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Candia - Trakhtenbrot's Theorem

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PHDCS 106 - Formal Languages, Automata Theory, and Computations
Boris (Bori) Avraamovich Trakhtenbrot was a
renowned Soviet and Israeli mathematician
and computer scientist.
Contributions to
Complexity Theory
Time Complexity of

Complexity Classes of P
and NP

Gap Theorem

Speed-up Theorem
Contributions to
Logic and Formal
Machine Configuration

Configuration Graphs

Theory of Recursive Functions

Fixed Points in Lambda Calculus

Development of
Trakhtenbrot's theorem was
developed in the context of his
research in mathematical
logic and finite model theory.

Motivated by questions
related to the decidability of
certain problems in first-order
logic when restricted to finite
The Theorem's
Formulation and Proof
Trakhtenbrot's theorem, also known as
the Trakhtenbrot's Undecidability
Theorem, states that the problem of
determining whether a given sentence
in first-order logic has a finite model is

The proof of Trakhtenbrot's theorem

relies on a reduction from the halting
Relationship to Church-Turing Thesis

The proof of The Trakhtenbrot's Highlights the

Trakhtenbrot's theorem theorem is at least as limitations of
relies on a reduction difficult as the halting computability as
from the halting problem. defined by the
problem. Church-Turing thesis.
Importance of Finite
Database Theory
Model Checking
Design of Programming
Proof Techniques
The reduction
demonstrates that if
there were an algorithm
to decide whether a
given first-order
sentence has a finite
model, it would also be
possible to solve the
halting problem,
contradicting its known
Key Steps in the Proof

Encode the Show that the Conclude that the

computation of a TM existence of an problem is
such that the sentence algorithm would imply undecidable, as the
has a finite model if the existence of an halting problem is
and only if the Turing algorithm for deciding undecidable.
machine halts. the halting problem.
Turing Machine M
Input x

Represent M's Does Φ(M, x) Yes
computation on x as a have a finite M halts on Input x
first-order sentence model?
Φ(M, x)

If an algorithm can decide whether a
M does not halt on first-order sentence has a finite
Input x model, it can also decide the halting
problem, which contradicts the
known undecidability of the halting
Role of First-Order
Logic in the Proof
Allows for the reduction
from the halting

Used to capture the key

aspects of a Turing
machine's behavior and
to relate the existence
of finite models to the
halting behavior of the
Practical Applications
Database Theory: Model Checking and Design of Programming
Query Evaluation and Verification: Verifying Languages: Reasoning
Optimization that a given system about the behavior of
satisfies specific programs and the
Essential for efficient properties. properties of data
database structures in these
management Guide the languages.
development of model
checking algorithms
and techniques.
Practical Applications
Constraint Satisfaction Knowledge Representation
Problems: Used in artificial and Reasoning: Design of
intelligence, operations research, formalisms and algorithms
and other fields to model for representing and
complex problems like reasoning about
scheduling, resource allocation, knowledge.
and puzzle-solving.
Published in Logical
Methods in Computer

Volume 18, Issue 2

June 14, 2022

Asperti, A. (2013). A Formal
Proof of Borodin-
Trakhtenbrot’s Gap
Theorem. In: Gonthier, G.,
Norrish, M. (eds) Certified
Programs and Proofs. CPP
2013. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, vol
8307. Springer, Cham.
Mikhail Rybakov and
Dmitry Shkatov. 2019.
Trakhtenbrot theorem for
classical languages with
three individual variables.
In Proceedings of the
South African Institute of
Computer Scientists and
Information Technologists
Asperti, A. (2013). A Formal Proof of Borodin-Trakhtenbrot’s Gap Theorem. In: Gonthier, G., Norrish, M. (eds) Certified Programs and
Proofs. CPP 2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8307. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-03545-1_11

Mikhail Rybakov and Dmitry Shkatov. 2019. Trakhtenbrot theorem for classical languages with three individual variables. In Proceedings
of the South African Institute of Computer Scientists and Information Technologists 2019 (SAICSIT

Thomas Braibant and Damien Pous. An efficient Coq tactic for deciding Kleene algebras. In International Conference on Interactive
Theorem Proving, pages 163{178. Springer, 2010

Yannick Forster, Edith Heiter, and Gert Smolka. Verification of PCP-related computational reductions in Coq. In International Conference
on Interactive Theorem Proving, pages 253{269. Springer, 2018

Matteo Bianchi and Franco Montagna. 2015. Trakhtenbrot Theorem and FirstOrder Axiomatic Extensions of MTL. Studia Logica 103
(2015), 1163–1181.

Boris A. Trakhtenbrot. 1950. Impossibility of an algorithm for the decision problem in finite classes. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 70,
569–572 (1950)

Boris A. Trakhtenbrot. 1963. Impossibility of an algorithm for the decision problem in finite classes. American Mathematica Society
Translations 23 (1963), 1–5.
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