TES - Rec15 - 25 - Guide - UG - Al1 - 5p - EN - 2 TAVRIDA
TES - Rec15 - 25 - Guide - UG - Al1 - 5p - EN - 2 TAVRIDA
TES - Rec15 - 25 - Guide - UG - Al1 - 5p - EN - 2 TAVRIDA
Safety First
Installation, operation and maintenance shall only be carried out by trained and experienced personnel who
are familiar with the equipment and the electrical safety requirements.
During installation, commissioning, operation and maintenance of the equipment, the relevant legal
regulations (such as DIN/VDE/IEC), accident prevention regulations and the connection condition of the
electric utilities shall be observed.
Take note that during operation of the autorecloser, certain parts are subject to dangerous voltage. Failure to
comply with safety requirements may result in death, severe personal injury or damage to equipment.
Pay attention to the hazard statements located throughout this manual.
The operating conditions of the OSM shall comply with the technical data specified in this manual.
Personnel installing, operating and maintaining the equipment shall be familiar with this manual and its
Safety Instructions
General hazard statements applicable to this equipment are described in this section. Statements related to
specific tasks or procedures are located throughout this manual.
DANGER! Contact with hazardous voltage can cause death or severe personal injury. Contact with the
Rec15/25 or the RC5_4 terminals should only be undertaken when equipment is isolated from applicable
sources of voltage.
WARNING! Follow all locally approved safety procedures when installing or operating this equipment.
Improper handling, installation, operation or maintenance can result in death, severe personal injury or
damage to equipment.
WARNING! Power distribution equipment must be properly selected for the intended purpose.
ABR Automatic Backfeed Restoration
BAT Battery
BF Bolted Fault
BTM Bluetooth Module
CC Control Cable (Umbilical)
CCV Close condition verifier
CLP Cold Load Pickup
CPM Control Panel Module
CT Current Transformer
CU Current unbalance
D Delayed
EF Earth Fault protection element
EF1 Low set Earth Fault protection element for Delayed trips
EF2 Low set Earth Fault protection element for Instantaneous trips
EF3 High set Earth Fault protection element for Instantaneous trips
EL Event Log
ETH Ethernet Module
I Instantaneous
I/O Input/Output
IOI Input/Output Interface
IOM Input/Output Module
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
HL Hot Line protection element
LP Load Profile
LS Loss of Supply protection element
ME Measurement element
ML Malfunction Log
MMI Man Machine Interface
MPM Main Processor Module
OC Overcurrent protection element
OC1 Low set Overcurrent protection element for Delayed trips
OC2 Low set Overcurrent protection element for Instantaneous trips
OC3 High set Overcurrent protection element for Instantaneous trips
OCR Overcurrent protection element with reclosing
OSM Outdoor Switching Module
PCI Personal Computer Interface
PSFM Power Supply Filter Module
RC Recloser Control Cubicle
RCM Recloser Control Module
RTC Real Time Clock
RTU Remote Telecommunication Unit
SCADA Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition
SD Source Detector
SEF Sensitive Earth Fault
SEFR Sensitive Earth Fault with reclosing
SI Synchronization indicator
TEL Tavrida Electric
TCI Telecommunication Interface
TDI Telarm Dispatcher Interface
UF Under Frequency
UV Under Voltage
VRC Voltage Reclosing Control
VT Voltage Transformer
VU Voltage Unbalance
ZSC Zone Sequence Coordination
1 Product Description .......................................................................................................................................9
1.1 Product Application Field .......................................................................................................................10
1.2 Product Main Components .....................................................................................................................10
1.2.1 Outdoor Switching Module ........................................................................................................10 OSM Housing .....................................................................................................................10 Mechanical Trip and Lockout Mechanism..........................................................................11 Mechanical Position Indicator ............................................................................................11
1.2.2 Recloser Control Cubicle ...........................................................................................................12 Control Panel Module (CPM) .............................................................................................14 Recloser Control Module (RCM) ........................................................................................16 Power supply filter module (PSFM) ...................................................................................16 Rechargeable Battery (BAT) ..............................................................................................16 Input/output module (IOM) .................................................................................................17 Ethernet (ETH) ...................................................................................................................18 Bluetooth Module (BTM) ....................................................................................................19
1.2.3 Control Cable .............................................................................................................................19
1.3 Technical Parameters ............................................................................................................................20
1.4 Disclaimers, Precautions, Warranty Description and Limitation ............................................................24
2 Nameplates and Seals .................................................................................................................................25
2.1 Nameplates ............................................................................................................................................26
2.1.1 OSM Nameplates ......................................................................................................................26
2.1.2 RC Nameplates .........................................................................................................................27
2.2 Seals.......................................................................................................................................................28
2.2.1 OSM Seals ................................................................................................................................28
2.2.2 RC Seals ...................................................................................................................................28
3 Product Handling .........................................................................................................................................29
3.1 Transportation ........................................................................................................................................30
3.2 Storage ...................................................................................................................................................31
3.3 Inspection ...............................................................................................................................................31
3.4 Unpacking ..............................................................................................................................................31
3.4.1 Pole Mounted Recloser .............................................................................................................31
3.4.2 Substation Recloser ..................................................................................................................33
3.5 Handling Requirements ..........................................................................................................................35
3.5.1 OSM Handling ...........................................................................................................................36
3.5.2 RC Handling ..............................................................................................................................36
3.5.3 Pole Mounting Kit Preparation ...................................................................................................37 Frontal Installation ..............................................................................................................38 Lateral Installation ..............................................................................................................38
3.5.4 Substation Mounting Kit Preparation .........................................................................................39
4 Installation ....................................................................................................................................................43
4.1 Required Equipment...............................................................................................................................44
4.2 Installation Procedure.............................................................................................................................44
4.2.1 OSM Installation ........................................................................................................................44
4.2.2 RC5_4 installation .....................................................................................................................48
4.2.3 Auxiliary VT Installation .............................................................................................................49
4.2.4 Earthing .....................................................................................................................................49
4.2.5 Primary Line Connection ...........................................................................................................52 Aerial Connectors ...............................................................................................................52 NEMA2 Connectors ...........................................................................................................53 NEMA4 Connectors ...........................................................................................................54 Burndy® NEMA2 Connectors ............................................................................................55
4.2.6 Connecting RC5_4 to Auxiliary Supply .....................................................................................55
4.3 Dismounting Procedure ..........................................................................................................................56
5 Commissioning ............................................................................................................................................57
5.1 No-load Tests .........................................................................................................................................58
5.1.1 Powering the Protection Device ................................................................................................58
5.1.2 RC5 Power Supply Check .........................................................................................................58
5.1.3 Checking CVCS Coefficients .....................................................................................................58
5.1.4 Checking Phase Sequences .....................................................................................................58
5.2 On-load Tests .........................................................................................................................................59
6 Operation ......................................................................................................................................................61
6.1 Switching ................................................................................................................................................62
