Micropumps For Drug Delivery: Eric Chappel and Dimitry Dumont-Fillon
Micropumps For Drug Delivery: Eric Chappel and Dimitry Dumont-Fillon
Micropumps For Drug Delivery: Eric Chappel and Dimitry Dumont-Fillon
Micropumps for drug delivery
Eric Chappel and Dimitry Dumont-Fillon
Debiotech SA, Lausanne, Switzerland
Drug Delivery Devices and Therapeutic Systems 31 # 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
32 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
deliver a flow rate that increases linearly up to a Micropumps are categorized here as mechan-
driving frequency of about 15 Hz. A maximum ical or nonmechanical micropumps, depending
flow rate of 100 μL/min is observed at zero back- on whether the external mechanical or nonme-
pressure [97] and the device can generate a max- chanical energy is converted into kinetic energy.
imum outlet pressure of 60 mbar. Another According to Nguyen and Wereley [14], this clas-
important step was achieved in 1988 at the Uni- sification is well adapted to pumping mecha-
versity of Twente by Van Lintel et al. [6]. For the nisms which are more effective on the
first time, MEMS micropumps of the reciprocat- microscale domain than on the macroscale and
ing displacement type, comprising of one or two several authors adopted this type of categoriza-
pump chambers, a piezo-actuated membrane, tion [8, 9, 11–13]. Mechanical micropumps can
and passive silicon check valves were designed be further categorized into displacement micro-
and manufactured. This three-layer micropump pumps and dynamic micropumps according to
is illustrated in Fig. 1. The two passive valves of whether the mechanical energy is transferred
the micropump exhibit a pretension of 10 mbar. periodically or continuously to the working fluid.
The stroke volume is 0.21 μL at the actuation In displacement micropumps, a force is applied
voltage of 100 V and the corresponding maxi- in a periodic manner to one or more moving
mum flow rate is 8 μL/min at the actuation fre- boundaries which in turn exert pressure on the
quency of 1 Hz. The maximum outlet pressure is working fluid. In centrifugal and ultrasonic
100 mbar [6]. micropumps, which both belong to the dynamic
These preliminary works have generated an micropump category, the mechanical energy is
extraordinary enthusiasm for MEMS micro- continuously transferred to increase the fluid
pumps. Laser et al. noticed in 2004 that more than momentum inside the device [14]. This fluid
200 hundred papers reporting on novel micro- momentum is then converted into pressure due
pump design, actuation scheme, fabrication tech- to the hydrodynamic resistance of the valves
nology, or modeling approach were published and the fluidic line downstream of the pumping
[7]. Research is still very active in this domain. mechanism [7]. Nonmechanical micropumps
Excellent published reviews, that are not include electrokinetic (EK), electrohydrodynamic
repeated here, provide a qualitative and quanti- (EHD), electroosmotic (EO), magnetohydrody-
tative analysis of micropump performances with namic (MHD), capillary-driven, bubble and elec-
exhaustive comparison tables and charts [7–13]. trochemical (EC) micropumps. The design of
Instead, this chapter focuses on the description these devices is simpler than those of mechanical
of mature micropump technologies suitable for micropumps since most of them do not comprise
drug delivery, with an emphasis on the specific an actuator and a moving boundary to increase
DDS design requirements. the fluid velocity. The classification of the
different types of micropumps is illustrated in
Piezo actuator Glass diaphragm
Fig. 2.
Valve 1 Valve 2 After a brief description of the requirements
and the basic outputs of DDS, important fea-
tures of the micropumps are described, in partic-
ular, the pumping mechanism, the key
Inlet Silicon wafer Glass wafer Outlet performances (flow rate, backpressure) along
FIG. 1 Piezoelectric micropump with passive check with typical examples of recent devices under
valves. From P. Woias, Micropumps—past, progress and future development. The flow rectifying elements
prospects, Sens. Actuat. B Chem. 105(1) (2005) 28–38. https:// (e.g., the valves), the actuators and the fluid
doi.org/10.1016/j.snb.2004.02.033. chambers, are briefly described. Comprehensive
I. Microfluidics
2 Micropumps for drug delivery systems 33
Micropump classification
Mechanical Nonmechanical
Displacement Dynamic
Piezo Ultrasonic
Electrostatic Centrifugal
FIG. 2 Classification of micropumps as mechanical or nonmechanical micropumps, depending on whether the external
mechanical or nonmechanical energy is converted into kinetic energy.
reviews of these elements were respectively • definition of the hazardous situations and the
made by Oh and Ahn [15], Laser and Santiago foreseeable sequences of events
[7], and Amirouche et al. [8]. A detailed descrip- • estimation of the risk (risk ¼ severity of
tion of the therapeutic applications is provided potential harm probability of occurrence)
in dedicated chapters of this book, as well as • evaluation of the risk
the review of implantable DDS. • use of the risk control process to reduce the
risk to an acceptable level
• benefit-risk analysis
2 Micropumps for drug delivery systems • evaluation of the overall residual risk level of
the global product which shall be judged
2.1 Requirements acceptable.
A DDS usually comprises of a drug reservoir, The risk management process includes the
a pumping mechanism, microchannels, one or use of specific tools (namely DFMEA and
more sensors, and a connection to the delivery PFMEA) for the description of the design and
site. The pump engine, as the key part of the process failure modes along with the analysis
DDS, shall be safe and effective. of their effects (see norm IEC 60812 [17]). Design
The development of a micropump for drug or process mitigations are then implemented to
delivery is made in agreement to the risk man- ensure that the risks are reduced to an accept-
agement process which comprises the follow- able level. As a general manner, the main
ing steps, according to the norm ISO14971: patient’s risks associated with a drug delivery
2007 [16]: device are induced by the following high-level
classes of device failure:
• specification of the intended use
• identification of the hazards (source of harm • overinfusion
associated with the device) • underinfusion
I. Microfluidics
34 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 35
This section describes first the most common rectifiers, the two phases of the pumping cycle
types of displacement mechanical micropumps, can be described as follows:
including electromagnetic, electrostatic, piezo,
• Supply phase: The upward movement of the
thermal/shape memory alloy, thermopneu-
membrane increases the pumping chamber
matic, and ionic conducting polymer film-based
volume, the induced underpressure sucks the
actuation schemes. The second part of this section
liquid from the inlet toward the pumping
provides a brief description of two types of
dynamic mechanical pumps: ultrasonic and cen-
• Infusion phase: The downward movement of
trifugal micropumps.
