HL7 – stands for Health Level 7 – level seven refers to the top layer of the OSI object
model (application layer).
HL7 was originally an adhoc group to help standardize the communication between
incompatible healthcare applications. Most were interface programmers.
Started as v2.0. Current ANSI accepted version is v2.5. Very backward compatible.
The HL7 Version 2 Messaging Standard — Application Protocol for Electronic Data
Exchange in Healthcare Environments — is considered to be the workhorse of data
exchange in healthcare and is the most widely implemented standard for healthcare
information in the world.
Other standards include DICOM (X-rays), X12 (billing), ACPDP (pharmacy) ASTM
Each standard is published like a book with chapters. Chapter 2 is the chapter on
Control, the section that covers how to encode a message.
HL7 designed around the assumption that there is a real world event that triggers the
exchange of messages. Examples of trigger event is patient admission and ER visit..
When messages are sent, the recipient application returns an “ACK” message. Say to
sender, “I got the message”. The ACK means that the recipient accepts responsibility
for the message. Currently standard is recipient sends a “commit/accept” message.
Can be in two stages. Need both to assume responsibility. Not implemented.
Message format
1. <SB> = start block (0x0B)
2. <dddd = message
3. <EB> = end Block (0x1C)
4. <CR> = carriage return (0x0D)
Receiving rules
1. Ignore extra stuff that is present in the message but is not expected.
2. If something is missing, assume it is not present. NOT THE SAME A NULL
HL7 v3 is under development that is big departure from v2.x. The flexibility of v2.x also
makes it impossible to do conformity testing between vendor products. Version 3
addresses these and other issues by using a well-defined methodology based on a
reference information (i.e., data) model. It will be the most definitive standard to date.
Using rigorous analytic and message building techniques and incorporating more trigger
events and message formats with very little optionality, HL7's primary goal for Version 3
is to offer a standard that is definite and testable, and provide the ability to certify
vendors' conformance. Version 3 uses an object-oriented development methodology and
a Reference Information Model (RIM) to create messages. The RIM is an essential part
of the HL7 Version 3 development methodology, as it provides an explicit representation
of the semantic and lexical connections that exist between the information carried in the
fields of HL7 messages
A little more about HL7 based on my observations -- ongoing work, activities, opinions,
projects, etc.
o The joint meeting between CDS TC with EHR (Electronic Health Records)
focused on the topic of VMR (Virtual Medical Record). VMR aims to find the
minimal set of record types and attributes required to achieve semantic
interoperability. On the one hand, the benefits of VMR are: first, it makes it
possible to reuse the most expensive parts of DSS (Decision Support Systems)
such as Guideline Interpreter software component and knowledge base. Second,
it decouples these from terminology or schema changes. Third, it facilitates rapid
deployment on new clinical systems. On the other hand, appropriate
terminology-mapping knowledge and software components are needed and
system vendor might have problems with it when mapping their system into VMR
format. The discussion about VMR will keep going on and a possible direction is
to develop VMR as a subset of platform-neutral EHR model in future HL7 work.
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by
helping to assure that the body of HL7 standards and recommendations is
internally congruent, consistent with appropriate measures of quality and has
been prepared according to the appropriate HL7 methodology.
With an emphasis on the point-of-use of applications, this group supports the HL7
mission to create and promote its standards by developing specifications that enable the
visual integration of healthcare applications. Applications are visually integrated when
they work together in ways that the user can see in order to enhance the user’s ability to
incorporate information technology as part of the care delivery process.
Ian Purves
Sowerby Centre for Health Informatics at Newcastle
Phone: +44 (0) 191 256 3100
Fax: +44 (0) 191 256 3099
Email: [email protected]
R. Matthew Sailors
University of Texas-Houston, Dept. of Surgery
Phone: 713.500.6192
Email: [email protected]
The role of this TC is to (a) identify the scope and range of data elements required for
the functionality of DS applications, (b) work with other SIGs, TCs, or outside
organizations to identify appropriate controlled vocabulary for encoding those data
elements, (c) identify or define messages (and objects) required to support the specific
information exchange needs of DS applications, both as feeders to DS applications and
as output from DS applications.
The Control/Query Committee is responsible for defining the details of the message
transport services including encoding rules and auxiliary protocols, maintenance of
common datatypes, definition of the query framework, and definition of the framework for
master files support.
Data element
Any data field, component, or subcomponent of HL7.
The set of all appropriate values for a data element. For a coded data
element, the coded domain is the set of all coded vocabulary items that
are appropriate values of the coded data element.
Coded Value
A coded vocabulary item that is a member of a coded domain. This
corresponds to a table entry in existing HL7 tables.
R. Matthew Sailors
University of Texas-Houston, Dept. of Surgery
Phone: 713-500-6192
Email: [email protected]
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by
maintenance and further development of the Arden Syntax for Medical Logic Systems, a
standard for representing and sharing clinical knowledge in procedural format.
