Munit 3
Munit 3
Munit 3
The word democracy is a term that comes from Greek and it is made up with two
words demos, which means people and kratos, to mean to govern, to rule.
where the people are the heart, the root and the fruits. The fruits of democracy are
prosperity, good quality of life and well being, human security, human dignity
government in which people hold the ruling power either directly or indirectly
and opportunity for the common people, as those who actually wield political
government of the people, by the people and for the people”. This indicates that
government comes from the people; it is exercised by the people, and for the
It refers to equal protection entitled before the law for all citizens regardless of
their back ground i.e. by not considering whether or not they are right or poor,
It clearly indicates as no one is above the law, but have equal protection before
the law.
The fundamental principle refers that every citizen should be equally bound by
the law, regardless of their position in society; and the law should be enforced
Applies itself equally in every situation and controls relations between individuals
1) No person is above the law and everyone should be presumed equal before the law,
3) Fairness and consistent procedures should be applied to the solution of all legal cases,
4) The judiciary should apply the law independently of the other branches of the
D) Majority Rule and Minority Vote
All democracies are systems in which citizens freely make political decisions by
majority rule.
But rule by the majority is not necessarily democratic. No one, for example,
would call a system fair or just that permitted 51% of the population to oppress
In a democratic society, majority rule must be couple with guarantees of individual
human rights that, in turn serve to protect the right of the minorities weather ethnic,
religious or political.
The rights of minorities do not depend upon the good will of the majority and vote. The
rights of minorities are protected because democratic laws and institutions protect the
E) Popular sovereignty
This principle is fundamental to any constitutional democracy and points out the consent
of the governed people are the only legitimate source of government authority.
Popular sovereignty also refers to the right of the people to withdraw their consent when
the government fails to fulfill its obligations to them under the constitution.
F) Citizen Participation
take many forms including standing for election, voting in elections, becoming
etc. This active participation of citizens in all affairs of his/her country considered
F) Equality
Democratic Equality means that all individuals are valued equally, have equal
G) Political Tolerance:
A democratic society is enriched by diversity. If the majority deny
rights to and destroy their opposition then they also destroy democracy.
One goal of democracy is to make the best possible decision for the
H) Accountability: - Accountability implies that government officials are
transparency in government.
For free and fair elections to occur, most adult citizens should have the right
K) Control of the Abuse of Power:- One of the most common abuses of power
In democratic elections, there are winners and losers. Occasionally, even in a
candidate is the best one that they refuse to accept the results of the election.
N) Human Rights:-
O) Economic Freedom:-
People in a democracy must have some form of economic freedom. The role the
accepted that free markets should exist in a democracy and the state should not
There are two ways of exercising democracy i.e. direct and indirect (representative)
A direct (pure) democracy is a kind of democracy which exists where the?‘ will of
the people is translated in to public policy (law) directly by the people themselves
at mass meetings.
This system operates only in a very small community where it is possible for
citizens to meet in a given place and where the problems of the government are
The difficulties of direct democracy are well known. When the people of a
nation cannot meet to take decisions, direct forms of democracy are incapable
of replacing representation.
The origin of direct democracy can be traced back to ancient Athens. In the
ancient Athenian city-state, all adult male citizens met in assembly and made
Women, slaves and aliens were not considered as citizens and hence were not
have provided important lesson for today's world. This is partly because of the
facts that:
Indirect (Representative) Democracy: - This is the modern type of democracy
In this regard, the meaning of representative form of democracy is that the whole
people cannot directly participate in their own affairs but through their
There are two views of understanding democracy: substantive and procedural views.
the interest of the governed. This type of democracy can also be referred to as a
functional democracy.
Procedural democracy emphasizes the principles of universal participation,
political equality, and majority rule. The procedural view of democracy sets forth
principles that describe how government should make decisions and address three
distinct questions:
Theories of democracy
Liberal democracy advocates the principle of private enterprise and the guarantee
of basic civil and political rights such as freedom of speech, religion, the right to
individual freedom.