the membrane reduces the pumping chamber
volume, the generated overpressure forces
the fluid to flow from the pumping chamber
3.1 Displacement mechanical toward the outlet.
The two phases of the actuation cycle of a
3.1.1 Basic operation of membrane membrane micropump with check valves are
micropumps and design considerations illustrated in Fig. 3. The displaced volume dur-
For a few decades, membrane or diaphragm ing an actuation cycle is called stroke volume Δ V
micropumps turn out to be the most popular and the minimum pumping chamber volume is
design for drug delivery applications, and a called the dead volume V0. The volume of the
large variety of actuation mechanisms were pumping chamber varies alternatively between
investigated. Thus, it is noteworthy to briefly V0 (at the end of the infusion phase) and
describe the working principle of these devices. V0 + Δ V (at the end of the supply phase).
A membrane micropump comprises of a var- One of the major membrane micropump
iable volume pumping chamber, a movable parameters is the compression ratio ε defined by:
membrane, an actuator, and flow rectifying ele-
ments at the inlet and the outlet of the pumping ΔV
chamber. Flow rectification can be obtained by V0
holes, diffusers or nozzles, or passive check
valves [21]. The membrane micropumps are A minimum value of the compression ratio is
based on the reciprocating concept: the actuator required to make the micropump self-priming
generates a cyclic movement of the membrane and bubble-tolerant [21]. To simplify, it is
which in turn induces alternatively an enlarge- assumed that the membrane pumps have two
ment and a reduction of the pumping chamber passive check valves that exhibit the same open-
volume. For a membrane pump with ideal flow ing threshold jΔ Pvalve j (equal to the absolute value
FIG. 3 Schematics of a membrane pump with passive check valves during the supply phase (left) and the infusion phase
(right). The displaced volume during an actuation cycle is the stroke volume ΔV and the minimum pumping chamber volume
at the end of the infusion phase is called the dead volume V0.
I. Microfluidics
36 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 37
pumping efficiency, and accuracy consider- but many other valve mechanisms were investi-
ations. Other patient-safety relevant features gated. A comprehensive review of active and
are also considered, notably the protection passive microvalves was made by Oh and Ahn
against free flow. The valves are closed what- [15]. Passive valves can be classified as mechan-
ever the pressure gradient between the reservoir ical and nonmechanical moving parts. Mechan-
and the infusion site in normal conditions of use. ical check valves are incorporated in inlet and
For instance, external pressure conditions and outlet ports of the pumping cavity of reciprocat-
the presence of a long infusion line between ing micropumps and various structures were
the device and the patient can generate a water investigated: flaps, membranes, balls, and mov-
column that does not open the valves. Other ing structures [15]. Check-valve micropumps
considerations related to failure detectability usually comprise a filter to prevent the risk of
can be considered: the monitoring of the pres- valve blocking or valve leakage depending on
sure inside the pumping chamber or in the infu- the type of contamination [31]. Further, these
sion line is a powerful tool for failure detection. moving and fragile structures may be subject
The larger the valve pretensions, the higher the to stiction. Valveless micropumps represent an
over- and underpressure amplitudes during an interesting alternative to check valves: the con-
actuation cycle and the more sensitive the failure struction is very simple, robust, low cost, and
detection algorithm. It has been shown that the mechanism is less sensitive to contamination
valve pretensions of 100 mbar associated with than check-valve micropumps. The original con-
a high compression ratio micropump and a cept of a micropump based on the difference of
stroke volume of 200 nL can yield to a fast and flow resistance through diffuser/nozzle ele-
reliable detection of any condition affecting ments was proposed by Van de Pol in 1989
pumping accuracy including total and partial [32] and further developed by Stemme and
occlusion, valve failure, reservoir under- or Stemme [33]. The working principle of a valve-
overpressure and pumping mechanism failure less micropump is illustrated in Fig. 4. A large
[25–27, 56]. water flow rate up to 16 mL/min at 100 Hz
The valve opening thresholds and the com- was reported with a maximum output pressure
pression ratio can be routinely monitored dur- of 200 mbar. Valveless micropumps exhibit a
ing the MEMS micropump manufacturing [28]. systematic backflow during actuation and vari-
Specific pumping chamber design, compatible ous topology optimizations were carried out
with push-pull actuation and low dead-volume [34–37] to optimize the diodicity of such devices,
valves, can lead to a compression ratio as high as which is defined as the ratio of pressure drop of
1:1.2 and a maximum output pressure of 1.3 bar reverse flow and forward flow [38]. The flow
[26]. A high compression ratio can, however, rate strongly depends on the value of the back-
lead to a few drawbacks: the large underpres- pressure [39, 40]. Moreover, micropumps with
sure generated during the supply phase may No-Moving-Parts (NMP) valves such as dif-
induce cavitation, excessive shear stress on the fuser/nozzle, Y-shape tubes [41], or Tesla valves
drug molecules [24], or even the generation of [42] show a systematic free flow in presence of a
foam depending on the nature of the drug excip- pressure gradient between the reservoir and the
ients. To prevent these negative side effects, the infusion site when the device is switched off.
actuation rate is electronically limited and the This feature strongly limits the use of micro-
pressure inside the pumping chamber is moni- pumps with NMP valves in drug delivery appli-
tored in a continuous way [29, 30, 56]. cations, in particular for vascular infusion, since
Passive check valves are widely used as flow- the backpressure of the vascular system will
rectifying elements of membrane micropump, generate an important reverse flow. On the other
I. Microfluidics
38 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
FIG. 4 Schematics of a valveless membrane pump with passive diffuser/nozzle elements during the supply phase (left) and
the infusion phase (right). The flow-rectifying property of this micropump is due to the difference in flow resistance through
the diffuser/nozzle elements.
hand, valveless micropumps were considered electrical networks are supported by experimen-
as an alternative to passive drainage systems tal validations made on various types of micro-
(shunts) for the treatment of glaucoma: the pumps, such as micropumps with no-moving-
outflow of aqueous humor can be better con- part valves [52], valveless micropumps [44, 53],
trolled and when the micropump is off, the piezoelectric peristaltic micropump [54], and
valveless structure enables the passive drain- piezoelectric membrane micropump [55, 56].
age of aqueous humor at a low flow rate Equivalence between physical equations gov-
[39]. Furthermore, valveless micropumps are erning flow rate and pressure in a microfluidic
considered for water-cooling systems [43, 44]. device and respectively current and voltage in
The possibility to change the direction of the an electrical network can be established. The
flow is an interesting aspect for other types standard analogy between fluidics and electrical
of applications, for example, chemical analysis networks is shown in Table 1. The different ele-
systems [45]. ments of the fluidic pathway are replaced by
equivalent electrical elements and the fluidic
3.1.2 Modeling performances of the micropump can be simu-
At the micropump design stage, numerical lated using standard electrical circuit simulation
modeling is a relevant option to tackle complex tools. To illustrate the method, a simple mem-
microfluidic designs and multiphysics systems. brane micropump with check valves and an
Several options were investigated to determine
the characteristics of the micropump dynamics.
