Digital Twin Driven Additive Manufacture
Digital Twin Driven Additive Manufacture
Digital Twin Driven Additive Manufacture
Digital twin-driven
additive manufacturing
Advancements and future prospects
P M Abhilash
University of Strathclyde
Jibin Boban
Mikrotools Pte Ltd.
Afzaal Ahmed
Indian Institute of Technology, Palakkad
Xichun Luo
University of Strathclyde
Figure 12.4 Critical data sources at various lifecycle stages in the metal AM process [9].
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202 Hybrid Metal Additive Manufacturing
Figure 12.5 (a) Multi-physics simulations [11]. (b) Defect/Flaw visualization [12]. (c) Real-
time sensor data [13].
standard was developed, which defines the general guidelines for develop-
ing a DT framework for manufacturing applications. Based on this stan-
dard, a generic DT implementation framework for wire arc AM (WAAM)
was developed by Kim et al. [14]. The proposed framework is aimed at the
customizability and interoperability of DT. To demonstrate the framework,
a case study of online anomaly detection and process control has been con-
sidered. Data collection and communication are well defined, with different
moduli for data collection, device control computing and HMI. The core
entity for data monitoring and analysis is proposed through edge, cloud, or
fog computing technologies. Cloud computing promotes centralized data
handling but is less secure, demands greater data handling and can often
result in prediction latency. On the other hand, edge computing performs
distributed data analysis and is more secure and fast. Fog computing is a
hybrid technology with a combined advantage over the other two.
Another collaborative data management system for DT-driven AM is
shown in Figure 12.6 [15]. Each module uses edge computing to perform
specific tasks and also communicates with the cloud storage for centralized
storage, retrieval and collaborative data communication. The data gener-
ated in an AM process lifecycle comes mainly from five sources: design
anomalies. The errors are listed and validated, and key findings are com-
municated back to the cloud and research levels. Raw data and error lists
are down-sampled during their transfer to minimize latency, storage and
bandwidth requirements. Also, the error list communication to the cloud
is performed only upon encountering a new anomaly to expand the data-
base. This information is incorporated into the subsequent part design. On
repeated occurrences of process anomalies, it is sent to the research level for
detained analysis and further decision-making, including a processing halt.
The overall data-transfer scheme is shown in Figure 12.8. A similar multi-
layer computing scheme was proposed by Guo et al. [22], but for the fused
deposition modeling (FDM) process. The device, edge and cloud layers are
responsible for data acquisition, local data processing and big data analysis,
respectively. Recently, another noteworthy cloud-edge computing scheme
for DT-driven AM was proposed by Liu et al. [15]. This data management
system comprises a centralized cloud DT and multiple-edge DTs, one per
lifecycle module. Each lifecycle module and distributed shop floors com-
municate the data to the cloud DT, where data analytics is performed. A
dedicated model handles all the data associated with product quality com-
pliance at different lifecycle stages. The collaborative cloud-edge DT data
management system enables offline CAD+STL design, layer-wise defect
detection and parameter optimization.
A comprehensive IoT-driven cloud computing platform integrating design,
3D printing and production planning is presented by Wang et al. [23].
Cloud computing integrates and manages information flow across hardware
and software modules. This not only includes the data from 3D printers,
materials, sensors and software but also expert knowledge and technical
know-how. The paradigm offers a wider scope for end users and stakehold-
ers to monitor and control the process remotely. IoT architecture facilitates
information flow across design, processing and planning, thereby reducing
product development bottlenecks. Adnan et al. [24] proposed fog computing-
based real-time closed-loop process control for AM processes. The proposed
computing architecture is a hybrid mix of cloud, edge and fog technologies.
The fog computing structure addresses the fundamental limitations of the
cloud-based platform in terms of latency, bandwidth requirements, seamless
integration with cloud services, data communication and security.
signatures during both defective and normal operations and then utilize
a self-organizing map (SOM)-driven online monitoring to distinguish
between various process anomalies [25]. Any appropriate AM process sig-
natures can be acquired and processed in this regard, including thermal sig-
natures, acoustic emission, or vibration data. Although clustering is a very
capable method to group process signatures/process histories based on pro-
cess signatures, the approach may be unsuitable to operate within an AM
DT, where it can suffer from prediction delays while handling the raw data
from the sensors. A more computationally efficient and robust approach to
unsupervised anomaly detection is to perform dimensionality reduction,
followed by clustering. The approach is generic and can be incorporated
with any appropriate selection of process signatures, dimensionality reduc-
tion method and clustering algorithm based on the type of AM process and
the end application. Dimensionality reduction reduces the order of a multi-
dimensional feature space, and it can significantly reduce the latency issues
during a real-time DT operation. This approach has been demonstrated
successfully for laser powder bed fusion by acquiring computer vision-based
process signatures. A t-SNE (t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding)
dimensionality reduction algorithm is used to convert the raw multi-dimen-
sional datasets into low-dimensional 2D feature space data. The 2D data is
then clustered using K-means to visualize, detect and identify process flaws
such as porosity, undermelting and balling [6]. For unsupervised clustering,
K-means clustering is one of the simplest yet robust techniques to group the
feature sets into k groups based on geometric distance [26]. Later, a simi-
lar approach was chosen to analyze time series thermal signatures. Here
thermal processing history zones are mapped into a predefined number of
clusters using a K-means clustering algorithm, following dimensionality
reduction by symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX). The thermal zone
mapping contributes to the better interpretability of material processing,
considering various scan paths and geometries [27]. The unsupervised clus-
tering algorithm is utilized for several other applications within metal AM.
It is used to categorize wire bead consistency in WAAM [28]. Recently,
K-means clustering has been used for surface quality categorization during
direct energy deposition (DED) AM, in which surfaces are classified based
on porosity, surface morphology and deposition quality by acquiring the
emission spectrum [29].
ultimately pave the way for effective process monitoring of the AM process.
The DT framework proposed by Mourtzis et al. [30] for the FDM process is
noteworthy for monitoring the process and optimizing the parameters. The
DT architecture in the study is formulated to enhance AM product quality
and minimize cost in the long run. Machine operation and process moni-
toring can be realized through the developed AR-based immersive GUIs.
Later on, the engineer executes a quality assessment and stores the results for
future reference in a cloud database, which serves as an efficient resource for
process parameter optimization. Based on the process deviations observed
during online monitoring, the process parameters can be adequately con-
trolled to maintain the desired part quality.
build volume and the optimal combination of process parameters for the
best part quality. Industries demanding AM parts/components strongly rely
on DT-supported prediction models for enhanced product quality. In addi-
tion, the DT approach ensures faster prediction with minimal time and
without material waste.
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