Dragon Lance Magic Items
Dragon Lance Magic Items
Dragon Lance Magic Items
Artifacts and
Twice, there have been world shattering Cataclysms lage against hordes of goblins and hobgoblins. No-
that changed the very landscape of the world. Twice, body can say for certain whether the sword was
the peoples of the world have had to adapt in order to named for the family, or if the family was named for
survive. Twice, the gods have disappeared from the the blade. It was passed from father to son for gen-
world of the mortals that worshipped them, only to erations, until lost and later recovered by Sturm
return decades, or even centuries later. Brightblade before the onset of the War of the Lance.
Through all of these times, beings of every race Sturm carried it with him until his death at the High
have created remarkable items of power through in- Clerist Tower.
Items of
credible rituals of the arcane, or from their faith in the Brightblade is a bastard sword, with a long silver
divine. The gods themselves also have created such blade. Dwarven runes of peace and friendship run
items for their mortal followers to use. Perhaps, with the length of the blade, which shows no signs of rust,
enough personal emotional investment, some items nicks, or even the slightest scratch. It has a golden
gain their power from the absolute faith and will of crosspiece and handle, and a red gem on the blade.
their wielders to be something…more. But, then
again, the item's powers may be nothing more than Brightblade Level 9 Rare
your average kender tale. This long-bladed sword shines brightly, a beacon of hope
By John Rhyne Here now, are items large and small; epic arti- for those honorable enough to wield it. The runes upon
facts, powerful blades, and minor trinkets. No matter the blade convey peace to all. Sturm Brightblade was
known for saying "My sword will only break if I do".
For nearly 30 years, the world of Krynn has leapt how great or how insignificant the item is, in the world
Lvl 9 +2 4,200 gp
from the pages of Dragonlance novels and game of Krynn, each item has a history and a deep mean- Weapon: Bastard Sword (silver)
books, inspiring readers with a unique blend of epic ing to someone. Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls
storytelling, colorful (and sometimes dangerous) Critical: +2d8 damage
characters, and one-of-a-kind locales. Perhaps more
intriguing than any of these things, though, is the fact I TEM D ESCRIPTIONS ✦ Brightblade will never rust, tarnish, or be similarly
that the swords, staves, and other magical items car- ✦ Brightblade is immune to all damage, as long as its
ried by both heroes and villains all had a history, a wielder has at least 1hit point remaining.
story, of their own. Some of these items have histo-
Several items, from minor magic items to powerful
✦ The wielder has a +2 on Diplomacy checks.
ries as long as, or even longer than, the existence of
artifacts that have altered the course of history, are
described below. Along with each item, some of the
Utility Power At-Will (No Action)
the ancient elven nation of Silvanesti. Do you dare to Effect: Brightblade pulses in your hands, letting you know
known, and perhaps some lost, history of the item is when a chaotic evil creature is near. Brightblade guides
handle one or more of these items yourself, and per-
described. Some of the items below are examples you toward which creatures are chaotic evil.
haps add another chapter to the item's already writ-
of, or are the most famous of that type of item, but Trigger: A creature of chaotic evil alignment comes within 5
ten history? squares of the sword's wielder.
others exist with similar powers. Yet others are one-
of-a-kind items that can never be reproduced.
Attack Power Encounter (Standard Action)
T HE W ORLD OF K RYNN Target: Each evil or chaotic evil enemy in the burst you can
Krynn is a world rich in its own history. Hundreds of Attack: Close burst 1; Strength vs. AC
stories have been told about the people, places, and M AGICAL I TEMS Hit: 1d10 + Strength damage against evil, or 2d10 +
Strength against chaotic evil creatures and the target is
even the things of Krynn over the decades since its
weakened (save ends).
Miss: Half damage and the target is weakened until the
In the several millennia since the gods created Brightblade end of your next turn.
