer (DW-86L728J, Haier).
was estimated using the following formula: N = Single or double immunostaining was performed with
2·[(u0.05) + u(0.10))·S/X]2, “S” indicates standard deviation the following antibodies. Primary antibodies: CD31
of the overall sample, and “X” indicates the difference of (anti-rabbit, ab28364, Abcam; anti-Rat, ab7388, Abcam),
the mean tumor weight between two groups. Tumor PDGF-B (BA0519–2, Boster), α-SMA (BM0002, Boster),
volume was measured with a caliper every two or three VE-cadherin (No.138101, BioLegend), cl-PARP (#9542,
days and calculated using the formula V = 0.523•[a2•A] Cell Signaling), PCNA (BM3888, Boster), cl-Caspase-9
(“a” indicates the minor tumor axis; “A” indicates the (#9542, Cell Signaling), cl-Caspase-3 (#9661, Cell Signal-
major tumor axis). To observe the change of lung me- ing); NG-2 (R&D, MAB6689). Secondary antibodies:
tastasis (4 T1) from primary tumors, tumor-bearing mice Alexa fluor 488-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit antibody
were fed for at least 28 days after inoculation. (A-11008, Invitrogen), Alexa fluor 488-conjugated Goat
anti-Rat antibody (A-11006, Invitrogen), DyLight
Flow cytometry analysis 550-conjugated Donkey anti-Rat antibody (SA5–10027,
Necrotic and late apoptotic cells were labeled with pro- Invitrogen), Alexa fluor 546-conjugated Goat anti-Rabbit
pidium iodide (PI) at a concentration of 5 μg/mL, and antibody (A-11010, Invitrogen), Alexa fluor
PI+ dead cells were identified by Flow Cytometry (BD 546-conjugated Donkey anti-Mouse antibody (A-10036,
Bioscience, USA). Invitrogen), Alexa fluor 647-conjugated Donkey
anti-Mouse antibody (A-31571, Invitrogen), Alexa fluor
PDGF-B knockdown by shRNA 546-conjugated Goat anti-Rat antibody (A-11081, Invi-
Lentivirus-mediated PDGF-B silencing was performed trogen). Sections were washed with 0.1% PBST, blocked
by transfecting 4T1 cells with control shRNA (against with 5% BSA in PBST at 37 °C for 1 h, and permeabilized
scrambled sequence) or mouse PDGF-B shRNA. The with the 0.2% triton X-100 solution for 15–30 min.
transfection procedure was carried out according to the For fluorescent 3D-reconstruction, 40 μm-thick sec-
manufacture’s protocol. Positively transfected cells were tions were treated with the 0.1% trypsin retrieval solu-
selected using puromycin, and the silencing efficiency tion at 37 °C for 15–20 min to get enhanced signal for
was investigated with the quantitative real-time polymer- signal detection. Sections were then incubated with pri-
ase chain reaction (PCR). The primers for detecting mary antibodies diluted in 5% BSA (0.1% PBST) at 4 °C
mRNA level of mouse PDGF-B (NM_011057.3 → for no less than 24 h, followed by staining with the ap-
NP_035187.2, CCDS: CCDS27656.1) were as follows: the propriate, fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies.
forward primer: 5`-TCTCTGCTGCTACCTGCGTC Nuclei were counter-stained by DAPI (2-5 μg/mL) at the
T-3`, the reverse primer: 5`- CAGCCCCATCTTCATC- room temperature for 15 min before the fluorescent im-
TACGG -3`. aging. The fluorescent single- or multi-layer images
(2.5–3.5 μm per layer) were obtained using confocal
Transcriptome sequencing assay laser scanning microscopy (Leica, German). Software of
100 mg tissue samples from the 4T1 tumors in LAS AF Lite (Leica, German) was used to perform the
metformin-treated or untreated mice were extracted 3D-reconstrution of CD31 or CD31/α-SMA fluorescent
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 4 of 17
Statistical analysis Metastatic breast cancers were hypoxic with leaky vessels
Quantitative analysis was performed using the Prism 5.0 Hypoxia and the vascular leakage of tumors were fur-
or 7.0 software (GraphPad, San Diego, CA). All quantita- ther investigated, since the poor vascular maturity
tive data were represented by mean ± SEM. Kolmogorov- contributes to both [26, 27]. Vessel leakage was de-
Smirnov normality test was performed to analyze the nor- tected by the intravenous injection of the
mal distribution, and coefficient of variation (CV) was FITC-conjugated Dextran (70kD) and the counter-
used to estimate the variation of data within each group. staining with CD31. In 4T1 cancer, a large amount of
When CV was greater than 15%, the data was considered FITC-conjugated dextran was found to be located
to be abnormal. Bartlett’s test was performed for investi- outside the CD31+ vessel (Fig. 1e, white arrows), indi-
gating the homogeneity of variances between the groups. cating that it was extravasated from the blood vessel
For any set of data which was not normally distributed, to extravascular regions. To observe the hypoxic sta-
nonparametric Wilcoxon or Kruskal-Wallis test was per- tus, PIMO, a reagent for detecting hypoxia, was intra-
formed to investigate the statistical difference between venously injected to tumor-bearing mice after 2 weeks
