Baqai J Health Sci 2008 11 1 17 22
Baqai J Health Sci 2008 11 1 17 22
Baqai J Health Sci 2008 11 1 17 22
A dental abrasive is an important part of dental services. This specialty deals with the finishing and polishing
of dental appliances like complete dentures, removable partial dentures, crown and bridges and the direct
dental restorative materials. Effective finishing and polishing of direct or indirect dental restorations may not
only responsible for good aesthetics but also provide healthy oral environment and the longevity of the restorative
material. This review is based on latest technology and the material used in dentistry which provides an
overview of basic principles based on dental abrasives. The overall aim is to provide the awareness and broader
knowledge of the principles and tools available to produce an optimal surface finishing and Polishing in dental
restoratives techniques.
Abrasive Material, Finishing and Polishing, Surface Roughness.
Proper finishing and polishing of dental restorations Aerosol hazard may be controlled in three ways: 1)
are important aspects in clinical restorative procedures3- Use of adequate infection control procedure such as
4, because it may affect the clinical performance like, water spray, high volume suction 2) the Personal
plaque adhesion, discoloration and fatigue of the protection such as: Safety glasses and Disposable face
1: Baqai Dental College, 2: Baqai Medical College, Baqai Medic,al University, Karachi.
Vol. 11, No.1 - Jan. - June 2008 J. 8aqai Med. Univ.
mask 3) Adequate ventilation: this procedure efficiently debris 3 . It is also used in the manufacturing of diamond
remove any residual particle from the air 3. saws, wheels, and burs. There are some other natural
form of stone which are commonly used as abrasive
The quality of surface finish and polish can be measure material like Corundum, emery, Garnet, Pumice.
by surface roughness test like Profilometer, which is Corundum is the second hardest material and the
an optical microscope used to measure surface mineral form of its aluminum Corundum oxide, this
roughness for invitro investigations!o. Another usually white in color and used for grinding the metal
investigation like Scanning electron microscope (SEM) alloy known as white stone4.The pumice is composed
used to measure the initial surface roughness of silica dioxide (Si02) and it is used for the polishing
(baseline) 10 . of tooth enamel, gold foil, dental amalgam, and acrylic
resins 3 .
The property of the abrasive effects the cutting
efficiency include the size. shape, hardness, speed and The another manufacturing form of stone is Silicon
pressure of the abrasive material!!. Hardness is an carbide which is extremely hard and brittle and is
important factor that affects the finishing procedure available in coated disk as vitreous-bonded and rubber-
in which the surface measurement of the resistance bonded instrument4. These kind of abrasives are
of one material to be plastically deformed by intending responsible for the finishing of metal alloys, composite
or scratching another material!. Hardness value can and ceramic4. Rouge is a red color polishing agent
be measure by different scale i.e. Moh's scale, Knoop available in powder form which is composed of iron
and Vickers hardness 4. oxide and use to polish high noble metal alloys and
gold4 whereas the tin oxide (Sn02) is a pure white
Finished surface is directly related to the size and powder used extensively as a final polishing agent for
shape of the abrasive particle. Irregular shape, spherical teeth and metallic restoration in the mouth. It can be
object and sharp edges are to enhance the cutting mixed with water, alcohol or glycerin2.
efficiency. Larger particle abrade a surface more rapidly
than small one 3 • According to Jefferies [1998], dental abrasive
instrument can be broadly classified into four groups!! :
Use of greater force results more rapid removal of * Coated abrasives, e.g. Aluminum oxid'e abrasive
material , therefore, Care must be taken because discs;
pressure create additional heat and raise the * Cutting devices, e.g. carbide burs;
temperature causes physical changes4, faster the speed * Bonded abrasives (elastic, e.g. rubber cups; rigid,
resulting higher the cutting rates. Polishing at 10,000 e.g. white stones);
rpm did not appear to substantially strengthen or * Loose abrasives, e.g. polishing pastes.