Krynn, there have been vast wars, soaring triumphs, Brightblade was crafted by the dwarf Romgar
and utter failure and despair spread across the lands Firesteel in the Age of Dreams. It was created for,
of men, elves, ogres and every other race known. and given to, Berthal Brightblade at his knighting cer-
The Dragonlance Dragonlance Level 8+ Rare innards of some horrible ghost. The kender will then
Dragons fear the mighty Dragonlance, both the footman's lick the spot clean, smiling as the spot reappears
The fabled Dragonlance, also called the Spear of lance and the mounted lance, and rightly so. They are the within a couple minutes, proving that it is NOT just
Paladine by some, was created to destroy the legions bane of dragon-kind, giving mankind an advantage that jam. Or jelly. Or preserves. Or any other fruit con-
of evil dragons during the Third Dragon War. Many very few things can. A Dragonlance of level 18+ is
coction you can think of.
were created in these early days, although not too considered to be a greater Dragonlance.
many of the originals remain in the world today. It is Lvl 8 +2 3,400 gp Lvl 23 +5 425,000 gp
Lvl 13 +3 17,000 gp Lvl 28 +6 2,125,000 gp
said that in order to craft a Greater Dragonlance, the
Lvl 18 +4 85,000 gp Kender Spoon of Turning Level 5+ Uncommon
smith must have a supply of dragonmetal, like that at Holding this extraordinary dinnerware boldly aloft is
Weapon: Spear or Lance
the Silver Dragon Mountain in Foghaven Vale. This Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls. almost as powerful as having an extra cleric in your
metal must be forged by someone that has the Silver Critical: +1d6 damage per plus, +1d12 per plus vs. dragons pouch…almost.
Arm of Ergoth, using the Hammer of Kharas. If only Properties Lvl 5 1,000 gp Lvl 15 25,000 gp
two of these three components are present for forg- ✦ All Dragonlances have the High Crit property. Lvl 10 5,000 gp Lvl 20 125,000 gp
ing, the Lance is a Lesser Dragonlance. Theros Iron- ✦ The Dragonlance deals an extra 1d6 damage to Wondrous Item
feld created the first Dragonlances in over millennia
Level 18 or 23: extra 2d6 damage to dragons. You gain resist 10 necrotic.
for use in the War of the Lance against the flying Level 15: Resist 15 necrotic
Level 28: extra 3d6 damage to dragons.
hordes of Takhisis' evil dragons. They would then be ✦ (Greater Lance only) When a successful attack hits an Level 20: Resist 20 necrotic
largely unused for three decades. They were used evil dragon, until the end of that dragon's next turn, it has ✦ You gain a +2 item bonus to saving throws against fear.
once again, against the forces of Chaos in what vulnerable 10 to all damage. Level 15: +3 bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
Level 20: +5 bonus to saving throws against fear effects.
came to be known as the Summer of Chaos, or the Level 28: Vulnerable 15 to all damage.
Second Cataclysm. Attack Power (Radiant) Daily (Standard Action)
Attack: Close burst 2 (Each undead creature in the burst);
There are 2 varieties of Dragonlances--the foot-
man's lance and the mounted lance. The footman's
Kender Spoon of Turning Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and you
lance uses the base statistics of a spear, and the push the target a number of squares up to 3 + your
It is said (by Kender, so keep that in mind) that the
mounted lance uses the statistics for a lance. Either Charisma modifier. The target is immobilized until the
Kender Spoon of Turning is the most potent artifact
type of Dragonlance gives off a silvery glow. The end of your next turn.
on Krynn when it comes to dealing with the undead, Miss: Half damage.
head is razor-sharp, and wicked barbs extend along
reducing their unliving spirits to quivering mounds of Level 15 or 20: 2d10 + Wisdom modifier radiant damage.
the length of the head. Both are perfectly balanced
unearthly cold jelly. It is also said that Uncle Trap-
for stabbing, although unwieldy for throwing.
springer used it once on the mighty Lord Soth. For
the first time since becoming a Death Knight, Soth Rabbitslayer
felt a bit "weird" in the presence of the mystical This small dagger was found by Tasslehoff Burrfoot
Spoon, and didn't kill Trapspringer with one word, like in the ruins of Xak Tsaroth during the War of the
he normally would have. This common-looking piece Lance. It was named by him as Caramon told him it
of silver dinnerware has caused quite the debate would only be useful against the attacks of ferocious
among the wisest of men whether it is what the rabbits. It is useful for much more than just the slay-
Kender claim it to be. Meanwhile, the sages among ing of small mammals, though. Goldmoon seemed to
Kender are adamant about not only the item's exist- think that the dagger was "Blessed by the gods".
ence, but also that it is indeed a powerful relic given Actually, these blades were crafted in the Age of
to them by the god Branchala, who has a soft-spot in Might for wizards who feared attacks of the Kingpri-
his divine heart for the diminutive folk. est's fanatic followers in the times of the Lost Battles.
