Blinding Protocols, Treatment Credbility, and Expectancy - Methodologic Issues in Clinical Trial of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment

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Blinding Protocols, Treatment Credibility, and Expectancy:

Methodologic Issues in Clinical Trials of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment
John C. Licciardone, DO, MBA
David P. Russo, DO, MPH

Context: In testing an experimental new drug or therapy, the gold trol procedures. Treatment credibility can interact with subject
standard in biomedical research for determining treatment effi- expectations and study design in complex ways. When ana-
cacy is the randomized controlled trial (RCT). In pharmaceu- lyzing the treatment effects of OMT, investigators must con-
tical trials, inert placebos are an easily administered control that sider the effects of these two subjective elements when com-
facilitates blinded comparisons. In clinical trials that study the peting interventions are offered and subjects are asked to
effects of manual interventions, researchers must carefully con- self-report data. Study design should be optimized to equalize
sider their use of treatment control models. Choosing credible con- these effects among interventions.
trols that will minimize bias in osteopathic manipulative treatment
(OMT) clinical trials poses unique challenges to researchers J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2006;106:457–463
because of heterogeneous OMT methods and practice.
Objective: To compare the treatment credibility of sham manip-
ulative treatment and untreated controls to active OMT.
Methods: Subjects recruited for an OMT clinical trial for chronic
I n testing an experimental new drug or therapy, the gold
standard in biomedical research for determining treat-
ment efficacy is the randomized controlled trial (RCT). In
low back pain completed a treatment-credibility rating scale RCTs, researchers and subjects are both blinded (or masked)
comparing two written descriptions of the study interventions to comparisons between treatment outcomes, by which one
offered. The scale was administered to subjects before trial entry means that subjects and researchers are not able to deduce
and at 6-month follow-up. Scale scores were used to compute group assignments (ie, treatment vs control). In pharmaceu-
credibility ratios for both intervention protocols (ie, OMT vs tical trials, inert placebos are an easily administered control
sham manipulative treatment). Repeated measures analysis of that facilitates double-blinded comparisons.
variance was used to assess changes in the credibility ratio over In clinical trials that study the effects of manual inter-
time, including the measurement of study group and time main ventions, however, such as osteopathic manipulative treat-
effects, as well as study group ⫻ time interaction effects. ment (OMT), researchers must carefully consider their use of
Results: Subjects (N=91) perceived OMT as a more credible treatment control models. When the RCT double-blind study
therapeutic option than sham manipulative treatment both model is applied to manual interventions, it quickly becomes
at trial entry and at 6-month follow-up (P⬍.05). Among sub- apparent that researchers in those fields will not be able to
jects completing the study protocol (n=66), there were no adhere to a strict double-blind biomedical model in which
changes in perceived credibility of the study interventions those administering the treatment are unaware of the proce-
over time. There were no significant differences in the credi- dure taking place.1,2 For this reason, RCTs designed to evaluate
bility ratio among study groups (P=.64) or over time (P=.79). the efficacy of OMT are often, of necessity, single-blind, with
In addition, there were no significant study group ⫻ time inter- only the subjects unaware of their assignment to the study or
actions (P=.59). control group.3,4 In addition, isolating the specific treatment
Conclusions: In clinical trials, OMT may be perceived by sub- effects (eg, the “active ingredient” in OMT) from other non-
jects as a more credible treatment alternative than many con- specific treatment effects using single-blind protocols is also a
challenge to researchers interested in determining the efficacy
of manual techniques.5
The isolation of specific treatment effects is of central
From the Osteopathic Research Center in Fort Worth, Tex, and the University importance in osteopathic medical research because osteo-
of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth—Texas College of Osteo- pathic physicians have long embraced an approach to patient
pathic Medicine (Licciardone) and the Comprehensive Pain Center at Oregon
Health & Science University (Russo) in Portland.
care that optimizes patient-physician rapport and focuses on
Address correspondence to David P. Russo, DO, Oregon Health & Sci- an array of psychosocial and individual health factors.6 There-
ence University, Department of Anesthesiology and Peri-operative Medicine, fore, studying the effects of OMT when it is removed from its
Comprehensive Pain Center, 3181 SW Sam Jackson Park Rd, Mailcode OP-26,
Portland, OR 97239-3011.
standard context of healthcare delivery raises questions
E-mail: [email protected] regarding treatment generalizability in clinical practice set-

