Oct 1st Week Details (Eng) by AC
Oct 1st Week Details (Eng) by AC
Oct 1st Week Details (Eng) by AC
Ministry of I&B Made Significant Revisions Legislative assemblies, and National Capital
to the Cable Television Network Rules of Territory (NCT) of Delhi. This historic decision was
1994 officially approved by the President on September
Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) 28, 2023.
issued a notification amending the Cable ✓ Vice President and Rajya Sabha
Television Network(CTN) Rules of 1994. Chairperson, Jagdeep Dhankhar on
Moreover, a new provision has been added, September 28 signed the women’s
enabling Cable Operators to share infrastructure reservation Bill as passed by Parliament
with Broadband Service providers. before it was presented to President
✓ This amendment introduces a formal Droupadi Murmu for her assent.
procedure for the renewal of registrations ✓ Following the President’s assent, this Bill
for Multi-System Operators (MSOs). This will be recognized as the Constitution
significant change updates the rules which (106th Amendment) Act.
previously only allowed for fresh ✓ The Women’s Reservation Bill 2023,
registrations. officially titled as The Constitution (128th
✓ MSOs will be required to submit their Amendment) Bill, 2023 and commonly
registration or renewal applications online referred to as Nari Shakti Vandan
through Broadcast Seva Portal of MIB. Adhiniyam, has been introduced in the
Indian Parliament…Click here for more
DEA hikes interest rate on 5-year Recurring
Deposit Scheme to 6.7% for Q3FY24
The Department of Economic Affairs (DEA-Budget
Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan
Division), Ministry of Finance, has increased the Launched Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav and
interest rate on the 5-year recurring deposit Technology & Bharatiya Bhasha Summit
scheme by 20 basis points to 6.7% from 6.5% for Union Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, the Ministry
the 3rd quarter (October-December) of 2023- of Education(MoE) and the Ministry of Skill
2024 i.e. Q3FY24.The rates of other small savings Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE),
schemes remained unchanged. launched the Bharatiya Bhasha Utsav and
inaugurated the two-day Technology & Bharatiya
President Droupadi Murmu Gives Assent to Bhasha summit in New Delhi, Delhi.
✓ The 2-day summit, held from 30th
Women’s Reservation Bill 2023
September to 1st October 2023, was
On September 29, 2023, as per the notification
organised as a part of the 75-day Bharatiya
issued by the Union Law Minister Arjun Ram
Bhasha Utsav that commenced on 28
Meghwal ,President Droupadi Murmu has granted
September 2023 and will conclude on 11th
assent to the Women’s Reservation Bill 2023,
December 2023.
which mandates a 33% reservation (one-third of
total seats) for women in the Lok Sabha, State
India Retains 40th Rank in Global Innovation Index (2023). India retains 40th rank among 132
Index 2023: Innovation in The Face of economies. While Switzerland secured the top
Uncertainty spot in the rankings, with Sweden and the United
The World Intellectual Property Organization States of America (USA) following closely.
(WIPO), an agency of the United Nations, ✓ Notably, India has made significant
published the 16th edition of the Global Innovation progress, climbing 26 places from its 2013
ADB Capital Management Reforms Bring Insurance Company Limited is one of the
USD100 Billion Benefits Over Next Decade Pension Fund Managers (PFM’s) appointed
to Asia-Pacific by Pension Fund Regulatory and
Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced the Development Authority (PFRDA) in India to
approval of capital management reforms that are manage funds for the National Pension
set to release approximately USD($)100 billion in System (NPS).
fresh funding capacity over the next decades for
financing projects in Asia-Pacific region. WDRA Signs MoU with Bank of India to Fund
✓ This funding is intended to tackle against e-NWRs
significant Asian challenges, notably Warehousing Development Regulatory Authority
climate change. (WDRA) signed Memorandum of Understanding
✓ These reforms were implemented by (MoU) with the Bank of India (BoI) to fund against
updating the ADB’s Capital Adequacy e-NWRs (electronic Negotiable Warehouse
Framework (CAF). Receipt). The MoU also aims to provide
✓ Asian Development Bank: President – information to depositors about the benefits,
Masatsugu Asakawa,Headquarters – besides doing further outreach activities to
Manila, Philippines. improve agricultural pledge finance in India.
✓ The MoU was signed in the presence of T.K
SEBI Extends Demat Account and Mutual Manoj Kumar, Chairperson, WDRA,
Fund Unit Holder Nominations Deadlines Rajneesh Karnatak, Managing director
The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (MD) cum Chief Executive Officer (CEO),
extended the deadline for adding nominees to BoI.
demat accounts and submitting PAN and KYC ✓ The WDRA is a Statutory Authority under
details for physical security holders until the Department of Food and Public
December 31, 2023.SEBI also extended the Distribution(DFPD) of the Ministry of
nomination deadline specifically for mutual fund Consumer Affairs Food and Public
unit holders until January 1, 2024. Distribution.