It looks like any other silver spoon, except for the Even if the blades were taken from them, it was said
red spot in the center of it. Even though the spot that they will eventually find their way back to their
looks like nothing more sinister than strawberry jam, owners.
any Kender can tell you that it is indeed the ghostly
Rabbitslayer Level 2+ Uncommon
Shield of Breath Absorption the crosspiece forged into the likeness of an eagle's
This small blade is extremely sharp, striking deep in well beak. As powerful as these blades are in fighting
placed blows. The wielder of one of these daggers never (Huma's Shield) dragons, there is no hiding when a dragon is near.
needs to fear being without a weapon for long. The loud buzzing sound that emanates from the
It is told in legends that Huma Dragonbane was
Lvl 2 +1 520 gp Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp
equipped with a Shield of Breath Absorption when he blade itself will wake any nearby sleeping dragon.
Lvl 7 +2 2,600 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp faced the Dark Queen, Takhisis in combat and ex-
Weapon: Dagger acted the Oath from her using his epic Dragonlance.
Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls Indeed, it seems that Huma must have been very Wyrmslayer Level 12+ Rare
Critical: +1d8 damage per plus well protected to get so close to Her Dark Majesty This beautiful elven sword is perfectly balanced, with fine
Property and live long enough to wound her. script etched into both sides of the blade. When brought
If this blade is ever lost or stolen, it will return to the owner within proximity of a dragon, the blade begins to hum and
Many such shields have dragons or symbols of
in 1d20 hours. If freely given, it takes 24 hours to bond buzz loudly, banishing any hopes of sneaking up on a
with the new owner.
the Solamnic Knights on the face. The ancient sleeping wyrm.
Shields crafted during the Third Dragon War, such as Lvl 12 +3 13,000 gp Lvl 22 +5 325,000 gp
the one Huma used, had bright Metallic Dragons em- Lvl 17 +4 65,000 gp Lvl 27 +6 1,625,000 gp
Sheath of Concealment blazoned upon them, along with the Crown, Sword, Weapon: Heavy and Light Blades
Raistlin Majere made this item famous and quite or Rose symbols of the Knights of Solamnia. They Enhancement Bonus: Attack rolls and damage rolls
sought after, often using it when he found himself in a are always heavy shields. Critical: +1d8 damage per plus, +1d12 against true dragons
and draconians.
tight situation. With a flick of the wrist, his dagger
would quickly and quietly drop into his waiting hand. ✦ When brought within 5 squares of a true (metallic or
It is a wrist-sheath crafted from supple leather Shield of Breath Absorption Level 14 Rare chromatic) dragon, the sword emits a loud buzzing sound.
etched with runes of illusion. While big enough to This shield seems to hum with power, placing itself in the This sound can be heard by dragons, and can awaken
hold a dagger or similar sized weapon, it is able to most advantageous positions to protect its wearer in battle them from up to 25 squares away.
keep itself magically hidden from both physical and
against evil dragons. ✦ This weapon also grants an item bonus to your defenses
Arms Slot: Heavy Shield 21,000 gp against a dragon's breath weapon equal to its
many magical searches. Properties
✦Gain a +3 item bonus to AC during a surprise round and
enhancement bonus.
✦ A Wyrmslayer blade is immune to the death throe effects
the first nonsurprise round of each encounter.
Sheath of Concealment Level 5 Uncommon ✦When the wearer of this shield is targeted by a dragon's
of baaz draconians, so the blade will be never be caught in
the statue-corpse of a baaz.
A knife in one of these cunningly crafted sheaths is nearly breath weapon, this shield grants him or her a +5 item ✦
Power Daily (Minor Action)
impossible to find, except through powerful magic. bonus to defenses against the breath weapon attack.
Arms Slot 1,000 gp ✦When an area or close attack targeting your AC or
Effect: Your next attack with this weapon, if made before
the end of your turn against a creature with the dragon
Properties Reflex defense misses you but deals damage on a miss,
keyword, gains a +5 power bonus to the attack roll and
Any dagger or similarly sized weapon placed within a you take no damage from the attack. automatically ignores any resistance the dragon has.
Sheath of Concealment is hidden quite well. A physical ✦
Attack Power (Thunder) Encounter (Free Action)
search will find neither the Sheath, nor any weapon within Trigger: You hit a true (metallic or chromatic) dragon with
it. Only True Seeing or similar magic can find the Sheath Wyrmslayer this weapon.
and a weapon within it.