A classic option consists of building an electrical TABLE 1 Physical and/or fluidic effects and their
equivalent network based on a subdivision of electrical equivalents.
the micropump structure into lumped elements
Fluidic parameters Electrical parameters
[46]. This method was used to design a micro-
pump for medical applications [47, 48] without Flow rate Current
the use of a complex analytical model [49, 50]. Pressure drop Voltage
More recently, progress in the computational
Mass Inductance
domain enables the development of software
packages able to perform a complete electro- Flow restrictor Resistance
fluid-solid simulation [12, 13, 51]. These differ- Elasticity Capacitance
ent modeling methods based on equivalent
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 39
embedded pressure sensor is considered. The can be optimized to reduce risks to an acceptable
inlet and the outlet of the micropump are con- level and to increase the chance of success dur-
nected to a drug reservoir and the infusion site, ing the design verification phase.
respectively. These two elements are modeled Furthermore, the determination of the pres-
by voltage sources to account for the reservoir sure profiles during an actuation cycle can be
pressure and infusion site backpressure. Hydro- used to build a failure detection algorithm
dynamic restrictions along the fluidic pathway [26]. Fournier et al. analyzed the impact of semi-
and the check valves are modeled by fixed and occlusion at the cannula tip of an insulin micro-
variable resistors, respectively. The flow rate pump and proposed an adaptive actuation
generated by the displacement of the pumping pattern based on such investigations [56].
membrane is equivalent to a controlled current
source, while the elasticity of structural elements 3.1.3 Actuation mechanisms
is simulated by standard capacitors. The result- In addition to the pumping cavity and the
ing general network is shown in Fig. 5. In normal valves, the third key design element of a mem-
operation, the fluid flows from left to right. brane micropump is the actuator which fulfils
The main outputs of such simulations are the many different and sometimes contradictory
stroke volume, the free flow, and the pressure requirements such as large force, large displace-
profile during an actuation cycle. The impact ment, small size, fast response time, low power
of manufacturing tolerances can be investigated consumption, low driving voltage, low thermal
to improve the design robustness. Numerical losses, low cost, ease of manufacturing, assem-
simulation is a powerful tool to determine the bly, and test [8]. A selection of the most popular
effects of failure such as valve leakage, reservoir micropump actuation mechanisms is presented
overfilling, or occlusion on the micropump per- here with a brief discussion of their pumping
formances. The design of the valve characteris- performances and their respective advantages
tics, the compression ratio, and the actuator and drawbacks.
FIG. 5 General electrical network modeling the different elements of a membrane micropump with check valves and an
embedded pressure sensor made of a flexible membrane with integrated strain gauges. Reservoir overpressure and backpres-
sure at the cannula tip (occlusion) are modeled as voltage sources. The flow induced by the displacement of the pumping
membrane is modeled as a controlled current source. Fluidic restrictions along the fluidic pathway, including the valves,
are represented by fixed or variable resistors. Capacitors are added to the circuit to model the compliance of the flexible ele-
ments inside the pumping chamber.
I. Microfluidics
40 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
FIG. 6 (Left) Schematic cross section of a micropump with a piezoelectric actuation in the transverse-strain configuration.
The application of an actuation voltage generates an axial electrical field, the radial strain produced in the piezo material
induces a bending moment that will deflect the pumping membrane and displace the fluid of the pumping chamber.
(Right) Schematic cross section of a micropump with a piezoelectric actuation in axial-strain configuration, where the piezo-
electric disk is positioned between a rigid frame and the pumping membrane. The large vertical displacement of the mem-
brane results in an axial strain in the piezoelectric disk when a voltage is applied.
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 41
stops in silicon. The stroke volume of this MEMS
micropump does not depend on the flow rate up
to 2.5 mL/h and the presence of check valves
enables a constant flow rate for reservoir pres-
sure in the range 300 to +200 mbar. Specific
actuation patterns can be used to limit to a few
percent the effect of piezo bender hysteresis on
delivery accuracy [60]. The movement of the
piezo bender tip is not perfectly axial and a flex-
ible link between the piezo bender and the
pumping membrane is necessary to achieve a
FIG. 7 Schematic cross section of an electrostatic micro-
full stroke [61]. The water flow rate varies line-
pump. The application of a voltage between the electrodes
arly up to 2.5 mL/h at 3.5 Hz and a 200 V will induce an upward deflection of the pumping membrane
applied voltage and maximum backpressure of and the filling of the pumping chamber (supply phase). The
1.3 bar can be generated by the micropump voltage is removed for the infusion phase and the membrane
[26]. Jenke et al. combined thermal calorimetric returns to its initial position.
and differential pressure-based flow sensors
with a silicon micropump to improve dosing between two parallel plates of equal area A sep-
accuracy [62]. More recently, Munas et al. devel- arated by a distance d is:
oped valveless PZT micropumps for biomedical
εAV 2
applications. The micropump fluidic structure is F¼
obtained by stacking microstructured poly- 2d2
methyl methacrylate (PMMA) sheets. where V is the applied voltage and ε is the per-
A maximum flow rate of 31.15 mL/min at mittivity of the medium separating the plates,
100 Hz was obtained with a maximum back- usually air or vacuum, with ε 8.85 1012-
pressure of 2.4 mbar [40]. F/m in both cases. By contrast to the force gen-
High actuation voltage, large cost, and a rela- erated by a piezo actuator, the electrostatic force
tively complex assembly process represent the increases as the membrane deflects against the
main drawbacks of a piezoelectric actuator for counter electrode and partly balances the oppo-
membrane micropumps [31]. On the other hand, site restoring force of the bowed membrane [7].
such a system provides large actuation force, During the infusion phase, the actuation voltage
low power consumption, and fast response is set to zero and the membrane moves back to
time [7]. its initial rest position.
