LohmannF 2014 BPM Short Counterexamples

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Where Did I Go Wrong? Explaining Errors in Business Process Models

Conference Paper · September 2014

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-10172-9_18

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2 authors, including:

Dirk Fahland
Eindhoven University of Technology


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Where did I go wrong?
Explaining errors in business process models

Niels Lohmann1 and Dirk Fahland2

Universität Rostock, Institut für Informatik, 18051 Rostock, Germany
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract. Business process modeling is still a challenging task — especially

since more and more aspects are added to the models, such as data lifecycles,
security constraints, or compliance rules. At the same time, formal methods
allow for a detection of errors in the early modeling phase. Detected errors are
usually explained with a path from the initial to the error state. These paths can
grow unmanageably and make the understanding and fixing of errors very time
consuming. This paper addresses this issue and proposes a novel explanation of
errors: Instead of listing the actions on the path to the error, only the decisions
that lead to it are reported and highlighted in the original model. Furthermore, we
exploit concurrency to create a compact artifact to explain errors.

1 Introduction
Business process modeling is a sophisticated task and received a lot of attention in the
past decades. With the advent of domain-specific languages and a growing scientific
community, the act of creating and managing business process models has become a
discipline on its own. Despite all efforts, design flaws may still occur. This can have
different impacts, ranging from syntactically incorrect models, which are harder to
understand, up to catastrophic faults and down times in the execution that yield to a loss
of money or a legal aftermath. Consequently, a large branch of research focuses in the
detection, correction, and avoidance of errors in business process models. Whereas plain
control flow analysis is now well understood, other aspects such as data, business rules,
or security may introduce more subtle flaws that are harder to detect.
The most prominent property of business process models is soundness [1], which
combines several desirable properties such as proper termination and the absence of
deadlocks, livelocks, and dead code. For this fundamental “sanity check”, more and
more sophisticated techniques and tools have been introduced in the last years. Recent
experiments [2] suggest that soundness checks for industrial business process models
can be conducted within microseconds. This allows for a tight integration of verification
steps into the process of modeling.
Staying with the soundness property, we can classify existing approaches into three
classes: (1) Some approaches exploit certain structural constraints of the business process
model, for instance by focussing on workflow graphs that only consist of AND/XOR-
gateways, for instance [3]. (2) Other approaches rely on the definition of soundness
which can be defined in terms of standard Petri net properties such as boundedness,
liveness, or the existence of place invariants [4]. The two mentioned approaches are
domain-specific in the sense that they exploit the fact that they investigate business
Author's camera-ready version submitted to publisher, for personal use only.
Publisher's version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10172-9_18
S. Sadiq, P. Soffer, and H. Völzer (Eds.): BPM 2014, LNCS 8659, pp. 283–300, 2014.
© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014
process models. In contrast, (3) general purpose verification tools (usually called model
checkers [5, 6]) can check all kinds of properties as long as they can be expressed in
terms of temporal logics. As this is the case for soundness, these tools are also applicable
for the verification of business process models.
By nature, only domain-specific approaches may exploit the special nature of busi-
ness process models and their correctness criteria are best suited for corresponding
verification tasks — in particular, since the approaches are specially tailored to the need
of the modelers. In contrast, general purpose verification tools are not “aware” of the
background of the property or the model under investigation and hence may only produce
results of limited value. At the same time, the ongoing evolution of business process
modeling languages, the growing number of aspects that need to be covered by a busi-
ness process model, or the trend toward executable business process models, makes
state-of-the-art business process model verification a moving target. As a consequence,
specific approaches may become inapplicable for novel demands, leaving only general
purpose approaches as stable tools for the future.
Goal. This paper tries to improve the applicability of general purpose approaches to
business process models. We thereby try to combine the advantages of a vast set of
supported correctness criteria (and hence, the flexibility to keep up with the fast evolution
of novel modeling languages and correctness criteria) with the domain-specific diagnosis
results of existing business process verification tools. This paper thereby can be seen as
a follow-up to the reports for Fahland et al. [2] where comprehensive diagnosis results
where only reported for domain-specific approaches, in particular [3].
