Manual: Department of Defense
Manual: Department of Defense
Manual: Department of Defense
V3.1.1. Manual. This Manual is composed of several volumes, each containing its own
purpose, and administratively reissues DoD 6055.09-STD (Reference (a)). The purpose of the
overall Manual, in accordance with the authority in DoD Directives 5134.01 and 6055.9E
(References (b) and (c)), is to establish explosives safety standards (hereafter referred to as
“standards”) for the Department of Defense.
V3.1.1.1. These standards are designed to manage risks associated with DoD-titled
ammunition and explosives (AE) by providing protection criteria to minimize serious injury, loss
of life, and damage to property.
V3.1.1.2. Due to the size and complexity of this Manual, alternate paragraph numbering
has been approved for use throughout. The initial numeric set (V#) refers to the volume number
within the Manual; the second set (E#) refers to the enclosure number; and subsequent numbers
refer to the section, paragraph, and subparagraph numbers. If there is no E#, the reference is to a
section above the signature of the volume.
V3.1.2. Volume. This Volume provides general quantity-distance (QD) criteria for the
accidental detonation of hazard division (HD) 1.1 through 1.6 AE and HD 6.1 items containing
toxic chemical agents.
V3.2.1.1. OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
of Staff and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the
Department of Defense, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other
organizational entities within the Department of Defense (hereafter referred to collectively as the
“DoD Components”).
V3.2.1.3. DoD personnel and property when potentially endangered by known host-
nation or off-installation AE hazards.
V3.2.1.4. DoD facilities siting and construction, except as indicated in paragraph V3.2.2.
V3.2.2. Provided the documentation requirements of paragraph V3.E2.3.5. are met, does not
apply to:
V3.2.2.2. Those planned facilities that do not meet these standards, but have been
certified by the Heads of the DoD Components (see section V1.E3.4.) as essential for operational
or other compelling reasons.
V3.2.2.3. Other situations that, upon analysis by the Heads of the DoD Components and
the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB), are determined to provide the
required degree of safety through use of protective construction or other specialized safety
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DoDM 6055.09-M-V3, February 29, 2008
V3.4. POLICY. As established in Reference (c) and consistent with peacetime, contingency, or
wartime operational requirements and corresponding DoD military munitions requirements from
the broadest and most fundamental explosives safety management perspective, it is DoD policy
V3.4.1. Provide the maximum possible protection to people and property from the potential
damaging effects of DoD military munitions (explosive and chemical). Applying the standards
herein provides only the minimum protection criteria for personnel and property, and greater
protection should always be provided when practicable.
V3.4.2. Minimize exposures consistent with safe and efficient operations (i.e., expose the
minimum number of people for the minimum time to the minimum amount of explosives or
chemical agents).
V3.6. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3. Criteria provided in this Manual are given in English
units (e.g., foot or feet (ft), pounds (lbs), pounds per square inch (psi)), with metric equivalents
shown in brackets (e.g., meters (m), kilograms (kg), kilopascals (kPa)).
V3.7. RELEASABILITY. UNLIMITED. This Volume is approved for public release and is
available on the Internet from the DoD Issuances Website at
V3.8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Volume is effective upon its publication to the DoD Issuances
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. QD Criteria for Accidental Detonations
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DoDM 6055.09-M-V3, February 29, 2008
HD 1.1 ........................................................................................................................................8
HD 1.2 ..................................................................................................................................4143
HD 1.3 ..................................................................................................................................5355
HD 1.4 ..................................................................................................................................5355
HD 1.6 ..................................................................................................................................5961
HD 6.1 ..................................................................................................................................5961
FIGURES CITED IN ENCLOSURE 3 .........................................................................6365
GLOSSARY ..............................................................................................................................6870
(a) DoD 6055.09-STD, “DoD Ammunition and Explosives Safety Standards,” February 29,
2008 (cancelled by Volume 1 of this Manual)
(b) DoD Directive 5134.01, Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005
(c) DoD Directive 6055.9E, “Explosives Safety Management and the DoD Explosives Safety
Board,” August 19, 2005
(d) DoD 5100.76-M, “Physical Security of Sensitive Conventional Arms, Ammunition, and
Explosives,” August 12, 2000
(e) Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, Technical Paper 13, “Prediction of
Building Debris for Quantity-Distance Siting,” April 19911
(f) Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, Technical Paper 16, “Methodologies for
Calculating Primary Fragment Characteristics,” April 1, 20091
(g) Parts 171-177 of title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, current edition
(h) Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board, Technical Paper 10, Change 3,
“Methodology for Chemical Hazard Prediction,” June 19801
Available from DDESB, Room 856C, Hoffman Building I, 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA
22331-0600; Phone: 703-325-0891; Fax: 703-325-6227;
V3.E2.2. CHAIRMAN, DDESB. The Chairman, DDESB, shall report to the Deputy Under
Secretary of Defense for Installations and Environment (DUSD(I&E)) and, on behalf of the
USD(AT&L) and the DUSD(I&E), shall collaborate with the Military Service-appointed voting
DDESB members to maintain explosives safety standards.
V3.E2.3. HEADS OF THE DoD COMPONENTS. The Heads of the DoD Components shall:
V3.E2.3.2. Comply with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations. Where this
Volume conflicts with such laws and regulations, ensure the safety of DoD personnel and the
public while complying and notify the Chairman, DDESB, through the Component’s board
member, of the conflict. These standards are not intended to be so rigid as to prevent the DoD
Components from accomplishing their assigned missions.
V3.E2.3.3. Issue DoD Component guidance that implements these standards and provides
DoD Component unique requirements.
V3.E2.3.4. Send a copy of any implementing and supplementary guidance to these standards
to the Chairman, DDESB.
V3.E2.3.5.1. The effective date the applicable DoD explosives safety standards were
first published.
V3.E2.3.5.2. The date the deviant facility was either approved, from an explosives safety
viewpoint, for use or was first used in a manner deviating from this standard.
V3.E3.1. HD 1.1
V3.E3. Buildings that house the following are permitted at this overpressure:
V3.E3. A tactical missile site, where greater distances from the potential
explosion site (PES) cannot be provided for technical or tactical reasons.
V3.E3. Break rooms and change houses that are both part of an
operating line and used exclusively by personnel operating the line. An exception is when the
break room is integral to the PES and used only by personnel from that PES. For this situation,
no QD applies.
only one PES or AE operation are permitted to be separated from the facility or operation they
support based on fire separation distance only.
V3.E3. Facilities that house the following are permitted at this overpressure:
PES, it may be separated at less than intraline distance (ILD) only from its associated facility;
however, a minimum distance of 100 ft [30.5 m] to the PES it supports is required to protect the
PES from vehicle fires. This minimum distance of 100 ft [30.5 m] may be reduced to 50 ft [15.2
m] if the PES is of non-combustible construction, a barrier sufficient to prevent the vehicle from
rolling within 50 ft [15.2m] of the PES is located between the POV parking spaces and the PES,
and the DoD Component has assessed the risk from debris (i.e., bumpers) projected directly
toward the PES and implemented any required controls. Access for emergency vehicles must be
provided. The provisions of this subparagraph do not negate the need to comply with any
applicable security requirements for POV access to, or parking in, explosives areas. (See DoD
5100.76-M (Reference (d)).)
V3.E3. Exposures indicated in this section that are provided blast suppression
and structure hardening so that comparable protection levels for personnel and equipment as
provided by 18W1/3 [7.14Q1/3] may be sited at 9W1/3 [3.57Q1/3].
