0D206-DDW-K-150-KA-0013 - 02 - IFC - 20230901 (Fair Up Procedure)
0D206-DDW-K-150-KA-0013 - 02 - IFC - 20230901 (Fair Up Procedure)
0D206-DDW-K-150-KA-0013 - 02 - IFC - 20230901 (Fair Up Procedure)
EX-DE 02 01-09-2023 Issued for Construction I.Bhosle Z. Rankovic F. E.Wahl
EX-DE 01 18-08-2023 Issued for Approval I.Bhosle Z. Rankovic F. E.Wahl
EX-DE 00 26-07-2023 Issued for Review I.Bhosle Z. Rankovic F. E.Wahl
Validity Revision
Status Number Prepared Checked Approved Contractor Company
Date Description
by by by Approved Approved
Revision Index
Company logo and business name LCI Activity Code: Company Document ID:
LCI-CI-2023-0001 540401DBPT01013
Project code: Job N.:
Contractor logo and business name Contractor Document ID:
0D206-DDW-K-150-KA-0013 Rev.
Contract N.:5000000427 02
Vendor logo and business name Vendor Document ID:
S11020-DD-000-QP-021 Rev
Drydocks world - Dubai Purchase Order N.: 02
Facility & Sub Facility Description Project and SoW description Scale Sheet of Sheets
EX-DE 02
00 Issued for Review
01 Issued for Approval
02 Issued for Construction
EX-DE 02
1. SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. PURPOSE.................................................................................................................................................................. 4
3. DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
5. RESPONSIBILITY .................................................................................................................................................. 7
6. EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................ 8
8. PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................... 13
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1.1 Heat straightening is used for correcting deformations that occur during welding of
constructions. This procedure specifies the manner in which heat straightening can be
carried out and monitored.
1.2 Heat straightening and straightening by mechanical means may only be used on a
case-by-case basis with prior Company approval.
1.4 This procedure is applicable for carbon steels with maximum temperature 550C.
1.5 Dimensional or straightening corrections after welding by means of local heating are
not allowed for piping. This procedure is applicable only for structural components.
2. Purpose
2.1 To define, monitor and control the method to be used when performing heat
straightening on various welded structures having excessive distortion in order to avoid
deterioration of mechanical properties of material.
3. Definitions
3.1 Neutral Flame: Neutral flame is obtained by burning equal amounts of oxygen and
acetylene (almost exactly one to one ratio) at the tip of a torch. This flame can be
identified by the luminous, well-defined white cone at the torch tip, and fairly long
almost colourless outer envelope, which is blue or orange at its leading edge.
3.2 Oxidising Flame: The oxidizing flame results from burning a mixture which contains
more oxygen than that required for a neutral flame. The outer flame envelope is much
shorter and tends to far out at the end. On the other hand, the neutral and carburizing
envelopes tend to come to a sharp point.
3.3 Reducing Flame: The reducing (or carburizing) flame, is created when the proportion
of acetylene in the mixture is higher than that required to produce the neutral flame. A
reducing flame can be recognized by acetylene feather which exists between the inner
core and the outer envelope. Outer envelope is longer than that of the neutral flame
and is usually much brighter in colour.
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3.5 Oxygen: is an odourless, tasteless and colourless gaseous element. The principal
property of oxygen is that it will support combustion. It will combine with other
substances in the production of flame.
3.6 Blowpipes: a device for mixing and burning gases to produce a flame for heating
3.8 Gas Cylinder: a portable container (under pressure) used for transportation and
storage of a compressed gas.
3.9 Pressure Regulator: a valve which is attached to the cylinder to control the gas
pressure from the cylinder.
Properties Acetylene Propane
Chemical formula C2H2 C3 H8
Ratio of volume of oxygen to fuel gas 1.2:1 4.3:1
Specific gravity 0.9 1.6
Flame temperature when burned with Oxygen 3100°C 2800°C
Heat Distribution Primary Flame (KJ/m3) 18890 10433
Heat Distribution Secondary Flame (KJ/m3) 35882 85325
Heat Intensity (MJ/m2/s) 61 31
Table: 1 Comparison of Acetylene and Propane
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4. References
4.2 DNV-OS-C401 July 2021 edition, Fabrication and Testing of Offshore Structures
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5. Responsibility
5.1 Apart from being familiar with this procedure, Heat Straightening activity is mainly
based on hands-on operator experience, and it will require time to gain the skill.