Problem description. In principle, a model checker takes a formal model (e.g., a Petri
net) and a formal description of the property to check (usually described by temporal
logics) as input and tries to proof the property by an exhaustive investigation of the
model’s states. In case the property is violated (e.g., a deadlocking state is detected), a
path to this error state is reported [5, 6]. The path contains all actions of the model that
need to be executed to reach the error state from the initial state. Due to this operational
nature of paths, the scenario that led to the error can be simulated. It is furthermore
possible to explain the scenario in terms of the original model; that is, to map the states
of the Petri net back to events of a BPMN model.
Unfortunately, the size of the paths correlates with the size of the model and paths of
industrial models can thus be very long and hardly understandable. Furthermore, the path
can contain a lot of irrelevant or diverting information that makes the comprehension
of the error very difficult. For instance, the path usually contains actions that only “set
up” the process (e.g., initializations and login procedures). These inevitable actions are
certainly necessary to be able to reach the error state, but are usually not the cause of
it. Another aspect that makes paths hard to understand is the fact that business process
models may span several components where activities are executed in parallel. On
the path, these originally unordered activities are reported in a fixed — and possibly
arbitrary — order which may yield confusion due to unintuitive error descriptions.
Contribution. To solve the mentioned problems, this paper makes four contributions.
First, we shorten paths by focussing on the choices made rather than on each individual
action. Second, we perform additional verification steps to further reduce the path. Third,
we exploit the concurrency of the model to undo the aforementioned arbitrary ordering
and to express concurrent parts of the error independently of each other. Fourth, we take
the investigated property into account to remove aspects of the part which are irrelevant
to the detected error. We shall use a large case study as experimental evaluation of our
proposed approach.
Organization. The next section introduces the basic concepts we build our approach
on, including Petri nets as formal model and a brief introduction to model checking.
Section 3 introduces a novel representation of paths by focussing on the made choices.
In Sect. 4, we discuss how the path can be further shortened by performing additional
verification steps. The combination of paths and concurrency is described in Sect. 5.
Section 6 demonstrations how the size of the resulting artifacts can be further reduced.
All reduction steps are evaluated by experimental results with more than 1,000 industrial
business process models. Finally, Sect. 7 summarizes the results and concludes the paper.
2 Preliminaries
2.1 Petri nets
Business process modeling languages are usually semiformal and hence are not directly
applicable to a mathematically rigorous proof of correctness criteria. However, the
operational semantics can be captured in formalisms such as Petri nets or process calculi.
With the advent of executable languages such as WS-BPEL 2.0 or BPMN 2.0, such a
formalization became much easier, because a precise execution semantics yielded more
careful language specifications.
Our framework is based on Petri nets [7] and is hence not tied to a specific business
process modeling language. In fact, for most of today’s languages from industry or
academia (including BPMN, WS-BPEL, UML activity diagrams, YAWL, or EPC),
translations into Petri nets exists [8]. We chose Petri nets as formalism for two reasons:
First, it is a graphical formalism that closely resembles languages such as BPMN and
allows to easily translate findings from the original model into the Petri net model, and
vice versa. Second, concurrency (i.e., the independent and yet parallel execution of
actions) can be expressed naturally in terms of Petri nets. This is especially helpful as
the behavior of a Petri net can be expressed by a set of distributed runs, an artifact we
shall use in Sect. 5–6 of this paper.
Intuitively, a Petri net is a directed graph, consisting of active components called
transitions (depicted as squares) which model actions and decisions of business processes
and passive components called places (depicted as circles) which model locations of
resources such as documents, messages, or the current control flow. The flow of resources
is modeled by arcs between places and transitions, and vice versa. A state of a Petri net
is expressed by a distribution of tokens (depicted by black dots) on the places (called a
marking) which models the current presence of the respective resource. Formally:
Definition 1 (Petri net). A Petri net is a tuple N = [P, T, F, m0 ] where P is fi-
nite a set of places, T is finite a set of transitions (T ∩ P 6= ∅), a flow relation
F ⊆ (P × T ) ∪ (T × P ), and an initial marking m0 : P → IN.
Example. Figure 1(a) depicts a small business process model from [2] which contains
two subtle control flow errors: a lack of synchronization and a local deadlock. Its
translation into a Petri net is shown in Fig. 1(b). As we see, the structure is very similar
to the original model. The concrete mapping from the models from [2] into Petri nets is
described in [9].
The initial marking m0 defines an initial distribution of tokens on the places. The
marking can change by firing transitions.

