Uts Reviewer 2
Uts Reviewer 2
Uts Reviewer 2
Western Philosophy.
- the soul is the essence of a human ▪ Some might know themselves but
person that also means that it is the still commit evil (downside of his
⮚ believed that Philosophy must essence of humans to think and concept of self).
obtain practical results for the will.
greater well-being of society. And
for him to achieve this goal is ● Those people are ignorant of the truth and
through the acquisition of ● Soul = Self
do not immediately realize the concept of
knowing oneself. good. "Ignorance can cause anger."
= Seat of knowledge and ignorance, of
goodness & badness, and right & wrong
⮚ His deeds are written in Plato’s (eventually, our personality) ● SOCRATES VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE
(The Dialogues).
= True Self - the most important knowledge for humans
is how to live right and how to make the
⮚ Plato is his greatest student. soul good.
● Inward search for self-knowledge =
Discover true self - believes that there are things that
⮚ Angered the sophists and humans don’t know or are ignorant of,
sentenced to death (hemlock- thus, must accept and continue to search
poison). ● True self = Inner being for answers.
● Human body and physical world are ● Begins when something is lacking
- Plato’s Metaphysics (philosophical study
imperfect, but humans have rational and as love is the way of knowing truth.
on the causes and nature of things)
immortal soul created in the divine image.
- Plato stated that forms refer to what is ● Greater love= more intellectual
real. ● 3 Components of the Soul components it will contain.
- What are real mentally but not with 1. The Reason- rational, motivation for
senses (They are not objects encountered goodness and truth ● Allegory- a form of storytelling that uses
with the senses and can only be symbolism to represent larger or complex
comprehended intellectually) 2. The Spirited- non rational, the will or drive ideas.
toward action. Neutral and can be influenced
in two directions. ● SAINT AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO- Christian
● Plato’s forms have the following features:
Philosopher, Theologian, “GOD"
3. The Appetites- irrational, lean towards the
1. The forms are ageless and therefore desire for pleasure of the body. - Christianity’s influence dominated
are eternal Western thought after the fall of the
Hellenistic-Roman eras.
2. The forms are unchanging and ⮚ ID- "Yes" Go ahead and fight.
therefore permanent - Concern with GOD and man's
relationship with GOD
3. The forms are unmoving and indivisible
- The ultimate goal of man is to rely on
GOD's commands and his judgement of (He is wondering how he can
what constitutes good and evil. separate reality and illusion)
⮚ Rene Descartes
- becomes evil because if ignorance with
what’s good(sinners)
● Is the Father of Modern Philosophy
● St. Augustine's View of Human Nature
*2 realms ● Scientific method and mathematics
(Connected to inductive reasoning – ● JOHN LOCKE 2. Civil Law- right actions are
specific to general) enforced by authority (courts and
Deduction and Induction - Published a book on the scope and limits of
the human mind- significant role in the era of
Major Premise – general info 3. Divine Law- set by God on the
actions of man, called true law that
all mammals have backbone man should always follow.
- Contrary to Decartes, knowledge is
Minor Premise – 2nd idea posteriori
Humans are mammals
- Posteriori means objects that were
Conclusion experienced - Empiricism - believes in the idea
that all learning comes only from
Humans have backbones
● 2 FORMS experiences and observations.
Decartes' View of Human Nature
- Believed only philosophy
-"I think therefore I am" - Sensation- through senses
❖ A thinker is a thing that doubts, - Reflection- looks at the objects that were ● The human mind
understands, affirms, denies, wills, experienced to discover relationships that receives material from senses and calls it
refuses, imagine, and feels may exist between them perception.
(if you’re a thinker than you exist)
❖ The cognitive aspect of human - Tabula rasa (blank slate)- Ideas are not
innate but rather mind at birth ● 2 types of perception
nature is his basis for existence of
the self.
● LOCKE’S VIEW OF HUMAN NATURE 1. Impressions - immediate
expression of external reality.
The Mind-Body Problem
- A man can perceive the “greatest possible
2. Ideas - recollection of
❖ Soul and mind are separate from impressions.
the body.
