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Mike 21 Model Based Numerical Simulation of The Op

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Mike 21 Model Based Numerical Simulation of the Operation
Optimization Scheme of Sedimentation Basin
Jun Yan 1 , Meng Chen 1 , Linjuan Xu 2, * , Qingyan Liu 3 , Hongling Shi 4 and Na He 5,6

1 School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power,
Zhengzhou 450046, China; [email protected] (J.Y.); [email protected] (M.C.)
2 Key Laboratory of Lower Yellow River Channel and Estuary Regulation, MWR, Yellow River Institute of
Hydraulic Research, YRCC, Zhengzhou 450003, China
3 Water Development Planning and Construction Co., Ltd., Jinan 250000, China; [email protected]
4 State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation of Water Cycle in River Basin, China Institute of Water
Resources and Hydropower Research, Beijing 100046, China; [email protected]
5 Hubei Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, China Three Gorges University,
Wuhan 443002, China; [email protected]
6 School of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +86-17739786396

Abstract: The sedimentation basin is an important part of hydraulic engineering. Because the
prototype size is too large and not easy to analyze, Mike 21 has the advantages of easy input,
conversion, analysis, and demonstration of data results, which are flexible and convenient; however,
this method has not been used in hydraulic engineering by previous researchers. This research used
the sedimentation basin of the Yellow River Diversion Project as the research object, and a simulation
model of the sedimentation basin channel #1 was developed using Mike 21 software to analyze its
water and sediment characteristics and conditions in different periods. Using numerical simulation
methods, three types of sedimentation basin operation schemes were targeted, the sedimentation
changes and sedimentation law of channel #1 were evaluated in each scheme, and the sedimentation

 effects were compared. The results show that in conditions of different incoming water and sediment
Citation: Yan, J.; Chen, M.; Xu, L.; and diversion timings during the flood and non-flood seasons, the sedimentation basin adopts an
Liu, Q.; Shi, H.; He, N. Mike 21 Model operation scheme to lower the outlet water level, and the siltation volumes are 180,000 and 150,000 m3
Based Numerical Simulation of the lower than the high-outlet water levels, respectively. Moreover, its siltation status is significantly
Operation Optimization Scheme of improved, which can effectively extend the service life of the sedimentation basin, prolong the
Sedimentation Basin. Coatings 2022, period of silting removal by about 3.5 months, and provide a scientific basis and reference for the
12, 478. https://doi.org/10.3390/
optimization of the operation mode of the sedimentation basin in other types of hydraulic engineering.

Received: 22 February 2022 Keywords: sedimentation basin; numerical simulation; water and sediment characteristics; Mike 21;
Accepted: 30 March 2022 sand-settling effect
Published: 1 April 2022

Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral

with regard to jurisdictional claims in
published maps and institutional affil-
1. Introduction
iations. The treatment of sediment in sediment-laden flow based on the utilization of a sedi-
mentation basin is an effective measure in hydraulic engineering. The working principle
of the sedimentation basin is that the flow velocity of sediment-laden water decreases
upon entering the sedimentation basin. This reduces the sediment-carrying capacity of
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. the current and changes the original movement state of the sediment to achieve sedimen-
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
tation [1]. Sedimentation basins are an indispensable part of the Yellow River Diversion
This article is an open access article
Project. Currently, the silt in the early stage of the sedimentation basin is very serious,
distributed under the terms and
and there exist problems such as the poor effect of settling. Although the first dredging
conditions of the Creative Commons
was completed in May 2021, the cumulative dredging was approximately 3 million m3 ;
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
however, the operation mode of the sedimentation basin did not change. To improve
sedimentation, the issue of the utilization of sand ponds ought to be addressed. Moreover,

Coatings 2022, 12, 478. https://doi.org/10.3390/coatings12040478 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/coatings

Coatings 2022, 12, 478 2 of 17

arable land resources were destroyed during the dredging process and caused ecological
and environmental problems such as soil salinization and desertification. To improve the
use of sedimentation basins and improve the ecological environment, scholars at home and
abroad have explored the characteristics of water and sand movement, model construction,
and optimization of the sedimentation basin.
Bagnold [2] derived the calculation formulas for the bedload and suspended load
sediment transport rate, which promoted the development of sediment research. Zee C.H.
and R [3] introduced new formulas for the transportation of bedload. Chen et al. [4] ana-
lyzed the sequence of annual runoff and sediment and clarified the influence of hydraulic
engineering on the downstream runoff deposition relationship, which gradually weakened
from upstream to downstream. An et al. [5] systematically analyzed the water and sediment
data of the Ningmeng River section of the Yellow River since the 1960s and determined
that the sediments of the river channel were mainly composed of the mainstream and
tributary. Krishnappan et al. [6] studied the variation rule of sediment particle size and
settling speed during the process of sediment settling and showed that smaller particle
sizes fell and silted more easily. Asgharzadeh et al. [7] assessed the influence of baffle length
on particle settlement in a rectangular sedimentation basin. Bürger et al. [8] proposed a
one-dimensional model for the continuous sedimentation process in a settling basin with
a variable cross-sectional area. Wang and Fu [9] studied the flow characteristics of an
inclined-tube sedimentation basin used to separate water and sediment in the Yellow River.
The movement and flow characteristics in the sedimentation basin were determined using
computer-aided visualization. The performance of an inclined-improved conventional
up-flow settling basin was studied by Saady [10].
Based on the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, Shahrokhi et al. [11] re-
searched the best position of a baffle in a rectangular, primary sedimentation basin. Kim
et al. [12] analyzed the influences of the length and position of the baffle at the entrance
of a circular sedimentation basin on the settlement of suspended solids. Tarpagkou and
Pantokratoras [13] and Liu et al. [14] simulated sedimentation basins with different particle
sizes and volume fractions using numerical simulations. Razmia et al. [15] calculated the
flow field and flow curve of the initial flow rate in a sedimentation basin. Tarpagkou and
Pantokratoras [16] also simulated the dynamic flow structure of a rectangular sedimentation
basin for potable water using a multiphase method. Using the k–ε turbulence model,
Sammarraee et al. [17] studied the flow and sediment movement law of a bar sedimentation
basin, and Liu et al. [18,19] simulated the influence of baffles on the hydraulic characteristics
of a sedimentation basin. The sediment movement characteristics of the sedimentation basin
were simulated and analyzed by Olsen and Kjellesvig [20] and Jayanti and Narayanan [21].
Bajcar et al. [22,23] studied the influence of the flow field on the settling efficiency of
sedimentation basins. Stamou et al. [24] and Ramin et al. [25] analyzed the sediment
settling law of a sedimentation basin.
The water flow in the sedimentation basin was affected considerably by the baffle,
which could improve the performance of the sedimentation basin and reduce the influence
of adverse phenomena [26]. Saeedi et al. [27] proposed a method to change the geometry
of the baffle installed at the bottom part of the sedimentation basin to improve the settling
efficiency of the rectangular sedimentation basin and determine the optimal geometry
of the baffle. Guo et al. [28] successively applied continuity and momentum equations
to solve solid–fluid motion using the finite element method and studied the removal of
fine particles in a three-stage sedimentation basin with an adjustable baffle. Vhidifar
et al. [29] used Fluent to study a full-size rectangular sedimentation basin and proposed
three additional baffle methods to optimize the sedimentation basin. In addition, Gupta [30]
established a curve related to the efficiency of a sedimentation basin. Tarpagkou and
Pantokratoras [13] studied the influence of different sediment concentrations on the flow
field in a sedimentation basin and selected the appropriate operation mode according to
the conditions of different sediment concentrations.
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 3 of 17

