FAS Brochure

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Faculty of Arts

and Sciences
In an increasingly technological
and data-driven world, a great
education in the arts and sciences
prepares students for a range of
professions and careers. Students
will have the tools to succeed in
business, government, the non-
profit world, creative fields, and top
graduate schools. They will have
the analytical skills, communication
skills, leadership skills, and the
capacity for innovation.
This is an education that stands
Professor Anjum Halai out in the landscape of higher
Regional Vice-Provost and Founding Dean education globally. FAS graduates
Faculty of Arts and Sciences will be able to choose multiple
career pathways and will be
employable in any industry.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences 3

With the FAS, AKU is launching
an exciting new initiative in the
higher education sector in Pakistan.
One of its aims is to make a
meaningful contribution to the
growth and direction of an inclusive
and pluralistic civil society.
Students who join the FAS will be
exposed to a scholarly programme
that invites them to consider how a
range of academic disciplines define
and investigate some of the most
fascinating questions in their fields.
Professor Stephen Lyon Rather than carving out separate
Inaugural Dean streams for arts students or
Faculty of Arts and Sciences sciences students, the programme
helps students to understand how
the arts and sciences together can
address global issues, and facilitate
novel ways of thinking about things
from multiple perspectives.

4 Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Faculty of Arts and Sciences 5
launch of AKU’s
new Faculty of Arts
and Sciences

majors in the arts
and sciences

up to 100
students per year The mission of the Aga Khan University’s
Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FAS) is to educate
youth to become future leaders. It will develop
leaders through a transformative education
that is endlessly challenging, stimulating and

up to 400 mind-opening – one that prepares graduates for

innovative thought and consequential action.
students at full This form of education develops the whole
capacity from 2027 person with a wide-ranging, multidisciplinary
learning experience that equips graduates for
success in whatever career they eventually
choose. This is the approach to undergraduate
education taken by renowned universities
such as Harvard and Yale. It is this
tradition that has inspired the
creation of FAS – precisely
because it is known for
producing leaders in every
field of human endeavour.

6 Faculty of Arts and Sciences

About the Programme
Core Curriculum Four Majors
The Core Curriculum (Core) integrates knowledge and thinking Students will choose from one of four majors
from across a broad range of fields and approaches in the
arts and humanities, and the natural and social sciences. This Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
interdisciplinary approach encourages orientation to multiple The major prepares students to critically assess and analyse
ways of seeing, understanding and representing phenomena historical and contemporary phenomena and developments.
by posing integrative questions. Through an in-depth study of languages, cultures and
The Core will also expose students to the data sciences and histories, the major educates students in social sciences and
its relationship to the wider arts and sciences. Students will humanities theories, as well as provides opportunities for
be offered learning and research opportunities in areas such applied research skills.
as programming, big-data, data management, visualisation,
artificial intelligence and machine-learning, digital literacy, Social Development Studies
and the digital humanities. This major addresses the increasing focus on social aspects
of development in policy, planning, and practice. It adopts a
Additionally, students will learn about cultural encounters
critical approach to ethical and people-centred development
across the worlds of the Indian Ocean. These encounters
for promoting well-being and equitable citizenship in highly
and cultural contacts have, over centuries, given rise to
diverse societies, such as urban contexts.
cities, ports, civilisations, and shared knowledge. They have
facilitated a link between the diverse worlds of Asia, India, Philosophy, Politics and Economics
Arabia and Africa.
The major draws from three major disciplines. Philosophy
All students will take the Core in their first and second years, develops analytical, critical, and logical rigour, enabling
after which they will take more specialised courses in line with students to formulate deep questions. Politics provides a
their major. thorough understanding of the impact of political institutions on
modern societies and examines the concepts and values used
in political analysis. Economics is necessary to make sense of
Senior Thesis governmental policymaking, the conduct of businesses, and
This project allows students to research and present on a the enormous economic transformations emerging globally.
specific area related to their major and consider where more
in-depth study is needed. Human and Environmental Biology
One strand of this major will examine humans from the
molecular to the macroscopic, through topics such as
Experiential Learning development, genetics, evolution, physiology, and anatomy.
The second strand will examine the environment and context in
This component of the programme enables students to engage
which we live and develop. The interweaving of strands provide
in hands-on experiences and reflection, connecting concepts
students with opportunities to understand climate change and
in the classroom with real-world situations. It includes a
processes of mitigation and adaptation, as well as to construct
residential retreat, at least once during their four-year degree,
meaningful and responsible relationships with nature.
an internship in Pakistan or abroad, many in collaboration with
the Aga Khan Development Network, and other activities.
Faculty of Arts and Sciences 7
Hallmarks of an FAS graduate

Clear Communication Commitment to Service

Those who cannot effectively share the fruits of their True leaders think of their duty rather than their power.
critical thinking fail in one of the key tasks of leadership, Good leaders view their position as a trust, they
which is to build understanding of vital goals and issues work for the good of others, for the service to others.
through persuasive communication. The ability to Though many look up to them, they do not look down,
clearly communicate one’s ideas to multiple audiences but measure their own actions against their guiding
– in writing, orally and visually – will be among the most principles to see if they are indeed worthy of emulation.
important attributes of FAS graduates.

