Infinity - O-12 (2d20)
Infinity - O-12 (2d20)
Infinity - O-12 (2d20)
Benn Graybeaton, Giles Pritchard, Mitchell German and Jonathan 'Killstring' Herzberger
Bagus Hutomo
Cameron Ax, Toma Feizo Gas, Aitor Holgado, Bagus Hutomo, Vincent Laik, Andre Meister, Edson Pagola, Reynan Sanchez, Vladimir
Marc Langworthy, Rodrigo Vilanova
Benn Graybeaton, Nathan Dowdell, Mark Redacted, Justin Alexander, Marc Langworthy
Thank you to Corvus Belli—Alberto, Gutier, Carlos, and Fernando—for letting us play in your world!
This is a work of fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental
and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context.
The O-12 is the peacekeeper of the Human Sphere. Born from a coalition of democratic nations and the
remains of the UN, O-12 is a legislative government body with a single aim in mind – security for all who
live within the Human Sphere.
From toppling corrupt corporations and levelling trade monopolies, to providing aid and military enforce-
ment against militia groups, O-12 agents are proficient both in the boardroom and in all known theatres
of war. They are well funded, well equipped, and uniquely positioned, with field offices located on all major
planets within the Sphere. Taking action that doesn’t draw the gaze of O-12 is a skill within itself, and
conducting business without the usual regulation has become the ultimate dream of many hypercorps.
O-12 provides regulation and guidance in everything from agriculture to manufacturing, from policing
to education. Divided up into a number of Bureaus, O-12 takes action against any organisation who does
not uphold the spirit of their all-important ‘Pillars’ by responding with the full weight of their political
o-12 3
This sourcebook serves to provide the reader with everything they need to know about O-12, from the
organisation’s history and structure, right through to its key figures, geographical presence, and even the
equipment and weapons that can be found in the hands of its agents throughout the Human Sphere.
PILLARS OF O-12 This book, however, aims to be more than simply a guide to using O-12 in your games of Infinity: The
Unity, Cooperation, Support, and
Roleplaying Game. Instead, this book’s true purpose it to inspire GMs and players alike to want to delve into
Progress – the very Pillars upon
the world of governmental control and law enforcement, to promote new ideas for storytelling and give
which O-12 was formed. This
foundation shapes the core of the whole experience of playing Infinity a new twist.
O-12’s mission statement and It’s a dangerous and volatile world out there… now’s your chance to make it a better place.
is the message they promote
throughout the Human Sphere.
Delve into the foundations of O-12 with an insight O-12’s reach and infrastructure are supported not
to the faction’s military capabilities and structure, only by the wealth of resources on Concilium Prima,
as well as the rules of engagement that they but also throughout its significant network of
adhere to when assessing whether to get involved embassies that can be found scattered throughout
in any potential situation. the Human Sphere. Home to political leaders,
ambassadors, and diplomats, these outposts and
This chapter also probes the identity of O-12
sanctuaries are key in controlling legislation and
members and studies not only the loyalty of its
providing a stable regulatory platform.
agents, but also the corruption and manipulation of
individuals and what impact that can have on the O-12 embassies have an open-door policy, inviting
political landscape that O-12 strives to govern. the concerns of the surrounding nations, where
local ambassadors can tackle issues on a case-by-
Finally, we take a look at Shimmering Sky, the
case basis. This relationship with other nations is
incredible climate control system on Concilium
one of the driving forces behind O-12’s acceptance
Prima and the role it plays, not only in the atmos-
throughout the Sphere and why they are so well
pheric stability of the planet, but also as O-12’s
positioned to take control of rising struggles before
primary controller of communications both on and
they get out of hand.
off world.
4 Introduction
o-12 5
With jurisdictional power and remit to set and enforce international laws throughout the Human Sphere,
O-12 is the lynchpin that holds the weft of humanity together. A pseudo-nation in its own right, O-12 is
forthright in its independence and has been one of the most powerful and influential forces that endeav-
ours to thwart a slide into total war and anarchy. From the Concilium system and the main planet of
Concilium Prima, the laws, regulations, decisions, and interventions carried out under O-12’s auspices have
had a profound impact on humanity. O-12 provides a stable and visionary goal for what humanity could
and should be as a group of independent nations and dynamic wash of cultural tropes and ideals. O-12 is
the hand on the tiller, the navigator who has managed to weather devastating storms and tempestuous
waters, guiding humanity forward into a better tomorrow.
6 Chapter 1
governmental bureaucracies and corporations to served with distinction in the military and have the
the rulings of O-12. Section Spatha, also known depth of skill required to deal with a wide range of
more commonly as SWORDFOR, is responsible for mission types in a variety of circumstances. O-12’s
the physical reinforcement of O-12’s rulings, where SWORDFOR also captures the imagination and
required. In this capacity, SWORDFOR manages admiration of popular culture, with a number of
and deploys O-12 personnel in potential conflict Maya dramas based on their more famous missions,
zones, on peacekeeping missions, as security, and and a wildly popular infotainment sensaseries
into active warzones. Breaches of agreements, called The Line that follows a semi-fictional unit
treaties, and conventions are determined by the of the Special Crimes Squad, the Venatio, on their
courts, which are, in turn, handed over to Bureau operations throughout the Human Sphere.
Aegis. Traditionally, when Bureau Aegis is activated
Although relatively small in comparison to a
by a court ruling or a direct order from the Petite
majority of the standing armies of the Human
Assemblée or Öberhaus, the case is first handled by
Sphere, SWORDFOR has managed to create a name
Section Statera. If legal pressure is found wanting
for itself as a highly effective, militarised police
or a risk analysis deems it will be ineffective,
force. When Bureau Aegis restructured during the
cases are in turn passed on to Section Spatha to
latter stages of the NeoColonial Wars, creating
be physically investigated, executed, or otherwise
SWORDFOR and Starmada, a large quantity of
dealt with. Section Spatha may also be directly
the earmarked money was funnelled off into the
activated by a ruling from the Security Council, and
creation of research and development departments
indeed, while a larger number of cases are referred
operating mainly from Surt. These have paid divi-
through Section Statera, the more significant
dends over the years, redeveloping the technology
operations Section Spatha have been involved with
donated to O-12 into more advanced and highly
have come directly from the Security Council.
effective weapons, armour, and remotes.
The military arm of the O-12, Section Spatha is
Taken as a whole, SWORDFOR is one of the most
made up of two key branches each with their
comprehensively trained forces in the Sphere, and
own roles and jurisdictions. Most commonly seen
little wonder given the range of missions on which
throughout the Human Sphere and able to travel
they have served as investigators, active combat-
freely under the Bureau Aegis badge, the Global
ants, and peacekeepers. SWORDFOR also receives
Police (GloPol) specialise in criminal investigations,
a widely unrecognised and significant level of sup-
forensic and crime scene analysis, financial crimes,
port from ALEPH, who sees the force as operating
and so on. GloPol officers are often employed in
toward broadly the same goals but with a greater
an advisory role to governmental police forces or
remit for action throughout the Human Sphere. As
corporate security.
a result of these factors, any force SWORDFOR is
The second branch of Section Spatha, and often able to bring to bear in a conflict far outstrips its
used in interdiction operations or as tactical numbers and technology both in capability and
assault forces, is the Bureau Aegis Tactical Police intelligence.
Department. SWORDFOR tactical operatives
Specialising in small-scale operations and func-
are often called in to act in response to GloPol
tioning without heavy support, units in SWORDFOR
investigations and may be deployed to deal with
have served throughout the Human Sphere to
a variety of situations. The tactical department of
take down rogue mercenary outfits, criminal
SWORDFOR are, both functionally and in terms of
organisations, pirates, and corporate armies. They
capability, more like a peace keeping force. While
have provided peacekeeping forces on Ariadna,
SWORDFOR remains a police and investigatory
Svarlarheima, Paradiso, and most recently in
body, a majority of its troops can be found in Kappa
support of Greater Japan. SWORDFOR units have
Units including roles in peace keeping and human-
also provided troopers to serve on the front lines
itarian support. SWORDFOR also contains a number
of Paradiso, and now, on Dawn. These forces may
of units that could be described as more militarised
be threaded among those of other nations and are
that are capable of fulfilling a variety of roles
most regularly used for special operations. Officers
professionally, often unconventionally, and almost
and the elite of SWORDFOR are regularly employed
always successfully. Many, including some corpo-
in advisory or training roles with other national
rate and government agencies, have criticised the
armies and have even been known to assist in the
existence of the SWORDFOR as a bait and switch
development and training of mercenary units and
that allows O-12 to deploy highly trained military
corporate security teams, although the application
operatives into a much wider range of deployment
process for such privately funded roles can be so
zones than they would otherwise have the author-
convoluted that the procedure alone dissuades
isations for. There are very few, however, who dare
many companies and corporations from employing
suggest that the SWORDFOR unit is ineffective.
SWORDFOR training.
On the contrary, SWORDFOR operatives are fright-
eningly capable and highly elite. Most members
8 Chapter 1
government, economy, and all the machinery fair and natural expression of nationalistic emotion
of a functional nation state. O-12 straddles an and zeal in others is often regarded as unaccept-
interesting line, its role and function within the able from citizens of O-12. Fair or otherwise, the
Human Sphere is as a mediator, legal contingency, pressure to live up to the neutral level-headedness
and aspirational guide. To maintain these various and impartiality that O-12 is expected to embody
roles it strives above all else for independence and can be burdensome, especially to the younger
impartiality, yet, at the same time it is also a grow- generations of this pseudo-nation.
ing nation with significant economic and political
O-12 and Concilium Prima particularly are cultural
influence. As many analysts of geopolitical history
melting pots. The cities and towns of Concilium
have observed, the next twenty to fifty years will be
Prima are dominated by cultural enclaves, and
defining for O-12. Will it be able to maintain a care-
while the ideals of the Pillars provide a sense of
ful balance in the power structures of the Human
harmony and the cultural zeitgeist of inclusivity
Sphere, or will it slide into a position of being just
and unity are a bonding factor, old loyalties swirl
another national power striving to find its own
beneath the surface. These former allegiances are
path to ascendancy in the Human Sphere?
plucked and played by all manner of manipulators.
Commonly quoted as the mantra of the peoples O-12 sits in a position of political influence and
who call Concilium Prima their home and O-12 power within the Human Sphere, and even the
their nation is the saying La tajdo de unueco nin families who can trace their lineages back to the
kune or “the tide of unity brings us together”. The first settlers of Concilium Prima are young enough
people who make up the citizenry of O-12 are an to still have familial ties in other nations in the
eclectic melange of nationalities and ethnicities. Human Sphere. Much time and energy are spent by
Many of the older generations were attracted the other nations on wooing or coercing citizens,
to O-12 by the promise of what it stood for, by especially those who have relations in other
the opportunity to be a part of the very stitching nations or who may be groomed to have a position
that holds an otherwise conflict-ridden humanity within the bureaus or agencies of O-12.
together and a vision for what humanity can and
should strive for. Nowadays, a majority of the
younger generation is born and bred O-12, but CORRUPTION AND
there are still a significant number of citizens
attracted to join O-12 for the optimism that it MANIPULATION
embodies. Those indigenous to O-12 are, by and
Overseeing a vast portfolio of economic, techno-
large, influenced by the educated idealism of their
logical, social, legal, and military issues, often in a
parents and grandparents. Every year a larger and
managerial or judgemental capacity, places O-12 at
larger portion of those citizens who fill roles within
the beating heart of cooperative and competitive
the bureaus and agencies are native born. A number
negotiation throughout the Human Sphere. From
of citizens have joined the nation because their
aid packages, trade deals, military operations, polit-
families were sent there for work, and within the
ical cooperation, corporate negotiation, and the
household, the O-12 administration is seen not so
settling of high-level legal disputes, O-12 is front
much as a home or the nation to which they belong
and centre, the impartial administrator that ensures
but as a posting, while their personal loyalties
justice is maintained and everyone gets the fairest
still ache for their familial homelands. A sense of
deal given the context of the situation. As with any
national identity is a cultural phenomenon still in
such position, there is never a happy medium. It is
its infancy. Much like that nationhood of O-12 itself,
rare that all parties involved in a deal or dispute
some sense of a unifying cultural distinctiveness is
walk away feeling completely content with the res-
growing and is dominated by the adherence to and
olution, and it is almost always the case that one
idealism of the Pillars of O-12.
or all of the parties involved feel like they received
Being a member of O-12, whether in an official the poorer outcome. As the old saying goes, heavy
capacity or as a civilian, comes with expectations. is the head that wears the crown, something that
There is a pressure to live up to a certain standard is as true of O-12 as it ever was for king or dictator.
in behaviour and temperance that is applied by the Despite its integral role in the Human Sphere, and
social and cultural norms of O-12 and a certain despite the all too often made assertion that O-12
level of expectation in terms of behaviour, attitude, tries to assert itself like a king or ruler, the reality is
and bearing that is applied to members of O-12 far from the truth.
from other nationalities. This burden is felt by all
While O-12 has significant powers in its capacity
at some point or other in their lives, and by those
to mediate solutions, its rulings are sometimes
who travel widely or operate in an official capacity,
treated with little more than lip-service. Nations
it is something that must often be struggled with,
and corporations alike are only too happy to see a
especially when a situation is palpably unfair or
dispute dragged through years of legal wrangling
emotionally charged. What may be written off as a
10 Chapter 1
which are processed by selection panels assisted propagation of radio waves from the surface. The
by ALEPH Aspects. When a team is assembled for a Shimmering Sky would allow the O-12 organisation
specific task, legal case, or panel, the people who a method to control, in essence, the most used
make it up represent the diverse interests that may communication systems, especially between
seek to influence the processes. It is not a perfect the surface of the planet and orbit. The control
solution to the age-old problem, but by pitting of communication channels provide significant
bias against bias, the influence of corruption is, to benefits for an organisation that sits at the heart of
some extent, mitigated before it has too much of a the conflicts, negotiations, and deals of the power
chance to dominate one side of an issue. brokers of the Human Sphere.
Corruption, old loyalties, and personal biases are all Relay towers for radio wavelengths on the surface,
factors that can lead to a break down in processes, and relay stations floating in the atmosphere,
dysfunction, and the loss of impartiality. Through which bounce microwave transmissions from the
the recognition and manipulation of this, rather surface to their target destination, allow for a
than the blind hope it will never occur, O-12 con- fairly seamless communication system. Of course,
tinues to do its best to maintain at least a veneer these relays are state owned and run as a part of
of impartiality and objectivity in its rulings and the Bureau Gaea portfolio. It is widely understood,
enforcements. especially among the nations and corporations who
deal with O-12, that the relay stations are moni-
tored closely by Bureau Noir. This is especially true
THE SHIMMERING of the floating relays that essentially provide win-
dows through which communications between the
SKY planetary surface and orbit can be made. There are
several thousand of these floating stations across
A constantly moving network of trillions of nano-
Concilium Prima, each one filtering and monitoring
machines, programmed to respond to one another
the myriad of communications beamed from or
like birds in flight and controlled from the Bureau
to the surface. Each one is also, at any point, the
Gaea facility in Bhai, seed the upper atmosphere of
potential target for those who would seek to find
Concilium Prima. From orbit, this blanket of nano-
a way to communicate unmonitored. Such attacks
machines causes the surface of Concilium Prima
come often and may be hacking attempts from the
to seem pixelated, or appear to swim, as if viewed
surface or orbit, or even clandestine assaults on
through water, which is where the system gets its
the relay stations themselves, mercenary strikes
name — the Shimmering Sky.
to install hardware or malware into the relay and
Originally conceived to combat the accelerated allow backchannel communications. Bureau Aegis
greenhouse effect caused by the volcanic activity of and Bureau Noir both are tasked with ensuring the
the Choola region, the nanomachines scrub harmful communications systems maintain their integrity,
gases, predominantly excess carbon dioxide, as but it is a constant battle.
well as particulate from the atmosphere. Despite
One curious effect of the Shimmering Sky has
its distance from the star Concilium, the luminosity
been the use of old-fashioned spying and commu-
of the star, combined with an atmosphere thick
nications technologies on Concilium Prima. With
with greenhouse gases, had put Concilium Prima
communications channels so heavily monitored
in the early stages of a runaway greenhouse effect.
and contact between assets in orbit and the
When the planet was identified and surveyed, the
surface often so integral to the shifting nature of
regulation of the atmosphere was identified as a
deals, court cases, and negotiations, a reversion to
vital component of the terraformation process.
old-fashioned techniques for sneaking intelligence
One of the O-12 teams working for the nascent and communiques between parties has seen some
Bureau Gaea, headed by engineer Nguyễn Thi Lâm, interesting strategies. Implanted data-packets are
realised that the proposed nanomachine network relatively easy to pick up via scans, but the employ-
being developed for use on Concilium Prima could ment of written messages or codes printed onto
have further applications that would suit the needs temporary tattoos, concealed cyphers reassembling
of the organisation once the planet became the messages hidden in blockchains, data smuggled
centre of the O-12 bureaucracy. What was to be in goods, artworks, or codes imprinted into music
solely a method for regulating the atmosphere files and the like have all been techniques used by
became, after some brilliant technical develop- intelligence operatives from other nations attempt-
ment, a method for regulating communications ing to find a way around the Shimmering Sky. One
channels on and from the planetary surface. The thing is certain, if the Shimmering Sky was a stroke
nanomachine network, which became known as of genius, the methods being used to subvert or
the Shimmering Sky, was designed so that, in avoid it do much to demonstrate the endless crea-
addition to stabilising the atmosphere, it would tivity of human ingenuity.
cause microwave beam attenuation and effect the
12 Chapter 2
in harbour and the settlements themselves from drone footage and stories of the splendour of
the potentially damaging waves. While those living the waterfalls and valley systems are something FIRST RESPONSE
along the coast are well versed in the dangers of a legend among the students and lecturers of Bureau Concilium, in conjunction
inherent to the tides, injuries and even fatalities Concilium University. It is the dream of many a with Bureau Gaea and the
remain all too common mostly among tourists and young biology major to take part in one of the few climatologists from the Manaheim
those who ignore the safety warnings to surf or sail funded expeditions to this region of the planet. University, run the largest weather
monitoring alert system on
in dangerous conditions.
The continued manipulation of the weather pat- Concilium Prima. The weather
Emergency responders serve in a multi-role terns and climate of Concilium Prima has allowed station provides weather and
capacity, receiving training to provide support in for human habitation in a way and to an extent that emergency updates across the
emergencies, reducing the dangers, as well as direct would never have been possible otherwise. Despite planet and liaises with emergency
action on the ground, including providing medical this, many leading scientists have voiced concerns services in identifying threats
and the ongoing analysis
support. Emergency responders may even receive about the long-term effects of the process. Not
of emergencies.
basic combat training, and the pathways into and only has the adjustment to the climate made the
from the Bureau Aegis Global Police are strong. planet more amenable to plant and animal life
introduced from other systems, but it has also had
With a slight axial tilt, the variation in seasonal
a significant impact on the natural cycles of the
patterns across the planet surface is not signifi-
native species. This was to be expected, of course,
cantly noticeable. The tropical zone extends well
but the degree to which the changes in the climate
up into Midgard and down into Jaulan, and the
of Concilium Prima have impacted the life cycles
year-round weather is warm and muggy. In the
and breeding habits of the native flora and fauna
northernmost portion of Midgard and the south-
has led some to speculate that the planet could be
ernmost portion of Jaulan, the seasonal changes
approaching a catastrophic collapse in the complex
are more temperate, with cold winters and hot
web of relationships between the living organisms
summers. The most northern and southern regions
on the planet. While these concerns are regularly
of Jotumheim and Helheim respectively sit within
dismissed as unnecessary fearmongering, it has
the polar latitudes. These locations are bitterly cold,
been noted that the algal blooms, which appear to
windswept, and icy all year. Even in the middle of
have thrived on the trace elements deposited in
summer, the sun stays close to the horizon, and
the oceans across the planet from the volcanic rifts
daylight hours are relatively fleeting.
across the Choola region, are diminishing year in,
Along the length of the coastlines, squalls are year out. Given these same algal blooms produce a
common. These storms can form quickly, coming off significant percentage of the oxygen on Concilium
the ocean to wrack the land with rainfall and high Prima and that they are a foundational component
winds. The heaviest rainfall anywhere on Concilium in many food webs for larger organisms the fishing
Prima however, comes to the north and south of the industries of the planet rely on, there is, perhaps,
El-Gebal mountain range that separates Choola and some cause for concern.
Jaulan. To the south, rain falls in monsoonal tor-
rents almost all year, causing the jungles of Jaulan
close to the mountain range to be mired in great FLORA AND
swamps and a myriad of rivers and streams. To the
north of the El-Gebal, the storm cells pushed inland FAUNA
by the mountain range collect sulphur and other Far and away, the largest collective biomes on land
chemicals, which can lead to acid rain, something are the great savannahs that dominate and extend
the Terraforming Institute remains apoplectic about. from Midgard in the north, and south through
Over the area known as Loki’s Land, blankets of fog Maidan and the top of Choola. Punctuated by
are common and, on bad days, can be concentrated broadleaf forests in the north and jungles in the
enough to cause respiratory problems and other south, these grasslands stretch for thousands of
health complications, particularly in the young, kilometres. Genetic studies have shown the grasses
elderly, or those with sensitive or damaged lungs. of Concilium Prima are comprised of massive clonal
Thankfully neither the acid rain nor the fog travels colonies connected by a thick network of stolons (or
inland enough to threaten settled areas, but they runners), some of which may represent the largest
are enough of a concern to complicate scientific living organisms known to the Human Sphere. The
expeditions to the area. In the last few years, there stolons that connect the grasses form an extremely
have been a number of companies interested in dense mat, sometimes 20 centimetres or more
mining Loki’s Land as a source of industrial chemi- in depth, giving the ground a decidedly spongy
cals, and even one company that is developing rain feel. A number of small regional communities use
farms to catch acid rain. cuttings of these mats as a form of insulation, but
The El-Gebal mountain range is the largest and if the climate is particularly dry, they can also pose
highest on Concilium Prima. The foothills facing a significant fire risk. These stolon mats, which sit
the south are steep, a maze of deep valleys full of beneath the visible grass stems, have been argued
jungle and rushing torrents. Only partially explored, to constitute a seperate biome, and a whole web
14 Chapter 2
these blooms are visible from space and appear as until recently, are gigantic vessels, some the size
slowly moving, fractal-like patterns pockmarking of an office block. Beneath these hulking machines
the surface of the oceans. It is quite the sight – and are networks of great sluices. the aqua-harvesters
quite the tourist attraction. are designed to be piloted through an algal bloom
where the sluices allow the water and algae, and
Another diverse form of life is much like the crus-
any similar small creatures, to float away, but trap
taceans of Earth. These ground-dwelling creatures
the larger ones. This indiscriminate form of inten-
live most of their days on the abyssal plains of the
sive fishing had devastating consequences for life
ocean floor, but when the algae blooms occur, they
in the waters of Earth, and despite the importance
siphon water from a float bladder beneath their
of the fishing industry, there was little outcry as
shell and rise to the surface using their legs (which
it was allowed to go into decline. Nowadays it is
they have up to a dozen pairs) to swim. Their long
much more common for small teams of fishing
hairy protuberances flail around and then draw
boats to selectively fish for specific species of crus-
back and across their mouth parts removing the
tacean or nudibranch, which are in high demand
algae that are trapped in the hairs.
in the restaurants of the planet due to their tender
Feeding on the wide variety of crustaceans are and succulent flesh. For the core food supply, the
creatures much like the sea slugs or nudibranchs of aquafarms provide more than is required.
Earth. These can grow several metres in length and
Like on land, a number of introduced species
are brightly coloured. With four large multifaceted
are finding a growing foothold in the oceans of
eyes on stalks, these creatures tend to hunt from
Concilium Prima. These are mostly fish that have
below, spotting their prey by the pattern of light
escaped aquafarms and include species like salmon,
emitted from the algae the crustaceans are feeding
trout, pollock, and tuna.
on, then rising swiftly to envelop and wrap around
their target, crushing the shell, and pushing their
oral tentacles through the breaks to feed on the
soft flesh within. These creatures have been noted
to have made a number of recorded attacks against For all the industries and production that form
human divers, most of which have been fatal. an integral part of the economic machinery of
Concilium Prima, politics remains the largest
Undoubtedly the most dangerous animals to make
contributor to the wealth of the planet. With
the waters of Concilium Prima their home are giant
bureaucratic, legal, and judicial centres such as the
creatures much like the jellyfish of Earth. There are
Öberhaus, the Petite Assemblée, and the Courts of
a number of distinct, documented species, and they
Concilium, as well as the myriad of bureaus that
share very similar traits. These creatures can grow
support them, Concilium Prima is a fulcrum around
to be several hundred metres in diameter, while
which legislation and justice is served throughout
the largest ever recorded was close to a kilometre
the Human Sphere. Such functions of universal
across. They are transparent, and often every
importance naturally attract the attentions of gov-
difficult to spot, but produce a spectacular light
ernments, corporations, and individuals who wish
show using bioluminescent algae that live within
to take an active role in or influence the political
their membrane. They rely on ambush techniques,
spreading their membrane out just below the
surface and mimicking the colour patterns of an Vast sums of wealth are spent on lobby groups
algal bloom to attract would-be predators. The that represent corporate and government interests,
underside of the membrane reflexively envelops religious and social ideologies, and a variety of
the creatures that brush against it, administering a other agendas. Wealthy stakeholders — whether
powerful toxin. Once enough animals are caught in governments, corporations, or individuals — may
the membrane the creature sinks to a greater depth sponsor or support a range of lobby groups, each of
to slowly absorb its food. which reflects aspects of ideology or policy change
they themselves would like to see passed. These
Much of the marine life of Concilium Prima has,
lobby groups in turn pour vast sums of money into
at one time or another, been employed as a food
summits, meetings, retreats, and a slew of other
source for the growing population. The fishing
events designed to consolidate a supporter base,
industry, until a decade ago, was the key nutritional
refine and reinforce ideological positions, and build
foundation for the citizens of the planet. The
action plans that seek to influence the wheels of
rise and success of intensive aquatic farming
power. Significant sums are also spent creatively
techniques particularly in the Gulf of Choola have
to buy access to representatives, ambassadors,
led to a decline in the fishing industry as a whole.
corporate leaders, high ranking bureau officers,
Many biologists have raised concerns about the
and politicians. Bribery is, of course, illegal, but the
type of fishing that the planet was coming to
boundary between a paid guest or speaking role, a
rely on, so aquafarming received a sizeable seed
gift or endorsement, tickets to a high-end retreat
funding. Aqua-harvesters, which were widely used
or event is blurred and deliberately obfuscated
16 Chapter 2
Bureau Aegis is almost wholly funded by O-12 itself, and a portion of the tithes and taxes that go into supporting infrastructure
such as the Circulars also contribute to this budget. The exact amount of money Bureau Aegis receives annually is supposed
to be public domain, but the reality is that O-12 shifts a vast sum of money and materials to Bureau Aegis under the public
radar. Some governments and corporations complain about the money spent on O-12’s ‘private army’, but the roles Bureau Aegis
play in defending the Circulars and in warzones such as Paradiso have meant that public support across the Human Sphere is
broadly in favour.
Bureau Agni receives a significant portion of its annual budget from the fees and fines relating to investigations and breaches
of laws surrounding the development and application of technologies by corporations across the Human Sphere. The process
of applying for approval when dealing with borderline illegal technology (whether genetic, AI, military, or otherwise), can be
an expensive and drawn-out process, but one that is often valuable if the developer ever finds themselves investigated or in
court over a suspected breach.
