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Graduate Work

Theme: Style of poetry Edgar Allan Poe and his main ideas

Done by: Nurjan k. Malike

Group: Фил-1-18

Checked by: Kasymbekov N.K.


Introduction …………........................................................
Chapter 1. Who reserched Edgar Allan Poe?
1.1Reserchers of Edgar Allan Poe in Russia ….........
1.2Researchers Edgar Allan Poe In USA ……………..
1.3Reserchers Edgar Allan Poe In Europe.........
Cheper 2. Methodology

Edgar Poe is one of the poets whose work is widely read across the world. He is one of the first
American writers who managed to rely completely on writing as a source of livelihood. .
His use
of terror and the supernatural made him famous as one of the popular Gothic writers.
Poe has written numerous books and poems, with over 18 noted books. His cryptic
writing has been recognized by Sir Conan Doyle as exceptional and able to bring life
to the characters he portrays. Poe's life and work are particularly well studied in
Terence Whalen's The Political Economy of Literature in Antebellum America. In
addition, Milton Meltzer's Edgar Allan Poe: A Biography describes literary works
and criticism of Poe's books and poetry. Edgar Allan Poe was known for his gothic
gruesome writing style. However, he also used his writing to express political
feelings, especially regarding racism, slavery, and social divisions in the US South.
This was compared to the situation in Europe, when Po supported the concept of
slavery. Author Toni Morrison, in his book titled Playing in the Dark, identified Po
along with Mark Twain as an author whose work was haunted by blackness. "Tony
Morrison argues that no early American writer was more important than Poe in
shaping the concept of "American Africanism"
PO's works were largely obscured for about 50 years after his death due to copyright
restrictions held by his performer Dr. Rufus B. Griswold. "Nearly fifty years have

passed since the death of Edgar Allan Poe, and his writings are now for the first time
collected together with an attempt at accuracy and completeness"
Despite producing numerous poems, Poe was best known for his genre of horror and
science fiction novels, and Walt Whitman described his work as "illustrated poetry."
To this day, researchers of his creativity are lost in the face of the oddities and the
contradictions of his life and many interpretations, which are (if any) of his work. In
the critical literature there is even the term "mystery of Edgar software." He is
considered to be a mystic and rationalist, symbolist and aetet, the forerunner of
decades and modernism, a singer of mind and madness - and all this there are the
same foundations.

The relevance of the topic is as follows:

The work of the American poet and writer Edgar Allan Poe is of great interest
among readers around the world. The founder of a number of new genres, America's
first professional writer, a master who incomprehensibly combined poetic genius and
mathematical harmony, a knight of logic, whose work will forever remain in the
memory of posterity. His contribution to world literature is undeniable, his ideas
continue to influence world literatre. Poe has been internationally recognized as an
author of gothic horror stories and poetry. He also criticized the political scene in
light of the turbulent changes in the US South. He formed a peculiar personal style of
dark lyrics, gothic stories filled with horror, murder and terror. This work explores
various examples of Poe's writing and provides a modern interpretation of his various
styles and uses.
World fame and recognition, which Poe received, unfortunately, after his death, give
rise to a deceptive image of him as a prolific author. Poe's poetic canon has a little
over fifty works, among which we will find only two relatively long poems -
"Tamerlane" and "Al-Aaraaf". The rest are relatively small.

The object of this study is the work of Edgar Allan Poe

The subject of this study is: The ideological content of the poetry of Edgar Allan
The purpose of the work is : To determine the style of poetry of Edgar Allan Poe
and their main ideas.
To achieve the goal it is necessary to solve the following tasks

 To analyze the poems of Edgar Allan Poe

 To reveal the idea of the work of Edgar Allan Poe

 To define the style of Edgar Allan Poe

Reserchers of Edgar Allan Poe in Russia

"The work of Edgar Allan Poe has a long history of study. There are a large number
of critical and literary works about his work - both domestic and foreign. Starting
from the second half of the 19th century, it was considered from different positions
and in different aspects by both artists of the word and researchers: F.M.
Dostoevsky, J. Verne, G. Allen, P.F. Quinn, J.Yu. Englekirk, K.L. Anderson, J.
Grossman, Yu.V. Kovalev and others. “... The task of the researcher today is not to
find a delicate way to state the “ugly” aspects of Poe's socio-political beliefs, but to
explain them in the light of the characteristic features of American public life and
public consciousness in the second quarter of the 19th century »11, - Yu.V.
Kovalev. A similar point of view is shared by E.F. Osipov. “... One should study
Poe by changing the angle and point of view - either approaching the text as much as
possible, then moving away from it so that one can take a look at the writer’s work as
a whole, see him against the backdrop of contemporary literary and social life.”