two or multiple independent samples. The statistical sig- of administration. Further IHC staining showed that
nificance between two groups and multiple groups was 28.75 ± 5.58% areas were stained by the hypoxic
defined as P < 0.05 by two-tailed student’s t test or marker PIMO in 4 T1 tumors (Fig. 1f ), while the nor-
one-way ANOVA t-test. Two-way ANOVA analysis was mal breast tissue was almost devoid of any hypoxic
performed when an additional factor or variant was in- region. As a key regulator of angiogenesis in cancer,
volved in the experiment. hypoxia was then investigated to show if there was a
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 5 of 17
Fig. 1 Vascular morphology, maturity and functional status of the metastatic breast cancers. 4 T1 and MDA-MB-231 metastatic breast cancer cells
were orthotopically injected into the fat pad of mice. (a) 3D-reconstruction of CD31+ vessels in 4 T1 and MDA-MB-231 (MM-231) tumors from
untreated mice. Tumor sections were stained with an anti-CD31 antibody. Bars: 100 μm. (b) Immunofluorescent double-staining for PCNA (Green)
and CD31 (Red) in sections of untreated CT-26 tumors. White arrows indicate PCNA nucleus positive endothelial cells that are proliferating. Nuclei
were counterstained with DAPI. Bars: 100 μm. (c) Double immunostaining (Left) for CD31 (Green) and α-SMA (Red) in frozen sections of normal
breast and 4 T1 tumors, and quantification (right) of percentage of α-SMA+/CD31+ vessels (of CD31+ vessels; n = 8). White and yellow triangles
indicate disassociated vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and associated VSMCs, respectively. Nuclei were counterstained with DAPI. Bars:
100 μm. (d) Double immunostaining for CD31 (Green) and NG-2 (Red) in frozen sections of untreated 4 T1 tumors. White triangle indicates the
pericyte associated with the vessel wall. Bars: 100 μm. (e) Representative images showing FITC-conjugated dextran perfused CD31+ vessels (Red)
in 4 T1 tumors from untreated mice. FITC-conjugated dextran was injected through the tail vein in advance. White triangles indicate CD31+
vascular lumen containing FITC-Dextran; white arrows indicate dextran leaking outside the vessel wall. Bars: 100 μm. (f) Representative image for
showing Pimonidazole (PIMO; brown) staining, and quantification of PIMO+ hypoxic areas in 4 T1 tumors and normal breast of BALB/c mice
(Lower Right Corner, n = 8). Bars: 100 μm. Quantitative data are indicated as mean ± SEM. ***p < 0.001
discrepancy in hypoxic areas (%) between hypo- and that of the hypo-vascular region. These evidences sug-
hyper-vascular regions. As shown in Additional file 1: gest metastatic breast cancer showed signs of leaky
Figure S1A and S1B, the hypoxic fraction of the vessel and hypoxia, which were closely associated
hyper-vascular region was significantly higher than with the immature vasculature.
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 6 of 17
The cell non-autonomous mechanism of metformin in Furthermore, the clinically relevant dose of metformin
inhibiting the growth and metastasis of tumors also greatly decreased the lung metastasis index by
To bring out the clinical antitumor effect of metformin, 53.9% (Fig. 2c and d). As the metastasis index indicates
its routine clinical dose (about 30 mg/kg•day) widely pre- the number of metastatic nodules per gram of the pri-
scribed in antidiabetic use was increased to 225 mg/kg•day mary tumor, the inhibition of tumor metastasis may be
for anti-tumor use in the mice by the body surface area independent of the direct suppression of the primary
normalization [28]. To exclude any low dose-associated tumor growth. Intriguingly, however, metformin did not
hermetic response to metformin, low dose groups (0.1, 1 alter the in vitro colonization of 4T1 cells (Fig. 2e), while
and 25 mg/kg•day) were concurrently set up. The dose of inducing great suppression of the metastatic burden of
225 mg/kg•day was referred to as the clinically relevant the lungs (Fig. 2f ), but not of the liver or the spleen.
dose of metformin. As shown in Fig. 2a, 4T1 cancer did Then, it was explored whether metformin directly af-
not respond to low doses of metformin (0.1, 1 and 25 mg/ fected the proliferation and the metastasis of breast can-
kg•day), indicating the absence of any hermetic dose re- cer cells. Since the plasma concentration of metformin
sponse for taking metformin. Compared to the control, was estimated to be approximately 60 μM in patients,
metformin at a dose of 225 mg/kg•day significantly re- both 50 μM and 100 μM concentrations were used for
duced the growth of 4T1 cancers by 63.7% (Fig. 2a and b). further in vitro analyses. At both doses, metformin did
Fig. 2 Effects of metformin on the growth and metastasis of the metastatic breast cancers. (a and b) Growth curve (cm3) and measurement of
weight (g) of 4 T1 tumors from BALB/c mice untreated or treated with metformin at different concentrations (0.1, 1, 25 and 225 mg/kg•day; n = 8).
