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Thus R is a transitive relation,

la, b} c S, b, e) c S, fa, c) s s S lies above the

R is a partial
rdering relation and (A, ) is a
level of fa, b}, {a, c}, {b, c}

But (al, [b} lcl are non comparable . la}, [b}, {c} lie
on same level.
6.3 Hasse Diagram
AKTU 2012-13. 2015-16 (a, b}, fa, c}, {b, c} are non comparable. lie on same
tis useful tool,, which level.
completely describes the
associated partially ordered relation. It is also known By considering the above observations, the Hasse
as ordering diagram. diagram is as follows
A diagram of graph which is drawn
by considering Level 4-- (a.b.c
comparable and
non-comparable elements is called
Hasse diagram of that
relation. Therefore while
Level 3- fa,c)
drawing Hasse diagram following points fa,b) b.c)
must be
Level 2 - .
1) The elements of a relation R are called vertices a P{c}
and denoted by points.
2) All loops are omitted as relation is reflexive on Level 1---
Fig. 6.3.1
3) If aRb or a Sb then join a to b by a straight line
called edge such that the vertex b appears
an Ex.6.3.2: Consider the set A { 4, 5, 6, 7). Let R be
above the level of vertex a. Therefore the arrows the relation 'S on A. Draw Hasse Diagram.
may be omittéd from the edges in Hasse Sol.: The relation 'S on the set A is given by,
R (4, 4), (4, 5) (4, 6), (4, 7), (5, 5),
4) If a b and b aa i.e. a and b are non - comparable
elements, then they lie on same level and there is
(5, 6) (5, 7), (6, 6), (6, 7), (7, 7)1
no edge between a and b. (A; i s a poset. Consider the following observations

5) If a sb and bsc then aSc. So there is a path a i) Delete all pairs implied by reflexive property ie.
b c. Therefore do not join a toc directly ie 4, 4, (5, 5), (6, 6) and (7, 7)
delete all edges that are implied by transitive
i) Delete all pairs implied by transitive property i.e.
relation. As (4, 5), (5, 6) and (5, 7 delete (4, 6) (4, 7)
Ex.6.3.1 Draw Hasse diagram of a poset (P(S), As (5, 6) and (6, 7) delete (5, 7)
where S {a, b, c).
ATKU 2012-13, 2015-16 By considering, all above points, Hasse diagram is as
Sol.:P(S) = (4 fa), {b}, c), fa, b} la, c) {b, c} fa, b, c}
Now find the comparable and non comparable
la}, {b}, fc} lie above the
lal, oc {bl ¢c {c, 5
level of
fa,c) lies
a ta,b}, {b}E a,b},{c}s {a,c} ^{a, b), {b, c)
above the level of la}, {b}, {c). Flg.6.3.2

6-3 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices DS&TL)

Technical Publications
Ex. 6.3.3:l Hasse D i a g
b. Draw the
of 60).
of 60 6, 12, 24, 36}
We have A ={(2, 3,
be the set of all Sol.
Sol. : Let A
12, 15, 20, 30, 60} The Hasse diagram
is as

A {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10,
24 P36
and non
Now find comparable
1 lies at the
first level 2
i) not comparable
and 2, 3, 5 are
i) (1, 2) (1, 3) (1, 5)
elements... 2, 3, and 5
lies at level 2.

ii) (2 4) (3, 6) (5, 10) (5, 15) 2 3

(2, 6) (3, 15) Fig. 6.3.5

(2, 10)
not comparable elements.
Ex. 6.3.6 :Let A
{a, b, , d} and PlA) is power 8et
2, 6, 10 and 15 are
of P{A) , c]
of A. Draw Hasse diagram
2 , 4, 6, 10 and 15 lie at level 3.
30) Sol. We have A fa, b, c, d}

iv) (4 12) (4 20) (6, 12) (6, 30) (10, 20) (10, nd P (A) = {4laB, (b}, {c), (d)
(15, 30)
element so lie on la, b), fa, cl, la, d}, {b, c}, {b,d} {c,d)
12, 20, 30 are non comparable
the fourth level. la, b, c) fa, b, d}, fa, c, d), {b, c; d}
) (12, 60) (20, 60) (30, 60) a, b, c, d
60 lies at the 5th level
Hence the Hasse diagram is as follows:
By considering these points, the Hasse diagram
is as follows. fa,b,c.d)

12 (6
20 fa,b.c fa,b,d/ {b,c.d)
10 15
fa,b) a,c a,d) {b,.c} b,d

Fig. 6.3.33 a
Ex.6.3.4 : Draw the Hasse diagram of the set
(Divisors of 30).
Sol.: Let A be the set of divisors of 30. Fig. 6.3.6
A (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30) | 6.4 Chains and Antichains
It's Hasse diagram is as follows. Let (A, s) be a
poset. A subset of A is called a chain
if every pair of elements in the subset are related.
A subset of A is
called antichain if no two distinc
elements in a subset are related. e.g. In example (6.3.
1) The chains are {¢, a}, a, b},{a,b,c}},
{a).{a,c},{a, b,c}}. {{b,c}, {a,b,c}}
Flg. 6.3.4 2) Antichains are fla), {b}, Ic}}
Technical Publications
Poset, Hasse Diagram and Iatices (DS&1

1The number
of elements in
the chain is called d
the length of chain.
nl Tf the length
of chain is n in a
poset (A, S) then
the elements in A can be
disjoint antichains.
partitioned into n

Fig. 6.5.1
6.5 Elements of Poset Sol. The Poset shown in Fig. 6.5.1 () has neither
AKTU 2012 13.2015 16 greatest not least element.
1) Let (A,S) be a poset. An element a e A is called a
maximal element of A if there is no element ce A The Poset shown in Fig. 6.5.1 (), has d as greatest
such that a Sc. and a as least element.

