Working at Height Workbook
Working at Height Workbook
Working at Height Workbook
Date: 30/09/2020
PC-TC- 2288–
Ocean Learning Platform (OLP) 3.0/25.11.2020
2. Questions ________________________________________________________________ 3
Falling from a height is one of the most International maritime regulations do not
common causes of death and injury of contain many specific requirements for
seafarers despite the effort to ensure safe working at height despite it being one of
working conditions for those onboard the most common causes of death and
ships. injury of seafarers, but the ISM code
requires that risks associated with all
There will always be risks involved when work tasks onboard must be assessed
working at height but to be able to before a job is started. There are also
reduce the number of these incidents and other guidelines for work at height which
accidents we must focus on a strong can be found in “Code of Safe Working
safety culture. Ship-owners and ship Practices for Merchant Seamen” (COSWP)
operators must make sure procedures and ILO’s “Code of practice for accident
and regulations for reduction of prevention onboard ship at sea and in
occupational health and safety risks are port”.
put in place and followed. Crew members
must focus on their own safety and The Australian Maritime College (AMC)
understand that others onboard may be carried out a study on height safety. The
affected by their activities. control measures currently found
onboard are the vessels Safety
Management system, work-permit
procedures and training of seafarers. But
How can we prevent accidents
the study unveiled that procedures are
when working at height not always followed and short cuts are
Work at height requires proper planning, sometimes taken.
risk assessment, correct equipment,
supervising, and competent personnel. Improving the SMS and implement
procedures will reduce the risks of
Working at height is often associated with working at height but it starts with
working in a mast or a crane or outside building a strong safety culture.
the superstructure. We often forget that
work inside a cargo tank or cargo holds Many associate building a safety culture
also includes work at height and not only with implementing policies, procedures,
work in an enclosed space. The risk of
Protective measures
Protection measures at the work place
could typically be to make sure you mark
potential hazards at the work place, have
2. Questions
All questions and exercises are marked with a score; to get full score try to answer all
questions as comprehensive as possible. All questions must be answered and a score of
75% is required to pass the course.
Question 1 (2 marks)
Accidents with dropped objects often happen because of carelessness. Describe which
measures you would take to prevent accidents caused by carelessness.
Question 2 (2 marks)
Explain how you can protect yourself and others from being hit and injured by a dropped
Question 3 (2 marks)
What considerations must be done before you can determine whether a job is work at
height or not?
Question 4 (2 marks)
What is done on board to ensure that all personnel has the required training and skills
before they can do work at height.
Question 5 (2 marks)
How many types of fall arrest systems do you have on board and how do you ensure that
they are used correctly?
Question 6 (2 marks)
Describe how you will inspect the fall arrest system and other personal protective
equipment before you start a job at height.
Question 7 (2 marks)
What types of portable access equipment (ladders, steps, scaffolding etc.) are carried on
your vessel?
Are they always used and secured correctly?
Question 8 (2 marks)
To ensure an efficient rescue operation if an accident occur you should have a rescue
plan made before the work at height starts. Which factors must be considered when
making the rescue plan?
Question 9 (5 marks)
Who is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment for work at height on board?
Mention some of the risks that are present when you work at height.
Question 10 (2 marks)
What does your Safety Management System say about work at height?
Question 11 (5 marks)
Describe the safety culture on board and what could be improved?
Question 12 (5 marks)
Despite we know that there are risks involved when working at height, work at height is
one of the most common causes of death or injury on ships today. Do we need more
rules, regulations and procedures or is the root cause for these accidents something
As an example, explain the process if you have to plan and carry out a job in the top of
the radar mast.
Is there any general requirements, must there be work planning and risk management
involved, is there any procedures (company or other) or processes involved, what kind of
protection systems will be used?, etc.
3. Document status
Issue no. Date Author
A 28.03.2017 AB
A1 16.08.2018 AB
B1 10.01.2019 AB
3.0 25.11.2020 IG