Licciardone and Russo • Original Contribution JAOA • Vol 106 • No 8 • August 2006 • 457

Differential dropout In medical trials, subjects sometimes drop out of the study before the completion of the study
rate protocols—or they are lost to follow-up. Because subjects are more likely to discontinue
participation if they feel their condition is not improving, investigators need to conduct an
analysis of dropout patterns between the treatment and control groups to determine if their
results might be influenced by attrition bias (also known as withdrawal bias). The differential
dropout rate must be addressed by researchers in their final analysis.
Unless dropout controls are retained in the data analysis, attrition bias can seriously affect
study outcomes. However, it may be appropriate in some studies to exclude dropout controls
from analysis if those subjects discontinued participation after the selection process but before
the study began (eg, nonblinded studies where subjects are not randomized to the study group
they prefer [ie, treatment vs control]).

Investigator bias Subject assignments to study groups should not be left to the discretion of investigators.
Investigators should not, for example, be aware of the next group assignment when they are
screening patients for study eligibility. In addition, matters of scheduling for certain procedures or
diagnostic tests could be affected by this kind of bias in investigations studying certain somatic
dysfunctions or disease states.

Investigator-subject In the course of treating musculoskeletal complaints, physicians often provide general patient
relationship education and offer exercise and diet advice to patients. They may also evaluate the impact of
concomitant medical issues or treatments, making any necessary adjustments. When such routine
aspects of routine medical care are introduced to the clinical trial setting, they may improve
outcomes though they are not considered by researchers to be part of the treatment under
investigation. Thus, the “bedside manner” of the physician is an important part of the nonspecific
treatment effects inherent in the patient-physician relationship and should be monitored in the
clinical trial setting.
In addition to nonspecific treatment effects, the quality and strength of the relationship
between an individual physician and his or her patient—particularly with regard to the patient’s
perceptions of the physician’s status—can influence treatment outcomes (similar to attention bias
or the Hawthorne effect). In clinical trials where the same physician meets with the subject at all
follow-up visits, nonspecific treatment effects may be stronger compared with trials where a
research coordinator (or another member of the research team) meets with subjects. However,
study personnel should be careful not to appear cold or uncaring toward study participants as
these behaviors can negatively impact protocol adherence.
In reviewing protocol adherence rates in phase 3 clinical trials, sites where subjects perceived
study staff as more empathetic, as instilling a sense of purpose in subjects, and promoting less
formal interpersonal relationships with them had high rates of adherence to treatment
In order to diffuse nonspecific treatment effects away from any individual member of the
research team, investigators should have multiple clinicians administer both active and control
interventions, ensuring that contact time between clinicians and subjects in both arms of the
study is identical. (continued)

Figure. Sources of bias in clinical trials. More information on good clinical practice guidelines for clinical investigators can be found at the
US Food and Drug Administration Web site ( *Mohr DC, Goodkin DE, Masuoka L, Dick LP, Russo D,
Eckhardt J, et al. Treatment adherence and patient retention in the first year of a Phase-III clinical trial for the treatment of multiple sclerosis.
Mult Scler. 1999;5:192–197.

