Artigo Bom Bioturbacao e Sedimentacao
Artigo Bom Bioturbacao e Sedimentacao
Artigo Bom Bioturbacao e Sedimentacao
Abstract: This study integrates ichnology and sedimentology to refine the palaeoenviron-
mental and sequence stratigraphic interpretations of the Early Permian Pebbley Beach
Formation, in the southern Sydney Basin, Australia. This succession has been interpreted
previously to reflect entirely inner to outer shelf and slope environments of deposition.
Detailed analysis of the formation reveals ichnological and sedimentological characteristics
that contradict a fully marine interpretation. Instead, the interval reflects the vertical super-
position and lateral juxtaposition of brackish-water and fully marine units. Marine facies
comprise: (1) thoroughly bioturbated muddy siltstone (lower offshore); (2) thoroughly bio-
turbated sandy siltstone (upper offshore); (3) interbedded bioturbated sandy siltstone and
laminated sandstone (delta-influenced offshore transition); (4) thoroughly bioturbated
muddy sandstone (distal lower shoreface); (5) interbedded laminated sandstone, bioturbated
muddy sandstone and dark claystone (delta-influenced lower shoreface); and (6) bioturbated,
laterally variable sandstones (transgressive sand sheets). Estuarine facies comprise: (1)
channelized heterolithic sandstone-mudstone (active estuarine channels); (2) sheet-like
heterolithic sandstone-mudstone (active estuarine basins); and (3) laminated mudstone
(abandoned estuarine channels and basins). The interpreted fully marine deposits contain
ichnological suites that exhibit moderate to intense bioturbation, high diversities (31 ichno-
species belonging to 20 ichnogenera), uniform distributions of ichnogenera, and significant
numbers of structures reflecting specialized feeding/grazing behaviours. In marked contrast,
interpreted estuarine (brackish-water) deposits contain impoverished ichnological suites
(9 ichnogenera), show variable but significantly reduced degrees of bioturbation intensity,
pronounced variability in ichnogenera distributions and the predominance of a few, simple
forms representing simple feeding strategies of resilient trophic generalists. The new analysis
allows the recognition of a series of highly top-truncated and condensed sequences (cycles of
relative sea-level fall and physical rise), which can be physically correlated over several
kilometres. Sequence boundaries typically cut down through shoreface sandstones to directly
overlie offshore facies, leading to an interface with little apparent lithological contrast. In the
absence of laterally continuous exposure, these surfaces may be recognized by careful
ichnofacies evaluation. Thus the re-evaluation presented herein has facilitated a more
realistic sequence stratigraphic analysis of the Pebbley Beach Formation.
Although facies models for indented coastal stratigraphic analysis provides a useful way of
systems are well-established (e.g. Dalrymple discriminating between lithologicatly similar
et al. 1992), there is nonetheless a shortage of facies. Literature on the ichnology of brackish-
reliable diagnostic criteria to allow discrimina- water environments is limited, particularly for
tion between fine-grained facies of coastal successions of late Palaeozoic age (but see
origin and those of marine shelf origin. The Buatois et al. 2002). Here, we describe a succes-
possibility therefore exists for confusion between sion of Early Permian age that contains both
facies that may be superficially similar but which offshore marine and estuarine facies that are
record widely separated environments of lithologically similar, but which can be separated
deposition. The integration of ichnology into successfully using a combination of ichnology
and sedimentology. From this facies analysis we of brackish-water trace fossil assemblages of
present a sequence stratigraphic model for the Permian age.
succession, highlighting the usefulness of ichnol- The Pebbley Beach Formation crops out
ogy and providing new data on the composition along the coast of southern New South Wales,
Fig. 1. Location maps: (a) position of Sydney-Bowen Basin; (b) southern Sydney Basin; (e) Pebbley Beach
Formation study area. Measured section localities are marked by bullet points.
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Australia, between Point Upright in the south excellent late Palaeozoic comparators to the
and Clear Point in the north (Fig. 1). This Cretaceous and Holocene estuarine trace fossil
paper focuses on the middle and upper portions models.
of the formation, which are well exposed in sea
cliffs at Point Upright, Mill Point and Clear
Point. A previous facies scheme for the Pebbley Geologic setting
Beach Formation (Gostin & Herbert 1973)
proposed a shallow marine to broadly coastal The Sydney Basin comprises the southernmost
environment of deposition; in contrast, Eyles portion of the larger, north-south elongate
et al. (1998) concluded an entirely inner to Sydney-Gunnedah-Bowen Basin (Fig. l a), of
outer shelf and slope environment of deposition Late Carboniferous to Triassic age, one of a
for the interval. In that study, Eyles et al. series of contiguous basins that formed along
(1998) regarded a series of channel features the Panthalassan margin of Gondwana. The
prominent in the middle and upper parts of the basin has a complex, multiphase history. Late
unit as the product of shoreface erosion and Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) to Early Permian
deposition in a shallow marine setting. The rifting in a back-arc environment was followed
ichnological characteristics of the various facies by middle Permian thermal subsidence (Schieb-
compel us, however, to dispute this interpreta- ner 1974; Battersby 1981; Murray 1990). The
tion, as well as the assertion that the succession basin then evolved into a retro-arc foreland
is entirely of fully marine origin. basin during the Late Permian to Middle
The brackish-water and fully marine units of Triassic, adjacent to the New England Fold
the Pebbley Beach Formation are lithologically Belt (Holcombe et al. 1997).
and (to a lesser extent) sedimentologically simi- The Pebbley Beach Formation forms a part of
lar, contributing to the confusion regarding the the Early Permian (Sakmarian to Artinskian:
depositional setting. Although there are primary Briggs 1998) succession in the southernmost
sedimentological features that occur persistently portion of the exposed, onshore Sydney Basin
within the various facies of both depositional sys- (Fig. 2). It overlies the shallow marine Wasp
tems, the ichnological differences are profound. Head Formation and is in turn overlain by the
The differences in bioturbation intensity, uni- shallow marine Snapper Point Formation
form versus sporadic distribution of bioturba- (Gostin & Herbert 1973; Tye et al. 1996). The
tion and, most importantly, the trace fossil Wasp Head Formation forms a part of the
assemblages themselves permit the reliable differ- Talaterang Group, which includes the Clyde
entiation of brackish-water (estuarine) deposits Coal Measures and represents deposition
from fully marine offshore and lower shoreface during the initial extensional phase of basin
intervals. The recognition of these disparate formation (Tye et al. 1996). The Pebbley Beach
depositional environments has a profound Formation comprises the basal unit of the Shoal-
impact upon the high-resolution sequence haven Group (Gostin & Herbert 1973), which
stratigraphic interpretation of the succession. was deposited late in the extensional phase and
The integration of ichnology with the sedimento- during the ensuing phase of passive thermal sub-
logical facies model has led to the identification sidence. The fully marine and nearshore coastal
of sequence boundaries, marine flooding surfaces deposits of the Pebbley Beach Formation can
and transgressive surfaces of erosion, demon- be correlated lithostratigraphically with the
strating that the Pebbley Beach Formation has fluvial Yadboro Conglomerate to the immediate
a complex sequence-stratigraphic architecture. west (Tye et al. 1996). The interpreted palaeo-
The recognition of brackish-water deposits geography for this period involves a north-
based on ichnological characteristics is princi- south-elongate shoreline that was at most times
pally derived from studies of: (1) the Holocene somewhere to the immediate west of the expo-
from the North Sea (e.g. Sch~ifer 1962; Reineck sures described herein, with sediment dispersal
et al. 1967, 1968; Hertweck 1970) and the from continental drainage systems from west to
Georgia coast of the US (e.g. Frey & Howard east (Tye et al. 1996).