- Critique of Judgement unity of all impressions (that are
● 3 Principles on how ideas relate
organized by the mind thru
to one another perceptions).
● Mead believed that a self did not exist at birth ● The self is not present at birth but begins as a
instead the self develops overtime. Its central character in a child's world. As they grow
development depends on social interaction and they also develop seeing other people and
● Imitation of verbal and non verbal cues ● Significant others strongly influence the
● Skills in communication, social relationships are
Person can see the self in two parts:
*You perceive the blank space inside as a triangle formed Role playing and pretending to be other
even if its incomplete I self
people. It is the process of mentally assuming the
perspective of another person to see how this ● The person initiates of perform a social action
and as a subject
CHAPTER 2: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE person might behave or respond in a given
Example: I will go on a date
SOCIOLOGY I will cook dinner later
● Widens perspective and realizes that he/she is not
- Sociology is the study of social life, social change, and Me self
the social causes and consequences of human behavior. alone and there are others that need to be
considered. ● The person takes the role of the other and as an
- Aims to discover the ways by which social object
surroundings/environment influences people's thoughts ,
feelings and behavior. Example: Student around school voted me for president of
the Psychology Organization
- Human societies, social world impacts existence THE GAME STAGE
Formation of the self is not the end of the process of
GEORGE HERBERT MEAD socialization, it continues for as long as the person is alive.
● 8 or 9 years old
- Also interested in Philosophy anD Psychology ● Several tasks and various relationships are ● The self may change based on life circumstances
that have a strong impact on it.
MEAD'S SOCIAL SELF considered. The child begins to see different ● Even though we don't have any control of the
perspectives of people around him. events around us we have the control on how we
● Social Behaviorism is the approach George Mead are going to react and deal with it and that is what
used to describe the power of environment in ● Ability to respond not just one but several is important.
shaping human behavior
● Self as "dimension of personality that is made up members of society "generalized other" CHARLES HORTON COOLEY
of individual's awareness and self-image"
● The self cannot be separated from the society "GENERALIZED OTHER"
● American Sociologist Socio Psychological CHAPTER 3: ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE mutation and death, how humans evolved (based
Approach on fossilized remains).
Anthropology ● Discovered that different places also have
different human beings like the biological make
● Focuses on the study of man not only on one
up and behavior.
"GENERALIZED OTHER" aspect like mind, environment etc. but rather on
totality of what it means to be human. Physical, Human beings at present still share the same biological
● People learn who they are through their social Biological, Social Culture up to present strengths and vulnerabilities.
interaction with other people. The impression and
perception of others. 4 Subfields of Anthropology: - Positive implication: Right balance of nutrients
● Cooley called this looking-glass self (the self that from food and mineral intake is beneficial to all
is product of social interaction) 1. Archeology
human beings.
2. Biological Anthropology
- Negative implication: In cases like PANDEMIC
Developing a self has 3 phases: 3. Linguistics
a lethal virus for one person may be also lethal to
4. Cultural Anthropology
1. People imagine how they present themselves to everyone.
others. - Positive implication: A cure effective for one
2. People imagine how others evaluate them. person will most likely have similar effects on
3. People develop some sort of feeling about ● Human beings are somehow similar and different other
themselves as a result of those impressions like we have the same basic necessities but we
are different in ways to acquire it. Linguistic Anthropology
As you notice it is all "IMAGINE" - there's a possibility ● The existence really differs from one another.
● Human survival is primarily linked to their ability
that people develop self identities based on the wrong
Archeology to communicate. The brain comes with
perception of how others see them.
specialized areas specifically for the purpose of
This can be corrected through positive social experiences: ● Archaeology is the study of the human past using communication.
material remains. These remains can be any ● Essential part of human communication is
I am not what I think I am objects that people created, modified, or used. "LANGUAGE”
Portable remains are usually called artifacts. ● Language identifies a group of people. The
I am not what you think I am Artifacts include tools, clothing, and decorations. words, sounds, symbols, writings and signs that
Non-portable remains, such as pyramids or are used are reflections of a group's culture. They
I am what I think you think I am study how it is used to create and share meanings
post-holes, are called features.