Previous studies have conducted in-depth research on the characteristics of water and
sand movements in sedimentation basins. However, the final CFD results cannot provide
any form of analytical expressions but only a numerical solution on a limited number of
discrete points. Additionally, there are certain calculation errors, and by adjusting the baffle
to optimize the sedimentation basin, it is only suitable for small-size sedimentation basins
and not suitable for hydraulic engineering. Considering this, the software Mike 21 was
used owing to its advantages, including easy data input, data conversion and analysis, and
the presentation of the results, which makes it quite flexible and convenient.
The research object of this study was the sedimentation basin of the Yellow River
Diversion Project, and the study combined its water and sediment characteristics and
incoming water and sediment conditions in different periods, divided the channel #1
mesh of the sedimentation basin using SMS software, preprocessed it, and imported the
obtained channel #1 mesh file in Mike 21. This research used the hydrodynamic module and
sediment transport module in Mike 21 to simulate the evolution process of sedimentation,
excavated the law of sedimentation, proposed different optimization schemes, compared
the changes in sediment content and sedimentation conditions of the sedimentation basin
in different schemes, and determined the optimal sedimentation effect scheme.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Study Area
The Yellow River Diversion Project is a major project implemented to ensure the
eco-logical water supply for Xiongan, Baiyangdian, and the people along the route. The
project was completed in 2018, and it diverted water from the Xin and Laoqucun sluices in
Qucun and Laoqucun, Puyang City, Henan Province. The average water diversion volume
from the Yellow River in Hebei Province for many years has been 620 million m3 (the water
diversion period is winter and April). After the water delivery line from the Yellow River to
Jibudian uses the main channel of Nanhu Lake in Puyang, Henan Province, it flows along
the third south main channel of Puqing to the northwest via the Weihe inverted siphon
to Hebei Province. It uses the existing rivers and ditches of Hebei Province to transport
water automatically and finally into Baiyangdian. The sand basin is 2500 m long from
north to south and 900 m wide from east to west. It covers an area of approximately 175 ha,
as shown in Figure 1. It adopts a double channel design, with channel #1 on the left and
channel #2 on the right, as shown in Figure 2. Partition and surrounding embankments
were set between the two channels. The depth of the basin is approximately 4.5 m, and the
elevation of its bottom part is in the range of 52.4–53.18 m.

2.2. Research Methods

In this research, SMS software was used to preprocess the channel #1 topographic data
of the sedimentation basin, and mesh files of channel #1 were imported in Mike 21. The
hydrodynamic module and sediment transport module in Mike 21 were used to analyze
the water and sediment characteristics, in which the sediment module is a mathematical
calculation based on the hydrodynamic module.

2.2.1. Model Principle

• Hydrodynamic module principle
The FM module in Mike 21 was used in the hydrodynamic module, whereby the
continuity equation of water flow is

∂h ∂hu ∂hv
+ + = hS (1)
∂t ∂x ∂y
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 4 of 17

The momentum equation in the X direction is

∂hu2 ∂hvu2 ∂η h ∂p a gh2 ∂ρ τsx

∂t + ∂x + ∂y = f vh − gh ∂x − ρ0 ∂ x − 2ρ0 ∂ x + ρ0

∂S (2)
− ρ10 ( ∂S∂xxx + ∂xxy ) + ∂x
∂ ∂
(hTxx ) + ∂x (hTxy) + hus S

The momentum equation in the Y direction is

∂hv2 ∂η h ∂p a gh2 ∂ρ τsx τby

∂t + ∂x + ∂y = − f uh − gh ∂y − ρ0 ∂y − 2ρ0 ∂y −
∂hv ∂huv
+ ρ0 ρ0
∂S ∂S (3)
− ρ10 ( ∂yyx + ∂xyy ) + ∂x
∂ ∂
(hTxy ) + ∂y (hTyy ) + hvs S

where h = η + d is the total water depth, η is the water level, d is the static water depth, t is
time, x and y are the Cartesian coordinates, u and v are the velocity components in the x
and y directions, respectively, u and v are the average velocities of water depth, g is gravity
acceleration, f is the coefficient of the Coriolis force term, f u and f v are accelerations caused
by the rotation of the Earth, Pa is the air pressure, ρ0 is the normal seawater density, ρ is
the density of water, Sxx , Sxy , Syx , Syy are the wave radiation stress terms, Txx , Txy , Tyy are
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
the horizontal viscous stress terms, S is the source and sink item, and us and v4sofare 19 the flow

rates of the head and sink flows.

Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 19

Figure 1.
Figure 1.Geographic
Geographiclocation of the
location Yellow
of the River
Yellow Diversion
River Gate in
Diversion Qucun.
Gate in Qucun.
Figure 1. Geographic location of the Yellow River Diversion Gate in Qucun.

Figure 2. Arrangement of sedimentation basin.

Figure 2.
Figure 2.Arrangement
Arrangement of of
sedimentation basin.
sedimentation basin.
2.2. Research Methods
2.2. Research Methods
In this research, SMS software was used to preprocess the channel #1 topographic
data In thissedimentation
of the research, SMSbasin,
mesh used
channel #1the channel
were #1 topographic
imported in Mike 21.
data of the sedimentation basin, and mesh files of channel #1
The hydrodynamic module and sediment transport module in Mike 21 werewere imported in Mike
used 21.
The hydrodynamic module and sediment transport module in Mike 21 were used to
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 5 of 17

• Sediment transport module principle

Control equation of sediment transport model:
∂c ∂c ∂c 1 ∂ ∂c 1 ∂ ∂c 1
+u + = hDx + (hDy ) + Q L CL − S (4)
∂t ∂x ∂y h ∂x ∂x h ∂y ∂y h

where c is the average sediment concentration in the water depth direction (kg/m3 ), h is
the water depth (m), Dx and Dy are the dispersion coefficients in the x and y directions,
respectively (m2 /s), Q L is the single wide source term flow in the horizontal direction
(m3 /s/m3 ), CL is the source sediment concentration, g/m3 , and S is the scouring/silting
item kg/m3 /s.
The settling speed adopts the Stokes settling speed formula:

(ρs − ρ) gd2
ω= (5)

where ω is the sedimentation velocity (m/s), ρs is the bulk density of the sediment (kg/m3 ),
ρ is the bulk density of water, kg/m3 , g is the acceleration of gravity (m/s2 ), d is the sedi-
ment particle size (m), and ν is the kinematic viscosity coefficient of the water flow (m2 /s).