(a) business process model from [2]

t4 p5 t5

p1 t1 t3 p4 p6 t6 p7

p2 t2 p3 p10 t11 t7 p8

t8 t9 p9 t10 t13 p13

p11 t12 p12

t14 p14

(b) Petri net model

Fig. 1. A business process model (a) and its translation into a Petri net (b)

Definition 2 (Firing rule). Let N = [P, T, F, m0 ] be a Petri net, t ∈ T be a transition,

and m : P → IN be a marking of N . Transition t is activated in m (denoted m → − ) iff
m(p) > 0 for all p ∈ • t. An activated transition can fire, yielding a new marking m0
(denoted m →− m0 ) with 
m(p) + 1, iff p ∈ t \ t,
 • •

m0 (p) = m(p) − 1, iff p ∈ • t \ t• ,



Thereby, let for a node x ∈ P ∪ T be • x = {y | [y, x] ∈ F } the preset of x and

x• = {y | [x, y] ∈ F } be the postset of x.
The behavior of a Petri net is defined by the reachability graph which has all
reachable markings as nodes, m0 as initial node, and a t-labeled edge between node m
and m0 iff m →− m0 . The reachability graph is a very versatile tool when investigating
the behavior of Petri net models as all interesting properties of Petri nets can be checked
using this reachability graph. This includes the most prominent correctness criteria for
business process models such as soundness.
2.2 Model checking
Model checking [5, 6] is an approach to proof that a system satisfied a given correctness
criterion; for instance soundness, the absence of a deadlocking state, the presence of a
sound process configuration, correct data life cycles, or compliance to business rules. In
contrast to theorem provers, which sometimes need the manual inputs, or testing, which
can only proof the existence of errors, but never their absence, model checking is an
automated and complete way to investigate systems.
In this paper, we assume that the model under investigation is given as a Petri net.
The correctness criterion is typically motivated by the domain of the original model
(i.e., a business process). For an automated check, this correctness criterion needs to be
expressed in terms of a temporal logics. Temporal logics extend classical propositional
logics by temporal operators that express the relationships of propositions (i.e., that a
state B is reached after state A is reached) and path quantifiers that express whether
some or all successors of a state need to satisfy a property. The most prominent temporal
logics used in model checking is CTL∗ . We refrain from a formal definition, as we shall
concentrate on the evaluation of errors in incorrect systems rather than in the correctness
criteria and their formalization themselves. Detailed introductions provide [5, 6].
For the remainder of the paper, we assume the existence of a model checking tool that
takes a Petri net N and a temporal logical formula ϕ as input. If the formula is satisfied
by the Petri net (e.g., if the Petri net is sound), this is reported as “yes” to the modeler. In
case the formula is violated (e.g., a deadlocking marking m is found), this is reported
as “no” to the modeler. In addition, a path π = t1 · · · tn is given to the modeler which
t1 tn
explains how m is reachable from the initial marking m0 ; that is, m0 −→ · · · −→ m.
Depending on the nature of the formula ϕ, the marking reached by the reported path
either is a proof that the formula is not satisfied by the behavior of the Petri net N and is
called a counterexample or marking itself is the proof that the formula is satisfied (e.g.,
if ϕ expresses the reachability of that marking m) and is called a witness. In this paper,
we do not distinguish the semantics of the marking m and always refer to m as goal
Example (cont.). The business process from Fig. 1(a) has a lack of synchronization. This
can be detected by checking the Petri net from Fig. 1(b). The following path π describes
how a marking m can be reached which puts two tokens on place p6 .
π = t1 t2 t9 t10 t11 t12 t14 t8 t2 t3 t4 t5 m = {p6 7→ 2}
The path contains 12 transitions. In the remainder of this paper, we use this path to
exemplify the proposed reductions.
It is worthwhile to mention that model checking suffers a devastating worst case
complexity due to the well-known state explosion problem which yields reachability
graphs with exponential blow-ups compared to the size of the Petri nets. However,
even industrial business process models can be model checked in few microseconds,
because heuristics that fight the state space explosion proved to be very effective in this
domain [2].

3 Representing paths by made choices

3.1 The problem: long paths = big problems
In the remainder of the paper, we focus on the following problem:

Given a path π to a goal marking m of a Petri net model N , how can the reason for
the error modeled by m be briefly and comprehensively explained to the modeler
of N ?

Apparently, π describes how the goal marking m can be reached from the initial
marking m0 of N . Consequently, reporting the transitions of π together with the in-
termediated markings to the modeler should help to understand the reasons m was
reached. Unfortunately, this approach is futile in case π contains dozens of transitions.
The reasons for such long paths are:
Detours: Model checkers usually investigate the markings of a Petri net in a depth first
search. As a result, the reported paths do not need to be optimal and may contain
some transitions that model “detours” in the reachability graph that do not contribute
in the actual reaching of the goal marking. Note that breadth-first approaches are
not applicable to many classes of formulae.
Interleaving of concurrent transitions: A marking of N may activate two transitions t1
and t2 which are not mutually exclusive. That is, firing either transition first does
not disable the other one. A typical reason for this is that t1 and t2 do not share any
resources. Consequently, the order in which t1 and t2 occur on the path π is arbitrary.
If each transition belongs to different components of the underlying business process
model, then these arbitrary interleaving of the transitions may be irritating to the
modeler if she tries to understand the path π. In the example path, transition t11
and t12 are concurrent and the reported order in path π (t11 before t12 ) is arbitrary.
Indisputable parts: Though the path π is an actual proof that the goal marking m can
be reached in N , not every transition on the path is an actual cause of m. In the
example process, any path will begin with firing t1 and hence does not need to be
reported to the modeler as reason for an error.

3.2 The solution: don’t report the obvious

To tackle the problem of long paths with redundant or unhelpful information, we shall
exploit two aspects to shorten paths in the remainder of this chapter: progress and
Progress is the assumption that the model never “gets stuck” in case a transition
is activated. That is, if a marking activates one or more transitions, then this marking
is eventually left by firing on of these transitions. Progress is a natural assumption
for business process models in which the execution of tasks also cannot be postponed
indefinitely. Though the actual occurrence of message or timer events cannot be precisely
predicted, the respective states are always assumed to be eventually left by the modeled
A conflict is a situation in which there exist more than one possible continuations.
In terms of Petri nets, it is a marking in which two transitions t1 and t2 are enabled,
but after firing either of them, the other transition is disabled. This situation is dual to
concurrent transitions (see above) that do not disable each other. A detailed discussion
of these aspects can be found in [7].
The combination of these aspects brings us to the following intuitive observation:
Only the conflicts on the path π carry information on how to reach the goal markings.
Any other marking m on the path between the initial and the goal marking either
(1) enables no transition: Then this must be the goal marking itself, because it has no
successor marking. Alternatively, (2) marking m enables exactly one transition: Then
this transition is eventually fired due to the assumption of progress. Consequently, this
transition does not need to be reported to the modeler as its firing was already determined
by the previous transition on π thad lead to m. Finally, (3) marking m enables several
concurrent transitions. These transitions may fire independently, and if all of them are
on π, then the exact order is arbitrary.
In the remainder of this section, we shall give a formal definition of conflicts and
sketch an algorithm to reduce paths based on these conflicts. Finally, we shall report
on experimental results applying this algorithm to thousands of business processes. We
shall first formalize a conflict:
Definition 3 (Conflict marking, conflict transition). Let m be a marking with m −→