This judgment characterizes, in our opinion, the need that persists today in relation to
creative phenomena that have a long history of study, but at the same time contain
such depths that are only now beginning to be opened up for understanding from the
standpoint of science. In modern literary criticism, there are various scientific works

dedicated to the life and work of E. Poe. This study focuses on E. Poe's current
research experience, which includes the work of the last three decades. Among them
is the monograph by N.A. Shogentsukova "The Experience of Ontological Poetics"
(1995), where the author studies the poetics of the American writer's works.
Monograph by M.V. Paholkina "Edgar Poe, literary critic, poet and prose writer, and
the traditions of symbolism" (2003) is one of the few that analyzes Poe's poetry. In
The Edgar Poe Mysteries: Studies and Commentaries (2004), E.F. Osipova15 speaks
about the poetics of irony and its functions in the writer's "terrible" short stories. S.
Peoples in his work "Edgar Allan Poe: Life After Death" ("The Afterlife of Edgar
Allan Poe", 2007) talks about the scandals that accompanied Poe's life, about the
connection of his works with his personality, about his influence on culture. A.
Misrahi17 in the monograph "Edgar Allan Poe" (2007) explores the life and literary
path of the writer, analyzes his poetry and prose. Research by A.P. Urakova "The
Poetics of the Body in the Stories of Edgar Allan Poe" (2009) is experimental: the
author attempts to reread Poe's works "from the standpoint of the problem of
representation of the body that is relevant to modern literary theory." Monograph
T.V. Kolcheva "Edgar Poe and Russian Symbolism" is devoted to the influence of
the American romantic on the work of N.V. Gogol and Russian symbolist writers.
A.B. Tanaseychuk calls his work “Edgar Poe. The gloomy genius ”(2015) is the first
Russian-language biography of the writer. Of particular note is the modern English-
language biography of E. Poe, created by one of the masters of modern English
literature, P. Ackroyd, who created a number of writers' biographies. The American
romance is dedicated to his book “E. By. Burnt Life” (“Poe: A life cut short”, 2008).
5 dissertations in the specialty are devoted to the problems of E. Po's creativity. So, in
the study of A.P. Urakova "Images and Metaphors of the Body in the Stories of
Edgar Allan Poe" (2009) explores "strategies and mechanisms of semiotization of the
body (including their inevitable dramatic limit)" in E. Poe's stories. M.N. Pavlova in
her dissertation "Artistic comprehension of science in the work of Edgar Poe" (2010)
traced "the evolution of artistic comprehension of natural and exact sciences in the
work of E. Poe" and determined the role of science in his aesthetics. In the work of
E.Yu. Zabaeva “Edgar Allan Poe and the “senior” Russian symbolist poets:
problems of reception” (2011) revealed “specific features of E. Poe’s poetics and
aesthetics, reflected in the work of Russian symbolists (D. Merezhkovsky, Gippius,
F. Sologub, K Balmont and V. Bryusov).

The purpose of the study by O.A. Kasyanova "Reception of E. Poe's creativity and
personality in French criticism, fiction and culture" (2011) is "a comprehensive
examination of the reception of the personality and creativity of Edgar Poe in French

cinema literature; a study of the evolution of the perception of the image of E. Poe in
French culture of the 20th century ; disclosure of the specifics of the “French Poe”
phenomenon” O.V. Lebedeva, in one of the paragraphs of her dissertation “The
English short story from the origins to the present” (2017), studies the influence of E.
Poe on the development of the English short story and concludes that “the significant
transformations of the English short story genre in the second half of the 19th century
were due to an in-depth study of the inner world of a person , are associated with the
name of the American writer Edgar Allan Poe, who acted as an artistic innovator in
the field of psychological short stories. Zvereva, A.P. Urakova, V.I. Cherednikova,
E.F. Osipova, E.M. Apenko and others. At the same time, in the last decade there
has been a slight decrease in research activity in this area - which seems to us
unjustified, since the creative heritage of E. Poe, one of the most mysterious geniuses
of world literature, needs a new understanding, corresponding to the current state of
the humanities.

