Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook
Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook
Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook
1997 Edition
Tim Mearig, AIA Architect Alaska Department of Education Juneau, Alaska Edwin Crittenden, FAIA Educational Facilities Consultant Alaska Department of Education Anchorage, Alaska Michael Morgan, PMP Facilities Manager Alaska Department of Education Juneau, Alaska
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Thanks to the Bond Reimbursement and Grant Review Committee members who reviewed the publication in its draft form and to those in the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Facilities Procurement Policy who were responsible for the predecessor to this document.
This publication may not be reproduced for sale by individuals or entities other than the: State of Alaska Department of Education Juneau, Alaska
This publication was adapted from a November 1978 document published by the State of Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Division of Facility Procurement Policy, entitled Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Guideline for Educational Facilities in Rural Alaska.
Table of Contents
SECTION ......................................................................... Page INTRODUCTION .............................................................. 2 BASIC PROCEDURES ................................................... 3 Site Selection Elements Weighting Factors Applying Ranking Criteria Tabulating and Analyzing Results RANKING CRITERIA ELEMENTS .................................. 5 THE EVALUATION REPORT ........................................ 20 Introduction and Executive Summary Maps and Graphics Evaluation Matrix and Narratives APPENDICES APPENDIX A .................................................................. 21 Evaluation Matrix APPENDIX B .................................................................. 24 Sample Site Graphic Analysis
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Overview The perfect school site can be envisioned as generally level with some topographic interest, having complete utilities, stable, well drained soils, excellent road and pedestrian access, protection from excessive weather patterns, with ample space for school facilities, playground and sports fields. The site would be accessible to present and future populations and be free of any natural or environmental hazards. It would be removed from undesirable business, industry and traffic hazards but be convenient to important public facilities and recreational/outdoor learning areas. In most communities, however, the perfect site is elusive and difficult to find. School siting is also a serious public policy decision. Land availability, land use, public sentiment and other community issues can have dramatic influence on site selection. In any site selection process, local involvement and judgments regarding the relative significance of selection criteria are important. Finally, site selection for school facilities has a direct and lasting impact on the resources of the State of Alaska. Both the economic resources and the natural resources of the state are affected by the construction and operation of public schools. Primarily in response to these factors, the state recognizes the need for careful and thorough evaluation of school sites. Authority The guidelines incorporated in this handbook have been developed to give assistance and direction to Alaska school districts and communities in determining the suitability of various building sites for educational facilities planning. They are based upon AS 14.11.013 and 14.11.100, which provides for department review of projects to ensure they are in the best interest of the state. This provision is further developed by regulation 4 AAC 31.025 which requires approval of educational facility sites under paragraph (a) and investigations by the appropriate local governing body for suitability in paragraph (d). This handbook establishes the basic considerations for an adequate site selection process. Other products of similar detail may be used to fill the requirements laid out in statute and regulation.