2) An element b EA is called a minimal element of The Poset shown in Fig. 6.5.1 (II), has no greatest
A if there is no element ce A such that cSb element but a is the least element.
3) Greatest element: An element xe A is called a The Poset shown in Fig 6.5.1 (IV), has d as greatest
greatest element of A if for all aeA, aSx It is and a as least element.
denoted by 1 and is called the unit element.
Ex.6.5.2 Find glb, lwb, ub, Ib, maximal, minimal,
4) Least element: An element y e A is called a least of the poset (A, R), Here aRb if
element of A if for all ae A, y Sa. It is denoted a/b where. A = { 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30, 45}
by 0 and is called as zero element. 6, 10, 15, 30, 45} and aRb
Sol.: We have A =
{2, 3, 5,
5) Least upper bound (lub): Let (A,s) be a poset. iff alb.
For a, b, ce A, an element c is called upper Hasse diagram is as follows:
bound of a and b if asc and bsc. An element c
is called as least upper bound of a and b in A if Level 3- 45
cis an
upper bound of a and b and there is no
upper bound d of a and b such that dSc. It is 6
Level 2-
also known as supremum.
6) Greatest lower bound (glb) : Let (A,s) be poset.

lower Level 1-
for a, b, le A, an element l is called the
bound of a and b if lSa and /'sb.
Fig. 6.5.2
lower bound
An element 1 is called the greatest a and b and Here 10 and 30 are upper bounds of 2 and 5, But
of a and b if l is the lower bound
of 1)
and b such that 10 is the least upper bound of 2 and 5.
there is no lower bound f of a
Isf. 2) 5, 15, 3 are lower bounds of 30 and 45. But 15 is
the greatest lower bound of 30 to 45.
is also called infimum.
glb as
least elements 3) This Poset has neither greatest element nor
EX.6.5.1 Determine the greatest and element.
Hasse diagrams are
of the poset whose
4) This poset has two maximal elements 45 and 30
shown below.
as there is no element c such that 45SC and
da 30 C.

5) This poset has three minimal elements 2, 3 and 5.

because there is no element xe A such that x s 2,
xs3 and x s5
6-5 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&TL)
Technical Publications
6.7.2 (1), every pair
of elements has h
I I n Fig.
b)v (b ac) and glb.

L.H.S (av
= bvb=b I t is a
does not exist.
ba(¢) =
b I) In Fig. 6.7.2 (II), a ab
( a v b) a(a ve)

. It is not a lattice.
Hence the proof. does not exist.
IV) In Fig. 6.7.2 (IV), cvd
Ex.6.7.1 Let A {1, 2, 3}

I t is not a lattice.
PA)=G (1}, (2), {3}, {1, 2, (1,3), (2,3},(1, 2,3}
show that (P(A), c) is a
Ex.6.7.3 : Let A be the set of positive factors of 1
the poset (P(A), S) is and R be a relation on A s.t. R={xRy
Sol. The Hasse diagram of
divides y, x y e A}. Draw Hasse diagra
given below
a.b.c and give and for lattice. v
Sol. We have A = {1, 3, 5, 15}

a.b) a,c R {(1,1) (1,3) (1,5) (1, 15) (3,15) (5,15) (15,15)
Hasse diagram of R is:

a) 15

Fig. 6.7.1

Here every pair of elements of a poset has lub and Fig. 6.7.3

glb. Hence (P(A), c) is a lattice. Table for a and v

Ex.6.7.2 Determine which of the following posets

1 5 15
are lattice.

6 1 1 3 5 15.

3 3 3 15 15

5 5 15 5 15

15 15 15 15 15

1 3 5 15
da **********:***********************.************************************************************
1 1 1 1 1

33 1 3 1

5 1 1 5 5
15 1 3 5
Fig. 6.7.2 15

I n Fig. 6.7.2 (), every pair of elements has lub Every pair of elements has lub and
and glb. glb.
. It is a lattice.
I t is a lattice.

Technical Publications
Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS
Ex.6.74 Let A 5 , 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12} Let a relation R on a set A is R = {(a,b)/ a divides b Ya, b e A}. Give st

K. Frove that it is a
partial ordering relation. Draw Hasse diagram of the same. Prove or alsprY
it is a lattice.
Sol.: We have A =
{(1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12)

and R
R , (1,2),(1,3,(1,4)(1.6),(1,9),1,12).(2.2),(2,4),2,6)/2,12)3,3),(3,),3.9
(3,12), (4,4), (4,12). (6,6).(6,12),(9,9).(12,12)
We know that for any a e A, a la

R is a reflexive relation.

As a I b and b I a = a =b R is antisymmetric relation.

As a I b and b I c alc> R is a transitive relation.

R is reflexive antisymmetric and transitive

(A, R) is a poset and R is a partial ordering relation.

Hasse diagram is as follows

Fig. 6.7.4

In above diagram 6v9 does not exist. I t is not a lattice.

Ex6.7.5: Determine whether the poset represented by each of the Hasse diagram are lattices. Justify your




Flg. 6.7.6

glb has and lub. I t is a lattice.
In Fig. 6.7.5 (), pair of element
of elements has lub and glb. .It is a latice.
) In Fig. 6.7.5 (1I), every pair
of elements gas lub and glb. I t is a lattice,
Im) In Fig. 6.7.5 (II), every pair

6-9 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&T

Terhnical Publications
Ex6.7.6 Show that the set of all divisors of 36 forms i lattice.
Sol.: Let A {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9,12, 18,
'S is divisor of.
36 ) and Let a

It's Hasse
diagram is as follows.


Flg. 6.7.6
The universal upper bound 1 is 36 and lower bound 0 is 1. of this
Every pairs of elements poset has lub and glb.
I t is a lattice.

Ex6.7.7:Let n be a positive integer, S be the set of all divisors of n, Let D denote the relation of divisor-
Draw the diagram of lattices for n =
24, 30, 6.
Sol: Given that
i) We have S, - {1,2,3,6}, D is the relation of divisor.

i) S24 {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24

ii) S30 {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30
Diagrams of Lattices are as follows.

12 30


A10 p15

2 3

S6 S24 S30
Flg. 6.7.7
Ex.6.7,8: Show that the set of all divisors of 70
Sol. LetA
a lattice.
={1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 14, 35, 70)
and Let ' is "a divisor of".

