This document outlines the marking criteria for a group project presentation and report, worth 40% of the total grade, in a policy processes and politics course. It provides the criteria for four components - presentation, worth 15%; oral defense, 3%; teamwork, 3%; and final report, 25%. Each component has several sub-criteria rated on a scale of excellent to poor, with associated maximum scores ranging from 1 to 10 points. The final report criteria focus on understanding of the subject matter, reflection on the learning process, and organization/referencing of the report. Students are provided a total score out of 40% and space for lecturer comments.
This document outlines the marking criteria for a group project presentation and report, worth 40% of the total grade, in a policy processes and politics course. It provides the criteria for four components - presentation, worth 15%; oral defense, 3%; teamwork, 3%; and final report, 25%. Each component has several sub-criteria rated on a scale of excellent to poor, with associated maximum scores ranging from 1 to 10 points. The final report criteria focus on understanding of the subject matter, reflection on the learning process, and organization/referencing of the report. Students are provided a total score out of 40% and space for lecturer comments.
This document outlines the marking criteria for a group project presentation and report, worth 40% of the total grade, in a policy processes and politics course. It provides the criteria for four components - presentation, worth 15%; oral defense, 3%; teamwork, 3%; and final report, 25%. Each component has several sub-criteria rated on a scale of excellent to poor, with associated maximum scores ranging from 1 to 10 points. The final report criteria focus on understanding of the subject matter, reflection on the learning process, and organization/referencing of the report. Students are provided a total score out of 40% and space for lecturer comments.
This document outlines the marking criteria for a group project presentation and report, worth 40% of the total grade, in a policy processes and politics course. It provides the criteria for four components - presentation, worth 15%; oral defense, 3%; teamwork, 3%; and final report, 25%. Each component has several sub-criteria rated on a scale of excellent to poor, with associated maximum scores ranging from 1 to 10 points. The final report criteria focus on understanding of the subject matter, reflection on the learning process, and organization/referencing of the report. Students are provided a total score out of 40% and space for lecturer comments.
SOPY 3085 Policy Processes and Politics Group Project Presentation and Report Marking Criteria (40%)
Student Name: Student No.:
Criteria Max Score Your Score Presentation (15%) Source and relevance of the data (5%) Sufficient sources of data, evidence and examples to support the arguments. All Excellent Information is relevant to the logic of the topic. Disregards all of the information that is (5-4) irrelevant. All information is also factual and correct. Good source of data, evidence and examples to support the argument. Most of the Good information is relevant but some is irrelevant. Most of the information is factual and (3) correct. Minimal source of data, evidence and examples to support the topic. Quite a large Satisfactory amount of the information is irrelevant or overlapping. Some of the information is (2) incorrect. Almost with no data to support the opinion. Most of the information is irrelevant and Poor incorrect. (0-1) Outline of the presentation (4%) The information is well organized with a logical structure appropriate to the topic. Excellent Very good use of headings and sub-headings. (4-3) The information is organized but there is room for improvement with the logical Satisfactory sequence. And the arrangement may lack of coherence and logic. (2) Organization is not so good. Lack of logic and coherence. Poor (0-1) Oral defense (3%) Demonstrate a good ability to defend and further elaborate the arguments in the Q & A Excellent session. Members fully understand the strengths and weaknesses of their work and are (3) familiar with the content of the paper. Ability to defend and elaborate arguments is fair. Members are not very familiar with Satisfactory the content, strengths and weaknesses of their work. (2) Show neither the ability to defend their work nor the familiarity of their presentation. Poor (0-1) Teamwork (3%) Show a great work of team effort with good cooperation and division of the duties. Excellent All team members are actively involved in the presentation. (3) The cooperation is fair. Some of the duties are not fairly divided. Some members Satisfactory may not equally be so actively involved in the presentation. (2) Cannot show a team work effort, and the duties are poorly divided. Some members Poor are just minimally involved in the presentation. (0-1) Final Report (25%) Understanding of the Subject Matter (10%) Paper topic is stated or defined precisely and concisely. It is presented Excellent comprehensively from the presentation, delivering well organized relevant information (9-10) necessary in a good written format. Paper topic is precisely stated or defined. It is presented clearly so that understanding Good is not seriously impeded by omissions. It is written in an organized written format. (7-8) Paper topic is stated precisely but description leaves some terms undefined, ambiguities Satisfactory unexplored, boundaries undetermined, and/or backgrounds unknown. (5-6) Paper topic is stated without clear clarification or description. Marginal pass (3-4) Paper topic is not clearly stated or defined. Poor (0-2) Reflection (10%) Review the process of the production of the presentation and the learning of the Excellent 1 Last updated in Nov 2017 substances in depth to reveal significantly changed perspectives about the topic, which (9-10) provide foundation for expanded knowledge; professional growth and development from the comments obtained from the class. Review the process of the production of the presentation and the learning of the Good substances in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader (7-8) perspectives about the topic. And developed fully from the comments obtained from the class. Review the process of the production of the presentation and the learning of the Satisfactory substances with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or indicating a (5-6) somewhat broader perspective about the topic. And fairly developed from the comments obtained from class. Review the process of the production of the presentation and the learning of the Marginal pass substances at a surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a (3-4) broader perspective about the topic. Show little development from the comments obtained from the class. Brief description of the topic and does not demonstrate any reviews of the process of Poor the presentation or learning related to the selected topic. And show no development (0-2) from the comments obtained from class. Organization and Referencing (5%) Use a logical structure appropriate to review’s subject, purpose, and disciplinary field. Excellent Appropriate referencing is used in main text and bibliography. (5) Show a logical progression of ideas and uses fairly sophisticated sub-topic and Good transitional devices; may move from least to more important ideas (simple to complex). (4) Though some logical links may be faulty, each paragraph clearly relates to paper’s central theme. Most reference sources in main text and bibliography are provided in systematic but inappropriate form. May list ideas or arrange them randomly them only and lack of logical sequence. Satisfactory Paragraphs may be overly general, and arrangement sentences within paragraphs may (3) lack coherence. Reference sources are not quoted in main text, though there is a bibliography. May have random organization, lacking paragraph coherence and using few or Marginal pass inappropriate transitions. Paragraphs may lack main ideas and may not all relate to (2) paper’s theme. Referencing is patchy. No appreciable organization; Paragraphs lack of logic and coherence. No referencing. Poor (0-1)
Total Score: ______________ (Out of 40%)
Further comments (if needed):_______________________________________________________________________________