Since the first electrostatic micropump devel-
oped by Judy et al. in 1991 [63], many alternative Electrostatic designs were fabricated and tested. The bidirec-
Electrostatic membrane micropumps typi- tional silicon micropump with passive flap
cally exhibit a parallel plate actuator design as valves developed by Zengerle et al. for chemical
shown in Fig. 7. The top electrode is fixed while analysis systems shows, at 200 V applied voltage,
the bottom electrode is placed on the top surface a maximum forward flow rate of 0.85 mL/min
of the pumping membrane. During the supply for an actuation frequency of 800 Hz and a max-
phase, the application of a voltage between the imum backpressure of 310 mbar. At a higher fre-
electrodes of the two closely spaced parallel quency, the micropump works in the reverse
plates will induce the deflection of the pumping direction, and a maximum reverse flow rate
membrane. The attractive electrostatic force F and backpressure of 0.4 mL/min and 70 mbar,
I. Microfluidics
42 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 43
to intracerebral drug delivery in freely moving
animals. The device comprises 16 hemispherical
reservoirs assembled with an expandable layer
placed above an array of microheaters. The
expandable layer is made of thermally expand-
able microspheres (Expancel®) embedded into
an elastic silicone matrix made from PDMS.
The small thermoplastic microspheres encapsu-
late a gas. During heating, the gas expands while
the microsphere shell softens. The result is an
irreversible increase of the microsphere volume
FIG. 9 Schematic cross section of a thermopneumatic
micropump. When the voltage is applied, the heater expands up to a factor 60. Using an external electronic
the fluid present in the secondary or heating chamber, the control unit, the device can infuse 16 metered
pressure generated induces a deflection of the membrane doses of 0.25 μL. The metered volume of
and the infusion of the liquid present in the pumping cham- 0.25 μL is infused within the first few seconds
ber, through the outlet (infusion phase). When the voltage is
of the 15 s heating period. The mean peak flow
switched off, the fluid in the heating chamber cools down
and the membrane moves back to its initial position, causing rate is about 10 μL/min and the required electri-
the filling of the pumping chamber (supply phase). cal power is 0.225 W [71]. Chee et al. proposed a
wireless powered thermopneumatic micropump
actuated using an external RF resonant fre-
quency [72]. The micropump consists of flexible
initial position, causing the filling of the pump- PDMS layers with a fluid directing channel and a
ing chamber through the inlet valve. Van de polyimide planar LC wireless heater.
Pol et al. developed the first reciprocating mem- A maximum flow rate of 2.86 μL/min at a cham-
brane micropump with a thermopneumatic actu- ber temperature of 46°C is reported, for an
ator and check valves [69]. This silicon applied electrical power of 0.22 W. The maxi-
micropump can deliver a maximum flow rate mum backpressure is 4 mbar. Recent trends
of 0.034 mL/min using a voltage supply of include the introduction of high thermal conduc-
6 V. The maximum backpressure is 50 mbar. tivity nanocomposite into PDMS layer [73].
During the infusion phase, simulated pressure Thermopneumatic actuators are compatible
and temperature rises in the secondary cavity with standard MEMS processing and can gener-
are 60 mbar and 30 °C, respectively (at 6 V). ate large pressure and large membrane displace-
A required electrical energy per pumped volume ment at a low input voltage. Their slow response
equals to a few J/μL is reported. Cooney et al. time limits the actuation frequency to about
developed, for μTAS and lab-on-a-chip applica- 50 Hz [31]. In addition, the high electrical energy
tions, a thermopneumatic micropump based on consumption of these actuators is a major disad-
phase change of a perfluorocarbon mixture vantage for their implementation in implantable
[70]. The temperature of the liquid-vapor mix- or portable drug delivery devices.
ture is controlled by a film heater. The pressure
of the perfluorocarbon mixture expands a mem- Electromagnetic
brane that forces the fluid to flow from the reser- A typical electromagnetic membrane micro-
voir to the outlet flow restrictor. A mean flow pump has a permanent magnet that is embed-
rate of 1.4 μL/min for 4.5 h is reported, with an ded into the flexible pumping membrane and
average electrical power of 0.2 W. Typical liquid microcoils affixed onto the outer part of the
pressure levels are 70–420 mbar. Spieth et al. device (see Fig. 10). The application of an electri-
reported a thermally actuated device dedicated cal current in the microcoils will generate a
I. Microfluidics
44 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
I. Microfluidics
3 Mechanical micropumps 45
FIG. 11 Schematic cross section of an SMA micropump. FIG. 12 Schematic cross section of a bimetallic micro-
SMA actuators are capable of restoring their original shape pump. The membrane is made of two metallic layers with
after a heating/cooling cycle. A voltage is applied to the different coefficients of thermal expansion that cause a
heater until the SMA temperature becomes larger than its deflection of the membrane when a voltage is applied to
phase transformation temperature, causing a deflection of the heater.
the SMA membrane and thus the displacement of the liquid
in the pumping chamber. When the voltage is switched off,
the SMA membrane cools down and the membrane moves
back to its initial position. consumption, the limited actuation frequency,
and the sensitivity to temperature which pre-
vents the good control of the SMA deformation.
at high frequency up to 100 Hz [80]. Fong et al.
developed a wireless implantable drug delivery Bimetallic
device embedded with an SMA micropump for A bimetallic actuator for micropump is typi-
the anabolic treatment of osteoporosis [81]. The cally made of two adjacent materials which
polyimide-packaged 10 10 2 mm3 chip con- exhibit different coefficients of thermal expan-
tains the pump chamber and the check valves of sion. When subjected to a temperature change,
Parylene C. The drug reservoir has a volume of the bimetallic actuator will produce a mechanical
76 μL. The nitinol coil cantilever forms a passive displacement that can be used to actuate a micro-
185 MHz resonant circuit. Wireless heating of pump as illustrated in Fig. 12. The bimetallic
the actuator is obtained through radiation of a micropump developed by Zhan et al. is operated
tuned RF electromagnetic field with an output by an aluminum-silicon diaphragm [83]. The
power of 1.1 W. An average volume of 6 6 1 mm3 device can deliver 45 μL/min
0.219 μL for a single ejection was measured. and maximum backpressure of 120 mbar at a fre-
Considering a human parathyroid hormone quency of 0.5 Hz and an applied voltage of 5.5 V.