The first Wyrmslayer was an elegant longsword Effect: You unleash and amplify the buzzing sound,
With a flick of the wrist, the wearer of the Sheath of forged during the Second Dragon War by the Sil- causing an additional 10 thunder damage with the hit and
Concealment can cause the weapon within to drop into his deafening the dragon (save ends).
vanesti. It was held by the Silvanesti royal family
or her waiting hand. Drawing a weapon in this way is a Level 16 or 21: 15 thunder damage.
free action, and sliding the weapon back into the Sheath is
until Kith-Kanan left the elven homeland to found the
Level 26: 20 thunder damage.
likewise a free action. nation of Qualinesti. The blade was buried with the
king in his crypt in the Sla-Mori, where it was given to
Tanis Half-Elven by the long-dead elven monarch
during the early days of the War of the Lance.
Wyrmslayer weapons are normally swords of el-
ven design. Elven script flows down the blade, with
Bloodstone of Fistandantilus Epic Level
A RTIFACTS The evil flowing from this green and red stone is almost
tangible. It can extend the life of its user time and time
again as he takes on new bodies, overpowering the souls
Bloodstone of Fistandantilus within, and casting them to oblivion.
The Bloodstone of Fistandantilus was used by the Artifact: Neck slot
archmage for hundreds, if not thousands, of years to
✦ The Bloodstone grants you a +4 item bonus to all
Blue Crystal Staff
keep himself alive. He gained the powers of those defenses. Created in the Age of Dreams to come into the world
he consumed in the process, along with their physical ✦
Utility Power (Healing) Daily (Minor Action) in a time of need, the Blue Crystal Staff--also known
bodies. He was confronted some time before the Effect: You gain hit points as if you spent two healing as the Staff of Mishakal--was given to the Plainsman,
Cataclysm by Raistlin Majere, who had travelled back surges.
in time to become Fistandantilus. In an epic battle of Attack Power (Arcane, Necrotic) ✦ Daily (Standard Action)
Riverwind in the ruins of the city of Xak Tsaroth when
he was on a quest searching for proof of the gods of
will and magic, one mage stood over the other, the Attack: Close burst 5 (1 creature in the burst); Intelligence
vs. Fortitude.
old. Riverwind returned to his village with the staff,
Bloodstone pulsing with new energy as the defeated where Goldmoon's father, the Chieftain of their vil-
Hit: 6d8 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage. If this
one's spirit further infused with the victor. After this attack reduces the target to 0 hit points, you regain hit lage, demanded that the staff perform a miracle.
battle, their spirits seemed to be merged with each points equal to one-half your level. At that time, you can When it did not, the staff was thrown to Riverwind
other even more than ever, as the winner of their also attempt to possess the body of the slain target. Both and he was ordered to be stoned to death. Gold-
battle couldn't figure out which mage he actually was. you and the target must make a saving throw. If both fail moon, the Chieftain's daughter, jumped in the way of
Set into a silver setting, hanging from a silver the save, you take 1d10 +10 points of necrotic damage
the deadly hail of stones, the Staff flashed blue, and
chain, the Bloodstone is a jasper stone, about 3 and the spirit and body of the target is gone forever,
destroyed in the struggle and unable to be the recipient
both disappeared from the village, reappearing on
inches in length. Shaped like a teardrop, it is flecked the outskirts of the town of Solace. It was subse-
of a Raise Dead ritual in the future. If both succeed, then
throughout with scarlet, which is where it got its the spirits war with each other and another saving throw quently used in the Inn of the Last Home, after High
name. is made the following round. If the target makes its Theocrat Hederick of Solace suffered a mishap, fall-
saving throw and you fail, you take 1d10 + 10 necrotic ing into a fireplace within the Inn. The Staff extin-
damage and the target's spirit is free to join its god in the guished his flaming body and healed him of all harm
afterlife, and can be the recipient of a Raise Dead ritual in
sustained in the hearth-fire accident.
the future. If you succeed and the target fails, your spirit
goes into the target's body and your body of origin
When not in use, the staff appears as a simple
immediately crumbles to dust. The target's spirit is wooden quarterstaff, unadorned and unassuming.
destroyed as above. You have the physical ability scores But when the staff's powers are used, or when
of the new host body, but your own mental scores. You viewed under the effects of a True Seeing spell, the
also have new racial powers if possessing a body of a staff's true appearance is clear. Nearly six feet long,
different race other than the one you had before the made of flawless blue crystal, the true form of the
attack, and you lose your previous racial powers/abilities.
staff has a head that resembles two crescents con-
Keep in mind, using the Bloodstone in this way is
considered an evil act.
nected with the points facing up and down. A large,
Sustain Standard: The target takes damage again, with perfect sapphire is centered into the headpiece.
no need to roll an attack.