and m −→. Marking m is a conflict marking and t1 and t2 are conflict transitions iff
t1 t2 t2 t1
(1) m −→ m1 , (2) m −→ m2 , and (3) m1 −
6→ or m2 −
6 →.
The above definition relies on markings. However, conflict transitions can be ap-
proximated using the structure of the Petri net. Intuitively, transitions may be conflict
transitions if they share a place in their presets. Desel and Esparza [10] extended this
observation toward a decomposition of a Petri net into its conflict clusters.
Definition 4 (Conflict cluster). Let x ∈ P ∪ T be a node of a Petri net. The conflict
cluster of x, denoted [x] is the minimal set of nodes such that: (1) x ∈ [x]. (2) If p ∈ P
and p ∈ [x], then p• ⊆ [x]. (3) If t ∈ T and t ∈ [x], then • t ⊆ [x].
The conflict clusters of a Petri net can be determined by a union-find-algorithm with
effectively constant amortized time complexity.
Note that free-choice Petri nets [10] have the following property: If one transition
in a conflict cluster is activated in a marking m, then m activates all transitions of that
conflict cluster. That is, an additional check is not required. However, not all aspects
of business process models can be formalized using free-choice Petri nets, for instance
errors, complex gateways, or timeouts. To this end, we decided not to constrain our
approach to this class of Petri nets, but to make it applicable to arbitrary Petri nets.
However, checking whether a transition is activated given a concrete marking has linear
complexity in the size of the net and can usually be assumed to be constant as transitions
hardly have all places in their preset, but only a very small subset.
Now we can reduce the path π as follows:
1. Calculate the conflict clusters of N .
2. For each transition t of π activated by a marking m reached by a (possibly empty)
prefix of π: Report t as part of the reduced path 0if and only if t is a conflict transition;
that is, if and only if {t0 ∈ T | t0 ∈ [t] ∧ m −→} = 6 {t}.
We discuss the implementation of this algorithm in Sect. 7.
Example (cont.). The conflict clusters with more than one transition of our running
example are shaded gray in Fig. 1(b): transitions t3 and t9 , as well as t13 and t14 are
conflicting. Consequently, we can reduce the path π as follows:
πreduced = t9 t14 t3 m = {p6 7→ 2}
The firing of all other transitions is clear from the context from the intermediate markings
and the assumption of progress. Note that the transition names need to be translated
back into the terms of the original model. A different representation of πreduced could
be: “After (1) decision D1: No, (2) decision D2: No, and (3) decision D1: Yes, a lack of
synchronization occurs after after merge M2.”

3.3 Experimental results

To evaluate the path reduction algorithm, we applied it to a large collection of industrial
process models created by IBM customers using the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler.
The models were first presented in a report by Fahland et al. [2], where the 1386 process
models were checked for soundness using different approaches. As one general-purpose
model checker, LoLA [11], took part in this investigation, the process models were also
translated into Petri nets.3 The models are partitioned into five libraries (A, B1, B2, B3,
The original models and their Petri net translations are available for download at http://service-
library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 17.51 / 1.83 17.52 / 2.11 16.06 / 1.54 20.34 / 1.67 13.40 / 2.30
max. path length before / after 53 / 8 66 / 7 56 / 6 54 / 5 21 / 3
sum of path lengths before / after 1699 / 178 1419 / 171 1349 / 129 1688 / 139 134 / 23
reduction 89.52 % 87.95 % 90.44 % 91.77 % 82.84 %
Table 1. Paths from the checks for local deadlocks

library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 30.83 / 3.17 10.47 / 0.66 12.16 / 0.68 11.50 / 0.59 51.00 / 7.57
max. path length before / after 89 / 13 52 / 7 100 / 8 103 / 14 120 / 17
sum of path lengths before / after 1079 / 111 1047 / 66 1459 / 82 1507 / 77 357 / 53
reduction 89.71 % 93.70 % 94.38 % 94.89 % 85.15 %
Table 2. Paths from the checks for lack of synchronization

library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 12.06 / 2.79 13.82 / 2.55 18.13 / 2.33 14.27 / 2.55 11.27 / 2.33
max. path length before / after 44 / 7 70 / 7 95 / 7 95 / 7 27 / 3
sum of path lengths before / after 19699 / 4557 5707 / 1054 13835 / 1777 17494 / 3130 169 / 35
reduction 76.87 % 81.53 % 87.16 % 82.11 % 79.29 %
Table 3. Paths from the checks for noninterference

C) and stem from different business areas, ranging from financial services, automotive,
telecommunications, construction, supply chain, health care, and customer relationship

