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European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)

Available Online at: https://www.scholarzest.com

Vol. 4 No 10, October 2023
ISSN: 2660-5570


Nurlia Djafar, Abdul Rahmat, Nina Lamatenggo, Misran Rahman
Gorontalo State University
[email protected]
Article history: Abstract:
Received: 4th August 2023 This research aims to explain the role of Nusantara Dance Course as a
Accepted: 1st September 2023 strengthening of multicultural values of undergraduate students of Art
Published: 6th October 2023 Education, Dance Drama and Music Faculty of Literature and Culture, Gorontalo
State University. As a compulsory course in the S1 Art Education, Dance Drama
and Music Study Program which is carried out in the 4th and 6th semesters, the
role in multicultural education can be a forum for students to be able to
understand the diversity of the nation as well as the symbol of Bhineka Tunggal
Ika. This research uses descriptive analysis research methods. Online
questionnaires and SLR became the approach during data collection and data
analysis techniques. The results obtained by students are enthusiastic and
interested in getting to know the regional culture of the archipelago, especially
dance. Add insight into the knowledge of customs, culture and traditional arts
that develop outside Gorontalo and outside Sulawesi Island. Appreciating the
archipelago dance, knowing the origin, meaning, costumes and clothing become
universal cultural knowledge. So that the expected goals in the Law on
multicultural education are right on target according to its implementation.
Keywords: Multicultural Education, Archipelago Dance, Sendratasik FSB UNG

Multicultural education is interpreted as an idea, an educational reform movement, and a process whose main
goal is to form the structure of educational institutions from different racial, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural groups to
have equal opportunities in obtaining academics at school (Mauharir et al., 2022; Nur et al., 2022). Law No. 20/2003
Article 4 paragraph 1 states that education is organized in a democratic and equitable and non-discriminatory manner
by upholding human rights, religious values, cultural values, and national diversity.
Based on the juridical basis, multicultural education can be defined as an educational process that provides
opportunities for all citizens, appreciates diversity, develops all the potential of citizens in an effort to strengthen the
togetherness of life for others (Fida, 2016). In reality, multicultural education is something that must be learned and
cannot be avoided. As an educator, it is important to create a strategy because, the teacher It has a very strategic role,
especially in shaping the nation's identity and developing students' potential. All forms of broad acceptance and
appreciation can produce a generation that is not rigid with the plurality of the nation and not discriminatory.
Suniti (2014) states that multicultural education is implemented with learning strategies and curriculum
integrated in the learning process. Based on this, Multicultural Education is an educational strategy that is applied to all
types of subjects, taking into account students' cultural differences such as ethnicity, religion, language, gender, social
class, ability and age to make learning effective and easy. The purpose of multicultural education is to make learning
effective and easy, and to foster the character of students so that they can act democratically, humanely, and
pluralistically in society (Fadlillah, 2017).
Multicultural education is mostly obtained at the formal school level. The achievement is that students can apply
in the surrounding environment so that they can bring change and become agents of change, especially in responding
to all forms of underlying differences between communities, ethnicities and races. By looking at the most basic thing
where Indonesia is a large multicultural country in the world, consisting of various tribes, religions, ethnicities, cultures
and so on. Indonesia consists of 13,000 large and small islands

The research analyzes and describes the role of the archipelago dance course as a strengthening of multicultural
education. In accordance with the characteristics of the problems raised in this research, it uses qualitative research
European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)
methods, which emphasize the analysis of descriptive data in the form of observed written words. This type of research
is qualitative research. According to Ibnu in (Tanjung, 2021) qualitative research is a study whose data is expressed in
verbal form and analyzed without using statistical techniques.

1. Object of research
The research object in this study is the students of Sendratasik Education, Faculty of Literature and
Culture, Gorontalo State University who have passed the Nusantara Dance I and Nusantara Dance II
2. Research Time
Nusantara Dance course is scheduled in even semester so that the research was conducted in July-
August 2023 after the even semester ended.
3. Data Collection Technique
The data collection technique using Online Questionnaire Survey is a research method that utilizes
digital platforms, such as websites, email, and social media. Online Questionnaire Survey is also called
SLR Systematic literature review or often abbreviated as SLR or in Indonesian called systematic
literature review is a literature review method that identifies, assesses, and interprets all findings on a
research topic, to answer research questions that have been previously set (Kitchenham & Charters,
4. Data Analysis Technique
Data analysis techniques are listed in the table below. In general, SLR data analysis techniques consist
Table 1. SLR data analysis stages

a) Planning first determines the Research Question (RQ) or research question.

b) Conducting, the conducting stage is the stage that contains the implementation of the SLR Starting from
determining the keyword for literature search. Then the next step is determining the source of the literature
search. Next, synthesize the various things we find from the literature we have chosen. The main purpose of
data synthesis is to analyze and evaluate various research results from various literatures, and to choose the
most appropriate method for integrating explanations and interpretations of these various findings.
c) Reporting is the stage of writing the SLR results in written form, either to be published in the form of a paper
to a scientific journal.
5. Research Procedure
The data in this study were recorded, selected and then classified according to the existing categories. The
approach used is an analytical descriptive approach. According to (Nasser, 2021) that descriptive of analyze
research, namely the search in the form of facts, the results of one's ideas through searching, analyzing, making
interpretations and generalizing the results of the research conducted. This research procedure according to

European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)
(Tanjung, 2020) is to produce descriptive data in the form of written data after analyzing the thoughts (content
analysis) of a text. After the author collects materials related to the problems to be discussed in this study, then
the author analyzes and narrates to draw conclusions.