Department Manager will maintain the list of Operators trained and authorized by him
to perform heat straightening.
5.2 It is responsibility of Supervisor in charge to allocate heat straightening work only to the
operator who has the necessary skills and experience. Operator must be well aware of
how the work piece will react to heating and how shrinkage forces can be utilized in the
best manner for straightening.
5.5 QC inspector shall communicate to client for all heat straightening activities for possible
surveillance in accordance with ITP and verification of adherence to procedure.
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6. Equipment
6.2 Blowpipes with single or multi-flame heat configurations (2 nozzle, 3 nozzle and 5
nozzle) can be used as shown `typical in Fig-3 and Fig-4. Selection of nozzle type shall
be based on level of distortion and configuration of job. In general, multiple nozzles are
recommended where distortion levels are higher and where larger areas requires
distortion correction.
Fig-3 Fig-4
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7.1 Heat straightening is based on physical principle that metals expand when heated and
contracts when cooled. If expansion is restricted, compressive stresses build up and
result in plastic deformations if temperatures are high enough. Upon cooling, the plastic
deformations remains. Important parameters for heat straightening are material type,
grade and condition of supply, material thickness, coefficient of thermal expansion,
thermal conductivity and level of structure restrain. Based on those inputs following
aspects shall be defined: flame type, nozzle size and number of nozzles, maximum
temperature allowed, flame distance, heating pattern and possible application of
external restrain.
7.2 Since principle of heat straightening is rapid heating of local well-defined section of
structure and bearing in mind natural tendency of immediate heat dissipation due to
thermal conductivity of metals, oxy-acetylene flame is used for this purpose. It is very
important that pure oxygen is used because compressed air or suction air will
drastically reduce speed of heating. Oxygen pressure shall be 4 - 5 bar.
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Fig-6 Fig-7
7.3 Flame distance from surface to be heated is very important parameter and shall be
maintained in a required distance to avoid any possible damage of material properties.
In general, contact flame cone shall be used for most of applications or cone max. 4
mm away from the plate surface. Standoff or impinging flame cone can be applied for
some specific applications, after consultation with Welding Engineer.
7.4 The cooling medium and whether accelerated cooling is applied depends on material.
Cooling with water or compressed air after heating does not increase success rate of
straightening operation. It merely accelerates straightening operation. However,
additional cooling of adjacent areas during heating process positively influences
upsetting and enhances the straightening effect. Accelerated cooling may be
This document is property of Eni Cote D’Ivoire.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Status Number
EX-DE 02
performed. (Avoid water flow more than 3l/min. and less than 120mm behind of flame
7.5 The part to be heated for straightening shall be substantially free of stress and from
external forces, except those stresses resulting from the mechanical straightening
method used in conjunction with the application of heat.
7.6 Temperature control during heat straightening process is one of the most critical
aspects in heat straightening process due to its effect on mechanical properties of
material. Considering relatively high thermal conductivity of all metals, it is very
important to define stages, locations and methods of surface temperature monitoring.
Operator shall continuously monitor the material surface color of heated zone during
the heating process in order to assess current material temperature (refer the color
chart given in the Fig. 13). Direct flame application phase is called short superficial
heating, and, for carbon steels, surface temperature shall be ≤550°C (slightly red
color). After flame is removed from the heated zone, temperature crayons or digital
pyrometers shall be used for temperature measurement.
7.7 If temperature crayons are used, first closest temperature to that maximum allowed
shall be selected, and the crayon should not melt during checking of plate surface
7.8 The size of nozzle should be selected according to the thickness and type of material.
Below Table 2 can be used as a guidance:
Table 2
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7.9 Constant progress of the blowpipe at the correct speed for the size of nozzle selected
can be maintained by observation of the heat zones formed by the individual nozzle.
Fig-9 below indicates the desired heat pattern. The gap between the heat zones begins
approx. at 1/3 width of the heat zone itself.
7.10 When the heat input is insufficient the gap between the heat zones is wider than the
width of heat zone and this indicates that the speed is too high, see Fig-10
7.11 When the heat input is excessive the gap between heat zones will not exist with heat
zones overlapping and this indicates that the speed is too low, see Fig-11.
7.12 Heat bands should be approx. 100mm long on a 4 - 6mm thick plate and approx.
250mm long on an 8 - 12mm thick plate.
