Development of Veneer Based Corrugated Composites Part 1 - Manufacture and Basic Material Properties
Development of Veneer Based Corrugated Composites Part 1 - Manufacture and Basic Material Properties
Development of Veneer Based Corrugated Composites Part 1 - Manufacture and Basic Material Properties
Keywords: Wood-based composites; Veneer; Hardwoods; Structural panels; Corrugated wood panels;
Load bearing members; Mechanical properties
Contact information: a: Institute of Wood Based Products and Technologies, University of West Hungary,
H-9400 Bajcsy-Zs. u. 4 Sopron, Hungary; b: Division of Forestry and Natural Resources, West Virginia
University P.O. Box 6125, Morgantown, WV 260506-6125, USA;
* Corresponding author: [email protected]
Since the last quarter of the 20th century, the global forest products industry has
experienced significant shortages in raw material supply. The available timber resources
have declined gradually both in quantity and quality, while the demand for construction
materials has increased substantially. Responding to the market requirements,
manufacturers of construction materials developed several wood-based, load supporting
composites commonly referred to as structural composite lumbers (SCL). These include
laminated veneer lumbers (LVL), parallel strand lumbers (PSL), and laminated strand
lumbers (LSL), originally designed to utilize softwoods. With the advancement of
technology, short-rotation trees and species previously neglected because of their
unfavorable properties have been used in the manufacturing processes. The definite
advantages of these composites are higher yield from forest resources, higher (engineered)
mechanical properties, dimensions limited only by technological constraints, better
Fig. 1. Side- and end-clippings generated during decorative (face) veneer manufacture
Fig. 2. Variety of panels with PUR – side-clippings core materials and 3-D composites
Fig. 3. Variety of structural composites made from veneer clippings: (a) single-layer beams and
panels from shredded side-clippings; (b) structural panels from side-clippings; (c) three-layer
structural composite with end-clippings in the core
Raw materials for furnish preparation were Appalachian hardwood veneer
sideclippings and rejected full size veneer leafs with varying widths. The mixture of species
included red maple (Acer rubrum), American white ash (Fraxinus americana), black
cherry (Prunus serotina), white oak (Quercus alba), and yellow poplar (Liriodendron
tulipifera). The raw materials came from different veneer mills in the Appalachian region
in dry conditions. For flat panels production a mix black cherry (85%) and white oak (15%)
was used. Besides preconditioning and length adjustments, there was no additional
manipulation of the veneers or clippings.
Adhesion was achieved by application of liquid phenol-formaldehyde (PF) resin
with 50% dry material content typically used for LVL production. During mat forming for
corrugated panels, the face layers of the mat were covered with melamine-base films to
minimize future in-service moisture uptake.
During the first step, flat panels were manufactured to evaluate physical and
mechanical properties. The furnish preparation included the cutting of the mixed hardwood
After pressing, flat panels were stacked under weights to prevent warping during
cooling and acclimatization. Panels were trimmed, and standard ASTM test specimens
were machined from randomly selected panels and areas. Tests and measurements included
density, thickness swell, tension, compression, and flexural property evaluations. All
assessments of physical and mechanical properties followed the specification of relevant
standards (ASTM D 143-94 and D 1037-96) except specimens for tension strength and
MOE determination. Because of the machine grip constrain, these specimens were cut to a
25 mm width instead of the standard 50 mm. Mechanical tests were performed parallel and
Fig. 6. Schematics of the aluminum templates (not to scale). Dimensions are in mm.
Standard testing procedures revealed that strength and stiffness properties of the
new composites met or exceeded the similar characteristics of competing oriented strand
boards (OSB) and plywood. Table 2 compiles the average values with standard deviations.
In fact, the strength values were even better than that of similar properties of commercial
solid wood (Forest Products Laboratory 1999). This fact can be explained by the origin of
furnish materials. The defect free veneers came from high quality solid wood prisms,
prepared for slicing or eccentric peeling. Furthermore, densification during the pressing
process remarkably improved the mechanical properties. This confirms the finding that the
correct pressing time, temperature, and pressure have utmost importance in quality wood
composite manufacture.
The mean modulus of rupture value also exceeded the similar values of other
structural panel type products (OSB, plywood, LVL) when specimens were tested flatwise
in parallel to strand direction, while the rigidity of the specimens were comparable. In the
case of perpendicular grain directions, a significant drop of the mechanical properties can
be observed.