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards. The
Attachment Special Interest Group standardizes the supplemental information needed to
support health care insurance, and other e-commerce transactions. Our purpose is to
encourage the use of HL7 for uniform implementation of this supplemental information.
An important effort as guided by the Board of HL7 is to work jointly with ASC X12N
(Insurance), to assist in the implementation of the Administrative Simplification
provisions of HIPAA mandates, to provide on-going support, and to represent HL7 in the
HIPAA Designated Standards Maintenance Organization (DSMO) efforts.
This SIG coordinates industry input to produce and maintain guides for HL7 messages
that can stand alone or be embedded within ASC X12N transactions.
Clinical Guidelines
Samson Tu
Stanford Medical Informatics
Stanford University
Phone: 650-723-6979
Email: [email protected]
The HL7 GLIF initiative is a special interest group of HL7 formed to create the standard
for the specification of clinical practice guidelines to facilitate their integration into health
care systems, electronic medical records, and a variety of applications. Participation is
open to all parties.
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by providing a
consistent mechanism to specify conformance via HL7 V2.x message profiles. The
Conformance SIG will also act in an advisory role to the HL7 Modeling & Methodology
Technical Committee regarding conformance topics.
Clinical Genomics
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by enabling
the communication between interested parties of the clinical and personalized genomic
data. The focus of clinical genomics work is the personalization (differences in
individual's genome) of the genomic data and the linking to relevant clinical information.
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by defining a
high-level architecture to support a variety of interoperability requirements for electronic
health records.
Government Projects
The goal of the Government Projects SIG is to coordinate the integration of government
health informatics requirements into the HL7 standards. The SIG will address Federal,
State and local government requirements.
Imaging Integration
Imaging Integration collects, reviews, develops and documents use cases, information
structures and message content related to ordering and reporting of non-textual data
and associated information, including images themselves. Imaging Integration promotes
the interoperation of imaging systems, PACS and associated radiological oriented
systems with information systems that use HL7.
This group will define application programming interfaces (APIs) to HL7 version 3
artifacts for the Java platform. While the group's focus will be the definition of APIs, it will
also promote the development of implementations to validate the API, to serve as
reference implementations, and as tools. By providing these APIs and promoting
implementations, this group will hasten the adoption of HL7 version 3 by healthcare
application providers, many of whom want to develop for the Java platform. By doing this
work for the Java platform, the group will also incidentally provide a model for HL7
implementations that assure interoperability in other popular programming languages,
further encouraging development of HL7 Version 3-compliant applications.
The goal of the "Laboratory, Automated, and Point of Care Testing SIG" is to meet the
needs for communication among automated clinical lab systems, instruments, devices,
and information systems in various implementations of clinical lab, point of care, and
automated testing by developing interoperable messaging.
Medication Information
This group helps to assure that the HL7 messages and models concerning medication
related information - including prescribing, dispensing, and administering medication -
address all of the requirements of the many stakeholders and variations in different
This Secure Transactions SIG will focus on the use of HL7 in communications
environments where there is a need for authentication, encryption, non-repudiation, and
digital signature. This group will focus on the mechanisms for secure HL7 transactions
and not on standardizing security policies. It will, however, ensure that the mechanisms
are present to implement security policies. It will report to HL7 on available options and
recommend actions that the organization may take to address these needs. The early
activities of the group will include reviewing the work of other standards groups in this
area including, but not necessarily limited to, ANSI X3, ASTM, CEN, CPRI, X12, HL7
Germany, U.N. Edifact, and the general Internet community.
This group supports the HL7 mission to create and promote its standards by
creating the procedures for creation and management of HL7 Templates. An
HL7 template is a data structure, based on the HL7 Reference Information
Model, that expresses the data content needed in a specific clinical or
administrative context.
This group supports the HL7 mission through recommendations on use of Extensible
Markup Language (XML) standards for all of HL7 's platform- and vendor-independent
healthcare specifications.
Question 1.
Hospital A has added Information Systems ad hoc. When a department saw a need for
a computer app, they made the purchase decision without thought to any other
department. As a result they have a hodge-podge of systems. Hospital B also operated
the same way. Mega Health Care has decided to buy both hospitals. You have been
assigned the job of leading the integration of both hospitals into MegaHealth care.
Consider your options on how to accomplish this. Pick your favorite and defend your
Question 2.
You are an Informatics consultant who is brought into a large medical group in order to
advise on the group’s IT system. The group has an integrated system from a single
vendor that handles all the administrative duties and some clinical information but it is far
from a total EMR. The group would like to implement a full EMR. The vendor of the
current system cannot give a time frame for when a full EMR implementation will be
available. However, they will provide you access to their business object so that you can
do a custom add-on. What would you recommend to the group?
Question 3.
HL7 v2.x is highly backward compatible. This allows great flexibility in messaging
between old legacy applications and newer applications. HL7 v3 is a different animal. It
is much less flexible based on adherence to a reference model. Describe a scenario in
which adherence to v2.x is the preferred answer and why this is the preferred solution.
Do the same for v3.