V3.E3.1.1.3. 2.3 psi [15.8 kPa] at 24W1/3 [9.52Q1/3]. Personnel exposed to remotely
controlled operations.
V3.E3. Public traffic routes (PTRs) with medium and low traffic densities as
described in subparagraph V3.E3.
V3.E3. The closest distance from the area transited to the PES.
V3.E3. Open-air recreation facilities (e.g., ball diamonds, golf courses, and
volleyball courts), which do not contain structures, used for MWR and community relations
purposes at military installations and activities. As an exception, neither blast nor fragment
criteria apply when such facilities are located near AE support operations and used by off-duty
military or on-duty military or DoD civilians or contractors (e.g., munitions workers, security
guards, firefighters) who directly support these AE operations. However, when possible, such
facilities should fully comply with this Manual.
V3.E3. Inert storage located in the open (no structures involved) when not
directly related to the explosives mission and when accessed by personnel not directly related to
the explosives mission. (See subparagraph V3.E3. if located within a structure.)
V3.E3.1.1.5. 1.7 psi [11.7 kPa] at 30W1/3 [11.9Q1/3]. Combat aircraft parking areas
exposed to AE storage and operating facilities.
V3.E3. Recreation facilities (e.g., ball diamonds, golf courses, and volleyball
courts) that contain structures.
V3.E3. Shops that by reason of their vital strategic nature, or high intrinsic
value of their contents, should not be placed at risk.
V3.E3. Inert storage located in a structure when not directly related to the
explosives mission and when accessed by personnel not directly related to the explosives
mission. (See subparagraph V3.E3. if no structure is involved.)
V3.E3.1.2.1. The minimum distance for protection from hazardous fragments shall be
based on primary and secondary fragments from the PES and the population or traffic density of
the ES. It is defined as the distance at which the density of hazardous fragments becomes 1 per
600 square feet (ft2) [55.7 square meters (m2)] (this distance is not the maximum fragment range
distance). DDESB-approved analyses and/or approved tests may be used to determine minimum
distances for both primary and secondary fragments. DDESB Technical Paper 13 (Reference
(e)) is an example of a method to determine minimal distances for building debris, while DDESB
Technical Paper 16 (Reference (f)) provides similar information to determine minimal distances
for primary fragments. In the absence of appropriate analyses or tests, default hazardous debris
distances (HDDs) apply:
V3.E3. For all types of HD 1.1 in quantities < 450 lbs NEWQD [204
kg], the HFD shall be determined as follows (public traffic route distance (PTRD) is 60 percent
of the specified HFD):
V3.E3. For HD 1.1 NEWQDs in the range 451 to 30,000 lbs [205 to
13,608 kg], HFD shall be determined according to the criteria in subparagraphs
V3.E3. through V3.E3. PTRD is 60 percent of the specified HFD, and
ILD shall be IAW paragraph V3.E3.1.4.
Number of Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
Sparrow, 280 565 770 955 1,120 1,245
AIM-7b 85.3 172.2 234.7 291.1 341.4 379.5
Sidewinder, 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400c
AIM-9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9c
Chaparral, 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400c
MIM-72H 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9c
Maverick, 400 500 500
AGM 65 A/B/D 121.9 152.4 152.4
Maverick, 670 900d 1,200d
AGM 65 E/F/G 204.2 274.3d 365.8d
500 500 500
152.4 152.4 152.4
Cluster Bomb 800 800 910 945 965 982 1,000 1,020 1,035 1,055f
Unit-87e 243.8 243.8 277.4 288.0 291.4 299.3 304.8 310.9 315.5 321.6f
900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900 900c
Improved Hawk
274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3 274.3c
500 500 500
152.4 152.4 152.4
Projectile, 340 355 525 660 725 775 810 845 870 890f
105 millimeter
103.6 108.2 160.0 201.2 221.0 236.2 246.9 257.6 265.2 271.3f
Projectile, 415 590 770 955 1,035 1,095 1,145 1,195 1,235
155 mm 126.5 179.8 234.7 291.1 315.5 333.8 349.0 364.2 376.4
300 375 475 570 680 790 860 925 1,005 1,085
Projectile, 5"/54
91.4 114.3 144.8 173.7 207.3 240.8 262.1 281.9 306.3 330.7
500 600h 600h 600h
152.4 182.9h 182.9h 182.9h
500 600h 600h 600h
152.4 182.9h 182.9h 182.9h
Tomahawk Loading 750
on an SSGNi 228.6
Bomb, 500- 670
pound, MK 82 204.2
Bomb, 1,000- 815
pound, MK 83 248.4
Bomb, 2,000- 925
pound, MK 84 281.9
Bomb, 880
BLU-109 268.2
Bomb, 750-pound, 690
M117 210.3
Torpedo, 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500
MK 46 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4 152.4
Table V3.E3.T3. HFD for Open Stacks of Selected HD 1.1 AE,a Continued
Number of Units
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
MK 48i, j, k 630 775 875 925
(2½-ton truck,
or larger, 192.0 236.2 266.7 281.9
MK 48i, kj, l 500 500 550 600 635 670 700 725 755 780f
(Shielded, or
other means of 152.4 152.4 167.6 182.9 193.5 204.2 213.4 221.0 230.1 237.7f
a All of the HFDs in this table may be applied to both packaged and unpackaged configurations.
b Those items with a WAU-17 warhead.
c Ten units or more until the point is reached at which this distance is exceeded by the distance requirements of
Table V3.E3.T1.
d Use the distance shown only where there are less than 25 unrelated people exposed in any arc encompassing
45 degrees from 900 ft [274 m] to 1,250 ft [381 m] from the PES.
e HFDs include fragments from shipping or storage container(s).
f More than 10 units may be involved before 1,250 ft [381 m] is exceeded. For distances involving more than
10 units consult the applicable Service guidance.
g 105-mm projectiles and 105-mm complete rounds not in standard storage or shipping containers are HD 1.1.
h When handling more than one missile, the missiles must be transported or handled in a nose-to-tail
configuration and in their launch capsule or shipping container; furthermore, they must be aligned and handled
so that each group of two missiles is located outside of the warhead fragment beam spray region of the other
two missiles.
i Handling is limited to one launch tube at a time, with other tubes closed; risks associated with possible
propagation from the Tomahawk being handled to all other ammunition and explosives in the SSGN, as well
as to ammunition and explosives in nearby combatant ships and boats, must be assumed by the Navy under an
appropriate deviation from these standards. If handling is not limited to one launch tube at a time, with other
tubes closed, the NEW of the full SSGN load will apply for siting IAW with this Manual. The reduced QD arc
shall be drawn from the tube. Pier-side staging areas must be sited; however, the reduced QD in this table for
Tomahawk missiles may be used provided the restrictions of footnote h are applied.
ij All models, including Advanced Capability.
jk These distances must be used when handling torpedo(es) from 2½-ton trucks (or larger) where sandbag (or
other equivalent) shielding (as described in Footnote k) is not present between the leading edge of the
torpedo(es) warhead and the truck crew cab to prevent the crew cab and windshield from contributing to the
kl These distances may be used when handling torpedo(es) from:
1. 2½-ton trucks (or larger) with sandbag (or other equivalent) shielding between the leading edge of the
torpedo(es) warhead and the truck crew cab to prevent the crew cab and windshield from contributing to the
debris, or
(Sandbag shield requirement is equivalent to a minimum thickness of 2 ft [0.61 m] of sand between the truck
crew cab and the torpedo(es). The sandbags must shield all parts of the crew cab and windshield from the
torpedo warhead.)