HDFC Pension Launches a First-of-its-kind SBI Life Insurance & State Bank of Sikkim
NPS Preference Index on the Occasion of Sign a Bancassurance Pact
NPS Diwas State Bank of India (SBI) Life Insurance Company
HDFC Pension Management Company Limited Limited signed a bancassurance pact with the
has launched a first-of-its-kind ‘National Pension State Bank of Sikkim (SBS) to make insurance
System (NPS) Preference Index’ on the occasion solutions accessible to the residents of Sikkim.
of 2nd edition of NPS Diwas which was observed Through this partnership, the State Bank of Sikkim
on 1st October 2023.HDFC Pension also released offers SBI Life’s diverse range of protection,
NPS Preference Index Study which is the industry wealth creation, and savings insurance products
first spotlight on NPS. to its customers.
✓ HDFC Pension Management Company
Limited,a subsidiary of HDFC Life
IOCL Approves Two Joint Ventures to Set up India’s growth rate was the 2nd highest among
Compressed Biogas Plants G20 countries.
✓ However, service sector activity is projected to
The board of Indian Oil Corporation Limited
remain strong with growth of 7.4%, and
(IOCL), a public sector Enterprise under the
investment growth is expected to stay robust
Maharatna category approved joint ventures with at 8.9%.
EverEnviro Resource Management Pvt Ltd and ✓ Fiscal consolidation is expected to continue in
GPS Renewables Pvt Ltd for setting up FY23/24, with the central government fiscal
compressed biogas (CBG) plants. deficit projected to decline from 6.4% to 5.9%
✓ The two joint ventures will be formed with of GDP.
IOCL or one of its subsidiaries and the two ✓ The report states that India’s headline inflation
partner companies will have an equal is expected to average 5.9% in FY23/24. IDU
stake of 50 % each in the newly formed April 2023 projected India’s headline inflation
joint ventures. to decline to an average of 5.2% in FY23/24.
President of India Presents National Service Olympic Committees (NOCs) for their efforts to
Scheme Awards for the Year 2021-2022 combat climate change.IOC Climate Action
President of India, Droupadi Murmu presented Awards 2023 were awarded under 3 categories:
the National Service Scheme Awards for the sustainable travel, innovation, and athlete
year 2021-2022 at Rashtrapati Bhavan in New advocacy.
Delhi, Delhi. The award was given to 52 persons to ✓ The IOC Climate Action Awards was
recognize their outstanding contributions towards introduced in November 2022, with the
voluntary community social services. goal of highlighting how sport can play an
• The awards included 3 categories essential part in addressing the climate
namely Universities/+ 2 Council (2 issue.
Awards); NSS units and their ✓ The 2023 awards are supported by
Programme Officers (10 NSS Units + 10 Worldwide Olympic and Paralympic
Programme Officers); and NSS Partners Airbnb, Deloitte and Procter &
volunteers (30 Awards)….Click here for Gamble (P&G)…Click here for more
more detail……. detail…….
2023 SASTRA Ramanujan Prize Awarded to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman Wins
Mathematician Ruixiang Zhang Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2023
The Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Katalin Karikó of Hungary and Drew Weissman of
Research Academy (SASTRA) Ramanujan Prize for the United States of America(USA) were jointly
2023 will be awarded to Ruixiang Zhang of China, awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Assistant Professor at the University of California, in 2023 by the Royal Swedish Academy of
Berkeley, the United States of America(USA) for Science.The Nobel Prize is awarded for their
his contribution to Mathematics from analytic discovery concerning nucleoside base
number theory, combinatorics, Euclidean modifications that enabled the development of
harmonic analysis to geometry. effective mRNA vaccines against COVID-19.
✓ The Prize will be conferred at the
International Conference on Number Sudha Murty Becomes 1st Woman to Get
Theory, which will be held from 20 to 22 Global Indian Award
December 2023 at SASTRA University in The renowned author and philanthropist Sudha
Kumbakonam(birthplace of Ramanujan) of Murty, chairperson of the Infosys Foundation,
Thanjavur district, Tamil Nadu. became the first woman to be honoured the
Global Indian Award by the Canada India
International Olympic Committee Foundation(CIF) at Indo-Canadian gala event held
Announced the Winners of the Inaugural in Toronto, Canada.The award is presented to her
IOC Climate Action Awards by Indian High Commissioner to Canada Sanjay
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Kumar Verma.
announced the winners of the inaugural IOC ✓ The government of India honoured her with
Climate Action Awards, which recognise athletes, Padma Shri (the 4th highest civilian award)
International Federations (IFs), and National in 2006 and Padma Bhushan (the third
IFC Received RBI’s Approval for Acquiring Fleet Services Limited (AIFS).Air India is the India’s
9.7% stake in Federal Bank first scheduled carrier to have acquired an aircraft
International Finance Corporation(IFC) has from an entity registered in GIFT City.