Miss: Half damage.
Blue Crystal Staff Heroic Level rauder. The attempt failed, and Malys took the lance Istaran proverb from the days of the Kingpriests. The
This staff flares to life, becoming beautiful blue crystal with her to her lair. Less than a decade later, several Crown of Power is an ancient artifact, rumored to be
when it is activated. Its life-giving powers are legendary, months after Malys' death at the hands of Mina and worn by ogre rulers in the Age of Dreams. It disap-
but the appearance of this Staff is sure to foreshadow Takhisis, it was recovered by the same group of he- peared more than 6,000 years before the Cataclysm
something greater coming soon.
roes that earlier had found the Shard of Light. struck. It resurfaced in 280 PC when Symeon I
Artifact: Implement (Staff)
Enhancement Bonus: +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls. Huma's Dragonlance is a Greater, mounted varie- donned it to become the first Kingpriest of Istar.
Critical: +2d6 radiant damage, +2d8 vs. evil creatures, ty, with a satin steel tip. The handle is polished brass Through its power, the Kingpriests ruled Istar for 160
+2d10 vs. chaotic evil creatures. with gold and silver relief, with images of dragons years when it's wearer at the time, Kingpriest Vasari
Properties fighting and wheeling in flight. I, died and the crown disappeared. It was found in
✦ A divine character can use this Staff as a Holy Symbol 39 PC by Brother Beldyn, a monk from Kharolis.
✦ This staff can also be used as a melee weapon, with
Dragonlance of Huma Paragon Level
This mounted Dragonlance is one of the most holy
Beldyn donned the Crown, becoming Kingpriest
Beldinas Pilofiro, the Lightbringer, the last Kingpriest
statistics of a +2 quarterstaff, with the effects for critical hits
artifacts on Krynn, given its history and power. Used to of Istar. The Miceram once again disappeared when
as above. Proficiency is granted to you if you are not
drive the Dark Queen back to her home in the Abyss, Istar was destroyed in the Cataclysm, until Takhisis
✦ The wielder gains a +5 item bonus to the Heal check
Huma's Dragonlance is also one of the few things in the
world to have ever touched a true god.
granted it to her favored follower, Ariakas, sometime
needed for the Raise Dead ritual. prior to the War of the Lance.
Utility Power (Divine) ✦ Daily (Immediate Interrupt)
Artifact: Weapon (Lance)
Enhancement Bonus: + 4 to attack rolls and damage rolls. There are two versions of the Crown. One, worn
Trigger: You are a target of a dragon's breath weapon. by the Kingpriests of Istar, dedicated to ruling that
Critical: +4d6 damage, +4d10 damage to dragons.
Effect: The Staff deflects the breath weapon. You take no
Properties realm in the name of Paladine and granted powers of
damage from the breath weapon if the dragon missed
with the attack. Even if the dragon hits with its breath
✦ When attacking any true dragon (metallic or chromatic), wisdom and blessing. The other version is a twisted
the Dragonlance of Huma ignores all resistances the version of the original, which was granted to Dragon
weapon attack against you, you only take half damage.
Utility Power (Divine, Healing) ✦ At-Will (Standard Action)
dragon has.
✦ The Lance grants the Mounted Combat feat while
Emperor Ariakas in the War of the Lance by his dark
Close burst 5 (you or one ally in the burst)
wielding it, even if you do not meet the prerequisites for the goddess, Takhisis. This Crown grants its wearer a
Effect: The target gains temporary hit points equal to their repertoire of more offensive powers. Dragon
feat normally.
healing surge value.