(c and d) H&E staining for 4 T1 primary tumor lung metastasis, and quantification of 4 T1 metastatic index (metastatic nodules per gram of the
primary tumor; n = 8). Blue arrows indicate metastatic nodules in lung. (e) Representative images of in vitro colonization of 4 T1 cancer cells,
which were untreated or persistently treated with 50 μM or 100 μM metformin (repeated for 5 times). Cancer cells were inoculated into each well
of a 6-well culture plate. (f) Bar graphs showing reduced lung weight, and comparable weights of liver and spleen of mice untreated or treated
with metformin at concentration of 225 mg/kg•day or 25 mg/kg•day (n = 6). Organ weight was normalized for body weight. (g) In vitro
proliferation curve of 4 T1 cancer cells untreated or treated with metformin at concentrations of 50 or 100 μM (repeated for 5 times). (h)
Representative images showing 4 T1 cancer cell migration in vitro, and quantification of migrated cancer cells per 400 X field (n = 5). (I) H&E
staining of paraffin-processed tumor tissues from metformin-treated or untreated mice, showing the comparably direct invasion of cancer cells to
the peritumoral muscle. Black arrows indicate muscle fibers penetrating into the tumor. Bars: 200 μm. Quantitative data are indicated as mean ±
SEM. **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 7 of 17
not alter the proliferation and the migration of breast weaker than in the control group (Fig. 4a), while the
cancer cells in vitro (Fig. 2g and h). In addition, CD31 signal intensity did not differ between groups (Fig.
metformin-treated 4 T1 cancers did not have the same 4d). In addition, metformin induced a shift of the size of
sharp, demarcated borders as the control (Fig. 2i), indi- the tumor vessels towards a smaller one (Fig. 4e).
cating that metformin had no effect on the direct inva- The inhibition of angiogenesis can often be accompan-
sion of cancer cells to the peritumoral muscle. Overall, ied by a change of vascular maturity [31, 32]. VSMCs
these data suggested that the antimetastatic and antipro- and pericytes coverage, the status of the vascular base-
liferative effects of metformin probably were not medi- ment membrane and the signatures of vascular maturity
ated by a cancerous cell-autonomous mechanism. [4] were observed by the staining of α-SMA, NG-2 and
VE-Cadherin. Metformin-treated 4T1 tumors exhibited
Metformin enhanced the susceptibility of breast cancer a higher percentage of vessels with α-SMA+ VSMCs
cells to chemotherapy coverage (White arrows, Fig. 4f and g). It is worth noting
Vascular maturity and functionality have been reported to that metformin-treated 4T1 tumors had fewer VSMCs
be associated with chemosensitization. Therefore, the ef- disassociated with vessels than those of the control (Yel-
fects of the metformin pretreatment on in vivo sensitivity low arrows, Fig. 4f ). In addition, less VSMCs disasso-
of cancer cells to low-dose cyclophosphamide (CTX, 20 ciated with vessels were found in 4T1 tumors of the
mg/kg•day) was investigated. Tumor-bearing mice were metformin-treated mice. Metformin administration
orally pretreated with metformin starting from the sev- shifted the discontinuous VE-Cadherin+ vascular base-
enth day after inoculation. Compared to the single CTX ment membrane towards a continuous phenotype while
treatment, the pretreatment combining of CTX and met- increasing its abundance (Fig. 4h). Consistently, metfor-
formin resulted in a more significant anticancer effect and min treatment resulted in a significant increase of the
greatly prolonged the survival time of the tumor-bearing percentage of vessels with the coverage of NG-2+ peri-
mice (Fig. 3a and b). This metformin-mediated chemosen- cytes in orthotopic MDA-MB-231 tumors (Fig. 4i and j).