1972; Howard & Frey 1973, 1975; Howard et al. During Early Permian time, eastern Australia
1975); and (2) Cretaceous units of the Western was located along the Panthallassan margin of
Interior Seaway of North America (e.g. Pember- the Gondwana landmass, connected to Antarc-
ton et al. 1982; Ekdale et al. 1984; Howard & tica and adjacent to the palaeo-Pacific Ocean
Frey 1984; Wightman et al. 1987; Beynon et al. (Veevers & Powell 1987). The South Pole was
1988; Ranger & Pemberton 1992; MacEachern near the eastern edge of Antarctica (Crowell &
& Pemberton 1994). The trace fossil assemblages Frakes 1975), close to eastern Australia, suggest-
of the Pebbley Beach Formation serve as ing that the latitude of the southern Sydney
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Basin was similar to that of the present-day Ross by proximity to a contemporaneous delta
Ice Shelf. The presence of (1) glendonites (a system), to coastal environments that are broadly
pseudomorph after the mineral ikaite which estuarine (brackish water) in character.
forms at temperatures less than 5 ~ and from The use of the terms 'upper offshore' and
which cold climate conditions have been 'lower offshore' follows the usage of Mac-
invoked extensively in the Permian of eastern Eachern & Pemberton (1992) and Pemberton &
Australia: Kaplan 1979; Carr et al. 1989), (2) MacEachern (1995, 1997), modified from
large, exotic outsized clasts, and (3) the distinc- Howard (1971, 1972), Howard & Reineck
tive coldwater Eurydesma fauna (Runnegar (1981), Howard & Frey (1984), Vossler &
1979; Dickens 1984) provides convincing Pemberton (1989) and Frey (1990). The upper
evidence for persistent cold climate throughout offshore lies below fair-weather wavebase
the deposition of the Pebbley Beach Formation. but adjacent to (and grading into) the lower
The cold period was associated with a wide- shoreface. The proximity to the lower shoreface
spread Gondwana glaciation that began in Late results in the upper offshore receiving significant
Carboniferous time and persisted until the amounts of sand and silt with clay, producing
Early Permian (Dickens 1984; Veevers & characteristic sandy mudstone and sandy
Powell 1987). siltstone facies. The lower offshore grades
basinward into the shelf. The lower offshore
receives more silt than sand, with clay
Facies analysis deposition predominant during fair-weather
conditions, resulting in the production of silty
Nine facies are defined here, based on lithology, mudstone.
primary sedimentary structures and ichnology.
Measurement of bioturbation intensity (BI) in
the field follows the scheme illustrated in Figs 3 Marine facies
and 4 (adapted after Reineck 1963; Taylor &
Goldring 1993), and trace fossils are listed in Facies 1: Thoroughly bioturbated siltstone
decreasing order of abundance. These facies
record a depositional gradient from lower off- Sedimentology
shore environments in an open marine setting, This facies comprises siltstone and silty mud-
through shoreface environments (locally affected stone with few if any preserved sedimentary
Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
. . 9. . -,.~,,.
distinct, few discrete traces
--I ~ ~ - ~ -
Uncommon bioturbation, _~__~-~ ~"~L'~-
bedding distinct,
low trace density ~ " . "e--
Common bioturbation,
bedding boundaries indistinct,
high trace density with
overlap common
Abundant bioturbation,
bedding completely disturbed
(just visible)
Complete bioturbation,
total biogenic
homogenization of sediment NN
Fig. 4. Bioturbation intensity (BI). Measurement of the intensity of bioturbation in the Pebbley Beach
Formation, modified from Bann (1998), originally adapted and modified after Reineck (1963) and Taylor &
Goldring (1993).
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Fig. 5. Facies 1 and 2. (a) Heavily bioturbated (BI 5) Facies 2, capped by a marine flooding surface (FS),
overlain by bioturbated (BI 4-5) Facies 1. The marine flooding surface is overlain by a thin, gritty sandstone
layer. Arrows mark Diplocraterion habichi (D), Phycosiphon (Ph) and Chondrites (Ch). Fig. 15, 15.5 m. (b)
Large, tabular glendonite (G1) in Facies 1 (lower offshore), Fig. 15, 16 m. (c) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 4-5)
Facies 2. A thin, remnant tempestite showing wavy parallel lamination is present in the centre of the photo.
The trace fossil assemblage reflects the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies, and comprises Chondrites (Ch),
Teichichnus (T), Zoophycos (Z), Phycosiphon (Ph), Planolites (P), Asterosoma (As) and Palaeophycus (Pa).
Fig. 14, 17-18.3 m. (d) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 4-5) Facies 2 containing a remnant parallel-laminated
tempestite. The trace fossil suite reflects the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies, manifest as Planolites (P),
Chondrites (Ch), Rosselia (Ro), Palaeophycus (Pa), Asterosoma (As), Zoophycos (Z), Helminthopsis (H),
Phycosiphon (Ph) and fugichnia (fu). Fig. 14, 17-18.3 m. (e) Intensely bioturbated (BI 5) Facies 1 with large,
outsized, exotic clast. Fig. 1, Depot Beach.
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structures (Fig. 5a). Interstitial sand (very fine- to MacEachern 1997). The presence of abundant,
fine-grained) is rare. Also rare are thin (< 1 cm), large, exotic clasts within these fine-grained
sharp-based, very fine- to fine-grained sandstone deposits (Fig. 5e) has been used by previous
beds that contain low-angle undulatory parallel workers (Gostin & Herbert 1973; Eyles et al.
lamination, possible small-scale hummocky 1998) as evidence for persistent delivery of ice-
cross-stratification (HCS), combined flow-ripple rafted debris. Glendonites are also strong
and current-ripple cross-lamination. Glendonites evidence for very cold climatic conditions.
(Fig. 5b), outsized clasts ranging from 5 mm to This facies reflects deposition in a lower off-
greater than 1 m in diameter, carbonaceous detri- shore, open marine environment, affected by
tus, pyrite staining and wood fragments are very cold climatic conditions, but only rarely by
locally common. severe storms.
Facies 1 is characterized by more or less per- Facies 2: Thoroughly bioturbated sandy
vasive bioturbation, varying from BI 4 to BI 6, siltstone
but typically BI 5. Bioturbation is locally spora-
dic, decreasing in intensity in the thin sandstone Sedimentology
beds. Most ichnogenera are uniformly distribu- This facies comprises thoroughly bioturbated
ted throughout the facies, with less common siltstone and sandy siltstone units with rare but
elements sporadically distributed. upwardly increasing numbers of discrete, thin
The trace fossil assemblage is dominated by (0.5-2 cm), very fine- to fine-grained sandstone
Phycosiphon, Planolites, Rosselia socialis, lesser beds. Sandstone units display remnant low-
Rosselia rotatus and small tightly curved Taeni- angle, undulatory, parallel lamination and
dium (type A). Common but subordinate ele- lesser wave-ripple lamination (Fig. 5c, d). Inter-
ments comprise Zoophycos (Fig. 5c), Chondrites stitial sand is pervasively distributed throughout
(Fig. 5d), Teichichnus, Palaeophycus tubularis the siltstone units. Synaeresis cracks are rare and
and Palaeophycus heberti. Uncommon elements are associated with decreased levels of bioturba-
consist of Helminthopsis and Asterosoma. The tion. Dispersed outsized clasts, clast clusters,
thin sandstone beds also locally contain Diplo- allochthonous logs, soft-sediment deformation
craterion habichi, rare Skolithos and fugichnia. structures and glendonites are locally abundant.
Phycosiphon occurs as both robust and diminu-
tive elements, whereas Rosselia, Zoophycos, Ichnology
Diplocraterion, Skolithos and Asterosoma are Facies 2 is characterized by more or less perva-
diminutive. The assemblage is interpreted to sive bioturbation, with intensities that vary
reflect a diverse, distal expression of the Cruziana from BI 5 to BI 6, and typically BI 6. Most ichno-
ichnofacies. The introduction of some Skolithos genera are uniformly distributed throughout the
ichnofacies elements is attributed to the sporadic facies, though elements associated with inter-
emplacement of sand beds during storms. calated sandstone beds are more sporadically
distributed. Uncommon elements are also spora-
Interpretation dically distributed. The trace fossil suite is
The fine-grained, bioturbated lithology of Facies dominated by Rosselia socialis, Zoophycos, Phy-
1 indicates a standing-water depositional envir- eosiphon, Planolites, Palaeophycus tubularis,
onment beyond the reach of most currents or Palaeophycus heberti, Teichichnus and Rhizo-
waves. The presence of marine invertebrate corallium irregulare. Subordinate elements com-
fossils points to a quiet-water, open marine set- prise Diploeraterion habichi, small Taenidium
ting. The thin sandstone beds record exceptional (type A), Rosselia rotatus, Skolithos, Bergaueria
storms and are characteristic of distal tempestites and fugichnia. Rosselia and Zoophyeos occur as
that have been partially biogenically reworked by diminutive elements. The assemblage reflects
small, simple burrow types during fair-weather two phases of infaunal colonization. The main
periods. Facies 1 contains moderately diverse assemblage is interpreted to reflect a diverse
trace assemblages produced by deposit-feeding expression of the archetypal Cruziana ichno-
and grazing/foraging behaviours, typical of facies. The presence of Skolithos ichnofacies
open marine environments lying well below elements (e.g. Diplocraterion, Skolithos and Ber-
fair-weather wavebase. The preservation gaueria) reflects infaunal tempestite colonization.
potential of distal tempestites is high, owing to
emplacement well below fair-weather wavebase Interpretation
where physical processes are not competent to Facies 2 is considerably more variable than
modify them (Wheatcroft 1990; Pemberton & Facies 1, owing to the greater numbers of
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186 K . L. B A N N E T AL.
