X English

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of pages - 14 (M)
Time Allowed : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 80


1. Answer sheet contains 3 sections :

* Section A – Reading 20 marks.

* Section B – Writing Skill and Grammar – 20 marks.

* Section C – Literature – 40 marks.



I. Passage : (10)

(i) (b) It strengthens our sense of discrimination. (1)

(ii) (c) Both are locked in an inequitable equation. (1)

(iii) (a) Encouraging (1)

(iv) (a) renouncing – let go and (c) strengthen – empower (1)

(v) Value point : (1)

This will generate the awareness we need to control our senses and mind and make

them stop churning out desire every moment. (1)

(vi) 1. It houses our harmful desires. (2)

2. It has speech and behaviour patterns that are negative to our well-beings.

(vii) Value Points : (2)

 It will unravel your true feelings and bring many of your hidden ambitions and

desires into the open.

 It will help you develop frankness and honesty and yourself.

(viii) Both the lists of goals and desires may have selfish or detrimental goals and

desires for achieving meditation, visualization, self-realization, peace, happiness

and bliss. (1)

II. Passage : (10)

(i) Value Points : (2)

 Widespread use of cell phones.

 In many locations, children of elementary school age regularly carry cell


 People have been using cell phones while driving too.

 Texting has become common place.

(ii) fact, objective detail (1)

(iii) lesser, lower (1)

(iv) (a) Series 1 (1)

(v) (d) the latest (1)

(vi) Value points : (2)

Teenagers might be especially prone to texting while driving due to their high level

of engagement with mobile devices and social communication, leading to a greater

temptation to use their phones while driving despite the known risks.

(vii) The risk of interference with sensitive cockpit equipment and limitations to a

particular network. (1)

(viii) (a) 1. Cell phones is elementary schools. (1)

2. Cell phones and driving

3. Airlines and Cell phones



III. Answer ANY TEN out of twelve : (1x10)

(i) reviewed (1)

(ii) (1)

Error Correction

at On

(iii) Swayam asked Aman if he had checked the weather forecast for the camping

weekened. (1)

(iv) (a) he had decided to pursue a degree in engineering. (1)

(v) organize (1)

(vi) (1)

Error Correction

are have

(vii) A. This  These (1)

(viii) (b) spread out (1)

(ix) they would start in the following month (1)

(x) (a) has been (1)

(xi) (b) looked (1)

(xii) (1)

Error Correction

vaccination vaccinate


IV.A Letter writing (4A or 4B) (5)

Format – 1 (full credit if all aspects included)

Content - 2

Organization of ideas - 2

Accuracy – 1

V.A Analytical paragraph (5A or 5B) (5)

Content - 2

Organization of ideas - 2

Accuracy – 1


VI. Reference to context (any one out of two – 6A or 6B)

VI.A (i) (b) Fear (1)

(ii) Value points : (2)

 Entire class was feeling anxious and fearful.

 Experiencing such emotions due to the forthcoming meeting.

 Teacher would decide who will move upto the next form and who will be kept


 Causing uncertainity and apprehension among the students.

(iii) Shaking/shivering (or any other synonym) (1)

(iv) (b) They are placing bets on the teachers’ decisions. (1)


B. (i) (b) Be strict and disciplined in managing the pet’s diet. (1)

(ii) Value points : (2)

 Conveys a serious tone/concern for the pet’s health.

 He urge the listener to cut down the pet’s food and increase exercise to keep the

pet on a very strict diet.

 Failure – to follow – pet becomes seriously ill.

(iii) (b) pet’s overall health (1)

(iv) possibility of the pet becoming really ill. (1)

VII. Extract – any one out of two 7A or 7B (5)

A. (i) fire (1)

(ii) (c) fire and ice (1)

(iii) (a) The speaker agrees with those who prefer fire over ice. (1)

(iv) Value points : (2)

 Speaker prefers the world to end in fire.

 Holds this belief because of the experiences with desire.

 Implying the fire symbolizes a more passionate and intense ending compared to



B. (i) (b) the tiger is aggressive and menacing (1)

(ii) Metaphor (1)

(iii) Value point : (1)

The tiger stalks on the few steps of his cage with vivid strips on pads of velvet in

quiet rage.

(iv) Value point : (2)

 The tiger might be experiencing emotions

Like – frustrations, Anger Or restlessness

Due to being confined in its cage.

 He is yearning for freedom.

VIII. Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions : (4x3=12)

Content 2, organization – 1

(i) Value points : (3)

 Rajvir was fascinated by the scenic beauty of the place.

 There were vast green tea gardens on both sides of the road.