sitization was accompanied by the aggravation of tumor
necrosis and hemorrhage (Fig. 3c-e). Metformin improved the vascular functionality of
Double staining for CD31 and cl-PARP further verified metastatic breast cancers
the phenomenon described above. Compared to single Structural maturity is closely associated with the vascu-
CTX group, the combined metformin pretreatment re- lar functional status [33]. We then focused on the effect
sulted in a significant increase of the number of of the administration of metformin on the perfusion sta-
cl-PARP+ 4T1 cells (Fig. 3f-h). Interestingly, most of tus. A TRITC-conjugated Lectin, which can bind to the
these apoptotic cancer cells were located close to CD31+ surface of ECs lining along the blood flow, was intraven-
vessels, suggesting the involvement of the vascular ously injected. Critically, both metformin-treated 4T1
mechanism in the enhancement of the toxicity of and MDA-MB-231 tumors exhibited significantly higher
chemo-drug. It is worth noting that the combined met- percentage of Lectin+ vessels than those of the control
formin pretreatment did not increase the proportion of (White arrows, Fig. 5a-d). This functional improvement
PARP+ vessels in 4T1 cancer (Fig. 3h). Furthermore, was further validated by the fact that metformin greatly
metformin pretreatment significantly increased the num- decreased tumor hypoxia (Fig. 5e and f ), indicated by re-
ber of cisplatin-DNA adduct-positive 4T1 tumor cells duced positive areas of pimonidazole (PIMO). Further-
(Red arrows; Fig. 3i and j), suggesting that more cyto- more, vessels in metformin-treated tumors were less
toxic drugs were delivered to the tumor. More import- leaky than in the control group (Fig. 5g). Collectively,
antly, metformin did not have the potential to enhance these findings suggested that metformin improved the
CTX-induced cell necrosis (indicated by propidium iod- vessel functionality by increasing the vascular perfusion
ide (PI)+ cells, Fig. 3k) in vitro. and decreasing the vascular leakiness, thus serving as a
mediator for the normalization of breast cancer vessels.
Metformin inhibited angiogenesis and improved vascular
maturity Metformin downregulated tumoral PDGF-B and reduced
Angiogenesis inhibition is one of the mechanisms sup- the vascular compression
pressing the tumor growth [29, 30]. Therefore, it was Efforts were further devoted to the gaining of mechanistic
then investigated whether metformin affects breast can- insights into the metformin-induced vessel normalization.
cer angiogenesis. CD31 staining for microvessels showed Excessive pro-angiogenic factors contributed to the abnor-
that normal dose of metformin (225 mg/kg) significantly mal angiogenesis [34, 35], resulting in an immature vascu-
reduced the micro-vessel density (MVD) and vascular lature [36], which thus motivated us to investigate the
branching points (Fig. 4a-c). The sprouting ability of the underlying mechanism with a special focus on angiogenic
micro-vessels in metformin-treated 4T1 tumors were factors. Results of the angiogenesis protein array showed
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 8 of 17
Fig. 3 The in vivo effects of metformin pretreatment on cancer responses to cyclophosphamide (CTX). (a and b) Growth curve and survival curve
of 4 T1 cancers from mice untreated or treated with metformin (225 mg/kg•day), low dose CTX (Cyclophosphamide, 20 mg/kg•day) or the
combined treatment (n = 8). Mice were pretreated with metformin for 5 days before receiving CTX. (C-E) (c) H&E staining of sections of 4 T1
cancers, and quantification of (d) necrotic and (e) hemorrhagic areas, revealing enhanced cancer responses to CTX by metformin pretreatment
(n = 8). “N” indicates “Necrosis”; black arrows indicate hemorrhage; “C & M” indicates the combination of CTX and metformin. Bars: 200 μm. (f)
Double staining for CD31 and PARP of 4 T1 tumor sections, and quantification of (g) PARP+ CD31+ cancer cells and (h) PARP+ CD31+ vessels (n =
8). Tumor-bearing mice were treated with metformin (pretreatment for 5 days), CTX or combined treatment. White arrows indicate PARP+
endothelial cells (ECs); yellow triangles indicate PARP+ cancer cells. (i) Representative images showed increased cisplatin-DNA adducts in 4 T1
tumors from metformin pre-treated mice (225 mg/kg•day, lasting for 5 days). After that, mice were treated with intraperitoneal injections of
cisplatin (CPT, 5 mg/kg, every 2 days). The right column refers to the reverse-color image of the left column. Red arrows indicate the cells with
positive cisplatin-DNA adducts. Magnification:200Х. (j) Quantification of cells with nuclear cisplatin adduct in 4 T1 cancers (n = 8). (k) Quantification
of PI+ necrotic ECs and 4 T1 cells in vitro upon combined 4-OH (activated CTX) treatment (n = 5). Quantitative data are indicated as mean ± SEM.