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Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
tempestites. Remnant, low-angle, undulatory, lamination, wave and combined flow-ripples are
parallel lamination is interpreted as HCS. The commonly preserved (Fig. 6c, d). Sandstone
mudstone and silty sandstone beds, coupled beds are locally draped with unbioturbated,
with the high ichnological diversities and bio- dark claystone containing organic detritus and
turbation intensities, suggest deposition in an locally abundant and generally shallow synaer-
environment that experienced lengthy periods esis cracks. Dispersed pebbles, clast clusters,
of fair-weather near, but below fair-weather allochthonous logs and shelly lags are locally
wavebase. The diverse trace fossil assemblage, common.
dominated by traces produced by deposit-
feeding and, to a lesser extent, grazing/foraging Ichnology
behaviours, is characteristic of the archetypical Facies 3 is characterized by persistent though
Cruziana ichnofacies and reflects quiescent largely sporadically distributed bioturbation.
conditions in environments lying between storm Bioturbation intensities vary from BI 0 to BI 4
and fair-weather wavebase. Vertical burrows and typically BI3-4. Most ichnogenera are
that represent the dwellings of suspension- uniformly distributed throughout the facies,
feeding organisms (e.g. elements of the Skolithos though elements associated with intercalated
ichnofacies) correspond to the opportunistic laminated sandstone beds are more sporadically
colonization of the storm beds. More intense distributed. Rosselia and Zoophycos constitute
reworking of tempestites is the product of: exceptions, typically increasing in abundance
and size within some intervals. Uncommon
9 greater vertical penetration by more robust
elements are also sporadically distributed.
deposit feeders;
The trace fossil assemblage can be subdivided
9 increased sizes and abundances of vertical
into one associated with the bioturbated sandy
burrows; and
siltstone, and one reflecting infaunal colonization
9 increased time between storm events, facilitat-
of the laminated sandstone units. The suite asso-
ing complete colonization and development of
ciated with the sandy siltstone is dominated by
deeply penetrating structures.
Rosselia socialis, Teichichnus, Palaeophycus tubu-
This facies is interpreted to reflect deposition in laris, Palaeophycus heberti, Phycosiphon and
an upper offshore environment. Planolites. Common but subordinate elements
Outsized clasts are interpreted to have been comprise Chondrites, Zoophycos, Rhizocorallium
introduced by ice rafting. Decreased levels ofbio- irregulare, Diplocraterion habiehi, Taenidium
turbation associated with rare, locally occurring (type A) and Conichnus. Helminthopsis, Skolithos
soft-sediment deformation and synaeresis and Cylindrichnus are uncommon.
cracks (Plummer & Gostin 1981; but see Pratt The laminated sandstone beds contain an
1998) may indicate a combination of increased assemblage dominated by Diploeraterion habichi,
sedimentation rates, sporadic deposition, fluctu- Diplocraterion parallelum, very large Rhizocoral-
ating salinity levels, periods of reduced oxy- lium irregulare (type A), Phycosiphon and Taeni-
genation and soupy substrates (Coates & dium (type A). Common but subordinate
MacEachern 1999, 2000). elements include Palaeophycus tubularis, Macar-
onichnus isp., Planolites, Rosselia socialis, Rosse-
lia rotatus, Teiehichnus, fugichnia, Skolithos and
Facies 3: Interbedded bioturbated sandy Palaeophycus heberti. Uncommon elements
siltstone and laminated sandstone include Chondrites, Psammichnites, Rhizocoral-
lium irregulare, Zoophycos, Cylindrichnus and
Sedimentology Asterosoma. Diplocraterion parallelum and Rhi-
This facies is dominated by sparsely to moder- zocorallium irregulare (type A) are commonly
ately bioturbated sandy siltstone beds inter- large.
calated with thin (generally <10cm), low-angle
undulatory, parallel-laminated, very fine- to Interpretation
fine-grained sandstone beds, and thin (<5cm), Facies 3 records a marine depositional environ-
dark mudstone beds (Fig. 6a, b). Sandy siltstone ment that was periodically affected by storms,
beds are commonly truncated from above, and leading to the superimposition of sharp-based
their bases are indistinct owing to biogenic sand lenses and tabular beds as distal tempestites
mixing across the interface with underlying sand- over muds. Interbedded muds settled from sus-
stone units. Laminated sandstone beds are gener- pension or were distributed by gentle currents,
ally erosionally based and display laminated to and must therefore record periods of more
burrowed bedding, colloquially referred to as subdued (fair) weather. Facies 3 records a fair-
'Lam-Scram'. Relict HCS, low-angle planar weather resident trace fossil suite occupying
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sandy siltstones, erosionally truncated and over- reflect minor deltaic influence on the depositional
lain by sandstones with HCS, locally with a basal environment. Deltaic settings are associated with
lag, and commonly containing escape structures. increased levels of fluvial discharge and large
The fair-weather suite, dominated by the struc- amounts of associated organic detritus and clay
tures of deposit-feeding and grazing/foraging material, transported basinward during and
organisms, represents a diverse expression of immediately following storm events. During
the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies. In contrast, post-storm conditions, this mud mantles the
the trace fossil suite in the sandstone beds is tops of storm beds, shielding them from opportu-
dominated by vertical burrows of opportunistic nistic colonization, particularly by suspension
suspension feeders, resilient surface detritus feeders. High organic contents in the mud
feeders and passive carnivores and is indicative result in its rapid oxidation, and resulting
of the Skolithos ichnofacies. This recurring oxygen depletion at the seafloor: as a conse-
juxtaposition of the Cruziana and Skolithos ich- quence, many organisms are unable to colonize
nofacies is the basis for recognizing the mixed these substrates (e.g. Leithold 1989; Raychaud-
Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies (Howard & huri & Pemberton 1992; Saunders et al. 1994;
Frey 1984; Pemberton & Frey 1984; MacEachern Coates & MacEachern 1999, 2000; Bann &
& Pemberton 1992; Pemberton & MacEachern Fielding 2004). The common association of
1997). The overall mixed, diverse Skolithos- synaeresis cracks with the dark mudstone
Cruziana ichnofacies suite is complex and is drapes suggests a close linkage between the
characteristic of interbedded fair-weather units storm events and concomitant heightened preci-
and tempestites deposited within the upper off- pitation, increased surface runoff and rapid
shore, lying close to but below fair-weather fluvial discharge into the basin following storm
wavebase in a moderately storm-influenced abatement.
setting. This zone reflects the transition from The heterolithic character of this facies and, in
the lower shoreface to the offshore/shelf (e.g. off- particular, the presence of the dark claystones
shore transition; cf. Howard & Reineck 1981). with synaeresis cracks suggests that the setting
The storm assemblage represents the activities lies along depositional strike, but down-
of opportunistic organisms re-colonizing the sub- longshore drift, of a contemporaneous delta
strate following storm disruption (Pemberton & complex (e.g. Coates & MacEachern 1999,
Frey 1984; Vossler & Pemberton 1988; Pember- 2000; Bhattacharya & Willis 2001; Bann &
ton & MacEachern 1997). The tops of the Fielding 2004).
sandstone units contain trace fossils that repre-
sent initial opportunistic colonization. The sand-
stones grade upward into sandy siltstones Facies 4: Thoroughly bioturbated muddy
containing a fair-weather resident trace fossil sandstone
suite that indicates a return to quiescent condi-
tions following storm abatement (Pemberton Sedimentology
et al. 1992a, 1992b; Pemberton & MacEachern This facies comprises intensely bioturbated, 90-
1997). Storm activity presumably disrupted 180cm thick muddy sandstone units, inter-
bottom fauna and probably resulted in mass bedded with minor, thin (<15cm), erosionally
stranding and the transportation of organisms based, fine- to medium-grained sandstone beds.