2. Other means of transport such as flatbed trailers, boats, torpedo transporters, forklifts, or portable
V3.E3. For HD 1.1 NEWQDs > 30,000 lbs [13,608 kg] HFD will be
IAW Table V3.E3.T1. Lesser distances are permitted if supported by a structural analysis.
PTRD is 60 percent of HFD and ILD shall be IAW paragraph V3.E3.1.4. The following apply to
use of the reduced ECM distances shown in Table V3.E3.T1. for the NEW range between 30,000
lbs [13,608 kg] and 250,000 lbs [113,398 kg]:
in daily traffic levels in relation to AE activities, and seasonal traffic trends. The default value of
two passengers per car may be used to estimate traffic density.)
V3.E3. Inert storage and shops that by reason of their vital strategic
nature, or high intrinsic value of their contents, should not be placed at risk.
V3.E3. Examples when minimum fragment and firebrand distances need not
apply are:
V3.E3. The rear sector, or “rear,” of an ECM is that area 45 degrees either
side of the magazine centerline (90 degrees combined angle) with the vertex of the angle placed
so that the sides of the angle pass through the intersection of the rear and side walls.
V3.E3.1.3.2. High Performance Magazine (HPM). Testing has shown that the design of
the earth-bermed HPM attenuates pressures relative to an unconfined surface burst similar to that
indicated in subparagraph V3.E3.1.3.1. for an ECM. The following pertain to siting of an HPM:
V3.E3. An HPM has a “front” sector and a “side” sector. The definition of
“front” for an ECM (see subparagraph V3.E3. applies to an HPM. All other orientations
are considered “side” sectors. Figure V3.E3.F2. in the appendix to this enclosure illustrates the
sectors associated with an HPM. An HPM has no “rear” sector.
V3.E3. The values shown in Table V3.E3.T41. for front exposure from an
ECM also apply to the front of an HPM.
V3.E3. The values shown in Table V3.E3.T41. for side exposure from an
ECM apply to the remainder (all but the front) of an HPM.
V3.E3.1.4. ILD. Separation distances required between AE and non-AE buildings and sites
within an AE operating line are listed for various quantities of HD 1.1 AE in Table V3.E3.T5.
Permissible exposures at ILD are listed in subparagraphs V3.E3.1.1.1. (barricaded ILD) and
V3.E3.1.1.2. (unbarricaded ILD). In order to apply barricaded ILD, barricades must comply
with paragraph V2.E5.4.2. The separation distance between an operating building and its service
magazine shall be based on the NEWQD and the HD of the AE in the magazine and not that in
other parts of the operating line.
V3.E3.1.4.1. ILD From ECM. Testing has shown that some attenuation of airblast
overpressure relative to an unconfined surface burst occurs out the sides and rear of an ECM and
a slight increase occurs out the front of an ECM. The equivalent 9W1/3 [3.57Q1/3] (12 psi [82.7
kPa] (barricaded)) and 18W1/3 [7.14 Q1/3] (3.5 psi [24 kPa] (unbarricaded)) ILD from an ECM,
when accounting for this attenuation, are given in Table V3.E3.T4. Airblast forms the bases for
the equations given in the footnotes for Table V3.E3.T4.
V3.E3.1.4.3. ILD From HPM. The values shown in Table V3.E3.T4. for front exposure
from an ECM also apply to front exposures from an HPM. The values shown in Table
V3.E3.T4. for side exposure from an ECM apply to all other orientations of an HPM. The side
of an HPM is considered barricaded, provided the earth barricading complies with the design
V3.E3.1.5. IMD. Magazines for HD 1.1 shall be separated one from another per Tables
V3.E3.T6., V3.E3.T7., and V3.E3.T8. Table V3.E3.T6. provides orientation relationships for
ECM and Tables V3.E3.T7. and V3.E3.T8. provide the actual separation distances.
V3.E3.1.5.1. Siting Rules. For examples of siting rules for various magazine
orientations see Figures V3.E3.F1. through V3.E3.F8. in the appendix to this enclosure.
Barricaded Unbarricaded
Front Sideb Rearc d
Front Sidee Rearf
(lbs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
50 37 26 22 66 59 44
22.7 11.2 7.9 6.7 20.2 18.0 13.5
70 41 29 25 74 66 49
31.8 12.6 8.8 7.5 22.6 20.1 15.1
100 46 32 28 84 74 56
45.4 14.2 9.9 8.5 25.5 22.6 17.0
150 53 37 32 96 85 64
68.0 16.2 11.3 9.7 29.1 25.9 19.4
200 58 41 35 105 94 70
90.7 17.8 12.5 10.7 32.1 28.5 21.4
300 67 47 40 120 107 80
136.1 20.4 14.3 12.2 36.7 32.7 24.5
500 79 56 48 143 127 95
226.8 24.2 17.0 14.5 43.5 38.7 29.0
700 89 62 53 160 142 107
317.5 27.1 19.0 16.2 48.7 43.3 32.5
1,000 100 70 60 180 160 120
453.6 30.5 21.4 18.3 54.9 48.8 36.6
1,500 114 80 69 206 183 137
680.4 34.9 24.5 20.9 62.8 55.9 41.9
2,000 126 88 76 227 202 151
907.2 38.4 26.9 23.0 69.1 61.5 46.1
3,000 144 101 87 260 231 173
1,360.8 44.0 30.8 26.4 79.1 70.4 52.7
5,000 171 120 103 308 274 205
2,268.0 52.2 36.5 31.3 93.8 83.4 62.5
7,000 191 134 115 344 306 230
3,175.1 58.4 40.9 35.0 104.9 93.3 70.0
10,000 215 151 129 388 345 259
4,535.9 65.7 46.0 39.4 118.2 105.1 78.8
15,000 247 173 148 444 395 296
6,803.9 75.2 52.7 45.1 135.3 120.3 90.2
20,000 271 190 163 489 434 326
9,071.8 82.8 58.0 49.6 148.9 132.4 99.3
30,000 311 218 186 559 497 373
13,607.7 94.8 66.4 56.8 170.5 151.6 113.6
50,000 368 258 221 663 589 442
22,679.5 112.4 78.7 67.4 202.1 179.7 134.7
Barricaded Unbarricaded
Front Sideb Rear c
Front d
Sidee Rearf
(lbs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
70,000 412 288 247 742 659 495
31,751.3 125.7 88.0 75.4 226.1 201.1 150.7
100,000 464 325 278 835 743 557
45,359.0 141.6 99.1 84.9 254.6 226.5 169.8
150,000 531 372 319 956 850 653
68,038.5 162.1 113.5 97.2 291.5 259.2 199.1
200,000 585 409 351 1,053 936 746
90,718.0 178.4 124.9 106.9 320.8 285.3 227.4
300,000 669 469 402 1,205 1,071 937
136,077.0 204.2 143.0 122.4 367.2 326.6 285.7
500,000 715 714 714 1,429 1,429 1,429
226,795.0 218.0 217.7 217.7 435.4 435.4 435.4
Barricaded Unbarricaded
Distancea Distanceb
(lbs) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m]
50c 33 66
22.7c 10.1 20.2
70 37 74
31.8 11.3 22.6
100 42 84
45.4 12.7 25.5
150 48 96
68.0 14.6 29.1
200 53 105
90.7 16.0 32.1
300 60 120
136.1 18.4 36.7
500 71 143
226.8 21.8 43.5
700 80 160
317.5 24.4 48.7
1,000 90 180
453.6 27.4 54.9
1,500 103 206
680.4 31.4 62.8
2,000 113 227
907.2 34.6 69.1
3,000 130 260
1,360.8 39.6 79.1
5,000 154 308
2,268.0 46.9 93.8
7,000 172 344
3,175.1 52.5 104.9
10,000 194 388
4,535.9 59.1 118.2
15,000 222 444
6,803.9 67.6 135.3
20,000 244 489
9,071.8 74.5 148.9
30,000 280 559
13,607.7 85.2 170.5
Barricaded Unbarricaded
Distancea Distanceb
(lbs) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m]
50,000 332 663
22,679.5 101.1 202.1
70,000 371 742
31,751.3 113.0 226.1
100,000 418 835
45,359.0 127.3 254.6
150,000 478 956
68,038.5 145.7 291.5
200,000 526 1,053
90,718.0 160.4 320.8
300,000 602 1,205
136,077.0 183.6 367.2
500,000d 714 1,429
226,795.0d 217.7 435.4
700,000 799 1,598
317,513.0 243.6 487.1
1,000,000 900 1,800
453,590.0 274.3 548.6
1,500,000 1,030 2,060
680,385.0 314.0 628.0
2,000,000 1,134 2,268
907,180.0 345.6 691.2
3,000,000 1,298 2,596
1,360,770.0 395.6 791.2
5,000,000 1,539 3,078
2,267,950.0 469.0 938.1
c For less than 50 lbs [22.7 kg], less distance may be used when structures, blast mats, and the like
can completely contain fragments and debris. This table is not applicable when blast, fragments,
and debris are completely confined, as in certain test firing barricades.