daily dose of 40 μg and solubility of 80 mg/ Bimetallic actuators provide large forces at
mL, the implantable device can potentially oper- low voltage and are simple to implement. The
ate for 5 months before refilling. main drawbacks are the small deflections of
TiNi/Si bimorph membrane as the driving the actuator and the limitation of the actuation
diaphragm of micropump provides a large actu- frequency.
ation force, a simple manufacturing process, and
no specific insulation is needed since the fluid is Summary of the main features of micropump
only in contact with the silicon membrane [82]. actuators
In addition, SMA actuators are biocompatible The typical relative features of the aforemen-
and show good chemical resistance. The main tioned actuator mechanisms are summarized in
drawbacks are the large electrical power Table 2. Typical pressure, displacement, and
I. Microfluidics
46 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
Partly adapted from S. Shoji, M. Esashi, Microflow devices and systems, J. Micromech. Microeng. 4(4) (1994) 157–171.
response time values for each type of actuators channel having a thin membrane on the bottom.
are mentioned in the previous sections of the In order to observe a flow in this channel, its
chapter. width and/or height must be comparable in size
to the wavelength of the acoustic wave [84]. Typ-
ically, for an ultrasound wave in water having a
3.2 Dynamic mechanical micropumps frequency of a few MHz, the corresponding
Contrary to displacement mechanical micro- wavelength will be of the order of 100 μm [85].
pumps, dynamic mechanical micropumps con- The membrane thickness usually ranges from
tinuously transform mechanical energy into 1 to 3 μm and is composed of 3 layers [86]:
energy in the moving fluid. low-stress silicon nitride (insulating layer in
direct contact with the fluid), zinc oxide (the pie-
3.2.1 Ultrasonic micropumps zoelectric layer), and aluminum (ground plane
Ultrasonic micropumps are based on acoustic and interdigitated transducers, IDT). The spatial
streaming caused by the viscous attenuation of period of the fingers matches the wavelength of
flexural plate waves in a fluid. An ultrasonic the acoustic wave [85]. A cross section of such a
micropump can be seen as an active rectangular channel is provided in Fig. 13.
FIG. 13 Schematic of an ultrasonic micropump channel cross section. The flow direction mentioned on this figure is the one
induced by the flexural plate wave. Depending on the IDT actuation, it can be directed one way or the other. A standing wave
can also be generated. Usually, this is a secondary flow that is used perpendicularly to the main flow and can, for example, be
used to stir solid elements in the main flow on one side of the channel or even to mix a multiphase main flow.
I. Microfluidics
4 Nonmechanical micropumps 47
The flow rate can easily be controlled since it [92] have reported a device having a footprint
varies as the square of the driving voltage of 10 12 mm2. The thickness is not men-
(which is proportional to the wave amplitude). tioned but pictures of the actual device show
Meng et al. [87] have reported a maximum flow a device thinner than 10 mm. However, only
velocity of 1.15 mm/s for an input voltage of remotely actuated devices can reach these
12 V. Moreover, Nguyen and White [85] have dimensions. Their properties mainly depend
reported a maximum backpressure gradient of on the magnetic field as well as the operating
67 bar/m with a 10 nm wave amplitude in a frequency. They also have a simple valveless
5 μm high microchannel. Such devices can be and battery-free structure without mechanical
used to stir, mix, and efficiently pump any fluid problems since the rotating element is moving
in small microchannels without the need of a surrounded by fluid and does not generate
large pressure gradient [86, 88, 89], or as a gravi- heat. Moreover, the remote actuation can be
metric sensor and viscometer [90, 91]. Because of very interesting in applications such as medi-
their gentle pumping mechanism without mov- cal implants since all the energy storage and
ing parts, valves, or any heating involved, they larger equipment could be placed outside of
can be used to handle any type of liquid or gas the body while the micropump could easily
and even transport very sensitive biological be placed under the skin. However, this
samples such as liquids containing DNA. More- remote magnetic actuation is not without its
over, they can do so at low operating drawbacks. Indeed, actuation speed is limited
voltages [87]. due to synchronization issues between the
rotating magnetic field and the rotating ele-
3.2.2 Centrifugal micropumps ment inside the pump and the coils used to
Centrifugal micropumps use rotational generate this rotating magnetic field need to
mechanical energy to add momentum to the be placed in close proximity with the micro-
moving fluid. The design of such a device usu- pump, which can be problematic since they
ally consists of a rotating element having impel- heat up when electrical current flows through
lers, a means to make this element move, an inlet them [93].
centered over the axis of rotation, and an outlet
port on the side located at the same level as the
impellers [92]. Simply put, the rotation of the 4 Nonmechanical micropumps
impellers will push the fluid toward the periph-
ery of the device and the outlet, thus generating Nonmechanical micropumps do not have
an overpressure and an underpressure at the mechanically moving parts which makes them
inlet. While some devices are actuated remotely more reliable when compared to mechanical
through rotating magnetic fields and permanent ones as they exhibit a simpler design and a lim-
magnets on the rotating element [92, 93], other ited number of failure modes. However, they do
devices are actuated using a simple electrical rely on the interaction between at least a fluid
motor connected by a shaft to the rotating and external forces or its environment through
element [94]. interfacial tension manipulation. This adds sev-
This kind of device can generate a very large eral constraints, whether it is on the physical
flow rate, up to 5 L/min with a maximum properties of the fluid that can be handled, or
backpressure of 160 mbar [93]. The pressure even on the size of the system itself. Neverthe-
generated depends on the operating fre- less, such operation mechanisms can prove very
quency. In terms of dimensions, centrifugal efficient and especially well-suited to some par-
micropumps can be quite small, Matar et al. ticular applications.
I. Microfluidics
48 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
FIG. 14 Schematic of an ion-drag pumping setup. Charges injected from the emitter electrode and accelerated by the elec-
tric field will interact with the particles of the liquid and ionize them making them sensitive to the Coulomb force. The motion
of these ions will, in turn, induce a drag force on the rest of the liquid, thus generating a net flow.