The universal upper bound 1 is 70 and the lower

bound 0 is 1.
Technical Publicatiorns
THsHasse diagram is as follows:
0 Ex67.10 : Let x = {2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36) and x <y ifffx
divides y find
108 i) Maximal element ii) Minimal element
p35 ii) Chain iv) Antichain v) Is Poset lattice
Sol.: We have x {2, 3, 6, 12, 24, 36)

5 The relation R' = 'S

R {(2, 2) (2, 6) (2, 12) (2, 24) (2, 36)

3, 3) (3, 6) 3, 12) (3, 24) (3, 36),
Fig. 6.7.8 (6, 6) (6, 12) (6, 24) (6, 36) (12, 12)
Every pair of elements of A has (12, 24) (12, 36) (24, 24) (36, 36)
a andv.
It's Hasse diagram is as follows.
It is a lattice [write table of Aand v].
9 24
Ex.6.7.9:Let A =
{1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 9, 12, 18, 24)
be ordered by the relation x 12
divides y.
Show that the relation is a
partial ordering
and draw Hasse diagram.
Sol.:We have A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24
Fig. 6.7.10
R {xy) I x divides y, for x, y e A}
i) Maximal elements are 24, 36
R (1, 2) (1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5) (1, 6) i) Minimal elements are 2, 3
(1,7) (1, 8) (1, 9) (1, 12) (1, 18) ii) Chain {2, 6, 12, 24), { 2, 6, 12, 36), 13, 6, 12, 24},
(1, 24) (2, 2) (2, 4) (2, 6) (2, 8) 3, 6, 12, 36}
2, 12) (2, 18) (2, 24) (5, 5) iv) Antichain : {2, 3} {24, 36}
(6, 6) (6, 12) (6, 18) vThe given poset is not a lattice as 2 A 3 does not
(6, 24), (7, 7) (8, 8) (8, 24) (9, 9)
9, 18) (12, 12) (12, 24) (18, 18) Ex.6.7.11: Let S be the set of all positive divisors of
120 and a sb iff a divides b. Is it poset?
(4, 24)) . If yes draw Hasse diagram.
We have for any x e A, xlx=R is a reflexive for xly
and ylx == x =0 R is antisymmetric. If xly and AKTU: 2013-14
ylzxlz R is a transitive relation. Ans.: We have,

R is a partial ordering relation, It's Hasse diagram is S 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120
as follows.. and a sbiff a dividesb.
(i) Reflexive: Every element divides itself
18 aSa Va e S.
'S is reflexive.
(i) Antisymmetric relation: Let a, be S. If
asb and b sa then a lb and blaa=b.

'S is antisymmetric relation.

(iii) Transitive relation: If as b and b sc

Fig. 6.7.9
then a b and b |c
6 11 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&TL)
Technical Publications
a poset.
that (A, R) is
i) Verify
its Hasse diagram
and c =
bk, (il) Draw are needed
b ak, m o r e edges
(ii) How many total order ?
extend (A.R) to
(k^ k)

(ak) k2

(iv) What are

maximal and
al c a Sc elements.

relation R corresponding
to the givven
'S is transitive relation. Ans. (i) The
digraph is
Thus (S, S is a poset.
4) (3, 1) (3, 2)(3,4)
R (1, 1) (2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4), (1,
Hasse diagram a poset if
R is reflexive
level 1 We know that (A, R) is
1 lies at lower in R.
antisymmetric and
above level 1
2, 3, 5 lie at level 2
1. Reflexive: A ={1, 2, 3, 4} and (1, 1), (2, 2), (3,3
level 2
lie at level 3 aboye and (4, 4) R
4, 6, 10, 15
level 3
8, 12, 20, 30 lie at level 4 above R is reflexive.

4. any elements
such that (a, bi
24, 40, 60 lie at level 5 above level 2. Antisymmetric:
and (b, a) e R
120 lies at level 6.
R is antisymmetric.
is follows
The Hasse diagram as
3. Transitive:
(1, 1) and (1, 4) E R= (1,4)¬
- 40 (3, 3) and (3, 1) e R» (3, 1) eR

(3, 3) and (3, 2) e R (3, 2) e R

30 (3,3) and (3, 4) e R (3, 4) e R
12 Ris transitive relation.
Hence (A, R) is a poset.
--- 10 15
(i) Hasse diagram of poset (A, R) is shown below.

Fig. 6.7.11
Ex.6.7.12: The directed graph for a relation R on set
A {1, 2, 3, 4) is shown in Fig,6.7.12
AKTU 12004-05. 2014-15
We have (3, 1) (3, 4) (3, 2) (1, 4) eR.
3 lies at lower level 1
1, 2 lie at level 2

4 lies at level 3.

Flg. 6.7.12 (ii) To extend (A, R) to total

2and 4 must be
Technical Publications 6- 12
comparable element.
Poset. Hasse Di
Add (2 4) in relation R.
(iv) From Hasse diagram maximal element 4 and
S2s is S
minimal element =
3. = and
C6.7.13 : Show that the
poset has at most one As S and T are posets w.r.t. 'S
greatest and and at
most one least
element. AKTU 2002-03 $2
and b
Sol.:Suppose a are the greatest elements of a

noset A. As a is the
greatest element and
b e A we (61) (2,t2) in SxT
ii) Transitivity: Let (s1,t) S (s2,t2)
b a (1) and (s2,t2) S(63,t3)
Now as "'b' is the greatest element and Then, ss2 and t S t2 and s2 a s3 and t2 S i3
a e A
asb s Ss2 and s2 ` s3 in S and t a t2
and t2 S t3 in T.
From equation (1) and (2)
a = b
s Ss,in S and t St3 in T

Hence poset has unique greatest element.