weaken the ceramic specimens, whereas at 20,000
rpm reduced flexural strength of the ceramic bars 3. Bonded abrasive consist of abrasive particle that are
incorporated through a binder such as points, wheels
LITERATURE REVIEW: separating disk and coated thin disk. Particles are
Abrasive materials may classify according to the natural bounded by four general method 3 :
sources and manufacturing3 . Arkansas stone is one of
the examples of natural form which is semi-translucent, 1. Sintering is strongest type because abrasive fused
light gray in color and used for grinding of tooth together
enam~! and metal alloys4. The most common hardest 2. Vitreous bonding fused with ceramic or glassy
form Of stone is diamond which is a transparent, matrix
colorless mineral composed of carbon and also called 3. Resinoid bonding cold pressed or hot pressed and
a super abrasive. It's supplied in the form of rotary heat to resin
instrument and flexible metal-blacked abrasive strips. 4. Rubber bonding which is made similar to resinoid
Diamond polishing pastes are used on ceramic and bonding.
resin based composite material2. These abrasives
usually use with the water to avoid excessive heat Abrasive disk are used for gross reduction, contouring,
buildup and clogging of the particle by the abrasion finishing and polishing of restoration surfaces and not
Vol. 11, No.1 - Jan. - June 2008 J. 8aqai Med. Univ.
losing their properties in the saliva l2 . Abrasive disk Gold indirect restorations may finish and polish by
are available in different sizes, shape and diameter. careful control to avoid the over finishing of margin
Abrasive strips are also available to smooth and polish and contour. The casting may scrub with alcohol to
the proximal surface of a tooth 3 . prepare its surface for the cementation 2 .
The motion of abrasive instrument is classified as 3 Resin-based restorations for anterior teeth such as
I. Rotar class III, IV, V, as well as class I and II for posterior
II. Planar direct composite resin restorations need more attention
III. Reciprocating hand piece. to increase the duration of life span. Polishing requires
specific instrumentation and techniques even with the
All are used to remove overhangs, finish sub gingival minimal mechanical finishing may result in trauma
margins and to create embrasures.3 such as micro cracks to the resin surface due to heat
and vibration from finishing instruments. Shade
Dentifrices are available in the form 3 of i.e. Tooth matching and perception can also be altered, if the
pastes, Gel, and powder and its primarily perform surface texture of the restoration is compromised and
three important functionsl. 1) Abrasive and detergent long-term wear resistance in the restoration may
action provide more efficient removal of debris, plaque, diminished from increased surface roughness I7 -18 .
stained pellicle, compared with tooth brush. 2) Smooth
and polish surface of a tooth is responsible to provide Zirconia conditioning with the experimental hot
the increased light reflectance and superior a sthetic etching solution may enhance ceramic roughness and
appearance. 3) Its act as a vehicle for the d ivery of improve the surface area available for adhesion
therapeutic agent. allowing the formation of micromechanical retention 19.
Air-abrasion plays an important role in bonding to
Hard deposits like stains are much morl\ difficult to ceramics, therefore, without air-abrasion no durable
remove from the dentures. Many met~ods are bonding to zirconia ceramic was achieved regardless
employed to remove but the most common)'nd easy of using primers 2o .
method is Soaking or brushing the denture qn a daily
basis at home. If denture cleansers (Table 1) are Various finishing and polishing materials have been
properly used, the accumulation of dental plaque and used for many years, this includes: tuhgsten carbide
stains can be controlled effectively2. finishing burs, fine to extra-fine diamond finishing
burs, stones, impregnated abrasive rubber or silicone
Table 1: TYPES OF COMERCIAL DENTURE CLEANSERS 2 discs and wheels, silicone-carbide coated or aluminum
TYPES OF CLEANSER COMPOSITION oxide-coated abrasive discs, polishing pastes. and
abrasives embedded in resin polishing points. These
I. Tablet form of abrasive enzyme .. . Mutanase
dextranase, finishing and polishing devices are popular among
protease l 3 clinicians and have been used for the finishing of
II. Denture abrasive cream (split tube) ... baking soda and composite resins for many years.
peroxide l 4
III. Alkaline Sodium hypochlorite More recently a liquid polish system (BisCover, Bisco,
hypochlorite ... .. ... .. .... ..... .... .......... sodium phosphate 2 Inc., Schaumburg, IL, USA) has been introduced with
IV. Per oxide denture cleanser ...... .... .. . Hydrogen
the aim of reducing the need for manual polishing.
per oxide l 5 BisCover is a light-cured resin formulation used to
seal restorations while leaving a smooth polished
V. Dilute acid ... ....... .... ........ .... ...... .... Citric acid
isopropyl alcohoF surface without leaving a sticky, air-inhibited layerl8.