to other environments (Rees et al. 1977; Dobbs Some sandstone beds display low-angle, undula-
& Vozarik 1983; Butman 1987). The large- tory, parallel lamination, interpreted as HCS and
diameter living tubes of Diplocraterion wave ripple cross-lamination. Shell fragments,
parallelum and large Rhizocorallium irregulare dispersed pebbles and granules, carbonaceous
(type A) are commonly filled with cleaner and/ detritus and allochthonous logs are locally
or coarser sediment within some assemblages of common.
the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies. The
coarse infills of these structures are interpreted Ichnology
as 'tubular tempestites' (Wanless et al. 1988; Facies 4 is characterized by pervasive bioturba-
Tedesco & Wanless 1991), and provide good tion, with intensities that vary from BI5 to
evidence for the prior existence of storm beds. BI 6, typically BI 5 (Fig. 7a, b). Bioturbation
The diversities of the trace fossil assemblages intensity is more or less uniform. Most ichno-
generally decrease in response to increases in genera are uniformly distributed.
storm intensity and/or frequency, and with The trace fossil assemblage is dominated by
increasing deltaic influence. Thin, unburrowed Rosselia socialis, Phycosiphon, Planolites, Diplo-
claystone drapes with synaeresis cracks occurring craterion habichi, Rhizocorallium irregulare,
at the tops of tempestites at some localities may Teichichnus, Rhizocorallium irregulare (type A),
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Fig. 7. (a) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5) silty sandstone with clay laminae (Facies 4). Proximal expression of
the Cruziana ichnofacies including Phycosiphon (Ph), Palaeophycus (Pa), Chondrites (Ch), Teichichnus,
Diplocraterion (D), Helminthopsis (H) and Planolites. Fig. 15, 11-13 m. (b) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5) silty
sandstone with clay laminae (Facies 4). Proximal expression of the Cruziana ichnofacies including Palaeophycus
(Pa), Phycosiphon, Planolites (P), Teichichnus (T), Chondrites (Ch), Rhizocorallium (Rh) and Psammichnites
(Ps). Shell debris (sh) is locally present. Fig. 15, 11-I 3 m. (e) Moderately to intensely bioturbated (BI 3-5)
sandstone (Facies 5) with Rosselia rotatus (Ro) containing Teichichnus-like expressions of the living tube (Te).
Fig. 1, south Pebbley Beach. (d) Sandstone (Facies 5) with abundant Teichichnus (Te) that represent the lower
tubular portion of Rosselia socialis and R. rotatus. Fig. 1, Mill Point. (e) Plan view of the same bed figured in
(d) showing a cross-section through the associated Rosselia mud balls (Ro).
Fig. 8. Facies 5. (a) Weakly bioturbated (BI 1-2) HCS and wave rippled sandstone, siltstone and thin, dark
claystone. The trace fossil suite comprises Diplocraterion habichi (D), Planolites (P), Rosselia (R) and fugichnia
(fu), corresponding to a proximal expression of the Cruziana ichnofacies. Fig. 14, 14.5-16.2m. (b) Plan view of
Diplocraterion habichi (D) in a tempestite. Fig. l, Mill Point. (c) Moderately well bioturbated (BI 4) sandstone
showing remnant low-angle, undulatory, parallel lamination and clay interlaminae. The trace fossil suite reflects
a proximal expression of the Cruziana ichnofacies, and comprises Planolites, Rosselia (R), Phycosiphon,
Chondrites, Helminthopsis, Teichichnus (Te), Diplocraterion and Palaeophycus. Fig. 1, Mill Point. (d) Very large
Rhizocora/lium irregulare (Rh) and Diplocraterion habichi (D) in a tempestite bed. Fig. l, Mill Point.
(e) Non-burrowed to weakly bioturbated (BI 0-1), HCS and wave-rippled sandstone and dark claystone.
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HCS sandstone beds represent the deposits of are dark, organic-rich (carbonaceous detritus),
particularly severe storms. The trace fossil generally silt-poor, and contain common to
suite, comprising a diverse mixture of robust, abundant, short synaeresis cracks.
complex deposit- and detritus-feeding structures,
is a proximal expression of the Cruziana ichno- Iehnology
facies. Facies 4 is interpreted to reflect deposition This facies is characterized by highly variable
in a well-oxygenated, open marine setting at or bioturbation intensities, ranging from BI0 to
just above fair-weather wavebase, consistent BI4. Laminated sandstone beds, interpreted
with the distal lower shoreface. The intensity as tempestites, range from BI0 to BI3, and
and uniformity of burrowing, and the scarcity typically BI2. Bioturbated muddy sandstone
of preserved primary sedimentary structures, beds range from BI 3 to BI 4, typically BI 4. Inter-
suggest considerable time breaks between vening thin claystone beds are generally non-
storms, during which the fair-weather fauna burrowed but rarely have a BI of 1. Bioturbation
reworked the substrate. The presence of consid- is sporadically distributed in the facies and 'Lam-
erable numbers of vertical burrows, such as Scram' bedding is common.
Diplocraterion habichi in some localities (Fig. The trace fossil assemblage is dominated by
7a), suggests that storm beds were rapidly colo- Rosselia socialis, R. rotatus and Rosselia (type
nized by opportunistic, suspension-feeding A) that exhibits a lateral shift of the mud-ball
organisms, prior to their re-colonization and and contains lateral spreiten (Figs 7c-e, 8a, c,
thorough reworking by the resident fair-weather h; Bann 1998). All forms of Rosselia may occur
community. with or without Teichichnus-like expressions of
the dwelling tube. Phycosiphon (Fig. 9a), Diplo-
craterion habichi (Fig. 8b), Rhizocorallium irregu-
Facies 5." Interbedded laminated sandstone, lare (type A, Fig. 8d), Diplocraterion parallelum
bioturbated muddy sandstone and dark (Fig. 9c, d), Macaronichnus isp. and fugichnia
claystone are also abundant. Common but subordinate
elements comprise Palaeophycus tubularis, Taeni-
Sedimen tology dium (type A), Skolithos, Conichnus (Fig. 9e),
This facies is composed principally of tabular to Psammichnites (Fig. 9f) and sandy, robust ?Zoo-
lensoidal sandstone beds, typically 0.2-0.5m phycos (Fig. 8f, g). Uncommon elements include
thick. These beds can be erosionally amalga- Lingulichnus (Fig. 9h), Chondrites, Macaron-
mated, or interbedded with bioturbated muddy ichnus segregatis, Taenidium (type B) and Cylin-
sandstone, or in some cases separated by thin drichnus. Fragmented Rosselia mud balls are
(0.2-6.0 cm), dark claystone partings. A charac- present within the tempestites, recording ero-
teristic feature of this facies is the presence of sional truncation, reworking and deposition as
interbedded lenses or thin beds of very coarse- clasts. The claystone interbeds contain small,
grained to granular/pebbly sandstone, the tops rare Planolites (Fig. 8e).
of which form sets of large (height 2-5 cm, wave- The assemblage, overall, is interpreted to
length 15-20 cm), symmetrical, gravelly ripples. reflect a diverse expression of the proximal
Some of these beds are internally composed of Cruziana ichnofacies (Fig. 9b).
a single set of unidirectional cross-stratification.
Most other sandstone beds show one or more Interpretation
of the following: well-preserved HCS, low-angle The strongly heterolithic character of Facies 5
planar cross-stratification, small symmetrical reflects marked variations in physical energy
wave ripples and combined flow ripple cross- and sedimentation rates. Most of the physical
lamination. The muddy sandstone beds resemble structures reflect storm deposition, particularly
those of Facies 4. Shelly debris along with dis- HCS, low-angle planar cross-stratification, com-
persed pebbles and granules and carbonaceous bined-flow and wave ripples. The laminated
detritus are locally common. Claystone interbeds sandstone units record episodic colonization
Carbonaceous detritus occurs within the sandstone beds. The trace fossil suite consists of diminutive Planolites
(P), Chondrites(Ch) and Phycosiphon(Ph). Note that, despite the presence of Phycosiphon, small synaeresis
cracks (sy) are present in the claystone. Fig. 14, 18.4-19 m. (f) Bedding plane view of a tentatively identified
Zoophycos (Z) comparable to that shown in cross-section in photo (g). The structure occurs in a silty HCS
sandstone bed interpreted as a tempestite. Fig. 15, 12.9-14.9 m. (g) Weakly bioturbated (BI 2), HCS sandstone,
siltstone and dark claystone with a bedding plane expression of the structures displayed in photo (f). The
structure (a cone-like, sand-filled depression) is tentatively identified as Zoophycos (Z). Fig. 14, 14.5-16.2 m.