In very few words, liberal democracy is a system of government in which the
people govern themselves, criticize leaders of their government and choose new
ones in an election.
backgrounds have different political opinions. Liberal democracy aims at the just
and rational organization of authority in human society under the guise of the
system of capitalism.
decision making from the few to the many. In this case, the assumption is that
when workers and the poor control production, democratic choices to work,
principles of capitalism.
Social Democracy
Developmental Democracy
community affairs, persons can gain an understanding of the public good and
what it requires.
A) Political Parties
Party Systems
Party systems refer to the number of parties and pattern of relationships among the parties
with in a nation. Taking in to account the number of dominant or existing political parties
3. Multi party system
One party system is, most of the time, ideological in its outlook and
De Facto, in law, phrase used to signify the exercise of a power in spite of the
absence of legal authority. De facto contrasts with de jure, which signifies the
public office or purports to exercise political or other authority without legal right.
What does mean by De facto and de jure in one part system? Give your explanation
two major dominant parties. It is argued that the system provides the people with
a choice of policies and leaders while at the same time guaranteeing governmental
In two party systems, although minor parties exist, two major parties
dominate government.
Two party systems are common in the political system of Britain, which is mostly
United States of America as a country dominated by the Democratic and
Republican parties is also another good example of the two party systems.
Multiparty systems are systems in which we have at least three or more major
In multiparty system, one party rarely wins enough seats in the legislature to
B) Non-Governmental Organizations
valuable vectors of democracy. They differ from political parties only in their
final goal, but they all contribute to consciousness raising, defense of the legiti -
It is nevertheless true that the growth of professional associa tions and national
these countries.
C) Interest Groups
influencing government.
D) Public Opinion
opinion is then a tool to control the politicians that lead the country.
Citizen has the right to gather information and to contribute somehow to the
In this context, political and social human rights play an important role: the
opinion, without having to put up with any pressure. Public opinion then
D) Mass Media
Mass media refers institution and to the methods of communication, which can
reach large number of people at the same time. It includes newspapers, television,
A) Free and fair election:-refers to those elections, which are not based on any
political torture. It happen in a democratic and social way in which every body have
the right to choose their representative according to their chooses, their wishes, and
their will and the competing parties don’t try to influence people to choose them as
Democratic elections are free when citizens have the right to choose
from several candidates or parties that can run for the election
in the election process, policy and decision making, implementation and evaluation, at
all levels of government (central and local) and in all branches of government
government, existing regulations and laws and how they may be accessed.
It requires making the public account verifiable and official behavior amenable
to analysis. Candidates and voters have a right to know how an elections office
C) Equitable when citizen use his/her right to vote his/her disposal a vote and
when neither his/her origin nor his/her sex, language, income or possessions, job or
envelope, without having been either watched over or influenced, in the secrecy of the
polling booth, and when he/she is also able, in the same way, to put his/her envelope
E) Democratic elections should be public, i.e. each citizen has the right to attend
the counting of the votes when the ballot box is opened or it is possible to completely
follow the whole process of constituents’ votes starting from the ballots inserted into
the ballot box to the final counting to establish the calculation that will eventually
share out.
institute elections on regular basis. Everybody, in that case, has the possibility to know
the date of the coming elections, and to get ready for that ahead of time. It is a way to
make sure that the current government is defined within a period and that its people
have the right to remove it from office. The electorate should represent the whole
population, which is to mean that apart from the underage population, no group should
be excluded.
G) Accepting the Results of Elections:-In democratic elections, there are winners and
that their party or candidate is the best one that they refuse to accept the results of the
Regarding election process, there are in fact two separate systems: the absolute
majority votes and the proportional ones. Both have crucial importance, given the
fact that they influence not only the political structure but also the formation process
In the absolute majority system, the polling area is divided into as many
Parliament, for example). Those candidates or lists of candidates that can gather the
majority of votes from their constituents will be assigned the seats to be filled.