✦ ✦ The Dragonlance of Huma has the High Crit property. Highlord Kitiara received the Crown after Ariakas'
Utility Power (Divine, Healing) Encounter (Minor Action)
Close burst 5 (you or one ally in the burst)
✦ When a successful attack hits an evil dragon, until the death, but it has not been seen since Kitiara's death.
end of that dragon's next turn, it has vulnerable 10 to all Miceram is bright gold, with a red velvet lining. Its
Effect: The target may make an immediate saving throw to
end an effect.
Utility Power (Divine, Healing) ✦ Daily (Standard Action)
✦ Attacks made with the Lance deal an extra 1d8 damage
central cap rises to a point, higher than the ten other
points spaced around the rim. Each tip has a large
to dragons.
Close burst 5 (you or one ally in the burst)
Effect: The target is healed as if it used two healing surges.
Attack Power (Teleportation) ✦ Daily (Free Action) ruby set into it, while the ruby in the front center is
Trigger: You hit an evil or chaotic evil elemental or said to be as large as a hen's egg. Each ruby seems
immortal target with a melee attack using the Lance. to glow with an inner, silver light.
Dragonlance of Huma Attack: Melee (1 target); Wisdom vs. Will
Hit: The target teleports back to its native plane. The
This weapon of legend, the first Dragonlance creat- target gets a saving throw, with a -5 penalty to the saving
ed, is the actual Dragonlance used by Huma Drag- throw. If the target's saving throw is successful, the
onbane himself to impale the Dark Queen when she creature appears the next round in its original square. If
was nearly manifested on the mortal plane in the the saving throw is failed, the creature may not return
Third Dragon War. The holy pain she experienced automatically. It must find a way back to the mortal plane
again through summoning, a portal, or similar means.
was enough to swear an oath to Huma that she and
This power will work on divine entities and servitors as
her dragons would leave Krynn, as long as the drag- well.
ons of light left as well. Huma did not survive after
the battle against Takhisis, and the Lance was buried
in his tomb with him. It was recovered in the Age of Miceram, the Crown of Power
Mortals in an attempt to slay Malystryx, the Red Ma- Whoever wears the Crown, rules. So states an
Miceram, the Crown of Power Epic Level Hit: The conjuration or zone is destroyed. All its effects Miss: Half damage.
This beautiful, ancient Crown amplifies the charisma of its end, including those that normally last until a target ✦
Attack Power (Charm) Daily (Standard Action)
wearer, making him an awe-inspiring figure. If the wearer saves. Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 squares (Each enemy in the
used divine healing while wearing Miceram, the blessings burst)
of the gods drive darkness away from the wearer. Effect: You slide each target up to 5 squares. Each target
Artifact: Head slot The Crown of Power, Corrupted Epic Level then makes a melee basic attack against a creature of
your choice as a free action.
After the Cataclysm, the Crown of Power became a
The Crown grants you a +5 item bonus to AC and all slightly darker version of the benevolent Miceram. Now, Utility Power (Conjuration) Daily (Minor Action)
defenses, and to Insight checks. Ranged 20
ego and intimidation seethe from the wearer as he
If you use a healing power from the Divine power source commands his subjects, his slaves, to push harder for his Effect: You conjure a glowing sigil in an unoccupied square
while wearing Miceram, you shed light in a one square own glory. Woe to the subjects that fail to meet their within range. Any enemy within 5 squares of the sigil
burst per level of the healing power. If you use a healing master's demands. must spend 2 extra squares of movement for each space
power from any other power source, the burst is one Artifact: Head slot it moves closer to the sigil.
square per even level of the healing power. Sustain Minor: The sigil persists.
Attack Power (Charm) Daily (Immediate Interrupt) ✦ The Crown grants you a +5 item bonus to AC and all
Trigger: An enemy moves adjacent to you. defenses, and to Intimidate checks.
Attack: Charisma vs. Fortitude ✦
Attack Power (Charm) Daily (Minor Action)
Effect: Target is stunned (save ends).
Attack: Range 10 (1 target); Charisma vs. Fortitude
Utility Power (Force) Encounter (Immediate Interrupt) Effect: Target is stunned (save ends).
Trigger: You are hit by an attack. Utility Power (Force) ✦ Encounter (Immediate Interrupt) The Shard of Light
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex until Trigger: You are hit by an attack. This short sword is one that has been lost to history
the end of your next turn. You are also immune to Magic Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC and Reflex until for centuries…until recently. Given to a young aco-
Missile during this time.
the end of your next turn. You are also immune to Magic lyte of Paladine named Neran after a prayer to his
Attack Power (Zone) Daily (Standard Action) Missile during this time.