received approval from Reserve Bank of India (RBI) ✓ AI Fleet Services Limited (AIFS) is a 100%
to acquire upto 9.7% of the paid-up share capital subsidiary of Air India, and a Gujarat
or voting rights of the Federal Bank Limited International Finance Tec-City (GIFT City)
(subject to the conditions specified therein).The International Financial Services Centre
approval has been granted by RBI with reference (IFSC)-registered finance company.
to the application made by IFC. IFC currently holds
a 1.34% of the paid-up share capital or voting CCI Approvals on 3rd October 2023
rights in the bank. The Competition Commission of India (CCI) approved
✓ About Federal Bank Limited: MD & CEO – the following acquisitions on 3rd October 2023,
Shyam Srinivasan ,Headquarters – Aluva, ✓ Acquisition of certain stake of Lenskart
Solutions Private Limited by Kedaara Capital
✓ Acquisition of majority stake in Indira IVF by
Air India Completes Acquisition of its 1st Zonnebaars and amalgamation of Spaceway
A350-900 Aircraft through GIFT City Wellness into Indira IVF
Tata Group owned Air India successfully acquired ✓ Acquisition of 100% shareholding of
India’s first Airbus A350-900 aircraft by way of Lanco Amarkantak Power Limited by PFC
finance lease transaction with HSBC through AI Projects Limited, REC Limited, SJVN Limited
and Damodar Valley Corporation
MoS Dr Jitendra Singh Launches IGMS 2.0 Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, till
Public Grievance portal & Automated 31st October, 2023.
Analysis in Tree Dashboard Portal of DARPG
Union Minister of State (MoS) Dr Jitendra Singh, IAF inducts 1st of 6 Dornier Do-228 Aircraft
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Manufactured by HAL
Pensions, launched the Intelligent Grievance The Indian Air Force (IAF) inducted the first of six
Monitoring System (IGMS) 2.0 Public Grievance new Dornier Do-228, 19 seater aircraft,
portal and Automated Analysis in Tree Dashboard manufactured Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
portal of the Department of Administrative (HAL), a Public Sector Undertaking(PSU) under the
Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG). Ministry of Defence(MoD). The Dornier-228
✓ He also launched the Swachhata Special aircraft is a multifunctional, lightweight transport
Campaign 3.0 and released the Precedent aircraft which can perform functions from utility
Book (e-book) prepared by DARPG. and commuter transport to maritime surveillance.
✓ He also launched the Swachhata Special
Campaign 3.0 w.e.f. October 2, 2023 i.e.
on the occasion of Birth Anniversary of
PART - I of Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games About Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games:
The 19th edition of Asian games, officially called The games were originally scheduled to take place
as ‘Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games’ is being held from from 10 to 25 September 2022 but was postponed to
September 23 to October 8 2023 with China as the 2023 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hangzhou
host nation. became the third Chinese city to host the Asian
✓ As of October 4 2023, India ranks 4th in the Games, after Beijing in 1990 and Guangzhou in 2010.
medal tally of Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games ✓ Total of 40 sports and 61 disciplines will be
with 16 gold, 27 Silver and 31 Bronze totalling conducted and athletes will compete for a
74 medals. total of 483 gold medals.
✓ A total of 655 Indian athletes across 40 ✓ Over 12,000 athletes from 45 countries are
different sporting disciplines are participating taking part in the games.
in the games. ✓ “Heart to Heart, @Future” is the slogan for the
Republic of
3 Korea 33 44 68 145
4 India 16 27 31 74
International Translation Day 2023- ✓ The theme of ITD 2023 is, “Translation
September 30 unveils the many faces of humanity”.
The United Nations (UN) International Translation ✓ The annual theme of ITD is chosen by the
Day (ITD) is annually observed across the globe on Fédération Internationale des
30 September to recognise and honour the Traducteurs/International Federation of
invaluable contributions of translators and Translators (FIT).
language professionals, who facilitate
communication between nations strengthening
global peace, cooperation, understanding, and
International Day of Older Persons 2023 – World Habitat Day 2023- October 2
October 1 The United Nations (UN) World Habitat Day
The United Nations (UN)’s International Day of (WHD) is annually observed across the globe on
Older Persons (IDOP) is annually observed across the first Monday of October to reflect on the state
the globe on October 1 to raise awareness of the of cities and human settlements and promote the
contributions and achievements of older right to adequate shelter and the need for
individuals (defined as those aged 65 years or sustainable urbanization. WHD also launches
older) in society, as well as to promote their well- Urban October.
being and inclusion in all aspects of life.1st ✓ The theme of WHD 2023 is “Resilient
October 2023 marks the observance of the 33nd urban economies. Cities as drivers of
anniversary of the IDOP. growth and recovery“.
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