2.2.2. Model Establishment and Parameter Calibration

• Model establishment
The topographic data of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin were preprocessed by
the software SMS. After repeated debugging, the boundary attributes were defined as open
and land boundaries. The distance 250 m from the entrance and exit was determined as a
grid edge length equal to 5 m, and the distance in the range of 250–500 m from the entry
and exit was divided by a grid edge length of 20 m. The middle part of the channel in the
sedimentation basin was divided into 34,404 unstructured triangular grid units, as shown
in Figure 3.
The mesh file for grid division of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin was imported
in Mike 21, and the channel #1 model of the sedimentation basin was established. The
elevation was based on the 1985 China elevation datum, the plane coordinate was based
on the 1954 Beijing coordinate system, the height of the bottom part of the sedimentation
basin was in the range of 52.4–53.18 m, the horizontal coordinate was 590,068 m, and the
longitudinal coordinate was in the range of 399,000–3,921,500 m.
• Parameter calibration
The parameters in hydrodynamic module are set using low-level operations; the
drying depth is 0.005 m, the flooding depth is 0.05 m, the wetting depth is 0.1 m, and the
eddy viscosity coefficient is 0.28; the river bed roughness is Manning coefficient calculation,
set as 32 m1/3 /s; initial water level is 53.5 m.
The parameters in sediment module: the sedimentation velocity of suspended sedi-
ment is selected as flocculation sedimentation, the flocculation condition is 0.01 kg/m3 , and
the density of sediment is 2650 kg/m3 ; for the distribution of suspended sediment in the
water body, the critical siltation shear stress is 0.15 N/m2 . Set up 1 sediment component and
2 bottom beds; bed 1 is soft mud layer, and bed 2 is hard mud layer. The scour coefficient of
the first layer is 0.00005 kg/m2 /s and the second layer is 1 kg/m2 /s, while the density of
the first bed is 200 kg/m3 , and the density of the second bed is 400 kg/m3 , given an initial
concentration of component 1 of 0.001 kg/m3 .
Coatings 2022,12,
Coatings2022, 12,478
of 17

Figure 3.
Figure 3. Schematic
Schematic of
of grid
grid partition
partition of
of channel
channel #1
#1 in
in sedimentation
sedimentation basin.

Model Validation
mesh file for grid division of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin was imported
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 19
in Mike
The 21, and the
sediment channel #1 model
concentration of theof
at the outlet sedimentation basinbasin
the sedimentation was established.
in October 2019The
was wasThe
verified. based
the 1985
of theChina elevation datum,
lower-boundary theinplane
condition coordinate was
the hydrodynamic based
onMike 21 was
the 1954 set at
Beijing 56 m. Figure
coordinate 3 shows
system, the data
the height changes
of the bottomneeded
part ofto
theprove the effect
of of
actual actual
and and simulated
simulated sediment
sediment concentration.
concentration. Figure
Figure 4 4 shows
shows that
basin was in the range of 52.4–53.18 m, the horizontal coordinate was 590,068 m, and the
the fitting
fitting error
longitudinal coordinate was in the range of 399,000–3,921,500 m.
between the simulated and measured sediment concentration values of the measuring
• was <0.084
Parameter kg/m3.3 .The
calibration Thetwo
and the
the fitting
fitting effect was
perfect. Therefore, it was feasible to conduct this research
research using
using aa calibrated
calibrated model.
The parameters in hydrodynamic module are set using low-level operations; the
drying depth is 0.005 m, the flooding depth is 0.05 m, the wetting depth is 0.1 m, and the
eddy viscosity coefficient is 0.28; the river bed roughness is Manning coefficient
calculation, set as 32 m1/3/s; initial water level is 53.5 m.
The parameters in sediment module: the sedimentation velocity of suspended
sediment is selected as flocculation sedimentation, the flocculation condition is 0.01 kg/m3,
and the density of sediment is 2650 kg/m3; for the distribution of suspended sediment in
the water body, the critical siltation shear stress is 0.15 N/m2. Set up 1 sediment component
and 2 bottom beds; bed 1 is soft mud layer, and bed 2 is hard mud layer. The scour
coefficient of the first layer is 0.00005 kg/m2/s and the second layer is 1 kg/m2/s, while the
density of the first bed is 200 kg/m3, and the density of the second bed is 400 kg/m3, given
an initial concentration of component 1 of 0.001 kg/m3.

2.2.3. Model Validation

The sediment concentration at the outlet of the sedimentation basin in October 2019
was verified. The water level of the lower-boundary condition in the hydrodynamic
module of Mike 21 of
4. Verification sediment
was concentration
m. Figure 3at
set at 56 the
the outlet.
the data changes needed to prove the

2.3. Analysis of Water and Sediment Characteristics

Based on the measured water diversion flow and sediment concentration in 2019,
channel #1 model of the sedimentation basin was established with the use of Mike 21. The
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 7 of 17

2.3. Analysis of Water and Sediment Characteristics

Based on the measured water diversion flow and sediment concentration in 2019,
channel #1 model of the sedimentation basin was established with the use of Mike 21.
The upper-boundary condition in the hydrodynamic model was set as a flow process,
and the lower-boundary condition was set as a water level process. The upper-boundary
condition in the sediment module was set as a sediment concentration process, and the
lower-boundary condition was set as a zero-gradient boundary.