I. Microfluidics
4 Nonmechanical micropumps 49
electrode and weaker closer to the larger elec-
trode. Neutral species in a liquid tend to disso-
ciate and recombine at the same rate but the
imposed electric field mainly increases the dis-
sociation rate, thus creating a net charge density
in the vicinity of the electrodes called the hetero-
charge layer [100]. The charges of the ions in the
FIG. 15 Schematic of an induction pumping setup. The
series of parallel electrodes are used to generate a traveling fluid are opposite to the adjacent electrode,
electric field that will attract or repel the charges generated hence the name heterocharge layer. Finally, the
in the fluid by the conductivity gradient. This conductivity attraction of these charges to the adjacent elec-
gradient is usually generated by a temperature gradient on trode generates a net flow, directed from the nar-
the channel. The motion of the free charges in the traveling
rower electrode to the larger electrode, due to
electric field will induce a drag force on the rest of the fluid
thus generating a net flow. the resulting Coulomb body force.
A maximum flow rate of 1 mL/min with an
applied voltage of 800 V and a maximum back-
coming from 40 parallel microchannels. The pressure of 2 mbar has been reported by Pearson
fluid used is deionized water and the applied and Seyed-Yagoobi [102]. The liquid used in this
voltage has an amplitude of 200 V and a fre- case was the refrigerant HCFC-123.
quency of 122 kHz. However, the maximum From the three ways to achieve EHD pump-
backpressure is not mentioned. ing, ion drag is the one yielding the highest flow
rate. However, injecting charges at the metal
4.1.3 Conduction pumping (electrode)/liquid interface can deteriorate the
Conduction pumping refers to a mechanism fluid and can be hazardous. Induction and con-
in which the charges result from the duction pumping do not share this drawback. In
dissociation-recombination process of neutral general, EHD pumping is associated with low
electrolytic species within the fluid [100, 101]. manufacturing costs, easy control, as well as
Conduction pumping setup (see Fig. 16) higher efficiency and reliability compared to
requires a series of asymmetric (narrow and other counterparts [95]. These pumps can easily
large) electrodes inducing an asymmetric elec- be integrated with standard microelectronic
tric field that is stronger closer to the narrower based on silicon manufacturing techniques,
making them especially suited for cooling pur-
poses of these systems. Moreover, scaling down
is favorable to EHD pumping since lower volt-
ages can be used to create the same electric field
I. Microfluidics
50 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
liquid to be charged. It is worth noting that, even wider than 200–300 μm [104]. In this case, the
if they are not charged, most solid surfaces will surface tension of the liquid becomes not strong
become charged when in contact with an aque- enough to maintain this flat velocity profile in
ous solution. For example, a silica surface, which the center of the channel at the velocity gener-
is composed of silanol groups, will experience ated at the solid surfaces. It is worth noting that
the solvation of the hydrogen atom of its alcohol if the flow generates backpressure, the flow
group when immersed in an aqueous solution. velocity profile will also be affected. The result-
This protonation of water will make the solid ing profile is the superposition of two forward
surface negatively charged, thus creating an flat and backward parabolic profiles [36, 37].
electric double layer (EDL) at the interface (see In terms of flow regulation, the higher the
Chapter 1). In these conditions, when an electric applied voltage (and thus the higher the electric
field is applied to the system (see Fig. 17), the field), the higher the flow rate. However, apply-
mobile ions in the EDL will move in the direc- ing a high electric field will also generate more
tion of the electric field if they are cations (which heat due to Joule heating and can also eventually
is the case when considering a silica surface) and lead to short circuits and sparking. Other means
in the opposite direction if they are anions. The do exist to decrease (or conversely increase) the
motion of those mobile ions close to the surface EOF by acting on the fluid itself, for example:
will also induce a drag force on the rest of the liq- lower the pH, increase the ionic strength or
uid, thus generating a net flow of the bulk fluid. add neutral hydrophilic polymers.
This so-called electroosmotic flow (EOF) has the In addition to open channels, porous sub-
particularity of having a flat flow velocity profile stances are also widely used to create EOF. Elec-
(see Fig. 17). However, this profile will be dis- troosmotic pumps (EOP) based on porous
rupted if the channel internal diameter becomes substances can be separated into three catego-
ries: packed-column, porous-membrane, and
porous monolith [36, 37].
Typically, microfabricated open-channel
EOPs are able to generate flow rates of up to tens
of μL/min with a maximum backpressure up to
several bar for an applied voltage ranging from 4
to 2000 V [36, 37]. Paul et al. [105] have reported,
for a packed-column EOP, a maximum back-
pressure of more than 550 bar. This sort of EOPs
can also generate flow rates up to 0.8 mL/min
for an applied voltage of several kV [106].
Porous membrane EOPs are overall the most
efficient with Yao et al. [107] reporting a maxi-
mum flow rate of 33 mL/min with a maximum
backpressure of 1.3 bar for an applied voltage of
100 V. This sort of EOPs can also create a maxi-
mum backpressure of 16 bar for an applied volt-
FIG. 17 Schematic of an electroosmotic micropump. The age ranging from a few tens to several hundreds
charges in the glass channel and the charges in the ionic solu-
of volts. Finally, Gan [108] have reported a
tion spontaneously form an EDL. The electric field applied
along the channel will induce a motion of the mobile ions porous monolith EOP having a maximum flow
in the EDL which will, in turn, drag along the other particles rate of 5.0 mL/min with a maximum backpres-
of the liquid, hence generating a net flow. sure of 1.5 bar for an applied voltage of
I. Microfluidics
4 Nonmechanical micropumps 51
500 V. Maximum backpressures are usually of and the need for an electrically conductive solu-
this order of magnitude for this type of EOPs tion can be considered as the two major limita-
but with flow rates around 1000 times slower tions of EOPs.
