5 - Improvement of MEA Performance For PEFC
5 - Improvement of MEA Performance For PEFC
5 - Improvement of MEA Performance For PEFC
Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. has been developing a variety of perfluorinated ion exchange
polymers (ionomers) in order to improve the performance, durability and robustness of
membrane electrode assembly (MEA) for polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC). In the present
report, the effect of high oxygen permeable ionomers on MEA performance is described. At
first, the oxygen permeability of some ionomers was determined by means of potential step
chronoamperometry with a Pt microelectrode. It was confirmed that the newly developed
ionomers had higher oxygen permeability compared with reference ionomer, and the
permeability strongly depended on ionomer density. Then, the MEA performance was
improved by using the high oxygen permeable ionomers in cathodes. These results also
suggested that the high oxygen permeable ionomers would be available for the reduction of
Pt loading in MEA cathodes.
*Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd., Technology General Division, New Product R&D Center, Planning & Administration Group
**Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd., Technology General Division, New Product R&D Center, Business Incubation Group
*** Asahi Glass Co.,Ltd.,Technology General Division, New Product R&D Center, New Product Group 2
Res. Reports Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., 66(2016)
2.2 Oxygen permeability and solubility in Here, n, F, A and r are the number of electrons
ionomers transferred (4 for ORR on Pt), the Faraday constant,
The oxygen permeability and solubility the geometrical area of the microdisk electrode, and
旭硝子研究報告 66(2016)
Res. Reports Asahi Glass Co., Ltd., 66(2016)
4. Conclusion
The mass transport parameters of oxygen in the
newly synthesized perfluorinated ionomers were
evaluated by means of electrochemical techniques.
Fig.3 Effect of ionomer on MEA performance at 80℃ , As a result it was confirmed that the permeability
40% RH, 150 kPa-abs, H2/air=0.75/2.5 L·min-1, strongly depended on the ionomer density. Then,
solid: cell voltage, broken: IR free voltage.
the IV performance was found to be improved by
using the HOP ionomers in MEA cathodes. These
results indicated that the high oxygen permeable
ionomer would be available for the reduction of Pt
loading in MEA cathodes.
旭硝子研究報告 66(2016)
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