Soundness. Using these models, we repeated the soundness checks to created paths
for those Petri nets with unsound behavior. In the original report [2], each Petri net was
checked twice to proof soundness: once for weak termination (i.e., whether the final
marking is reachable from every reachable marking) to rule out local deadlocks and once
for unsafe markings (i.e., whether a marking m is reachable with m(p) > 1 for a place
p) to rule out lack of synchronization.
From the 1386 models, 642 control-flow errors were found — 355 Petri nets were
not weakly terminating and 393 Petri nets contained unsafe markings.4 Consequently,
we could apply our reduction to 748 paths.
Table 1 summarizes the results from the reduction of the paths for Petri nets with
local deadlocks. We list, for each library, the average path length, the maximal path
length, and the sum of all path lengths for the respective library — once before and once
after the reduction. The numbers suggest that the reduction is very effective: The average
path length could be reduced from 13–20 transitions to 1.5–2.3 transitions. This means
a reduction of 82–91 %. Table 2 reports similar results for Petri nets with a lack of
synchronization. In summary, the longest path for a soundness violation contains at most
17 transitions, compared to 120 before the reduction.

Information flow security. Furthermore, the same business process models were used
in a recent report [12] on information flow security. In this case study, noninterfer-
ence [13] was verified. This correctness criterion ensures that decisions from a secure
domain cannot be reproduced by investigating public runtime information of the busi-
ness process. To perform this check, each business process model needed to be checked
24 Petri nets had both kind of errors and hence failed both checks.
several times: For each participant (i.e., swimlane of the process), one check is required.
In that case study, 4050 errors were reported, yielding 4050 paths to investigate.5
Table 3 summarizes the reduction results for the paths. Again, we can report a
reduction between 76–87 %. The maximal reduced path of the whole case study consists
only of 7 transitions, whereas it was 95 transitions before the reduction. On average, not
more than 2.79 transitions are reported per detected error.
The experiments report promising results. Though the reduced paths consist of Petri
net transitions, they can be easily translated back into the nomenclature of the original
model. For each model translated from the IBM WebSphere Business Modeler into a
Petri net, a file was created that maps the Petri net nodes to a construct of the original
model, see [9]. Consequently, conflict transitions can be easily linked to the respective

4 Further reduction: remove spurious conflicts

4.1 Motivation and formalization
In the previous section, we showed how paths to errors in business process models can be
reduced by only reporting conflict transitions. This reduction decided, for each marking
that activates a transition, whether conflicting transitions are also activated. This check
is local in the sense that it is not checked whether those transitions that were not taken in
the decisions actually could have avoided the next conflict transition on the path.
We can formalize this idea as follows:
Definition 5 (Spurious conflict). Let π = t1 · · · tn be a reduced path and, for 0 ≤ i <
n be mi the marking that is reached from m0 by firing the first i transitions of π. In
marking mi , transition ti is a spurious conflict iff, for all t ∈ [ti ] ∩ T with t 6= ti and
t t
− holds: mi →
mi → − m0i and for all paths beginning with m0i , marking mi+1 is eventually
reached, activating the next conflict transition ti+1 on π.
Intuitively, a transition ti on a reduced path π is a spurious conflict iff every tran-
sition t in conflict to ti eventually reaches the marking mi+1 which enables the next
transition ti+1 on path π. In this case, choosing any transition from the conflict clus-
ter [ti ] will eventually enable the next conflict on the path to the goal state. Consequently,
reporting the spurious conflict ti is of little help to the modeler to understand the error
The check for spurious transitions defined above can be straightforwardly be imple-
mented using a model checker.6 We integrated this check as postprocessing step after
reducing the paths as described in the previous section. Note that executing a model
checker can be very time and memory consuming. However, even if a check is not
finished with a reasonable amount of resources, we just failed to proof whether a conflict
is spurious and can continue with the investigation of the next transition. That said, the
postpocessing can be aborted at any time — any intermediate result is still correct.
The original models were not designed with noninterference in mind. However, the authors of
[12] decided to use the processes from [2] as case study to investigate their algorithms.
We check whether N with initial marking m0i satisfies the CTL formula ϕ = AF mi+1 .
library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 1.84 / 0.91 2.11 / 0.67 1.54 / 0.57 1.67 / 0.41 2.30 / 0.90
max. path length before / after 8/2 7/1 6/1 5/1 3/1
sum of path lengths before / after 178 / 88 171 / 54 129 / 49 139 / 34 23 / 10
reduction 50.56 % 68.42 % 62.79 % 75.54 % 60.87 %
aborted checks 1 0 0 0 0
Table 4. Reduced paths from the checks for local deadlocks

library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 3.17 / 0.86 0.66 / 0.17 0.68 / 0.14 0.59 / 0.09 7.57 / 1.00
max. path length before / after 13 / 2 7/2 8/2 14 / 2 17 / 2
sum of path lengths before / after 111 / 30 66 / 17 82 / 17 72 / 12 53 / 7
reduction 72.97 % 54.55 % 79.27 % 84.42 % 86.79 %
aborted checks 1 4 0 0 4
Table 5. Reduced paths from the checks for lack of synchronization

library A B1 B2 B3 C
avg. path length before / after 2.79 / 0.99 2.55 / 0.75 2.33 / 0.55 2.55 / 0.63 2.33 / 0.40
max. path length before / after 7/2 7/2 7/2 7/2 3/1
sum of path lengths before / after 4557 / 1614 1054 / 310 1777 / 423 3130 / 772 35 / 6
reduction 64.58 % 70.59 % 76.20 % 75.34 % 82.86 %
aborted checks 12 4 4 7 0
Table 6. Reduced paths from the checks for noninterference

4.2 Experimental results

We applied the reduction of spurious conflicts to the case studies described in the
previous section. Table 4.2–5 summarize the results. In all three experiments, the paths
could be further reduced by 50–86%. Now, in all experiments, at most two transitions
are reported as to reach the error. All other transitions are either nonconflicting or are
spurious conflicts for which any resolution eventually reaches the next conflict on the
path. Note that in some cases, the check for spurious conflicts has been aborted after
more than 2 GB of memory were consumed. In these cases, the conflict was kept in the
path and the check proceeded with the next conflict.