and an applied voltage 10 times larger [36, 37]. Because of their working principle, EOPs are
It is important to note that a slower flow rate especially well suited for analysis, whether it is
is needed in order to have a larger backpressure pharmaceutical, forensics, clinical, foodstuff,
and vice versa. environmental, chemical, or biochemical. This
Most EOPs are operated under a continuous is due to the electrophoretic effect of the applied
DC voltage creating a continuous steady flow voltage on the system. Electrophoresis is the
rate but pH changes and bubbles generated by migration, in an electric field, of charged species
electrolysis at the electrodes can lead to serious in a direction and a rate determined by their
issues inside of microfluidic channels. This can charge and mobility [104]. Because it can be more
be avoided by using an alternating AC voltage than one order of magnitude larger than the
but even though operating EOPs under an AC effective electrophoretic mobility of the charged
voltage does not create any net electrolysis, it species, EOF makes nearly all the species present
does not generate any net flow either, making in the fluid move in the same direction (see Fig.
it suitable for mixing but not pumping. There- 18). In a microchannel, the EOF, because of its flat
fore, in order to generate a net EOF, the solution flow profile, makes the subsequent in-line analy-
is to create a nonuniform electric field using an sis of the species that have been electrophoreti-
asymmetric electrode [36, 37]. Changing one of cally separated very effective.
its dimensions will induce a net EOF from the
smaller to the larger electrode. Another way to
achieve this consists of creating a traveling elec-
4.3 Magnetohydrodynamic micropumps
tric field instead of modifying the geometry of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) micropumps
the electrodes. Nevertheless, AC EOPs are not are based on the Lorentz force FL experienced by
commonly used and do have a low pumping an electrically conductive fluid in electric and
power when compared to DC EOPs. magnetic fields:
Generally, EOPs are able to generate high,
pulse-free and stable flow rates against high
backpressures and can be readily inserted into
microfluidic devices. Moreover, having no mov-
ing parts makes it suitable to handle sensitive
biologics. Downscaling is favorable since the
same electric field strength can be created at a
lower applied voltage. It is also less sensitive
to Joule heating and makes it possible to achieve
flat velocity profiles. However, their robustness
and reliability have been a concern in some FIG. 18 Schematic showing the electrophoretic separation
applications where several different fluids are of the differently charged species in electroosmotic flow. The
used since the working principle of the system Coulomb force is the source of the electroosmotic flow (EOF)
depends a lot on the interaction between the but it will also induce migration of the different ions in a
direction and with a magnitude that depend on their charges
fluid and the solid surfaces. However, if neces- and mobilities. However, since the EOF can be more than one
sary, an EOP can be built so as to isolate the sam- order of magnitude larger than the effective electrophoretic
ple or reagent of interest from the fluid used to mobility of the charged species, EOF makes nearly all the
generate the pumping [36, 37]. A high voltage species present in the fluid move in the same direction.
I. Microfluidics
52 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
I. Microfluidics
4 Nonmechanical micropumps 53
controls both the speed and the flow direction. with the liquid being manipulated is done dur-
The liquids that can be pumped are the same ing the operation of the device. They are being
as with the DC system except for the liquid used for a wide variety of applications, includ-
metals because of the heating by Eddy currents ing health diagnostics, biomedical analysis, bio-
that can strongly affect the expected flow. How- chemical analysis, environmental monitoring,
ever, this problem can be minimized by laminat- forensic, and food quality control [116]. The
ing the electrodes [112]. Eijkel et al. [112] have most common substrate is paper because it is
reported a maximum flow rate of 6 nL/min compatible with many chemical/biochemical/
and a maximum backpressure of 0.26 mbar with medical applications, low-cost, easy to use,
an applied voltage of 2.8 V, a magnetic field of and disposable. It can also be used without the
flux density amplitude 0.1 T, and a frequency need for any additional equipment as in the case
of 2.44 kHz. The main problem left with this for example with pregnancy tests. Otherwise, it
AC configuration is the heating of the system. can also be combined with electronic equipment
Joule heating is still occurring, the same as in as it is done for glucose monitoring. Li et al. [117]
the DC configuration but heating due to induc- have also reported using threads as substrate
tion and Eddy currents also add up. but, similar to paper, it suffers from some limi-
Because its performance increases with the tations such as sample retention and evapora-
conductivity of the liquid being pumped, MHD tion which make this technology not so
micropumps are well suited to handle physiolog- efficient in terms of sample transport. It also
ical liquids that require a high buffer concentra- means that it is not well suited in some cases
tion. It can also be used as a side actuation in when the sample volume is very small or the
order to perform stirring, mixing [113], or even sample concentration is very low [116]. Tian
to direct a fluid inside a fluidic network [114]. et al. [118] have proposed a solution to this issue
Moreover, they are also suitable to handle small by combining V-groove channels with paper-
quantities of liquid metal. However, in doing so, like porous detection zones, thus taking advan-
using AC MHD micropumps can be problematic tage of the short liquid transport time and
because of the generated Eddy currents [115]. reduced evaporation loss in the channels.
Delivery efficiency of the liquid sample becomes
>80% and they also report a maximum flow
4.4 Capillary micropumps
rate of 16.67 nL/s in 50 μm wide V-groove
Capillary micropumps are based on surface microchannels.
tension manipulation and capillary forces (see
Chapter 1 of this book). These surface-driven 4.4.2 Thermocapillarity
flows are predominant at the microscale while Thermocapillary systems are based on the
gravitational and pressure-driven flows are Marangoni flow. This flow is driven by internal
commonly exploited at the meso- and macro- pressure differences that are the result of a sur-
scales. Three operating modes can be distin- face tension gradient at the fluid-fluid interface
guished to control the surface properties of a in a microchannel. This means that the fluid of
system: purely passive, thermocapillary, and interest must be surrounded by another fluid
electrocapillary mechanisms. (gas or liquid) in order for the system to operate.
In this case, the interfacial tension gradient is
4.4.1 Passive capillarity induced by a temperature difference along the
Passive capillary systems are purely based on microchannel. A gradient of only a few degrees
capillary forces. In this case, no modification of per centimeter is enough to generate a flow veloc-
the physical properties of the surfaces in contact ity on the order of millimeters per second [119].