6.1.1 Mechanical Tripping ..................................................................................................................62
6.1.2 Operation via MMI .....................................................................................................................62 Tripping ..............................................................................................................................62 Closing ...............................................................................................................................63 Delayed Closing .................................................................................................................63 Indication ............................................................................................................................63
6.2 Logging ...................................................................................................................................................63
6.2.1 Logs ...........................................................................................................................................63
6.2.2 Counters ....................................................................................................................................64
6.3 Measurements ........................................................................................................................................65
6.4 Date and Time Settings ..........................................................................................................................65
6.5 Other RC5_4 Control Options ................................................................................................................65
6.5.1 PCI – Personal Computer Interface ..........................................................................................65 Connection Establishment via USB ...................................................................................65 Connection Establishment via Bluetooth ...........................................................................66 Connection establishment via Ethernet .............................................................................66 Operation ...........................................................................................................................67
6.5.2 TDI – TELARM Dispatcher Interface .........................................................................................69 Connection Establishment .................................................................................................69 Operation ...............................................................................................................70
6.6 Settings Modifications ............................................................................................................................71
6.6.1 Protection Settings Modifications ..............................................................................................71 Protection Settings Downloading .......................................................................................71 Protection Settings Modification .........................................................................................72 Protection Settings Uploading ............................................................................................72
6.6.2 Communication Settings Modifications .....................................................................................73 Communication Settings Downloading ..............................................................................73 Communication Settings Modification ................................................................................75 Communication Settings Uploading ...................................................................................75
7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................77
7.1 Maintenance ...........................................................................................................................................78
7.2 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................................................78
7.2.1 PCI Connection Problems .........................................................................................................78
7.2.2 CPM Malfunction .......................................................................................................................78
7.2.3 Active Malfunction .....................................................................................................................79 RCM Fault ..........................................................................................................................79 Driver Fault .........................................................................................................................79 IOM Fault ...........................................................................................................................79 RTU Short Circuit ...............................................................................................................79 Loss of AC Supply..............................................................................................................80 Battery Fault .......................................................................................................................80 Excessive Trip Time ...........................................................................................................81 Excessive Close Time ........................................................................................................83 OSM Coil Isolated ..............................................................................................................83 OSM Coil Short Circuit .....................................................................................................85 Driver Not Ready..............................................................................................................86
7.3 Rec15/25 Component Replacement Procedures ..................................................................................86
7.3.1 RCM Replacement ....................................................................................................................86 Dismounting .......................................................................................................................86 Installation ..........................................................................................................................86
7.3.2 CPM Replacement ....................................................................................................................87 Dismounting .......................................................................................................................87 Installation ..........................................................................................................................88
7.3.3 PSFM Replacement ..................................................................................................................88 Dismounting .......................................................................................................................88 Installation ..........................................................................................................................89
7.3.4 Battery Replacement .................................................................................................................89 Dismounting .......................................................................................................................89 Installation ..........................................................................................................................90
7.3.5 RC5_4 Replacement .................................................................................................................90
7.3.6 OSM Replacement ....................................................................................................................90
8 Disposal ........................................................................................................................................................91
9 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................................93
Appendix 1. OSM Drawings ...........................................................................................................................94
Appendix 2. RC5_4 Drawings ........................................................................................................................96
Appendix 3. Package Drawings .....................................................................................................................97
Appendix 4. Mounting Kits Drawings .............................................................................................................99
Appendix 5. RC5_4 Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................130
Appendix 6. Spare Parts and Accessories ..................................................................................................131
1 Product Description
1.1 Product Application Field
Reclosers can be applied in overhead distribution lines. The main applications are:
Clearing transient faults by performing autoreclosing;
Isolating sustained faults in the overhead line network;
Isolating sustained faults in a network where conventional protection coordination is not possible;
Automatic backfeed restoration.
The recloser can also be used at outdoor substations feeding overhead distribution lines for:
Substation outgoing feeder with autoreclosing functionality;
Substation busbar coupler with backfeed restoration capability;
Substation switchgear incoming feeder breaker with overcurrent protection for busbar faults, undervoltage
protection for backfeed restoration purposes and interfaces for transformer non-electrical protection.
Figure 1
General arrangement of the OSM15_Al_1(5)
Figure 2
OSM25_Al_1(5) housing
Figure 3
Mechanical trip hook
Figure 4
Main contact position indicator
1.2.2 Recloser Control Cubicle
The RC5_4 recloser control cubicle is made from powder coated aluminum, the same as the OSM tank.
The RC5_4 main components are shown at figure below.
Figure 5
RC5_4 with internal door closed
Figure 6
RC5_4 with internal door open
The external door has a padlock provision that is suitable for a shackle with up to a 12 mm diameter.
The external door can be securely fixed in the open position.
The anti-vandal cover is fixed from inside the housing with one captive screw. It protects the umbilical cable
from unauthorized disconnection.
Figure 7
Control cable connection
The RC5_4 cubicle is equipped with stainless steel earthing provision with M12x30mm bolt: All internal
components and parts are earthed to the main RC cubicle with 2.5 mm2 copper earthing jumpers.
The housing has provisions for protection against dust and water ingress.
Figure 8
RC housing provisions
The RC5_4 is equipped with a Door Position Switch which is used for disabling the CPM at closed RC, as
well as a SCADA indication of the RC door position.
The door position switch is mounted on the internal door and actuated by the lever mounted opposite to the
switch on the external door (Figure 9).
Figure 9
Door position switch
13 Control Panel Module (CPM)
The CPM provides local control and indication functions of the Rec15/25 (Figure 10). Control buttons and
indication LEDs are located at the front side of the CPM (Figure 11). The CPM has an integrated USB
interface for PC connection.
Figure 10
Control panel module (CPM)
Figure 11
CPM control and indication functions
15 Recloser Control Module (RCM)
The RCM is the recloser control module. The RCM provides protection, communication, measurement and
control functions.
Figure 12 Figure 13
RCM connections with other RC modules RCM without connections
Figure 14
Power supply filter module
16 Input/output module (IOM)
The RC can be supplied with an IOM (Figure 15) module on request It provides control and indication
functions with the aid of digital inputs/outputs.