Attack: Wall 8 within 10 squares (Each enemy in the wall); Attack Power (Charm) ✦ Encounter (Standard Action)
god, he used it to kill Caeldor, High Master of
Mishakal, who had betrayed everyone at the Temple
Wisdom vs. Fortitude Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); Wisdom vs. Will. You
Hit: 2d6 + Wisdom modifier damage, and you can slide the gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll when using this power of Hurim to an army of ogres. As Caeldor finished a
target 1 square. against a human. ritual to summon a devil from the Abyss, Neran
Effect: The wall creates a zone that lasts until the end of Hit: The target is dominated (save ends). stabbed Caeldor with the Shard, pinning the Be-
your nest turn. The zone grants superior cover against Miss: The target is dazed (save ends). trayer's body to a stone sarcophagus, where it re-
ranged attacks made through it that target AC or Reflex. ✦
Attack Power (Arcane, Necromancy, Necrotic) Encoun- mained for over 700 years until it was found recently
Utility Power Daily (Minor Action) ter (Standard Action)
by a party of adventurers.
Target: You or one ally Range: Melee 1 Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); Intelligence vs. Fortitude
Effect: The target gains the following benefits until the end The blade is made of clear crystal that glows with
Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence modifier necrotic damage, and the
of his or her next extended rest. target is weakened (save ends) an inner light. That glow can be made as bright as
* Low-light vision Miss: Half damage. daylight, harming many undead and blinding any
* +1 power bonus to Will ✦
Attack Power (Arcane, Thunder) Encounter (Standard others.
* +2 power bonus to Wisdom-based skill checks and Action)
Wisdom ability checks.
Attack: Close blast 5 (Each creature in the blast); Charisma
Utility Power Encounter (Minor Action) vs. Fortitude
Ranged: 10 Target: One or two allies Hit: 2d8 + Charisma modifier thunder damage, and the
Effect: Each target makes a saving throw.
target is deafened (save ends)
Utility Power (Healing) Encounter (Minor Action) Attack Power (Arcane, Force) ✦ Encounter (Standard Ac-
Ranged: 10 Target: One ally tion)
Effect: The target can make a saving throw and spend a Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature)
healing surge.
Effect: The target takes force damage equal to 8 + your
Utility Power (Arcane) Encounter (Standard Action) Intelligence modifier.
Attack: Ranged 10 (one conjuration or zone within range); ✦
Attack Power (Arcane, Fire) Daily (Standard Action)
Intelligence vs. Will defense of the creator of the Attack: Area burst 3 within 20 squares (Each creature in
conjuration or zone the burst); Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage.
Shard of Light Heroic Level
The Staff of Magius Staff of Magius Heroic Level
The crystal blade of this shortsword glows with an inner The staff made most famous by Raistlin Majere and in
divine light, revealing that which lurks in the darkness. One of the most famous items in Dragonlance lore, later years his nephew Palin, is crafted of dark mahogany
Artifact: Weapon (Shortsword) even though it is not the most powerful, is the Staff of wood, and topped with a golden dragon claw gripping a
Enhancement Bonus: + 2 to attack rolls and damage rolls Magius. Created during the First Dragon War in the small crystal orb.
Critical: +2d6 radiant damage, or +4d6 damage against Age of Dreams by a Silvanesti Elf named Shadra, the Artifact: Implement (Staff)
undead, demons, and devils staff was passed from her to many powerful wizards, Enhancement Bonus: +2 to attack rolls and damage rolls
Properties Critical: +2d6 damage
✦ You gain resist 10 necrotic.
until it came into the possession of Magius during the
✦ When unsheathed, the Shard of Light can shed bright or
Third Dragon War. Magius used the staff in battle
✦ Grants a +3 item bonus to AC.
dim light up to a burst 10, centered on the blade. You against the hordes of Takhisis, alongside his friend ✦ Spells that can be sustained are automatically sustained
control the brightness and range of the light. Huma Dragonbane. When Magius was captured by for one round after the caster stops sustaining them.
✦ Attacks made with the Shard deal an extra 1d6 damage Galan Dracos, the staff was left with Huma, who ✦ Spells that have the Light, Charm, or Air keywords
to undead. used it to shatter the Emerald Orb of Dracos. The remain active for a round longer than normal.
