Book Edcoll 9789004408371 BP000012-preview
Book Edcoll 9789004408371 BP000012-preview
Book Edcoll 9789004408371 BP000012-preview
Christopher A. Stephenson
From a systematic theological perspective, one of the key elements of any doc-
trine is its relationship to other doctrines. From an ecumenical perspective,
one of the key elements of any doctrine is the extent to which aspects of it
unite or distinguish two or more church traditions. Thus, I explore in pente-
costal and ecumenical perspective some elements of the relationship between
pneumatology and christology by considering the fivefold gospel and Spirit
christology. I summarize recent pentecostal articulations of the fivefold gospel
as the organizing principle of pentecostal theology, present select orthodox
Catholic Spirit christologies, briefly treat recent pentecostal Spirit christolo-
gies, suggest a way forward for this facet of the relationship between pneu-
matology and christology, and address the dogmatic viability and ecumenical
potential of the fivefold gospel and Spirit christology.1
1 Some of my evaluation of Wolfgang Vondey’s use of the fivefold gospel with respect to Spirit
christology first appeared in Christopher A. Stephenson, “Wolfgang Vondey’s Structure for
Systematic Pentecostal Theology: Full Gospel or Gospel Lite?” Journal of Pentecostal Theology
28 (2019): 12–20.
2 Donald W. Dayton, Theological Roots of Pentecostalism (Peabody: Hendrickson, 1987). Early
uses of the fivefold pattern may be detectible outside North America as well. See Mark J.
Cartledge, “The Early Pentecostal Theology of Confidence Magazine (1908–1926): A Version of
the Five-Fold Gospel?” The Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 28, no.
2 (2008): 117–30.
3 In what follows, I use “fivefold” gospel exclusively, even when the authors I discuss use “four-
fold” or “full” gospel. While there are at times important differences among these terms (es-
pecially for Wolfgang Vondey), those differences have no bearing on my purposes here.
4 Steven J. Land, Pentecostal Spirituality: A Passion for the Kingdom (Sheffield: Sheffield, 1993),
5 Land, Pentecostal Spirituality, 23.
6 Steven J. Land, “Response to Professor Harvey Cox,” Journal of Pentecostal Theology 5 (1994):