d Quantities above 500,000 lbs [226,795 kg] NEWQD are authorized only for HD 1.1 energetic
From PES
AGM or
a Aboveground
ECM and/or HPMc, d
To ES Operating
(ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3)
1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3
[m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg ] [m/kg1/3]
1.25 1.25 2.75 2.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.25 2.75
0.50 0.50 1.09 1.09 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 0.50 1.09
1.25 1.25 2 2 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.25 2
ECM 0.50 0.50 0.79 0.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 0.50 0.79
(7-Bar) 2.75 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 2.75 6
1.09 0.79 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 1.09 2.38
2.75 2 4.5 6 4.5 6 4.5 6 2.75 6
1.09 0.79 1.79 2.38 1.79 2.38 1.79 2.38 1.09 2.38
1.25 1.25 2.75 2.75 6 6 6 6 1.25 2.75
0.50 0.50 1.09 1.09 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.50 1.09
1.25 1.25 2 2 6 6 6 6 1.25 2
0.50 0.50 0.79 0.79 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.50 0.79
4.5 4.5 6 9 6 9 6 9 4.5 9
1.79 1.79 2.38 3.57 2.38 3.57 2.38 3.57 1.79 3.57
4.5 4.5 6 6 6 6 6 6 4.5 6
1.79 1.79 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 1.79 2.38
1.25g 1.25g 4.5g 4.5g 6 6 6 6 1.25 4.5
0.50g 0.50g 1.79g 1.79g 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.50 1.79
2h 2h 6h 6h
0.79h 0.79h 2.38h 2.38h
ECM 1.25 1.25 2 2 6 6 6 6 1.25 2
(Undefined) R
0.50 0.50 0.79 0.79 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.50 0.79
6 6 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11
2.38 2.38 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38
6 6 6 11 6 11 6 11 6 11
2.38 2.38 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38
6 6 6 11 6 11 1.1i 11 6 11
Modules 2.38 2.38 2.38 4.36 2.38 4.36 0.44i 4.36 2.38 4.36
and/or Cells 1.25 1.25 6 6 6 6 1.1i 1.1i 1.25 6
0.50 0.50 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 0.44i 0.44i 0.50 2.38
1.25 1.25 2.75 2.75 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 1.25 2.75
0.50 0.50 1.09 1.09 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 0.50 1.09
Table V3.E3.T7. QD for HD 1.1 AE for K = 1.1, 1.25, 2, 2.75, 4.5, and 5
Hazard Factor, K
NEWQD 1.1 1.25 2 2.75 4.5 5
0.44 0.50 0.79 1.09 1.79 1.98
(lbs) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) 1/3
(ft/lb ) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3)
[kg] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3]
100 7.0 7.0 9.3 13 21 23
45.4 2.1 2.1 2.8 3.9 6.4 7.1
150 7.0 7.0 11 15 24 27
68.0 2.1 2.1 3.2 4.4 7.3 8.1
200 7.0 7.3 12 16 26 29
90.7 2.1 2.2 3.5 4.9 8.0 8.9
300 7.4 8.4 13 18 30 33
136.1 2.3 2.6 4.1 5.6 9.2 10.2
500 8.7 9.9 16 22 36 40
226.8 2.7 3.0 4.8 6.6 10.9 12.1
700 9.8 11 18 24 40 44
317.5 3.0 3.4 5.4 7.4 12.2 13.5
1,000 11 13 20 27 45 50
453.6 3.4 3.8 6.1 8.4 13.8 15.2
1,500 13 14 23 31 52 57
680.4 3.9 4.4 6.9 9.6 15.7 17.4
2,000 14 16 25 35 57 63
907.2 4.3 4.8 7.6 10.6 17.3 19.2
3,000 16 18 29 40 65 72
1,360.8 4.9 5.5 8.8 12.1 19.8 21.9
5,000 19 21 34 47 77 85
2,268.0 5.8 6.6 10.4 14.3 23.5 26.0
7,000 21 24 38 53 86 96
3,175.1 6.5 7.3 11.6 16.0 26.3 29.1
10,000 24 27 43 59 97 108
4,535.9 7.3 8.3 13.1 18.0 29.6 32.8
15,000 27 31 49 68 111 123
6,803.9 8.3 9.5 15.0 20.7 33.9 37.5
20,000 30 34 54 75 122 136
9,071.8 9.2 10.4 16.5 22.7 37.3 41.3
30,000 34 39 62 85 140 155
13,607.7 10.5 11.9 18.9 26.0 42.7 47.3
50,000 41 46 74 101 166 184
22,679.5 12.5 14.2 22.4 30.9 50.7 56.0
70,000 45 52 82 113 185 206
31,751.3 13.9 15.8 25.0 34.5 56.7 62.7
Table V3.E3.T7. QD for HD 1.1 AE for K = 1.1, 1.25, 2, 2.75, 4.5, and 5, Continued
Hazard Factor, K
NEWQD 1.1 1.25 2 2.75 4.5 5
0.44 0.50 0.79 1.09 1.79 1.98
(lbs) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) 1/3
(ft/lb ) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3)
[kg] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3]
100,000 51 58 93 128 209 232
45,359.0 15.7 17.8 28.2 38.9 63.8 70.6
150,000 58 66 106 146 239 266
68,038.5 18.0 20.4 32.3 44.5 73.1 80.8
200,000 64 73 117 161 263 292
90,718.0 19.8 22.5 35.5 49.0 80.4 89.0
300,000 74 84 134 184 301 335
136,077.0 22.6 25.7 40.6 56.1 92.1 101.8
500,000 87 99 159 218 357 397
226,795.0 26.8 30.5 48.2 66.5 109.2 120.7
700,000 98 111 178 244 400 444
317,513.0 30.0 34.1 53.9 74.4 122.1 135.1
1,000,000 110 125 200 275 450 500
453,590.0 33.8 38.4 60.7 83.7 137.5 152.1
Hazard Factor, K
NEWQD 6 8 9 11 18 40
2.38 3.17 3.57 4.36 7.14 15.87
(lbs) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3)
[kg] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3]
100 28 37 42 51 84 186
45.4 8.5 11.3 12.7 15.5 25.5 56.6
150 32 43 48 58 96 213
68.0 9.7 12.9 14.6 17.8 29.1 64.8
200 35 47 53 64 105 234
90.7 10.7 14.2 16.0 19.6 32.1 71.3
300 40 54 60 74 120 268
136.1 12.2 16.3 18.4 22.4 36.7 81.6
500 48 63 71 87 143 317
226.8 14.5 19.3 21.8 26.6 43.5 96.8
700 53 71 80 98 160 355
317.5 16.2 21.6 24.4 29.7 48.7 108.3
1,000 60 80 90 110 180 400
453.6 18.3 24.4 27.4 33.5 54.9 121.9
1,500 69 92 103 126 206 458
680.4 20.9 27.9 31.4 38.3 62.8 139.6