Bureau Athena is ostensibly funded by O-12; however, the two largest sources of its annual income come from charitable
donations and from the micropayments millions of citizens around the Human Sphere make to access the histories and infor-
mational texts preserved and made available through Section Clio.
Bureau Concilium is funded directly by O-12 and is ostensibly the governing body of the Concilium system. The economy of the
planet and its various outposts, mines, and stations elsewhere in the system pour into the coffers of Bureau Concilium before
they are divided up between the bureaus and organisations that make up O-12.
Bureau Gaea secures a significant portion of its budget directly from Bureau Concilium as payment for ecological management
and managing the Shimmering Sky. They also receive a small percentage of their annual budget in direct donations.
Bureau Ganesh makes more money than is allocated to its own budget and counts toward the domestic product of the planet.
With a range of fines, fees, and taxes relating to trade deals and practices forming the largest part of their income, they also
make significant amounts running summits, seminars, think tanks, and retreats.
Bureau Hermes and its own corporate face, TransEtherea, is, by far and away, the wealthiest Bureau. On its own Bureau Hermes
represents a sizeable portion of Concilium Prima’s GDP. Most of its money comes in the form of licence and registration fees,
but the maintenance of the Circulars, jump gates, and docks around the Human Sphere all contribute a significant amount of
money as well. Financial restrictions on Bureau Hermes were imposed by other powers in the Human Sphere, which is one of
the reasons TransEtherea now runs the business side of the Circulars. But despite this interference, Hermes remains one of the
biggest contributors to the success of the Concilium Prima economy.
Bureau Lakshmi is funded almost exclusively by tithes paid directly from governments and power blocs throughout the Human
Sphere. Run as a not-for-profit, Bureau Lakshmi’s primary concern is for the health and well-being of all the citizens of human-
ity. Whatever grumbling might be heard about money going to Bureau Aegis or Hermes, there are rarely any complaints about
the payments made to Bureau Lakshmi. Everyone might agree that the money spent on Bureau Lakshmi is money well spent,
but that does not mean that everyone is always happy about the bureau’s operations. While the bureau provides guidelines and
hard rules about what is acceptable in terms of technological explorations concerning health and medical experimentation,
many nations and corporations disagree, appeal, or downright ignore their rulings.
Bureau Noir is funded directly by O-12. While a rough estimate of the annual budget may be ascertained by examining other
public financial records of O-12, the exact amount is never disclosed and never truly known.
Bureau Tiandi is directly funded by O-12, but also makes a significant amount of money selling survey data to governments
and corporations. This bureau has found several idiosyncratic locations where unique technologies have been developed or
explored. Rumours suggest that it has on a number of occasions sold surveys of such locations to corporations for a financial
stake in the technologies developed. A number of O-12 member states have made direct contributions to Bureau Tiandi, often
supporting specific projects which meet or align with their own interests.
Bureau Toth receives the lion’s share of funding of all the bureaus — perhaps even more than all the other bureaus combined
— but the amount can only be guessed at. Not even ALEPH is privy to knowledge about the extent, functions, personnel quota,
and budgets of Bureau Toth. Some conspiracy theorists claim that ALEPH uses its processing power to gamble, invest, and,
according to some wild claims, simply create its own fortune. As persistent as these rumours are, little evidence has been found
to suggest that is the case. The Nomads refuse to allow any of the money they contribute to O-12 to go towards support or
funding for Bureau Toth. Part of their membership agreement states that the portion of the Nomad fees that would otherwise
be apportioned to Bureau Toth is divided between Bureaus Athena and Tiandi instead.
Bureau Trimurti is strictly funded by Bureau Concilium and is disallowed to accept any form of donation, contribution, or gift
from any other source.
18 Chapter 2
a common pastime, and the city’s heritage as a Paradiso, and 12 noon for the Circulars plying their
leisure town is far from forgotten. way through deep space.
In the restaurants and hotels, a great many wealthy EDDA
and influential people meet for discussion and Natives like to consider Edda the very centre of the
deal making, though it must be said, the truly Human Sphere, the heart of human civilisation. As
powerful pass through to Sainte Michelle De Bois conceited as this may appear, especially to those
Bleu. Bureau Gaea has its headquarters in Lorena, from elsewhere, there is also a kernel of truth to
although it also operates from other significant the importance of this city. Between the Öberhaus,
stations around Concilium Prima. An old rumour the Petite Assemblée, the Courts of Concilium, the
persists that somewhere beneath one of the many embassies of every major and minor nation in the
hills that conceal the largest buildings of the city is Human Sphere, and a host of corporate centres,
an extensive underground laboratory where Bureau Edda is home to a concentration of wealth, power,
Gaea studies alien lifeforms. and influence unmatched anywhere else. A constant
flow of people and materials from elsewhere on
Concilium Prima and the Orbital Asgard positioned
Nestled on the west coast of Midgard is Huaqiao,
above the city makes the city a restless and
Huaquio was originally one of a few key launching
never-sleeping melange of cultures and vested
stations for the great harvesters that ply the
interests. Business is eternal in Edda, and power-
oceans. This industry has died off with the rise of
brokers and peddlers of influence are in a constant
aquafarming, and instead Huaqiao has been trans-
dance, wheels spinning within wheels, plans in
formed into a centre for energy research. As the
motion, and money invested, splashed, and passed
headquarters of Bureau Agni, the focus of Huaqiao’s
under tables. It is a city that is wonderful for all
economy has shifted from food production to sci-
its magnificent variety and idealism, but it is also
ence, education, research, and particularly physics.
dangerous. If the buildings were not constructed
On the bluffs above the city are several plain look- from self-repairing materials, a visitor might be
ing buildings, old hotels for the most part, which shocked by the violence written in pock marks
now house some half-dozen schools focused on the on the walls throughout Edda. With the powerful,
teaching of physics. These are not universities; they the influential, and the wealthy come those who
are educational facilities where qualified and able would turn them, bend them, and break them, and
physicists go to deepen their learning and engage of course, those paid handsomely to ensure these
in collaborative studies. Known locally as the things never happen.
Agora, these schools house a variety of laboratories
Nation states, international corporations, corporate
funded in part by O-12 along with other facilities
fronts for national interests, and lobby groups
in the city below. With a myriad of national and
representing a majority of the biggest and most
corporate sponsors, these laboratories represent
powerful forces in the Human Sphere are con-
some of the most advanced physics facilities in the
stantly waging a war in the board rooms, meeting
Human Sphere. Ostensibly, the research developed
halls, and fine dining tables of Edda. Senators
in Huaqiao is meant to be open, but many of the
and ambassadors, judges and politicians all vie
technological breakthroughs have remained either
for each other’s attentions, looking to make deals
secret or proprietary due to the sponsorships. The
in exchange for favours, goods, or money, or the
constant flow of interns, students, and scientists to
leverage required to force an opponent to concede
and from the city allows agents from national and
a sticking point. This web of interactions, alliances,
corporate intelligence agencies easy access to the
betrayals, and old adversaries is almost impossible
city itself. Access to the Agora and the laboratories
to keep track of, especially since allies pushing one
is another matter, but there are many ways for
piece of policy might well be bitter opponents in
a craft intel operative to gather the information
the resolution of a court case. Bribery, blackmail,
they have been sent to uncover. Espionage is rife,
financial pressure, dishonesty, and even violence
and Bureau Noir have offices in the city to support
are often deployed in the perpetual struggle for
Bureau Agni in ensuring it happens as little
vested interests.
as possible.
Most people of rank and influence live in gated
Back from the city itself, dug into a basalt shelf, is
communities or walled-off houses, and almost
the deepest building on Concilium Prima. Nearly
all employ bodyguards and mercenaries. Edda,
half a kilometre underground, the Master Clock and
when ranked by the number of contracts issued, is
its numerous tangled quantronic systems tick away,
the largest user of the War Market, meaning that
providing Easy Time for the entire Human Sphere.
inhabitants of the city use more mercenaries than
Time in Huaqiao is Easy Time, and more than one
anywhere else in the Sphere. This is true whether
tourist has come to the city to experience standing
one splices the data to look at individually issued
in the place where 12 noon, with the sun overhead,
contracts or contracts issued by entities such as
is 12 noon for the ships in orbit around Bourak or
governments and corporations. A vast majority
20 Chapter 2
are mined and shipped to the seaports of Maidan a population four times the current level of
Basha. These ports are vast and extend far out Concilium Prima before the technology would
into the Guanabara Sea. Ships carrying ore and require significant development. Experts around
minerals from Minas Gerais cannot get too close the planet, however, are concerned about relying
to the coastline due to shallow waters. To combat too heavily on a single location for food production,
this, the ports have been extended and areas one so close to the volatile Choola region and
of the sea floor dredged to allow their passage. ringed with dormant volcanoes. Kala Pani is, for
Built onto the ports is a network of trains which many, one unlucky event away from disaster. A
operate on a winch system. Once full, carriages are number of studies have been done on the sustain-
winched along the tracks through the city and to ability of the aquafarming industry, and all of them
the distribution centres. These distribution centres raise concerns about the potential poisoning of the
are huge warehouses with attached facilities, region from a volcanic event. Some reports worry
built around the base of the Bifrost Orbital lift. that a terrorist attack on Kala Pani could wreak
In the distribution centres forklifts, trucks, and havoc on the planet in the short term. Naturally,
heavy loaders move goods and materials from food security is a key concern, and the area is heav-
arriving carriages into storage or directly to the ily guarded against such a threat by Bureaus Aegis
loading platforms of the orbital lift. Goods arriving and Noir. Viability studies by the larger aquafarming
in Maidan Basha from overland, either from the businesses in Kala Pani have been looking at other
highspeed Maglev from Manaheim or Edda or from areas of the planet to set up sustainable aquafarms,
low-flying transport ships from Kala Pani, also and efforts on this front have been well supported
end up at the distribution centres. Needless to say, by Bureau Concilium.
these warehouses with their constant flow of traffic
and shipments are often the target of smugglers. CHOOLA
These illegal activities differ from most other areas
Choola a highly volcanically active region, a
as the trade is not so much in illicit substances and
by-product of the orogenic belt resulting from the
subversive material, but in unmarked weapons and
subduction of the Jaulan plate in the south beneath
most importantly in people and information. It is a
the Mentor plate to the north. This geological
habit of workers in Maidan Basha to conspicuously
activity has produced the El-Gebal mountain range,
wear their identifying tags in their publically
and the fracturing of the southern edge of the
accessible patinas. The smuggling of people,
Mentor plate has resulted in the blasted lands to
whether informants or spies, political firebrands,
the north of the El-Gebal range, known as Loki’s
corporate hit men, or high-profile political refugees
Land, which covers much of Choola. The major
is common enough to make random security checks
fault lines in the region are known as Laufey and
and searches a part of day-to-day life.
Farbauti respectively, and Choola, with the pent-up
KALA PANI pressures of so much geological force, is a volatile
Kala Pani feels like a city in isolation, on another and unpredictable location. So dangerous and
world almost, from the hustle and bustle, power unstable is the region that there is a blanket ban
and influence, of the rest of the planet. It would be on any settlement there, and even travel to and
easy to underestimate the importance of Kala Pani, within the region requires a special permit.
dismiss it as a regional agricultural town, except
that it is responsible for producing almost all of the
While it is forbidden to settle in Choola, there is
food stuffs consumed on the planet and enough
one infamous place located here — Montecristo.
extra to support a significant export industry.
Montecristo is a maximum-security prison that
Sheltered from the tumultuous conditions of the houses dissidents, terrorists, and some of the worst
Njord Sea and situated in the Gulf of Choola, Kala violent criminals from across the Human Sphere.
Pani is a veritable paradise of lush growth and life.
In Montecristo can be found double agents who
The land is rich in minerals, and supports large
worked in support of the Combined Army on
orchards, extensive grain fields, and further inland,
Paradiso, extremists loyal to some religious or
significant herds of farm animals. The Gulf of
ideological purpose, and dissidents whose knowl-
Choola, with waters enriched by the warm under-
edge, contacts, and intent threaten the safety and
ground springs, abounds with intensive aquafarms,
security of the Human Sphere. There are terrorists
growing algae that is processed into high protein
whose acts were planned to, or did, cause the death
food supplements, as well as specially adapted
of many, and scientists and engineers who went
grains and cereal crops, and of course, fish such as
beyond the law and the bounds of ethics, breaking
salmon, trout, pollock, and tuna. A number of native
the Sole-AI bill or experimenting on unwitting
species have begun to be farmed here as well,
populations. Those confined to Montecristo are the
some proving quite the delicacy.
worst of the worst. Irredeemable, dangerous, and
Projections estimate that the growth of the often insane, they have power and the intent to use
aquafarming industry of Kala Pani could support it and will never be released.
22 Chapter 2
24 Chapter 2
scale only matched in Edda. Naked ambition hides stretched to the limit and snapped. Only the finest
behind a thin veneer, and with the remit of Bureau can make it through into the Psi Units, and only the
Ganesh involving trade regulation and policy of all finest make it through training whole.
sorts throughout the Human Sphere, the scramble Rumour has it there alongside Derr Irrgarten are
to gain influence is often a deadly game. the buildings and offices of the headquarters of
MONTALBAN Bureau Noir. Blanketed in secrecy, the truth will
Self-described as the capital city of Bianca Island, likely never be known. Many have suggested that
as much to avoid connection with the heavy the chances are more than even that Bureau Noir
industry of Minas Gerais as for any other reason, started the rumours, and that if rumour points
a finger at Bergelmir, then it is little more than
Montalban is everything that the cities of Minas
Gerais are not. Extensive reef structures and white
beaches extend almost all the way around Bianca UTGARD
Island, with the inland dominated by broadleaf Utgard is a city built to look natural so carefully
forests and gently rolling terrain. Complaints have that it appears almost preternatural. The sections
been made in the last few years about the impact of the city that are actually lived in and used are
of the nearby mining industries, with evidence of highly regimented, however. Utgard is, after all, the
coral bleaching and photos of the western beaches centre of operations for Bureau Toth, the key nerve
stained dark with sooty powder apparently from centre for ALEPH, and therefore the most strategi-
the refineries of Viana and Cambados. The mining cally important location in the Human Sphere. The
industry claims that the distance is too great for chambers that house the quantronic macro-proces-
the claims of Montalban to be remotely accurate, sors that could be referred to as the brain of ALEPH
while the more paranoid of Montalban believe that are honeycombed into deep chambers driven deep
environmental degradation is a deliberate strategy into the rock beneath the surface. Built to with-
to claim more land to mine or as a ploy to discredit stand orbital bombardment, there is nowhere in the
the practices of some specific companies and make Human Sphere as secure. The city, such as it is, is
them more amenable to takeover. Whatever the riddled with cameras and scanners, and drones and
truth of the matter, it remains a fact that Montalban soldiers are constantly on-duty guarding the mind
is one of the key tourist destinations on Concilium beneath, as well as the hundreds of technicians,
Prima, famed for its water sports and diversions as programmers, and engineers that service it.
well as its beauteous landscape.
Extensive and thorough biosecurity systems are in
place, and moving from one building into the vast
JOTUMHEIM chambers beneath the city can take an hour or
Dark cold forests march their way north, slowly more in processing and security checks alone. Once
decelerating as they hit the treeline and the tundra beneath the city proper, all clothing is removed.
and ice of the arctic take over. Jotumheim is an Chemical showers and more testing are followed
inhospitable place, and transport to and from the by the donning of special biological suits, all of it
continent is strictly prohibited without special a complex web of precautions designed to protect
transfer papers. The entire continent exists under ALEPH from the slightest interference or danger.
martial law, trespassers and illegal visitors can The Shimmering Sky above Jotumheim may be
be shot on sight, and those that live and work directly manipulated from Utgard, and the flow of
here wear their identification tags in plain view at encoded information is constant. Beyond the city
all times. itself, knowledge of Utgard is highly restricted. It
is known publicly, if at all, as nothing more than
BERGELMIR the northernmost fishing town and occasional
Situated on an island chain off the east coast destination for geologists. O-12 and Bureau Toth go
of Jotumheim, Bergelmir comes under the same to great lengths to maintain this public charade.
jurisdiction and restrictions. Windswept and bitter,
it is home to the Derr Irrgarten, the instruction LYNGUI
and training centre for Psi Unit agents. Great
Barren rocks, the islands of Lyngui are the upthrust
concrete edifices show a blank face to the sparse
of a now-dormant volcanic tantrum. The cliff faces
land around them, but within the offices, briefing
are jagged and worn, beaten down and shaped by
rooms, classrooms, meeting halls, and dark rooms
the unceasing battering of the ocean waves. There
are where the minds and willpower of the next
is little of interest in these islands. From the out-
generation of Psi Unit agents are taught, honed,
side they appear nothing more than shattered rocks
broken, and reassembled. In the Bureau Aegis train-
poking from the turbulent ocean. Rumour speaks of
ing camps in Thokk, the physical endurance tests
sightings of what could be an underwater mobile
can break the body, and only the hardiest make
base off the shores of Lyngui, but who or what
it through; in Bergelmir, the Dark Rooms are the
would have the reach and capacity to pull such a
stuff of nightmares, where willpower and nerve are
feat off is something no rumour dares to address.
26 Chapter 3
communications networks and working with the on to their intended in-system destination. Security
myriad of incoming and outgoing ships. is tight, and just like on Concilium Prima, great
efforts have been taken to ensure that the flow
The second largest portion of the Asaheim ring is
of communications are carefully monitored. The
the Merkato (Market) and is devoted to the transfer
beacon network represents the weakest link in
and shipment of trade goods and materials. Vast
the chain, and each beacon is regularly checked,
warehouses receive and store almost everything
rebooted, and replaced. Despite the potential
from mineral shipments to live exports. Bureaus
security threat, their existence is necessary due to
Ganesh and Hermes oversee the operation and
the interference caused to Asaheim when the Vila
maintenance of this section and work closely with
Booster is most active. Multiple attempts over the
traders and ship owners.
years have been made to insert false beacons or to
A third section of the ring called the Milita hack, modify, or reroute their signals. Some serious
(Military) is smaller but no less important and questions have been raised in recent years as to
is devoted purely to military personnel. Arriving the contractors engaged to supply parts for the
Bureau Aegis ships typically have clearance to beacons, and indeed, many of the communications
exit the Vila Booster and travel straight to their technologies utilised throughout the Concilium
destinations, either Concilium Prima or Muspelheim, system. A number of the companies that supply
but a few pause at Asaheim first. This has typically parts have been identified as belonging to Yu
been the case when the soldiers on board require Jingese corporations. As yet, nothing has been done
some form of debrief before entering the system to change the current contractors. Extensive studies
proper, either updating them on some change since and analysis have discovered no signs of tampering,
they left the system or advising them of what they malware, or system redundant pieces that suggest
do and do not have clearance to communicate. The the communications systems have been, or can be
Milita is not typically bustling with activity, and compromised.
most of the facilities, barracks, and briefing rooms
are now used by either the Bureau Aegis Global ASGARD
Police or by Bureau Noir operatives and handlers.
Asgard hangs above Edda like a great jellyfish. The
The last key section is referred to, by those who are upper levels, the Arrivals Area, is also known as
aware of its existence, as the Gvidilo (Guide). While the Topside Docks and is bulbous and extensive.
externally indistinguishable from the outside, the Hanging beneath in a series of concentric rings,
Gvidilo has no hard-line connections with any other each smaller than the last, is the Transfer Area, or
section of Asaheim. It generates all its own power, Lower Bays. The rings of Asgard rotate to provide
has its own internal quantronic network, and does gravity, all of them punctuated by large bay
not communicate with the rest of the station. It windows or transparent wall sections that offer
also maintains its own accommodations, food, and plentiful opportunities to get a glimpse to the left
limited entertainment for the personnel who are and right of the higher rings on one side and the
stationed here. The Gvidilo is run by Bureau Toth shimmering planet below on the other. Asgard is
and ALEPH. Here fundamental updates to ALEPH one of the cleanest and most advanced orbitals
are parsed from external signals and relayed to in the Human Sphere, and for any corporate head,
Concilium Prima. Also signals are received from the diplomat, or delegate, it is typically the first place
communications arrays of Utgard and sent via a they go when leaving Concilium Prima and the last
number of means to the rest of the Human Sphere. they arrive at before descending to the planet itself.
If Utgard can be seen as the home of the brain of
ALEPH, the Gvidilo must therefore be the first link Asgard is the waystation and stop-over for any high
in the chain that makes up its nervous system. profile or powerful person travelling to or from
Heavily guarded, seemingly insignificant, and Edda. As such, it contains multiple corporate offices
known only to a few, the Gvidilo is one of the most and meeting rooms that may be hired, as well as
important locations in the Concilium system. extensive restaurant, relaxation, and bar options,
where the business of corporations, states, and
Due to its position around the Vila Booster, nations can be discussed in furtive engagements or
Asaheim also serves as the relay station, acting large gatherings.
as an intermediary for all signals arriving in or
leaving the Concilium system. Antennae and dishes Asgard is the location where deals and alliances
protruding from the inner portion of the Asaheim begin with the finer details hammered out when
ring are trained on the Vila Booster, straining for parties reach Edda. It is where friendships are
any and every signal that comes through. Further struck and broken, and where information vital to a
out from the Booster are a chain of beacons that cause or nation is carefully smuggled through the
also perform the same task, using tightbeam protected communication systems of the planet.
microwave transmissions to send intercepted Given its position in the travel network, Asgard is
signals back to Asaheim, where they are forwarded often the place where corporate representatives,
28 Chapter 3
advisers, nearly all ex-Bureau Aegis or Bureau Noir, served to muddy the waters and provide a veil of
to help sniff out any illegal operation and send secrecy, allowing the truth to hide, as it were, in
them packing. That it has so successfully managed plain sight. Indeed, there have been a number of
to maintain a relatively crime-free location while serious incidents in Gjǫll, but it has also been the
packing in so many leisure, sporting, and pleasure source of vital intelligence on both the make-up
activities is a tribute to the hard work and dedica- of the Combined Army and Combined operations
tion of the station management and the security on Paradiso.
teams who live and work there. The destination
to visit when looking for entertainment and THE BRÍSINGAMEN
excitement, Cibola is the place almost every young
A wide and extensive asteroid field lies between
person who grows up on Concilium Prima wants
the planets Concilium Secunda and Niflheim
to visit and is a ‘must go’ destination for tourists
known as the Brísingamen. While many of the
coming into the system.
asteroids in the Brísingamen are C-Type, mined
predominantly for the water that is converted
GJǪǪLL into fuel for the barges which transport material
A few years ago, Rumours started spilling from back to Concilium Prima. There are many large
the manufactories of Cambados that O-12 was S-Type and M-Type asteroids that provide minerals
constructing some form of installation on the rocky which are used for a wide variety of purposes from
island of Lyngui on Concilium Prima. A security manufacturing large scale constructions through
incident which was referred to as the ‘Voices in the to delicate quantronic systems. While the Bifrost
Dark’ led to wild speculation about a secret orbital space elevator and orbital make the transportation
somewhere in the Concilium system. The Voices of materials from the planet economically viable,
in the Dark incident involved the public release of
an audio exchange apparently between high-rank-
ing officers in the Bureau Aegis Tactical Police
Department (BATPD) and exobiologists from Bureau
Gaea. This discussion touched on the construction
of an alien studies laboratory on Concilium Prima
and the transfer of viable Combined Army prisoners
from somewhere called Gjǫll. Given the details of
the discussion, it was clear that Gjǫll was an orbital
somewhere in the Concilium system.
Naturally, O-12, Bureau Gaea, and SWORDFOR all
released statements condemning the recording as
a convincing fake, designed to stir trouble and feed
popular conspiracy theories about O-12. While the
incident has largely been forgotten except in a few
corners of Maya where such things are popular, the
existence of Gjǫll has moved into the public psyche
as fact. A few conspiracy theorists have tried to run
voice pattern studies on the recording to identify
the speakers, and others have posited the likely
location of this secret facility as in orbit around the
planet Niflheim. But while the existence of Gjǫll is
popularly regarded as fact, it has never been offi-
cially confirmed, and proof of its existence, whether
real or fake, seems less interesting than the idea
that it does.
The public’s tacit approval of the existence of Gjǫll
has led members of O-12 and Bureau Aegis to
treat it as something of a running joke. A number
of leaked classified operations and incidents have
humorously been described as having happened
in Gjǫll, which has come to serve as a colloquial
reference to somewhere secret. While the pop-
ular attitude toward the rumours of Gjǫll have
been surprising to many within the hierarchies
that know the truth of the matter, it has neatly
30 Chapter 3
as the Starmada. The Surt Monitoring System, observation stations in the area, which watch the
stationed so far out in the system and deliberately body for signs of gravitational disturbances and
shielded from the prying eyes of any would-be movement. In past years, Starmada vessels flew
intelligence operatives, is significantly powerful irregular patrols to update and check on their
enough to defend the Concilium system from any observation stations. In more recent times, these
fleet capable of being put in the field by any nation patrols have grown in intensity, and the chain of
in the Human Sphere. That the Surt artillery bases observation stations has been expanded, watching
exist is well known in intelligence circles, and the carefully for any sign that the Combined Army
size, structure, and technology level of this orbital might be operating in the area. Singasteinn station
battle-station network was a closely guarded was originally the nexus and relay station for the
secret before the Cerberus Crisis. Even now, not all roving observation platforms in the Akrarnir, and
its offensive capabilities are well known. What is with the Combined landing on Concilium, this
suspected amongst intelligence circles is that Surt station has been reinforced with significantly more
is one of the most powerful and technologically personnel and resources, including a number of
advanced defensive systems in the Human Sphere. small inter-system patrol craft that are perma-
nently deployed there. Many of the new modules
AKRARNIR and weapons platforms added to the Singasteinn
station have been built with international
Extending from a distance of about 7.5 AU out
cooperation, with both Cosmica Ltd and Duànzào
to the vast distance of about 50 AU is a sparsely
Constructions working to extend the station’s capa-
populated asteroid belt known as Akrarnir which
bilities and defensive powers. Extra security staff at
translates as “The Fields” in Icelandic. Given the
the station have been provided by Corregidor, and
closer proximity of the Brísingamen and the
the StateEmpire Fleet has bolstered Starmada’s
distance between the rocky bodies that make
capacity in this portion of the system with a
up Akrarnir, this area holds little in the way of
dedicated contingent operating from this station.
economic interest but has long been known
Since the Combined Army arrival in the Concilium
as a safe haven for corsair and pirate vessels.
system, Akrarnir and its staff and vessels maintain a
Starmada deployed a number of automated roving
permanent Beta level operative alert.
32 Chapter 4
for those seeking the support of O-12 but to ensure to leave their sovereign nation with explosive
that O-12 is visible and active to the powers and information, it has, more often than reported, been
people of the Human Sphere. the case that the Bureau Aegis soldiers on guard
at the gates have had to watch people arrested,
A great many of the cases brought to the embas-
beaten down, and in some instances shot before
sies are little more than people or ideologically
making it to O-12 soil. Life at an embassy can be
motivated groups venting their frustrations and
full of opportunity and a chance to make important
demanding O-12 take some action to support them.
contacts and business connections, but it can also
But it is equally true that every so often a case
be a dangerous task, one where every minute
comes to an embassy that is important, dangerous,
of every day is recorded by some intelligence
and sometimes even significant enough to trigger
agency, whether familiar or foreign, and carefully
a chain of reactions that reverberate through the
Human Sphere. One such example was the case
of Wang Zhao, a minor Yu Jing Party member who The ranks within an O-12 Embassy, as a general
sought political asylum at the O-12 Embassy in rule, are consistent throughout the Human Sphere.