5 Combining paths and concurrency

5.1 Motivation and formalization
So far, we focused on reducing paths by removing any transitions whose firing provides
no information to the modeler on why the goal state was actually reached. Thereby, we
could exploit the Petri net structure to calculate conflict clusters to identify possible
conflict transitions. This allowed for a quick check whether a transition is actually a
However, we still considered paths as a sequences of transitions leading to the goal
state. As discussed earlier, this sequence may be an arbitrary linearization of originally
concurrent behavior. Therefore, communicating paths to the modeler — for instance
by means of animation or simulation — still uses this arbitrary and hence unintuitive
ordering. This may be especially confusing if the underlying process spans several
components (e.g., participants of a choreography or lanes) and the path constantly
switches between actions of different components.
To this end, this section aims at exploiting the concurrency of the Petri net model and
to use it to reorganize paths. We thereby try to undo the arbitrary ordering and to provide
partially-ordered paths, called distributed runs in the literature [7]. As sketched earlier,
two transitions t1 and t2 may fire concurrently in a marking if they do not disable each
other; that is, any ordering of t1 and t2 are possible. The definition of Petri nets further
ensure that firing any order of concurrent transitions yield the same marking. This has
one interesting effect: by depicting concurrent transitions as concurrent (i.e., unordered),
a distributed run implicitly expresses all possible orderings of these transitions.
Before we continue, we formalize the concept of a distributed run. The underlying
structure of such a distributed run is a causal net:
Definition 6 (Causal net). A causal net is a Petri net C = [P, T, F ] without initial
marking such that (1) for each place p holds: |• p| ≤ 1 and |p• | ≤ 1, (2) the transitive
closure F + of the flow relation F is irreflexive, and (3) any node has only finitely many
predecessors with respect to F + .
Intuitively, a causal net is (1) conflict free and begins and ends with places, (2) is
acyclic, and (3) the prefix of any element is finite. A causal net does not have an initial
marking — its places with empty preset represent initially marked places. This becomes
clear in the definition of a distributed run of a Petri net N , defined as follows:
Definition 7 (Distributed run). Let N = [PN , TN , FN , m0 ] be a Petri net, C =
[PC , TC , FC ] be a causal net, and β ⊆ (PC × PN ) ∪ (TC × TN ) be a mapping. Further
assume, without any loss of generality, that m0 (p) ≤ 1 for all p ∈ PN . The pair [C, β]
is a distributed run of N iff: (1) for all pC ∈ PC with • pC = ∅ holds: m0 (β(pC )) = 1
and (2) for each tC ∈ TC with β(tC ) = tN holds: β bijectively maps • tC to • tN and
t•C to t•N .
A distributed run is a causal net C whose nodes are mapped to those of a Petri net,
such that (1) those places of C without predecessors map to the initially marked places
of N and (2) the preset and postset of a transition of C bijectively maps to the preset
and postset of the respective transition of N .

5.2 Translating paths into distributed runs

Intuitively, we can translate a path into a distributed run by copying fired transitions
with their preset and postset to the distributed run and “glue” those places representing
resources created by one transition and consumed by another transition.
In more detail, a path π of a Petri net N can be translated into a distributed run
[C, β] as follows: First, add, for each initially marked place pN of N , a place pC to PC
and define β(pC ) = pN . Then, for each firing m −− → m0 in π, (1) add a transition tC
to TC and define β(tC ) = tN , (2) for each place pN ∈ • tN , find a place pC of C with
β(pC ) = pN and p•C = ∅ and add an arc [pC , tC ] to FC , and (3) for each place pN ∈ t•N
add a place pC to PC and define β(pC ) = pN and add an arc [tC , pC ] to FC .
As paths are acyclic, the created distributed run is finite by definition. Furthermore,
paths are conflict-free (i.e., every intermediate marking has exactly one successor) such
that the created Petri net structure is indeed a causal net.
The translation into a distributed run now allows for a reasoning of the relationship
between occurrences of transitions on the path. We distinguish two cases: On the one
hand, if there is a directed path between t1 and t2 , then β(t1 ) was fired causally before
p10 t11 p6
p1 t1 p2 t2 p3 t9 p9 t10
p11 t12 p12 t14 p14 t8 p2 t2 p3 t3 p4 t4 p5 t5 p6

Fig. 2. The path π as a distributed run with highlighted conflict transitions

β(t2 ). On the other hand, β(t1 ) and β(t2 ) were fired concurrently, if there exists neither
a path from t1 to t2 nor from t2 to t1 . In this case, the order on path π was arbitrary and
should not be reported as such to the modeler.