2.3.1. Sediment Content Analysis

The sediment content of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin yielded a maximum
at the entrance and gradually decreased downstream. It progressively increased as the
transverse coordinate increased such that the contents of the right middle and upper
reaches were more extensive. With the increase in the longitudinal coordinates, the contents
of the middle and upper reaches were significantly higher than those of the downstream
sediment. The four characteristic points T1, T2, T3, and T4 were selected at the outlets
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 19
of the sedimentation basin, and the coordinate range was (590,210, 3,921,290)~(590,610,
3,921,560), as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5.5.Marking
Figure location
Marking of characteristic
location points, thepoints,
of characteristic coordinate
therange is (590,210,
coordinate 3,921,290)~(590,610,
range is (590,210,
3,921,560). T1, T2, T3,
3,921,290)~(590,610, and T4 are
3,921,560). theT2,
T1, four
and T4 are thepoints
fourselected at the outlet
characteristic pointsofselected
the sedimenta-
at the
outlet of the sedimentation basin.
tion basin.

concentrationininthe thebasin
kg/m 3 , and that in the outlet was
The 3, and that in the outlet was in
in the range 3
the range of of 1.16–1.22
1.16–1.22 kg/m
kg/m 3. The. The outlet
outlet diameter
diameter was<0.05
was <0.05mm. mm.Figure
shows the
variation rule of the sediment concentration at the characteristic point.
variation rule of the sediment concentration at the characteristic point. The figure shows The figure shows
that the
that the variation
variation trends
expectedpoints T1–T4
points are are
T1–T4 the
same, the maximum sediment concentration at the outlet is 0.85 kg/m 3 , and the minimum
the same, the maximum sediment concentration at the outlet is 0.85 kg/m , and the 3

sediment concentration
minimum is 0.03 kg/m3is. The
sediment concentration 0.03 daily
3. The sediment concentrations
daily average sediment at
the characteristic points T1–T4 gradually decrease during the course
concentrations at the characteristic points T1–T4 gradually decrease during the course and and are equal to
kg/mto3 , 0.37 kg/m3 , 0.38 kg/m3 , and 0.39 kg/m3 , respectively. This is significantly
are 0.34 kg/m3, 0.37 kg/m3, 0.38 kg/m3, and 0.39 kg/m3, respectively. This is
significantly belowrequirements
below the design of the outlet basin.
the design requirements of the outlet basin.
that the variation trends of the sediment concentration at the expected points T1–T4 are
the same, the maximum sediment concentration at the outlet is 0.85 kg/m3, and the
minimum sediment concentration is 0.03 kg/m3. The daily average sediment
concentrations at the characteristic points T1–T4 gradually decrease during the course and
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 are equal to 0.34 kg/m3, 0.37 kg/m3, 0.38 kg/m3, and 0.39 kg/m3, respectively. This is
8 of 17
significantly below the design requirements of the outlet basin.

Variation regularity
Figure 6. Variation regularity of
of sediment
sediment concentration
concentration at
at characteristic

In future water diversion processes, it can be considered to increase the sand content
of the outlet and reduce
reduce the
the amount
amount ofof siltation
siltation in the
the sedimentation
sedimentation basin to ensure the
safety of the water diversion
diversion for
for improving
improving the
the sedimentation
sedimentation effect.

2.3.2. Analysis of Flow Velocity Field and Sediment

The entire water body of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin exhibits a small flow
rate and a stable flow pattern. The main flow is located on the right side of the sedimentation
basin with a maximum flow rate of 1.8 m/s. The flow velocity in the left area was clearly
lower than that in the right area, the water exchange was weak, the static water disturbance
was minor, the large area was in a stagnant water state, and the sedimentation basin only
played the role of water storage.
Figure 7 shows the vectorial distribution of flow fields at the entrance, middle, and
outlet of channel #1 of the sedimentation basin at a certain time. From the figure, it can
be observed that (a) is the entrance, the coordinate range is (590,220, 3,919,190)~(590,420,
3,919,280), and there is a visible backflow; (b) is the middle reaches, the coordinate range is
(590,230, 3,920,270)~(590,460, 3,920,380), the flow rate of upstream water in the channel is
low, and the maximum flow rate does not exceed 0.1 m/s; and (c) is the exit, the coordinate
range is (590,260, 3,921,380)~(590,520, 3,921,500), the flow rate gradually increases, and
the maximum flow rate is approximately 0.75 m/s. There is visible reflux because the
flow velocity in the upstream and middle reaches is higher than that in the entire area of
the sedimentation basin, and there are differences in size and direction to form the reflux
pattern. In Figure 7c, the flow rate increases gradually owing to the sudden decrease in
the cross-section. The color represents the velocity, and the arrow represents the size and
direction of the velocity.
Because of the large flow velocity at the entrance of the sedimentation basin, the flow
velocity and sediment-carrying capacity gradually decrease during the course, and there
is not enough power to make the sediment continue to move downstream. Thus, the
overall sediment of the channel mainly falls and silts in the middle and upper reaches
and is concentrated in the longitudinal coordinates at approximately 39,193.3 km and
391.2 km. Figure 8 shows the local silting distribution of channel #1 in the sedimentation
basin in 2019. Figure 8 shows that sediment deposits are evident on the right side of the
channel; (a) vertical coordinate is near 3,919,300 m, and the coordinate range is (590,395,
3,919,320)~(590,425, 3,919,338); and (b) vertical coordinate is near 3,912,000 m, and the
coordinate range is (590,150, 3,919,900)~(590,450, 3,920,040). The legend represents silting
thickness. The maximum deposit thickness near the longitudinal coordinate of 3,912,000 m
is approximately 3.5 m, and the degree of siltation on the left side is relatively small and is
related to the flow field distribution on the left side.
is low, and the maximum flow rate does not exceed 0.1 m/s; and (c) is the exit, the
coordinate range is (590,260, 3,921,380)~(590,520, 3,921,500), the flow rate gradually
increases, and the maximum flow rate is approximately 0.75 m/s. There is visible reflux
because the flow velocity in the upstream and middle reaches is higher than that in the
entire area of the sedimentation basin, and there are differences in size and direction to
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 form the reflux pattern. In Figure 7c, the flow rate increases gradually owing to the sudden 9 of 17
decrease in the cross-section. The color represents the velocity, and the arrow represents
the size and direction of the velocity.


Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 19


Figure 7. Local flow field in channel #1 of sedimentation basin. The color represents the velocity,
Figure 7. Local flow field in channel #1 of sedimentation basin. The color represents the velocity, and
and the arrow represents the size and direction of the velocity. (a) is the entrance, the coordinate
the arrow represents
range is (590,220, the size and direction
3,919,190)~(590,420, of The
3,919,280). the speed
velocity. (a) is thewhich
is negative, entrance, the coordinate
represents that the range is
backflow3,919,190)~(590,420, 3,919,280).
occurs in the sedimentation The speed
basin opposite is negative,
to the set positivewhich represents
direction; (b) is thethat the backflow
occurs inthe
thecoordinate range basin
sedimentation is (590,230, 3,920,270)~(590,460,
opposite 3,920,380);
to the set positive (c) is (b)
direction; the is
middle reaches, the
coordinate range
coordinate rangeisis(590,260, 3,921,380)~(590,520,
(590,230, 3,921,500).
3,920,270)~(590,460, 3,920,380); (c) is the exit, the coordinate range is
(590,260, 3,921,380)~(590,520, 3,921,500).
Because of the large flow velocity at the entrance of the sedimentation basin, the flow
velocity and sediment-carrying capacity gradually decrease during the course, and there
is not enough power to make the sediment continue to move downstream. Thus, the
overall sediment of the channel mainly falls and silts in the middle and upper reaches and
is concentrated in the longitudinal coordinates at approximately 39,193.3 km and 391.2
km. Figure 8 shows the local silting distribution of channel #1 in the sedimentation basin
in 2019. Figure 8 shows that sediment deposits are evident on the right side of the channel;
(a) vertical coordinate is near 3,919,300 m, and the coordinate range is (590,395,
3,919,320)~(590,425, 3,919,338); and (b) vertical coordinate is near 3,912,000 m, and the
coordinate range is (590,150, 3,919,900)~(590,450, 3,920,040). The legend represents silting
thickness. The maximum deposit thickness near the longitudinal coordinate of 3,912,000
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 m is approximately 3.5 m, and the degree of siltation on the left side is relatively small10 of 17
and is related to the flow field distribution on the left side.

Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 19


Figure 8. Distribution
Figure of local
8. Distribution sediment
of local in channel
sediment #1 in#1sedimentation
in channel basin.
in sedimentation TheThe
basin. legend
legend represents
represents silting thickness. (a) vertical coordinates is near 3,919,300 m, the coordinate
silting thickness. (a) vertical coordinates is near 3,919,300 m, the coordinate range rangeisis (590,395,
(590,395, 3,919,320)~(590,425, 3,919,338). The total bed thickness is negative, which represents
3,919,320)~(590,425, 3,919,338). The total bed thickness is negative, which represents the scouring the in
scouring in the sedimentation basin; (b) vertical coordinates is near 3,912,000 m, the coordinate
the sedimentation basin; (b) vertical coordinates is near 3,912,000 m, the coordinate range is (590,150,
range is (590,150, 3,919,900)~(590,450, 3,920,040).
3,919,900)~(590,450, 3,920,040).

In this research,
In this the the
research, horizontal andand
horizontal vertical coordinates
vertical coordinates in in
channel #1#1 topography
topography of
of the sedimentation basin were used as the X and Y coordinates,
the sedimentation basin were used as the X and Y coordinates, and the sediment and the sediment
in the in the sedimentation
sedimentation basin wasbasin wasasused
used the Zascoordinate.
the Z coordinate.
The data The data interpolation
interpolation method in
method in the Surfer
the Surfer geographic
geographic information
information softwaresoftware was to
was used used to calculate
calculate the sediment
the sediment volume.
volume. According to calculations, the annual silting volume of
According to calculations, the annual silting volume of channel #1 in the sedimentation channel #1 in the
sedimentation basin was approximately 33.32 million m 3, and the volume of the
basin was approximately 3.32 million m , and the volume of the sedimentation basin was
approximately basin4.05
approximately 4.05 million
m3 in 2019. m3 involume
The silting 2019. The silting
of the volume of the
sedimentation basin
was close tobasin was closestorage
the designed to the designed
capacitystorage capacity of thebasin,
of the sedimentation sedimentation basin, life
and the service
andofthe servicechannel
a single life of was
a single
less channel
than onewasyear.less
Thethan onetoyear.
ability The sediment
achieve ability tosettling
sediment settling
weakened, whichwasaffected
weakened, which affected
the regular the regular use
use of sedimentation of sedimentation
basins. Therefore, it isbasins.
Therefore, it is necessary
to optimize to optimize
the operation scheme the operation
of the schemebasin
sedimentation of theandsedimentation basin and
improve its service effects.
improve its service effects.
3. Optimization Analysis of Operation Scheme
3. Optimization
According Analysis of Operation
to the measured dataScheme
of the sedimentation basin, the maximum sand con-
According to the measured data oftothe
at the outlet from 16 August 2020 13 December 2020 basin,
sedimentation was approximately
the maximum 1.95 kg/m3 .
The at
minimum sediment 3
content the outlet from 16concentration
August 2020 was to 13approximately
December 2020 0.036
waskg/m , and the average
approximately 1.95
3 . Regulations on irrigation
kg/m³. The minimum sediment concentration was approximately 0.036 kg/m3, andmanage-
sediment concentration was approximately 0.34 kg/m the
average of the Lower Yellow River
concentration was diversion
kg/m the3. irrigation
Regulations channel “sediment
on irrigation
content of of
management backwater
the Lower shall not exceed
Yellow kg/m3 ”, the
River 2diversion sediment
indicate that content of the outlet
the irrigation meets
“sediment content of backwater shall not exceed 2 kg/m ”, the sediment content of the. At
the requirements, and the average sediment content 3 is much lower than 2 kg/m
outlet same the time, a large part and
requirements, of the
average capacity
sedimenthas not been
content is muchutilized,
lowerandthanthe2 left
kg/m3. At the same time, a large part of the reservoir capacity has not been utilized, and
the left part of the channel only plays the role of water storage in the actual measured
silting situation of the sedimentation basin. In the future, water diversion processes
should be considered to increase sediment concentration at the outlet, reduce sediment
deposition in the sedimentation basin, and improve the sediment settling effect subject to
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 11 of 17

part of the channel only plays the role of water storage in the actual measured silting
situation of the sedimentation basin. In the future, water diversion processes should be
considered to increase sediment concentration at the outlet, reduce sediment deposition in
the sedimentation basin, and improve the sediment settling effect subject to the condition
of ensuring water diversion safety.
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW In addition, during the operation of the sedimentation basin affected by incoming12water
of 19
and sediment in flood and non-flood seasons, water diversion indexes in different periods are
determined according to the actual conditions in the flood and non-flood sea-sons.
3.1. Setting of Boundary Conditions
3.1. Setting of Boundary Conditions
3.1.1. Basis
3.1.1. Basis for
for Boundary
Boundary Setting
The water
The water intake
intake ofof the
the diversion
diversion project
project from the Yellow
from the River Diversion
Yellow River Diversion Project
Project was
located downstream of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and was regulated by it.
located downstream of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir and was regulated by it. Figure 9 shows Figure 9 shows
the flow
the flow changes
changes of of the
the Xiaolangdi
Xiaolangdi Reservoir
Reservoir in
in 2012,
2012, 2018,
2018, and
and 2019,
2019, which
which show
show that
that the
flow of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir is not uniform in time distribution, and the
flow of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir is not uniform in time distribution, and the flow changes flow changes
are apparent
are apparent in in flood
flood and
and non-flood
non-flood seasons.
seasons. According
According to to the measured
measured data,
data, the average
daily flow
daily flow in
in the
the flood
flood season
season was
was approximately

Figure 9.
Figure 9. Flow
Flow change
change process
process of
of Xiaolangdi
Xiaolangdi Reservoir.