tings.7 Furthermore, by offering OMT in addition to the full discussions which aspect of the RCT experience each term
armamentarium of state-of-the-art medical care to their describes (Figure).
patients, osteopathic physicians—when their methods are It is widely accepted in a variety of research fields that an
viewed through the rigorous lens of the RCT model—often individual’s beliefs and expectations about treatment efficacy
introduce potentially confounding treatments, including anal- may have a significant effect on commonly measured out-
gesics, anti-inflammatory agents, muscle relaxants, and phys- comes, including pain, function, and quality of life.8 Other
ical therapy. areas of nonpharmacologic research using RCT methods have
developed valid and reliable measures of treatment credibility
Individual Psychosocial Factors in Treatment Outcomes that may be helpful to OMT clinical investigators. Treatment
Although blinding protocols, treatment credibility, expectancy, credibility, one component of patient belief, refers to the degree
and nonspecific treatment effects are related concepts in clin- to which subjects believe that the treatments offered in com-
ical research, investigators should carefully delineate in their peting arms of an RCT are believable, convincing, and a rational

458 • JAOA • Vol 106 • No 8 • August 2006 Licciardone and Russo • Original Contribution

Regression Chronic disorders such as back pain tend to vary in severity over time. Participants are more likely
to the mean to seek treatment, and to be enrolled in clinical trials, when their symptoms are severe. During the
study period, symptom severity may decrease simply as a result of the passage of time. In other
words, improvements to symptom severity are sometimes the result of the natural resolution of
the dysfunction rather than an accurate measure of treatment response.
Also called regression toward the mean.

Self-selection bias If subjects are given a choice between study groups, many will try to increase their chances of
getting assigned to the treatment group. Subjects who believe that they have been assigned to
the control group often have less motivation to remain compliant with study protocols as well as
lower expectations of improvement.
Some types of self-selection bias are less obvious and, therefore, more difficult to control.
See also temporal change in the subject pool, below. Participants who seek care from clinics or
physicians identified with certain treatment types may be less motivated to comply with study
protocols if they believe that they have been assigned to an alternative treatment group or the
control group.
Also called subject bias or volunteer bias.

Subject expectation Subjects’ preconceptions about the effectiveness of the study protocols in their assigned groups
can profoundly influence trial outcomes. For example, subjects may be inclined to evaluate their
outcomes more positively if they believe that they have been assigned to the treatment group
instead of the control group. In addition, they may be more motivated to remain compliant with
study protocols (eg, home stretching program) if they believe the treatment will be effective.

Temporal change Some clinical trials may extend over several years. During this time, the patient population at a
in the subject pool given clinic may change, especially if there is publicity about the trial or if new treatments become
In addition, clinics or individual investigators may become well known for providing treatment
with a specific treatment modality. This particular kind of self-selection bias (see above) is known
as centripetal bias or referral bias.
To minimize the impact of changes in the pool of potential subjects over time, patients are
usually randomized in relatively small blocks to ensure that comparable numbers of subjects are
assigned to each study arm at each stage of the investigation.

Treatment credibility A cumulative rating of subjects’ assessments of the credibility of the competing treatment
options available within a study. Subjects may evaluate their outcomes more negatively if they
believe that a competing treatment is more appropriate or logical for their condition.

Figure (continued). Sources of bias in clinical trials. More information on good clinical practice guidelines for clinical investigators can be
found at the US Food and Drug Administration Web site (

solution to the chief complaint.9 A separate component, treatment credibility and expectancy are less understood sub-
expectancy, refers to the degree to which subjects believe that ject-specific psychosocial variables that should also be carefully
improvements will occur as a result of the treatment pro- measured in OMT clinical trials. By assessing potential study
vided.10 Nonspecific treatment effects is a term that describes a subjects for the following five variables, osteopathic medical
broad category of idiosyncratic factors common to many med- researchers can strengthen the inference from observed out-
ical experiences such as suggestion, persuasion, patient-physi- comes that measured improvements are the result of treat-
cian (or investigator-subject) rapport, and the subjects’ fre- ment effects and not attributable to a source of bias:
quently unconscious desire to please the investigator or be
“acceptable” to study personnel.8 ▫ treatment history or knowledge of OMT
Poor study design or methodologic flaws may result in ▫ treatment history or knowledge of other manual therapies
subjects or investigators becoming unblinded to random ▫ perceptions of credibility for all competing interventions
assignment, thereby rendering interpretations of the data vul- ▫ expectations for treatment
nerable to numerous sources of bias, including investigator bias ▫ perceptions of patient-physician (or investigator-subject)
and withdrawal bias. Although randomized blinded assign- rapport
ment protocols are well-accepted methodologic techniques
used to conceal treatment assignments and minimize the Measures of subjects’ perceptions of treatment credibility
impact of nonspecific treatment effects among study groups, have been used to address issues involving placebo-controlled