132.5 15.5
Flat 20
Parallel with (23.3) (1.9) 99.6 73.7 11.45 5.76
strands 110.5 13.4 (29.7) (10.4) (2.75) (1.08)
Edge 20
(10.8) (1.0) 1.05
86.9 8.9 (0.38)
Flat 20
Perpendicular (2.69) (2.7) 4.03 15.9 1.10 3.56
to strands 7.24 7.2 (1.60) (4.9) (0.041 (1.15)
Edge 20
(1.65) (1.7)
Mean values with standard deviations are in parenthesis; σt and σc are tension and compression
strengths, respectively.
Visual assessments of failure modes showed splintering and brush tension failures
in bending (MOR). Specimens in tension failed in splintering manner almost one hundred
percent. Under compression, the re-glued panels failed because of buckling after
delamination. Figure 7 shows some characteristic failure modes. The internal bound (IB)
tests resulted in more than 50% wood failure. However, the variability of data was
unexpectedly wide (1.9 to 0.45 MPa). This may be explained by the different densification
of diverse species. Therefore, this phenomenon should be investigated further.
Fig. 7. Typical failure modes of flat panels: (a) brush failure at the tension side of a cross grained
specimen; (b) splintering tension failures; (c1, c2) failure modes of compression specimens with
parallel and perpendicular strand alignments, respectively
Results of Corrugation
The segmented circular corrugation yielded 750 × 550 mm trimmed panels with
four full and two half wavelengths in the longitudinal direction (Fig. 8). The average
density was 725 kg/m3 with a comparatively low COV (12.5%). This could be achieved by
the alternating radii of the top template. Thus, more even panel thickness was created at
every point of the templet surfaces; the normal distance between the two templates over
the entire surface was constant.
It should be noted, however, that for the full contact of the strands and because of
the spring back effect, the templates were close to ~8 mm at the apexes. This created some
higher densifications at the oblique surfaces, although no statistically significant
differences could be measured in thicknesses of the relevant areas of the panel.
Fig. 8. Circularly segmented, 9.5 mm thick corrugated panel made of ash veneer side clippings
The trimmed panel size for both sine-wave and circular wave corrugations was 750
mm × 400 mm, which include four full and two half waves along the length of the panel
(Figs. 8 and 9). The average density was 738 kg/m3. This agreed with the flat panel actual
density, although the spread of data increased significantly (COV = 16.1%). As already
mentioned, the top and bottom templates had identical sine-wave millings. For the 9.5 mm
target thickness, the differences between the normal distances of apexes and the inflexion
points of the sine-wave was 2 mm (Fig. 6 A and B). Thus, over and under densifications
were manifested in the high variation of density data for this type of panel. This discrepancy
was accepted because the panel mechanical properties are considerably better than that of
wood based panel materials currently on the market. Despite the density variations, during
long term storage, the corrugated panels remained warp and twist free, though thin flat
panels of full size (750 × 650 mm) tend to warp in conditions having high relative humidity
Both types of corrugated panels were further processed and tested in engineered
structural composites. Part 2 of this paper provides further information about these products
and performances.
Fig. 9. 9.5 mm thick, sine-wave corrugated panels made of mixed hardwood side-clippings
1. Veneer mill residues, including side clippings and rejected veneer bundles, can be
successfully converted into value-added, composite panels.
This research was partially financed by the Research Challenge Grant Program of
West Virginia at West Virginia University during the academic year of 2002-2003 and the
Hungarian National Science Foundation (OTKA), project number T-25985. The
continuation at WVU in 2008 has been made possible through the Wood Utilization
Research Program Task #8 and #21. Financial supports are gratefully acknowledged.
Bradley McGraw, a former graduate student at WVU, Division of Forestry and Natural
Resources, helped in data acquisition and testing. This manuscript is published with the
approval of the Director of West Virginia Agricultural and Forestry Experimental Station
as Scientific Article No. 3289.
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Article submitted: August 4, 2016; Peer review completed: October 6, 2016; Revised
version received and accepted: October 20, 2016; Published: December 5, 2016.
DOI: 10.15376/biores.12.1.774-784