Utility Power (Radiant) At-Will (Free Action) staff was then taken by the Solamnic Knights and ✦
Utility Power (Arcane) At-Will (Minor Action)
Effect: All damage is radiant damage. Another free action Effect: Bright light fills your space and all squares within 4
given to the Wizards of High Sorcery. The staff re-
returns the damage to normal. squares of you. Putting out the light is a free action.
Utility Power✦ Daily (Minor Action)
mained at the Tower of Wayreth until the Test of
young Raistlin Majere, who earned the Staff by com-
Utility Power (Arcane) Daily (Free Action)
Effect: Your next attack with this weapon, if made before Trigger: You fall more than 1 square.
the end of your next turn against a target with the undead, pleting his Test of High Sorcery. Raistlin famously Effect: You take no damage from the fall and do not fall
devil, or demon keyword, gains a +5 power bonus to the used it for years, until his disappearance into the prone at the end of the fall.
attack roll and automatically ignores any resistances the target Abyss, after which the staff was locked up in the Utility Power ✦ Encounter (Free Action)
has. Trigger: You hit with a melee attack.
Attack Power (Radiant) ✦ Daily (Standard Action)
Tower of Palanthas. Given to Raistlin's nephew, Pal-
Effect: You deal an extra 1d8 force damage.
Effect: You unleash a burst of light that reveals everything
in after his own Test, the staff served the young
White Robe well until the Chaos War. At the conclu-
Utility Power (Arcane) ✦ Daily (Standard Action)
hidden, and damages enemies. Until the end of the Attack: Ranged 10 (one conjuration or zone within range);
encounter, you gain darkvision and can see invisible (including sion of the war, a disguised avatar of Takhisis took Intelligence vs. Will defense of the creator of the
hidden) creatures or objects within 5 squares of you, within the staff. The Staff of Magius has not been seen conjuration or zone
line of sight. You also gain a +5 bonus to Insight and since. Hit: The conjuration or zone is destroyed. All its effects
Perception checks during this time. The Staff of Magius is a long, mahogany wood end, including those that normally last until a target
Attack: Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); your level +2 staff, topped with a 3-clawed dragon's talon clutching saves.
vs. Fortitude.
a crystal sphere. Its powers are said to change with
Hit: 2d6 +Wisdom modifier radiant damage, and the target
each user, although this cannot be easily confirmed.
is blinded (save ends).
WHERE CAN I READ MORE Vol. 1, 2, & 3--Key of Destiny, Spectre of Sorrows, About the Author
Price of Courage (published by Sovereign John Rhyne is new to the pages of Dragon, but he is a lifetime
ABOUT THESE ITEMS? Dragonlance fan and spends a lot of his free time converting an
Press/Margaret Weis Productions for D&D 3.5)
epic 3.5E Dragonlance game to 4E to play with his group.
The items described in this article, and many other John would like to thank Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman, and
Sheath of Concealment: Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. all that have come since, for developing this world that he has
unique artifacts and relics can be found in novels and
1--Dragons of Autumn Twilight spent untold hours reading about, telling his own stories in, and
gaming books published dating all the way back to living the lives of many heroes-great and small.
1984. The following list of sources is not a complete He lives in a small town in IL with his wife, two sons, and 3
Shield of Breath Absorption: Holy Orders of the Stars
list of every book the item may have appeared in, but cats, along with shelves and shelves of D&D books and novels.
(published by Sovereign Press/Margaret Weis Follow John on Twitter @jrhyne1976
will include the item's most important appearances.
Productions for D&D 3.5)
Bloodstone of Fistandantilus: Dragonlance Legends Name
Staff of Magius: Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 1, 2 &
Vol. 1, 2 & 3--Time of the Twins, War of the Twins,
3--Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter
Test of the Twins Editor
Night, Dragons of Spring Dawning; Dragonlance Name
Legends Vol. 1, 2 & 3--Time of the Twins, War of the
Blue Crystal Staff: Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 1--
Twins, Test of the Twins; The Second Generation; Managing Editor
Dragons of Autumn Twilight Kim Mohan
Dragons of Summer Flame
Brightblade: Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 1 & 2-- Lead Developer/Editor
Wyrmslayer: Dragonlance Chronicles Vol. 1-- Jeremy Crawford
Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragons of Winter
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Night; The Second Generation; Dragons of Summer Senior Producer
Flame Christopher Perkins