ERVING GOFFMAN ● Archeologists focus on the part and how it to form ideas and concepts that can promote
contributed to the present ways of how people social change.
● Canadian-American Sociologist Modern conduct their daily lives. Human beings adapted ● Through centuries, man had been searching for
American Sociology to changes in their environment in order for them ways in order for people of different languages to
● His work -The Presentation of the Self in to survive. Man's big brains have allowed them to understand each other that resulted having a
Everyday Life think and look for ways to prolong their universal language which is "English"
● He wrote that people early in their social existence. Their thoughts enabled their hands to
interactions learned to slant their presentation of use tools and weapons from the objects they find In contemporary society, other forms of language that
themselves in order to create preferred in their environment. Because of this represent subcultures like the terms "used in social
appearances and satisfy particular people archeologists realize the most important aspect of media" and language of the "LGBTQ++++".
(alteration of self and this process is called human nature is "SURVIVAL"
Cultural Anthropology
impression management)
● He sees this like a theatrical presentation and Biological Anthropology
● Culture is described as a group of people's way of
called it a dramaturgical approach. life. It includes their behaviors, beliefs, values,
● Biological aspect of a man. This focuses on how
● Face work is another view of the self where in and symbols that they accept from generations to
the human body adapts to the different earth
some situations face saving measures are resorted generations
environments, causes of diseases, physical
to maintenance of a proper image of the self in ● Knowing what makes one group's manner of
frustrating or embarrassing situations. living particular to that group and forms an
essential part of the members personal and social 4. Values
● We are all products of "Culture" - The CORE of every culture. It can be discussed
or directly observed from the way people act.
Involves the preference of good/bad, right/wrong.
Theory of Cultural Determinism- culture has a strong
ex. Respect for elders, Hospitality, Nationalism
impact on how an individual views himself. Human nature
is determined by the ideas, meanings, beliefs and values The field of anthropology makes a person aware that what
learned as members of society. he is may be determined by his past and present conditions,
his biological characteristics, languages and culture he/she
- Positive implications- human beings can be
lives in.
shaped to have the kind of life they prefer and
there's no limit on human ability to be or to do
whatever they set their minds and hearts into.
- Negative implications- we have no control over
what we may learn. Blindly accepts some
cultures like helpless people that do what their Humanistic/Existential
culture instructs them to do.
● Positive Psychology
CHAPTER 4: PSYCHOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE ● People strive toward meaning, growth, well-
being, happiness and psychological health
GOALS of Psychology
● Not only driven by search for meaning but also
● To Describe, To Explain, To Predict, And To sees negative experiences positively as it can
Control Behaviors foster psychological growth
4 ways in which culture may manifest itself in people:
Nature-Nurture Controversy Dispositional/ Trait Factors
1. Symbols
● Unique and long term tendencies to behave in
- Words, gestures, pictures or objects that have a NATURE- Genes and hereditary Factors physical particular ways are the essence of our personality
recognized meaning in a particular culture appearance personality characteristics ❖ Similarities of the traits that we have
❖ 5 Main traits (OCEAN)
ex. Cross for religion NURTURE- Environmental Variables childhood - Openness
experiences how we were raised social relationships - Conscientiousness
2. Heroes surrounding culture - Extrovertedness
- Persons from the past or present who have Different Movements/Perspectives in explaining the - Agreeableness
characteristics that are important in a culture. Personality of an individual: - Neuroticism
● Collapsed into 3
Real or Fictitious Psychodynamics - Main traits (PEN)
- Psychoticism
3. Rituals - Extrovertedness
● Early childhood experiences
- Activities (may be religious or social) ● Relationship with parents during childhood - Neuroticism
participated in by a group of people for the ● Unconscious part of the mind as guiding force We all have these 5 main traits it's either we have
fulfillment of desired objectives and are that shape personality development HIGH or LOW on each of this:
considered to be socially essential
Cognitive/ Behavioral
Contemporary World