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Basic Procedures
Site Selection Elements This handbook establishes a set of basic site selection elements and offers suggested evaluation criteria for rating the elements. Although the document does incorporate an internal weighting factor (it lists a few key ranking criteria elements which have high cost impacts in more than one subcategory) it does not prescribe the importance of most selection elements but rather, incorporates a weighting system whereby a district or community can assign a range of importance to each element. It is recognized that information for all the elements cannot always be determined nor are all elements applicable to every site. However, detail and rigor in addressing the elements is important for an effective evaluation. The selection elements are grouped into three major categories as follows:
1. Social and Land Use Factors 2. Construction Cost Factors a) Soils/Foundations b) Utilities c) Other 3. Operations and Maintenance Cost Factors
The site selection elements form the basis for an evaluation matrix which is shown in Appendix A and is included as a spreadsheet on the disk included with this handbook. Step one of the process is to review these elements for applicability to the project and sites being considered. Weighting Factors (WF) After finalizing the site selection elements, the next step is to assign weighting factors to each element. Assignment of the weighting factors is the district/community opportunity to apply its s values to the evaluation process so that the final scores for each site reflect issues involved at the local level. This is often accomplished through community surveys, public meetings and other such forums for developing consensus among the parties affected by the school project. A suggested model for the district/community weighting factors is shown below:
Weighting Factors 1 = not very important 2 = somewhat important 3 = important 4 = very important 5 = essential
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Criteria Ranking Scores 0 = unacceptable (least desirable/least cost effective) 1 = poor 2 = fair 3 = good 4 = excellent (most desirable/most cost effective)
Tabulating and Analyzing Results Using the Site Evaluation Matrix (Appendix A) enter the criteria ranking scores for each element. Compute the total score for each site by multiplying each criteria score by the weighting factor and sum them. An example of a portion of the Site Evaluation Matrix is shown below: Maintenance and Operating Cost Factors
Site Drainage Flooding Site Erosion Sun Orientation Protection from Elements Proximity to Natural Hazards Alternative Energy Sources Air Inversions/Katabatic Winds TOTALS
3 4 4 2 2 4 3 2 1 4 4 3 2 3 0 1 4
12 16 12 4 6 0 3 8 61 2 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 4
9 16 12 2 6 12 3 8
3 3 2 3 1 2 4 2 4
9 8 12 2 4 16 6 8
The total scores for each site represent a detailed analysis; the highest score should indicate the most desirable site. If the district or community, based on factors not captured by the evaluation, desires to choose a site other than the site receiving the highest score, a narrative justification of this position will need to be developed for inclusion in the site selection report.
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Evaluation: Size 40% or more below standard Size within 20% of standard Size within 10% of standard Size equal to standard Size at 10% or more above standard
Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
Proximity to Population to be Served Criteria: Ideally, all students served by the school would be in convenient, safe walking distance to the site. In communities with roads, convenient vehicle/bus travel is also important. Evaluate this criteria using the anticipated population distribution when the school is at capacity (i.e. 5 year postoccupancy). Use the following standard, evaluating for both elements and using the lowest score: 50% of students served are within reasonable walking distance (i.e. mile or less) and, 90% of students served are within a 15 minute vehicle/bus ride Evaluation: Proximity 40% or more below standard Proximity within 20% of standard Proximity within 10% of standard Proximity equal to standard Proximity at 10% or more above standard Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Proximity to Important Existing Facilities Criteria: In some instances, a district/community can identify an existing facility (e.g. swimming pool, food service, etc.) which is shared between multiple schools and to which close proximity is essential or desired. If more than one facility is important, this criteria may have to be scored multiple times. In most cases the adjacency is important because it involves student transit. Use the following standard: students served are within a short walking distance (i.e. 1/8 mile [660ft.] or less) Evaluation: Proximity 40% or more below standard Proximity within 20% of standard Proximity within 10% of standard Proximity equal to standard Proximity at 10% or more above standard Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Aesthetic Value Criteria: Sites can be assessed for the quality of their surroundings such as vegetation, topography, views and surroundings. Because aesthetic value is subjective, it is important that the local residents establish the aesthetic criteria considering each of the categories mentioned above. Use a subjective evaluation of the aesthetic merits of the site and answer the question, What would it take to make this