6.renal and Hepatic Dose Adjustment
6.renal and Hepatic Dose Adjustment
6.renal and Hepatic Dose Adjustment
■ For patients with a uremic condition or renal impairment, total body clearance of the
uremic patient will change to a new value, CluT. Therefore, to maintain the same
desired Cav, the dose must be changed to a uremic dose, Du0 or the dosage interval
must be changed to u, as shown in the following equation where the superscripts N
and u represent normal and uremic conditions, respectively
Dose Adjustment based on Drug Clearance
■ Rearranging the previous equation to solve for Dou:
■ If the dosage interval is kept constant, then the uremic dose Dou is equal to a
fraction (ClTu /ClTN ) of the normal dose, as shown in the equation
■ For IV infusions the same desired CSS is maintained both for patients with normal
renal function and for patients with renal impairment. Therefore, the rate of infusion,
R, must be changed to a new value, Ru , for the uremic patient, as described by the
Dose Adjustment Based on Changes in the
Elimination Rate Constant
■ The overall elimination rate constant for many drugs is reduced in the uremic
patient. A dosage regimen may be designed for the uremic patient either by
reducing the normal dose of the drug and keeping the frequency of dosing (dosage
interval) constant, or by decreasing the frequency of dosing (prolonging the dosage
interval) and keeping the dose constant. Doses of drugs with a narrow therapeutic
range should be reduced - particularly if the drug has accumulated in the patient
prior to deterioration of kidney function.
Therefore, the rate at which these drug markers are filtered from the blood into the
urine per unit of time reflects the glomerular filtration rate of the kidney. Changes in
GFR reflect changes in kidney function that may be diminished in uremic conditions.
■ Inulin, a fructose polysaccharide, fulfills most of the criteria listed and is therefore used
as a standard reference for the measurement of GFR. In practice, however, the use of
inulin involves a time-consuming procedure in which inulin is given by intravenous
infusion until a constant steady-state plasma level is obtained. Clearance of inulin may
then be measured by the rate of infusion divided by the steady-state plasma inulin
concentration. Although this procedure gives an accurate value for GFR, inulin clearance
is not used frequently in clinical practice
■ The clearance of creatinine is used most extensively as a measurement of GFR.
Creatinine is an endogenous substance formed from creatine phosphate during muscle
metabolism. Creatinine production varies with the age, weight, and gender of the
individual. In humans, creatinine is filtered mainly at the glomerulus, with no tubular
reabsorption. However, a small amount of creatinine may be actively secreted by the
renal tubules, and the values of GFR obtained by the creatinine clearance tend to be
higher than GFR measured by inulin clearance. Creatinine clearance tends to decrease
in the elderly patient.
■ Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is a commonly used clinical diagnostic laboratory test for
renal disease. Urea is the end product of protein catabolism and is excreted through the
kidney. Normal BUN levels range from 10 to 20 mg/dL. Higher BUN levels generally
indicate the presence of renal disease. However, other factors, such as excessive protein
intake, reduced renal blood flow, hemorrhagic shock, or gastric bleeding, may affect
increased BUN levels. The renal clearance of urea is by glomerular filtration and partial
reabsorption in the renal tubules. Therefore, the renal clearance of urea is less than
creatinine or inulin clearance and does not give a quantitative measure of kidney
■ Under normal circumstances, creatinine production is roughly equal to creatinine
excretion, so the serum creatinine level remains constant. In a patient with reduced
glomerular filtration, serum creatinine will accumulate in accordance with the
degree of loss of glomerular filtration in the kidney. The serum creatinine
concentration alone is frequently used to determine creatinine clearance, ClCr.
Creatinine clearance from the serum creatinine concentration is a rapid and
convenient way to monitor kidney function.
■ Creatinine clearance may be defined as the rate of urinary excretion of
creatinine/serum creatinine. Creatinine clearance can be calculated directly by
determining the patient's serum creatinine concentration and the rate of urinary
excretion of creatinine. The approach is similar to that used in the determination of
drug clearance. In practice, the serum creatinine concentration is determined at the
midpoint of the urinary collection period and the rate of urinary excretion of
creatinine is measured for the entire day (24 hr) to obtain a reliable excretion rate.