$1.t1) S (s3,t3)in SxT
Relation is transitive.
Suppose x and y be two least elements of the poset
Thus(Sx T, ) is a poset.
Ex.6.7.15 : Consider the set A ={1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Define
As x is least element and y e A ^xSy.
the relation on A such that x y if
And as y is least element and x e A=y $x (x mod 3) s(y mod 3) AKTU 2002-03
X =y i.e. the poset has unique least element. i) Prove that (A, < =) is a poset
(ii) Draw Hasse diagram
Ex.6.7.14: Define poset. Suppose that (S, s)
(iii) Find maximal and minimal elements
is a
(1, S) are posets. Show that (S XT, ) in (A, < =)
iff s u in S
poset where (s, t) (u, v) Sol.
and t v in T. AKTU: 2011-12

() Reflexivity: We have for any x eA.

partial order relation R
Sol.: Poset : A set 'A' with a

Is called a poset. It is denoted as (A, R). x mod 3) =

(x mod 3) x <= x

R is said to be partial order relation if Ris R is reflexive on A.

A relation
Teflexive, antisymmetric and transitive. Antisymmetry: Let a<=b and b < = a in (A_=)

Claim: Show that (S x T, ) is a poset. ( a mod 3)< = (b mod 3) and (b mod 3)

Sx T, V se S and te T.
Reflexive : Let (s, t) E < = (a mod 3)

sS S in S and t Stin T.
(a mod 3) (b mod 3)
(s, t) (s, t) in Sx a = b

Relation 'S is reflexive.

R is antisymmetric relation.
Antisymmetric: Let (s, t) (s t2) e Sx T and Transitive: If a< =b and b <=c
) and ( t) s (6, t) in Sx T
(5, t,)s ( t) = (a mod 3)< = (b mod 3) and (b mod 3) < = (¢ mod 3)

S in S and t, t in T
5 6- 13 Poset, Hasse Diagram
and Lattices (DS&TL

Technical Publications
in (A, 1) has greata
H e n c e every pair of elements
(a mod 3)
< =
(c mod 3) lower bound.

any upper
bound for 6 and
a= C (ii) False : There is n o
Relaton is transitive.
6.8 Bounded Lattices

Thus, (A, is a poset. bounded lattice if it has a

said to be a
is as A lattice L is
(ii) If's Hasse diagram element 1 and a least element 0.

set A under tha
The power set P(A) of the
i) intersection and union isa
operations of
least element and A is
bounded lattice as o is the
the greatest element of P(A).
set of natural numbers
then (A, 9 is a
i) If A

element is 5 and minimal lattice. It has least element 1 but the greatest
(ii) In (A, <-) Maximal a

elements are 3 and 1. element does not exist.

bounded lattice.
Ex.6.7.16: Consider the partial
ordered sat A = {24, 6,8)} (A, ) is not a

with relation a s b iff a I b, a,b e A.

Show with reason whether the following 6.8.1 Properties of Bounded Lattice
L is bounded lattice then for any element
statements are true or false. 1) If a

have the following identities i) av1=1

( Every pair of elements in the poset has a eL, we
greatest lower bound. ii) a al =a ii) av 0 a iv) a a0=0
) Every pair of elements in the poset has 2) Every finite lattice a1,a2a3 a n s
a least upper bound. AKTU 2002-03 bounded.
Sol. : The relation R is R={(2, 2) (4, 4) (6, 6) (8, 8) The greatest element of L is aj va2 Vagv..vaa
(2 4) (2 6) (2, 8) (4, 8))
and the least element is a Aa2 Aa3^..Aan
It's Hasse diagram is
herefore, the greatest and the least elements of finite
lattice exist. Hence L is bounded lattice.

6.9 Sublattices
Let (L,Av) be
a lattice. A non
empty subset L of
is said to be sublattice of L if L it self is a latiat
with respect to the operations of L. i.e. if Ly, ther
(i) True: The greatest lower bound table is
a ab and av be L1
glb 2 4
Ex.6.9.1 : 1) Consider the lattice of all
* "*******
2 2 2 2 integers I, under the operation
2 divisibility. The lattic D, of all divisior
of n>1 s a sublattice of I,
6 2 6 2 Sol.: This solution is obvious readers are reques
to solve it.
8 2 8
Ex.6.9.2 Determine all the sublattices of
contain at least 4 elements,
D30 tn
Technical Pubications
D30 {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30}
6- 14
Poset, Hasse Diaoram and I atinas (DS&
Sol We have D30 {1, 2, 3, 5, 6,
ith 10, 15, 30)
lattice with
respect to divisibili is a Ex.6.9.4 : Determine whether or not each of the
J's Hasse diagram is as follows, following is a sublattice of given lattice L.

(1,2) 2,3

Fig. 6.9.3
A 4 (1, 2,2,31, 11, 2, 3})
Flo. 6.9.1
B l o (1, (1, 2, {1, 2, 3}
The sublattices of D30 that contain at least 4
elements C-{{21, (1, 21, 12, 3}, f1, 2, 3}
are as follows D {1, 13), {1, 31, {1, 2, 3
E = {{2, {1, 2 , 2, 3}
i) {1, 2, 6,30) ii) {1, 2, 10, 30) ii) {1, 3, 6, 30) Sol.

iv) (1, 3, 15, 30} v) {1, 5, 10, 30) vi) {1, 5, 15, 30) i) As (1, 2) a {2, 3) {1}e A .A is not a sublattice
ii) B is a sublattice since a and v of every pair of
vii) {1, 2, 3, 6} vii) {1, 3, 5, 15) ix) {1, 2, 5, 10) elements exist in B.
x) 13, 6, 15, 30} xi) (2, 6, 10, 30) xii) {5, 10, 15, 30) ii) C is a sublattice since a and v of every pair of
elements exist in C
xii) {1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 15, 30} xiv) D30
iv) As {1}a13) does not exist,
Ex.6.9.3 Consider the lattice L = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5) as D is not a sublattice
shown in the following figure.
Determine all the sublattices with three or vAs 11,2]v 2,3 =
{1, 2, 3 E D is not a

more elements. sublattice

Ex. 6.9.5 If B = Divisors of 24 D24 is a lattice,

then find all sublattices of D24 with at
least 3 elements. Also draw Hasse
Sol.: We have B = D24 - (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24)