Figure 15
Input/Output module
The IOM contains twelve digital inputs and twelve digital outputs. The location of these connectors
(marked “15”…”18”) with these inputs and outputs are shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16
Location of IOM connectors
Figure 17
Digital inputs
Bistable relays with changeover contacts are used for the digital outputs as illustrated in Figure 18.
Figure 18
Digital outputs
Figure 19
Ethernet module installed on RCM
18 Bluetooth Module (BTM)
The RC can be supplied with a Bluetooth module on request. The Bluetooth module provides point-to-point
wireless connection between the RC and a personal computer. It is connected to the RCM via a USB cable
(Figure 20).
Figure 20
Bluetooth module with its USB cable
Figure 21
General view of umbilical cable
1.3 Technical Parameters
Table 1 – Recloser technical parameters
Parameter OSM15_Al_1 OSM25_Al_1
Rated data
Rated maximum voltage (Ur) 15.5 kV 27 kV
Rated short-duration powerfrequency withstand voltage (Ud), 1 min dry 50 kV 60 kV
Rated short-duration powerfrequency withstand voltage, 10s wet 45 kV 50 kV
Across vacuum gap 125 kV
Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (peak) (Up) 110 kV
Closed contacts 150 kV
Rated continuous current (Ir) 630 A
Rated cable-charging current switching 10 A 25 A
Rated line-charging current switching 2A 5A
Rated short-circuit breaking current (Isc) 16 kA 12.5 kA
Rated peak withstand current (Ip) 41.6 kA 32.5 kA
Rated short-time withstand current (Ik) 16 kA 12.5 kA
Rated duration of short circuit (tk) 4s 4s
Rated frequency (fr) 50/60 Hz
Switching performance
Mechanical life (CO-cycles) 30 000
Operating cycles, rated current (CO-cycles) 30 000
Electrical endurance, breaking current (O-CO cycles) See Figure 22
Closing time, not more than 77 ms
Opening time for overcurrent protection according to IEC 62271-
43 ms
111/C37.60, not more than (at I>2xIp)
Clearing time for overcurrent protection according to IEC 62271-
51 ms
111/C37.60, not more than (at I>2xIp)
Rated operating sequence O-0.1s-CO-2s-CO-2s-CO
General information
Main circuit resistance < 85 μOhm < 95 μOhm
Weight 68 kg 72 kg
2000 m (derating according to ANSI C37.60 applied above
Humidity 100%, condensing
Solar Radiation ≤ 1.1 kW/m²
Temperature Range -40 °C ... +55 °C
Type of driving mechanism Monostable magnetic actuator
Pollution level very heavy (as per IEC 60815)
Figure 22
Life cycle of OSM
Table 3– Measurement accuracy
Parameter Basic error Range where accuracy is guaranteed
Phase currents The greater of ±1% or ±2A 0 ... 630 A
Residual current3 The greater of ±5% or ±0.5A 0 ... 400 A
Phase to earth voltages The greater of ±1% or ±0.1 kV 0.3 ... 16.0 kV
Line to line voltages The greater of ±1% or ±0.1 kV 0.5 ... 27.0 kV
- at dF/dt<0.2 Hz/s ±0.025 Hz 45 ... 55 Hz, 55 ...6 5 Hz
- at dF/dt<0.5 Hz/s ±0.05 Hz
Power factor ±0.02 0 ... 1
Active and reactive energy ±2% 40 … 630A, 4.5 ... 27 kV
Active, reactive and total power ±2% 40 … 630A, 4.5 ... 27 kV
The Rogowski coil can measure current in a wide range but for the purpose of over-voltage, protection suppressors are fitted in the secondary circuits.
These suppressors chop the signal from the Rogowski coil if primary current exceeds 8 kA.
If RC5_4 sensor coefficient settings are configured in accordance with guidelines in Table 2 of this guide. Error is measured at normal climatic conditions.
Note that overcurrent protection pickup setting value shall not exceed SEF pickup setting value times 300.
Table 4 – Electromagnetic compatibility
Parameter Rated value Applicable standard
Rated power frequency voltage (1 min) 2 kV IEC 60255-5
Rated impulse voltage, kV at 0.5J 5 kV IEC 60255-5
Electrical fast transient/burst immunity 4 kV IEC 60255-22-4 (Level IV)
Surge immunity (applied to external AC voltage terminals)
- common 4 kV IEC 61000-4-5 (Level IV)
- transverse 2 kV
Control elements surge withstand capability (SWC) 125 kV (6 kA) IEEE C37.60-2012
Additional DC circuit breakers shall be used to protect the RC in case of DC power supply.
Only the battery types described in this guide can be used in the RC.
Table 8 – Input/Output Module (IOM) parameters
Digital inputs Value
Rated voltages of signal applied to digital inputs
- for IOM-04 12/24/30/48/60 V DC
- for IOM-03 110/125/220 V DC
Pickup voltage of signal applied to digital inputs
- for IOM-04 Above 7 V
- for IOM-03 Above 100 V
Reset voltage
- for IOM-04 Below 3 V
- for IOM-03 Below 30 V
Maximum continuous voltage of signal applied to digital inputs
- for IOM-04 75 V
- for IOM-03 275 V
Input resistance
- for IOM-04 3 kOhm
- for IOM-03 125 kOhm
Recognition time, ms - not more 20
Reset time, ms - not more 20
Digital outputs Value
Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated current 16 A
Breaking capacity DC1 (at L/R=1ms): 30/110/220 V 16/0.3/0.12 A
Minimum switching load 500 mW (10V/5mA)
1.4 Disclaimers, Precautions, Warranty Description and
2 Nameplates and Seals
2.1 Nameplates
2.1.1 OSM Nameplates
Switching module nameplates are placed on a tank and fixed with rivets (Figure 23).
Nameplate information:
Figure 23
OSM25_Al_1(5) nameplate example
Closed contacts
2.1.2 RC Nameplates
The RC5_4 nameplates are visible on the front of the internal RC door (Figure 24).
Nameplate information:
Parameter Value
Figure 24
RC5_4 nameplates
2.2 Seals
Seals are placed onto components which should not be opened by unauthorized persons. Warranty for all
products is void if the seal is removed, damaged or tampered with.
Figure 25
OSM25_Al_1(5) seals
2.2.2 RC Seals
Inside the RC5_4 the RCM and CPM are sealed (Figure 26).