 Tall trees at the back of gardens in the forest on the rolling hills.

 Women plucking tea leaves looked like dolls.

(any other relevant point)

(ii) Value points : (3)

 The poet beautifully portrays the transformative power of small, everyday

experiences on the human spirit.

 Through the imagery of crow shaking off a handful of “dust of snow” – frost

captures the essence of how a seemingly trivial encounter – affect one’s outlook

on life.

 ‘Dust of Snow’ – symbolizes the burdens and troubles that we encounter in our

daily lives.

(any other relevant point)

(iii) Value points : (3)

 The young seagull was very hungry.

 His mother took pity on him and flew towards him with a piece of fish in her


 When he saw her – screamed with joy.

 He leaved out and tapped the rock with his feet expressing his joy and


(any other relevant point)

(iv) Value points : (3)

 Money is something material, tangible, and outside of world.

 Expressions suggests that – money may be important for buying things.

 It cannot replace the value and significance of the experiences and emotions
associated with childhood memories – like losing a cherished possession.

(any other relevant point)

(v) Value points : (3)

 Lencho and his family experienced distress due to a devastating hailstorm.

 That hailstorm destroyed their crops – jeopardizing their livelihood.

 He feared that he and his family would go hungry.

 Lencho sought assistance from God – believing that only divine intervention

could provide them with the much – needed help and support during their

difficult times.

 He wrote a letter to God asking for 100 pesos to sow the crop.

(any other relevant point)

IX. Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40-50 words. (2x3=6)

Content – 2, Organisation – 1

(i) Value points : (3)

 Mrs. Pumphery was being over indulgent with Tricki and was overfeeding him.

 She gave him malt and cod-liver oil in between the meals.

 A bowl of Horlicks.

 She also served him ice-creams, cakes, chocolates, wine etc.

 She needed to cut down on his food intake to help him regain his health.

 Hence, the ‘somewhat cruel’ act is equivalent to Mrs. Pumphery cutting down

on food for tricki which eventually turned beneficial for the dog.

(any other relevant point)

(ii) Value points : (3)

 Anil was a trusting person.

 He trusted a stranger – Hari Singh.

 Gave him the key of his room.

 Sent Hari to do shopping.

 Once Hari ran off with Anil’s money.

 But he came back and replaced the notes.

 He could not betray such a trusting person.

(any other relevant point)

(iii) Value points : (3)

 To take a report about missiles.

 It was a very important paper as several men and women had lost their lives for

it in the past.

 Max wanted to passess that report for his own benefit.

 He entered Ausable’s room with a passkey.

(any other relevant point)

X. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1x6=6)

Content – 3, Expression – 2, Accuracy – 1

(a) Value points : (6)

 Mandela was not born with a hunger to be free.

 He was born free in every way.

 As a student he wanted transitory freedom.

 Gradually, he began to realize that his boyhood freedom was a mere illusion

and his freedom had already been taken from him.

 It led him to join the African National Congress.

 It transformed a frightened Youngman into a bold one.

 It turned a family – loving husband into a man without a home.

 Forced a life – loving man to live like a monk.

 He understood that he needed to liberate his people.

(any other relevant point)


(b) Value points : (6)

 The pilot of the old Dakota aeroplane was caught in the black stormy clouds.

 Suddenly, a black aeroplane came to his rescue.

 In the modern age of Science and Technology, some people may reject the idea

of supreme power helping a person in crisis.

 May be the imagination of pilot/intuition of pilot

 In distress, he lost all hope. May be his own imagination guided him to go

ahead and landed safely.

 (Answer may vary - of the part – instances of help/intervention, suggest the

presence of a guiding power during challenging time)

(any other relevant point)

XI. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100-120 words. (1x6=6)

Content – 3, Expression – 2, Accuracy – 1

(a) Value points : (6)

 The young, pretty lady who was dressed in red and was also a thief, lacked


 She had cheated and deceived Horace.

 Both had the same motive when they came to the house at shotover grange, the

real culprit in this story in the young lady.

 She planned her moves so accurately and immorally and escapes scot-free with

all the jewels.

 She pretended to be the owner of the house.

 She asked him to open the safe for her.

(any other relevant point)


(b) Value points : (6)

 Griffin’s scientific discovery was misused by him.

 Being a lawless person, he used his discovery to trouble other people.

 He set fire to the landlord’s house in revenge and then he became invisible.

 He never used his discovery for a constructive purpose.

 He troubled and harassed people after becoming invisible.

 Also, used his invisibility to evade arrest by the villagers.

 He knocked down the constable.

(any other relevant point)


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