site aesthetically pleasing? Evaluation: Will never be aesthetic Has few natural aesthetic features and little potential Has some aesthetic features; potential for more with considerable effort Could have many aesthetic features with minimal efforts Has many aesthetic features naturally Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Protection from Elements Criteria: The site should provide protection from prevailing winds which intensify cold temperatures, dust, driving rain and drifting snow. Topography, orientation and site vegetation relative to cold winter winds can be important both for indoor and outdoor educational activities. Sites with some type of wind protections are desirable over those exposed to harsh winds (this is especially critical in coastal areas). Evaluate this criteria based on natural features. Costs of compensating for inadequate protection should be covered in other criteria. Evaluation: Site is fully exposed to prevailing winds; no obstructions Site is mostly exposed to prevailing winds Site is partially protected from prevailing winds; some natural barriers Site is mostly protected from prevailing winds Site offers full protection from prevailing winds Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Proximity to Natural Hazards Criteria: Ideally, the site would have no susceptibility to damage (facilities, utilities, etc.) from natural disasters. These would include acts of God such as earthquakes, avalanches/landslides, volcanic activity as well as health and safety hazards such as bluffs/steep cliffs, bodies of water and sewage/garbage disposal areas. Evaluate this criteria based on natural features and the historical occurrence of those hazards listed above. Costs of compensating for hazards should be covered in other criteria. Evaluation: Site in proximity to five or more hazards Site is in proximity to four or fewer hazards Site is in proximity to three or fewer hazards Site is in proximity to one hazard Site free of any potential damage/injury from natural hazards Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Site Soils/Foundation Conditions Criteria: Ideal sites contain well graded, stable soils with high soil bearing pressure. Soil conditions should allow conventional, economical foundation systems which can meet or exceed a 50 year life expectancy with little maintenance. Soil conditions which can adversely affect construction include, discontinuous permafrost, silts and clays, substantial surface or sub-surface organic and high water contents (all susceptible to frost heave). Sites should be assessed for the quality of their soil based on known conditions or on-site investigations. Evaluation: Unstable soils throughout; highly specialized foundation required Mostly unstable soils; specialized foundation required Isolated area of the site have unstable soils, some specialized found. likely Most areas of the site have stable soils; conventional foundation possible Stable soils; conventional foundation system possible Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Availability of Sewage Utilities Criteria: Connection into an existing, reliable waste/sewer system with adequate capacity is preferred. Sites closest to the existing system would be rated highest. If a new sewer system is required for the site, then sites should be rated as to their potential to support/provide the system. For new systems, perking soils, space for lagoons and availability of effluent outfalls may be a factor. Evaluate this criteria based on known improvements and/or natural features as described above. Evaluation: No existing system; no known/potential waste handling area near site No existing sewer system; potential locations for sewer system near site No existing sewer system available; known location/method avail. on site Adequate, reliable sewer system is available adjacent to or near the site Adequate, reliable sewer system is available within the site Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Availability of Fuel Storage/Distribution Criteria: Connection into an existing, reliable fuel storage/distribution system with adequate capacity is preferred. Sites closest to the existing system would be rated highest. If a new fuel system is required for the site, then sites should be rated as to their potential to support/provide the system. For new systems, proximity to delivery points, available land for tankage, etc. may be a factor. Evaluate this criteria based on known improvements and/or natural features as described above. Costs of providing fuel utility should be covered in other criteria. Evaluation: No existing system; known difficulties for fuel storage on site No existing fuel system; good potential for fuel system near site No existing fuel system available; known fuel system location on site Adequate, reliable fuel system is available adjacent to or near the site Fuel system is not required or is available on site Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Ease of Transporting Construction Materials Criteria: Proximity to transportation routes which can support heavy equipment and loads can affect the usability of a site for construction. This criteria is not to measure the cost of getting construction materials to a community or geographic area but evaluates the local impact of transporting materials to the site. Sites closest to the transportation route will be most easily serviced. Evaluate based on the following: Evaluation: Site is inaccessible Transporting materials/equipment will be very difficult Transporting materials