2,000 76 101 113 139 227 504
907.2 23.0 30.7 34.6 42.2 69.1 153.6
3,000 87 115 130 159 260 577
1,360.8 26.4 35.1 39.6 48.3 79.1 175.9
5,000 103 137 154 188 308 684
2,268.0 31.3 41.6 46.9 57.3 93.8 208.5
7,000 115 153 172 210 344 765
3,175.1 35.0 46.6 52.5 64.1 104.9 233.3
10,000 129 172 194 237 388 862
4,535.9 39.4 52.5 59.1 72.2 118.2 262.7
15,000 148 197 222 271 444 986
6,803.9 45.1 60.1 67.6 82.6 135.3 300.7
20,000 163 217 244 299 489 1,086
9,071.8 49.6 66.1 74.5 90.9 148.9 331.0
30,000 186 249 280 342 559 1,243
13,607.7 56.8 75.7 85.2 104.1 170.5 378.9
50,000 221 295 332 405 663 1,474
22,679.5 67.4 89.7 101.1 123.4 202.1 449.2
70,000 247 330 371 453 742 1,649
31,751.3 75.4 100.4 113.0 138.1 226.1 502.5
Table V3.E3.T8. QD for HD 1.1 AE for K = 6, 8, 9, 11, 18, and 40, Continued
Hazard Factor, K
NEWQD 6 8 9 11 18 40
2.38 3.17 3.57 4.36 7.14 15.87
(lbs) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3) (ft/lb1/3)
[kg] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3] [m/kg1/3]
100,000 278 371 418 511 835 1,857
45,359.0 84.9 113.1 127.3 155.5 254.6 566.0
150,000 319 425 478 584 956 2,125
68,038.5 97.2 129.4 145.7 178.0 291.5 647.9
200,000 351 468 526 643 1,053 2,339
90,718.0 106.9 142.4 160.4 195.9 320.8 713.1
300,000 402 536 602 736 1,205 2,678
136,077.0 122.4 163.1 183.6 224.3 367.2 816.3
500,000 476 635 714 873 1,429 3,175
226,795.0 145.1 193.3 217.7 265.9 435.4 967.8
700,000 533 710 799 977 1,598 3,552
317,513.0 162.4 216.3 243.6 297.4 487.1 1,082.7
1,000,000 600 800 900 1,100 1,800 4,000
453,590.0 182.9 243.6 274.3 335.0 548.6 1,219.4
V3.E3.1.5.3. Other Factors Limiting ECM Storage. Other factors limiting ECM storage
V3.E3. Quantities above 500,000 lbs [226,795 kg] NEWQD in one ECM are
not authorized, except for energetic liquids.
V3.E3. The 7-ft separation distance given in Table V3.E3.T7. for 100 lbs
[45.4 kg] NEWQD constitutes the minimum side-to-side magazine separation distance.
V3.E3.1.5.4. Application of Barricaded ILD and Barricaded IMD From an ECM. Figure
V3.E3.F8. in the appendix to this enclosure illustrates the IMD relationships that can exist
between an ECM and aboveground magazine (AGM) and the ILD relationships that can exist
between an ECM and facilities permitted to be at ILD or barricaded ILD from an ECM, when
each contain HD 1.1 AE. Permissible exposures at ILD are listed in subparagraphs V3.E3.1.1.1.
(barricaded ILD) and V3.E3.1.1.2. (unbarricaded ILD). Siting criteria for AGM are provided in
Table V3.E3.T6. The following criteria shall apply to the use of barricaded IMD for AGM and
for use of barricaded ILD:
V3.E3. Side and Rear Sectors of an ECM. If an ECM’s earth cover meets all
construction criteria of section V2.E5.4., it will qualify as a barricade, and use of barricaded ILD
or barricaded IMD, as applicable, from the sides or rear of the ECM is permissible. Failure of
the ECM’s earth cover to meet these criteria shall require use of unbarricaded IMD or
unbarricaded ILD, as applicable, for siting purposes.
V3.E3. Side Sector of an HPM. If the earth berm surrounding an HPM meets
all construction criteria shown on the DDESB-approved construction drawing, it will qualify as a
barricade and use of barricaded ILD or barricaded IMD, as applicable, from the HPM’s sides is
permissible. Failure to meet these criteria shall require use of unbarricaded IMD or unbarricaded
ILD, as applicable, for siting purposes.
V3.E3.1.5.6. HD 1.2, HD 1.3 and HD 1.4 AE Storage in Existing ECMs. These IMD
standards apply only to storage of HD 1.1 AE. Existing ECM, regardless of orientation, that
meet the construction and barricading requirements of Volume 2, Enclosure 5, and are sited one
from another for a minimum of 100 lbs [45.4 kg] NEWQD of HD 1.1 may be used to their
physical storage capacity for HD 1.2, HD 1.3, and HD 1.4 AE, provided distances to other
exposures comply with applicable QD requirements.
V3.E3.2. HD 1.2
V3.E3.2.1. HD 1.2 are items configured for storage and transportation that do not mass
detonate when a single item or package in a stack is initiated. Explosions involving the items
result in their burning and exploding progressively with no more than a few at a time reacting.
These reactions will project fragments, firebrands, and unexploded items from the explosion site.
Blast effects are limited to the immediate vicinity and are not the primary hazard.
V3.E3.2.2. Small quantities of HD 1.2.1 (< 450 lbs NEWQD [204 kg]), in certain packaging
configurations, will react in a manner more typical of an HD 1.1 event. When located in
structures that stop primary fragments, but which generate a secondary debris hazard (e.g.,
certain ECMs and hardened structures), the structural damage and debris hazards produced from
these events are more characteristic of an HD 1.1 explosion, rather than the progressive nature of
an HD 1.2.1 event. When the NEWQD and the MCE of the packaged HD 1.2.1 items fall within
the ranges specified in the equation NEWQD < MCE < 450 lbs [204 kg], the HD 1.2.1 shall be
treated as HD 1.1 and the criteria of subparagraph V3.E3., as applicable, shall be used.