It's Masse diagram is as follows

Flg. 6.9.2 24

ol All the sublattices with three or more
of 12
are those whose A and v exists for every pair
elements which are as follows.
i) {1, 2, 3 i) {1, 3, 5) ii) (1, 4, 5)

iv) {1, 2, 3, 5} v) {1, 3, 4, 5) vi)11, 2, 4, 5)

vii)(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Fig. 6.9.4

6- 15 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&TL

T Technical Publications
All the sublattices of
D24 with at least 3 elements are x) {1, 2, 3, 6} xi) {2, 6, 4,
as follows 24

i) 11, 2, 4) i) {1, 2, 6) 12
4 96
Fig. 6.9.4 ()

Fig. 6.9.4 (a) xi) {2, 6, 12, 4, 8, 24)

ii) 12, 4, 8) iv) 13, 6, 12
6.10 Isomorphic Lattices
Two lattices L and L2
are said to be isomorphic
lattices if there exists a bijective

f: Lj >L2 such that

fa ab) = f(a) a f{b)

Fig. 6.9.4 (b)
f(av b) = f{a) v f{b)
v) 14, 8, 24) vi) 4, 12, 24)

24 24
For all a, be L
Ex.6.10.1: Determine whether the following lattices
are isomorphic.

Fig. 6.9.4 (c)

vii) (1, 2 4, 8) vii) {1, 3, 6, 12)
9 12 24

6 12

Fig. 6.10.1

Sol.: Let f: Li>L2

Fig. 6.9.4 (d) such that f(a) =
1, f{b) =
3, f(c) =
2, f(d) =
fis one to one as well as onto function
ix) (2, 6, 12, 24}
fis a
bijection and satisfies
2 fa a b) =f(a) a f{b) and
f(av b) f(a)v f{b)
Thus L and L2 are
isomorphic lattices.

Fig. 6.9.4 (e)

Technical Publications
6- 16
Poset, Hasse
Diagram and Lattices (D
6.11 Distributive Lattice AKTU 2016-17
L is called a distributive (Ca a b) v b) a((a ab)v )]v (¢a a)
A lattice lattice if for any
elements a, b and c of L, it
satisfies the =
ba [(a ab)v c]v (ca a)
distributive properties following
ba l(av c) a (bv c)lv (ca a)
aa(bv c) =
(a ab)v (a ac)
i av (bac) = (av b) a (av c)

[ba(bv c)} (av c)]v

[ba(av c)] v
16 the lattice L does not satisfies-the above
it is called a non-distributive lattice
properties, -
[bv (ca a)]a (av c)v (ca a)
(Distributive property)
Rr6.11.1 :If A is any finite set then P(A) under the -
(bv c)a(bv a) a av cv (ca a)
operations of intersection and union is a
distributive lattice. -(bv c)a (av b) a (av c)
Sol.: This result is obvious readers are requested to -
(av b)a bv c)a (av c) RH.S -

prove it.
Hence the proof
Ex.6.11.2 :Show that the following lattices are not
distributive lattices
| 6.12 Complemented Lattice
AKTU 2003-04. 2o04-05. 2012-13,
2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17
wwwwww. www*www

Consider a bounded lattice L' with the greatest

ac b
element 1 and the least element 0. An element *'eL
is called a complement of xe L if

L xVx-1and XAX' =

Fig. 6.11.1 By the definition of the complement, if x is the

complement of x then x is also the complement ofx.
Sol: i) L we have
It is necessary that an element x has a

aa(bvc) =
aal =
a complement. Also the complement need not be
(a a b)v (a nc) = Ov 0 a
1 = 0 and 0 = 1
a a(bv c) (a ab)v (a ac)
1) Definition: A lattice L is called a complemented
L is non distributive lattice lattice if L is bounded and every element in has a

a1= a
i)In L2, a a (bvc)

0v c=c Ex.6.12.1: Determine the complement of all elements

(anb)v(a ac)= of the following lattice
a (bv c) (a ab)v (a a c)

L2 is non distributive lattice

Ex.6.11.3 :In a distributive lattice, proe
(a a b)v (ba clv (¢Aa
( a v b)a (bv c)a (cv a)
for all a, b, c e L
distributive property
of L, we have 0
LBy using
Flg. 6.12.1
(a a b)v (ba c)v (¢a Lattices (DS&TL)
6 17 Poset, Hasse Diagram and
Technical Publications
a v0 =
aj V(ana2)
Sol.: Consider the folowing table consider a
a)a(a1 va2)
(a v

Elements 1
= 1a(a1 v a2)

Complement 1 0 d does not does not

= (ava2)a(a1 v a2)
exist exist
wwwwwww ww.o

- (a2 v a) a (a2 va)

Given lattice is not complemented lattice.
- a2 v(aAaj)
Ex.6.12.2 Prove that the lattices shown below are
complemented lattices, AKTU: 2012-13 = a2 v0

a1 a2
are unique.
Hence the complements

a complemented
lattice ?
ba Ex.6.12.4 :Is D2 a
AKTU 2015-16
Sol.: We have D12 {1, 2, 3, 4,6, 12}

It's Hasse diagram is as follows

Sol. i) We have

Complement a and c b oww.a&%

As every element has a complement

Given lattice is a complemented lattice.

Fig. 6.12.3
i) We have
Elements iwww

Complement 1 C C ab
eeocsorooosoiiidccoosdodi ceoooeocco
Complement 12 No No
wwiw d wwwwww ww w
As every element has a complement.
Thus D2 is not a complemented lattice
Given lattice is a complemented lattice.
L, the Ex.6.12.5 : Prove that if a, b e L and L is bounded
in-a distributive lattice
Ex.6.12.3 : Prove that, distributive lattice and aa' is
is the
are unique if exists.
complement of a, then
AKTU 2015-16 av (a'a b) = av b AKTU 2003-04
and aa'v b) = a ab
Proof: Let L be a distributive lattice and a e

are complements of a in L
and a2
Suppose a Sol.: Given that (L, v, a) is a bounded distributv
-0 lattice and a' is the complement of a
ava 1, aaaj
ava = 1 and a a a' = 0
1, aAa2 0
and ava2

6 18 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (

Technical Publications
L.H.S. av(a'v b)
() Ex.6.12.7 :If the lattice 1s
(av a) represented by the
A (av b)
Hasse diagram
1 a (av b) avb
given below:
i) Find all the
complements of e
a b) =
a vb ii) Prove that the
av a
given lattice is
L.H.S. =
a a (a' v
b) =
(a A a') v (a a b) bounded
complemented lattice.
0v (a a b) =
a ab AKTU 2014-15
= R.H.S. Sol.: i) We have 0 - f and 1 =b.