Archipelago Dance as Strengthening Multicultural Education
Nusantara Dance is a course in the curriculum of Sendratasik Education, Faculty of Literature and Culture,
Gorontalo State University. It is divided into Archipelago Dance I and Archipelago Dance II. Nusantara Dance I is
scheduled in semester 4 (four) while Nusantara Dance II is scheduled in semester 6 (six). Nusantara Dance I course
teaches students to recognize, appreciate and dance dances on the island of Sulawesi such as North Sulawesi, Central
Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Makassar and Southeast Sulawesi. Nusantara II Dance Course students are taught to
recognize, appreciate and dance dances outside the island of Sulawesi such as Bali, Java, Sumatra and Kalimantan. In
line with the Learning Design that has been compiled, the objectives and benefits of both Archipelago Dance Course I
and II are the understanding of knowledge and mastery of traditional archipelago dance skills outside Gorontalo and
outside Sulawesi Island.
Archipelago dance is an ethnic summary that encompasses the cultural diversity of its supporting communities.
It contains certain meanings, conditions, and moral messages in the form of unwritten advice that is passed down from
generation to generation to Indonesian children. Through creative and gradual activities that will ultimately increase
appreciation for the arts and culture of the archipelago. Knowing the treasures of their own national traditional arts is
expected to increase students' understanding of other ethnic groups, thus increasing their integration as a multiethnic
nation. There are several factors that jointly motivate the birth of dance and multicultural education such as: (1) The
need for self-identity; (2) Changing demographic conditions; and (3) Eliminating prejudice (Putraningsih, Simatupang,
& Sayuti, 2018).
Through the Nusantara Dance Course, students are expected to be able to (1) understand access to wealth in
the form of cultural identity, (2) broad insight into different cultural traditions, (3) gain an understanding of different
cultural values, especially related to dance and (4) recognize different cultural values. This also applies to multicultural
education through culture and art materials. In this case, Nusantara dance displays cultural diversity and instills
multicultural tolerance values in a multiethnic society.
Archipelago dance courses learn to interpret dance outside of one's own region, appreciate archipelago dance,
and learn about other regional dance cultures. All of this is an encouragement to not only learn and love the culture of
one's own region but to love the culture of other regions. Realizing the diversity that exists in Indonesia and fostering
the meaning of togetherness of having Indonesia regardless of ethnicity, race and religion.
The Value of Multicultural Education in Nusantara Dance Course
In the process and stages of learning Nusantara Dance Course, understanding of knowledge and mastery of
skills must appear in students individually and in groups. This process will be obtained not only by teaching strategies
in the classroom, but student motivation and interest in participating in learning. Likewise with the results that will be
displayed when showing student work.

The totality of students in learning dances outside Gorontalo and outside the island of Sulawesi appears good.
From the results shown, students do not only want to learn the movement pakem but search and discuss together the
elements in the dance such as the background of archipelago dance, the content of dance synopsis as well as makeup
and clothing. Interest in learning is illustrated at every stage of learning. Likewise, it developed when students began
to practice dancing. Students seriously look at the various movements and try to follow the original movements.

Many learning resources are obtained from Youtube videos and students choose archipelago dances that are
interesting to learn. The group agreement was chosen from the most interested votes. Free and unbound is a strategy
to see the interest of students whether they want to know more and want to learn Nusantara dance. Passion and
interest are the initial keys to applying multicultural education to students. In the next process after the Archipelago
Dance Course has been completed with the results that have been obtained according to the assessment at the end of
the semester. Researchers distributed questionnaires to see the extent of the role of Nusantara Dance Course as a
strengthening of multicultural education.

Table 2. Online Questionnaire Survey

No Form of question Form of question

1 Have you passed the Nusantara Dance course? Yes 100%
2 What do you know about Archipelago Dance? Nusantara dance is one of the dances that
Explain developed in the local community as an
identity of a particular region.
3 Are you excited to follow the Nusantara Dance Yes 100%
lecture process?

European Journal of Research Development and Sustainability (EJRDS)
4 Do you need to learn dance outside your own Learning Indonesian dance from outside our
culture? Give reasons? own culture can provide a deeper experience
and understanding of the richness of
Indonesian culture. It can open horizons,
increase appreciation for cultural diversity,
and enrich knowledge and skills in dance.
5 Are you excited to learn dances in the archipelago Yes 100%
outside of your own culture?
6 What do you get out of knowing and appreciating Many experiences, broad cultural insights,
Nusantara dances outside of your own culture? and enriching knowledge in the field of
7 Do you still want to learn other Archipelago Still, because the more we improve our ability
dances? Or just learn in the classroom? to perform dance movements, the wider the
insight into the richness of dance art in the

Based on the survey results above, the incoming answers have an average perception as stated in the table
above. It is clear that the values of multicultural education are reflected in the attitudes of students after teaching
Nusantara Dance courses. The values of multicultural education are reflected in several aspects of achievement
1. Uniformity in diversity is widely accepted.
2. Passion for learning new things.
3. Add insight into regional culture and the richness of regional dance.
4. Develop positive behavior towards differences in a multicultural society.
5. Understand the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviors that have cultural differences.
6. Able to appreciate differences and have a high tolerance attitude.

Dance has a role to develop multicultural values by instilling awareness of cultural differences and diversity, social
sensitivity, pride in pluralist cultural diversity, and appreciation of one's own culture and other cultures. This is the
learning outcome that is successfully achieved in this case multicultural education. The results achieved in this learning
program are that participants get new experiences to learn cultural systems both philosophical values and skill values
in the dances studied. Students also actively interact and build universal cultural communication in responding to
differences. The spirit of interpreting and appreciating other regional cultures regardless of differences in residence,
ethnicity, race, and religion reflects the concept of multicultural values.

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