MEMS Design Chap 2-MEMS Processes

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Course’s name: MEMS Design

Chapter 2-
Introduction of Silicon-based
Processes of MEMS

Lecturer : A/Prof. Pham Hong Phuc

Dept. Mechatronics
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
[email protected]

1. Introduction of Silicon
2. MEMS Technologies (Bulk micromachining)
3. Clean Room
4. Fabrication Technologies
5. Fabrication Processes: Examples

Why Use Silicon?

• Take advantage of extensive experience from IC

• Material properties are very well known
• Can integrate electronics
• Exceptional properties:
 Very strong
Yield strength 7x109 N/m2 vs. steel 4.2 x109 N/m2
 Relatively light
Density 2.3 g/cm3 vs. steel 7.9 g/cm3
 Semiconductor
Resistivity 0.5 mΩ-cm (doped) to 230 kΩ-cm (intrinsic)
<100> Oriented silicon
Anisotropic wet etching of <100> silicon
Material properties
MEMS Fabrication Technology
Extension of IC (Integrated Circuit) Fabrication Technology

Bulk Surface SMILE

Micromachining Micromachining SR Micro Lithography &
Photolithography Photolithography Etching
Anisotropic etching Thin film deposition High Aspect Ratio Process
Deep-RIE Sacrificial layer etching LIGA process
Wafer bonding... Dry etching

MEMS R&D, Prototyping and Fabrication Service

MEMS technology
1. Bulk Micromachining (1970s)
 Bulk micromachining involves the removal of part of the bulk
 It is a fabrication process that uses wet anisotropic etching or a dry
etching method such as Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE), to create
large and deep gaps, grooves or channels on the substrate.
2. Surface Micromachining (1983)
 Surface micromachining involves processing above the substrate:
adding materials layers and patterning them to build MEMS devices
- Structural material for making the free standing structure: polysilicon,
silicon nitride and aluminium.
- Sacrificial material - buffered layer : oxide, metal, etc…
3. LIGA (Lithographie Galvanoformung Abformung)
Micromachining – 1986 and later
- LIGA is the German acronym for X-ray lithography (X-ray LIthographie),
electrodeposition (Galvanoformung), and molding (Abformtechnik).
- The process involves a thick layer of resist of Poly – Methyl -
MethAcrylate) PMMA (from microns to centimeters), high-energy X-ray
radiation exposure, and development to reach at a three-dimensional
resist structure. Subsequent metal deposition fills the resist mold with a
metal, and after resist removal, a free standing metal structure results
Clean Room Ranking
Evaporation or Sputtering process

Photolithography is the photographic technique to

transfer copies of a master pattern, usually a circuit
layout in the IC applications, onto the surface of a
substrate of some materials (usually a silicon wafer).

 Environment requirement
Clean room environment: Class from 1 to 10,000
(0.5μm particles/cubic foot)
Photolithography Process
Photolithography process at ITIMS
Thermal Oxidation

 SiO2 : melting point: 1732 oC,

- Growth 1 µm SiO2 consumes 0.46 µm Silicon.
- It is a high quality insulator and good barrier material
during impurity diffusion or etching.

 Oxide formation:

Dry Oxide:
Si+O2 SiO2
Wet Oxide:
Si+2H2O SiO2+2H2
Etching process
1. Anisotropic wet etching
 Etching rate depends on directions of crystal plane

- Si reacts with ion OH- :

oxidized and 4 e- injected into
Si + 2OH- Si (OH)22+ + 4e- conduction band
4H2O + 4e- 4OH- + 2H2 - Water is reduced
Si (OH)22+ + 4OH- SiO2(OH)2- + 2H2 - Comlex silicon reacts with
Si+2OH-+2H2O SiO2(OH)2- +2H2 OH- to form soluble complex
2. Isotropic wet etching
Etching process

The BOSCH process

Deep Reactive Ion Etching (D-RIE)

Including 2 alternative steps as below:
1. Etch Si: SF6 gas
2. Deposition: C4F8 gas

ICP Dry Etching System RIE-10iP

 Product of SAMCO company from

Japan using an inductively coupled
plasma (ICP)
Specifically designed for R&D
applications that use fluorine gas
 Fully automatic operation option
 Manual mechanical clamping
 Helium backside cooling
 Process up to 4" wafers
 Multi-step recipe capability
Vapor HF Etching
How Silicon Wafer And Pyrex Glass Get Bonded:
Pyrex has about 3.5 percent of sodium oxide (Na2O) .
- When the silicon wafer and the Pyrex are put together and placed in the anodic bonding chamber, heat is then
added. At a certain temperature the Pyrex is hot enough and becomes soften (up to 500 celsius degree).
- Since the Pyrex is softened, an applied voltage produces an electric field between the silicon wafer and the Pyrex
(1000V). The electric field makes oxygen from the glass to transport to the glass-silicon interface where it combines
with silicon to form SiO2, creating the permanent bond that bond the silicon and glass together.
Fabrication process of the micro comb-drive actuator

(a) Preparation (c) DRIE process

Si layer of 30m
SiO2 layer
SiO2 layer of 4m

Silicon substrate

(b) Lithography and

developing (d) Vapor HF etching

Fixed parts
Photoresist layer
(PR mask)

Movable parts
Silicon substrate

Fabrication process of sputtered V-shaped actuator
Fabrication process of the piezo-resistive sensor

①Oxidation ④Beam formation by ICP etching

②Piezoresistor formation by ⑤Glass etching


⑥Anodic bonding

Research and Development Flow of the MEMS Products


Design and

Fabrication Applications
Test and
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