If they fall outside the ranges of the equation, then the criteria of Table V3.E3.T9. shall be
V3.E3.2.3. The NEW of an HD 1.2 item (used for transportation) is the sum of the weight of
the HD 1.1 and 1.3 material contained within the item. The NEWQD for an item is equal to
NEW (NEWQD = NEW) unless testing has been conducted. Based on testing, the NEWQD
may include a reduced contribution (less than or equal to 100 percent) from the HD 1.3 material
as a result of the functioning of the HD 1.1 material. The NEWQD should be determined by the
Single Package Test (United Nations (UN) Test 6 (a) or its equivalent), not the Bonfire Test (UN
Test 6 (c)). The NEWQD for a specific item may be obtained from the Joint Hazard
Classification System (JHCS). The effects produced by the functioning of HD 1.2 items vary
with the size and weight of the item. HD 1.2 AE is separated into two subdivisions in order to
account for the differences in magnitude of these effects for purposes of setting QD criteria. The
more hazardous items are referred to as HD 1.2.1 items. The less hazardous items are referred to
as HD 1.2.2. These two HD 1.2 subdivisions follow with their definitions. It is important not to
exaggerate the significance of the value of 1.60 lbs [0.73 kg] used to differentiate between HD
1.2.1 and HD 1.2.2. It is based on a break point in the database supporting the QD relationships
and tables and the NEWQD of the rounds tested. If comprehensive data are available for a
particular item, then the item may be placed in that category of HD 1.2 supported by the data and
allocated the relevant QDs.
V3.E3.2.4. The MCE for HD 1.2.1 is the NEWQD of an item times the number of items in
three unpalletized, outer shipping packages, unless a different MCE is demonstrated by testing or
analogy. The authorized MCE for a specific HD 1.2.1 item is listed in the JHCS.
V3.E3.2.5. The QD specified for HD 1.2 AE achieves the desired degree of protection
against immediate hazards from an incident. Events involving HD 1.2 items lob large amounts
of unexploded rounds, components, and subassemblies, which will remain hazardous after
impact. Such items are likely to be more hazardous than in their original state because of
possible damage to fuze safety devices or other features by heat and impact. Many types of AE
containing sub-munitions, such as cluster bombs, can be expected to be projected out to distances
as great as the relevant IBDs. Furthermore, it is impractical to specify QDs, which allow for the
maximum possible flight ranges of propulsive items.
From PES
S or R F (H) (H/R) (L)
S 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
R 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
(7 Bar/
FU 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
3 Bar) (IMD)
FB 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
S 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
ECM R 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
(Undefined) 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft
FU 0d
(IMD) 61.0/91.4/30.5 m 61.0/91.4/30.5 m 61.0/91.4/30.5m 61.0/91.4/30.5 m
FB 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
or 0d 0d 0d 0d 0d
AGS U 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft 200/300/100 ft
(H or L) or 0d
(IMD) B 61.0/91.4/30.5 m 61.0/91.4/30.5m 61.0/91.4/30.5m 61.0/91.4/30.5m
ILDe 0 d
Footnote f Footnote f Footnote f Footnote f
200/300/100 ft
PTRDe Footnote g Footnote g Footnote g Footnote g
61.0/91.4/30.5 m
200/300/100 ft
IBDe Footnote h Footnote h Footnote h Footnote h
61.0/91.4/30.5 m
V3.E3.2.6. Table V3.E3.T9. provides a summary matrix of all the appropriate IBD, PTRD,
and ILD separations for HD 1.2.1 and HD 1.2.2 AE, for the various combinations of ESs and
PESs. When HD 1.2.1 items are stored in structures that may contribute to the debris hazard, the
IBD is determined by using the larger of the following two distances: either that given in Table
V3.E3.T10. for the appropriate explosive weight (number of items x NEWQD) or that given in
Table V3.E3.T11. for the appropriate MCE. The HDD specified in Table V3.E3.T11. equates to
V3.E3.2.7. IMD are dependent upon the types of structures acting as both the PES and the
V3.E3.2.8. PTRD given in Tables V3.E3.T9. through V3.E3.T12. give consideration to the
transient nature of the exposure in the same manner as for HD 1.1. PTRD is computed as 60
percent of the IBD for items in this HD, with minimum distances specified in Table V3.E3.T9.
V3.E3.2.9. ILD given in Tables V3.E3.T9. through V3.E3.T12. take into account the
progressive nature of explosions involving these items (normally resulting from fire spread), up
to the magnitude of the MCE, and the ability to evacuate personnel from endangered areas before
the progression involves large numbers of items. Exposed structures may be extensively
damaged by projections and delayed propagation of explosions may occur due to the ignition of
combustibles by projections. ILD is computed as 36 percent of the IBD for items of this HD,
with a minimum distance equal to the IMD given in Table V3.E3.T9. for the applicable PES-ES
V3.E3.2.10. When storing mixed subdivisions of HD 1.2 AE (HD 1.2.1 and HD 1.2.2),
consider each subdivision separately and apply the greater of the two distances. The general
mixing rules for HD 1.2 AE are given in Table V3.E3.T13.
Table V3.E3.T10. HD 1.2.1 QD (IBD, PTRD, ILD) for AE with NEWQD > 1.60 lbs [0.73 kg]a,
a The QD criteria for HD 1.2.1 items are based on the hazards from primary fragments. When stored
in structures that may contribute to the debris hazard (secondary fragments), the IBD for HD 1.2.1
items whose MCE is greater than 31 lbs [14.1 kg] is determined by using the larger of two distances:
those given in this table for the appropriate explosive weight or those given in Table V3.E3.T11. for
the appropriate MCE. Structures that may contribute to the debris hazard for storage of HD 1.2.1 AE
include: (a) all ECM frontal exposures (side and rear exposures have fixed minimum distances for
IBD); (b) all AGS, including heavy wall (H), heavy wall and roof (H/R), and light (L), unless data or
analyses are provided to show that the structural debris contribution is less. Note that ILD and
PTRD are based on 36 percent and 60 percent, respectively, of the applicable IBD as determined in
this footnote with minimum distances of: ILD minimum distances are given in Table V3.E3.T9. for
applicable PES-ES combinations and PTRD minimum distances are given in Table V3.E3.T9. for
AGS (L).
b See Table V3.E3.T9. for a summary of IMD and minimum distances for ILD and PTRD.
c Explosive Weight = Number of Items*NEWQD.
d English EQN (IBD in ft, NEWQD in lbs; ln is natural logarithm)
71 lbs < Explosive IBD = -735.186 + [237.559*(ln(Number of EQN V3.E3.T10-1
Weight: items*NEWQD))] – [4.274*(ln(Number of
items*NEWQD))2], with a minimum of
200 ft
Metric EQN (IBD in m, NEWQD in kg; ln is natural logarithm)
18.6 kg < Explosive IBD = -167.648 + [70.345*(ln(Number of EQN V3.E3.T10-2
Weight: items*NEWQD))] – [1.303*(ln(Number of
items*NEWQD))2], with a minimum of
61.0 m
e English EQN (IBD in ft, NEWQD in lbs; exp [x] is ex)
200 ft < IBD < 2,016 ft: Number of items*NEWQD = exp [27.791 – EQN V3.E3.T10-3
(600.392 – 0.234*IBD)1/2]
Metric EQN (IBD in m, NEWQD in kg; exp [x] is ex)
61.0 m < IBD < 614.5 m: Number of items*NEWQD = exp [27.000 – EQN V3.E3.T10-4
(600.287 – 0.768*IBD)1/2]
f Use of equations given in Footnotes d and e to determine other IBD-weight combinations is allowed.
g PTRD = 60 percent of IBD with a minimum distance equal to the IMD given in Table V3.E3.T9. for
AGS (L). For other structures as either ES or PES, see Table V3.E3.T9.