Figure 26
RC5_4 seals
3 Product Handling
3.1 Transportation
The serviceability of the equipment is critically dependent on safe and careful handling during transportation
sudden impacts or shocks during loading and unloading can lead to damage of critical components.
It is important to adequately secure the equipment to minimize the risk of damage during transportation.
Fixation may be secured by using web slings.
The Rec15/25 package consists of a wooden pallet fumigated according to ISPM15 rules, galvanized steel
collars and cover (see Figure 27). For details on package dimensions and weight refer to Appendix 3 of this
Figure 27
Rec15/25 package
WARNING! It is not permitted to stack more than two packages during transportation.
To move the Rec15/25 package, use a hydraulic lift or fork lift truck (Figure 28).
Figure 28
Rec15/25 package lifting methods
3.2 Storage
The packaged Rec15/25 should be stored in dry storage areas with natural ventilation.
WARNING! It is not permitted to stack more than two packages during storage.
Unpacked and assembled equipment can be stored before installation. Keep it in a clean, dry location with
sufficient air circulation and temperature to prevent condensation. Insulation must be protected against dirt
and moisture.
3.3 Inspection
Each Rec15/25 is completely assembled, tested, and inspected at the factory. It is in good condition when
accepted by the carrier for shipment. Upon receipt, inspect the package for signs of damage. After
unpacking the Rec15/25, inspect its components thoroughly for damage incurred during shipment. If damage
is discovered, file a claim with the carrier immediately.
The inspection process is described in the table below:
3.4 Unpacking
Follow the recommendation below to unpack:
1. Cut strapping tapes 2. Unscrew eight screws from upper collar and take it off
3. Remove screws from other collars 4. Take off collars one by one
For RC lifting requirements refer to clause 4.2.
9. Open RC internal door and unscrew captive screw to release 10. Pull right side down and slide left to remove
anti-vandal cover anti-vandal protection
1. Unscrew twelve screws from upper collar and take 2. Unscrew ten screws from bottom collar
it off
3. Take off collars 4. Unscrew fasteners that hold RC on holder
5. Remove RC5 by pushing from right to left, then 6. Open RC internal door and unscrew captive screw to release
forward anti-vandal cover
7. Pull right side down and slide left to remove anti- 8. Unscrew holder for voltage transformer (if VT holder is
vandal protection applicable). Refer to Handling and Installation Guide for details
10. Cut two buckles holding box with fasteners
9. Cut four buckles holding RC holder
11. Unscrew eighteen fasteners holding the mounting 12. Cut five buckles holding the mounting kit accessories
kit accessories
13. Unscrew eight fasteners holding the mounting kit 14. Unscrew eight screws holding the mounting bracket
3.5.1 OSM Handling
To lift the OSM separately from the frame use four lifting provisions located on lower OSM holders.
WARNING! Do not use the OSM bushings for lifting and handling. Failure to comply may result in damage to
the equipment.
Figure 29
OSM handling
3.5.2 RC Handling
The RC5_4 has two holders with lifting provision. Two holders placed at the bottom of the RC together with a
mounting bracket allowing it to stand in the vertical position without any additional equipment.
Figure 30
RC handling
3.5.3 Pole Mounting Kit Preparation
After unpacking the mounting kit, it should look as shown below:
Figure 31
Mounting kit initial configuration8
Initially the L-shape surge arrester holders and pole interface bracket are in the “transportation” position (if
applicable). It is necessary to change them to the operational position according to the sequence described
4. Unscrew surge arresters holder 5. Remove pole interface bracket 6. Install surge arresters holder and
(if applicable) and flip surge fasten with torque of 40N*m (for frontal
arresters holder (for frontal installation only)
installation only)
Pole interface part, surge arresters brackets and mounting frame are optional and may be missing.
37 Frontal Installation
To connect the pole interface bracket to the mounting frame, use the M16 fasteners included in the delivery
1. Unscrew four M16 bolts installed on pole interface bracket 2. Fasten pole interface bracket using M16 fasteners
1. Unscrew four M16 bolts installed on pole interface bracket 2. Unscrew two bolts holding surge arresters bracket
3. Unscrew four bolts holding OSM mounting brackets 4. Rotate OSM 90 degrees and install mounting brackets
5. Fasten OSM mounting brackets using M12 fasteners 5. Install surge arresters bracket on OSM tank and attach
pole interface bracket (if applicable)
1. Fasten four holders for structure height adjustment to 2. Fasten four base holders
each other
3. Connect bottom of the base holders using four 4. Fasten four support parts according to substation bay
horizontal holders installation pinouts
5. Fasten four channels at required height 6. Connect bottom of the channels using square holder
7. Connect middle of the channels using square holder 8. Fasten OSM holder
10. Fasten support for voltage transformer holder
9. Fasten RC holder
(if VT holder is applicable)
4 Installation
Installation operations are carried out by utility technical personnel and can be supervised by Tavrida electric
technical representatives. This chapter describes installation procedures and required equipment. For more
detailed information about the installation process contact a Tavrida electric technical representative.
Additionally, there is a walkthrough installation video available on Youtube:
Figure 32
OSM lifting method
OSM installation example using two M20 hot-dip galvanized threated rods is shown in figure below.
Figure 33
OSM thought the pole installation example
OSM installation example using four hot-dip galvanized U-profiles and four hot-dip galvanized threated rods
is shown in figure below.
Figure 34
OSM around the pole installation example
OSM installation example using four hot-dip galvanized U-profiles (bolted to interface bracket) and four hot-
dip galvanized threated rods is shown in figure below.
Figure 35
OSM around the pole installation example
The substation mounting kit is applicable for two types of substation bay installation pinouts:
558…609 x 1056...1219 mm (
Figure 36);
729…909 x 862…900 mm (Figure 37).
Figure 36 Figure 37
Substation mounting kit installation example Substation mounting kit installation example
Figure 38
OSM substation installation example
4.2.2 RC5_4 installation
Before starting the RC installation, make sure that:
The RC doors are closed,
The control cable is disconnected,
The RC control cable socket cover is closed.
Figure 39
RC lifting method
RC installation example using four hot-dip galvanized U-profiles and four hot-dip galvanized threated rods is
shown in figure below.
Figure 40
RC around the pole installation example
RC installation example using two hot-dip galvanized threated rods is shown in figure below.
Figure 41
RC through the pole installation example
Figure 42
RC substation installation example
4.2.4 Earthing
ATTENTION! The OSM, it’s mounting frame and RC5_4 should be connected to the same earthing bar
using 12mm nuts and bolts tightened to 50 Nm. Do not violate this. For more details see the Handling and
Installation guide.