I. Microfluidics
54 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
The choice of the working fluids is important in a microchannel filled with an electrolyte at a
since their interfacial tension will determine both driving voltage of 2.3 V. This kind of operation
the direction and the velocity of the flow induced is typically used in applications such as optical
by a given temperature gradient. It is worth not- switches, micromotors, and micropumps [122].
ing that the phenomenon does not need conduc- However, such a system is not always suitable
tive liquids to work and has relatively low power to be used inside a microchannel network
consumption with respect to more common because of the high currents that can occur
mechanical pumps. Therefore, possible applica- and its sensitivity to gravitational forces. More-
tions are similar to what is done with passive cap- over, even if Pollack et al. [123] have reported the
illary systems. However, it requires much more successful driving of an electrolyte instead of a
power and has a lot more inertia than electroca- liquid metal, the variety of the medium that
pillary systems. This thermal inertia makes flow can be driven using this principle of operation
actuation and control slower than what is remains limited.
achieved with electrocapillarity. Debar and Liep-
mann [120] have reported a maximum flow rate Electrowetting
of 9.3 nL/s and a maximum backpressure of Electrowetting (EW), contrary to CEW, does
44 Pa using a vapor bubble in a microchannel not require another fluid medium. Because of
filled with fluid. The temperature gradient is gen- the setup configuration, an electrical double
erated using the thermal properties of a resistor. layer (EDL, see Chapter 1 of this book) sponta-
Power ranges from 15 to 50 mW. neously forms at the liquid-solid interface. In
this configuration, the voltage is applied
4.4.3 Electrocapillarity between the fluid (usually an electrolyte) and
Electrocapillary systems are based on the a solid surface of the microfluidic system. This
modification of the interfacial tension by the will induce a lowering of the interfacial energy
presence of electrical charges inside a micro- (liquid-solid), thus affecting the apparent con-
channel. This phenomenon can be further tact angle between the electrolyte and the solid
divided into three subtypes: continuous electro- surface. This change will modify the liquid
wetting, electrowetting, and electrowetting on meniscus and generate its retracting or advanc-
dielectrics. ing motion. A large capacitance of the EDL
enables large changes of the contact angle at Continuous electrowetting relatively small applied voltages [122]. Com-
Continuous electrowetting (CEW) is very pared to other electro-actuated fluid motion,
similar in terms of setup to thermocapillarity. EW does not generate electrochemical reac-
Indeed, it requires two working fluids, the liq- tions or bubbles as easily and has a power effi-
uid metal to control and another liquid to act ciency of 50%. It also allows for very fast
as a surrounding medium, the filler liquid (usu- switching capabilities which make it a good
ally an electrolyte), both inside a microchannel. solution for displays and optical switches
When a voltage difference is applied to the filler applications.
liquid, an interfacial (fluid-fluid) tension asym-
metry is created on the liquid metal, resulting Electrowetting on dielectrics
in the generation of a pressure difference that Electrowetting on dielectrics (EWOD) is very
will set the liquid in motion. Yun et al. [121] have similar to EW, the difference comes from the
reported a CEW micropump generating a flow nature of the capacitor, which is a thin dielectric
rate up to 70 μL/min and a maximum layer instead of an EDL. This configuration
backpressure of 800 Pa using a mercury drop allows the use of highly hydrophobic surfaces
I. Microfluidics
4 Nonmechanical micropumps 55
and to apply much higher voltages without Bubble-type micropumps are compatible
causing any adverse electrochemical reactions with electrically conductive solutions, wherein
or bubbles. EWOD usually operates at electrical Joule heating is used to generate the bubbles,
potentials about 2 orders of magnitude higher and nonconductive fluids for which embedded
than EW. Prins [124] have reported a maximum heaters are required [9]. Moreover, these micro-
flow velocity of 12 cm/s in an array of parallel pumps can be fabricated at a low cost. The com-
microchannels having diameters of about patibility of the fluid with the heating process is
350 μm. The driving voltage was around 200 V one of the main limitations of this technology.
and the maximum backpressure was about
400 Pa.
4.6 Electrochemical micropumps
Electrochemical (EC) micropumps are based
4.5 Bubble-type micropump
on the pressure generated by gas bubbles. Those
The periodical expansions and collapses of bubbles are the result of water electrolysis. Con-
bubbles generated by a heating process can lead trary to the other pumping mechanism where
to net fluid flow in the presence of flow rectify- electrolysis is usually a detrimental side effect,
ing elements as illustrated in Fig. 20. Tsai et al. it is here used as the main actuation force. To
developed a bubble-type micropump that do so, a DC current is applied through two elec-
exhibits a maximum flow rate of 5 μL/min at trodes (usually platinum) submerged in an elec-
250 Hz with a 10% duty cycle and total power trolyte solution. This results in the generation of
consumption of 1 W [125]. gaseous dioxygen at the cathode and dihydro-
Jung & Kwak reported a bubble-type micro- gen at the anode. At room temperature, the vol-
pump with an embedded heater and also a pair ume expansion resulting from the transition
of nozzle diffuser [126]. Optimum pumping con- from liquid water to gaseous dihydrogen and
ditions were achieved at 60% duty cycle and an dioxygen is on the order of a thousandfold
operation frequency of 0.5 Hz for the circular [127], making this pumping mechanism able to
chamber, with a maximum flow rate of 6.1 generate large mechanical displacements. Li
μL/min, and at 40% duty cycle and an operation et al. [128] have reported a deflection of over
frequency of 1 Hz for the square chamber with a 1.5 mm in their pumping system. These bubbles
maximum flow rate of 8 μL/min and a maxi- can be used in separate reservoirs that will
mum backpressure of 4.9 mbar. deform or expand under the pressure increase
FIG. 20 Schematics of a bubble micropump with passive diffuser/nozzle elements during the supply phase (left) and the
infusion phase (right). The flow-rectifying property of this micropump is due to the difference in flow resistance through the
diffuser/nozzle elements.
I. Microfluidics
56 3. Micropumps for drug delivery
and thus act on another fluid reservoir or delivery device with standard sterilization pro-
directly using them to drive liquids inside cesses is another aspect that shall be considered
microchannels. Kabata et al. [129] have reported carefully. Finally, the development of a standard
a maximum flow rate of 13.8 μL/min under an for microfluidic interconnections and a reservoir
applied voltage of 1.4 V. The maximum back- platform that can suit different types of micro-
pressure is not mentioned. EC micropumps can pumps would be desirable to simplify the FDA
be easily integrated inside microfluidic systems clearance process and to reduce the time-to-
because of their simple structure and have been market of upcoming drug delivery devices.
used in biological and medical applications
[128–131] or as a microdosing system [132]. They
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I. Microfluidics