h ILD = 36 percent of IBD with a minimum distance equal to the IMD given in Table V3.E3.T9. for
the applicable PES-ES combination. For structures other than AGS (L) as either ES or PES, see
Table V3.E3.T9.
a The QD criteria for HD 1.2.1 items are based on the hazards from primary fragments. When stored
in structures that may contribute to the debris hazard (secondary fragments), the IBD for HD 1.2.1
items whose MCE is greater than 31 lbs [14.1 kg] is determined by using the larger of two distances:
those given in Table V3.E3.T10. for the appropriate explosive weight or those given in this table for
the appropriate MCE. Structures that may contribute to the debris hazard for storage of HD 1.2.1 AE
include: (a) all ECM frontal exposures (side and rear exposures have fixed minimum distances for
IBD); (b) all AGS, including H, H/R, and L, unless data or analyses are provided to show that the
structural debris contribution is less. Note that ILD and PTRD are based on 36 percent and 60
percent respectively, of the applicable IBD as determined in this footnote with these minimum
distances: ILD minimum distances as given in Table V3.E3.T9. for applicable PES-ES
combinations, and PTRD minimum distances as given in Table V3.E3.T9. for AGS (L).
b See Table V3.E3.T9. for a summary of IMD and minimum distances for ILD and PTRD.
a The QD criteria for HD 1.2.2 items are based on the hazards from primary fragments.
b See Table V3.E3.T9. for a summary of IMD and minimum distances for ILD and PTRD.
c See paragraph V3.E3.2.11. for storage and operations involving limited quantities of HD 1.2.2
without the need for siting as a PES.
d Explosive Weight = Number of Items*NEWQD.
V3.E3.2.13. The IBD for HD 1.2.3 is determined using HD 1.3 QD for the NEWQD of the
HD 1.2.3 item multiplied by the number of rounds present, but with a minimum IBD determined
as follows:
V3.E3.2.13.1. If the AE are in a structure that can interrupt primary fragments and can
contribute debris, the minimum IBD is the HDD given in Table V3.E3.T11. for an MCE equal to
the NEWQD of a single round.
V3.E3.2.13.2. If the AE are in the open or in a light structure that will not interrupt
primary fragments, the minimum IBD is the HFD based on the HD 1.1 hazardous fragment areal
number density criteria applied to a single HD 1.2.3 item. The HFD applicable to AE in the
open is specified in hundreds of ft in parentheses as “(xx) HD 1.2.3.”
V3.E3. If the single-round NEWQD is > 1.6 lbs [0.73 kg], consider the
items as HD 1.2.1. Use the total NEWQD present, with an MCE equal to the NEWQD of one
round to determine the maximum QD.
V3.E3. If the single-round NEWQD is < than 1.6 lbs [0.73 kg], consider the
items as HD 1.2.2, based on the total NEWQD present.
V3.E3.2.14. For storage of mixed HD 1.2.3 AE, multiply the NEWQD for the HD 1.2.3
items by the corresponding number of HD 1.2.3 rounds and use HD 1.3 QD with the HFD for the
mixture based on the largest HFD for the HD 1.2.3 AE in storage. Use the distances given in
Table V3.E3.T13., when HD 1.2.3 AE is located with any other HD 1.2 sub-division. The HD
1.2.3 AE is considered HD 1.2 (HD 1.2.1 or HD 1.2.2, according to NEWQD) for QD purposes,
when HD 1.2.3 AE is located with any other HD AE. The mixing rules provided in paragraph
V1.E7.2.3. then apply to the combination of the HDs.
V3.E3.3. HD 1.3. HD 1.3 includes items that burn vigorously with little or no possibility of
extinguishment in storage situations. Explosions normally will be confined to pressure ruptures
of containers and will not produce propagating shock waves or damaging blast overpressure
beyond the magazine distance specified in Table V3.E3.T14. A severe hazard of spread of fire
may result from tossing about of burning container materials, propellant, or other flaming debris.
V3.E3.4. HD 1.4
V3.E3.4.1. HD 1.4 AE present a fire hazard with minimal blast, fragmentation, or toxic
hazards. Separate facilities for storage and handling of these AE shall be located IAW Table
(lbs) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m]
< 1000e 75 50
< 453.59e 22.9 15.2
1,500 82 56
680.4 25.0 17.0
2,000 89 61
907.2 27.2 18.5
3,000 101 68
1,360.8 30.7 20.8
5,000 117 80
2,268.0 35.8 24.3
7,000 130 88
3,175.1 39.6 26.9
10,000 145 98
4,535.9 44.2 30.0
15,000 164 112
6,803.9 50.1 34.0
20,000 180 122
9,071.8 54.8 37.2
30,000 204 138
13,607.7 62.3 42.2
50,000 240 163
22,679.5 73.2 49.5
70,000 268 181
31,751.3 81.6 55.1
100,000 300 204
45,359.0 91.4 62.0
150,000 346 234
68,038.5 105.3 71.4
200,000 385 260
90,718.0 117.4 79.3
300,000 454 303
136,077.0 138.4 92.5
500,000 569 372
226,795.0 173.6 113.4
700,000 668 428
317,513.0 203.8 130.5
1,000,000 800 500
453,590.0 244.0 152.3
IMD and ILDd
(lbs) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m]
1,500,000 936 577
680,385.0 285.3 175.8
2,000,000 1,008 630
907,180.0 307.2 192.0
a For reasons of operational necessity, and IAW DoD Component-defined procedures, limited quantities of items
in this HD, such as document destroyers, signaling devices, riot control munitions, and the like, may be stored
without the need for siting as a PES IAW DoD Component fire protection requirements in facilities such as
hangars, arms rooms, security alert force rooms, and manufacturing or operating buildings. Operations
involving limited quantities of HD 1.3 items are also permitted without the need for siting as a PES, IAW DoD
Component-defined procedures and for reasons of operational necessity. DoD Component procedures should
address items such as NEWQD limits, documentation requirements, approval process, and LPS requirements.
b Existing ECM, regardless of orientation, that meet the construction and barricading requirements of Volume 2,
Enclosure 5, and are sited one from another for a minimum of 100 lbs [45.4 kg] NEWQD of HD 1.1 (using the
ECM-to-ECM QD criteria in Table V3.E3.T6.) may be used to their physical storage capacity for HD 1.3,
provided all other QD relationships are sited per this table for the HD 1.3 NEWQD.
c English EQNs (NEWQD in lbs, d in ft; exp [x] is ex, ln is natural logarithm)
NEWQD < 1,000 lbs: dIBD,PTRD = 75 ft
1,000 lbs < NEWQD < 96,000 lbs: dIBD,PTRD = exp [2.47 + 0.2368* EQN V3.E3.T14-1
(ln(NEWQD)) + 0.00384*
(ln(NEWQD))2], with a minimum
distance of 75 ft
96,000 lbs < NEWQD < 1,000,000 lbs: dIBD,PTRD = exp [7.2297 – 0.5984* EQN V3.E3.T14-2
(ln(NEWQD)) + 0.04046*
1,000,000 lbs < NEWQD: dIBD,PTRD = 8*NEWQD1/3 EQN V3.E3.T14-3
75 ft < dIBD,PTRD < 296 ft: NEWQD = exp [-30.833 + (307.465 + EQN V3.E3.T14-4
260.417* (ln(dIBD,PTRD)))1/2 ], with a
minimum NEWQD of 1,000 lbs
296 ft < dIBD,PTRD < 800 ft: NEWQD = exp [7.395 + (-124.002 + EQN V3.E3.T14-5
24.716* (ln(dIBD,PTRD)))1/2 ]
800 ft < dIBD,PTRD: NEWQD = (dIBD,PTRD)3 /512 EQN V3.E3.T14-6
a HD 1.4 AE may be stored in a general supplies warehouse area rather than in an AE storage area.