Creatinine clearance is expressed in mL/min and serum creatinine concentration in
mg/dL or mg%. Other ClCr methods based solely on serum creatinine are generally
compared to the creatinine clearance obtained from the 24-hour urinary creatinine
Calculating Creatinine Clearance, ClCr
■ where CCr = creatinine concentration (mg/dL) of the serum taken at the 12th hour or
at the midpoint of the urine-collection period, V = volume of urine excreted (mL) in
24 hours, Cu = concentration of creatinine in urine (mg/mL), and ClCr = creatinine
clearance in mL/min.
■ Creatinine is eliminated primarily by glomerular filtration. A small fraction of
creatinine also is eliminated by active secretion and some non-renal elimination.
Therefore, ClCr values obtained from creatinine measurements overestimate the
actual glomerular filtration rate.
■ Creatinine clearance has been normalized both to body surface area, using 1.73 m2
as the average, and to body weight for a 70-kg adult male. Creatinine distributes
into total body water, and when clearance is normalized to a standard VD, similar
drug half-lives in adults and children correspond to identical clearances.
■ Creatinine clearance values must be considered carefully in special populations such as
the elderly, obese, and emaciated patients. In elderly and emaciated patients, muscle
mass may have declined, thus lowering the production of creatinine. However, serum
creatinine concentration values may appear to be in the normal range, because of lower
renal creatinine excretion. Thus, the calculation of creatinine clearance from serum
creatinine may give an inaccurate estimation of the renal function. For obese patient,
generally defined as patients more than 20% over ideal body weight, IBW, creatinine
clearance should be based on ideal body weight. Estimation of creatinine clearance
based on total body weight, TBW, would exaggerate the ClCr values in the obese patient.
Women with normal kidney function have smaller creatinine clearance values than men,
approximately 80 - 85% of that in men with normal kidney function.
■ Several empirical equations have been used to estimate lean body weight, LBW, based
on the patient's height and actual (total) body weight (see ). The following equations have
been used to estimate LBW in renally impaired patients:
■ For the purpose of dose adjustment in renal patients, normal creatinine clearance is
generally assumed to be between 100 and 125 mL/min per 1.73 m2 for a subject of
ideal body weight: for a female adult, Cl Cr = 108.8 ± 13.5 mL/1.73 m2, and for an
average adult male, Cl Cr = 124.5 ± 9.7 mL/1.73 m2 (Scientific Table, 1973).
■ Creatinine clearance is affected by diet and salt intake. As a convenient approximation,
the normal clearance has often been assumed by many clinicians to be approximately
100 mL/min.
Calculation of Creatinine Clearance from
Serum Creatinine Concentration
■ Adults
■ Children
Renal Impairment based on Creatinine Cl
■ Dose adjustment for drugs in uremic or renally impaired patients should be made in
accordance with changes in pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the drug in the
individual patient. Active metabolites of the drug may also be formed and must be
considered for additional pharmacologic effects when adjusting dose. The following
methods may be used to estimate an initial and maintenance dose regimen.
Basis for Dose Adjustment in Uremia
■ The loading drug dose is based on the apparent volume of distribution of the patient. It is
generally assumed that the apparent volume of distribution is not altered significantly,
and therefore that the loading dose of the drug is the same in uremic patients as in
subjects with normal renal function.
■ The maintenance dose is based on clearance of the drug in the patient. In the uremic
patient, the rate of renal drug excretion has decreased, leading to a decrease in total
body clearance. Most methods for dose adjustment assume non-renal drug clearance to
be unchanged. The fraction of normal renal function remaining in the uremic patient is
estimated from creatinine clearance.
■ After the remaining total body clearance in the uremic patient is estimated, a dosage
regimen may be developed by (1) decreasing the maintenance dose, (2) increasing the
dosage interval, or (3) changing both maintenance dose and dosage interval.
■ Although total body clearance is a more accurate index of drug dosing, the elimination
half-life of the drug is more commonly used for dose adjustment because of its
convenience. Clearance allows for the prediction of steady-state drug concentrations,
while elimination half-life yields information on the time it takes to reach steady-state
■ Nomograms are charts available for use in estimating dosage regimens in uremic
patients. The nomograms may be based on serum creatinine concentrations,
patient data (height, weight, age, gender), and the pharmacokinetics of the drug.