Earthing points on the OSM and RC5_4 are shown below.
Figure 43
Earthing terminals position
The OSM and RC earthing can be performed via the cross pressure terminals for earthing wire of 25-70mm
cross section. Earthing points on the OSM, mounting kit, and the RC5 are shown below.
Figure 44
Earthing cross pressure terminals position
ATTENTION! Make sure that the system impedance to ground is less than 5 ohms. System impedance to
ground can be measured on site using special equipment or previously measured value for particular
grounding bar can be provided by the utility. In case this requirement is not met – it may lead to death or
injury to people during operation.
Figure 45
HV assembly earthing
It is recommended to arrange high voltage assembly earthing as showed on picture above. OSM tank, OSM
mounting frame, auxiliary supply VT should be earthed using separate earthing jumpers connected to the
common earthing bar. Surge arresters grounding bars should be connected to special earthing provisions
placed on surge arresters holders.
Figure 46
RC earthing arrangement
RC earthing jumper should connect RC earthing provision to the common earthing bar.
Figure 47 Figure 48
Aerial connector Conductor connection via aerial connectors
Figure 49 Figure 50
Aerial connector with bird protection Aerial connector with bird protection
Figure 51
Aerial connector with bird protection
Figure 52
Two-hole NEMA connector
Tightening torque for power line connection depends on M12 fasteners material used, but not less than 40
Surge arresters and auxiliary VT HV terminals connection as alternative can be done directly to NEMA
Special two-hole NEMA protective covers can be used to protect line connections against the birds or
aggressive environmental factors (Figure 53).
Figure 53
NEMA2 connector with bird protection
All technical parameters are met without the protective covers installed.
Protective covers and NEMA terminals allows multidirectional primary line wires-to-terminals connection.
Figure 54
Four-hole NEMA connector
Tightening torque for power line connection depends on M12 fasteners material used, but not less than
40 Nm.
Surge arresters and auxiliary VT HV terminals connection as alternative can be done directly to NEMA
Special four-hole NEMA protective covers can be used to protect line connections against the birds or
aggressive environmental factors (Figure 55).
Figure 55
NEMA4 connector with bird protection
All technical parameters are met without the protective covers installed.
Protective covers and NEMA terminals allows multidirectional primary line wires-to-terminals connection.
Figure 56
Two-hole Burndy® NEMA connector
For that purpose the RC5_4 battery switch should be set OFF, corresponding AC switch (both switches if
two supply options is used) set ON.
Measured AC voltage at terminals 1-2 and 8-9 (in case two VTs are installed) should not exceed the limits of
85-265 V.
Connection terminals for the RC auxiliary power supply are shown below (Figure 57).
Figure 57
Auxiliary supply connections inside PSFM
Bayonet connection terminals for the RC auxiliary power supply are shown below (Figure 58 and Figure 59).
Figure 58 Figure 59
Auxiliary power supply connection with bayonet connectors Three pin bayonet connector
5 Commissioning
5.1 No-load Tests
ATTENTION. Before powering the main line, the OSM should be in the OPEN position. The OSM shall be
closed via the MMI only after the no-load tests are performed.
If rechargeable battery is available.
5.2 On-load Tests
After all No-load tests are executed, the main contacts can be closed (via the MMI, USB, Bluetooth or TDI).
Check that measurements of phase currents, power factors, active and reactive power etc. are correct:
MMI -> Main menu -> Indication data -> Measurement
6 Operation
6.1 Switching
6.1.1 Mechanical Tripping
NOTE! Operation of the mechanical trip hook should be done by means of high voltage operating rod for
15/25 kV live-line operations.
To trip the OSM mechanically, pull down the manual trip hook to the lockout position (Figure 60). In this
position, the OSM is mechanically locked in the OPEN position and the actuator is electrically isolated. This
prevents CLOSING (locally or remotely).
Figure 60
Mechanical trip of switching module Tripping
To trip the switching module via the MMI, push the green button «O» (Figure 61). Tripping via MMI is
available both in Local and Remote modes.
Figure 61
Switching module operation control via MMI
62 Closing
To close the OSM via the MMI, push the red button «I» (Figure 61).
NOTE! Make sure that the RC is in Local mode.
NOTE! Make sure that the manual trip hook is pushed back into the operating position. If it is not, change the
mechanical trip hook position using the high voltage operating rod applicable for 15/25 kV live-line
operations. Indication
The open state of the OSM main contacts is indicated via
LED above “O” button
mechanical position window on the OSM
The closed state of the OSM main contacts is indicated via
LED above “I” button
position window on OSM
6.2 Logging
6.2.1 Logs
From the control panel the following logs can be read:
Event log (EL)
Malfunction log (ML)
Other logs like Fault profile, Load profile, Communication log are available only using a PC via the PCI, TCI
or TDI interfaces.
Figure 62
Event log via MMI
This screen (Figure 62) is a default one in case “Lockout” is present. Pressing the “Event Log” button
provides transition to this screen from any menu.
To enter the EL via the MMI menu:
Main menu -> Indication data -> IDC -> Event log
The latest event is placed at the bottom of the list. Info about the number of the event in the list, time and
date of the event is displayed on the screen.
To navigate in the EL, use arrow buttons. The “open door pictogram” marker in the top right corner of the
screen means that additional info is applicable. To see this additional info, press the ENTER button, to go
back to the EL menu press ESC button.
Figure 63
Malfunction log via MMI
This screen (Figure 63) is a default one in case LOCKOUT is absent and there are some unread events in
the Malfunction log. Pressing the “Malfunctioning log” pushbutton provides transition to this screen from any
To enter the ML via the MMI menu:
Main menu -> Indication data -> IDC -> Malfunction log
Some events have characters that classify events: “M” – malfunction or “W” - warning. A character is shown
in the beginning of the event description string.
It is not possible to see the load profile via the MMI. Load profile step can be changed via the MMI.
To change Load profile step via the MMI:
Main menu -> Settings -> System -> IDC -> Load profile step
NOTE! It is only possible to erase all logs at once, single event removal is not possible.
To erase all readings in all logs, select corresponding function in the menu as shown below and confirm the
Main menu -> Control data -> Erase logs
6.2.2 Counters
From the control panel the following counters can be read:
Protection counters
Main menu -> Indication data -> IDC -> Protection counters
Lifetime counters
Main menu -> Indication data -> IDC -> Lifetime counters
Log filling counters
Main menu -> Indication data -> IDC -> Log filling counters
6.3 Measurements
All measurement data is available via the MMI menu
Main menu -> Indication data -> ME
NOTE! The USB cable is not in the standard scope of supply, however it can be ordered separately. Please contact the Tavrida Electric representative for
Main Menu -> Tools -> Option
In the pop-up menu select “Communication” tab (Figure 64):
Figure 64
“Options” window
NOTE! The twisted pair cable and optical fiber cable are not in the standard scope of supply, however it can be ordered separately. Please contact the
Tavrida Electric representative for details.