Example (cont.). Figure 2 depicts path π as distributed run. Note that the cycle in the
model is unfolded, yielding two copies of transition t2 . Two places p6 without successors
model the target marking {p6 7→ 2}. Furthermore, note transition t11 is displayed
concurrently to all transitions following t10 .

5.3 Applying the conflict reduction to distributed runs

We implemented the translation of paths into distributed runs. This construction algorithm
only works for unreduced paths, because it requires that all intermediate markings are
used to create places in the underlying causal net. Therefore, the reduction reported in
Sect. 3–4 are not directly applicable.
To combine the advantages of both approaches — that is, reducing paths by removing
nonconflicting transitions on the one hand and not ordering concurrent transitions on the
other hand — we exploit the two relationships (causal order and concurrency) from above
and create an artifact (called reduced distributed run7 ) with the following properties:

1. For each initially marked place of N , it contains a place with empty preset and the
respective labeling.
2. For each place marked by the goal marking reached by π, it contains a place with
empty postset and the respective labeling.
3. For each conflict transition (i.e., transitions that were not removed by the reductions
in Sect. 3–4), it contains a transition with the respective labeling.
4. For each transition consuming a token from the initial marking or producing a token
to the goal marking, it contains a transition with the respective labeling and the
respective arcs to the places in the preset and postset.
5. For each two transitions t1 and t2 , add a dashed arc [t1 , t2 ] if we can derive from
the distributed run that t1 is causally before t2 .
6. Transitively reduce the dashed arcs; that is, remove all dashed arcs [t1 , t3 ] for which
there exists arcs [t1 , t2 ] and [t2 , t3 ].

As reduced distributed runs have more or less the same size as the reduced paths, we
refrain from a detailed discussion of a case study.

In fact, the described artifact is not a distributed run. Though it shares properties of distributed
runs, we decided to stick to the name as it is most intuitive.
is a control-flow graph containing only gateways and tasks. To the right, we see the
resulting Petri net. In general, input and output sets can overlap, which would lead
to non-free-choice Petri nets as a result of the translation [12]. However, none of the
syntactically valid process models contained in our test set used overlapping inputs or
output sets, i.e., the translation will only return free-choice nets in our case study. This
makes it possible to benefit from fast analysis techniques for free-choice Petri nets, see
for example Sect. 4. Furthermore, users of the tool can specify which input set activates
which output set, but this information was not provided in any of the models. For the
translation, we therefore assumed that each input set can potentially activate each output
set. Two di↵erent translations into workflow graphs and Petri nets were implemented,
although the Petri nets could also be directly obtained from the workflow graphs by a
well-known construction [2]. The Petri net models are available at http://www.service-
technology.org/soundness in PNML format. t11 p6
p1 t1 t9 t10
t14 t3 t5 p6
2.3 Soundness
Figure 4 shows a workflow graph without any tasks as it occurs in the middle part of the
Fig. 3. process
The reduced
in Fig.path
2 andπtoaswhich
a reduced distributed
we added runanwith
a start and end highlighted conflict
event. This process transitions
contains a lack of synchronization error as well as a local deadlock, which are not so
easy to spot in the first place.


Fig. 4: Workflow graph with deadlock and lack of synchronization errors.
Mapping back
deadlock is athe reducedstate
reachable distributed run to that
s of the process the has
original process
a token model
on an incom-
ing edge e of an AND-join such that each state that is in turn reachable from s also

Example (cont.). An example is depicted in 6

Fig. 3. It explains how the initial marking
{p1 7→ 1} is transformed into the goal marking {p6 7→ 2}. In case a transition consumes
from the initial marking or produces to the goal marking, it is reported explicitly. Further-
more, the resolved conflicts on the original path π are reported, and their causal order is
depicted by dashed arcs. Figure 4 further depicts an example how the information of a
reduced distributed run can be used for a visualization of a path in a concrete business
process model.

6 Cropping distributed runs

This section introduces a further reduction for distributed runs, that can be combined to
reduced distributed runs as described in the previous section. We shall first concentrate
on unreduced distributed runs.
When a path π is translated into a distributed run, it is a precise description on
how the initial marking is translated into the target marking. However, usually only a
parametrized description of the target marking is given to the model checker, for instance
a formula expressing “Find a marking m such that m(p) > 1 for a any place p.” in case
of checking the absence of lack of synchronization. In case a goal marking m is found
that does mark a place with more than one token, then m usually also marks other places
of the Petri net. These places are, however, not relevant to the proof that unsafe markings
are reachable in the Petri net. Therefore, it would be of more value if the distributed run
could be “cropped” such that it only contains those places and transitions in the prefix of
the unsafe places.
As each node of a causal net only has finitely many predecessors, the cropped prefix
of a set of nodes is well-defined. Any other nodes that are not on this prefix can be
removed. The result is still a causal net, but violates the definition of a distributed run. For
the sake of a uniform nomenclature, we refer to this artifact as cropped distributed run.
Note that reduced distributed runs can be cropped as well, producing cropped reduced
distributed runs.
Which places are used to crop the distributed run depends on the property under
investigation. We gave a straightforward example for the check for lack of synchro-
nization. For the noninterference check, the marking of a specific goal place signals a
security flaw — consequently, this place can be used to crop the distributed run. For local
deadlocks, this choice is not straightforward, because the final marking of the Petri net is
actually unreachable in the reported goal marking. A starting point to crop distributed
runs is subject of future research.