According to the fitting curve of the flow–sediment content of Shi et al. [31] and and
Wang et al.
al. [32],
[32], the
the flow
flow rate
rate was
was determined to be proportional to the sediment content.
Based on
Based onthe the actual
actual measured
measured sediment
sediment concentration,
concentration, silt and
silt status, status, and of
analysis analysis
water and water
sedimentandinsediment in periods,
additional additional periods,
this this study
study adopted adoptedtomeasures
measures change theto
change thelevel
operating operating level of
of the outlet in the outletdiversion
different in different
sedimentand sediment
diversion diversion
conditions to
conditions regulate the distribution
to artificially of sedimentof
regulate the distribution deposition and improve
sediment deposition andthe sediment
improve the
settlement effect of the sedimentation basin.
sediment settlement effect of the sedimentation basin.
In this
research,the year
the yearwaswas
divided into into
divided floodflood
and non-flood seasons.
and non-flood The math-
seasons. The
mathematicalmodelmodelwas established using channel
was established #1 of the#1sedimentation
using channel basin, different
of the sedimentation basin,
schemesset according
were set to water and
according to sediment
water andconditions,
sediment and simulation
conditions, andcalculations
were conducted.
calculations wereAccording
conducted. toAccording
the simulation
to theresults, the sediment
simulation deposition
results, the sediment laws in each
scheme were analyzed, and the operation mode of the sedimentation
laws in each scheme were analyzed, and the operation mode of the sedimentation basin basin was optimized
was optimized and reasonably. and reasonably.

3.1.2. Model
Model Boundary
Boundary Condition
Condition Setting
According to the actual measurement of
to the actual measurement of the
the sedimentation
sedimentation basin
basin from
from 2017
2017 to
to 2020
and the analysis of flow change of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, the index setting of flow and
and the analysis of flow change of the Xiaolangdi Reservoir, the index setting of flow and
sediment concentrations in the flood and non-flood seasons was determined.
sediment concentrations in the flood and non-flood seasons was determined.
By adjusting the operating water level at the outlet of the sedimentation basin, in this
By adjusting the operating water level at the outlet of the sedimentation basin, in this
study, the distribution of sediment deposition was regulated at different diversion and
study, the distribution of sediment deposition was regulated at different diversion and
sediment diversion conditions to improve the settling effect of the sedimentation basin.
sediment diversion conditions to improve the settling effect of the sedimentation basin.
Using channel #1 of the sedimentation basin as an object, the water and sediment models
in the flood and non-flood seasons were established by adopting measures to change the
functional level of the outlet.
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 12 of 17

Using channel #1 of the sedimentation basin as an object, the water and sediment models
in the flood and non-flood seasons were established by adopting measures to change the
functional level of the outlet.
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19
Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW
3.2. Scheme Setup 13 of 19

Using Mike 21 software, taking channel #1 of the sedimentation basin as the research object,
the flood andI:sediment
Scheme models
Setting the in the flood season
upper-boundary and non-flood
condition seasons were established.
of the hydrodynamic module, the
Scheme I:
I: Setting
Setting the
the upper-boundary
upper-boundary condition
condition of
of the
the hydrodynamic
flood season is the flow process in Figure 10, and the non-flood season is the flow module,
module, the
flood season
season is
is the
the flow
flow process
process in
in Figure
Figure 10,
10, and
and the
the non-flood
non-flood season
in Figure 10. The lower-boundary conditions are raised by 0.5 m in the raw water level is
is the
the flow
flow process
data. Figure 10.
10. The
The lower-boundary
The upper-boundary conditions are
are raised
of the sediment raised by
moduleby 0.5
0.5 m
m in
is set in the
raw water
flood level
data. The
The upper-boundary
upper-boundary condition
condition of
of the
the sediment
sediment module
module is
is set
is the sediment concentration process in Figure 10, the non-flood season is the sedimentup.
up. The
The flood
flood season
concentration concentration
in Figureprocess
process process
11, in
and theinFigure
Figure 10,
lower-boundary non-flood
condition season
has aisis
season the sediment
zero sediment
concentration process in Figure 11, and the lower-boundary condition has a zero gradient.
process in Figure 11, and the lower-boundary condition has a zero gradient.

Figure 10. Flow–sediment concentration and sediment concentration variation process in flood
season. 10.Flow–sediment
Flow–sediment concentration
concentration andand sediment
sediment concentration
concentration variation
variation processprocess
in floodin flood

Figure 11. Flow and sediment concentration changes in non-flood season.
In scheme II, the the upper-boundary
upper-boundarycondition condition of of
hydrodynamic module
module is set.
is The flow
set. The
in theinIn
flow scheme
the season
flood II,season
is upper-boundary
is theprocess condition
flow process ofin
in Figure
shown the
10, hydrodynamic
the flow
Figure process
10, the flow module
inprocess is set.
the non-flood The
in the
flow in the
season is shown
non-flood flood
season in season
is Figure
shown 11,is the flow process
and the11,
in Figure shown
lower-boundary in Figure 10, the
conditions conditions
and the lower-boundary flow
are the raware process
water in
the level
water level season
The upper-boundary
data. The is shown in Figureof
upper-boundary 11, and
the the of
condition lower-boundary
sediment conditions
is setmodule
up. The areup.
is flood
set the raw
flood season is the sediment concentration process in Figure 10, the non-flood seasonThe
is the level
sediment data. The upper-boundary
concentration process in condition
Figure 10, of
thethe sediment
non-flood module
season is is
theset up.
sediment is
the seasonconcentration
sediment is the sediment
process in Figure concentration
11, and
process process
the lower-boundary
in Figure 11, and the in Figure 10, the
lower-boundary hasnon-flood
a condition season
zero gradient. has ais
the gradient.
zero sediment
Scheme III: concentration
In the setup of process in Figure 11, and
the upper-boundary the lower-boundary
condition of the hydrodynamic condition has a
zero gradient.
the flood
Scheme season is the
III: In theflow
setup process
of theshown in Figure 10,condition
upper-boundary and the non-flood season is the
of the hydrodynamic
module, Scheme
flow processthe floodIII: season
shown In inthe issetup
Figurethe11. ofThe
flow the upper-boundary
process shown in Figure condition
10, and areof the
the hydrodynamic
non-flood by 0.5 m in
module, the flood season is the flow process shown in Figure
is the flow process shown in Figure 11. The lower-boundary conditions are reduced by 0.5 10, and the non-flood season
water levelshown in Figure
data. 11. The lower-boundary
The upper-boundary conditionconditions are reduced
of the sediment module by is
set up. The flood season is the sediment concentration process in Figure 10, the non-floodis
m in the raw water level data. The upper-boundary condition of the sediment module
set up.isThe
season theflood seasonconcentration
sediment is the sedimentprocessconcentration
in Figure process in Figure
11, and 10, the non-flood
the lower-boundary
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 13 of 17

Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW raw water level data. The upper-boundary condition of the sediment module is14 setofup.
The flood season is the sediment concentration process in Figure 10, the non-flood season
is the sediment concentration process in Figure 11, and the lower-boundary condition has a
zero gradient.
In the same model, except for the lower-boundary water level, the other conditions
In the same
are consistent model,
in the except
same year. for thesame
In the lower-boundary water level,
period, the simulation the other
results conditions
of schemes I, II,
and III are compared with each other, and the simulation results of the same scheme II,
consistent in the same year. In the same period, the simulation results of schemes I, in
and III are compared with each other, and the simulation results of the same scheme in
the flood and non-flood seasons are compared with each other. The effects of sediment
the flood and non-flood seasons are compared with each other. The effects of sediment
settling of the sedimentation basin are respectively analyzed with single and dual
settling of the sedimentation basin are respectively analyzed with single and dual channels
channels as research objects.
as research objects.
3.3. Results
3.3. Results andand Discussion
The variation
The variationruleruleofofsediment
concentrationatatthe the four
four characteristic
characteristic points
points shownshownin
in Figure 5 was analyzed. As shown in Figure 12, (a) is scheme I flood
Figure 5 was analyzed. As shown in Figure 12, (a) is scheme I flood season, (b) is scheme season, (b) is scheme
II non-flood
non-flood season,
season, (c)
(c) is
is scheme
scheme II II flood
flood season,
season, (d)(d) isis scheme
scheme II II non-flood
non-flood season,
season, (e)(e) is
scheme III flood season, and (f) is scheme III non-flood season. During
scheme III flood season, and (f) is scheme III non-flood season. During the flood season, the the flood season,
the maximum
maximum sediment
sediment concentration
concentration at theatdistinct
the distinct
pointspoints of outlet
of outlet water water
levellevel elevation
elevation and
and lowering were close to the maximum sediment concentration
lowering were close to the maximum sediment concentration of the original water level. of the original water
the In the non-flood
non-flood season, the season, the influence
influence of the elevation
of the elevation or lowering or lowering
of the outlet of the outlet
water water
level on
the on the
outlet outlet sediment
sediment concentration
concentration was not apparent.
was not apparent. It can be observed
It can be observed from the
from the variation
variation rule of characteristic points T1–T4 that the sediment content
rule of characteristic points T1–T4 that the sediment content closer to the outlet was lower, closer to the outlet
was lower, that is, the sediment content at T1 was lower than that
that is, the sediment content at T1 was lower than that at T4. Among the three schemes, at T4. Among the three
schemes, the sediment concentration of diversion in the flood
sediment concentration of diversion in the flood season was approximately twice that ofseason was approximately
the that of the
non-flood non-flood
season, and theseason, and the
sediment sediment concentration
concentration at the outlet wasat thehigher
was that
the that in the non-flood season.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 12. Cont.

Coatings 2022, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 19
Coatings 2022,
Coatings 2022, 12, x478
FOR PEER REVIEW 1514ofof 19

(e) (f)
(e) (f)
Figure 12. Variation of sediment concentration at characteristic points in flood season and non-flood
Figure 12. Variation of
sediment concentration
concentration at
at characteristic
characteristic points in
in flood season
season and
season 12.different
in (a) is scheme I flood season, (b) ispoints
scheme flood
I non-flood non-flood
season, (c) is
season in different schemes, (a) is scheme I flood season, (b) is scheme I non-flood season, (c) is
season inII flood season,
different (d) is scheme
schemes, II non-flood
(a) is scheme I floodseason, (e) is
season, (b)scheme III flood
is scheme season, (f)
I non-flood is scheme
season, (c) is
scheme II flood season, (d) is scheme II non-flood season, (e) is scheme III flood season, (f) is scheme
III non-flood
scheme season.
II flood season, (d) is scheme II non-flood season, (e) is scheme III flood season, (f) is scheme
III non-flood season.
III non-flood season.
Figure 13 shows local silting distributions for different schemes: (a) is scheme I flood
Figure 13 shows local silting distributions for different schemes: (a) is scheme I flood
season, Figure
with13 theshows local silting
coordinate range of distributions for different schemes:
(590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, (a) is scheme
3,919,850); I flood
(b) is scheme
season, with the coordinate range of (590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, 3,919,850); (b) is scheme
the coordinate
with therange of (590,100,
coordinate range 3,919,800)~(590,500, 3,919,850); (b)
of (590,100, 3,919,740)~(590,500, is scheme
II non-flood season, with the
the coordinate range
range of of (590,100, 3,919,740)~(590,500, 3,920,020);
is schemeseason,
II flood with
season, coordinate
with the coordinate (590,100,
range of3,919,740)~(590,500, 3,920,020);
(590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500,
(c) is scheme
(c) is scheme II flood season, with the coordinate range of (590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500,
3,920,050); (d)IIisflood
schemeseason, with the coordinate
II non-flood season, with rangethe ofcoordinate
(590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500,
range of (590,100,
3,920,050); (d)(d)isisscheme
scheme II non-flood
II non-flood
3,920,020); (e) is season,
III flood
the coordinate
season, with range
the of
range of 3,919,740)
range of
~(590,600, 3,920,020);3,920,020);
(590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, (e) is scheme (e) isIII
3,920,050); flood III
is flood
(f)season,scheme season,
with with the coordinate
III coordinate range ofwith
season, range of
(590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500,
coordinate 3,920,050);
range of (590,100, 3,920,050); (f) is scheme
(f) is scheme III 3,920,020);
3,919,740)~(590,500, non-flood andIII non-flood
season,colorwith season, with
the coordinate
legends representthe
the silting range
of (590,100,
Figure 3,919,740)~(590,500,
13 shows 3,920,020);
that in the 3,920,020);
floodcolor and color
season, legends the
maximum represent
the silting thickness.
thickness the three Figure
13 schemes
shows that 13 shows
wasinreached that
the flood in the
at aseason, flood
longitudinal season,
the maximum the
coordinatesiltingmaximum silting
of approximately of
the three of
3,919,900 m,the
and threewas
the schemes
maximum was reached
atsilting at a longitudinal
a longitudinal
consistency of thecoordinate
coordinate of of approximately
elevated water 3,919,900
level was
m, and them,maximum
approximately and2.1 the maximum
m, which silting
higher thanconsistency
ofthose of theofother
the elevated the elevated
water twolevel was
schemes.water In level
approximately was
the non-
2.1 m, which is 2.1 m,
higher which
than is
those higher
of thethan those
other two of the
flood season, the maximum silting thickness of the three schemes was reached atthe
schemes. other In two
the schemes.
non-flood In the
season, non-a
maximum season,
longitudinal the thickness
silting maximum
coordinate silting
the three thickness
schemes of
m, and schemes
at a the was reached
maximum at a
of approximately
consistency ofcoordinate
the3,919,840 approximately
water the maximum 3,919,840 m, 1.36
silting consistency
was approximately and m,the of maximum
which is lowersilting
the lowered water
level was
those of the
of the lowered
other two schemes. 1.36 m, which is lower than those of the other two is
water level was approximately 1.36 m, which lower than
those of the other two schemes.