Licciardone and Russo • Original Contribution JAOA • Vol 106 • No 8 • August 2006 • 459

comparison in other areas of nonpharmacological research.11–13 respectively. Furthermore, the descriptions of these treatments
Several years ago, the authors of the present study collaborated were worded to minimize the likelihood that subjects would
with other researchers to conduct an RCT on the use of OMT subsequently discern their treatment allocation (ie, be at risk
for chronic low back pain, using two control groups in the of unblinding). The description of OMT was provided to all
study design: one that received sham manipulative treatment study subjects as follows:
and a second that received no intervention.15 This study design Treatment 1 uses a practitioner’s hands to find and treat
allowed a direct comparison of the efficacy of OMT relative to painful areas of the body and back. A practitioner will look
both control groups as well as an opportunity to further explore for areas of your body that hurt you and then apply manu-
how treatment credibility may affect trial completion and clin- ally guided forces in order to decrease pain and restore
proper alignment between bones, muscles, and connective
ical outcomes.
tissue that may have been altered by injury.
If you got assigned to this treatment, a practitioner would
Methods meet with you for approximately 15–30 minutes and treat
Methods and results for the chronic low back pain RCT have areas on your body and back that hurt.
been reported in detail elsewhere.15 All trial procedures were Sham manipulative treatment was described to all study sub-
approved by the institutional review board of the University jects as follows:
of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth and verbal
Treatment 2 involves light pressure applied to certain painful
and written informed consent were received from study par- areas of the body and back. A practitioner will look for areas
ticipants. As noted, the RCT was designed with two control of your body that hurt, lay his hands on them, and apply light
groups (sham manipulative treatment and no intervention) pressure in order to decrease pain, improve communication
for comparison with a single OMT group. Subjects, who were between your body’s nervous and endocrine systems that
masked to group assignments, were randomized evenly may have been altered by injury, and help you relax.
among the control and treatment groups in a 1:1:2 ratio. All sub- If you got assigned to this treatment, a practitioner would
jects were allowed to continue their standard medical care for meet with you for approximately 15–30 minutes and treat
low back pain (eg, over-the-counter medications, physical or areas on your body and back that hurt.
massage therapy, acupuncture, herbal therapies). However, The pertinent questionnaire item stem used to summarize
study exclusion criteria prohibited subjects from receiving treatment credibility relative to each statement was, “I am
chiropractic spinal manipulation or additional sessions of confident that this treatment can alleviate my complaint.” The
OMT. In addition to gathering basic demographic data, inves- available Likert weighted-scale responses for both treatment
tigators at regular intervals (baseline and follow-up at 1-, 3-, and descriptions were as follows: 5, strongly agree; 4, agree; 3, unde-
6-months postintervention) recorded data on 14 primary out- cided; 2, disagree; and 1, strongly disagree. The primary out-
comes. Predoctoral osteopathic manipulative medicine fel- come measure was the credibility ratio (ie, the ratio of credi-
lows performed clinical assessments and osteopathic struc- bility in OMT relative to sham manipulative treatment for
tural examinations for all subjects and provided individualized each subject, as computed by the relative weights for their
OMT to the study subjects in the OMT group and sham manip- responses to the two treatment descriptions). A 95% confi-
ulative treatment to subjects randomized to that control group. dence interval was computed for each credibility ratio to assess
The study’s final outcomes consisted of the five domains of statistical significance.
patient-based outcomes recommended by Bombardier16 as Repeated measures analysis of variance was used to assess
essential for the evaluation of spinal disorders: general health the credibility ratio over time, including the measurement of
status, pain, back-specific function, work disability, and back- study group and time main effects, as well as study group
specific patient satisfaction. and time interaction effects. All data analyses were performed
The present study focuses on subjects’ perceptions of with the SYSTAT software package (Version 7; SYSTAT Soft-
treatment credibility with regard to the OMT and sham manip- ware Inc, Richmond, Calif), using a .05 level of significance.
ulative treatment protocols used in that January 2000 to
February 2001 trial. All subjects were asked to complete a brief Results
treatment credibility scale prior to randomized blinded assign- A total of 91 (46%) of the 199 potential subjects who responded
ment and then again at 6-month follow-up. Previous versions to recruitment procedures were eligible for study participation
of the measure used for the present study have been used in after screening and were randomly assigned to one of the
other nonpharmacologic RCTs, including psychotherapy,11,17 three study groups. The three groups were comparable with
acupuncture,18 and biofeedback therapy.19,20 Subjects were regard to all baseline characteristics, including age, sex, race,
asked to rate their level of agreement with statements about pain duration and intensity, self-reported functional assess-
OMT and sham manipulative treatment. The statements were ments (ie, MOS [Medical Outcomes Study] 36-Item Short-
designed to describe OMT and sham manipulative treatment Form Health Survey,21 Roland-Morris Low Back Pain and
objectively, without explicitly labeling them. For this purpose, Disability Questionnaire22), and the number of work or school
the interventions were named Treatment 1 and Treatment 2, days lost in the past 4 weeks as a result of back pain.