Tiān Di Jing. Wang Zhao appeared, at first, to be The head of the embassy is the ambassador.
little more than a minor political figure, claiming Beneath the ambassador are ministers representing
to be in fear of his life for some insult to another their various bureaus. Counsellors sit below the
Party member. In the interview during his process- ambassador and ministers and have a key role in
ing, it turned out that Wang Zhao was, in fact, a assessing serious cases made to the embassy and
whistle-blower making some far-reaching claims liaise with their counterparts from other nations.
about the political use of the ‘private’ Yujingyu Beneath these are a number of secretaries, whose
companies by the Yănjīng. His claims supported an jobs consists largely of managing the bureaucratic
investigation opened by Bureau Hermes in the city processes and staff of the embassy. A majority
of Qingdao, and the resulting Qingdao report made of the workers at an embassy are the attachés,
geopolitical shockwaves around the Human Sphere. bureaucrats predominantly from Section Statera
Sadly, Wang Zhao suffered an allergic reaction who manage and investigate cases and pass them
during further hearings in Edda and died shortly up the chain of command when it is appropriate.
afterwards of complications, but his example is only
one of many occasions where a case made to an PANOCEANIA
O-12 Embassy has had significant consequences.
O-12’s representation in PanOceania is strictly
Each embassy is the territory of O-12, a piece hierarchical. While consulates are present on every
of land and the airspace above it that is legally PanOceanian planet and regional delegations may
regarded as equivalent to the soil of Concilium be present to supplement them, the embassy in San
Prima. Guarding the embassies are soldiers from Pietro on Neoterra sits above them all. San Pietro
Section Spatha, the second key branch of Bureau is home to the ambassador to PanOceania, the
Aegis. Other members from Section Spatha may most senior ranking diplomat representing O-12.
work out of the O-12 embassies, usually teams of The ambassadors-at-large are of similar rank to the
Global Police (GloPol) or the Bureau Aegis Tactical ambassador in San Pietro and are the heads of the
Police Department (BATPD). Bureau Noir handlers consulates on Acontecimento and Varuna and the
also work from each embassy. Often known to local delegations on Earth, Svalarheima, and the Saturn
intelligence agencies, their job is both to liaise with Carvanserai. Nonetheless, it is the ambassador in
resident agencies and manage and support embed- San Pietro who is the face and voice of O-12 to
ded handlers or field operatives working in their PanOceania, and they play a key role in represent-
area of jurisdiction. Each embassy is also meant to ing O-12 in the halls of power of the PanOceanian
house a representative, known as a minister, of the Capitol building.
Bureaus Agni, Athena, Ganesh, Hermes, and Lakshmi,
O-12’s relationship with PanOceania is fraught
representing energy distribution, human rights,
with tension. While PanOceania is self-assured in
trade, the Circulars and ship licencing, and health
its pre-eminence within the Human Sphere, O-12
respectively. In truth, it is often the case that these
is often considered by many within the hyperpower
posts are held in absentia and filled on-site by
as a continual source of frustration rather than a
attachés from Section Statera, but claims can, and
powerful legal and political body that should be
often are, made directly to specific bureaus whose
listened to. O-12 has had a number of drawn-out
remits cover the specifics of the claim.
political conflicts with PanOceania, particularly over
As independent as the embassies are meant to be, the hyperpower’s encouragement of the corporate
they are always under watch by the intelligence exploitation of Ariadna, the continual struggles
agencies of their location. As destinations that on and around Svalarheima, and the management
attract political asylum seekers, dissidents, and of the Paradiso front. PanOceania has delayed the
activists who may, like Wang Zhao, be attempting payment of its membership fees to O-12 several
Embassies of Note 33
times, a continual issue, despite demanding influ- petitions raised by lobby groups in the past has
ence within O-12 and regularly requesting support. demonstrated that, more often than not, the issues
PanOceania’s parliament makes no apology for brought forward by these supposedly public groups
their belief that O-12 requires PanOceania to func- do, in fact, mirror the desires of the companies that
tion but consider that they deign to acknowledge fund them. Examples have included things like the
O-12 should be regarded as payment enough. The relaxation of weapons regulations in the Concilium
ambassador must, to some extent and for the sake Convention or adjustments to research guidelines
of stability in the Human Sphere, grin and bear it, allowing problematic research subjects to be
though any opportunity the ministers or attachés pursued in specifically made environments. One
have of foiling PanOceania are taken with relish. example of this was the proposal that banned lines
Notable small clawbacks in the last decade include of gene editing could be permitted in specially con-
ensuring that Bureau Aegis commanders manage structed orbitals outside of normal jurisdictional
the battlefront on Paradiso and putting restrictions zones. Another appeal sought the reclassification
in place following the Commercial Conflicts and a relaxation of the laws surrounding the
on Ariadna. protection of alien life forms. Originally, these
laws were used to allow the PanOceanian Military
While the powerbrokers of PanOceania often go
Complex to use specific interrogation methods to
out of their way to make O-12 look deferential and
gain information from Combined prisoners but
weak, the truth of the matter is that PanOceania
was also, post approval, used to sanction reprisal
requires O-12 just as the opposite is accurate. An
actions against the Helots of Varuna. The list of
independent arbiter, free of the desire to expand
examples where seemingly innocuous laws or
its own territory and economic might, is necessary
exceptions have much broader implications, appli-
to fill the space between the other hyperpowers
cations, and intentions is endless. The choppy seas
of the Human Sphere, and as much as this might
of legal and political wrangling to be found in the
rankle with some within PanOceania, it is also
halls of the San Pietro Capitol building are a serene
widely understood to be true. Whatever the public
lake when compared to the mismatch of words and
perception or the attitudes of the rabid nationalists
intentions coming from PanOceanian lobby groups.
within PanOceania, it is a fact that O-12 does have
It is the job of the host of attachés at each embassy,
power and wields it when necessary through policy,
consulate, or delegation to weed out the intention
through the Courts of Concilium, and more subtly
from the presentation, a difficult task often requir-
through access to ALEPH.
ing the most cynical of minds.
The ambassador to O-12, currently Arabella Loft, is
THE SAN PIETRO EMBASSY almost always invited to participate in the cabinet
One of the most time consuming and prominent
meetings and parliamentary sessions in San Pietro.
roles played by staff at the San Pietro Embassy is
Ambassador Loft is well known for being a passion-
participating in the lobbying structure that dom-
ate speaker and comfortable in the ever-shifting
inates the political landscape of PanOceania. The
maze of politics and social tensions that plague
ambassador and ministers are regularly involved
the Capitol building and VR Moots of the powerful
in the VR Moots that have great influence on the
lobby groups.
policies and agendas of the PanOceania govern-
ment. This direct appeal to lobby group members Several units of Global Police are also stationed
has proven to be an important way of keeping O-12 at the embassy in San Pietro. Ostensibly, the
both abreast of social and economic developments Global Police are there to provide an extra layer
and ensuring that O-12 remains visible and of protection for the staff at the embassy, but they
accessible to the people. The powerful lobbies of also serve in an advisory role, offering guidance,
PanOceania regularly make appeals to O-12, and training, and in some cases, on-the-ground support
while many have representatives on Concilium when requested. The Global Police are also some-
Prima, issues relating to local or regional matters times activated to respond to the presence of an
are often brought to the closest embassy. There is individual, gang, or Submondo group that is wanted
a widespread belief that appealing to a represent- internationally but not specifically by PanOceania,
ative embedded in the local area is more likely to the equivalent of saying that this is your mess to
net a positive result for any case put forward. clean up, not ours. The Global Police of the BATPD
are widely regarded as being an elite force and are
Given the fact that the lobby groups usually
regularly, if sometimes with a level of resentment,
represent or are funded by powerful corporations,
called upon by the Block Forces for either high-
they are often used as a form of Trojan horse. An
level support or training.
appeal to O-12 is seemingly made from a public
group, but this appeal represents the desires of Acknowledged, but unspoken, is the presence of
a single corporation or conglomeration of corpo- the Psi Unit, the Bureau Aegis’s intelligence service.
rations seeking the same goal. An analysis of the In the San Pietro Embassy, the Psi Unit command
34 Chapter 4
officer is the liaison between Bureau Aegis and the to the rest of PanOceania and elsewhere in the
Hexahedron, occasionally exchanging resources Human Sphere. As a result of Acontecimento’s
or training but more regularly passing on relevant position as one of the largest food producers in the
information between the two agencies on people of Human Sphere, the ambassador-at-large is nearly
interest or cases that have switched jurisdiction. It overshadowed by the importance of the ministers
is widely understood that the command officer also for Bureaus Gaea, Ganesh, and Hermes. All of these
provides a contact point and support for a number ministers are directly involved with trade negotia-
of handlers embedded around Neoterra, whose job tions and do their best to ensure that at least some
it is to support agents in the field. of the massive quantities of food stuffs produced
on the planet go toward ensuring the food security
The presence of Bureau Noir agents is suspected
of other planets, particularly the orbitals in the
but unproven. Such agents are usually assigned
Human Edge.
under a covert ID within the embassy under
another bureau where most of their co-workers
have no knowledge of their real identity. It’s not
Most problematic of the diplomatic missions
uncommon for agents to be seated in departments
to PanOceania, the Varuna Consulate has been
responsible for cultural affairs, visa confirmation,
entangled in the mess of policy and governmental
or some similar section. Ideally, the agent will have
action involving the treatment of Helots on Varuna.
a role that allows for them to be unreachable for
Minister for Bureau Athena, Clara Ngor, is a figure
significant parts of their day for any of a multitude
who has attracted much vitriol for her tireless
of understandable reasons.
efforts to support research missions and influence
As a courtesy, the San Pietro Embassy houses an policy around the treatment of Helots. Her actions
Apostolic Nunciature of the Christian Church, an and the actions of Bureau Athena have led to a
opportunity for the church to liaise directly with strained and often bitter relationship between the
the ambassador and ministers of O-12. As often Varuna Consulate and those within the government
as the political will of PanOceania seeks to apply and military of Varuna. Despite hundreds of death
pressure on cases being managed by the embassy threats, media pressure, and continual muckraking,
through pressure from both governmental and Minister Ngor has maintained her staunch support
church sources, it has also been the case that O-12 of the Helot cause.
leverages support for specific issues by manipulat-
ing the same network. DELEGATIONS
The San Pietro Embassy is a beehive of activity, O-12 supports dozens of delegations, usually
with direct links to the lobby groups, the halls of spread around a planet and in support of the
government, and the church, as well as being regu- consulates of Acontecimento and Varuna or the
larly petitioned by smaller groups and individuals. embassy in San Pietro on Neoterra. The three major
Life here is break-neck and high-stakes, and much delegations that operate independently enough
is expected of the staff. It is the largest and most to be considered consulates in their own right are
powerful O-12 Embassy in the Human Sphere, and on Earth, Svalarheima, and the Harafi Caravanserai
staff here are often fast-tracked for promotion into near Saturn. For the delegation to Earth and
positions on Concilium Prima, within the bureaus, Svalarheima, the primary concerns are the main-
Öberhaus, or Petite Assemblée. It is also, conversely, tenance of the fragile peace that exists between
a location that staff are often unwilling to shift the abutting hyperpowers present on each of these
away from; once the glitter and bustle of life in San planets. For the Harafi Caravanserai delegation,
Pietro is savoured, it is hard to give up. more often referred to as the Saturn Delegation,
which is dominated by the enigmatic minister for
Bureau Hermes, Marcus Kibult. The key concerns are
THE ACONTECIMENTO the safety and stability of the Saturn system and
CONSULATE the flow of ships and traffic through the wormholes
Located in Cidade BomJesus, with a number of near Saturn. Bureau Noir and the Global Police both
smaller delegations positioned around the planet, have a sizeable presence at the Saturn Delegation,
the Acontecimento Consulate is a far less hectic the former monitoring the flow of people through
station than San Pietro but is nonetheless a vital the system and the latter operating in support of
one. Not as concerned with political and corporate Bureau Aegis soldiers to provide security on the
machinations, the issues that dominate the Circular docks and to act as fast response units for
Acontecimento Consulate usually revolve around Harafi’s own security forces.
trade, specifically the exportation of foodstuffs
Embassies of Note 35
Sins of the Father
Father-Knight Malley of the Order of Santiago has returned from an undercover mission to the Human
Edge, but the news travelling in his wake is troubling indeed. According to rumour, Father-Knight Malley
was involved in a number of violent clashes with the Global Police team on the End of the Line orbital.
His mission may have been church sanctioned, but his actions were not. Since returning to Neoterra,
he has gone into a self-imposed exile, refusing to communicate with members of his Order. His actions
demand his capture, and the Order of Santiago has ruled they will not intervene. Word has been sent to
the embassy in San Pietro. Find Malley and bring him to justice.
A Dangerous Line
A small lobby group called Ruminin have been pushing hard for changes to a small piece of regulation in
the Concilium Convention involving the restriction of biological loads implanted in ballistics. They claim
that a company supporting them have developed a low-powered weapon designed to release a targeted
virus aimed at controlling pests that plague the crop lands on Acontecimento. One of the attachés has
uncovered a financial link between Ruminin and the Albetor Company which is contracted to provide
security on Varuna and has been involved in numerous clashes with Libertos terrorists. The attaché is
concerned the weapon Ruminin claim to be for pest control may have been designed to target Helots.
You have been seconded to the consulate on Varuna to investigate the research of Albetor and uncover
the truth about the intended use of this weapon.
A Poor Investment
A lobby group on Svalarheima known as Chukwik has purportedly been raising funds to donate to the
Tatenokai, helping Japanese citizens escape Yujingyu cities on the ‘Snow Train’. While PanOceania rec-
ognises this to be a valiant cause, the revelation that a political body in the hyperpower is directly
supporting the Japanese could destabilise the situation on Svalarheimla. While PanOceania is hesitant
to act against its own people, Bureau Noir or the Global Police could ensure that the planned cash drop
between Chukwick and the Tatenokai never takes place.
36 Chapter 4
on occasion by Yujingyu diplomats to gain leverage exploits information gained through surveillance
over their O-12 counterparts. With O-12 support techniques.
for the nascent Japanese Empire, the restrictions
In recent times, with the troubles stemming from
on O-12’s representatives to the StateEmpire have
the Japanese Secession, the embassy and its staff
been even more strident. Celestial Guard units have
have found themselves on the outside of many
been posted on the Yu Jingese side of the gates to
of the Court functions and Party meetings that
the O-12 Embassy, purportedly for the embassy’s
they were invited to in years gone by. While the
own protection in these troubling times, and the
delegation to Shentang has been officially asked
delegation to Shentang has been ‘asked’ to leave.
to leave the planet, the Party has quietly forced the
This is not to say that Yu Jing treats O-12 like delegation to stay on, citing unspecified threats as
some sort of embedded enemy. The StateEmpire the reason as to why the delegation can’t comply
has gained much through its connections to O-12, with the official request. All of this is a front, a
especially in the aftermath of the NeoColonial Wars. mask allowing Yu Jing to maintain and use the
Access to the Teseum trade has been secured by delegation at the same time as not appearing to
Bureau Agni through complex deals with Ariadna lose face for inaction in response to O-12’s support
and PanOceania, an extensive military build-up has of the Japanese. The delegation on Shentang has
been encouraged in support of the war on Paradiso, been thoroughly occupied by Yu Jing officials.
and hundreds of other deals and agreements have Despite the request for them to leave, delegates
been struck through and thanks to the work of O-12 have been deeply involved with facilitating and
diplomats in a large part. Yu Jing does, however, run participating in negotiations with the Japanese
its own agenda and is more open about the fact forces on Shentang and in Kuraimori particularly,
than PanOceania, who are happy as often as not to which is currently under martial law.
shake hands on a deal and then do their own thing
Given the structure of the Yu Jing government, the Housed in StateEmpire owned office blocks and
ambassador spends a majority of his attention on complexes, the O-12 delegations to Yu Jing are led
the Imperial Court and the Emperor while the first by ambassadors-at-large, beneath whom the bureau
councillor liaises with the Party, and is, in many ministers most relevant to each regional posting
ways, more directly plugged into the political work in support. The four main delegations outside
machinations of the state than the ambassador. of the Shanxing system can be found in Shidong on
This is a fact not lost upon O-12, and while cos- Svalarheima, Beijing in Chung Kuo, Yínhuo on Mars,
metically the ambassador holds rank over the first and in the Harafi Caravanserai on Iapetus, the moon
councillor, it is understood within O-12’s diplomatic of Saturn.
service that the first councillor is functionally the
Given O-12’s limited access to Yu Jing, it is sur-
leader of the embassy. Beneath the twin ranks of
prising that more of an esprit de corps does not
ambassador and first councillor are the bureau
exist between those delegations that do exist.
ministers, and these too spend a majority of their
However, considerable rivalries and internal politics
time working directly with Party representatives
dominate the relationships between regional del-
who in turn represent the desires and needs of
egations. Due to the seniority of Yutang in terms of
both the StateEmpire and the major Yujingyu
politics for the StateEmpire and the level of influ-
corporations, although these are often one and the
ence the embassy there has with both the Imperial
same. Attachés posted to the embassy in Tiān Di
Court and the Party, the embassy is the de facto
Jing are some of the best and most capable from
manager of the regional delegations. Almost all
Section Statera, and they need to be. The network
communications and decisions are cleared through
of relationships between political objectives and
a chain of command that places the embassy in
private and corporate desires is extremely difficult
Tiān Di Jing at the top of the tree. This suborning
to track. The political objectives of the StateEmpire
of the chain of command is one of the key sources
are, as often as not, presented to the embassy as
of the rivalries between the delegations. On paper,
requests, suggestions, and appeals coming from
the Harafi delegation is meant to manage the
private and corporate sources. Finding direct links
delegation in Beijing, and the O-12 bureaucracy
between an applicant and the Party often involves
in Marsport is meant to manage the delegation in
searching through a maze of familial and personal
Yínhuo, both of which are meant to liaise directly
relationships, business deals, and financial ties. The
with bureaucrats on Concilium Prima. In reality,
StateEmpire is careful and clever about who, what,
neither of these technical truths represents how
and how they attempt to leverage the support
the delegations work with one another. Instead, the
of the O-12 staff at the embassy. In the past, the
embassy on Tiān Di Jing manages all. Naturally, the
StateEmpire has not only utilised applicants
importance of the embassy has become, as a result,
secretly connected to the Party, but also grooms
something of a self-reinforcing cycle. The regional
personal relationships with the embassy staff and
Embassies of Note 37
delegations are often left feeling like they operate other powers within the Human Sphere, including
as an afterthought or that their issues and the PanOceania. It is through leveraging the rivalries
cases they manage are not deemed important on of the Yănjīng and the Hexahedron that a greater
Concilium Prima due to everything passing through level of internal security is afforded the Harafi
the lens of the Tiān Di Jing Embassy. delegation: as much as both hyperpowers want to
spy on the O-12 delegation, they want the other to
The delegation in the Harafi Caravanserai is the
spy less. By working with both the Yănjīng and the
key link in the chain. Despite being worked around
Hexahedron, the Harafi delegation has managed to
in the command structure of O-12 diplomatic
maintain a strong independence and is relatively
relations with Yu Jing, it is the main vehicle through
secure. Because of this, when O-12 wishes to
which Bureau Aegis and Bureau Noir agents are
plant Bureau Aegis or Noir operatives inside the
able to filter into the O-12 diplomatic network to
diplomatic network within Yu Jing, they are typically
the StateEmpire. It is the least reliably monitored
first sent to Harafi, awaiting a ‘promotion’ to Yutang,
of all the delegations because the delegation in
Shentang, Svalarheima, Mars, or Earth.
Harafi also serves as the delegation to a number of
Bag Check
At the baggage collection at the Yínghuo Spaceport a bag was left unattended long enough to attract
attention. Inside were the dehydrated remains of a Section Statera attaché identified as Wu Hudong
of the O-12 delegation to Yínghuo. He was supposed to be on a field mission to privately interview a
former Triad member, Shi Wang who was seeking protection after having been involved in some form of
operation with the Yu Jing Interspace Trust Corporation. Now Wu is dead, the recording of that meeting
is missing, and Shi Wang is in the wind. Was it Wang, regretting something said in the interview? Was it
Wang’s Triad seeking reprisal for secrets revealed? Or was it someone from the Yu Jing Interspace Trust
Corporation, wanting to keep any word of their arrangement with the Triad a secret? Find that recording,
if possible, and find Shi Wang as they are key to unravelling the mystery of Wu’s killing.
38 Chapter 4
Embassies of Note 39
Surprise, Surprise
Shortly after the transport left for Kokkyō-3, carrying a new junior attaché to support the ambassa-
dor-at-large leading the delegation there, a body was found in the roof space of the spaceport toilet-block.
It was the body of the attaché, luckily found shortly after it was concealed there by a maintenance worker.
Doubtless, whoever was responsible has since landed in Kokkyō-3, and a communication has been sent
to the delegation, but your team has been assembled to follow, track down, and eliminate whoever was
responsible. After finding out why they were sent of course…
40 Chapter 4
many layers of security, slow and procedural, but and specifically for being able to move an operative
it is almost always frank and to the point. This has into cover, has proved especially useful to the point
not stopped various factions within the Tunguska that Bureau Noir has infiltrated the Ouroboros and
from seeking to listen in on the activities of the uses its existing processes to infiltrate its own
Ouroboros, despite the security warnings that they agents in the same way.
should not. Section Spatha staff stationed at the
This agreement does not sit well with a vocal few
remora embassy are required to perform regular
within the hierarchy of Tunguska, who are con-
EVAs to check the hull for magnetic repeaters or
cerned about the use of Psi Unit agents as a Trojan
listening devices.
horse for initiating another Violent Intermission.
Due to the role Tunguska plays within the Nomad However, it is understood by those that do support
Nation, ministers for Bureaus Ganesh and Hermes the agreement, that while ALEPH and O-12 are
are permanently placed at the embassy and are intrinsically linked, and ALEPH might have its own
functionally the most important staff working agenda when it comes to the Nomads, so too does
there. Meetings between Tunguskan companies and O-12, and O-12 has proven repeatedly that they are
representatives are regularly held on the Ouroboros not beholden wholly to the whims of ALEPH. The
or on the mothership itself. In agreement with mining rights to the Brísingamen in the Concilium
the Nomads, a representative for Psi Unit is also system and a host of other forms of recognition and
permanently stationed at the embassy. While not an support for the Nomad Nation stands in evidence
acting minister, they function as a handler, and the of the fact that whatever ALEPH might think about
Tunguska a useful transfer point for Psi Unit agents. the Nomads, O-12 officials are more than willing to
From the Ouroboros to the Tunguska and out into deal with them.
the Human Sphere again, the processes for washing
an agent’s identity and providing them a new one,
Word has reached the Ouroboros that the identities of three Bureau Noir agents who passed through into the Tunguska in the last two
days have been posted on a dark-site found on Arachne. These agents are currently in the field on board Tunguska, securing passage
off the mothership to take up their operations elsewhere in the Human Sphere. With their false identities listed as known agents for
the bureau, it’s only a matter of time until they are revealed and killed or their information sold on. These agents must be found and
removed to the Ouroboros for debriefing and reassignment, but finding a Bureau Noir agent already working their cover will be neither
easy, nor safe.
A junior Section Statera attaché to the Bureau Hermes minister, who has been on-station for only a few months, appears to have fallen in
love with a Tunguskan local and has absconded from their post to start a new life. All of this could be forgiven — it’s hardly the first time
something like this has happened — if the attaché had not taken a bunch of blank ship registry files, which can fetch a high price on the
black market. Perhaps the attaché intends to sell them to start their new life, but perhaps the new love they have found is not all they
seem to be. Either way the attaché must be found and the documents recovered before they make their way to the black market.
Fight Club
Internal Tunguskan security operatives have become aware that a remora craft attached to the Tunguska has been hosting gladiatorial
matches. While not strictly illegal, the latest news includes reports of a number of Shrike Tardigrades smuggled in to be used in the
fighting pit. These formidable beasts could pose a threat should they get loose. The remora is owned and run by a Submondo group
with financial ties to a number of important Tunguskan businesses, so acting directly against them would be imprudent, to say the least.
