Rhetorical Strategies
Rhetorical Strategies
Rhetorical Strategies
"I have nothing but pity in my "...the state has not produced one "She did something that in our
heart for the chief witness for iota of medical evidence that the society is unspeakable; she
the State." Atticus is appealing crime Tom Robinson is charged kissed a black man." Atticus
to the jury's emotions by with ever took place." Atticus has reinforces his credibility by
presenting himself as "one of clearly demonstrated that there is admitting -- even agreeing --
them"; as someone who feels no scientific evidence to prove that kissing a black man is
sorry for the victim even this crime was committed by Tom unacceptable behaviour in
though he is representing the Robinson. Maycomb County.
accused, and suggesting that
the jurors should feel
compassion for her as well.
"She is the victim of cruel "There is circumstantial evidence "Now I am confident that you
poverty and ignorance." to indicate that Mayella Ewell gentlemen will review, without
Atticus is attempting evoke was beaten, savagely, by passion, the evidence that
pity for Mayella because she is someone who led, almost you have heard, come to a
poor and lacks knowledge; exclusively, with his left." Atticus decision, and restore this man
yes, she is lying, but she doesn't has presented reasonable to his family." Atticus is
know any better so we can't evidence that Mayella was attempting to persuade the
blame her for this false beaten by a left-handed person. jurors that he -- a noble and
allegation. This is a strategic ethical man -- trusts them --
tactic when asking an all white noble and ethical community
jury from the American South to members -- to make the right
declare a black man innocent decision.
of a crime against a white
woman during this time.
"But my pity does not extend "...now Tom Robinson sits before "In the name of God, do your
so far as to have putting a you, having taken the oath, with duty. In the name of God,
man's life at stake, which she the only good hand he possesses - believe Tom Robinson." Here
has done in en effort to get rid - his right." Tom Robinson has no Atticus is appealing to the
of her own guilt...it was GUILT use of his left hand and therefore, conscience and ethical
that motivated her." Here, could not have been the assailant. principles of the jury. By
Atticus is creating a boundary mentioning God, he is
with regard to his sympathies, petitioning the moral code of
and is suggesting that the jury the jury members.
should as well. Although we
should all have compassion for The rhetorical strategies employed by Atticus in his closing remarks
the plight of Mayella Ewell, it significantly affect the jury, members of the courtroom, and the
can't be at the expense of a audience of this text. Perhaps the most persuasive technique, however,
man's life. Tom is the person was his use of logos. It is incredibly difficult to argue against medical
fro whom we should really feel evidence -- science -- which Atticus uses to demonstrate that Tom
empathy and sorrow. Robinson could not have been the one to attack Mayella Ewell.