The composition of different finishing and polishing
For the finishing of dental amalgam we can use the materials are as shown in table 2:
abrasive polishing rubber points (brown, green and
blue), followed by polishing with a smooth rubber cup
using pumice paste, and then used a Sweeney brush
with a paste of zinc oxide. 16
Vol. 11, No.1 - Jan. - June 2008 J. 8 aqai Med. Univ.
Table 2: The composition, brand name, finishing contour, or improvement of esthetics 26-27 . This has to
and polishing material for composite be important that to avoid any kind of occlusal
adjustment to prevent the glazed surface which lead
Finishing to be long term smoothness and durability of the
and Composition Brand Name References
Polishing restoration.
Tungsten CF246 Carbide Diatech 21 DISCUSSION:
Carbide Bur (30-tluted) DentalAC, Surface quality is an important parameter that
Heerbrugg influences the clinical behavior of dental Restorations.
Inadequate surface texture of a restoration can cause
Fine.extra 2135f, 135ff KG Sorensen 22 gingival irritation , surface staining , plaque
fine Bur Diamond accumulation, and secondary caries28 . A variety of
materials and techniques have been introduced for
Sof-Lex XT Coarse, 3M Dental 23
Polishing medium, fine. Products,St. contouring, finishing, and polishing but there is not
Discs superfine Paul, MN a single universally accepted method for finishing
aluminum 55144 USA procedures29 . Different method is used to measure the
oxide disc
surface roughness of restoration material like
Enhance Aluminum Dentsply- 21 mechanical profilometers, although it provides two-
Disc with · oxide disc, DeTrey dimensional information which is responsible for an
polishing Fine aluminum GmbHD arithmetic average roughness which is calculated and
paste oxide paste 78467,
Extra-fine Konstanz, used to represent various material Polishing surface
aluminum Germany combinations in treatment decisions. Other method
oxide paste which is used to measure surface roughness is Scanning
Edenta Extra-fine Edenta AG, 21 electron microscope (SEM)lO. There is a significant
Finishing finishing Hauptstrasse relationship between the methods used for the finishing
Kit diamond 7, CH-9434 and polishing procedures and the content of the
C850.012, AU/SG
Arkansas stone Switzerland material itself with regard to the achieved surface
ASOl , finish. High-quality finishing and polishing Qf dental
Yellow rubber material are important steps to enhance both the
cup 0735 esthetics and longevity of restored teeth. Unfortunately,
BisCover Ethoxylated Bisco Inc. 23 polishing is complicated by the heterogeneous nature
Liquid BisphenolA 110 W Irving of these materials. For restorative materials, it is
Polish Diacrylate, Park Rd., generally inadvisable to polish the interfacial marginal
Urethane Schaumburg,
acrylate ester, IL USA surface immediately after light-activation or setting.
Polyethylenegly The polishing procedures should be carried out not
col Diacrylate less than 24 hour. 30
Dental ceramics are able to mimic natural teeth due Both surface gloss and surface roughness were material-
to their excellent physical properties such as esthetics, dependent and influenced by the polishing time and
biocompatibility, low thermal conductibility, and wear applied force. As gloss and roughness proved to be
resistance. Because of these features, dental ceramics closely associated with each other, gloss assessment
have been extensively used in several rehabilitation may be a sufficient method to screen materials with
procedures, including inlays. onlays, crowns, and regard to their polishability. The lifetime of porcelain
porcelain veneers24-25. In the dental laboratory, porcelain prostheses can be improved by removing the micro-
is fired and traditionally subjected to a "glaze" that fractured layer with final polishing.31
results in a surface texture and appearance resembling
that of a natural tooth surface, however, the dentist Based on the different studies, the range in surface
often removes part of the glazed surface after roughness of different intraoral hard surfaces was
cementation of the ceramic restoration because of the found to be very wide, and the affect of dental
need for occlusal adjustment, correction of inadequate treatments on the surface roughness is material-
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