Most methods for dose adjustment in renal disease assume that non-renal
elimination of the drug is not affected by renal impairment and that the remaining
renal excretion rate constant in the uremic patient is proportional to the product of a
constant and the creatinine clearance, ClCr:
■ Practice Problem
Fraction of Drug Excreted Unchanged (fe)
■ For many drugs, the fraction of drug excreted unchanged (fe) is available in the
literature. lists various drugs with their fe value and elimination half-life. The fe
method for estimating a dosage regimen in the uremic patient is a general method
that may be applied to any drug whose fe is known.
■ The Giusti-Hayton method assumes that the effect of reduced kidney function on the
renal portion of the elimination constant can be estimated from the ratio of the
uremic creatinine clearance, ClCru, to the normal creatinine clearance, ClCrN :
Fraction of Drug Excreted Unchanged (fe)
■ Therefore,
where G is the Giusti-Hayton factor, which can be calculated from the fe and the ratio of
uremic to normal clearance
■ The Giusti-Hayton equation is useful for most drugs for which the fraction of drug
excreted by renal routes has been reported in the literature. The ratio knru /kN can be
calculated from the fraction of drug excreted by the kidney, normal creatinine
clearance, and the creatinine clearance in the uremic patient.
Practice Problem
given fe = 1
General Clearance Method
The general clearance method is based on the methods discussed above. This method is
popular in clinical settings because of its simplicity. The method assumes that creatinine
clearance, ClCr, is a good indicator of renal function and that the renal clearance of a drug, ClR,
is proportional to ClCr. Therefore, renal drug clearance, Clu R, in the uremic patient is
Equation 21.26 calculates drug clearance in the uremic patient using the fraction of drug
excreted unchanged (fe), total body clearance of the drug (Cl) in the normal subject, and
the ratio of creatinine clearance of the uremic to that of the normal patient.
Dividing Equation 21.26 on both sides by Cl yields the ratio Clu/Cl, reflecting the fraction
of the uremic/normal drug dose.
M.S., a 34-year-old, 110-lb female patient, is to be given tobramycin for
sepsis. The usual dose of tobramycin is 150 mg twice a day by intravenous
injection. The creatinine clearance in this patient has decreased to a
stable level of 50 mL/min. Calculate the appropriate dose of tobramycin
for this patient.
The Wagner Method
The methods for renal dose adjustment discussed in the previous sections all assume
that the volume of distribution and the fraction of drug excreted by nonrenal routes are
unchanged. These assumptions are convenient and hold true for many drugs. However,
in the absence of reliable information assuring the validity of these assumptions, the
equations should be demonstrated as statistically reliable in practice. A statistical
approach was used by Wagner, who established a linear relationship between creatinine
concentration and the first-order elimination constant of the drug in patients. The
Wagner method is described in greater detail in the previous edition.
This method takes advantage of the fact that the elimination constant for a patient can
be obtained from the creatinine clearance, as follows:
The values of a and b are determined statistically for each drug from pooled data on uremic
patients. The method is simple to use and should provide accurate determination of
elimination constants for patients when a good linear relationship exists between elimination
constant and creatinine concentration. The theoretical derivation of this approach is as
Equation 21.30 can also be used with drugs that follow the two-compartment model. In
such cases the terminal half-life is used and b, the terminal slope of elimination curve, is
substituted for the elimination rate constant, k. Since the equation assumes a constant
nonrenal elimination constant (k nr) and volume of distribution, any change in these two
parameters will result in an error in the estimated elimination constant
Patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and patients who have become intoxicated
with a drug as a result of a drug overdose require supportive treatment to remove the
accumulated drug and its metabolites.
Several methods are available for the extracorporeal removal of drugs, including
hemoperfusion, hemofiltration, and dialysis. The objective of these methods is to rapidly
remove the undesirable drugs and metabolites from the body without disturbing the fluid
and electrolyte balance in the patient.
Dialysis is an artificial process in which the accumulation of drugs or waste metabolites is
removed by diffusion from the body into the dialysis fluid. Two common dialysis treatments
are peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.
Both processes work on the principle that as the uremic blood or fluid is equilibrated with
the dialysis fluid across a dialysis membrane, waste metabolites from the patient's blood
or fluid diffuse into the dialysis fluid and are removed.