Now e A d = 0 and e v d = 1 and e a C= 0,

aaa v b)= a a b
evc b = 1

Ex.6.12.6: Give example of a finite lattice where

d and c.
atleast one element has more than one Thus e has two complements
complement and at least one element has i) Given lattice has greatest and least
elements. So it
no complement. Show that the lattice
is bounded lattice.
(P (S), where P (S) is the power set of a
finite set S is complemented lattice. Now
AKTU 2012 13 f=0
Element b 1 e

Sol. a and a and c and

Complenment c and
Let L {1050, 35, 30, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1}

a sb iff a dividesb V a, beL

bounded complemented lattice.
Thus given lattice is a

, 9 is a poset. Its Hasse

lattice which is a
diagram is 1050 Ex.6.12.8: Give an example of a

modular but not a distributive.

We have, Lattice: A lattice L is said to be
30/ 35 Sol.:Modular Sz
modular if for every x, y, z eL with x
7v 3 1, 7a2 11
xv (y a z) =
(x v y) a z
7v 3 1050, 7 v 2 = 1050 2 3
6.11.1 (Li). It is
Consider the Diamond latice See Fig.
7 has two complements
amodular lattice but not a distributive
2 and 3.

5v 30 30
6.13 Boolean Algebra
5 35-35 1. Boolean empty set with
algebra : A non

binary operations* and ", an unary operation

5v 1050 = 1050 'and two distinct elements 0 and 1 is called
element a e L such that Boolean algebra, denoted by (B, +, , 0, 1) iff it
There is no any
Let a, b e B
1050 and 5 a a =1
satisfies the following properties.
5va =

5 does not have any complement. (i) Commutative laws
b =b a
a+b =
b +a and a

and Lattices (DS&TL)

6 19 Poset, Hasse Diagram
appears exactly once in either true
(ii) Distributivelaws:
complemented form but not both.
a+(b c) - (a + b) (a + c) Minterms for two variables are xy, xy, x'y, xy.

and a (b+) = a b +a C Minterms for 3 variables are xyz, xyz, xy'z, xy

(ii) Identity laws:
xy'z, x'yz, xy'z, xy'z.
There are 2" minterms for n variables.
a+0 a and a 1 a
Giv) Maxterm Maxterm of n variabels is the sum of
(iv) Complement law: literals in which each variable appears exacthy
a+a' 1 and aa' 0 once in either true or complemernted form b
not both.
2. Basic results in Boolean algebra : Let a, b, ce B Maxterms for two variables are (x + y), (x + y)
and x+y% *+y)
(1) Idempotent laws: a+ a -a a a =
Maxterms for 3.variables are (x +y + z),
1 and a 0 0
(i) Boundedness laws:a+1 x+y+z), (* + y' + z),
Cii)Absorption laws: x+y+z), (*+y + z), (* +y + z), (x +y+2)
a+(a b) a and a (a+b) a
(tiv) Associative laws: a + (b + c)- (a +b) + c and
For n variables there will be 2" maxterms.
(a b) c - a (b c)
(v) When a Boolean expression is written in sum of
(D)Unigueness and comaplements : a +x=1 and minterms form, it is referred as minterm
a x =0 x = a' expansion or disjunctive normal form. It is also
1 and called canonical sum of products
(oi)Involution laws: (a)' =a, 0 = as

1' 0 (vi) When a Boolean expression is written in product

(vii) Demorgan's laws: (a + b)' =a' b' and of maxterms form, it is referred as maxterm
expansion or conjunction normal form or
(a b)'a' b
Canonical product of sums.
3. Complement of a function: The complement of
a function F is F. We can obtain F by interchanging Ex.6.13.1: Prove that: (i) a + a = a ; (i) a+1 11;
1's for 0's and 0's for 1's. ii) a + (a b) = a

Demorgan's theorem: Sol.

() (A+B+C) -
4) Consider, a = a +0
(i) (A B«)-
4. Simplification of Boolean function a a + aa' By Identity law
(i) Sum of Products (SOP) : A Boolean expression
(a+ a) (a + a')
E is said to be in a sum of products form if E
is a sum of product of variables.
(By Complement law)

Y ABC+BD+A BT (a +a) 1

(i) Product of Sums (POS) : A Boolean expression a a +a

E is said to be in a product of sums form if E
is a product of sum of terms.
4i) a+1 a+a + a' ...(By Complement law)
e.g Y (A+B)+(A +B) ( a +a) + a'

(iii) Minterm: A minterm of n variables is a a t a' ( idempotent)

product of n literals in which each variable

Technical Publications 6- 20 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS

a (a b)= a 1 +a b

a (1+b) y (A+B+A+AB)
= a 1 But A+A A
Now use De-Morgan's second theorem which states
.6.13.2: Prove that (A + B) (A + C) =
A+ BC that,
Sol.: L.H.S. (A +B) (A + C)
y A-B-AB
A+ AC + BA + BC ...( AA =1) But A and B -B
=A (1 +
C)+ BA + BC
y A B AB
.1+C 1) But AB (A+)
A (1+B) +BC (De-Morgan's second theorem)
= A+BC
.1+B 1) y A BA+B)-AAB+ABB
= R.HS.
But AA 0 and BB 0
EBx.6.13.3: Prove that (A+B+AB) (A+B) (AB) = 0 y 0B +A 0 =0+0 0
y 0
L.H.S. (A+B+AB)(A+ B)(
Ex:6.13.5:For the given function, F = x+xù, find
= (A+B)(A+ B)(AB) the complement of 'F'.

(: A + AB =A) Sol. F xy+xy.