*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
that metformin treatment resulted in a great reduction of than 50 FPKM (Fig. 6c), but not greatly affected. Among
PDGF-B protein levels of 4T1 cancer cells in vitro (Fig. 6a PDGFs, the expression of PDGF-B was the most signifi-
and b), while the protein levels of some other factors were cantly decreased (Fig. 6d), indicating the initial high
slightly affected. To validate this initial screening result, PDGF-B expression in 4T1 cells. Consistently, metformin
RNA sequencing was performed to detect the change of treatment resulted in a great reduction in the PDGF-B sig-
those affected factors in vivo. Expression levels of endo- nal intensity of 4T1 tumors (Fig. 6e). These results were
glin, endostatin, MMP-9 and osteopontin were higher consistent with the finding of our previously published
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 9 of 17
Fig. 4 Effects of the metformin administration on angiogenesis and the vascular maturity. (a) CD31 immunostaining in sections of 4T1 tumors
from mice untreated or treated with metformin at concentrations of 25 mg/kg•day or 225 mg/kg•day. White arrows indicate vascular sprouts of
microvessels. Bars: 100 μm. (B and C) quantifications of vascular (b) sprouts and (c) branches (per mm2; n = 8). (d) Quantification of mean
fluorescent intensity of CD31 signaling of vessels in 4 T1 tumors (n = 8), revealing the unaffected CD31 expression level of vessels. (e) Analyzes of
diameter distribution of vessels in 4T1 tumors from untreated or metformin-treated mice (n = 8). (f) Double immunostaining for CD31 (Green) and
α-SMA (Red) in frozen sections of 4T1 tumors from untreated or metformin-treated mice, and (g) quantification of percentage of α-SMA+ CD31+
vessels (of CD31+ vessels; n = 8). White arrows indicate vessels with VSMCs coverage; yellows arrows indicate VSMCs disassociated with vessels.
Bars: 100 μm. (h) Double immunostaining for CD31 and VE-cadherin of 4T1 tumor sections, revealing continuous and more abundant in
metformin-treated than untreated tumors. Bars: 50 μm. (i) Double staining for CD31 (green) and NG-2 (red), revealing more vessels with pericyte
coverage in metformin-treated than untreated MDA-MB-231 (MM-231) tumors. White and yellow arrows indicate pericytes disassociated and
associated with vessels, respectively; white triangles indicate pericytes that are partially associated with vessels. Bars: 100 μm. (j) Quantification of
NG-2+ CD31+ vessels (of CD31+ vessels) in MDA-MB-231 tumors (n = 8). Quantitative data are indicated as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05;
**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
article that metformin reduced the PDGF-B signal inten- T1 tumors (Additional file 1: Figure S1C). These evidences
sity in the peri-necrotic regions of the 4 T1 tumor [37]. suggested that the down-regulation of PDGF-B by metfor-
Overall, these data suggested PDGF-B downregulation min might be contributed to reduce the compression of
was deeply involved in metformin’s vascular remodeling cancer cells to vessels.
PDGF-B has been demonstrated to increase the intersti- High PDGF-B expression was associated with poor
tial fluid pressure (IFP), which is assumed to compress the prognosis and high CD31 expression
intratumoral vessels [38], thus affecting the vascular func- To determine if PDGF-B expression is associated with
tionality. In 4T1 tumors of the control group, those major prognosis in female patients with breast cancers, the
arteries with multiple layers and VSMCs coverage were published TCGA dataset containing both gene expres-
found to be severely compressed (Fig. 6f), with only very sion and survival data was employed. 1064 patients were
few arteries were patent with open lumen. Compared to divided into high (≥10.14 FPKM) and low (< 10.14
the control group, the percentage of patent vessels was FPKM) PDGF-B expression groups. High PDGF-B
significantly elevated in 4T1 tumors of the metformin mRNA expression levels were associated with a signifi-
group (Fig. 6f). PDGF-B signaling has been reported to cantly decreased 5-year survival rate (Fig. 6g). Further
regulate the interstitial fluid pressure accompanied with analysis for the relationship between mRNA levels of
the hyper-activated Hippo signaling. As was expected, the PDGF-B, PCNA, Ki-67 and CD31 was performed to in-
expression level of YAP was decreased by metformin in 4 vestigate what contributed to the poor prognosis. Both
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 10 of 17
Fig. 5 Effects of metformin administration on hypoxia and the vascular functionality. (a-d) Representative images showing more lectin-perfused
CD31+ vessels in metformin-treated than untreated (A) 4T1 and (c) MDA-MB-231 cancers (n = 8). TRITC-conjugated lectin (Red) was intravenously
injected into tail veins 15 min before the sacrifice. Tumor sections were further immunostained with anti-CD31 antibody (Green). White arrows
indicate CD31+ vessels with lectin perfusion. Higher (B) percentage (of CD31+ vessels) and (d) density (per mm2) of Lectin+ CD31+ vessels in
metformin-treated than untreated tumors. Bars: 100 μm. (e) Immunohistochemical staining for pimonidazole (PIMO; brown) and (f) quantification
of PIMO+ hypoxic area in 4 T1 cancers from untreated or metformin-treated mice, revealing ameliorated tumor hypoxia by metformin (n = 8).