The dialysate contains water, dextrose, electrolytes (potassium, sodium, chloride,
bicarbonate, acetate, calcium, etc), and other elements similar to normal body fluids
without the toxins.
Peritoneal Dialysis:
Peritoneal dialysis uses the peritoneal membrane in the abdomen as the filter. The
peritoneum consists of visceral and parietal components. The peritoneum membrane
provides a large natural surface area for diffusion of approximately 1–2 m2 in adults; the
membrane is permeable to solutes of molecular weights30,000 Da (). Total splanchnic flow is
1200 mL/min at rest, but only a small portion, approximately 70 mL/min, comes into contact
with the peritoneum.
Placement of a peritoneal catheter is surgically simpler than hemodialysis and does not
require vascular surgery and heparinization. The dialysis fluid is pumped into the peritoneal
cavity, where waste metabolites in the body fluid are discharged rapidly. The dialysate is
drained and fresh dialysate is reinstilled and then drained periodically. Peritoneal dialysis is
also more amenable to self-treatment. However, slower drug clearance rates are obtained
with peritoneal dialysis compared to hemodialysis, and thus longer dialysis time is required.
Dialysis may be required from once every 2 days to 3 times a week, with each treatment period
lasting 2 to 4 hours. The time required for dialysis depends on the amount of residual renal
function in the patient, any complicating illness (eg, diabetes mellitus), the size and weight of the
patient, including muscle mass, and the efficiency of the dialysis process. Dosing of drugs in
patients receiving hemodialysis is affected greatly by the frequency and type of dialysis machine
used and by the physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties of the drug. Factors that affect
drug removal in hemodialysis are listed in . These factors are carefully considered before
hemodialysis is used for drug removal.
Hemodialysis uses a dialysis machine and filters blood through an artificial membrane.
Hemodialysis requires access to the blood vessels to allow the blood to flow to the dialysis machine
and back to the body.. At the start of the hemodialysis procedure, an arterial needle allows the
blood to flow to the dialysis machine, and blood is returned to the patient to the venous side.
Heparin is used to prevent blood clotting during the dialysis period. During hemodialysis, the blood
flows through the dialysis machine, where the waste material is removed from the blood by
diffusion through an artificial membrane before the blood is returned to the body.
Advantages of Hemodialysis:
Hemodialysis is a much more effective method of drug removal and is preferred in situations when
rapid removal of the drug from the body is important, as in overdose or poisoning. In practice,
hemodialysis is most often used for patients with end-stage renal failure.
In hemodialysis, blood is pumped to the dialyzer by a roller pump at a rate of 300-450
mL/min. The drug and metabolites diffuse from the blood through the semipermeable
membrane. In addition, hydrostatic pressure also forces the drug molecules into the
dialysate by ultrafiltration. The composition of the dialysate is similar to plasma but may be
altered according to the needs of the patient. Many dialysis machines use a hollow fiber or
capillary dialyzer in which the semipermeable membrane is made into fine capillaries, of
which thousands are packed into bundles with blood flowing through the capillaries and
the dialysate is circulated outside the capillaries. The permeability characteristics of the
membrane and the membrane surface area are determinants of drug diffusion and
The efficacy of hemodialysis membranes for the removal of vancomycin by hemodialysis
has been reviewed by . Vancomycin is an antibiotic effective against most Gram-positive
organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus, which may be responsible for vascular access
infections in patients undergoing dialysis. In De Hart's study, vancomycin hemodialysis in
patients was compared using a cuprophan membrane or a cellulose acetate and
polyacrylonitrile membrane. The cellulose acetate and polyacrylonitrile membrane is
considered a "high-flux" filter. Serum vancomycin concentrations decreased only 6.3% after
dialysis when using the cuprophan membrane, whereas the serum drug concentration
decreased 13.6–19.4% after dialysis with the cellulose acetate and polyacrylonitrile
In dialysis involving uremic patients receiving drugs for therapy, the rate at which a given
drug is removed depends on the flow rate of blood to the dialysis machine and the
performance of the dialysis machine. The term dialysance is used to describe the
process of drug removal from the dialysis machine. Dialysance is a clearance term
similar in meaning to renal clearance, and it describes the amount of blood completely
cleared of drugs (in mL/min). Dialysance is defined by the equation