will be difficult Transporting will be fairly easy, routes will need upgrading Transporting of equipment/materials will be simple; on established routes Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Site Cost Criteria: Land parcels should be available at an affordable cost. The most favorable situation is one in which the parcel is public land available at no cost to the district or available by donation from a private entity. Obviously, the cost of some parcels may be totally beyond the available funds. Evaluate as follows: Evaluation: Site is cost prohibitive Site is above fair market value but within reach Site is available at fair market value Site is available below fair market value Site is available at no cost or has a nominal administrative fee Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Permafrost Stability Criteria: The best method in dealing with permafrost is to avoid it if possible. If the whole area is underlain with permafrost, then a site with well drained, non-frost-susceptible soils is preferred since there is less chance of encountering an ice wedge/lens, which, when melted will cause unstable soil conditions. Evaluate as follows: Evaluation: No soils testing; obvious signs of discontinuous permafrost Soils test silt and clay, known permafrost conditions Undetermined soil conditions; no obvious signs of permafrost Limited soils information; most of site free of permafrost Site soils tested, no permafrost present Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Site Erosion Criteria: Sites which border on eroding river banks and eroding sea spits should be evaluated on how much and how often erosion takes place to determine if a facility would be endangered. Slopes which have been cleared of vegetation can also erode due to heavy rain. Evaluate this criteria based on natural features and the historical occurrence of those hazards listed above. Costs of compensating for hazards should be covered in other criteria. Evaluation: Known erosion potential n/a Moderate erosion potential; mostly during construction n/a No erosion potential; not near water or at toes of slopes Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Existing Site Development Criteria: Vacant, undeveloped land is preferable; if developed or currently used, alternative sites must be available for existing uses. Evaluate based on the magnitude of existing uses requiring relocation and/or demolition and the simplicity of the action. Evaluation: Site has many existing uses; will all be problematic to relocate/demolish Has 2000 square feet or less in existing uses; all relocatable/demo Site has no existing uses Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Noise Criteria: Incompatible noise such as from air traffic, vehicle traffic, industrial uses, etc. is detrimental to educational delivery. Evaluate this criteria based on actual or anticipated noise factors according to the following standard: sound decibel level is below 65db sustained and 75db peak Costs for mitigating these factors will be covered in other criteria. Evaluation: Sound level 40% or worse than standard Sound level within 20% of standard Sound level within 10% of standard Sound level equal to standard Sound level 10% or more better than standard Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Potential for Hazardous Materials Criteria: The site should be free of evidence of past use by industrial functions, unregulated storage of items containing hazardous materials or know disposals of hazards. A site assessment may be required. Evaluate as follows: Evaluation: 100% of site has known hazmat; significant impact to building Most of the site has known/probable hazmat; considerable impact likely Some of the site has known/probable hazmat; some impact likely Some of the site has known/probable hazmat; little or no impact likely Site has no known/potential hazmat issues Scores: 0 1 2 3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Size of Site Proximity to Population to be Served Proximity to Future Expansion of Community Proximity to Important Existing Facilities Year-round Accessibility Aesthetic Value Sun Orientation Protection from Elements Site Drainage Proximity to Natural Hazards Zoning/Land Use Proximity to Fire Response Equipment Flooding Existing Site Development Access to Outdoor Recreation/Learning Noise Wetlands Potential for Hazardous Materials TOTALS
Note: Italicized Items are also evaluated in either Construction Cost Factors or Maintenance and Operating Cost Factors
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Soils/Foundation Conditions Permafrost Stability Availability of Water Utilities Availability of Sewer Utilities Availability of Electric Power Availability of Fuel Storage/Distribution Year-round Accessibility Ease of Transporting Construction Materials Site Availability Site Cost Site Drainage Proximity to Natural Hazards Site Erosion Existing Site Development Wetlands Potential for Hazardous Materials TOTALS
Note: Italicized Items are also evaluated in Maintenance and Operating Cost Factors
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
Site Drainage Flooding Site Erosion Sun Orientation Protection from Elements Proximity to Natural Hazards Alternative Energy Sources Air Inversions/Katabatic Winds TOTALS
1 Social and Land Use Factors Construction Cost Factors Maintenance and Operating Cost Factors GRAND TOTALS 2
3 4
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition
State of Alaska - Department of Education Site Selection Criteria and Evaluation Handbook - 1997 Edition