460 • JAOA • Vol 106 • No 8 • August 2006 Licciardone and Russo • Original Contribution

Attrition rates during the study protocols have been at 6-month follow-up as a more credible therapeutic option
reported elsewhere (1 mo, 9 [10%]; 3 mo, 20 [22%]).15 For the than sham manipulative treatment, this measurable differ-
subjects who completed the study (66 [73%]), there were no sig- ence did not appear to affect primary outcomes. It is also note-
nificant differences in attrition over time among the three worthy that there were no significant differences in the cred-
study groups (P=.36). The present study analyzes treatment ibility ratio among the three study groups, over time, nor
credibility data gathered at trial entry and exit, as available from when these two factors were combined. Furthermore, drop-out
the 91 subjects who entered the RCT and the 66 subjects who rates could not be attributed to differences in perceived cred-
completed the 6-month study. ibility of OMT and sham manipulative treatment, suggesting
For all subjects, the credibility ratio at baseline was 1.10 that other factors were related to attrition. Thus, within the con-
(1.03–1.16), indicating a small, but statistically significant, cred- text of this study, we can feel confident that the small, mea-
ibility differential favoring OMT over sham manipulative surable differences in treatment credibility were not a signif-
treatment. Similarly, at 6-month follow-up, the credibility ratio icant threat to the study’s internal validity.
was 1.15 (1.06–1.23) in favor of OMT. Changes in the credibility Randomized controlled trials of OMT may combine the
ratio over time were not significant (P=.36), however. use of that treatment modality with standard medical care for
When subjects completing the trial are compared with the condition being studied. As illustrated by recent OMT
those who did not, the credibility ratios at baseline were 1.12 trials studying management of low back pain, control groups
(1.03–1.21) and 1.03 (0.98–1.08), respectively (P=.18). The cred- may either include those who receive conventional medical care
ibility ratios over time according to trial completion status and sham manipulative treatment15 or those who receive stan-
and study group are presented in the Table. dard care alone.15,23 There are at least two important prob-
The results of the repeated measures analysis of vari- lems with designing a study that uses controls who receive no
ance—which included only those subjects who provided cred- manual intervention. First, the subjects may deduce that they
ibility data at baseline and at 6-month follow-up—indicated have been randomly assigned to the control group (ie,
that there were no significant differences in the credibility unmasked), making them more likely to drop out of the trial
ratio among study groups (P=.64) or over time (P=.79). In (ie, self-selection). Second, no-intervention control subjects
addition, there were no significant study group ⫻ time interac- may receive less clinical care, either real or perceived, for their
tion effects (P=.59). condition—violating an ethical obligation to provide care. In
either case, monitoring and documenting subjects’ individual
Comment beliefs about their treatment assignments as part of standard
The present study is the first to empirically explore issues study protocol would provide investigators with significant
related to treatment credibility, sham manipulative treatment, insights into these issues and aid them in drawing valid con-
and methodology in OMT research. Our results indicate that clusions about the cause-effect nature of their interventions.
subjects generally reported slightly elevated credibility ratios, Sham manipulative treatment is intended to overcome
suggesting a small treatment credibility differential favoring the problems associated with using control subjects who
OMT over sham manipulative treatment. Although subjects receive no manual intervention. In the process of providing
appeared to perceive the description of OMT at baseline and sham treatment, however, researchers must acknowledge that