7 Concluding remarks
7.1 Summary
In this paper, we investigated how the output of model checking tools — usually a path
from the initial state to a state modeling an error — can be briefly and comprehensively
explained to the modeler. We presented four reductions — each focussing on a different
aspect of the problem:
1. In Sect. 3, we removed all transitions whose firing is totally determined by the
current marking, because there are no activated conflict transitions. As a result, we
explain errors not by the complete path from the initial to the goal state, but only
explain which choices on the way lead to the goal state.
2. In Sect. 4, we further removed those choices where any continuation eventually
reaches the next choice on the path. This postprocessing step required additional
verification runs which can be stopped at any time without jeopardizing correctness.
Though the reduction seems technical, it is actually very effective in the investigated
case study.
3. The underlying concurrency of the model was exploited in Sect. 5. There, we create
a distributed run from the path in which concurrent transitions are not any more
artificially ordered. We further demonstrated how distributed runs can be combined
with the previous reductions.
4. A final reduction is presented in Sect. 6: The verification problem usually concen-
trates on few places of the Petri net. Distributed runs allow to remove all aspects
that are irrelevant to the goal marking.
All reported reductions were implemented in a tool Pathify which bases on the
Petri Net API [14] to calculate conflict clusters and can process Petri nets and paths from
the LoLA model checking tool [11]. The tool, together with the Petri nets from the case
studies can be downloaded from http://www.pirat.ly/25wg2.
Note that our approach heavily relies on Petri nets and their concise semantics, a
natural expression of concurrency and conflict relation, efficient algorithms, and a notion
of distributed runs. These features are not available by other formalisms or modeling
languages. At the same time, we are not bound to a specific input modeling language as
most business process modeling languages can be translated into Petri nets.

7.2 Related work

The analysis and verification of business process models is a broad field of research.
Consequently, there exists a variety of domain-specific approaches (e.g., the decomposi-
tion of workflow graphs into SESE regions to check soundness [3]). However, we are
not aware of other approaches that postprocess error information from general purpose
model checkers to explain these errors to the modelers. In particular, most approaches
consider only a subset of the modeling language’s features (e.g., BPMN without fault
handling). In contrast, our presented approach is applicable to any verification approach
that produces witness paths.
Related to the presentation of error information is the automated correction of flawed
business process models [15, 16]. These approaches use similarity metrics to find a
correct business process model which maximally resembles the flawed model. These
approaches have the benefit of avoiding lengthy manual correction steps altogether.
Back annotation of execution sequences. The problem studied in this paper is similar
to model-based analysis in Software Engineering which is the problem of translating
a (high-level) domain model (of a generic software system) into a formal model and
analyzing for various properties and problems [17]. Also there, the open problem is
to make the analysis result obtained on the formal level understandable by a domain
expert [18]. One generic approach to relate traces of the formal model to model elements
of the domain model is back annotation [19]. Here, the model transformation from
domain model to formal model is reversed to translate steps of the formal model to steps
or elements of the domain model. However, mismatches in granularity and semantics
complicate the translation from one to another, requiring customized solution for each
case. The technique proposed in this paper is orthogonal: rather than trying to translate
entire traces, we have shown that the diagnostic information of the formal trace can be
reduced to an essential minimum which is easier to map. Though a systematic integration
with the back annotation approach is left open here.
This paper considered traces generated by verification and validation tools from given
models. Process mining considers traces recording the actual process execution. Here,
conformance checking is the problem of detecting how and where traces deviate from
process models [20]. Deviations can be highlighted on the traces and the process model
directly [21]. Also, branching processes of Petri nets can be used to greatly simplify
process models in process discovery [22]. It is an open question whether the reduction
techniques presented in this paper can used to improve the diagnostic information in
conformance checking and results in process mining.

7.3 Future work

In this paper, we focused on reducing paths to error states and neglected the retranslation
into the original business process model. Visualizations such as Fig. 4, possibly enriched
with animations, need to be automatized and evaluated by business process modelers.
Here, understandability criteria [23] could be of great value. However, this was out of
scope of this paper which aimed at evaluating the idea of using conflicts to reduce paths
with three experimental setups checking different correctness criteria with thousands of
industrial business process models.
Beside better visualizations, also the investigation of further correctness criteria is a
direction of future work. In particular the cropping of distributed runs appears to be a
promising approach to help the modeler focus on the original causes of an error. Another
aspect of this investigation is a better localization of errors — in particular, any behavior
where the avoidance of an error is still possible should be left out, allowing to better spot
the action or decision in the model that makes the error inevitable.
We see in this paper a first step toward a diagnosis framework which uses general
purpose verification tools to verify business process models. As motivated in the intro-
duction, domain-specific approaches are very closely coupled to the structure or the
property under investigation, but may become inapplicable for future developments. In
contrast, the modularization (a translation into Petri nets as frontend, a general purpose
model checking tool as middleware, and a diagnosis framework as backend) may be
more flexible when it comes to novel business process languages and properties.

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