Figure 65
“Options” window Operation
NOTE! Operation via PCI is possible in “Local” mode only. Current operation mode can be verified on the
NOTE! System status and logs are automatically downloaded to TELARM after the RC5_4 is connected via
After PCI connection is established, the following commands can be executed from TELARM:
Upload settings to the device (see chapter “6.6 Settings Modifications”):
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Upload settings to the device…
Download settings from the device (see chapter “6.6 Settings Modifications”):
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Download settings from the device…
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Trip…
Command is duplicated by button on toolbar
Close command:
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Close…
Command is duplicated by button on toolbar
NOTE! The confirmation popup window will appear after a Trip/Close command is requested (Figure 66).
Figure 66
Confirmation window of Trip/Close command
Switch protection state or particular element ON/OFF (Figure 67):
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Switch element On/Off -> Prot on…
Figure 67
Switching protection state or particular element ON/OFF
Figure 68
Confirmation window of date and time synchronization
For protection elements description please refer to Product guide.
Figure 69
Firmware selection window
Figure 70
TDI communication architecture Operation
NOTE! Operation via the TDI is possible in “Remote” mode only. Current operation mode can be verified on
the MMI.
After the TDI connection is established, the following commands can be executed from TELARM:
Upload settings to the device (see chapter Settings):
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Download settings from the device…
Download logs:
Switch protection state or particular element ON/OFF:
Main Menu -> On-Line -> Switch element On/Off -> Prot on…
Figure 71
Downloading protection settings via TELARM
71 Protection Settings Modification
Protection settings can be changed locally (via the MMI or the PCI) or remotely via the TDI interface.
Protection settings modifications using the MMI:
Main menu -> Settings -> Protection -> Group #
Protection settings can be changed in each protection group independently.
NOTE! To apply updated settings it is required to upload them to the controller. Uploading settings is
described in “Uploading protection settings”.
To edit protection locally (PCI) the following actions should be performed:
1) Open the model in the database where settings shall be changed (Figure 72)
2) Double click on “Group 1” submenu (or other protection settings group) of the model
Database browser -> Model -> Protection settings -> Group 1
3) “Protection settings” window will popup
After “Protection settings window Group 1” (or other protection settings group) appears it is possible to:
1) Change protection settings;
2) For your convenience you may hide or show protection element settings by using “+” and “–“ buttons. You
may plot the TCC curve of the protection element by pushing the TCC button (Figure 72).
Figure 72
Changing protection settings via TELARM
1) Right click on the submenu “Protection settings” in Database browser and choose “Mark as Ready”
(Figure 73);
2) Right click on the same submenu and choose “Mark as Approved”;
3) The green “V” sign will appear near the submenu after successful approval.
Approved protection settings can be uploaded to the device:
4) In “On-Line” menu click “Upload settings to the device…” (Figure 73);
5) The reading “Protection settings uploaded” will appear in the Connection log after successful uploading if
settings were uploaded via PCI. “Protection settings uploaded” will appear in Messages log if settings were
uploaded via TDI;
6) It is possible to check correctness of the uploaded settings by pushing the button near the reading in
Connection log if protection settings were uploaded via PCI or in Messages log if protection settings were
uploaded via TDI.
Figure 73
Uploading protection settings via TELARM
3) The successful downloading reading will appear in Connection log in case connection was established via
PCI or in Massages log in case connection was established via TDI.
4) To open “Recloser settings” window, click the button next to the line “Communication settings
downloaded” in “Messages log” (or “Communication settings downloaded” in Connection log).
NOTE! Communication settings downloaded from the device are highlighted in pale grey and cannot be
changed directly in the “Recloser settings” window. To change the settings refer to clause of this
Figure 74
Downloading communication settings via PCI in TELARM
Figure 75
Downloading communication settings via TDI in TELARM
74 Communication Settings Modification
Communication settings can be changed locally (via the MMI or PCI) or remotely via the TDI.
NOTE! If RC communication settings are changed, settings on the TELARM dispatcher PC shall be changed
Communication settings modifications using the MMI:
Main menu -> Settings -> Comms -> TDI
NOTE! To apply modified settings, uploading them to the controller is required (refer to clause of this
To open the TDI settings menu and change settings via local connection (USB. Bluetooth or Ethernet) the
following procedure should be executed:
3) In Database browser, open the appropriate network model (Figure 76);
4) Double click on the submenu “TDI”
Database browser -> Model ->Communication settings->TDI;
5) The corresponding communication settings window will popup. Alternatively, open it directly from the logs
menu as described in previous chapter.
The TDI settings can be changed in the applicable range.
Figure 76
Changing communication settings in TELARM
2) Right click on the same submenu and choose “Mark as Approved”;
3) The green “V” sign will appear near the submenu after successful approval.
Approved communication settings can be uploaded to the device:
4) In “On-Line” menu click “Upload settings to the device…” (Figure 77);
5) The reading “Communication settings uploaded” will appear in the Connection log after successful
uploading if settings were uploaded via PCI. “Communication settings uploaded” will appear in Messages log
if settings were uploaded via TDI;
6) It is possible to check correctness of the uploaded settings by pushing the button near the reading in
Connection log if protection settings were uploaded via PCI or in Messages log if protection settings were
uploaded via TDI.
Figure 77
Uploading communication settings via TELARM
7 Maintenance and
7.1 Maintenance
The Rec15/25 is a maintenance free device. No regular maintenance operations are required during the
entire period of operation.
7.2 Troubleshooting
NOTE! In case the actions listed below do not help, contact your nearest Tavrida Electric representative.
WARNING! All replacement operations of the HV assembly equipment require power line de-energizing. All
necessary precautions (visible line gaps, temporary groundings etc.) should be applied.
7.2.3 Active Malfunction
Replacing procedure for components is described in paragraph “7.3 Rec15/25 Components Replacing
Figure 78
RCM RTU power supply plug
NOTE! Wire numbers shall comply with the numbers of the socket.
79 Loss of AC Supply
Possible reason Malfunction identification procedure Corrective action
Figure 79
Auxiliary supply connections inside PSFM
Figure 80
RCM auxiliary supply connections
Plug “13” wires 1(+) and 2(-)
Check the wiring connection to the battery terminals.
