Proycto Final Karla Tamayo 4 Ingles

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By: Karla Tamayo.

Final Project: How ethics influences the understanding and management of

environmental problems, as well as related scientific research

I define environmental ethics as the moral relationships between human beings

and the environment in which they live, seeking to recover and preserve the
balance in them. Ethics alone already poses a series of principles to be able to
live in society, they are basic rules based on morality that we can all apply daily.
Environmental ethics is not very different; however, it focuses on the environment
instead of society based on what I learned in the module.

A very simple example is to avoid throwing garbage on the street, deep down
you know that you should not do it, but not because it affects you to do it or not,
at least not at that moment, however, you avoid throwing garbage for two
reasons, the first is that if someone sees you they could tell you something and
show you with others, The other is that you know that littering pollutes, that your
garbage takes years to degrade and that it can harm the environment and the
species that inhabit it (environmental ethics).

For my concept, the first ecological ethical obligation is to guarantee human

survival and the dignity of current and future human life, since the first thing to be
affected by the socio-ecological crisis is the human civilizational project, with all
its achievements and cultural, scientific, ethical and political riches.

On the other hand, the idea of sustainability must be introduced immediately into
society and implies key principles for its execution:

 The precautionary principle.

 The principle of solidarity (among present human beings and between
them and future generations).
 The principle of self-restraint (values of sufficiency, moderation and
 The principle of global citizen responsibility, which underpins the concept
of ecological citizenship.

Today it is necessary to introduce a redefined concept of progress that goes

beyond the quantitative and that is oriented towards sustainability, which implies
producing more efficiently and that socio-economic systems respect the limits of
natural resources.

The principle of ecological justice has three aspects:

 Global justice (socioeconomic inequalities at the planetary level).

 Intergenerational justice (future generations).
 Interspecific justice (principle of biospheric hospitality towards other living
 Strategic principles.
 Sustainability and Sustainability.
 Precaution.
 Shared responsibility, (differentiated and solidary).

Some companies believe that they already operate under this scheme of
environmental ethics only because they comply with the stipulations of the
government in environmental matters, but complying with the minimum rules set
by law to be able to work, is not necessarily environmental ethics, so it leads us
to the principles of business environmental ethics that are:

 Respect for the natural environment: Avoiding building huge

condominiums at the cost of burning and cutting down trees is the best
example of this fundamental principle. Start by reviewing the environment
in which your company is or will be, evaluate how you can avoid damaging
the nature around it.
 Environmental responsibility: Committing actions that damage the
environment is already a negative thing, but if apart from that, the
company washes its hands and does nothing to repair the damage, it is
much worse, being responsible for the environment in which you are is not
as complicated as it sounds. You also have to be responsible when it
comes to obtaining your resources, if by doing so you are harming the
environment in any possible way, it is time to stop.
 Sustainability: Sustainability means using existing resources responsibly
so as not to compromise those of future generations. It is about saving
resources that are not essential.

These are the 3 fundamentals of a well-applied environmental business ethic, but

the basis is simply to constantly question whether your actions are harming the
planet since today they focus on the economy than on the environmental
damage they do.

A future-oriented ethic implies duties of care for solidarity between humanity and
the environment, and we are responsible for the dignity of current and future
human life, which is not separable from the ecological limits of planet earth and
the beings that make it up.

In this sense, environmental ethics deepens and addresses the obligations we

have as individuals, as companies or as governments towards the environment,
and how we should prioritize our actions so as not to affect it. We are responsible
for our planet so we must act in order to take care of it, not only to keep it intact
in our present, but also for future generations, and this will only be achieved with
our true commitment and our actions since moral responsibility towards the
environment and consideration of future interests are necessary to help us make
responsible and sustainable decisions.
There are multiple reasons why it is necessary to adhere to basic norms of
scientific conduct during the credibility of the scientific community and the public's
perception for judging and accepting new results depends largely on the
authenticity of the results. In general, analyzing non-adherence to ethical
standards is extremely complex, and in some cases, it is very difficult to draw a
clear line between misconduct and misunderstanding. Although ethical standards
are recognized by researchers, they are interpreted and applied in different ways
at different institutes.

On a global scale, human beings are endangering their lives because of the way
in which their relations with the environment are developing. Society is a world of
great imbalances and injustices, in which wealth and luxury (of minorities) rub
shoulders with the crudest poverty and misery (of majorities), the process of
appropriation, production and consumption, and explosive population growth
aggravate the situation of globalization itself as such.

Environmental problems no longer appear as independent of each other, but

constitute elements that relate to each other and configure a reality different from
the simple accumulation of all of them. We cannot limit ourselves to perceiving
this crisis as a conflict between certain approaches to the world and to life, in an
inadequate way. A comprehensive educational policy is difficult to apply because
it needs political power (internal and external interests) to be put into practice,
because this crisis has awakened the need to overcome old paradigms and
myths. Here, education has an important role to play, in the promotion of
innovative learning characterized by anticipation and participation that allows not
only to understand, but also to get involved in what we want to understand.

For example, it is often said that the conduct of arms manufacturers, torturers or
drug traffickers is immoral, when strictly speaking it is meant that their activity is
disapproved because it does not conform to the moral standards of the person
making the qualification. When we say that any act or pattern of conduct is
immoral, what we really want is to impose our own moral code. But an arms
manufacturer can be a hero to a subjugated society fighting for its freedom, the
torturer was a respected judicial official in the Middle Ages, and a drug dealer
can be the savior. for a peasant society mired in misery that has no "legal"
products that can be sold on the market.
Values and consequences should be taken into account in environmental
scientific research or a researcher should consider the following:

 It has the duty to devote itself to science in order to find new knowledge,
to advance and perfect it.
 It has the duty to devote itself to science in its own country, to raise its
intellectual and cultural level and to achieve well-being, (and through)
technologies, wealth and culture.
 It will help to train researchers or technicians to continue their research
work in turn.
 Such basic and applied scientific advancement should benefit your
institution, your city or province and your country.
 It will help the scientific development of the least developed countries.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the need to organize the economy
according to justice, respect for human beings and natural goods, is no longer a
matter of moral or political opinion, but an imperative that requires us to do our
part. The consumer is the last link in the economic system and, as such, has the
responsibility and power to change the state to which we are induced by social
media. In summary, we could say that environmental ethics responds to the
responsibility that leads to questioning ourselves as people if we are doing the
right thing since all these cases we see on a daily basis and this creates the
need for the common good.

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