2023-Li-A Study On The Joule-Thomson Effect of During Filling Hydrogen in High Pressure Tank
2023-Li-A Study On The Joule-Thomson Effect of During Filling Hydrogen in High Pressure Tank
2023-Li-A Study On The Joule-Thomson Effect of During Filling Hydrogen in High Pressure Tank
Handling Editor: Huihe Qiu With the development of the hydrogen fuel cell automobile industry, higher requirements are put
forward for the construction of hydrogen energy infrastructure, the matching of parameters and
High pressure hydrogen the control strategy of hydrogen filling rate in the hydrogenation process of hydrogenation sta
Throttling expansion tion. Fuel for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles comes from hydrogen refueling stations. At present, the
Joule-Thomson coefficient technological difficulty of hydrogenation is mainly reflected in the balanced treatment of
Equation of state reducing the temperature rise of hydrogen and shortening the filling time during the fast filling
Numerical analysis process. The Joule-Thomson (JT) effect occurs when high-pressure hydrogen gas passes through
the valve assembly, which may lead to an increase in hydrogen temperature. The JT effect is
generally reflected by the JT coefficient. According to the high pressure hydrogen in the pressure
reducing valve, the corresponding JT coefficients were calculated by using the VDW equation, RK
equation, SRK equation and PR equation, and the expression of JT effect temperature rise was
deduced, which revealed the hydrogen temperature variation law in the process of reducing
pressure. Make clear the relationship between charging parameters and temperature rise in the
process of decompression; the flow and thermal characteristics of hydrogen in the process of
decompression are revealed. This study provides basic support for experts to achieve throttling
optimization of related pressure control system in hydrogen industry.
1. Introduction
Hydrogen energy, due to its renewable and non-polluting advantages, is considered to be one of the most promising new energy
sources [1], and has been highly valued by governments around the world [2]. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (HFCV) is an important
application of hydrogen energy in the process industry, which has the advantages of high energy conversion efficiency and completely
pollution-free [3]. According to the International Hydrogen Energy Commission, in 2050, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles will account for
20–25% of global vehicles, and is expected to create a market of more than 2.5 trillion US dollars [4]. At this stage, the transportation
sector represented by fuel cell vehicles is an important direction for hydrogen energy application, and hydrogen refueling stations are
an important infrastructure for fuel cell vehicles, and their construction and commercialisation have a symbiotic relationship with the
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
*** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J.-Q. Li), [email protected] (Y.B. Ma), [email protected] (J.-C. Li).
Received 27 October 2022; Received in revised form 12 December 2022; Accepted 26 December 2022
Available online 29 December 2022
2214-157X/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
( )
RT2 ∂Z
μJT = (2)
pCp ∂T p
The JT coefficient can be calculated using equation (2). For an ideal gas, the compression factor Z = 1, μJT = 0 and there is no Joule-
Thomson effect. For real gas, Z is a function of pressure and temperature. The gas Joule-Thomson effect, as shown in Fig. 1. The JT
coefficient may be greater than zero or less than zero. When μJT > 0, the post-throttling temperature decreases; when μJT < 0, the post-
throttling temperature increases. Z and Cp in equation (2) can be derived from the real gas equation of state.
RT a
RK(Redlich − Kwong):p = − (4)
V − b T1.5 V(V + b)
RT a(T)
SRK(Soave − Redlich − Kwong):p = − (5)
V − b V(V + b)
RT a(T)
PR(Peng − Robinson):p = − (6)
V − b V(V + b) + b(V − b)
The parameters in the equation of state and the critical parameters for hydrogen are shown in Table 1
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
Table 1
Parameters of cubic equations of state with compression factor [31,32].
Eq. a b e f A B
[ ]2
( ) T V−R b + T1.5 V(V+b)
0.75a b
RK : ΔCp = 1.5 ln 1 + − R + RT a(2V+b)
bT V 2 − 0.5 2 2
(V− b) T V (V+b)
[ ]2
( ) da/dT
T V−R b + V(V+b)
Td2 a b
SRK : ΔCp = ln 1 + − R + RT (11)
bdT2 V 2 −
2 2
(V− b) V (V+b)
[ ]2
( √̅̅̅ ) da/dT
T V−R b + V(V+b)+b(V−
Td2 a V + 2b
PR : ΔCp = √̅̅̅ ln √̅̅̅ − R + a(2V+b)
2 2bdT2 V− 2b RT
(V− b)2
− [V(V+b)+b(V− b)]2
Table 2 shows parameters of specific heat capacity of ideal gas at constant pressure. The formula for calculating the specific
pressure heat capacity of an ideal gas [34] is as follows:
Table 2
Parameters of specific heat capacity of ideal gas at constant pressure [31].