= (AA+AB+BA+BB)(AB) F XY A+A= A)
Take the complement of both sides,
(A+B(A +A)+ B)(AB)
( :A+ A= A)
Using De morgan's first law, we get,
= (A+BA+B)(AB)
F + .(as AB- -y)
1+B 1) F +y
= 0+0 (: AA 0 and BB 0) AB
Ex6.13.4:Simplify the following expression:
Y = (AB+A+AB) -ABCD+D+
Sol.: y (AB+A+AB) But D+D - 1.


first theorem)
.De Morgan's
6-21 Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&T
Technical Publications
= AB A B

C+C 1 + ABC =
But AB + AB = AB and ABC
L.H.S. = AB = R.H.S. Y AB + ABC
= AB (1 +C)
the following
the complement of
Ex.6.13.7: Find Y = AAB ...1+C 1)
A BC+A BC and F^= A(B +BC)
This is simplified expression.
AB +ABC int
Sol.:() F Ex.6.13.9:Convert the following expression nto
SOP or POS forms.
R (A BC)+(A BC) theirstandard
(a) Y AB +
= (AB):(A BC)
(b) Y =(A+B) (B+ C)
A + BC + ABC
(c) Y =

F (A+B+C)-(A +B+C) (d) (x +y) *+y)

(ii) F A(B+BC) Sol.: (a) Y = AB + AC + BC

F [A(BC+BC)) =[ Y = AB4(C+C)+AC(B+B)+BC(A+A)


F A+(B+C)(B+C) BCA= ABC .(As A+ A =A)
Ex.6.13.8: For the logic circuit shown in Fig. 6.13.1 ABC+ACB +
Write the Boolean expression and simplify Y ABC+ ABC+ABC+ABC
This is the required expression in standard SOP form.
b) Y - (A+B)(B+C)
- (A+B+CC)(B+C+AA)
But A+BC- (A +B) (A +C
A+C Y (A+B+C)(A+B+C)B+C+A)(B+C+A)
C D This is in the standard POS form.
Sol (c) Y = A + BC+ ABC

Step 1
Write the Boolean expression.
The expression for output for the given
logic circuit is =
Y (A +B) (AB) (A +C)
Step 2: Bring this expression in SOP form.


Multiply the terms to get the expression into SOP as A+ A - A

form: then (ABC+ BCA + ABC) ABC

Y (A +
Y (A+ B) (AB + ABC).. (AA =A) This expression is in the standard SOP form.
AABAABC +BAB +BABC d) We have (x + y) (x +y)
AB +ABC + AB + ABC x+xy+ yx +yy
Technical Publications which is the dnf.
6 22
Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS-
OR (add) all the product terms

which is the requierd logic expression in standard
SOP formn
This expression can also be written as,

Y -m +m +m7- 2m(1,4,7)
Consider the maxterms for which Y = 0

Mo A + B+C, M2 - A+B+G

Mg A+B+C

Ms A+B+Cand M, - A+B+C
Therefore, the standard POS form is


6.14 Karnaugh Map (K-map)

AKTU 2010-11. 2011-12, 2016-17
Karnaught map method is a graphical technique
which provides a simple straight forward procedure
for simplification of Boolean expression of two, three
or four variables. It can also be extended for five, six
or more variables.

1. Two variable Karnaugh maps : The number of

variables are 2 so the map will have 22 = 4
square. In this case four possible minterms with
two variables A and B i.e. AB, AB', AB, AB' are
represented by four squares in the map labelled
0 1

The expression can be simplified by properly

combining those squares in the K-map which
contain 1s. The
process for combining 1s is calledd
2. Three varlable
K-map: The number of variables
are 3 so
map will have 23 8 s q u a e r s The onight
00 01 11 10
Given a minterm expansion of a function, it AB AB ABCABr
can be plotted on a map by placing 1s in
o A'B'C A'BC
the square which corresponds to minterms 1ABC ABC ABC ABC
present in the expression and Os in the
remaining squares. Flg. 6.14.1

Four variable four variables A, B,

3. Karmaught map : The number the K-map for
6.14.2 shows
ofvariables are 4. Hence map will be 24 =16 squares. Fig.
and D and alternative way of representing four variables.

AB 11 10
CD A'B'CD 01
ww. wwww wwww A A S 8



Fig. 6.14.2
minterms of squares 2,
has to identify groups of
sumpliy a sum of product expression in four variable one

4, 8 of 16 containing 1s that can be combined.

Logic gates:
circuits. The Boolean algebra developed
Logic gates are the devices used as basic building blocks of all the digital
and analysing the logic circuits. The basics
by Charles Boole way back in 1884 is used for representing, simplifying
logic gates are NOT, AND and OR along with NOR, NAND, Ex-OR etc.
means of the
The relation between the inputs and the outputs of a gate can be expressed mathematically by
Boolean expression. In order to understand Boolean algebra, we need to use the gates. So the symbols

Boolean expressions should be known to us which is given as follows :

Various logic gates:

e****esenesees********************** ****************** **

Sr. No Name of gate Boolean expression Truth table Logical operation

www.w.w.www wwww w wwwwww.w wwww wwww wwwwwwa w

1. Nor gate or inverter Y =A wwww.w.owwvw wmmw

** ***"************************************


urearseuarsoreneeredeneneredreueeerunueuouesureeenereeovenearee ee wwww.wwwwww.ww.wawwww
*****************'y***************"*********** **
w o .wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
2, AND gate Y =AB
Y Logical
**** multiplication
D ********************}**********"*





********************* ********* T*************************

1 1
* **************
************** *
****** ** ****************************************"*********************************
*******************************"**************************"********"*********************"*************************************************"* .*********************************************

6 24 Poset, Hasse
Technical Publications
Diagram and Lattices (D=
OR gate
Y A +B Logical additon


Y ww.*sw*nsr"i****************snns********** ******


NAND gate
Y = AB vwwwwwwww vwww.ww.w NOT AND
A 3

A- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


* * * * * * * * * * * * *

wwwwwwwwwwwwww. S ww
******** www*wwwvwwwww w.wwwww.w www *"*** ********************
wwwwww.www.wwwwwww ww

