Vocabulary Extra Unit 2

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ADVANCED UNIT 2 3 Underline the correct alternatives.

1 If you know what you’re doing, you can make a
2.1 Learning and experience war/killing/fight on the stock exchange.
2 I wasn’t good at academic subjects, but I really
1 Complete the conversation with one word in each lit/shone/glowed at athletics.
gap. The first letter of each word is given. 3 The teachers all thought I was pretty dim/dark/dull
A: How has Eva settled into her job? Has she found when it came to maths.
her 1f yet? 4 They should stop fast food companies from
B: Well, she’s still learning the 2r , but targeting/pointing/aiming children in ads.
so far she’s shown fantastic potential. 5 Rachel is obviously a bright/shiny/clear girl.
A: Great, I’m glad I recommended her. She’ll be able 6 In a flash of idea/inspiration/thinking, Ampere
to take 3a of far more opportunities made a discovery about electromagnetic forces.
in your department than mine. By the way, I’m 7 If those two manufacturers joined forces/teams/
sorry to hear about the 4s with your groups, they could really make a great product.
project. Will the delay be long? 8 Research evidence doesn’t really approve/show/
B: I hope not, but this it’s a new market for us and support your theory.
there’s always a steep learning 5c
when you move into something new.
A: Don’t worry – trust your 6i . They’re 2.2 Collocations: opinions
usually right.
B: You’re right. Sometimes you have stop looking at
4 Put the letters in italics in the correct order to
complete the sentences.
the facts and figures and just go with your
g . 1 We all have sciencetornpop about
other countries before we visit them.
2 That sitcom was awful. The characters were all
Metaphors petersyesto.
3 I was planning on going travelling for six months,
2 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. but now I’m having codens thugshot
1 With his charm and intelligence Liam will go about it.
further in life. 4 Olly’s not interested in other cultures or ideas. He’s
2 I’ve achieved all my goals and have finally so warnor-denmid.
reached the point of my career. 5 That programme showed a whole new
3 I argued with some customers and got some bad tricepsveep on the life of Gandhi.
reviews online. Since then, my business has gone 6 Ken tried to change our minds, but his arguments
down fast. weren’t very gnicnocniv.
4 I’m not sure whether to go to uni or not. I’m at a 7 My first visit to London as a child was certainly
real roundabout in my life. eey-gonepin.
5 My sister never thinks anything through. Her 8 You have to keep an pneo dimn
ideas are always under-baked. if you want to learn about different people and
6 Abraham said he climbed Mount Fuji in an cultures.
aernoon. I found that a little hard to chew.
7 We could always go to the beach instead of the 5 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence.
museum. It’s food for mind, anyway. 1 It’s my private opinion that we should all give
8 I make sure I put away some time to do some more to charity.
yoga every day. 2 You shouldn’t criticise Lydia for her views.
9 Just because Ed can memorise a lot of facts and Everyone’s allowed to their own opinion.
figures and swallow them in meetings, doesn’t 3 I don’t think they had an argument as such, just a
make him the best employee. contrast of opinion.
10 Come on, let’s not throw away precious time 4 The main opinion is that global warming is having
chatting. Let’s do some shopping! an effect on our world.
5 We’ll never decide anything if opinion is shared.
6 There’s no right or wrong answer. It’s just a topic of
7 I don’t care if you hate my mother’s meat loaf!
Save your opinion to yourself.

2.3 Idioms of opinion 8 Complete the spidergram with the

underlined phrases from Exercise 7.
6 Match a beginning in A with a word/phrase in B and an
ending in C to make sentences. Phrasal verbs Phrases
1 7

A B C 2 8

3 9
1 I love creating a good discussion by
on the mind.
playing 4 10

5 11
2 I’d like to know what you really
about the advocate. 6 12
think, so please speak
3 You never seem to have a clear
your fence. 14
opinion. You just sit
4 Come on, tell me what you really
devil’s bush.
think. Don’t beat

Focus on keep keep

7 Match the underlined phrases with their meanings a)–n). 9 Complete the sentences with the correct
1 I have one of those apps that keeps track of the form of phrases from Exercise 8.
distances and speeds I run. 1 You’re so quick in class. I just can’t
2 You’re doing really well. Keep up the good work! with you.
3 I’m trying to keep my weight down by not eating bread. 2 Why did you get so angry? You usually
4 Giorgio keeps a low profile in meetings to stop himself in situations like that.
from saying anything silly. 3 Chas is working fieen-hour days. If he
5 Good drivers keep their cool, even when stressed. like this, he’ll burn
6 How can we keep these wasps away from the food? himself out.
7 Mr Jones never keeps to the topic in his lessons. He 4 Please your shoes
always goes off onto other topics. the seats or you’ll get
8 Keep off the grass please. Walk on the path. them dirty.
9 I hope your mum’s operation goes well. Keep me posted. 5 The government is trying to
10 Can you keep an eye on that pan for a minute while I go the number of children who skip school.
to the bathroom? 6 Verity’s been since she told
11 You should keep your opinions to yourself. Not our economics professor that he couldn’t
everyone wants to hear them! teach.
12 Slow down, I can’t keep up with you! 7 You promised me we’d go away this
13 Justin promised he’d be here on time and he usually weekend. You’d better .
keeps his word. 8 It’s better if we from
14 Come on, don’t stop now. Keep going! Alain today. He’s not in a very good mood.
9 Attached is next week’s trip schedule. We’ll
a) not go into an area of any last-minute changes.
b) move at the same speed as 10 I usually , but sometimes I
c) continue moving; not stop just have to tell people what I think.
d) continue doing 11 Try to the plan and do not
e) let me know what’s happening make any changes.
f) monitor 12 So, you were in Canada two weeks ago
g) stop the size or level of something increasing and China last week. Wow, I can’t
of all your travels!
h) stays with
13 I really want to my German
i) do something you said you will do
lessons, but it’s hard to find the time.
j) stop (something) from going near something
14 I have to on the time.
k) try not to get noticed I don’t want to miss my train.
l) watch (something)
m) not give everyone your views
n) not get angry

10 Use the clues to complete the crossword with words and phrases from Unit 2.

2 3

5 6

7 8

10 11










Across Down
2 a way of looking at something (11) 1 a significant impact (1, 8, 6)
4 something which makes you willing to listen to 3 start a series of adverts to sell something (metaphor)
or accept new ideas (2, 4, 4) (6, 1, 8)
5 an insecure base on which to base ideas 6 difficult to believe (idiom) (4, 2, 7)
(metaphor) (4, 11) 8 have no opinion either way (idiom) (3, 2, 3, 5)
7 get a lot of money very quickly (metaphor) 10 argue a point of view just to
(4, 1, 7) create discussion (4, 6, 8)
9 not very intelligent (3) 11 create (a theory) (9)
12 something to think about (4, 3, 7) 13 become accustomed
15 challenging rate at which you need to learn to a new situation
something (5, 8, 5) (5, 3, 5)
16 too old (idiom) (4, 3, 4) 14 intelligent (6)
17 a delay (7)
18 having an important decision to make (2, 1, 10)
19 say how you really feel (5, 4, 4)
20 having strong views and telling others
about them (11)

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