7.13 The distance between the heat bands should be approx. 100mmm to 250mm
depending upon the plate thickness.
This document is property of Eni Cote D’Ivoire.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Status Number
EX-DE 02
8.2 Using chalk, mark off the locations and width of heat shots.
8.4 Ignite the torch and adjust the same to achieve required flame characteristic (neutral,
oxidizing or carburizing), as recommended in Table 2.
8.5 Start heating on the selected area. Measure the temperature of heated areas using
digital pyrometer or temperature crayons.
8.6 Maximum allowable temperature for heat straightening shall be as per the Table 3.
Process Water cooling just
Under 650 °C
AH32-EH32 & after heating
TMCP type Air cooling after
AH36-DH36 Under 900°C
EX-DE 02
8.7 Continuously monitor the colour of the heated zone surface, advance the flame when
the metal surface becomes slight - red.
8.8 Continue heating in this manner along the complete length of the pre-determined line.
8.10 For maximum efficiency, the nozzle shall not be moved back to starting point.
9.1 Check the admissible deviations in the specification before starting heat straightening.
9.3 Heat straightening should not start until all the welds are completed.
9.4 Heat straightening should start with areas with lowest distortions in structure.
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9.6 When plates are hot, the distortions will be higher than the initial value. Wait for the
temperature to get reduced before starting a new heating. Measure the effect of
straightening only after complete cooling to ambient temperature.
9.9 Heat Straightening shall be completed before final NDT. NDT Report becomes invalid if
heat straightening is applied and must be repeated.
9.10 Heat Straightening is not recommended after final dimensional control is completed. It
can affect validity of previously completed measurements even at the distance from
heat straightening location.
9.12 Being heavier in nature, propane shall not be used in closed areas.
9.13 Single nozzle torches are generally used with propane and acetylene, multiple nozzle
torches are generally used with acetylene considering consumptoin of oxygen with
propane is higher as described in Table 1.
10.1.2 Begin by straightening the plate directly above the stiffeners. Always locate one of
the flames directly above the stiffener, while the remaining flames are displaced according to
the type of deformations in the surrounding plate.
10.1.3 The following examples illustrate the location of the blowpipes. In this case (Fig-14)
the plate has been symmetrically deformed on both sides of the stiffener either upwards (+) or
downwards (-). The blowpipe is then located symmetrically with one flame on either side of
the stiffener, despite the fact that this is the concave side of the stiffener.
EX-DE 02
- -
+ +
10.1.4 This plate (Fig-15 below) is asymmetrically deformed, where deformation will be
upwards in one side of the stiffener and downwards on the plate. In this case, the blowpipe
should be applied eccentrically. One of the outer flames is located directly above the stiffener
while the remaining flames are over the side of the stiffener where the plate is deformed
+ -
10.1.5 In the case of Fig-16 below, the blowpipe is located eccentrically, since the plate is
flat in the middle. The plate there will rise and then revert back to the original shape. In this
case also the flames are placed over the high parts.
- +- 0
10.1.6 The stiffeners are distinctly visible in Fig-17 below. Since the plate has been
deformed downwards to both sides of the stiffeners. Only one flame should be located directly
over the stiffeners.
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10.1.7 In Fig-18 middle portion of plate is not deformed. In this case, the operator should
apply the blowpipe eccentrically while carefully observing how the plate reacts to the heating.
If the plate drops down, the blowpipe must be returned to the normal position with the center
flame directly over the stiffener.
- +
- + - - + -
10.1.8 If extreme deformation still remains after the first straightening passes 1-2, further
straightening may be necessary. These passes are marked with the numbers 3-6 in Fig-19.
1 3 5 6 4 2
10.1.9 In cramped areas (Fig-20 below) the blowpipe can be displaced by half the distance
between the flames line 3 and 4 – since heating the same area twice is not recommended.
Also ensure that there is space between the heat bands during the second straightening.
Otherwise, the stiffener may bend out.
EX-DE 02
3 4
1 2
1& 2
10.1.10 The appearance of the plate after the initial straightening with the blowpipe
eccentrically located must be studied carefully. Buckles with large bumps are difficult to
10.1.11 A buckle suitable for renewed heating appears in Fig-21 below. This buckle have the
smooth contours that are necessary for a second straightening pass to make possible.