“+” terminal = wire with “+” mark
“-” terminal = battery sensor
In case signal disappears you have located the
Disconnect the wiring from the RCM.
Plug “13” wires 1(+) and 2(-)
Disconnect the wiring from the battery
Wires marked “+” and “-”
Wiring malfunction Replace the wiring assembly
Check that switch and wiring is not short circuited or
NOTE! Reconnect the wiring properly after the tests
are done
If none of the above described reasons were
Internal fault of the battery Replace the battery
confirmed it is likely to be an internal battery fault
Figure 81
RCM battery and battery sensor inputs Plug “13”
NOTE! Wire numbers comply with the numbers of inputs in the plug.
Possible reason Malfunction identification procedure Corrective action
If RCM replacement doesn’t help:
Switch off the RC5_4 and the battery
Disconnect “8” plug from the RCM
Disconnect the control cable from the RC5_4.
Disconnect the control cable from the OSM
Short circuit pins 22 and 29 of the heavy duty
connector of the control cable (OSM side) as it is
Open circuit in Control Cable shown in Figure 80 Replace the control cable
Connect the control cable to the RC5_4
Connect plug “8” to the RCM
Switch on the RC5_4 and battery
The indication of the main contacts position should
change to “Open”
If the indication doesn’t change to “Open” the
malfunction is in the control cable
If none of the above described actions helped it is an
OSM malfunction Replace the OSM
OSM malfunction
Figure 82
RCM main contact position indicator inputs
Figure 83
Main contact position indicator inputs of heavy duty connector of the RC5_4 (upper picture) and umbilical heavy duty
connector from the OSM side (lower picture)
NOTE! To short circuit the two pins of the connectors use two miniature crocodile clips and a wire.
Short circuit pins 1 and 3 of the RC5_4 heavy duty
connector as it is shown in Figure 82
Switch on the RC5_4 and the battery
The malfunction readings should change to “OSM
coil short circuited”
If the reading doesn’t change the malfunction is in
wiring assembly between the RCM and control cable
NOTE! Remove the short circuiting wiring after the
Check that the heavy duty plugs of the control cable,
Control Cable is not connected properly OSM and RC5_4 are visually not damaged Connect control cable properly
Check that the control cable is connected properly
Switch off the RC5_4 and the battery and wait for 2
Short circuit pins 37 and 39 of the heavy duty
connector of the control cable (OSM side) as it is
shown in Figure 82
Switch on the RC5_4 and the battery The
Control Cable malfunction Replace the control cable
malfunction readings should change to “OSM coil
short circuited”
If the reading doesn’t change the malfunction is in
the control cable
NOTE! Remove the short circuiting wiring after the
If none of the above described actions helped it is
OSM malfunction Replace the OSM
an OSM malfunction
Figure 84
RCM OSM coil inputs
Figure 85
OSM coil inputs of heavy duty connector of RC5_4 (upper picture) and umbilical heavy duty connector from OSM side (lower
NOTE! To short circuit the two pins of the connectors use two miniature “crocodile” clips and a wire.
85 Driver Not Ready
Possible reason Malfunction identification procedure Corrective action
Wait for 60 s. If the signal disappears this warning is
Switching capacitors are still charging Not required
not associated with any malfunction.
In case this message has not disappeared and
Fix the “OSM coil short circuit” (refer to
OSM coil short circuit or OSM coil messages “OSM coil short circuit” or “OSM coil or “OSM coil open circuit”
isolated isolated” appear it is necessary to remove the
(refer to
reason of these malfunctions.
If none of the above described actions helped it is an
RCM malfunction Replace the RCM
RCM malfunction
Figure 86
RCM with fixing nuts and washers (marked by arrows) Installation
1) Take a spare RCM with appropriate protective, system and communication settings and put it on the fixing
studs and install washers;
2) Tighten four nuts fixing RCM;
3) Connect the wiring to the RCM according to the wiring assembly diagram (Figure 87).
Figure 87
RCM Wiring diagram
Figure 88
Nuts holding CPM on RC5_4 internal door Installation
1) Install the CPM on the fixing studs;
2) Tighten six nuts fixing the CPM;
3) Connect plug “19” to the CPM.
Figure 89
PSFM fixing provisions Installation
1) Install the new PSFM on the fixing studs inside the RC5_4;
2) Tighten four nuts with washers fixing the PSFM;
3) Connect plug “14” to RCM;
4) Connect one earthing wire from the control cubicle to the stud on the PSFM marked with the grounding
sign. Earthing wire from the PSFM connection to the stud on the control cubicle located above the PSFM;
5) In case you have a PSFM without a plug, use the old one. Numbers on the wires correspond to numbers
on plug “14”;
6) Connect the auxiliary supply wiring to the inputs of the PSFM.
Figure 90
Battery fixing provisions
89 Installation
1) Switch off the battery circuit breaker;
2) Switch off auxiliary AC power supply circuit breaker;
3) Disconnect plug “13” from the RCM;
4) Mount the battery to the appropriate place;
5) Install battery fixing plate and fix it with four bolts (Figure 90);
6) Install plus terminal to the battery;
7) Install battery temperature sensor and minus terminal to the battery;
8) Connect plug “13” to the appropriate RCM socket;
9) Switch on auxiliary AC power supply circuit breaker;
10) Switch on the battery circuit breaker.
8 Disposal
The 12 V DC rechargeable battery has a life expectancy of ten years. It is recommended that the battery be
replaced after ten years or if the battery life calculated by the controller is expired - whichever occurs first.
NOTE! Battery life decreases at higher temperatures. Dispose of expired batteries in an environmentally
responsible manner. Consult local regulations for proper battery disposal.
Remaining product components do not require any special destruction methods and can be recycled as
conventional waste.