Reserchers Edgar Allan Poe in USA

For a century and a half, the work of the outstanding American romantic Edgar Allan
Poe (1809 - 1849) has attracted the almost unquenchable interest of critics and
researchers. At the same time, judgments concerning various aspects of the artistic
heritage of E. Poe are extremely contradictory. There is no doubt that E. Poe was a
versatile innovator in the field of prose and versification. The subtle psychologism of
the stories of the American romantic, the mixture of the terrible and the mysterious
with strict logical analysis, had a tangible impact on the further development of world
literature. One of the first professional literary critics in the United States, Poe
formulated and substantiated the famous aesthetic principle of "unity of effect". In
addition, the writer significantly expanded the genre range of romanticism: he is
credited with the invention of the detective story and science fiction.
Probably, there is no such literary direction, from the standpoint of which the works
of E. Poe would not be analyzed at one time or another. With all the numerous and
contradictory scientific works on Poe, in each of the periods of critical development
of his work, a certain main trend can be traced.
Back in the 19th century, a number of essays on his life and work were published by
contemporaries of Edgar Allan Poe. Thus, the poet and publicist James Russell
Lowell (1819 - 1891) and the poetess Sarah Helen Whitman (1803 - 1878) 2 highly

appreciate Poe's work. However, Poe's biography, full of unpleasant details,
fabricated by his literary executor Rufus Griswold (1815) became most famous. -
1857) due to personal hostility.

G. J. Robertson, M. Bonaparte). Most of the works in this direction are

characterized by pronounced biographical reductionism: researchers associate the
originality of E. Poe's works exclusively with the aberrations of the writer's
consciousness, the origins of which they looked for in the facts of the romanticist's
It is significant that, in line with the biographical trend, the researchers deliberately
removed Poe's work from the historical context, arguing that there are practically no
echoes of social and historical events in the United States of the 19th century in his
works. In the most concentrated form, such a research position found expression in
the following statement by Joseph Kratch, a representative of the psychological
method: "Poe's works have absolutely no connection - either external or internal -
with the life of this or that people", "they cannot be explained by any social or
intellectual tendencies, or read as an expression of the spirit of some time.
Against the background of works written from the standpoint of flat biographism,
many of which today “cause only a smile”5, it should be noted a number of works
that have not lost their value to this day.
In 1925, Margaret Alterton's monograph "The Origins of Poe's Critical Theory"6 was
published, the author of which identifies the sources of E. Poe's aesthetic views and
demonstrates how E. Poe's famous principle of "unity of effect" could have been
formed under the influence of numerous works, articles and notes from the field of
art history, jurisprudence, philosophy and natural sciences, read by the writer in

In 1941, an extensive and to this day the most authoritative biography of E. Poe,
written by A.-G. Quinn2. In it, the life of the writer for the first time appears cleared
of numerous legends, the creators of which were both literary critics (led by R.
Griswold) and E. Poe himself.
However, the reputation of a romantic escapist, who, according to J. Kratch, "has no
connection with the life of this or that people," stuck with Edgar Allan Poe for a long
time. It is no coincidence that in the 1970s and 80s his work abroad aroused
particular interest among representatives of structuralism and poststructuralism. In
1973, Roland Barthes, the creator of the literary concept of "the death of the author",

chose E. Poe's short story "The Truth About What Happened to Mr. Waldemar" to
illustrate his method of analysis3. Jacques Derrida4 and Jacques Lacan5 drew
attention to the rich potential of E. Poe's works for their text-centric analysis. In
1981, the post-structuralist C. Richard noted: “If we approach American literature
from the standpoint of literary history, then we will not meet Poe anywhere, because
he simply does not fit into the“ overall picture ”6. Separately, one more direction
should be designated, outlined in the 1970 collection "New Approaches to the Study
of Poe's Creativity". According to this trend, the writer appears not so much as a
gloomy romantic, obsessed with the themes of death and madness, which he often


1. IN AND. Cherednichenko. Lyrics by Edgar Allan Poe. pp. 4–42

2. cal parallel. pp. 42–47.
3. Yu.V. Luchinsky. "Article Ludwig": sketch of a hoax. pp. 48–60.
4. VK. Sarishvili. Climbing Everest, or Confession of a translator.
5. pp. 61–66.
6. Materials for the biography
7. E.A. By. Memorandum (Autobiography). pp. 67–69.
8. 10 Orlitsky Yu. Edgar Allan Poe. New materials and research // No-
9. you world. 2012.
10.RU. Griswold. "Ludwig's article". pp. 70–82.
11.N.P. Willis. Death of Edgar A. Poe. pp. 83–91.
12."Golden Fund" of journalism and criticism
13.D.D. Burliuk. Footprint of the great Edgar Allan Poe in New York. pp. 92–
14.Annabel-Lee (translated by Altalena). pp. 105–106.
15.Eldorado (translated by Altalena). pp. 106–107.
16.Raven (translated by V. Sarishvili). pp. 108–111.

17.I n m e m o r i a m. Dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the publication of
The Crow
18.I.V. O-h. Edgar Allan Poe (Sonnet). S. 112.
19.I.V. O-h. Edgar Allan Poe reads The Crow in Graham's Magazine
20.mine 1843 (Ballad). pp. 112–114.

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