Gas C1 × 10− 5
C2 × 10− 5
C3 × 10− 5
C4 × 10− 5 C5 Tmin Tmax
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
⎡ ⎤
1 ⎢ RT 1
− V(V+b) da
T dT ⎥
⎢V− b ⎥
SRK:μJT = ⎢ − V⎥ (17)
(V− b)2
− Va(2V+b)
2 (V+b)2
⎡ ⎤
1 ⎢ ⎥
RT 1 da
⎢V− b − V(V+b)+b(V− b) T dT ⎥
PR: μJT = ⎢ RT 2a(2+b)
− V⎥ (18)
CP ⎣ 2 − 2
(V− b) [V(V+b)+b(V− b)]
Comparison of JT coefficients of four classical equations of state and NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) data
under different temperatures as shown in Fig. 2. The reason for the difference of the four state equations is the different theoretical
critical compression factor of the state equations. Fig. 2 is the comparison between the JT coefficient calculated by the equations of
state and the NIST data. The result shows that the RK equation can be used to calculate the JT coefficient of high pressure hydrogen in a
wide range of temperature and pressure.
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
J.-Q. Li et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 41 (2023) 102678
J.-Q. Li et al.
Table 3
JT coefficient and compression factor of hydrogen passing the pressure reducing valve in the hydrogen storage cycle. (S1: Before decompression; S2: After decompression).
High pressure tank Buffer tank High pressure tank Buffer tank
S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2 S1 S2
certain initial parameters, the pressure throttling change is the same as the first cycle; using the numerical analysis method to study the
temperature change state of the high-pressure hydrogen pressure reducing valve.
Figs. 4–7 show that at the constant temperature before the valve, the hydrogen temperature rise increases with the increase of the
valve pressure. When the pressure is constant, the JT coefficient decreases with the increase of temperature. When the pressure is 50
MPa and the temperature increases from 367.9K to 426.4K, the JT coefficient decreases by 4%. When the temperature is constant, the
JT coefficient decreases with the increase of pressure. When the temperature is 358.15K and the pressure increases from 20 MPa to 50
MPa, the JT coefficient decreases by 11.2%. It can be seen that the hydrogen pressure has a greater effect on the temperature difference
than the hydrogen temperature. The actual hydrogen Joule-Thomson effect during fast charging can cause large temperature varia
tions and should only be disregarded when the pressure is low. The Joule-Thomson value can be calculated by using the cubic equation
of state of RK from the pressure and temperature of the pressure reducing valve. Table 3 shows JT coefficient and compression factor of
hydrogen passing the pressure reducing valve in the hydrogen storage cycle.
4. Conclusion
In this study, the Joule-Thomson effect after a pressure reducing valve is performed, the different gas equations of state for solving
the Joule-Thomson coefficient is analyzed and the temperature difference of hydrogen at different temperatures and pressures due to
the JT effect in the pressure reducing valve is calculated numerically. The following conclusions can be drawn.
(1) The Joule-Thomson effect of the real gas can have an important effect on the throttling effect link of the high-pressure hydrogen
pressure reducing valve. The hydrogen gas flows through the pressure reducing valve, the temperature rises and thermal effects
(2) The Joule-Thomson effect of high pressure hydrogen gas is studied by using V-D-W, RK, SRK and PR state equations, and the
expression of the Joule-Thomson coefficient is derived.
(3) The Joule-Thomson coefficient of hydrogen decreases with the increase of temperature and pressure, and the range of variation
decreases gradually.
(4) Calculating of the temperature difference of hydrogen at different temperatures and pressures due to the JT effect in the
pressure reducing valve.
(5) The Joule-Thomson effect of high pressure hydrogen in a pressure reducing valve can cause large temperature changes, where
the high pressure hydrogen pressure has a greater effect on the temperature difference than the hydrogen temperature. The
temperature drop caused by the JT effect can be neglected when the pressure is small.
Author statement
Ji-Qiang Li School of Transportation No.186, Hongqi Road, Zhifu District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, 264025, China.
Data availability
This research was supported by Ludong University Talent Research Start-up Funding (No.20220035) and Yantai next generation
industrial robot and intelligent manufacturing engineering laboratory. We also thank Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hoseo
University for providing an academic license of PRO/II for simulation.
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Ji-Qiang Li, is currently a PhD at the laboratory for On-board Hydrogen Storage Cylinder Equipment, Ludong University, China. His research interests include ther
modynamics, hydrogen energy system, and cycle analysis.
Prof. Jeong-Tae Kwon, is currently a professor and a PhD candidate supervisor at the laboratory for Two Phase Flow & Heat Transfer, Hoseo University, Korea. He
received his ph.D in 1999 from Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea. His main research interests include refrigeration, heat transfer, sea water heat
exchanger, and hydrogen energy system.