Instead, security have dutifully passed the information on to the Ouroboros and hope that O-12 will intervene in their place. You are that
intervention. Get into the remora and ensure these beasts are executed, and please, make it back…
Embassies of Note 41
BOURAK even high-ranking members of the Qapu Khalqi and
Of all the nations in the Human Sphere, Haqqislam Funduq governing body. It is broadly understood,
perhaps has the warmest relationship with although never voiced, that the Haqqislam govern-
O-12. This relationship, which has involved close ment is often the source of these leaks, targeting
inter-bureaucracy cooperation for many years, people and organisations that the government
became particularly close when the planetary would not countenance investigating either offi-
engineers of Bourak’s Terraformation Institute cially or unofficially for political reasons.
worked alongside scientists with Bureau Gaea to In the chambered basements of the delegation
design and shape the environment and climate of building on Nawal Island, there are a connected
Concilium Prima. Close ties also exist between the series of levels and rooms that are only accessible
many biomedical research faculties of Bourak’s uni- under the highest of O-12 security clearances. O-12
versities and bimaristans and Bureau Lakshmi. More maintains the line that the reason these rooms
than that, the Pillars of O-12 — Unity, Cooperation, have such a high security clearance is due to the
Support, and Progress — resonate with the twin tra- fact that the delegation shares the building, and
ditions of the Haqqislamite Search for Knowledge. that they need somewhere ‘off-limits’ for data stor-
Though complicated, as all relationships between age related to the delegation and its operations.
powers are, the Haqqislamite nation is more open, Public knowledge of a secured bunker beneath the
friendly, and willing to engage with O-12 than any delegation is a constant source of rumour and con-
other of the major powers in the Human Sphere. spiracy theory. Some suggest that it is the location
Based on Nawal Island and in facilities supplied of an ALEPH node which tells the delegation what
and paid for through a special fund from the Majlis to do and how to respond to issues. Some say that
al-Bourak, O-12’s representation to Bourak is a it is a facility used to store advanced Lhosts as
delegation rather than a full embassy. In addition backups for the delegation staff. Others believe it
to the delegation, a number of the bureaus of O-12 is a secured seed vault, located on Bourak because
have representatives and field offices working it is the only location in the Human Sphere where
with their counterpart Haqqislamite Diwâns across Nassait is able to be cultivated. Particular ideas
Bourak, including staff from Bureau Hermes work- are even crazier: that is the location of an ALEPH-
ing with the Diwân al Mazalim (the Trade Office) designed Recreation of an alien ruler taken from
and Bureau Toth members working with the Diwân Paradiso; that the brood-queen responsible for
al Rasa’il (the Communications Office). producing Silk is kept in a cage there, controlled by
ALEPH; that ALEPH uses the facility to manufacture
The lack of a full embassy has occasionally been Recreations of leading Haqqislam political figures
touted as some sort of sign that O-12 deems their controlled by the AI and intended to replace the
relationship with Haqqislam to be of a lesser real versions; that there are tunnels leading from
importance to their relationships with the other the delegation to all manner of other locations,
hyperpowers, but it is far from the truth. Such including the palace of the Hachib; and many other
propaganda can usually be tracked back to rumour fringe beliefs. Needless to say the delegation is a
mills funded by Silk Lords or sources in the Funduq constant and popular source of fiction and conspir-
Sultanate who are happy to apply a level of social acy, despite the fact that the number of people who
pressure on the Majlis al-Bourak and Hachib to actually believe such things is minimal.
maintain a distance from O-12. Legislation and
commerce negotiations related to the Silk trade Head of the O-12 delegation on Bourak is
and proprietary technology connected to Silk and Ambassador Lucian Trang, and he’s held the
reincarnations are thought to be the main issues position for close to fifteen years. Beneath him are
that drive these moguls to fund such rumour mills. ministers representing Bureaus Agni, Concilium, and
In truth though, the powerful financial backers Gaea, all of whom have close working relationships
keep their propaganda machines oiled well enough with members of the Terraformation Institute. It is
to be connected to the news cycles and social notable that Bourak is the only place in the Human
networks but quiet enough to avoid any significant Sphere outside of Concilium Prima and the End
backlash. The relationship between O-12 and the of the Line Orbital that maintains a minister from
Haqqislamite government is just one of a number Bureau Concilium, representing the governing
of the conspiracy theories pushed. Rumours related body of O-12’s home planet. A minister from
to ALEPH and other hyperpowers are given a Bureau Lakshmi has an office at the delegation, but
broadly equal amount of air-time. traditionally spends a majority of their time split
between the duties of minister and functioning as
Very occasionally, the delegation in Nawal Island a guest lecturer and advisor in Medina. In recent
will be leaked information related to improprieties years, with the recognition of the Non-Aligned
and implied criminal activities of powerful people Nations and the Japanese Empire, a representative
and groups on Bourak. In recent years, such leaks from Bureau Athena has joined the O-12 delegation
have involved a number of Silk Consortiums and at the request of the Majlis al-Bourak. Bureau
42 Chapter 4
Athena agents are fundamentally involved in Embassy is a complicated mess of arguments, mis-
issues of human rights and ethical and religious understandings, and contradictory claims. Morale
issues and having a representative to take part in at the embassy is low, and the posting is seen
negotiations hosted by the delegation was seen as anywhere between a baptism of fire and a walking
an important reminder to all those attending that nightmare. Turnover is greater in the Mat’ Embassy
their larger duty was to the species, as opposed than at any other O-12 posting in the Human
to more parochial concerns. Bureaus Ganesh and Sphere, including Paradiso. All of this chaos is not
Hermes, tied to trade and shipping, share offices just due to the fractious climate. The rate of turno-
and staff on Nawal Island, but spend an equal ver is also a contributor, with leadership roles and
amount of time between Nawal Island, Medina, ministerial postings often short-lived or left empty
and Dar el Funduq. Bureau Noir is assumed to have for extended periods. There are heavy restrictions
an unspoken presence within the delegation, and on the movements and clearances of embassy staff,
while attempts have been made to work alongside who often have to navigate byzantine layers of
the Hassassins on a number of occasions, such bureaucracy to get the reports they require, only
overtures have led nowhere. Lastly, Bureau Aegis, to find that the case has changed, been dropped,
while represented in the largest numbers through or shifted to another department. The technolog-
Section Metis, also has minister recently posted to ical backwater of Ariadna requires a significant
the delegation. Alongside the minister for Athena, adjustment for arriving staff and is something
the minister for Aegis, a general with Section that most of them never really adapt to. Strict
Spatha, has been heavily involved in negotiations. regulation requires that staff must be paid in sol,
but they are required to exchange it for rubles to
The delegation on Nawal Island is a busy hive of
actually use it for anything, and the exchange rate
activity that is plugged directly into many of the
is often set unfairly or subject to a litany of small
economic and technological drivers of Bourak
fees. For a vast majority of cases, embassy staff
and the Haqqislamite nation. Recent years have
must work through contacts within the Rodinan
also seen Nawal Island host an ongoing series of
Federal Service, who appear to go out of their
negotiations between a number of the hyperpow-
way to makes things move slowly, are riddled with
ers. These negotiations have been fundamental to
mistakes, or are missing vital details, and the whole
some of the processes and tensions surrounding
experience of life at the Mat’ Embassy is unlike any
the Japanese Uprising, the employment of
other posting O-12 offers. All of that is not even
Non-Aligned Nations forces on Paradiso, the man-
counting the fights. Those few staff members who
agement of the Paradiso war effort, and the recent
manage to finish a tour of duty, as they call it, will
developments on Ariadna. How exactly Bourak, and
listen to staff from other embassies talk about their
Nawal Island specifically, became part-time host
trials and tribulations like grizzled vets listening to
to these talks appears to be a matter of fortune,
casual paintballers talk about the stress of combat.
but the delegation has been forced to expand and
accommodate the changing needs quickly and effi- One of the bitterest points of argument and tension
ciently. To date and under the careful leadership of comes from trade negotiations. These are almost
Ambassador Trang, they have risen to the challenge. universally seen as being unfair and borderline
criminal in their disregard for Ariadnan sovereignty.
ARIADNA Echoes of the Commercial Conflicts dominate
discussion — who owns what scraps of land and to
From settlement through internecine war, the
what depth, and the continual meddling of hyper-
Commercial Conflicts and to the current socio-po-
corps whose annual profits outstrip Ariadna’s gross
litical climate, Ariadna has had to fight tooth and
domestic product by several fold. An ongoing point
nail for every scrap of recognition and sovereignty
of contention is the unwillingness to share technol-
that it holds. Ariadna is officially supportive of O-12,
ogy. While Ariadna is able to trade for manufactured
but a litany of bad deals, even if they were the best
items, the processes and knowledge required to
of the worst scenarios, has led to a culture of mis-
manufacture similar items for themselves is hidden
trust between the Ariadnan Council and the O-12
behind a wall of a proprietary ownerships. Ariadna
Embassy in Mat’. Not that O-12 isn’t seen as impor-
has had some successes in more recent years
tant or useful, but rather that it is not Ariadnan, and
through painful reverse engineering processes,
O-12 doesn’t always ensure that trade deals and
although these are heavily at risk of being locked
the sharing of information, power, and technologies
up in court battles on Concilium Prima. Unofficially,
are in the best interests of Ariadna.
many within O-12 would like to see Ariadna freed
With four local factions striving to each have their of the constraints their technology places on them,
voice heard as a part of the general clamour from but officially they must appear, at least, to uphold
the Ariadnan Council, with Yu Jing and PanOceania the law, however constructing and unfair it might
both making territorial claims often on behalf feel. Whatever O-12 might secretly wish for, and
of and backed by powerful hypercorps, the O-12 whatever the staff at the Mat’ Embassy sympathetic
Embassies of Note 43
Shimmering Sky
Shaima AlHassan is a prominent planetary engineer with Bureau Gaea. For the last month, she has been working
closely with Terraformation Institute experts in Maracanda. Two days ago, she was abducted. Normal protocol
would stipulate that the investigation should be handled by local law-enforcement, but Shaima AlHassan
was no ordinary planetary engineer. She was lead collaborator on the current state of the Shimmering Sky on
Concilium Prima and has in-depth knowledge of its systems, processes, functions, and access pathways. As soon
as the news broke of her abduction, codes and passwords were changed, and keys were broken and remade, but
her intimate knowledge of the system may still yield damaging results if she is subjected to interrogation and
breaks. She must be found, and given the sensitivity of the mission, the Haqqislam government has agreed to
allow O-12 to place agents in the field. That is where you come in: find Shaima AlHassan’s last location, liaise
with local law-enforcement on any leads, and follow them, wherever they may take you. Find her, bring her
home alive if possible, her cube if not, or ensure both are destroyed as a last resort.
The Contract
You and your fellow operatives have been given new identities as a small but highly successful mercenary
outfit called Luchnik, and a suitable electronic trail has been created to support your cover. Arriving on a small
private craft, outfitted to suit your new identities, you are scheduled to attend an event on Zumorroda, a private
island run by Qaid Fahesh who is the leader of the Dahshat Mercenary Company. Every year, Qaid Fahesh holds
an event designed to identify and recruit promising small mercenary outfits that can be subcontracted by the
Dahshat and may even earn themselves a more permanent role. Little more than rumour is known of how the
event is run, but stories of games, drills, live fire exercises, and bloody competitions run rampant. It is even
said that the event is little more than a cover for Qaid to make a small fortune through the gambling of the
high-powered and shady people invited to watch. Dahshat and Qaid Fahesh have come under international
investigation for a number of reasons, and some idea of the layout of his island, its inner-workings, and the
sorts of people he rubs shoulders with may be vital to future operations. As Luchnik, you will strive in the
activities and games, seeking to make a name for yourselves in the eyes of Qaid. Be wary though. He is shrewd
and intelligent and according to rumour the deaths and ‘accidents’ at these events are not insignificant!
A woman sits in a cell in a high security prison in Khadijah on Nawal Island. Her cell is designed for sensory
deprivation, the walls layered with counter-intrusion measures creating a Faraday cage within. She is fed
through a slot in the door, and multiple guards are posted outside 24 hours a day. She has been there for eight
days. She has not spoken. She has no identity on record. She may be Hassassin, she may be Al Hawwa’, she
may be an agent of another nation, or she may be something else entirely. Eight days ago, she attacked the
PanOceanian Embassy, killing twelve guards and three embassy staff before a lucky ricochet blinded her, and
she was arrested. PanOceania is demanding a full investigation be undertaken by Hexhedron agents, while the
Majlis al-Bourak have offered their own intelligence services. For reasons as yet unknown, neither side trusts
the other to pursue this case without concealing something. It has fallen to O-12 to break the deadlock. You
are a part of that team. You will be watched, be sure, by Haqqislamite and PanOceanian agents equally. You are
not permitted to interview the woman. You have limited access to the footage and associated files. Somehow,
you are expected to crack the case and manage it in a way that satisfies both parties. Why did she attack the
PanOceanian Embassy? Was she hoping to stir trouble between the two powers? Was she acting alone? Was it
a reprisal for something? Who is she? What is she? And why won’t either nation agree to allow you to interview
her or access the official files?
44 Chapter 4
to the Ariadnan cause might think, the embassy and With the discovery that the Combined Army has
its staff are caught in the unenviable position of formed a beachhead of sorts on Dawn, the entire
being between a rock and a hard place. The other well-practiced dance that represents the rela-
G5 nations are happy to see Ariadna in a weak tionship between O-12 and Ariadna has changed.
and exploitable position and apply pressure on Proof of the Combined presence on Dawn caused
almost every conceivable front to ensure that stays the Ariadnan Council to wake with the sudden
the case, all the while Ariadna chafes under the and gut-wrenching realisation that a warfront on
bonds imposed on it. O-12 and the staff at the Mat’ Dawn does nothing for Ariadna but allow other
Embassy are in the middle, doing what they can to G-5 Nations, particularly Yu Jing and PanOceania,
keep the peace. to push forward with their own territorial claims
under the guise of fighting the enemy. News that
Another constant source of frustration that has
the Combined forces had slipped the heavy cordon
done much to drive a wedge between the Ariadnan
in the Paradiso system and made it through to
Council and O-12 is the Ariadnan Exclusion Zone
Dawn is highly classified information, but it is infor-
(AEZ), governed by a team known as the Ariadnan
mation that has rocked the political stability and
Development Council and led by the minister
ambitions of all the G-5 Nations. Understanding
for Bureau Ganesh, another position within the
that any attempts to push for overall command of
embassy that has operated with a revolving door
the military operation under claim of sovereignty
of ministers. While the institution of the AEZ was
are likely to be as ignored as any previous attempts
an important step at the time of its creation, the
to assert authority in the face of corporate land-
changing circumstances, fortunes, and socio-po-
grabs, the Ariadnan Council have suddenly found
litical climate of both Ariadna and the rest of the
that they need O-12 in a way that was previously
Human Sphere has pushed the need for the AEZ
unpalatable to consider. The Ariadnan Council have
from a necessity to a contentious and arguably
pushed hard on every lever they can grasp to assert
unnecessary imposition. The Ariadnan Development
that the right to manage a multinational response
Council is meant to delineate swathes of land
on Dawn must, like on Paradiso, be managed by
to allow each of the Ariadnan nations room to
O-12. They knew that wasting time to push for
expand, but the process has been complicated by
their own authority was likely to allow the other
the high turnover of key staff. The Ariadnan Council
nations to land forces on Dawn and begin the
has the power to rubber stamp new settlements
process of land-grabbing under the pretence of a
within the AEZ as long as they can demonstrate the
united defence of the planet, so Ariadna took the
necessity of doing so, and without bothering with
unexpected step of demanding O-12 be given the
the justification, this is exactly what the Ariadnan
lead. While not fully supported by PanOceania and
Council have started to do. There is some concern
Yu Jing, any argument to the contrary looked lost
that this will lead to competing claims between
before it could be started, and O-12 was quick to
the Ariadnan powers, again pushing an already
assume overall command. Legally, O-12 will coordi-
fractious alliance into civil war, but as many point
nate the military responses to the new front against
out, Ariadna as a whole have enough common
the Combined enemy, and the Ariadnan Council
enemies to keep them fighting side-by-side, and
hope that this way will help prevent other nations
the thinking that dominated the establishment of
from simply landing troops and claiming territory
the AEZ has become redundant given the current
for themselves. This singular change in dynamics
situation. Of course, the reality of this changing
between Ariadna and O-12 has been a paradigm
climate does nothing to stop the occasional fresh-
shift, with Ariadna suddenly more cooperative,
faced bureaucrat arriving from Concilium Prima
supportive, and willing to engage with O-12, and
intent on making some point or investigation into
O-12 investing significant resources and personnel
infringements of the AEZ, but the Ariadnan Council
into their operations on Ariadna. Of course, the
is as skilled at stone-walling as any other power
Stavka have also stepped up their investment into
in the Sphere, and such new arrivals usually don’t
the infiltration of O-12 on Dawn. What use is it to
last long.
pass authority on to someone else if you can’t keep
a close eye on them?
Embassies of Note 45
Do Two Wrongs Make A Right?
A stanitsa in the foothills of the Tartary mountain range lodged a series of complaints with the Ariadnan Council and the O-12
Embassy in Mat’ over the illegal and aggressive expansion of a Yu Jingese mining site on their western border. They reported a
series of atrocities including outlying farming families butchered. The acting minister for Bureau Athena called for an investigation,
which is why you are here. You must travel to the foothills of the Rodina mountain range and uncover the truth of these claims.
But unbeknownst to O-12, the Ariadnan Council have already acted. What atrocities did the mining company commit, and can they
be brought to justice for their crimes? Or was the reprisal so brutal that any investigation could end up seeing Ariadnan officers in
court for their punitive actions? Everyone has a different story to tell, and weeding the truth from the cover-ups is going to be tough,
especially with the Stavka watching. Will the actions of the company be such that the response was justified?
A new minister for Bureau Agni has been posted to the Mat’ Embassy to replace the last, who went on leave a year ago. In traditional
fashion, the Ariadnan Council has thrown out the welcome mat and have invited the new minister on a tour of the countryside.
Innocent and all too trusting, the minister agreed. The Ariadnan Council are well known, among those who have served with the
embassy for long enough, for their capacity to concoct strange, demanding, and sometimes downright dangerous hazing rituals.
Whatever the new minister for Agni expressed to them in his initial meetings, it impressed them enough to get creative. The ‘tour’
will be guided by officers from the Spetsnaz and a number of staff from the Rodinan Federal Service, all of whom find the entire thing
hilarious. Two weeks in driving sleet, snow, cold, and hunting for their own food. It’s not a tour; it’s a survival course. You have been
assigned to protect the minister and ensure he survives. Will encounters with Dogfaces shake his bull-headed determination to ‘see
it through’, or will the biting hunger, cold, and suffering be enough?
46 Chapter 4
multinational war effort has required more diplo- highly, but the current volatility of state interac-
macy, bombast, and threats of sanctions or other tions has pushed it into one of the most highly
punitive actions than ever before. The Combined rated Maya streams available. Screaming matches,
Army have leapt on this disunity and are pushing, arguments, thrown cups, and even a number of fist
not only on Paradiso, but have stepped up attacks fights have all been documented by cameras that
on the Acheron Blockade and threaten to breach hang from the chamber roof. The public seem hor-
human space with the beachhead established on rified and fascinated in equal measure by the sight
Dawn. Now is not the time for the petty squabbling of their representatives tearing at the foundation
of nation states to distract from the greatest of cooperation that keeps the Human Sphere safe
common enemy humanity has ever faced, and the from the Combined Army onslaught.
O-12 Embassy has worked tirelessly to remind the
Beyond the public debate hall of the Hall of the
envoys and representatives they are dealing with of
Assembly, and on the higher levels of the embassy
this exact point.
building, are where the real deals and discussions
The embassy on the Free Island of Sálvora is take place. Here a legion of bureaucrats from
housed in a number of high-rise buildings in the Section Statera work in support of the ambassador
centre of Sálvora City, with the most important and ministers and synchronise with the Paradiso
called The Assembly Building. The Hall of the Coordinated Command. Here too is where the
Assembly, an expansive and vaulted meeting envoys and diplomats gather around smaller tables
room with a number of attached chambers for in meeting rooms, have their grievances aired, and
hearings and special cases, is a debate and meeting make demands and concessions both to keep the
chamber where generals, envoys, and diplomats rub veneer of unity intact, and as the embassy staff
shoulders with members of the press, bureaucrats, and O-12 hope — work towards a more cooperative
and other officials. Perpetually streamed on Maya, tomorrow.
The Hall of Assembly was in years past rarely rated
In the Wind
Lucy Obasanjo was a Section Statera bureaucrat working under the minister for Bureau Hermes. Shortly
after being questioned about some irregularities in shipping manifests, she took leave and using passes
she issued to herself took off. It was a number of days before her absence raised any alarm bells, and the
investigation that followed was startling. For a number of months, and perhaps longer, Lucy had been
using her position within the bureaucracy of Bureau Hermes to issue ship licences and shipping passes to
a number of private contacts. The investigation discovered that these contacts are likely to be connected
to an unknown Submondo group, but who are likely to be the same group that has been investigated
for the last eighteen months for the smuggling Voodoo tech off Paradiso. Obasanjo was transferred
to Section Statera from Section Spatha after a serious injury sustained on Paradiso. She has detailed
knowledge of a number of investigations undertaken by Hermes, as well as an unknown data taken from
the databases of the Sálvora Embassy. She must be tracked down and brought in for interrogation, but no
doubt her new friends will keen to hide and protect her.
Embassies of Note 47
48 Chapter 5
significantly different to that of an embassy. Most of as the powder-keg that would initiate the next big
the time a field office will be led by a junior consul, war, but it never happened. As the crisis wound
counsellor, or ministerial liaison; the number of down, O-12 established a presence in the system
these positions of rank depends on the workflow that allowed them a frontline role in mediating
of the field office. Beneath these ranked positions disputes, and while the Human Edge remains a
are the bureaucrats, members of Section Statera, fractious and close to lawless frontier, the larger
and all-important cogs in the machinery of O-12. clashes and general chaos of the crisis period is
All field offices also have a posted security team, well behind them.
usually a number of individuals or a small unit from
Originally, O-12 located themselves in an orbital
Section Spatha, who might be Global Police. If a
purchased from the Yan Wei Corporation. It was
field office is close enough to a hot-spot or opera-
small and barely functional but served for five years
tional theatre, members from Bureau Noir or Aegis
while the first stages of the End of the Line Free
may use it as a staging base for their operation or
Orbital were constructed in orbit around Heroclitus.
as a rallying point afterwards.
Built in toroid-shaped zones that revolve around
A field office occupies a different legal position to a central axle, it was designed to be expandable
an embassy. Where an embassy is O-12 territory, a while leveraging the simplicity of a Bernal sphere
field office is technically not. While O-12 officials to provide gravity for the inhabitants. O-12 first
at a field office may declare a person or persons moved into the End of the Line Free Orbital when
within the offices have been granted asylum, those the second of the toroid zones was completed, and
individuals do not have the same protections since then, a further five have been added.
offered by an embassy. This is often compounded
End of the Line is the default destination for new
by the fact that field offices regularly share a floor
arrivals to the Human Edge. Here, any required
or building with another organisation or business.
documentation can be verified and processed, and
In the past, accepted asylum seekers have been
there are extensive programmes to allow new
taken into custody within field offices while O-12
arrivals to adjust to life on the frontier of human
staff have been able to do little more than watch
space. Named originally as a tribute to the fact that
and later lodge a complaint. There are a number of
the Human Edge represented the farthest flung
field offices designed to work in a roving capacity,
location of human expansion, the title has grown
housed within a small frigate that is relocatable
to carry a dark, satirical tone. A great many new
depending on the need.
arrivals to the Human Edge come as prospectors
Given their unassuming nature, the prevailing or refugees, people wanting to find a new life or
attitude is that field offices are O-12 embassies escaping the old one, and unfortunately too many
with no teeth. Bureaus Noir and Aegis both have of those that arrive at the End of the Line find it
used this to their advantage. More often than difficult or impossible to move on. There are many
many might care to note, the bored Section Statera reasons for this, and a majority of them boil down
bureaucrat who spends their day lodging documen- to assets. Often new arrivals lack the connections,
tation related to ship licences and shipping permits resources, skills, or wealth to secure a position or
is also a handler for Bureau Noir agents in the find a home elsewhere in the system. There are
field or gathers intel for a Global Police operation also those who have made the first steps toward a
in the area. new life, but falter, facing and unable to make that
final jump, not quite willing to return to whatever
The field offices detailed in this chapter are not
they left and not quite willing to commit to the
an exhaustive list but represent instead some of
uncertainty of life in the Human Edge.
the more important or unique field offices oper-
ated by O-12. End of the Line is a vibrant place, a place where
the diaspora of humanity rubs shoulders with
one another regardless of creed, nationality, or
Field Offices 49
governing body that rules the Concilium system, a roving field office are often structured with a
and recognised citizens of the End of the Line defined chain-of-command and, in this sense,
are permitted to vote in the Bureau Concilium borrow some of the structure and bureaucratic
elections. While officially operated as a field office network of a military vessel. The staff members
for O-12, the End of the Line Free Orbital is more aboard a roving field office are usually small in
of a territory, and ministerial representatives for number and highly skilled. Staff are also chosen for
a number of bureaus work here, liaising with their experience, level headedness, and, of course,
corporations and the other orbitals of the system. skill set, and most usually function as project, relief,
Several consuls have residence at the End of the or event managers dealing with crisis situations.
Line, and their job is both to manage negotiations Roving field offices can even provide engineering
that do not fall under the direct remit of the bureau advice and management and can respond to prob-
ministers, arbitrate disputes, which usually revolve lems associated with energy and food distribution
around mining claims, and to keep an eye on pirate in trying circumstances, such as in the aftermath of
activity and mercenary operations in the system. natural calamities. In a very real sense, they operate
Bureaus Aegis and Noir have permanent ministerial as a disaster relief team, able to provide the analy-
positions at the End of the Line, alongside handlers, sis, processing, and support to assist in response to
operatives, and soldiers familiar with the various a wide range of crises.
orbitals, corporations, nations, and operations in the
This may seem beyond the remit of a run-of-the-
system. Both Bureaus Aegis and Noir use the End
mill field office or embassy, but the capacity for
of the Line as a ‘washing machine’, a place where
a roving field office to support a situation comes
agents often arrive with one identification and
not just in its ability to provide direct assistance,
move back into circulation with another.
but its ability to serve as the vital and immediate
interface between O-12 and a multitude of other
ROVING FIELD support agencies within the host nation or around
the Human Sphere as required by the circum-
OFFICES stances it faces.
50 Chapter 5
Fallen Star
Former Aristeia! champion Marlo ‘The Cleaver’ Handburg is on the run. Marlo’s life as a mega-wealthy Maya-star has
come crashing down around his ears. A playboy, part-time Aristeia! star, and full-time drug addict, Marlo had a penchant
for the high life and the fast lane. He even used his wealth to build his own personal zoo. Highly illegal given its location
within an orbital above Varuna, he had the animals smuggled in. Harmless enough, until his pair of Shrike Tardigrades
escaped, killing dozens of innocents in the process. Marlo fled as his careless, and even worse, remorseless, response
to the tragedy spread like fire around Maya. Soon enough, reports of fixed matches and other criminal activities saw
his accounts locked and Marlo himself degraded from star to murdering criminal. He fled, using whatever contacts he
had made throughout his long experience of misdemeanour and self-interest. He fled, what’s more, to the Human Edge.
Sure, the Human Edge is home to 100 million souls, but it can’t be hard to find a former superstar who likes the lavish
things in life, surely. You’ll need to get hold of him before his enemies or the bounty hunters do; he must face trial for
what he did over Varuna.
Field Offices 51
Running a campaign centred around a team on a roving field office could present a multitude of opportunities for daring acts,
careful diplomacy, and political wrangling. Roving field offices typically consist of a small staff of capable professionals who are
relocated to assist in situations where things have gone horribly wrong for one reason or another.
Roving field offices may be sent on mission as a secondment to Bureau Athena to scrutinise or support an investigation into
human rights abuses or to negotiate in a diplomatic mission to a Tohaa outpost. They may be seconded to Bureau Ganesh as a
part of the Concilium Disaster Fund to ensure the distribution of food, energy, or medical supplies is professionally managed and
not funnelled off by greedy middlemen. They may be seconded to Bureau Aegis to uncover evidence and serve court summons to
the Courts of Concilium in the event of breaches of the Concilium Convention, illegal research, the smuggling of VoodooTech, or
other corporate crimes. The possibilities are endless and have the opportunity to take the characters across the vast territories
and nations of the Human Sphere, doing what they can to protect and uplift those suffering and unshackle the downtrodden.
In many ways, the mission briefings for a roving field office are similar in outline to those that a Bureau Noir team might under-
take. The key differences are that field officers serve in direct and overt ways and their mission parameters rarely justify getting
involved in combat unless in it is direct support of their mission goals. Missions in this sense are diplomatic, science based, and
investigatory. Players will need to use a wide range of skills to deal with problems that arise by primarily relying on the Psywar
and Infowar Battlefields and resorting to Warfare only when their hands are forced. Players in a roving field office campaign are
likely to represent the key staff, and a number of Troop-level NPCs will live on-board to support the characters, without getting
directly involved. These represent the bureaucrats and office workers of Section Statera who perform a vital, if less interesting,
function of ensuring the documentation is drawn up and the players have a way to access the supports they require.
52 Chapter 5
Field Offices 53
If the words, writs, and laws passed in the into an abyss from which it would never recover.
Öberhaus, Petite Asemblée, and the Courts of Humanity, as varied, beautiful, and bright as it
Concilium are not enough to induce action from the has ever been is also fractious and fragmented,
nation states of the Human Sphere, there stands minded to parochial sentimentality and divisive
Bureau Aegis, the hands that carry out the will nationalism, prone to acrimonious squabbling and
of O-12. Of all the bureaus, Aegis is second only narcissistic self-aggrandisement. After all, compe-
to Bureau Toth in funding, and for good reason. tition has often been the spur to advancement. But
Divided into two vitally important sections, Bureau now, with an alien foe slavering for total domina-
Aegis ensures that O-12 can carry forward its tion clawing its way, part by part, into the bastion
mission, whether that be through legal, political, of the Human Sphere, a united front is required.
or military means. Bureau Aegis stands firm in Order and organisation need leaders, those with
upholding the framework of laws and agreements the foresight to see the bigger picture, and the
that keep the Human Sphere from slipping off will to forge a path into a hopeful future. It also
the knife’s edge of stability, without them, as any requires enforcers, shepherds, and taskmasters who
O-12 citizen will gladly relate, humanity would will carry out the will of those great minds. In O-12,
doubtless fall. humanity has both the leaders and the enforcers.
If the political mechanisms of O-12 represent the
Now, more than ever before in history, humanity
former, then Bureau Aegis stands as the latter. It is
stands on the brink. Self-governance, perhaps even
Bureau Aegis that sees the agreements made are
the preservation of human life itself, could tip
54 Chapter 6
carried out, that the law is upheld, justice meted, alongside legal and paralegal assistants, attorneys,
and that the great enemy, wherever they turn, finds cybercrimes technicians, and investigators from
not a haphazard and fragmented defence, but a Section Spatha, as the needs of the bureau they
united front intent on absolute defiance. have been assigned to dictate. Experts are regu-
larly seconded to a satellite to serve a particular
Section Statera and Section Spatha are the two
function in relation to specific cases, but the
vast divisions that make up Bureau Aegis and are
general expectation is that a satellite assigned to
often referred to offhandedly as ‘the Scale’ and
a bureau will include all the relevant expertise
‘the Sword’ respectively. Section Statera is a huge
to pursue and execute any cases or investigations
corps of lawyers, aides, bureaucrats, accountants,
their assigned bureau might require. Satellites
and other experts who ensure justice stands and
typically work on site at the headquarters of the
rulings, regulations, and restrictions are upheld.
relevant bureau, where they have close and easy
Section Spatha is a gendarmerie, a militarised
access to personnel, the knowledge base, records,
police force with legal roles and responsibilities.
and research. Section Statera Satellites are also
Section Spatha is not shy of participating in front-
assigned to key apparatus within the government
line action, often employed as military support
and legal systems of O-12, including and most
and ever called upon to pursue investigations and
obviously to the Courts of Concilium, but also to
criminal activities that fall across multiple national
the Öberhaus, the Petite Assembleé, and even the
legal jurisdictions. While both sections sit beneath
Security Council.
the Bureau Aegis directorship, both are also highly
independent, pursuing their different responsibili- Sitting outside the usual division, branch, and
ties with skill, tenacity, and professionalism. Bureau satellite structure of the rest of Section Statera is
Aegis is, in short, a vital tool in the arsenal of O-12, the Internal Affairs Division. As often as it has been
which is itself, a vital asset working tirelessly to suggested that Section Statera and Section Spatha
maintain peace, stability, and a united defence of be divided and made into two distinct bureaus,
the Human Sphere. so too has the separation of the Internal Affairs
Division into a distinct and independent body been
a regular topic of discussion and debate. For now,
SECTION STATERA and the foreseeable future however, the position
of the division within Section Statera is ensured.
Without doubt and beyond comparison, Statera
While every bureau has its own form of an Internal
is the largest section in O-12. By number of
Affairs Division, and Bureau Trimurti manage a
employees, it outstrips most other entire bureaus
large Internal Affairs Division responsible for inves-
by a significant margin. This vast section has its
tigating and holding other bureaus to the standards
own director and managerial board but is also
expected, the Section Statera Internal Affairs
split into a number of divisions, each tasked with
Division has a clear mandate to investigate and
dealing with aspects of Section Statera’s remit.
prosecute actions that relate to security and mili-
Each division has a director (or directors) who takes
tary matters. This includes investigations into the
their place on the section board. Divisions exist for
actions and operations of Bureau Aegis itself and
a range of specialised areas including Legal, Human
also the O-12 Security Council and Bureau Noir. In
Resources, Recruitment, Cybercrimes, Finance,
fact, any matter that is deemed to relate to defence
Administration, and Internal Affairs. Each division
and security is within the remit of Section Statera’s
is subsequently split into a range of relevant
Internal Affairs Division. Distinct from Bureau
branches. For Finance, these departments consist of
Trimurti, whose primary focus is on corruption
Fraud, Taxation, and Forensic Accounting.
and the mishandling of funding, Section Statera’s
Divisions most often function in teams called Internal Affairs is focused specifically on military
‘satellites’. These satellites may be as few as a and security. While they regularly liaise with Bureau
dozen members, with a satellite manager and Trimurti, the division regularly deals with highly
leadership team of one or two, or may be several classified and sensitive actions and operations.
hundred members strong. Satellites are designed
The Internal Affairs Division’s broad ranging
to work with and within other bureaus across O-12,
jurisdiction as it relates to security matters also
following up legal concerns relevant to the bureaus
happens to incorporate sitting members of the
they have been allocated to, thereby enabling them
Security Council belonging to other nation states,
to outsource important research and support work
and officers belonging to other national militaries
to relevant experts in their fields.
that have participated in operations led by O-12.
Each bureau within O-12 usually has at least There are few that are wholly happy with the
one Section Statera Satellite that liaises with wide-ranging investigative powers of Section
and follows up on issues relevant to that bureau. Statera’s Internal Affairs Division, but there are
To confuse matters more, satellites are often fewer who are willing to lend their voice to an
cross-divisional, with forensic accountants working argument for curbing their reach. As much as
Bureau Aegis 55
other nations don’t like the idea of their soldiers Three of the five major departments have grown in
or officers falling under threat of investigation, importance, size, and independence.
they don’t like the prospect of their rivals avoiding
Procurement is the logistics and supplies depart-
scrutiny even more. The risk is part and parcel
ment and has grown to assume a key role on a
of electing O-12 to manage or coordinate an
broader stage. Because the Concilium Conventions
regulate military hardware that is legal and illegal,
Due to the sensitive nature of the cases Internal Procurement has striven to become the standard for
Affairs manages, a vast majority of their investi- the Human Sphere, leading the way by modelling
gations and findings are made to closed courts of the types of gear and equipment law enforcement
‘cleared’ individuals, and the punitive measures and security personal should have access to, and
undertaken as a result are kept just as quiet. An just as importantly, what is not appropriate for a
uneasy acceptance surrounds the Internal Affairs security force. They maintain guidelines that, tacitly
Division. On one hand it has an extremely powerful at least, are expected to be adhered to by corporate
reach; on the other, it has shown time and time security and policing forces around the Human
again that it has the courage and fortitude to delve Sphere. Most national police forces pay lip service
into some of the murkier corners of O-12’s joint to the guidelines, but Procurement agents have
operations carrying the light of justice in hand. a key role in setting a standard, testing and field
testing newly developed technology for suitability,
as well as making recommendations as to what
SECTION SPATHA should be added or removed from the Concilium
Section Spatha is the will of O-12 manifested.
Structured as a gendarmerie, Section Spatha has The Bureau Aegis Psi Unit, the military intelligence
responsibilities that would be deemed by any wing of Bureau Aegis, has grown to a size and
other state as military, but also includes roles more specificity of training that candidates now rarely
typically executed by law enforcement and policing come through the bureau’s usual recruitment pool.
services. Section Spatha troops may be found on Currently, new rekruts (recruits) for the Psi Unit are
Concilium directing traffic and providing security. often tapped on the shoulder rather than gathered
They may be found in hot spots around the Human from the general rekruts into Spatha. While Psi
Sphere coordinating joint military operations, pro- Unit members were once all soldiers or ex-soldiers,
viding training, serving on the front line, and they nowadays, the department includes a more diver-
may also be found throughout the Human Sphere sified pool of talent drawn from multiple bureaus
investigating and pursuing criminals whose crimes across O-12 and who are there at invite more often
cross national boundaries and jurisdictions. They than by application.
are a multi-purpose force, well trained in soldiering,
Starmada has been a part of Bureau Aegis since the
but capable of so much more.
bureau’s founding, and while new members of this
Section Spatha maintains the hierarchical structure force often are transfers from other departments
common to military forces. The secretary general is of the Section Spatha and even Bureau Tiandi,
ostensibly the leader of Section Spatha. They are a many join by invite. Most newly inducted members
sitting member on the Security Council of O-12, and are experienced SWORDFOR personnel who have
it is they and their team of generals and advisers proven their ability, bravery, and most importantly,
who make up ‘Command’ and allocate forces around their loyalty. While the ships of the Starmada fleet
the Human Sphere, initiate operations, and appoint are well recognised throughout the Human Sphere,
Section Spatha leaders to the O-12 commissions especially the Circle Runners and hospital ships,
operating around the Human Sphere. Starmada’s headquarters and the Surt Defensive
Ring that it is based in are highly classified and
Section Spatha, also known as SWORDFOR, is
shrouded in secrecy.
divided into a number of departments: the Psi Unit,
Starmada, Procurement, the Bureau Aegis Tactical Top ranking officers in each of the departments
Police Department (BATPD), and the Bureau Aegis are members in Section Spatha Command. The
Investigations Police Department, also known overall bureaucratic structure places the secretary
as GloPol (or the Global Police). Each of these is general at the top of the hierarchy. The secretary
structured slightly differently, and it is common for general is a position held for a three-year period
individuals to shift between these departments (though recurrent appointments are possible) and
for specific operations or throughout their career. has traditionally been the highest-ranking officer
While the differences are, by necessity, blurred, the in the Tactical Police Department. Even though
importance of the delineation is in their specific they are ostensibly commander in chief, the sec-
roles and responsibilities. In the last decade, a shift retary general’s role (and the structure of Section
has slowly been taking place within Section Spatha. Spatha) has evolved to treat the commanders of
56 Chapter 6
the Psi Unit and Starmada as equals rather than Advertising and recruitment of potential soldiers
sub-ordinate positions. This evolution has been a from outside of O-12 space is a trickier process, due
process driven by necessity as the size, importance, in part to an unwillingness of nation states to allow
and resulting independence of these departments O-12 to openly recruit and in part to perceptions
has been a response to the changing state of affairs regarding O-12 that exist in the media and are
across the Human Sphere. There may well be a day pushed by certain national interest groups. Of
soon coming where the Psi Unit and Starmada are course, walk-ups do happen, and O-12 recruitment
reshuffled as distinct sections within Bureau Aegis, agencies are ready for anyone who actively wants
but so far this step has been held back by the fear to join (provided they pass stringent vetting pro-
that it would look externally like O-12 was moving cesses), but to broaden their reach and to attempt
to establish a fully-fledged military force. to break down barriers and perceptions, Bureau
Aegis takes a slow and considered response using
BASIC targeted advertising based on Maya behavioural
Section Spatha's budget invests heavily in recruit-
ment. Throughout Concilium, there are augmented Much time and money has been invested in
reality displays and advertising prompting passers developing tools designed to look for candidates
by to consider joining SWORDFOR. There is a social who have a tendency to display an interest in inter-
and cultural weight to signing up. If you are an national affairs, lack strong nationalistic tendencies,
O-12 citizen, that is not often matched elsewhere, have connections to a range of fitness applications
and tried and tested recruitment and advertising and services, and a range of other key tags in their
methodology is relatively cheap and effective. online and real-life behaviour. Candidates filtered
through this complicated data farming process, who
seem to match the social, political, and psycholog-
THE LINE ical profiles that Bureau Aegis are looking for, will
Section Spatha, SWORDFOR, Bureau Aegis be slowly exposed to advertising and propaganda
Tactical Police Department, Bureau Aegis through augmented reality and their various online
Investigations Police Department, GloPol… interactions. The algorithms will monitor a target’s
These are all names that, for the general response, and if this response isn’t overtly negative,
public, are often used interchangeably. While the engagement is slowly stepped up. The object
SWORDFOR and Section Spatha are two names of this highly developed process of slow exposure
for the same thing, which includes the Tactical to carefully selected targets is to break down the
Police Department and the GloPol Department social and cultural assumptions held about O-12
(technically the Bureau Aegis Investigations elsewhere in the Sphere and make the idea of
Police Department), the names are not often
joining a force built on the principles of peace and
accurately applied in the media or by the people
in general. justice sound like something that a certain type
of young person would benefit from. After the first
SWORDFOR has a high level of public visibility, steps have been taken, more blatant and suggestive
largely due to a wildly popular sensaseries advertising is used to prompt potential candidates
called The Line. The Line has been lauded for to sign up. The following stages involve interviews,
its realistic portrayal of SWORDFOR operations online tests, and if all those are passed, tickets to
and is purported to be supported by Bureau the closest O-12 office, almost all of which employ
Aegis advisers. It has been recently approved for staff capable of running the interview and recruit-
an eighth season. The Line follows a fictional ment process.
Special Crimes Squad called the Venatio.
New members recruited into Section Spatha are
The show’s name was selected both for its trained broadly with the intention that they will be
history (coming from a much older ‘Thin Blue able to serve in any of the departments. More often
Line’ colloquialism applied to a police force) and than not, a rekrut’s successes and abilities will
for its regular use in slogans and recruitment have them earmarked by their trainers for specific
banners for police across the Human Sphere.
departmental roles or units. Whether a rekrut has
The Line between justice and anarchy. The Line
between peace and chaos. The Line between their eyes set on the Tactical Police Department
good and evil. The Line between humanity or GloPol, the first introduction to service is Basic
and destruction. Training. For all candidates, regardless of where
they are in the Sphere, Basic Training takes place
on Concilium Prima in training centres in the city of
Edda and in the orbital Asgard high above.
Basic Training is a tough three-month experience
designed to test and build a new rekrut’s strength,
endurance, and mental acuity. Not only does Basic
Bureau Aegis 57
deal with rebuilding the body, but much time are a one-month embedded course held with
is also spent on developing the mind. In fact, a the unit, before a rekrut is officially passed and
significant weight is placed on a rekrut’s academic awarded their ‘deputy gendarme’ epaulettes and
progress, as academics are a vital component of a their blue caps.
typical SWORDFOR officer’s regular duties. Training
courses on laws, psychology, de-escalation strate- JOINING THE GLOPOL
gies, negotiation, psyops, investigation techniques, DEPARTMENT
and counterinsurgency strategies, as well as many
more, are all part and parcel of the experience. Those rekruts who have applied to GloPol tend
The object of Basic is not to produce a finished to have a more academic bent. As well as rekruts
SWORDFOR officer, but to prepare a candidate for coming through Basic, many GloPol officers enter
the next stages of their training. the force through invitation while undertaking
a university education in forensics, cybersecurity,
Basic is a process that is designed to instil a accounting, and the like. For those who do enter
standard set of skills in all SWORDFOR officers, but GloPol from Basic, there are multiple opportunities
it also includes a process which will help direct a for further education, including university courses
rekrut to an avenue of further training that most in return for terms of service, which are typically
ideally suits their interests and abilities. The final four years.
two weeks of Basic includes a significant focus
on where a rekrut will go next. Based on their Many rekruts to GloPol undertake training in
progress, tests scores, aptitude ratings, and a range policework, following which they will serve as
of other data sets, each rekrut will be given a list of general duties police officers working throughout
options for further training. It is in this stage that the towns, cities, orbitals, and settlements of O-12.
rekruts are shifted into departments and earmarked Later in their careers, many general duties police
for specific units that will manage the next steps in officers ‘train up’, completing specialist courses that
their training. will see them gain the rank of agent and provide
them the opportunities to work forensics, as detec-
Options to sign up for Procurement, the Psi Unit, tives, and so on.
and Starmada are not open to just anybody. While
recruitment drives may occasionally take place, While many specialist agents will end up serving in
they are carefully targeted, either within existing O-12 territory, a majority will find service through-
SWORDFOR ranks or in universities around out the Human Sphere, by assisting national police
Concilium. The training and vetting processes are forces, in training, or in pursuit of criminals whose
lengthy, and the requirements of entry are high and actions breach the laws of multiple national
often extremely specific. jurisdictions. These agents are not heavy armed
tactical police — that is what the Tactical Police
Department is for — they are investigators and
JOINING THE TACTICAL detectives, forensics and fraud experts, people
POLICE DEPARTMENT with specific skill sets to trace and track criminal
Rekruts who have made it through Basic and opt activities across national boundaries and bring the
for entrance into the SWORDFOR Department are perpetrators to justice.
shuffled into groups, sometimes called batches,
or teams. These are usually between twenty and
forty individuals who are then relocated to camps THE TACTICAL
around Concilium Prima for Induction. Induction
is really another word for a series of specialised,
extended courses: weapons drills and training, laws DEPARTMENT
and regulations, teamwork and riot control, counter-
insurgency, and so on. Always with a strong physical As innocuous as the name might sound, the Bureau
and mental fitness component, these courses take Aegis Tactical Police Department is, and without
place at specialised facilities built for purpose, and a doubt, the most well-armed and armoured
teams are revolved through these facilities over organisation in O-12. The banal name is deliberate,
the two months of their Induction. Throughout and O-12 continues to employ significant amounts
Induction, rekruts are encouraged to apply for of propaganda to convince people that the Tactical
entry into the specialist honing courses which will Police Department is not a military force. It is
follow, each of these specifically drilling the rekrut impossible not to agree that the last twenty years
in the skills and requirements of a specific unit in have seen a substantial militarisation of O-12’s
SWORDFOR. tactical force, but this has also coincided with a
rise in corporate military might, larger and more
Induction ends with a passing out parade, a short capable mercenary forces, an increase in tension
leave period, and the beginning of the honing within the Human Sphere, and a much larger
course they successfully applied to. Honing courses
58 Chapter 6
role for O-12 in coordinating and supporting the with their prospective units and upskilled in the
defence against the Combined Army. Nonetheless, specific roles and responsibilities of that unit. For
many detractors throughout the Human Sphere most units, like the largest general unit the Kappas,
decry the increased militarisation of O-12 assets, this training is an intensive one-month process,
suggesting it was never the role O-12 was meant but for more specialised units, like the Omega or
to assume and implying O-12 has imperialistic Gamma Units, this process is both longer and far
designs. Tough times call for tough measures, and a more gruelling.
growing capacity to meet greater threats is needed
Training camps for the Tactical Police Department
if there is to be any hope in carrying out O-12’s
are scattered throughout Concilium Prima. High
mandate to provide enforcement for the rules and
intensity physical training takes place in facilities
uphold international justice. The debate, however,
in the El-Gebal mountain range, the Kappa unit
is the key reason O-12 is very careful with the
training bases are in the lowlands of Maidan,
language it uses to describe its people. It does not
north of Kala Pani, while the best of the best
have divisions and soldiers — it has departments
are relocated to the remote city of Thokk in the
and agents. And while the ranks of the Tactical
arctic continent of Helheim. Here, far from prying
Police Department mirror those of many militaries
eyes in the harshest of conditions, Tactical Police
throughout history, they are never officially referred
Department agents are put through batteries of
to as soldiers.
tests and training programmes designed to break
However careful O-12 is in the use of its language, them down and rebuild them. In separate camps
it is agents and members of the Tactical Police beyond the grey buildings of Thokk itself can be
Department are still taking on front-line duties found the training bases of the Lynx, Delta, Omega,
around the Human Sphere. Through their Basic Gamma, and Razor Units, not that a prying eye
Training, they are well versed in the essentials of would make that far.
local laws, but once they have been passed Basic
Once a rekrut has made the grade, passed their
and entered Induction, training brings the focus on
Basic, Induction, and Honing Training Courses they
military interventions, tactics, and strategies to the
will enter service as a deputy gendarme (the equiv-
forefront. Honing courses see rekruts embedded
alent of a private or constable) in their unit.
* While the autotranslation systems of the TPD commonly default to the English language titles rather
than Esperanto, it is one of the common ways that newly recruited or liaison forces are recognised. Few
if any members of the TPD use these terms except when speaking with outsiders.
Bureau Aegis 59
Environmental training takes place in the specially regarded as volatile and likely to change swiftly,
built orbitals in Concilium Nova and at the Bureau an O-12 commission may be dispatched alongside
Aegis training facilities on Surt, the moon of the peacekeeping force with the authority to make
Muspelheim. The wide array of training camps on-the-spot decisions about the suspension of
and facilities is designed to provide SWORDFOR rules as the situation evolves.
agents with the familiarity and training required
to best support them whatever situation they are
thrown into. THE GLOBAL
Serving throughout the Human Sphere, Tactical POLICE
Police Department units are highly trained and
effective. When a geopolitical tension, corporate DEPARTMENT
disagreement, or potential flashpoint is identified GloPol, or the Global Police Department, is
as likely to deteriorate, the O-12 Security Council, also known by its full name, the Bureau Aegis
on advisement from the Psi Unit, can authorise Investigations Police Department. Unlike the
Bureau Aegis to step into the gap as mediators. Tactical, or Tactical Police Department, officers in
Authorisation requires a majority vote by the GloPol are not heavily armed and armoured; they
Security Council and gives Bureau Aegis the legal are not front-line troops expecting or capable of
right to intervene and mediate with very specific dealing with entrenched or heavy resistance. GloPol
boundaries. Such mediations involve high-level is an international police department that special-
negotiation, deals, embargos, or concessions, ises in investigating crimes and pursuing justice
though on a number of occasions in recent years across national boundaries throughout the Human
the Tactical Police Department has been forced to Sphere. GloPol also have responsibilities that
take a more direct approach and settle the matter extend to general police work within the Concilium
themselves. system, and on a number of Orbitals in the Human
Nations may invite O-12 to support or coordinate Edge. GloPol is divided into two large departments,
actions within their territories. Such invitations each with quite different roles and responsibilities.
typically come with a defined remit, though this is
often negotiated given the needs of the situation. THE GENERAL POLICE
Bureau Aegis Tactical Police Department units DEPARTMENT
may provide training, logistics, front-line support,
The General Police Department has duties that
or defence and security. Nation states often make
extend to essential police work and includes things
use of O-12 resources in this fashion, and some,
like dealing with anti-social behaviour, community
like PanOceania, regard access to Tactical Police
safety, attending accidents, enforcing traffic laws,
Department agents and units for training and coor-
dealing with breaches of law and peace that relate
dination as their due right, since, they argue, they
to drugs and alcohol, and attending emergencies.
pay for O-12 in the first place. It is only a matter
The General Police Department itself is divided
of diplomacy that Tactical Police Department staff
into a number of smaller departments, each taking
are explicitly ordered not to remind PanOceanian
a focus on specific responsibilities or aspects of the
officials just how many years the nation is behind
duty. It is most widely described as there to keep
in their payments to O-12.
the peace and ensure that there are trained people
Tactical Police Department units like the Kappas present to deal with dangerous or illegal activities.
are trained to specialise in peacekeeping opera- Officers of the General Police Department can be
tions. Petitions may be made to the Öberhaus and found throughout the Concilium system, on the
passed onto the Security Council by organisations, Circulars, in the End of the Line free orbital, and
representatives, or charities. Most often however, a number of other smaller orbitals and colonies
cases are brought before the Security Council around the Human Sphere who have applied to
directly by Bureau Athena. If the Security Council O-12 for support, most of these are too small or
votes to support a case, it is turned over to disparate to manage a law enforcement or security
SWORDFOR Command. Tactical Police Department force of their own.
units, most regularly the Kappas, who may be
Members of the General Police Department are
supported by other units at the advice of the Psi
expected to perform their duties to the highest of
Unit General-on-Command, will be deployed to a
standards. Training courses and refresher courses
location to provide security and peacekeeping. In
take place on a regular basis and are designed
peacekeeping operations, units must abide by the
to reinforce or develop officers beyond their
Peacekeeping Rules of Engagement. However, for
Basic Training.
any individual operation, SWORDFOR Command
may suspend specific articles within those rules
depending on the situation. If circumstances are
60 Chapter 6
Bureau Aegis 61
to keep under a cloud of rumour and secrecy that Ranks within Starmada are the same as those of
no power has yet been able to pierce. the Tactical Police Department. This is a hangover
from the fleet being a disparate collection of ves-
Much has been made in the confidential halls of
sels belonging to a range of bureaus and sections
power about the existence of the Surt Defensive
before being reorganised under Starmada. Soldiers,
Ring. The Security Council, as well as the Secretary
pilots, engineers, technicians, chefs — all manner
General of Bureau Aegis have been recently ques-
of personnel serve in Starmada Department. New
tioned about the nature and purpose of the ring, as
members of Starmada do not usually come from
well as roundly criticised for not answering ques-
volunteer recruits. Instead, they are most often
tions with any clarity or specificity. There is a tacit
offered positions and are routinely promoted to
understanding that the Surt Defensive Ring exists
Starmada from other Bureau Aegis departments.
for system defence, should it ever be required, but
questions still loom about the force projection it is
capable of. While intelligence services throughout
the Sphere have been unable to crack the high
levels of secrecy and security around Muspelheim Every power requires up-to-date and fine-grained
and the Starmada shipyards in orbit there and on information in order to take effective and impactful
the moon of Surt, all reasonable estimates suggest action, even when that information is often
the ring represents a significant defensive capacity. something others don’t want them to have. Bureau
O-12 have long operated a fleet, but it has only Aegis’s Psi Unit is the intelligence department of
been within the last decade that this fleet has been SWORDFOR. They employ the analysts and agents
reorganised into a specialised wing of SWORDFOR responsible for combing every scrap of available
and named Starmada. Starmada vessels are a mix, data that can be found, drawn, pulled, or beaten out
donated, bought, and built to support the wide of the Human Sphere, the Tohaa, and the Combined
range of roles O-12 requires. Some larger ships are Army. While a vital part of Bureau Aegis, and funda-
used to defend and support O-12 conclaves and the mental to the effective utilisation of Tactical Police
scientific and humanitarian missions of the other Department, GloPol, and Starmada assets, they
bureaus. Smaller craft, including the flexible Circle also liaise closely with the O-12 Security Council
Runners, are used to defend the Circulars and are and Bureau Noir. A majority of the members of the
often deployed as system patrol craft and special- Psi Unit are data analysis experts across a swathe
ised pirate hunters. The largest of Starmada’s ships of fields, but there are times when cracking data
are undoubtedly the troop transports, in regular packets and putting together the pieces is just not
use by all powers in the Human Sphere, and the enough. These occasions require an agent in the
vast hospital ships, which are in constant rotation. field, and Psi Unit field agents are called COps, or
O-12’s needs are many, and the Starmada fleet, Covert Operatives. Trained in the mind-breaking
while it performs above and beyond all expectation, Der Irrgarten facility in Bergelmir, a secretive little
is stretched thin. As much as O-12 would like to settlement in Concilium’s arctic region, agents are
be able to dedicate more resources to expanding drilled, lectured, quizzed, interrogated, and trained
and developing its fleet, many of the powers in the to the point that most break. Those that make it
Human Sphere, most notably PanOceania and Yu through are all-purpose field agents capable of
Jing, have been resistant to this move. They argue finding the torn pieces of a scribbled note, tracking
that it is not within the needs or remit of O-12 to and observing a mark unseen, and, if necessary,
have a larger or more militarised fleet and have getting information from those less than willing
used their positions in the Öberhaus and Security to share it. Psi Unit teams can be found supplying
Council to limit 'needless' spending on Starmada information to the Security Council and working
vessels. Despite their objections, it is becoming alongside almost every Section Spatha operation in
clear that Starmada is being stretched thin, and the field and with O-12 conventions. The Director
some level of expansion will be required in the of the Psi Unit is a member of Section Spatha
near future. Command, and the department is vital to the main-
tenance and success of O-12’s vision.
62 Chapter 6
Bureau Aegis 63
“Upholding the Pillars” introduces new mechanics Agents work openly across the Human Sphere,
“Unity, cooperation, support, and
connected to running campaigns as a part of and as such they must live up to its ideals and
progress. You know what O-12
stands for. You’ve seen those Bureau Aegis. aspirations. More often than not, this is a significant
words dance in your patinas so challenge. Representing justice in the face of injus-
As a large bureau with many responsibilities, the
often you don’t even see them tice, clemency in the face of brutality, unity in the
scope and range of campaign styles can alter dra-
anymore. I’m not here to talk face of division, it is no easy path to walk.
matically — from internal affairs field investigations,
about what the Pillars stand for;
paramilitary ops, undercover police stings, through This chapter focuses on how to bring the feeling of
I’m here to tell you that in order
to uphold them, in order to carry to gangbuster teams working with Starmada to working for Bureau Aegis into the game mechan-
them forward, you’re going to come break up pirate operations on the Human Edge. ically and does so through the systems of Ideals,
face to face with their opposites: Bureau Aegis is a multi-layered source of pos- Goals, Splashback, and Reputation.
division, interference, sabotage, and sibilities for action, adventure, and intrigue. The
decay. The General Department possibilities of working across departments and
is the force behind the words of secondment to other bureaus allows for a huge IDEALS, GOALS,
O-12. As that force, we don’t fight range of possible campaigns, whether investigating
on behalf of O-12, we fight for claims of human rights violations on behalf of SPLASHBACK,
humanity. Those opposites would
tear us down, have us at each
other’s throats, let the great enemy
Bureau Athena, safeguarding a shipment of aide
and medicines to a war-torn city on Paradiso for AND REPUTATION
ravage and enslave us. We stand in Bureau Gaea, to infiltrating and busting open a To reflect the difficulties faced by agents of Bureau
defiance of that future. We oppose smuggling ring for Bureau Ganesh. Aegis in balancing the execution of their duties and
it utterly.” At the end of the day, while the agents for Bureau the symbolic creed of O-12, the organisation that
Aegis deal with some of the worst the Human they represent, there are mechanics for both Goals
–Plej Granda Generalo Piotr Simkin, and Ideals.
Sphere has to offer and tangle regularly with the
in his speech at the passing
out parade of Group 7-9 of the great enemy of the Combined Army, each agent is In Infinity the Roleplaying Game, the Wilderness of
General Department. expected to operate to the highest of principles. Mirrors is a system that may be leveraged by play-
Bureau Aegis is the most visible symbol of O-12. ers and GMs alike to create interesting narrative
64 Chapter 7
tension between members of the clandestine or whether they believe that the end goals of a
Bureau Noir (see Infinity Corebook, p. 14). While mission are more important than following every
the Wilderness of Mirrors may be utilised in a letter of every article. Broadly, these two ideological
Bureau Aegis campaign, members of this bureau factions within Bureau Aegis are often called the
are continually drilled to work and fight as a team. Gloves and the Gauntlets, and where each character
GMs and/or players who still wish to incorporate sits in relation to these is something each player
the divided loyalties of the Human Sphere in their should define for their character. A player may wish
campaigns should feel empowered to continue to to simply identify which of the two internal factions
use the Wilderness of Mirrors rules. However, we of Bureau Aegis (Glove or Gauntlet) they belong
suggest toning down the factional interplay of to, or they may want to provide a more varied or
different nations and utilising Goals and Ideals as detailed description.
an alternative driver for narrative tension in your
games either as an addition or an alternative.
In essence, Goals and Ideals are two themes to
Personal Ideals can be utilised as Traits in a
every adventure or campaign that regularly come game session. See Infinity Corebook, p. 35 for
into conflict with one another. Goals represent the more on how Traits may be invoked or triggered.
mission objectives, in other words, getting the job It is worth spending some time during character
done. Ideals represent the pressures of living up to creation to flesh out what they are for each
a symbolic standard of behaviour and composure. character. It may be as simple as a single word.
Conflict and narrative tension within a game ses- Glove or Gauntlet would be appropriate, but
sion come from when one of these gets in the way Idealist and Cynic are terms that may be used
of the other. Where the actions required to get the to have a similar meaning. Traits may also be
job done directly contravene the ideologies or laws a short statement of belief, something like:
“Andros believes that the ends can never be
of O-12. Where the question of the ends justifying
used to justify the means.” or “Lucy believes that
the means is called into play. Where the agents are sometimes hard choices are required for long
put in a position from which they can follow orders term success.” Some suggested personal Ideals
and not intervene, knowing something terrible will are listed below:
happen once no one is watching, or they can bend
or break orders and intercede. Characters may be • Idealist/Glove
• Cynic/Gauntlet
placed in a position in which they can follow the
• Rash
legal or directed path, and know it will take longer • Cautious
and lead to more carnage, or take some short-cuts • Humanitarian
and hope their superiors don’t notice, and thereby, • Jaded
maybe, avoid so much collateral damage. • Empathetic
• Unemotional
• X believes that they must reflect the standards
GM NOTE O-12 represents.
Narrative conflict may come from situations in • X believes in achieving mission objectives at
the game where the players must make a choice any cost.
of how to react. (Will we physically intervene and • X questions their orders.
release these hostages, even though we have • X joined up for what service represents.
been directed to remain hands off observers?) Or, • X joined up because it was a job.
it may be imposed from above, by directives or
orders given that go against the standards and
expectations of service to which Bureau Aegis
is held. (Our superior has ordered or implied NOTE
that they want us to eliminate a dissident, and Mental health and PTSD significantly impact
we know they are asking us to break the Rules the real-life of many who have experienced
of Engagement.) trauma. The rules detailed for Splashback on
p. 66 abstract the effects that service and
trauma can have on an individual. They are rules
IDEALS in a game, and ultimately, if the GM or players
feel they do not want this to be a part of their
Ideals fall into two categories, Personal and games, then they should be discarded. A game
Professional, and both are outlined in more is played for enjoyment, and while the struggles
detail below. of dealing with conflicting beliefs and orders
PERSONAL IDEALS can be an interesting story element for a service
like Bureau Aegis, nothing is interesting enough
Personal Ideals are where the character stands as
to include if it means someone at the table
an individual on the role and responsibilities of is uncomfortable.
O-12 and whether they should lead by example
66 Chapter 7
68 Chapter 7
70 Chapter 7
significant events and heroic actions can also grab • Assets. +1 Asset, given in thanks.
attention, and the GM should feel free to override • Contact. A contact who has access to a particular
the meaning of a Reputation value if the PCs have set of skills the characters may call upon for
achieved something amazing. support at a later date (for example, a doctor or
mechanic). If they are called on too often, they
0-20 Reputation — The people who know of the will stop providing this support.
characters are those they directly interact with. • Ally. An ally who has access to a particular set of
21-30 Reputation — The characters may be known skills the characters may call upon for support.
to people within their own division, unit, depart- An ally will expect to be able to access and gain
mental area. some level of mutual support from the charac-
ters as well. This option is usually only available
31-40 Reputation — The characters and their after gaining a contact (above).
exploits are well known within their division, unit, • Access to Service. They gain access to a service
or departmental area and may be known to people for no cost like accommodation, medical care,
in their department. information gathering, specific resources, and so
41-50 Reputation – The characters and their on. This may be used 3-5 times before they stop.
exploits are part of the body of stories told across • Regular Services. Access to a service for no cost
their department. They may be known by members (as above), but the service provided on a more
of a different department. permanent basis. (This option is usually only
taken after gaining an ally or access to service
51-60 Reputation - The characters and their (above)).
exploits are part of the body of stories told across
their department. Many others will have heard of It may well be that the PCs have a Reputation
them from other departments in the bureau. within a location or group that is adversarial to
the characters. In this case, the list of benefits
61-70 Reputation – The characters and their suggested below are more suitable. This list is
exploits are part of the body of stories told across designed as a ladder, with the PCs beginning with
the bureau. The characters are highly likely to be the first level, and gaining each level in order as
known to anyone in their section, and likely to be the grow in Reputation.
known by anyone in the bureau.
1. The characters are recognised as adversaries.
71-80 Reputation – The characters and their Members of the location/group may act in
exploits are part of the body of stories told when an observably different way around them (-1
stories of Section Spatha’s exploits are discussed. Difficulty to any test where the PCs attempt to
The characters are highly likely to be known to spot the NPC/s as a member of the location/
anyone with the bureau and may be recognised by group).
anyone in the bureau. 2. The PCs’ presence makes any NPC from the
81-90 Reputation – The characters are regarded location or group suffer the Fatigued condition
as heroes of the bureau, people who have worked during the next encounter.
tirelessly to uphold the Pillars. 3. The PCs gain the Fear 1 Special Ability when
they next interact with an NPC from the
91-100 Reputation – The characters are regarded
location or group. The PCs gain level 1 with
as living legends within the bureau.
any location or group linked to this location or
4. The PCs gain the Fear 1 Special Ability
Public Reputation is a more amorphous concept. It
whenever they interact with an NPC from the
is typically applied to a specific location or group,
location or group (can only be taken after the
though if the characters grow in Reputation their
above option has been taken).
names may well become known outside these
5. The PCs gain the Fear 2 Special Ability when
staid circles.
they next interact with an NPC from the loca-
Below is a list of suggested benefits gained from tion or group. Once this is used, the previous
growing Reputation within a location or group level effect applies.
who the characters are working for or with. The GM 6. The PCs gain the Fear 2 Special Ability
should decide which are most appropriate given whenever they interact with an NPC from the
the characters’ actions and interactions within location or group (can only be taken after the
the context of the location or group. A unit of above option has been taken). The PCs also gain
characters may get the same benefit a number of level 4 with any location or group linked to this
times over their career. The GM might also decide location and group.
that when the character party crosses a threshold,
The list of benefits for adversarial locations and
that different benefits are meted out to different
groups also gives an indication of how well known
the PCs are to the people of that location or group.
O-12 isn’t blind to the plethora of intelligence networks that operate within the Human Sphere and its
many nations. Since the inception of O-12 and the establishment of the interstellar political scene, each
nation has worked to leverage an advantage through subterfuge and espionage.
These machinations couldn’t be entirely matched by the newly assembled O-12, despite valiant efforts
from the young organisation. Issues of clarity and inter-organisational jurisdiction made retaliation and
investigation sloppy. The establishment of the bureaus aimed to alleviate the issue, dedicating resources
to investigate the trespasses of the nations who thought themselves above their stellar neighbours.
The acquisition of restricted knowledge was considered mandatory in this endeavour, leading to the
formation of O-12’s secret service, Bureau Noir. Whilst the other bureaus act in the open, Bureau Noir is
the agency that works quietly to acquire the secrets the other agencies need to pursue their respective
missions. Bureau Noir is a dedicated agency with one central purpose, to protect the O-12 from the threats
within the Human Sphere.
Bureau Noir works across all of the nations of the Human Sphere, from Earth to the Human Edge, main-
taining a watchful eye on any criminal and political movements before reporting back to Concilium if
anything untoward takes place. In addition, the bureau works closely with its fellow bureaus, supplying
them with vital information and services.
72 Chapter 8
Bureau Noir represents a dedicated arm of O-12’s Bureau Noir demands an operational structure that
covert operations, a sister agency to Bureau Aegis’s is different to the other bureaus of O-12. Bureau
Psi Unit. The entire organisation is dedicated to all Noir must maintain locations across the Human
forms of intelligence work, including reconnais- Sphere and beyond to continue their work, each
sance, information documentation and study, Maya carefully hidden from sight and quantronic trails. In
observation, surveillance of high-priority individ- addition, more than half of the bureau’s personnel
uals and locations, espionage, and off-the-books are spread across the Human Sphere at any given
operations against criminal elements. time, making a standard chain of command ineffi-
cient and unwieldy, the anathema to an interstellar
The operational duties of Bureau Noir require
intelligence organisation. To maintain effective
them to maintain a presence across the Human
response times and rapid dissemination of informa-
Sphere, both official and clandestine. Bureau Noir
tion, Bureau Noir operates in two separate spheres
agents and handlers can be found (with difficulty)
of command.
across every city and nation in the most unlikely of
places. A nice old lady down the hall could actually Regional command is comprised of the bureau’s
be leading a deep-cover corruption investigation officers, each maintaining a designated jurisdiction.
into a local lobbyist. The local librarian could be a These locations include cities, planets, and even
bureau hacker, monitoring the outbound traffic of a entire systems. These officers are tasked with the
local terrorist. These false identities and covers are maintenance of bureau facilities and resources
paramount to the investigative work of the bureau, as well as the outsourcing of local, unassigned
to ensure their operations continue uninterrupted personnel to inter-bureau operations. Whilst the
and undiscovered. The identities of the bureau’s agents of the bureau commonly operate inde-
agents are so heavily classified that even ALEPH is pendently, these commanding officers ensure there
unaware of the totality of the organisation. are ports of safety and security for these agents to
rest, deliver reports, and resupply.
Although the bureau operates as an individual
entity, it is common for it to assist other O-12 In addition, these officers serve as the link between
bureaus in their own work. This assistance is vital the field agents of the bureau and its main offices
support to the bureaus, who rely on Bureau Noir on Concilium. They also coordinate action between
to provide vital information. Aegis requires infor- local agents and any foreign agents brought in
mation out of their usual reach in areas outside to assist on assignments. As agents rarely directly
the jurisdiction of O-12, and Tiandi often taps into report to the core organisational command, this
this external information in their tracking missions. connection is incredibly important, and there is
Agni requires close eyes on the energy barons of a heavy responsibility placed on the officers to
the Human Sphere, and a closer eye on their com- ensure each report is verified and confirmed before
munications. Athena needs operatives to insert into submission. Besides field agents, the officers also
undercover operations to ensure the fair treatment have direct command over an internal staff that
of ethnic groups. Gaea needs planted agents to handles the more mundane aspects of intelligence
monitor the black markets for any poaching of work, namely analysis and projection of informa-
endangered species. Ganesh requires a similar tion. These teams assist the officer with ensuring
service, with Noir agents monitoring illegal trade to their jurisdiction is running efficiently.
help trace back to the source in addition to illegal
As Bureau Noir requires its agents and command to
Resurrection facilities. Toth maintains a number
be flexible and multi-talented, each bureau agent
of Noir operatives to scour illegal AI development
receives training to ensure they can successfully
circles on Maya and Arachne. Trimurti especially
manage their own network of informants and
requires wet work assistance in the recovery of
agents. Those that excel commonly find their way
classified bureau information, and the two organi-
into advanced training programmes that lead to
sations work closely together.
regional command positions. Thanks to this merit
system, most regional officers have experience in
wet work, despite their position usually keeping
them away from active field work. Several agents
jokingly refer to this as being benched, a term
quietly shared by commanding officers as well.
Bureau Noir 73
The second command sphere is the individual field observe other officials. Handlers are encouraged
agents themselves, the handlers. Each handler to use whoever and whatever necessary to achieve
operates across various jurisdictions, deploying into their goals.
them on the request of a regional officer or central
It is rare for these individuals to be informed of
command. Whilst in a jurisdiction, the handler com-
their employer’s identity. Only the most trusted
municates directly with the regional commander to
individuals ever discover that they are working for
organise resources and funding but maintains their
a Bureau Noir agent. The exceptions to this are
own network of agents and informants drawn from
bureau-sanctioned agents operating under the han-
the populace or from previous assignments. Each
dler, who are trusted with the more vital objectives
agent is expected to keep their network reimbursed,
of each assignment. These agents form teams that
well equipped, and most importantly, quiet. This
undertake infiltration missions, espionage actions,
portfolio of assets is referred to as the agent’s
or any other tasks that couldn’t be trusted in the
black book and is only available to the handler in
hands of ordinary civilians.
the interest of secrecy and operational security.
Handlers use their own black books and discretion
to run operations, allowing them to operate off the
books if necessary. ASSETS AND
Upon assignment to a region, a bureau handler fol- ARMAMENTS
lows a fairly standard procedure. First is integration
Acting under O-12, Bureau Noir field agents are
into the populace, coordinating with jurisdictional
rarely hurt for basic assets. Inter-bureau funding
command and the local government (when possi-
allows plenty of room for equipment of all varieties,
ble) to establish a primary cover identity as well
so long as it observes the laws of the Concilium
as a couple of easily burnable secondary identities.
Accordance. Vehicles, armaments, protective gear,
This is to ensure that whilst they orchestrate their
identification, and technology dedicated to uncov-
assignment in the region, they can act with impu-
ering hidden information are accounted for by the
nity and a measure of safety. O-12’s mandate often
budget. Direct funding lines are rarely used. Instead,
grants the handler the power to officially establish
funding is channelled through shell corporations
identities and create falsified histories that can
and dummy holdings to make it difficult to track
hold up to the deepest probe, but occasionally they
the digital trail to the bureau and its agents. This
will have to fabricate identities with their own
use of clandestine funding means that discretion is
skills or by calling on outside help.
the rule. Capital is often easily available, but agents
After fabricating their new identities, handlers find it more efficient to use back channels to obtain
integrate themselves into their new home, using equipment than wait for an official request.
their own judgement on how best to do so. Some
When confronted by the weapons of the lawless
handlers prefer to be gregarious members of the
and criminal elements they seek to defeat, some
community, developing their false life into an inte-
veteran agents flirt with the use of illegal equip-
gral pillar of their operational zone. Others prefer
ment. As is unfortunately common in intelligence
to become a quiet observer, posing as shut-ins and
organisations across the Human Sphere, the legal
private citizens. Some agents strike the middle
restrictions on this equipment hasn’t stopped its
ground, carefully curating a selection of ‘friends’
use in off-the-books operations. Younger O-12
and potential allies but remaining private enough
agents rarely stoop to these measures, their faith
as to avoid scrutiny. There are even some agents
in the four Pillars trumping their need to use out-
that scrap integration completely, preferring to
lawed weapons and technology.
operate from a distance through the use of ghost-
ing technology and carefully directed agents. In any case, the primary concern of Bureau Noir is
accessibility of equipment in the field. Exchange of
No matter the development of their presence, it
tactical resources, including portable quantronics,
is inevitably used to discover points of interest,
surveillance equipment, weapons, ammunition, and
people, and assets that the handler can use to
basic rations for prolonged operations are easily
build their local network or even fold into their
traced by the enemies of the bureau. This has led
black book. Once these assets are discovered and
to entire covert operations dedicated to the estab-
investigated, the agent begins the careful work of
lishment of safe houses and supply drops for field
constructing their web of influence. Common exam-
agents, usually led by regional commanders. These
ples include hiring private security teams to protect
locations are leased to a handler’s operational
safe houses and storage facilities, hackers to allow
parameters packet when they are deploying into
access to a target’s personal files, trusted members
a region.
of local law enforcement to keep the handler
informed on the movements of the police and other These supply points are bolstered by drawing on
investigative bodies, and even politicians to closely local resources. This is preferable to tapping into
74 Chapter 8
the mission’s OPP, as it restricts the amount of of a jurisdiction. This local equipment can improve
evidence that can be traced back to the bureau. The the chances of success for bureau teams by making
origin of a money trail can easily be manipulated their trail read more like a disgruntled citizen or
by the bureau’s hackers and financial managers, local criminal rather than a member of an interna-
but an advanced firearm or comlog can draw the tional force of spies.
suspicions of a variety of enemies, especially if the
handler is using a particular cover.
It is common for a handler to prioritise securing CONFLICTING
money and resources upon their deployment to
a region. Whilst regional commanders can direct
them to previously used sources, it is entirely up to Due to the divided nature of handlers and regional
the handler to secure them for their own use. The commanders, it’s surprisingly common for bureau
bureau’s code of conduct in field operations cover teams to cross paths in the field. For example, one
interaction with local criminal elements, allowing team may be assisting a Bureau Aegis task force
legal security to the operatives when they choose in the apprehension of a terrorist agent, only to
to purchase and use unlicensed equipment. Use discover that the agent in question is an informant
of this equipment benefits the bureau agents by for another bureau handler. In situations like these,
eliminating a degree of culpability and can even the fluid nature of the bureau command structure
serve to assist local law enforcement upon com- can cause issues to transpire. Communication and
pletion of the mission. Many black marketeers have compromise are vital in these situations to reach a
been exposed by Bureau Noir agents turning in the desirable outcome for all parties.
illegal technology they utilised after they complete
In situations where a compromise cannot be
their assignment in a jurisdiction.
reached, intervention by higher ranking officers may
Ownership of bureau property can become an be required to resolve the conflict of jurisdiction. In
issue due to the compartmentalisation of the these cases, it falls to the officer to make a judge-
organisation’s operatives. The secretive nature of ment call on which operation takes priority. These
each handler’s black book, as well as the lack of situations however are undesirable to the bureau as
shared intelligence between teams, can lead to a whole as they demand that the involved handlers
several squads having to draw on the same safe turn over classified information that proves why
houses and supply drops during their respective their operation demands greater attention. To the
missions. Ordinarily, this situation won’t escalate paranoid minds of bureau handlers, these scenarios
beyond stern words or bickering, as there are very can cause unfortunate information and resource
few situations that would require the emptying of leaks that could jeopardise their mission.
an OPP. But in the rare case of a conflict of requi-
Although direct conflict is an incredibly rare
sition, regional commanders are drawn in to settle
scenario in the bureau, accidental incidents and
the issue.
friendly fire between unaware teams are dangers
The acquisition and possession of illegal and that persists. Most teams operate undercover at
foreign technology is another murky area in bureau all times and rarely have identification connecting
operational policy. Typically, such equipment is them to the bureau on person. Compounded with
turned in after the resolution of the mission. Bureau the classified nature of each handler’s operations,
policy demands either surrendering the equipment it is easy for teams to step on each other’s toes by
to local law enforcement before departure from accident. Most regional commanders ensure that
the region or at the very least destruction of the handlers are aware of each other when operating
equipment to eliminate any possible traces to the under the same jurisdiction and encourage touch-
bureau’s work. This hasn’t stopped several agents ing base with each other. It isn’t mandatory for
keeping small mementoes from their work abroad. handlers to share any important information, but
In the case of legal acquisitions, many items includ- the mere acknowledgement of the others’ presence
ing rations, devices, or even weapons find their can do wonders for saving lives and time, some-
way back into the safehouses and supply stores of thing every bureau agent can acquiesce to.
the bureau after being scrubbed of any evidence. Sometimes however, this protocol is abandoned
The clandestine nature of Bureau Noir operations altogether, an unfortunate eventuality in the field
means that budgets must often be constrained in of espionage. A handler may consider their task
the field. Frugal use of assets is not only one of the too important or their quarry too perceptive to
most important principals of espionage, it is a merit risk exposing their operation. This is particularly
treasured by the bureau, and waste features nega- common during internal investigations into
tively on after-action reports. Such resources can be corruption or embezzlement or if the quarry is an
of immense use in future missions, especially with experienced intelligence operative themselves.
assets that are ordinarily hard to come by outside Other times, rival agents could be chasing the
Bureau Noir 75
same lead and will resort to underhanded tactics
to ensure they come out on top out of a sense INTER-BUREAU
of unnecessary competition. Agents of opposing
homelands may attempt to undercut and sabotage POLITICS
the other to ensure their nation receives the upper Whilst the other bureaus of O-12 are formed on
hand in a matter of international espionage. Or strong foundations and strict chains of command,
worse, an agent could intentionally cause harm Bureau Noir is the outlier. The directive of the
to another, as is occasionally the risk for agents bureau demands a dedication to individual
directly facing the horrors of the Combined Army empowerment, a dedication to commit sometimes
and its sepsitorizaton processes. While this is quite unforgivable acts in the name of international
rare, it remains a possibility as Bureau Noir agents peace and prosperity. Perhaps it is no surprise then
are considered quite the catch by the EI. that, in the freeform web of Bureau Noir’s structure,
The influx of new bureau recruits from the Amikeco factions dedicated to differing ideals have naturally
Initiative has caused growing pains. As more formed. These factions are simply known as cabals
agents enter the service with lowered standards of and are unofficial groups comprised of agents that
skill and talent, agents find themselves engaging have drifted together under a shared ideology or
each other as the bureau struggles to keep track modus operandi.
of them all. Although Bureau Noir is improving its Although these cabals tend to be aligned to the
infrastructure and resourcing to account for the four Pillars of O-12 and humanity as a whole, it is
influx of agents, gaps continue to form in the short their disparate beliefs that separate them. Each
term, and it’s more common than ever that bureau hold differing points of view on how the work of
teams may clash in the field. Bureau Noir should be pursued, what ends it should
achieve, and even if the bureau itself should take
an active role in shaping the political landscape
of the Human Sphere. Some are harmless, merely
nudging and prodding outside of their mandate in
service of a secondary goal. Others are genuinely
dangerous for the Human Sphere, possessed of
ideologies that threaten to destabilise humanity,
and driven by beliefs that are born out of years
of bitter clandestine work rather than healthy
engagement with their fellow man. It is perhaps
unfortunate that these cabals are hidden away in
one of the hardest organisations to scrutinize in
the Human Sphere.
From a roleplay standpoint, these cabals allow
players to delve into the murky water of one of
the Human Sphere’s foremost intelligence organ-
isations. It allows the players, or the characters
that surround them, to pursue varying agendas
and goals.
76 Chapter 8
with this mindset, and it remains the neutral worlds that accepted its influence. Infrastructure
ground of the more elaborate agendas. and bureaucracy were greatly accelerated under
the AI’s watchful eye, leading to a faster and more
Due to the agenda holding the most ideological
efficient society. Restrictions placed on the AI
ground amongst the bureau, its followers are rarely
ensure that it doesn’t assume total control of polit-
hard pressed gaining the aid of fellow bureau
ical freedoms, and that the AI remains humanity’s
members. Collaboration and teamwork come easily
helper rather than its overlord.
to agents who put aside their differences with the
intent of defeating internal and external threats to Some in Bureau Noir think this is a poor use of
the Human Sphere. the AI’s capabilities. They believe that the various
governments of the Human Sphere have failed
BUILDING A CENTRAL humanity as a whole, squabbling over resources
GOVERNMENT that are plentiful and territory that should be used
The introduction of ALEPH to the Human Sphere to benefit all of mankind, instead of a single sect
allowed significant advancements across the of it. These members of the bureau work in the
Agents that belong to this agenda are similar to the Save the Sphere members. Their goal is the protec-
tion and preservation of the Human Sphere’s people, and they will go to great lengths to achieve it. In this
regard, players can usually trust members of this agenda. Unlike the Save the Sphere agenda members
however, they are more prone to having ulterior motives. They may seek to undermine corrupt and inept
politicians to set examples of incompetency, pushing public opinion towards adopting ALEPH as the
core political entity of the Human Sphere. More radical members may even go out of their way to plant
evidence to achieve this goal or even ‘remove’ roadblocks to ALEPH’s ascendency.
Players that join this agenda can come from anywhere but may be more commonly aligned with the
ALEPH faction (Recreations and Posthumans, especially) or be the victims of uncaring and inept govern-
ments. This agenda is good in low paranoia campaigns, as it doesn’t directly require players to clash, but
in higher paranoia campaigns Wilderness of Mirrors objectives could involve eliminating corrupt threats
and the ‘unworthy’, whilst working to increase the bureaucratic reach of ALEPH. This can include black-
mailing or threatening politicians to grant ALEPH greater administrative powers, exposing corruption to
turn the public against the current political heads, or even ensuring pro-ALEPH politicians and lobbyists
receive preferential treatment.
Campaigns involving this faction should involve themes concerning conspiracies, AI-human relations,
and Posthuman ideas of leadership roles. When players are confronted with a group attempting to hand
more power to ALEPH, it should be up to them to decide whether the true AI deserves the position of
humanity’s ruler or if it is simply too dangerous to hand all executive power to a machine.
Bureau Noir 77
background with the intent of taking power away that can shake one’s convictions to the core. Some
from the corrupt and incompetent and delivering it bureau agents lose their moral bearings after being
to ALEPH, who by its very nature will use it wisely, exposed to these situations for too long. They are
at least in their eyes. exposed to too much tragedy, misery, and despair
for an ordinary human to handle. Some find their
Initially, this faction was very minute, as it was rare
actions becoming more extreme, their empathy
to find individuals that were willing to act against
worn away. Other agents are already radicalised to
their homelands and betray their old governments.
this line of thinking through ideological indoctrina-
It was far more common for citizens of O-12 who
tion or misanthropy.
joined the bureau to hold these beliefs, as they had
grown up around an organisation that worked as a This faction emerged from the joining of these
single governing body. The recent war with the Ur individuals into one of the most dangerous cabals
Hegemony has changed this. The Hegemony stands in Bureau Noir. Over time, these individuals began
chillingly united, its armies and population incredi- to see conflict as the crucible that shapes humanity.
bly efficient under the influence of the EI. More and War encourages growth, violence eradicates the
more bureau members find themselves thinking weak. The faction has come to believe that induc-
the only way to match such a force is to emulate it, ing calamity in the form of Infinity Codes will allow
to remove the bickering many and replace it with the Human Sphere to become stronger from the
a united front. Although this faction’s membership resultant arms and technology races. Human history
is still small compared to others, it grows larger has justified this method in their eyes. For the
every day. worst of them, however, they just want to see the
Human Sphere shatter.
Agents within Bureau Noir often times stumble Other factions in the bureau relentlessly hunt these
upon truly horrific discoveries in their line of work. individuals with as much dedication as they would
Though other bureaus handle the prosecution and hunt terrorists and war criminals, leading them to
incarceration of international criminals, it is Bureau act in utmost secrecy. Internal commissions have
Noir that must search for the evidence of their been launched to root out and arrest these radicals
crimes. War crimes, interstellar human trafficking before they can cause international turmoil.
rings, and the ruthless activities of crime syndicates These hunts have become even more important
are but a few of the many crimes the bureau agents in recent years, as the Human Sphere battles the
investigate in conjunction with other bureaus. Ur Hegemony, and instability becomes an even
deadlier proposition.
Behind every breech of the Human Sphere’s
international conventions is violence and hatred
78 Chapter 8
Bureau Noir 79
DEATH TO SPIES A bureau agent, even an unfaithful one, is a potent
As can be expected, Bureau Noir is incredibly force. They are individuals recruited for the strength
careful in regard to the individuals it recruits into of their character, but also for their resourcefulness,
the core organisation. Potential agents are thor- dedication, and raw talent. Directly investigating an
oughly screened to ensure they will serve humanity agent can lead to them leaking their knowledge of
first and foremost, rather than compromise the the bureau’s operations, however compartmental-
operations of the bureau in the name of misguided ised it is, to the public or their master in question.
loyalty to their former homelands. Despite the This is an unacceptable outcome, leading to the
efforts of the bureau however, corrupt agents, spies, natural formation of a collection of like-minded
and stringent nationalists worm their way into the agents who believe that spies and traitors need to
organisation from time to time, an inevitable even- be eliminated with high prejudice.
tuality, considering the nature of the intelligence
Normally operating in groups, these teams gather
together in secret when presented with proof of
Most of the time, these traitors are caught as they a fellow agent’s corruption or national preference.
pursue their agenda, overplaying their authority After confirming their suspicions with interviews
when attempting to win favour and power for their and subterfuge, they will hunt down the agent in
nation. Once suspicion is drawn, formal investiga- question and ensure they are ‘handled’ before they
tions are launched to confirm any wrongdoings. can give away any secrets to their masters. More
These investigations are heavily regulated but often than not, this leads to unofficial incarceration,
transparent, with the agent in question being given but these teams aren’t afraid to kill in the name of
a chance to defend themselves lawfully. Often international security. Sometimes these teams will
these investigations are handled by an empowered even ‘burn’ the agents in question, leaking their
commissioner and a team of dedicated agents. identity if they are undercover or cutting them off
from their resources to ensure their demise.
One faction of Bureau Noir personnel doesn’t
agree with this slow and clean-handed approach.
Of all the bureau factions, this faction is the one most likely to take aim at the players. The very purpose
of the Wilderness of Mirrors is to encourage players to act against the interests of the team and serve
another faction, something that will draw the ire of this cabal. NPCs belonging to the cabal should
rarely interact with the players they hunt, waiting for the perfect moment to confront the players on
their suspicions. These moments are deadly affairs, as the agent will have planned out the confrontation
thoroughly. Teams of mercenaries will be in place to capture the players if they flee or intervene if they
try to fight their way out. Killing the agent will only lead to more consequences, as their fellow cabal
members home in on the guilty party. Due to this, the cabal is an ideal foe if you want to add an element
of danger for the team, as the scrutiny will lend a weight and difficulty to their efforts in completing
Wilderness of Mirrors objectives.
Players who serve this faction have a tough but rewarding job ahead of them. Their objective should be
to discover the objectives of their fellow teammates and make every effort to sabotage them, as well
as collect evidence to eventually act on. This task is ideal for a high paranoia campaign, but even low
paranoia campaigns can benefit from an element of internal division. These players will have a difficult
time keeping allies within the team, so ensure the player in question is prepared for the trials associated
with the ‘job’.
Campaigns structured around this cabal could be built on the players being ‘burned’. A member of the
team, or even their handlers, has been discovered to have ties to a nefarious element or international
power. Even if most of the team is innocent, the cabal is dedicated to ensuring the guilty one can’t
leak information, which means tying all loose ends. A campaign can be fostered by locking players in a
location such as a city or other urban locale, where any person or location could be turned against them
and be focused on the team surviving invisible threats and clearing their name before the cabal captures
or kills them.
80 Chapter 8
Whilst other parts of Bureau Noir aren’t opposed to performing questionable actions in the name of the
Human Sphere’s safety, these agents are fanatics that don’t care about the cost so long as their objective
is completed. Murder, theft, extortion and blackmail, hostage taking, and even torture are considered
acceptable measures by these individuals. NPCs that belong to the faction are cold blooded and eerily
focused, but also deceptively charming. They have learnt how to convince others to commit the unspeak-
able and have turned this charisma to protecting themselves from suspicion. Hint to the underhanded
and devious nature of these NPCs through their actions. They will constantly take their work too far, which
should be the red light the players need.
Player characters that belong to this faction are a simple affair. They should play characters willing to
bend and break the rules so long as it means success. They should be willing to sell the lives of those
around them or treat others as resources to be used and discarded in pursuit of the endgame. Take note
that this type of character is easily abused by the wrong players, who may take it as a licence to commit
crimes and cause grief for their fellow players in the name of their mission. Be sure to enforce conse-
quences for their actions if this is the case, to ensure they understand that the role they have accepted is
a dangerous one, without many friends to bail them out if they overstep.
If a player wishes to align themselves with this cabal, make sure they are able to do so constructively. A
good player in this role can be an excellent measuring stick, forcing other players to question just how
far they should go to achieve their goals. In reverse, the character in question might just be convinced by
other, more empathetic characters to pull back on their methods, leading to interesting character beats
and developments.
Alongside the cabal focused on causing Infinity Codes, this faction plays into a very clear heroes versus
villains campaign. It won’t be hard to convince your players that the villains of this campaign are just that
— violent extremists bent on achieving their goal at any cost. The tricky part will be their end game. This
cabal, whilst remorseless and dangerous, still serve the ‘good’ of the Human Sphere. Their actions should
be in line with what the party wishes to achieve, but at a greater cost than the players are willing to make.
Bureau Noir 81
THE EYES OF THE Intricate intelligence networks fostered by Bureau
Noir exist across the Human Sphere, constantly
LAW feeding information to both bureaus. Officially,
when a threat is determined, a meeting between
Although Bureau Noir lends its services to many of the region’s operatives takes place to determine
O-12’s organisations, it is Bureau Aegis that has the how to handle the threat.
most dynamic relationship with the intelligence Bureau Noir makes resources available to their
organisation. While Bureau Aegis has its own allies in the form of evidence, testimonies from
Psi Unit, every day this is supported by reports their field agents, undercover access for Bureau
dispensed by Bureau Noir, from accounts on inter- Aegis officers, and even equipment from their
national crime and gangs to military reports from stashes if the need is dire enough. Bureau Aegis
the front lines of Paradiso. brings manpower and authority in this arrange-
ment, granting trained officers and specialists that
COPS AND SPIES Bureau Noir couldn’t mobilise on its own, spread
At a cursory glance, the relationship between the thin as it is. These agents ensure that criminals
two bureaus would be rife with competition. Both marked by Bureau Noir can be overwhelmed and
organisations are dedicated to the acquisition arrested with minimal fuss; few criminals organi-
and use of information and evidence to bring sations would dare face down the full might of a
the enemies of humankind down. Add to this the Bureau Aegis force.
vast difference in operational standards: Bureau
Noir's focus on espionage and off-the-books FRONT LINES
investigations versus Bureau Aegis’s focus on public By the time Psi Unit has deployed and Section
campaigns and by-the-book operations, and it is a Spatha has moved into conflict zones, Bureau Noir
miracle that the groups would even work with each will often have been on the ground for some time.
other. Indeed, it is a common trope in the Human It’s common for such agents to brief Psi Unit prior
Sphere’s entertainment circles that the two organ- to the reconnaissance phase of an intervention,
isations oppose each other at every turn, bickering giving them much-needed personal intel and pro-
over jurisdiction and rules. The truth is that the viding real insights that make for a fast effective
two organisations enjoy a series of relationships action. Whether peacekeeping or providing human-
with the other. Information has semi-public and itarian aid, this information is vital for the most
completely covert channels with senior members effective deployment of resources and assets.
very aware of the advantages to utilising local or
external assets on any particular task. It’s entirely Whilst Bureau Noir will rarely take direct action
possible that even while the two agencies are in any active conflicts, either war or rebellion, on
facing off against each other in secure committee occasion, a field agent will be assigned to Section
chambers, over coffee, the same impassioned Spatha units in war zones to provide logistical
directors are bargaining and trading opportunities support. Normally, these agents have become
for each agency. integrated with the local population and have
scouted the terrain for any positions insurgents
Those in the know often attribute this to the or enemy combatants could be entrenched in.
common guidance of the four Pillars of O-12, and This liaison ensures that O-12’s military units can
that a shared dedication to the goal of law and remain briefed on any potential threats amongst
safety grants agents from both groups a common the populace of their targeted zone, as well as
ground to work together on. Regardless of whether have a specialist familiar in the region’s culture
this is true, each agency values the support of the and language.
other and recognises their unique talents, tools,
and tactics. As the war with the Ur Hegemony progresses, more
and more Bureau Noir agents have been recruited
and deployed to the front lines in active and
HOME GROUND preventative measures. Speculo Killers and other
In matters of international crime (or crime based on Combined Army specialists demand an ever-grow-
Concilium and other O-12 jurisdictions), the order ing dedication to internal security, and task forces
of operations for the two organisations is clear. built from Bureau Noir ‘sniffers’ and Section Spatha
While there is some overlap and Bureau Aegis has ‘wolves’ work to hunt down and eliminate the alien
some very capable investigators, Bureau Noir finds presence in the human command structure.
them, and Bureau Aegis catches them.
82 Chapter 8
Blessed are the peacemakers? Perhaps. But messy indeed is the peace-making. O-12 finds itself in the
unenviable position of playing mediator between a hurricane and an earthquake with an ice storm on the
horizon. Between the powers of the Human Sphere’s constant squabbles, the invasion of Paradiso — and
beyond — by the Combined Army, and the enigmatic agenda of the Tohaa, it’s a miracle that the Human
Sphere hasn’t torn itself to pieces.
Actually, scratch that. It’s a series of miracles, wrought by the blood, sweat, and tears of O-12. To grow up
on Concilium is to feel the weight of this burden every second of every day. To know that it’s your birth
right to inherit this impossible task. And to rise to the occasion, performing miracles to keep the whole
thing together, just to do it all again tomorrow.
“Six months of intel fed back
to the Nomads. Just as many
shuffling critical data to Xperides Anyone is welcome to join O-12, regardless of their Characters in the O-12 Faction roll on the O-12
Omni-National. And over the past nation of origin. That doesn’t mean it’s done lightly Faction Adolescent Event Tables. If the character’s
week, you slipped sensitive data — new members must renounce their prior national heritage and faction are different, then they may
to Haqqislam. Now, I don’t know if allegiance(s), pledge their loyalty to O-12, and vow choose to roll on either faction’s unique table on a
your loyalty’s really that cheap, or if
to uphold its Pillars. Ostensibly, this ensures that roll of 1-3.
you’re just bad at saying no — but
I have to think that this coming O-12 operatives act impartially, showing no favour
out would mean more than just to their former homelands, and arbitrating the O-12 FACTION
the end of your career in Bureau affairs of the Human Sphere without bias. ADOLESCENT EVENT
Ganesh. But don’t worry – your Of course, things are rarely that simple.
secrets are safe with me. For now. D6 CAREER
Just need you to do me a teensy
little favour.” DIVIDED LOYALTIES AND 1-3 O-12 Adolescent Event Table
HISTORICAL TIES 4 Adolescent Event Table A1
–Jherek Argent, Bureau Noir. Off-
The vagaries of loyalty are a constant source of 5 Adolescent Event Table B1
the-record conversation, Concilium.
intrigue in the Human Sphere, and for all its high-
minded talk of Unity, Cooperation, Support, and 6 Adolescent Event Table C1
Progress, O-12 is just as susceptible to betrayal 1 — Infinity Corebook, p. 49-52
as any of the other great powers. Whether they’ve
joined under false pretences, succumbed to
blackmail — emotional or otherwise — or simply
harbour a lingering sense of fealty to their nation
of origin, the possibility of split loyalties lurks like
a spectre in the shadows, sowing doubt across the
While not exactly common, these historical ties
do occasionally lead to double agents working
undercover in O-12. Bureau Noir has an unofficial
policy of attempting to create triple agents out of
these assets when possible. While the true loyalties
of such compromised assets remain suspect, O-12
knows how to turn the screws when it needs to.
The ranks of O-12 are filled with recruits from
every corner of the Human Sphere. Some are born
and raised on Concilium, while others choose to
join the organisation on their own terms. However
they make their way to Concilium, those historical
ties continue to shape events around them, whether
they realise it or not.
The rules presented here replace their counterparts
from the Infinity Corebook.
84 Chapter 9
“Word of advice, kid: once things
get hot, the Pillars don’t mean jack.
Unity and Cooperation are all well
In the espionage-rich world of Infinity, double (and even triple) agents are still rare, but they’re hardly
and good, but when you and Mr.
unheard of. Whether a character is sent to infiltrate, or develops divided loyalties, double agents have a
Neoterra here are under fire, you
really think he’s going to trust your lot to keep track of.
Shentang accent? Old habits die Primarily, they have two factions: their current faction, and their “true faction” where their loyalties actu-
hard. Try not to die with ‘em.” ally lie. By default, double agents use their current faction when determining careers, restriction, tariffs,
etc. If they wish, they can use their true faction in its place, though this is risky; any rolls involving your
–Jherek Argent, Bureau Noir.
true faction double their complication range (so a complication range of 1 becomes 2, a range of 3
Informal aside during Bureau Aegis
training manoeuvres. becomes 6, and so on).
In a Wilderness of Mirrors campaign, double agents have two different handlers, one each for their cur-
rent and true factions. When giving out covert objectives, the true faction handler will be cognisant of
the double agent’s need to protect their cover. This may require altering covert objectives, and GMs are
encouraged to use their discretion.
If a double agent’s current faction becomes suspicious, it will take steps to ascertain the character’s true
loyalties. And of course, if their cover is ever blown, a double agent can no longer use their current faction
when making rolls — though that’s likely the least of their concerns.
A triple agent functions exactly the same as a double agent, the difference is one of allegiance. In order
to preserve the agent’s cover, O-12 remains largely unaware of the deception — being caught in the act by
fellow O-12 members is unlikely to go any better for the triple agent than it is the double. Such are the
risks in the world of high-stakes espionage.
1 Special Forces1
2 Intelligence Operative1
3 Politician1
4 Diplomat1
5-6 Bureau Toth Agent1,2
7 Gangbuster2
8 Psi Unit2
9 Field Scientist1
10 Cyberghost2
11-13 Senatorial Support Staff
14-16 Bureau Analyst2
17-19 Bureau Aegis Specialist2
20 Roll on Faction Table of Your Choice
1 — Career from Infinity Corebook.
86 Chapter 9
From optimising trade deals with Bureau Hermes, ATTRIBUTES
to assessing potential human rights violations AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
with Bureau Athena, or even conducting planetary +1 +3 +0 +1 +2 +1 +1
surveys under Bureau Tiandi’s auspices, O-12 runs
on information, and much of that information MANDATORY SKILLS: Analysis, Education, Observation
comes through analysts. While experiences vary ELECTIVE SKILLS: See Determining Your Bureau
widely from bureau to bureau, each analyst brings EARNINGS RATING: 2+1§
a keen eye and tactical mind to bear on the Human GEAR: Analysis Suite, Negotiator's Suite (7 days credit),
Psychoanalysis Suite.
Sphere’s problems. And as there are plenty of
SPECIAL: When taking this career for the first time, roll on the
those to go around, O-12 never quite has enough Bureau Analyst Table to determine your Role. Once you’ve determined
analysts on hand. your bureau, you no longer roll upon taking this career, but if desired,
you can attempt an Average (D1) hazard test to repeat this career in
the Role of your choice. In any case, you can instead spend 1 Life Point
to simply choose your bureau.
88 Chapter 9
MANDATORY SKILLS: Ballistics, Discipline, Lifestyle MANDATORY SKILLS: Education, Lifestyle, Observation
ELECTIVE SKILLS: Resistance, Tech, Thievery ELECTIVE SKILLS: Close Combat, Hacking, Persuade
GEAR: Armoured Clothing, Boarding Shotgun, Multispectral Visor 1 GEAR: Nav Suite (Edda), Painkillers (3 doses), Sensor Suite, Stims
(2 doses)
Balance is a tricky thing. As the executive branch AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL
of O-12, Bureau Aegis fields a robust tactical police +1 +1 +2 +2 +1 +1 +2
branch, something resembling an army if you
squint, and a legitimately impressive navy — all part MANDATORY SKILLS: Ballistics, Discipline, Resistance
of its mission to protect the whole of the Human ELECTIVE SKILLS: See Aegis Units
Sphere. Of course, that frequently means protecting
GEAR: See Aegis Unit Table
the Human Sphere from itself, a thankless task in SPECIAL: When taking this career for the first time, roll on the
the best of times. Aegis Unit Table to determine your Role. Once you’ve determined your
These are not the best of times. Unit, you no longer roll upon taking this career, but if desired, you can
attempt an Average (D1) hazard test to repeat this career in the Role
Every military prides itself on the need to be the of your choice. In any case, you can instead spend 1 Life Point to simply
best. But balanced upon a razor-thin margin, it is choose your Unit. Characters with a Criminal Record are automatically
not enough for Bureau Aegis’s forces to be the best. assigned to Beta Unit and cannot spend a Life Point or attempt a
They have to be just a little bit better. hazard test to change their unit. After completing the career phase, the
Beta Unit character's Criminal Record is removed.
Alpha Unit: After suffering a series of devastating
losses during the NeoColonial Wars, SWORDFOR
needed a string of victories in the worst way.
Formed from the few survivors of Phi Unit and
a handful of volunteers, Bureau Aegis forged a
counter-intelligence outfit who could legitimately
keep O-12’s enemies away from its plethora of
dangerous secrets. On top of that, they also had to
restore the prestige of Bureau Aegis. They needed
to make the Human Sphere take O-12 seriously, or
things would only get worse.
Thankfully, the Alphas proved to be all this and
more. Expert mediators, skilled investigators, and
stalwart fighters, Alphas are the gold standard for
Bureau Aegis’s troops, the north star lighting the
way even in the darkest of nights.
Beta Unit: As an international law enforcement
agency, Bureau Aegis also maintains its own
correctional facilities. And unlike many prisons
unworthy of the name, O-12 possesses a genuine
interest in reform. Beta Unit offers a second
chance to convicts who show the potential to
re-join society, or at least wish to atone for their
past misdeeds. And while such individuals could
never be seen sporting the Bureau Aegis badge in
public, the Betatrooper programme pairs talented
individuals with remote presence bodies, tasked
with extremely dangerous and difficult tasks.
Some never make it out of the programme, suffer-
ing from metabolic collapse or lethal amounts of
neural feedback. But those who do receive a clean
slate, acknowledgement of their heroic deeds, and
full membership as an O-12 citizen.
The Betatrooper programme exemplifies O-12’s
belief that everyone deserves a second chance —
or at the very least, in not letting prime talent go
to waste.
90 Chapter 9
Delta Unit: Honouring the special ops units that But if it serves their agenda to be seen as unfeeling
carried the moniker before them, Delta Unit machines, then machines they shall be. The impor-
contains O-12’s commandos. Trained to head into tance of their work demands no less.
sensitive situations with no backup, little intel, and
Gamma Unit: One of the major issues facing an
no margin for error, Deltas handle counterterrorism,
international body like O-12 is the impact of
hostage rescue, and sudden strikes. It takes a spe-
authorisation and approval from different parties.
cial sort of person to become a Delta, adrenaline
By the time that Bureau Aegis is authorised to
junkies with hearts of gold, thrill-seekers with
intervene in a situation, things have usually gone
political savvy. A rare breed indeed — Deltas are
from bad to worse, if not beyond. Sometimes the
notorious for treating their operations as one big
parties in question are simply uninterested in
game. Because to them, it is, the most extreme of
all extreme sports. The pinnacle of risk-taking.
That’s when the Gammas show up.
Epsilon Unit: Members of Epsilon Unit undergo bio-
genic treatment, altering their body chemistry and O-12’s sledgehammer, these heavy assault units are
allowing them to approach a state of near-absolute a blunt — yet somehow still precise — instrument
rationality. Political liaisons to the military high of unrelenting violence. Fast and overwhelming,
commands of every nation, expert investigators, Gammas attack the enemy physically and psy-
tactical advisers to the whole of O-12, and – when chologically in equal measure, thundering across
the need arises – stone-cold operatives who kill the battlefield while somehow keeping collateral
without hesitation. What some call a hyper-rational damage to a whisper. In the chaos of war, they
state, others consider the death of human empathy, represent the arrival of unsympathetic order, here
with even ALEPH showing more emotion than the to make things right, whether anyone likes it or not.
average Epsilon. Kappa Unit: The core of Bureau Aegis’s para-
The truth however is that the ability to ignore one’s military force, Kappa Units are O-12’s primary
emotions doesn’t make them go away. Epsilons feel international peacekeepers. Ostensibly part of
just as deeply as the next human, if not more so Section Spatha’s police force, they embody the
for keeping their emotions bottled up all the time. Escalation Section nickname through and through.
Whether via dialogue, mediation, search and Zeta Unit: The ultimate expression of O-12’s
rescue, or full-fledged combat, Kappa Units are the authority, Bureau Aegis’s Zeta Units represent an
standard-bearers for security and stability in the immediate and forceful solution. Piloting a unique
Human Sphere. evolution of the latest PanOceanian TAGs, these
remote presence operators routinely spend double
Kappas operate on a thin margin of error. Their
shifts in the cockpit. Graduates of Concilium’s
role as front line responders makes them a sort of
Mechanised Pilot Academy, the screening process
ambassador for O-12. Kappas not only have to get
is so brutal that other units frequently fight over
the job done, they have to keep their hands clean
the washouts, such is the honour of even being
while doing it, setting an example for the rest of
considered for the post.
the Human Sphere. For their part, Kappas pride
themselves on being “untouchables,” and proudly The result of this programme is the absolute
set the bar for the rules of engagement. cream of the crop. Ace piloting skills are a given.
What truly sets the Zeta apart is their unbreakable
Lambda Unit: Bureau Aegis’s technical and medical
spirit, tireless focus, and ruthless efficiency. The
specialists, Lambdas quickly gain familiarity with
latter in particular is unusual for O-12, sparking
the wide array of cutting-edge technology that
an interested concern in the various powers of the
the Human Sphere has to offer. Often working
Human Sphere.
alongside military liaisons, observers, and advisers,
Lambda techs need to be able to repair the servos
on a PanOceanian TAG one minute, then ensure a DECISION
Haqqislamite field surgery station is up and run-
ning the next, with little to no warning about what
critical issue is about to become their problem. CUSTOMIZATION
Equally as skilled, the Lambda Battalion of Field The four Pillars of O-12 — Unity, Cooperation,
Doctors operates Bureau Aegis’s field hospitals Support, and Progress — are more than just a
and can be found in the midst of practically every slogan inside O-12. They’re the moral compass, the
humanitarian mission occurring in the Human foundation upon which society is built. As such, it’s
Sphere. From disaster relief to field surgery, common for citizens to identify more strongly with
Lambdas receive similar combat training to their one Pillar or another, or at least be seen to do so
peers in Kappa Unit. In order to do their job, they’re by society.
likely to need something with more kick than a
MediKit or a wrench before the day is through. Before continuing through decision nine, roll on the
Pillars Table below, and add the associated effect to
Omega Unit: O-12 is built upon the Pillars of Unity, your sheet. Whether or not your character identifies
Cooperation, Support, and Progress. More than one with the Pillar (or lack thereof), that’s how O-12
observer has pointed out the organisation’s hypoc- society views them.
risy in this regard, and while there’s often more
nuance at play the people realise, the Omegas are a
favourite target. Where’s the cooperation in sending
a lone soldier in servo-powered armour into the D20 PILLAR EFFECT
fray? What these critics don’t see are the countless Gain a contact outside
souls providing tactical data, making sure their 1-4 Unity
your faction.
armour functions perfectly, and otherwise setting
the Omegas up for success. 5-8 Cooperation Gain a contact inside your faction.
9-12 Support Increase Social Status by 1.
What they do see, however, are the results. One
problem, one Omega — and that typically means a Gain a contact in the Tohaa
13-16 Progress
problem that’s as good as solved. faction.
17-20 None Decrease Social Status by 1.
92 Chapter 9
The O-12 fulfils a unique role in the Human Sphere, not only as an administrative and legislative body,
but as a super-national enforcement agency. While the majority of its time is spent in an advisory capacity, WHAT YOU’LL FIND
there comes a point when putting boots on the ground is the only solution. Most of the time, this is all in IN THIS CHAPTER
the open with maximum transparency for the rights of all involved. Occasionally though, investigators get
• Rules for additional Nonlethal
overly enthusiastic in pursuing their prey, and niche tools are developed that while not illegal are certainly
equipment including its use
questionable. and misuse.
Policing has come a long way from the dark days of sjambok confessions, but there’s always a risk when • A catalogue of police equipment
stress defeats judgement that even the best and brightest of the Human Sphere can turn ugly. both physical and quantronic.
O-12 GEAR 93
on common armoured clothing, the Bond suit
GEAR CATALOGUE shares one notable weakness with its forebear.
Until the trilby comes into vogue again, few such
ANGEL DRONE suits offer any head protection.
94 Chapter 10
packed officers or secured prisoners and a first of less-lethal weapons designed to cow all but the
responder vehicle that trades the regular seating most intransigent of rioters.
for a dedicated emergency response unit with two
Designed with Gamma Units in mind, the primary
beds and tools for all manner of emergencies.
module of the RDV is suitable only for passengers
Likewise, the top turret is configured as needed. in Heavy or Powered Armour. The accommodations
Riot control vehicles trade a tear gas grenade are so spartan that even the seats have been
launcher for the standard adhesive launcher, removed. Each passenger is connected to the
and first responder vehicles often mount a foam module via a shoulder harness which holds them
launcher to aid in resolving fires. tethered till they make ground fall. When the con-
vertiplane is over the deployment zone, the riders
are lowered in place inside the lower half of the
BUREAU AEGIS INTERCEPTOR module, which has an inner segment that provides
PATROL VEHICLE cover for the descending troops’ rears and flanks.
ATTRIBUTES The secondary module is much the same as the
Scale 2 Speed 4 Brawn 16(+1) primary, though the harness also contains support
for the additional weight of three cordon control
DETAILS vehicles. These motorcycles are spaced with a yoke
Max Passengers 7 Impact
of semi-collapsible foam that upon landing can
2+6§ (Knockdown)
simply be kicked away.