Bars: 500 μm. (g) Representative images showing decreased vascular leakage in metformin-treated than untreated 4 T1 tumors. FITC-dextran
(green) was injected through tail vein in advance. Tumor sections was counterstained with anti-CD31 antibody (Red). White triangles indicate the
dextran leaking outside the vessel wall. Bars: 100 μm. Quantitative data are indicated as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05
PCNA and Ki-67 mRNA levels were not correlated with PDGF-Rβ blockade abrogated metformin’s vascular
PDGF-B mRNA levels (Fig. 6h). Interestingly, increased remodeling effects
CD31 mRNA levels were associated with significantly in- PDGFR-β is the receptor of PDGF-B and has been ex-
creased PDGF-B mRNA levels (Fig. 6h). These evidences tensively studied for its critical role in vascular remodel-
suggested the contribution of PDGF-B to poor prognosis ing. Therefore, we then focused on exploring whether
was associated with the vascular mechanism, but not the PDGF-Rβ was involved in metformin’s vascular remodel-
direct proliferative promotion of breast cancer cells. ing effects. Imatinib, a drug that can specifically block
PDGFR-β signaling, was used in this study. Similar to
sh-PDGF-B and metformin, PDGFR-β blockade by ima-
PDGF-B knockdown in breast cancers with high PDGF-B tinib led to decreased CD31+ areas and an increased vas-
expression improved vascular maturity and function cular coverage of VSMCs (Fig. 7a and b). Surprisingly,
To further validate if PDGF-B downregulation mediates imatinib apparently abrogated the metformin-induced
the vessel normalization in cancers with PDGF-B ex- increase of the VSMCs coverage on vessels (Fig. 7a and
pression, 4T1 cells were transfected by lentiviral d), indicating the involvement of PDGFR-β signaling in
shRNA-PDGF-B. As shown in Fig. 6e, PDGF-B knock- metformin’s vascular remodeling effects. Notably, the
down greatly decreased the mean fluorescent PDGF-B combination of imatinib and metformin decreased the
intensity from 20.7 to 6.2 pixels in the sections of im- percentage of VSMCs associated with vessels to a com-
planted tumors (Fig. 6e), indicating a successful knock- parable level of the shRNA control group (Figure7B).
down of PDGF-B. Furthermore, PDGF-B knockdown These evidences suggested that PDGFR-β is indispens-
markedly reduced the MVD and CD31+ areas of 4T1 able for the subsequent vascular remodeling when
cancers compared with the control group (Fig. 7a and PDGF-B was downregulated.
b), suggesting the angiogenic effect of tumoral PDGF-B
level. Similar with metformin, PDGF-B knockdown sig- PDGF-B knockdown improved the chemosensitization of
nificantly increased percentages of α-SMA+ vessels and CTX and reduced lung metastasis
VSMCs, demonstrating the improved vascular maturity As PDGF-B knockdown induces the vessel normalization,
(Fig. 7a and b). In addition, vessels in shRNA-PDGF-B 4 we then investigated whether PDGF-B knockdown im-
T1 tumors were less leaky than those in shRNA-Con tu- proves the chemosensitization and limits the primary lung
mors (Fig. 7c), and there were more Lectin-perfused ves- metastasis of breast tumors. As shown in Fig. 7e, PDGF-B
sels in shRNA-PDGF-B 4 T1 tumors (Fig. 7d). knockdown induced a slight reduction in 4T1 cancer
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 11 of 17
Fig. 6 Downregulation of PDGF-B by the metformin treatment. (a) Immunoblotting for cancer cell-derived angiogenic factors using mouse
angiogenesis arrays, and (b) quantification of grey intensity of each factor (independent of 3 experiments). Cancer cells were treated with
metformin (100 μM) for 48 h. (c) Column chart for showing the transcriptional levels of angiogenesis-related factors. FPKM indicates Fragments
Per Kilobase of transcript per Million fragments mapped. Met indicates metformin; Met1, Met2 and Met3 indicate different reports of data of
independent tumors in metformin group. (d) Heatmap analysis of the effect of metformin on transcriptional levels of top 9 angiogenesis-related
genes of 4T1 tumors (n = 3). The fold change ranges from − 0.5 to 0.5. “Sig.” indicates “Significance”. (e) Double immunostaining for CD31 and
PDGF-B in 4T1 orthotopically implanted tumors (Left). shRNA-PDGF-B- and shRNA-Control-transfected 4T1 tumor-bearing mice received control or
metformin treatment (225 mg/kg•day). Quantification of PDGF-B fluorescent intensity and microvessel density (Right; n = 8). (f) Immunostaining
for CD31 and α-SMA in 4T1 cancers, revealing increased percentage of patent microarteries (n = 8). White arrows indicate the compressed lumen
of arteries distributed in 4T1 cancer stroma. (g-h) Survival curve for analyzing the association of PDGF-B mRNA expression in primary breast tumor
with survival probability of patients with breast cancer (g). PDGF-B mRNA levels was positively correlated with mRNA level of CD31, but not PCNA
and Ki-67. Data was obtained from TCGA dataset. 1064 samples were included. FPKM: Fragments Per Kilobase of transcript per Million fragments
mapped. Quantitative data are indicated as mean ± SEM. “ns” indicates not statistically significant; *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001
necrosis without affecting hemorrhage. When treated with compared with those in the shRNA control group (Fig.