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 13. Cont.
Coatings 2022,12,
Coatings2022, 12,478
x FOR PEER REVIEW 1615ofof19

(c) (d)

(e) (f)
Figure 13.
Figure 13. Distribution
Distribution of of local
local silting
silting in
in flood
flood and
and non-flood
seasons,(a) (a)isisscheme
schemeI Iflood
the coordinate range is (590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, 3,919,850), (b) is scheme I non-flood season,
the coordinate range is (590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, 3,919,850), (b) is scheme I non-flood season,
the coordinate range is (590,100, 3,919,740)~(590,500, 3,920,020), (c) is scheme II flood season, the
the coordinate range is (590,100, 3,919,740)~(590,500, 3,920,020), (c) is scheme II flood season, the
coordinate range is (590,100, 3,919,800)~(590,500, 3,920,050), (d) is scheme II non-flood season, the
coordinate range
range isis(590,100,
schemeII non-flood season,the
III flood season, the
coordinate range isis(590,100,
coordinate range (590,100,3,919,800)~(590,500,
3,919,740)~(590,600, 3,920,020),
3,920,050), (e)scheme
(f) is is scheme III flood season,
III non-flood season, the
coordinate range
range is
is (590,100,
3,919,740)~(590,500, 3,920,050),
3,920,020). (f)
Theis scheme
total bed IIIthickness
non-floodisseason, the
which represents
coordinate range the scouring 3,919,740)~(590,500,
is (590,100, in the sedimentation 3,920,020).
basin. The total bed thickness is negative,
which represents the scouring in the sedimentation basin.
From the silting thickness contour diagram of the three schemes, it can be observed
that the the silting thickness
distribution contour
of the silting areadiagram of the three
with a reduced schemes,
water it can
level is more beuniform.
observedThe that
the distribution
left-most siltingofthicknesses
the silting area
of with a reducedinwater
the channel level isand
the flood morenon-flood
uniform. The left-most
seasons are
silting thicknesses
approximately 0.2 of
andthe channel
0.64 in the floodThe
m, respectively. anddistribution
non-flood seasons are approximately
of the silting area in the non-0.2
and 0.64 m, respectively. The distribution of the silting area in the non-flood
flood season is more prominent, the silting condition of the silting basin is improved, and season is more
prominent, the silting
the utilization ratio ofcondition of theissilting
the channel higher.basin
Amongis improved,
the threeand the utilization
schemes, ratio of
the sediment
the channel is higher.
concentration Among
of diversion in the
the three
season andthe sediment
the maximum concentration of diversion
silting thickness are
in the flood season
approximately and the
1.5 times maximum
those silting thickness
in the non-flood season.are approximately 1.5 times those in
the non-flood season.the sediment deposition in the different schemes. When the outlet
Table 1 shows
Table 1 shows
water level decreased, the sediment
the different schemes.
During the When
flood the
andoutlet water
level decreased, sediment deposition decreased. During the flood
season, the amount of sedimentation at low water levels (scheme III) was reduced by and non-flood season,
the amount
180,000 and of sedimentation
150,000 at low water
m3, respectively, levelswith
compared (scheme III) was
the high waterreduced by 180,000
level (scheme I). and
150,000 m3 , respectively, compared with the high water level (scheme I).

Table 1. Sediment deposition in different schemes.

Silting Volume (104 × m3 ) Scheme I Scheme II Scheme III

Flood Season 192 186 174
Non-Flood Season 153 149 138
Coatings 2022, 12, 478 16 of 17

It can be concluded that the outlet water level was reduced, the ratio drop of water
depth increased, the flow velocity and sediment-carrying capacity increased, the sediment
was transported downstream of the channel along the river, and the sediment concentration
at the outlet increased slightly but still met the design requirements. The total sediment
deposition in the channel was reduced. In conclusion, the silting volume of the outlet
low-water-level operation (scheme III) was significantly lower than those of the first two
schemes, which can increase the service life of the sedimentation basin and prolong the
period of silting removal by about 3.5 months.

4. Conclusions
This research used the sedimentation basin of the Yellow River Diversion Project as the
research object, based on the Mike 21 model, to discuss the simulation of an optimization
scheme, and compared the three schemes of a raised outlet water level, original water
level, and a lowered outlet water level. Through the automatic control technology of water
level, the outlet water level can be adjusted by using the outlet sluice. The optimal scheme
was determined as scheme III; the water level at the outlet was lowered by 0.5 m. The
results show that during the flood and non-flood seasons, the amount of sedimentation
during the high-water outlet operation (scheme I) increased by 180,000 m3 and 150,000 m3 ,
respectively, compared with the low-water outlet operation (scheme III). Combined with
the distribution of sediment deposition, it is concluded that when the outlet water level
is lowered, the distribution of sediment deposition in the sedimentation basin is more
uniform, the sedimentation condition in the sedimentation basin is also improved, the
utilization ratio of the channel is higher, and the period of silting removal is prolonged
by about 3.5 months. This research provides a scientific and feasible idea for efficient
utilization of the sedimentation basin, and the results are easy to observe and compare.
However, it only considered the channel sedimentation basin and did not consider the
swirling type, inclined-plate type, circular middle-ring, and other sedimentation basins of
hydraulic engineering; therefore further research is needed.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, J.Y.; methodology, M.C.; formal analysis, M.C.; data
curation, M.C. and Q.L.; writing—original draft, M.C. and Q.L.; writing—review and editing, J.Y.
and L.X.; supervision, H.S. and N.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of
the manuscript.
Funding: This research was funded by the Special Project of the National Natural Science Fund (grant
number 42041006), Key Project of the National Natural Science Fund (Grant No. HKY-JBYW-2018-03,
HKY-JBYW-2020-15), Open Research Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Simulation and Regulation
of Water Cycle in River Basin (Grant No. IWHR-SKL-KF202004), and Hubei Key Laboratory of
Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (China Three Gorges University) (Grant No. 2021KJZ04).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data presented in this study are available on request from the
corresponding author.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the reviewer for their valuable comments and sugges-
tions, to the editors for their serious and responsible attitude, to the publisher for this valuable
opportunity. We also thank our other colleagues’ valuable comments and suggestions that helped
improve the manuscript.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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