5. NOR gate Y =A+B NOT OR



. *******seness****************************

www.esosecoeooscsoerOmo ommsseemrosoowwwosoowwwwwawew.wm onASAwwwwwwA eaeeoOxoor*erewewwcw ****************

wwwww **** ****

Y = A®B Addition/
6 Exclusive OR A B Y subtraction

wwwwwwwwwww.w. wwwww*www


wwww.wwwwwww..**** *


Y =AB ********* *** NOT EX-OR

7. Exclusive NOR X-NOR

**** wwww.

***********assstens*********"****antsse************ *****t***************

1 *******


1 www..wwww.wwwwwwwwwwwwww

wwwwwwmwmamweww ***
***** *** wwww ***

-25 ot HacGe Diagram and Lattices (

the followine
Ex.6.14.1: Find the K-map to simplify
K-map and simplify the Ex.6.14.3: Use the
+ A'BC
+ ABC' + ABC
expression for AB' + A'B' X
(i) = A'B'C'
+ A'BC +
Sol. Two adjacent
A'B'C" + A'BC 4
square A'B' and AB' containing 1 ai) X =

have been AB'C ABC

grouped together. They have been circled.
These two terms can be function
looped that eliminates the A Sol.: (i) The Boolean and the Km:
variable since it ABC' + ABC map
appears both in AB'C + A'BC+
uncomplemented forms.
and complemented X =

variable is as
of three 11 10

2/00 01


Thiscan be verified algebraically as follows horizontal 1 square gives AC

The group of first two
third horizontal 1 square
AB'+AB' =(A +A') B' 1 B' and the group second and
B = =

gives BC'
Ex.6.14.2 :Use the K-map to simplify the following:
i) X =ABC'+ ABC; Hence, the simplfied result is
(ii) X = A'B'C + AB'C
X A' C + BC + AB'C
Sol.: i) The Boolean function
(i) The K-map of given function
X = ABC' + ABC is shown in Fig. 6.14.3 in the
The quad formed by A'BC, ABC, A'B'C and A'BC
K-map as follows:
produces the resultant as A' and the quad formed by
AB A'BC, A'BC, ABC and AB'C produces the resultant as
C00 01 11 10

00 01 1 1 10

Fig. 6.14.33 1 1.1

****www ******RRIRRERRNR

The adjacent square representing ABC and ABC are

Hence final result is,
grouped together. This eliminates the C variable since
it appears in both uncomplemented and X = A' +C

complemented form. The simplified function will be

Ex.6.14.4:Use the K-map to
X = AB. simplify
X= A'BCD' + AB'CD'+
(ii) The Boolean function X = A'BC + ABC is AB'CD
shown in Fig. 6.14.4 in the K-map as Sol. Kmap of the Boolean
expression is
00 01 11 10 CD
AB 00 01 11 10
0 1
00 1

0 0
Fig. 6.144

Thus the two 1s in this map

be looped to provide
simplified result X
B'C'. =
T Technical Publications
Poset, Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS
and D
yariable B' remain

and unchanged as A and C

a r ei
uncomplemented form. -
BC (A +
The final result is X Y BC ... A + 1 1 )
e. Find the logical networks Y BC (As A A)

Boolean experssion corresponding to

G)AB+C'; (i) A'BC +
sol.: (i) aplementation with AND, OR and NOT
Flg. 6.14.7

Ex.6.14.7:Realise the logic equation using

D Y=AB+C i) OR and AND gates;
(i) Only NOR gates
(A +B) (C+ D) = (A+B)+(C+D)

Fig. 6.14.5 Sol.

Step 1: Realisation using OR and AND gates.

Y (A + B) (C + D)


- Y=(A+B) (C+D)

D- (C+D)
Fig. 6.14.8

Step 2: Realisation using only NOR gates.

Y = (A+B) + (C+D)


A D -oY

N Fig. 6.14.9
Fig. 6.14.6
Ex.6.14.8:Define a Boolean function of degree n.
Boolean experssion expression
AD.4.6Realize the following Simplify the following Boolean
NAND gates. using K-maps.
using only
Y = (AB + BC) C xyz + xy'z+ xyz + xyz + xyz
AKTU 2011-12
Sol. Wwwwwwwwwwww

Y =(AB +BC)

.as C C =C)
Hasse Diagram and Lattices (DS&TL
6-27 Poset,

Technical Publications
Sol Boolean function of degree n: Realisation with minimum number of gates

00 01 11 10

Fig. 6.14.10

Let B {0,1}
Then B = { x 2,X3°X x; B for 1 Si n}

is the set of all possible n-tuples of 0's and 1's. The

variable x is called a Boolean variable. B is called
Boolean function of degree n.

The K-map for given Boolean function is shown in

Fig. 6.14.10

Then the simplified expression is z +

Ex.6.14.9: Minimize the following expression using
K-map and realize using the basic gates.
y m (1, 2, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15)
Sol Fig. 6.14.11

Group 1
Ex.6.14.10: Describe the Boolean duality principle
CD T To/cD cD Write the dual of each Boolean equations.
00 01 11 10, ) x+Ry = x+y ; (i) x-1)(0+) 0
RB 00 Group 2~Bc5 AKTU 2010-11
Sol.: Boolean duality
B 01 0 principle:
In duality of Boolean function, we replace 0 by 1 and
AB 11 0|01 Group 3 AC 1 by 0 and also by +

and by +
Group 1 BTD
x+Xy X+y
Minimized experssion: It's dual is x-x+y x y
y BCD+Bc+AC (i) x1)(0+3) = 0

BCDeCD)+ AC It's dual is (x+0)(1-) =

EX-OR gate
Ex.6.14.11:Simplify the following Boolean function
B(C9 D)+AC using K-map f (x y, z) S (0, 2, 3, 7)

AKTU 2010-11
Sol.: The given Boolean function can be
by K-map as shown in Fig. 6.14.12 on simplification.
Fig. 6.14.12
he implified function is f =yz + x z
12: Find
x6.14.12: Find the Boolean algebra expression for the AKTU 2016-17
following system

D D- Q

Fig. 6.14.13

Sol. : Given that

A BC -A B C+


Fig. 6.14.14

Boolean expression
above figure, the required
A-B-C+A-B+C)- Q

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