Licciardone and Russo • Original Contribution JAOA • Vol 106 • No 8 • August 2006 • 461

some therapeutic benefit may occur, thereby reducing the demonstrate specific treatment effects. Objective measures of
comparative efficacy of OMT. Indeed, a 2001 review of placebo physical functioning and hormonal or neurologic change may
effects found that, for conditions involving continuous mea- be appropriate biomarkers for some studies of OMT and it is
sures of pain, there is a small, but statistically significant, ben- relatively easy to protect blinded assessment with this method-
eficial effect attributed to placebos when compared with no ologic design. The soundness, or validity, of future studies
treatment.24 This placebo effect has been estimated to be the would benefit from improved objective outcome measures
equivalent of one third of the effect of nonsteroidal anti-inflam- and blinded assessment.
matory drugs.25 When blinded assessment is used, it is essential that inves-
The present study raises questions about OMT research tigators regularly test the integrity of the study protocols by
and the nature of treatment credibility and the placebo effect. assessing subjects and study personnel for their level of knowl-
For some osteopathic medical investigators, the possibility of edge regarding treatment allocation. When operator blinding
natural (ie, regression to the mean) or placebo-related improve- is not possible, the study design should control for investi-
ment in patients’ musculoskeletal conditions and pain levels gator bias (if only partially) using independent evaluators to
dictates the use of rigorous control and masking procedures in provide masked assessment. When subject blinding is not
OMT study protocols. When RCTs focus on strict mechanis- possible, the study design should control for expectation bias
tically oriented questions,26–28 only sham-controlled, double- (if only partially) by regularly assessing the integrity of blinding
blind trials can determine if beneficial outcomes are inher- protocols, evaluating any changes in treatment credibility and
ently attributable to the manual techniques used. When subject expectations, and ensuring adequate randomization.
sham-controlled trials are not feasible, careful measures should The complex interaction of treatment credibility, subject
be taken to ensure that subject concealment, credibility, and expectations, and the influence of nonspecific treatment effects
expectations are equivalent between treatment arms at base- on clinical outcomes form the bridge that the osteopathic med-
line and throughout the study period. Monitoring individual ical profession must cross as we seek to further evaluate the effi-
subject’s beliefs about treatment and using independent eval- cacy of OMT in an evidence-based paradigm. Careful con-
uators to assess outcomes establishes the cornerstone of “dual- sideration of these three factors and their influence on clinical
blinding”—a promising modification of the traditional double- outcomes are one of the hallmarks of a well-designed RCT in
blind RCT methodology that may be more appropriate for osteopathic medicine.
evidence-based OMT research.29
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