Abildsnes et al, (2017) stated that two high schools in southern Norway
requested researchers to assess the new PE curriculum in August 2013 after
introducing it to pupils enrolled in their first year of vocational education. The students
selected one of two alternative PE models: 1) "Sports enjoyment" focusing on PA skills,
or 2) "Motion enjoyment" focusing less on technique and physical performance, but
more on health benefits, achieving new experiences with PE. Some junior high school
students complained that their physical education teachers were uninterested in
planning engaging physical education lessons. All students, however, stated that they
had modest expectations and experiences for what they would learn in physical
education in junior high school and did not see the subject as one that was meant to
improve students' competency in health and physical literacy. The females who
attended "Sports enjoyment" talked about other girl groups who avoided physical
education because they didn't want to show off their overweight bodies, ruin their
makeup, or had to take a shower after class. The males who participated in both PE
models cited injuries as the reason they did not attend high school. When given an
excuse for not attending, the guys at "Motion enjoyment" also included missing the
school bus, experiencing back discomfort, or having overslept.
Similarly, the urge to adhere to mainstream gendered body standards has been
shown in several research. In a 2017 study, Walseth et al. looked at girls' physical
activity and how contemporary discourses on sports and fitness affect how they create
their identities in physical education. Girls perceive physical education as a place where
their bodies are scrutinized and critiqued by others, they conclude. Some girls dislike
the attention they get when they work out. Swimming makes this attention on the body
as an object more clear, and wearing tight clothing makes them feel nude.
Yilmaz et al. al. (2017) have conducted their study using a phenomenological
design. The information is acquired using a semi-structured metaphor form, and it has
undergone content analysis. It was observed that while describing physical education,
they used words like "good lecture," "means of freedom," "source of life," "educating
activity," "competition area," and "natural event." It may be argued that participants in
the "Nice and entertaining course" category of metaphor-making believe that physical
education is a subject that has a significant impact on students' personal, social, and
emotional growth.
The current positive direct effects were found to be present in both girls and
boys, and they were consistent with previously identified relationships between
task-involving climate and physical competence intrinsic motivation (Yli-Piipari, 2011),
importance of PE (Grstén, 2016), PE enjoyment rather unexpected finding was that,
despite earlier research finding similar connections in females, neither performance in
PE nor total MVPA were connected to girls' perceptions of task-involving climate.
The school environment is one of the most influential variables in molding kids'
attitudes about physical exercise and health. As the primary representative of this
setting and a physical activity specialist, a PE teacher should serve as an example for
the pupils in terms of preserving physical health and leading an active lifestyle. He or
she should be viewed in this way. The depth of a teacher's effect extends much beyond
just imparting information and abilities. Recent social and economic developments have
led to a search for innovative approaches to enhancing teachers' professionalism.
Studies on how students perceive instructors (traits, competences) and how this affects
how students behave have been limited thus far. These research focused on class
themes, the environment, teacher personality factors, and the effectiveness of
communication and student-teacher relationships (Bavčević et al., 2018). The goal of
the current study is to close this informational gap and offer crucial data that will be
discussed in relation to changes in the teacher education system and image
management abilities in the classroom.
In their study on the challenges of physical education classes for middle and high
school students, Jeong and So (2020) found that the most common challenges were the
monotony of the classes within their constrained environmental conditions, educational
content that did not adequately convey the value of physical education, and
trial-and-error methods used across the country as a result of a lack of experience with
running online physical education classes. Similar to the Chan et al. (2021) study, PE
teachers claimed that online classes for the aforementioned course are ineffective at
boosting students' motor skill development and level of physical activity. The primary
causes of these, according to Chan et al., are "lack of practical training," "students' lack
of learning motivation/interest," and "difficult to retain students' learning motivation."
The primary favorable judgments and reasons for satisfaction in PE class were
the entertaining, creative, and varied ways. One of the most specialized preferences
among teenagers was their love of sports. The reasons for enjoyment were cited as PA
and workouts, as well as the good sentiments and wellbeing. Additionally, the good
component of learning in class was stated to be one's own opinion of it. Studies
conducted in Brazil, which concur with our findings, revealed that students' perceptions
of physical education programs were generally positive. Sports were the topic in these
research that sparked the most attention (Lemes et al., 2021).