Entrepreneurial Outlook Engagement with Pluralism

What do we mean by an entrepreneurial outlook? Not Pluralism enriches our lives by expanding our sense of
one motivated by profit. Rather, the determination to what it means to be human. But it also presents serious
tackle daunting challenges and do that which has never challenges. We want graduates to understand the ways
been done, whether in art, science or business. The diversity can open the mind, as well as the discomfort
confidence in one’s abilities and the recognition that and misunderstandings it can occasion. We want them
great achievements require calculated risks. to remain optimistic about the potential for reason and
discussion to bring us closer together.

8 Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Creativity Critical thinking
Creativity helps us to take an idea developed for one The critical thinker combines skill in quantitative
purpose and adapt it to another, to see a problem from reasoning; the ability to scrutinize ideas in the light of
the perspective of different individuals, cultures and their social and historical context; and close attention
academic disciplines. It makes it possible to narrate to humans’ emotional needs and cognitive biases.
another person’s story as they themselves might, and Enduringly curious, they are lifelong learners who
to understand the roots of a worldview we do not share. relish opportunities to add to their knowledge.

Ethical Action
Around the world, we see corruption eroding trust
and compromising the effectiveness of institutions.
Our graduates must be capable of rigorous
ethical reasoning and committed to acting upon
the conclusions they reach. They must have the
independence of mind needed to swim against
the tide and the honesty required to scrutinize
their own conduct as closely as that of others.

Faculty of Arts and Sciences 9

Career Pathways

FAS graduates can go on to choose multiple career pathways

Some examples of industries by major include:

Asian and Middle Eastern Studies Philosophy, Politics and Economics

Academia, NGO and business sectors, diplomacy, Politics and government, public policy, law, economics,
journalism. international relations, business and management.

Social Development Studies Human and Environmental Biology

Social work, community organisation, education, Researchers of human health and disease, agricultural
communications, advocacy, public service, or food scientists, biotechnologists, climate change
international relations. specialists, public policy.

10 Faculty of Arts and Sciences

Financial Assistance
AKU is merit-based in terms of its admissions. Likewise, FAS is committed to ensuring that families
with limited means are financially supported. As such, generous financial assistance packages will be
offered to those who need them and meet the admissions criteria.

In fact, FAS is actively recruiting talented students from non-traditional backgrounds. For example,
students who would be the first in their family to attend university, or who come from areas where few
people go on to university.

FAS wants to have a student body that is diverse. We want our students to have the opportunity to
get to know people from different areas, and from backgrounds unlike their own. We think that is an
important part of a great education.

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Campus Life Student Life
FAS students will spend their four years on our 83-acre Academic work is only one aspect of the FAS experience.
campus in Karachi. The campus has a one-of-a-kind sports A wealth of co-curricular activities will offer numerous
centre, access to the latest technology and beautiful gardens opportunities for self-discovery and peer-to-peer learning.
for recreational activities. Team sports, debate clubs, music and drama groups,
literary and research journals and visits by inspiring
FAS is housed at the new 17-storey University Centre and
speakers will foster a vibrant campus where there is always
features state-of-the-art classrooms, a cafeteria with indoor
another chance to form a new interest, make a new friend,
and outdoor dining areas and plenty of space to study,
acquire a new skill, and collaborate with classmates.
ponder, and relax.
The new FAS Library holds over 18,000 publications and
membership to numerous online journals. Students will have
access the new Development Lab – an innovation hub to
generate creative ideas to address real-world problems.

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Faculty of Arts and Sciences 13
A History of Excellence
AKU is known as a pioneer and a quality leader. The Aga Khan University Hospital was the first in Pakistan
Founded in 1983 by His Highness the Aga Khan, to meet the rigorous accreditation standards of the U.S.-
AKU was Pakistan’s first private university. based Joint Commission International and the College of
American Pathologists. The University’s annual economic
Our Medical College has repeatedly been ranked the
impact in Pakistan is more than US$ 1.45 billion, according
country’s best, our School of Nursing and Midwifery is
to a study by U.S.-based Centennial Group International.
Pakistan’s most influential, and our Examination Board and
Institute for Educational Development were the first such AKU’s global reputation is reflected in its leadership and the
private institutions in the country. Six out of Pakistan’s many organisations with which it has collaborated. Moreover,
10 most productive health researchers are AKU faculty AKU is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network
members, and their work – much of which focuses on (AKDN), one of the world’s largest private development
improving the health of the poor – has had a significant organizations. In Pakistan, AKDN has positively impacted
impact locally and globally. Our graduates go on to study millions of lives through its renowned rural support programme,
and work at internationally renowned institutions, and to 160 schools, historic preservation work and private-sector
make a difference in Pakistan and around the world as investments. AKU’s ability to collaborate with its fellow AKDN
leading researchers, teachers, clinicians, entrepreneurs, agencies, in Pakistan and abroad in over 30 countries, is a
advocates and policymakers. major advantage for the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

14 Faculty of Arts and Sciences

The liberal arts, I believe, can
provide an ideal context for fostering
inter-disciplinary learning, nurturing
critical thinking, inculcating ethical
values, and helping students to learn
how to go on learning about our
ever-evolving universe.
His Highness The Aga Khan
Chancellor, Aga Khan University
Contact Us
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
University Centre
Stadium Road, P. O. Box 3500
Karachi 74800, Pakistan
[email protected]

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