In the proportional system, the Parliament seats are assigned according to the
percentage obtained by the political parties over the total number of votes from the
whole constituency. The assignment of seats (at the Parliament, for example) thus
reflects, much more than what happens in the absolute majority system, the effective
choice of the population. The candidates are elected through the lists in their
Most importantly, elections are usually coordinated and carried out by an electoral
political loyalty or affiliation for undertaking the election properly and in a democratic
also requires an independent judiciary organ. Those individuals or parties who disagree
with the final decision of the electoral commission submit their complaints to courts for
final decision.
and neutral of any political loyalty. Think of our electoral board, and
articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and
and the formal and informal structures that have been set in place to arrive at and
ensures that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad
consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most
vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development
The most important principles of good governance that can be drawn from the
The roles are clearly defined, well distinguished and balanced among different
The interests of the different actor groups are articulated in decision making
others, taking into consideration of laws and rules in force, tolerance, capacity
themselves, to take part in the processes of decision making and to control the
Between the two camps (the State authorities and the other groups of actors),
the controlling mechanisms always function well and in a transparent way; the
There are informal and formal participation structures that function well for
groups, man and woman, young and old, minorities or majorities can and have
of law, respect for human rights, and civic participation – all of which are not
responsible for a decision or action and the ability to ensure that officials are
An Anti-Corruption environment: Corruption of course is a universal problem, with
complex causes. Its net effect is commonly regarded as negative for all societies,
Human Rights
A) Human Right is set of ideals, which societies are exhorted to fulfill and which
society. Thus, human rights are distinguished from rights guaranteed by a legal
what civil and political, economic social and cultural as well as individual
A) civil and political rights are those rights that include among others freedom from
arbitrary discrimination, freedom from slavery, freedom from fortune and arbitrary
detention, rights to equal justice and due process of law, right to privacy, right to
nationality, movement and asylum, right to marriage and property, right to freedom of
compensation, trade unionism, social security, family, wealth education, and cultural and
peace etc.
C) Individual Personality Rights constitute the core of human rights, includes the right
After the downfall of Derg regime in May 1991, the EPRDF took power. In July 1991
incorporated the 1948 United Nations Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR); promised
multiparty democracy, freedom of association and speech; and incorporated the right of
Freedom of Thought, Opinion and Expression (ART.29):- This article contains seven
Freedom of the press and other mass media and freedom of artistic creativity is
In the interest of the free flow of information, ideas and opinions which are
enjoy legal protection to ensure its operational independence and its capacity to
Any media financed by or under the control of the State shall be operated in a
These rights can be limited only through laws which are guided by the principle
Any citizen who violates any legal limitations on the exercise of these rights may
The Right to Assembly, Demonstration and Petition (Art. 30):- Every one has
the right to assemble and demonstrate together with others peacefully and
Once again, the enjoyment of these rights is subject to legal restrictions. In the
could legally prescribe the time, place and route of public meetings and
Freedom of Association (Art. 31):- Every person is given with the right to form
association for any cause or purpose. Citizens of similar interest have the right to
Ethiopia have the right to freely move in every corner of the country and to
choose their own area of residence. Citizens have also the right to move even out
contribution of women, women were not equal with men. Women were
considered as men are subordinate simply to satisfy men's wish and desire.
Women have equal rights with men in the enjoyment all the democratic and
human rights.
Maternity leave with full pay before and after they give birth,
The right to possess, administer, control, use and transfer private property.
Particularly women are given equal right with men for using, transferring and
administration of land.
women, and
Women are also given with the right to education, employment, promotion,
The Right to Elect and be Elected (Art. 38):- Election is a critical component of
ensured through the ballot box. Every Ethiopian citizen, with out any
discrimination, is given with the right to participate in public affaires, and on the
and peoples according to the constitution refers to the group of people who share
Every nation, nationality and people in Ethiopia is given the right to speak, write
and develop its own language and to maintain and develop its culture.
governmental organs in the territory they inhabit is another right given to nations,