When storing in a general supplies warehouse area, any weatherproof warehouse structure may serve
as an HD 1.4 magazine. Such a structure will be separated from all other warehouses per the AGS (L)
IMD column of this table.
b See subparagraph V1.E7. for the applicability of HD 1.4 QD criteria and the determination of
NEWQD when HD 1.4 and other HD AE are located in the same site.
c IBD and PTRD are 50 ft [15.3 m] from the sides and rear of an ECM. IBD and PTRD are 50 ft [15.3
m] from an AGS (H), an AGS (H/R), and an ECM front that meets the definition of AGS (H); doors
and other openings shall be barricaded IAW section V2.E5.4., or the IBD or PTRD column of this
table applied from these doors and openings.
d ILD is 0 ft from the sides and rear of an ECM. ILD is 0 ft from an AGS (H), an AGS (H/R), and an
ECM front that meets the definition of AGS (H); doors and other openings shall be barricaded IAW
section V2.E5.4., or the ILD column of this table applied from these doors and openings.
e Magazines storing only HD 1.4 AE may be located at these IMD or ILD from all other magazines or
operating buildings regardless of the HD or NEWQD authorized in those adjacent structures. Because
the HD 1.4 AE may be destroyed as the result of an accident involving the assets in those adjacent
structures, the DoD Component on a case-by-case basis must accept application of this provision with
consideration given to the value of HD 1.4 assets at risk.
f Doors and other openings shall be barricaded IAW section V2.E5.4., or the AGS (L) IMD column of
this table applied to and from these doors and openings.
g For reasons of operational necessity, and IAW DoD Component-defined procedures, limited
quantities of HD 1.4 AE (e.g., small arms AE and riot control munitions) may be stored IAW DoD
Component fire protection requirements within facilities (e.g., hangars, arms rooms, security alert
force rooms, and manufacturing or operating buildings) without the need for siting as a PES.
Alternatively, operationally necessary HD 1.4 AE may be stored in small magazines external to those
facilities without the need for an explosives site plan. Operations involving limited quantities of HD
1.4 items are also permitted without the need for siting as a PES, IAW DoD Component-defined
procedures and for reasons of operational necessity. DoD Component procedures should address
items such as NEWQD limits, documentation requirements, approval process, and LPS requirements.
h There is no upper limit on the NEWQD specifically required for safety reasons.
i Use the smaller distance when the ES is of non-combustible construction.
j Apply the appropriate AGS column of this table based on whether the ECM front meets the definition
of AGS (L) or AGS (H).
V3.E3.4.2. In mixed storage, the NEWQD of HD 1.4 is not additive (see subparagraph
V1.E7. However, QD criteria for each HD present, including HD 1.4, must be
determined and the largest value shall be used.
V3.E3.5. HD 1.6. QD separations for HD 1.6 AE shall be based on the storage location and
configuration. This information is detailed in Table V3.E3.T16. A maximum of 500,000 lbs
[226,795 kg] NEWQD shall be permitted at any one location. Any special storage configuration
and siting approved for HD 1.1 AE may be used for storage of like explosive weights of HD 1.6
V3.E3.6. HD 6.1
V3.E3.6.1. HD 6.1 includes items that contain only toxic chemical or riot control agents.
AE containing both explosives and toxic chemical or riot control agents may be hazard classified
as HD 1.1 through HD 1.4, based on testing IAW parts 171-177 of title 49, Code of Federal
Regulations (Reference (g)).
V3.E3.6.2. Hazard zones for toxic chemical agents are determined by the relative toxicity of
the agents, the amount released to the atmosphere and the rate at which they are released (that is,
evaporation, pressure, or explosive dispersal), terrain features, and meteorological conditions.
Hazard zone calculations are based on MCE, using DDESB Technical Paper No. 10 (Reference
(h)). (See Volume 6, Enclosure 4, for specific criteria associated with toxic chemical agents.)
V3.E3.6.3. When siting AE containing toxic chemical agents, both the explosives and toxic
chemical agent hazards shall be evaluated with the greatest QD governing siting.
Aboveground ECM
a, b, c IBD or PTRD ILD IMD
PTRD ILDa, c, d
(lbs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
<100e 37 23 Footnote c Footnote c Footnote c
<45.4e 11.3 7.0
150 43 27
68.0 12.9 8.1
200 47 29
90.7 14.3 8.9
300 54 33
136.1 16.3 10.2
500 63 40
226.8 19.4 12.1
700 71 44
317.5 21.7 13.5
1,000 80 50
453.6 24.4 15.2
1,500 92 57
680.4 27.9 17.4
2,000 101 63
907.2 30.7 19.2
3,000 115 72
1,360.8 35.2 22.0
5,000 137 85
2,268.0 41.7 26.1
7,000 153 96
3,175.1 46.6 29.2
10,000 172 108
4,535.9 52.5 32.8
15,000 197 123
6,803.9 60.1 37.6
20,000 217 136
9,071.8 66.2 41.4
30,000 249 155
13,607.7 75.8 47.4
50,000 295 184
22,679.5 89.8 56.1
70,000 330 206
31,751.3 100.5 62.8
Aboveground ECM
PTRDa, b, c ILDa, c, d
(lbs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft)
[kg] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m]
100,000 371 232 Footnote c Footnote c Footnote c
45,359.0 113.2 70.7
150,000 425 266
68,038.5 129.6 81.0
200,000 468 292
90,718.0 142.6 89.1
300,000 536 335
136,077.0 163.2 102.0
500,000 635 397
226,795.0 193.5 121.0
Figures Cited in Enclosure 3
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
As an ES, treat all exposures as sides.
As a PES, the HPM has a front and all other exposures are considered sides.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.3. for IBD/PTRD criteria, paragraph V3.E3.1.4. for ILD
criteria, and paragraph V3.E3.1.5. for IMD criteria associated with an HPM.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
Site A as a side-to-front (unbarricaded) ES.
Site B as a front (unbarricaded)-to-side ES.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
Site each magazine as a front-to-front ES: site C as
a barricaded ES, and B as unbarricaded ESs.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
Site A as a side-to-front (unbarricaded) ES.
Site B as a front (unbarricaded)-to-side ES.
See paragraph V3.E3.1.5.
Site A as a side-to-front (unbarricaded) ES.
Site B as a front (unbarricaded)-to-side ES.
Figure V3.E3.F8. ECM Orientation Effects on Barricaded and Unbarricaded IMD and ILDa, b, c
See subparagraph V3.E3.1.4.1. for application of ILDs from an ECM.
See subparagraph V3.E3.1.5.2. for application of barricaded IMD and ILD
from an ECM.
See Table V3.E3.T6. for application of IMDs between ECMs and AGMs.
ft foot or feet
ft2 square feet
ft3 cubic feet
HD hazard division
HDD hazardous debris distance
HFD hazardous fragment distance
HPM high performance magazine
kg kilogram
kPa kilopascal
kph kilometers per hour
lbs pounds
LPS lightning protection system
m meter
m2 square meter
m3 cubic meter
MCE maximum credible event
mm millimeter
mph miles per hour
MWR morale, welfare, and recreation
QD quantity-distance
UN United Nations
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics