Dylan Sellers Online Lesson Plan

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Lesson Idea Focus

Lesson Title Working with Lines w/ Online Exrension

Content Area 9th Grade Mathematics
Content Standards A.GSR.3.1: Solve real-life problems involving slope, parallel lines,
perpendicular lines, area, and perimeter.
Technology Standards 3.d Explore Real-World Issues: Students build knowledge by actively
exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories, and
pursuing answers and solutions.
4.a Design Process: Students know and use a deliberate design process for
generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving
authentic problems.
Integrated Technology Ask Dr. Math
Reference or https://www.themathdoctors.org/ask/
Supporting Resources
Bloom’s Taxonomy Understanding: Students must make use of the simulator to understand how
Levels forces motion work in our world.
Apply: Students use what they learn from the simulator to arrive at a
conclusion as to how forces respond to certain situations.
Analyze: Students must study and analyze the simulator to come up with
hypothesis about how different masses affect applied forces.
Integration Level The learning experience is LoTi 3: Infusion as students are asked to think at
higher levels on Bloom’s Taxonomy (Apply, Analyze).

Universal Design This lesson idea supports Universal Design for Learning (UDL) by offering
Rationale multiple means in expression in the form of a simulator that allows students to
represent physic problems in various ways. It also allows multiple means of
engagement by allows students to use the computer’s tools to change the
language or assistive technology such as screen readers.
Lesson Idea The basic idea of this lesson is to take a normal algebra lesson and extend it
using an online project site. The site in question is Ask Dr. Math. During the
lesson, the content will be delivered using usual methods. First the teacher
will demonstrate a problem to the students. Then, the class will work on a
problem together. Finally, the students will attempt to solve problems
themselves. The class will then transition into the online portion.

For the online portion, students will go on the Ask Dr. Math website. The
students will be asked to come up with a question they had from the lesson.
They will then ask the question on the website and attempt to find an answer.
If a student can’t find an answer, they can ask the question on the site. After
some time on the site, the class will come together and share their findings.
Specifically, they will be asked to share if they found answers to their
questions or what kind of questions they asked on the website.
Design Reflection Overall, I think this lesson is a fun way to introduce students to a new tool.
Online learning may not be the best medium for education, but sometimes it
is inevitable. I like how this lesson connects students with a resource they can
use at home. In the classroom, on of the greatest resources a student has is
the teacher, but in an online setting that may not always be the case, so it’s
nice to teach them other ways they can get information.

As for how the lesson could be extended, I think it would be fine if students
published their own work, like math problems, that way they could reach
higher levels of Loti.

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