9 Appendices
Appendix 1. OSM Drawings
Figure 91
Dimensions of OSM15_Al_1(5) with aerial connectors
Figure 92
Dimensions of OSM15_Al_1(5) with NEMA connectors
Figure 93
Dimensions of OSM25_Al_1(5) with aerial connectors
Figure 94
Dimensions of OSM25_Al_1(5) with NEMA connectors
Appendix 2. RC5_4 Drawings
Figure 95
Dimensions of RC5_4
Appendix 3. Package Drawings
Figure 96
Dimensions of pole mounted recloser package
Figure 97
Placement of pole mounted recloser components in a box
Figure 98
Dimensions of substation recloser package
Figure 99
Placement of substation recloser components in a box
Appendix 4. Mounting Kits Drawings
Figure 100
Dimensions of standard OSM mounting kit arrangement for front installation
Figure 101
Dimensions of standard OSM mounting kit arrangement for lateral installation
Figure 102
Dimensions of interface bracket
Figure 103
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit with M16 pole interface (front installation)
Figure 104
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit with M16 pole interface (lateral installation)
Figure 105
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit with M20 pole interface (front installation)
Figure 106
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit with M20 pole interface (lateral installation)
Figure 107
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation through the pole (front installation)
Figure 108
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation through the pole (lateral installation)
Figure 109
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (front installation):
M16 interface bracket, 500 mm U-profiles, M16 threaded rods
Figure 110
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (lateral installation):
M16 interface bracket, 500 mm U-profiles, M16 threaded rods
Figure 111
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (front installation):
M20 interface bracket, 700 mm U-profiles, M20 threaded rods
Figure 112
Dimsensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (lateral installation):
M20 interface bracket, 700 mm U-profiles, M20 threaded rods
Figure 113
Dimesnsions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (front installation):
M16 interface bracket, 500 mm U-profiles, M16 threaded rods, M16 bolts
Figure 114
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (lateral installation):
M16 interface bracket, 500 mm U-profiles, M16 threaded rods, M16 bolts
Figure 115
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (front installation):
M20 interface bracket, 700 mm U-profiles, M20 threaded rods, M20 bolts
Figure 116
Dimensions of OSM mounting kit for installation around the pole (lateral installation):
M20 interface bracket, 700 mm U-profiles, M20 threaded rods, M20 bolts
Figure 117
Dimensions of OSM substation mounting kit
Figure 118
Dimensions of OSM substation mounting kit
Figure 119
Dimensions of RC mounting kit for around the pole installation:
500 mm U-profiles, 450 mm M16 threaded rods
Figure 120
Dimensions of RC mounting kit for around the pole installation:
800 mm U-profiles, 1000 mm M16 threaded rods
Figure 121
Dimensions of RC mounting kit for through the pole installation
Figure 122
Dimensions of RC substation mounting kit
Figure 123
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
One VT holder
Figure 124
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
One VT holder, two 500 mm U-profiles and M16 threaded rods
Figure 125
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
One VT holder, two 700 mm U-profiles and M20 threaded rods
Figure 126
Dimensions of VT pole mounting kit:
One VT holder, one 700 mm U-profile, base holder
Figure 127
Dimensions of VT pole mounting kit:
One VT holder, one 700 mm U-profile, base holder, M20 threaded rods
Figure 128
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
Two VT holders, two 500 mm U-profiles and M16 threaded rods
Figure 129
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
Two VT holders, two 700 mm U-profiles and M20 threaded rods
Figure 130
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
Two VT holders, four 500 mm U-profiles and M16 threaded rods
Figure 131
Dimensions of VT mounting kit:
Two VT holders, four 700 mm U-profiles and M20 threaded rods
Figure 132
Dimenssions of VT pole mounting kit:
Two VT holders, two 700 mm U-profiles, base holder
Figure 133
Dimensions of VT pole mounting kit:
Two VT holders, two 700 mm U-profiles, base holder, M20 threaded rods
Figure 134
Dimensions of VT substation mounting kit:
Holder for cast resin VT
Figure 135
Dimensions of VT substation mounting kit:
Holder for oil power transformer
Figure 136
Dimensions of CT substation mounting kit
Appendix 5. RC5_4 Wiring Diagram
Figure 137
RC5_4 wiring diagsram
Appendix 6. Spare Parts and Accessories
Spare parts and accessories can be ordered separately in case of theft or damage. Contact your local sales
representative to choose the option suitable for you.
Part name Description Package type Dimensions, mm Mass, kg
OSM15_Al_1 Outdoor switching module Cardboard box 810x810x890 82
OSM25_Al_1 Outdoor switching module Cardboard box 810x810x890 86
RecUnit_Umbilical_4 Control cable Cardboard box 550x400x200 up to 19
RecUnit_RC5_4M Recloser control cubicle Cardboard box 935x580x445 45
Connectors for external conductors
RecKit_Connector_6(SP) Cardboard box 194x127x75 2.2
and OSM terminals
Rubber insulators for external wires
RecKit_Ins_1(SP) Cardboard box 255x185x100 0.5
connectors of OSM
Two-hole connectors for connection
RecKit_Connector_5(NEMA2-SP) Cardboard box 255x185x100 2.7
of NEMA cable lug to OSM terminal
Rubber insulators for two-hole
RecKit_Ins_3(NEMA2_SP) NEMA and OSM terminals Cardboard box 255x185x100 0.6
Four-hole connectors for connection
RecKit_Connector_5(NEMA4-SP) Cardboard box 255x185x100 3.1
of NEMA cable lug to OSM terminal
Rubber insulators for four-hole
RecKit_Ins_3(NEMA4_SP) NEMA and OSM terminals Cardboard box 407x259x136 2.2
Control module suitable for RC5
CM_RCM_1M Cardboard box 400x330x210 10
recloser control cubicle
Input/Output module 24/60 VDC
EA_IntBoard_IOM-04 suitable for RC5 recloser control Cardboard box 316x196x56 0.5
Input/Output module 100/220 VDC
EA_IntBoard_IOM-03 suitable for RC5 recloser control Cardboard box 316x196x56 0.5
Power supply filter module suitable
EA_Filter_PSFM-2 Cardboard box 202x180x87 1.5
for RC5_4 recloser control cubicle
Control panel in English suitable for
EA_MMI_CPM-1(EN) Cardboard box 300x250x35 2
RC5 recloser control cubicle
Control panel in Portuguese suitable
EA_MMI_CPM-1(PT) Cardboard box 300x250x35 2
for RC5 recloser control cubicle
Battery for recloser uninterruptable
Rechargeable Battery Cardboard box – –
power supply
Kit for organizing Ethernet in RC5
RecParamKit_EthernetKit_E.W Plastic bag – 0.113
(USB-Ethernet module)
Kit for organizing wireless access
RecParamKit_LWAKit_LWA.BT Plastic bag – 0.113
with RC5 (Bluetooth)
Gross weight
List of changes
Document version Change date Scope of change Reason of change
1.0 14.01.2019 Initial version Parametric recloser introduction
Auxiliary supply bayonet
connector description added Various options introduction and
2.0 03.04.2019
RC mounting kit for through the description improvement
pole installation added