CTX, shRNA-PDGF-B 4T1 cancers exhibited a significant 7e). Since increased blood perfusion can bring more drugs
increase in both tumor necrosis and hemorrhage into the tumor tissue, these findings thus suggest that the
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 12 of 17
inhibition of tumoral PDGF-B enhances chemosensitiza- Therefore, metformin is assumed to prune the breast
tion by increasing the drug delivery owing to the im- cancer vasculature more excessively. However, to date, it
proved vascular function. In further characterization of has not been reported that metformin aggravated tumor
the primary lung metastasis (Fig. 7f), the metastatic index hypoxia [44]. Consistently, metformin ameliorated the
of the shRNA PDGF-B group was significantly reduced, hypoxia of two metastatic breast cancers, while MVD
compared to the shRNA control group. was greatly reduced. These evidences suggest there ex-
ists a mechanism independent of affecting the vascula-
Discussion ture, which is accountable for the ameliorated hypoxia.
Bevacizumab, an AAD approved at an early time, did Metformin is an AMPK activator that induces energetic
not significantly improve the overall survival of patients stress [45]. In this condition, tumor cells were metabol-
with metastatic breast cancers [9, 39]. Bevacizumab was ically reprogrammed to consume less oxygen, thus coun-
initially designed to neutralize the VEGF, thus inhibiting teracting or reversing the vascular pruning-induced
VEGFR-2-mediated angiogenesis and tumor growth. hypoxia [44].
However, as previously reported, metastatic breast can- Currently, the issue of tumoral PDGF-B’s effect on the
cer cells had high expressions of several other vascular maturity has become controversial [46].
pro-angiogenic factors in addition to VEGF [40], such as Platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGF-B), a member of
FGF-2, Ang-2 and PDGF-B [37]. Thus, in theory, AADs the PDGFs family [46], binds to its receptors, such as
designed for targeting a single factor may be not enough PDGF receptor β (PDGFR-β), to induce the cell survival,
[41], which offers an explanation for AAD’s ineffective- proliferation and migration [47]. It is now widely ac-
ness in treating cancers derived from some organ sys- cepted that the endothelial PDGF-B regulates the re-
tems. Our laboratory previously found that metformin cruitment of PCs [47]. Thus, the downregulation of
inhibited the expression of VEGF, Ang-2 and FGF-2 in a PDGF-B should reduce the vascular maturity. However,
metastatic breast cancer model [37]. Besides, PDGF-B PDGF-B was highly expressed by some tumors [48, 49],
was screened out by transcriptome sequencing, and which were inversely characterized by an excessively an-
angiogenesis was greatly inhibited by PDGF-B knock- giogenic and immature vasculature. Further blockade of
down. This result was validated by the clinical data that PDGF-B/PDGFR-β significantly increased the vascular
the PDGF-B expression level was positively associated maturity of tumors with high PDGF-B expression [49],
with the CD31 expression level. Due to these findings, but reduced that of tumors with low PDGF-B expres-
metformin should be considered as a reagent with a sion. These evidences indicated that high and low ex-
broad range of targeted factors possibly more available pression of PDGF-B in tumors might have opposite
than the conventional AADs. effects on vascular maturity. To date, this mechanism
Another disadvantage of traditional AADs is the exces- has not been reported in studies on metastatic breast
sive pruning of the tumor vasculature [20], thus leading cancers. Herein, it was found that high PDGF-B expres-
to the hypoxia-mediated tumor cell dissemination [42, sion was detected in the metastatic breast cancer model.
