Arm Position Group 4 6

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GROUP 4 & 6

A. Arms Support Positions

1. Supine or Back Arm Support
 From a long lying position,
lift the body with straight
arms support. The body, legs,
and toes are well extended
and in one straight line.
2. Prone or Front Arm Support
 From a front lying position.
Lift the body to front arms
support; body, legs, and toes
well extended and in one
straight line.
3. Side Arm Support
 The body is supported with
the right or left arm; the
body is well extended.
B. Hand Positions
1. Hands-on Waist
 Place hands on the waist.
Fingers pointing front
thumbs pointing backward.

2. Hands-on Chest
 Palms facing down, thumbs
touching the chest, elbows in
line with the shoulders.

3. Hands-on Shoulders
 Bends arms from the elbow,
fingertips touching the
shoulders, elbow in line with
the shoulders, rib cage lifted.

4. Hands-on Neck
 Bend arms from the elbows,
place hands behind the neck,
fingertips meeting each
other, elbows in line with the

5. Hands-on Hips
 Place hands on hips, thumbs
pointing back and fingers
pointing front.

C. Arm Position
1. Arms Forward

Raise arms
forward parallel to
each other; hands
in line
with shoulders;
and palms facing
each other
Raise arms
forward parallel to
each other; hands
in line
with shoulders;
and palms facing
each other
Raise arms
forward parallel to
each other; hands
in line
with shoulders;
and palms facing
each other
Raise arms
forward parallel to
each other; hands
in line
with shoulders;
and palms facing
each other
 Raise arms forward with
palms facing each other.
Hands in line with the
shoulders, elbows slightly
2. Arms Sideward
 Raise arms sideward, palms
facing down, and fingertips
in line with the shoulder.

3. Arms Upward
 Raise arms upward, palms
facing each other, elbows
touching the ears, the whole
arm in line with the body.

4. Arms Oblique Upward Sideward

 Raise arms upward sideward
to form a Y letter. Palms
facing outward or inward.

5. Arms Oblique Downward

 Place arms diagonally
downward at the sides of the
body, palms facing each

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