(h) Example of a complex Rosselia rotatus (R). Fig. 1, south Pebbly Beach.
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Fig. 9. Trace fossils in Facies 4 and 5. (a) Phycosiphon (Ph) in a tempestite. (b). Idealized graphic
representation of characteristic trace fossils in lower shoreface deposits in the Pebbley Beach Formation. The
distal lower shoreface is characterized by a diverse suite of structures produced by complex deposit- and
detritus-feeding behaviours and specialized grazing behaviours. The vertical burrows of opportunistic
suspension feeders are associated with rare, thin tempestites. The overall trace fossil assemblage represents a
proximal expression of the Cruziana ichnofacies. The delta-influenced proximal lower shoreface is characterized
by interbedded tempestites, bioturbated fair-weather deposits and thin, unburrowed claystone beds with
synaeresis cracks. The trace fossil assemblage comprises a diverse mixture of robust, complex detritus- and
deposit-feeding structures, abundant fugichnia and the burrows of opportunistic suspension feeders, and
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Fig. 10. (a) Facies 4, bioturbated (BI 5) silty sandstone erosionally truncated by a transgressive surface of
erosion (TSE) and overlain by trough cross-bedded, medium-grained sandstones of Facies 6. The cross-bedded
sandstone shows a BI of 2, and contains moderate numbers of Diplocraterion habichi (Dh), reflecting the
Skolithos ichnofacies. Fig. 1, Mill Point. (b) Moderately bioturbated (B134) sandstone (Facies 6). The unit
contains abundant, elongate Diplocraterion habichi (Dh) and reflects the Skolithos ichnofacies. Fig. 15,
represents a slightly more diverse expression of the proximal Cruziana ichnofacies. The deltaic influences on the
depositional environment force the trace fossil assemblage to remain Cruziana in expression rather than
shifting to a distal expression of the Skolithos ichnofacies, as would be expected in a non-delta-influenced
proximal lower shoreface environment. Rosselia socialis (Rs), R. rotatus (Rr), Rosselia (type A, Rm),
Phycosiphon (P), Planolites (PI), Diplocraterion habichi (Dh), D. parallelum (Dp), Rhizocorallium irregulare
(Rh), Teichichnus (T), Macaronichnus isp. (M), M. segregatis (Ms), Palaeophycus tubularis (Pt), P. heberti (Ph),
Taenidium (type A, Ts), sandy, robust ?Zoophycos (Z), Skolithos (S), Psarnmichnites (Ps), Chondrites (Ch),
Conichnus (C), Lingulichnus (L), Taenidium (type B, Ta), Cylindrichnus (Cy), fugichnia (fu), Lam-Scram (LS),
synaeresis cracks (sy), truncated Rosselia mud balls (tR). (c) Plan view of large Diplocraterion parallelum (D).
(d) Vertical section through a large Diplocraterion parallelum (D). (e) Vertical section through a sand-filled
Conichnus (C). (f) Plan view of Psammichnites (Ps). (g) Vertical section through Diplocraterion habichi (D).
(11)Plan view of Lingulichnus (Li). Examples c-h are from Mill Point.
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structures, and greater variety in the intensity a variety of water depths. The well-preserved
and character of bioturbation. Palaeocurrent cross-bedding and other structures suggest shal-
data from cross-beds indicate a predominantly low, regularly agitated water above fair-weather
west to northwest sediment dispersal direction. wavebase for the most part. The overall trace
Shell material occurs as dispersed fragments fossil assemblage is dominated by burrows of
and disarticulated valves, or concentrated opportunistic suspension-feeding organisms,
pebbly lags largely composed of robust articu- with subordinate detritus- and deposit feeders,
lated Eurydesma hobartense. Other taxa present and is interpreted to reflect a distal expression
include shallowly burrowing bivalves such as of the Skolithos ichnofacies. The firmground
Megadesmus, Pyramus, Schizodus and Stutch- assemblages subtending from underlying erosion
buria, vagrant epifaunal forms including Aviculo- surfaces are characteristic of the Glossifungites
pecten and Peruvispira, the bellerophont ichnofacies, and indicate infaunal colonization
Warthia, the spiriferid brachiopod Ingelarella of firm but unlithified substrates during periods
and a biplicate species of the terebratuloid Gille- of depositional hiatus. Eurydesma hobartense is
dia (Runnegar 1979). Carbonaceous detritus, interpreted as an opportunistic species that flour-
including allochthonous logs, and large (up to ished on silt-free, current-swept, sublittoral
2m diameter), ovoid concretions are locally substrates (Runnegar 1979). Units that directly
common. overlie Facies 6 (typically the fine-grained
marine Facies 1, 2 and 3) tend to reflect deposi-
Ichnology tion in significantly deeper (more distal) deposi-
This facies is characterized by highly variable tional environments than those that underlie it.
bioturbation intensities, ranging from BI2-5. This suggests that the erosion surfaces beneath
Cross-bedded sandstone units tend to be less Facies 6 units represent transgressive surfaces
thoroughly bioturbated (BI 2-3), with sporadi- of erosion (TSE). This facies is therefore inter-
cally distributed burrows. The trace fossil suite preted to represent transgressive sand sheets
consists of Diplocraterion parallelum, D. habiehi that underwent winnowing and concomitant
(Fig. 10a, b), Rosselia socialis, Maearonichnus concentration of coarse-grained detritus and
isp. and Skolithos. shelly debris during periods of rising relative
The pebbly, shelly lags and pebbly sandstone sea-level. The composite nature and lateral
beds range from BI 3-5, and typically BI 5. The variability of this facies suggests that it reflects
trace fossil assemblage is dominated by Diplocra- deposition in various well-oxygenated, sedi-
terion habichi. Common but subordinate forms ment-starved, shallow marine settings. Predomi-
include Diplocraterion parallelum, Phycosiphon, nantly westward sediment dispersal direction is
Rosselia socialis, Planolites, Teichichnus and also consistent with deposition under trans-
sandy, robust ?Zoophyeos. gressive conditions.
Some sandstone beds are intensely bioturbated
(BI 4-5), with a diverse trace fossil assemblage
dominated by Diploeraterion habichi, D. paralle- Estuarine facies
lum and Rhizocorallium irregulare (type A).
Common but subordinate elements include Facies 7: Channelized, heterolithic
fugichnia, Phycosiphon, Rosselia socialis, R. rota- sandstone-mudstone
tus (with or without Teichichnus-like expressions
of the dwelling tube), Teichichnus, Planolites, Sedimen tology
Palaeophycus tubularis, Macaronichnus isp. and This facies comprises interlaminated and thinly
Skolithos. interbedded siltstone and fine-grained sandstone
Most occurrences of this facies directly overlie beds, confined to channelized bodies up to 6 m
erosional discontinuities, associated with firm- thick and typically 100-250 m wide, though com-
ground trace fossil assemblages. These assem- posite bodies (Facies 7/9: see below) may reach
blages comprise vertical, unlined, and passively several hundred metres in apparent width.
infilled domichnia that penetrate into the under- These bodies incise through all other facies,
lying facies and cross-cut the underlying trace including other Facies 7 units. Successions
fossil assemblage. pinch out laterally into thin (a few cm), laterally
persistent beds of siltstone with fine-grained
Interpretation sandstone laminae (which are representatives of
The presence of marine invertebrates again sug- Facies 8). Channel bases are typically marked
gests an open marine environment of deposition by thin, laterally discontinuous but persistent
for Facies 6, but the range of sedimentary struc- lags of well-rounded granules and pebbles, with
tures and lithologies points towards deposition in common coalified log casts (some petrified) and
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other carbonaceous plant debris. Lags pass least moderately sinuous. The predominance of
upward abruptly into the heterolithic facies linsen, lenticular and wavy bedding indicates
noted above, which typically show little system- that subequal proportions of sand and mud
atic upward change in lithology. The basal one were transported through the channels by uni-
metre or so of the channel bodies are locally directional flows of modest strength, and the
composed of trough cross-bedded, medium- to resulting bedforms were later modified by low-
very coarse-grained sandstone. Palaeocurrent energy waves in some cases. The bipolar distri-
measurements display a bipolar distribution of bution of ripple migration directions, and the
bedform migration directions. The heterolithic presence of mud drapes and rhythmic sand-
facies typically display 50:50 sand:silt ratios, mud couplets, confirm that tidal currents were
with individual beds ranging up to 5 cm thick. active in the channels. The low-diversity, low-
The facies shows linsen, lenticular and wavy abundance trace fossil assemblage is extremely
bedding (Fig. 1 l a, c). Sandstone beds contain a impoverished and represents a very restricted
spectrum of interlamination structures ranging expression of the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ich-
from linsen (pinstripe), through lenticular and nofacies that is characteristic of inshore coastal
wavy bedding to flaser bedding, Ripple cross- environments of deposition. These features
lamination is predominantly unidirectional with contrast strongly with the characteristics of the
some evidence of wave modification (symmetri- other heterolithic facies interpreted to have
cal sand drapes over unidirectional cross- formed in offshore and offshore transition envir-
lamination sets. Furthermore, the migration onments.
directions of current ripples define a markedly Bipolar current flow, suggesting reversing tidal
bipolar distribution in most outcrops. Some flows in otherwise low-energy settings, is charac-
ripple sets are overlain by a continuous mud teristic of inshore settings, and uncommon in the
drape (e.g. Fig. l la) and rhythmically inter- offshore; tidal flow in distal settings is typically
laminated sand-mud couplets are also common rotary rather than reversing. The impoverished
(Fig. l lb). Some intervals show convolute ichnological suites are typical of such estuarine
bedding and other soft-sediment deformation settings, which are subjected to highly variable
structures, including synaeresis cracks (Fig. and generally reduced salinities. The abundant
l la). Another characteristic feature of this and persistent synaeresis cracks also support a
facies is inclined heterolithic stratification brackish-water interpretation. Facies 7 is there-
(IHS). At the southern end of Point Upright, a fore interpreted to reflect active fill of laterally
channel with IHS also shows flat lying, discor- migrating, estuarine channels.
dant stratification (intrasets) between through-
going inclined bedding surfaces. Palaeocurrent
data indicate broadly westward and eastward Facies 8." Sheet-like, heterolithic s ands tone-
sediment dispersal. mudstone
Fig. 11. (a) Facies 7. Non-burrowed (BI 0) wavy bedding with oppositely oriented current ripples, and thick
mudstone drapes. Synaeresis cracks (sy) are locally developed within some mudstone interbeds. Fig. 15,
20.2-21 m. (b) Facies 7. Very weakly bioturbated (BI 1) wavy bedded sandstone and mudstone. Unit shows
undulatory parallel drapes of silt and clay as well as oppositely oriented ripples. Diminutive Planolites (P1) is
the only visible trace fossil. Synaeresis cracks occur locally. Fig. 15, 20.2-21 m. (c) Facies 7. Sandstone-
dominated wavy bedding, showing current ripple lamination, some combined flow ripple lamination and
parallel-laminated drapes. Bioturbation intensities reach BI 1-2, with some evidence of soft-sediment
deformation in the lower part of the photo. The assemblage consists of Planolites (PI) and exceedingly rare,
diminutive Skolithos. Synaeresis cracks are common. Fig. 15.22.2-25 m. (d) Facies 8. A flaser-bedded interval
of reactivated current ripples and combined flow ripples, with some evidence of aggradation. The facies shows
low bioturbation intensities (BI 1), manifest by isolated, diminutive Planolites (PI). Small synaeresis cracks (sy)
are locally developed. Fig. 14, 5.5-6.6 m. (e) Facies 8. Lenticular- and linsen-bedded sandstone and mudstone.
The unit shows very low bioturbation intensities (BI 1), consisting of diminutive Planolites (PI). Synaeresis
cracks (sy) are common. Fig. 1, north Mill Point. (f) Facies 8. Mudstone-dominated interval with siltstone and
sandstone ripples and rare synaeresis cracks (sy). The unit shows moderate bioturbation intensities (BI 3),
consisting of Planolites (Pl), Teichichnus (T) and Cylindrichnus (Cy), and reflects a low-diversity expression of
the Cruziana ichnofacies. Fig. 1, south Mill Point.
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Fig. 12. Facies 8. (a) Sandstone dominated, wavy to flaser bedding abruptly overlying Facies 1 mudstones,
marking the position of a sequence boundary (SB). The overlying heterolithic unit shows remnant wave,
combined flow and rarer current ripple lamination. This interval is moderately to abundantly bioturbated
(BI 3-4), and displays a suite comprising Palaeophycus (Pa), Planolites (P), Rosselia (Ro), Teichichnus (Te) and
unnamed equilibrium-adjustment burrows (e-a) reflecting a low-diversity expression of the Cruziana
ichnofacies. Note that some of the equilibrium-adjustment burrows subtend across the sequence boundary,
reflecting a palimpsest softground omission suite. Fig. l, north Mill Point. (b) Bedding plane view showing
well-developed equilibrium-adjustment burrows (e-a), Planolites (P) and Taenidium (type B, Ta). Bioturbation
intensity is BI 3. Fig. 15, 1--4m.
Fig. 13. (a) Soft-sediment deformed inclined heterolithic stratification (IHS) of Facies 7 (lower third of photo),
capped by dark mudstone of Facies 9. The mudstones are truncated by a transgressive surface of erosion (TSE)
and overlain by bioturbated (BI 4) silty sandstone of Facies 5. The TSE is ichnologically demarcated by a
firmground trace fossil assemblage that consists of unlined, robust, passively filled domichnia. The assemblage
contains Diplocraterion habichi (Dh), Skolithos and Planolites and represents the Glossifungites ichnofacies.
The photographed interval is approximately 50cm high. Fig. 1, north Point Upright, equivalent to Fig. 14,
14-14.5m. (b). Finely laminated dark silty mudstone (Facies 9). The facies is non-burrowed (BI 0). Fig. 14,
11.5-14.4m. (e). Dark, non-burrowed (BI 0) mudstone erosionally truncated by a transgressive surface of
erosion (TSE) and overlain by bioturbated (BI 4) Facies 6. The TSE is ichnologically demarcated by a
Glossifungites ichnofacies. Diplocraterion habichi (Dh). Fig. 15, 4.3 m. (d) Plan view of robust, unlined, sharply
outlined Diplocraterion habichi (Dh) that represent the Glossifungites ichnofacies. The burrow infill is
composed of coarse-grained sand from the overlying unit, and the structures stand out clearly from the
mudstone host facies. Fig. 1, south Pebbly Beach. (E) Robust, sharply outlined, passively filled Arenicolites (Ar)
subtending from a TSE into an underlying sandstone bed. This burrow represents colonization of a palimpsest
softground during transgression. Fig. 1, north of Clear Point.
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cracks associated with the facies is also consistent accumulation in estuarine channel and basin
with generally brackish-water conditions. The environments, in which tidal currents played an
facies is interpreted to reflect deposition in pro- important role and waves were generally sub-
tected, wave-influenced and periodically tidally dued. This implies a highly indented coastal
influenced brackish-water basins that formed planform, with perhaps large funnel-shaped
laterally adjacent to the estuarine channels of estuaries crossed by sinuous channels that were
Facies 7. flanked by (or drained into) shallow-water
basins. The lack of high-energy wave structures
in the estuarine facies suggests that estuaries
Facies 9: L a m i n a t e d m u d s t o n e may have been barred, and this notion is also
favoured by the presence of Facies 6, recording
Sedimentology transgressive complexes that may have origi-
This facies consists of laminated to blocky, nated as estuary-mouth barriers that migrated
medium to dark grey claystone and clayey silt- inboard during transgressions (cf. Dalrymple
stone, occurring either as channel fill or as et al. 1992). A summary of the ichnological
tabular units (Fig. 13a, b). The mud-filled differences between the estuarine and offshore
channel deposits are lateral equivalents to facies is illustrated in Figure 16a--c.
Facies 7 and form part of the channel complexes Similar arrays of facies to those recorded
described above, with a fill geometry that is here, and comparable interpreted depositional
broadly form-concordant with the basal erosion settings, are presented by Shanmugam et al.
surface. Tabular mudstone units typically overlie (2000), Beets et al. (2003) and Takano &
Facies 8. Thin (<3cm thick) sandstone and Waseda (2003).
siltstone layers with linsen (pinstripe) lamination
are persistent, and locally normally graded.