HARDPOINTS The tertiary module is designed to carry a fully
1 External, 0 Internal (seating configuration), 1 Weapon loaded interceptor with passengers. While ideally
MOUNTED WEAPON: Adhesive Launcher the passengers will be in suitable armour for
SPECIAL ABILITIES transit, so long as the passengers are using the
• I Rule the Road. When involved in a chase on ALEPH-controlled roads, interceptor’s seatbelts and heating system, there
the pilot gains 2 bonus Momentum on any Piloting test so long as the shouldn’t be any ill effects of not being so pro-
interceptor can contact Maya. tected. This module is often used for the movement
GEAR: 3x metal front plates (see Tactical Magnetic Harness), 2x of high-priority prisoners once they have been
pistols with 1 Reload in magnetic pouches, 1x boarding shotgun with
stowed in an interceptor.
1 Reload, 1x collapsible exoskeleton, 1x cordon rope, 4x road spikes, 1x
MediKit, 1x repair kit, road cones, quantronic paint, and signal flares
O-12 GEAR 95
Provided to help forestall PTSD in Bureau Aegis Cordon rope is a length of self-repairing cord that
agents. Calm is a mild muscle relaxant and mood is designed to deter movement past it. Working like
stabiliser. Agents who routinely investigate particu- a series of rechargeable single-use stun batons,
larly horrible cases rave about it, albeit in a quiet when impacted by a vehicle, multiple individual
and even manner. While not physically addictive, capacitors will make contact across the chassis
concerns about long-term psychological depend- of the vehicle and send electricity through the
ency mean that it is restricted to those under active vehicle’s power plant causing inbuilt safety features
psychological direction. This has led to several to kick in and stop the vehicle.
Submondo organisations attempting to corner the
While a lifesaver in the right hands, cordon
market with knock-off antidepressants repackaged
rope has a mixed history and has been linked
to look like the real deal.
to a high-profile police corruption scandal in
Calm Ingested, Instant, 1 day, 1+2§ Acontecimento where it was used to solicit at least
mental damage two forced confessions and has been linked to a
series of expensive vehicular thefts across Neoterra
Addiction 1 / 2 doses, Compulsion 2*, Withdrawal
connected to the Comuna.
1, 1+3 mental damage
When a vehicle impacts cordon rope, it suffers
Harm effect: Causes depression increasing the
damage as per its Scale below. Non-Vehicular
characters complication range by 1. Every time
targets are considered Scale 0. Cordon rope can be
DISPROPORTIONATE harm effects are rolled when taking Calm, that
placed like a mine, though with its bright colours
FAILURE character considers this narcotics Compulsion
and obvious placements, most victims deliberately
A disproportionate number of Cryo- to be 1 higher than normal. If the character can
drive through. Often their internal monologue
Pod failures impact terrorists and resist Calm for a week this will reduce by 1.
starts with, “How bad can it be?” and concludes
violent criminals. While some of
this is down to the fact that these with, “Oh, that bad.”
make up the bulk of occupants, CAPTURE BAG
Bureau Aegis is concerned that Controversial to say the least, capture bags are now 1+3§ Grievous, Knockdown, Piercing 3, Stun,
Scale 0-1
someone is engaging in non- more a historic fascination than an active tool. Only Munition
judicial executions. Whether this ever used against criminals considered the worst 2+6§ Grievous, Knockdown, Piercing 3, Stun,
is a lone vigilante, Submondo Scale 2
of the worst, these bags use nanotech to seal the Munition
organisation, the Hassassins,
captive from the neck down within a stab-proof 2+8§ Grievous, Knockdown, Piercing 3, Stun,
Bureau Noir, or some other
bag. These bags are specifically designed to cover Scale 3+
organization is unknown, but Munition
investigations are ongoing. In the a suspect all the way into and out of a cryotube if
meantime, checks on prisoners need be and, as such, provide little to no protection
have been doubled even as from the environment.
critics argue that this makes CRYO-POD
Placing a suspect in a capture bag is not an
escape much easier and transport Carrying the stigma of the Nomad’s Red Auction,
more expensive. easy task. Unless the subject is unconscious or
otherwise compliant, they will have to be wrestled Cryo-Pods are a political hot potato. While inval-
into the bag. uable in transporting prisoners securely, multiple
human rights watch organisations have raised
Standard operating procedure during peak use of concerns that this is an inhumane punishment
these bags involved stunning the suspect with gas levied against people before they have been given
or electricity, rolling them up into the bag, sealing a hearing. The O-12 is sympathetic to these views
them in, and finally carrying them into the back of a and thus only uses Cryo-Pods for the transportation
waiting vehicle. of particularly unpleasant career criminals. While
Cryo-Pods have been in use since the early days of
COLLAPSIBLE wormhole exploration, there are occasional failings
EXOSKELETON in occupant preparation, which leads to the occu-
pant being flash frozen and unrevivable. In some
A streamlined gruntsuit with few BTS protections,
cases, the occupant’s Cube is destroyed as well.
these units are often used by emergency services
when dealing with significant issues such as Many vehicles with a passenger compartment can
tectonic quakes and large fires. When not in be fitted with a Cryo-Pod. Cryo-Pods take up 1
service, they fold down to the size of folding chairs. Internal hardpoint for every occupant.
Opening up a collapsible exoskeleton requires 5
minutes and an Average (D1) Tech test.
96 Chapter 10
O-12 GEAR 97
Using jaws of life in melee as
anything more than a club is very Ground spikes or portable bollards as they are The most common emergency cutter, these heavy
difficult, increasing attack difficulty known in some jurisdictions are plastic and steel industrial cutters tend to eschew hydraulic strength
by 2 steps. columns filled with nanoparticles. Upon hard con- for modern artificial muscles. While impossible to
tact with the ground, the plastic ruptures allowing use in the frenzy of a melee, more than a few crim-
the nanoparticles to spill out. As the particles come inals have found their incredible cutting power a
into contact with air, they expand and harden into a quick and simple way to break through restraints of
toughened barrier approximately 20 centimetres in all sorts. The biggest limitation on the jaws of life
diameter. Used in close proximity with each other, is that they can only cut what they can fit between
ground spikes form an obstacle with Armour 3 and their jaws. While this varies most models extend to
Structure 5 that inflicts 2+4§ damage if rammed. approximately 15 cm.
When combined with cordon rope, this can easily
disable a vehicle that impacts it. In these situations, Jaws of Life, 3+5§ damage, Grievous, Piercing
the cordon rope rolls its damage independently of 2, Vicious 2
the ground spikes.
98 Chapter 10
Some communities have a standard
agreement to provide data to
police anonymously through an
ALEPH Aspect, judging what is in
the police’s interests to see. These
neighbourhood watch agreements
have been ruled as circumstantial
evidence in most jurisdictions as
they, allegedly, can’t be tied to the
producing witness.
O-12 GEAR 99
to stipulate the duration of their memory that they 12+) will require a second or even a third layer.
The term Social Care Kit became
are willing to grant the operatives as evidence. Striptape is porous enough that the skin beneath it
popularised after a Yu Jingese
police officer was live recorded Once they state this timeframe with a positive, can breathe and is not suitable for environmental
offering a child a G-Pal after a un-coerced mental state, ALEPH will initiate a suit repairs. Removing striptape from naked skin
terror attack during the Japanese backup and copy the portion of memory assigned to without a suitable chemical agent is momentarily
Uprising. When asked why he had the investigation over to the investigating officers. painful but not considered dangerous. Most brands
a child’s toy in his squad car, he If ALEPH detects coercion, it will instead send a of striptape include quantronic tags similar to
responded embarrassedly, “All report to the officers’ commanding officers. quantronic paint to announce that the wearer is
officers have a duty of care for the in custody.
public. I maintain a Social Care Kit Evidence gathered by a statement taker is consid-
for times of emergency.” ered subjective but equal to that of the recorded
testimony of a dead witness. Because of this, it is SUBDUAL BATON
common for witnesses who subject themselves The Bureau Aegis Type 3 Stun Baton is becoming
to this process to be called to give in-person the most common police baton in the Human
testimony. During such testimony, any criminality or Sphere. A combination flashlight, defence weapon,
flaws of character recorded by the statement taker and striptape deployer, this baton is routinely sold
are often brought up by defence attorneys to the to any law enforcement body willing to purchase
detriment of the witness. Suffice to say, granting it. Enhanced quality control ensures that the risk of
access to a statement taker is very unpopular with permanent injury is negligible so long as the baton
anyone remotely aware of criminal proceedings. is not misused.
100 Chapter 10
Bond Suit
0 2 1 1 1 Hidden2 2 6+3§ T2 –
Bond Suit
0 3 2 1 1 Hidden 2 2 7+3§ T2 –
0 2 1 1 0 Exoskeleton 1 2 8+5§ T2 2
Responder 1 2 1 1 3 2 6+3§ T2 1
Gamma Exoskeleton 3,
4 5 3 4 4 5 (O-12 4) 15+5§ T2 2
Armour Bioscanner
Magnetic 0 4§ 0 0 0 2 6+3§ T4 1
See entry for details. 2
No tariff for O-12.
Sense Link Cybernetic Implant Concealed 1 1 7+2 – –
Calm 4 3+1 T4
( PER 3)
Small Improvised 3 (2 for 1+cost of
Mine 0+6 1H Indiscriminate T1
Explosive Device Submondo) reload
(Close), Unsubtle1
Large Improvised 3 (2 for 2+cost of
Mine 0+7 2H Indiscriminate T1
Explosive Device Submondo) 2 reloads
(Medium), Unsubtle1
Do not add bonus damage from attributes to explosive devices.
No Tariff for O-12 3
See entry for details.
Angel Drone 0 5+2§ T1
Overwatch Remote 3 9+3§ T1
No Tariff for O-12
102 Chapter 10
O-12 sits in an unenviable position. As an organisation, O-12 strives to uphold the Pillars of Unity and
works towards a better future. It encourages the nations of the Human Sphere to set aside their differ-
ences and parochial loyalties and see a bigger picture, one in which humanity as a whole can advance
into a brighter tomorrow. It is an adjudicator and serves a vital role in maintaining the Human Sphere on a
knife’s edge of stability. It is a role, however, that is far too often overlooked, underappreciated, unwanted,
and derided. There is truth to the cynical adage that a compromise leaves everyone unhappy, and O-12 is
the ultimate compromise.
Many pundits believed that contact with an alien species would be a watershed moment, a moment in
history in which humanity would pause for introspection and move forward unified in a recognition that
the greatest we can aspire to be is human. That nationalism and self-interest would fade under the bright
light of a new fire, which burned with an understanding that the nation state to which we owe our great-
est loyalty is humanity itself. The arrival of an enemy beyond the stars many thought would also stimulate
a paradigm shift… But old loyalties and modes of thought die hard, and tribalism and self-interest are
habits that run deep. While cooperation is key to the defeat of the greatest enemy humanity has ever faced,
it has not softened the tendency toward self-service, petty jealousies, and a hunger for wealth and power.
O-12 stands in defiance of these basest of tendencies. It represents a hope in a future in which humanity
stands united, both eyes on the future. But the reality is that the various nation states that make up the
Human Sphere have always maintained at least one eye on their own advancement. Tension, war, and
conflict have resulted. O-12 remains committed, regardless, to the idealistic role of playing adjudicator,
judge, and teacher in these troubling times. It is not a role that is easy, and O-12 can never be the answer
to every ill that afflicts the Human Sphere, but the people who serve the Pillars do so in the hope that
through their actions, the Human Sphere can be made a better and safer place for all of humanity.
In this section are detailed the stat blocks for five Bureau Aegis agents that characters who belong to O-12
might have cause to interact with. For those outside of the Concilium system, three of these represent the
most recognisable faces of O-12, the diplomat, peacekeeper, and detective. Wherever they go in the Human
Sphere, representatives of O-12 strive to uphold the Pillars of Unity, Cooperation, Support, and Progress. It
is not an easy task and is often a thankless one. For every citizen protected from harm who has cause to
see O-12 as a saviour, there are many more who espouse the view that O-12 is a pointless organisation,
a meddler in the affairs of nations, and a power in its own right wrapped in a holier-than-thou attitude.
Irrespective of the views of those they interact with, agents of O-12 carry out their duties with profession-
alism and hold themselves to a high standard.
104 Chapter 11
Whether from GloPol’s Investigations Department, A vast majority of the crimes committed in the
Section Stratera’s Internal Affairs, or Psi Unit’s Human Sphere are carried out in the quantronic
Covert Operatives, Bureau Aegis makes extensive world. An effusive layer of data that extends
use of field agents charged with detective work, across human space like another dimension, the
undercover investigations, and forensics. Many quantronic networks, of which Maya and Arachne
of these agents are seconded to other bureaus are only the most visible parts, hold side alleys
within O-12 to work with small teams, investi- where deals are done and doors that lead to the
gating crimes that fall within that bureau’s remit. most sensitive personal and national secrets in the
Investigators work both in the Concilium system Sphere. All of this needs protection of course, but
and throughout the Human Sphere, either actively more than being simple guardians, Cyberghosts
pursuing cases or supporting local law enforcement are expert hunters, prowling quantronic space
agencies by following leads and putting the puzzle with ruthless efficiency for illegal activity and the
pieces together. Often carrying little more than hackers who try to pull it off. Whether tracking the
a sidearm, these agents are experts in their field, transfer of wealth, peeling back layer upon layer
employed by O-12, and carry a mandate that allows of shell corporations to find the faces behind the
them access to doors few other agencies can open. masks, or pinpointing and attacking hackers trying
to crack and steal state secrets, Cyberghosts are
O-12’s weapon of choice in this dizzying theatre of
9 11 8 9 9 8 9 8 10 8 9 11 8 9
Firewall 9 Resolve 9 Vigour 8 Firewall 11 Resolve 9 Vigour 8
Security 3 Morale 0 Armour 1 Security 3 Morale 0 Armour 1
ATTACKS: Knife: 1+3§, 1H, Concealed 1, Non-Hackable, ATTACKS: Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
Subtle 2, Thrown, Unforgiving 1 GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2), Assault Hacking
Heavy Pistol: Range: R/C, 2+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, Device or White Hacking Device, LinkSWORD
GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2) • Ghost: A Cyberghost may re-roll 1d20 on any technical skill test.
SPECIAL ABILITIES • Personal Encryption: Given the nature of their work, Cyberghosts
• Keen Eye: May re-roll 1d20 on any senses skill test. must ensure the integrity of their personal networks at all times. Each
• Personal Encryption: Given the nature of their work, investigators agent is issued with a buzzer, a small device that encrypts their patina
must ensure the integrity of their personal networks at all times. Each and personal network, making it more time consuming and difficult to
agent is issued with a buzzer, a small device that encrypts their patina crack. This provides agents with a Security Soak of 3.
and personal network, making it more time consuming and difficult to
crack. This provides agents with a Security Soak of 3.
8 10 8 8 10 10 9 9 10 8 10 12 12 11
Firewall 10 Resolve 9 Vigour 8 Firewall 14 Resolve 13 Vigour 10
Security 0 Morale 4 Armour 1 Security 3 Morale 4 Armour 1
ATTACKS: Heavy Pistol: Range: R/C, 2+4§, Burst 1, ATTACKS: Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, Vicious 1 Grievous, Vicious 2
GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2) GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2)
• Hardened: With years of experience, Operations Managers are • Personal Encryption: Given the sensitive nature of their work,
psychologically tough as old boot leather, they gain a Morale Soak Diplomats must ensure the integrity of their personal networks at
of 4. all times. Each Diplomat is issued with a buzzer, a small device that
• Inspiring Commander: Players may elect to add 1 Heat to the GM’s encrypts their patina and personal network, making it more time
pool to re-roll 1d20 for any skill test undertaken in the current Scene. consuming and difficult to crack. This provides diplomats with a
OR players may elect to add 1 Heat to the GM’s pool, gaining +2§ Security Soak of 3.
Morale Soak for the remainder of the current Scene. Each character • Heard It All: Diplomats have a Morale Soak of 4.
may activate Inspiring Commander once per adventure. • Masterful: When a Diplomat uses the Coax, Intimidate, or Negotiate
Psy War techniques (see Infinity Corebook, p. 129), they roll +2§
106 Chapter 11
In this section are presented a sample of the adversaries that any of the Bureau Aegis departments might
typically engage with. Given O-12’s role and presence within the Human Sphere, any adversary from any
of the books in the Infinity line are reasonable inclusions in a game, many of them as both allies and ene-
mies, depending on the day. This section divides the listed adversaries into typical opponents of the five
key departments detailed in Chapter 7 of this book (see p. 64). These departments are Section Statera’s
Internal Affairs, SWORDFOR (aka Bureau’s Aegis Tactical Police Department), GloPol’s Investigations
Department, Starmada, and the Psi Unit.
How an agent of O-12 may engage with an adversary is generally defined by the Rules of Engagement that
govern their mission. Typically, adversaries fall under two broad legal terms, Illegal Actors and Enemies of
Human Sphere.
Illegal Actors is a legalese term used to describe an individual or group of individuals who have broken
one or more national laws and have been declared international criminals in a Concilium Court. These are
criminals who have been deemed viable targets for investigation and persecution by O-12 agents.
An Enemy of the Human Sphere is a term applied to any member of the Combined Army and criminals who
have committed particularly egregious acts of violence or destruction. Like ‘Illegal Actor’, the term ‘Enemy
of the Human Sphere’ is applied as a result of a Concilium Court ruling. Being declared an Enemy of the
Human Sphere is a terrifying prospect for any citizen, as it is a legal appellation that means the Rules of
Engagement do not apply to them.
All the adversaries in this section have names that reflect departmental slang. They are sobriquets used
extensively throughout Bureau Aegis to describe a certain type of criminal or criminal behaviour.
Dealing with the criminal elements of the Human ELITE
Sphere brings an agent face to face with some of
the worst humanity has to offer. Somehow though, TAKER
nothing is more bitter than betrayal.
There are good agents, who strive to better the 9 10 9 9 9 10 7
Human Sphere every day through action and deed.
There are neutral agents, who are there because it
is a job. They may have lost their sense of idealism, Combat +2 1 Movement +1 1 Social +3 2
or always been more cynical, but their role does Fortitude +1 1 Senses +2 1 Technical +1 1
not carry any high idealism, and while they may DEFENCES
excel at their job, they continue to do it because Firewall 9 Resolve 7 Vigour 9
it’s work. Then there are bad agents, agents who
Security 0 Morale 0 Armour 1
use the position of O-12 and their position within
O-12 to make money illegally. Maybe they get slid ATTACKS: Assault Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 2,
a few extra sol to look the other way, maybe they Unbalanced, Vicious 1
are happy to receive gifts and bribes in exchange GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2)
for just a little information. Maybe they are neck
• Dirt: For 1 Heat, the Taker may recall/uncover one story about a
deep, actively working with smugglers pulling character they are interacting with that may be used for blackmail
VoodooTech from battle sites on Paradiso, running or leverage. This may be something from the character’s past, it may
drugs in a few spare compartments in their convoy, be some action that character has taken in a previous game, but
or making vital paperwork on important cases whatever it is, it has some emotional or professional implications
disappear. However deep they are, these corrupt should the secret get out. This may be used for narrative purposes
agents are universally called Takers. This term has or may be used to give a +2§ bonus to one Psywar attack on that
an obvious heritage in the idea of taking a bribe, character. Dirt may only be used by the Taker once per game session.
but has some nuance within O-12, whose idealistic
rhetoric talks so much of giving. These people are
the antithesis of that vaunted ideal.
Firewall 10 Resolve 8 Vigour 8
Security 2 Morale 0 Armour 1 ATTRIBUTES
ATTACKS: Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced,
Vicious 1 9 8 9 9 7 7 7
GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2) FIELDS OF EXPERTISE
• Gaslight: A Mole is a master manipulator. They have the uncanny Combat +2 1 Movement +1 – Social – –
ability to have the people they are talking to question their own Fortitude +2 – Senses – – Technical – –
reality, to ask themselves whether they really did see or hear the
things they saw and heard. For 1 Heat, the GM may add 2d20 to any
skill test made to deceive a character. This may be used once per Firewall 4 Resolve 4 Vigour 5
character per scene, and the normal limit of no more than +3d20 to Security 0 Morale 0 Armour 2
any skill test applies.
ATTACKS: Heavy Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+5§, Burst 1,
• Evidence?: Moles are careful, and cover their tracks. For 4 Heat, the
Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, Vicious 1
Mole may destroy or invalidate one piece of quantronic or physical
evidence that shows or implies they are a Mole. Evidence? may only Combi Rifle: Range: C/M, 1+5§, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light
be used once per game session. Mod, Vicious 1
GEAR: Light Combat Armour
• Shoot First: Hyenas are highly aggressive and almost universally
have a shoot first ask questions later mentality. Even though they
are Troopers, Hyenas may use the Return Fire Reaction as per the
normal rules.
108 Chapter 11
It’s been a slow slide over decades, but the gradual From the shady heads of Submondo groups to
weakening of oversight laws, the increased levels the leaders of terrorist organisations, Kingpin is
of tension and sectarian violence, and the war with Bureau Aegis departmental slang for any boss,
the Combined Army have all eroded the limits on chief, or commander of a criminal organisation
what a corporation can do to protect its personnel with significant power and influence. Every now
and its interests. The rise of corporate armies has and then, a brutish thug manages to beat their way
been frightening. Some of these are mercenary to the top of the ladder, but they rarely manage
companies ‘retained’ on permanent contracts, to stay there. It takes cunning and intelligence, it
some are private security firms usually owned by takes connections and an ability to manipulate
the corporation that hires them, and some are them, it takes an understanding of how to allocate
laughably referred to as corporate security and and commit resources, and it takes a willingness to
employed directly. Whatever their origins and break the law in just the right ways and places to
arrangements, one thing is common, CorpSec forces, make it difficult to ever pin back. Kingpins are not
as they are widely known, have become much more typically the best fighters; they are the brains of an
seriously armed, armoured, and more deeply trained operation. They get to the top because they have
in combat skills than they are in security. It is not foresight and cunning and because they are willing
unusual now to have CorpSec teams supported and capable of doing what it takes to achieve their
by a TAG, and many of the largest hypercorps also goals, even if it means breaking laws, conventions,
maintain a standing, albeit small, fleet of space and tradition — whatever that is. Kingpins regularly
craft capable of providing defence to their shipping fall under the purview of Bureau Aegis as they tend
and transfer fleets. CorpSec are known to push the to operate across multiple national boundaries and
boundaries of what is acceptable and do so under manage to do what they do without ever having the
the protection of national provisions that allow law land on them. Universally, they are dangerous
and encourage companies the right to aggressively and never to be underestimated.
defend their interests, however that is defined.
9 9 10 10 8 8 9 9 11 10 10 12 9 11
Firewall 8 Resolve 9 Vigour 10 Firewall 14 Resolve 14 Vigour 13
Security 1 Morale 0 Armour 2 Security 1 Morale 3 Armour 1
ATTACKS: Combi Rifle: Range: C/M, 1+5§, Burst 2, 2H, Expert ATTACKS: Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 1, 1H, Vicious 1
1, MULTI Light Mod, Vicious 1 Nanopulser: Range: C, 1+5§, Burst 1, 1H, Biotech, Subtle 3, Torrent,
GEAR: Light Combat Armour Vicious 2
SPECIAL ABILITIES GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2)
• Well Resourced: CorpSec are not just corporate goons protecting their SPECIAL ABILITIES
employer’s property, they are well resourced and well maintained. • Confident: Kingpins aren’t cocky, self-assured, and arrogant; they are
They are after all, walking resources for the company. If the GM confident. They know who and what they are, and more importantly,
uses Heat to summon reinforcements (see Infinity Corebook, p. 34), they know the laws. They know what they can push and bend, what
summoning a CorpSec costs 1 Heat each, even though they are Elite. not to say. Kingpins gain a +3 Morale Soak for their confidence; they
know they have planned well.
• Minions: One of the reasons that Kingpins so regularly manage to
escape the legal repercussions of their actions is that they have
others who get their hands dirty. Every Kingpin has an organisation of
minions. If the GM uses Heat to summon reinforcements (see Infinity
Corebook, p. 34), double the number of reinforcements that arrive as
the normal amount for no increased Heat cost. (For example, 1 Heat
will summon 2 Troopers rather than one.)
9 12 8 9 10 7 9 10 9 11 10 8 7 8
Firewall 10 Resolve 9 Vigour 8 Firewall 8 Resolve 8 Vigour 11
Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 1 Security 0 Morale 0 Armour 2
ATTACKS: Assault Pistol: Range: R/C, 1+4§, Burst 2, ATTACKS: Heavy Pistol: Range: R/C, 2+4§, Burst 1,
Unbalanced, Vicious 1 Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1, Vicious 1
GEAR: Armoured Clothing (Hidden Armour 2) Combi Rifle: Range: C/M, 1+5§, Burst 2, 2H, Expert 1, MULTI Light
• Cocky: Hardballers have a Morale Soak of +2. GEAR: Light Combat Armour
• Step Back: A Hardballer has everything under control. A Hardballer SPECIAL ABILITIES
can make the Withdraw Action as a Free Action once per Scene. • Contacts: A Scalper usually has some level of support from their
• Plan B: Never walk into a place you can’t walk out of. Hardballers contacts, whether unspoken or known. This can make dealing with
have been around long enough to understand how important it is to them tricky. When a Scalper enters a scene, the GM immediately
have a Plan B! For 2 Heat, a Hardballer can ‘find’ a hatch, ventilation adds 2 points to the Heat pool.
shaft, hidden door, window, or some reasonable means to move from
one zone to an adjacent zone through any intervening blocking
terrain (like a wall). This ability is not intended to be used magically.
The GM should provide a reasonable explanation, and naturally, the
characters should be able to follow (after any required skill checks to
find it, open it, or whatever is appropriate).
110 Chapter 11
10 10 10 10 8 7 8 9 10 9 10 11 11 10
Firewall 8 Resolve 8 Vigour 10 Firewall 13 Resolve 12 Vigour 11
Security 0 Morale 1 Armour 3 Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 3
ATTACKS: Axe: 1+5§, Unbalanced, Non-Hackable, Thrown, ATTACKS: Stun Baton: 1+4§, 1H, Non-Hackable, Knockdown,
Vicious 1 Subtle 1, Stun
Chain Rifle: Range: C, 1+6§, Burst 1, 2H, Spread 1, Torrent, Vicious 1 Heavy Pistols: Range: R/C, 2+4§, Burst 1, Unbalanced, Unforgiving 1,
GEAR: Medium Combat Armour Vicious 1
• Space Legs: When on a ship or in zero-g, a Sealy moving into a zone SPECIAL ABILITIES
that requires a terrain test reduces the Difficulty of that test by 1. If • Space Legs: When on a ship or in zero-g, a Morgan moving into a zone
the Difficulty is reduced to zero, no test is required. that requires a terrain test reduces the Difficulty of that test by 1. If
• Hypervigilant: Whether it’s the adrenaline or the drugs, Sealys are the Difficulty is reduced to zero, no test is required.
hypervigilant, with reflexes wired to the slightest of triggers. A Sealy • Cunning: Morgans are known for their use of unique, and sometimes
may make 1 Retaliate or Return Fire Reaction for free per scene. downright strange, tactical plays. When on a ship, once per scene, a
Morgan can cause the environmental conditions to change for a zone.
This might include making a regular zone difficult terrain, a zone that
is difficult terrain into hazardous, reducing or increasing the gravity,
or creating obstacles. Aside from introducing a new terrain effect, in
the first turn after the change has taken place, anyone in the zone
that is part of the Morgan’s crew gains Surprise on anyone who is not
a part of the crew (see Infinity Corebook, p. 105).
112 Chapter 11
AGI AWA BRW COO INT PER WIL Security 0 Morale 2 Armour 1