43]. Compared to AADs, metformin has more angio- By reducing tumoral PDGF-B, the metformin treatment
genic targets, such as VEGF, PDGF-B and FGF-2. resulted in the suppression of angiogenesis and a more
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 14 of 17
mature vasculature of metastatic breast cancers, thus non-malignant disorders, which has attracted a great
limiting the distant metastasis and improving chemosen- deal of attention as the safety and frequency of side ef-
sitization. These evidences are further supported by the fects of these medicines have been already proven. For a
poor prognosis of patients with breast cancers of high typical instance, ticlopidine (purinergic receptor P2Y12
PDGF-B expression. These data indicate that the down- inhibitor), which is an anti-coagulant drug to prevent
regulation of PDGF-B in tumors with high expression of the transient ischemic attack (TIA) and stroke, and has
PDGF-B inhibits angiogenesis and improves the vascular been shown to be effective for low-grade glioma and
functionality and maturity. high-grade astrocytoma. This P2Y12 inhibitor increases
As early as in 1970’s, biguanides were reported to po- the intracellular cAMP level and promotes the autoph-
tentiate the antitumor effects of CTX and other agy flux [58]. Notably, tricyclic antidepressants such as
chemo-drugs in vivo [21]. As shown in a recent clinical imipramine promote autophagy in glioma cells synergis-
trial [50], diabetic patients receiving metformin had a tically with this drug by further elevating the intracellu-
greater response rate to chemo-drug than non-diabetic lar cAMP concentration [59].
patients. Despite the increasing efforts that have been Metformin activates AMPK signal pathway, which not
made [22], it was still unclear whether or how metfor- only decreases insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes melli-
min sensitizes cancer cells to chemo-drugs. Recently, tus but also blocks AMPK-mediated mTOR activation
metformin has been demonstrated to directly enhance even in cancer stem cells (CSCs) [60]. mTOR signal is
the toxicity of chemo-drugs [51–53]. However, concen- regulated by amino-acid transporters [61], characterized
trations used in those studies were higher than the by the L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1; SLC7A5)
blood concentration of patients. In the current paper, and the glutamine/amino acid transporter (ASCT2;
metformin was not found to significantly inhibit the SLC1A5), which explains why the AMPK-mTOR axis
proliferation and migration of 4 T1 cancer cells at the functions as a sensor of the dynamic change in the nutri-
blood concentrations in vitro, indicating an indirect ent/growth factor microenvironment. Particularly, the leu-
chemosensitization mechanism. Furthermore, our re- cine uptake via LAT1 activates the mTOR signal pathway
sults suggest metformin-mediated chemosensitization leading to poor prognosis. Because EpCAM is a functional
resulted from the enhancement of drug delivery rather CSC marker that forms a complex with amino-acid trans-
than the direct enhancement of the toxicity of porters such as LAT1 [62], it is reasonable that the LAT1
chemo-drug. expression level would be positively correlated with poor
Interestingly, metformin pretreatment results in a re- prognosis. Therefore, the LKB1-AMPK-mTOR axis is or-
sponse of metastatic breast cancer cells to CTX at a chestrated by the amino-acid concentration in the tumor
lower dose, which was further supported by the in- microenvironment, and this axis promotes the metabolic
creased CPT nucleus adduct+ cells. Critically, those reprogramming of cancer cells in response to the micro-
CTX-induced apoptotic cells were located to the regions environment [58, 63].
adjacent to vessels. Thus, metformin’s chemosensitiza- More clinical and pre-clinical evidences should be
tion effect may be due to the increased delivery of che- provided to validate the vascular mechanism, and if
mo-drugs to the deep tumor. Vessel normalization activity metformin targets a broad range of angiogenesis-
increases the tumor oxygen and reduces the interstitial related factors. As metformin is a drug widely pre-
fluid pressure [36, 54], thus enhancing the generation of scribed for metabolic disorder, further efforts should
oxygen radicals and promoting egress of cytotoxic agents also be devoted to investigating the involvement of the
to the perivascular region in tumors. Consistent with the metabolic mechanism and its contribution to amelio-
results from other laboratories [44], metformin treatment rated hypoxia.
increased tumor oxygenation, reduced tumor hypoxia
and improved radiotherapy response. Furthermore, Conclusions
metformin-induced chemosensitization may be contrib- Our current work provided the pre-clinical evidences for
uted by the reduction in tumoral PDGF-B, which mediates metformin’s effect in remodeling the abnormal breast
resistance by PDGFR-β signaling and increasing IFP [55]. cancer vasculature. Herein, the antidiabetic agent met-
It has also been reported that metformin’s chemosensitiza- formin inhibited the progression of metastatic breast
tion effect was contributed by increased uptake of chemo- cancers, and induced chemosensitization by a vascular
therapeutic by tumor cells [56]. mechanism. By decreasing tumoral PDGF-B, metformin
Given that metformin has long been used for the treat- inhibited the excessive angiogenesis and improved the
ment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, the results of this re- vascular maturity and functionality. The normalized vas-
search is remarkable in terms of drug re-positioning culature was with more mural cells coverage and better
(DR) [57]. DR is a screening for anti-cancer therapeutic basement membrane [30], thus limiting distant metasta-
effects of conventionally administered medications for sis. As the structure determines the function, improved
Wang et al. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research (2019) 38:235 Page 15 of 17
vascular maturity led to an increase in the blood perfu- Consent for publication
sion of tumors, thus allowing more chemo-drugs or Not applicable.
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