Small pyrite concretions and coaly plant debris Sequence stratigraphy of the Pebbley Beach
are locally present, but rare. At Point Upright Formation
the mudstone facies occurs within a channel
with a well-developed basal clast layer. The vertical stacking patterns of facies in the
Pebbley Beach Formation pose some consider-
Ichnology able challenges to sequence stratigraphic inter-
Bioturbation is absent (BI 0) except where the pretation (Fig. 16d, e, Fig. 17). Nevertheless, a
mudstone is truncated by a discontinuity surface series of unconformity-bounded, cyclical stratal
(Fig. 13c). packages can be recognized from the vertical
arrangement of facies. In the part of the Pebbley
Interpretation Beach Formation under consideration, these
The complete absence of bioturbation suggests cycles are < 10 m thick, and thus could represent
anaerobic and/or reduced salinity conditions. high-frequency (fourth- to sixth-order) para-
Robust, passively filled domichnia that cross- sequences (Van Wagoner et al. 1988; see Naish
cut the mudstone are characteristic of the Glossi- & Kamp 1997), intermediate-scale packages
fungites ichnofacies and indicate depositional (e.g. Swift et al. 2003), or true sequences
hiatus and colonization of a firm but unlithified formed in a low-accommodation setting (e.g.
substrate (see Fig. 13d, e for other examples of Kidwell 1997; Fielding et al. 2000). Given the
omission suites and Glossifungites ichnofacies long period apparently recorded by the Pebbley
in the Pebbley Beach Formation). Facies 9 is Beach Formation (c. 14Ma, according to
interpreted to reflect deposition in abandoned Briggs 1998), it seems likely that the cycles
estuarine channels and basins. under consideration are true sequences (third-
order or lower).
Regardless of the differing timeframes over
Summary of depositional environment which these cycles may have formed, many of
the examples cited above show a condensed char-
The middle and upper parts of the Pebbley Beach acter, with little preservation of lowstand systems
Formation are interpreted to record a range of tracts and considerable erosional truncation of
coastal and nearshore marine depositional envir- the highstand systems tract. This pattern is also
onments (Figs 14, 15). Open marine facies (1-5) evident in the Pebbley Beach Formation, where
record lower offshore to lower shoreface water most sequences show evidence of significant
depths, with shallower shoreface and shoreline erosion during the falling limb of relative sea-
facies largely absent (see Sequence stratigraphy level cycles. The greatest degree of erosion is
below). Coastal facies (7-9) record sediment associated with the incision of the estuarine
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Fig. 14. Graphic log of the Pebbley Beach Formation at Point Upright.
channels. The amount of section removed varies facies from previous cycles adds to the challenge
locally, in some cases an entire sequence appar- of developing a realistic and useful sequence
ently removed and the estuarine channel fill stratigraphic model.
juxtaposed above facies from an earlier deposi- The integration of ichnofacies analysis and
tional cycle. This juxtaposition of fine-grained sedimentology has provided a powerful tool for
coastal deposits onto lithologically similar the reliable discrimination between lithologically
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Fig. 15. Graphic log of the Pebbley Beach Formation at Clear Point.
similar but nonetheless disparate environments. suites, and in particular the Glossifungites ichno-
Ichnology in particular has proven to be invalu- facies, has facilitated the delineation and genetic
able in the discrimination of fully marine and interpretation of key surfaces, notably sequence
brackish estuarine deposits. In addition, the boundaries and transgressive surfaces (Fig.
recognition of substrate-controlled trace fossil 18a-e). Surfaces recognized in this study have
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Fig. 16. Summary diagram of the ichnological signature of brackish-water versus open marine deposits in the
Pebbley Beach Formation showing the differences in bioturbation intensity, uniformity versus sporadic
distribution of bioturbation and trace fossil assemblages. Block diagrams show idealized representation of the
characteristic trace fossil assemblage in (a) fine-grained fully marine and (b) estuarine deposits. (c) Trace fossil
assemblage key and indication of typical bioturbation intensity and uniform versus sporadic distribution.
See Figure 4 for an explanation of bioturbation intensity (BI). (d) Vertical view through heterolithic interval
illustrating the minimal differences in lithology between the offshore facies and the estuarine channel fill.
(e) Close-up view of the juxtaposition of heterolithic estuarine deposits onto heterolithic offshore units.
This surface is very subtle and in some instances marked by an omission suite of Diplocraterion habichi (D).
Fig. 15, 18-23 m.
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0 ~1
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Fig. 18. Discontinuity surfaces. (a) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5) muddy siltstone (Facies 1, 1o), overlain by
non-bioturbated, coarse-grained, channel base of Facies 7 (ec). The boundary between the two units is
ichnologically demarcated by Skolithos (Sk) of the GIossifungites ichnofacies, and represents an amalgamated
sequence boundary/flooding surface (i.e. FS/SB). The offshore siltstone contains a distal expression of the
Cruziana ichnofacies, dominated by diminutive Rosselia (Ro), Phycosiphon, diminutive Zoophycos (Z),
Helrninthopsis, Teichichnus (Te) and Planolites (P). Fig. 15, 21.1-21.85 m. (b) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5),
muddy siltstone (Facies 1, lo), overlain by moderately bioturbated, wavy to lenticular bedded sandstone and
mudstone (eb, Facies 8). The boundary between the units contains grit-filled Conichnus (C) interpreted to
constitute part of the Glossifungites ichnofacies, and represents a FS/SB. Fig. 1, north Mill Point.
(e) Thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5), muddy siltstone (Facies 1, lo), overlain by moderately bioturbated, wavy to
ienticular bedded sandstone and mudstone (eb, Facies 8) with equilibrium adjustment structures (ca)
protruding across the sequence boundary. Fig. 1, north Mill Point. (d) Lenticular to wavy bedded sandstone
and silty mudstone (Facies 7, ec), overlain by thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5) muddy siltstone (Facies 1, the unit
seen in the basal half of photo A, lo). The boundary between the two units is marked by a thoroughly
bioturbated (BI 5) pebbly sandstone horizon that hosts a palimpsest suite of Diplocraterion habichi (D) and is
Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
been physically traced over the extent of cliff out- Skolithos also occur locally (Fig. 18a, b). The
crops and can be shown to be continuous over sandstone is overlain by heterolithic sandstone
the distance from Point Upright to Clear Point and siltstone. At other localities the sandstone
(c. 5km straight line distance, considerably is absent, and the erosive channel bases are
further around the coastline; Fig. 1). Over the directly overlain by either heterolithic fill or
vertical interval considered, eight sequences can dark grey siltstone (Facies 9). The heterolithic
be recognized. Of these, two (Sequences 2 and deposits probably represent backfilling of the
6) are not readily divisible into systems tracts, estuarine channels during ensuing sea-level rise.
but rather seem to record a stack of coarsening- The presence of firmground suites of trace fossils
upward parasequences. The other sequences, along the sequence boundaries adds strength to
however, display the highly condensed and trun- the argument for channel filling during rising
cated architecture described above. Sequences 4 sea-level (transgressive systems tract) as,
and 5 are highly complex, recording multiple although subaerial exposure and/or erosion
generations of channel incision at Mill Point during lowstand may generate widespread
(Fig. 18f), and may indeed each represent more dewatered or firm substrates, such surfaces are
than one sequence. Furthermore, these two unlikely to have become colonized unless they
sequences become amalgamated as they are were subsequently exposed to marine or
traced southward towards and along Point marginal marine conditions (Pemberton &
Upright (Fig. 19). MacEachern 1995). Sequence boundaries in the
Pebbley Beach Formation are therefore
amalgamated with marine flooding surfaces (i.e.
Sequence boundaries FS/SB).
interpreted as a transgressive surface of erosion (TSE). Fig. 15, 20.8-21.3 m. Lens cap is 5 cm across.
(e) Transgressive surface of erosion veneered with shelly pebbly lag. This surface has abundant Diplocraterion
habichi (D) of the Glossifungites ichnofacies descending into the underlying, thoroughly bioturbated (BI 5)
Facies 3. Fig. 15, 11.1 m. (0. Outcrop view of the complex nature of the stacking patterns in the Pebbley Beach
Formation (sequences 3-6). Lenticular to wavy bedded Facies 8 (EB) are overlain (to the left of the photo) by
HCS Facies 5 (LSF). The boundary between these two basal units is interpreted as a transgressive surface of
erosion (TSE). These facies are truncated by lenticular to wavy bedded Facies 7 showing IHS and occupying a
channel. The base of this channel is interpreted as an FS/SB that amalgamates to the right with the underlying
TSE. The channel fill is truncated by a TSE that is overlain by burrowed silty sandstone (Facies 4). This is
truncated by another channel to the left that wedges out along strike to the north (right) and is truncated by
burrowed silty sandstone (Facies 4). See Figure 19, Mill Point south end.
Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
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Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
facies (lower offshore deposits) overlie intensely Implications of the sequence stratigraphic
bioturbated sandy siltstone facies (upper off- interpretation
shore deposits), the FS is generally not visibly
disturbed by the diminutive surface-grazing As suggested above, the thin and condensed
trace-makers that are characteristic of the lower sequences recognized in the upper Pebbley
offshore environment. However, where intensely Beach Formation indicate a continental margin
burrowed upper offshore sandy siltstones overlie environment where sediment accumulation in
sandy lower shoreface deposits, the FS is the nearshore realm was limited by accommoda-
generally more gradational in expression, largely tion. Sequence boundaries may be recognized
as a result of the complete reworking of the with care from a combination of lithological
contact by the comparatively more robust and ichnological criteria, but apart from local
deposit feeders that are abundant in the upper coarse-grained ?alluvial sandstones preserved at
offshore. the base of some channels, no lowstand systems
Transgressive surfaces of erosion in the tract deposits are evident. Transgressive systems
Pebbley Beach Formation occur as low-relief, tract facies are well preserved though typically
extensive discontinuity surfaces that show thin, and highstand systems tracts are typically
evidence of excavation by wave and current erosionally truncated by the overlying sequence
processes, associated with erosional shoreface boundary. This has led to a highly complex
retreat during transgression ('ravinement': Swift stratigraphic architecture with a dominance of
1975; Arnott 1995). These surfaces are generally heterolithic sandstone-mudstone facies, and no
veneered by a pebbly lag locally built into large thick sandstone bodies preserved (Fig. 19).
(height 3-5 cm, wavelength 15-20 cm), symmetri- One corollary of this architecture that would
cal ripples. The lags can also contain abundant not have been evident from previous analyses
shell material (Fig. 18e). Carbonaceous detritus of the unit is that significant volumes of shore-
including allochthonous logs is also locally face sand are missing from these sequences. We
common. suggest that, during falling sea-level, much of
Most TSE in the Pebbley Beach Formation the record of the previous coastal progradation
host passively filled, palimpsest suites of trace (perhaps 10-20 m vertical interval of dominantly
fossils that subtend from the discontinuity sand) must have been exported into greater off-
surface and cross-cut the underlying trace fossil shore, to the east of the exposures. Thus,
suite. Where the underlying units consist of although the exposed succession is of little
finer-grained mudstone and siltstone, the direct interest to hydrocarbon exploration
palimpsest suites reflect the Glossifungites owing to a lack of viable reservoir, it may provide
ichnofacies. In contrast, where the underlying vectors towards more substantial reservoir devel-
stratum is sandstone, a softground palimpsest opment down-palaeoslope to the east.
ichnological suite is more typically developed.
Suites of the Glossifungites ichnofacies in
the Pebbley Beach Formation consist of vertical Conclusions
to subvertical domichnia, produced by oppor-
tunistic, predominantly suspension-feeding The Pebbley Beach Formation in the southern
organisms during hiatus (erosional and/or non- Sydney Basin contains a mixture of:
depositional). The burrows are generally sharp- 9 fully marine, fine-grained, moderately to inten-
walled, robust and unlined, reflecting the firm sely bioturbated offshore deposits;
but unlithified nature of the substrate at the 9 moderately to intensely bioturbated sandy
time of colonization and burrow excavation. shoreface successions;
The passive nature of the burrow fills indicate 9 weakly to moderately bioturbated, interlami-
that the structures remained open after the nated sandy and silty delta-influenced shore-
inhabitants had vacated them, and they were face successions; and
subsequently filled with sediment from the 9 weakly to moderately bioturbated, generally
successive depositional event. The most abun- mostly fine-grained estuarine deposits.
dant element of the Glossifungites ichnofacies
is densely spaced Diplocraterion habichi, with Marine deposits contain abundant and diverse
subordinate Skolithos and Conichnus. trace fossil suites. Offshore deposits in the
Palimpsest softground suites in the Pebbley Pebbley Beach Formation contain highly diverse
Beach Formation are also dominated by Diplo- trace fossil assemblages that comprise a complex
craterion habiehi. Diplocraterion parallelum and mixture of structures produced by deposit-
the lower, Teichichnus-like tubes of Rosselia are feeding and grazing/foraging behaviours and
subordinate elements. reflect the archetypal Cruziana ichnofacies.
Downloaded from at Dalhousie University on July 13, 2014
Vertical burrows that represent the dwellings of The middle and upper parts of the Pebbley
predominantly suspension-feeding organisms Beach Formation have been divided into a
(e.g. elements of the Skolithos ichnofacies) series of sequences, each reflecting a cycle of
correspond to the opportunistic colonization of fall and rise in relative sea-level. The sequences
distal tempestites. Intensely burrowed sandy are thin, condensed and top-truncated, but are
shoreface intervals in the Pebbley Beach Forma- nonetheless similar to some other published
tion contain trace fossil assemblages that contain examples of continental margin successions accu-
diverse mixtures of robust, complex deposit- and mulated under low-accommodation conditions.
detritus-feeding structures. The assemblages The basal sequence boundary for each sequence
reflect proximal expressions of the Cruziana is demarcated by a channelized erosion surface,
ichnofacies and are characteristic of well- in some cases with a coarse sandstone recording
oxygenated, open marine settings at or immedi- the lowstand systems tract. The overlying estuar-
ately above fair-weather wavebase. ine channel and/or basin deposits, transgressive
Delta-influenced shoreface successions are surface and fining-upward marine facies record
strongly heterolithic and contain sporadically the transgressive systems tract, and fine-grained
distributed, diverse trace fossil suites that to coarsening-upward nearshore marine facies
record proximal expressions of the Cruziana are erosionally truncated at the top by the next
ichnofacies. Unburrowed claystone interbeds sequence boundary.
reflect heightened precipitation, increased sur- Key discontinuity surfaces in the Pebbley
face runoff at the coast, and enhanced fluvial dis- Beach Formation are generally ichnologically
charge through distributaries of nearby delta demarcated by palimpsest omission trace fossil
lobes that lie updrift and along depositional suites. Firmground assemblages reflecting the
strike. In general, the fully marine successions Glossifungites ichnofacies occur at the base of
in the Pebbley Beach Formation contain trace estuarine channel and basin facies, suggesting
fossil suites that display moderate to intense bio- that sequence boundaries in the Pebbley Beach
turbation, are characterized by a high diversity of Formation are amalgamated with marine flood-
forms, contain significant numbers of structures ing surfaces (i.e. FS/SB). Transgressive surfaces
reflecting specialized feeding/grazing behaviours, of erosion in the Pebbley Beach Formation are
and display uniform ichnogenera distributions, also demarcated by firmground suites consisting
all characteristics of equilibrium communities of vertical to subvertical domichnia, produced by
within fully marine environments. opportunistic, predominantly suspension-feed-
Estuarine deposits in the Pebbley Beach ing organisms during periods of depositional
Formation contain extremely impoverished hiatus (erosional and/or non-depositional).
ichnological suites. In general, the facies show The re-evaluation of the middle and upper
variable but significantly reduced degrees of bio- Pebbley Beach Formation presented herein pro-
turbation intensity, pronounced variability in the vides a vivid example of the value of ichnology
distribution of individual ichnogenera, and the to stratigraphic analysis of nearshore marine to
dominance of a few, simple forms. The dominant coastal facies successions. The resulting sequence
elements represent simple feeding strategies of stratigraphic model is consistent with all field
resilient trophic generalists. data, and has predictive capabilities that may
Estuarine active channel deposits are sparsely be useful in the search for hydrocarbons in this
burrowed by trace fossil suites comprising less under-explored basin.
than three ichnogenera, and generally only one.
The low-diversity, low-abundance mixed Funding was supplied by a University of Queensland
Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies assemblages Research Fellowship to KLB and by a research grant
and the abundance of synaeresis cracks in these awarded to KLB and CRF by Oil Company of Austra-
lia Ltd and SANTOS Ltd. JAM was funded by
units reflect fluctuating salinity levels, episodic NSERC Operating Grant #184293. Professors Brian
deposition, and variability in substrate consis- Jones and Tony Wright are gratefully acknowledged
tency. Estuarine basin deposits contain slightly for insights into the Pebbley Beach Formation. R.
more diverse trace fossil assemblages, and some Higgs and R. McNaughton are thanked for their
suites are moderately diverse locally. The suites reviews.
can be regarded as impoverished marine
assemblages, and reflect a low-diversity expres-
sion of the mixed Skolithos-Cruziana ichno- References
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