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10.2.1 After the area around the beams is straightened, the remaining buckles in the
intermediate plate surfaces shall be treated.
10.2.4 First 2 spots are heated (represented by-1). After they have cooled, their extended
areas (represented by-2) are heated. It is important that heating shall not be resumed until the
first spots have completely cooled down.
10.2.5 If the deformation is not corrected by heating the middle of the plate, new heating
bands, represented by-3 must be applied to the sides.
3 3
EX-DE 02
10.2.6 Continued heating is carried out according to either Fig-24 or Fig-25. If the buckles
are uniformly distributed over the entire plate, headbands shall be applied in accordance with
below figures.
+ +0 +0
- -
3 3
4 4 4 4
Fig-24 Fig-25
10.2.7 If there are any sections where the upper part in convexly distorted and the lower
part is concavely distorted, straightening should be done in accordance with fig-26 a), b), c),
First, the part that is convexly distorted is straightened from the outside (1 and 2).
The lower part is then heated from the inside (3 and 4). Observe that the heating bands on
both the outside and the inside form a common pattern and that heating is executed from the
convex side of the plate.
Whether the final heating (5) in the transitional area between (+) to (-) are to be done from the
outside or the inside must be determined in each individual case. Heating shall be carried out
from the convex side which means from outside. In this case, the blowpipe shall be moved
upwards. If head is applied from the inside the blowpipe is moved in the opposite direction.
a) b) c) d)
+ 5 5
2 2
4 4
- 3
This document is property of Eni Cote D’Ivoire.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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EX-DE 02
10.2.8 Prominent buckles are difficult to straighten. If the blowpipe is applied in the manner
as described below in Fig-27 and Fig-28 the buckles will be extended, thereby lowering their
10.2.9 Here the flame is applied in the middle of the buckles and directed forward. This will
preheat the material over a large area and the plate will then rise towards the flame (in
forward direction).
Forward Forward
direction direction
Starting Starting
point point
Fig-27 Fig-28
10.2.10 After the buckle has been extended in one direction, the blowpipe is directed at the
middle and the buckle is extended in the other direction. The buckle then loses its rigidity and
becomes easier to straighten.
10.2.11 For plates approx. 12mm thick or more, it is usually sufficient to treat only the
angular deformation. If the stiffeners are thick and the angular deformation is not too great, a
five-flame torch is used. In this case also, the length of the heat bands shall be approx. 250 –
350mm. If the initial heating pass is not sufficient to straighten the deformation, further
heating may be required between first heat bands.
10.2.12 Fig-29 below shows how a plate with stiffeners, butt weld and having thickness of
12mm is straightened.
EX-DE 02
1 2 3 4 5 6
-7 +4 +3 -6 -3
(- 2) (± 0) (- 1) (- 1) (+ 1)
10.2.13 First the plate surrounding stiffeners 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 is straightened using a five-
flame blowpipe. Due to the extreme deformation at stiffener 5, only a three-flame blowpipe
was used there, since a five-flame blowpipe could make the deformation worse. After the first
heating pass, it was apparent that insufficient straightening had been obtained around the
butt weld. Therefore, continuous heat bands were applied over stiffeners 1 and 2.
Straightening was further increased by using hacks to lift the butt weld form the inside and
using wedges on the outside.
10.2.14 For plates approx. 6mm thick three-flame torch should be used and the heat bands
should be approx. 100 – 150mm long.
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10.4.1 Begin by heating the horizontal flange at the point indicated by the thin arrow.
10.4.2 Heat both flanges. Begin at 1 and continue with the other at 2.
This document is property of Eni Cote D’Ivoire.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties nor used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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EX-DE 02
10.5 I – Beams
10.5.1 Heat both flanges simultaneously, starting at the points indicated by 1 and continue
with the web at 2.
10.5.2 Begin by heating the web at 1 and continue with the flange at 2.
10.6 T – Beams
10.6.1 Begin by heating the horizontal flange at the point indicated by the arrow
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Fig. 40
10.9.1 Heat straightening should start with horizontal plates followed with underlying walls,
as per Fig-41 below.
10.9.2 Heat straightening should start with frames first, followed with plates / panels.
10.9.3 Heat straightening should start from midship to extremities and from bottom to deck.
10.9.4 Heat straightening should start with decks, platforms and followed by longitudinal &
transversal bulkheads and side shall.
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Fig. 41